Slash and backslash. What is a slash on a keyboard? Types of slashes and features of their use What is a slash

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The meaning of the word slash

slash in the crossword dictionary


Slash (genre)

slash, or, sometimes, slash(from, slash) is a genre of amateur works ("fan fiction"), which describes romantic or sexual relationships between characters of the same sex, usually male, taken from well-known works already created, and in the original source do not have an overt homosexual orientation. Descriptions of such relationships between two heroines are called femslash.

A slash about real people is called RPS(real person slash).

The plot of such works most often focuses exclusively on a couple of characters. The name arose from the disclaimer of such works in which the main characters are indicated through "/". It is worth noting that this part of the disclaimer (the so-called "pairing") is usually present in all fan fiction that tells about someone's love affair, not only in slash.

Slash (musician)

Saul Hudson(, better known by his stage name slash; genus. July 23, 1965) is a British and American virtuoso guitarist and songwriter. He is best known as the lead guitarist for the American hard rock band Guns N' Roses, with whom he achieved worldwide success in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In the later years of his participation in Guns N "Roses, he formed a side project Slash" s Snakepit. Later, he co-founded the group Velvet Revolver (since 2002), participation in which restored him to the rank of first-tier performers of the mid-2000s. Slash has since released three solo albums: Slash(2010), recorded with guest star musicians, Apocalyptic Love(2012) and World on Fire(2014), which he recorded with singer/guitarist Miles Kennedy of Alter Bridge, along with a rhythm section consisting of Brent Fitz and Todd Kearns, known from the album as The Conspirators. However, in 2016, he returned to Guns N' Roses after a lengthy spat with the band's lead singer, Axl Rose.

I welcome you to the blog site. Today we will tell you what a slash is and how to put it on the keyboard. Many computer users know the "from" and "to" keyboard, but in some cases they encounter characters or symbols whose purpose they are not entirely clear on. And for many people, such an unknown “squiggle” is a symbol in the form of an even or oblique vertical stick. In computer slang, this character is called a slash.

What is it, how and why is this sign used? Where is this symbol located, and what types of it are there? Let's briefly dwell on these questions, and give them the most comprehensive answers.

What is a slash, and how does it happen?

What is a slash on a keyboard? A slash is a slash that is used as a fraction when writing texts, mathematical calculations, financial reports and other documents. However, the vertical bar character on the keyboard is used not only for this. Users who actively participate in forums and chats, and also practically "live" in social networks, also often resort to staging such an oblique in a message.

Why is this needed? It all depends on what kind of such a dash you are going to use.

Note. On the Internet, you can see 2 spellings of this word, so many beginners are often confused about which is correct - slash or slash. In principle, this does not play a big role, since each of us may well use the option that suits him best. But if you are interested in this issue in terms of spelling rules, then "slash" is a more correct variation.

What is the oblique line for?

What is the slash button for, and where is it most commonly used? It is noteworthy that the slash button on the keyboard was previously absent. This symbol was used by programmers to write computer programs, as well as to develop Internet sites. However, today such a symbol is present on the keyboard of every stationary computer, laptop, netbook, ultrabook. And it's not just about computers. Direct vertical and oblique slashes are also available on phones and tablets.

So what is this option for? To understand this, let's talk about the use of the slash only in the context of computer technology. The reverse slash, like the "correct" one, is used for:

  1. Finding the right site on the Internet. In this case, the usual double slash "//" is used, separating the http protocol from the resource domain. For example, it looks like this:
  2. Specifying the path before entering keys when creating commands in a special line. In this case, both "proper" and backslashes can be used. For example: cd / or cd /B, b:\.
  3. Division sign indication. Usually a slash in this case is used on a computer or offline calculator.
  4. Separating directories in paths. This feature is widely used in the Windows operating system. As a rule, a backslash is used in this case.

And that's not all the cases when this symbol is used. So, we figured out what the slanted wand on the keyboard is called. Now let's move on to studying the types of slashes and the features of their setting.

Varieties of slashes, ways to set them

How to put a straight or oblique stick on the keyboard? To understand this, you need to understand the types of slashes, since each of them corresponds to a separate key.


A pipe is a straight slash, or a straight vertical stick. It used to be quite difficult to put it on the keyboard, but today it is not difficult. Just like a slash in the other direction.

The simplest is the following way of setting the "pipe":

  1. Switch the keyboard language to English.
  2. Find the key that says "pipe". It looks like a straight vertical line.
  3. Press the "shift" button.
  4. Hold the "shift" while pressing the key with the image of "pipe".

That's all - the necessary character appeared in your text editor. But there is a second way to set this sign, and it does not require changing the language layout on the keyboard. To add a "pipe" to text in Word, follow this algorithm:

  1. Position the cursor where the character should appear.
  2. Press the "shift" and click on the button with the image of "pipe".
  3. Release both keys at the same time.

On a note. If you want to quickly insert a pipe in Word, you can go to the "Insert" tab, then click "Symbols". Having found the desired "dash", just click on it 1 time - and it will appear in your text.

Slash or right slash

If you are interested in the question of how to put a fraction on the keyboard, then you undoubtedly need an oblique stick that “looks” to the right. And it is much easier to put it on than a pipe. So, to add it to the text, you need:

  1. Press and hold "shift".
  2. Find the forward slash on the keyboard.
  3. Press the slash and release both buttons at once.

This is the fastest way to set the right slash. If this does not work for you, then you can use the insert symbol function according to the scheme described above. It will also be relevant, provided that you need to insert a backslash, which you cannot find on the keyboard.

What is a backslash, and how to install it?

