The difference between the economic basis and social. Types of economic systems. Two forms of production. Natural and Commodity

It is customary to allocate the following the main types of economic systems: Traditional, administrative and command, market and mixed.

Economic systems arose in solving economic problems associated with the distribution of limited resources and the presence of alternative costs. In other words, paraphrasing the concept, the economic system is the method for which economic life is formed in the country, society; The method for which decisions are made about What, how and for whom produce.

The most popular classification of economic systems is based on the principle of division under two main features, namely:

  • Form of ownership of
  • The method of coordination and management of economic activities in the country

Thus, based on these criteria, we can establish some division and allocate several types of economic systems, each of which is assigned a certain place in the structure of real economic relations occurring in a particular country in the world.

4 main types of economic systems

The division produced on the basis of the above criteria made it possible to determine four types of economic systems:

Traditional - The practice of using rare resources is due to the traditions and customs in society. It is characterized on the widespread use of manual labor in production, and the tools of labor, applicable together with manual strength, are small, they are based on the measures of developed countries of developed countries. A similar system is common in the third world countries with a weak economy.

The question of whether "how, what and for whom?" produced, in the traditional economy is solved on the basis of traditions transmitted from generation to generation.

Capitalistic type of economic system (or pure capitalism) is characterized primarily by private property on resources and means of production, regulation and management of the system of economic relations through market distribution and relevant products with the establishment of optimal (market) prices that ensure the necessary balance of demand and suggestions. Wealth in society in this case is distributed extremely unevenly, and the main economic entities are autonomous manufacturers and consumers of material and intangible benefits. The role of the state in economic relations is very low. There is no single center of economic power, but the regulator of such a form of organizing economic relations is the system of markets in which each of the subjects strive to extract their own, individual benefits, but not collective. Production is carried out only on the most advantageous, maximally cost-effective areas, and therefore some categories of goods (they are also called public) can remain unclaimed by the manufacturer, by virtue of their small profitability and other factors, despite the availability of demand from the Company.

Thus, the advantages of this form of organizing economic life are:

  • The most effective allocation of resources in accordance with market mechanisms (the so-called "invisible market's hand")
  • Freedom in choosing a destination for business activities
  • Indispensable improvement in the quality of goods and services in the conditions of competitive struggle
  • The emergence of new products on the market and at the same time stimulating scientific and technological progress.

The disadvantages are:

  • Extremely uneven distribution of income in society
  • The orientation of the manufacturer on a solvent client
  • and unemployment, instability of the development of the economy (possibility, etc.), as a result - Social instability
  • Disadvantage in financing education
  • Possible reduction in competition due to the creation of monopolies
  • Negative effect of production on ecology, significant consumption natural resources.

Command economy

The pure capitalism presented above has its own antipode (contrast) represented by a centralized (command-administrative) system, characterized by state ownership of all material resources and the adoption of important economic decisions through collective meetings and centralized economic planning. In other words, the means of production (land, capital) are concentrated in the hands of the state - the leading economic entity, and we can talk about the economic power as a centralized one. It is important to take into account that the market does not determine the balance of economic forces (does not affect which companies and what makes the competition will be solved), the prices for goods and services are determined by the government. The central planned body (CPO) carries out the distribution of the initially available and finished products, its competence includes the task of which products should be carried out in which the quality of this product will be from which resources and raw materials will be produced. Once these issues are settled, the CPO transfers the order (performs directives) to specific enterprises with the indication of the necessary details. It is worth noting that enterprises located in the country also belong to the state.

The significant advantage of this model before the rest is the achievement of conditions that contribute to the absence of obvious unemployment due to centralized allocation of resources and accounting, in particular, all existing labor resources. Another point - due to the rigid centralization of control the ability to control the distribution of income among the population.

At the first stage of the economy planning, the task of the central planning body includes the preparation of a five-year plan for the development of the country's economy as a whole. In the future, this plan is refined and detailed, divided into more detailed moments and ultimately finished plans for economic sectors and individual enterprises are obtained. At the same time, it is worth noting feedback From the side of these enterprises - at the design stage of the plans, they themselves provide evaluations and comments on the optimality of the required indicators. The ultimate plan approved should be performed almost unquestioned.

However, it would be wrong, not to say about the difficulties in implementing this model. Among the priority is the problem, directly, centralized management of the economy, as one of the most complex. And here is an important place to discharge the problem of awareness of state bodies planning about the state of the economy directly in this moment time. Indeed, in this case, it is very difficult to assess the influence of numerous factors, track changes in indicators characterizing the state of the economy (costs of production, consumption growth, resource costs). At the same time, even the statistically collected information quickly change, which makes planning often not sugic than time. The higher the degree of centralization of management, the only more is more distorted by the adequacy of economic indicators from the bottom upwards. Often, many economic institutions deliberately distort the obtained indicators in order to look much for leadership in the most advantageous light.

There are problems in the planned economy and when trying to introduce new technologies into production or when it comes to the release of new products. This is explained by the management of the enterprise leadership by the leadership of a higher level and subordination exclusively to its directives (commands) that cannot always be assessed objectively. This in the market economy of the enterprise is striving to minimize costs and nominate a new product, superior to the advantages of competitors and make it possible to earn a profit by keeping the company on poorly changing market conditions. In the directory model, flaws in the management structure and the improper level of awareness, do not allow properly to increase the efficiency of the production of a particular enterprise in proportion to its potential.

