The content of he in products is a table. Book: Counter of Bread Units, Carbohydrates and Calories. Diabetic Handbook. Bread units in drinks and juices

Diabetics with both the first and second types of the disease have to count carbohydrates in food. To facilitate this task, a special measure has been developed - grain units (XE). They were originally used for patients receiving insulin. The tables of bread units in a variety of products greatly facilitate the calculation of the dose of the hormone.

Now this value is actively used for type 2 diabetics: it helps not to exceed the maximum permissible amount of carbohydrates per day, and evenly distribute them over all meals. The undoubted advantage of using XE is the ability to "by eye" assess the potential effect of a carbohydrate product on glycemia.

What are bread units and who needs them

People with type 2 diabetes are forced to strictly control the regularity of their meals, daily activity, and the amount of carbohydrates in meals. The usual events for healthy people, for example, visiting a cafe, turn into a lot of difficulties for them: what dishes to choose, how to determine their weight and predict a possible rise in sugar? Bread units simplify these tasks, as they allow visually, without scales, to determine the approximate content of carbohydrates in food. If we cut a 1-inch slice from a regular loaf of bread and take half of it, we get one XE.

Some of the carbohydrates, the so-called dietary fiber, do not increase blood sugar, so it is advisable to subtract them when calculating bread units.

1 XE contains 12 grams of carbohydrates, including fiber. Products without dietary fiber or with a minimum content of them are converted into bread units based on the ratio of 10 g of carbohydrates - 1 XE.

In some countries, for example, the USA, 15 g of carbohydrates are taken for 1 XE. To avoid confusion, use tables. from only one source... It is better if the method of calculation is indicated in it.

At first, diabetics think that the use of bread units only complicates the already difficult calculation of insulin. However, over time, patients get so used to operating with this value that, without any tables, they can say how many carbohydrates are in their favorite dishes, barely looking at the plate: XE is equal to 2 tablespoons of French fries, a glass of kefir, a serving of ice cream or half a banana.

For the average amount of short insulin required to compensate for glycemia after consuming XE - 1.4 units. This value is not constant: during the day it changes in the range from 1 to 2.5 units. The increase in sugar as a result of the use of XE will be 1.5-1.9.

How to count XE in type 2 diabetes

Most quick way find out how many units of bread are in the product - find the calculated value in ready-made tables. They usually include only the most common dishes and standard recipes, so every diabetic should know the algorithm for calculating bread units:

  1. Weigh the raw ingredients for cooking.
  2. We find on the package or in the calorie tables, how many carbohydrates are in 100 grams of each product. We multiply the weight by the amount of carbohydrates and divide by 100. There are insignificant amounts of carbohydrates in meat and fish products, eggs and oils. They do not require additional insulin, therefore they do not participate in the calculation of XE.
  3. To calculate XE, we divide carbohydrates in food with fiber (bread products, cereals, vegetables and fruits) by 12, for pure sugars (honey, desserts, buns, jams) - by 10.
  4. We add the XE of all the ingredients.
  5. We weigh the finished dish.
  6. We divide XE by the total weight and multiply by 100. We get the number of bread units in one hundred grams.
Dish Apple pie
Ingredients Weight, g Carbohydrates XE in a dish
per 100 g in a dish
eggs 204
sugar 235 100 235 235:10=23,5
flour 181 70 127 127:12=10,6
apples 239 10 24 24:12=2
Total XE 36,1
Ready meal weight, g 780
XE in 100 g 36,1:780*100=4,6

If the results of such calculations are written out in a separate notebook, after a month you will become the owner of a personal table of grain units, the most complete and more accurate than the averaged data from universal tables. In diabetes mellitus, careful control of the amount of carbohydrates in food will make it more accurate, which means it will improve glycemic parameters and delay the onset of complications.

Diabetes use

With long-term compensated type 1 diabetes, carbohydrates in food can not be limited. Up to 24 XE is allowed per day. Their approximate distribution for meals:

  • breakfast - 5-6,
  • lunch and dinner - 3-4,
  • 3-4 snacks for 1-2.

In order not to suffer sugar indicators, you can eat no more than 7 XE at a time.

If diabetes compensation is unsatisfactory, it is recommended to reduce carbohydrates in food at the expense of fast sugars. At the same time, the dose of insulin will decrease, and blood sugar will stabilize and normalize. In difficult cases, patients are recommended a low-carbohydrate diet: 10 or less bread units per day. It is impossible to completely exclude carbohydrates, since they are necessary for us to maintain the body's performance.

In type 2 diabetes mellitus, the permissible amount of carbohydrates is determined by the attending physician, depending on the degree of the disease, weight, prescribed drugs. The patient is left to scrupulously count the bread units and try not to exceed the limit. The norm of bread units per day for patients with mild diabetes without complications, with constantly maintained normal glycemia:

When not only the amount of carbohydrates decreases, but also the total energy value of foods. For weight loss, calorie content is reduced by 30%.

If the sugar is higher, the next day the number of bread units is reduced by 5. Exercise and drugs are left in the same volume.

Bread units table

If the bread units are calculated to determine the dose of insulin, it is advisable to weigh the food. The data in the column "XE in 100 g" is more accurate. Information on the content of grain units in a piece or a cup is given for reference. They can be used when the scale is not available.


Vegetables are the basis of the diet for diabetes. They help to better control blood sugar while supplying the body with vitamins and minerals. The best side dishes are all types of cabbage, snacks are cucumbers, raw carrots and bell peppers. With type 2 diabetes, you need to pay attention not only to the content of bread units in vegetables, but also to the availability of carbohydrates. High GI vegetables (potatoes and) will have to be significantly limited.

The data in the table are for raw vegetables, 1 piece is a medium-sized unpeeled vegetable. Cup - a container with a volume of 250 ml, dense vegetables are diced, cabbage and greens are chopped.

Vegetables XE in 100 g Quantity in 1 XE
cabbage white cabbage 0,3 Cup 2
Beijing 0,3 4,5
colored 0,5 head of cabbage 15
brussels 0,7 7
broccoli 0,6 PCS 1/3
onion leek 1,2 1
onion 0,7 2
cucumber greenhouse 0,2 1,5
ground 0,2 6
potato 1,5 1 small, 1/2 large
carrot 0,6 2
beet 0,8 1,5
Bulgarian pepper 0,6 6
a tomato 0,4 2,5
radish 0,3 17
black radish 0,6 1,5
turnip 0,2 3
zucchini 0,4 1
eggplant 0,5 1/2
pumpkin 0,7 Cup 1,5
green pea 1,1 1
Jerusalem artichoke 1,5 1/2
sorrel 0,3 3

Dairy products

Milk in different forms for diabetes mellitus should be present in the diet every day. Dairy products are a storehouse of readily available proteins, an excellent prevention of diabetic osteoarthropathy. To reduce the total calorie content of food and the amount of saturated fat in it, preference should be given to fermented milk products with a low fat content, but not completely fat-free. In type 2 diabetes, they should be sugar-free.

Grains and cereals

Despite the fact that all cereals contain a lot of carbohydrates, they cannot be excluded from the diet. Cereals with barley, brown rice, rolled oats, buckwheat have a lesser effect on the glucose level in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The most useful bakery products are rye and bran bread.

Product XE in 100 g XE in 1 cup of 250 ml
groats buckwheat 6 10
pearl barley 5,5 13
oatmeal 5 8,5
semolina 6 11,5
corn 6 10,5
wheat 6 10,5
rice white long grain 6,5 12,5
white medium grain 6,5 13
Brown 6,5 12
beans white fine 5 11
white large 5 9,5
red 5 9
Hercules flakes 5 4,5
pasta 6 depending on the shape
peas 4 9
lentils 5 9,5

Bread in a bread unit:

  • 20 g or 1 cm wide slice white,
  • 25 g or 1 cm slice rye,
  • 30 g or 1.3 cm slice of bran,
  • 15 g or 0.6 cm slice of Borodinsky.


Most fruits for diabetes are allowed. When choosing, pay attention to their glycemic index. Black currants, plums, cherries and citrus fruits will cause a lesser rise in sugar. Bananas and melons and gourds contain a lot of readily available sugars, therefore, with type 2 and uncompensated type 1 diabetes, it is better not to get carried away with them.

The table provides information for whole, unpeeled fruits.

Product XE in 100 g for 1 XE
unit Quantity
Apple 1,2 things 1
pear 1,2 1
quince 0,7 1
plum 1,2 3-4
apricot 0,8 2-3
Strawberry 0,6 10
cherries 1,0 10
Cherry 1,1 15
grape 1,4 12
Orange 0,7 1
lemon 0,4 3
mandarin 0,7 2-3
grapefruit 0,6 1/2
banana 1,3 1/2
Garnet 0,6 1
peach 0,8 1
kiwi 0,9 1
cowberry 0,7 tablespoons 7
gooseberry 0,8 6
currant 0,8 7
raspberries 0,6 8
blackberry 0,7 8
a pineapple 0,7
watermelon 0,4
melon 1,0


Rule for diabetics: If you have a choice, fruit or juice, choose fruit. It contains more vitamins and slower carbohydrates. Industrial sweet soda, iced tea, nectars with added sugar are prohibited.

The table shows data for 100% juices without added sugar.


Any sweets are allowed only with a stable course of type 1 diabetes mellitus. They are contraindicated for diabetics with type 2 disease, as they will inevitably cause a strong increase in glucose. For dessert, dairy products are preferred in combination with fruits; sweeteners may be added.

It is also undesirable to use special confectionery products for diabetics. In them, sugar is replaced by fructose. Such sweets increase glycemia more slowly than usual, but with frequent use, they negatively affect the condition of the liver.

Product XE in 100 g
granulated sugar and refined sugar, powdered sugar 10
honey 8
waffles 6,8
biscuits 5,5
sugar cookies 6,1
crackers 5,7
gingerbread 6,4
marshmallow 6,7
paste 6,7
chocolate White 6
lactic 5
dark 5,3
bitter 4,8
candies iris 8,1
lollipops 9,6
caramel with milk filling 9,1
jelly in chocolate glaze 7
waffle in chocolate 5,7
halva sunflower 4,5
tahini 4

It is also important for diabetics to know:

Natalia Andreevna Danilova

Title: Buy the book "Bread units, carbohydrates and calories counter. Diabetic's reference book": feed_id: 5296 pattern_id: 2266 book_author: Danilova Natalya book_name: Bread units, carbohydrates and calories counter. Diabetic Handbook

Diabetes school

Name: Counter of Bread Units, Carbohydrates and Calories. Diabetic Handbook

Publisher: Vector

Series: School of Diabetes

Pages: 127, ill.

ISBN: 978-5-9684-1431-1

Format: fb2


Diabetes is not a sentence; it is a need to reconsider the attitude towards life. The right balance nutrients plus a correctly marked diet, multiplied by a verified dosage of physical activity and rest, is an effective formula for a diabetic's correct lifestyle.

This book contains: everything about sugar substitutes, formulas for calculating body weight for optimal selection of a diet, tables of the content of nutrients in food, tables of carbohydrates and XE in food, tables for calculating the calorie content and nutritional value of products, tables for calculating XE per day for various activities, food cholesterol table, alcoholic beverage calorie table, beer maltose and alcohol table, ingredient replacement table to reduce fat in meals, ingredient replacement table to reduce salt or sodium, ingredient replacement table to reduce sugar and an increase in fiber, recipes for more than 100 dishes for weekdays and holidays with the already calculated amount of XE, carbohydrates, energy and nutritional value.

The book, no doubt, will be useful to everyone who suffers from diabetes, as well as their loved ones and those who are faced with the problem of excess weight.

Natalia Andreevna Danilova

The ideal diet

If diabetes has come into your life, do not despair and despair. Believe me, diabetes is not a death sentence, it's just a need to reconsider your attitude towards life.

By and large, diabetes is a cry for help from the body to the mind. From now on, the body does not quite cope with metabolic processes. There is only one conclusion: it is necessary to control internal processes and manage them thoughtfully, sensitively and - most importantly - constantly.

In principle, everyone knows that they need to take care of their health. But how exactly? The right diet won't hurt anyone, but what does “right” mean?

All human food consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And do not forget about the necessary trace elements, vitamins, essential fiber, etc. All this is involved in the metabolic processes of the body. By dosing these elements, you can achieve stable long-term compensation for any type of diabetes. A correctly selected balance of nutrients plus a correctly marked diet, multiplied by a verified dosage of physical activity and rest - this is the formula for a correct lifestyle for a diabetic.

But how to calculate the optimal amount of these very elements - they are not even visible to the eye? outward appearance, the apple will not reveal its nutritional value even when using a magnifying glass.

Don't be in a hurry to get upset. Scientists have already calculated everything and brought this information to us in the form of accessible tables and formulas.

In this book you will find formulas for calculating body weight for optimal selection of a diet, tables of the content of nutrients in food products, designed specifically for calculating the calorie content and nutritional value of all kinds of food products, recipes for dishes with already calculated energy value and nutritional value. "Carbohydrates, Bread Units and Calories Counter" can become a kitchen handbook for any diabetic.

By the way, according to doctors, the diet of a patient with diabetes mellitus is an ideal diet for any healthy person, so anyone who is interested in their own health and the health of their loved ones can take advantage of all the information contained in the book.

His majesty carbohydrate

Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which a person's blood sugar level rises for whatever reason. Can the life of such a “lucky man” be called sweet?

The main delusion of a novice diabetic: "You can now forget about sweets." But is it really so true? To answer this question, you must first understand the term "sweet". Usually, this word means all sweets available to a person: sweets, cakes and pastries, chocolate, etc. Most often, food is made sweet by the presence of a large amount of carbohydrates in it. The exchange of this particular food element is disturbed in the first place if it comes about traditional diabetes mellitus. So do you really have to give up all foods containing carbohydrates? ..

In no case should this be done. Almost all cells use glucose, which is formed from carbohydrates as a result of metabolism, as an energy source. And for brain cells and erythrocytes (red blood cells), glucose is generally the only source of energy. It is simply a health crime to stop eating carbohydrate-rich foods. But they can raise your blood sugar dangerously! A vicious circle turns out.

Before looking into this issue, it is important to understand the following: not all carbohydrates are sweet in taste. So, for example, bread - even ordinary rye bread with a pronounced salty taste - contains a lot of carbohydrates. Contains carbohydrates and apple. These are all different carbohydrates, and they all have different effects on the human body.

The biggest difference is how quickly they are absorbed by the body. For a long time, this quality of carbohydrates was considered the main one when planning a diabetic's menu: "fast" carbohydrates (and these include ordinary sugar, honey and fruits) were recommended to be limited, and "slow" ones (these are fiber, dietary fiber and starch-containing foods) were highly welcomed.

But everything flows, everything changes - science does not stand still, research is carried on tirelessly. And on this moment the main indicator of the usefulness of a particular carbohydrate is not so much the rate of its assimilation by the body as the consequences that occur as a result of its use. Of course, this refers to the effect of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels.

The ability of carbohydrates to raise blood sugar levels is determined glycemic index. It demonstrates the body's glycemic response to food versus pure sugar (glucose).

Accordingly, a glycemic index of 70 indicates that after consuming 50 g of this (optional) product, the blood glucose level will be 70% of that which is formed after consuming 50 g of pure glucose. Using the glycemic index, or comparison with a reference food (glucose), will help solve the problem of reaction to taking this food.

Basically, the glycemic index reflects the rate of digestion and absorption of carbohydrate-containing foods. In other words, you can eat the same amount of carbohydrates, but change their quality depending on whether you want your blood glucose to rise quickly, or whether you want a sustained and long-term increase in glucose. In diabetes mellitus, of course, the latter is preferable. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to foods with a low glycemic index.

"Bad" carbohydrates (with a high glycemic index) include all carbohydrates that cause a sharp increase in blood glucose, which leads to hyperglycemia. Basically, these carbohydrates have a glycemic index of more than 50.

This is, firstly, white sugar in pure form or in combination with other products, such as cakes or sweets. This also includes all industrially processed foods, especially white flour bread, white rice. Alcoholic drinks (which will be discussed later) also refer to such products. Potatoes and corn, oddly enough, also fell into the category of "bad" foods in terms of their glycemic index.

