Natalia varley gave birth to a child from Konstantin Raikin. Natalya Varley: biography, personal life. Alexander is the youngest son of Natalia Varley

Childhood of Natalia Varley

Natalia Vladimirovna Varley was born in Romania. Her father, Vladimir Viktorovich, was a sea-going captain, and her mother, Ariadna Sergeevna, was the granddaughter of a hereditary mining engineer.

According to family tradition, the surname Varley is Welsh. Natalia's ancestors came to Russia from Wales. In the nineteenth century, a certain manufacturer came to Russia, bringing with him a stable. There were two brothers of a jockey named Varley, they stayed in Russia and married Russian girls.

Natalya Varley and Vika Daineko - Song about bears

Natalia spent her childhood in the capital of the Arctic Circle, the city of Murmansk. She was a very gifted girl. Already at the age of four, she began to write poetry, draw well, and later entered a music school. Due to health problems, she was not allowed to attend physical education classes at school.

Natalya Varley in the circus and in the cinema

In the late fifties, the family moved to Moscow. Once, her mother took Natasha to the circus, at the checkout the girl noticed an advertisement for the recruitment of children of her age to the circus studio. The next day, she secretly from her parents came to the address that was indicated in the ad. The studio teachers, having examined Natalia, agreed to accept her.

Natalya Varley graduated from the acrobatics department of the State School of Circus and Variety Arts in 1965 and until 1967 worked as a balancing act in the troupe of the Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. She had a chance to perform with the famous clown Leonid Georgievich Yengibarov. It was thanks to her acquaintance with him that Natalya got into the cinema. The famous clown had many acquaintances in the cinema environment, one of them was the director Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich from Odessa. Once, at a performance in the circus, the director noticed Natalya, he liked the young equilibrist so much that he offered her a role in his new film.

Natalia agreed, in the film "Formula of the Rainbow" she got the role of a nurse. The picture was not released on the screen at that time, however, during the filming, the assistant to the film director Leonid Gaidai drew attention to Natalia. The aspiring actress was invited to play the role of student Nina in the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures." There were about five hundred applicants for this role, among them were such famous actresses as Natalya Kustinskaya, Vika Fedorova, the Vertinsky sisters, Valentina Malyavina, Natalya Fateeva. But the director gave this role to the unknown 19-year-old circus artist Natalia. She seemed to him the most courageous and direct.

Remembering her screen tests, Natalya Varley says: “I came to Mosfilm. I was given an excerpt from the script to read. And then Leonid Gaidai asks me: "Natasha, could you undress to a swimsuit?" I answered: "Of course." Everyone was very surprised by this. It is in our time that actors easily undress, and then both the cinema and the whole country were more chaste. But for me the swimsuit was everyday circus clothing, so I didn't have any thoughts. In general, this episode was filmed as well. Perhaps he determined the choice. " Then filming began: “There were a lot of funny, casual, and dramatic situations. For example, I nearly ran over the famous trinity. Remember when they stood across the road with Vitsin in the middle? I was racing in a red car, and suddenly its brakes failed. Thank God, the reaction of our wonderful actors turned out to be good. "

The premiere of the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus" took place in Moscow, in April 1967. The film was so successful that nationwide fame came to the actress. She was recognized everywhere, annoying fans did not give her a way, and the whole country sang a song about polar bears. The actress's fee for filming in the film was small - 200 rubles, she received another 100 rubles after the success of the film. After filming the film, Natalya Varley decided to leave the circus and enter the Shchukin Theater School.

In October 1967 the actress played the main role in the film "Viy" directed by K. Ershov and G. Kropachev. It was the first horror film in Russian cinema. In it, Varley played the role of Pannochka.

Natalya Varley graduated from the theater school in 1971. From 1971 to 1978 she worked as an actress at the Stanislavsky Theater. Her debut was the role of Rose-Marie Fey in the play "Albert Einstein" by N. Pogodin.

Soon, due to pregnancy, Natalya took maternity leave, returned to the theater in 1972. It was hard for her to be torn between theater and home.

In the 70s and 80s, the actress continued to act in films, her most successful films during these years were: “Big attraction” (Dasha Kalashnikova), “My dad is an idealist” (Alena), “I don’t want to be an adult” (Katya, Pavlik's mother).

In the 90s, Natalya practically stopped filming in films, she explained this by the fact that she was not offered good roles. Her last notable work during this period was the role of Gingema and Bastinda in the film "The Wizard of the Emerald City", in 1994.