Summing up, it is worth noting the following advantages of this model:

  • Centralized management makes it possible to concentrate funds and other resources in certain, the most priority directions at the moment
  • Creating social stability, the feeling of "confidence in tomorrow".

Of the minuses it is worth noting:

  • Low level of consumer needs
  • Lack of choice both in production and in consumption (including shortage of consumption goods)
  • Achievements of scientific and technological progress are not always implemented in a timely manner.

"Mixed Economics"

But in fact, the above 2 models of economic systems "ideal", that is, they are not found in the conditions of real economic relations that have been preserved in different countries World. The practice of conducting economic relations in different countries of the world shows the actual features of economic systems located somewhere between the characteristics of market and command-administrative systems.

Such systems are called mixed - those in which resource allocation occurs both by decision of the government and taking into account solutions of individuals. Private property in this case is present in the country along with state, the regulation of the economy occurs not only through the presence of the market system, but also due to the measures taken by the state. Examples of this type of economic system can also serve as directly, former socialist countries, which, with pronounced policy makers, assumed the presence of a certain market structure within the country. Although incomes in the country are also very uneven, the state seeks to reduce the negative trends in a purely capitalist economy and to support some poor segments of the population, creating favorable conditions for their existence. The mixed economic system involves the presence of several models within its structure. This is American, Swedish, German and Japanese models.

Total we get that the functions of the state in the conditions of a mixed economy are the following conditions:

  1. Support for enterprises owned by the state (public sector of the economy)
  2. Investing in the spheres of education, science, culture, etc.
  3. The impact of state bodies on the redistribution of resources required to stimulate the economy and prevent unemployment and crises
  4. Creating a redistribution of income with the help of a tax system and funds of centralized funds.

Thus, the advantages of a mixed economic system:

  • As a rule, the model is characterized by economic growth or stability (hence political stability)
  • The state ensures the protection of competition and limits the creation of monopolies.
  • The state provides guarantees of social protection of the population
  • Encouraging innovation
  • Investing in the field of education, culture, science

Cons in this case are as follows:

The need to develop development models in accordance with the national specifics, the lack of universal models.

Transition economy

It would not be superfluous to mention the so-called transition economy - the one that assumes the presence of certain changes both within the framework of both the current system and the changes arising from the transition from one model to the other. In most cases, the country with economies in transition is inherent in both the features of the previously existing command economy and the forms of organization characteristic of the market economy. In the process of transit of the command economy to a market, the state needs to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Reforming the public sector of the economy by privatization, lease
  2. Creating a market infrastructure that would satisfy all the peculiarities of production for the greatest effectiveness of available resources.
  3. Creating a private sector of the economy (primarily small and medium business) and promoting entrepreneurship
  4. Stimulation of economic distribution of commodity producers with different forms of ownership (private and state)
  5. Formation of the existing pricing system using market mechanisms.

Examples of different types of economic systems

  • Traditional - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso (mainly agriculture) and with a more advanced economy, but with characteristic features Tradiomalism: Pakistan, Cot-Divoire.
  • Planned (administrative command) - Former Socialist countries (USSR, Eastern Europe to 90s). Currently - North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam.
  • Mixed type of economic system - China, Sweden, Russia, Japan, United Kingdom, USA, Germany, France, etc.
  • The market system in pure form does not have real examples.

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This lecture on the economy is completed.

Types of economic systems - classification of the organization of the economy for a number of signs: Forms of ownership, methods of distribution of material benefits, ways to manage economic activity and others. Typology depends on the economic school, which theoretics adheres to.

Leading modern economists allocate two main features, on the basis of which the economic systems are classified. First sign - ownership production facilitiesTo which business enterprises include. In one or another economic system, the means of production can be in public or private ownership. Also, private and state-owned enterprises can also work in the economic system.

The second sign is the approaches to economic management. The planned approach is distinguished, in which the production and distribution of material goods fully controls the state. There is also a market approach. He suggests the free distribution of labor results on the basis of competition. Finally, there is a mixed approach. He involves the simultaneous existence of government planning and free competition between the participants of the economic system.

Economic systems are also classified according to the technological condition of the economy. This feature is distinguished by pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial systems.

The main types of economic systems

The main types of economic systems include traditional, planned, market and mixed. Consider the characteristics of the systems.

Traditional economic system

In the historical perspective, this is the first economic entry, which has formal signs of the economic system. It refers to the pre-industrial development period economic activity.

Traditional economic systems emerged earlier than states. In most cases, production facilities belonged to communities and tribes. This is due to the inability of one or more people to independently maintain the means of obtaining material benefits, to which territories treated: agricultural land, hunting grounds, reservoirs.

Viorean's tribe representative. The people living in Ecuador retained the stakeholders of the traditional economic system

Management of economic activity in traditional systems can be called planned and situational at the same time. Decisions on certain economic events were taken by the strongest members of the community, elders, leaders.

Currently, traditional economic systems are found among residents of third world countries: in Africa, South America, Southeast Asia.

Planned economic system

For this economic system, the state management of production facilities is characterized. This applies to both natural resources and enterprises built by people. At the same time, individual people can own personal means of production and instruments of labor.

The planned system involves the formal administration of economic activity. In practice, it is carried out with the help of calculations of the planned performance of the economy in general, as well as industries and enterprises in particular.

The advantages of the planned system of economics include:

The ability to quickly regulate the activities of industries and enterprises. This is especially important in force majeure conditions, for example, during wars and economic crises. Also, the operational management of the economy gives positive results In periods of reducing growth.