"Good" carbohydrates, unlike "bad" ones, are only partially absorbed by the body and therefore do not cause a significant increase in blood sugar. "Good" carbohydrates have a glycemic index below 50.

These are primarily coarse grains and some starchy foods - beans and lentils, as well as most fruits and vegetables (lettuce, turnips, green beans, leeks, etc.), which are also high in fiber and low in glucose.

Accordingly, it is important to select foods for a diabetic taking into account their glycemic index.

Table 1

Glycemic index of food (by50 g)

The rate of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates (and thus the glycemic index of carbohydrate-rich foods) is influenced by:

Food shape, including particle size after grinding or processing: the coarser the food is crushed, the healthier. The presence of whole grains, as well as texture and viscosity, including the presence of soluble fiber, strongly affects the change in the glycemic index;

The degree of food processing - it is impossible to digest and overcook food;

The presence of fructose or lactose (unlike sugar, both have a low glycemic index);

Cellulose. It slows down the breakdown of carbohydrates, slowing down the flow of glucose into the bloodstream;

Carbohydrate counter, or the tale of the bread unit

Carbohydrates are, as we know, a constituent of food. In addition to the very fact of their influence on the level of sugar in a person's blood, it is important to take into account the amount of this consumed food element.

But a carbohydrate is a chemical. You can't immediately figure out how to count it at home. It is unlikely that every diabetic has a mini-laboratory in the kitchen. Do not measure carbohydrates with spoons and pour them into glasses. Weighing food also cannot solve the problem.

Although ... why not?

Scientists have long found a convenient way for us to measure the amount of carbohydrates in food. In laboratory conditions, a wide variety of food products have been studied for their carbohydrate content. Then the research results were placed in a pivot table. The question remained open - how to convey this, of course, necessary information to people far from science.

It was for this purpose that a special unit of measurement was invented, which equalized food products not in terms of calorie content, but precisely in terms of carbohydrate content. Conventionally, this unit contains 12-15 g of carbohydrates. If you take a standard loaf of rye bread, cut off a slice about one centimeter wide and divide it in two, then such a slice of bread (about 12 g) will contain just about that amount of carbohydrates. Apparently, this circumstance made it possible to call this specific unit of measurement the grain unit (XE).

You can measure a variety of products in XE - from cheesecakes to watermelons. One unit of bread increases the sugar level by an average of 2.77 mmol / l. The body of a diabetic with type I diabetes itself is not able to compensate for this increase. This requires insulin - one eaten unit of bread is compensated by short-acting insulin at a dose of 1.4 U. As you can see, the use of bread units greatly simplifies the calculation of insulin for a scheduled injection.

For a person with diabetes on insulin, all foods are divided into three groups:

the first- what you can eat, but with recalculation in bread units and with careful control of the eaten;

second- what you can eat practically without restrictions and not count at all;

third- what in a normal situation is undesirable (these products are intended only for "ambulance" with a sharp drop in blood sugar).

TO first group include foods containing carbohydrates. These are all cereals (bread, buckwheat, oats, millet, pearl barley, rice, pasta, noodles), fruits and fruit juices, milk, kefir and other liquid dairy products. This should also include some varieties of vegetables - potatoes, corn (beans and peas become significant only in large quantities). And, of course, the group of products subject to strict control includes chocolate, biscuits and sweets. They will have to be limited, although it is not at all necessary to completely abandon them. But lemonade and sugar in their pure form refer to third group products - the very first aid, which should be used only in case of hypoglycemia (lowering blood sugar). Every diabetic should have some of these foods with them at all times. The contents of such a "food first aid kit" can be as follows: ten lumps of sugar; a bottle of lemonade (Pepsi, Fanta, etc.) or sweet tea with a capacity of 0.5 liters; one or two apples; sweet cookies, 150-200 g, or sandwiches on black bread - at least two.

All of the above products can be controlled using a system of bread units. A special table of product replacement by grain units will help you with this.

table 2

Second group products are almost all vegetables - any variety of cabbage, radishes, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, red and Green pepper... The exceptions here are potatoes and corn. Greens, such as: sorrel, dill, parsley, lettuce, etc., as well as mushrooms can be eaten without taking into account what was eaten. But, of course, you shouldn't get carried away. Mushrooms, as you know, are in themselves difficult food for digestion.

It may sound strange, but butter, vegetable oil, mayonnaise and lard also do not affect blood sugar levels. So if there are no other contraindications, these products can be eaten. Don't just forget about them high calorie content... Fish, meat, poultry, eggs and products from them, cheese and cottage cheese - all this is available to diabetics almost unlimited. The only limitation is a sense of proportion and common sense.

A slight rise in sugar is provided by beans, peas and beans in small amounts for a side dish.

Doctors do not recommend eating more than 7 XE at a time and more than 25 XE per day. These numbers are, of course, very rough. The fact is that the sugar level depends not only on the carbohydrates entered the body, but also on the person's lifestyle. With good physical activity in the fresh air, the amount of recommended carbohydrates can be increased, but if a person has problems with overweight, then these 7 XE should become the norm for him not for one meal, but for the whole day (see table 2). At the same time, one should not think that in this case the feeling of hunger will become an eternal companion of a person suffering from diabetes. Do not forget that not all products are included in the table.

Before studying the table, it is necessary to talk about how the number of bread units depends on a person's body weight. Body mass index (BMI), or Ketele index, most accurately characterizes normal weight and its deviations in one direction or another. It is calculated using a special formula: the body weight in kilograms divided by the height in meters squared.

BMI = body weight in kg / (height in meters) 2

With this formula in mind, each person can calculate this index for himself. An index corresponding to values ​​from 20 to 25 is taken as the norm. For example, if a man's weight is 70 kg with a height of 1 m 70 cm, then his body mass index will be 70 / 1.72 = 24.2.

It is important to know that body mass index less than 19 occurs in people who are thin, emaciated. From 20 to 25, as we said, is the norm. BMI from 26 to 30 happens when you are overweight. From 31 to 40 is already a moderate degree of obesity. If the body mass index goes over 41, this indicates a severe form of obesity, which is often accompanied by serious health problems. If, at the same time, a person also has diabetes mellitus, the prognosis is disappointing ...

Therefore, it is so important to notice dangerous signs in time and begin to take on oneself, while the situation has not yet got out of control. In the meantime, let's start by calculating the required number of grain units.

Table 3

Number of bread units per day

The degree of cooking will also affect your blood sugar level. For example, mashed potatoes will raise blood sugar levels faster than just boiled or even fried potatoes. Apple juice gives a faster rise in blood sugar levels compared to an eaten apple, just like polished rice versus unpolished rice. Fats and cold foods slow down the absorption of glucose, while salt speeds up the absorption.

Calculation of the number of bread units in the finished product

Knowing the system of grain units, you can abandon the annoying weighing of products. This useful finding of scientists allows from now on to measure carbohydrates with the same spoons, cups and glasses. Bread units allow you to calculate the amount of carbohydrates "by eye" just before you eat anything. This removes many practical and psychological problems.

Least of all hassle with purchased products in factory packaging. Typically, product packaging contains information about the amount of nutrients it contains in grams per 100 g of the finished product. Knowing the amount of carbohydrates in 100 g, you can calculate the amount of carbohydrates in the entire product.

To do this, the figure written out on the factory packaging, you just need to divide by 12 - you get the number of bread units for the same 100 grams. In a diabetic school course, this is a classic example of chocolate. Let's say the chocolate wrapper says that 100 g of chocolate (just one bar) contains 60 g of carbohydrates. Divide this number by 12 - it turns out that 100 g of this chocolate contains 5-6 XE. Usually the chocolates are divided into strips of ten to twelve slices. This means that two lobules will contain one XE.

The situation is somewhat more complicated with food prepared at home. But you should not be afraid, there is nothing really complicated and incomprehensible here. It's just that the recipe for the dish isolates those products that are subject to counting according to the system of bread units. In borscht, for example, it will be potatoes, carrots and beets. If you cook three liters of borscht, using for this 4 medium potatoes, 2 carrots and 1 beet (remember that we simply do not count the rest of the borscht ingredients), then we can assume that 6 XE “floats” in your saucepan (we calculate this from attached table). Of course, you will treat all family members, and maybe guests, and in that case you will get 200 grams of the mentioned borscht. If you recall the math and perform a simple calculation, it turns out that you ate only 0.4 XE. If you supplement this tasty and healthy lunch with a piece of bread (1 XE) and even drink tea with a spoonful of honey (1 XE) and diet bread (less than 1 XE), it turns out that the entire meal in terms of bread units was kept within 3 XE. If you use insulin, it is easy to calculate that at the moment you will need 4.2 U of short-acting insulin to compensate for the carbohydrates consumed.

Of course, there is no question of any pharmaceutical accuracy of calculations and cannot be. But this is not so important. All the same, each organism reacts in its own way to certain foods, and no doctor will give the same recommendations for everyone. The main thing is that in this way you can easily determine the approximate amount of carbohydrates received and quickly help your body use them effectively. Over time, you will simply learn the XE table by heart and, having come to visit, you will not meticulously ask the hostess about the amount of potatoes cooked for a festive dinner or how much flour she used to fry fish in batter. All this can be assessed "by eye" and you can choose food without offending hospitable hosts and without prejudice to your health.

Sweet life with diabetes

“Counters, tables ... All this may be good and correct. But sugar is prohibited, but you want something sweet! " - this or something like this can be reasoned by an ordinary diabetic.

Yes, pure sugar is undesirable. But you can use sweeteners and sweeteners instead of regular sugar. Calling this a full-fledged replacement, perhaps, is impossible, but it is possible and necessary to know these substances and use them. And for this you need to find out more about them.

Sweeteners and sweeteners

As the name suggests, these substances are intended to replace sugar. They, in contrast to glucose (grape sugar), are absorbed more slowly and for the most part do not cause an increase in blood sugar. At the same time, they have almost the same taste as regular sugar, and can be used instead for preparing dishes.

The undoubted advantage of sweeteners is that they are plant-based. Actually, there are a lot of sugar substitutes at the moment, we will consider the most used ones.

Fruit sugar (fructose) v natural conditions found in fruits, vegetables, and juices. It is 1.2 times sweeter than edible sugar, while it is resistant to boiling and baking, and can even be used for canning. It is important to remember that when taken in excess, it can act as a laxative. The maximum single dose of fructose is 25 g, the maximum daily dose is 60 g.

Sorbitol also found in many fruits and vegetables. V industrial scale it is made from cornstarch. It is half as sweet as food sugar and dissolves easily in water. Also resistant to boiling and roasting (baking). Has the same laxative effect as fructose. The maximum daily dose is 40-50 g.

Xylitol in addition to the already familiar fruits and vegetables, you can also find it in mushrooms. It is produced industrially from wood sugar (xylose). It is half as sweet as our usual food (beet) sugar. Easily soluble in water, but also resistant to boiling and baking (which suggests that it can be used in cooking, like previous sweeteners). However, it is more often used in Food Industry than in home kitchens.

Isomalt Is a new generation low-calorie carbohydrate. Isomalt occurs naturally in sugar cane, sugar beets, and honey. Then they get it from them. In terms of its taste, isomalt is close to the usual sugar (0.5 sweetness of sucrose), but is poorly absorbed by the walls intestinal tract... It is he who is well suited for the preparation of diabetic products.

Please note: Sweeteners contain carbohydrates just like regular sugar. It's just that these carbohydrates in the case of diabetes mellitus are preferable to the carbohydrates of sucrose and glucose. When calculating the amount of carbohydrates (and calorie content too) in products prepared with their help, sugar substitutes must be taken into account.

Table 4

The amount of carbohydrates and calorie content of sugar substitutes

Now it's time to talk about sweeteners... Saccharin and other similar substances are chemical compounds that are 10–500 times sweeter than food sugar (sucrose). Their low calorie content plays an important role. They, as a rule, do not affect metabolic processes in the body in any way and are excreted unchanged in urine. The exception is aspartame.

Sweeteners do not contain carbohydrates, so their use does not affect the calculated meal plan in any way. This is their absolute plus for a diabetic yearning for a "sweet tooth". According to these indicators, they are perfect for overweight.

You just need to remember the ancient golden rule: "Everything is good in moderation." Sweeteners and sweeteners are still artificially synthesized substances. We have to admit that not all of their properties are fully understood. After all, the presence (or absence) of carbohydrates and calories is still not the most important indicator of a food product (albeit the main one for a diabetic). For example, it has been observed that sugar substitutes, although not as high in calories as plain sugar, significantly increase appetite. Thus, a person can still start to gain weight. In large quantities, they should not be consumed at all, as this can result in an upset stomach. Funds fueled indistinct anxiety mass media: either they will attribute carcinogenic properties to sugar substitutes (the property of causing tumors), then they will blame them for the development of renal failure. True, none of these accusations have yet been proven, but anxiety remains.

Therefore, the main advice for diabetics is to get used to "sweetening" your life with natural sugars found in plant foods.

Can energy be superfluous?

The diabetes diet in general aims to ensure that the person is at their ideal weight, as far as possible, without starvation, or at risk of high or low sugar levels. We've already figured out a bit about how to regulate sugar levels through proper carbohydrate intake. Now we are talking about the ideal weight. And here you can not do without calculating the calorie content of food.

Calorie is the amount of energy that is generated in a cell of the body when a substance is “burned” in it. You need to understand once and for all that there is no connection between the calorie content of food and an increase in blood sugar levels. Therefore, all over the world, doctors and patients with the first type of diabetes mellitus believe that it is not necessary to count calories if there is no increased body weight. But this small refinement becomes extremely serious with excessive obesity, and then the calculation of calories in importance becomes one level with the calculation of carbohydrates using the system of bread units.

The amount of calories a person needs depends on the job being done, physical activity, gender, age, latitude (cold or hot climate). Like any fuel, food products, burning in the firebox of the body, release energy. On the factory packaging of products purchased in a store, numbers are printed corresponding to the energy value of 100 grams of this product. By multiplying this figure by the mass of the actually eaten piece, you can calculate how much energy the body will receive.

Overweight problems begin when the body does not have time to process all the energy received from food. There are those lucky ones whose metabolic processes in the body pass so quickly that no matter how much they eat, nothing is deposited anywhere. Unfortunately, diabetics are often unlucky. And this is primarily due to metabolic disorders, which become the cause of both diabetes and obesity.

What comes first - diabetes or overweight, sometimes you can't tell. But the fact that they often go hand in hand is a proven fact. The system of calorie processing is disrupted, the body cannot cope with the food provided to it - and again a person has to take control of internal mechanisms into his own hands and artificially control the metabolic process.

To be able to correctly calculate the number of required kilocalories, you need to know the basic energy expenditure of a person. To determine your baseline energy expenditure, you need to multiply your optimal weight by 22 kilocalories. Then multiply the resulting figure by 1.5 (this is necessary in order to take into account the energy consumption for daily activities). The resulting value is the approximate human need for energy.

So, for an adult weighing about 70 kg, the required daily requirement will be about 2310 kcal. It means that a person is not engaged in any serious physical work. Recall that the number of calories depends on the work performed, on physical activity, on gender, age, and even on cold or hot climates.

Normally, a person can master from 2500 to 5000 kcal. It is clear that the last figure corresponds to very intense physical labor in ideally clean air and with a perfectly balanced metabolism. Alas, modern man, leading a sedentary lifestyle, very often underutilizes the energy of the food eaten, which ultimately leads to the accumulation of excess weight. This is always not very pleasant, and with diabetes, this development should be avoided by all means.

The following table will help you navigate in calculating the required energy content of the diet, taking into account the age and intensity of work activity.

Table 5

The number of calories you need per day

The data in the following table has been adjusted for the person's body weight. To correctly understand everything that is written here, it will be necessary to go back and re-read the chapter on bread units, namely the paragraph where the formula for calculating the body mass index is described. We only recall the formula for calculating BMI:

BMI = body weight in kg / (height in meters) 2

Table 6

A person's daily energy requirement (kcal / 1 kg of body weight) depending on physical activity and BMI

The following tables show the calorie content of food. It is, of course, simply impossible to foresee all the variety of food, but, as in the case of the carbohydrate content, the calculation of the calorie content of finished factory products can be done taking into account the information on the labels. If you cook yourself, then the calorie content of each type of product is calculated according to the table.

