Antioxidants (antioxidants) E300 - E399. E300 - L-ascorbic acid E300 Food supplement harmful or not

Food additive E-300 refers to a group of antioxidants, has an artificial origin.

Another, better name - ascorbic acid, or vitamin C.

Unlike natural vitamin C contained in vegetables and fruits (oranges, cabbage, apples), E-300 is obtained using a glucose synthesizing method.

E-300 has the form of a very fine white powder (or slightly yellowish), without a pronounced smell, soluble in water and other liquids (alcohol). In oil liquids, it is practically not dissolved. The powder has an acidic taste.

Attention. Ascorbic acid is sensitive to exposure high temperaturesWhen heated has a property to collapse.

History of origin and application

For the first time ascorbic acid in synthetic form was obtained in 1928. In 1932, the fact was confirmed positive treatment Qinggi with vitamin C. For a long time, Vitamin C was used exclusively in therapeutic purposesScientists assumed that the reception of large doses of ascorbic acid raises immunity and increases the resistance to viral diseases.

Vitamin C was synthesized from natural products by excretion of sugar alcohol, subsequent oxidation and separation of pure powdered ascorbic acid.

In Russia, the E-300 additive began to be actively synthesized from the 50s of the last century, first for the pharmaceutical industry. But then the additive was widely used in food Industry Due to the ability to improve product quality and increase the shelf life.

Goals use

The E-300 additive is more often used in the food industry as an antioxidant.

The main purpose is to reduce the activity of oxidative processes, the preservation of natural color.

Ascorbic acid is actively used as an acidity regulator, including in baby nutrition (vegetable and fruit juices and mashed potatoes).

Objectives of using E-300 in different food products:

  • sausages, meat products - saving color, increase storage time;
  • fruit and berry juices - protection against oxidation and color change;
  • bakery products and pastries - improving the quality of flour, taste quality of finished products;
  • preservation (fish, vegetable, meat) is an increase in the expirational time, preventing fermentation and oxidation;
  • wine and beer - to prevent fermentation and improve taste, increasing transparency.

E-300 food additive is actively used in the other fields:

  1. pharmacological industry - Vitamin C is used as independently, it is part of vitamin complexesinjections;
  2. cosmetology industry - Ascorbic acid is used as an integral part of creams, masks, gels and lotions due to the ability to strengthen and deeply clean the skin and hair;
  3. livestock breeding - E-300 is part of feed for large and small cattle, benefits is to increase productivity and prevent avitaminosis.

Reference. Vitamin C is popular in folk medicine as a means OT. cold illnessreduced immunity, stomatitis and other diseases.

Benefit and harm, effect on the body

Dangerous or not for a person given food supplement? Food additive E-300 is recognized as safe, allowed to use in Russia, countries of the former CIS, EU.

Ascorbic acid is necessary for the human body, it maintains the optimal biochemical level of vital processes for the exchange of substances and energy production.

There is a permitted daily dosage of the use of ascorbic acid -80-100 instant for adult men and women, for adolescents - no more than 80 mg. The lack of vitamin C leads to a violation of the adequate work of the body:

  • with general weakening of immunity, frequent morbidity;
  • reduce vision;
  • deterioration of the condition of the skin and hair;
  • total weakness, high fatigue;
  • development of fragility of vessels;
  • development of symptoms of zing.

But the excess admission of E-300 with food can harm the body.

With daily abuse of ascorbic acid in large doses (400-500 mg), negative consequences may develop:

  1. allergic reactions;
  2. disorder of digestion, diarrhea, intestinal pain;
  3. development of urolithiasis.

Ascorbic acid is able to increase blood clotting, so persons prone to thrombosis and problems with cardiovascular system Must carefully monitor the level of consumption of vitamin C.

The food additive E-300 is part of the food, daily eaten. With all the benefits of a person, the uncontrolled reception of vitamin C is unacceptable. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the composition of the consumed products to avoid health problems in the future.

The unique properties of ascorbic acid are known for a long time.

The opening of a valuable product dates back to the era of great geographic wanders. Navigators suffering from zingi noticed that acidic fruits and needle tea helps to cope with terrible disease.

Several scientists almost simultaneously got sour powder from lemon. Vitamin C began to give weakened sailors. Mortality from Qing has decreased.

