Sasha now. Sashko Fokin. Perhaps you will be interested

Almost every person on the planet wants to become famous and popular. People are glorified through any kind of human activity, especially striking in its originality, eccentricity and sometimes asociality. In the network, thus, Sashko Fokin became famous, who fell into the category of Internet meme.

Sashko, a boy who was born and lives in Kiev. His family consists of a mother named Elena, grandmother and brother Alyosha. Until a certain time, their family did not attract the attention of TV people and netizens. After my mother turned to the program “Kohana, we are driving children in,” their family became popular.

Elena decided to turn to this program after she noticed that her child Sashko spends a lot of time playing games on the computer and does not obey.

The host of the program, together with the operators, visited their house and gave certain instructions, rules that were supposed to correct the situation in their family. However, as soon as Sashko began to deprive him of his favorite games, he began to send everyone and hysteria. He tried to jump out the window, but changed his mind. After the wave of hysteria and indignation passed, Sashko began to behave well, obeyed.

Closer to Sashko's birthday, his mother allowed him to play again, unlocked everything that was blocked, and he again began to throw tantrums, send everyone. So Sasha became famous as Sashko, visited the program “Let them talk” a couple of times, gave an interview to the NTV program. The already famous photo at the time of his discontent diverges like a meme on the network. This meme is signed with various comments, such as "Sashko is unhappy with something." Using the video with him, netizens create numerous remixes.

Sashko mentioned on the programs that he wants to become a cook. He himself also likes to eat and is significantly overweight, relative to his age and height. There are memes on the net that use his photo along with other images and comments on them regarding weight.

From a conversation with Sashko's mother, it became clear to everyone that she absolutely did not care about raising children. What she forbade, after a while she allowed again. This conniving style as a result led to the fact that her little son Lyosha lags behind in his development. In the vocabulary of children, there are mainly obscenities and various curses.

In the situation with Sashko, there are no positive changes yet in his dependence on computer games. On the other hand, there has been a big increase in its popularity as an internet meme.


Born in October 2000 in Kiev in the Fokin family.

In 2018, in one of his new videos, he admitted that due to participation in a TV show (where he became a character in Internet memes), he had problems communicating with girls, and teachers at school began to underestimate his grades.


Her heroes were the Fokin family from Kiev: mother, grandmother, Alexander himself (Sashko) and his younger brother (Aleksey). In fact, his mother could not control his behavior due to his computer addiction. Spawned a lot of memes (quotes).

The second part of this program was connected not only with Fokin himself, but also with his brother.

The plot with Sashko became popular on the Internet, was parodied on YouTube, there were also multiple collages and demotivators with him. One minute video with the phrase "I will install all the games!" has collected almost 10 million views and more than 15 thousand comments so far.

But after all, this popularity was spread as follows: Mom and grandmother could not control Sasha, because Sasha hung on the computer for hours, and they decided to turn to the presenters and operators of the STB channel to shoot a video for the program “Honey, we are killing children” ( Ukrainian Kokhana, we kill children). The video shows the consequences of computer games, especially games about murder and violence. Parents turned to operators to help fix Sashko so that he would not be angry with his loved ones and not depend on computer games, because loved ones are the only miracle that a person has, or it will be much harder to live, because loved ones are a reliance on life, it is an ambulance for life and the only miracle that every person has.

Sashko Fokin is the legendary computer monster, as he was dubbed on the net. Several years have passed since the release of the Ukrainian program “Honey, we are killing children”, where the story was told about this uncontrollable boy who was so dependent on the computer that he often took out his anger on his own mother. Over time, he became a walking meme and his images and video inserts with his quotes flashed in various Internet content. But where is Sashko Fokin now, what brought him such popularity, and what was his fate in 2018? We will talk about this today. But first, a little history.


Sashko Fokin - A boy from an ordinary Ukrainian family who was addicted to computer games before hysteria. He spent all his free time playing computer games, for which he received the nickname "Computer Monster". His mother turned to the program Darling, we kill children to help her. True, in the end, they helped her for the worse.

According to the terms of the transfer, now the family had to adhere to the new rules, and Sashko could spend time playing games no more than 1 hour a day, which clearly did not suit the quick-tempered boy. True, he had no choice, otherwise he would have lost his computer altogether. He eventually had to agree.

For a while he was white and fluffy, but then everything returned to its former wuslo and Sashko again began to hysteria, swear and bring his inner demon into the real world. In general, I recommend that you watch the video, where you can learn in detail everything about that very boy.

From the video, we can clearly see all the features of his behavior: how he cursed, fell into hysterics, beat his brother and even wished for the death of his own mother, calling her a fool (it was over in the heat of the moment).

Many also believe that this is just a performance and this whole story is played out in order to increase the ratings of the program, and the boy is actually normal.

We tend to both points of view. Most likely, part of the plot was really played out and replayed somewhere, and perhaps Fokin himself was not so frostbitten as a child. But the station demanded more inadequacy to boost ratings. They certainly raised the ratings, but in the future this program will backfire on him greatly, as it will simply break his life.

What happened to Sashko Fokin

For many years nothing was heard about Sashko Fokine. Until now, old memes are used on the Internet, and phrases like “I will now install all the games” just went to the golden pool of quotes. And it seems that everyone has already forgotten about him, but then he made himself felt.