Table 7

As we already mentioned, ready-made meals can be calculated by ourselves - simply by summing up the calorie content of the products included in the dish.

The calorie table for ready-made meals will greatly facilitate the calculations.

Table 8

What can you drink ... or drink for diabetics

The question of what a diabetic can drink and what can drink is rarely discussed in diabetes schools. Officially, anyway. Most often, a diabetic suffering from constant inhibitions simply waves his hand once at all the admonitions of doctors and, tormented by remorse about his own health, allows himself too much for the holidays. It is quite logical to suffer after this no longer by conscience, but by the whole body.

So what can a diabetic drink? Let's figure it out.

You can drink and at the same time do not take into account in the diet any drinks that are low or low in calories and carbohydrates. These include:

Plain and mineral water;

Coffee and tea without milk and sugar.

When using effervescent "lungs" (ligth) drinks and lemonades "clarified" or "low in calories" must read the composition of the drink on the label and then make (or not) the necessary calculations.

Taking into account the amount of carbohydrates taken, it is allowed drinks containing small amounts of carbohydrates. These include:

Milk (all types);

Pure fruit juices;

Lemonades for diabetics with sweeteners;

Fruit juices and nectars for diabetics.

When consuming fruit juices and fruit drinks, be aware of the rapid rise in sugar after taking them. To take into account the amount of carbohydrates taken with such a drink, you should use the information on chemical composition product on the label or on the replacement table.

Undesirable include any medium to high sugar beverages in your diet, as they quickly and significantly increase blood sugar levels and it is difficult to account for the amount of carbohydrates taken with them. These include:

Sugar-sweetened fruit drinks;

Sugar-sweetened fruit nectars;

Sugar-sweetened lemonades;

Fruit juices without the indication of "purely natural" and the content of carbohydrates or XE.

So we got to alcoholic beverages. We warn you right away that in combination with hypoglycemic drugs (insulin or tablets), alcoholic beverages in diabetes can have a very dangerous effect. Since it is naive to believe that all diabetics will give up alcohol consumption, we will nevertheless analyze this "food product" more specifically.

Don't be surprised that the last phrase is in quotation marks. The biggest mistake is made precisely by those who treat alcoholic beverages like a regular drink. Alcohol is a means of getting pleasure, and nothing more. This is how you should treat him.

Taking an alcoholic drink in a reasonable dose and with certain precautions will not cause any particular harm to the health of a diabetic. But before you allow yourself such a deviation from the recommendations of specialists, you must first find out with your doctor whether alcohol is prohibited in connection with other diseases besides diabetes, for example, due to high blood pressure or liver disease.

To begin with, alcohol is a very high-calorie substance. Only 1 g of alcohol contains 7.1 kcal. Therefore, when calculating the energy value of your holiday dinner, do not forget to count the number of calories in a glass. The following table can help you with this.

Table 10

Calorie content of alcoholic beverages

It is very important to know: alcohol suppresses the formation of glucose in the liver. As a result, not enough glucose enters the bloodstream.

In addition, alcoholic beverages with a high alcohol content delay gastric emptying, so that carbohydrates taken with food are absorbed more slowly than usual, which means that blood sugar after meals rises more slowly and to a lesser extent. This property of alcohol can provoke a life-threatening condition - hypoglycemia, or a jump in sugar "in the opposite direction", in the direction of a sharp decrease.

At the same time, alcoholic beverages are often flavored with too much pure sugar for a diabetic. This misleads an inexperienced patient, forcing him to commit wrong actions - to increase the dose of insulin when it is strictly prohibited.

If the wine contains too much sugar, then it should not be drunk under any circumstances. It can be liqueurs, sweet dessert wine, sweet fruit wines and liqueurs, sweet champagne.

So what is permissible after all? All low sugar drinks that do not raise blood sugar. We will not be too lazy to repeat - everything is good in moderation, in reasonable quantities. This category of alcoholic beverages includes: dry wines, apple wine (cider), very dry champagne, special champagne for diabetics (yes, there is such a thing!), Diet beer, vodka (such as whiskey, cognac, vodka, bread vodka, arak (rice vodka), rum, fruit vodka).

Of course, in our synopsis it is unrealistic to cover the entire volume of beverages offered by our and foreign alcoholic industry. In this case, you can be guided by the following indicators: the labels sometimes indicate the sugar content of the wine. So, if it is below 9 g / liter, then in terms of sugar content this wine is perfect for a diabetic.

There are known dry wines and no sugar at all - these are Italian Trebbiano, Verdicchio, Est-Est-Est, Soave, Spanish Rioja, Valdepena and French Chablis, Muscadet, Entre deux mers .

But with champagne, the situation is more complicated. The fact is that most of the champagne wines are sweet. Therefore, more often than not, doctors prefer to prohibit them. If for you New Year- not a holiday without champagne and the wedding of an adult daughter without this drink will not give any pleasure - use the table of sugar content in champagne. Of course, no one can guarantee that the holiday will be completely harmless if you choose the wine with the lowest sugar content. Do not forget that in any case - and on holidays in the first place! - there should be a measure in everything - in food and drink, and in physical and psycho-emotional stress.

Table 11

Now let's talk about another very popular in modern world alcoholic beverage. It's about beer.

Now in Russia there is a huge number of types and varieties of beer from a variety of manufacturers. For a diabetic patient, the most important thing is to know that beer contains a large amount of carbohydrates. But this is precisely where the danger lies: you cannot compensate for the intake of such carbohydrates with insulin!

Only if there is a large personal experience in the treatment of diabetes, you can sometimes afford to include regular beer in your diet. If a bottle (500 ml) is drunk at lunch or dinner, then the introduction of short insulin before this meal does not increase, despite the additional carbohydrates taken with beer. Remember, we already wrote about this: alcohol tends to delay the absorption of sugars into the blood.

V dietary beer lacks maltose, so it does not increase blood sugar, on the contrary, because of the alcohol it contains, sugar can decrease, up to the development of hypoglycemia.

For carbohydrates contained in non-alcoholic beer, you can enter an additional dose of insulin, that is, they are overlapped by insulin. The effect of beer maltose on blood sugar is similar to that of grape sugar (glucose).

Drinking light beer is an alternative to regular beer. The alcohol and carbohydrate content in different types of such beer is different. Pay attention to the label.

The following table lists the different beers and their maltose and alcohol content. Of course, even if you are confident in yourself and your knowledge of the characteristics of your body, you should still choose the drinks with the lowest rates.

Table 12

Consider the following rules.

First, drink in moderation. This rule will be an empty phrase if you do not know your measure. Everyone has it, of course, their own. And yet there are some indicators common to all. The following statistics will help you save yourself trouble.

According to the observation of experts, the use of one of the following alcoholic beverages in a given quantity leads to the development of hypoglycemia:

80 ml of vodka;

250 ml of wine;

200 ml of champagne;

500 ml of beer.

Excessive alcohol consumption is one of the most common causes of severe hypoglycemia.

Second, never drink alcoholic beverages before or during physical activity. Alcohol already lowers blood sugar levels, and together with physical activity (which is normally designed for this purpose), this can cause tragedy.

The third rule: alcohol intake does not exclude the intake of carbohydrate-containing foods. Alcoholic drinks do not quench thirst, but are taken for pleasure and should only be viewed from this point of view!

Fourth: after drinking alcohol before bedtime, you should measure your blood sugar, eat additional carbohydrates and reduce, if necessary, the dose of simple insulin in the evening or in the morning.

Finally, the fifth: Enjoy the drinks available, but smart.


I just want to philosophize ... There is a category of diseases that cannot be called diseases in the full sense of the word. Allergies, asthmatic bronchitis, diabetes ... In essence, these are not diseases. This is a certain way of life, built on a sensitive and attentive attitude towards yourself and your loved ones.

Agree, often a person thoughtlessly wastes the health granted to him, not being able to appreciate such a generous gift from Nature. This is also a certain way of life, implicated in the philosophy of impunity for an absolutely healthy person. For some reason, by default, everyone considers himself healthy and does not bother to take care of this health.

But everything changes when one of these diseases appears. Nature seems to say: if you want to live, and live actively, completely - stop being lazy and squandering my gifts. Take your mind!

And in fact, in fact, people take it up. For the mind.

Diabetics are perhaps the most well-read of the patients. And even if there were problems with mathematics at school, diabetes will fix it. The self-education level of a diabetic is the golden dream of any teacher. Diabetes makes you listen to yourself more and understand yourself, learn, communicate - and through communication you can better understand others!

And what scope for imagination, searches and discoveries in the field of culinary diabetes provides! After all, the correct diet is the key to good health, and you will not relax here. It is no longer possible to have a hot dog snack on the run, you have to invest time and soul in the cooking process.

The diabetic's kitchen becomes his creative laboratory. In principle, diabetics eat the same food as everyone else, but taking into account their specifics. Therefore, by and large, any cookbook is suitable for a person with diabetes with one condition - a diabetic must masterfully master the rules for replacing food products in terms of the glycemic index, bread units and calories (for those who along the way also want to get rid of excess weight).

How to replace foods in terms of their carbohydrate content, we have considered in great detail. At the end of the book, we'll show you what and how you can replace in recipes to reduce fat (down with "bad" cholesterol) and increase fiber (long live slow carbohydrates). Do not forget, however, that a purely mechanical replacement will not solve the problem. In each specific case replacements need to be approached creatively, with a soul. Diabetes is a great reason to eat healthy and tasty!


Table 13

How to Reduce Fat in Ready Meals

Table 14

How to reduce the amount of salt or sodium (for those with edema)

Table 15

How to lower sugar and increase fiber

Table 16

Comparative table of product measures (in grams)

Diabetic's "counted" cookbook

The purpose of our book is to help everyone who wants to learn how to control their health with a sensible, balanced (literally) diet. Recall that anyone can use all the tips, formulas and tables collected here, because a diabetic's diet is ideal for anyone who monitors their health.

We did not set out to write another diabetic cookbook. It is important for us to show the principle of operation of all formulas and tables given in the book. We will take recipes from modern cookbooks written especially for people with diabetes as a basis and calculate them in terms of calorie content and carbohydrate content.

Calculation example

Cucumber salad with potatoes and carrots. 1 fresh cucumber, 1 medium pickled cucumber, 4 potatoes, 2 small carrots, a bunch of green onions, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, salt.

Boil potatoes and carrots (potatoes are better in their skins). Cut potatoes, carrots and cucumbers into cubes. Mix the prepared foods, add finely chopped green onions, salt, sour cream. To mix everything.

So, let's get down to the calculations. Let's start with the main thing for a diabetic - let's look at the recipe for its "danger" for blood sugar levels. Let's use the table.

The glycemic index of cucumbers is less than 15. Green onions, sour cream are not taken into account at all - their glycemic index is very low. The "worst" in this indicator are carrots and potatoes - 70 for each vegetable. Let's remember this information.

Now let's check the amount of carbohydrates in bread units (all carbohydrates are already taken into account - regardless of their "status"). According to the recipe, 4 XE is released for potatoes, carrots - less than 1 XE, cucumbers, sour cream and greens may not be taken into account due to the scanty content of carbohydrates in them.

The nutritional value and calorie content of the salad - again, refer to the tables. Proteins: 1.6 g for cucumbers, 8 g for potatoes, two carrots will contain about 2.6 g, green onions will give us 1.3 g, and sour cream - less than one gram. Total: 13.5 g. Maybe the protein content in foods is not so important for a diabetic, but this is an educational calculation. Therefore, it is not a sin to practice.

We count further - fats are next. We boldly omit cucumbers and greens. Potatoes with carrots - too, although they have scanty fat content. But we will pay the deserved attention to sour cream. Based on our salad diet plans, we will use low fat sour cream. Our two spoons will only pull 1–2 g of fat content.

Calorie content of the dish: 15 kcal for cucumbers, 33 for carrots, potatoes - 160 (because there are four of them, and this is even more than 100 g), onion feathers - no more than 5, sour cream - 30. Total: 243 kcal.

Let's summarize all of the above.

The whole salad contains 5 XE, 13.5 g of proteins, 2 g of fat. Its energy value is 243 kcal. The glycemic index (GI) is 85.

This is how, or something like this, you can work with tables of calculating calories and bread units. Of course, the error of such calculations is quite large, but in general they will still help to have an idea of ​​the quantity and quality of food eaten, which means they will help maintain health and vigor.

The following are recipes for dietary meals with ready-made calculations - for ease of use. From all the richness and variety of dishes, we have chosen, in our opinion, the most rarely used. We focused on soybean cooking, which is low in cholesterol and fat, as well as recipes for a variety of drinks and delicious (and diabetic-friendly) holiday dishes.

We wish you to master the simple "applied culinary math" and eat tasty and healthy!

Soy soups

Before introducing soy products into meals, you must consider one feature. All soy products are dried and have the ability to bind water in a ratio of 1: 3. Therefore, before adding them to dishes, a simple preliminary preparation is necessary.

Flour can be pre-combined with water and added to the dish in dry form, but at the same time add additional liquid in the specified ratio.

Pour soy cubes for soups or slices into a glass hot water(broth), add a pinch of salt, a few peas of black pepper, a clove of garlic, 1-2 bay leaves and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. This allows them to acquire the necessary juiciness and taste.

For the same purpose, specialized seasonings (mushroom, meat, vegetable) can be used to give the semi-finished products a specific flavor.

Pour soy granulate (minced meat) for chopped dishes with a glass of hot water or broth, simmer for 15–20 minutes. for swelling, cool, decant excess liquid, squeeze the granulate slightly.

The calculation of recipes in this section is based on the weight of the finished product as a whole. Accordingly, when calculating your portion, you need to adjust the count based on how much of the finished dish you ate.

Vegetable soup with soy cubes. 2 tbsp. l. soy cubes, 1 /25 a head of fresh, medium-sized cabbage, 1 /3 onions, 1-2 potatoes, 1 /4 carrots, 1 tbsp. l. canned green peas, 1 /5 parsley root, 1.5 tsp. vegetable oil, a pinch of salt, herbs, 1 tsp. sour cream.

Add 2 cups of pure water to the prepared soy cubes and bring to a boil, put coarsely chopped potatoes, cook for several minutes, then add chopped cabbage, carrots, onions, parsley root, chopped and sautéed in vegetable oil and cook until tender. At the end, put green peas and sprinkle with herbs, add sour cream before serving.

Calorie content - 200 kcal.

Potato soup with soy cubes. 2 tbsp. l. soy cubes, 1-2 pcs. potatoes, 1 /5 carrots, 1 /3 bulbs, 1 /10 parsley root, 1 tsp butter, 1.5 tsp. vegetable oil, herbs, a pinch of salt.

Add 2 cups of pure water to the cooked soy cubes and bring to a boil, then put coarsely chopped potatoes and bring to a boil again, then put carrots, chopped and stewed in butter, add chopped onion and parsley roots sautéed in vegetable oil and cook until tender. Sprinkle with herbs at the end.

Caloric content - 198 kcal.

Cabbage soup from fresh cabbage. 2 tbsp. l. soy cubes, 1 /20 a head of cabbage, 1 /3 carrots, 1 /3 bulbs, 1 /5 parsley root, 1 tsp wheat flour, 1.5 tsp. vegetable oil, herbs, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp. sour cream.

Add 2 cups of pure water to the prepared soy cubes and bring to a boil, then put the cabbage and cook until half cooked, add chopped parsley roots, onions, carrots, dried and diluted flour sauteed in vegetable oil and cook until tender. At the end, sprinkle with herbs, add sour cream.

Caloric content - 145 kcal.

Borscht with soy cubes. 2 tbsp. l. soy cubes, 1 /2 potatoes, 1 /3 beets, 1 /6 carrots, 1 /50 a head of fresh cabbage, 1 /7 bulbs, 1 /2 Art. l. beans, 1 /4 bell pepper 1 /8 apples, 1 /4 tomato, 1 /5 parsley root, 1 tsp tomato puree, 2 tsp. vegetable oil, herbs, citric acid, black peppercorns, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Stew the beetroot cut into strips with the addition of a small amount of water (broth) and vegetable oil until half cooked, then add tomato puree, citric acid and bring to readiness. Saute the chopped parsley root and onions in vegetable oil. Boil the beans in a little water until tender.

