Alcoholic: stages of formation and varieties. "Grape Day" - low-alcohol drink

Alcoholic drinks with the right approach give excellent opportunities for relaxation after a hard day's work. This page contains a list of alcoholic drinks that are traditional for different countries of the world. This list of names of alcoholic beverages is far from complete and lacks more than a hundred different types of alcohol. But the most popular alcoholic drinks are presented even with brief descriptions, thanks to which you can make your own first impression. This will help you create your own "wine list" to plan your next tasting. All names of alcoholic beverages are given exactly in the form in which they are familiar to the vast majority of people. Read about the common types of alcoholic beverages, learn about their beneficial and harmful properties. Choose the type of alcoholic drink that will allow you to get the most pleasure from drinking it with minimal negative health consequences. Well, look at the alcoholic drinks in the photo, which richly illustrated the article.

Classification of different traditional alcoholic beverages

Alcohols- These are organic substances that are a chain of carbohydrates, where one hydrogen molecule is replaced by the rest of the water OH. The classification of alcoholic beverages begins with the fact that there are alcohols: ethyl, methyl, propyl, butyl alcohols.

Food grade ethyl alcohol for traditional alcoholic beverages, they are obtained from food raw materials - grain, potatoes, as well as from secondary raw materials of winemaking (grape pomace, yeast sediments).

Technical methyl alcohol extremely toxic, smell and taste does not differ from ethyl. On his account, hundreds of thousands of human lives (accidentally drunk 100 ml of methyl alcohol lead to complete blindness due to toxic damage to the optic nerve, more causes death).

Propyl and butyl alcohols not so toxic, but have a specific smell, which led to their name - fusel oils. Their content is high in moonshine, poorly purified vodka. Therefore, when we say alcohol or alcohol, we mean only ethyl (or wine) alcohol.

Rectified ethyl alcohol (ethanol) intended for various alcoholic beverages can be ordinary or higher purification. The strength of ordinary alcohol is not less than 95.5%, and the highest purification is not less than 96.2%. It is the starting material for the preparation of popular alcoholic drinks such as vodka and fortified wine.

In medicine, ethyl alcohol (95.5% or 70%) is used, which has undergone thorough purification.

List and classification of strong alcoholic beverages

The following is a list of strong alcoholic drinks that are frequent guests on the tables of our compatriots. This classification of strong alcoholic beverages is generally accepted and gives a general idea of ​​​​them. See what strong alcoholic drinks are and decide on your choice.

Strong white alcoholic drink: vodka and tequila

Vodka- This is a strong alcoholic drink (40-56%), which is prepared by treating an aqueous-alcoholic solution with activated carbon, with or without ingredients added to it, followed by filtration. Simply put, vodka is a mixture of rectified alcohol with prepared water. Ethyl alcohol is miscible with water in any ratio.

mexican vodka- This is tequila, an alcoholic drink obtained by distillation of the extract of the cactus of the same name.

Even D. I. Mendeleev calculated the ideal proportion for the preparation of vodka as an alcoholic drink with a percentage ratio of 40: 60, that is, a 40% alcohol solution, which is the most homogeneous mixture, is most easily absorbed and gives a person more warmth. It is not in vain that vodka made in this way has long been used not only for gastronomic purposes, but also for medicinal purposes.

Studies by American and German scientists have led to the conclusion that the normal dose of a white alcoholic drink for an adult man is up to 100 ml of alcohol per day in terms of vodka, and for a woman, respectively, almost 2 times less. Moreover, this dose is not summed up during the week (for example, if a person has not drunk for a whole week, then half a liter per one on Saturday will only harm him, at best - a severe headache).

If a person can limit himself to this dose, he will be able to drink alcohol for many years without harm to his health. At the same time, you need to give yourself a mindset that these self-restrictions are not a forced ban, but a wise distribution of pleasure: having drunk a little today and having fun, you can do it tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and after many, many years in the future. If you do not do this, then you will be forced to face very big problems in a fairly short time.

English alcoholic drinks: scotch and gin

Gin- a strong alcoholic drink obtained by mixing raw alcohol with essential oils of juniper berries, coriander, cardamom, cumin, ginger, cinnamon. The alcohol content in this English alcoholic drink is 40-50%. Gin is colorless. Although gin is produced in many countries, there are two types of gin - Dutch and London dry.

Scotch- This is an alcoholic drink of increased strength and is also traditionally produced and consumed in England and its surrounding territories.

Whiskey alcoholic drink

Whiskey- a strong alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of 40% or more, which is obtained by distillation of fermented grain must, followed by long-term aging (from 3 to 10 years) in oak barrels with charred walls.

The word "whiskey" comes from the Celtic name for this drink - "water of life".

Whiskey is the national drink of the Anglo-Saxon countries. Whiskey production is especially developed in Great Britain, Ireland, the USA and Canada.

Alcoholic drink rum

Rum- a strong alcoholic drink obtained by aging rum alcohol in oak barrels. Rum alcohol is made from fermented sugar cane juice, cane syrup, cane sugar molasses, and other by-products of cane processing.

