Medical and social problems of drug addiction and substance abuse. Drug addiction as a medical and social problem

In Russia, this problem has become especially acute since the beginning of the 90s of the twentieth century, when drug addiction began to spread according to the laws of the epidemic.

The beginning and continuation of drug use can be associated with a number of reasons: satisfaction of curiosity, feelings of protest, challenge to society, avoiding problems, etc. The drug is often used as a form of individual or collective escape from society, perceived as a source of danger.

Human behavior is in direct proportion to the welfare of society. The crisis gives rise to various forms of deviant behavior, including drug addiction.

The provoking factors include the availability of narcotic substances, both purely physical availability and emotional (that is, the absence of an attitude to not use drugs).

Today drug addiction in Russia ranks third in the ranking of social problems facing society. As of June 2000, there were 181.3 per 100 thousand population under dispensary supervision in connection with drug addiction. Compared to 1985, this figure has increased more than 10 times.

In 2001, about 63 thousand people were taken under dispensary supervision in connection with drug addiction. At the same time, the incidence of drug addiction among minors is almost 2 times higher than that of adults. Compared to 1991, this indicator has increased 14 times.

The proportion of women suffering from drug addiction is growing. In 1999 alone, their incidence rate increased by 41.5%.

Special research data show that these numbers are significantly higher. There is information that today there are about 2 million drug addicts in Russia, half of them are children and adolescents.

The average age at first drug testing is steadily declining. Today there are already 7-8-year-old drug addicts.

According to official data, 38.0% of young people tried to use drugs, and 53.0% of them continued to take drugs after the first try.

Drug addiction, like alcoholism, leads to the same consequences for the patient himself, his family and society.

Drug addiction leads to premature death. It is known that drug addicts die on average at the age of 21, and after the start of regular drug use they live on average no more than 4 years. Half of drug addicts die at the age of 17-18 from an overdose, while they are not yet drug addicts.

Drug addiction leads to high disability of the population, to suicide, committing illegal acts, to the spread of HIV infection, hepatitis.

Patients with drug addiction rarely seek medical help themselves, which leads to a low detection rate of this pathology, and, consequently, the lack of treatment (with its low effectiveness).

Thus, the distribution and use of drugs is the most acute interdepartmental social and medical problem that requires the involvement of all state institutions and society as a whole for its solution.

Prevention of drug addiction

1. Development and implementation of more effective methods for assessing and monitoring the drug situation in different territories and among different groups of the population.

2. Creation of special social and health-improving programs, which would provide for the organization of services for social and psychological assistance to the population.

3. Creation of centers for counseling and treatment and rehabilitation assistance to persons with drug addiction and their families with the participation of doctors, lawyers, teachers, psychologists and social workers.

4. Development and implementation of a set of measures for social support of drug addicts and their families.

Organization of drug treatment

The procedure for the provision of narcological assistance was determined by the adoption of the Federal Law "On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances" and the Fundamentals of Legislation on the Protection of Citizens' Health.

In accordance with these documents, drug treatment is provided to patients at their request or with their consent.

Patients with drug addiction who are under medical supervision and continue to consume narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription or who evade treatment, as well as persons convicted of crimes and in need of drug addiction treatment, are prescribed compulsory medical measures by a court decision.

Drug addiction treatment for drug addicts includes examination, counseling, diagnosis, treatment and medical and social rehabilitation. Diagnostics, examination, counseling and medical and social rehabilitation are carried out in institutions of state, municipal or private systems health care. Treatment- only in state and municipal institutions, privatization and transfer to trust management of institutions providing drug treatment, are prohibited.

Currently, the provision of drug treatment is carried out by institutions of the general medical network (psychiatric, neuropsychiatric and multidisciplinary hospitals), as well as by a network of specialized drug treatment institutions, the latter include drug treatment dispensaries (departments, offices), emergency drug treatment departments and drug rehabilitation centers. Methodological guidance is provided by the Scientific Research Institute of Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The main link in the organization of narcological assistance to the population is the narcological dispensary - an independent health care facility that organizes extensive preventive work and provides specialized assistance.

In order to organize and conduct diagnostics and treatment of intoxication and withdrawal symptoms caused by the use of alcoholic beverages or drugs, the state of alcoholic or intoxication psychosis, and to provide advisory and organizational and methodological assistance to medical and preventive institutions, emergency drug treatment departments are organized. Such branches are created in all republican, city, district centers and in cities with a population of 100 thousand people or more. Departments of emergency drug treatment are part of drug treatment institutions, and in their absence, into large multidisciplinary hospitals. In settlements with a population of less than 100 thousand people, emergency wards for drug addiction are organized in multidisciplinary hospitals.

Specialized rehabilitation assistance is currently provided by narcological rehabilitation centers. The centers can be a structural subdivision of a narcological institution or be an independent health care institution. They carry out measures for the social recovery of convalescent patients and the treatment of mental, general somatic and neurological complications of the underlying disease.

The admission of patients to the center is carried out in the direction of narcological institutions (offices). The patient must give voluntary written consent. Upon admission, a contract is concluded with the patient.

Rehabilitation assistance to patients in the center is provided confidentially. The length of stay in rehabilitation is determined by the physical and mental state of the patient, his social status, the results achieved and the agreement between the patient and the institution.

The task of the rehabilitation center is to consolidate the therapeutic success achieved in drug treatment facilities (departments) and to reintegrate patients into society.

Voluntary and confidentiality should be the main principles of activity of narcological institutions.

Narcological aid should be multi-stage, multivariate, successive and differentiated and directed:

6) for primary prevention;

7) for diagnostics, emergency care, treatment;

8) for secondary prevention (prevention and relief of relapses in patients with alcoholism) and rehabilitation.

Mental and behavioral disorders as socially dangerous diseases, organization of specialized medical care in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 09.04.2010 No. 225 "on the approval of the procedure for providing drug treatment to the population of the Russian Federation"

Mental disorders (psychosis) are a part of neuropsychiatric morbidity, the scale of which is difficult to determine, since many diseases of the nervous system, usually transient, are not taken into account. Only serious lesions of the peripheral nervous system, spinal cord and brain are known, especially vascular, which (strokes) were mentioned, and osteochondrosis - lumbar-sacral, cervical and thoracic. In connection with this pathology, at least 15-20% of the population experience severe pain, and at least 40% of people over 40 suffer back pain from these and other reasons. Osteochondrosis and radiculitis caused by them as a result of monotonous physical labor, the influence of occupational hazards and even family and industrial conflicts can be considered serious social and hygienic problems, far from a radical solution. In general, the incidence of diseases of the nervous system is increasing, the number of which does not significantly decrease per 100,000 adults: about 1,500 cases.

The most important is the prevalence of psychoses, including alcoholic ones. Speaking about health risk factors, we touched on this problem, highlighted the importance of socio-psychological and genetic factors, not healthy way life of a risk group, especially persons with deviant behavior, mass sale of surrogate alcoholic beverages, etc. These unfavorable factors especially concern those in need of drug treatment, persons with chronic alcohol intoxication. They make up large group patients with psychoses (alcoholic psychoses 30-35% of all psychoses). The total number of patients with chronic alcoholism (alcoholic disease) registered with drug addiction and psychiatric institutions, according to official statistical reports, is not less than 2.5 million (or more than 1600 per 100,000 population). However, 30% of patients with chronic alcoholism do not register, thus, the total number of patients is not less than 4.0 million. Annually, 210,000-215,000 patients are initially registered (this is far from a complete figure), or 140-145 people per 100,000 population. Of these, at least 40,000-45,000 are patients with alcoholic psychoses (or 28-30 people per 100,000 population).

In addition to patients with chronic alcohol intoxication, according to our calculations, there are 3-4 times more so-called household drunks who abuse alcohol, but are able to regulate their behavior and even stop drinking. Thus, together with patients with alcoholism in the country, there can be counted at least 20.0 million seriously alcohol abusers. They consume more than half of all alcoholic drinks from 15-16 liters of absolute alcohol per person per year. Alcoholism destroys the health of not only drinkers, but also their loved ones, leads to the destruction of families, enormous economic damage. WHO has stated more than once that "an alcoholic wave has swept over Russia." The problem of alcoholism should be solved by all means - not only educational, persuasion, strict control over the production and sale of alcoholic beverages. A comprehensive state program to combat alcoholism and drunkenness is required.

Mental illness(psychoses)- an acute medical and social problem due to the scale and consequences for health and all aspects of society. Psychoses, along with sexually transmitted diseases and tuberculosis, are considered classic social diseases.

The prevalence of psychosis is about the same as that of chronic alcoholism, or slightly more. About a third of psychoses are alcoholic; in addition to them, among the significant forms of schizophrenia, vascular, infectious psychoses, etc. In the early 90s, more than 2.5 million people had psychoses, early XXI century at 2.0 million registered. In fact, there are more patients with psychosis (according to our observations, by 30-40%) and the total number of patients reaches 4.0 million or more. Together with patients with chronic alcoholism, such patients will be 8-9 million, or 6-7% of the total population. Approximately the same figure is called by American experts, saying that in the United States about 10% of the population is "problem alcoholics" and mentally ill. Every year for the first time they register (without alcoholic psychoses, drug addiction, substance abuse) and register 120,000-130,000 patients with psychosis, of which more than a third have a state of dementia (40,000-45,000), about 15% have schizophrenia (20,000 -25,000). The number of all patients with a first-in-life diagnosis of a mental disorder, taken under counseling, exceeds 400,000 per year.

To a certain extent, the complete registration of the mentally ill is hindered by the laws adopted in recent years, which abolished the compulsory hospitalization of patients (without the patient's consent), if they do not commit socially dangerous acts. A significant proportion of patients in need of treatment shy away from it.

1. This Procedure regulates the issues of providing drug treatment assistance to the population Russian Federation in organizations of state and municipal health systems (hereinafter - medical organizations).

2. Narcological assistance is provided to citizens suffering from mental disorders and behavioral disorders associated with psycho-use in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases 10th revision (ICD-10). active substances(hereinafter - drug addiction diseases), as well as pathological attraction to gambling:

Mental and behavioral disorders caused by alcohol use (F10.);

Mental and behavioral disorders caused by the use of opioids (F11.);

Mental and behavioral disorders caused by the use of cannabinoids (F12.);

Mental and behavioral disorders caused by the use of sedatives or hypnotics (F13.);

Mental and behavioral disorders caused by the use of cocaine (F14.);

Mental and behavioral disorders caused by the use of other stimulants (including caffeine) (F15.);

Mental and behavioral disorders caused by the use of hallucinogens (F16.);

Mental and behavioral disorders caused by tobacco use (F17.);

Mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of volatile solvents (F18.);

Mental and behavioral disorders caused by the simultaneous use of several drugs and the use of other psychoactive substances (F19.);

Pathological gambling (F63.0)

3. The provision of drug treatment is carried out sequentially and includes two stages:

Prehospital, carried out on an outpatient basis by a psychiatrist-narcologist of a narcological office and a narcological office for serving the child population of medical organizations operating in accordance with Appendices N 1, 2 to this Procedure, in cooperation with a psychotherapist, medical psychologist, specialist in social work, a social worker;

Inpatient, carried out by psychiatrists-narcologists in the narcological departments of medical organizations operating in accordance with Appendix No. 3 - 7 to this Procedure.

