False contractions at 28 weeks gestation. Do you know how to distinguish training contractions from true ones when labor is close? The consequences of premature birth

The twenty-eighth week of pregnancy is the time when the third trimester begins. The period of well-being and a surge of energy is over. Now the symptoms will increase, some new ones will appear. The unborn child continues to grow. He is fully formed and looks just like a newborn, but he has yet to gain mass, and his organs continue to mature. Two thirds of the way behind - in about three months you will meet with your baby!

Signs and symptoms of 28 weeks pregnant

Many expectant mothers at the 28th week of pregnancy note that they often have trouble sleeping. They wake up in the middle of the night and cannot sleep. At the same time, many women begin to do some household chores, vacuum the entire apartment. This is not the best solution. Try to relax somehow. Read a book, drink something (just not strong black tea - it contains caffeine), turn on relaxing music.

It is much more convenient to count the period from an event that manifested itself externally, and the date of which the woman remembers well. This date is the first day of your last period. From this moment they count down obstetric gestational age... In reality, fertilization occurs about two weeks later, but the obstetric term is more convenient, it is this that doctors use, it is entered into the medical documentation.

The relationship between fetal and obstetric gestational age is as follows:

· Twenty-eight weeks of obstetric gestation is 26 weeks of gestation.

· Twenty-eight weeks of fetal time is 30 weeks of obstetric time.

Now you have definitely stepped over the line separating the second and third trimesters. Two thirds of pregnancy behind! You are now in your seventh month of pregnancy.

What happens to the fetus at 28 weeks gestation?

At twenty-eighth weeks pregnant, your unborn baby is about the size of an eggplant. Its body length from crown to heels is 36 cm, weight is 960 grams. Now he looks even more like a plump strong man: after all, a rather thick layer of subcutaneous fat has formed under his skin, the skin has become opaque, the wrinkles on it have practically smoothed out.

The maturation of the respiratory system is taking place at an active pace. It is already quite well developed now: in case of premature birth at 28 weeks, a newborn baby can breathe on its own - you can go out. A surfactant is produced in the lung tissue surfactant, which will help them straighten out during the first breath. The future child has long been engaged in training the respiratory muscles: he "inhales" and "exhales" the amniotic fluid surrounding him.

The maturation of the nervous system continues. Millions of new neurons have formed in the fetal brain, new contacts are formed between them - synapses... The unborn child already has well-developed sense organs. His eyesight continues to improve. He distinguishes well between light and darkness, and responds with kicks and jerks if you shine a bright flashlight on his stomach. The kid can open his eyes, blink, he has eyelashes. If premature birth occurs at this time, the newborn can see the mother's face and distinguish between its individual features. The brain is activated thalamocortical complex- the department that is responsible for consciousness!

A 28-week-old fetus develops REM sleep, which means he can now dream and dream. During an ultrasound examination at this stage of pregnancy, it is often found that the baby is "showing his tongue." There is no clear explanation as to why this is happening. There is an assumption that in this way the unborn child tastes amniotic fluid.

Hair is actively growing on the head of the unborn child. But it happens differently for everyone. Some babies are born with thick hair, while others are almost bald. Interestingly, there is some evidence of a link between the severity of heartburn in a woman during pregnancy and the degree of "hairiness" of the fetus. Apparently this is the result of the effects of pregnancy hormones.

If you could see your unborn child now, he would seem to you a fully formed, ordinary newborn. This is true. With premature birth at 28 weeks of gestation, the baby is viable. However, his body has not yet fully matured, he still has to gain weight and build up some amount of subcutaneous fat.

At the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy, the fetus makes all sorts of movements: moves its arms and legs, sucks a finger, grabs the umbilical cord, sticks out its tongue, blinks its eyes, "breathes" amniotic fluid. His reflexes continue to improve as his nervous system matures. But in the uterus it is getting closer and closer, and now the baby can no longer perform somersaults and pirouettes, as before.

At 28 weeks, many babies take the final position in the uterus in head or breech presentation(although it may still change before 34 weeks of gestation).

What is presentation and what does it affect?

· If a woman has given birth many times (in this case, the wall of the uterus loses its elasticity, becomes stretched).

If the transverse or oblique position of the fetus remains until the end of pregnancy, independent childbirth becomes impossible. The only way out is a cesarean section. Earlier, obstetricians used a special technique - "turning by the leg". But now no one does this, because this procedure is dangerous and fraught with serious injuries.

What if the baby is in a “wrong” presentation?