The resulting alcohol is poured into oak barrels and aged for 5 years. In the process of aging, aromatic, coloring and tannins pass into alcohol. Rum acquires a brown color with a golden hue and a slightly pungent taste. The alcohol content of the final product is below 95%.

Alcoholic drink cognac and brandy

Cognac- a strong alcoholic drink made from cognac spirit, which is obtained by distilling grape wines, followed by aging in oak barrels. Fresh cognac alcohol is colorless, slightly aromatic and sharp in taste. Cognac matures extremely slowly.

Brandy- a strong alcoholic drink obtained by distillation of any fortified juice of fruits or berries, followed by aging. In many countries brandy is known, prepared from apples - Calvados, from plums - slivovitz, from cherries - kirsch, from pears - William.

Brandy from grape wines does not require any clarification for the inscription on the label. Fruit brandy must be accompanied by appropriate explanations (apple brandy, apricot brandy, etc.).

Raw materials for brandy do not undergo thorough cleaning, as for cognac or vodka, and retain their fruity aroma. Brandy is aged both in oak barrels, charred from the inside (to improve the taste), and in other containers.

Before use, brandy is diluted and taken, as a rule, after a meal. It is also used as an ingredient in many cocktails. Strong brandy (80-90%) in undiluted form is not used at all.

In the gastronomic tradition, cognac and brandy are used as a digestif because they promote digestion (from the Latin word digestivus, which translates as a digestive aid).

For a large healthy man (90 kg), 100 ml of cognac is enough for pleasure. A larger dose will not give more pleasure and will only cause dope.

Weak green alcoholic drink

Weak alcoholic drinks in the form of liqueurs are prepared on rectified alcohol, alcoholized fruit and berry juices, infusions of herbs, seeds, flowers, sugar syrup, dye solutions and other substances. These products, in addition to the actual liquor, include drinks such as balm, gin, whiskey, rum.

Liquor is a strong, sweet and spicy alcoholic drink of green color, made from alcoholized juices, fruit or herb infusions, sugar syrup, aromatic infusions, etc.

Alcoholic drink tincture

Alcoholic drink tincture is prepared on alcoholic infusions of spicy and medicinal herbs, roots, fruits, essential oils, which give it a strong pleasant aroma.

Tinctures have a tonic effect on the body. Stimulate appetite. Alcohol content - 30-60%

They are used mainly as flavors of all kinds.

grape alcoholic drink wine

Wine- this is probably the most ancient alcoholic drink, which for many centuries of its existence has found its own unique world, painted with many colors, shades of taste and aroma.

According to the method of production and composition, wines as alcoholic beverages are divided into table, fortified (strong and dessert), flavored and sparkling.

Most natural wines are dry. They are called so because all the sugar contained in them is "dry" fermented into alcohol. There are natural semi-dry or semi-sweet wines in which sugar still remains - due to the natural characteristics of a particular grape variety.

As can be seen from the table, ethyl alcohol in dry grape wines contains from 9 to 16%. But wine is not diluted alcohol. Grape wine, especially red wine, is a source of biologically important substances, the intake of which with other food products is limited or impossible.

According to the famous French physician Louis Pasteur, wine can be considered as the healthiest hygienic drink (of course, if it is not abused). But still, it is an alcoholic drink, which, one way or another, is a stumbling block: to recover or to sleep? There is a completely legitimate question about how much wine you need to drink for health benefits. Of course, it's all about the dose.

It is believed that the consumption of wine in an amount of 5-7% for men and 2-4% for women of the daily caloric intake, subject to a balanced diet, does not adversely affect the body.

Doctors have found that moderate consumption of natural wine reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by up to 35% and mortality due to coronary insufficiency by 15-60%. Two glasses of natural red wine compensate for the damage caused to blood vessels due to smoking one cigarette. In addition, drinking wine reduces the risk of cancer. It has been proven that red wine inhibits the development of leukemia, skin, breast, and prostate cancer.

However, we must remember that the regular intake of wine in large quantities is fraught with alcoholism. Despite the fact that treatment with alcoholic beverages can significantly improve health and at the same time give pleasure, you still need to approach this problem with a completely sober head.

Healing effect of light alcoholic beverages

The practice of treatment with the help of light alcoholic beverages has very ancient roots, this problem remains very relevant at the present time. Scientists from many countries have studied and are studying the effect of alcoholic beverages on the human body. Many serious studies have been carried out, the results of which often surprised the scientists themselves. So, it turned out that people who regularly consume alcoholic beverages in small doses (for example, a small glass of cognac or a glass of dry wine a day) get sick less and live longer than strict teetotalers. So, at the same time, the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease is reduced to 40%. Moreover, only natural alcohol has such a protective effect - wine, cognac, whiskey, grappa, chacha - in general, drinks obtained by conventional distillation. The whole point here is in the natural microimpurities that remain after distillation, but are no longer contained in pure alcohol. They provide a powerful protective effect of natural alcoholic beverages.

Wine, as well as spirits, are recommended for general strengthening of the body, as an analgesic, relaxing and sedative. Of course, everyone knows the antiviral and bactericidal effect of alcoholic beverages. For example, in wine, even diluted, after 10-30 minutes, the pathogens of cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid, polio viruses die. So a glass of good natural wine or cognac is an effective prevention of all kinds of infectious diseases and intestinal disorders.

