Soviet state actor Valentin Sergeevich Pavlov: Biography. Valentin Sergeevich Pavlov: Biography of Pavlov USSR

Date of Birth: 26.09.1937
Citizenship: Russia

Born on September 26, 1937 in Moscow. Father - Pavlov Sergey Nikolayevich (1904-1971), a former unworpiece, worked as an excrement, then for many years by chauffeur, during the Great Patriotic War From October 1941. The sixteenth Army Rokossovsky and then everywhere - a mortar, the driver, twice was injured, repeatedly awarded.

Mother - Gromova Nadezhda Ivanovna (1906-1992), all his life worked as an operating nurse, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, all his life worked as an operating nurse; She was touched by the sadly famous "case of doctors", since she directly communicated with many defendants of the case. Fortunately, everything was done for her, until recently she worked in the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Clinical Institute (Monica) named after the Ekaterininskaya Hospital, where V.S. Pavlov was born.

Sister - Nina Sergeyevna (1931g. Rimed), the first of the Pavlov family graduated from the Moscow Finance Institute, putting the beginning of the Dynasty of Pavlovy Financiers. All labor life has been held in the field of practical financial activities in Moscow's economic organizations - first in the Stroybank system and further in construction organizations. Husband sisters, her son and daughter - also financiers.

Spouse - Pavlova Valentina Petrovna, who came from Zaporozhye, studied at the Moscow Financial Institute together with V.S. Pavlov, where they met in 1958. got married. She worked first in the Moscow City Government, then in the system of the GlavososAvtotrans, the organization that carried out freight traffic and numbered 100 thousand drivers. Last years He held the position of Deputy Head of this Organization for Economics.

Son - Sergey (1960g. Rabor), did not change the family tradition. In the sixth grade, he bought the book "Money", a book that and for the Father-Professional seemed interesting and, as it turned out, the future of the Son predicted. Son's wife is also a financier.

When V.S. Pavlov became the Prime Minister of the USSR, he did not have a shadow of doubt that the decision should be the first. They became a document on the reorganization of the Moskovsky Financial Institute in the Moscow Finance Academy. And it was not a tribute to be a conjuncture for him, but an element of a conscious strategy for the preparation of financiers for the Soviet Union in the context of the transition of its economy to market rails. As an indisputable fact, it is necessary to take the fact that today the leaders of the majority of the largest companies and banks of the country are graduates or the Moscow Financial Institute or the Financial Academy.

In 1954, Valentin Pavlov entered and in 1958 graduated from the Finance and Economic Faculty of the Moscow Finance Institute with a degree in Finance, money circulation, credit. Among people who have helped V.S.Pavlov to form as a professional should be noted by such teacher scientists as Bragel and Spouses Atlas. They taught an understanding of the deep foundations of financial mechanisms, the need to consider finances as the most important element of a single efficient management system.

After graduating from the Institute, V.S. Pavlov was distributed to the Kalininsky Rafinotel G. Moskvy as an inspector of state revenues. A variety of objects were enshrined behind him: Arteel, Prombo Operations, the largest plants of the Union Industry and local significance, household businesses and markets, whose activities he analyzed and controlled as a fininpector. It is in these industries that a young specialist first drew attention to the suggestion of a number of economic and financial instruments for the first time. In particular, he could not understand why in one case the wholesale prices are higher than retail, and in the other below. Having deeply studying the production technology at ward enterprises, the financial flows of V.S. Pavlov made several rationalization proposals. They owned a desire to change the situation on the objects entrusted to him. And what was his surprise, when a call came out soon from the Ministry of Finance. He was handed over to him that a certain MMPovolotsky called with a request to call back. When Valentine called the ministry, it turned out that his, ordinary inspector of the Daphinotel, invites the Deputy Minister (!). M.M.Povolotsky, as chairman of the Commission for the Rationalizing Proposals, drew attention to the thoughts and ideas expressed by V.S. Pavlov. Valentin Pavlov was invited to the Commission of the Ministry. He was carefully listened and promised to give the course of sentences, believing that they had a reason. A month later, he was again invited to the ministry, already to the head of the Office of Financing Construction and Design Organizations M.I. Sokhnin. It turns out that M. M. Pogolotsky, noting Pavlova as an intelligent guy, suggested M.I. Sokhnin to take him to himself. So, in 1959 V.S. Pavlov took the first position in the system of the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR - economist with a salary of 1,100 rubles. The difference in the salary of 1100 and 825, which he received in the Daephinotel, became an important argument on the Family Council when a decision was made to transition to a new job. Thus, the first high-ranking official appeared in the proletarian family of Pavlov. An official was 22 years old.

Having received the first salary, and Valentin Sergeevich recalls about it with warmth and smile, he bought a tea sausage, cheese, fruit home, and they celebrated this event.

Valentina is lucky. He was consolidated as a second person, for financing a minimontortustor, a powerful, elite construction organization, through which capital investments were implemented. At that time, during the period of the Council, the real financial and economic life proceeded in the republics and further on specific objects where investments were sent.

From the first days of V.S. Pavlov had to face large projects. For example, he was engaged in financing the construction of automotive strategic rings around G. Moskva, who led Glavspotstroy headed by N.I. Zolotarevsky. In this system, V.S. Pavlov worked for 7 years - three years by an economist, further than a senior economist (in case it was a great increase), then the deputy head of the construction financing department and design organizations and eventually became the Deputy Head of the Office of Financing Construction of the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR (1966).

One of the main successes of that period and the whole life V.S. Pavlov considers a meeting and work with Sergey Nikolayevich Bryukhovitsky, a man-encyclopedia of a financial case. S.N. Bruchovitsky served as a senior accountant in the Russian-Azov bank, one of the largest private banks of pre-revolutionary Russia. His unique and universal knowledge was highly appreciated by the leadership of the Ministry of Finance. He, by the way, a non-partisan with the formation of a parish school, received an exceptionally high personal salary - 1800 rubles, which emphasized his special status in the ministry system. Bryukhovitsky was a barbed man. He had a lot of young employees who failed to understand the character of the sophisticated man of the old hardening. When V.S. Pavlov began working with him in a pair and under his beginning, the work colleagues said: "You will not work with him. You will not tell you anything and he will not teach anything." He taught. Thank you. Years passed, but still does not change the ANARSKA HPP, the Kurgan Machine-Building Plant, the Khikovinsky Chemical Combine, the first Dec Chief Chief Vigraradstroy, other complex, sometimes secret objects. Parting, Bryukhovetsky invited Valentine to himself and posted six folders in front of him, which influenced the full life of one of the largest financial officers of the country. In these folders, the entire history of the financial affair of Russia was compressed: decrees, regulations, instructions, and each of these documents were comments S.N. Bryuchovetsky: the subsequent document differs from the previous one, which cancels what complements what is contrary to which new one The procedure establishes.