The matured Sashko Fokin appeared on the Internet at the end of 2017, creating his own video blog, which already has several tens of thousands of subscribers. In his first videos, he talked about his life after he visited the project. Oh, and those years were not easy, judging by his story. Because of his behavior on the screen, Sasha was subjected to real persecution by society, namely:

  • Loss of friends. According to the young man, before the project he had friends with whom he constantly communicated. But then everything changed. Friends seem to have evaporated, leaving the young gamer alone with himself and games. I have no doubt that the parents of friends had a hand in this, they say there is nothing to communicate with inadequacies.
  • gambling addiction. According to the boy, after the friends stopped communicating with him, he became a real gamer. Of course, we all remember what tantrums Sasha fell into when he was deprived of his computer, but after the transfer, everything only got worse. Games have become his whole world.
  • Mom communication. Not only Friends of Sashko himself stopped communicating with him. His mother's friends also stopped calling and visiting. The family became untouchable. It feels like they've been boycotted.
  • Problems at school. One of the main problems was that Sasha began to spread rot at his own school, and often it even came to beating. According to him, even teachers began to overwhelm him and underestimate his grades, although this had not happened before. Because of this, he even had to change schools, although this did not really help, because he became a hero not only within the framework of one school. He was literally known to all schoolchildren in the CIS countries.
  • Communication with girls. Naturally, this situation could not but leave an imprint on his communication with the opposite sex. Sanya became a shy guy, but that's not even important. He never kissed or hugged girls, and he considers the entire opposite sex to be heifers.

Problems at school

Sasha spoke in great detail about his problems at school. It didn't end with the beatings. School has become a real hell for him.

Once, according to the guy, classmates treated him to tea. He really liked that they began to talk to him, showing a friendly gesture. But in fact, classmates poured a laxative into this tea, after which, right at the music lesson, Sasha urgently needed to go to the toilet. The teacher did not let him out of the class, then the boy could not restrain himself and ... In general, a very unpleasant situation. I had to call my mother to pick him up from school.

Another time he was simply not allowed to sit on a chair in the classroom, saying that no one just wanted to sit with him. Naturally, all this was accompanied by the wild laughter of classmates. He had to sit at a desk with a teacher.

Here the guy talks about the problems at school. Just be careful, the guy swears a lot.

Now he has begun to gain popularity in video blogging, although his content leaves much to be desired. As long as there is a wave of hype, it will be on the rise, but as soon as everyone gets tired of the man-meme, the videos will stop bringing views and a flurry of references will begin. It was exactly the same with Sergey Druzhko. True, there is a completely different level, but the essence of this does not change. He was a popular meme, and then everyone got tired of it.

You can watch a video about the confessions of Fokin himself. Just be careful. The video contains profanity. The guy grew up, and his vocabulary only worsened.


From all this, we can conclude that the mother should not have shown her son in a popular program at all. Why the hell do parents put their problems on TV? Without realizing it, they ruined the life of their child quite well.

Yes, of course, Sasha himself is far from a gift, and I think that he is a little disingenuous when he said that before that he did not have such a gambling addiction as he later became. But such issues had to be resolved with a psychologist, and not with the help of a zombie man, who really made an outcast out of a boy.

Of course, one can only guess what were the reasons for the publication of such information about his son. After all, it has long been no secret that participation in such shows is far from free. Suffice it to recall Diana Shurygina alone, who received a lot of money for shooting in programs.

Of course, we wish Sashko that his channel develops and that he gets his readers, but for this you need to create really high-quality and interesting content. You won't get far on your past glory.

You might be interested:

Sashko Fokin- Ukrainian schoolboy, who became popular thanks to the program "Honey, we are killing children." His phrase "I will install all the games now!" became a meme, like the frame from the program, where Sashko puts his fist to his cheek in tears.


In December 2011, the 4th episode of the program “Honey, I'm killing children” was released on the Ukrainian TV channel STB. Her heroes were the Fokin family from Kiev: mother, grandmother, Sashko himself and his younger brother. According to the plot, the woman was tired of her son's lifestyle, which was reduced to playing games on the computer, and she decided to fix it through the transfer. In the course of the program, Sashko gave out epic phrases, now and then broke down and yelled at his mother, cried and threw tantrums.

Episodes from the release became a favorite source in the environment, frames from the video diverged into memes, as did Sashko's quotes.

After the release of the program, the boy (he was 11 years old at that time) suddenly became popular, even outside of Ukraine. For some time he was actively forcing himself on Russian imageboards, making faces and local memes out of him.

Sashko has been a guest on almost all Russian TV channels, including several times in the program “Let them talk” on Channel One.


There is an opinion that the whole story with Sashko was invented by TV people, and he himself is a noble troll.

In the most common picture of Sashko, you can see a big bruise on his face. In fact, this is not a bruise from a beating, but a congenital capillary hemangioma. Such a spot turns red depending on the fullness of the blood.

Fokin's last public appearance was at the end of 2015 in the New Year's program of the STB channel. Fifteen-year-old Sashko, judging by his behavior, has not changed much. Or maybe not out of character yet.

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