The most positive effect of natural alcohol on brain activity. For example, a study by American scientists showed that older women who drink a little alcohol every day (a glass of wine, a mug of beer or a glass of cognac) suffer less from age-related deterioration in brain function than teetotalers. Memory problems and other mental disorders appear in them about 20% less often than in non-drinking women.

A glass of cognac or a glass of wine can also lower insulin levels and increase the sensitivity of cells to it. Before the invention of insulin for the treatment of diabetes, for example, mainly alcoholic beverages were used, most often strong wine.

Cognac and wine also help to lose weight by stimulating the secretion of the gallbladder and accelerating the digestion of fats. In general, alcoholic beverages in small doses remarkably activate digestion, food is better absorbed, and toxins and waste products are removed from the body in time.

Natural alcoholic beverages are especially useful for women during and after menopause. It was during this period, due to a sharp decrease in the level of female hormones estrogen, that the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular insufficiency increases. And small doses of alcohol stimulate the production of estrogen by the adrenal glands, thereby supporting the protective functions of the female body.

Even in ancient times, people learned to produce a variety of alcoholic beverages. The list of names includes a huge number of species and varieties. They differ mainly in the raw materials from which they were prepared.

List of low-alcohol alcoholic drinks

. Beer- a low-alcohol drink, obtained by fermenting hops, malt wort and brewer's yeast. The alcohol content in it is 3-12%

. Champagne- sparkling wine obtained by secondary fermentation. Contains alcohol 9-20%.

. Wine- an alcoholic beverage obtained by fermentation of yeast and grape juice of various varieties, the names of which, as a rule, are present in the name. The alcohol content is 9-20%.

. Vermouth- fortified wine, flavored with spicy and medicinal plants, the main component is wormwood. Fortified wines contain 16-18% alcohol.

. Sake- Japanese traditional alcoholic drink. Obtained by fermentation of rice, rice malt and water. The strength of this drink is 14.5-20% vol.

Strong liquor

. Tequila. The traditional Mexican product is obtained from the juice extracted from the core of the blue agave. "Silver" and "Golden" tequila are especially common alcoholic drinks. The list can be continued with such names as "Sauza", "Jose Cuervo" or "Sierra". The best taste is considered to be a drink with an exposure of 4-5 years. The alcohol content is 38-40%.

. Sambuca. A strong Italian liqueur based on alcohol and essential oil derived from anise. White, black and red sambuca are in the greatest demand. Fortress - 38-42%.

. Liqueurs. Strong sweet alcoholic drinks. The list can be divided into 2 categories: cream liqueurs (20-35%), dessert (25-30%) and strong (35-45%).

. Cognac. A strong alcoholic drink based on cognac spirit obtained by distillation of wine. Distillation takes place in special copper cubes, the product is subject to subsequent aging in oak barrels for at least two years. After diluting alcohol with distilled water, it acquires a strength of 42-45%.

. Vodka. Refers to strong drinks with an alcohol content of 35-50%. It is a mixture of water and alcohol, which is made from natural products by fermentation followed by distillation. The most popular drinks: vodka "Absolute", "Wheat", "Capital".

. Brandy. An alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice by distillation. The alcohol content in it is 30-50%.

. Gin. A strong alcoholic drink with a unique taste, obtained by distillation of wheat alcohol and juniper. To enhance the taste, natural additives may be present in it: lemon or orange peel, anise, cinnamon, coriander. The strength of gin is 37.5-50%.

. Whiskey. A strong drink that is made by fermenting, distilling and aging cereals (barley, corn, wheat, etc.). Aged in oak barrels. Contains alcohol in the amount of 40-50%.

. Rum. One of the strongest alcoholic drinks. It is made on the basis of alcohol aged in barrels for at least 5 years, due to which it acquires a brown color and a burning taste. The strength of rum varies from 40 to 70%.

. Absinthe. A very strong drink with an alcohol content of 70 to 85%. It is based on alcohol, wormwood extract and a set of herbs such as anise, mint, licorice, calamus and some others.

Here are the main alcoholic drinks. This list is not final, it can be continued with other names. However, all of them will be derived from the main composition.

Types of alcoholic drinks

All drinks containing ethanol in varying amounts, also known as alcohol, are called alcoholic beverages. Basically they are divided into three classes:

3. Strong alcoholic drinks.

Bread kvass. Depending on the manufacturing method, it may contain from 0.5 to 1.5% alcohol. Prepared on the basis of malt (barley or rye), flour, sugar, water, it has a refreshing taste and bread aroma.

Proper beer. It is made from almost the same ingredients as kvass, but with the addition of hops and yeast. Regular beer contains 3.7-4.5% alcohol, but there is still strong beer, where this percentage rises to 7-9 units.

Kumis, ayran, bilk. Drinks based on fermented milk. May contain up to 4.5% alcohol.

Energy alcoholic drinks. They contain tonic substances: caffeine, guarana extract, cocoa alkaloids, etc. The alcohol content in them ranges from 7-8%.