Fair distribution of material goods. This advantage refers to ideal planned systems, but in practice it was not fully implemented.

The planned economic system worked in the Soviet Union. It provided double-digit numbers of economic growth in the pre-war period, as well as the restoration of infrastructure and industry after the war.

Construction of the Beliotor Baltic Channel in the USSR

The planned economy has a number of shortcomings. These include the lack of competition, the lack of a balance between the creation of industries and consumer goods, possible errors of economic activity planning.

Modern economists consider the planned economy useful at certain stages of the development of states and regions. These include the period of the formation of the country or the Commonwealth of countries, the time of deep economic crises, periods of wars and post-war periods. Scientists believe that for several decades after the establishment of the state or the completion of wars and crises, the economic model should gradually change with the planned on a mixed or market.

Market economic system

The market economic system can be called antipode planned. In such systems, production facilities are privately owned. The regulation of the economy is carried out using competition. Manufacturers of high-quality goods and services receive profits and increase production, displacing ineffective enterprises from the market.

The state actually reserves the role of a night guard. It guarantees the inviolability of private property and monitors compliance with laws by all participants in economic relations.

The advantages of the market economy system include:

Stimulating entrepreneurship both at the level of enterprises and at the level of individuals.

Self-regulation of industries and economy as a whole.

Displacing from the market of economically unprofitable approaches to work, products, enterprises.

The disadvantages of the market system include social injustice. The free market creates the conditions for the implementation of Social Darvinist processes. They contribute to the success and enrichment of the most adapted individuals and enterprises. And unsuitable people and companies are doomed to poverty and the lack of livelihoods.

Artistic image of social inequality that exists with a market economic system

In its pure form, the market economic system exists only in theory. The easiest to the economy of some countries of the West is closest to it, for example, the United States. But even in this country, which is considered to be a market apologist, the state owns a large number of enterprises, actively interferes with economic processes and participates in the distribution of material goods.

Theoretically, the market model is considered ideal for prosperous countries during periods of sustainable economic growth. In such conditions, it should stimulate innovation and contribute to the further growth of the economy.

Mixed economic system

This is the most common market model. It operates in most countries of the world, including the United States, China, Russia, European states.

The mixed system of conducting economic activity suggests that the means of production are both in private and in state form Property. At the same time, state-owned enterprises at the legislative level do not receive any preferences, but compete on general reasons with private.

Regulation of economic processes is carried out with the help of competition. The state fulfills the role of night guard, as in the market model. At the same time, government agencies are actively involved in the activities of critical industries for the country. It can be the mining industry, a military-industrial complex or innovative sectors of the economy. For a mixed model, a state's desire to actively redistribute material values \u200b\u200bto achieve social justice.

A targeted transition to a mixed model lobby supporters of the left-center ideology: Socialists and Social Democrats. For example, they include the Labor Party in the UK.

An example of attempts to consciously build a mixed system - the Scandinavian economy model. In some countries of Northern Europe, including Sweden and Denmark, managers have implemented social state With the preservation of capitalism and market competition. Currently, these countries are considered one of the most socially oriented in the world. However, the business in them is forced to pay high taxes.

The transition from a planned mixed economy in the post-Soviet space was painful. In the photo rally in the 90s

In fairness it is worth noting that the social model of development in Scandinavia countries is possible due to the extraction and export of raw materials.

In most other countries of the world, the authorities came to a mixed economic model by chance or situationally. For example, in the United States, the leadership of the country was forced to interfere in the economy and nationalize large banking institutions due to the global financial crisis.

What is the best economic model

An ideal economic model, humanity has not yet invented. All other systems of maintaining economic activity have objective advantages and disadvantages. They arise at certain stages of the development of society and the state and replace each other.

The prevailing currently mixed model can be considered optimal at the current stage of the development of society and the state. But in the case of deep economic crisis, the likelihood of which is estimated very high, it can change the planned economy. With its help, the state will maintain an acceptable standard of living and social security of citizens.

Section VI. Science and Society

OL Goyheher A.A. Laryushkin

Economic system: concept, types, properties

Keywords: system, economy, economic system.

Currently, the term "system" is used in various fields of science and technology. In addition, this concept is used in everyday life To describe various sets of objects. The regulatory concept of "system" (Greek - "composed of parts", "compound", from "connecting, amounting") is an objective unity of naturally related objects, phenomena, as well as knowledge of nature and society.

Considering that the concept of "system" can be found in various fields (medicine, education, production, economics, information technologies, etc.), any attempt to summarize all or at least all the basic meaning of the term "system" with inevitability leads to The fact that under the system is beginning to understand anything. Like any multifunctional fundamental concept, this term is best specified in the process of consideration of its main properties. There are several such properties.

1. The system is primarily a set of elements, an abstract essence, which has integrity and defined in its borders. For certain conditions Elements can be considered as systems.

2. The presence of significant links between the elements and (or) their properties that are superior to the power (strength) of the connection of these elements with elements that are not included in this system, i.e. The system is inherent synergity, Emergenity. Under significant relationships are understood to be such that naturally determine the integrative properties of the system. The specified property features a system from a simple conglomerate and highlights it from the environment in the form of a holistic object.

3. Availability of a specific organization, which is manifested in reducing the degree of uncertainty of the system compared with the degree of uncertainty of system-forming factors determining the possibility of creating a system. These factors include the number of system elements, the number of significant connections that the element may have, the number of space and time quanta.