If, at the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy, you were diagnosed with a breech presentation, a transverse or oblique position of the fetus, there is no reason for panic yet. Until 34 weeks, the position of the fetus in the uterus may change. There are even special exercises that help to give the unborn child the correct position (before doing them, consult your doctor):

You need to lie on your right side, lie there for 10 minutes, then quickly turn over to your left, lie down again for 10 minutes, and turn over again. Repeat 3-4 times.

· Stand in a knee-elbow position (on all fours, leaning on your elbows and knees) for 15–20 minutes a day.

· Useful activities in the pool.

After the child has turned over to the cephalic presentation, you need to wear a special bandage that will help maintain the correct position.

Fetal movements in mom's tummy

At the 28th week of pregnancy, most expectant mothers feel very well the pushes and kicks of the baby in the tummy. The child reacts to external stimuli: a bright light (if you put a flashlight on to the stomach), the speech of the expectant mother and people around, touching the stomach, changes in body position. In response to all this, you can get a series of tangible shocks.

The fetus develops its own sleep and wakefulness regime. And it may not coincide at all with the regime of the mother. Perhaps during the day, when you are doing different things, there is "silence" in your stomach. But as soon as you lie down to take a nap, the baby begins to actively push.

You can even feel your unborn baby hiccuping. Sometimes it can hurt you - many women are familiar with this unforgettable feeling when the fetus "puts a leg under the rib."

And even at the 28th week of pregnancy, you can hear the baby's heartbeat. For this, it is not necessary to use a special obstetric instrument - a stethoscope. The future dad or one of the relatives can simply put his ear to his stomach.

Ultrasound at 28 weeks of gestation

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then there will be no scheduled ultrasound examination at 28 weeks. The third ultrasound scan begins at 32 weeks. Now the doctor can prescribe a study only for special indications, if the pregnancy proceeds with complications, there is a threat to the child's health.

In the pictures at this time, a fully formed baby is visible, very similar to a newborn. With the help of an ultrasonic sensor, you can examine his face, arms, legs, genitals and other parts of the body, tiny bones, brain, heart, internal organs. The doctor can assess the amount of amniotic fluid, the condition of the placenta, blood flow in the heart and large vessels.

Ultrasound images of a fetus at 28 weeks gestation look something like this:

What happens to the uterus and abdomen at 28 weeks gestation?

The uterus continues to grow, but the child is growing rapidly, so it becomes more and more cramped inside him, he no longer has such a wide range of movements. At the same time, the baby's muscles are becoming stronger, he wields arms, legs, and the tremors in the mother's stomach are becoming more and more noticeable.

As the uterus grows, its bottom - the upper wall - rises higher and higher, and pushes up the internal organs, restricts the movement of the diaphragm. By the height of the standing of the fundus of the uterus, one can roughly judge the duration of pregnancy. Measure the distance from the upper edge of the pubic bones to the uppermost point of the uterus. The resulting value in centimeters corresponds approximately to the gestational age in months. So, at 28 weeks, the height of the uterine fundus is 26-30 cm. In this case, the uterus rises above the navel by 9 cm or more.

The height of the standing of the bottom of the uterus cannot be measured in two cases: if the fetus is located transversely, or if the woman is pregnant with twins.

Surely the doctor has already told you that you need to count the movements of the fetus and explained how to do it correctly. You need to focus on the sensations in the stomach and count the baby's thrusts until you get 10. You need to note how long it took from the first push to the tenth. Normally, it should be less than 2 hours. Calculations should be made every day at about the same time. If the baby has become more active or there are fewer tremors than usual, you need to inform the doctor about this.

How much weight should the expectant mother gain?

Most expectant mothers add 7.7 to 10.8 kg by the 28th week of pregnancy. However, this figure is variable. It depends on how much weight the woman had before pregnancy: with a low initial weight, the gain is greater, with a high one - less. With a twin pregnancy, the increase is faster.
Calculate mom's weight gain during pregnancy by week

How to eat properly at 28 weeks of gestation?

In the third trimester, the unborn child gains mass most intensively, and his organs continue to mature, they constantly need energy, "building material". Contrary to popular advice “eat for two,” it is not the quantity but the quality of a pregnant woman's food that plays a leading role. You don't need double servings, just about 500 extra calories daily. But the food should be as healthy and varied as possible.

Some nutrients are especially needed by a growing small body:

· Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (DHA)... They are necessary for the normal development of the baby's brain and retina. The daily requirement for them increases from 100 to 200 mg per day.

· Calcium required during the third trimester of pregnancy in an amount of 1000 mg daily. It is primarily needed for the formation of bones and teeth. Dairy products are rich in calcium.

· VitaminD promotes the absorption of calcium by bone tissue. During pregnancy, the daily allowance is 15 mcg.

· The need for iron increases with the growth of the fetus and is especially high in the third trimester. The daily norm is 27 mg.