Add two incomplete glasses of pure water to the cooked soy cubes and bring to a boil, then chopped potatoes and cook for several minutes. Then put chopped cabbage and cook for about 10 minutes, then - boiled beans with bean broth, apple slices, chopped peppers, tomato, stewed beets, browned vegetables and cook until tender. Sprinkle with herbs at the end. When serving, add sour cream.

Caloric content - 209 kcal.

Beef with soy

Steam meat cutlets (meatballs) with soy granulate (minced meat). 1.5 tbsp. l. soy granulate, 1.5 tbsp. l. lean minced meat, a slice of white bread, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp. butter.

Soak a slice of white bread in water and squeeze. Add the prepared soy granulate, soaked bread to the minced meat and mince, add salt and mix well. Form cutlets (meatballs). Steam or boil. When serving, drizzle with butter or sauce.

Calorie content - 192 kcal.

Steam meatballs with soy granulate (minced meat). 1.5 tbsp. l. soy granulate, 1.5 tbsp. l. lean minced meat, 1

Mix the prepared soy granulate with minced meat, mince with a fine grid, add salt, oil and mix well. Form the meatballs. Steam or boil in broth. Serve with meat broth.

Caloric content - 168 kcal.

Meat meatballs with soy granulate. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy granulate, 1.5 tbsp. l. lean minced meat, 1.5 tsp. rice, 1 tsp. butter, a pinch of salt.

Sort the rice, rinse in warm water, cook for 10 minutes. in salted water, strain, cool. Mix the prepared soy granulate with minced meat and mince it with a fine grid. Add rice porridge, salt to the resulting mass and mix everything well. Form meatballs. Steam. When serving, drizzle with butter or sauce.

Caloric content - 199 kcal.

Steam meat zrazy with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 1.5 tbsp. l. lean minced meat 1 /4 egg white 1 /3 carrots, 1 tsp. butter, 1 /5 Art. l. water, herbs, a pinch of salt.

Combine minced meat with soy flour, water, add salt and mix everything well, leave for a while to hydrate the flour. Then form cakes from the resulting mass and put minced meat in the middle (chopped carrots, herbs, egg white), combine the edges and steam. When serving, drizzle with butter or sauce.

Caloric content - 194 kcal.

Meat pudding with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 2 tbsp. l. lean minced meat 1 /4 egg white, 1 tsp. butter, 1.5 tbsp. l. water, a pinch of salt.

Minced twice chopped meat combine with soy flour, water, add salt and mix well, leave for a while to hydrate the flour. Then add the egg white to the resulting mass, mix and put in a greased form. Steam.

Caloric content - 250 kcal.

Meat puree with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 2.5 tbsp. l. lean minced meat, 1 tsp. butter, 1.5 tbsp. l. water, a pinch of salt.

Combine minced meat with soy flour, water and mix well, leave for a while to hydrate the flour. Then add salt, oil, mix again and put in a greased form. Steam.

Caloric content - 186 kcal.

Meat soufflé with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 2 tbsp. l. lean boiled minced meat, 1 tsp. rice, 1 /2 egg white, 1.5 tbsp. l. milk, 1 /2 h. l. butter, a pinch of salt.

Sort the rice, rinse and cook until tender. Mix chilled rice porridge with minced meat from boiled meat and mince with a fine grid. Add soy flour to the resulting mass and mix. Then add milk, egg white, salt and mix again. Put the prepared mass in a greased form and steam.

Caloric content - 232 kcal.

Steam meat roll with soy granulate.

1 /2 Art. l. milk, 1 /3 egg white 1 /3 carrots, 1 tsp. butter, a pinch of salt.

Combine the prepared soy granulate with minced meat and mince. Add milk, egg white, salt and mix well. Put the resulting mass in a thin layer on a moistened cloth. Put chopped carrots in the middle and roll up. Transfer to a baking sheet and steam. When serving, drizzle with butter or sauce.

Caloric content - 190 kcal.

Meat cabbage rolls with soy granulate. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy granulate, 1.5 tbsp. l. minced meat, 2 tsp. rice groats, 1 /4 carrots, 2 tsp. vegetable oil, a pinch of salt, cabbage leaf.

Mix the prepared soy granulate with minced meat and mince. Sort the rice, cook until tender, fold back and cool. Saute the onion in vegetable oil. Boil the cabbage leaf, beat off slightly. Combine the prepared minced meat with rice, salt, sautéed onions and mix well. Put the prepared mass on a cabbage leaf, place on a greased baking sheet and fry in the oven. Then pour over the white sauce and bake.

Caloric content - 359 kcal.

Meat steak with soy granulate. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy granulate, 1.5 tbsp. l. lean minced meat 1 /2 Art. l. milk, 1 /10 onions, 1 tsp. flour, 2 tsp. vegetable oil, a pinch of salt.

Combine the prepared soy granulate with minced meat, add chopped onion and mince. Add milk, salt to the resulting mass and mix well. Shape the steak, bread in flour and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. Bring to readiness in the oven.

Caloric content - 203 kcal.

Cabbage casserole with meat and soy granulate. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy granulate, 2 tbsp. l. minced lean boiled beef, 1 /10 head of cabbage, 1 tbsp. l. milk, 1 tsp. butter, 1 tbsp. l. semolina 1 /3 egg white, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, a pinch of salt.

Simmer chopped cabbage in oil. Stir the egg white, semolina and milk until a homogeneous mass is formed, which is mixed with cabbage. Combine minced meat with cooked soy granulate and mince with fine grid, salt and mix well. Lay half of the cabbage mass in an even layer and put the meat mixture on top, cover with the second half of the cabbage mass, grease with sour cream on top and bake in the oven. When serving, pour over sour cream.

Caloric content - 306 kcal.

Potato casserole stuffed with meat with soy granulate. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy granulate, 1.5 tbsp. l. lean minced meat 1 /3 egg white, 2-3 potatoes. 1 tsp butter, 1 tbsp. l. milk, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, a pinch of salt, bread crumbs.

Combine the prepared soy granulate with minced meat, mince, add salt and mix well. Boil the potatoes, rub, add salt, raw egg white, milk and mix well. On a baking sheet greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, put half of the mashed potatoes, then a layer of meat mass, cover with the remaining half of the mashed potatoes on top. Brush with sour cream and bake in the oven. When serving, pour over sour cream.

Calorie content - 330 kcal.

Sauces with soy

White sauce with soy flour. 1 /2 Art. l. soy flour, 1 tsp. butter, 1 /4 a glass of broth, a wedge of onion, a small part of parsley root, 1-2 bay leaves, a pinch of salt.

Combine soy flour with double the amount of boiled water until it swells completely, then dilute to a liquid consistency. Add diluted flour, sautéed onion and parsley root, bay leaf, salt to the hot broth and bring to readiness. Serve with cutlet dishes.

Caloric content - 50 kcal.

Red sauce with soy flour. 1 /2 Art. l. soy flour, 1 tsp. butter, onion wedge, 1 /7 carrots, 1 /10 parsley root 1 /2 h. l. tomato paste, a pinch of salt, 1 /4 glasses of meat broth.

Combine soy flour with double the amount of warm boiled water until it swells completely, then dilute to the desired consistency. Finely chop carrots, onions, parsley root and sauté in butter with the addition of tomato paste. Add diluted soy flour to hot broth, stir until smooth and bring to a boil. Then add browned vegetables and cook at low boil for 10-15 minutes. Serve with cutlet and meat dishes.

Caloric content - 69 kcal.

Chicken dishes with soy

Chicken cutlets (meatballs) with soy flour.

1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 1.5 tbsp. l. water, 2 tbsp. l. minced chicken 1 /3 egg white 1 /2 h. l. butter, a pinch of salt.

Combine minced chicken twice passed through a meat grinder with soy flour, add water, egg white, oil, salt and mix well. Form cutlets (meatballs) from the cooked mass and steam.

Caloric content - 228 kcal.

Chicken cutlets fried with soy granulate. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy granulate, 1.5 tbsp. l. minced chicken 1 /3 egg white 1 /2 Art. l. milk, 3 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 /2 Art. l. wheat flour, a pinch of salt.

Combine minced chicken with cooked soy granulate and mince. Add egg white, milk, salt to the resulting mass and mix well. Form cutlets, bread in flour and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. Bring in the oven until ready.

Calorie content - 225 kcal.

Chicken meatballs with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 1 tbsp. l. water, 2 tbsp. l. minced chicken, 1 tsp. rice, 1 tbsp. l. milk, 1 /3 egg white, a pinch of salt.

Rinse the rice and cook until tender. Add rice porridge, soy flour, water, milk, egg white, salt to the minced chicken and mix well. Form meatballs and steam.

Caloric content - 255 kcal.

Chicken soufflé with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 1.5 tbsp. l. boiled minced chicken, 1 tbsp. l. water, 1 /3 egg white, 1 tbsp. l. milk, 1 tsp. butter, 1 tsp. wheat flour, a pinch of salt.

Add soy flour, water to the minced chicken and mix. After that add milk sauce and beat, then add egg white and mix lightly. Put the mass in a greased form and steam. Drizzle with oil when serving.

Milk sauce: dilute the dried wheat flour with milk and stir continuously at a low boil for 7-10 minutes, strain and salt.

Calorie content - 277 kcal.

Fish dishes with soy

Steam fish cutlets with soy flour. 1 /3 egg white, 1 tsp. butter, a pinch of salt.

Combine soy flour with water until it swells completely, then - with minced fish, add egg white, oil, salt and mix well. Form cutlets and steam.

Caloric content - 117 kcal.

Fish cutlets fried with soy flour.

1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 1.5 tbsp. l. water, 2.5 tbsp. l. minced fish, 1 /3 egg white, 1 tsp. wheat flour, 1 /4 onions, 3 tsp. vegetable oil, a pinch of salt.

Combine soy flour with water until it swells completely, add to the minced fish, add egg white, salt, grated onion and mix well. Form cutlets, bread in flour, fry in vegetable oil on both sides and bring to readiness in the oven.

Caloric content - 153 kcal.

Fish soufflé with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 1.5 tbsp. l. milk, 5 tbsp. l. minced fish, 1 tsp. butter, 1 /3 egg white, a pinch of salt.

Minced fish made from boiled fish and minced with a fine grid, combine with soy flour, milk, add salt and mix the resulting mass. Then add the egg white to it, stirring gently. Put the mass in a greased saucepan and steam. Drizzle with butter before use.

Calorie content - 157 kcal.

Fish schnitzel with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 1.5 tbsp. l. water, 4 tbsp. l. minced fish, 1 /3 egg white, 1.5 tsp. wheat flour, 3 tsp. vegetable oil, a pinch of salt.

Combine soy flour with water until it swells completely, then add to the minced fish, add egg white, salt and mix well. Form a schnitzel from the resulting mass, bread in flour and fry on both sides, avoiding the formation of a crust. Bring to readiness in the oven. When serving, pour over the sauce.

Caloric content - 230 kcal.

Fish veal with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 3.5 tbsp. l. minced fish, 1 tbsp. l. milk, 1 /3 egg white 1 /3 onions, 3 tsp. vegetable oil, a pinch of salt, bread crumbs.

Mix soy flour with minced fish, milk, salt and mix well. Saute the onion in vegetable oil, boil the egg white. Form a cake from the fish mass, into which put the sautéed onion, chopped egg white, and connect the edges. Bread the body in breadcrumbs and roast in the oven.

Caloric content - 180 kcal.

Fish zrazy with soy granulate. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy granulate, 3.5 tbsp. l. minced fish, 1 tbsp. l. milk, 1 /3 egg white 1 /3 onions, 2 tsp wheat flour, 3 tsp. vegetable oil, a pinch of salt.

Mix the prepared soy granulate with minced fish and mince, add milk, salt and mix well. Saute the onion in vegetable oil. Boil the egg white. Make a flat cake from the fish mass, put sautéed onion and chopped egg white, join the edges, bread in flour and bake in the oven.

Caloric content - 190 kcal.

Cottage cheese dishes with soy

Curd soufflé with soy flour. 1 tbsp. l. soy flour, 2.5 tbsp. l. milk, 3 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, 1 /3 egg white 1 /2 h. l. butter.

Rub the cottage cheese, mix with soy flour, add milk, sugar and mix well, then add the egg white and mix slightly. Put the prepared mass on a greased baking sheet and steam.

Calorie content - 215 kcal.

Curd casserole with soy flour. 1 tbsp. l. soy flour, 3 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, 2.5 tbsp. l. milk, 1 /3 egg white, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 /2 h. l. butter.

Rub the cottage cheese, mix with soy flour, add milk, egg white, sugar and mix well. Put the prepared mass on a greased baking sheet, grease with sour cream and bake in the oven. When serving, pour over sour cream.

Caloric content - 250 kcal.

Carrot-curd roll with soy flour. 1 /4 egg white, 2 carrots, 1 tsp. butter, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, a pinch of salt.

Boil the carrots, rub, add soy flour, egg white, oil, salt and mix well. Rub the cottage cheese, add sugar, butter and mix. Spread the carrot mass on a cloth moistened with water, put the curd mince in the middle, roll it up in the form of a roll and transfer to a greased baking sheet. Bake in the oven. When serving, pour over sour cream.

Calorie content - 220 kcal.

Beet-curd roll with soy flour. 1 tbsp. l. soy flour, 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, 1 /4 egg white, 2 beets, 1 tsp. butter, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, a pinch of salt.

Similar to carrot-curd roll.

Caloric content - 230 kcal.

Vegetable dishes with soy

Cabbage casserole with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 2 tbsp. l. milk, 1 /10 a head of cabbage, 1 /3 egg white, 2 tsp. vegetable oil. 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, a pinch of salt.

Simmer chopped cabbage in vegetable oil. Mix milk, soy flour and egg white until smooth and combine with cabbage. Put the resulting mass on a greased baking sheet, level, grease with sour cream and bake in the oven. When serving, pour over sour cream.

Calorie content - 200 kcal.

Cabbage schnitzel with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 1 tbsp. l. milk, 1 /10 a head of cabbage, 1 /3 egg white, 3 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, bread crumbs, a pinch of salt.

Cook the peeled and washed cabbage in salted water until tender. Cool, squeeze, shape the cabbage into a schnitzel. Dip the schnitzel in soy flour, dip in ice cream, then bread in breadcrumbs, fry in vegetable oil on both sides and bring to readiness in the oven. When serving, pour over sour cream.

Lezon: egg white, whipped in milk.

Caloric content - 203 kcal.

Potato casserole with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 2 potatoes, 2.5 tbsp. l. milk, 1 /4 egg white, 2 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, a pinch of salt.

Boil the potatoes, rub, add salt, egg white, warm milk, browned onions, soy flour and mix everything well. Put the prepared mass on a greased baking sheet, grease with sour cream and bake in the oven. When serving, pour over sour cream.

Caloric content - 245 kcal.

Potato cutlets with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 2 tbsp. l. milk, 2 potatoes, 1 /3

Boil the potatoes, rub, add salt, egg white, warm milk, vegetable oil, soy flour and mix everything well. Form cutlets from the resulting mass, bread in flour and put on a greased baking sheet, grease with sour cream on top and bake in the oven. When serving, pour over sour cream.

Caloric content - 250 kcal.

Carrot cutlets with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 2 tbsp. l. milk, 2 carrots, 1 /3 egg white, 2 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. wheat flour, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, a pinch of salt.

Finely chopped carrots are stewed in milk until tender, cooled, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, egg white, soy flour are added and everything is thoroughly mixed. Form cutlets from the resulting mass, bread in flour and put on a greased baking sheet, grease with sour cream on top and bake in the oven. When serving, pour over sour cream.

Calorie content - 220 kcal.