4. The existence of integrative properties, i.e. Inherent in the system as a whole, but unusual for any of its elements separately. The presence shows that the properties of the system although depend on the properties of the elements, but are not determined by them completely. Conclusion:

© Goyheher O.L., Larjushina A.A., 2013

the topic does not boil down to a simple set of elements, and, dismembering the system into separate parts, it is impossible to know all the properties of the system as a whole.

5. Hierarchy - Each component of the system can be considered as a system; The system itself can also be considered as an element of some overseystem (supersystems). Each system may include elements that can also be systems that, in turn, contain elements that are systems.

Thus, in the general case, the concept of "system" is characterized by:

1) the presence of a plurality of elements;

2) the presence of links between them;

3) the holistic nature of this device or process.

Based on the characteristics of the concept of "System", given the frequency and scale of its use in various fields, allocate a huge number of systems classifications. Attempts to classify systems for one or another signs were held in the Hu-X1x centuries such scientists like N. Copernicus, Galilee, I. Newton, K. Linny, I. Kant, G. Hegel, K. Marx, V. Lenin . IN modern history Sciences can be distinguished by the following scientists: A. Bogdanov, L. von Bertalanfi, N. Wiener, W. Eshby. From later (60-80 years. XX century): I. Blauberg, M. Mesarovich, A. Umen, Y. Urmansev, V. Sadovsky, Yu. Chernyak, S. Sargsyan and many others. At the same time, various criteria were highlighted for evaluating systems, for example, such as efficiency, integrity, direction of activity, scale, controllability, etc., depending on the choice of the criterion, according to which the assessment of the systems is conducted, an infinite set of systems can be formed.

Classification can be carried out according to the subject or by the categorical principle. The subject matter of the classification is to highlight the main types of specific systems existing in nature and society, taking into account the type of object being displayed (technical, biological, economic, etc.) or taking into account the type of scientific direction used for modeling (mathematical, physical, chemical and etc.). With a categorical classification of the system are divided by general characteristicsinherent in any systems regardless of their material incarnation.

The concept of "Economic System" is the greatest interest in the framework of the study of the "region" concept as an open economic system. This system, like any other type of systems, complex multidimensional education, which has the integrity and unity of all its components or elements. To date, there is no clear, uniform definition of the concept of the economic system in Russian and foreign literature. Consideration of this issue, such scientists were engaged in such as A. Smith, D. Riccardo, K. Marx, K. Buukher, Walter Oken, Walt Rosto, Daniel Bell, K.N. Leontiev, N.Ya. Danilevsky, V.P. Vorontsov, N.F. Danielson and other outstanding Russian and foreign thinkers.

At the present stage of the development of science, to understand the essence of the concept of "Economic System", you can consider the following definition: "The national economic system is a complex and multilayer complex consisting of many elements interacting and at the same time competing. This is a combination of various types of economic activities, relationships,

no in the process of this activity, means and forms of production and distribution of material goods and services, etc., which, in turn, are based on the economic infrastructure determined by the level of development of productive forces and production relations" TA Frolov characterizes economic systems as "a set of interrelated economic elements forming a certain integrity, economic structure of society."

The economic system differs from other systems in the first approximation by its systemic quality, namely the profit. In other words, the economic system is a system that brings someone's benefit. The benefits of its recipients are acquired in the process of redistribution of economic resources between economic entities. This redistribution can occur in different ways: through transactions, state orders, using the use of armed force, etc., but it is still a redistribution of resources. Thus, the "Economic system is a form of redistribution of economic resources on a certain territory that makes the benefit of economic entities."

X. Lammert correlates the concept of "economic system" with economic order and determines it as "the set of all rules relating to the organizational structure of the national economy and processes occurring in it, as well as a set of institutions responsible for the management of the economy, managing it and giving the economy of a certain organizational form " V. D. Andrianov believes that the functional economic systems (FES) become such mechanisms in market economies. Moreover, under them are "dynamic self-regulating systems, the activities of all structural elements of which are aimed at maintaining macroeconomic equilibrium and the creation of favorable conditions for the functioning of market institutions." At the same time, "functional economic systems in modern economic systems occupy a certain intermediate position between the state and the market, thereby ensuring the harmonious unity of the economic mechanism." But at the same time, it is argued that "functional economic systems differ from targeted systems (banking, tax, insurance, social protection, etc.) primarily by the fact that they are self-regulating organizations in which any deviation from certain specified resistance parameters is an impetus The immediate mobilization of numerous mechanisms of the corresponding FES restoring the lost balance at the macroeconomic level ".

Considering the above definitions of the concept of "Economic System", given its signs, the criteria of existence and principles, several common features can be distinguished in each definition:

1) interconnected system elements;

2) a certain territory;

3) the redistribution of resources by production in aggregate with the distribution, exchange, consumption;

4) the presence of multifunctional bonds between the elements;

5) the presence of socio-economic relations;

6) system of incentives and motivation of participants;

7) the presence of various interaction mechanisms.

Thus, it is possible to formulate a generalized concept of an economic system: a set of all economic processes committed between interrelated elements based on the established relations of property and economic mechanism through multifunctional relations between the elements and using the system of incentives and the motivation of participants. In any economic system, the primary role is played by production in aggregate with distribution, exchange, consumption. All economic systems require economic resources, and the results of economic activity are distributed, exchange and consumed.

