The birthday is unspectacular. Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov. Biography, career, views. Directed by Alexander Nevzorov

The former host of one of the most rated programs of the late 80s "600 seconds", Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov, is well known to viewers of the older generation. A well-known publicist and director, talented journalist, hippologist and video blogger, State Duma deputy, participant in military conflicts in hot spots, known for his sharp and ambiguous judgments on various issues of the political life of the country and the world.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Nevzorov was born in Leningrad on August 3, 1958. His mother, Galina Georgievna, is a journalist by profession. She had to raise her son alone. Father - Gleb Sergeevich Bogomolov - a professional artist. Alexander does not remember him and never talks about him - he simply does not remember him. His maternal grandfather was a KGB officer who headed the anti-banditry department in Lithuania until 1955.

Alexander graduated from school, where he studied French in depth, and entered the Literary Institute of his native city. The biography of Alexander Nevzorov is full of unexpected twists: he sang in the church choir, studied theology at the Moscow Theological Academy...

Television career

In 1983, Alexander began working on television as a correspondent for graduation programs. After 4 years, Alexander Nevzorov becomes the host of the 600 Seconds program, which brought him unprecedented popularity. His photos began to decorate the covers of Soviet magazines.

But popularity also has negative consequences. In the 1990s, a journalist was attacked and shot. Around the same time, he was a member of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival. He was elected to the State Duma.

Documentary film

In 1991, Alexander Nevzorov made his first documentary film, Nashi, which told about the government of Lithuania, which sought to secede from the Soviet Union. In 1995, the premiere of the documentary film "Criminal Russia" took place on the screens of the country, and a little later the tapes "Hell" and "Purgatory" were released, telling about the horrors of the Chechen war.

Political activity

Alexander Nevzorov has always actively participated in the political life of the country, in the crises of modern history - in skirmishes in Latvia, the State Emergency Committee (1991), the storming of the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Riga. He did not stand aside and in 1993, when trying to seize a television center in Moscow, he spoke in the ranks of the defenders of the White House. He managed to hide in Russia members of the Black Berets unit of the Riga and Vilnius OMON.

Alexander Nevzorov, whose photo is presented in the article, took part in the wars in Transnistria and Yugoslavia, Karabakh and Iraq, Chechnya. He was wounded and shell-shocked, was a volunteer hostage for the terrorists.

Passion for horses

Despite a busy life, a successful political career, and a clear literary talent, Alexander Glebovich has for some time considered working with horses his main purpose. His fascination with these animals began with equestrian sports on the set of stunts in film studios.

Today, the journalist demonstrates love for these smart animals in his work with them in his own higher school for raising horses "Ekol". It tries to reveal the physical and mental capabilities of horses to athletes, helps to establish “contact” with them, completely excluding the use of coercion. Great attention is paid to the state of health of the animal, communication with him, studying his abilities.

Personal life

Alexander's first real romantic relationship swept the journalist in the eighties. His chosen one, Natalya, aroused what seemed to him very strong feelings in the journalist, and he offered her a hand and a heart. Young people met in the church choir. Natalia worked at the National Library of Russia as a researcher in the Manuscripts Department. Mutual sympathy arose almost at first sight.

In the mid-80s, they got married, and two years later the first-born daughter Polina appeared in the family. However, the marriage did not work out. Many family friends felt that he was not strong enough to begin with. Very soon after the birth of her daughter, the marriage broke up.

With his second wife, actress Alexandra Yakovleva, Alexander lived for several years. Both were actively engaged in their careers, often went on business trips, which could not but affect the relationship - the spouses gradually moved away and cooled off towards each other. There were no joint children in this marriage, and the family quietly broke up. Alexandra Yakovleva mentions this fact of her biography in her memoirs in passing, which cannot be said about her son Kondrat (from his first marriage), who believes that Nevzorov was a caring and good father for him.

The third darling of the journalist is called Lydia. She is 16 years younger than her husband, but this does not in the least interfere with harmonious relations in the family. Before marriage, Lydia was fond of horses and painting. It is quite natural that common interests brought the young people together, and, as they both say, love arose at first sight.

After some time, they formalized their relationship and are still happy. The Nevzorov family continues to engage in hippology and conducts a joint business.