Carrot-apple soufflé with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 1.5 tbsp. l. milk, 2.5 carrots, 1 /2 apples, 1 /3 egg white, 2 tsp. semolina, 1 tsp. butter, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Simmer peeled and chopped carrots in water, rub, then add flour, milk, peeled and finely chopped apple, bring all this to a boil, cover with semolina and boil for 5-10 minutes. After that, cool the mass, add sugar, butter and mix well, then add the egg white. Put the prepared mass on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven. Serve with sour cream.

Caloric content - 231 kcal.

Beetroot casserole with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 2 tbsp. l. milk, 2.5 beets, 1 /3 egg white, 2 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. wheat flour, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, a pinch of salt.

Simmer peeled and chopped beets until tender. Rub the boiled beets, squeeze lightly, add milk, soy flour, salt, vegetable oil, egg white and mix everything well. Put the prepared mass on a greased baking sheet, grease with sour cream on top and bake in the oven. When serving, pour over sour cream.

Caloric content - 218 kcal.

Dishes from soy semi-finished products

Soy schnitzel. 2 soy slices 1 /3 egg white, 1.5 tbsp. l. milk, 3 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. wheat flour, a pinch of salt.

Dip the prepared soybean slices in ice cream, roll in flour, fry on both sides in heated vegetable oil. Serve with a side dish.

Caloric content - 185 kcal.

Soy schnitzel in dough. 2 soy slices 1 /3 egg white, 1.5 tbsp. l. milk, 1.5 tsp. vegetable oil, 1.5 tbsp. l. wheat flour, soda, citric acid, a pinch of salt.

Mix the milk with flour and egg white, add salt, soda (quench with citric acid) and mix everything well. Dip the prepared soy slices into the dough and deep-fry in vegetable oil.

Calorie content - 225 kcal.

Soy cubes goulash. 2 tbsp. l. soy cubes, 1 /4 onions, 2 tsp vegetable oil, 1 tsp. wheat flour, 1 tsp. tomato puree, 3 tbsp. l. meat broth, a pinch of salt.

Saute the onion with tomato puree in vegetable oil. Dry flour, dilute with water, strain. Add meat broth to prepared soy cubes. Stew the sautéed onion with tomato until tender. At the end, add the diluted flour and boil for 10 minutes.

Caloric content - 140 kcal.

Baked goods with soy

Soy flour bun. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 1 /4 egg white, 2 tbsp. l. wheat flour, 1 tsp. butter, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. sugar, 1.5 tbsp. l. milk, 1 tbsp. l. water, a pinch of salt, yeast.

Mix and sift wheat and soy flour. Dissolve yeast in warm milk, add sugar, salt, butter, egg white and mix. Then add flour and knead the dough, let rise for 2–2.5 hours, knead twice. Form buns from the finished dough, let rise for 10-15 minutes, grease with a lemon and bake in the oven.

Caloric content - 255 kcal.

Cheesecake with soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 1 /3 egg white, 2 tbsp. l. wheat flour, 1.5 tbsp. l. semi-fat cottage cheese, 1 tsp. butter, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. sugar, 1.5 tbsp. l. milk, a pinch of salt, yeast.

Dough preparation is similar. Rub the cottage cheese, add sugar, some of the egg white and mix well. Make a flat cake from the dough, put it on a greased baking sheet, after proofing with a pestle, make a depression, fill it with cottage cheese, grease it with a lioness on top and bake in the oven.

Caloric content - 305 kcal.

Pie with dried apricots and soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 1 /3 egg white, 2 tbsp. l. wheat flour, 1 tsp. butter, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. sugar, 1.5 tbsp. l. milk, 2 tbsp. l. soaked dried apricots, a pinch of salt, yeast.

Dough preparation is similar. Dried apricots, if necessary, finely chop, shape a pie with dried apricots. Place on a greased baking sheet, grease with a lemon and bake in the oven.

Instead of dried apricots, you can use a peeled apple, prunes, berries.

Caloric content - 360 kcal.

Pie with cabbage and soy flour. 1.5 tbsp. l. soy flour, 1 /3 egg white, 2 tbsp. l. wheat flour, 1 tsp. butter, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. sugar, 1.5 tbsp. l. milk, 1 /20 a head of cabbage, a pinch of salt, yeast.

Dough preparation is similar. Chop the cabbage, fry in vegetable oil until tender, add salt. Form a pie with cabbage out of the prepared dough, brush with a lezon and bake in the oven.

Calorie content - 330 kcal.

Buckwheat porridge with soy "milk". 2 tbsp. l. cereals, 1 tbsp. l. soy "milk", 3.5 tbsp. l. milk, a pinch of salt.

Dilute dry soy "milk" with warm boiled water, mix with ordinary milk, bring to a boil. Then pour the washed cereal, add salt and sugar. Cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened. Then close the lid and leave on low heat until the porridge boils down until cooked. At the end, add butter, stirring the mass.

Any other cereal can be used instead of buckwheat.

Caloric content - 290 kcal.

Diabetic drinks

All calculations from the section "Drinks for a diabetic" are given for the total weight of the drink received, therefore, upon individual recalculation, it will be necessary to correct these data taking into account the actual amount consumed.

Cranberry juice. 2 cups cranberries2 lwater, 2 tsp. honey.

Sort the cranberries, wash, mash and squeeze the juice. Put the juice in the refrigerator. Pour the pomace hot water, put on fire and boil for 5 minutes. Then remove from heat and strain. Dissolve honey in the resulting broth, add previously squeezed juice and mix.

Carbohydrates - 21.6 (2 XE).

Caloric content - 210 kcal.

Rhubarb compote. 200 grhubarb,1 lwater, 2 tsp. fructose, 2 cloves buds, orange peel to taste.

This compote should be cooked in the first half of summer, since rhubarb is more useful at this time. Wash the rhubarb stalks, remove coarse fibers and cut into small pieces. Then pour hot water, add fructose and cook with seasonings until softened. Strain and cool.

Carbohydrates - 9 g (less than 1 XE).

Caloric content - 30 kcal.

Orange fruit drink. 2 oranges,2 lwater, 0.25 cups of fructose.

Peel the orange and squeeze the juice. Put the juice in a cool place. Pour the pomace in hot water (you can add some of the orange peel, but then the fruit drink will take on a bitter taste), put on the fire and boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and strain. Dissolve fructose in the resulting broth, add previously squeezed juice and mix.

Carbohydrates - 32.4 (2.7 XE).

Calorie content - 80 kcal.

Cocktail with kefir and berries. 2 glasses of kefir (low-fat), 1 glass of strawberries or raspberries, 1 tsp. fructose.

Wash strawberries (raspberries) and peel them off. Then knead the berries with a wooden spoon, add kefir and fructose, beat with a mixer.

Carbohydrates - 39.2 (3.3 XE).

Calorie content - 75 kcal.

Combined tea. Dried in equal amounts: linden flowers, chamomile, St. John's wort, rose hips.

Mix the listed ingredients. Before brewing, warm an empty teapot: rinse it 3 times with boiling water. Then pour a collection into it at the rate of 3 tsp. 1 glass of water and immediately pour boiling water up to half of the kettle, cover the kettle with a lid and a napkin. Insist 15 minutes. Then add more boiling water and pour the tea into cups, filtering with a strainer.

Carbohydrates - 0 g.

Caloric content - 0 kcal.

Rosehip tea. 3 tbsp. l. dried rose hips, 3 glasses of water, honey - optional.

Rinse the rose hips, add boiling water, bring to a boil and leave for 15 minutes. in a sealed container. Then strain, add honey and pour into cups.

Carbohydrates - 0 g (without honey).

Caloric content - 0 kcal.

Forest tea. 100 gdried strawberry leaves,50 gdried black currant leaves,50 gdried cherry leaves,50 gdried raspberries, honey, fructose to taste.

Mix dried leaves and raspberries. Before brewing, warm an empty teapot: rinse it 3 times with boiling water. Then pour the mixture into it at the rate of 3 tsp. in a cup of water and immediately pour boiling water up to half of the teapot. Cover the kettle with a lid and a napkin. Insist 15 minutes. Then add more boiling water and pour the tea into cups, filtering with a strainer. You can add fructose or honey to each cup.

Carbohydrates - 9 g (less than 1 XE) - without honey or fructose.

Calorie content - 41 kcal.

Strawberry tea. 50 gblack long tea,150 gdried strawberry leaves, honey, fructose - optional.

Prepare tea leaves: mix dried strawberry leaves with black long tea. Brew as usual tea: rinse the kettle with boiling water 3 times, add the tea leaves and pour boiling water to half of the kettle, leave under the lid for 5 minutes, top up with boiling water. Pour into cups, adding honey or fructose as desired.

Carbohydrates - 0 g (without honey).

Caloric content - 0 kcal.

Tea with apples. Required for 3 cups: 4 tsp. black tea, 2 apples (better than Antonov's).

Brew black tea: rinse the teapot with boiling water three times, add the tea leaves and pour boiling water to half of the teapot, leave under the lid for 5 minutes, add boiling water. Cut the apples into small pieces, arrange in cups, pour over hot tea. Cover the cups (if there is no special lid, you can use saucers) and leave for 5 minutes.

Carbohydrates - 22.6 (1.9 XE).

Caloric content - 92 kcal.

Festive dishes

Holiday meals, by definition, are not eaten alone. Therefore, each dish contains a sufficient number of portions, but we suggest calculating only one portion - for ease of use.

Chicken breast satsivi. 1200 gchicken breasts (these are 4-5 medium-sized fillets),200 gwalnuts300 gonions, 1 tbsp. l. (20 g) vegetable oil, about 1 liter of water.

Cut the chicken breasts into pieces, fry with spices (a little ginger, cardamom, black pepper, or whatever you like) in a little vegetable oil. Pass the nuts and onions through a meat grinder, add water, salt, boil (the sauce should have the consistency of not very thick sour cream). Pour the sauce over the fried breasts, let it brew (it is optimal to cook in the evening - then it will be ready in the morning; or cook in the morning, and eat in the evening). You can add a couple of cloves of crushed garlic to the finished satsivi, sprinkle with chopped parsley and cilantro.

Servings Per Container: 12.

Caloric content - 248.6 kcal.

Chicken cutlets. Chopped chicken fillet, 1 small egg, 1 potato, 1 medium onion, 1 tsp. sunflower oil.

Finely chop the onion, finely grate the potatoes, add to the minced chicken. Drive in an egg, mix well, salt and pepper to taste, cut into cutlets (about 7 large, but you can make smaller ones) and fry on each side for 15–20 minutes. in sunflower oil until tender. Best served with vegetables or vegetable salad.

Servings Per Container: 7.

Caloric content: 160.6 kcal.

Chicken breasts in ginger and soy sauce (in the microwave). 500 gchicken breasts,100 gonions30 ggarlic30 gginger root, 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce.

Cut the breasts into portions, add finely chopped onions, garlic, ginger root, grated on a coarse grater, pepper (4 peppers), 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce and 4 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice (1/2 lemon juice). Mix everything well and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Place in a microwave-safe glass bowl and microwave for 20 minutes. at full power.

Servings Per Container: 4.

Caloric content: 179.1 kcal.

Chicken in a creamy garlic sauce. 1 tbsp. l. chicken breast fillet, 2 tsp sunflower oil, 1 glass of water, 3 /4 glasses of cream, 1 tbsp. l. flour, any spices to taste, garlic.

Cut the chicken breast fillet, beat off, sprinkle with seasonings, leave for 30 minutes. Then simmer with a little oil and water until tender. Add garlic. Add flour to the cream, mix well. Pour over the chicken. Simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. It is important that the sauce does not boil.

Servings Per Container: 5.

Caloric content: 233.4 kcal.

Chicken baked with cheese and sour cream. 1 kgchicken fillet,50 gmayonnaise,100 gsour cream, 3 eggs, salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Cut the chicken fillet into pieces, season with salt and pepper, grease with mayonnaise and let stand for 40 minutes. Beat eggs (3 pcs.) With sour cream. Put the fillets on a baking sheet, pour the egg sour cream sauce sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. until golden brown.

Servings Per Container: 8.

Caloric content: 230.7 kcal.

Diet turkey cutlets. Turkey fillet:250 ghips and300 gbreast, 2 medium potato tubers, 1 small onion, 1 /2 a small head of cabbage, 2 eggs, 40-60 g of vegetable oil for frying, salt.

Grind the turkey fillet with eggs, onions, potatoes, cabbage in a meat grinder or chop in a food processor to a paste. Add salt and mix well. Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan. Put the minced meat in the hot oil with a heaped tablespoon. Fry the patties on both sides, so that they slightly grab with a golden crust and transfer to a saucepan. When all the cutlets are fried, put a bay leaf in a saucepan, sprinkle with chopped dill, pour in half a glass of water and cover. Steam (darken) over low heat for 10 minutes.

If there is a microwave oven, put in a glass dish in the same way with herbs and water and simmer at full power for 5 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 23.

Caloric content: 68.3 kcal.

Broccoli with cheese. 400 gbroccoli,20 golive oil,20 gsauce mayonnaise with sour cream,30 gParmesan cheese, salt and pepper to taste.

Heat oil in a frying pan, add broccoli. Fry for 10 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and hold for another 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, pour over mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese.

Servings Per Container: 3.

Caloric content: 162.4 kcal.

Pork with apple. 800 glean pork, 2 onions, one large apple, spices to taste.

Cut the pork into small pieces, beat off, salt and pepper. Chop apples and onions. Simmer in a pan.

Servings Per Container: 6.

Caloric content: 512.2 kcal.

Chicken breasts in the oven with garlic without oil.

2 cloves of garlic500 gboiled chicken breasts.

Wash up chicken breasts, grate with chopped garlic. Season with salt, add chicken seasoning. Place in an ovenproof dish and pour in some water. Close with foil. Place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 1 hour. In 10 minutes. before the end of cooking, remove the foil, let the chicken brown. Serve with mashed potatoes (mashed potatoes are calculated separately).

Servings Per Container: 4.

Caloric content: 190 kcal.

Pork baked in foil. 1 kgpork,100 gcheese, a little wine, salt, pepper to taste.

Rinse boneless meat, cut across the fibers, beat off, salt, sprinkle with pepper. Place on each piece of meat a thin slice of ham and cheese, roll up, wrap in foil and bake in the oven for 30–40 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 8.

Caloric content: 678.1 kcal.

Chicken with mushrooms in wine sauce. 1 skinless chicken breast, 1 tbsp. l. oils,150 gchampignons, 1 tsp. dry herbs to taste, 100 ml of dry white wine, 1 tsp. vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. cream, salt.

Cut the chicken and mushrooms into cubes. Heat oil in a frying pan, add chicken and mushrooms and fry for 10 minutes. until golden brown. Add herbs and wine, continue simmering. When the wine is half boiled, add the vinegar and cream (milk will not work, it will curdle). Season with salt to taste and serve with rice and vegetables.

Servings Per Container: 3.

Caloric content: 88.9 kcal.

Diet herring under a fur coat. 20 gcarrots,70 gbeets,70 gherring,50 gmayonnaise "Provencal",10 gwalnuts.

Grate carrots and beets, cut herring into cubes. Layer: beets, mayonnaise, herring, carrots, mayonnaise, herring, beets, mayonnaise. Sprinkle with nuts.

Servings Per Container: 1.

Caloric content: 506.1 kcal.

Fish in sour cream sauce. 500 ghake fillet,100 gsour cream, 1 egg, 1 onion, 1 tsp. greens (choice to taste),50 ggrated cheese, salt, pepper.

Place the fish fillets in a baking dish. Sprinkle on top with chopped onion half rings, season with salt and pepper. Beat sour cream with egg and add herbs to taste. Pour sour cream sauce over the fish and onions. Sprinkle with cheese on top. Bake in the oven at 180 ° С for 30–40 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 4.

Caloric content: 237.9 kcal.

Surprise salad. 40 gcheese "Poshekhonsky"100 gpears,20 gmayonnaise "Provencal".

Cut the pear into thin strips. Grate cheese on a coarse grater. Add mayonnaise, mix gently, put in a salad bowl. Mayonnaise can be replaced with natural yogurt (unsweetened). In this case, additionally use your favorite spices to taste.

Servings Per Container: 2.

Caloric content: 155.2 kcal.

