How to learn magic tricks in 5 minutes. Tricks for children at home. How to fill an inverted glass with wine

Any child at least once in his life dreamed of becoming a real magician. And even more, he wanted to learn how to solve mysterious tricks. We will look at some of the most popular tricks and reveal the secrets of their execution.

Magic wand

  • To perform the trick, you need to glue a stick from a sheet of paper, which you need to decorate.
  • Fill it with confetti on one side and streamer on the other.
  • A child in front of the audience wraps a stick in a sheet of newspaper and shakes it.
  • As a result, confetti will spill out of the paper.
  • Then you should turn the sheet over and get the serpentine.
  • At the end, the newspaper is crumpled with the stick.

Guess the number

The secret is simple: pre-prepared cards with written numbers should be hidden in different pieces of furniture.

Depending on what number the friends will call, the magician will take out the corresponding card from the piano or bedside table. Here it is only important to remember what and where will be hidden. Such a trick will perfectly develop the child's memory and make his friends believe that the child can read minds.

Apple and orange

  • The child needs to show the audience an orange and cover it with a colored handkerchief.
  • Having pronounced "Krex-fex-pex" ("Krible-crabble-booms" should work too), you need to pull off the handkerchief.
  • An apple will already be in the palm of your hand.

The secret of the trick is to remove the peel from the orange and place the apple in its peel. When the focus is in full swing, the baby will need to firmly squeeze the apple in the orange peel and show it to everyone around.

The handkerchief is pulled off along with the skin, and an apple lies on the palm of your hand. It's simple. All you need is sleight of hand.

Such a trick will have a great effect on the development of motor skills of movements in your young wizard.

Tennis ball

  1. The child should show everyone the tennis ball and hold it in the handle.
  2. Then, a handkerchief is also pushed into the fist.
  3. When the fingers are unclenched, only the ball remains, but the scarf is not.

The secret of the trick is simple: a notch is made in the tennis ball in advance. When demonstrating the ball, it must be shown to the audience in such a way that no one would guess that there is a hole in it. When the ball is clamped in the handle, the hole should be on top. As you understand, when pushing the scarf into your hand, the cloth is placed in the ball itself. By the way, the kid can show everyone the ball without a handkerchief, and then deftly get a rag out of the clasped hand with the ball.

Vertical egg

This is a fairly simple trick, which consists in the fact that the child can argue with friends that he will be able to place the egg vertically.

  • To solve this problem, you need to make a hole in the egg and remove the white and yolk through it.
  • Then the baby just needs to spin the egg, it will start spinning and stand upright: that's fun and surprise for friends!

Where does the water come from?

The magician must show everyone an empty vase and the same empty hands. When he puts the pen into the vase, he can throw out the water.

For the trick you will need:

  1. rubber bulb;
  2. vase;
  3. a tube.

It is necessary to collect water in a rubber bulb with a tube and hide "Nipple system" under the jacket in the sleeve. Then the baby will only need to press his hand to the barrel and lightly press on the pear, the water will pour into the container.

As you can see, this seemingly impossible miracle has a very simple secret. Such simple tricks are, of course, intended for older children, because very little ones, perhaps, will not be able to unnoticeably press a pear. In conclusion, let's say that any tricks are a bit of magic. The child always wants to feel like a magician. Now outlets offer a lot of all kinds of gadgets that a young sorcerer may need. Buy or make such things with your own hands - decide for yourself. A trick can really captivate a child, or it may be interesting for him only for a couple of weeks.

Many parents want their child to develop mentally with the help of cognitive games, cartoons, and performances. However, tricks can also develop a child's mindfulness, dexterity, and intelligence.

You can even learn tricks at home by putting on a small show with the participation of a child. He will surprise all guests with his ability to work miracles.

Cognitive tricks for children on the day of birth

It is very easy to light a match that has already burned out!

Spectators watch as the magician lit a burnt match. How is this possible?

It is necessary to take a simple match and cut its base with a knife so that it looks like a burnt one.

After that, you need to dip the match in black paint and wait until it dries.

Who said a spoon won't stick to your nose?

This trick can be done only when there is a sweet drink on the table, for example, compote or sweet coffee.

  1. First, you need to dip the spoon in liquid, stir it a little, and after a while get it out and show it to the guests.
  2. The spoon should be positioned as follows: its handle is directed downward, and the spoon must be attached with the concave side.
  3. The magician gently presses the object to the nose so that it sticks better and slowly releases.
  4. The spoon, thanks to the sweet drink, is easy to stick.

Just a little time is enough to learn this amazing trick. And the audience will already be delighted.