Since then, V.S. Pavlov has understood the main thing: no and cannot be absolutely faithful for all cases of financial and economic decision. Taking a directive designed for the interests of some (industries, enterprises, sectors of society, individuals), the financier should know exactly that it infringe on the interests of others. And when in the future, working on key positions in the Ministry of Finance, State University, Council of Ministers of the USSR, was preparing this or that decision, V.S. Pavlov could always say: it was already, it led to such consequences, etc. School S.N. Bryuchovetsky, a man whom Pavlov considers his first and last teacher, gave him not only a unique inheritance, she taught him behind the numbers and pieces to see real life, clashes of people, their interests, from statistics and bills made it an economist, financier.

After the joints were disbanded and real financial levers moved to the Ministry of Finance of the USSR V.S. Pavlov, an authoritative professional was invited to take the position of deputy head of the department of financing the Heavy Industry of the USSR Ministry of Finance. V.S. Pavlov recalls that he was very difficult to leave the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR, where the monolithic, active team of associates was formed, in the Union ministry, albeit with a certain increase. The achievement of the then leaders of the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR I.I. Fadeieva and A.A. Bobrovnikova.

About the style of the leadership of I.N. Fadeieva, he cites such a fact. A certain official, who has been guided by the leadership in writing reports, was enthusiastically to the Minister. Having far-reaching career plans, one day he "faced", issued a "compromising" on his head, head of the Department of the Department of the Ministry of the Ministry. Fadeev, without hesitation, invited him to the office of this member of the board, and with him the secretary of Patertkom and the Chairman of the trade union committee and suggested "the specialist on the reports" to repeat the facts and their arguments to hearing, in their presence: who, when, under what circumstances With whom and how the labor discipline has broken. The intelligible explanation did not follow. The minister's resolution was lightning: "You need to collect things up to 16 hours today and leave the ministry forever." This case was quite typical in terms of personnel control and is characteristic of the Ministry of Finance of the time where there was no well, neither woven, and everyone was engaged in their direct responsibilities. Apparently, it contributed to nomination through the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR many of very large professionals, practitioners and scientists, which then occupied high posts in the Allied departments and work now in state and commercial structures.

The years, when V.S. Pavlov worked in managing the financing of the Heavy Industry of the Ministry of Finance of the USSR (1966-1968), were special time for the country. This time was special and in Valentina Sergeevich's biography. The development of Yakut diamonds, West Siberian oil and gas fields, the legendary sibil, the rapid development of oil, gas industryThe gigantic real investment was invested in the national economy, despite the fact that in the country there was a famous "Kosyginsky" reform. These investments were directly passed through V.S. Pavlov. Thus, he caught, "missed the" huge changes in the territory of one sixth part of the globe: large-scale redistribution of financial, labor, material resources, and all this as soon as possible. It was in those years that the "petrodollara" were flowed for the first time. Often, at the same time, arose extreme situations. When oil, literally flowed by the river, and there was a global threat to the ecology of Western Siberia, there were emergency measures when it was necessary to organize the production and delivery of special fender reinforced concrete blocks (hundreds and thousands of cubic meters), which needed to urgently block the oil path, create a dam, Isolate oil from Yenisei. Army, civilian population, operational management of this process - all this was the case of V.S. Pavlov in this concrete case And other similar situations are needed. It was in those years that V.S. Pavlov, according to his statement, assessed the main advantage of the socialist system, as a state management system for developing economies - the possibility of maneuver and the concentration of all resources and its disadvantage - an insufficient level of personal interest and responsibility for the results of activities or inaction.

For experts of that time, there was no secret that the country's financing was actually led by "three heroes": V.N. Maslennikov, V.A.Salnikov and Uncle Chernomor - V.P.Nikolsky. Working with them in the same team, sometimes in extremely difficult situations, it was necessary to take non-standard solutions, holding gigantic resources in the hands, directing them to a particular object. This team created, a kind of club, where the methods of financing the most complex objects were discussed and developed, sometimes unexpected, seemed to be unthinkable solutions, despite the fact that the entire industry was considered as a single, inextricable mechanism. It was in those years that V.S. Pavlov was ripe as an economist of a state scale, when the problems of the formation of capital, its sources, volumes, structures, overflow, the preservation was not theoretical model from the textbook, but were the very essence of his profession. It was then that he developed his main Credo - in all cases, by all means to maintain working capital.

This thought has become not only the idea and the subject of practical activity, but also the topic scientific research. V.S. Pavlov protects the dissertation for the degree of candidate economic Sciences "Coverages Industry and sources of their formation "(1971). In the same period, he begins to work part-time as the associate professor of the All-Union Above Financial and Economic Institute at the Department" State Budget and Finance of the Folk Economy Industries. "

In 1968 V.S. Pavlov is appointed Deputy Head of the Budget Administration of the USSR Ministry of Finance (1968-1979.). This control was a kind of "General of the Ministry of Finance". Here were developed and linked the main balances, ways to solve the most difficult issues and the corresponding financial instruments. These years have become a good school for V.S. Pavlov, because he had to directly participate and manage the process of financing the sectors of the country's national economy, to ensure the linking of the financial balance with the monetary circulation, the country's finance finance. It is very closely cooperating with the consolidated divisions of the USSR of the USSR, since it was necessary to link the cost natural and real balance sheets and the movement of funds. It demanded an in-depth theoretical justification. V.S. Pavlov prepared and defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Financial Plans and Balances in the Economic Management System" (1981).

Continuing to go in depth of these problems, V.S. Pavlov issues the monograph "Prospects for Financial Planning", and as the head of the author's team, the Tutorial "State Budget of the USSR", who received a special award at the contest of the USSR of the USSR.

The work that was performed by V.S. Pavlov in the Ministry of Finance turned out to be in demand by the USSR state. In 1979 He goes to work in Gamin USSR, first as the head of the Finance, Cost of Cost and Prices (1979-1981), then becomes a member of the USSR Mamurn and Member of the USSR Collegium and works in 1986.

The specifics of the work of Gosplan in those years was largely determined by his leader - N.K. Baibakov. He possessed exceptional performance, had a special sense of innovation and achieving scientific and technological progress. Moreover, it concerned equally projects of a global scale (for example, in terms of modernization of the coal industry, searches for new energy sources, etc.) and local ideas coming from the life that it was necessary to support, to realize in reality. Hence the atmosphere in the State District in those years: creative, with a high level of responsibility, from here the prestige of the employee, the level of their qualifications (to work they took a job, as a rule, people who have shown themselves with professionals of the highest level).

