A watermelon cake that is suitable even for those who follow the figure: Step by step recipe. Watermelon surprise cake: a simple recipe and many photos for inspiration Cakes and pastries on the theme of watermelon

Watermelon lovers try to feast their hearts on this tasty and healthy berry in season. And the rest of the time, you can only dream of summer, indulging in pleasant memories of your favorite sweets and the sun. But the onset of cold weather is not a reason to give up your favorite delicacies, especially on a holiday. "Watermelon" is a cake that will not leave anyone indifferent. Almost any pastry can be decorated in this way - from a multi-tiered honey cake to a simple biscuit.

Unusual dessert

No wonder they say that they are greeted by clothes. "Watermelon" is a cake that attracts primarily by its cheerful appearance. Expressive colors are usually used for its decor: red, green and snow-white. A scattering of chocolate brown seeds sets the final accent. Prepare this treat for the holiday and you will see how delicious it looks. There will certainly be a queue for a piece of a bright treat.

Cake recipe

The cake should resemble the original in appearance - this is the main thing. But the treat will be even more effective if you make it look like a watermelon in the cut. The easiest way to achieve this effect is with red dye added to the dough. The recipe "Red Velvet" is perfect for this delicacy, which produces fluffy cakes of a beautiful red color.

We will need:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • 370 g of kefir;
  • 450 g flour;
  • 400 ml of vegetable oil (refined);
  • 400 g sugar;
  • 1/4 tsp salt (fine);
  • 1.3 tsp baking soda;
  • 2.5 tsp baking powder for the dough;
  • 2-3 tsp food coloring red.

Beat eggs with sugar until thick, dissolve soda in kefir. Combine the butter with the fermented milk base and add the dye. If the color does not seem bright enough for you, add a dye to make the shade as similar as possible to a watermelon. The cake will be even more beautiful.

It's time to tackle the bulk ingredients. Sift flour, add sugar, salt, cocoa, baking powder. Step by step add the mixture to the egg mass, beat thoroughly. At the end, add colored kefir. The dough is ready. If you plan to bake it in a regular round shape, line the bottom with baking paper and lightly grease the edges with butter. The specified amount of products will allow you to cook 2 round cakes with a diameter of 22-23 cm. In a preheated oven, each of them will cook for about an hour.

Edible bones

The cake in the form of a watermelon, the photo of which you see below, is decorated with "bones". Do they look like real ones? You can use roasted seeds without husks, pieces of nuts. Just sprinkle the finished cake on top, but add them to the dough if you like. You can use regular slab chocolate, broken into small pieces.

Cake shaping

There are many ways to make a watermelon cake. The most popular forms:

  • hemisphere;
  • semicircular cake;
  • round form.

If you have a half-ball shape, you can bake the dough in it. It will take about an hour (at 180 °), and readiness can be checked with a traditional bamboo skewer, piercing the product with it. Cut the finished tall cake into several layers, coat with cream.

You can combine cakes prepared in the usual round shape and in the shape of a truncated ball. The cake will be tall and beautiful.

You can also make a classic round cake. Your task of decorating it in the form of a watermelon will be reduced only to decorating with red, green and white cream.

And if you like everything unusual, cut the cakes baked in a round shape and shape the product in the form of a watermelon wedge.

Green crust cream

Use any creams that hold their shape well. Butter cream is perfect for the cake recipe above. Whisk 300 ml of high-fat cream to make it. Whisk together 400 g of cream cheese and 150 g of icing sugar. Step by step add the cream to the curd mass, stirring with a spoon. Set aside some of the cream, because we also need white. Touch up the main part with green dye. For the specified amount of ingredients, you will need about 2 tbsp. l. gel dye.

You can apply the cream to the cake with a pastry spatula, bag or syringe.

Mastic jewelry

This recipe gained immense popularity several years ago. Its wide distribution is not surprising, because thanks to a simple recipe, everyone could feel like a virtuoso of the art of confectionery. If you want to make a watermelon cake from mastic, you will need a pack of marshmallows and some powdered sugar.

Not everyone loves. Some experts advise not to eat them at all, but only for decorative purposes. If you suspect that the mastic elements will still be used, add a little condensed milk to the mass during cooking - it will be softer and tastier.

Transfer the marshmallow to a bowl (about 400 g), put in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. You can also heat marshmallows in a water bath. When the mixture is soft, add a handful of powdered sugar. Pour another handful on the table and use it as flour, kneading marshmallow dough. Use powder or tinting. Sculpt cake decorations out of it.

As easy as pie! Candy cake

If you are not sure of your abilities as an esthete pastry chef, or just love very much, look at the following illustration, which shows a candy "Watermelon". The cake looks very appetizing! Both children and adults will appreciate it.