4. Provision of drug treatment to patients with drug addiction diseases, as well as pathological attraction to gambling, at the prehospital and inpatient stages, includes medical prevention, counseling, examination, diagnosis, treatment and medical and social rehabilitation.

5. If a patient with a narcological disease, as well as with a pathological attraction to gambling, detects concomitant diseases, a psychiatrist-narcologist directs the patient for consultation with specialists of the appropriate medical profile in order to develop further tactics for his examination, treatment and rehabilitation.

If there are medical indications for the treatment of concomitant diseases, the patient is sent to specialized medical organizations. Narcological assistance to patients with concomitant diseases is provided by psychiatrists-narcologists at the place of treatment for a concomitant disease or after undergoing treatment for concomitant diseases.

6. The conditions requiring the provision of emergency and emergency medical care for narcological diseases, in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision (ICD-10), include:

Psychotic disorders due to the use of alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances (F10.4 - F19.4; F10.5 - F19.5; F10.6 - F19.6; F10.75 - F19.75; F10.81 - F19. 81; F10.91 - F19.91);

Intoxication of severe degree caused by the use of alcoholic beverages or alcohol substitutes (T51.0 - T51.9; F10.0 - F19.0);

A state of severe withdrawal due to prolonged alcohol binge or drug use (F10.3 - F19.3).

7. Provision of emergency and emergency medical care to patients with acute illnesses and conditions associated with narcological diseases includes two stages:

Prehospital, carried out by medical and paramedic mobile teams;

Inpatient, carried out in the departments (wards) of emergency drug treatment, in toxicology departments, in the departments of anesthesiology and resuscitation, departments (wards) of intensive therapy of state and municipal organizations, in which round-the-clock emergency drug treatment is provided.

8. Emergency medical care (hereinafter - EMC) for patients with acute diseases and conditions associated with drug addiction is provided by stations (substations) of emergency medical care and emergency departments at district and central district hospitals.

9. It is recommended to organize specialized drug treatment teams on the basis of stations (substations) of ambulance and ambulance departments at district and central district hospitals.

10. The ambulance team delivers patients to medical organizations that have departments (wards) of emergency drug treatment, which provide round-the-clock emergency drug treatment.

11. In case of independent treatment of patients with acute diseases and conditions in case of narcological diseases to a narcological office or a narcological office for serving the child population, a psychiatrist-narcologist evaluates the general condition of the patient, his mental status, determines the need for additional laboratory tests to clarify the diagnosis, provides an emergency narcological medical care and, in the presence of medical indications, directs the patient to the narcological department of medical organizations, which provide round-the-clock emergency drug treatment.

12. After the course of basic treatment, patients with narcological diseases, as well as those with pathological cravings for gambling, undergo medical and social rehabilitation.

13. Medical and social rehabilitation is carried out in the centers (departments) of medical and social rehabilitation both in outpatient and inpatient conditions, carrying out their activities in accordance with Appendix No. 7 to this Procedure.

14. After completing the course of medical and social rehabilitation in inpatient conditions, patients are recommended to continue it in outpatient settings.

15. Patients with drug addiction diseases, as well as with pathological attraction to gambling, after undergoing medical and social rehabilitation, as well as patients who have undergone basic treatment and refused to undergo medical and social rehabilitation, are recommended to continue medical dynamic observation in a drug addiction clinic or drug addiction clinic. the office for the service of the child population before the onset of remission.

16. Organizations providing drug addiction treatment carry out primary, secondary and tertiary medical prevention of drug addiction diseases and pathological gambling addiction.

17. Primary medical prevention includes:

· Informing the population about the impact on health of such negative factors as drug use, alcohol and other psychoactive substances abuse, as well as participation in gambling, and the possibility of their prevention;

· Informing citizens about the negative impact on the health of women of the use of alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances during the reproductive period, including the period of pregnancy, in order to prevent intrauterine damage to the fetus;

· Medical and genetic counseling aimed at identifying a predisposition to the consumption of psychoactive substances;

· Motivational counseling for children and adolescents aimed at changing maladaptive forms of behavior, as well as reducing the risk of the spread of parenteral infections (HIV infection, hepatitis) in connection with the use of psychoactive substances, and, if medically indicated, carrying out specific drug treatment;

· Family counseling, including training of parents in a wellness system for raising a child;

· Early identification of persons belonging to risk groups: those who consume alcohol, narcotic and other psychoactive substances, who participate in gambling, as well as patients with drug addiction diseases and pathological cravings for gambling.

18. Secondary medical prevention includes:

· Informing citizens about the system of drug treatment and medical and social rehabilitation for drug addiction diseases and pathological attraction to gambling;

· Formation of motivation among citizens to seek drug addiction medical care and medical and social rehabilitation;

· Prevention of the formation of the disease in persons with episodes of alcohol, drug and other psychoactive substance abuse;

· Prevention of the development of the disease in persons at risk: consuming alcohol, narcotic and other psychoactive substances with harmful consequences, as well as participating in gambling.

19. Tertiary medical prevention includes:

· Prevention of further abuse of alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances;

· Reduction of harm from the use of alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances;

· Provision of drug treatment;

· Prevention of breakdowns and relapses of diseases in patients who have stopped using alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances, as well as who have stopped participating in gambling;

· Implementation of medical and social rehabilitation.

20. In the event that medical manipulations related to the provision of drug treatment can lead to pain in the patient, such manipulations should be carried out with anesthesia.

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Substance abuse is most widespread among adolescents. Let's see what it is, how it is treated and why it occurs.

Substance abuse: definition of disease

Substance abuse is the abuse of various chemical, biological and medicinal preparations not on the list of narcotic. Such substances include varnish, fuel, glue, acetone and other chemical, biological and medicinal products.

Inhalation of toxic substances causes a disorder of the somatic and mental functions of the body. Substance abuse causes a change in personality and contributes to the development of persistent physical and mental dependence of a person.

Most often, the disease occurs in adolescents, but it is not associated with the influence of the environment, social status, personality traits. Substance abuse is a disease that can develop in older people, especially in those who take certain medications for a long time.

The difference between drug addiction and substance abuse lies only in the socio-legal factor, there is no difference in the symptomatology of diseases from a medical point of view. Identical disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems occur, personality changes, and problems appear in the patient's social life.

What are the most commonly used inhalants?


It is almost impossible to identify addiction on your own. To diagnose substance abuse, it is necessary to contact a specialized clinic, where doctors, on the basis of laboratory tests, examination and questioning of the patient, will find a possible pathology.

The patient will need to do an electrocardiogram, urine and blood tests. It is according to the indicators of these studies that the doctor makes a conclusion about the presence or absence of addiction.

Since outwardly signs of substance abuse have many similarities with other pathologies (epilepsy, atherosclerosis, heart failure, arterial hypertension, the consequences of brain trauma), only a qualified doctor can make a correct diagnosis.

Substance abuse is a disease that in many cases is difficult to diagnose due to differentiation with many pathologies in the body.

What symptoms need to see a doctor

Parents should sound the alarm and take the child for examination if he has:

  • sudden pressure drops;
  • insomnia;
  • malaise;
  • weight loss;
  • brittle nails and hair loss;
  • a sharp appearance of caries, loss of teeth;
  • suppuration on the surface of the skin;
  • injection marks.

It is very important to closely monitor your child's surroundings and activities. Naturally, you should not cross the line and prevent your teenager from taking a step without parental control. It is important to choose the right communication tactics, create trusting and friendly relations with the child, be sincerely interested in his affairs and discuss topics of concern to both of you. Since substance abuse is a disease that quickly appears and develops, it is very important to constantly be on the alert.


Any addictions should be treated in a hospital setting, this applies to both drug addiction and alcoholism, and substance abuse. The patient is not aware of his problem, believing that he will be able to independently get rid of the addiction as soon as necessary.

Most clinics accept patients in a state of intoxication, forcing them to treatment. All this happens only with the consent of the relatives. In treatment, the psychological factor is the most important. The therapeutic course includes:

  • elimination of intoxication - glucose is administered intravenously to the patient, diuretics, sodium thiosulfate and vitamin complexes are prescribed;
  • work with the psychological health of the patient;
  • if necessary, the restoration of somatic functions is carried out.

Treatment of substance abuse can be carried out only with the constant supervision of psychologists, and in especially severe cases, psychiatrists. Only in this case it will be possible to push the patient to realize his problem and the desire to return to a normal lifestyle.

Teenage substance abuse is not a persistent addiction, therefore, with proper parental control and the help of specialists, this problem can be eliminated. Psychologists recommend, first of all, to change the child's environment, school, and better, and place of residence. It is necessary to captivate the teenager, arrange him in sports sections and normalize relations in the family.


As a preventive measure against adolescent drug addiction and substance abuse, only strict control over the communication and pastime of the child can be used. It is necessary to promptly explain to the teenager about the dangers of substance abuse, since even in prosperous families this problem is encountered.

If the parents have any suspicions about the child's lifestyle, it is necessary to visit the narcological clinic. Examination and communication with specialists will allow you to identify the developing addiction in time. Since the earlier this problem is diagnosed, the more likely the child will be cured.

Prevention of substance abuse helps to protect the child from mistakes, which will be followed by serious health problems.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Perm State University

Faculty of Law

Department of social work

Abstract on the topic: addiction as

medical and social problem

The work was done by a student

I course d / o

Faculty of Law

Specialties social work

Group No. 11

Lyadova Olga Mikhailovna

Checked the work of the candidate

medical sciences

Berezinskaya Zoya Petrovna


1.1 Background to drug addiction

1.2 Extremely disturbing statistics

1.3 Building drug addiction

1.4 Classification of drugs and types of addiction

1.5 Prevention of drug addiction





The blood of your fathers and grandfathers will turn sour in you.

You are not destined to become strong like them.

For life, its sorrows and happiness without experiencing,

You will, like a patient, look through the window.

And the skin will dry up and the muscles will weaken,

And boredom coils into the flesh, destroying desires.

And in your skull, dreams will ossify

And the horror from the mirrors will look at you.

Overcome yourself!

Emile Verhaarn.

But not everyone can overcome themselves.

It may seem paradoxical, but even today, in the era of glasnost, not everyone has a clear understanding of the problem of drug addiction. And almost everywhere in the world it has become a formidable danger for citizens and state institutions. Information from most countries around the world indicates that drug abuse has spread across all social strata and age groups, and especially among young people. Therefore, the topic of drug addiction is very relevant, as the problem of the health of the younger generation and the normal functioning of the social organism is now very acute, both in the region, city, and in the country and around the world. This is the relevance of my topic.

Drug addiction is a powerful factor in social disorganization, the most serious threat to the normal functioning of the social organism. Drug addiction destroys the skills of activity and communication accumulated by human culture, disables the mechanisms of interaction between people, undermines the basis of expediency and organization, without which, alas, the very existence of society is impossible.