V.S. Pavlova took part in the creation of a five-year plan for 1981-1985. Developers proceeded from the need to increase the share of accumulation in national income in order to conduct structural restructuring, renewal of the country's industrial potential. At the same time, they certainly gave themselves the fact that in social terms such an approach could lead to quite real negative consequences. It is taking into account these circumstances a five-year plan was drawn up and sent to approval to the Central Committee. From there the plan was returned with a negative resolution and a proposal to revise the concept. Specialists of the State Administrative Offer repaired their forecasts and calculations and again made the same conclusions, as a different decision could lead to a sharp crisis. N.K.Babakov supported his colleagues and took responsibility without having received support in political leadership, he during the implementation of the five-year plan and through annual plans as its capabilities did a lot to implement the necessary events.

The main conclusions that V.S.pavlov did, working in the USSR states, became. Firstly, the conviction that outside the scope of material production is financial categories, cash appeal as fictitious. Secondly, the fact that the effectiveness of financial and credit relations is determined by the efficiency of production. Finance can accelerate or inhibit the improvement of material production through distribution and consumption, but cannot replace it.

Another conviction was global in nature: the country is at such a stage when the monetary system as a whole and its tools significantly broke away from the elements of material production and consumption. They became inadequate. This gap began to seriously slow down the production itself. Moreover, he led to its degradation, and hence the destruction of the most monetary system. V.S. Pavlov became clear: there is a rapid movement towards a universal crisis. He formulated these conclusions in the notes (1984-1985), directed them to the Central Committee of the CPSU, where as the main substantive conclusion: no later than 1988. It is necessary to carry out a cardinal reform of prices, money, wages.

A certain reaction to these notes did not receive them. But he was invited to the team of the Central Committee of the CPSU, who were preparing materials for plenums, as well as to develop party-state decrees.

In 1986 V.S. Pavlova is appointed by the First Deputy Minister of Finance of the USSR, hinting transparently: "Notes wrote? Here, let's be implemented." One of the first actions in the new capacity was the meeting of all the leaders of the State Summary, which was the result of the program of technical re-equipment of the state discrek. At that time, its development was not over, but its individual elements testified to the far-reaching designs V.S. Pavlov, related to the preparation of reform.

In the same year, V.S. Pavlov is appointed chairman of the USSR State Committee at prices (1986-1989). In front of him, a task was set - to prepare a copper tape reform. However, this task proceeded to himself. The description of the collisions, which occurred when discussing the concept of reform and the preparation of its elements, could not be made up of various departments at that moment, and they were far from each other combined. We are talking On the interests of the Central Committee of the CPSU, State University, Ministry of Finance, Gosbank, many departments that had considerable weight and powerful levers in the management of the economy, and the Committee at the prices that had to provide all the "draft" work.

Goscomitant under the leadership of V.S. Pavlov developed various options for the reform of pricing and changing the cost structure of the social product, including the prices of bread, meat, milk and gradually for all types of resources, goods. It was an unprecedented share of specialists. It went in parallel with the reform of the country's economy and was in a close intettry with the political nuances of the senior leadership, a different sense of reforming forces, the creation of the Institute of Congress. Ultimately, the proposals of the State Committee on Complex were adopted, but not implemented. And it is against the background of the turbulent degradation of socio-economic relations, which led to empty counterparts, the deficiency of all and all, theft and many other negative consequences. This undoubtedly slowed down all the reform and created a basis for politics, rocking the state device.

However, after fierce discussions, in 1987. The decision of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU was proclaimed the reform of prices, and together with it the reform of banking, financial and other institutions. High authority V.S. Pavlova as an economist - scientist practice, found a confirmation of the public. July 2, 1987 He was elected chairman of the All-Union Scientific and Economic Society.

In 1989 V.S. Pavlov is appointed Minister of Finance of the USSR. On the one hand, he has considerable opportunities to implement its ideas on the reform of the entire financial and economic block, on the other hand, it faces global political situations that are severe weighting in the reform process. It concerned and ideological Shore, it also applied to colleagues from Murnan and the Ministry of Finance, where the conservative elements were very strong. If you submit a "dry residue" from what is done by the Ministry of Finance under the leadership of V.S. Pavlov from 1989 to 1991, it turns out that many postulates that are proud of today "democracy" was created then. This is the creation of a pension fund and the first steps of the pension reform; Organization of the tax inspection, the regulation of the first types of cooperation, rental groups, joint ventures, with registering them in the Ministry of Finance; Formation of a network of commercial banks who used to attract investments, maintaining cooperation, labor collectives, expansion of services to the population, including participation in the establishment of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Birzh organization in order to mobilize free resources; creation of a system of free, adjustable and fixed wholesale and purchasing prices; Development of regulatory methods for forming and regulating budgets, development budget and much more.

In parallel with the work of the Minister, heading the All-Union Scientific and Economic Society, V.S. Pavlov contributes to the implementation of large, "living" projects, the organization of a number of joint ventures: the club "Moscow stars", with whom the leaders of the largest European concerns were interacted. In 1990, the news and publishing consortium "Business Peace" was organized, the chairman of the Board of which was V.S. Pavlov (1990-1991). In the same period, he is elected by the President of the All-Union Economic Society (1990-1991).

January 14, 1991, after the government of the Government of N.I. Yurizkova, in resignation, V.S. Pavlov becomes the Prime Minister of the USSR and is soon appointed by the Chairman State Council on economic reform, a member of the Security Council. In this capacity, he worked until August 1991.

At this short period of time, there are many dramatic collisions, as a result of which the systemic reform of the economy could not be completed. This is, above all, a political confrontation, struggle for power. It is enough to recall the first indefinite strike of miners, the transition to the Russian jurisdiction of the largest factories, the rule of republican laws, the creation of parallel structures of republican state banks, the so-called single-channel payment system in the Union budget and much more. Real successes in the economy and reforming the economic mechanism of management were deprived of the so-called "democrats" chances for the seizure of power. That is why V.S. Pavlov in February, nor in June 1991, the Supreme Council of the USSR did not give additional rights and authority, allowing you to block and slow down the necessary practical actions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR.

Decisions V.S. Pavlova on the organization of the manufacturers in the course of development of the plan and budget for 1992, the Supreme Supils of Russia, Ukraine, some other republics even proclaimed interference in internal affairs and violation of sovereignty. Propaganda hostile to him tried to make fun of the first and last premiere of the USSR about the leading financial war, its goals and consequences that life fully confirmed today, distort the actual tasks of money exchange, in every way the facts of Moscow queues arising precisely because of the conscious delay until the middle of the day authorities to start exchanging. Meanwhile, it was at that time that the general agreement of the government and trade unions on working conditions, payment and social guarantees was signed in the history of the Soviet Union. The reform of retail prices and tariffs with one hundred percent leading compensation for the losses of real incomes and cash savings of the population, which created the conditions for increasing the state budget of income (and not expenses, as before) from the increase in production and consumption of food and strengthen the economic potential of the village was determined. The basics of independence and welfare, currency strength were laid. Programs Estroika TEC, metallurgy, chemistry, harvesting measures and preparation for winter and much more on the basis of direct links of enterprises and regions are identified.