The return of the actress to the big cinema happened in 2006, she starred in the film "Wolfhound of the Gray Dogs", in the role of Kendarat's mother.

Personal life of Natalia Varley

The first husband of Natalya Vladimirovna was the famous director and actor Nikolai Burlyaev. Their marriage took place in 1967. Actor Leonid Filatov, as well as his friends satirist Mikhail Zadornov and actor Vladimir Kachan tried to dissuade her from this, but to no avail. Within a few years, Varley and Burlyaev divorced.

The second time Natalia married Vladimir Tikhonov, who was her classmate and the son of actress Nonna Mordyukova and actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov. Things in the family did not go well, Vladimir Tikhonov abused alcohol, on this basis scandals constantly occurred between the spouses. They divorced in 1971. And in January 1972 they had a son - Vasily.

In 1985, while studying at the M. Gorky Literary Institute, Natalya Varley had a second son, Alexander. Who is the father of the child is not known for certain.

Natalya Varley in the program "My Hero"

Natalia's eldest son, Vasily, studied at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, in 1995 he had a son, Eugene. Natalia's second son is now studying at the Faculty of Journalism at the Humanities University.

Natalia Varley's work on television

In the 90s, in order not to sit without work, Natalya Varley voiced and dubbed serials, which appeared in huge numbers on Russian television. She has about 2000 roles in her track record. Later she began to appear in the program "Household chores".

In 1999, Natalya took part in the project "The Stars of Theater and Cinema Sing", in which she performed as a performer of her own songs.

In the spring of 2009 she took part in the project of the First Channel "Two Stars" in a duet with the singer Nikolai Hnatyuk.

Recognition and awards

1984 State Prize of the RSFSR named after Krupskaya for the role of Katya's mother in the film "I don't want to be an adult." 1989 Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

On May 17, 2002 she won the "Unfading Audience Love" prize at the "Vivat Cinema of Russia!"

On July 30, 2010 she was awarded the Order of Friendship for services to the development of national culture and art and many years of fruitful activity.

Varley Natalya Vladimirovna is an athlete, a Komsomol member, a beauty and a talented actress of all times and peoples. She shone on screens in huge numbers Soviet films, which are still being revised by various generations of Russians.

The woman masterfully coped with numerous roles in films. Natalia can play a comedic role and laugh when she wants to cry.

She writes poetry and sings, draws beautifully and performs acrobatic stunts. Varley, even at a fairly elderly age, retained her sense of humor and youthful spontaneity.

Height, weight, age. How old is Natalia Varley

Fans are often eager to find out what their favorite actress and comedy queen is in height, weight, age. How old is Natalya Varley - also very interest Ask because the actress always looks a little older than her legendary Nina from the "Caucasian Captive".

Natalya Varley was born on the day the war began in 1947, so she is now sixty-nine years old. She was born under the sign of the Zodiac - Cancer, which is associated with mystery, intuition, aristocracy, sensitivity, insight. According to eastern horoscope stars promise Varley, born under the sign of the Pig, such character traits as honesty and kindness.

Natalia grew to a height of one meter fifty centimeters, which did not prevent her from playing the roles of fatal beauties. The famous actress weighs amazingly little - only forty-five kilograms.

Biography of Natalia Varley

The biography of Natalia Varley began with her birth in 1947 in the unusual city of Constanta. However, rather quickly the girl and her family ended up in the seaport of Murmansk.

Little Natasha was an incredibly gifted child, she studied at the same time in secondary, art, music schools. The four-year-old baby wrote poetry and drew beautifully.

After the family ended up in Moscow, the girl enrolled herself in an acrobatic studio at the circus. She was enthusiastically engaged in acrobatics and dreamed of working in a circus. An obstacle to the fulfillment of these desires was a serious illness - rheumatic heart disease.

After graduation high school the girl applied to the circus school with a degree in acrobatics and balancing act. Later Natalya performed in the troupe of the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

Filmography: films starring Natalia Varley

In one of the performances, young Natasha was seen by the director Yungvald-Khilkevich. He was amazed at the incredible grace and beauty of the acrobat, so he decided to shoot her in his film "Formula of the Rainbow". The debut picture was filmed, but did not appear on the screens.

In the frames of the debut film, Natasha was seen by the assistant director Gaidai and recognized in her the very student and Komsomol member Nina. Natalia received an offer to star in the comedy "Prisoner of the Caucasus" and received a lot of money for this role - three hundred rubles.