For this work, I reviewed the literature generally devoted to this problem. The following works seemed to me the most interesting: “School without drugs”. Edition 2, revised and enlarged // Under scientific. ed. L. M. Shipitsyna and E. I. Kazakova. - SPb .: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2001.176 p. Yagodinsky V. N. “Save from the dope” M. - 1989 and Petrov V. I. “Drug addiction: getting rid of addiction, prevention treatment” 1999. - 320 p. - (advice from a narcologist).

I believe that in order for the young generation to be healthy and to make society a full-fledged one, it is necessary to protect them from drug addiction. Therefore, we will not avoid “sensitive” topics, put on pink glasses on children, pretend that there is no bad thing in our life. Let them know that the payback for the "high" is inevitable with your health, happiness and your life.

Therefore, in this essay, I will reveal, firstly, the very concept of drug addiction, its background, the role of a social worker in the field of this problem, what is the state of affairs today. And, of course, how to choose the right line of social defense against drug addiction.

After all, drug addiction is an evil that threatens all of humanity today, and therefore we must fight against it together. And in order for this to become possible, we must know our enemy well - drugs and everything connected with them.

1.1 Background to drug addiction

A better understanding of the drug problem requires a good knowledge of the history, production traditions and use of psychoactive substances.

Drugs have been known since ancient times. The beginning of their use probably coincides with the emergence of the human race. In all societies, there has long been a custom to take substances that can change the mental state of a person. They were swallowed, chewed, inhaled, and now they are injected with a syringe. Means that cause a feeling of a special mental uplift and disturbance of consciousness have always been used for a specific purpose - for carrying out social, religious rites or myic rituals.

It is known that many civilizations used drugs. Maya and Aztecs put coca leaves under their tongues - to maintain strength on a long journey, the Chinese smoked opium for thousands of years - to relieve stress and as a sleeping pill, the inhabitants of ancient Arabia used hashish (from the Arabic "herb") for the same purposes. Ismaili warriors took hashish before the battle, after which they became active and fierce. In ancient egypt, Ancient Greece and ancient Rome were also familiar with the medicinal properties (suppressing pain or malaise) of opium, Indian hemp and other narcotic substances.

The most ancient history has, perhaps, the use of opium. Finds of the Stone Age on the territory of Europe, ancient Egyptian manuscripts tell about ritual and mystical rituals with the help of the poppy plant. Ancient Greek manuscripts, Jewish Talmud of the 5th century BC e. tell about the medicinal use of this drug, about the "relief of suffering." Homer, Herodotus, Theophastus, Hippocrates wrote about this in their epics. Used this "medicine" and Avicenna. Medieval doctors widely used opium (laudanum) for mental agitation, depression, spasms of various etiologies. By the end of the 17th century, it was difficult to find a disease that was not treated with opium.

With the scientific development of medicine, the opposite, harmful, actions of opium gradually began to be discovered, the indications began to narrow. And only after the sensational deaths of the most famous poets in England, persons of high society, information was made public that, for example, in 1860, twice as many people died from opium addiction than from other diseases. Since the 1920s, the "medicinal" properties of this drug have been radically revised by all scientists in the world. We remembered the saying of the ancient sages: “Anyone who is accustomed to opium must take it daily, otherwise he is doomed to death or self-destruction. The one who has never used it, if he has the opportunity to take the dose that is usual for the user, will certainly die ”.

Cocaine use also has a long history. The shrub is native to Central and South America. In ancient times, it was used by the natives in rituals, ceremonies, or simply, having gathered in a group, they chewed the leaves of this plant - this was the custom.

In the middle of the 19th century, German scientists isolated a mentally active chemical compound from coca leaves and named it “cocaine”. At first, the substance was perceived solely as a medicine. With his help, local anesthesia was simplified, he was treated with neuralgia, incessant pain in chronic patients. Sigmund Freud recommended it in the treatment of asthma. However, the first World War questioned the advisability of the widespread use of cocaine due to the widespread mass dependence of soldiers on this drug. Intoxicated soldiers or cocaine psychosis fighting to put it mildly, it was difficult to navigate. There were especially many cocaine addicts among the pilots. The bloodiest bandit raids in civil war in Russia were committed under the influence of cocaine. And one more property contributed to its spread - the ability to drown out hunger.

Until the mid-1980s, cocaine was distributed in highly developed countries. In Russia, after a long hiatus, he reappeared at the turn of the 1980s-1990s. The difficulty of the forceful struggle against the spread of this drug is due to the fact that it is a powder, and, consequently, the procedure for its transportation, storage and sale is extremely simple.

With the development of the trade, drugs enter Europe, where they find their use in medicine. For many years, with the help of drugs, multiple problems were solved, in particular, opium and heroin were considered as universal pain relievers. Thanks to the Egyptian campaigns of Napoleon, hashish penetrated into Europe.

The 20th century also discovered a new quality of drug addiction as a social phenomenon: intoxicants began to spread among minors who had not reached either biological or social maturity. The first drug addicts in our country were street children in the 1920s. But until the 1960s, the process of drug addiction in society went in waves - ups and downs alternated.

Currently, both non-medical and medical use of psychotropic substances in different socio-economic groups, as well as the emergence of some narcotic substances wherever. they didn’t know them before. Marijuana began to be used in European countries ah, cocaine in North America alcoholic drinks- in India, Pakistan and the countries of the south and east of the Mediterranean. Moreover, this spread of drugs in regions and areas where they were not traditional continues, making it difficult to prevent new outbreaks of abuse. New and new types of drugs are emerging.

The range of psychotropic, analgesic drugs used for the purpose of anesthesia is changing. Codeine, noc-sirone, phenobarbital were replaced by tramal, reladorm, and syndocarb. During the period of primary “exploratory polinarcotism”, teenagers “did not forget” diphenhydramine, parkopan. Not even a year has passed when the names ciphered in jargon appear - speed, etc., etc. The search for all new, and often unexpected, substances will probably not stop in the foreseeable future.

Drug dealers began to use the most sophisticated methods - not to present the drug as a drug, but, for example, as just a stimulating pill.

In Russia, the problem of drug addiction existed not only throughout the history of the USSR, but also long before its formation. The assessment of the problem bore a clear imprint of ideological control on the part of the country's party leadership. Drug addictions were interpreted as isolated cases of drug experimentation that did not have the character of a social phenomenon.

The suppression of the problem of drug addiction in our country, the denial of its existence, which took place until 1986, played an extremely negative role.

At present, in the civilized world, there is a gradual transition from the policy of the “war on drugs” to the policy of “harm reduction (reduction).” The Netherlands, Great Britain, Switzerland, and Australia have gone the most energetically along this path. Unfortunately, Russia is again going “its own way”. The Law on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (1997) is a sharp step backward, nullifying the first timid successes in providing assistance to drug addicts. A total set of prohibited narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their precursors and analogues (Articles 1, 2 of the Law), the prohibition of the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances by private practitioners (Article 31), the prohibition of the non-medical consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (Article 40 ), a sharp restriction of information allowed in anti-drug propaganda (Article 46), the prohibition of treatment of drug addicts by private practitioners, as well as the use of narcotic drugs, for example, methadone therapy (Article 55), the use of compulsory medical measures (Article 54, p. 3), the actual elimination of anonymous treatment (Article 56) - all this throws the country back and leads to the complete helplessness of drug users in the drug business, the criminalization of non-state medical care, an increase in the crime of drug users for the sake of obtaining drugs and similar consequences.

In the civilized countries of the world, the social reaction to drug use is expressed in the refusal of the prohibition on drug use (as well as the consumption of alcohol or tobacco), which violates Art. 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the development of a strategy and tactics for a soft, flexible preventive and educational response (social control) of society and the state to drug consumption, the development of anti-drug propaganda, psychological, pedagogical and medical social assistance to drug addicts and their families.

1.2 Extremely disturbing statistics

The rate of spread of drug addiction in Russia "surpasses" the figures of all European countries. We began to quickly catch up with the United States in terms of drug use. If in 1990 the USSR lagged behind the United States in this area by 20 years, in 1991 - by 15, then in 1993 - only by five years. We will soon overtake the United States in drug use. By the beginning of the 1990s, from 1,500,000 to 5,000,000 people in Russia used drugs from time to time or regularly; by the end of the 1990s, the number of drug addicts exceeded 7% and now amounts to more than 10 million people. In Russia today there are no more people who have not come across drugs in one way or another: either they tried the potion themselves, or their friends, acquaintances, relatives, or they were offered drugs.

This is a terrible misfortune and is spreading rapidly in Russia. Here are just a few figures showing the scale and depth of drug abuse in our society. According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, as of January 1, 1999, 160 thousand drug addicts (109.6 per 100 thousand of the population), over 93 thousand people who abuse drugs, more than 13 thousand patients with substance abuse were registered in narcological dispensaries and over 29 thousand abusers of toxic (potent) substances. The number of registered drug addicts has grown over 10 recent years more than five times. Society and the state of Russia did not take seriously the fact that drug addiction was the first in a series of social problems. Time goes by, and today drug use is already an integral reality, a part of our already dysfunctional existence.

The sharp "rejuvenation" of the contingent of drug addicts is of particular concern. According to the data of medical and social research, the average age at the beginning of the use of toxic and narcotic substances decreased to 14.2 years among boys and 14.6 years among girls. A systematic analysis of the rates of drug addiction among adolescents and the general population indicates that in 1998 the incidence of drug addiction among adolescents was 2 times higher than among the general population, and the incidence of drug addiction was 8 times higher. Adolescents abuse drugs 7.5 times, and non-narcotic psychoactive substances 11.4 times more often than adults. "Rejuvenation" of drug addiction should radically change the traditional idea of ​​teachers about the timing of the start of preventive work. It should be started not in adolescence, but from elementary school, including preschool age.

The proportion of adolescents among drug addicts, as of the beginning of 1999, is 29.8 thousand people. In 1984, there were only 420 such people in the whole of Russia. In total, there are 73 patients in the country for every 100 thousand adolescents. This is an epidemic.

It is of great concern that:

In different regions of Russia, according to law enforcement agencies, there are 20-30% of schoolchildren who are somehow familiar with drug use;

The number of adolescents and students with drug addiction over the past four years in large cities has grown 6-8 times, and the number of women drug addicts over the past ten years has increased 6.5 times;

“Family drug addiction” and even the introduction by parents of young children to drugs have become widespread. Even children 5-7 years old get to the intensive care toxicology departments of hospitals;

According to some data, in our country there are now about 2 million people who regularly use drugs, about 4 million people have already tried them, and 3/4 of them are young people from 14 to 30 years old;

Hardly anyone who first entered the dangerous “road to nowhere” realizes that only 10% of adolescent drug addicts live up to 30 years old;

The incidence of drug addiction among adolescents is 2.5 times higher than among the general population, adolescents are 6.3 times more likely to abuse drugs. In 1997, 1600 people died from drug addiction in Russia, half of them were teenagers;

Over the past ten years, the number of deaths from drugs has increased 12 times, among children - 42 times, and in 65% of cases the cause of death is drug overdose. Diseases associated with drug addiction account for 20% of all hospitalizations and 10% of all deaths in Russia every year.