A doctor from Hungary Albert Saint-Dieurdi in 1929 allocated a yellowish crystalline substance from orange and cabbage juice. The product was called hexuronic acid. Three years later, the scientist asked the chemist from Great Britain of Norman Heuorz to determine the chemical structure of the new powder.

The result was surprised: hexuronic acid and vitamin C were the same substance. Under the new name ascorbic acid (from the Latin scorbut-qing), the miraculous drug quickly began to gain popularity.

The discovery value was so large that both scientists in 1937 were awarded the Nobel Prize.

Ascorbic acid, L- (international name ASCORBIC ACID, L-). Index in the European Codification E 300 (E-300).

Alternative names:

  • vitamin C (Vitaminc);
  • 3-keto-b-gulofuranolactone; 2,3-diedehydro-b-threhydro-1,4-lactone (chemical terms);
  • Ascorbinsaure; L-Ascorbinsaure (German);
  • Acide ascorbique; Acide L-Ascorbique (French).

Type of substance

Food additive E 300 is an organic connection. Refers to the group. Ascorbic acid has four stereoisomers. Only L - biologically active.

You can select antioxidant from many natural sources: fruit, needles, leaves and currant berries, vegetables, rosehip fruits.

IN industrial scale Ascorbic acid is obtained by alternating microbiological and chemical reactions.

At the first stage, the restoration of the aldehyde group of o-glucose gives the corresponding sugar alcohol B-sorbitol. It is purified by a biological catalyst (for example, corn extract) and ammonium nitric acid saline. As a result, the microbiological reaction B-sorbitol is oxidized in B-sorboz. It is chemical because ascorbic acid is obtained.

Food additive E 300 is considered synthetic.


Indicator Standard values
Color white, yellow shade is allowed
Structure ascorbic acid, empirical formula with 6 H 8 0 6
Appearance crystal Powder Fine Fractions
Smell absent
Solubility good in water and methanol, bad in other alcohols; not dissolve in oil liquids
Content of the main substance 99%
Taste sour
Others it is destroyed when heated, exposure to heavy metals. Unstable to freezing. High photosensitivity


Ascorbic acid is packaged in double bags of polyethylene film.

Packages are placed in a tin barrel or a carton authentic drum (normal volume 5, 25 or 35 kg).

The packaging should be tightly evaporated with covers.


The main consumer of ascorbic acid is the food industry.

Use in products controls SanPine

Antioxidant is allowed in vegetable and fruit juices for children from the first year of life (300 mg per 1 kg of body weight).

Apply in the preparation of the following products:

  • fruit juices and nectars;
  • marmalady, jams;
  • milk dry and condensed;
  • fruits and vegetables frozen, canned;
  • oils and fats vegetable and animals (with the exception of olive);
  • meat products boiled and smoked;
  • bakery, pasta;
  • fish and seafood (including surface treatment);
  • beer;
  • milk products;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • champagne wines.

The list is not complete. Useful antioxidant apply all food industries.

Main producers

The only manufacturer of ascorbic acid in Russia, working on its own raw materials - the company "Marbiofarm (Republic of Mari El). The company takes about 20% of the domestic market.

Produces an additive E 300 plant "Vostokvit" (city Biysk). The company works on technical Chinese raw materials, cleaning ascorbic acid to food level.

Plans to launch its own complex for processing grain wheat to ascorbic acid Altai company "Carbonik".

From foreign manufacturers, you can allocate: the Chinese company Norsist Pharmaceutical Group, German BASF, Merck KGAA.

Ascorbic acid in the human body is not produced. It can not accumulate in sufficient quantities.

Applied valuable antioxidant only with food.

It is important to include products containing an additive E 300 in the diet. An adult person for good work of all organism systems per day is necessary to obtain 90 mg of ascorbic acid (children from 30 mg).

Tea of \u200b\u200bblack currant leaves are useful. They have more medicament more than in berries. In addition, they have the property to maintain vitamin C when drying and boiling.

Of the products, the most ascorbic acid contains liver.

Antioxidants (antioxidants) E300 - E399

Antioxidants (antioxidants) E300 - E399.prevent the chemical damage associated with the oxidation of food components. The mechanism of action of antioxidants Next - these substances are oxidized, turning into harmless to the body products. As a result, oxygen is consumed - the main potential oxidizer. Therefore, the product will be oxidized to a lesser extent.