Decorating will take you a few minutes. The main thing is to choose suitable red, green, white and brown dragees. In this way, you can decorate a round, semicircular, and even a triangular cake.

Natural fruits

And the next dessert cannot be called a cake, because it was not baked in the oven. But in its shape it is simply impossible to distinguish it from a cake.

Such delicacies are very popular abroad, consisting of various fresh fruits. A watermelon with few seeds is great for this vibrant and truly summer dessert. Sweet varieties are especially good.

If you are starting to cook this spectacular delicacy, choose a larger watermelon. Use a large knife to cut off the oiled ends, leaving the middle in the shape of a cylinder. Place it on a wide platter or cutting board, carefully peel off the rind. Remove visible pits.

It remains only to decorate the watermelon cake with cream or cream, add some fruit and chill before serving. Multi-colored berries are very good for decoration: raspberries, blueberries, currants, strawberries. They look very impressive against the background of snow-white whipped cream. You can also use walnut shavings, for example, almond.

Choose your favorite watermelon cake recipe and try to cook this treat. It will surprise guests and they will definitely like it.

Dear guests of our Raw and Vegetarian Food Blog, here you will learn magical recipes for preparing live food that will be useful not only for raw foodists and vegetarians, but also for all adherents of a healthy diet, as well as experimenters in culinary. According to the recipes presented on our website, you will prepare delicious and life-giving salads, soups, snacks and even healthy bread.

Why a live food blog is useful

On the pages of the portal "My Live Food" you can easily find the best raw and vegetarian recipes and get practical advice on how to make the average person's ordinary diet livelier and healthier, and the taste of dishes - the most harmonious.

Who is the healthy food portal for?

Our recipes are not restricted to vegans, vegetarians or raw foodists. Live food beneficially and deliciously diversifies the food ration of any person accustomed to traditional cuisine, in which sometimes not always healthy ingredients are used.

True adherents of vegetarian and / or raw food views will be fully satisfied with the varied assortment of dishes on the pages of our culinary resource. After all, there are many recipes that can be used to prepare breakfast, lunch, dinner, and for all occasions, including solemn ones.

How to Search for Recipes on the Live Food Culinary Blog

The blog has a practical search function for recipes, both the main course, soups, main courses, and all kinds of appetizers, desserts, sauces, salads and drinks exactly according to the ingredients that you have in stock, or you prefer most when drawing up the menu.

And although some recipes for raw food and vegetarian food may seem too unusual, peculiar in taste, difficult to prepare at first, this is quite normal!

Not everyone is immediately ready to appreciate the original taste of an unusual combination of products or purchase expensive equipment for preparing live food. But you should definitely try to cook such dishes. After all, appetite comes with eating, and enthusiasm will appear when you see how you lost weight and began to feel great, eating natural live food prepared according to our recipes.

Is it possible to lose weight on a raw food diet?

Raw desserts are a real godsend for people who want to lose weight and at the same time not give up sweet dishes, while maintaining the necessary balance of calories.

Almost everyone, even children, likes simple vegetable and fruit salads, and this is real live food.

Many people ask themselves the question: what to eat in order not to get sick, not get fat and live longer? The answer is obvious. Simple living food preparation principles prolong life and support health.

Scientists say that the most important principle of proper nutrition, which adds health and longevity, is limiting the calorie content of the diet. You should give up a lot of fatty foods, giving preference to live, healthy, natural food.

A raw food diet and vegetarianism is not only the principle of nutrition, but also creativity that makes life more interesting and tastier. Create with us and share your experiences with like-minded people.

Today I'm making a watermelon cake. Simple, tasty, and creates a summer mood. The cake contains a green sponge cake with my favorite spinach, yoghurt cream and jelly. Let's cook!

For the recipe you will need:

For a biscuit on a 26 cm cake mold:
180 g flour
125 ml spinach milk
120 g sugar
2 medium eggs
100 ml vegetable oil
10 g baking powder
8 g vanilla sugar
a pinch of salt

For the cream:
400 ml cream 33-35%
200 g yogurt
120 g sugar or powdered sugar (or to taste)
80 ml milk
10 g gelatin
8 g vanilla sugar

100-200 ml red jelly
chocolate drops


We will paint the biscuit green with spinach. Take 100 g of fresh spinach leaves, pour boiling water over it and leave for 5-10 minutes to soften the spinach.

In the meantime, we are preparing the form. I baked a biscuit in a tart mold with a diameter of 26 cm. The sides of this form are inclined, ribbed, and the biscuit will really look like a striped watermelon. I greased the mold with plenty of butter and sprinkled it with flour. She shook off the excess flour.