· Folic acid - vitamin (B9), which doctors prescribe to expectant mothers from the very early stages of pregnancy. It is needed for the normal formation of the nervous system and the prevention of malformations. In the third trimester, your body needs 800 mcg of folate.

· Protein - the main building material for all cells of the body. It is vital for the expectant mother and fetus. You need to consume at least 26 g of protein per day.

Your main enemies during pregnancy are excess fat and sugar. They make you gain excess weight, feel worse, and contribute to the development of gestational diabetes and other complications.

What foods must be present in a woman's diet at 28 weeks of gestation?

The mom-to-be should eat a lot of fresh fruit. They contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C): in addition to being a powerful antioxidant, it plays an important role in the proper development of the placenta, improves the absorption of iron, and helps maintain the activity of the immune system. In the third trimester, useful: kiwi, melon, bananas, strawberries. Papaya is a source of fiber, potassium, vitamin C, folate and helps fight heartburn. A healthy dish for the expectant mother is vegetable salads. Thin slices of ham can be added to them for extra energy from food. Avocado is a valuable source of vitamins C, E and fiber, Brussels sprouts - vitamins C and K.

The only thing worth remembering is the main rule of "food safety": if you eat raw fruits or vegetables, you need to wash them thoroughly, otherwise you can pick up a very unpleasant and dangerous intestinal infection.

Expectant mothers are advised to eat lentils, beans, whole grain bread: they are rich in vitamin B1 and dietary fiber, which improve digestion. Lentils can be used to make soups or cereals. Nuts contain vitamin B1, proteins, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

One of the most useful foods for the formation of a child's nervous system is fish. Salmon, for example, is high in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. But fish should be eaten in moderation and cooked well so as not to get infected.

For breakfast, it is good for the expectant mother to eat an egg - but you need to boil it hard-boiled, all because of the same risk of infections. The eggs contain choline- it contributes to the normal development of memory in the unborn child, helps prevent disorders of the kidneys and pancreas.

Of course, a pregnant woman's diet should contain milk and dairy products - yogurt, cottage cheese. After all, they contain the most important mineral for a growing skeleton and teeth - calcium. In some cases, the doctor may recommend additional dietary supplements that contain calcium.

Pork, lean beef, broccoli, green leafy vegetables - all these foods have in common that they are rich in iron. During the third trimester, blood flow to the vessels of the placenta increases, and the mother needs an additional volume of hemoglobin-rich blood.

The expectant mother should eat in small portions several times a day. This will help prevent digestive problems. You need to drink enough fluids: now dehydration is dangerous for both you and your unborn child.

Physical activity

In the third trimester, some additional symptoms appear, the time of great well-being and a surge of energy ends. For many expectant mothers, it becomes more difficult to force themselves to be physically active on a daily basis. But this is important. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, exercise cannot provoke premature labor or any complications.

The intensity of the exercise is strictly individual. Ask your doctor what exercise and how much is best for you. If a woman went in for sports before pregnancy, then often she can continue training in almost the same mode. But you still have to observe some restrictions: you cannot lift weights, lie on your back, do exercises during which you can fall and get injured. If a woman has previously led a sedentary lifestyle, then you need to start gradually, with small loads - and yet physical activity is important. While doing the exercises, you need to listen to your inner feelings. If you get tired quickly, it is better to stop, reduce the load, the duration of the classes.

A common problem in women at 28 weeks gestation is swelling in the legs due to an increase in blood volume and a deterioration in its outflow through the veins. Walking and swimming will help "disperse the blood". Brisk walking is better than running because the joints are under increased stress while running.

If you are not a fan of intense training, then you can consider doing yoga. They take place in a calm atmosphere, do not require active movements, but help to improve flexibility, prepare muscles and ligaments for childbirth, improve general condition, relieve tension and stress.

Is it ok to have sex?

At the 28th week of pregnancy, intimacy is not contraindicated, as, indeed, at any other stage of pregnancy. Sex will not harm the baby, will not cause premature birth.

Intimacy is beneficial for the expectant mother because it helps relieve stress and improve psycho-emotional state. However, some precautions are still worth observing. If the pregnancy is proceeding with complications, you must first consult with your doctor. You shouldn't have sex if you or your partner has signs of a genitourinary infection - you can infect your baby. Frequent change of sexual partners is also contraindicated.

If Braxton Hicks contractions bother you very often, you may be drinking too little fluids. Dehydration during pregnancy is a dangerous condition that can harm the expectant mother and baby.

· During the third trimester, the body of the fetus absorbs a lot of iron. The expectant mother should eat more foods that are rich in this substance.