The real market has become on the agenda as a real threat to the Vsevladja of the Republican and Union bureaucracy, state and party officials of all levels and predetermined their position in political struggle. The centrifugal forces cubized, ultimately, are ultimately, to the "August Survey" - an open confrocation of the Central and Republican authorities in the matter of preserving the USSR in the last feature and the backward signing of the Confederation Treaty with the six republics instead of the Union (21.08.91). For a year and a half after that, V.S. Pavlov was in the "sailor silence" (08.23.1991-23.01.1993).

Since 2001, V.S. Pavlov, was the vice president of the Russian Economic Society of Russia, headed the Institute for Research and Promoting the Development of Regions and industries at the International Union of Economists.

Rod. 1937, mind. 2003. Politician, economist.

Graduate of the Moscow Financial Institute (1958). He worked at the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR (1959-1966), the head of the budget department of the USSR Ministry of Finance (1966-1979), in the USSR states (1979-1986). He was the First Deputy Minister of Finance of the USSR (1986), Chairman of the USSR State Committee (since 1986), Minister of Finance of the USSR (1989-91), USSR Prime Minister (1991). The author of the confiscation reform (Pavlovskaya reform) conducted at the beginning of 1991 (January).

A coup participant in August 1991, a member of the GCCP (State Committee for Emergency Regulation).

Counted, in 1994 amnestied.

After the liberation, the head of the Institute for Research and Promotion of the Development of Regions and industries at the International Union of Economists, Vice-President of the International Academy of Management.

Pavlov, Valentin Sergeevich Former USSR Prime Minister (January-August 1991); Vice-President of the Volga Economic Society of Russia, Director of the Institute for Research and Promotion of the Development of Regions and industries at the International Union of Economists; Born on September 26, 1937 in Moscow; He graduated from the Financial and Economic Faculty of the Moscow Finance Institute with a degree in Finance, Monetary Credit, Credit in 1958, Doctor of Economics, Professor; 1958-1959 - Inspector of state revenues of the Kalininsky DaphinTeel of Moscow; 1959-1966 - Economist, senior economist, Deputy Head of the Department, Deputy Head of the Office of Financing for the Construction of the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR; 1966-1968 - Deputy Head of Heavy Industry Financing Department, 1968-1979 - Deputy Head of the Budget Administration of the USSR Ministry of Finance; 1979-1981 - Head of the Finance Department, Costs and Poslans of the USSR; 1979-1986 - Member of the State District, Member of the Collegium of the USSR College; Since 1986 - First Deputy Minister of Finance of the USSR; 1986-1989 - Chairman of the USSR State Committee at prices; 1989-1991 - USSR Finance Minister; January 14, 1991, after the government of the Government of N. I. Ryzhkov in resignation, became the Prime Minister, and then the Chairman of the State Council on Economic Reform, a member of the Security Council; In August 1991, he entered the GKCP, after an unsuccessful attempt of the "coup" was arrested; From August 23, 1991 to January 23, 1993, he was detained in the prison "Syrosk Silence"; In January 1994, it was amnestied with all the participants of the "Putch"; 1994-1995 - President "Chasprombank"; 1996-1997 - Promstroybank adviser; In 1998, became the vice-president of the American company VSS in Moscow (the company was created by programmers - immigrants from Russia, developing and implementing computer programs production management); He was the Vice-President of the International Academy of Management and the Chairman of Her Scientist Council; Author of a number of scientific papers in the field of economics and finance, including the monograph "Prospects for financial planning", the textbook "State budget of the USSR" (head of the author's team), books "On taxes from the population" and "Is the chance?"; awarded the orders of the Labor Red Banner, the "Honor Sign", medals; died on March 30, 2003

Birthday September 26, 1937

Prime Minister of the USSR


  • 1958-59 - Inspector of state revenues of the Financial Department of the Kalinine District Executive Committee of Moscow;
  • 1959-66 - economist, senior economist, Deputy Head of the Department, Deputy Head of the Office of Financing for the Construction of the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR;
  • 1966-68 - Deputy Head of the Department of Heavy Industry Financing of the USSR Ministry of Finance;
  • 1968-79. - Deputy Head of the Budget Administration of the USSR Ministry of Finance;
  • 1979-86. - Head of the Finance Department, Costs and Poslans of the USSR;
  • 1981-86. - Member of the board of the USSR College;
  • 1986 - First Deputy Minister of Finance of the USSR;
  • 1986-89 - Chairman of the State Committee of the USSR at prices.
  • 1989-91 - Minister of Finance of the USSR. Lieutenant of the intenntener stock service.

After the resignation of N. I. Ryzhkov (December 26, 1990), the USSR President M. S. Gorbachev appointed Pavlova his successor as a compromise candidacy. At the same time, the Council of Ministers of the USSR was renamed the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR, and the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers in the USSR Prime Minister.

Wife - Pavlova Valentina Petrovna.

Son - Pavlov Sergey Valentinovich.

Pavlov reforms

He took part in the creation of the Pension Fund, the Tax Inspectorate, in the formation of commercial banks, attracting the first investments, in regulating the first cooperatives and joint ventures.

One of Pavlov's stakes remaining in the memory of the people became published eight days after his appointment (January 22, 1991) the disposal of the withdrawal of banknotes in 50 and 100 rubles into the period limited in time (three days) and replacing them on the bills of new sample, which led to Significant stirring and growth of discontent in the country. This "reform" was performed three years after a similar reform of the monetary system in the Burma conducted in 1987 Sein Lionin - then the result of the reform became serious unrest, the long-term destabilization of the situation in the country with bloodshed and the economy collapse. See Burma History.

The second similar action is 2-3 times of prices for the main consumer goods from April 2, 1991 according to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR. Up to this point in prices were constant for decades (since the time of Khrushchev). After that moment, inflation became a permanent satellite of economic life.

Gkchp and after

It was one of the organizers of the GCCP on August 19, 1991. Unlike the remaining organizers of the Committee, after the failure of the actions of the GCCP, he did not fly to Foros to Gorbachev. According to the certificate of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Medical and Health Department under the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 200703/218 of August 19, 1991, Alcohol poisoning was diagnosed in the morning of August 19, and the next on August 20, Pavlov was hospitalized in the CCD with a diagnosis of hypertensive crisis. On August 22, by a decree of Gorbachev returned to the management of Gorbachev, he was fired from office, in the hospital to him was pressed, and on August 29, the former prime minister was transferred to the Matrosskaya silence, where other members of the GCCP were already located.

After familiarization with his work, Pavlov was released from prison and in February 1994 amnestied by the State Duma of the Russian Federation I convocation.

  • 1994-95 - President Chasprombank; He left the presidential post on August 31, 1995, and on February 13, 1996, the bank was withdrawn by the license).
  • 1996-1997 - Advisor Promstroybank.