It is known that one drug addict draws 10 to 15 people into a vicious circle per year. The addict does this mainly in order to have money for the daily portions of the “potion” himself. At this rate, in five years more than 1/4 of the country's population will try drugs. The growth of drug addiction is sharply exacerbating the problem of AIDS. Of the 4725 HIV-infected people registered in 1997, 91% are drug addicts. A direct link has been established between the growth of drug addiction and the rapid spread of hepatitis B throughout the country: more than 40 cases per 100 thousand people have been registered.

The connection between the growth of socio-economic problems, the growth of alcohol and drug abuse and the growth of juvenile delinquency is quite obvious. These three processes run in parallel - in a state of intoxication, teenagers commit 50% of all offenses, including 80% of all serious crimes (murders, rapes, etc.).

For the six months of 1998, 108 thousand drug-related crimes were committed, while the number of serious crimes increased by 40%. Six out of every ten property crimes are committed by drug addicts.

Against the background of a general decrease in the number of crimes committed by minors or with their complicity, the number of crimes related to the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances continues to grow. So, in 1998, 11.1 thousand of such crimes were registered (for comparison: in 1995 - 4.5 thousand), for 3 years the increase was 146.6%, as a result of which 8.3 thousand were brought to criminal responsibility. minors (an increase over the past three years - 117.8%).

In 1998, over 21 thousand minors were brought to the internal affairs bodies for the use of narcotic drugs. As of January 1, 1999, the number of children and adolescents who use drugs registered with the internal affairs bodies as of January 1, 1999 was 16.6 thousand people (13.7% more than in 1997).

The main age of first acquaintance with drugs is 11-14 years (41%) and 15-17 years (51%). However, as studies carried out in large cities show, by the age of 13-15, every second schoolchild has used a drug at least once. The narcotic "career" today often begins as early as 7-8 years old.

Among those who use intoxicants before the age of 13, almost exclusively boys. It is explainable. Boys, more than girls, tend to have risky behavior, the desire to test themselves, to impress others. Anything with increased danger is attractive to boys. However, in the group of minors who got acquainted with drugs and toxic substances at the age of 14-15, approximately 35% are girls. Thus, the problem is gradually acquiring a universal character, ceasing to be exclusively youthful, masculine.

Until recently, scientists and researchers believed that toxic and narcotic drugs are distributed mainly among children from disadvantaged families, children prone to vagrancy. However, it was found that in the last two to three years, drug infection in elite general education, private schools, lyceums, colleges is 2-2.5 times higher than in ordinary schools, and in the senior grades it reaches 27% (in a regular school - 2 -15%, in a rural school - 2-3%). Among children and adolescents of this group, the youth drug subculture is spreading much faster, when the use of stimulants is perceived as a special life value, takes on a “symbolic” character of familiarization with a different way of life, full of unusual impressions.

By the end of school, 19.5% of boys and 13% of girls have tried drugs, and 9% of boys and 5% of girls are regularly “addicted”. 30% of graduates of boarding schools and orphanages become alcoholics or drug addicts.

According to official figures, 3% of conscripts use drugs.

In addition, according to the Ministry of Defense, to date, 18.0 servicemen with AIDS have been identified in the Russian Armed Forces, 98 of them are drug addicts.

67% of parents of drug addicts are not aware of the trouble, and of those who know, 19% are inactive, 72% are trying to solve the problem on their own. Most parents do not know how to protect their children from the first injection. They need specific advice. The barn lock and violence will not tie a “prickly” teenager to the family, and horror stories will not turn away from the forbidden fruit.

Another significant reason for the rapid growth of the drug epidemic is the availability of drugs. Every year, the drug business in the most literal sense captures more and more Russian territories... The rates of heroin invasion into Rorsia are indicative: if in 1996 seizures of heroin were recorded in 14 regions, then in 1997 heroin was “spotted” already on the territory of 43 subjects of the Federation; In 1998, the drug was seized in 68 republics, territories and regions, and in 1999, perhaps, only reindeer herders in the Far North still preferred “fire water”, and not a syringe with “gerych”.

Drug addiction introduces to drugs not only students of schools, vocational schools, universities, but also entire cities, even countries. A city, a region is addicted according to the same “laws” as a person (a newcomer is “treated” for free.

On the Russian market, the level of prices for heroin, cocaine and other drugs is significantly higher than in the United States and Europe, which stimulates the expansion of the international drug business to us. It is hardly a coincidence that over the past ten years the number of drug addicts in the United States has halved, while in Russia it has increased many times over. Our country turned out to be completely unprepared for the drug aggression of the outside world.

Deliveries of drugs to Russia bring astronomical profits to drug dealers. A kilogram of heroin in Afghanistan costs 8-10 thousand US dollars, the same kilogram in Tajikistan is already estimated at 20-25 thousand dollars, in Moscow its price rises to 150 thousand dollars. Profits from the sale of drugs on Russian soil are fabulous percentages, that is, by investing a dollar in the "business", the drug dealer ultimately receives up to two thousand "green" for it.

More than half of all drugs seized in Russia are of foreign origin. Without any exaggeration, we can talk about a kind of drug aggression towards Russia.

1.3 Formation of addiction to drugs

To help a person break out of the abyss of addiction that is dragging him out, you need to understand him. It is possible to fight the need for drugs only if the root cause is found that pushes the adolescent to inevitable death. To understand the causes and mechanisms of drug addiction, it is very important to take into account the psychological characteristics of adolescence, which underlie the growing crisis. This crisis can manifest itself in worries about one's own, often imagined, physical disabilities, excessive concern for one's health, the emergence of a special attitude towards food and eating, a tendency to antisocial behavior, and even thoughts of suicide.

Experts identify several models of addictive behavior, or drug addiction.

Calming model- one of the most common options for the use of psychoactive substances and drugs in order to achieve peace of mind in indecisive, doubting, suspicious, afraid of everything new, constantly anxious adolescents. Using drugs, they seek to relieve nervous tension, relax, calm down, forget, escape from an unsightly or dangerous reality, from unsolvable life problems.

Communication model may arise in connection with unmet needs for communication, love, goodwill. This remedy is often used by closed, anxious and suspicious, emotionally vulnerable adolescents.

Activating model characterizes those adolescents who use psychoactive substances with the aim of raising vitality, low mood, vigor, increased activity.

Hedonic model observed when the use of psychoactive substances is used to obtain pleasure, to achieve pleasant sensations of mental and physical comfort.

Conformal model expressed in the desire of adolescents to imitate, to keep up with their peers, be accepted by the group sing through the use of psychoactive substances.

Manipulative model associated with the possibility of using psychoactive substances to manipulate other adolescents, to exploit them, to change the situation in their own favor, to achieve certain advantages.

Compensatory model is determined by the need to compensate for some kind of personality inferiority, disharmony of character.

Addiction to drugs is also promoted by passion for rhythmic and always loud music, gambling, promiscuous sexual intercourse.

The formation of addiction to drugs is largely associated with group psychological dependence, that is, with the emergence of the need to use one or another psychoactive substance only when "your own company" is going. Equally important are the reduced adaptive capabilities of adolescents, due to emotional instability, insufficient self-control of behavior, low self-criticism, undeveloped reflection, egocentricity, self-doubt or excessive overestimation of one's own “I”, escape from reality, infantilism, a feeling of inability to cope with difficulties, lack of stable interests and hobbies.

Risk factors for drug addiction do not arise on their own; a certain basis is necessary for their formation. Risk factors usually include biological (or medical), social, psychological.

Biological risk factors. It is known that children with drug addiction may have a biological predisposition to drug addiction. It is also known that if the mother used drugs during pregnancy, then the child who was born in the first two or three days develops symptoms of “drug withdrawal”. The newborn becomes restless, he has convulsions, his face turns blue, tremors of the limbs, etc. Sometimes, due to the severity of this condition, children die.

biological factors directly affect the functional capabilities of the brain, reducing its ability to endure intense or prolonged stress, and not only and not so much in the intellectual sphere as in the emotional one.

Social factors drug addiction risks reflect the unfavorable economic, cultural, political, criminal situation in society. Social causes taken together form a kind of “yeast solution” in which drug addiction as a social phenomenon exists and is multiplying. There are several reasons for drug addiction among adolescents, closely related to the socio-economic situation:

© destruction of the institution of the family;

© lack of life prospects in adolescents;

© poor organization of leisure;

© purposeful “addiction” of adolescents by adult drug addicts.

Psychological factors drug addiction determine the individual process of introducing a teenager to drugs.

Psychological reasons include the following:

Improper upbringing in the family;

Involvement in a group of peers who use


Asocial behavior;

Disadaptation to the educational process;

personal characteristics.

1.4 Classification of narcotic substances

It was only at the end of the 19th century that society began to view drug addiction as an international medical problem that required the utmost attention. And at the beginning of the 20th century, with the development of technical progress, when the laboratory production of opium and cocaine alkaloids began, drug addiction acquired a new quality - mass and epidemic proportions of distribution. Now doctors around the world are confidently talking about epidemics addiction. The indirect reasons for the spread were the development of transport and international trade, which reduced distances and expanded borders between different states.

Today drug addiction is a global problem that is present on all continents. In addition, it shows a tendency of steady growth, and its adverse consequences are very multifaceted both for the drug addicts themselves and for the society in which they exist.

Drug addiction should be viewed as a medical and social phenomenon, developing in almost all countries. This problem took the former socialist countries by surprise, where for many years the illusion that drug addiction was a specific product of the Western world prevailed, and under socialism there were no prerequisites for it.

But the problem of drug addiction is very multifaceted and covers both human health and social, economic, legal, ethical and cultural spheres. Everything is closed within the boundaries of the triangle: man - society - drug. These three components are interconnected, and the meaning of each of them changes depending on the ratio of external and internal factors.

In cases where social conditions, with all their negative aspects, become a problem for an individual or for a certain category of people, forms of morbid behavior should be considered as a sociopathological phenomenon. In such a situation, drug addiction is not an individual accident, but becomes an indicator of a general social tendency. It takes on the character of an epidemic.

Back in 1957, a WHO expert group defined drug addiction as "A condition of episodic or chronic poisoning caused by repeated drug administration." The WHO expert committee distinguishes in drug addiction as a disease, two types of conditions - dependence and addiction.

Dependence is characterized by:

A strong desire or an irresistible need (obsessive state) to continue taking the drug, as well as attempts to get it at any cost;

The tendency to increase the dose as dependence progresses;

Mental (psychological or emotional) dependence on the effect of drugs;

Disastrous consequences for the individual and society.

Addiction (addiction) is characterized by:

Desire (but not irresistible) for further drug Riema in order to improve mood;

Little or no tendency to increase dosage;

Some degree of mental dependence on the effect of the drug, but the absence of physical dependence, which means the absence of withdrawal symptoms;

If negative consequences occur, then they concern only the personality of the addict himself.

All drugs from the point of view of their origin are divided into two groups - natural and synthetic. Some plants have a calming effect, others have a stimulating effect. A separate group is made up of plants that change the state of consciousness and cause hallucinations and visions.

