Kama bullet instagram official. The story of a Dagestan gangster who became the main philosopher of Runet. Changes in life after filmed videos

In this article, it is finally the turn to talk about such an ambiguous joke as Kama Bullet. Many have probably heard kama bullet quotes and wondering where they came from. However, more on this later, first I want to recommend you some popular articles on prison slang, such as Forshmak, Ramsy, Drizzle, Kidok, etc.
So to understand who is kama bullet, you need to go a little deeper into the history of the question about this person. Kama is a Dagestan karate champion in the 90s. Those times were restless and disturbing, there was no work and Kame was offered to engage in banditry, and he accepted this offer.
So the former athlete Kama becomes a scumbag and a potential killer. He traveled with the boys around the city and grazes mercenaries and hucksters.

However, the beautiful life did not last long, after six months other bandits decided to take away the business from the organized criminal group in which Kama was a member. Izberbash Kama was the first to arrive with them, and their rivals decided to do otherwise, they placed a couple of guys with sniper rifles on the roof and opened accurate aimed fire. Kama was the only one who survived and stumbled to the gas station, where he called an ambulance, then he was waiting for an operation and serving his sentence in places not so remote.

When Kama rewound the term and returned to his district, he did not recognize anyone, but it seemed that everyone knew him. After all, he remained a legend of the 90s. Now this one looked very brutal and seemed to everyone a very dangerous person. One day, some teenagers recognized Kama on the street and asked him if he really had a bullet in his chest? "Yes, it's true ducks," he replied. Yes, they called him Kama Bullet.

Toiling with idleness, he decided to teach the life of young guys and began to publish his videos on the Internet. These videos became very popular in narrow circles and were instantly taken away for quotes.
So, Kama Pul's quotes:

"Don't live in a routine, a swamp. Live in a positive way."

"Don't back down and don't give up, don't stop go ahead, this stop may be the last, cold, be bold."

"It doesn't matter how fast you move, as long as you don't stop!"

Kama liked to communicate with his subscribers, so he kindly answers all questions and in general he is positive.

kama bullet quotes meme pictures

A resident of Dagestan named Kama Bullet has been delighting Internet users for years with videos with thoughtful sayings and incredible karate techniques. The “old gangster” has long become a viral meme, but its popularity does not bother him at all. found out how Kama became famous on the Internet and found the help of fans during the most difficult period of his life.

Kama Bullet: the beginning

A schoolboy in a tracksuit approaches a classmate, gives him a savory slap and convincingly advises "not to drizzle." The conflict captured on video quickly spreads around the network, and VKontakte users learn about the existence of the Atypical Makhachkala community.

A couple of years later, the public gained almost 800 thousand subscribers, and a collection of unique viral videos was formed in its videos. They contain the head of Ingushetia makes workers rub their backs against the walls to check the quality of the whitewash, and a UFC fighter eats cakes with friends.

It is not surprising that it was in the vastness of "Atypical Makhachkala" that one of the most charismatic characters in the entire history of the Runet, the Dagestani Kamil, better known as Kama Bullet, gained popularity. The first videos featuring a stern unshaven man appeared on the Internet in mid-2014. Gleaming with gold teeth, Kama spoke wisdom worthy of Confucius and ancient Greek philosophers, accompanying them with unique gestures.

“I fall from emptiness to emptiness so as not to lose height,” the thinker stated and conveyed a “dense salam” to the audience, whom he urged to live “not in a swamp and routine, but on the positive.” From his videos, fans of the "old gangster" (that's what Kama called himself) learned that "idleness is the devil's toy", and the main thing in life is not to stop, not to give up, "to be in the black and bold."

Bullet urged fans to stick to the right concepts and play sports, stop "smoking, shaking in corners" and "master passions, otherwise passions will master you." The central idea of ​​his philosophical teaching was reduced to a well-aimed aphorism: “The whole world will be against me - I am right. I know this alone, and it inspires me.”

Sometimes Kama got tired of sermons and, to the delight of the audience, demonstrated the results of his many years of karate passion - he easily sat on the twine (“parked”) and skillfully performed a variety of strikes, including the famous “shaitanka”.

He also showed off a brand new Mercedes AMG, rode around his hometown of Izberbash, accompanied by friends, and listened to music heartily.

Sometimes Bullet appeared in front of the camera in an angry mood: he threatened to drown his ill-wishers in a sea of ​​blood if they did not calm down, and demonstrated biting punches, accompanying them with signature shouts of “Shaaa !!!” and "Taaa!!!".