Second category

Natural grape wines. Depending on the sugar content and the variety of the main raw materials, they are divided into dry, semi-dry, sweet and semi-sweet, as well as white and red. The names of the wines also depend on the grape varieties used: "Riesling", "Rkatsiteli", "Isabella" and others.

Natural fruit and berry wines. They can be made from various berries and fruits and are also classified by sugar content and color.

Special grades

These include Madeira, Vermouth, Port, Sherry, Cahors, Tokay other. These wines are made by special methods and in a specific wine-growing area. In Hungary, in the manufacture of Tokay, a “noble” mold is used, which allows the berries to dry right on the vine. In Portugal, Madeira is aged in special solariums under the open sun; in Spain, sherry matures under a yeast film.

Table, dessert and fortified wines. The former are prepared using natural fermentation technology, the latter are very sweet and flavored, and the third are fortified with alcohol to the desired degree. They can all be red, pink and white in color.

Champagne and other sparkling wines. Of these, French is the most popular, but in other countries there are no less worthy drinks, for example, Portuguese spumante, Spanish cava or Italian asti. Sparkling wines are distinguished by their special appearance, delicate aroma, and interesting taste. Their main difference from still wines is playful bubbles. The color of the drinks can be pink and white, but sometimes there are sparkling red wines. According to the sugar content, they are divided into dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet. The quality of a wine is determined by the number and size of the bubbles, how long they last and, of course, how they taste.

These types of alcoholic beverages have a strength of not more than 20% vol.

The third and largest category

Vodka. An alcoholic beverage made from cereals containing 40% alcohol. By way of continuous distillation, a new product was obtained at one time, called Absolut vodka, and its producer, Lare Olsen Smith, was awarded the title of "king of vodka". Sometimes this drink is infused with herbs, citrus fruits or nuts. Made using Swedish technology from high-purity alcohol, vodka rightfully occupies one of the first places in the rating of alcoholic beverages in this category. It is used to prepare various cocktails.

Tinctures bitter. They are obtained by insisting vodka or alcohol on aromatic spices, herbs or roots. Fortress 25-30 degrees, but can rise up to 45 degrees, for example, "Pepper", "Stark" or "Hunting".

Sweet drinks

The tinctures are sweet. They are prepared on the basis of alcohol or vodka, mixed with fruit drinks and sugar, the content of which can reach 25%, while the alcohol content usually does not exceed 20%. Although some drinks are stronger, for example, the Excellent tincture contains 40% alcohol.

Pouring. They differ in that they are made on the basis of fresh berries or fruits without yeast, but with the addition of strong vodka and a large amount of sugar. These types of alcoholic drinks are very thick and sweet. The name of the liqueurs tells what they are made of: plum, dogwood, strawberry. Although there are strange names: "spotykach", "casserole". They contain 20% alcohol and 30-40% sugar.

Liqueurs. Thick, very sweet and strong drinks. They are made by mixing molasses or sugar syrup with alcohol infused with various herbs, spices, essential oils and other aromatic substances. There are dessert liqueurs - with an alcohol content of up to 25%, strong - 45% and fruit and berry, with a strength of 50%. Any of these varieties requires exposure from 3 months to 2 years. The name of alcoholic beverages indicates what aromatic additives were used in the preparation of the product: Vanilla, Coffee, Raspberry, Apricot, and so on.

Strong grape drinks

Cognacs. They are made on the basis of cognac spirits, and spirits are obtained by fermentation of various grape varieties. One of the first places in the line is occupied by Armenian cognac. The most popular is "Ararat", "Nairi", "Armenia", "Jubilee" are no less famous. Of the French, the most popular are Hennessy, Courvoisier, Martel, Hain. All cognacs are divided into 3 categories. The first includes ordinary drinks aged for 3 years. The second is vintage cognacs, which have a minimum aging period of 6 years. The third includes drinks-long-lived, called collection. Here the shortest exposure is 9 years.

French, Azerbaijani, Russian, Armenian brandy is produced and sold by cognac houses founded more than one century ago and still dominating the market.

Grappa. Italian vodka based on grape pomace, aged in oak or cherry barrels from 6 months to 10 years. The value of the drink depends on the aging period, the grape variety and the place where the vine grows. Grappa's relatives are Georgian chacha and South Slavic brandy.

Very strong liquor

Absinthe- one of them. Its main component is an extract of bitter wormwood. The essential oils of this plant contain the substance thujone, which is the main component of the drink. The more thujone, the better the absinthe. The price directly depends on the percentage of this substance and on the originality of the drink. Along with wormwood, absinthe includes anise, mint, angelica, licorice and other herbs. Whole wormwood leaves are sometimes placed at the bottom of the bottles to confirm the naturalness of the product. Thujone in absinthe can contain from 10 to 100%. By the way, the drink is presented in two varieties - silver and gold. So, "golden" absinthe, the price of which is always quite high (from 2 to 15 thousand rubles per liter), is banned in Europe precisely because of the large amount of the substance mentioned above, reaching 100%. The usual color of the drink is emerald green, but it can be yellow, red, brown and even transparent.