For example:

E300 - Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - water-soluble vitamin.

It is synthesized by plants (from galactose) and animals (from glucose), with the exception of primates and some other animals, which are obtained by ascorbic acid with food.

Affects the various functions of the body, increases the resistance to adverse effects, contributes to regeneration.

The richest ascorbic acid fruits of rosehip, red pepper, citruses, black currant, onions, leaf vegetables.

The absence of ascorbic acid in human food causes cing, lowers resilience to diseases.

E320 - butyl oxyanisole (di (tert-butyl) hydroxyanisole) is an antioxidant used in the food industry in the food industry to slow the oxidation of animals of the fuel fats, salty spicker, chewing gum.

There may be a toxic effect on the human body, therefore its hygienic rationing is necessary.

E321 - butyloxitoluloole (di (tert-butyl) hydroxytoluluole) is an antioxidant used in the food industry in the food industry to slow down the oxidation of animal firing, salty spicker, chewing gum.

It can have a toxic effect on the human body, expressed in the assistance of carcinogenesis.

Ascorbic acid is a very unstable connection. Especially easily oxidized in aqueous solutions or in the presence of water.

We must not forget about the other, maybe the main role of this acid in food products: ascorbic acid - vitamin C, which should be daily in sufficient quantities to enter the human body with food.

In bulk instant drugs, ascorbic acid reacts with sodium bicarbonate with the separation of carbon dioxide.


  • E300 - Ascorbic acid (L-) (ASCORBIC ACID (L-)) - antioxidant.
  • E301 - Sodium Ascorbate (Sodium Ascorbate) - Antioxidant.

The mechanism of action of antioxidants is extremely simple. These are substances that are easily oxidized, developing in harmless to the body products. At the same time, oxygen is consumed - the main potential oxidizer. Consequently, the product will be oxidized to a lesser extent.

The most common antioxidants - ascorbic acid C6H8O6 (E300) and Sodium ascorbate C6H7O6NA (E301)

  • E302 - calcium ascorbate (Calcium Ascorbate) - antioxidant.
  • E303 - Ascorbate Potassium Ascorbate - Antioxidant.
  • E304 - Ascorbilmitat - Antioxidant.
  • E305 - ASCORBYL STEARATE - Antioxidant.
  • E306 - Mixed Tocopherols Concentrate (Mixed Tocopherols Concentrate) - antioxidant.
  • E307 - Alpha Tocoferol (Alpha-Tocopherol) - Antioxidant.
  • E308 - Gamma Topopherol Synthetic (Syntethic Gamma-Tocopherol) - antioxidant.
  • E309 - Delta Tokopherol Synthetic (Syntethic Delta-Tocopherol) - Antioxidant.
  • E310 - Propillhalate (Propyl Gallate) - antioxidant.
  • E311 - Octyl galllate (OCTIL GALLE) - antioxidant.
  • E312 - Dodecillelate (Dodeyl Gallate) - antioxidant.
  • E314 - Guaiac Resin - Antioxidant.
  • E315 - Isoascorbic Acid (ErythorBic ACID)) - antioxidant.
  • E316 - Sodium Isoascorbate - Antioxidant.

This is a highly efficient antioxidant that prevents the oxidative damage of food fats, as well as transformation of nitrates and nitrites in sausage and canning production. Wines enhances the antioxidant action of sulfuric acid. Appearance-powder white.

  • E317 - Potassium ISOASCORBATE - Antioxidant isoascorbate.
  • E318 - Calcium ISOASCORBATE - Antioxidant.
  • E320 - Butylhydroxyanisole (Butylated Hydroxyanisole) - antioxidant.
  • E321 - Butylhydroxitoluluole, «ionol» (Butylated HydroxyToluency) - Antioxidant.
  • E322 - lecithins, phosphatides (lecithins) - an antioxidant emulsifier.
  • E323 - Anoxomer (Anoxomer) - Antioxidant.
  • E325 - Sodium lactate (Sodium Lactate) - antioxidant synergist, moisture agent, filler.
  • E326 - Potassium lactate (Potassium Lactate) - antioxidant synergist, acidity regulator.
  • E327 - Calcium lactate (Calcium Lactate) - acidity regulator, flour and bread enhancer.
  • E328 - calcium lactate (Ammonium Lactate) - acidity regulator, flour and bread improvement.
  • E329 - D, Magnesium Lacktate (Magnesium Lactate (D, L-)) is an acidity regulator, a flour and bread improvement.
  • E330 - citric acid (Citric ACID) - acidity regulator, antioxidant, complexing agent.
  • E331 - Sodium citrates (Sodium Citrates)