Children of A. Nevzorov: daughter Polina

The first-born journalist Nevzorov, daughter Polina, was born in her first marriage. But after a divorce from his wife, Alexander broke off all relations not only with his ex-wife, but also with his daughter. Today, Actress Polina Nevzorova is in her second marriage. Her husband is the famous Russian actor Sergei Gorobchenko.

The wedding ceremony took place in 2007. However, her father was not present. He was not familiar with Polina's first husband either. Alexander does not maintain any relationship with his daughter. About replenishment in her family, that is, about the birth of his grandchildren, he can only learn from the press.

Today, Polina and Sergey are raising five children and are happy in a relationship. With her younger brother Alexander, born in the marriage of his father with Lydia, Polina does not support relations.

Alexander Jr.

The son of Alexander Nevzorov - Alexander was born married to Lydia in 2007. Today, 11-year-old Sasha spouses pay a lot of attention.

Friends of the family are already wondering today whether the family will influence the choice of the young man's future profession. The parents themselves claim that they will support the choice of their son, whatever it may be. The son of the spouses receives a good education, along the way, he began to learn foreign languages.

Polina Nevzorova wondered throughout her pregnancy which of her three lovers was the father of the unborn baby

A year ago, the 28-year-old daughter of the scandalous journalist Alexander NEVZOROV became the legal wife of actor Sergei GOROBCHENKO. A week after registration, the couple had a son, Sasha. The artist has repeatedly admitted that he is immensely happy to be next to such a luxurious woman, although the path to her heart was very thorny. At the time of their acquaintance, Polina NEVZOROVA had another man, whom she could not part with overnight. In his interviews, the performer of the role of Major Gaydamak in the series "Officers" avoided any details of this delicate situation. However, we found people who know a lot of interesting things about Polina.

Early 80s Alexander Nevzorov married a church choir singer Natalya Yakovleva. Soon their daughter Polina was born. In a charming girl, dad did not have a soul and spoiled her as best he could. However, when Paul was barely nine, his parents quarreled to the nines, and the girl stayed with her mother and grandmother Galina Georgievna, Alexander's mother. The journalist erased the former family from life in one fell swoop.

As for past wives, these files have been erased, and even if I wanted to restore, I would not have succeeded: no names, no surnames, no patronymics, no nationalities, ”Nevzorov said years later. - We also practically do not communicate with Polina. She is an adult who lives her own life, and I don’t really like this life. Therefore, I have no desire to interfere.

It's amazing what in the only daughter does not suit the father so much? Polina's old friends shed light on these strange relationships, who saw with their own eyes how the aspiring actress built her personal life. At their request, we do not give real names.

Jealous oligarch

We met Polya in a nightclub in 2005. She then just moved to Moscow from her native St. Petersburg, - said Marina Petrova. - Then Fields looked completely different than now: she dressed very modestly, was shackled in communication and, to be honest, had no means of subsistence. And where did they come from? Mom received a penny, Polina herself did not work anywhere, and her father did not get in touch at all, not to help financially.

At first, Polina lived with a friend, then she met a divorced lawyer with many children. He, although he was unemployed, liked to hang out. Moreover, all his friends were of a dubious type and type of activity. To put it simply, the man not only drank heavily, but also willingly relaxed with other, more intoxicating “dopes”. Strange people constantly gathered in his apartment - the devil knows what they were doing there. And the lawyer borrowed money for all this "nonsense" from one friend, then from another. Get out of debt! But he often made forays into nightclubs. And he dragged Paul with him. In one of these cereal establishments, she met a wealthy businessman Denis (name changed). Of course, after such a den, life with a rich man Paul seemed like a paradise. The boyfriend gave her jewelry, took her to the best restaurants in Moscow, and drove her abroad. Once he even proposed. Nevzorova, of course, answered: “Yes!” True, at one of the friendly parties some young man hit her. All night the boy circled the beauty in a passionate dance and whispered something in her ear. When Polya and Denis returned home in the morning, he arranged such a thrashing for his cohabitant - mother, don't worry! It came down to a handicap. She later told with tears how Denis beat her with his feet - he beat her wherever he had to. On the same day, Polya fled from Moscow in one dress to her mother in St. Petersburg.

Nevzorov's mother did not grieve for long. The aspiring actress was drawn to the noisy capital, attracted by the bewitching lights of the night city. It hasn't even been a couple of months since she returned. Polina's Moscow friends, having learned about her troubles, decided that only a worthy gentleman could become a lifeline from the world of vicious entertainment for a girl. This one was on point.