MountainDew Soda Water Bottle Glows!

From the name it is already clear that a bottle containing soda will glow. It is only necessary to carry out a few simple chemical reactions so that the liquid in the vessel can emit light. The effect will be incredible, since the light is so bright that it resembles a lit light bulb.

Would need:

  • MountainDew is a bottle of soda.
  • Simple soda.
  • Hydrogen peroxide solution.

There is speculation that MountainDew soda has become less popular precisely because of its ability to glow.

  1. To do this trick, you need to take a bottle of sparkling water. Three quarters of the water should be discarded altogether, and the rest should be left.
  2. The next step is to put a little bit of baking soda in the vessel, about one teaspoon, you can with a slide.
  3. Then add hydrogen peroxide, about 3 bottle caps. Then close the vessel and shake it vigorously.
    The longer you shake the bottle, the more noticeable the effect becomes.
  4. The liquid in the vessel starts to glow. You can try to make various symbols, pictures, words from the glowing water. To do this, you just need to open the bottle and pour it onto any surface so that the image comes out. This trick will only work in the dark.

Care must be taken not to let the liquid get on the surface of the skin, as well as in the eyes and inside.

A button can float in soda water

To implement this magic, you need to take ordinary soda water and a small button. Pour the mineral water into a glass and put a button there. It turns out that she is drowning. Where are the miracles here? And everything will continue.

Then, as soon as the button is in the vessel, you need to move your palm over it and say the following words: "Button, up." She will rise. And once again you need to hold your palm over the glass and say: "Button down." She will be down again.

The secret of this trick is simple:

  1. When the button is at the very bottom, small bubbles form near it. When there are enough of them, they will push the button to the surface.
  2. As soon as the button pops up, the bubbles disappear, and then it comes back again. This process will continue until the gas water loses its ability to release gas.

For this trick to work, you need to practice thoroughly before showing it. It is necessary to calculate the time when you need to give the command to the button. Focus may fail without prior preparation. Watch a video of a trick for children at home:

Simple and interesting tricks for children and their parents

The balloon that can't burst

The magician needs to take a balloon in his hands, inflate it and pierce it with a knitting needle. Surprisingly, the balloon did not burst.

The child must show the audience that this ball is normal, and then pierce it with a thin needle. The ball bursts immediately.

You will need a knitting needle, the main thing is that it is thin and long. After that, you should glue a little scotch tape on the ball on both sides. Before showing the magic, it is best to practice piercing the ball exactly in those places where the tape is fixed. This must be done quickly and carefully.

If a knitting needle hits a stretched rubber, the balloon can easily burst.

The magic power of the bottle swallowed the rope

The child needs to take a vessel that has a narrow neck. The rope is lowered into it (not completely). The magician must show that the rope can go into the vessel as easily as it can go out easily. After that, it is necessary to turn the vessel upside down.

Viewers will see the rope hanging as if it were being held inside. The magician should take hold of the rope, while turning the vase over, release and swing the vessel back and forth. Then the magician says the magic words, the string calmly comes out of the neck. How could this have happened?

  1. To carry out the focus, a thick rope is required, and the length should be at least a meter in order to easily control it. Accordingly, the neck of the vase should be twice as wide as the diameter of the string itself.
  2. It is necessary to take a glass bottle and paint it, the main thing is that it does not shine through, you can beautifully decorate it with various drawings. The most important thing is ahead: you need to take a small ball, it can be made from a bottle plug.
  3. The main thing is that it should be slightly larger than the diameter of the inner neck of the bottle. After that, you need to lower the ball into the vessel, and do not get it until the focus is over.
  4. As soon as the child shows the guests that the rope can easily go in and out, he should lower the rope so that it touches the bottom. Then turn the bottle over and very slowly, which is important, turn the vessel over.
  5. The ball also rolls to the bottom and fixes the rope so that it cannot slip out of the neck of the bottle.
  6. The rope and the vessel must be held in different hands for the focus to work.
  7. Then you need to pull gently on the rope so that it is finally fixed. You need to let go slowly too. The audience will see that the rope does not fall.
  8. To rotate the bottle to its starting position, and the rope does not slip, you need to lightly hold it with one hand. And then the vessel swings like a pendulum. To release the rope from the vessel again, you just need to push the rope deeper and the ball will release it.

To make the effect even better, you can ask the audience to try this trick for themselves. You can let me touch the bottle, check the rope. You can show the bottom to the guests. While they are examining him, you need to imperceptibly pick up the rolled out ball. After that, it is not scary to show the inner content of the vase.

Are ordinary threads also capable of running?