· Buy a comfortable chair - in the near future it will be very useful to you, not only during pregnancy, but also after childbirth. It should be soft and comfortable, have armrests, and support your back and lower back well. It should be easy for you to sit on and easy to get up on.

How to Improve Sleep During Pregnancy?

Sleep problems are common in the third trimester of pregnancy. They arise for many reasons: due to frequent experiences and hormonal effects, a growing abdomen, restless legs syndrome, frequent urination (due to the fact that the growing uterus presses more and more on the bladder), nightmares.

Here are some tips to help get your sleep back to normal:

· Increased blood pressure.

· Increased body temperature.

Unusual vaginal discharge: much more profuse than usual, unusual color, bloody, with an unpleasant odor.

· If the child in the stomach began to push too actively or less than usual, or even stopped making itself felt.

· Frequent fainting.

Even if it turns out that your symptoms are not caused by any serious cause, a visit to the doctor will not be in vain: it is better to raise a "false alarm" than to ignore dangerous complications.

Many expectant mothers have problems in the psycho-emotional sphere, frequent mood swings, increased anxiety, irritability, tearfulness. In some cases, the case ends with the development of depression. This is a dangerous condition. If you have a bad mood, depression, apathy for a long time, gloomy thoughts are spinning in your head, you should seek help from a psychotherapist.

Partner Childbirth - Video Guide

If it is talking about the gestational age in terms of obstetric months, then now you are at 7 obstetric month.

At 28 weeks, the fetus is exactly 26 weeks old. Before that, a pregnant woman can gain from 7.5 to 11 kg.

If a baby is born this week, he will receive a birth certificate, and a child who was born before this date and died was considered a miscarriage.

What Happens at Week 28

Umbilical cord length at this time it is from 30 to 100 cm. It has a white color, and many blood vessels pass through it inside. The umbilical cord contains 2 umbilical arteries and an umbilical vein.

The baby can be located in the uterus as he pleases, since there is still plenty of space and he still has time to take and stay that way until the birth.

During this period, fat begins to be deposited on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. If after childbirth you adhere to proper nutrition and lead an active lifestyle, then you will successfully get rid of fat.

Potential risks

If a woman gives birth this week, then the chances of keeping the baby alive are quite high.

After birth, your baby will need special care. For this, special apparatus and equipment are used. For a woman, childbirth can bring a lot of trouble, since the body is not yet prepared for the process itself.

Childbirth at 28 weeks can provoke various cervical ruptures, bleeding, etc. Read more about preterm birth

A visit to a doctor will help you notice a serious problem in time, such as leakage of amniotic fluid... This is extremely rare, but this phenomenon is dangerous.

Leakage indicates that the integrity of the fetal bladder is broken and any infection can get to the child. To independently determine the leakage of amniotic fluid, constantly monitor the amount of discharge. Read more about amniotic fluid leakage

Well-being of a woman at 28 weeks

The baby continues to grow, which causes more and more discomfort for the woman. Changes occur not only with the body, but also with the emotional state of the expectant mother.

Possible physical sensations

This week, the woman continues to experience all the delights of pregnancy:

  1. Stomach. The abdomen continues to enlarge and this negatively affects the skin, as it stretches, begins to itch. Dry skin can trigger stretch marks. In this case, it is recommended to use or alternative methods that will help prevent the occurrence of this trouble.
  2. Uterus. Every day it becomes more and more and now it is 8 cm from the navel and 28 cm from the pubic symphysis. The uterus enlarges and presses on all internal organs, causing a complication of well-being.
  3. Breast. At this time, veins become more clearly visible on the chest. The mammary glands of almost all women begin to secrete colostrum at this time. After giving birth, about 5 mg of colostrum will be released from the breast, this will be your baby's first food.
  4. Stirring. Starting this week, it is recommended to monitor your baby's movements several times a day. It is considered normal if you feel up to 10 movements within an hour. You may notice that the baby moves more actively after eating. The reason is that after a meal, the level of glucose in the blood increases, which affects the activity of the baby. In addition, stress and anxiety affect the increase in child's movements, since adrenaline is released into the blood. There is no need to worry if you feel pain while the baby is moving, as he becomes very strong and his blows are already painful. You can alleviate your condition by changing the position of your body. Read more about baby movements
  5. Painful sensations. Due to the rapid growth of the fetus and the enlargement of the uterus, pain sensations increase. Back and lower back pain is caused by softening of the supporting ligaments and joints, as well as a shift in the center of gravity. In addition, the uterus presses on the sciatic nerve, causing sudden aching pains. Pain in the lower ribs causes the child to be active. If a woman feels sharp, severe and cramping pains, then you need to call an ambulance, as this may be a sign of premature birth.
  6. Training bouts. Sometimes a woman can feel how the abdomen is straining, most likely, it is the uterus that contracts. Training contractions are necessary to prepare the body for future childbirth. You must understand that these contractions have nothing to do with birth. They should be short-lived and almost imperceptible. For more information on how to distinguish training contractions from labor contractions, read.
  7. Swelling. Almost every pregnant woman suffers from edema. If strong enough and persist for a long time, then you should consult a doctor, as this may indicate the development of late toxicosis. To reduce the manifestation of edema, reduce the amount of fluid consumed, no more than 1.5 liters, give up salt, fried, smoked and spicy.
  8. Allocations. this week should not change, and they remain homogeneous, milky and with or without a sour smell:
    1. if the appearance of the discharge has changed, and they emit an unpleasant odor, then this indicates that you have an infection. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to get rid of it, since during childbirth the woman must be clean so that the baby does not become infected;
    2. Spotting at 28 weeks may be due to previa or placental abruption. With such symptoms, you need to urgently call an ambulance, as this can lead to the death of the mother and child;
    3. watery discharge indicates leakage of amniotic fluid, which indicates a violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder. If you notice this change, urgently call an ambulance.