Pork in mustard sauce. 300 gpork fillet (cut off all the fat), cut into portions 1.5 cm thick, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 /2 Art. l. mustard, 2 tbsp. l. low-fat soft cottage cheese (or sour cream), 1 chopped garlic clove, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 tsp. dry herbs to taste, 1 /2 cups of water, salt, pepper to taste.

Heat oil in a skillet. Fry the pork on both sides until crusty (about 2-3 minutes), remove from the pan. Fry the garlic quickly, add the mustard and 1/2 cup water, bring to a boil and add the curd. Let it boil until slightly thickened.

Return the pork to the pan and simmer for another 4–5 minutes, until the meat is tender. Season, add lemon juice and herbs.

Servings Per Container: 3.

Caloric content: 191.1 kcal.

Diabetic cookies for the holiday. 250 ml of water, 2 tbsp. l. honey,50 gbutter, 400-500 g flour, 2 tsp. dry yeast, 1 tsp. salt, sesame or poppy seeds - for sprinkling, vegetable oil for rolling.

Dissolve oil and honey in warm water. Mix yeast with salt and sifted flour. Combine both masses, knead the dough and place in a warm place for 40 minutes. It should rise a little.

Divide the dough into 4 parts. Grease the table with vegetable oil, pour in a mixture of poppy and sesame seeds, roll out one part of the dough in the form of a rectangle, turning it 1-2 times. Thickness - 3-4 mm. Cut into strips 2 cm wide, twist each strip into a spiral and place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Bake in a preheated oven at a temperature of - 220-250 ° C. They are baked quickly!

Servings Per Container: 12.

Caloric content: 186.5 kcal.

Chicken fillet with mushrooms. 5 gbutter, 4 pieces of chicken fillet (2 breasts),400 gchampignons,50 gmayonnaise, any spices - to taste.

Cut the chicken fillet into pieces (approximately 1x1.5-2 cm) and fry in oil.

Cut the mushrooms into 2–4 pieces (depending on size) and add to the chicken. You can add some water to add more gravy.

Then add spices (salt, pepper, herbs) and light low-fat mayonnaise (sour cream is also possible). Simmer for about 15 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 10.

Caloric content: 115.9 kcal.

Turkey with ginger. 600 gturkey fillet, ginger root, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, salt, spices, foil.

Peel and grate the ginger root until the fibrous part begins. Mix the grated ginger root with a spoonful of olive oil, salt and pepper. Cut the turkey fillet into pieces weighing about 200 grams, grate with ginger sauce, wrap in foil and bake in the oven for 40 minutes. You can bake a whole piece of fillet without cutting it into pieces, then the dish is baked for about an hour.

Likewise, you can bake lean beef.

Servings Per Container: 6.

Caloric content: 151.6 kcal.

Pork chops with a cheese crust. 4 portions of pork (can be on the bone), 2 tbsp. l. mustard, 1 tsp. garlic30 gcheese "Cheddar", 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, salt, pepper.

Season the pork chops with salt and pepper, rub lightly with garlic and place in the oven at 200 ° C for 15 minutes. At the same time, grate the cheese and mix with mustard and sour cream. After 15 minutes. Remove the chops from the oven, brush with the cheese mixture on top and send to the oven for another 5-10 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 4.

Caloric content: 212.6 kcal.

Chicken on skewers. 400 gchicken breasts, 2 tbsp. l. 1% kefir, half a lemon, cut into wedges, salt, pepper, curry powder.

Cut the breast fillet into pieces, as for a small kebab. Make a marinade from lemon, kefir, salt, pepper, curry. Put the sliced ​​breast into it, leave for 1 hour. Then skewer and bake in the oven at 200–220 ° C for 10–15 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 2.

Caloric content: 241.4 kcal.

Shrimp and avocado salad. 200 gFar Eastern shrimp meat,100 gfresh salad10 gvinegar10 gsoy sauce,10 golive oil,50 g hard cheese(for example, "Kostromskaya"),50 gfresh avocado, small tomatoes for decoration.

Bring shrimps to a boil in salted water, cool. Combine olive oil, soy sauce and some water in a small cup. Put lettuce leaves on a plate, on top - separately shrimps. Cut the cheese into thin strips and spread out in the sun. Put halves of cherry tomatoes between the rays of the sun. Peel the avocado and also cut into slices. Arrange the half slices in a circle and pour over the mixture of sauces.

Servings Per Container: 3.

Caloric content: 193.7 kcal.

Cauliflower cream. 2 small heads of fresh cauliflower,150 gcream, 1 lemon wedge, 1 garlic clove, nutmeg, salt, herbs to taste.

Wash the cauliflower, disassemble into inflorescences and boil with a slice of lemon in salted water until soft. Drain the water, transfer the cabbage and lemon to a blender. Add cream, salt, herbs, garlic and nutmeg. Grind and mix everything until creamy. Serve warm - as a snack (you can sprinkle with fresh herbs or freshly ground pepper) or as a side dish (a great alternative to mashed potatoes).

The fat content of the cream can be reduced by boiling the cabbage in a mixture of water and milk (1: 1), and adding 10% cream to the blender (pour in gradually so that the cream does not turn out too liquid).

Servings Per Container: 8.

Caloric content: 91.6 kcal.

Thai shrimp cutlets. 500 gfrozen peeled shrimp, half a bag of curry powder, 1 egg, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. dried coriander, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 2 tbsp. l. oils for frying.

Boil the shrimps in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Drain the water. Grind the shrimps with curry, coriander and lemon juice in a food processor. Season with salt to taste, add beaten egg. Form 8 patties 1.5 cm thick on a floured surface from the shrimp mixture. Then fry on each side for 2-3 minutes. until ready.

Servings Per Container: 4.

Caloric content: 191.1 kcal.

Mimosa salad". 2 cans of canned natural pink salmon, 5 eggs,350 gcarrots,20 gonions600 glow-calorie mayonnaise.

Boil the egg and carrots, peel. Separate the pink salmon from the seeds and skins and mash with a fork in a salad bowl. Lay the onion on top, pre-scalded. Pour in mayonnaise. Grate egg whites on a coarse grater and brush with mayonnaise. Put the carrots on top, grated on a coarse grater, and grease with mayonnaise again. Sprinkle with yolks on top (grate on a fine grater). Sprinkle with cheese.

Servings Per Container: 10.

Caloric content: 181.6 kcal.

Greek casserole. 500-600 g eggplant,500 gtomatoes,500 gpotatoes,600 gminced meat, 3 eggs,150 gmilk,100 gcheese.

Boil the potatoes, add spices to the minced meat, fry in a pan, fry the eggplants, pour over the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin.

Put potatoes, minced meat, eggplant, tomatoes in layers on a baking sheet or deep frying pan. Pour over an omelet made from eggs and milk. Bake for 40-50 minutes. in the oven. In 10 minutes. until ready to sprinkle with grated cheese.

Servings Per Container: 10.

Caloric content: 314.7 kcal.

Cauliflower casserole. 75 gcheese "Russian", 3 eggs,550 gcauliflower,5 gbutter, spices, poultry seasoning.

Disassemble the cabbage into small inflorescences or cut. Boil with spices. Mix boiled cabbage with eggs (3 large or 4 small). Grease the form with butter, put the cabbage and eggs into it. Grate cheese on top, you can add a couple of paprika rings for beauty.

Servings Per Container: 6.

Caloric content: 129.5 kcal.

Shrimp in the oven. 800 graw shrimp in shell (can be frozen), 3 tbsp. l. margarine or butter, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 cloves of garlic, pepper to taste.

Rinse the shrimp. If they are large, an incision should be made along the back with scissors and the intestines removed. Then put the shrimps on a baking sheet tightly to each other.

Chop the garlic. Melt the butter and mix with the garlic and lemon juice. Pour the resulting sauce over the shrimps and send to the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 15 minutes. The shrimp are done when they turn pink and tuck their tails.

Servings Per Container: 4.

Caloric content: 242.4 kcal.

Zucchini with chicken breast, stewed in the oven.

2-3 small young zucchini, two small chicken breast fillets, one onion, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, low-fat mayonnaise, salt, pepper.

In a stewpan suitable for the oven, pre-oiled with vegetable oil, lay onions diced in layers, zucchini cut in the same way on it (peeled from the skin, if the fruit is not young, remove the core with seeds from it), then chicken fillet, also chopped fine cubes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Grease everything with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese. Put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C, after 15 minutes. reduce the temperature.

Servings Per Container: 5.

Caloric content: 252.4 kcal.

Mussels stewed with onions. 200 gmussels, peeled from shells, 1 onion, 1 bunch of green onions, 1 bunch of parsley, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, salt, ground pepper - to taste, olives, lemon for decoration.

Sauté the finely chopped onion with mussels for 15 minutes. Use greens, green onions, olives, lemon for decoration.

Servings Per Container: 3.

Caloric content: 107.5 kcal.

Cottage cheese casserole with carrots. 250 ggrated fresh carrots,5 ggrated cheese, 6 eggs,400 glow-fat cottage cheese, salt, pepper.

Grate the carrots, mix the eggs with cottage cheese, salt and pepper. Add carrots. Mix. Add a layer of dough, sprinkle with grated cheese and lay out the remaining dough. Place in the oven at 170 ° C for 30 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 3.

Caloric content: 306.8 kcal.

Meatballs baked with vegetables. 1 onion, 1 clove of garlic, 1 tbsp. l. ghee,300 gminced meat, 1 egg, dried thyme, salt, pepper, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,40 gcheese, 1 small zucchini, 2 tomatoes.

Finely chop the onions and garlic. To warm melted butter and brown the onion and garlic. Heat the oven to 250 ° C. Mix the meat with onion, garlic, egg and dried thyme. Season with salt and pepper. Roll 8 balls out of the mass, flatten them slightly and fry in vegetable oil for 4 minutes. from each side. Transfer to a greased form. Cut the courgettes, peppers and tomatoes into 5 mm thick slices. Salt the zucchini and let them stand for 10-15 minutes. Then drain the separated liquid. Put the vegetables between the meatballs, salt and pepper. Put a piece of cheese on the meatballs. Place in the oven for 10 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped herbs.

Servings Per Container: 4.

Caloric content: 31 kcal.

Chicken in cream. 400 gchicken fillet,200 gchampignons, 1 large onion, salt,100 g10% cream.

Fry onions, mushrooms, add fillets cut into strips, salt, simmer until the liquid evaporates. Pour in the cream, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, not allowing the cream to roll. Boiled wild rice can be served as a side dish.

Servings Per Container: 3.

Caloric content: 279.7 kcal.

Carp in a salt coat. 1 fresh carp, table salt.

Peel and gut fresh carp, do not cut off the head. Wet the salt with water until it becomes wet sand, put the salt in a layer on a baking sheet, then put the fish on the salt, put another layer of salt on top of the fish so that the fish is completely covered in salt. Place in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes. Get the fish, beat off the salt with a hammer, take out the fish. When baked, fish will take as much salt as it needs, it will turn out juicy and very tasty, as it is baked in its own juice. Decorate with herbs. So you can bake any fish.

Servings Per Container: 5.

Caloric content: 127 kcal.

Salted cheese cakes with feta cheese. 200 gfat-free cottage cheese (dry),100 gfeta cheese, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. l. semolina (or flour), fresh dill, oregano.

Mash cheese, mix with cottage cheese (it is better to pass through a sieve). Add egg, dill, oregano and semolina and mix well. Form curd cakes. Cook in a double boiler for 15 minutes. Serve with sour cream, low-fat yogurt.

Servings Per Container: 4.

Caloric content: 171.1 kcal.

False fish. 500 glean 5% ground beef, 1 potato, 1 egg, 1 onion, 2 small carrots, salt, pepper to taste, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Put the oven to warm up to 220 ° C. Peel the potatoes and send to cook until soft. Cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrots. Heat oil in a skillet and fry half of the onion until soft, then add the carrots and simmer until tender. Season to taste.

Mash potatoes in mashed potatoes. Mix with minced meat and beaten egg. Season with salt and pepper. Roll a circle out of the mixture with your hands. Place the carrot mixture on one half and cover with the other half. Then, with wet hands, shape the silhouette of a fish. Put the scales out of the remaining half rings of the onion. Instead of an eye, you can put an olive oil. Put this fish in a sprinkled baking dish and put in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 4.

Caloric content: 274.1 kcal.

Cabbage casserole. One small fork of cabbage, 2 onions, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 6 eggs,100 gcheese, 2 tbsp. l. unrefined sunflower oil.

Boil chopped white cabbage in salted water for 3-4 minutes. Drain all the oil, and mix the cabbage with fried onions, garlic and eggs. Salt and pepper. Grease the mold with vegetable oil, sprinkle with semolina or breadcrumbs, transfer the mixture to the mold and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the oven until golden brown.

Servings Per Container: 10.

Caloric content: 155.2 kcal.

Wind fish. Simple sea fish -500 gfillet,200 gonions, 1 lemon, 2 tsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l. light 8% mayonnaise,60 g"Latvian" cheese.

Pour the lemon over the fish and leave for 1 hour. Cut the onion into rings and sauté in 2 tsp. butter until soft, put the fish in a baking dish, onion rings on top, then mayonnaise. Put on for 30 minutes. in the oven at 200 ° C. In 5 min. until ready to sprinkle with cheese.

Servings Per Container: 4.

Caloric content: 262.7 kcal.

Tuna and celery salad. 1 can of natural tuna in its own juice, celery root, homemade cheese 4% (or Valio 2%), 2.4% natural yogurt, dill, ground black pepper.

Take 2-3 celery cuttings (depending on size), chop into thin slices - the thinner, the softer the salad will be. Add a can of tuna to a bowl with chopped celery (it is advisable to drain the juice from the can separately). Add a couple of tablespoons of homemade cheese, a little yogurt (for consistency), freshly chopped dill and a pinch of black pepper (preferably freshly ground).

Servings Per Container: 3.

Caloric content: 108.9 kcal.

Vegetable stew "Summer". 2 large eggplants, a small zucchini, two tomatoes, two bell peppers, sunflower oil, ketchup, basil, parsley, dill, coriander, medium onion.

Cut two large eggplants into 1 x 1 cm cubes, add salt and leave in a wide bowl for 15 minutes. Finely chop the onion and sauté in sunflower oil for 10 minutes, add pepper and sauté for another 5 minutes, add eggplants, fry the resulting mass over low heat for 10-15 minutes, add chopped tomatoes and zucchini. Salt, stir and simmer for 5 minutes, add 2 tbsp. To half a mug of water. l. ketchup, stir and pour into vegetables. Add seasonings (basil, parsley, dill, coriander), cover and simmer for 15 minutes. If served cold, add a little garlic.

Servings Per Container: 8.

Caloric content: 109.4 kcal.

Chicken breast baked with oranges and mushrooms. 2 chicken breasts, 1 orange,200 gfresh or 1 can of canned mushrooms,50 ggrated cheese, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. curry powder, salt to taste.

Cut the chicken breasts into 2 pieces each. Chop the champignons. Peel and cut the orange into wedges. Fry the chicken fillet in oil with the addition of salt and curry, 2 minutes each. on each side, then set aside. Fry the mushrooms in the same pan. Put the chicken in a baking dish, put a portion of mushrooms on top of each breast, arrange the orange slices around the chicken. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Bake in the oven at 180 ° С for 15–20 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 4.

Caloric content: 210.9 kcal.

"Summer" stew with zucchini. 2 small courgettes, onion, 2 large tomatoes, 5 bell peppers, vegetable oil, spices, soy sauce.

Take two small courgettes, peel and cut into cubes. Cut a small onion into circles and sauté in sunflower oil for 5 minutes. During this time, cut 5 bell peppers into semicircles 5–7 mm thick and add to the onion. Cut two large tomatoes into wedges and add to the onion and pepper. Lightly salt the mixture and sauté over low heat for 10 minutes, then add zucchini, finely chopped parsley, dill, basil and 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce. Add half a glass of water and simmer for 15 minutes. Can be served hot or cold.

Servings Per Container: 5.

Caloric content: 107.9 kcal.