  1. The magician needs to take spools of different colors, the first is black, and the second is white. One of them should have threads, for example, they will be on black, but not on white.
  2. Next, you need to cross your arms, cover the coils with something, or clench them into fists. For greater persuasiveness - read the magic words.
  3. This trick can be repeated more than once. All the time the threads will change, first on one spool, then on another.

    It is not at all difficult to carry out the magic, you just need to paint both coils in the same color, that is, one side in white, and the other in black.

  4. Place the coils themselves so that they seem to be of different colors. You just need to practice turning the coils imperceptibly, then the audience will have the feeling that the threads from one coil run over to another. However, only the location changes.

Incredible magical transformation of an orange into an apple

The magician must get the orange and show it to the public. After that, you need to cover it with some beautiful and bright scarf. Say the magic words and pull off the handkerchief. An apple appeared instead of an orange. How is this possible? The trick secret is simple.

  1. Before showing the focus, you need to remove the orange peel so that it remains intact. After that, the young wizard must dress an apple in an orange peel. Choose an apple size slightly smaller than the orange itself.
  2. As soon as the trick begins, the child must firmly squeeze the apple in the orange peel and show the audience what is in his hand.
  3. Then, when the fruit is covered with a handkerchief, the magician needs to try to remove it so that the orange peel also comes off with it. It is necessary to rehearse more than once before showing the focus.

These simple tricks for kids at home can be done for a birthday or some other holiday.

What else you should definitely read:

Secrets and learning tricks at home

A magic thread that has no end

A child notices a thread near the lapel and tries to shake it off, but nothing works. Repeats this action several times.

The young magician takes a white thread by the end and begins to pull it, and it stretches as if it has no end.

The magician must portray surprise on his face so that the audience will believe him that this trick is unplanned.

To carry out the magic, you need to take the threads, it is advisable to choose a larger length, and wind them on a short pencil. After that, the child should put a pencil in a side pocket, and the end of the thread with a needle should be squeezed through the fabric of the jacket.

Why pencil? Because when children are asked to look at the contents of the pocket, they will only see a regular pencil there. It will distract guests from thinking that threads can be wound not only on a spool. Plus, the pencil doesn't stand out as much in your pocket as the reel does.

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And I bet you can't blow out the candle ?!

Anyone can blow out a candle, but is it possible to do this if you have to blow through a funnel. The funnel is wide, and its end is narrow - it will be difficult to carry out this action. Especially when the candle is in the middle of the funnel, then blowing out the candle will be generally unrealistic. Even if you use all your lung power, the flame will not ripple.

However, there is a way by which the candle will go out easily. It is important to know the location where you want to put the candle. Place the funnel so that the flame is at the edge of the funnel and not in the middle. The candle will go out immediately. Why does this happen?

When air exits through a narrow tube through a wide opening, it never gets into the middle.

Before leaving, the air is scattered along the walls of the vessel, so the air can only get into the flame located at the edges of the funnel. The trick will surprise all viewers with its magical feature. Although this is just a law of physics.

A thin sheet that can withstand a glass

  1. The magician needs to put two vessels on the table, for example, glasses. They should be placed at some distance from each other. No need to choose heavy glasses, this will make it difficult to focus.
  2. Next, the young wizard should give the guests an ordinary white sheet and ask them to put it on the glasses, and put a third glass on top of it.
  3. Let the guests see for themselves that this is the most ordinary sheet and ordinary glasses. But the audience is at a loss, since this action is impossible, since the weight of the glass is much greater than the weight of an ordinary sheet of paper.
  4. Then the young wizard folds the paper like an accordion, and the glass easily stays on the surface. A very simple and tricky way to amuse and amaze the audience.

You can start demonstrating tricks after mastering his secret, having thought over to the smallest detail the image of a magician and rehearsed the technique of maneuver.

To impress those around you with supernatural abilities, you must follow a number of rules of real magicians:

  • It is important to rehearse the trick several times in front of the mirror. Facial expression, posture and manual dexterity are important.
  • When performing a trick, speech should be bright, thoughtful, since it acts as a distracting maneuver. The same applies to gestures. You can invite an assistant who, during the manipulations, will draw the viewer's attention to himself.
  • A true magician never reveals the secret of trick.
  • The maneuvers should be appropriate for the child's age. Light practical jokes with food, balloons, coins are suitable for kids. Primary school students are interested in scientific tricks, for teenagers - with cards, fire, and so on.
  • When performing, one maneuver is not repeated twice - this will help to preserve its secret and the mysteriousness of the image of the magician.