Backslash on a keyboard is an oblique line that slopes to the left. By the way, it is much easier to put it than the above types of slashes, since pressing the "Shift" key in this case is not necessary. There is a "backslash" on the same key with the right slash. The button is located above the "shift" key, although other options are possible (it all depends on the size of the keyboard and the manufacturer of the computer).

How to put a backslash on the keyboard? If you have a Russian font, then you just need to click on the button where the desired line is drawn - and the sign will appear in your text. If you press it together with the “shift”, then instead of a backslash you will have a simple, right one.

That's all: now you know what slashes are, what they are and how to put them. Most importantly, don't be afraid to experiment. If you need knowledge about slashes in connection with your work, then first practice putting them in a draft document. And when everything starts to turn out, proceed to writing a “finishing” version of the document.

A slash is a character that can be typed on a computer keyboard. It is used on the Internet, in the Windows system, programming, mathematics and Russian. This character is also called a slash and looks like a straight line slanted to the right:

A line that is slanted to the other side is called a backslash:

How to type a slash on the keyboard

Initially, the Russian keyboard did not have this symbol, since it was mainly used in Internet addresses and programming, and there you need to type only in English letters. But over time, the slash and backslash appeared in the Russian layout, as they began to be used in texts.

The slash is located on the keyboard in several places:

  • Near the right Shift key on the English layout
  • In the numeric part of the keyboard, regardless of the layout and case
  • Above the Enter button or to the left of it (you need to type with Shift)

The backslash is usually on the left or above the Enter button. It can also be between the left Shift and the letter Z (I).

How else can you type slash and backslash

There is an alternative way to type these characters. First you need to make sure NumLock is enabled. To do this, simply try typing numbers through the right numeric keypad. If they will not be typed, then you need to press the NumLock button once.

To type a slash, hold down the Alt key and type on the numeric keypad first 4 then 7, after which we release Alt.

A backslash can be typed in the same way, but instead of 4 and 7, type 9 and 2

Applying a slash

In the Internet . The slash is used in the addresses of Internet resources: the name of any site begins with "http://" or "https://". Depending on the nesting of the page, there will be more slashes (, since the / sign is a separator in the address.

In russian language . The slash replaces the prepositions “and”, “or”, and also denotes a single complex concept, for example: the problem of constructive / destructive conflicts, with the aim of buying / selling. This symbol is also used in the designation of any quantities and their ratios, both in full and abbreviated forms, for example: dollar / ruble, centner / hectare, kilogram / meter.

In mathematics. The slash denotes a division operation and is equivalent in value to a colon and a horizontal bar.

The slash is used in this meaning mainly in computer programs, such as Excel.

Other applications. The slash is also used in programming, and is also a service typographical sign and is used when indicating references to literary sources, breaking text into lines (citing verses), marking dates.

Where is backslash used?

In mathematics. Backslash means set difference. For example, A \ B in the language of mathematics means the set of elements that are not included in B, but are included in A.

On a Windows system. Backslash is used when separating directories, which is why such a character cannot be used in file names.

For example, the system path D:\Photo\2015\Walk means that you need to open the "Walk" folder, which is located in the "2015" folder, and that, in turn, in the "Photos" folder on drive D.

slash(slash) is a slash found in several places on the keyboard. Usually tilted to the right, and if to the left, then this is already backslash(backlash).

Why do we need slash and backslash on the keyboard

Users working at a computer not only work, for example, with graphic editors or are simply gamers, but also deal with text documents in which he sooner or later encounters a special character - a slash (/). Many beginners, and even experienced users, meeting this sign, do not even suspect what it is called. Now we will write a short note about what is a slash?

A slash is a special character (icon) that looks like this: "/" or like this: "\" - backslash. In another way, it is called "slash", "slanted line", or "oblique line". The name of this sign depends on the activity in which it is applicable. In computer activity, it is correct to call a slash, in mathematics they say a fraction, etc.

In addition to the slash itself, as you have most likely seen, there is also a backslash. It looks like this: "\". They also say about it: "a slash or a line slanted to the left."

Initially, there was no slash on the keyboard at all. The slash was used only in the addresses of Internet resources, separating directories and in programming. Slashes and backslashes have long been introduced into all modern keyboards.

Where is the slash on the keyboard

On the keyboard, the forward slash and backslash are either next to the right Shift button, or below the BackSpace button. On the additional numeric keypad, there is also a slash. When the Shift key is pressed, various characters will be entered, as well as slanted lines.

Now let's talk about why this slash is needed. We will speak only in the context of computer activity.

We all have probably seen that in the address bar of the browser, in the URL there are addresses with lines slanted to the right. In addition to one line, sometimes there is also a double slash, which separates the data transfer protocol from the site domain. The whole thing looks like this:

On the command line, a slash is used when specifying a path or before command switches.

  • cd/?
  • sfc /scannow
  • cd /Bb:\

When counting on a calculator, this sign is used as a division.

Windows uses a backslash to separate directories in paths, here's what it looks like:

C:\Program Files\Common Files

On Unix operating systems, it looks the same, only with a backslash:


As you can see, a regular slash and a backslash are two different things and should not be confused. Also, they are very important when working at a computer, so enter these two characters carefully.

In addition, the backslash character separates keys in the Windows Registry Editor.

In programming, this symbol is used very often. Firstly, it is a division sign in many operations, and secondly, it creates block comments when delimiting comments with an asterisk in Java, C, C++, SQL, and others. Other languages ​​have a double slash to indicate the start of a comment. In HTML, it is used in tags, denoting the closing tag.

You can argue for a long time, but now you know what a slash (slash) is on the keyboard, what is a backslash (backslash) and why they are needed when working on computers, smartphones and other equipment.

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