Rabbit in Maltese. 1 kgrabbit meat100 glemon,20 golive oil, 150 ml of some alcoholic beverage,50 gdried pine nuts.

Cut the rabbit carcass and grate with grated lemon zest. Pour oil into a frying pan and quickly fry the pieces of rabbit, then transfer to a saucepan, add wine, capers and nuts and simmer for 1 hour over low heat.

Servings Per Container: 8.

Caloric content: 314.5 kcal.

Jellied chicken. 500 gboiled chicken fillet,150 gfried chicken fillet,400 gchicken broth,25 ggelatin, tomato,50 gbutter, 3-4 sprigs of fresh parsley, salt, pepper, ground nutmeg.

Soak gelatin in cold water, squeeze, pour into the warmed broth and cook until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Let cool. Pour the jelly in a thin layer 5 mm thick into a round deep dish and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Pass the fried chicken meat through a meat grinder twice. Add butter, season with salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste, beat well with a fork or whisk.

Cut the boiled chicken into thin slices and put in a dish on a layer of jelly. Using a cornet, squeeze out a little on each slice chicken pate... Decorate the dish with tomato slices and herbs. Pour over the remaining jelly and let it cool completely in the refrigerator.

Servings Per Container: 16.

Caloric content: 99.2 kcal.

Cabbage stewed with pork. 1 kgboneless pork400 gwhite cabbage,300 gonions50 gvegetable oil.

Cut the pork into small pieces, add 50 g of vegetable oil to the pan and fry until golden brown. Add some water and simmer over low heat. Add chopped cabbage and onions to the pork. Simmer for another 30 minutes. over medium heat.

Servings Per Container: 16.

Caloric content: 380.6 kcal.

Grilled hake in lemon juice. 450 ghake fillet, half a cup of lemon juice, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, spices to taste.

Mix lemon juice with oil. In half of the sauce obtained, marinate the fish for 10 minutes. Heat the grill to medium temperature, put the fish in a fireproof dish, season on top and place in the oven on the middle shelf (about 15 cm under the grill). Fry for 5-7 minutes, on each side. Drizzle with the remaining sauce before serving.

Servings Per Container: 2.

Caloric content: 360.6 kcal.

Eggplant baked with meat and vegetables. 5 eggplants,250 gminced pork150 gtomatoes, half a medium head of onions, 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil.

Take 5 eggplants, cut them lengthwise into two parts, take out the middle with a spoon (to make a "boat"). Finely chop the pulp from the middle, salt, drain, add minced meat, finely chopped onions and tomatoes. Stuff the "boats" with the resulting mass, put on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil and bake in the oven.

Servings Per Container: 10.

Caloric content: 119.5 kcal.

Zucchini stuffed with mushrooms. 560 gzucchini,2 Kghoney agarics,100 g25% sour cream, 1 onion,30 gsunflower oil.

Cut the small zucchini in half, take out the pulp with seeds (the weight is given without pulp), boil the mushrooms (you can take 0.5 kg of canned boiled mushrooms), drain, fry with onions in a little oil, salt the zucchini inside, coat with a thin layer of sour cream, put halves in a deep baking sheet, greased with oil. Put mushrooms in halves and pour sour cream on top. Simmer in the oven for 20 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 2.

Caloric content: 112.3 kcal.

Vegetable stew in the oven. 2 small zucchini,400 gwhite cabbage, 2 small tomatoes,200 gcauliflower, 4 bell peppers,200 ggreen beans, 1 carrot, 1 onion,2 goils (for greasing the baking sheet),400 gmilk,140 gcheese "Monarch", 4 eggs, salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Peel the vegetables and cut into strips. Then put in a baking dish (rooster) in layers in the following order: on the bottom of the zucchini, then white cabbage, tomatoes, cauliflower, bell pepper, green beans, carrots, onions. Mix milk with eggs and add salt, pepper, spices to taste and pour this mixture over all the vegetables. Grate the cheese on top (on a coarse grater) and put in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 12.

Caloric content: 122.5 kcal.

Pink salmon in batter. 400 gfillet of pink salmon; for the marinade - 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 /2 h. l. salt, 1 tsp. sugar, allspice, basil, dill, juice of half a lemon; for the dough - 2 eggs,100 gflour,150 gmilk, salt, sugar to taste, oil for frying.

Cut the pink salmon fillet into small, narrow pieces. Prepare the marinade: mix 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, juice of half a lemon, ground allspice, finely chopped herbs, salt, sugar. Pour this mixture over the fish. Let stand for about 30 minutes.

For the dough: separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with salt and sugar. Add warm milk, flour. Beat the whites separately and gently insert into the dough. The dough is not thicker than sour cream.

Chop the pieces of fish on a fork, dip in the dough and fry in oil on both sides. Then put on a plate. When all the pieces are ready, put in a frying pan, cover and keep on very low heat for 5-10 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 8.

Caloric content: 183.7 kcal.

Fish and vegetable cutlets. 300 gzucchini,50 gLuke,500 gminced fish (for example, from flounder),100 gflour, 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Peel and grate the zucchini. Pass onions and fish fillets through a meat grinder. Mix all. Add salt and pepper to taste. Form cutlets, roll in flour and fry on both sides until tender. Place on a napkin to absorb excess oil.

Servings Per Container: 8.

Caloric content: 186.9 kcal.

Napoleon cake". For the test -520 gflour,350 gmargarine, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar; for cream - 2 eggs, 1 glass of sugar, 2 tbsp. l. flour,1 lmilk, 1 tbsp. l. butter.

Mix 4 cups flour with coarsely grated margarine, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and a glass of water, stir. You can add sugar to taste. Divide the dough into 6-7 pieces and refrigerate for about 1 hour. Spread each crust in a thin layer in a mold and bake for 10-15 minutes.

For cream: mix 2 eggs with 1 cup sugar, add 2 tbsp. l. flour and 1 liter of milk, mix well and put on fire. Stir constantly, bring to a boil and remove, then add 1 tbsp. l. oils. Nuts can be sprinkled in between layers or on top for garnish.

Servings Per Container: 12.

Caloric content: 450.9 kcal.

Chicken fillet with vegetables. 350 gchicken fillet,50 gonions200 gpotatoes,100 gcarrots,90 gyellow and red paprika (sweet pepper),1 gtomato paste40 golive oil,200 gfresh tomatoes,10 gspices, dill, garlic.

Wash the vegetables, chop finely and simmer over low heat for 2 tbsp. l. oil and 1 glass of water. In a separate saucepan, fry the meat in small pieces in 2 tbsp. l. butter, at the end add flour, hold for a couple of minutes over the fire, then add tomato paste to the meat, 2 glasses of water. Increase heat and close the lid. When the contents of the saucepan thicken, transfer it to the vegetables, add the dill. Hold for 2 minutes. over low heat.

Servings Per Container: 4.

Caloric content: 296.2 kcal.

Buy the book "Bread units, carbohydrates and calories counter. Diabetic's reference book" Danilova Natalia


What is worth knowing about bread units and what is the advantage of this system. The most popular products per 1 XE.

For diabetics, the main task is to normalize the diet and control the carbohydrates entering the body. The main thing is to follow a number of rules, because each product differs in three parameters:

  • calorie content;
  • properties;
  • composition.

To simplify the process of organizing proper nutrition, a special term has been developed - "bread unit", as well as a table of bread units in products, abbreviated as XE.

Generally speaking, XE is a conventional unit used by nutritionists to calculate the carbohydrate content of various foods. The concept was developed for diabetics on insulin, who have to calculate the dose of the latter taking into account the consumed carbohydrates. Knowing the amount of XE in each specific product allows you to accurately formulate a diet and eliminate the risks associated with a jump in glucose.

What is worth knowing about units of bread?

It was mentioned above that foods containing carbohydrates affect blood sugar levels. If you eat bread smeared with butter, then after 35-40 minutes blood sugar rises. And the reason will not be butter, but bread. If you add a spoonful of honey to the food mentioned, then sugar will grow in two passes - first after 15-20 minutes (from honey), and then after 35-40 minutes (from bread). In the latter case, the level rises slowly, gradually reaching a peak point, and in the case of taking sugar or honey, the process occurs quickly. This is explained from the standpoint of digestibility. Bread is slow-digesting, while sugars and honey are fast carbohydrates.

This example shows the importance of timely and accurate calculation. To accomplish the task, it is important to know the content of bread units in products. Without this, verification is impossible. Having the XE parameter at hand makes life easier for diabetics and allows you to choose the right foods for a safe daily intake.

The name of the grain unit differs in different sources. The most common terms are:

  • "Starch unit";
  • "Carbohydrate replacement";
  • "Carbohydrate unit" and others.

But whatever the name, we are talking about the same term with the abbreviation XE.

Without carbohydrate control in the diet, the risk of a spike in blood sugar increases due to the intake of large amounts of fast carbohydrates. The result of such changes is often disastrous for a diabetic, so the presence of a special table is a chance to choose the right diet and avoid health risks.

XE - "measuring spoon", which is accepted as a conventional unit all over the world. With its help, an accurate calculation of carbohydrates in food is made. One XE equals 10-12 grams fast-digesting carbohydrates. What is the reason for choosing the name "bread"? If you cut a piece from a roll one centimeter thick, and then divide it in half, then the resulting bread will contain about 25 grams of weight and 10-12 grams of carbohydrates.

In some books and magazines, there are other XE indicators, equal to 10-15 grams. Don't get confused. The term "bread units" does not require maximum precision in the value. Its function is to help in calculating carbohydrates with the subsequent exclusion (inclusion) of certain foods in the diet. After the calculation, it is possible to accurately select the portion of insulin for the injection.

System advantage XE is that with its help it is possible to get away from the annoying weighing of the foods taken and to determine the volume of carbohydrates just by looking at the product. In this case, a piece, a spoon, a glass and a piece act as measured portions. Knowing how much XE will enter the body and measuring the sugar level before a meal, you can calculate the required portion of insulin, and after completing the meal, make a control check. This approach removes a number of problems with a diabetic, primarily psychological. This saves personal time, which can be used for other tasks.

Intake into the body of one unit of XE, not covered by a portion of insulin, increases sugar on average by 1.6-1.9 mmol / liter... With such a volume, 1-2 units of insulin are required. A clear knowledge of XE indicators is important for people with grade 1 diabetes. For grade 2 diabetes greater importance has the total calorie content of products received during the day, as well as the distribution of consumed carbohydrates. But in the second case, knowledge of the XE indicators will be useful.

XE table (bread units)

Now we move on to the next stage - considering the volume of grain units. Products table:

Flour products, cereals and cereals

Foods based on whole grains, wheat, barley or oats are high in carbohydrates. But this does not mean that such foods should be excluded from the diet - they are important for diabetics. The main thing is to control your glucose level and measure it before and after eating. Exceeding the norm at one time is not recommended. The most popular products per 1 XE:

  • Bran bread - one piece thick 13 mm, 30 g.
  • Black bread - one piece thick 10 mm, 25 g.
  • Gray (white) bread - one piece thick 10 mm, 20 g.
  • Breadcrumbs - 15 g.
  • Crackers - 15 g.
  • Borodino bread - one piece, having a thickness 6 mm, 15 g.
  • Butter bun - 20 g.
  • Frozen dumplings and dumplings with cottage cheese - 4 pieces, 50 grams.
  • Big damn - one piece, 30 grams.
  • Medium pancakes - one piece, 30 g.
  • Cheesecake - 50 g.
  • Waffles - 1.5 pcs.
  • Raw pasta - 1-2 tablespoons, 15 g.
  • Boiled pasta - 2-4 tablespoons, 50 g.
  • Wheat bran - 12 Art. spoons, 50 g.
  • Corn - half a cap, 100 g.
  • Porridge - 2 tbsp with a mountain, 50 g.
  • Any cereal (uncooked) - 1 tbsp, 15 g.
  • Popcorn - 10 tbsp. spoons, 15 g.
  • Canned corn - 3 tablespoons, 60 g.

Dairy products and milk

This element of the diet is considered to be the main source of protein and calcium. In addition, along with dairy products, the body receives vital important vitamins B2 and retinol.

If a diabetic adheres to a dietary diet, then preference should be given to foods with a minimum amount of fat. As for whole milk, you should give it up altogether. The reason is the high content of fat in such a drink. 200 ml of whole milk accounts for one third of the daily requirement. So if you add a product to the diet, then it should be fat-free. Alternatively, it is allowed to prepare a cocktail with the inclusion of pieces of fruit or berries.

The most demanded elements of the diet should be attributed (based on 1 XE):

  • Milk, fermented baked milk, baked milk and cream - 1 glass, 0.2 liters.
  • Kefir - 1 glass, 0.25 liters.
  • Ice cream with milk (without waffles and glaze) - 65 g.
  • Creamy ice cream (with waffles and glaze) - 50 g.
  • Curd mass (sweet, no additives) - 100 g.
  • Medium-sized cheesecake with added sugar - 75 g, 1 piece.
  • Curd mass with raisins - 40 g.

Vegetables, nuts and legumes

These are foods that should be included in the diet of people with diabetes. With their help, it is possible to equalize the level of glucose, reduce the likelihood of complications of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Together with raw vegetables and legumes, the body receives other useful elements - protein, fiber and potassium.

The best option is to give preference to foods that have a low glycemic index. As for vegetables with a high level of starch, their consumption is recommended to be kept to a minimum. This is especially true if you have stage 1 or 2 diabetes.

The list of products per 1 XE looks like this:

    2 tbsp. spoons, 90 g.
  • Raw potatoes - 1 piece, 75 g.
  • Fried potatoes - 35 g, 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Medium carrots - three pieces, 0.2 kg.
  • Crisps - 25 g.
  • Medium beets - one piece, 0.15 kg.
  • Fresh peas - 7 tablespoons, 100 g.
  • Boiled beans - 3 tablespoons, 50 g.
  • Boiled beans - 3 tablespoons, 50 g.
  • Pumpkin - 0.2KG.
  • Nuts - 80-100 g(depends on the type);
  • Jerusalem artichoke - 70 g.

Fruits and berries

Most fruits are allowed for diabetes. Exceptions are pineapple, watermelon, melon, grapes, bananas, or mangoes. But the consumption of fruits increases the level of glucose in the blood, so the amount of their intake is recommended to be limited. At the same time, sweet and harmful desserts can be replaced with berries.

Preference should be given to the following products - black currants, strawberries, gooseberries and cherries. The list of fruits and berries in terms of product volume per 1 XE is as follows:

    1 piece, 150 g.
  • Lemon - 3 pieces, 0.27 kg.
  • Watermelon - 1 piece, 0.27 kg.
  • A pineapple - 1 piece, 0.14 kg.
  • Large quince - 1 piece, 140 g.
  • Apricots - 2-3 pieces, 110 g.
  • Cowberry - 1 tablespoon, 140 g.
  • Medium-sized banana - half, 70 g.
  • Cherry - 15 pcs, 90 g.
  • Grape - 12 pieces, 70 g.
  • Melon - 1 piece, 100 g.
  • Medium garnet - 1 piece, 170 g.
  • Kiwi - 1 pc., 110 g.
  • Gooseberry - 6 tbsp. spoons, 120 g.
  • Raspberries - 8 tbsp, 160 g.
  • Cherries - 10 pcs., 100 g.
  • Small apple - one piece, 90 g.

Dried fruits

In the presence of diabetes mellitus, the intake of a whole group of dried fruits is allowed, except for cherries, pineapple and dried bananas. Allowed (with caution) the combination of dried fruits and antibiotics. Concerning dried melon, then its reception is not prohibited, but it is not recommended to mix it with other products. With diabetes of 1 and 2 degrees, the use of dried exotic fruits is prohibited. In particular, avocado, guava, or papaya are contraindicated.

When planning a ration, the amount of product per 1 XE should be taken into account. The following dried fruits should be highlighted here:

  • Fig - one piece 15 g.
  • Dates - 2 pcs, 15 g.
  • Apples - 2 tablespoons, 20 g.
  • Dried apricots - 3 pcs, 15 g.
  • Prunes - 3 pcs., 20 g.