Ignat (name changed) in his 30-something years has achieved a lot in his life: he managed to work out big politics, and had a profitable business - in a word, a fabulous party for a lonely lady.

In one of the fashionable hotels in Turkey, Ignat rented a presidential suite and invited friends to relax with him for a couple of weeks, - said Elena Kudinova, one of Nevzorova's acquaintances. - Polina accidentally got into our company and immediately liked Ignat. Moreover, she bewitched him so much that he ran headlong into a jewelry store at night, woke up the sleeping owner and bought her a luxurious necklace studded with diamonds as a token of sympathy. What girl can resist such a present?! How they changed the field: if before that she doubted that she could inflame love for this man, now she hung on his neck and did not take her loving eyes off him. What can I say, she is a brilliant actress!

Parisian dad

Upon returning to Moscow, Nevzorov's daughter was waiting for the most expensive boutiques, a luxurious penthouse with a huge terrace in the center of the capital, amazing jewelry and so much cash that she could not even dream of it in her most pleasant dream. Ignat fulfilled every whim of his princess. He didn’t even stint on plastic surgery - with new plump, mouth-watering lips, Polyushka became even more attractive.

The rich gentleman often had to travel to Europe on business, but Polina did not get bored alone: ​​she made quite a few interesting acquaintances who appreciated her for being the daughter of Alexander Nevzorov HIMSELF. And so that new friends would be imbued with respect even more, as proof of her relationship with a famous journalist, Polina showed a photo yellowed from old age, where dad held her, a baby, on his knees. Polina always carried this picture with her as a business card, a kind of pass to the world of the rich and famous.

For the screen star Sergei Gorobchenko it was the famous surname of the busty enchantress that became the impetus for a more serious acquaintance. The first time they met was in 2003 at the birthday party of a mutual friend. The actor drew attention to the cheerful blonde immediately. Moreover, at that time he did not have a permanent girlfriend. (With first wife, actress Alexandra Florinskaya, he broke up a few years ago, although he maintained relations - after all, the son Gleb, whom Sergey adores, was born from this marriage.) But the modest Seryozha did not dare to immediately move on to a closer relationship. After making inquiries, he learned that Polina was not free. This information upset the young man so much that he decided to erase it from his memory - a strange woman is inviolable.

It's strange, but fate brought us together more than once, - Gorobchenko said. - However, only two years ago we finally decided to be together. But not a month went by without Polya disappearing for a week, or even two. Such an existence infuriated me: I could not understand why two loving people could not be happy.

As people from the party, to which Nevzorova was a member, said, she did not leave in an unknown direction, but to a very specific person - Ignat. At that time, he bought a house in Düsseldorf, where he received his dear guest with all the hospitality that a loving man should have.

Danish marriage

When Gorobchenko found out about another man of his beloved, he was furious. I even wanted to deal with him like a man, but stopped in time, Valentin recalls. - After the next spree, Sergei delivered an ultimatum to the Field: either with me - or leave. But for a long time she could not let go of either him or Ignat. One bought her cars, the other supplied her with significant sums and rolled around Europe, strewn with rose petals "suites" for 10 thousand euros per day in 5-star hotels. Once, while traveling in Denmark, Ignat offered Paul to sign. After all, having a document on marriage with an EU citizen, she would save herself from the endless running around for visas. Nevzorova agreed without hesitation.

According to the assurances of Ignat's friends, this marriage was not terminated at the time of registration with Gorobchenko. It turns out that Polina turned out to be the official wife of two men at once: Sergei - in Russia and Ignat - abroad.

“Fields once even admitted that she really wants to get pregnant from Ignat, but, apparently, due to health problems undermined by her past rampant life, she couldn’t do it,” Sukhin continues. - I found out that she was expecting a baby quite by accident. Nevzorova kept wanting to do liposuction (at that time Polina was a girl in the body) and underwent a serious examination in Germany. Analyzes showed that a new life was born inside her. Moreover, the girl, almost before giving birth, wondered who the father of the baby was: Sergey, Ignat, or someone else, who from time to time appeared on the horizon.

At the end of November 2008, Polina Nevzorova gave birth to a son. He was named after her famous dad - Sasha. The boy's appearance left no doubt who the father was: the baby was the spitting image of Gorobchenko, like his eldest son.