Economic systems, like the system as a whole, have a huge number of classifications. The division can be made on a quantitative basis, given the dynamics, the availability of information about the system. Also separated systems by origin, degree of organization, the complexity of components and openness.

As part of this work, the division of systems into open and closed is considered. Open systems are constantly exchanged by substance, energy or information with the environment. The system is closed (closed) if it does not receive and the substance, energy or information are not released from it. The concept of a closed system is generated by physical sciences. It means that the system is self-heined. Her main characteristic In that it significantly ignores the effect of external influence. The perfect closed type system would be that that does not take energy from external sources and does not give energy to its external surround. The closed organizational system has a small use.

The open system recognizes dynamic interaction with the outside world. Regions, for example, receive their raw materials and human resources from the surrounding world. Banks, actively interacting with the outside world, use deposits, turn them into loans and investments, use their profit to maintain themselves, for development, for dividends and tax payments. Unlike the closed system, which is characterized by more or less rigidly fixed boundaries and relative isolation from the external environment, the open system is devoid of such harsh borders and interacts closely with the external environment, receiving energy, information, resources, technology necessary for its operation, information, resources, technology, means of production. Naturally, the open system is constantly in contact with the external environment and more or less promptly responds to changes occurring there.

As writes S.F. Seregin, "The economy, like society as a whole, is a complex open system with nonlinear dynamics, a periodic strengthening of development instability. The basis of its evolution is the processes of self-organization in their specific refraction caused by the social nature of the system. " Thus, it can be said that at the modern stage of world development, the economic system of society as a whole, a separate state, region, the organization is an open system that interacts with its environment that consumes its resources that exists

for the production, redistribution, exchange and consumption. At the same time, two conditions are highlighted:

Unlimited development of needs;

Limitations of resources for real satisfaction of needs.

"The main function and purpose of the economic system - the production of material benefits designed to meet the needs of society, thereby providing a powerful opposite effect on all parties public Life" In other words, the main system-wide function of the economic system, independent of its specific characteristics and features, is to create and improve economic conditions to ensure the material viability of society and its subjects.

Bibliographic list

1. Andrianov V. D. Russia. Economic and investment potential / V. D. Andrianov. -M., 1999. - 662 p.

2. Big Soviet Encyclopedia: at 30 tons / ch. ed. A.M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.

3. Batovin V.K. Dictionary on system and software engineering / V.K. Batovrin. -M.: DMK press. - 2012 - 280 p.

4. Bear E.B. Introduction to economic theory: studies. Manual / E.B. Bear, O.A. Kozlova, TA Salamatova, A.V. Tolpegin. - Ed: Yekaterinburg: USTU-UPI, 2009. - 212 p.

5. Kinikov A.M. System theory and system analysis: studies. Manual / A.M. Kinikov, S.N. Pavlov. - Tomsk: TRTR, 2008. - 264 p.

6. Lammert X. Social market economy. German path / H. Lammert. - M., 1993.

7. Sergina S.F. The role of the state in the economy / S.F. Sergey. - M.: Case and Service, 2002. -288 p.

8. Shamhalov F.I. State and Economics: Power and Business / F.I. Shamhalov. - M.: Economy, 2006. - 718 p.

9. Frolova TA Microeconomics: Lecture Abstract / T.A. Frolova. - Taganrog: TRTRU, 2006, -28 p.

The relevance of the methodology of D.I. Mendeleev in domestic and world demographic science

Keywords: demographics, methodology, normal distribution, population, social policy.

The last census of the population of Russia, conducted in 2010, as well as the data of the State Statistics Committee, recorded the population of 141, 9 million people. Of these, 103.7 million people (73%) are citizens, and 38.2 million people (27%) - rural residents. It is worth noting that the construction of three or more children, according to sociological studies, is much higher than the rural population. Urbanization and city rhythm of life along with other factors (the presence of higher education, stable material

In natural economy, people do not depend on each other, and in the separation of labor, when each does not produce all products, there is a relationship between the manufacturer and the buyer, the consistency of actions is necessary.

Coherence of economic actions - economic system -this is a way to organize the economic life of society, a set of forms of ownership, methods of management and management of production and distribution.

The following systems for organizing the organization of society are known in the history of human society:

    Traditional system.

    Command-administrative system.



Traditional system.

In the distant past, the development of economic production was carried out on the basis of instinct, i.e. Problems of choice in the economy (which, as for whom to produce), was solved on the basis of customs, rituals, traditions, heredity, thesis.

Classes are strictly distributed. Syn inherits father's profession, and so from generation to generation. Technical progress is not possible, since innovations are prohibited. "For whom to produce?" - also decides the tradition. Part of the product peasants are obliged to give the church, the state, feudal. And since the farm is natural, then the remaining product family consumed herself.

Specific traits:

    Very low labor productivity.

    Minimum queries for the range and to the number of products.

    The farm dominates peasant and handicraft farms.

Command-administrative system.

The main role in solving the problems of choice in the economy is played by the state. It solves issues about production and distribution. It is all material resources in its property. Decisions are accepted with the help of centralized economic policy planning.

Specific traits:

    Management goes from one center.

    No economic independence in business entities.

    There is equalized distribution

    State control over prices.

    Centralized material and technical supply.


These same problems are solved with the help of the most important elements of the market mechanism and simply market tools.

Elements of the market mechanism:

  • Sentence.


Market toolkit: losses, profit, etc.