Then he was an employee of a number of economic institutions, Deputy Chairman of the Free Economic Society (WEO).

In August 2002, Valentin Pavlov suffered a heart attack. In January, he returned to work, discussed the elections to the State Duma in December with M. I. Napshin, but on March 12, 2003, she suffered an extensive stroke. Doctors three weeks fought for the life of Valentina Pavlov, but it was not possible to save him, and on March 30, 2003 he died.

Valentin Pavlov was buried on a Pyatnitsky cemetery next to the dead relatives.


  • order of Labor Red Banner
  • order "Honor Sign"

Born on September 26, 1937 in Moscow. Father Pavlov Sergey Nikolayevich (1904-1971), a former benchman, worked as an excrement, then for many years to the driver, during the Great Patriotic War since October 1941. The sixteenth Army Rokossovsky and then everywhere - a mortar, the driver, twice was injured, repeatedly awarded.

Mother - Gromova Nadezhda Ivanovna (1906-1992), all his life worked as an operating nurse, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, all his life worked as an operating nurse; She was touched by the sadly famous "case of doctors", since she directly communicated with many defendants of the case. Fortunately, everything was done for her, until recently she worked in the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Clinical Institute (Monica) named after the Ekaterininskaya Hospital, where V.S. Pavlov was born.

Sister - Nina Sergeyevna (1931g. Rimed), the first of the Pavlov family graduated from the Moscow Finance Institute, putting the beginning of the Dynasty of Pavlovy Financiers. All labor life has been held in the field of practical financial activities in Moscow's economic organizations - first in the Stroybank system and further in construction organizations. Husband sisters, her son and daughter - also financiers.

Spouse - Pavlova Valentina Petrovna, who came from Zaporozhye, studied at the Moscow Financial Institute together with V.S. Pavlov, where they met in 1958. got married. She worked first in the Moscow City Government, then in the system of the GlavososAvtotrans, the organization that carried out freight traffic and numbered 100 thousand drivers. Recent years held the position of Deputy Head of this Organization for Economics.

Son - Sergey (1960g. Rabor), did not change the family tradition. In the sixth grade, he bought the book "Money", a book that and for the Father-Professional seemed interesting and, as it turned out, the future of the Son predicted. Son's wife is also a financier.

When V.S. Pavlov became the Prime Minister of the USSR, he did not have a shadow of doubt that the decision should be the first. They became a document on the reorganization of the Moskovsky Financial Institute in the Moscow Finance Academy. And it was not a tribute to be a conjuncture for him, but an element of a conscious strategy for the preparation of financiers for the Soviet Union in the context of the transition of its economy to market rails. As an indisputable fact, it is necessary to take the fact that today the leaders of the majority of the largest companies and banks of the country are graduates or the Moscow Financial Institute or the Financial Academy.

In 1954, Valentin Pavlov entered and in 1958 graduated from the Finance and Economic Faculty of the Moscow Finance Institute with a degree in Finance, money circulation, credit. Among people who have helped V.S.Pavlov to form as a professional should be noted by such teacher scientists as Bragel and Spouses Atlas. They taught an understanding of the deep foundations of financial mechanisms, the need to consider finances as the most important element of a single efficient management system.

After graduating from the Institute, V.S. Pavlov was distributed to the Kalininsky Rafinotel G. Moskvy as an inspector of state revenues. A variety of objects were enshrined behind him: artel, promotional, the largest plants of the Allied Industry and local importance, household enterprises and markets, whose activities he analyzed and controlled as a fininpector. It is in these industries that a young specialist first drew attention to the suggestion of a number of economic and financial instruments for the first time. In particular, he could not understand why in one case the wholesale prices are higher than retail, and in the other below. Having deeply studying the production technology at ward enterprises, the financial flows of V.S. Pavlov made several rationalization proposals. They owned a desire to change the situation on the objects entrusted to him. And what was his surprise, when a call came out soon from the Ministry of Finance. He was handed over to him that a certain MMPovolotsky called with a request to call back. When Valentine called the ministry, it turned out that his, ordinary inspector of the Daphinotel, invites the Deputy Minister (!). M.M.Povolotsky, as chairman of the Commission for the Rationalizing Proposals, drew attention to the thoughts and ideas expressed by V.S. Pavlov. Valentin Pavlov was invited to the Commission of the Ministry. He was carefully listened and promised to give the course of sentences, believing that they had a reason. A month later, he was again invited to the ministry, already to the head of the Office of Financing Construction and Design Organizations M.I. Sokhnin. It turns out that M. M. Pogolotsky, noting Pavlova as an intelligent guy, suggested M.I. Sokhnin to take him to himself. So, in 1959 V.S. Pavlov took the first position in the system of the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR - economist with a salary of 1,100 rubles. The difference in the salary of 1100 and 825, which he received in the Daephinotel, became an important argument on the Family Council when a decision was made to transition to a new job. Thus, the first high-ranking official appeared in the proletarian family of Pavlov. An official was 22 years old.

Best days

Having received the first salary, and Valentin Sergeevich recalls about it with warmth and smile, he bought a tea sausage, cheese, fruit home, and they celebrated this event.

Valentina is lucky. He was consolidated as a second person, for financing a minimontortustor, a powerful, elite construction organization, through which capital investments were implemented. At that time, during the period of the Council, the real financial and economic life proceeded in the republics and further on specific objects where investments were sent.

From the first days of V.S. Pavlov had to face large projects. For example, he was engaged in financing the construction of automotive strategic rings around G. Moskva, who led Glavspotstroy headed by N.I. Zolotarevsky. In this system, V.S. Pavlov worked for 7 years - three years by an economist, further than a senior economist (in case it was a great increase), then the deputy head of the construction financing department and design organizations and eventually became the Deputy Head of the Office of Financing Construction of the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR (1966).

One of the main successes of that period and the whole life V.S. Pavlov considers a meeting and work with Sergey Nikolayevich Bryukhovitsky, a man-encyclopedia of a financial case. S.N. Bruchovitsky served as a senior accountant in the Russian-Azov bank, one of the largest private banks of pre-revolutionary Russia. His unique and universal knowledge was highly appreciated by the leadership of the Ministry of Finance. He, by the way, a non-partisan with the formation of a parish school, received an exceptionally high personal salary - 1800 rubles, which emphasized his special status in the ministry system. Bryukhovitsky was a barbed man. He had a lot of young employees who failed to understand the character of the sophisticated man of the old hardening. When V.S. Pavlov began working with him in a pair and under his beginning, the work colleagues said: "You will not work with him. You will not tell you anything and he will not teach anything." He taught. Thank you. Years passed, but still does not change the ANARSKA HPP, the Kurgan Machine-Building Plant, the Khikovinsky Chemical Combine, the first Dec Chief Chief Vigraradstroy, other complex, sometimes secret objects. Parting, Bryukhovetsky invited Valentine to himself and posted six folders in front of him, which influenced the full life of one of the largest financial officers of the country. In these folders, the entire history of the financial affair of Russia was compressed: decrees, regulations, instructions, and each of these documents were comments S.N. Bryuchovetsky: the subsequent document differs from the previous one, which cancels what complements what is contrary to which new one The procedure establishes.