However, despite this, Polina continued to send text messages to Ignat, saying that, they say, the child is from him. At first, he was very worried, he was on the verge of suicide, - Ignat's friend Elena Kudinova confesses. - But when I saw a photo of the crumbs, I offered Paul to conduct a DNA examination. She retreated immediately. Perhaps people become wiser and change over the years. After Polka began to live with Sergei, she even dyed her hair and became a brown-haired woman. And this is the first sign that the lady wants to start a new life. Maybe Gorobchenko is her true female happiness, which she has been waiting for so long. But Polina is painfully emotional and unpredictable. They can't sit in one place for long...

Name: Alexander Nevzorov

Age: 61 years old

Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg

Growth: 182 cm; Weight: 78 kg

Activity: journalist, TV presenter

Family status: married

Alexander Nevzorov - biography

This person has so many hypostases, and in each of them he manifests himself as an extraordinary person. He is not only a publicist and journalist by profession, he is a director and director, TV presenter and that's not all!

Childhood, the Nevzorov family

Alexander from Leningrad, studied at a special school, in which there was an in-depth study of the French language. Alexander does not remember his father, and his mother worked as a journalist. Biography of Nevzorov is not combined with the word "fatherless", his father was replaced by his grandfather-general. Although the journalist himself still felt the absence of strong paternal support.

The boy grew up as a fearless bully. Why only remember how Alexander caught bats and slowly released them because of turning in the tram. Grandfather always acted as a savior and never read lengthy moralizing lectures. The street was engaged in the upbringing of the teenager.


It so happened that Sasha liked to visit the Smolensk cemetery and make his way into the family crypts. Once it was there that he had one of the fateful acquaintances. He met with the singers from the church choir. Possessing an ear for music and excellent vocal abilities, Alexander soon began to sing in church, study icon painting and serve as a novice at the monastery.

After school there was a literary institute and a theological seminary. Nevzorov got a job on television, tried to become a stuntman. The biography of a journalist is full of useful meetings with useful and interesting people.

The literary critic T. Khmelnitskaya took the young man as her secretary. He was engaged in a selection of literature, made the necessary extracts from books. At this time, he was already a member of the Writers' Union. Nevzorov considers his employer a teacher in the field of literature. The famous A. Lebed and L. Rokhlin introduced him to military affairs, N. P. Bekhtereva taught him the basics of peace and anatomy. The story was told to Alexander by L.N. Gumilyov.

The television

In the "dashing 90s" Nevzorov hosted the TV show "600 seconds". At the end of each issue, the journalist came down with revelations of criminals and corrupt officials, bribery. The extraction of this kind of information took place in various ways (it was lured out, exchanged, kidnapped, cunning, reincarnated, journalists went to great lengths). Alexander still works with some of his colleagues. The journalist was always in the most "hot" spots. This led him to Vilnius in 1991, he created a very scandalous report, and the Lithuanian authorities ranked him among their enemies.

The desire to get fresh news led him to participate in the coup d'état during the Moscow Putsch in August.

The young man himself admits that he loves to observe from the inside all the turning points and turning points in the history of the country. In the biography of the journalist there are many places that are now commonly called historical: Karabakh, Chechnya, Yugoslavia, Transnistria.

Nevzorov - Director and director, etc.

The journalist made a film about the events in Chechnya with the telling title "Hell". A few years later, a new work of Nevzorov's screen creativity appeared - "Purgatory" (realistically, harshly about Chechnya). Alexander becomes a popular TV presenter, he hosted the programs "Days" and "Wild Field", as well as a program named after the name of the journalist - "Nevzorov". Alexander Georgievich was appointed to the post of consultant to the governor.

But in the Leningrad region, the authorities did not leave him for a long time, he was promoted to adviser to the Russian government. Currently, Nevzorov works as an adviser on Channel One. For three years, Alexander devotes himself to the program "However", which the audience remembers from its host Mikhail Leontiev. Nevzorov is trusted to represent President Vladimir Putin in the 2012 elections. But the main hobby was writing. He set up a school where courses are organized on the correct behavior when interviewed in front of a camera.

Alexander Nevzorov - biography of personal life

Alexander's first marriage was short-lived, he was married to a woman who served in the church choir. The girl Polina was born, but after 10 years the couple divorced. The daughter stayed with her mother.

The father helped his daughter, now Polina Nevzorova lives on her own. The father did not see and did not get acquainted with either Polina's first husband or the actor Sergei Gorobchenko, who became her second husband. Alexander Glebovich remained indifferent to the born grandson, who was named after the famous journalist.