Legends of Kama

The videos from "Atypical Makhachkala" quickly spread over the network and made Kama a real star - his sayings were pulled into quotes, and the thinker himself turned into a meme. The bullet was recognized on the streets and showed him respect. The “old gangster” favorably accepted signs of attention from fans - he never refused to take a picture or say hello on video, and sometimes he showed his branded twine and a couple of secret tricks.

At the same time, many dark spots remained in the biography of the highlander, so soon legends began to be made about him. Some said that Kama was the champion of Dagestan in karate and a member of the Izberbash criminal group. Others called him one of the most respected crime bosses in the region and argued that his behavior was negatively affected by a long prison term and injuries received in gang wars. Still others said that Kama was the only survivor of some bloody shootout, and got his nickname because of a bullet in the head that the doctors could not extract.

The financial situation of the “old gangster” also caused a lot of controversy. Some netizens claimed that he drives expensive cars and lives in a luxurious mansion, while others, citing some friends from the Caucasus, reported that the Internet hero spends the night on the street and begs. Of particular interest was the confrontation between Kama Puli and a certain Maga Lezgin: in one video, Kama threatened him with a gun, which immediately gave rise to rumors about the upcoming showdown.

It was Maga Lezgin who hastened to accuse Kama of brutally beating Kama. The video, in which the bloodied gangster sits in a hospital bed, seriously excited fans and even gave rise to rumors about his death. When he issued a rebuttal, the fans could not believe their eyes: in a fight, their idol lost his trademark gold teeth, got a broken nose and overnight aged ten years.

True, it soon became clear that in fact Kama was killed not by a dashing gangster life, but by addiction to drugs. This was told by his old friends who put the Internet star in a specialized clinic. They also administer his official website, group on VKontakte and a page on Instagram.

Return of the gangster

One of Kama's acquaintances named Khabib, in an interview with Lenta.ru, said that in his youth he really participated in karate tournaments, was a "daring authoritative kid" and had a certain weight in criminal circles. “He even put together a small gang of seven or eight people. Of course, all this was not serious, not like Solntsevo or Lyubertsy there. A couple of people are in authority, the rest are like punks, ”he says. - Organized criminal groups do not live long in our country. Any bull will be killed sooner or later. Here are those with whom Kama began to move, either settled down and live a quiet life, or died in prison from drugs.

At the same time, most of the rumors circulating around the network about Kam are greatly exaggerated, although Khabib admits that all these stories give him a certain halo of mystery and danger. For example, he received the nickname Bullet not at all because of a wound in a gangster showdown, but because of his love for the film of the same name with.

“Camille knows this picture almost by heart, and his now deceased friend called him Bullet. And all sorts of tricks with hands and feet only confirm the well-aimed nickname, ”explains a friend of the Internet star.

The conflict between Kama and Maga Lezgin also turned out to be a fiction. “He is also an Internet star, only, to be honest, a holy fool,” Khabib is annoyed. - And Kamil is healthy, just painfully hot. These bad people pushed their foreheads together: they began to tell Kame that Maga had said bad words about him. They had an arrow, Kama cursed him, and around were these rats who provoked them. I won't call them anything else."

At the same time, Kama Bullet, who regularly confuses millions of Runet users, is a man of deeply tragic fate. Khabib says that his friend regularly used drugs, and most of the videos with him were filmed when he was high.

“He went to the bottom, used tramadol or lyrica (psychoactive substances in the form of tablets, popular among drug addicts in the North Caucasus - approx. "Tapes.ru"). Usually addicted to these drugs do not live long, but he has iron health, ”he notes.

When Kama found out about his popularity on the network, he began to ask for money for branded tricks. “Mere pennies. Give me 50 rubles - I'll sit on the twine, give me 100 rubles - I'll pass the salam. And he collected himself for pills, ”Khabib narrates bitterly.

Nevertheless, friends and fans who came to the aid of Kame believe that they helped the Internet star change for the better. While the “old gangster” was being treated for addiction, they started collecting donations and producing T-shirts with his philosophical sayings, and in the future they plan to help Poole become a famous blogger.

Comrades believe that such a deeply erudite person can do a lot of useful things - for example, positively influence young people and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Khabib hopes that Kamil will soon come to the Evening Urgant show and finally become famous not for his tricks on camera, but for his bright and extraordinary thinking. I would like to believe that his dreams will come true, and Kama Pulya will remain "in the black and bold."

Kamil was born in Izberbash in 1974. He was not an obedient child and went to school reluctantly. The guy believed that all this is unimportant and had other goals. From an early age, he attended training in various types of martial arts and won prizes in competitions. He almost dropped out of school, as he dreamed of becoming a great karateka. Some sources have information that Kamil was the champion of Dagestan in martial arts in his youth.