I. Sodium citrate 1-substituted (Sodium Dihydrogen Citrate)

II. Sodium citrate 2-substituted (Disodium Monohydrogen Citrate)

III. Sodium citrate 3-substituted (Trisodium Citrate) is an acidity regulator, an emulsifier, a stabilizer, a complex of consumption.

  • E332 - Potassium Citrates (Potassium Citrates)

I. Citizen Calia 2-substituted (Potassium dihydrogen Citrate)

II. Potassium citrate 3-substituted (Triotassium Citrate) is an acidity regulator, stabilizer, complexing agent.

  • E333 - Citrate Calcium (Calcium Citrates) is an acidity regulator, a consistency stabilizer, a complex of consumption.
  • E334 - Wine Acid (Tartaric Acid (L (+) -)) - an acidity regulator, an antioxidant coinergist, complexing agent.
  • E335 - Sodium Tartrates (Sodium Tartrates)

I. Tartrate Sodium 1-Substituted (Monosodium Tartrate)

II. Sodium tartrate 2-substituted (Disodium Tartrate) is a stabilizer, a complex of consultant.

  • E336 - Potassium Tartrates (Potassium Tartrates)

I. Potassium Tartrart 1-substituted (Monopotassium Tartrate)

II. Potassium tartrate 2-substituted (Dipotassium Tartrate) is a stabilizer, a complex of consultant.

  • E337 - Potassium Sodium Tartrates (Potassium Sodium Tartrates) - stabilizer, complexing agent.
  • E338 - Orto-phosphoric acid (ORTHOPHOSPHORIC ACID) - acidity regulator, antioxidant coinergist.
  • E339 - Sodium phosphates (Sodium phosphates)

I. Orto-phosphate sodium 1-substituted (monosodium orthophosphate)

II. Orto-phosphate sodium 2-substituted (Disodium Orthophosphate)

III. Sodium ortho-phosphate 3-substituted (Trisodium Orthophosphate) is an acidity regulator, emulsifier, texturerator, water-holding agent, stabilizer, complexing agent.

  • E340 - Potassium Phosphate (Potassium Phosphates)

I. Potassium ortho phosphate 1-substituted (MonoPotassium Orthophosphate)

II. Potassium orto phosphate 2-substituted (Dipotassium Orthophosphate)

III. Orto-phosphate Potassium 3-substituted (Tripotassium Orthophosphate) is an acidity regulator, a stabilizer, an emulsifier, a water-holding agent, a complex of consumption.

  • E341 - Calcium Phosphates (Calcium Phosphates)

I. Orto-phosphate calcium 1-substituted (monocalcium orthophosphate)

II. Orto-phosphate Calcium 2-substituted (Dicalcium Orthophosphate)

III. Calcium ortho-phosphate 3-substituted (Tricalcium Orthophosphate) is an acidity regulator, a flour and bread improvement device, a stabilizer, a hardener, a texturerator, a tears, an additive that prevents itching and coming, a water-holding agent.

  • E342 - Ammonium Phosphates (Ammonium Phosphates)

I. Orto-phosphate ammonium 1-substituted (Monoammonium Orthophosphate)

II. Orto-phosphate ammonium 2-substituted (Diammonium Orthophosphate)

III. Ammonium ortho phosphate 3-substituted (triammonium orthophosphate) - acidity regulator, flour and bread improvement.

  • E343 - magnesium phosphates (Magnesium phosphates)

I. Magnesium ortho phosphate 1-substituted (Monomagnesium Orthophosphate)

II. Magnesium ortho phosphate 2-substituted (Dimagnesium Orthophosphate)

III. Magnesium ortho-phosphate 3-substituted (Trimagnesium Orthophosphate) is an acidity regulator, an additive that prevents itching and coming.