Rum. Prepared by fermentation from the residual products of sugar cane - syrup and molasses. The quantity and quality of the product depends on the type and type of raw materials. The following types of rum are distinguished by color: Cuban "Havana", "Varadero" (light or silver); gold or amber; Jamaican "Captain Morgan" (dark or black); Martinican (made only from cane juice). The strength of the rum is 40-75 gr.

Strong drinks with fruit juice

Calvados. One of the varieties of brandy. For the preparation of the product, 50 varieties of apples are used, and for uniqueness, a pear blend is added. Then the fruit juice is fermented and clarified by double distillation and brought to 70 degrees. Aged in oak or chestnut barrels from 2 to 10 years. Then, with softened water, the fortress is reduced to 40 o.

Gin, Balsam, Aquavit, Armagnac. They are also included in the third category, since alcohol is present in all of them. These are all strong alcoholic drinks. Prices for them depend on the quality of alcohol ("Lux", "Extra"), the strength and aging of the drink, the brand and the constituent components. Many contain extracts of aromatic herbs and roots.

Homemade drinks

Homemade moonshine is also a prominent representative of strong alcoholic beverages. Craftsmen make it from different products: it can be berries, apples, apricots or other fruits, wheat, potatoes, rice, any jam. Sugar and yeast must be added to them. All of this is shattered. Then, by distillation, a strong drink is obtained with an alcohol content of up to 75%. For greater purity of the product, a double distillation can be done. Homemade moonshine is purified from fusel oils and other impurities by filtration, then it (optional) is either insisted on various herbs, nuts, spices, or diluted with fruit drinks, essences, juices. With proper preparation, this drink will not yield to various vodkas and tinctures in terms of taste.

Finally, I would like to remind you of two simple rules, following which you will be able to maintain your health and not be bored in a cheerful company: do not abuse alcohol and do not spend money on low-quality drinks. And then everything will be fine.

Drinking alcohol has a negative effect on the state of the body. Alcohol abuse can lead to unpredictable consequences and serious pathologies. But all these factors do not affect the popularity of this product. Alcohol production is one of the largest in the world.

Types of alcoholic beverages consist of dozens of positions, and it is not possible to list all the brands that exist today.

Alcoholic brands are among the most expensive brands, the volume of alcohol production worldwide is amazing, and new types of alcoholic beverages appear with astonishing regularity.

Alcohol is a faithful companion of any feast. Weddings, birthdays, corporate parties and other events do not pass without the use of alcoholic beverages. Today, the assortment is so rich that each person is able to find a drink to his taste.

The wealth of choice leads to the fact that the problem arises of how to choose a drink that will appeal to everyone. Alcoholic beverages can be classified in several ways. The first way is to classify drinks according to the way they are made:

  1. Drinks to be obtained, which use the fermentation procedure.
  2. Drinks made by distillation.

This classification allows us to divide all types of alcoholic beverages into several categories that differ in the main components. The role of such components can be both fruits and vegetables, and various cereals.

The second way to classify alcohol is to divide products according to the following three criteria:

  • low alcohol;
  • medium strength drinks;
  • strong.

Low alcohol drinks

The category of low alcohol includes those products, the percentage of alcohol in which does not exceed eight percent. This category includes sweet alcoholic drinks, beer and some national products. The list of low-alcohol drinks includes more than ten items.

Beer. One of the most popular alcoholic products in the world. The history of this intoxicating drink has more than several thousand years. Recognized brewers are countries such as Germany, Russia and the Czech Republic. The strength of the beer starts at five degrees and rises higher. In addition, beer can be produced both in non-alcoholic form and with a very high strength.

Braga. The basis of this product are vegetables and fruits. Braga is obtained as a result of fermentation and often acts as the main component in the manufacture of moonshine.

In general, all types of alcoholic beverages are divided into groups depending on the strength.

Toddy. Toddy is made by South American countries from palm sap. For the manufacture of the product, a fermentation technique is used.

Kvass. The history of this drink has many hundreds of years. Traditional kvass, made from sour milk, contains about one and a half percent alcohol.

Cider. The strength of cider depends primarily on the country in which it is made. In France, cider is made with 2% alcohol. In Germany, this percentage can be raised to seven. Apple juice is used to make cider. All fermentation processes are based on a technique that excludes the addition of yeast.

Perry. Perry is one of the drinks, the method of preparation of which is similar to cider. Perry is made from pear juice and sugar. The strength of such a drink ranges from five to eight and a half degrees.

Khuremge. The traditional alcoholic product comes from Buryatia. Khuremge is made from whey. The fortress is from two to eight degrees.

Icevine. This drink can be classified as one of the varieties of wines. The fact is that the drink is made from grapes, but the fruits of the plant must survive the frost. It is thanks to this approach that the drink got its name. The strength of this wine is about eight degrees.

Togba. Togba is an alcohol that comes from Nepal and, according to legend, it is madly adored by yetis. Togba is made by fermenting cereals. This alcohol must be consumed hot, using a straw.

Khandi. Khandi is an alcohol originating in India. Only women have the right to make such a product, and the process of its manufacture follows strict rules. The strength of Khandi is eight degrees, and rice, herbs and the roots of some plants are used to make it.

With the help of various additives and preparation methods, at least 100 types of alcoholic beverages are available today.

Medium strength drinks

This type of alcohol includes drinks containing up to thirty percent alcohol. The following products can be included in this category.