Possible emotional experiences

A huge number of pregnant women at this time feel fear of the upcoming birth... The main reason for this problem is ignorance and scary stories told by acquaintances.

Fear of the unknown is a completely normal phenomenon, in order to get rid of it, pay attention to studying information about childbirth, read the relevant literature.

You have to make sure that this is a completely normal process that a huge number of women go through. Read about how to get rid of your fear of childbirth.

In addition to fear, many women may experience sharp mood swings, which are caused by a change in hormonal levels.

  • watch good positive films;
  • find an interesting and exciting hobby;
  • spend time with friends and family;
  • go to cinemas, theaters and concerts.

Women's reviews about week 28

For all, pregnancy proceeds individually and each representative of the fairer sex has her own sensations, both physiological and psychological.

Anastasia: “Today is the beginning of 28 weeks, I gained very little, only 5 kg. The belly is very small that many do not even know that I am pregnant. In addition, the breast has not changed either, and there is no need to talk about colostrum, it was not there, and it is not. "

Svetlana: “Today I had the most restless night of the entire pregnancy, the baby was beating hard. I already began to worry that something was wrong, but closer to morning, he fell asleep and I went with him. Yesterday I had an injection with a doctor, since I have a negative rhesus, and my husband has a positive one. The spouse's favorite pastime is communicating with his son, he can stroke his stomach for hours and talk with the baby. "

Irina: “How glad it is to be on maternity leave soon. Although work is a favorite, but the strength is less and less and fatigue wins. Back pain has worsened this week. This is my second pregnancy, my first son, now a daughter, everything I dreamed of. I had a placental abruption in the early stages, was in the hospital, but now everything is fine. "

Olga: “I gained 13 kg by this week, for which I got a good deal from the doctor. Now he simply ordered to stop eating sweets and start eating right. I suffer from severe heartburn, but structured water helps me. During walks, my back gets very tired, so I don't walk a lot and often rest. "

Zinaida: “I gained 9 kg and I don’t know why the doctor scolds me for it. I believe that if the body requires it, it means it needs, especially since I do not eat something in excess of high-calorie and harmful. An ultrasound scan showed a girl, but this is still not certain, as the baby quickly turned over. The husband does not lose hope of the heir. In the morning, the child wakes me up to get up and get my dad to work, and then falls asleep. I sleep on my left side and because of this in the morning I pulls my left thigh. I don't feel any ailments anymore. "

Kristina: “In terms of weight, everything is in order, I gained 8 kg, although the doctor said that it was a bit too much. I believe that everything is in order, since I have no particular appetite, I eat as usual, only more of the right foods. In the evenings, heartburn torments and the baby becomes more active. I’m waiting for my stomach to go down and feel a little lighter. ”

Hope: “By this time I gained 10 kg, although it is completely and imperceptibly: the stomach has not changed much, the breast, too, probably, the baby takes everything. I feel good, only my appetite has increased and I constantly want to eat something sweet. And then there is my husband, every day from work brings something tasty, and I can not resist. The child is large, which makes it difficult for me to walk and breathe. It's hard at work, I can't wait for the decree. "

Alexandra: “This week I have already accumulated so much fatigue that I no longer know what to do. I decided to go on vacation before maternity leave and go to the sea for a week. The kid is very active, which is even more exhausting. I gained only 7 kg, so everything is normal with weight. I went to the doctor, they told me that everything is in order, the tests are good, so I will rest and everything will be fine. "

Evgeniya: “I, probably, have already everything that I possibly experienced during this pregnancy: heartburn, toxicosis, severe pain, swelling and emotional instability. I’m very tired, I wish it would all be over. The only thing that calms down is the baby's movements, which remind me for what, I endure it all. "

Darina: “It's already 28 weeks and the due date is approaching. I try to follow all the doctor's recommendations: I go to the pool, go to yoga, follow the diet, do massage. Therefore, the pregnancy is proceeding just fine. I feel good, pregnancy is happiness. "

Fetal development at 28 weeks gestation

This week the baby weighs 1.1 kg and is 35 cm tall.