Since then, V.S. Pavlov has understood the main thing: no and cannot be absolutely faithful for all cases of financial and economic decision. Taking a directive designed for the interests of some (industries, enterprises, sectors of society, individuals), the financier should know exactly that it infringe on the interests of others. And when in the future, working on key positions in the Ministry of Finance, State University, Council of Ministers of the USSR, was preparing this or that decision, V.S. Pavlov could always say: it was already, it led to such consequences, etc. School S.N. Bryuchovetsky, a man whom Pavlov considers his first and last teacher, gave him not only a unique inheritance, she taught him in numbers and pieces to see the real life, clashes of people, their interests, from statistics and the billboard made him an economist, financier .

After the joints were disbanded and real financial levers moved to the Ministry of Finance of the USSR V.S. Pavlov, an authoritative professional was invited to take the position of deputy head of the department of financing the Heavy Industry of the USSR Ministry of Finance. V.S. Pavlov recalls that he was very difficult to leave the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR, where the monolithic, active team of associates was formed, in the Union ministry, albeit with a certain increase. The achievement of the then leaders of the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR I.I. Fadeieva and A.A. Bobrovnikova.

About the style of the leadership of I.N. Fadeieva, he cites such a fact. A certain official, who has been guided by the leadership in writing reports, was enthusiastically to the Minister. Having far-reaching career plans, one day he "faced", issued a "compromising" on his head, head of the Department of the Department of the Ministry of the Ministry. Fadeev, without hesitation, invited him to the office of this member of the board, and with him the secretary of Patertkom and the Chairman of the trade union committee and suggested "the specialist on the reports" to repeat the facts and their arguments to hearing, in their presence: who, when, under what circumstances With whom and how the labor discipline has broken. The intelligible explanation did not follow. The minister's resolution was lightning: "You need to collect things up to 16 hours today and leave the ministry forever." This case was quite typical in terms of personnel control and is characteristic of the Ministry of Finance of the time where there was no well, neither woven, and everyone was engaged in their direct responsibilities. Apparently, it contributed to nomination through the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR many of very large professionals, practitioners and scientists, which then occupied high posts in the Allied departments and work now in state and commercial structures.

The years, when V.S. Pavlov worked in managing the financing of the Heavy Industry of the Ministry of Finance of the USSR (1966-1968), were special time for the country. This time was special and in Valentina Sergeevich's biography. The development of Yakut diamonds, West Siberian oil and gas fields, the legendary sibirsk, the rapid development of the oil, gas industry, gigantic real investments were invested in the national economy, despite the fact that in the country there was a famous "Kosyginsky" reform. These investments were directly passed through V.S. Pavlov. Thus, he caught, "missed" huge changes in the territory of one sixth part of the globe: large-scale redistribution of financial, labor, material resources, and all this in the shortest possible time. It was in those years that the "petrodollara" were flowed for the first time. Often, at the same time, extreme situations arose. When oil, literally flowed by the river, and there was a global threat to the ecology of Western Siberia, there were emergency measures when it was necessary to organize the production and delivery of special fender reinforced concrete blocks (hundreds and thousands of cubic meters), which needed to urgently block the oil path, create a dam, Isolate oil from Yenisei. Army, civilian population, operational management of this process, - all this was the case of V.S. Pavlov in this particular case and other similar situations need everything. It was in those years that V.S. Pavlov, according to his statement, assessed the main advantage of the socialist system, as a state management system for developing economies - the possibility of maneuver and the concentration of all resources and its disadvantage - an insufficient level of personal interest and responsibility for the results of activities or inaction.

For experts of that time, there was no secret that the country's financing was actually led by "three heroes": V.N. Maslennikov, V.A.Salnikov and Uncle Chernomor - V.P.Nikolsky. Working with them in the same team, sometimes in extremely difficult situations, it was necessary to take non-standard solutions, holding gigantic resources in the hands, directing them to a particular object. This team created, a kind of club, where the methods of financing the most complex objects were discussed and developed, sometimes unexpected, seemed to be unthinkable solutions, despite the fact that the entire industry was considered as a single, inextricable mechanism. It was in those years that V.S. Pavlov was ripe as an economist of a state scale, when the problems of the formation of capital, its sources, volumes, structures, overflow, the preservation was not theoretical model from the textbook, but were the very essence of his profession. It was then that he developed his main Credo - in all cases, by all means to maintain working capital.

This thought has become not only the idea and the subject of practical activity, but also the topic of scientific research. V.S. Pavlov defends the dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences "Curvas for industry and sources of their formation" (1971). In the same period, he begins to work part-time as the associate professor of the All-Union Above Financial and Economic Institute at the Department "State Budget and Finance of the Folk Economy Industries."

In 1968 V.S. Pavlov is appointed Deputy Head of the Budget Administration of the USSR Ministry of Finance (1968-1979.). This control was a kind of "General of the Ministry of Finance". Here were developed and linked the main balances, ways to solve the most difficult issues and the corresponding financial instruments. These years have become a good school for V.S. Pavlov, because he had to directly participate and manage the process of financing the sectors of the country's national economy, to ensure the linking of the financial balance with the monetary circulation, the country's finance finance. It is very closely cooperating with the consolidated divisions of the USSR of the USSR, since it was necessary to link the cost natural and real balance sheets and the movement of funds. It demanded an in-depth theoretical justification. V.S. Pavlov prepared and defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Financial Plans and Balances in the Economic Management System" (1981).

Continuing to go in depth of these problems, V.S. Pavlov issues the monograph "Prospects for Financial Planning", and as the head of the author's team, the Tutorial "State Budget of the USSR", who received a special award at the contest of the USSR of the USSR.

The work that was performed by V.S. Pavlov in the Ministry of Finance turned out to be in demand by the USSR state. In 1979 He goes to work in Gamin USSR, first as the head of the Finance, Cost of Cost and Prices (1979-1981), then becomes a member of the USSR Mamurn and Member of the USSR Collegium and works in 1986.

The specifics of the work of Gosplan in those years was largely determined by his leader - N.K. Baibakov. He possessed exceptional performance, had a special sense of innovation and achieving scientific and technological progress. Moreover, it concerned equally projects of a global scale (for example, in terms of modernization of the coal industry, searches for new energy sources, etc.) and local ideas coming from the life that it was necessary to support, to realize in reality. Hence the atmosphere in the State District in those years: creative, with a high level of responsibility, from here the prestige of the employee, the level of their qualifications (to work they took a job, as a rule, people who have shown themselves with professionals of the highest level).