Mead. A product obtained by mixing alcohol and honey.

Mulled wine. This subspecies of wine is made from fruits and spices.

Wine. One of the products that is rich in its subspecies. There are more than a hundred types of wines, which differ in composition and method of preparation. The strength of the wine can reach twenty-five degrees. Recognized winemakers are countries such as France and Spain.

Sake. Wine originated in Japan. This type of wine product is made from rice, and its strength is about twenty degrees.

Port wine. Another branch of the wine family. Port wine is made from a special type of grapes and the alcohol content in it reaches twenty percent. The birthplace of this wine is Portugal.

Madeira. Another type of wine from Portugal. The fortress of Madeira is about twenty degrees. The main feature of such a drink is that in order to make it, high temperatures are used.

Sherry. The peculiarity of the Spanish Sherry is that the fermentation of grapes takes place under a kind of film from a special type of yeast. The strength of Jerez is twenty degrees.

Marsala. Product from the wine family. The fortress of Marsala is approaching the mark of eighteen degrees. Marsala is considered a dessert subspecies of wine, originally from Sicily.

Malaga. This wine product got its name from the place of production, the Spanish winery Malaga. The strength of the resulting product can be from thirteen to twenty-two degrees. Several types of grapes are used for production.

Both strong and low-alcohol drinks are very harmful to the body in excessive doses.

Tokay. Wine comes from Hungary, which is considered to be a separate product. The fortress of Tokay is twelve percent. The main component is a special kind of honey.

Vermouth. According to one legend, vermouth was created by Hippocrates himself in the fifth century BC. When preparing vermouth, medicinal herbs and plants are used. The main component of this fortified wine is wormwood. Today, vermouth is traditionally made in Italy and France.

Champagne. A sparkling wine that many people associate with solemnity and mystery. Champagne is produced by winemakers from the small province of Champagne. This French product contains up to thirteen percent alcohol.

Sato. Sato is one of the brightest representatives of the wine family. This Thai type of wine is made from rice grains. The alcohol content in this alcohol is about ten degrees.

Cynar. Italian composition containing a mixture of artichokes, spices, special herbs and seventeen percent ethyl alcohol.

Campari. Liquor named after its creator G. Campari. For the preparation of liqueur, fruits and herbs with a bitter aroma are used. The alcohol content in such a liquor is about twenty-eight percent.

Koumiss. The birthplace of koumiss is Central Asia. This drink is made from milk, yeast and alcohol. There are several options for preparing koumiss, differing in strength. The maximum strength of koumiss is forty degrees.

Grog and punch. These drinks are combined, since both are derived from independent products. Grog is rum that is diluted to reduce the strength of the product. Punch is a product obtained by mixing certain types of wines and fruit juices.

Recioto. One of the representatives of the wine family comes from Italy. The fortress of rechoto is fifteen degrees.

Pisco. French wine, the strength of which is at around twenty-two degrees. It is made from grape juice with the addition of cognac spirit. It is very important that the age of such alcohol must be at least several years old.

Pulque. A Mexican product obtained from the fermentation of the agave fruit. The alcohol content in this composition is about eighteen percent.

Most often, spirits are called alcoholic beverages in which the percentage of alcohol is higher than 20

Strong alcoholic drinks

Drinking strong alcohol is dangerous to health. The strength of such a product can reach eighty degrees. The most popular spirits:

  • vodka;
  • cognac;
  • whiskey;
  • brandy;
  • absinthe;
  • sambuca;
  • gin;
  • tequila;
  • chacha.

It does not make sense to describe the above drinks, since most consumers are familiar with these products. Strong alcohol can be made from a variety of ingredients, so only the most unusual formulations are worth considering.

Akvavit. Literally translated, the name reads "water of life." Akvavit is made in Norway from ordinary potatoes. The alcohol content of the product is fifty percent.

Arak. Arak is an ambiguous drink. For its manufacture, various types of natural raw materials and manufacturing techniques are used. So the fortress of such a composition can be from forty to fifty degrees. Arak is native to Central Asia.

Pastis. Pastis is one of the derivatives of absinthe from France. The history of the production of this anise vodka has about a hundred years. The strength of such vodka is forty-five degrees.

Mastic. Another type of alcohol made from anise. Mastic is a traditional Bulgarian drink and its strength is forty-seven degrees.

Armagnac. The birthplace of Armagnac is the province of Gascony, located in France. The alcohol level in the composition is at around forty percent. The manufacturing technique consists in distilling wine from grapes with the addition of fresh berries.

Grappa. Initially, Italian grappa was made from waste wine raw materials. The alcohol content in grappa can reach fifty percent.

Calvados. One of the subspecies of brandy, which is made from apple cider. The alcohol content of this product averages forty percent.

Kirschwasser. Kirschwasser was first made in Germany at the beginning of the seventeenth century. The strength of the drink is about forty degrees, and the main ingredient is black cherries.

Low-alcohol drinks usually include a variety of cocktails, wines, beer, liqueurs.

Slivovitz. A subspecies of brandy, with a strength of forty-five degrees, made from plum juice. The production of this alcohol is established in Bulgaria and Serbia.