The term "synthetic drugs" refers to the many substances that have emerged since 1939 that cause various types of addiction.

The main drugs in this group are pethidine, meta-don, etc., as well as petroleum and resin refined products.

A drug is considered to be any substance of plant or synthetic origin, which, when introduced into the body, can change one or more of its functions, and, due to repeated use, lead to mental or physical dependence.

It follows from this that “addiction” is a general term applicable to all types of addiction to various drugs. However, in professional medical terminology, the following types of addiction are distinguished.

1. Alcoholic type: all alcoholic drinks.

2. Amphetamine type: amphetamine, dexamphetamine, methamphetamine, methyl phenidane and phenmetrazine.

3. Barbiturate type: mostly short-acting barbiturates and some sedatives, such as chloral hydrate, diazepam, meprobamate, methaqualone, etc.

4. Cannabinol type: cannabis preparations (Indian and American) - marijuana (bhang, dagga, kief, makonga, etc.) and hashish (ganja, charas, etc.)

5. Cocaine type: cocaine and coca leaves.

6. Hallucinogenic type: LSD, DMT, MDMA (ecstasy), mescaline, psilocybin, STP, and phencyclidine.

7. Kathu type: preparations of the named plant.

8. Opiate type: opium, morphine, heroin, codeine; synthetic drugs with properties similar to morphine - meta-don (heptadone), pethidine.

9. Type of volatile liquids: acetone, gasoline, carbon tetrachloride, as well as some anesthetic agents - ether, chloroform, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), etc.

The danger of drugs is obvious to many and cannot be perceived outside the context of the global nature of the problem; nevertheless, ridding mankind of the plague of drug addiction requires ridding a particular person of the power of an equally specific drug.

The variety of drugs and other psychoactive substances required their systematization. Lawyers for their law enforcement purposes have isolated drugs from psychoactive substances and included them in a special list. Doctors classify psychoactive substances according to their effects - hallucinogenic, stimulant, uplifting, sedative, hypnotic, etc. Such a division, however, is very conditional, since, depending on the dose and method of administration of the substance (intravenous, through the mouth in the form of tablets or by inhalation), they act differently. The official, most widespread and currently used International Classification ICD-10 (1994) created by the World Health Organization (WHO) should be considered.

It says that substances and drugs that can form addiction when consumed can be divided into three groups:

1. Substances and drugs that depress the nervous system (psychodepressants):

a) drugs and substances of the opium group: morphine, omnopon, codeine, heroin, raw opium, promedol, fentanyl, etc.;

b) drugs and substances with sedative (sedative) and hypnotic effects: derivatives of barbituric acid - sodium ethaminal, phenobarbital, noxiron, reladorm, relanium, phenosipam, sodium oxybutyrate.

2. Substances and drugs with a stimulating effect (psychostimulants): cocaine, phenamine, pervitin, ephedra, ecstasy, sydnophen, sydnocarb, caffeine.

3. Substances and agents with hallucinogenic properties (hallucinogens): hashish, marijuana, LSD, phencyclidine, psilocybin, mescaline, inhalants (gasoline, stain removers, acetone, toluene, nitro paint thinners, some types of glue), cyclodol, clipsol.

Let's take a look at the most common drugs:


A common feature of these drugs is their ability to relieve mental stress, self-doubt and fearfulness. They alter the emotional response to pain, slow down the response, and impair motor coordination and intelligence.

The use of these drugs in large doses causes sleep, serious disturbances of consciousness, up to unconsciousness, and even death. The effects caused by these drugs are used in medicine, but they also found application among drug addicts who use them uncontrollably, stripping without taking into account unwanted side effects, and leash to achieve short-term illusory pleasure.

Opium preparations(morphine, heroin, codeine, etc.). Opium - the milky juice of the sleeping poppy. It contains alkaloids: morphine, codeine, papaverine. These alkaloids act on the central nervous system, depressing breathing, relieving pain, causing complacency, euphoria, sometimes vomiting, and relaxing smooth muscles (blood vessels, intestines, etc.). Opium is used to produce codeine (a mild pain reliever used to relieve coughs), morphine (a pain reliever), heroin (a strong pain reliever), etc. Opium is smoked, morphine and heroin are administered intravenously. Heroin can also be sniffed.

Most often, opium preparations are found in the form of:

© “poppy straws” - crushed and dried parts of poppy stems and bolls (poppy seeds do not contain narcotic active substances); the straw is used to make acetylated opium;

© acetylated opium - a ready-to-use solution obtained as a result of chemical reactions, which has a dark brown color and a characteristic vinegar smell;

© raw opium - specially processed juice of poppy plants used to prepare a solution of acetylated opium that looks like plasticine, color - from white to brown;

© methadone, a strong synthetic opium drug sold in the form of a white powder or ready-made solution.

Morphine is a natural alkaloid found in poppy seeds. It is used in medicine as an anesthetic drug.

Codeine It is also an opiate drug, found in the form of factory-made pills (for cough and headache) - usually imported.

Heroin - drug made in clandestine laboratories. Heroin is the most widely used opiate drug.

Methadone- a synthetic drug of the opiate group, looks like heroin; production and any use of it in Russia is prohibited by law. Strictly speaking, methadone is an opium derivative, so it is more correct to call it an “opiate-like” drug. Clinically, methadone addiction is different from heroin or opium addiction.

Those addicted to these drugs have a sickly appearance: sallow, wrinkled skin with a yellowish tinge, puffy face. They are characterized by general exhaustion. The enamel comes off the teeth, they break off and fall out. Nails lose their shine and become brittle. Drug addicts turn gray and bald early. The veins are damaged. They develop mental and physical weakness. Decreased stamina resulting in an inability to perform any lengthy or difficult work. There are signs of premature aging. Some drug addicts may have seizures. There is a rapidly progressive decline in intelligence.

The health consequences of drug use are often described as catastrophic. This is true, but health is destroyed not only because of the properties of the drugs themselves. Using the same syringe, which is passed to each other, they become infected with hepatitis, AIDS. Dirt, lack of sterility, can cause pulmonary fibrosis, tetanus, and blood poisoning. Finally, the impurities contained in artisanal preparations also cause enormous damage to health. If an infection enters a weakened organism, it sometimes leads to disability, and sometimes to death.

In addition, after severe poisoning with opiates, even with a favorable outcome, serious complications are possible, such as loss of vision, speech, paralysis and other persistent disturbances in the normal functioning of the most important organs and systems. All this leads to a number of grave consequences not only for drug users themselves, but also for their family members and other close people.

It should be noted that the consequences discussed above are not yet exhausted by all the consequences of chronic opiate poisoning. Their systematic use causes a sharp weakening of the body, disorders of the normal functioning of a number of organs, disability, weakening or complete loss of the ability to self-criticism, etc., which is also, of course, important. Under the influence of long-term use of drugs of the opium group, there is a sharp weakening of will, reasonable motivation, a sound attitude towards one's position, etc., which also leads to negative social consequences.

Opium addiction is one of the most difficult and dangerous. It is very difficult to treat. If the use of opiates has already entered the system, then after the cessation of the action of the drug begins to develop withdrawal symptoms(“Withdrawal”) - physical dependence.


This group includes synthetic substances containing compounds amphetamine (ephedrone, pervitin, phenamine, ritalin, caffeine, screw). Those who consume these substances most often obtain them from medicines containing ephedrine.

Psychostimulants are a rather heterogeneous group of substances with one common feature: as a result of their use, the pace of thinking is accelerated, as a result of which judgments become lightweight, superficial, less deliberate. Some of the drugs in this group also have the ability to distort the perception of the environment, and therefore are similar to hallucinogens. There are psychostimulants of plant origin (coca, ephedra, cola), in our country they are found mainly in the form of powders or tablets.

Symptoms include insomnia, decreased appetite, diarrhea, rise in body temperature, palpitations, heart rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure, difficulty breathing, minor hemorrhages, blue discoloration and trembling of the limbs, impaired coordination. Initially increasing sexual potency is replaced by sexual impotence. With regular use of stimulants, the cardiovascular system is seriously affected. First of all, severe arrhythmias occur, death from cardiac arrest and myocardial infarction at a young age are possible.

The danger of overdose is very high, fraught with serious consequences, up to and including death.

Most used ephedrine - a chemical medical stimulant with a broad spectrum of action.

Pseudoephedrine, methcathinone and ephedrone - derivatives of ephedrine. We do not meet in its pure form. Usually made by the addicts themselves

Fenamin(domestic name) or amphetamine(international name) - a drug that is found in the form of tablets, powder, and can be packaged in capsules.

Amphetamine and similar substances can be part of the "miracle drugs for weight loss" - be very careful!

Cocaine - white light crystalline powder, like snow, bitter taste.

Crack- usually a yellowish or colorless substance, often sealed in glass ampoules.

Ecstasy - it is the collective name for an amphetamine derivative pill was synthesized as a powerful stimulant, used during the First World War when it was given to soldiers; later found his new life as a means for losing weight and as an antidepressant. In most civilized countries, it is officially banned.

Effects. "Ecstasy" suppresses the feeling of thirst, which is why, after several hours of diaphoretic dancing, a person can die of overheating and dehydration. This drug disrupts the metabolism and balance of serotin in the brain, as a result, the addict's immune, digestive and nervous systems are disrupted. Renal failure may develop, and liver destruction may occur. Typically, ecstasy victims develop multiple facial markings - capillaries burst, and the correction of such defects requires serious cosmetic procedures, including surgery. In addition, there are frequent cases of brain damage.

The most widespread drug of the amphetamine group in our country is ephedra, commonly called "mulka", and sometimes in some other way. The second variant of the same amphetamine is pervitin, in other words, “screw”.

Pervitin, sharply activating mental activity, causes completely inappropriate actions or very uncomfortable sensations. Aggression, uncontrollable outbursts of anger, violent tantrums, uncontrollable fits of destructive actions directed at people, at things or at oneself are possible. Some at such moments quietly go crazy, others are not limited to this and pounce on people, begin to destroy everything around them. It happens that they open their veins, smash their heads (literally throwing themselves against the wall), and throw themselves out the window.

The longer the consumption of pervitin continues, the more dangerous the intake of each new dose.

In terms of its direct effect on health (apart from the formation and consequences of addiction), pervitin is probably one of the most deadly drugs. Even with a short consumption, he manages to inflict blows, the traces of which may be indelible. The main ones are psychoses, disorders of the brain, maladjustment of the cardiovascular system, blood pressure, extreme exhaustion of the nervous system and the whole organism.

Pervitin also causes specific "convulsive effects": it reduces the cheekbones, squeezes the temples (sometimes to a terrible headache), reduces the calf muscles (sometimes to severe cramps), various spasms occur


A more accurate term is “mind-altering drugs”, as they often do not cause hallucinations, but distort the addict's sense of self. Not only does he feel changed the world but also yourself. The group of hallucinogens includes very different chemical composition products, some of which are of natural origin. In drug addicts, most of the hallucinogens are collectively called "acid".