Varley liked the world of cinema so much that she decided to get a second education and enter the Shchukin School. Natalia performed on the stage of the Stanislavsky Theater. The filmography of the young actress was rapidly replenished with new films and series "Viy", "Gold", "Three Days in Moscow", "Old Letters", "Guest from the Future", "Errors of Youth", "Another's Game", "The Wizard of the Emerald City" , "First ambulance". In 2006, Varley returned to the screens after a long hiatus in the film "Wolfhound of the Gray Dogs".

In addition to cinema, Natalya showed herself as a dubbing artist, whose voice is spoken by almost all women in foreign TV series. She hosted the programs "Your Business" and "Household Chores", and also sang in the TV show "Two Stars". She was very fond of Natalya when she was attracted to filming in the humorous magazine for children and their parents "Yeralash".

She does not stop composing poems, publishes her own collections and for this she even graduated from a literary institute. Natalia has been awarded prestigious awards and orders at the state level.

Personal life of Natalia Varley

The personal life of Natalia Varley in her youth was very stormy. The spectacular girl was loved and sought after by many rich and famous people.

Natalia was the favorite of the famous actor Leonid Filatov, who long and persistently sought her love, but the girl chose her first husband. There was in her life a passionate affair with the young Konstantin Raikin, it is believed that Natasha even gave birth to his eldest son.

Natalya Varley often claims that she respects all her husbands and does not blame them for problem marriages. Each of ex-husbands for an actress, these are friends and close people.

A woman, by the way, could successfully marry and even leave the country. The fact is that Natalia was looked after by a guy Lucien, whose father worked as the Minister of Defense of Belgium.

After two legal marriages, Varley lived with the director of one of the construction companies, about whom nothing is known except the name Vladimir. He was much younger than the chosen one, the couple got married, but did not live together for long.

Currently, the woman is not married, she lives in a house with several cats. Varley is madly in love with them and knows literally everything about caring for them. Natalia became the author of a book about her pets. The actress claims that being lonely is not a vice, but a state of mind.

Family of Natalia Varley

The family of Natalya Varley was very friendly and easy-going. She led a nomadic lifestyle, since her father, Vladimir Viktorovich, was a military sailor and he was often transferred from place to place. He was not only a long voyage captain, but also participated in the Great Patriotic War... After retirement, Vladimir Varley worked in the civil service. By the way, his ancestors were two jockey brothers, whom the owner-manufacturer brought with him from English Wales.

Mom - Ariadna Sergeevna - was a housewife, so she was raising children. She came from a noble family, as her great-grandfather was a famous mining engineer, whose family originated from France.

The younger sister Irina was born in 1953. She starred in the films Yulka, Waltz, Premature Man. Irina did not want to become a professional actress, she currently works in the state archival institution of the capital.

Children of Natalia Varley

The children of Natalia Varley were born in different marriages. They went to the famous actress very hard, especially the younger Sasha. The boy survived only thanks to the help of an experienced pediatrician Grachev. By the way, this doctor abandoned his practice from God and became a priest. Natalia often comes to him as to her confessor.

The woman claims that she never started a serious relationship with anyone, because she did not want her children to have a stepfather. Natalia gives all her love to her grandson Zhenechka, who is already twenty-two years old. The guy is very talented, he writes wonderful poetry and is famous for his incredible artistry.

Son of Natalia Varley - Vasily Tikhonov

The son of Natalia Varley - Vasily Tikhonov was born in 1972, when his star mother divorced from Vladimir Tikhonov. The most interesting thing is that the Tikhonov family did not accept the baby and claimed that Natalya gave birth to the boy from Konstantin Raikin. However, Vladimir paid alimony for Vassenka and came to the baby.

The boy was creative, at the age of nine, he starred with his mother in the film "Adolescent", however, his name did not get into the credits.

The guy successfully graduated from the Institute of Contemporary Arts. He is married and has a son, Eugene.

Son of Natalia Varley - Alexander Varley

The son of Natalia Varley - Alexander Varley was born in 1985, when his mother studied at the Literary Institute. Natalya keeps the name of the baby's father a secret, she registered it in her last name and gave her patronymic. According to some assumptions and speculations, it can be concluded that the actor Ulmas Alikhodjaev is probably the biological father of little Sasha.

The birth of a son went to the famous mother very hard, he almost died when he was born.