Metaxa. A Greek composition based on a mixture of grape wine, grape apple brandy and herbal tincture. The alcohol content in metax is about forty percent.

Schnapps. The basis for the preparation of schnapps can be both cereals and the fruits of fruit trees. Schnapps originated in Germany. The product manufactured in this country contains forty percent ethyl.

Bourbon. An American type of whiskey made from corn on the cob. The strength of the bourbon is about fifty degrees.

Maotai. The birthplace of this drink is China. Maotai is a festive drink, the use of which is associated with the celebration. It is made from cereals and has a strength of fifty-three degrees.

Ouzo. A mixture of alcohol solution and special herbs. The birthplace of the drink is Greece. The composition contains about fifty percent alcohol.

Cancers. Strong alcohol from Turkey. Raki contains fifty percent alcohol. This alcoholic product is made from grape wine and anise.

Tutovka. Caucasian product made from the fruits of the mulberry tree. This drink has a unique aroma, and its strength is already eighty degrees.


The most correct classification of alcohol is to separate drinks according to their strength. Knowing the approximate composition and percentage of alcohol in the liquid, you can calculate not only the correct dosage of the drink, but also save yourself from the consequences of a hangover.

In contact with

“Blue gave birth to me, Blue will kill me!”

Orgasm Nostradamus

Prerequisites for alcoholism

The main prerequisite for alcoholism is, apparently, the use of alcohol. Societal attitudes towards this form of substance abuse have given rise to erroneous patterns of alleged prerequisites, such as: retardation, a desire to assert oneself and bad heredity (so if your grandfather was a drunkard, most likely, when using, you will also follow in his footsteps), allegedly leading to the need to make up for the loss by taking additional measures. The decrease in operating time can have at least 2 reasons:

  • age-related fall (and a possible increase in the production of alcohol dehydrogenase);
  • suppression of the production of one's own alcohol by homeostasis support systems with regular excess intake of it into the body from the outside.

It is believed that stress also contributes, which is why it is so tempting to treat nerves with a drink. And after the “treatment”, you have to make up for the decrease in operating time again in the same way. Treatment over time flows into the chronic stage, and the patient begins to enjoy the very process of "treatment", but he is interested in the result a little more than nothing.

The risk group includes people over 40 years old, as well as some ethnic groups. It can be assumed that in this country, as in a number of Scandinavian countries, those who initially have an excess of alcohol dehydrogenase are prone to drunkenness: the consequences of pleasure are barely perceptible, and with age, there is less and less of their own ethanol and it turns into aldehydes faster and faster. It is easy to see that the chronicles get drunk already from small doses. Also, some nationalities get drunk from small doses.

Alkonaut's fetus

A schoolboy who has just discovered alcohol. He cannot drink much, but he always eats shit, because he tries very hard. Secretly sad that at children's parties they now give nasty booze, and not what they used to. He gets pleasure from alcohol: 1) quietly pouring it into his friend's juice and watching the reaction; 2) telling the company how he vomited the day before. A separate point of pride is the strength of the drink, subsequently vomited up. The limit of steepness is the ability to drink in one gulp. Another limit to steepness is to drink and come to a disco at your native school, so much so that they don’t sniff out and take you to the director on a showdown on Monday.

Alkonaut chick

Already, as a rule, not a schoolboy, but a studio student or a vocational school student. Proud of being able to drink. As a proof of his skill, he always drinks to the bone, as much as he can fit, then he tries to keep the drink inside longer (vomiting is no longer cool). At first, he prefers cheap wines and beer to vodka, since in the first place is the amount of liquid, and a lot of vodka is expensive.

A special subspecies is the BEER Alkonaut chick, convinced that drinking "beer" is not only not harmful to health, but, on the contrary, supposedly very useful. Such alkonauts are found everywhere. Favorite habitat: pissed-off porches, dirty benches (on which they sit, as befits birds, climbing up with their feet and pecking at seeds like a snack), as well as "birdhouses" abandoned for the weekend by their parents.

At a later stage, he becomes disillusioned with “beers” and returns to burnt “vodkas” (it’s more economical) or begins to use heavier substances.

The limit of steepness is to drink in small sips (again, an analogy with a bird). Considers the use of alcohol and other substances as a sign of adulthood. I am sure that the state / parents pay for 4-6 years of life in a hostel and lectures missed with a hangover, just so that he would drink and dissolve his brain with alcohol.

A distinctive feature of drinking piss from carriers of MPC is that drinking occurs in leaps and bounds, that is, many times faster than in male monkeys. Moreover, such a drunken beauty manages not only to fuck up the stash hidden in the folder, but also to lose her virginity at the age of 15 in the dirty basement of the entrance of her own house. Having taken on boobs, as a rule, he behaves extremely defiantly, because under the influence of doping, CSF flies into the stratosphere and above. Can fall into hysterics, which also delivers. The cure for this disease is most often a healing pinus, determined at the right time in the right hole. This is where the meme “to caress with a life-giving dick”, which has managed to grow with a goat’s beard, originates from here.