Squeeze the spinach, pour in about 80 ml of milk and break it into a homogeneous mass in a blender.

For the recipe, we need 125 ml of this mass.

Mix the flour and baking powder, and then sift. Pour a pinch of salt to the chicken eggs and beat with sugar and vanilla sugar into a light, airy mass.

In several steps we introduce vegetable oil and in several steps we add milk with spinach.

Finally, stir in the flour and baking powder. You can mix with a mixer, but only quickly, accurately, at low speed, so that the dough is not processed.

Here is such a thin, pouring dough as a result.

Pour the dough into a mold. The form can be scrolled several times to disperse the dough to the edges and the biscuit is smooth.

We bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for about 20 minutes. Readiness is determined by lightly pressing the finger in the middle - the finger should not fall through, or with a wooden stick - it should come out of the biscuit clean, without traces of dough.

Let the biscuit cool for 10 minutes and then remove it from the mold. We clean the cooled biscuit, because on top, as a rule, there is a brown crust, and inside the biscuit is bright green. And select part of the middle to create a depression in the center.

We do this so that the cream does not very much rise above the biscuit and the cake looks more like a cut watermelon.

Pour the gelatin into the milk and leave it to swell for a while, and then gently warm it up so that the gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour into yogurt, stir, add vanilla sugar and most of the powdered sugar. Set aside about a fifth of the icing sugar. Stir and leave for now.

We take the cream out of the refrigerator and beat it with the remaining powdered sugar until a steady state. Gently mix the whipped cream into the yogurt and the cream is ready.

We spread the cream on a biscuit, level it.

In the center of the cream, create a depression for the jelly. You can create it in different ways, it is convenient for me with a plate. I picked up a plate so that the edges of the cream remained about 1.5 cm wide, wrapped it in cling film and in this way pressed it very carefully into the cream.

We remove the cake for about 1 hour in the refrigerator to stabilize the cream.

On top of the cake, I poured ready-made strawberry jelly from a bag. I prepared the jelly according to the instructions and cooled it down to room temperature. For the watermelon seeds, I took dark chocolate, gently melted it, put it in a small pastry bag and deposited chocolate drops.

We take out the cake from the refrigerator, carefully take out the plate, pour jelly into the depression

and lay out the chocolate drops.

We put the cake in the refrigerator for several hours so that it completely freezes, and our cake is ready.

The cake turned out to be very bright, colorful, summer and very tasty.

Enjoy your tea!

Low Calorie Watermelon and Melon Cake

I saw such a miracle for the first time, usually in recipes, fruits and berries are used for decoration, or in the form of jelly, sometimes they are added directly to the dough. Although I saw a low-calorie watermelon cake in a culinary magazine. It looks beautiful, probably delicious, but still - watermelon with watermelon. Decorated though. All the elements that rely on a full-fledged cake are also present: layers, a cream layer, decoration of the top, sides. Never guess what it consists of!

In just half an hour, you will have a treat for the whole family ready, based on fruits and berries, you can eat without harm to your figure, even for those who follow a diet. For children, such a dessert - a watermelon and melon cake - will be a real surprise, the dish will decorate the festive table, surprise and delight the guests. A wonderful recipe for summer - easy, unusual, tasty, beautiful!

Watermelon and melon - the basis of an unusual low-calorie cake

The question of how low-calorie this cake is remains open, because to someone even 100 Kcal in a small piece will seem a lot, and someone will eat such an amount without harm to the figure. If you believe the recipe analyzer (robot calorifier), then in this recipe a 100 g piece of dessert will also barely exceed 100 Kcal. For me, this is definitely a low-calorie cake, because you can recover from even the most healthy and harmless food if you do not control portions.

The sequence of making a low-calorie watermelon and melon cake

I give a set of products below, these proportions were indicated in the original recipe. It also said that the protein cream can be replaced with a creamy one (or any other at your request). But with butter cream you will definitely not get a low-calorie cake, this is already an option for the bold and slender by nature, who do not care about high-calorie sweets. Or for those who want to please their family with an unusual dessert (and the chef-entertainer himself, of course, will also try his creation).

How to “Build” a Low Calorie Watermelon and Melon Cake

I have never made such a low-calorie watermelon and melon cake, the season will begin, I will definitely cook it! My family was skeptical about this idea, and several questions arose. The main ones are: how to carefully remove all the seeds from the watermelon, why does not the juice flow out, and the cream sticks tightly to the fruit "cake" of each layer of a low-calorie cake, as if they were made of dough?