The most common on the territory of Russia are homemade preparations made from hemp.

Indian hemp preparations(marijuana, hashish, makonha, dagga, anasha, ganja). Indian hemp - from this plant, resin is obtained (contained in ovaries, unripe fruits, inflorescences and leaves), which has an intoxicating effect and is a source of drugs made from it.

The dried or undried green herbaceous portion of the hemp is "marijuana." These are tobacco-like, usually light greenish-brown, finely ground dried leaves and stems. Being tightly compressed into lumps, they are called "anasha" or "plan".

The most potent is tetrahydrocannabiol (hashish). Pressed mixture of resin, pollen and finely ground hemp tops (slang names - "our", "hashish", "plan", "hash").

Hash oil - a narcotic drug obtained from hemp using various solvents and fats. The most powerful drug of this group. It contains 30-40 times more narcotic substances than cannabis.

Pervitin (methamphetamite)- artisanal liquid, clear or slightly cloudy, colorless, yellow or brown

The initial effect of these substances on the central nervous system is exciting, and then strongly depressing, ending in sleep with vivid dreams. In the future, mood falls, behavior changes. Death is possible in case of severe poisoning. Long-term use leads to personality changes. It is accompanied by somatovegetative disorders, heart palpitations, decreased blood pressure, muscle relaxation, changes in tendon reflexes, etc.

The effects of cannabis do not lend themselves to clear classification. The drug causes hallucinations, a certain stimulating effect, which manifests itself, in particular, in an increase in heart rate and respiration. In some cases, anasha or hashish enhances aggressiveness and sexual activity, but in principle, neither one nor the other is typical.

From the outside, red eyes and (not always) unrestrained laughter for no reason are most noticeable - a certain mechanism turns on by itself, which causes uncontrolled bursts of laughter.

Cannabis lasts for several hours, no more than eight to ten. There are ups and downs in feelings, some failures happen. After the initial excitement, the impressions gradually fade, the person calms down and falls into a kind of trance.

In summary, we note that hemp preparations are dangerous drugs. They are called "light", but this is either a delusion or a lie.

LSD(lysergic acid diethylamide) - “reference” hallucinogen.

There are mental disorders of varying severity, up to the complete disintegration of the personality. Approximately 1 hour after LSD ingestion, acute psychosis develops, which lasts about 12 hours.

Craving for drugs is something much more complex and much more fundamental than just the desire to get pleasure, "get high" or experience a certain sensation. Drug use is associated with the general life context, with the general structure of the personality, the content of its most important needs, interests, values, and requests. By the way, amphetamines do not cause physical dependence and such a severe deprivation syndrome as opiates or barbiturates, but getting rid of addiction to them is not at all easy. And this also confirms that drug addiction is not limited to a combination of certain reactions and immediate motives (to have fun, to get away from withdrawal, etc.) Table 1.

Socially-mediated complications of opiate dependence

Socially-mediated complications are more or less inherent in dependence on any type of drug, but in the case of opiate addiction they are most pronounced.

Unemployment arises from the fact that the addict cannot stay in one place of work, most often due to constant absenteeism, lateness and rare non-performance. Those patients who became drug addicts at a young age cannot work due to the lack of the necessary education.

Crimes are usually the result of unemployment and lack of money, not aggressiveness at all. Opiate drugs require a lot of money, but there is nowhere to get money. Therefore, drug addicts are forced to steal, cheat, prostitute or sell drugs.

Suicide. Anyone familiar with the common complications of drug addiction will not be surprised at the high suicide rates among drug addicts. But there is another reason for them: endless unsuccessful attempts to heal. The hardships of life with drugs and the inability to part with them create a psychological trap, the only way out of which is seen in suicide.

1.5 Prevention of drug addiction

Drug addiction is practically not amenable to treatment, therefore, its prevention is important at the stage until the additive behavior manifested in the episodic use of narcotic drugs has not taken the form of a disease. In the history of the fight against drug addiction and attempts to prevent this terrible evil, three stages can be distinguished.

Prohibitive this refers to the 1950-1970 years, when society (primarily the United States of America and the countries of Western Europe) recognized that drug addiction became a tragedy for large masses of young people. Then prevention was reduced to the formation of ideas about the danger of drugs, the development of fear of negative attitudes towards drugs. Fear and inhibitions are the key concepts of this stage. A sane person understands the low effectiveness of such a policy.

The information stage falls on the 1980s, and its logic is based on the human mind. Numerous information about drugs, their effect on humans, statistics and opinions of scientists became the basis of a new preventive campaign in the hope that knowledge of the misfortune will help a person not to succumb to its influence. Like any restrictive policy, it also did not give the desired result.

It is obvious that knowledge about drugs and a negative attitude towards them should be supported by the experience of giving up the drug route by solving problems that are urgent for a person. This is the meaning of the modern third stage. It can be conditionally called an educational stage.

An upbringing, teaching technology can be effective only if it is focused on three key areas of personality formation: cognitive, affective and practical.

Meanwhile, real resistance to the narcogenic pressure of the environment can be formed only if the child has developed general mechanisms of effective social adaptation (the child can fulfill his social needs without resorting to drugs). All this is possible only when the child is involved in interaction with a wide range of persons and phenomena, in the process of his general socialization.

Many risk factors in the development of juvenile drug addiction are of an intrapersonal nature, where external circumstances act as a “triggering” mechanism. Consequently, pedagogical prevention should be associated with the process of self-education - a conscious and independent human activity to improve his personality. Thus, pedagogical prevention presupposes the interconnection of three main pedagogical processes: socialization, self-education and special educational pedagogical influence on the personality of a child - anti-drug education.

Unfortunately, this model of pedagogical prevention is not focused on children and adolescents who have initial experience of intoxication. As a rule, the sphere of concern of teachers is those who have not “tried” yet, and those who already systematically use narcotic and toxic substances. Meanwhile, timely psychological and pedagogical correction can effectively prevent the development of drug addiction in beginners. The first test by children of an intoxicating substance, as a rule, the dm of their parents and teachers goes unnoticed.

At the present stage of development of Russian society, there is an urgent need to solve the main tasks of organizing the prevention of drug use in educational institutions of the country. First, there is the need for urgent, targeted training and retraining of all specialists working with children and adolescents.

Secondly, it is necessary to urgently work out certain ways of cooperation between society, various public organizations and government agencies with the family. At the same time, it is extremely important to organize the activity of the parents themselves at the level of the yard, school, microdistrict, municipality in the form of organizing and supporting such movements as “Parents against drugs”, “School without drugs”, “Clean area”. It is equally important to create in parallel a wide network of advisory points. They are the ones who, at the professional level, must provide families with primary care, they must become intermediaries between the family and specialists.

Thirdly, it is necessary to find a worthy place in general education programs for the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of simple values ​​of joy and happiness from health; to educate the child's need to be healthy, to teach him to avoid acquired diseases, to foresee impending dangers and find ways to prevent them. We are talking about the task of the school in the formation of a new system of values, the leading place among which is taken by health.

Fourth, it is necessary to ensure effective social and legal protection of children, to strengthen the system of social assistance to children (trust services, shelters, social rehabilitation centers, commissions for the protection of minors' rights). Now a new legislative basis has appeared for this: the Federal Law “On the Foundations of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”. Within the framework of this law, the interaction of specialists from various departments in the prevention of drug addiction should be established.

In February 2000, the Board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation approved the Concept for the Prevention of Substance Abuse in the Educational Environment. It highlights the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of dependence on psychoactive substances.

Primary prevention is aimed at the formation of public rejection of drug use, at the prevention of the introduction of children and adolescents to drugs. The modern school plays an essential role in achieving the goals of this stage.

Primary prevention is developed taking into account the need to influence the three main areas of the child's self-realization - the family, the educational institution and the place of leisure (including the microsocial environment). The primary prevention strategy provides for the activity of preventive measures aimed at:

the formation of personal resources that ensure the development of a socially-normative life style in children and young people with the dominance of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, an effective attitude towards refusing to take psychoactive substances;

the formation of family resources that help children and adolescents educate law-abiding, successful and responsible behavior, as well as family resources that provide support to a child who has started using drugs, restraining his break with his family and helping him at the stage of social and medical rehabilitation after stopping drug use;

introduction in the educational environment of innovative pedagogical and psychological technologies that ensure the development of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle and motives for refusing to sample and take drugs, as well as technologies for early detection of drug use cases by students;

development of social and preventive infrastructure, including the family in the microsocial environment of a child “at risk” of drug addiction and a child with drug addiction.

So, we can assume that the strategy of containing the spread of drug addiction is the most adequate for the current state of development of society. It is unrealistic to raise today the question of complete prevention of drug use and getting rid of drug addiction. It should be emphasized that the problem of preventing drug use cannot be solved solely by prohibitive measures. The traditional problem-oriented approach, emphasizing the negative consequences of taking drugs in isolation from other means, will not give the desired effect.

That is why, as a strategic priority of primary prevention, the creation of a system of positive prevention should be considered, which is focused not on pathology, not on the problem and its consequences, but on the health potential that protects against the emergence of problems - mastering and disclosing resources of the psyche and personality, support for a young person and help to him in the self-realization of his own life purpose. The obvious goal of positively guiding primary prevention is to educate a mentally healthy, personality-developed person who is able to independently cope with his own psychological difficulties and life problems, who does not need to take psychoactive substances.

Secondary prevention is aimed at those who have already experienced the influence of drugs, but do not detect the manifestation of the disease. The goal of prevention is to reduce as much as possible the duration of drug exposure on a person, to limit the degree of harm caused to both the consumer and the surrounding microsociety - friends, classmates,

family, that is, to prevent the occurrence of a chronic and! "contagious" disease. The effectiveness of this stage can be determined by the complete cessation of further drug addiction and the restoration of the student's personal and social status.

The most important components of secondary prevention are the creation of a system for the early detection of drug users, ensuring the availability of comprehensive examination and the provision of qualified psychological, medical, pedagogical and social assistance.

Educators, school psychologists, social workers, together with parents of such students should strive to create an atmosphere of intransigence to drug reuse and optimize their healthy personal and social aspirations. It is very important to ensure a long stay of such students in a normative microenvironment (classroom in a general education school, institutions of additional education, etc.), in which, as a rule, the likelihood of drug trafficking is minimized.

In cases where the diagnosis of drug addiction is made, the student needs a special comprehensive examination, treatment and rehabilitation. First of all, it is necessary to find out what biological, psychological, characterological and microenvironmental characteristics contributed to drug addiction, whether there is a somatic pathology, what is the degree of personality damage and what is the expected rehabilitation potential.

Tertiary prevention aims to prevent breakdowns and relapses of drug addiction. Actually, this is rehabilitation, which, according to WHO experts, is a complex targeted use of medical, psychological, social, educational and labor measures in order to adapt the patient to activities at the highest possible level.