In the second marriage, the relationship did not work out due to the fact that the work prevented the husband and wife from being together more often. Alexander was a good father to his wife's son from his first marriage, Kondrat.

The journalist has been living with his third wife Lydia for twenty years. The difference between them in fifteen years does not burden any of the spouses. Nevzorov protects his wife by placing guards on her. He is afraid for his beloved woman, as he once survived an attempt on his life. Lydia understands that her husband is afraid for the lives of his loved ones. Alexander's wife is a scientist with a degree from the Art Academy. Lydia helps her husband in everything, she gave him a son, Sasha, with whom her husband spends all his free time.

Hobbies of the whole Nevzorov family

Alexander watches animals, writes observation books. In his own horse breeding school, he lectures on the treatment of horses. Nevzorov was in France, went to the horse farm to his friend. Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov - director, publicist, video blogger and hippologist, former reporter and TV presenter of the famous Leningrad TV program of the late 80s "600 seconds", included in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's highest-rated television project, a participant in military conflicts , Deputy of the State Duma of the first four convocations.

A novice in a monastery during Soviet times, Nevzorov later became known as an author of harsh statements about religion, a critic of the Kremlin's policy in Crimea and the Donbass. He is recognized as a reference nonconformist who opposes the prevailing norms of law and order.

Having changed many areas of activity, in each Nevzorov invariably achieved very significant success. He considers horses to be his true vocation, being one of the most famous hippologists in the Russian Federation, the author of hundreds of articles and books on the history, anatomy, physiology and psychology of these noble animals.

Childhood and family

Alexander was born on August 3, 1958 in Leningrad. Mother - Galina Georgievna Nevzorova - a journalist, raised her son alone. Father - Bogomolov Gleb Sergeevich - artist. Maternal grandfather was a state security officer, head of the anti-banditry service in Lithuania in the period from 1946 to 1955. He graduated from school with in-depth study of the French language and the Literary Institute. He sang in the church choir, later received a theological education at the Moscow Theological Academy. He was expelled from the fourth year of this university of the Russian Orthodox Church due to the traditional nature of his sexual orientation (according to Nevzorov himself).

Multilateral activities of Nevzorov: journalism and politics

During his youth, rich in risky adventures, he managed to be a stuntman, a loader, a museum employee, a literary secretary, and a screenwriter.

He became known throughout the country in the late 1980s as a TV journalist, creator and host of the acute social program "600 Seconds". The viewer saw the host of the Leningrad TV program that has become a cult for the first time in the Vzglyad program.

In 1990, an attempt was made on Nevzorov. An unknown informant offered him an interesting compromising evidence, and upon meeting he shot Alexander in the region of the heart. The bullet, fortunately, did not cause significant harm to health - it did not touch the heart.

Nevzorov actively participated in political confrontations and crises in our recent history - in the State Emergency Committee (1991), in shootings in Latvia in Vetsmilgravis, the storming of the Riga Ministry of Internal Affairs building, and the pogroms of the Baltic customs. In 1991, the Central Television showed a film from Nevzorov's series of reports "Ours" about the riot policemen of Vilnius.

In 1993, he did not stand aside during attempts to forcibly seize a television center in Moscow with a demand for the provision of air, protection from the execution of the White House. He hid in the Russian Federation fugitive members of the Black Berets unit of the Vilnius and Riga OMON.

Nevzorov participated in the wars in Yugoslavia, Transnistria, Iraq, Karabakh, Chechnya. Received a shell shock and wounds, was a volunteer-hostage of the terrorists. He has many awards, in particular, the Order "For Personal Courage", medals "Defender of Transnistria", "Participant in combat operations in Chechnya", "For strengthening the military commonwealth".

In addition to the film "Ours" about the events in Lithuania, Transnistria, Karabakh, Nevzorov presented the book "Field of Honor" in 1995, and also made films about the Chechen armed conflict - "Hell" (1995) and "Purgatory" (1997). He was a TV presenter of the programs "Days", "Wild Field", "Nevzorov". The TV show of the film about the storming of Grozny by Russian troops "Hell" caused negative public opinion, which accused the author of bias.