Over the past 2 months, the fetus has increased 10 times. Remember that these values ​​are normal, but each child develops individually and his parameters may differ.

This week the baby starts to gain adipose tissue and now he doesn't look so skinny. Due to the fact that the baby is constantly in the water, the skin is very wrinkled, in addition, it is still red in color and covered with a thick layer of cheese-like lubricant. In addition, the body is covered with starting hair - lagoon.

Continues actively develop the brain, its mass increases. At this stage, convolutions and grooves appear in the cortex.

Actively works heart, now it makes up to 150 beats per minute. When a baby hears his mother's voice, his heart rate increases.

Lungs fully formed, but they are not ready for spontaneous breathing, since a sufficient amount of surfactant has not yet accumulated, which prevents the alveoli from sticking together during breathing.

The cartilages in the nose and ears are still soft. The nails continue to grow, but they have not yet reached the fingertips.

Baby is fine opens and closes eyes, but now there is no pupillary membrane.

There are now many more taste buds on the baby's tongue than there will be after birth. Thanks to this, the child can now feel the most delicate tastes.

At week 27, the baby's eyes are already framed with thin and noticeable cilia. In addition, eyebrows begin to appear, and head hair continue to grow.

Bone tissue continues to strengthen, which means that mommy needs to take care of what the child and herself need.

This week, the endocrine system is actively developing, in which growth hormone, which is produced by the pituitary gland, is of particular importance. The adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas are already starting to work fully.

Photo of fetal ultrasound

Photo of 3D ultrasound of the fetus for a period of 28 weeks:

Helpful hints:

  1. Sign up for. There you will receive all the information you need about childbirth and childcare.
  2. It is recommended to sleep on the left side with the knee bent to the chest. This position of the body will be comfortable for both the mother and the child.
  3. Do not lie too long, lead an active lifestyle,. Remember that the movements should be smooth and you should not feel any discomfort.
  4. To avoid leaking urine while laughing, sneezing, and bending over, support your stomach with your hands underneath.
  5. To relax, take a bath, light aroma candles, ventilate the room and relax.

Proper nutrition

In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is very important to have a balanced and regular diet. To do this, it is recommended to eat at least 5 times daily.

In addition, it is important that the portions are small, as it is not recommended to overeat during pregnancy.

The number of calories that you need to consume should not exceed 3100 kcal per day.

Most of the calories should come in the first part of the day. In order not to eat something extra, think over the menu in advance. Eating before bed is generally not recommended, but if you are experiencing severe hunger, then drink a glass of kefir or eat an apple.

This week, you can talk to your doctor about future labor, check if pain relievers will be used, and find out if you have any allergies. A woman should find out the essence of all the procedures that will await her during childbirth.

Video about the 28th week of pregnancy

Do you know how to distinguish training contractions from true ones when labor is close?

As the due date approaches, most women experience pain-like sensations. But often, they turn out to be false or training. How to distinguish true contractions from training contractions, is it worth it to immediately seek medical help and is there a reason for strong concern?

  • Main symptoms and sensations
  • Hicks contractions at 28 weeks gestation
  • What to do in such situations?
  • How to distinguish them from uterine tone?

Before finding out the differences, causes, symptoms, etc. need to figure out what training contractions during pregnancy are? Unlike true contractions, false contractions are characterized by paroxysmal contractions of the uterine muscles. These contractions do not cause much pain or discomfort. In medical practice, they are called Braxton Hicks contractions. They can occur several times a day or even an hour. the expectant mother can feel the tension of the uterus.

Causes of occurrence and what they are for

A number of factors can affect the occurrence of false contractions:

  1. touching the stomach;
  2. excessive activity of the fetus or mother;
  3. stormy intimate life;
  4. overflowing bladder;
  5. dehydration;
  6. psycho-emotional overstrain.

In view of the fact that a lot of effort is required during childbirth, training contractions, as it were, prepare the uterus for the future process of the birth of a child. If there is no periodic tension of the muscles of the uterus and they will be in a relaxed state for the entire duration of pregnancy, then in the end there may not be enough strength for labor.