V.S. Pavlova took part in the creation of a five-year plan for 1981-1985. Developers proceeded from the need to increase the share of accumulation in national income in order to conduct structural restructuring, renewal of the country's industrial potential. At the same time, they certainly gave themselves the fact that in social terms such an approach could lead to quite real negative consequences. It is taking into account these circumstances a five-year plan was drawn up and sent to approval to the Central Committee. From there the plan was returned with a negative resolution and a proposal to revise the concept. Specialists of the State Administrative Offer repaired their forecasts and calculations and again made the same conclusions, as a different decision could lead to a sharp crisis. N.K.Babakov supported his colleagues and took responsibility without having received support in political leadership, he during the implementation of the five-year plan and through annual plans as its capabilities did a lot to implement the necessary events.

The main conclusions that V.S.pavlov did, working in the USSR states, became. Firstly, the conviction that outside the scope of material production is financial categories, cash appeal as fictitious. Secondly, the fact that the effectiveness of financial and credit relations is determined by the efficiency of production. Finance can accelerate or inhibit the improvement of material production through distribution and consumption, but cannot replace it.

Another conviction was global in nature: the country is at such a stage when the monetary system as a whole and its tools significantly broke away from the elements of material production and consumption. They became inadequate. This gap began to seriously slow down the production itself. Moreover, led to its degradation, and hence, to the destruction of the monetary system itself. V.S. Pavlov became clear: there is a rapid movement towards a universal crisis. He formulated these conclusions in the notes (1984-1985), directed them to the Central Committee of the CPSU, where as the main substantive conclusion: no later than 1988. It is necessary to carry out a cardinal reform of prices, money, wages.

A certain reaction to these notes did not receive them. But he was invited to the team of the Central Committee of the CPSU, who were preparing materials for plenums, as well as to develop party-state decrees.

In 1986 V.S. Pavlova is appointed by the First Deputy Minister of Finance of the USSR, hinting transparently: "Notes wrote? Here, let's be implemented." One of the first actions in the new capacity was the meeting of all the leaders of the State Summary, which was the result of the program of technical re-equipment of the state discrek. At that time, its development was not over, but its individual elements testified to the far-reaching designs V.S. Pavlov, related to the preparation of reform.

In the same year, V.S. Pavlov is appointed chairman of the USSR State Committee at prices (1986-1989). In front of him, a task was set - to prepare a copper tape reform. However, this task proceeded to himself. The description of the collisions, which occurred when discussing the concept of reform and the preparation of its elements, could not be made up of various departments at that moment, and they were far from each other combined. We are talking about the interests of the Central Committee of the CPSU, State University, the Ministry of Finance, the State Bank, many departments that had considerable weight and powerful levers in the economy management, and the Committee at the prices that had to provide all the "draft" work.

Goscomitant under the leadership of V.S. Pavlov developed various options for the reform of pricing and changing the cost structure of the social product, including the prices of bread, meat, milk and gradually for all types of resources, goods. It was an unprecedented share of specialists. It went in parallel with the reform of the country's economy and was in a close intettry with the political nuances of the senior leadership, a different sense of reforming forces, the creation of the Institute of Congress. Ultimately, the proposals of the State Committee on Complex were adopted, but not implemented. And it is against the background of the turbulent degradation of socio-economic relations, which led to empty counterparts, the deficiency of all and all, theft and many other negative consequences. This undoubtedly slowed down all the reform and created a basis for politics, rocking the state device.

However, after fierce discussions, in 1987. The decision of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU was proclaimed the reform of prices, and together with it the reform of banking, financial and other institutions. High authority V.S. Pavlova as an economist - scientist practice, found a confirmation of the public. July 2, 1987 He was elected chairman of the All-Union Scientific and Economic Society.

In 1989 V.S. Pavlov is appointed Minister of Finance of the USSR. On the one hand, he has considerable opportunities to implement its ideas on the reform of the entire financial and economic block, on the other hand, it faces global political situations that are severe weighting in the reform process. It concerned and ideological Shore, it also applied to colleagues from Murnan and the Ministry of Finance, where the conservative elements were very strong. If you submit a "dry residue" from what is done by the Ministry of Finance under the leadership of V.S. Pavlov from 1989 to 1991, it turns out that many postulates that are proud of today "democracy" was created then. This is the creation of a pension fund and the first steps of the pension reform; Organization of the tax inspection, the regulation of the first types of cooperation, rental groups, joint ventures, with registering them in the Ministry of Finance; Formation of a network of commercial banks who used to attract investments, maintaining cooperation, labor collectives, expansion of services to the population, including participation in the establishment of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Birzh organization in order to mobilize free resources; creation of a system of free, adjustable and fixed wholesale and purchasing prices; Development of regulatory methods for forming and regulating budgets, development budget and much more.

In parallel with the work of the Minister, heading the All-Union Scientific and Economic Society, V.S. Pavlov contributes to the implementation of large, "living" projects, the organization of a number of joint ventures: the club "Moscow stars", with whom the leaders of the largest European concerns were interacted. In 1990, the news and publishing consortium "Business Peace" was organized, the chairman of the Board of which was V.S. Pavlov (1990-1991). In the same period, he is elected by the President of the All-Union Economic Society (1990-1991).

January 14, 1991, after the departure of the Government of N.I. Yuzhkova, in resignation, V.S. Pavlov becomes the Prime Minister of the USSR and is soon appointed by the Chairman of the State Council on Economic Reform, a member of the Security Council. In this capacity, he worked until August 1991.

At this short period of time, there are many dramatic collisions, as a result of which the systemic reform of the economy could not be completed. This is, above all, a political confrontation, struggle for power. It is enough to recall the first indefinite strike of miners, the transition to the Russian jurisdiction of the largest factories, the rule of republican laws, the creation of parallel structures of republican state banks, the so-called single-channel payment system in the Union budget and much more. Real successes in the economy and reforming the economic mechanism of management were deprived of the so-called "democrats" chances for the seizure of power. That is why V.S. Pavlov in February, nor in June 1991, the Supreme Council of the USSR did not give additional rights and authority, allowing you to block and slow down the necessary practical actions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR.

Decisions V.S. Pavlova on the organization of the manufacturers in the course of development of the plan and budget for 1992, the Supreme Supils of Russia, Ukraine, some other republics even proclaimed interference in internal affairs and violation of sovereignty. Propaganda hostile to him tried to make fun of the first and last premiere of the USSR about the leading financial war, its goals and consequences that life fully confirmed today, distort the actual tasks of money exchange, in every way the facts of Moscow queues arising precisely because of the conscious delay until the middle of the day authorities to start exchanging. Meanwhile, it was at that time that the general agreement of the government and trade unions on working conditions, payment and social guarantees was signed in the history of the Soviet Union. The reform of retail prices and tariffs with one hundred percent leading compensation for the losses of real incomes and cash savings of the population, which created the conditions for increasing the state budget of income (and not expenses, as before) from the increase in production and consumption of food and strengthen the economic potential of the village was determined. The basics of independence and welfare, currency strength were laid. Perestroing programs, metallurgy, chemistry, harvesting measures and preparation for winter and much more on the basis of direct links of enterprises and regions are identified.