For this boy Varley left her acting career and came to grips with the house. She raised Sasha herself and never married again.

Alexander graduated from high school and entered the University of Natalia Nesterova. He is directly related to the world of cinema, as he works as an assistant and assistant director.

Nikita Mikhalkov and Nikolai Lebedev took a talented young man to work as a second director on the set of their films. He filmed Natalia Varley in the movie "Wolfhound from the clan of the Gray Dogs".

Former husband of Natalia Varley - Nikolay Burlyaev

The ex-husband of Natalia Varley, Nikolai Burlyaev, appeared in her life in 1967 when she worked at the State Circus. Young people did not live together for long. It is worth clarifying that many colleagues in the acting and theatrical workshop tried to dissuade the young beauty from this failed relationship.

Natalia was not afraid of difficulties, she considered all the conversations around the person of the future husband to be fiction and gossip. In marriage, it turned out that Nikolai is a violent and quarrelsome guy who abuses alcohol.

The marriage broke up due to the fact that the spouses were terribly jealous of each other.

Former husband of Natalia Varley - Vladimir Tikhonov

Former husband of Natalia Varley - Vladimir Tikhonov - the son of the legendary Stirlitz from the movie "Seventeen Moments of Spring". The guy and the girl studied together at Shchukinsky. Vladimir beautifully courted and was able to get Natasha's attention.

Varley came to the chosen one on the set and said that she was expecting a baby. The marriage was concluded in 1971, but fell apart very quickly - three months later. The child was born out of wedlock.

The reason for the divorce is called alcoholism and drug addiction of Vladimir Tikhonov. But the Tikhonov family still claims that the reason was Varley's betrayal, who gave birth to Vasya from Konstantin Raikin. When Vladimir saw the boy, like two drops of water similar to the artistic director of the theater "Satyricon".

Photo by Natalia Varley before and after plastics

Photos of Natalia Varley before and after plastic surgery now and then flicker on the Internet, and Beautiful face the actress confirms the possibility plastic surgery... However, Varley says that she never resorted to the help of plastic surgeons, since she has her own secrets of eternal youth.

She goes in for sports and visits a fitness club with her grandson, does not recognize any cosmetics, except for salt with sour cream in the form of a scrub. With sour cream, not store-bought, but homemade, Varley smears his face at night instead of a mask, so he looks just great.

Natalia says that in order not to fall under the knife of a plastic surgeon, you need to go to the bathhouse or start the morning with a hot bath, ending with a cold shower. And you also need to eat at least five times a day, do not use sugar and drink about three liters of clean water.

Natalya Varley in her youth in a swimsuit, the photo flew around the world, because for Soviet times it was nonsense. The young actress easily undressed to a swimsuit in front of the cameras, the fact was that this item was her working circus clothes. On the set of "Prisoner of the Caucasus" in the Crimea, she often spent time on the beach, striking everyone with her perfect body.

On the Internet, you can often see photographs in which there is a naked Natalya Varley. It is worth noting that the actress did not appear naked. All photos and video materials with naked Varley are outright fakes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalia Varley

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalia Varley are partially absent, in the sense that she does not have an Instagram profile. It is worth clarifying that photographs, videos and other materials from the life of the actress can be found in interviews or archives. This data is often uploaded to social networks fans who create pages dedicated to Varley.

On the official page of Natalya Vladimirovna on Wikipedia, there is reliable information about her personal life, family and career. They are constantly updated and checked, which makes it possible for her fans to learn everything about their favorite actress first-hand.

Natalya Varley - hardly anyone, at least from the last two generations, has not heard of this athlete, Komsomol member and just a beauty. In addition, she is also one of the most talented actresses of the Soviet era. She just shone on the movie screens. Natalya starred in many Soviet films, which are still popular and loved by both the Soviet and post-Soviet generation of Russians.

This woman was just superbly could cope with a huge number of roles in films. And she could laugh in comedy when she herself wanted to shed tears.

Now Natalia sings, composes poetry, draws and is engaged in athletics. As if there were none of those fifty years that have passed since the days of her youth.

Quite often, fans, including those from the younger generation, seek to find out what this gorgeous actress is in height, weight, age. How old is Natalya Varley is not a secret. However, it is worth noting that she looks not particularly older than her legendary Nina from the famous "Caucasian Captive".