Power and economy are closely intertwined. There is a combination and interaction of private, collective and state property. Functions of the state and market are often separated. Used in the farm as market mechanisms and indicative (recommendatory) planning.

Currently, there are various models of economic systems: Japanese, American, Scandinavian, Western European.

8. Market: Definition, conditions for occurrence, structure, functions. The concept of market competition, its types.

The market is one of the most common categories.

Market relations arose for a long time. The very first and simplest determination of the market: the market is a bazaar, the place of trade.

Market relations.

The essence of market relations can be reduced to the following:

    Reimbursement of the costs of sellers (producers and merchants) and their profits.

    Satisfying the effective demand of buyers (based on a free mutual agreement, retribution, equivalence and competition).

The material basis of market relations is the movement of goods and money. The economic system determines the specific form of market relations, the forms of their manifestation: a different share of market relations in the entire economic system; There may be differences in the organization of the market; Various forms, methods, market control dimensions, especially from the state. Each market has its own specific features, they relate to the following:

    Market Organization

    Assortment of goods



As commodity and money relations are developed, another market definition has appeared: the market is a form of inventory exchange.

When a special product began to appear on the market - the labor force, the definition of the market was acquired: the market is an element of reproduction of a total social product, this is a form of movement, the implementation of its parts.

Modern definition: The market today is characterized as the type of economic relations between business entities.

Economic bonds are two species:

    Natural real

    Commodity (carried out through markets)

For commodity connections, both direct and return shopping are important.

Direct economic relations are manifested as production, market and consumption.

Reverse business relations - consumption, market and production.

Attempts to replace the inverse business communications by the administrative command were turned by the deformation of the market or market relations, chronic and widespread deficit, the emergence of disproportions and numerous negative moments.

The modern market can be defined as the public form of the organization and operation of the economy. It is possible to determine as an independent subsystem in the country's economic system.

The market alone cannot regulate the country's economy, and does it along with the state. Causes: The state is direct participant in market relations on the one hand and on the other hand, the state has an impact on the functioning of the market through the legal entity. The market as a spontaneous regulator of the economy has long passed into history, especially this is noticeable after the 30th anniversary of the twentieth century. The state comes to the aid of the market mainly where he simply cannot cope: acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the militarization of the economy, the solution of social problems and much more.

The market cannot be considered as a purely economic category. This is a very broad socio-economic, socio-philosophical phenomenon. Because the market as a result of the natural historical development of members of society includes historical, religious, cultural, national, psychological features of the development of peoples.

Characteristic market features (free, perfect)

    The market implies an unlimited number of participants, i.e. Free entry and out of it.

    Prices must be installed on the basis of competition, i.e. Market prices must act, and not individual prices of manufacturers.

    Mobility of all resources, i.e. This implies the free movement of resources through the country.

    The right of each market participant to complete information about it.

    In the market it is impossible to privileged in one participants in market relations to the detriment of others.

Causes of market.

    There must be a fairly developed public division of labor.

    The presence of economic distribution of the commodity producer is only then they will be able to exchange what they produce.

    Limitations of economic resources.

    A variety of ownership forms.

Limit market.

    The market is cruel, it is indifferent to the poor in the population. The market is interested in solvent buyers.

    The market can not provide every person work.

    The market can little affect the solution to the problem of improving ecology.

    The market can not affect the development of fundamental sciences.

    On the market you can sell or buy only goods that produce manufacturers.

    The market sets prices, but the market does not guarantee their stability.

Market functions.

Main function which the market performs in the economic relations of any country - the regulatory function. The growth of participants' income growth depends on this function, the market coordinates production and consumption. The market supports balanced demand and supply in terms of quantity or volume of manufactured products and its assortment.

Second function - Information. The market is obliged to give its participants information about prices, demand and suggestions for goods, on the state of resources.

Stimulating function - The market encourages those producers who effectively or rationally lead their farm.

Intermediary function - In the market, the consumer can choose the most efficient supplier.

Pricing and competitive functions.

Economic system

Economic system (eng. Economic System.) - A combination of all economic processes committed in society based on the property and economic mechanism in it. In any economic system, the primary role is played by production in aggregate with distribution, exchange, consumption. All economic systems require economic resources, and the results of economic activity are distributed, exchange and consumed. At the same time, in economic systems there are also elements that distinguish them from each other:

  • socio-economic relations;
  • organizational and legal forms of economic activity;
  • economic mechanism;
  • system of incentives and motivation of participants;
  • economic ties between enterprises and organizations.

The main types of economic systems are listed below.

Economic system in different scientific schools

The concept of an economic system (its content, elements and structure) depends on the economic school. In the neoclassical paradigm, the description of the economic system is revealed through micro and macroeconomic concepts. The object of neoclassics is defined as a study of the behavior of people maximizing their utility in a limited resource environment with unlimited needs. The main elements are: firms, households, state.

Economic systems are also studied from the point of view of other theoretical schools directly related to economic theory. From the point of view of researchers of the modern post-industrial society, the post-industrial economy (neo-economics, "Information Society" or "Knowledge Society") is born as a special technological way, which significantly modifies economic and social systems generally. In the "Economic Development" paradigm, a special group of the third world countries is allocated, where there are a number of important patterns: the institutional structure, the features of macroeconomic dynamics, a special model. Thus, the development economy considers the class of special economic systems. Unlike the dominant concepts of neoclassic and neo-regisitutionalism, the historical school focuses on the historically established differences in national economic systems.