Today he notes that he managed to jump off such a powerful ideological drug, which he considers imperial nationalism. The evolution of his views occurred when he realized how expensive this empire was for the people. The Russian idea, according to Nevzorov, is beautifully packaged in words about kindness and spirituality, but always leads to a meaningless gray result and "the need to wind other people's guts on the tracks of our tanks."

Nevzorov was an adviser to the governors of St. Petersburg (Vladimir Yakovlev and Valentina Matvienko), editor-in-chief at St. Petersburg TV, and was elected to the State Duma four times. In the period from 1994 to 1998 he was an analyst for Boris Berezovsky, a consultant to the Russian government.

Alexander Glebovich is an academician of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, a member of the Union of Journalists of his native city, an adviser to the General Director of Channel One, a full member of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Embryologists. He speaks three foreign languages ​​- French, Lakota, Latin.

Nevzorov's work with horses

Despite a life full of incredible events, a successful career as a politician and an undoubted literary talent, Nevzorov considers his true mission to be the field of activity related to horses. His passion for these animals began with equestrianism and stunts at film studios, and continued with the founding of his own higher horse education school Nevzorov Haute Ecole (“Ecole Schools”). At the Nevzorov School, they strive to establish a dialogue with the horse and reveal its physical and mental capabilities, based on the principle of working with an animal without the use of coercion. Much attention is paid to the health of the horse, communication, and the study of its abilities.

Alexander also leads the “Lessons of Atheism” on the Internet, being sure that there is strict Orthodox censorship on television, and the only place left for a free discussion about religion is on the Web.

Personal life of Alexander Nevzorov

Nevzorov is married. His wife Lydia is a hippologist, writer and editor of school books. The couple has a son Alexander. Nevzorov, together with his wife, made a revolution in the minds of many people who absolutely changed the attitude towards horses as a meat product or vehicle into a true understanding of their exclusivity, their presence of mind and kindness.

Alexander created a number of films about horses - "Horse Encyclopedia", "Crucified and Resurrected Horse", "Lectio Equaria Palaestra" and others, as well as books, among which are "Treatise on School Planting", "Equestrian Sports: Secrets of Mastery".

Nevzorov supports Ukraine's struggle against the "militias of the south-east of the country", considers the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation "marauding". According to the journalist, the Kremlin and the TV-zombified majority, and not the real Russia of Tsiolkovsky, Dobrolyubov and Pavlov, do not want to recognize the fact that Ukraine is a country that has the right to self-determination.

Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov. Born on August 3, 1958 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Soviet and Russian journalist, TV presenter, publicist, director, screenwriter, producer. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (1993-2007).

Father is unknown. A number of sources claimed that the St. Petersburg artist Gleb Sergeevich Bogomolov could have been the father. But Nevzorov himself said that "there are a lot of applicants, but believe me, these are all stories and fairy tales." In one interview, he stated that, according to the most likely version, his father is a representative of the North American Indian people of the Comanche, who was in Leningrad 9 months before his birth during the VI World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. "If I have any national identity, it is Comanche," said Alexander Nevzorov. He said that he once even went to look for his father in Oklahoma, on a reservation near Lawton - "there further to the Washita Mountains", where he found out that he "was a drug dealer, died in a shootout with policemen."

Mother - Galina Georgievna Nevzorova (1936-2001), journalist, worked in the newspaper "Change".

Maternal grandfather - Georgy Vladimirovich Nevzorov, general of the MGB-KGB, in 1946-1955 headed the Department of the USSR Ministry of State Security for combating banditry in the Lithuanian SSR, fought against the "forest brothers".

He was raised by his mother and grandmother.

In 1975 he graduated from high school with an in-depth study of the French language.

He did not serve in the army: from February 22 to March 15, 1975, at the direction of the medical board of the district military registration and enlistment office, he was examined in the psychiatric hospital No. 3 named after Skvortsov-Stepanov.

For a while he was a stuntman.

Since 1983 he has been working on the Leningrad television. He rose to prominence in the late 1980s as a television journalist, author and program host. "600 seconds". For the first time in this capacity, Nevzorov appeared on the air of Leningrad TV in the plot of the Vzglyad program E.Yu. Dodolev.

Since 1984 he has been a chorister in the church choir. According to him, he sang in the choir, because "they paid a lot." He studied at the Moscow Theological Seminary, but was expelled from the fourth year. Later, declaring himself an atheist, he claimed that he did not make a church career due to the fact that he had a "normal sexual orientation."