Natalia was born exactly two years after the outbreak of World War II. This means that now this delightful actress is already 70 years old. Natalia Varley's height is relatively small - 150 centimeters. Although this did not at all become an obstacle for her to embody the images of beauties-heartbreakers. And the woman weighs quite a bit - only 45 kilograms.

Biography of Natalia Varley

The biography of Natalia Varley began at a not very prosperous time. A girl was born during the war years, in a city called Constanta. True, soon the baby's family moved to Murmansk.

Natasha was a capable child. So gifted that she studied at the same time in general education, art and music schools. Already at the age of four, she showed the ability to draw and write poetry.

When the girl's family moved to Moscow, the girl independently enrolled in an acrobatic studio. She practiced acrobatics with great enthusiasm and dreamed of a circus life.

Therefore, after graduating from a comprehensive school, the girl without any doubt went to the circus school. Subsequently, the young acrobat entered the troupe of the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

After the girl was literally captured by the world of cinema. The debut film was "The Rainbow Formula", which, however, did not appear on the cinema screens. Varley starred in it thanks to the fact that the director of the mentioned film saw her at the performance. But this film still became fateful for the girl. After all, it was in him that Leonid Gaidai's assistant saw Natalia. Thus, Varley received an offer to star in "Prisoner of the Caucasus". For this role, the newly minted actress received a huge fee for those times - 300 rubles.

Filmography: films starring Natalia Varley

Natalia was very impressed with the world of cinema. So much so that she decided to retrain as an actress. And she entered the "Pike". Natalia performed at the theater. Stanislavsky. The filmography of the talented actress began to quickly replenish with new film works. Among them, we can mention such films as "Viy", "Three Days in Moscow", "Guest from the Future", "Another's Game", "First Fast" and so on. She had a very long break in the cinema, but in 2006 Natalya Varley returned to the cinema screens in the film "Wolfhound from the Gray Dogs", where she played the mentor of the Wolfhound - Kendarat.

It should be mentioned that, in addition to acting, Natalia was able to prove herself as a dubbing actress. Many women of foreign TV series speak in her voice. She also sang in the program "Two Stars", tested herself as a presenter. More than once she was involved in filming in the children's television magazine "Yeralash".

Natalia got the third higher education, after graduating from a literary university, publishes collections of his own poems. She has many awards and prizes, including at the state level.

Personal life of Natalia Varley

In her young years, Natalia Varley's personal life was quite stormy. She, as fans remember, was a spectacular girl and many influential people sought her attention.

Natalia was even the favorite of Leonid Filatov. The actor long sought the girl's reciprocal feelings, but Natalia chose her first husband. She also had a whirlwind romance with Konstantin Raikin. Rumor has it that it was from him that Varley gave birth to her eldest son.

According to the actress, she treats her husbands with respect and absolutely does not blame them for the problematic marriages. With each of her ex-husbands, she was able to maintain friendly relations.

One of her husbands was the head of a construction company. But, apart from the name, nothing is particularly known about him. He was also significantly younger than the actress. The couple got married, but this did not save the marriage, and soon they parted.

Now, no matter how prosaic it may seem, Natalya Varley lives alone and contains several cats, which she simply adores. Natalia even wrote a book about her favorites. And he is not at all afraid of loneliness.

Family of Natalia Varley

The family of Natalia Varley was very positive and friendly. Due to the fact that the girl's dad, Vladimir Varley, was a naval sailor, the family often changed their place of residence. He also took part in the hostilities of that time. After retiring, the man entered the civil service. By the way, there were rumors that Vladimir Varley had English roots.

The girl's mother also came from a noble family. This is clear already from one name - Ariadne. Her ancestors were French. The woman did not work, but took care of the house and children.

Natasha's younger sister, Irina, is six years younger, but also distinguished herself in the world of cinema. She starred in the films Waltz, Premature Man and Yulka. However, Ira did not want to become an actress. Now she works in the Moscow State Archives.

Children of Natalia Varley

The children of Natalia Varley appeared from different men. And childbirth in both cases was very difficult. Especially the youngest son. The kid was able to survive only thanks to the professionalism of the local pediatrician. By the way, this doctor eventually retired and became a priest. And Natalia often visits him as her confessor.

According to the actress, she was never able to start a serious relationship because she did not want a stepfather for her children. All unspent love goes to Zhenya's grandson, who is already 23 years old. The guy, apparently, went to his grandmother - he is distinguished by impressive artistry and writes excellent poetry.