  • E345 - magnesium citrate (Magnesium Citrate) - acidity regulator.
  • E349 - Ammonium Malate (Ammonium Malate) - acidity regulator.
  • E350 - Sodium Malates (Sodium Malates)

I. Sodium Malat 1-substituted (Sodium Hydrogen Malate)

II. Sodium Malat (Sodium Malate) is an acidity regulator, a moisture-hold agent.

  • E351 - Malate Malates (Potassium Malates)

I. Potassium Malat 1-substituted (Potassium Hydrogen Malate)

II. Malate potassium (Potassium Malate) - acidity regulator.

  • E352 - Calcium Malates (Potassium Malates)

I. Calcium 1-substituted Malat (Calcium Hydrogen Malate)

II. Calcium Malate (Calcium Malate) is an acidity regulator.

  • E353 - Meta-Wine Acid (Metatartaric ACID) - acidity regulator.
  • E354 - calcium tartrates (Calcium Tartrates) - acidity regulator.
  • E355 - Adipic Acid (Adipic Acid) - acidity regulator.
  • E356 - Sodium adipata (Sodium Adipates) - acidity regulator.
  • E357 - Adipata Potassium Adipates - Acidity Controller.
  • E359 - Ammonium Adipata (Ammonium Adipates) - acidity regulator.
  • E363 - Amber Acid (Succinic Acid) - acidity regulator.
  • E365 - sodium fumarats (Sodium Fumarates) - acidity regulator.
  • E366 - Potassium Fumarates (Potassium Fumarates) - acidity regulator.
  • E367 - calcium fumarants (Calcium Fumarates) - acidity regulator.
  • E368 - Ammonium Fumarants (Ammonium Fumarates) - Acidity Controller.
  • E375 - Nicotinic Acid (Nicotinic ACID) - Color Stabizer.
  • E380 - Ammonium citrates (Ammonium Citrate) - acidity regulator.
  • E381 - Ammonium-iron citrates (Ferric Ammonium Citrate) - acidity regulator.
  • E383 - Calcium Glycerophosphate (Calcium Glycerophosphate) - thickener, stabilizer.
  • E384 - IsopropylCitrate mixture (Isopropyl Citrate) is an additive that prevents itching and coming.
  • E385 - Calcium-sodium calcium-sodium (Calcium Disodium Ethylene-Diamin-Tetra-Acetate) - antioxidant, preservative, complexing agent. Dangerous for metabolism!
  • E386 - EthylenediamineTeecetate Diododium (Disodium Ethylene-Diamin-Tetra-Acetate) - antioxidant, preservative, coinergist, complexing agent.
  • E387 - OxySterearine (OxyStearin) - antioxidant, complexing agent.
  • E391 - Phytic Acid - Antioxidant.

Antioxidants interrupt the reaction of self-acidification of food components in the food product. This reaction in food is due to contact food Product With oxygen contained in air and product.

Antioxidants (antioxidants) E300 -E399

Food additive E-300 It is nothing more than ascorbic acid. It is its powerful antioxidant, which in our lives found quite wide use. Use it in the food industry, and in the pharmacological.

It is such an additive powder substance sour taste. It is painted in light yellow or white.

The E300 antioxidant is not prohibited in any country in the world, which is however not surprising, because it is a synthetic form of vitamin C, such a necessary organism.
It is a close relative of glucose, from which, however, is synthesized.

Chemical formula of ascorbic acid: C 6 H 8 O 6.

In which areas ascorbic acid has found an application?

As we mentioned earlier, the E300 dietary supplement is used in two spheres: in the food industry, as well as in the pharmacological.

Functions performed by ascorbic acid in food production:

  • prevents education in sausage and canned food (meat and fish) nitrates, nitrites and n-nitroamins;
  • in the production of various meat products, this dietary supplement helps speed up the staining process, as well as in general is a storage stabilizer during storage;
  • it is a preservative for animals and vegetable fats, that is, increases their shelf life;
  • in the production of bakery products, ascorbic acid is used to improve the quality of flour;
  • in the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are used as a color stabilizer;
  • during the production of dry food, potato semi-finished products, fruit and vegetable jams are used as an antioxidant and stabilizer, which allows for a long time to maintain the taste quality of the product, its color and smell, and also such an additive additionally enriches the products with vitamin C;
  • in confectionery, it can be a replacement for citric acid, and is also a preservative for used in fats used in sweets.