Training contractions, when the birth is very close, help with the softening of the cervix. It becomes shorter due to muscle contraction. As a result, the cervical canal opens slightly. During these contractions, the uterus tenses, as if remembering what contractions are. In other words, the body prepares for the upcoming labor process and "trains" the uterus.

Main symptoms and sensations

How to recognize training contractions? First of all, you need to pay attention to the frequency. They are often chaotic, unlike real ones. How long the contractions last in time depends on their nature (true or false).

True contractions have a periodicity, each time the time between them decreases, and they themselves are prolonged. They feel more intense and painful. Training contractions every 20 minutes 1-2 times a day or week may occur, but not more often. By themselves, they can cause mild discomfort and mild pain. With false contractions, a certain area of ​​the uterus can be strained. For true, the appearance of contractions in the lower back, in the lower abdomen and in the anterior abdominal wall is characteristic. There may also be some slight discharge. To determine accurately, you need to fix the time of contractions and check their regularity.

Training contractions at 28 weeks pregnant

The time of occurrence of false contractions is different. For some, training fights begin earlier, for others later. But most often they appear at the end of the second, at the beginning of the third trimeter. Training contractions at week 28 are softer. They are not felt very much. Lasts on average half a minute, maximum a minute. Very rare. A pregnant woman experiences symptoms similar to those during menstruation, maybe a little weaker. The abdomen becomes firm, then when the contraction is released, all the muscles relax.

Training contractions at week 39

The training contractions at 39 weeks are already more intense than in the early stages. They are paroxysmal in nature, can occur sporadically several times a day or even an hour, but less than six times a day. Also, they do not have a periodicity, over time neither the duration of the contractions nor their frequency increase. On this line of pregnancy, they are more like real contractions. If a woman gives birth for the first time, then she may confuse them and panic, which should not be done. But for multiparous, these symptoms are already familiar and they are not worried in vain, but are preparing for the upcoming birth. Because it is believed that training contractions are also harbingers of childbirth. The body is preparing for the upcoming labor.

At this stage, female sex hormones also play an important role, which are responsible for the contraction and relaxation of the uterine muscles. The amount produced becomes more, which ensures the softening of the uterus by relaxing its muscles. Thanks to this, the uterus does not contract and the fetus is carried until the required time. By the end of pregnancy, at about 38-39 weeks, the level of progesterone drops, respectively, the uterus is toned, preparing for the birth process.

What to do in such situations?

When a pregnant woman first feels these symptoms, but she has already heard about them, then she has a question - training contractions have come, what should I do? You need to concentrate on relaxing the uterus. To do this, you can breathe, for example, like a dog or breathing "candle". You can walk a little at a slow, relaxing pace.

It is also recommended to take a warm shower. Drink water to replenish fluid in the body in case of dehydration. If you feel a lot of discomfort, you can drink two no-shpa tablets or put a candle with papaverine. But if the pain is strong, there is any bloody discharge, or the contractions occur more often, then you need to call an ambulance. Do not go to the doctor yourself, because unnecessary excitement or stress can aggravate the situation.

How to distinguish from uterine tone?

It is very difficult to determine the tone or training contractions on your own. Because the symptoms are similar. Both in the first and in the second case, the abdomen tenses. When toned, the stomach seems to be stiff. Women interpret their feelings differently. Someone compares it with a large stone, someone with an ironing board. Also, with tone, there is a pulling pain in the lower back and in the lower abdomen. But again, if these sensations are intense, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only a specialist can determine exactly what happens to the uterus during these unpleasant sensations.

A 37-centimeter child weighing about 1300 g strengthens his muscles every day by doing gymnastic exercises. From that time until his birth, he will receive important antibodies through the placenta that protect him from infectious diseases.

Mother's body at 29 weeks of gestation

Throughout pregnancy, the uterus continually contracts, while the abdominal wall becomes hard for a while. This is totally normal. Now you will notice these training contractions more often, because the uterus prepares more and more for childbirth. Shortness of breath, back pain, and heartburn will continue to plague you. Poor exercise tolerance, difficulty concentrating and an unusual shift in the center of gravity can give you a lot of new problems.

Training contractions (precursor contractions) at 29 weeks gestation

You begin to notice how the abdomen suddenly hardens for a short time; sometimes it happens once per hour, sometimes several times a day - always in different ways. Now this phenomenon will accompany you until the very birth. Training contractions do not open the uterine pharynx, but they nevertheless prepare the uterus for labor. To distinguish training contractions from real contractions, you must pay particular attention to the regularity of their occurrence and the accompanying pain. Training contractions are absolutely not characterized by pressing or painful sensations in the lower abdomen or back, discharge or bleeding. If you experience contractions three to four times an hour, or if you have more than ten painful contractions a day, then this is probably for real. Call your doctor or midwife urgently to find out what is wrong. You can not hesitate, as the uterine pharynx may open, which will lead to the onset of premature birth.