On December 13, 1990, an assassination attempt was made on him. Nevzorov met with an unknown informant in the wasteland, who two days earlier offered compromising evidence on the official. At the meeting, an unknown person approached the journalist and shot him in the heart area. In response, the journalist fired from a gas pistol, but missed. Nevzorov did not receive significant injuries, since the shooter's bullet passed near the left armpit without hitting the heart and large vessels.

In January 1991, he shot the film "Ours" about the January events in Vilnius, shown on the First Channel of Central Television. The film glorified the fighters of the Vilnius OMON, who remained loyal to the USSR at a time when Lithuania declared its independence. In November of the same year, at a rally in St. Petersburg, Nevzorov proclaimed the creation of the Nashi People's Liberation Movement.

In 1992 he was elected a member of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival.

He was a member of the editorial board of Alexander Prokhanov's newspaper The Day, a member of the Duma of the Russian National Cathedral, a member of the organizing committee of the National Salvation Front.

September 23, 1993 came to the besieged White House. On September 30, 1993, in his 600 Seconds program, Nevzorov, referring to Mikhail Poltoranin, said: “On October 4, events will occur that should be taken very calmly.” It was about the upcoming assault on the building of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, which later happened. In 2013, in an interview with the NTV channel, Nevzorov spoke with regret about his support for the defenders of the House of Soviets and called the supporters of the Supreme Council "insane and possessed shobla."

Participated in many local armed conflicts.

In the early 1990s, he founded the independent television company (NTK) 600. Created a series of reports "Nashi" about Soviet and Russian soldiers in hot spots (Vilnius, Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, etc.).

He made two films about the First Chechen War: Hell (documentary, 1995) and Purgatory (1997). The demonstration on Channel One of the TV film "Hell" about the storming of Grozny by Russian troops caused a negative reaction from representatives of the liberal community, who accused the creator of the film of bias towards the Chechens. In the future, he assessed this conflict as an unnecessary war, in which the authorities used patriotism in the most shameless and criminal way.

In 1995-1999 he was the host of the TV shows "Wild Field", "Days" and "Nevzorov".

From November 2001 to December 2002 he was one of the co-hosts of Mikhail Leontiev in the analytical program "Another Time" on Channel One.

Filmed in 2004 "Horse Encyclopedia", and a year later a book with the same title was published. In them, Nevzorov talks about the role of the horse in history, about its use in different historical eras, and about the relationship of man to this animal. The main attention is paid to the contradictions between the biological nature of the horse and the way of life of horses, formed by man.

Alexander Nevzorov in the film "Horse Encyclopedia"

The film “The Nevzorov Haute École Methodology: Basic Principles”, completed in 2006, presents the audience with the main conceptual points of raising a horse according to the methods of the Nevzorov Haute École School, while not being a teaching aid, but only an introductory one.

In addition, Alexander Nevzorov made a feature documentary film "The Crucified and Resurrected Horse", which was shown on Channel One in early June 2008.

In 2010 he released the film "L.E.P." (“Lectio Equaria Palaestra”, “Manezh horse reading”), which caused a lot of controversy and extremely diverse reviews even before being shown on television.

In 2007-2010, Nevzorov published the Nevzorov Haute École magazine. After losing a lawsuit over the illegal placement of photographs in the magazine, the magazine stopped publishing.

Protests against equestrian sport as a phenomenon. He is the founder, leader and master of the Nevzorov Haute École School.

Since November 2015, he has been one of the hosts of the Panopticon program on the Dozhd TV channel.

He is an adviser to the general director of Channel One.

Social and political activities of Alexander Nevzorov

On December 12, 1993, he was elected to the State Duma of the first convocation in the Central single-mandate constituency No. 210 (St. Petersburg).

In 1994-1998 he was Boris Berezovsky's consultant-analyst.

In December 1995, he was elected to the State Duma in the Pskov single-mandate constituency No. 144.

In December 1999, he ran for the State Duma in a single-mandate constituency (St. Petersburg), but lost to the representative of the Union of Right Forces, Yulia Rybakov.

In March 2000, he ran again for the State Duma of the third convocation in the Vsevolozhsk single-mandate constituency No. 99 (Leningrad Region), since in this constituency in December 1999 the candidate “against all” took the 1st place and by-elections were called. Nevzorov took 1st place.