In pharmacology, ascorbic acid is released in the form of tablets and dragees, which are necessary to overcome the deficit of vitamin C, as well as to strengthen the protective functions of the body.

Impact on the body: harm or benefit?

In reasonable doses, the use of food additive E300 does not bear any harm, but rather, even on the contrary. As a synthetic form of vitamin C, it is also capable of improving the protective functions of the human body, stimulating the production of interferon, which makes it possible to suppress various infections and viruses. That is, this additive has an immunomodulatory effect. In addition, this antioxidant can give reliable protection before the action of many allergens.

Ascorbic acid is active in the formation of connective and bone tissue, as well as it increases blood clotting. In addition, this dietary supplement helps split blood cholesterol.

It is worth noting that ascorbic acid is not able to synthesize directly in the very organism itself, and therefore it is necessary to constantly receive from the outside. And since it is very important to maintain human health to maintain human health, then its deficiency can bring significant harm. It can manifest itself with such a disease as a qing. This disease distorts many of the functions of the body. The brightly manifestation is the loss of teeth, due to the weakening and bleeding of the gums.

It is also worth noting that harm brings not only a shortage of this substance, but also its excess, but this will be discussed further.

Daily dose of e300 antioxidant

A safe dose of ascorbic acid for a person is a 0.5 milligram per kilogram of weight. In general, the necessary daily rate Adult consumption is 90 milligrams, for pregnant and nursing women, such a normal increases, respectively, up to 100 and 120 milligrams. Also in an increase in the daily dose of ascorbic acid, people have such bad habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. For children, the rate of ascorbic acid ranges from 30 to 90 milligrams.

The excess of this substance is derived from the body using an excretory system.

The effects of overdose ascorbic acid

Overdose ascorbic acid has a very unpleasant consequenceswhich can manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions, stool disorders, irritation of the urinary tract. If an excess of this food additive is constant, then kidney stones can even form. So to overdo it with the use of ascorbic acid is not worth it!

Names-synonyms of food additive E300

Synonyms denoting this substance may be:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin C;
  • ascorbic Acid.

Title: Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), E300
Other names: E300, E-300, Ang: E300, E-300, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
Group: Food additive
View: antioxidants, antioxidants
Impact on the body: useful
Allowed in countries: Russia, Ukraine, EU

Antioxidants are designed to protect products from changes in color, oxidation and appearance of bitterness. May have natural origins or synthesized chemical compounds.
E300 - ascorbic acid - antioxidant, which is a natural antioxidant. It has properties to bind free radicals, thereby stopping their destructive function. It is able to strengthen the active effect of other antioxidants. E-300 takes part in various processes of the body's activities and affects the development of enzymes and some hormones. It helps to increase the resistance of a living organism to a variety of viruses and infections, as well as improves performance and increases immunity.

Ascorbic acid is used to preserve the natural color of meat products and protects products from oxidative phenomena and processes. Being a natural substance, ascorbic acid naturally is contained in many plant products such as: citrus, potatoes, white cabbage, pepper, black currant other. Especially a lot of vitamin C in fresh greenery and which is especially important during periods of exacerbation of diseases in summer cabbage And Luke's repfat.

Influence on the human body:
The properties of E-300 are diverse and have a very useful impact on the human body. Vitamin C stabilizes the function of blood intake, regulates the number of lipids, is involved in the processes of formation of the connective, as well as bone tissues. Ascorbic acid improves the work of the human immune system and ensures the protection of the body to various infections, as well as numerous allergens.
The permissible daily rate of E300 consumption is 60-100 mg. It is especially important to note the following: when the vitamin lack of vitamin in the diet, such a disease may develop as a qing, which takes place and weakening the gums, leading to the loss of teeth. Hemorrhage can also be formed due to the deterioration of the state of the vessels. At the same time, heart weakness develop, and fast fatigue that are accompanied by a breath common state ailment.
In order for the usual diet to make the possibility of filing vitamin C properly process products and vegetables. Ascorbic acid is able to collapse with improper thermal processing and long-term food storage.

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