If you have diabetes mellitus, it is worth remembering the choice of drinks for daily intake. It is also worth considering the amount of carbohydrates in the composition. You should refuse from sugary juices, preferring pure water. It is allowed to take vegetable and fruit juices, milk or tea, but taking into account the glycemic index of the products. Most useful for diabetics green tea, which has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, reduces the level of cholesterol and fats in the body.

The most popular drinks (taking into account the amount of product per 1 XE) include:

  • Cherry - 0.4 cups, 90 g.
  • Orange - half a glass, 110 g.
  • Cabbage - 2.5 cups, 0.5 liters.
  • Beetroot - 2/3 cup, 125 g.
  • Grape - 1/3 cup, 70 g.
  • Tomato - 1.5 cups, 0.3 liters.
  • Pear - ½ cup, 100 g.
  • Grapefruit - 1.5 cups, 140 g.
  • Kvass - 1 glass, 0.25 liters.
  • Apple and gooseberry - ½ cup, 100 grams.

Desserts and sweets

As for sugary foods, you should be careful with them due to the high content of sucrose and sugar. If you really want to, you should buy products with sweeteners. But even they should not be consumed uncontrollably, because many substitutes lead to weight gain. Popular products (with quantity per 1 XE):

  • Honey - 12 g.
  • Chocolate - 20 g.
  • Sugar (in pieces) - 2 pieces, 10 g.
  • Sugar (sand) - 2 tsp, 10 g.

Every diabetic should have at hand a diet by bread units (table or list of the most important products). Over time, the key points are remembered and it is easy to find a safe and rich diet.

The unit of bread (XE) is a measure used to calculate the amount of carbohydrates in food when making a menu for a diabetic. 1 unit is equal to 10-12 gr. digestible carbohydrates, 25 gr. of bread. One unit gives an increase in glycemia by approximately 1.5-2 mmol / l.

The patient is obliged to keep a record of the consumed foods containing carbohydrates, and remember which carbohydrates are fast enough (sugar, candy), and which slowly (starch, fiber) raise the blood sugar level.

Bakery products

The product's name The amount of product in 1 XE
White bread or wheat for toast 20 g
Black bread 25 g
Rye bread 25 g
Wholemeal bread with bran 30 g
Rolls 20 g
Rusks 2 pcs
Breadcrumbs 1 tbsp. spoon
Crackers 2 pcs large size (20 gr)
Drying unsweetened 2 pcs
Crispbread 2 pcs
Pita 20 g
Damn thin 1 large size (30 g)
Frozen pancakes with meat / cottage cheese 1 pc (50 gr)
Pancakes 1 pc medium size (30 gr)
Cheesecake 50 g
Gingerbread 40 g
Fine flour 1 tbsp. a spoon with a slide
Wholemeal flour 2 tbsp. heaped spoons
Rye flour 1 tbsp. a spoon with a slide
Whole soy flour 4 tbsp. heaped spoons
Raw dough (yeast) 25 g
Raw dough (puff) 35 g
Dumplings, frozen dumplings 50 g
Dumplings 15 g
Starch (wheat, corn, potato) 15 g

Cereals, pasta, potatoes

The product's name The amount of product in 1 XE
Any groats (raw) 1 tbsp. a spoon with a slide (15 gr)
Pasta (dry) 4 tbsp. spoons (15 gr)
Pasta (boiled) 50 g
Raw rice 1 tbsp. a spoon with a slide (15 gr)
Boiled rice 50 g
Cereals 2 tbsp. heaped spoons (15 gr)
Bran 50 g
Boiled or baked potatoes 70 g
Jacket potatoes 1 PC. (75 gr)
Fried potato 50 g
Mashed potatoes (on water) 75 g
Mashed potatoes (milk) 75 g
Mashed potatoes (dry powder) 1 tbsp. spoon
Dry potatoes 25 g
Potato fritters 60 g
Potato chips 25 g
Breakfast cereals (cereals, muesli) 4 tbsp. spoons

Dairy products

The product's name The amount of product in 1 XE
Milk (any fat content) 1 cup (200-250 ml)
Kefir (any fat content) 1 cup (200-250 ml)
Sour milk, Ryazhenka 1 cup (200-250 ml)
Curd mass without additives 100 g
Curd mass with raisins 40 g
Condensed milk 130 ml
Cream (any fat content) 1 cup (200-250 ml)
Natural unsweetened yogurt 1 cup (200-250 ml)
Fruit yoghurt 80-100 gr
Children's glazed curd cakes 35 g
Cheesecake (medium size) 1 PC. (75 gr)
Ice cream (no frosting or waffles) 65 g
Creamy ice cream (with glaze) 50 g



Fruits and berries

The product's name The amount of product in 1 XE
Apricot 120 g
Quince 140 gr (1 piece)
A pineapple 130 g
Orange 170 gr (1 pc. Medium with peel)
Watermelon 270 g (1 small piece with crust)
Banana 90 g (half a large fruit with skin)
Cowberry 140 gr (7 tablespoons)
Elder 170 g
Grape 70 gr (10-12 berries)
Cherry, sweet cherry 90 gr (12-15 berries)
Garnet 180 gr (1 piece)
Grapefruit 170 g (half of the fruit)
Pear 90 gr (1 pc. Medium fruit)
Guava 80 g
Melon 100 g (small piece with crust)
Blackberry 150 g
Strawberry 150 g
Fig 80 g
Kiwi 110 gr (1 pc. Large fruit)
Strawberry 160 gr (10 pieces of large berries)
Cranberry 160 g
Gooseberry 120 gr (1 glass)
Lemon 270 gr (2-3 pcs)
Raspberries 160 g
Mango 80 g
Mandarin (peeled / peeled) 150 g / 120 g (2-3 pieces)
Papaya 140 g
Peach 120 gr (1 pc. Medium fruit with a stone)
Blue plums 90-100 gr (3-4 medium pieces)
Currant 140 g
Feijoa 160 g
Persimmon 70 gr (1 medium fruit)
Blueberry (blueberry) 160 g
Apple 90 gr (1 pc. Medium fruit)

Dried fruits


Sweets and sweeteners

Drinks, juices

The product's name The amount of product in 1 XE
Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, etc. 100 ml (0.5 cups)
Kvass / Kissel / Compote 200-250 ml (1 glass)
Orange juice 100 ml (0.5 cups)
Grape juice 70 ml (0.3 cups)
Cherry juice 90 ml (0.4 cups)
Grapefruit juice 140 ml (1.4 cups)
Pear juice 100 ml (0.5 cups)
Cabbage juice 500 ml (2.5 cups)
Strawberry juice 160 ml (0.7 cups)
Red currant juice 90 ml (0.4 cups)
Gooseberry juice 100 ml (0.5 cups)
Raspberry juice 160 ml (0.7 cups)
Carrot juice 125 ml (2/3 cup)
Cucumber juice 500 ml (2.5 cups)
Beet juice 125 ml (2/3 cup)
Plum Juice 70 ml (0.3 cups)
Tomato juice 300 ml (1.5 cups)
Apple juice 100 ml (0.5 cups)

Ready meals

Bread units at McDonald's, fast food

The product's name XE quantity
Hamburger, Cheeseburger 2,5
big Mac 3-4
Royal Cheeseburger 2
Royal de luxe 2,2
Mckchiken 3
Chicken McNuggets (6 pcs) 1
French fries (standard portion) 5
French fries (children's portion) 3
Pizza (300 gr) 6
Vegetable salad 0,6
Ice cream with chocolate, strawberries, caramel 3-3,2
Cocktail (standard portion) 5
Hot chocolate (standard portion) 2

Calculation and use of XE

A diabetic patient needs to calculate bread units in order to calculate the correct dosage of insulin. The more carbohydrates are supposed to be consumed, the higher the dosage of the hormone will be. To assimilate 1 eaten XE, you need 1.4 units of short-acting insulin.

But mostly grain units are calculated according to ready-made tables, which is not always convenient, since a person must also consume protein foods, fats, minerals, vitamins, therefore experts advise planning daily calorie intake according to specific gravity the main consumed products: 50 - 60% - carbohydrates, 25-30% - fats, 15-20% - proteins.
A diabetic's body should receive approximately 10-30 XE per day, the exact amount directly depends on age, weight, type of physical activity.

Most of the food containing carbohydrates should be received in the morning, the division of the menu should depend on the insulin therapy plan. In any case, more than 7 XE should not be consumed per meal.

Absorbed carbohydrates should mainly be starches (cereals, bread, vegetables) - 15 XE, fruits and berries should be no more than 2 units. For simple carbohydrates, no more than 1/3 of the total. At normal rate blood glucose between main meals, you can eat a product that contains 1 unit.

Glycemic index of foods

With diabetes, it is not only the presence of carbohydrates in a certain product that matters, but also how quickly they are absorbed and enter the bloodstream. The more smoothly the carbohydrate is digested, the less the increase in blood glucose occurs.

GI (glycemic index) - the coefficient of the effect of various foods on the blood glucose indicator. Foods with a high glycemic index (sugar, sweets, sugary drinks, preserves) should be excluded from your menu. It is allowed to use only 1–2 XE of sweets to relieve hypoglycemia.

In diabetes, it is important to regulate the amount of carbohydrates consumed. This measure is dictated by metabolic disorders.

To calculate and control the carbohydrate load, bread units are used, which help to correctly plan the daily diet.

What is XE?

The bread unit is a conventional measuring value. It is necessary for counting in your diet, to control and prevent hyperglycemia.

It is also called a carbohydrate unit, and in the common people - a diabetic measuring spoon.

The calculus value was introduced by a nutritionist at the beginning of the 20th century. The purpose of the indicator is to estimate the amount of sugar that will be in the blood after a meal.

On average, a unit contains 10-15 g of carbohydrates. Its exact figure depends on medical standards. For a number European countries XE is equal to 15 g of carbohydrates, while in Russia - 10-12. Visually, one unit is half a piece of bread with a thickness of up to a centimeter. One unit increases to 3 mmol / L.

Information! To assimilate one XE, the body needs 2 units of the hormone. is determined taking into account the consumption of units. Such a ratio (1 XE to 2 units of insulin) is conditional and can fluctuate within 1-2 units. The dynamics are influenced by the time of day. For example, the optimal distribution of XE during the day for a diabetic looks like this: in the evening - 1 ui, in the daytime - 1.5 ui, in the morning - 2 ui.

A thorough calculation of indicators, to a greater extent, is important when. The dosage of the hormone depends on this, especially the ultra-short and short-acting. The main focus is on the proportional distribution of carbohydrates and the total calorie content of food. Accounting for bread units is of great importance in the rapid replacement of some food products for others.

Almost a quarter of diabetes mellitus 2 diseases were triggered by excess fat. Patients with this type must also vigorously control calorie intake. With a normal weight, it can not be calculated - it does not affect glucose levels. The energy content is always indicated on the packaging. Therefore, there are no difficulties with calculations.

How to count correctly?

Bread units are counted by the manual method, based on the data of special tables.

For an accurate result, the products are weighed on a scale. Many diabetics already know how to determine this "by eye". The calculation will require two points: the content of units in the product, the amount of carbohydrates per 100 g. The last indicator is divided by 12.

The daily rate of grain units is:

  • overweight - 10;
  • with diabetes - from 15 to 20;
  • with a sedentary lifestyle - 20;
  • with hard physical labor - 30;
  • when gaining weight - 30.

It is recommended to divide the daily dose into 5-6 parts. Carbohydrate load should be higher in the first half, but not more than 7 units. Readings above this mark increase sugar. Attention is paid to the main meals, the rest is divided between snacks. Nutritionists recommend that people with diabetes consume 15-20 units. This carbohydrate content covers the daily requirement.

A diabetic's diet should include a moderate amount of cereals, vegetables and fruits, and dairy products. The complete table should always be nearby; for convenience, you can print it or save it on your mobile.

The unit system has one significant drawback. It is inconvenient to compose a diet - it does not take into account the main components (proteins-fats-carbohydrates). Nutritionists advise to distribute calories as follows: 25% protein, 25% fat and 50% carbohydrates of the daily diet.

Glycemic index

To formulate their diet, patients with diabetes take into account.

It shows the potential to increase glucose when a certain food is consumed.

For their diet, a diabetic should select those with a low glycemic index. They are also called correct carbohydrates.

In foods with a moderate or low index, metabolic processes occur smoothly.

Food with a high index, due to its rapid absorption, also quickly transfers glucose into the blood. As a result, it harms the diabetic and increases the risks of hyperglycemia. Juices, jams, honey, drinks have a high GI. They can only be used to relieve hypoglycemia.

Note! XE, calorie content and glycemic index should not be confused. The last two indicators are not related at all. The right carbohydrates contain calories. Their number and appropriateness of admission is considered from the general angle of nutritional and dietary strategies.

A complete table of food glycemic indexes is available for download.

Products that are not counted in the calculation

Meat and fish do not contain any carbohydrates. They do not participate in the calculation of bread units. The only point that needs to be taken into account is the method and recipe for cooking. For example, rice and bread are added to meatballs. These products contain XE. There are about 0.2 g of carbohydrates in one egg. Their value is also not taken into account, since it is not significant.

Root crops do not require settlement procedures. One small beet contains 0.6 units, three large carrots - up to 1 unit. Only potatoes take part in the calculation - one root crop contains 1.2 XE.

1 XE in accordance with the portioning of the product contains:

  • in a glass of beer or kvass;
  • in half a banana;
  • ½ glass of apple juice;
  • in five small apricots or plums;
  • in half a head of corn;
  • in one persimmon;
  • in a slice of watermelon / melon;
  • in one apple;
  • in 1 tbsp. flour;
  • in 1 tbsp. honey;
  • in 1 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • in 2 tbsp. any cereal.

Indicator tables in different products

Special tables have been developed for counting. In them, the carbohydrate content is converted to bread units. With the help of the data, you can control the amount of carbohydrates you eat.

Ready meals:

Ready dish Content in 1 XE, g
Syrniki 100
Mashed potatoes 75
Pancakes with meat 50
Dumplings with cottage cheese 50
Dumplings 50
Puree 75
Chicken thigh 100
Pea soup 150
Borsch 300
Potatoes in a "shirt" 80
Yeast dough 25
The vinaigrette 110
Boiled sausage, sausages 200
Potato fritters 60
Ordinary oladics 50
Potato chips 25

Dairy products:

Product Content in 1 XE, g
Fat milk 200
Medium fat sour cream 200
Yogurt 205
Kefir 250
Ryazhenka 250
Curd 150
Milkshake 270

Cereals, potatoes, pasta:

Bakery products:

Product 1 XE, g
Rye bread 20
Bread 2 pcs.
Diabetic bread 2 pieces
White bread 20
Raw dough 35
Gingerbread 40
Drying 15
Cookies "Maria" 15
Crackers 20
Pita 20
Dumplings 15

Sweeteners and sweets:

Sweetener / Sweets Name 1 XE, g
Fructose 12
Chocolate for diabetics 25
Sugar 13
Sorbitol 12
Ice cream 65
Sugar jam 19
Chocolate 20
The product's name 1 XE, g
Banana 90
Pear 90
Peach 100
Apple 1 PC. medium size
Persimmon 1 PC. medium size
Plum 120
Tangerines 160
Cherry 100/110
Orange 180
Grapefruit 200
A pineapple 90

Note! The weight of fruits in the table includes seeds and peels.

Juices (drinks) 1 XE, glass
Carrot 2/3 st.
Apple Half a glass
Strawberry 0.7
Grapefruit 1.4
Tomato 1.5
Grape 0.4
Beetroot 2/3
Cherry 0.4
Plum 0.4
Cola Half a glass
Kvass Cup

Fast food portions:

Product XE quantity
French fries (adult) 2
Hot chocolate 2
French fries (children's portion) 1.5
Pizza (100 grams) 2.5
Hamburger / Cheeseburger 3.5
Double hamburger 3
Big Mac 2.5
Mckchiken 3

Dried fruits:

A patient with diabetes mellitus needs to regularly calculate bread units. When controlling your diet, it is worth remembering foods that quickly and slowly raise glucose levels.

The calorie content of dishes and the glycemic index of products are also subject to consideration. A properly formulated diet will prevent sudden surges in sugar during the day and will have a beneficial effect on overall health.

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