The real market has become on the agenda as a real threat to the Vsevladja of the Republican and Union bureaucracy, state and party officials of all levels and predetermined their position in political struggle. The centrifugal forces cubized, ultimately, are ultimately, to the "August Survey" - an open confrocation of the Central and Republican authorities in the matter of preserving the USSR in the last feature and the backward signing of the Confederation Treaty with the six republics instead of the Union (21.08.91). For a year and a half after that, V.S. Pavlov was in the "sailor silence" (08.23.1991-23.01.1993).

Since 2001, V.S. Pavlov, was the vice president of the Russian Economic Society of Russia, headed the Institute for Research and Promoting the Development of Regions and industries at the International Union of Economists.

One of the participants in the steps, which began 22 years ago, was the head of the Soviet government Valentin Pavlov

What led the Prime Minister to the Stan of conspirators, which driving forces and sentiments were guided? The Prime Minister himself once told the "work" himself.

Journalistic work reduced me with Pavlov five years before August 1991. He was at that time the Chairman of the USSR State Committee at prices. We found mutual languageAnd soon we have a trust relationship. What is really surprising: high-ranking officials that now, that then, in the USSR, it is extremely rarely frank with journalists. When in January 1991, Pavlov became a prime minister, changing Ryzhkov, he promised the first interview, offered "work".

The head of government then issued a supersensation, declaring the world about the disclosure of a large-scale conspiracy of Western banks, which allegedly secured Soviet banknotes, so that they would throw them into our economy and undermine the power of the Soviet Union into our economy. It was this that the prime minister explained the hectic monetary reform, when three days suddenly needed to change the large-scale, in the hands of 50 and 100 rubles, banknotes for new ones. Scary queues, crush, hysterics, fainting, heart attacks ... Of course, there was no conspiracy. And the leaders of the Soviet state bank at the secret meeting were informed in advance about this Pavlov. But he insisted on his version. During that conversation in the Kremlin, everything that prime spoke, it seemed to me. But it was worth doubting me in the words of the interlocutor, as he hardly noticed: if "work" is not ready to publish, he will give an interview to another newspaper.

In the morning, when the conversation saw the light, a truly 9-point storm began. Correspondents of Western agencies and television companies called, representatives of embassies ... One of the Kremlin officials spoke to me: "Such materials cannot be published. Premier Prerain of us with the world. " Looks like President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev knew nothing about the sensational version of his premiere ...

Pavlov more than once during our meetings, frankly spoke of his sharply negative attitude towards Gorbachev and his reforms. In the late 1989, we have with Pavlov, then another minister of finance, held in a government sanatorium for a two-hour conversation, the importance of which I underestimated at that time. Valentin Sergeevich repeated that Gorbachev leads the country to chaos and catastrophe. So what is next...

I was in confusion: Did Pavlov, along with someone at the top, go through the elimination of Gorbachev? Does not understand that we are not a banana republic? Or just gives the scope of his fantasy? But the minister spoke so appreciantly and convinced that it was a well-thought out plan.

"But it is impossible to tighten the army into political affairs," I said timidly. To which the answer was followed: "The same citizens of the country serve in the army that perfectly see an impending catastrophe."

The feeling of great anxiety remained after that strange conversation. Is it really that the rejection of Gorbachev's rejection so aggravated in Olympus, that the closest surroundings are ready to dream it so tough? I distilled off the dark thoughts, I urged myself that Pavlov simply improvises. In the next months, Gorbachev performed a lot, tried to inspire everyone and everything that "the process went." But in December 1990, I chilly remembered the conversation with Pavlov in the soul. At the IV Congress of People's Deputies, Sali Uselov suddenly spoke with sharp accusations against Gorbachev. She insisted on the issue of the issue of the head of the state of distrust in the agenda. That, I thought, what Pavlov told me about. The power of Gorbachev seemed to hung in the balance. Over 400 deputies said "yes" resignation. But not the majority!

Nevertheless, it was clear: this is only a triant stone. Those who hated Gorbachev will not stop. And here Pavlova, an old enemy Gorbachev, put forward in the premiere. Maybe at first it wanted to use it in a detail: draw in a difficult game, and then make a central figure. It is logical: the prime minister, the second person in the country takes power from the ill president ... Well, Gorbachev, recommending Pavlov to the post of prime minister, they probably said that Valentin Sergeevich is an excellent economist, will arrange everyone. Like, he is a compromise figure. When they announced that Pavlov will head the government, it became clear: a serious fight at the top is inevitable.

And on August 19, the tanks were included in Moscow, the inglorious three-day Board of the GCCP began ... From the Cabinet of the Chief Editor, I tried to find Pavlov on the "turntance". One of the helpers with whom I had a good relationship, I said that they ourselves cannot find the premiere. Later it turned out that Pavlov lay with high pressure and doctors categorically banned him in the coming hours any communication with foreign world. After some time, the prime minister met with hooked, made some steps, but did not become a random of the GCCP, as it may have calculated the ticklers. In this phantasmagoric adventure, he tried to go to the shadow as far as possible. Volto or unwittingly premier his behavior contributed to the sort of tenting into the ranks of conspirators.

Of course, Muscovites played a huge role, which came to defend the White House. In the KGB, this did not assume this (here's awareness of the special services!). Putchists, fortunately, frightened a big blood. While the regions walked loyal telegrams from local chiefs with the support of the GCCP, tens of thousands of people of the capital became a living shield in front of the White House. And it became a decisive moment.

Six years after those dramatic events, I drove home to Pavlov. I met with a pensioner Valentin Sergeyevich, who lived on Alexei Tolstoy Street. In the past, there was a spacious office in the Kremlin, and the camera in the "sailor silence". Pavlov, all forgotten, led quiet life. He agreed to give interviews "work". The ex-prime minister and the former prisoner still categorically did not agree with the fact that the GCCP sought to turn back the story, from democracy to a strong hand: "My father, driver, was illegally repressed in 1937, and mother, nurse, was after the war under Consequence of the "doctors' case. How could I ratify for return to Stalinism? " And on the question, when the life in Russia will still work out, Pavlov answered then: "When the national bourgeoisie appears. Today I do not consider the rich in this capacity, they do nothing for the country. National bourgeoisie must be aware of their role, take care of the country, and on its own future. "

Valentin Pavlov died on March 30, 2003, in 65 years. So without waiting for the emergence of responsible bourgeoisie. I'm afraid for this it would take him to become a long-lived record holder.

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