The tasks of secondary and tertiary prevention can be solved in specialized state centers for the rehabilitation of children and youth in the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In addition to specialized centers, in order to prevent the abuse of psychoactive substances, the existing network of educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance - PHC centers can and should be actively used. The range of activities of such centers should be multifaceted and multidisciplinary:

© - provision of consultative and diagnostic, medico-social and legal assistance to children and young people who use psychoactive substances and have morbid addiction;

© - providing advice and legal support to parents on drug addiction issues of children and youth; the organization of general education and vocational training and for this purpose the creation of classrooms, studios, sports sections, labor workshops and other special structures to ensure the spiritual and creative growth of the rehabilitated;

© - providing organizational, methodological and advisory assistance to specialists of educational institutions on the prevention of drug addiction and dependence on psychoactive substances;

© - interaction with interested departments and organizations on the issues of readaptation and rehabilitation of children and youth involved in the use of psychoactive substances;

© - development and testing of rehabilitation programs for children and youth with addiction to psychoactive substances;

© - development of programs for the prevention of breakdowns and relapses of drug addiction in children and young people who have undergone treatment and rehabilitation and integrated into an educational institution.

Working with parents in The process of drug addiction prevention involves the implementation of educational (awareness by adult family members of the importance and necessity of special work with children to prevent drug addiction) and educational (mastering the basic methods of organizing family prevention) tasks.

It is the teachers of educational institutions who are able to involve a child in an interesting world in which every minute of life will be filled with meaningful content, in which there is a lot of creative activity.

Thus, the introduction of the main directions of the Concept for the Prevention of Drug Addiction should lead to an overall decrease in the demand for drugs and the number of people with drug addiction, as well as to a reduction in the number of “risk groups” for the factor of “drug addiction”.

As a result, there will be more of those who understand that the further spread of drug addiction can lead to the collapse of humanity.


Here he dragged himself almost dying,

A minute later - where did he get it, God knows!

The joys of an artificial paradise

The world can read it on your face! ...

And how many of them now wander around the world,

Whose fate is sweet and hard ...

And apparently there is already no salvation from

This simple powder ...

E. Vinokurov.

The social crisis that has followed the economic crisis in the life of our state and society makes the task of radical eradication of drug addiction in modern conditions unrealizable. However, taking into account the already begun progressive development of the economy, overcoming inflation, we can conclude that it is in our power to keep this problem within the framework so that it does not threaten the gene pool of the nation.

Therefore, having analyzed the problem of drug addiction as a medical and social phenomenon, we can say with confidence that, after all, “there is salvation from this simple powder”.

Our current hope for halting the further escalation of the drug and substance abuse problem rests with proactive measures.

The first of these measures is the timely identification of drug users and toxic substances through mass diagnostic examinations (monitoring). But we must be aware that the effect of the implementation of only such a measure will be reduced to identifying a certain number of already sick and sick people.

Another important measure will be prevention (including psychological and pedagogical), carried out under constant medical supervision (supervision), primarily for persons with identified hypersensitivity, whose personality traits.

ness predispose to the search for ways to get rid of problems through drug use (“risk group”).

The third measure is to educate the population leading a healthy, sober, socially positive lifestyle, ways of living in an unhealthy society, among people who use alcohol, drugs, and toxic substances.

The objectives of mass prevention are the observance and development of conditions conducive to the preservation and strengthening of health; promotion of healthy lifestyles; prevention of the onset and development of diseases by influencing adverse environmental factors and bad habits; as early as possible detection of violations of adaptation to environmental conditions and manifestations of diseases for psychocorrectional measures; prevention of the aggravation of the disease; restoration of working capacity.

Using the forces of only health care, mass prevention, no diseases can be prevented. There is a need for well-coordinated, coordinated efforts of all systems of the social infrastructure of society on the basis of a systematic approach to conducting appropriate comprehensive research, unification of all means of health care, education and achievements of medical science according to the target principle: from counseling to new methods of psychological and pedagogical correction of pathological conditions, treatment and medical social rehabilitation.

Based on this study, we can conclude that the role of the social worker in this problem is very high. Mainly in helping the addict to overcome the addiction to psychoactive substances. After all, the path of a drug addict to a drug-free existence is long and difficult, and helping him is the task of not only doctors, relatives, relatives and friends, but also a social worker. The addict must be re-accepted by the family and society, and only then can he go through life on his own.

In addition, it is necessary to carry out prevention, the purpose of which is to form psychological immunity, that is, to cause people to have a negative attitude towards drugs. To do this, it is necessary to provide effective social and legal protection, to strengthen the system of social assistance to children and adults, that is, to create as many trust services, shelters, social rehabilitation centers. And also, in my opinion, it is necessary to increase the number of various sections, circles, health centers where children and adults can spend their free time in the same way as drugs, in most cases, are addicted to despair.

The healthier the social environment surrounding a person, the healthier the society, the fewer social problems in the country.

And in conclusion, it is advisable to bring one judgment that belongs to a person who has experienced the power of drug:

“Man has always strived for freedom and emancipation. Alas! There is no universal way to achieve these categories. Everyone goes their own lonely and difficult path, and often there is not enough simple patience to understand: the joy is already in the fact that you are walking, and not standing still. Those who, with the help of drugs, want to know heaven on earth, I will upset: this heaven will inevitably turn into hell, because life - it is like a wild beast - does not like being afraid of it. Ascension speed is always equivalent to impact force when falling. ”


1. Komissarov B. G., Fomenko A. A. SOS: drug addiction. - Rostov n / a: publishing house "Phoenix", 2000 - p. 88-91.

2. Levin BM, Levin MB Drug addiction and drug addicts: Book. for the teacher. - M .: Education, 1991 - p. 58-74.

3. Drug addiction: getting rid of addiction, treatment prevention / Ed. - comp. V.I.Petrov. - Mn .: modern. literary man, 1999 - p. 48-49.

4. School without drugs. Book for pedagogues and parents // 2nd edition revised and supplemented // Under scientific. ed. L. M. Shipitsyna and E. I. Kazakova. - SPb .: CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2001 p. - 5-19, 56-61, 151-156.

5. Yagodinsky V.N. Book. for the teacher. Moscow: 1989 p. - 68.


Table 1

Signs of using different drug groups

Psychoactive substance Immediate impact Long term impact

a) Opium preparations

b) Sedatives and hypnotics (tranquilizers)

All substances in this group have an effect similar to that of alcohol. They slow down a person's thought and motor processes and reduce the ability to concentrate. They cause a “hangover” or slurred speech, drowsiness and coordination problems after the effects of intoxication have ceased. Small doses reduce feelings of anxiety, while higher doses cause drowsiness. Alcohol increases their effect, and repeated doses cause poisoning due to the fact that the substance is not quickly converted as a result of metabolism. Accidents and suicides are common.

Relaxation, reduction of anxiety, slowing down of mental and physical activity, depression, confusion of thoughts. Dullness of perception of pleasure and pain. Profuse sweat, drop in blood pressure, convulsions.

Unusual sleepiness at various times, slow, “stretched” speech, frequent “lag” from the topic of conversation. Good-natured behavior, complaisance, the impression of constant thoughtfulness. The pursuit of solitude in silence and darkness. Psychoactive substances in this group can lead to addiction. Prolonged and significant use can cause memory problems, learning disabilities, coordination problems and, after withdrawal, can cause convulsions.

2. Psychostimulants

The person usually experiences a brief intense feeling of intoxication and an exaggerated sense of self-confidence. Then the mood quickly changes for the worse and can stimulate the person to repeat the dose. Overdose is more common with crack cocaine than with other forms of cocaine. The caffeine in coffee and tea quickly spreads throughout the body and has an exciting effect on a person. Too much can cause an increased heart rate, anxiety, and stomach upset.

Hyperactivity, talkativeness, irritability, mental health problems, feelings of suspicion and distrust of others. There is no feeling of hunger. Sleep and wakefulness is impaired. Strong sexual liberation appears. The activity is unproductive and monotonous. Addiction is common.

3. Hallucinogens

a) Cannabis preparations

b) Other hallucinogens (LSD, psi-locybin, etc.)

Euphoria, anxiety, suspicion, laughter, relaxation, a feeling of emptiness in the head, speech excitement, gestures, lightness of the body, distortion of the perception of space.

Hallucinations, illusions, depersonalization, delirium, panic, depression, suicidal intentions, lapses into the past, stupor, dilated pupils, rapid

palpitations, sweating, trembling. Psychosis is possible.

Talkativeness, mood swings, bloodshot eyes, increased appetite. Anxiety, depression, indifference, inactivity.

Exposure to the substance lasts for several days or even months after taking it. This phenomenon is often referred to as “flashback”. Regular

the use of hallucinogens can impair memory and concentration, which creates mental health problems and leads to unpredictable behavior.

4. Inhalants

Euphoria, a feeling of emptiness in the head, confusion, hallucinations, loss of appetite, irascibility, blurred speech. Overdose easily occurs, leading to damage to internal organs, brain and death from asphyxiation. The greatest danger is sudden death when inhaled.

Behavior and personality change. Dilated or constricted pupils, bloodshot eyes, swelling around the eyes, nosebleeds, rashes around the mouth and nose, loss of appetite, and lack of motivation. Some solvents are toxic to the liver, kidneys, or heart, while others can cause brain damage.

The vocabulary (slang) of drug addicts

Bash - a dose of hashish, about 1 g.

Bank (salute, white)- Solutan, an ephedrine-containing medicine, from which the most dangerous drugs are obtained at home.

Screw (ice)- pervitin (methamphetamine).

Hera- heroin.

Glitches- hallucinations caused by the use of narcotic or toxic substances.

Mushrooms- one of the types of toadstools, contains the strongest hallucinogens.

Jsf (mulka, space, effendi) - ephedra.

Dima- diphenhydramine.

Roads- chains of "holes", that is, traces of injections, along the course of the veins on the arms (or legs).

Blow- smoke cannabis in the company of drug addicts.

Dope (sawdust, winter road, plan) - hashish.

Holes- traces of injections.

Kaif (drag, task, nirvana)- the main phase of drug intoxication, the condition for which drugs are used.

Koda (Katyukha, Purity) - codeine.

Koknar (kuknar)- poppy straws.

Wheels (sydney, atom, cycle)- any pills capable of affecting consciousness, including "sydnocarb" (sydney), "sodium ethaminal" (atom), "cyclodol" (cycle).

Control- blood in a syringe, pumped from a vein in order to prevent air from entering it from the syringe.

Crutch- a rolled plate of hashish with a diameter of 1-3 cm and a thickness of 1-2 mm, based on 1-2 cigarettes (can be sent in a postal envelope).

Jamb- a cigarette with hashish (“score a joint” - make a cigarette with hashish).

Kropal- a product for the preparation of hashish (a drug plate, as a rule, in the form of a circle).

Literature (books, weed)- marijuana, hemp, cannabis. (“Cool topic” is a herb with a high content of cannabiols.)

Horse- methadone.

Breaking- an extremely painful condition that occurs in drug addicts after a long period of abstinence from drug use.

Mara- the fabric used in the preparation of hashish.

Maria - opium.

Marafet (coca, coke, crack) - cocaine.

Washing- a blade for removing a narcotic substance from any surface (wall or bottom of a dish).

Metro- vein under the arm. Used by those who need to have clean hands.