Low Calorie Melon Cake

What we cook from:

  • watermelon - 1 kg;
  • melon - 1 kg; (you can take two different varieties, they usually have a different color and taste);
  • egg - 4-5 pcs. (we use only proteins);
  • sugar - 2 cups (less if you get a strong foam with less sugar);
  • blueberries - 200 g (according to the recipe, with the proviso that you can use any berries or fruits - strawberries, raspberries, grapes, currants, blackberries, bananas, kiwi, etc.).
  • nuts (any) - 150-200 g (instead of nuts, if desired, you can use almond petals to dust the top of the cake and sides).

How to prepare a fruit and berry cake:

Low-calorie ready-made melon and watermelon cake

  • Wash the watermelon, cut it round into strips of the desired thickness (about 2 cm, they will be thinner brittle), remove the seeds.
  • My melon, we cut it in the same way as a watermelon - in a circle, remove the middle with the seeds.
  • Prepare the cream: beat the whites with a blender, gradually adding sugar until a strong foam forms.
  • Wash the berries, grind the large ones (if there is a possibility so that the juice does not leak out too much), the nuts can be left whole or also grind.
  • Assembling the cake: the first layer is a watermelon (it is obtained with a whole one), grease it with cream. The next layer is a melon, in the hollow center we place nuts, berries (you can mix some part with the cream in advance). Then again the melon layer, also fill in the middle. Lay a layer of watermelon on top, grease the top, sides with cream, decorate with berries, nuts.

It is better to cool the finished low-calorie watermelon and melon cake, let it brew a little.

If the cream is not thick enough, you can thicken it with gelatin (for the amount specified in the recipe 20-25 g).

Another low-calorie refreshing watermelon cake

What we cook from:

  • watermelon - one small. 1-2 kg;
  • nuts to taste - 1-2 cups - cashews, peanuts, almonds or walnuts (I still could not decide, I used to decide, I used assorted;
  • lemon juice - fresh, from 1 citrus;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • water - 1/2 cup;
  • 4 dessert spoons of sugar syrup (I have molasses, but you can replace it with sugar or any other substitute for it);
  • waffle crumbs, waffles or coconut flakes - 0.5 cups shredded.

How to make a watermelon cake:

  • Peel the watermelon with a long sharp knife (separate the pulp from the rind, remove the seeds from the core), cut out a round shape with the height you need (with a diameter of 10 cm and a height of about 7 cm, even two cakes are obtained).
  • Pour the chopped nuts with water, add vanillin, molasses, sugar or syrup, grind everything in a blender at high speed until everything turns into a homogeneous mass, thick, creamy paste. There should be no stickiness, in this case dilute with water.
  • Put the watermelon on a dish (the base of the cake), evenly distribute the nut mixture with a spatula.
  • Grind waffle crumbs or waffles with a blender, sprinkle the cake on top and sides. You can use the same nuts or coconut flakes, and decorate the top with berries and fruits.

Watermelon cake is light and refreshing, graceful and unusual. This is just the perfect dessert for your summer holiday! It will decorate the table wonderfully, is sweet and light in taste and easy to prepare. No baking, and only 3-4 ingredients are required to create this masterpiece.

Plus, watermelon dessert is much less nutritious and much healthier than traditional cake! Watermelon is high in antioxidants and amino acids. Eating it in food is beneficial for the digestive system, keeping the heart working, and for replenishing electrolytes in the body.

We will tell you how to cook it.


Take 1 medium watermelon weighing 3-5 kg, 500 ml whipping cream (30% fat), a spoonful of powdered sugar, a vanilla stick

For garnish: fruits (e.g. raspberries, strawberries, blueberries), nuts, coconut flakes, lemon balm leaves


Step 1: Chill the watermelon. Slice off the top and bottom with a large knife, then slice off the crust from the sides.

Step 2: Whisk the cream until thick and add the icing sugar and vanilla bean seeds towards the end of the whisk.

Step 3: For the cream to lay securely on the sides and surface of the cake, dry the watermelon with a paper towel first. And this is the whole secret! Now apply and smooth out the cream.

Decorate the cake as your imagination dictates.

A sprig of lemon balm and watermelon balls cut out with a special spoon in the photo above turned out to be a wonderful cake decoration!

The cream on the watermelon cake in the next photo is prepared with the addition of yogurt.

For the yoghurt cream you needed:

3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1 tablespoon caster sugar
3/4 cup thick coconut-flavored yogurt

After beating the cream until it thickens and adding the powder, spoon out and stir in the yogurt.

We offer several variations for decorating a watermelon cake:

What to do if there is no watermelon without seeds? Cut out the center of the seed and fill the inside of the cake with gooseberries, grapes, or other fruits!

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