In the 90s, the time was restless and ordinary guys, athletes and rural punks created their own groups, so Kamil joined the ranks of the local authoritative group. Serious guys had conversations, resolved issues and "kept" the city, so the Makhachkala lads allowed Kamil to ascend to a new stage in his life. Rampant life, cars, girls, parties, a gold chain and a leather jacket, but in 1993 there was a “shooter” with an opponent group and this changed everything. Camille was wounded, then an operation and 11 years in prison awaited him.

Those who met and recognized the former authority on the street after his release from prison were interested in the bullet stuck in his chest. So the guy from Izberbash turned into Kama Pulya. But, this is one of the versions. Another says that the bullet was stuck in the head and the doctors were unable to remove it. The third is that in a shootout, Kamil caught a bullet, covering his friend. Fourth, that the film of the same name with Mickey Rourke, which Camille knows almost by heart, became the reason for everything.

The beginning of popularity

In 2014, a video appeared in the Atypical Makhachkala group with an extraordinary Dagestani who philosophizes and shows a rather professional karate technique. The video was funny and ridiculous, but, at the same time, instructive. Years of imprisonment changed Kamil, and almost nothing remained of the authoritative sports guy. He began to abuse alcohol and drugs, in a word - to survive, based on his principles and beliefs.

A friend suggested that he record some videos and upload them online. Bearded, inadequate, sometimes drunk, slightly aggressive philosopher with karate skills appealed to millions of users. Camille took pictures on the streets with pleasure, sent greetings via video and opened his account. The collected money went to pay for the services of a rehabilitation center, where the man decided to take the right path.

Users have long turned Kama Bullet into a ma'am, and his quotes have become "winged". Some people sympathize with his philosophy, mixed with unkempt appearance and ridiculous sentence wording. Several applications for smartphones have already appeared on the network, where his best statements are collected. A million audience helped Kamil get out of the crisis, and now the "old gangster" is promoting a correct and healthy lifestyle. He says that you need to be strong, courageous, not give up, not give up and always achieve your goals.

Kama Bullet- an urban madman from Dagestan, who became famous thanks to viral videos in which he pronounces “boyish” philosophical sayings. The author of the meme is Ezhzhi.


Kama - on behalf of Camille. Bullet is a nickname that he, according to legend, took because of his love for the film of the same name with Mickey Rourke. Lives in the city of Izberbash.

The first videos with him appeared in 2014 in the Atypical Makhachkala community, from there on YouTube.

The past of this hero is shrouded in a halo of romance, there are still many legends around him, and what is true of this is not known for certain. But here is one of them:


In the 1990s, Kama was a karate champion, and once gangsters came to him, offering to work with him. He agreed and soon got up. He lived in a high until he got into a gangster showdown, where he was shot. After that, he went to prison, and when he got out, he was left with nothing. Since then, he has been walking the streets and demonstrating his karate skills for 50 rubles, as well as sharing wise sayings.

Legend 2

Kama is an ordinary blogger who has his own style. He began to maintain his own blog, in which he teaches the wisdom of his life: “Be bold, be in the black”, gives advice on martial arts, conflicts with other “bloggers” and very often demonstrates his transverse splits.

Whether this is true is also unclear. But on the Internet, on behalf of Bullet, a whole website and several publics in all social networks are maintained.

In February 2017, Lenta.ru published a detailed history of this phenomenon from Dagestan, which also contains many legends.

One of Kama's acquaintances named Habib said that in his youth he really participated in karate tournaments, was a "daring authoritative kid" and had a certain weight in criminal circles. “He even put together a small gang of seven or eight people. Of course, all this was not serious, not like Solntsevo or Lyubertsy there. A couple of people in authority, the rest are punks.

According to the same Khabib, his friend regularly used drugs, and most of the videos with him were filmed when he was high.

“He went to the bottom, used tramadol or lyric. Usually hooked on these drugs do not live long, but he has iron health.

One way or another, all the sayings of Kama are parsed into quotes by boyish publics. Here is the most popular:


There is an opinion that hedgehogs are an abbreviation for “there is the same” or “there is”. The last turnover, according to some users, is partly used by Dagestanis. The phrase is actively used among the Dagestan mafia and other Caucasian groups.

The third version - ezhzhi this appeal. Like the Americans "nigga" or "yo". One way or another, hedgehogs are just a turn of phrase that has become popular on the Internet after Bullet's videos.


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