There are many other names for training bouts, which can create some confusion. These harmless, irregular and painless contractions of the uterus are also called preliminary contractions, trial contractions, false contractions or Braxton Hicks spasms after the English physician who first described them in 1872.

Danger of accident at 29 weeks of gestation

During pregnancy, it is especially important to learn how to recognize potential dangers in time and prevent unwanted situations from occurring. We're not just referring to the wobbly chairs and stairs that you use to, for example, hang curtains or clean high-hung kitchen shelves, but high-heeled shoes that can easily trip over. Moreover, because of a large belly, you can not see either your own legs or the road under them.

You should be especially careful when driving a car now. Your thoughts often revolve around the child and future family life, which prevents you from concentrating, distracts from the situation on the road. By the way, you should not drive for more than 2 hours without a break, as long sitting can lead to circulatory problems, which in turn can indirectly cause an accident. If you ride a bike, then you should be careful here too: take care of a protective helmet and wear clothes with reflective tapes at dusk.

To enhance concentration, the following exercise helps: before starting work or before getting behind the wheel, several times describe with your hand in the air a horizontally lying figure eight and at the same time follow your eyes with your fingertips. In this way, you activate the connections between both hemispheres of the brain, increase attention and relieve tension from the eyes. From time to time you should train your brain, for example, with Sudoku, crosswords, puzzles, etc. Since iron deficiency can also cause concentration problems, ask your doctor if your hemoglobin is okay. and ferritin: both of these indicators indicate the amount of iron stores in the body. You may need to take special medications.

What Happens at 29 Weeks of Pregnancy

Continue to attend childbirth preparation courses Think with your partner, what are you expecting from these courses? Write down a few questions for yourself in advance. Take them with you to your first lesson and hand them over to the course leader when it comes to your turn to introduce yourself. On the one hand, the presenter will have the opportunity to satisfy the individual wishes of the listeners, and on the other hand, you will not be disappointed with the courses if it becomes clear from the very beginning which of your ideas can be realized within the envisaged framework and which cannot.

Gymnastics in the 29th - 32nd week

Swing your legs

  • STEP 1. Stand up straight with your feet together. Interlace your fingers and place your hands on your head.
  • STEP 2. Move your center of gravity to your right leg, and swing your left leg straight forward as high as possible, and then back. When swinging, the toes of the left foot are directed upwards; in the middle of the swinging movement, the ball of the foot only slides slightly on the floor. When doing the exercise, keep straight and calm at all times.
  • STEP 3. Make ten sweeps back and forth, first with your left and then with your right leg. Shake your arms and legs. Repeat the exercise two more times.

Gripping the leg

  • STEP 1. Stand up straight, close your legs, follow the correct posture.
  • STEP 2. Bend your left knee and wrap your left hand around the back of the foot from behind. Bring your left heel to your left buttock with your hand.
  • STEP 3. Keeping balance, extend your right arm to the side at shoulder height. Do ten forward rotations and ten backward rotations with your right hand.
  • STEP 4. Return to the starting position and shake your arms and legs. Repeat with the other arm and leg.

The development of the child's motor skills at 29 weeks of gestation

An image of the first fetal movements is obtained at the eighth week of pregnancy. The growth of a tiny child is only 2 cm at this time. Nevertheless, during an ultrasound examination, you can observe how, swimming, like a small fish, in a fluid-filled bladder, he "rakes" with his hands.

If you look at the child just two weeks later, it turns out that he managed to master a lot of new things. Now the ultrasound monitor shows complex sequences of movements, which are later observed in newborns: the child waving his arms and legs in all directions, and the hands and feet are gradually gaining greater mobility.

The small mouth makes sucking and swallowing movements; even with such a difficult process as yawning, this baby copes easily.

To support the development of the lungs, the baby makes so-called breathing movements. True, they differ significantly from real breathing, but nevertheless they are well suited for massaging the lungs and preparing them for performing their direct function. The movements that appear in the fetus very early include hiccups.

As soon as the child grows up, you yourself begin to clearly feel his motor activity. For many millennia, intrauterine movements were the only evidence for a mother that her child was alive. And until now, the sensation of fetal movement remains an extremely important factor in the formation of early bonds between mother and child. From now on, he ceases to be an abstract creature for you on the monitor of an ultrasound apparatus. Now you consciously perceive it as part of yourself. For the future father, this is also far from an ordinary experience - how many new emotions are given by the opportunity to first feel and later see the child's movements through the abdominal wall.

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