Parameters Comparison of Economic Systems

Technical and economic and post-economic parameters

Economic systems are studied from the point of view of technological instructions. From the point of view of the structure, this is: pre-industrial economic systems, industrial and post-industrial economic systems. An important parameter for post-industrial systems is a measure of creative activity and its role in the economy. For its measurement, the measured level of education levels are usually used, for example, the proportion of persons with higher education, professional employment structure, etc. The most important characteristic is an assessment in the economic system of measures to solve environmental problems. Demographic parameters allow you to answer questions related to the approach of the economic system to the post-industrial society, and directly related to this parameter have: life expectancy, child mortality, incidence, other nation's health parameters. Specific gravity Post-industrial technologies are usually calculated in the proportion of in the production of various industries in the total mass of GDP.

The ratio of the plan and market (resource allocation)

These parameters are particularly relevant for countries with economies in transition. There is a characteristic of the mechanisms of state planning of the economy, the development of commodity-money relations, the measures for the development of the natural economy, the measure of the development of the shadow economy. Characteristics of the market development: Measure of the development of market institutions, a measure of market self-organization (competition), market saturation (lack of deficiency), market structure. Regulatory development measures: antimonopolistic regulation; Measure of the development of state regulation (selective regulation, anticyclic regulation, programming); Measure of the development of regulation by public associations. A more detailed study of the role of the state in the economy is carried out in the theory of public selection, which considers the decision-making process of decisions, a system of public contract (constitutional economy) and so on. .

Parameters of comparison of property relations

When analyzing economic systems, the ratio of the shares of state, cooperative and private enterprises is given. Nevertheless, this characteristic is formal, for the deeper characteristics of the economic system, high-quality and quantitative characteristics of the description of the essence of forms and methods of testing property and its assignment are used. For example, for countries with economies in transition, you can give such a characteristic by answering the following questions:

  • a measure of the concentration of powerful powers in the hands of the bureaucratic party and state apparatus and the separation of the state from the Society (the workers are not involved in the assignment of public wealth);
  • the degree of centralization / decentralization of state ownership ("transfer" of some management functions to the level of enterprises) and, for example, the nationalization of cooperative property;
  • a measure of the decomposition of the state-bureaucratic pyramid of economic power and the formation of "closed departmental systems", strengthening power in the fields in the regions.

Over time, the economic system can be democratized when a greater amount of powers of the management of property and assignment departs to enterprises and individuals.

An important characteristic of property relations is the form of ownership, what is the proportion of enterprises: fully in state ownership; joint-stock enterprises, the controlling stake in which is in the hands of the state; cooperatives and collective enterprises; joint-stock enterprises whose controlling stake in the hands of workers; joint-stock enterprises where the controlling stake belongs to individuals and private corporations; private personal enterprises using hired work; Based on personal labor owners; enterprises belonging to foreigners; own public organizations; different types joint ventures.

Comparative analysis of social parameters

The level and dynamics of real income. The "price" of the obtained real income (the duration of the working week, the family of working time family, the intensity of labor). Consumption quality (market saturation, time spent in the field of consumption). Share of free time, directions for its use. Quality and quality of labor. Development of the socio-cultural sphere, the availability of its services. The development of the scientific and educational sphere and its availability.

Comparative study of the mechanism of operation of economic systems

Modern Market Economic System

The market is a complex economic system of public relations in the field of economic reproduction. It is due to several principles that determine its essence and distinguish from other economic systems. These principles are based on human freedom, its entrepreneurial talents and on a fair attitude to them. Indeed, these principles are a bit - they can be calculated on the fingers of one hand, but their importance for the very concept of a market economy is difficult to overestimate. And these basics, namely: Freedom of the individual and honest competition - are very closely related to the concept of a rule of law. The guarantees of the liberty and honest competition can be given only in conditions civil society and the rule of law. But the very essence of the rights found by the person in the conditions of the rule of law is the right of freedom of consumption: every citizen has the right to arrange his life as it seems to be within its financial capabilities. It is necessary that the rights to property are irregular, and in this defense of their rights, he himself plays the main role, and the state of protection against illegal encroachments to the property of a citizen of other citizens is taken by the state. Such an alignment of strength holds a person within the law, since ideally the state stands on his side. The law, which begins to respect, whatever it becomes, becomes fair at least for the one who respects it. But, protecting the rights of citizens, the state should not cross the border, both totalitarianism and chaos. In the first case, the initiative of citizens will deteriorate or manifest itself in a perverted form, and in the second - the state and its laws can be revealed by violence. However, the "distance" between totalitarianism and chaos is large enough, and the state in any case should play "its" role. This role is to effectively regulate the economy. Under the regulation, a very wide range of measures should be understood, and the more effective its use, the higher the confidence in the state.

Distinctive features:

  • the diversity of ownership of ownership, among which is still the leading place occupies a private property in various kinds;
  • deploying a scientific and technical revolution that accelerates the creation of a powerful production and social infrastructure;
  • limited state intervention in the economy, but the role of the government in the social sphere is still great;
  • changes in the structure of production and consumption (increasing role of services);
  • growth of the level of education (post-school);
  • new attitude towards work (creative);
  • increased focus environment (restriction of the degreasing use of natural resources);
  • humanization of the economy ("human potential");
  • informatization of society (increase in the number of knowledge manufacturers);
  • renaissance of small business (fast update and high differentiation of products);
  • globalization of economic activities (the world has become a single market).