Son of Natalia Varley - Vasily Tikhonov

The son of Natalia Varley - Vasily Tikhonov was born in the 72nd year. At a time when his star mother had already parted with her second husband, Vladimir Tikhonov. Interesting fact: The Tikhonov family refused to accept the baby. They claimed that Natasha gave birth to a boy from Konstantin Raikin, with whom Natalya had an affair for some time. Nevertheless, Vladimir regularly paid child support for his son and visited the child.

The boy was very creative and restless. At the age of nine, he, along with his mother, appeared in the film "Adolescent Age". But his name was not reflected in the credits of the film.

Now he is already an adult and successful man. At one time he successfully studied at the Institute of Contemporary Art, got married and is now raising a son - Eugene, whom Natalia loves very much.

Son of Natalia Varley - Alexander Varley

The son of Natalia Varley - Alexander Varley was born in the 85th year. Just at the time when Natalia was receiving her third higher education at a literary university. Varley carefully conceals the identity of the boy's father. She wrote it down in her last name. She also gave her own patronymic. However, there are persistent rumors that actor Ulmas Alikhodjaev is Sasha's real dad.

The birth of the youngest son was given to Natalia very hard. The boy almost died during childbirth. For the sake of the life of her son, Varley gave up her career as an actress and took up home economics. The actress never got married again.

After leaving school, Alexander entered the university. The man is directly related to cinema, but he does not work as an actor, but as an assistant director.

Alexander turned out to be so talented that even such masters as Nikita Mikhalkov and Nikolai Lebedev took him as the second director for their films. In addition, Alexander also filmed his mother in Russian fantasy - "Wolfhound from the clan of the Gray Dogs".

Former husband of Natalia Varley - Nikolay Burlyaev

The ex-husband of Natalia Varley, Nikolai Burlyaev, appeared in the life of the then future actress in 1967, when she was still working in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Their life together did not last long. It must be added that many colleagues from the acting and theatrical sphere actively tried to dissuade the girl from this empty relationship.

The young Varley was not afraid of difficulties. She thought that all the conversations around her fiancé were just empty gossip. But already in marriage, it turned out that Nikolai was a scandalous and violent man. Besides, an alcoholic.

The family fell apart not only because of Burlyaev's love for alcohol, but also because of the mutual jealousy of the spouses.

Former husband of Natalia Varley - Vladimir Tikhonov

The ex-husband of Natalia Varley - Vladimir Tikhonov - studied with Natalia at the Shchukin school. Even though Vladimir was the son of the famous Stirlitz from "Seventeen Moments of Spring", Natalia did not pay attention to him for a long time. But the guy courted very beautifully and was able to ultimately achieve that Varley responded to his confession.

The marriage was concluded in 1971, after Natalya came to the set to her lover to talk about what she was expecting a child. But after three months, the couple divorced. The child was born without a father.

The official reason for the divorce is considered to be Vladimir Tikhonov's hobbies for alcohol and drugs. But the Tikhonov family stubbornly continues to assert that the reason was the betrayal of Natalya Varley with Konstantin Raikin. And that she gave birth to this child not at all from Vladimir, but from the artistic director of the Satyricon theater.

There is no photo of Natalia Varley in Maxim magazine, and never existed in principle. If only because in Soviet times, magazine shooting of this kind did not have today's popularity and demand.

Unlike them, Natalya Varley in her youth in a swimsuit, photos are not so difficult to find. In these photographs, a young girl is captured in the Crimea, during the filming of the famous comedy "Prisoner of the Caucasus", where she played the main role. Of course, all these shots were taken outside the filming process, on the Crimean beach.

As for the pictures on the Internet, which "flaunts" naked Natalya Varley - all these are fakes and photoshop. For the most part, not even the most best quality... In fact, Varley has never been shot nude.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalia Varley

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalya Varley are the first sources of official information that fans of the actress will look for to find out more about her. On the official page of Natalia Varley on Wiki there is quite reliable information about her biography, family, personal life and work. They are regularly reviewed and updated, which gives fans the ability to keep up to date with only the most accurate information.

As for the photos and videos related to the life of the actress, they can be found, for example, in the official groups on social networks, which are created and maintained by the same fans of the work of this magnificent woman.

Natalya Varley very talented actress beloved by millions of viewers. Who has ever seen a comedy "Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures", he will forever remain a fan of this incredibly charming girl. But this film was the first in the filmography Natalia Varley, at that time she was nineteen years old, she was a graduate of the circus school, but after her successful film debut she decided to go to study at Theater School named after B.V.Shchukin.