Drunkard festive

For reasons unknown to science, he believes that on some days of the calendar it is healthy and fun to drink, while on others it is sad, graceless and generally alcoholism. Because of these restrictions, he waits for any holiday as the Kingdom of the Lord, slowly begins to drink the day before the allowed date, and finishes 2-7 days later. On the holiday itself, he drinks three times more than the lethal dose and performs in such a way that memories visit everyone until the next significant date, but he denies everything, emphasizing his difference from some Vasya, who was lying under the fence. Guided by TKP - The Theory of Cultural Drinking (not to be confused with Warm Checkered Plaid). Favorite phrases are “I drink culturally”, “I know when to stop”, “it’s a sin not to drink on a holiday.” I am sure that he will always drink as much as he drinks now.

At later stages, he learns to look for a holiday in everything - at those jobs where a lot of holiday alkonauts gather, literally everything is celebrated together, right up to buying a table (and often fucks up its tenfold cost). Other valid holidays - Glass Day (see below), end of the working day, Friday, our win / lose, Some bullshit day (radio, groundhog), Some asshole day (gynecologist, raillayer), weekends, N- th day (before/after) vacation, first/last day of the season, such-and-such died/born today, salary, new employee, monthly anniversary of the company, anniversary of the Battle of Dryschensk, Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the six Ecumenical Councils, etc. Not finding a suitable occasion, he comes up with brilliant excuses to the best of his mental abilities, for example: “Someone has a birthday today!”.

The limit of steepness is not to get drunk in a pussy for any reason and consider yourself a fucking strong-willed person who "knows the measure."

At the word “sobriety”, he shits with bricks and loves the saying “If a person does not drink, then he is either sick or an asshole”, which supposedly is a slightly modified statement of the great Russian classic, in the original sounding “If a person does not drink or smoke, you willy-nilly start wonder if he's a bastard." It should be noted that this quote is not found in the complete works of the classic.


He leads his wife or girlfriend, who helps the alkonaut to comply with the norm by fucking his brain. A woman demands from a man "not to drink too much", in other words - to drink exactly as much as she needs to mow herself. His wife never asks him not to drink at all, because she herself wants to drink culturally. Once outside the radiation radius of his wife, such a wino instantly pours into himself everything that he sees around, because of which he exceeds the norm by dozens of times and leaves home riding on his wife, mumbling that he was tired at work and half a glass of wine took him away. In the later stages, he learns to mix water into his juice (or into champagne) and manages to get drunk right in front of his wife.

The limit of steepness is to come up with a reason to miss each other with his wife for 2 minutes and have time to hit zero.

drunk healer

Sacredly believes that strong drinks in small doses are useful in any quantities. Often confirms his words by the fact that he works as a doctor or nurse. Or he knows a doctor who advises drinking vodka in case of any illness. He certainly knows a person who would have died if he had not been filled with water and wrapped in a blanket in time. To the question "how much is a small amount?" replies that it is individual for everyone. He usually drinks as much as he likes. I'm sure it's scientifically proven. I didn’t check it myself, but I read two articles on this topic in Mens Health magazine, and in general the usefulness of alcohol simply needs to be scientifically proven. He's so... so! “If alcohol were harmful, then it would not take many thousands of years for humanity to understand this.” In general, alcohol in small doses is good. And sobriety is evil.

Drinking alcohol during meals is considered not only extremely useful (“any doctor will confirm”), but also indispensable for a person (“I’m not a dog to eat without vodka”).

In the later stages, booze treats all sorts of pains, often caused by the use itself (rheumatism, liver, stomach). The booze really takes the pain away. Also gives rheumatic people a reason to legally go doggy style.

The limit of steepness is to catch a runny nose, get drunk on vodka with pepper and pass out, wake up in the morning with nausea and a hump, but without snot. He loves the saying that the “golden mean” is important in everything, forgetting that in some places it does not exist, for example, in rape, insanity and robbery. But alcohol definitely has it, he is 100 percent sure of it.

By the way, many lovers of laying behind the collar flatly refuse to believe in an obvious, scientifically proven fact: vodka cures a cold only if it is rubbed into the skin. That false feeling of warmth when consumed internally will not lead to magical healing, because with large doses of alcohol, a crazy body begins to lose water, and without water, viruses will sit in it for a long time and thoroughly.

Alkonaut fucked up

He knows that the above cases do not bring joy. Several times I tried to “tie up” for a period of 3 to 120 days. It didn't work out for many reasons. He scored on the calendar, made a pact with his wife and began to drink less, but regularly. He thinks that a little drink once every 3 days is not scary. How much and what is not specified. The limit of steepness - when everyone is drinking, loudly announce "I don't drink" and eat juice / mineral water for the rest of the evening. Then get drunk alone. It is precisely such a wino at the time of the tie that is called by all other drunks a “teetotaler” and is drawn as a complete sufferer and poor fellow. Although he himself explains the new binge something like this: “I realized that I might not drink, but I made my personal independent choice. I'm not some kind of ulcer."

Alkonaut formed

Actually, subject. By the way, the only one among us, my drunken friends, who understands: drinking is not for the sake of a fucking buzz or taste, but because with regular use, life without it becomes boring. The limit of steepness is to get drunk in the ass, licking a drop of vodka and sniffing bread crumbs.

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