Traditional economic system

In economically underdeveloped countries there is a traditional economic system. This type of economic system is based on backward technology, the wide distribution of manual labor, the multipleness of the economy.

The multiplicity of the economy means existence under the economic system of various forms of management. Natural community forms based on community management and natural forms of distribution of the created product are preserved in a number of countries. Melno-frozen production is of great importance. It is based on private ownership of the production resources and personal labor of their owner. In countries with a traditional system, small-handed production is represented by numerous peasant and craft farms, which dominate the economy.

In the context of relatively poorly developed national entrepreneurship, foreign capital plays a huge role in the economy of the countries under consideration.

In the life of society, the traditions and customs and customs, religious cultural values, caste and class divisions, restraining socio-economic progress prevail.

The solution of key economic tasks has specific features within various styles. For the traditional system, such a feature is characterized - the active role of the state. Redistributing through the budget a significant part of national income, the state sends funds to the development of infrastructure and providing social support to the poorest segments of the population. Traditional economy Based on traditions transmitted from generation to generation. These traditions determine, there are products and services to produce, for whom and how. List of goods, production technology and distribution are based on customers of the country. The economic roles of members of society are determined by heredity and custom affiliation. This type of economy is preserved today in a number of so-called underdeveloped countries, in which technical progress penetrates with great difficulties, for it, as a rule, undermines the customs established in these systems, traditions.

The advantages of the traditional economy

  • stability;
  • predictability;
  • quality and a large number of products.

Disadvantages of the traditional economy

  • defenselessness before external influences;
  • inability to self-improvement, to progress.

Distinctive features:

  • extremely primitive technologies;
  • the predominance of manual labor;
  • all key economic problems are solved in accordance with age-old customs;
  • the organization and management of economic life is carried out on the basis of the decisions of the Council.

Traditional Economic System: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Benin. These are the least developed countries of the world. The economy is focused on agriculture. In most countries, the fragmentation of the population prevails in the form of national (folk) groups. GNP per capita does not exceed 400 dollars. The economy of countries is represented mainly by agriculture, rarely mining. Everything that is produced and is presented is not able to feed and ensure the population of these countries. As opposed to these states are countries with higher income, but also focused on agriculture - Azerbaijan, Cotd-Divoire, Pakistan.

Administrative and command system (planned)

This system prevassed earlier in the USSR, countries of Eastern Europe, and a number of Asian states.

Characteristic features of AKC is public (A in reality - state) property practically to all economic resources, monopolization and bureaucratization of the economy in specific forms, centralized economic planning as the basis of the economic mechanism.

The Economic mechanism of the ACC has a number of features. He assumes, firstly, the direct management of all enterprises from the Unified Center - Higher Echelons state powerthat negates the independence of economic subjects. Secondly, the state fully controls the production and distribution of products, as a result of which free market relations between individual farms are excluded. Thirdly, the state apparatus leads economic activities with the help of, mainly administrative and administrative (team) methods, which undermines the material interest in the results of labor.

Full population of the economy causes an unprecedented monopolization of production and sales of products. Giant monopolies, approved in all areas of the national economy and supported by ministries and departments, in the absence of competition do not care about the introduction of new products and technology. For a deficient economy generated by a monopoly, the lack of normal material and human reserves in case of a violation of the balance of the economy is characterized.

In countries with AKS, the decision of general economic tasks had its own specific features. In accordance with the dominant ideological plants, the task of determining the volume and structure of products was considered too serious and responsible to convey its decision to direct manufacturers to industrial enterprises, state farms and collective farms.

Centralized distribution of material benefits, labor and financial resources was carried out without the participation of direct manufacturers and consumers, in accordance with the pre-selected as public goals and criteria, based on centralized planning. A significant part of resources in accordance with the dominant ideological plants was sent to the development of the military-industrial complex.

The distribution of manufactured products between the participants of production was severely regulated by the central bodies for the means of the ubiquitous tariff system, as well as centrally approved standards of funds to the payroll. This led to the predominance of the equalization approach to pay

Main features:

  • state property practically to all economic resources;
  • strong monopolization and bureaucratization of the economy;
  • centralized, directive economic planning as the basis of the economic mechanism.

The main features of the economic mechanism:

  • direct Board by all enterprises from the Unified Center;
  • the state fully controls the production and distribution of products;
  • the state apparatus is managing economic activities with the help of predominantly administrative command methods.

This type of economic system is characteristic of: Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea. Centralized economy with the overwhelming shares of the public sector more depends on agriculture and foreign trade. GNP per capita slightly exceeds 1000 dollars.

Mixed system

The mixed economy presents such an economic system, where both the state and the private sector play an important role in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of all resources and material goods in the country. At the same time, the regulatory role of the market is complemented by the mechanism of state regulation, and private property coexists with socio-state. The mixed economy arose in the interwar period and to this day represents the most effective form of management. Five main tasks solved by mixed economies can be distinguished:

  • employment;
  • full use of production facilities;
  • stabilization of prices;
  • parallel growth of wages and labor productivity;
  • balance balance.

Distinctive features:

  • priority of the market organization of the economy;
  • multisectoral economy;
  • the state management entrepreneurship is combined with private with its comprehensive support;
  • orientation of financial, credit and tax policies for economic growth and social stability;
  • social protection of the population.

This type of economic system is characteristic of Russia, China, Sweden, France, Japan, Great Britain, SSH.


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