In December 2003, he won elections to the State Duma of the 4th convocation in the 100th Vsevolozhsk constituency. The well-known criminal authority Vladimir Barsukov worked as an assistant to deputy Nevzorov.

Four times (since 1993) he was nominated to the State Duma as an independent deputy from different constituencies, was a member of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building. Nevzorov became famous for not signing a single bill and never attending meetings. Nevzorov himself claimed that for 4 terms in the State Duma he was exactly 4 times.

On February 7, 2012, Alexander Nevzorov became a confidant in the presidential elections. After Nevzorov's anti-Orthodox remarks, the head of Putin's campaign headquarters said that it would be the right decision to deprive the journalist of the status of a confidant. However, Nevzorov remained a confidant and even campaigned for Putin, calling him "the only one who can keep the empire from falling apart every second from catastrophe." In early 2018, in an interview with Yuri Dudyu, he said that he supported Putin in the elections as a token of gratitude for the fact that in the 1990s he dissuaded his boss, the mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak, from ordering the assassination of Nevzorov.

According to Nevzorov, he is “normal” about euthanasia, abortion, and believes that everyone has the right to commit suicide.

He assessed the inclusion of Crimea into the Russian Federation as "looting". At the same time, he noted that he did not consider himself a moralist and did not see "anything wrong with looting." He supported the Ukrainian army in the fight against the unrecognized DPR and LPR.

He is critical of the action "Immortal Regiment", believing that "the Russian Federation is turning into a sect of Victory."

He declared his intention to return the order “For Personal Courage”, the medal “Defender of Transnistria” and the Cossack Cross “For the Defense of Transnistria”, because, according to him, “Transnistria has turned into a disgusting banana republic that passes laws punishing dissent. So I didn’t fight for this and I don’t want to have anything in common, including even some common trinkets with this area. Because we fought there for freedom and for the opportunity to breathe and think. But today's reality, today's Transnistria, judging by the acceptance of this criminal responsibility for dissent, is something that even has nothing to do with my ideas.

The growth of Alexander Nevzorov: 177 centimeters.

Personal life of Alexander Nevzorov:

Was married three times.

The first wife is Natalya Nikolaevna Nevzorova, an employee of the Scientific Department of Manuscripts of the Russian National Library. We met when we were choristers in church together.

They separated in the late 1980s. After the divorce, Alexander stopped communicating with his ex-wife and daughter.

The second wife is (née Ivanes), a Soviet and Russian actress. They were married in the late 1980s. For a long time, Yakovleva denied this marriage, but in 2017 she admitted that she was married to Alexander Nevzorov: “Now, at 60, we can tell the truth. Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov is an amazing, gentle, smart, beautiful man and friend. Our official marriage lasted a little over a year.Already being married to Kalya (the second husband of Alexandra Yakovleva - site), I fell in love, divorced and married Nevzorov. And then, when I broke up with him, Kalyu and I again lived together for some time.

In 2007, the couple had a son, Alexander.

Alexander Nevzorov is a vegetarian.

Filmography of Alexander Nevzorov:

1990 - You can't live like this (documentary)
1990 - About Nevzorov, who ... (documentary)
1991 - Nevzorov (documentary)
1995 - Criminal Russia. The Great Confrontation (documentary)
- presenter

Directed by Alexander Nevzorov:

1997 - Purgatory
2005 - Horse Encyclopedia (documentary)
2008 - Horse crucified and resurrected (documentary)
2010 - L.E.P. (Lectio Equaria Palaestra) (documentary)

Scripts by Alexander Nevzorov:

1984 - Music by Mravinsky (documentary)
1985 - The Legend of the Musketeers (film-play)
1997 - Purgatory
2005 - Horse Encyclopedia (documentary)
2008 - Horse crucified and resurrected (documentary)

Producer work of Alexander Nevzorov:

1997 Purgatory

Bibliography of Alexander Nevzorov:

1995 - Field of Honor
2005 - Horse Encyclopedia
2008 - Treatise on School Planting
2008 - Fortress "Russia"
2009 - Equestrian sport. Secrets of "mastery"
2010 - Treatise on the work "in the hands"
2010 - A Brief History of Cynicism
2010 - Manege horse reading. Screenplay
2012 - The origin of human personality and intelligence. The experience of generalizing the data of classical neurophysiology
2015 - Resignation of the Lord God. Why does Russia need Orthodoxy?
2016 - Lessons of atheism
2016 - The art of offending

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