Mulka (cocktail, jeff, space, effendi) - ephedrone.

Cartoons- hallucinations arising from the action of inhalants (the resulting visions resemble an animated film).

Sawdust (winter road, chernushka, plan, nonsense)- hashish (anasha, cannabis, chare).

To be determined- have outward signs drug intoxication.

Retreat, retreat- the final phase of the effect of the drug on the body.

Take a steam bath- inhale vapors of inhalants.

The layer is a hemp plantation.

Layer knocks- the period of mass collection of hemp (August-September).

Plasticine (layer)- a variety of hashish of the highest quality, made from pollen removed from the tops of hemp.

Coming- a euphoric state that occurs immediately after taking the drug (usually intravenously).

Heel- a cigarette butt with a drug.

Front end- too much drug dose.

PSP is a product of home recycling of plastic bags with a strong psychedelic effect. Used as a substitute for LSD.

Sitting on a needle- constant need for drugs injected intravenously with a syringe.

Simplyak (teryak, opiyukha, khimkanka, karakhan) - opium and poppy straw extract.

Watch striptease- hallucinations associated with sexual content that occur in adolescents when using inhalants.

Sultyga- acetylated opium.

Sticking up- feel euphoria.

Weed (dope, plan, clover, hay, god's weed, Mary Jane, note, grae, hey, weed)- marijuana.

Flat- an apartment where you can gather in the absence of adults.

Khimka- hash oil.

Khimplast- the final product of the processing of hash oil made from hemp pollen.

Centryak- vein at the elbow.

Chifir- strong tea (tea leaf extract).

Shirka- homemade drug containing pervitin.

Shuffle (sniff)- to inject something intravenously.

The use of drug addicts' slang, changes in appearance and behavior do not always serve as accurate evidence of a child's use of drugs. Very often, these changes can have another explanation.

- this is the abuse of various chemical, biological and medicinal preparations that are not included in the list of narcotic drugs. However, substance abuse and drug addiction are general concepts. Adhesives, varnishes, fuels and other chemicals can be addictive and addictive just like drugs.

With substance abuse, mainly mental dependence develops, less often physical dependence. Mental and somatic disorders and personality changes are observed. It is impossible to name a single reason for the development of substance abuse. Of great importance in the fact that a person becomes a toxicomaniac has a specific personality:

  • passivity;
  • infantilism;
  • emotional instability;
  • dependence on others;
  • demonstrativeness.

The social aspects of such a widespread phenomenon as substance abuse are also important - a low level of education and professionalism due to a lack of interest in studies and work; lack of spirituality and lack of ideology of youth, inability to organize their leisure. Defects in upbringing and a low level of medical education, the micro-environment and the unfavorable situation in the family also affect such bad habits as substance abuse, smoking and drinking.

Substance addicts inhale solvent vapors to produce dream-like hallucinations. They can be not only pleasant, but also disturbing, but always bright and colorful. Often, drug addicts form small groups to participate in the same dream together.

Substance abuse as a social problem in our time is extremely acute. It is especially alarming that child substance abuse is the most widespread. In adolescence, the likelihood of involvement in various addictions is very high, since adolescents are characterized by curiosity about the unknown, increased susceptibility, weak will and lack of self-criticism.

Most often, substance abuse occurs in adolescents for the following reasons:

  1. Psychological. The desire to be independent and to do what adults forbid. It is the desire to be adults that makes adolescents easily susceptible to negative influences;
  2. Social reasons. Teenage substance abuse most often affects dysfunctional families or families with a liberal parenting style. When a teen's life is out of control, he has a lot of free time. The inability of a teenager to occupy himself with a useful activity leads to boredom. Then he goes outside to spend time in the company of his peers, and there most often the first attempts to turn to toxic substances appear.
  3. Other reasons- the desire to keep up with peers, curiosity to test new sensations.

To get intoxicated, teenagers use readily available, cheap household chemicals, solvents, nitro paints, synthetic adhesives, and stain removers. Already several inhalation of the vapors of such a drug leads to an intoxicating effect. The dose of inhalation of toxins depends on the substance used, the depth of inhalation and the delay in inhalation.

In the intoxication that occurs when inhaling psychoactive drugs, there are three phases:

  1. It is similar to alcoholic intoxication - there is a rise in mood, a pleasant noise in the head, pleasant warmth and relaxation spreads through the body. In this phase, awakening the hopped one is quite simple. If the inhalation of toxic substances continues, the turn of the second phase comes.
  2. The phase of carelessness and ease. She is characterized by increased gaiety, with a desire to laugh and sing. Many adolescents confine themselves to this phase in fear of worsening their condition. If you continue to inhale toxins, the third phase of drug intoxication will begin.
  3. It is characterized by auditory and colorful visual hallucinations, the so-called "cartoons". Drug intoxication in this phase can last for about 2 hours. After the end of this phase, the adolescent has lethargy and loss of strength, depression of mental functions is observed.

Types of substance abuse

There are several types of substance abuse. They depend on what substance the person inhales.

Substance abuse with gasoline

Substances causing intoxication in gasoline are toluene, benzene and xylene. The process goes like this: a toxicomaniac moistens a cloth with gasoline and inhales gasoline vapors for 10 minutes. This chemical irritates the respiratory tract, causing a sore throat and coughing. Then there is reddening of the face, increased heart rate, dilated pupils, impaired coordination of movements and speech, gait becomes unsteady. The next stage in the action of gasoline vapors is the onset of euphoria, which, with continued inhalation of toxins, leads to mental disorder- delirium, accompanied by hallucinations and delirium.

If at this stage the inhalation of gasoline vapors stops, then after 20-30 minutes the narcotic intoxication recedes, but headache, lethargy, apathy, irritability, can be very nauseous. These symptoms persist for a long time.

Substance abuse with acetone

This type of toxic intoxication is characterized by strong hallucinations, but, unlike other types of substance abuse, they appear much faster. Almost immediately after inhalation of acetone vapors, a toxicomaniac feels mild euphoria, against the background of which hallucinations occur, and disorientation in time. This type of substance abuse causes very colorful hallucinations, mainly of a sexual nature. During such intoxication, a teenager sits with his head lowered and his eyes half-closed, I do not react in any way to the environment.

If acetone vapor is inhaled for a long time, it can lead to coma. When recovering from intoxication, in this case, a teenager develops complete apathy, severe weakness, nausea, vomiting, and irritability.

Substance abuse with glue

In this type of substance abuse, certain types of adhesives are used. The glue is poured into a plastic bag and then put on the head. This is dangerous because, in a state of narcotic intoxication, adolescents are not able to remove the package from their heads, and die of suffocation.

At the initial stage of inhalation of glue vapors, a slight euphoria occurs, which is replaced by hallucinations. After recovering from the intoxication of a teenager, I pursue weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting.

Substance abuse with nitro paint solvents

Inhalation of vapors of solvents for nitro paints causes a disorder of consciousness, increased mobility, a sharp change in the state of ecstasy with incredible anger. If inhalation continues, delirium develops, accompanied by visual and auditory hallucinations. At the same time, the teenager feels lightness in the body and elation, which after a while go away, and they are replaced by severe weakness and headache, nausea and vomiting.

The harm of substance abuse of any kind is that it causes serious disorders in the body of adolescents. With prolonged substance abuse - for 1-2 years - irreversible changes occur in the patient's brain and organs. Teenage addicts become feeble-minded people.

Unfortunately, teenage substance abuse with gas, or rather with components of household liquefied gas, has also become widespread. Fatal cases have been recorded. Teenagers use Chinese-made 550 ml metal gas cartridges for inhalation containing liquefied propane and butane.

Signs of substance abuse

Symptoms of substance abuse depend on the type of inhaled substance, the duration of inhalation and the timing of this bad habit. At the initial stage of substance abuse, 3-5 breaths of toxin lead to a buzz in the head, tears and drooling, light dizziness, sore throat. There is dilation of the pupils, difficulty in concentrating and a decrease in the reaction of any external factors. This condition usually lasts 10-15 minutes. Then there are headaches, nausea and vomiting, intense thirst, a sweetish taste is felt in the mouth.

When substance abuse progresses, the consequences of inhalation of toxic substances are expressed by psychomotor agitation and psychosensory disorder. The sounds heard in the addict's head are repeated, turning into an inexhaustible echo.

Experienced drug addicts show signs such as dramatic weight loss, brittle hair and nails, puffy face, sallow complexion and dry skin. The teeth are affected by caries, and in places of contact with a toxic substance, scars and suppuration are visible on the skin. The patient's personality changes, and it immediately catches the eye.

The diagnosis of "substance abuse" is established when a patient has several symptoms at once. It:

  • an irresistible desire to take a narcotic substance;
  • the appearance of a goal to increase the dose of a toxic drug;
  • the presence of mental and physical dependence on the drug.

Treatment and prevention of substance abuse

Drug addiction and substance abuse - their consequences are very dangerous for human health and life, therefore, these problems must be eliminated as decisively as possible. One of the ways people can return to normal life in society is drug and substance abuse treatment.

Treatment of substance abuse is carried out either on an outpatient basis, or in a hospital - psychiatric or narcological, where the patient undergoes several stages of treatment. First of all, the intoxication of the body is removed from the patient, then the withdrawal syndrome is stopped. The next stage is the normalization of the patient's mental state, suppression of symptoms of mental dependence, the resumption of disturbed somatic functions. The final stage of the treatment of substance abuse is the rehabilitation of the patient, which is carried out through anti-relapse therapy and rehabilitation measures.

The fight against substance abuse is impossible without developing a negative attitude towards psychoactive drugs in the patient. To do this, doctors hold group discussions where they tell patients about substance abuse as a serious chronic disease. Psychotherapists also develop the mindset of patients to completely abandon any psychoactive substances, and also teach them how to behave in critical situations when there is a high risk of resuming the use of toxic drugs.

Prevention of drug and substance abuse is an important task modern society... It should be carried out jointly by state and public organizations, educational institutions and families. The main responsibility for the future of the younger generation falls on the shoulders of parents and teachers, but it is impossible to protect a child from society. Therefore, the main measures for the prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse should be carried out in places of leisure of the population, educational institutions, in rehabilitation centers for social and treatment-and-prophylactic directions, at enterprises and other organizations and social infrastructures.

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Basal exchange.  Basic metabolism.  Calorie needs determination methods
0 4078 2 years ago When considering drawing up their own meal plan for losing weight or for gaining muscle mass, people begin to count the calorie intake. Earlier we have already considered that for weight gain, you need about 10% overabundance,
International Day of Human Space Flight Purchase of a floating cosmodrome
MOSCOW, December 15 - RIA Novosti. The outgoing year 2016 in the Russian space industry was remembered for a number of victories and a series of failures. The Soyuz carrier rocket was launched for the first time from the new Russian Vostochny cosmodrome, and the first ever collaboration was launched to Mars.
Is protein harmful for men's health: reviews Protein is good or bad
Often, protein is understood as a sports supplement in the form of a powder from which cocktails are made and drunk in training, mainly by athletes to build muscle or lose weight. There is still debate about the benefits and dangers of this supplement, many are often confused