Role in Natalia Varley there were a lot, but perhaps the role of a Komsomol member, an athlete Ninochki after all, it will forever remain the most successful and memorable. In this article I want to bring to your attention about seventy best photos Natalia Varley, on them you will see what this actress was like in her youth, how she looks now, by the way, Natalya Varley perfectly preserved and in her seventy years she is still pretty. Looking through this article, you will admire her children, grandson, as well as ex-husbands.

On this photo Natalya Varley in film "Wii", the actress played a little girl, for this role she had to go to the coffin.

In this photo you can see what the actress Natalya Varley looks like now.

For the first time Natalya Varley married when she was twenty years old, an actor became her chosen one Nikolay Burlyaev, but the spouses did not get along with the characters, since both were still too young and ambitious.

Natalya Varley, each time falling in love, she wrote heartfelt poems, later she even released several collections. In general, being nineteen years old, she loved and suffered, moreover, Nikolay Burlyaev gave cause for jealousy, Natalya Varley she constantly quarreled with her husband and each time she packed her bags and went to live with her parents.

In this photo you can see how it looks Nikolay Burlyaev now.

When she was still married to Nikolay Burlyaev, two classmates began to look after her at the same time: Leonid Filatov and Vladimir Tikhonov- a son Nonna Mordyukova and Vyacheslav Tikhonov.

Natalya Varley refused the first, and agreed to become the wife of the second. This time family life again did not work out, the fault of that was the bad habits of the husband, Vladimir Tikhonov abused not only non-carbonated. Naturally in those years, but went 1971 year, young Natalya Varley(she was 24 years and Tikhonov 21) did not even know what a person who depended on washing powder looked like, she understood that her husband's behavior was very strange, but she attributed everything to fatigue. In general, when Natalya Varley realized how neglected everything was, she again packed her bags and went to her parents, because it was beyond her strength to endure her husband's antics.

Soon after the wedding or before it, is not the point Natalya Varley realized that she was pregnant, but decided to give birth to a child alone. Son was born Basil, and by that time her husband was already in full swing with another lover, she was an eighteen-year-old Natalia Egorova- ice dance ballerina. Later, this lady gave all kinds of interviews in which she threw mud at her rival in every possible way. Natalya Varley, which she just did not accuse her of. In particular, she argued that her son Natalia Varley not at all from Vladimir Tikhonov, he allegedly from Konstantin Raikin... But all this is most likely just the intrigues of an offended woman who could not forgive the fact that living with her, Vladimir Tikhonov does not stop talking about Natalia Varley, runs to her at night, writes letters and suffers. In general, the situation is not easy.

Meanwhile have Natalia Varley had her own life, she met and fell in love with another person, gave birth to a second son from him, named Alexander. Natalya Varley never advertised the name of the father of her second child, because most likely he was not free, and besides, despite the touching deep feeling that connected him with Natalia, left his beloved, barely knowing that she was expecting a baby. The unlucky dad saw his illegitimate son only once, they met by chance on Arbat, Natalya Varley hurrying somewhere with my eight-year-old son Sasha, that's how the acquaintance happened in a hurry. It is believed that the father Alexandra Varley is an Uzbek actor Ulmas Alikhodzhaev.

Natalya Varley at fifty she married for the third time, her chosen one was much younger, this marriage also did not work out, one of the reasons for the breakup was that the newly-made husband could not find mutual language with my stepson Sasha.

At the moment Natalya Varley still believes in love and hopes that happiness will still knock at its door. Sons have grown up, Vasily Tikhonov son was born Evgeniy, now Natalya Varley Granny.

On this photo Natalya Varley with the youngest son Sasha... In addition, the actress loves cats very much, she always has a lot of them.

Second son Alexander was born premature, but in the end grew up like such a strong tall pair.

In this photo you can see how Evgeniy, grandson Natalia Varley hugging her great-grandmother Nonna Mordyukova.

In this photo, the son Natalia Varley and Vladimir Tikhonov.

Natalya Varley with own children.

With grandson Eugene.

In this photo, the alleged father of the second son Natalia Varley- Uzbek actor Ulmas Alikhodzhaev.

On the picture Vasily Tikhonov.

Wedding Vladimir Tikhonov and Natalia Egorova.

On this photo Natalia Egorova (Tikhonov) and her son Vladimir from Vdadimira Tikhonova.

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