How to make a flying cup from available tools

On a container with a drink, glue a piece of double-sided tape, commensurate with the pad of your thumb. Attach the glass to your finger and grab it with your five fingers. Turn the glass to your chest, open your palm and show telekinesis in action.

For greater effect, move your free hand over the vessel. Hold the bottom with your little finger, pretending that the bowl is balancing on your finger.

Another option: poke a hole in a paper cup under the thumb in the middle of the wall. Carefully insert the phalanx and follow the same steps.

The simplest do-it-yourself trick

Carefully remove the sharp top of the raw egg. Pour the yolk and white. Put the shells on a wet plate and begin to twirl it. Tilt the pallet up and down, approximately 30 degrees, making circular movements with the brush.

The egg shell rotates and changes its trajectory.

With water

The best option for tricks at home is experimenting with liquid. The preparations are simple, all the items are at hand, the implementation is not difficult.

Enchanted ketchup

Collect water in a plastic bottle so that the container changes shape under pressure. Toss a small packet of ketchup or sauce into the water. The left hand easily squeezes the bottle and the object moves in the liquid.

The right one performs magical manipulations to distract the viewer's attention. Grip tighter - the package falls, loosen the grip - rises. This trick is suitable for children 5-8 years old.

Rainbow water

You will need several glasses, a set of food coloring and glue. Apply dots of glue to the upper inner parts of the glasses and sprinkle with color. Remove excess powder. To do this, shake the glasses upside down. Slowly pour water into them, put ice and the drink will sparkle with the colors of the rainbow.

Leaky bag

Collect water in a strong plastic bag, it can be painted with watercolors. Tie, pierce with a pen or pencil. Pierce the package 5-6 times. As long as the holes are closed, moisture remains in the bag.

Magic ice floes

Place the bottle of liquid in the freezer until icy, but do not freeze. It takes 1.5-2 hours. Take the container out of the refrigerator, do not shake it.

Sharply shake the liquid in front of the viewer's eyes, and the ice will paint the bottle with a wonderful pattern from the inside.

Then slowly pour cold water onto an ice cube, and it will solidify in a slide.

According to this principle, ice cream is made that freezes before our eyes: shake the soda, put it in the refrigerator. But avoid freezing. Then slowly open the bottle, the gas should come out. Pour the drink onto a cold plate and it will turn into a sweet ice crystal dessert.

With paper

How to get into the album sheet

The coolest and easiest tricks are with paper. For example, catch the moment when the kid is drawing and ask how to get into the album sheet. The crumb, of course, will not answer.

Then you need to fold the short sides of the sheet in half. Step back about 1-1.5 centimeters from the edge and cut the paper from the fold of the sheet with scissors, as the spine of a book is cut. Stop 1 centimeter from the edge where the sheet opens.

Cut the next side towards the fold. That is, retreat 1 centimeter along the first slot and cut from the edge where the sheet opens, also not cutting 1 centimeter in front of the spine. Thus, riddle all the paper, alternating sides.

When done, the result looks like a pair of pants. Along the edges of the sheet, there should be cuts on only one leg on the side of the fold. And in the middle, all are paired. Cut off the fold of the sheet at all paired panties. We straighten the paper and you can easily go through the huge arch.

Paper keeps water locked up

You will need a glass or bottle with a straight neck, a piece of paper that is larger in diameter than the top of the vessel and ½ of the water in the container. Put the paper on the neck like a cap and turn it over with the water, while holding the improvised lid tightly. Anything is fine for the experience: a vase, a bottle, or even a jar.


Endless thread

Buy a small skein of thread to match a sweater, shirt or jacket. Fasten them under your clothes. Use a needle to pull the end of the thread outward. Now it's easy to make loved ones laugh. Shake off the thread with a displeased look. Once, twice. When the attention of friends is attracted, start pulling the thread, pulling out more and more thread.

Emotions of the President of America

Even a beginner can make such a hologram. To do this, it is not a pity to wrinkle the $ 5 bill, which depicts Abraham Lincoln. Make 2 folds outward perpendicular to the corners of his lips, 1 concave in the middle of his face - the dent will be along the hole between the lips and the bridge of the nose. Depending on the tilt, a happy Lincoln or comically sad appears before the eyes.


Neck loop

An original rope trick. It is advisable to study this trick in front of a mirror. Throw the lace around your neck so that both ends hang over your chest. Take the right rope in your left hand and bring it over the left end, holding a lasso in the index finger. The right rope will lie on top of the left rope in the form of a rounding.

Its beginning and end will be near, and the loop will lie on the rope and hang on the other side. Holding the loop on the left lace with your right hand, quickly throw it behind your neck and fix it. From the front, the rope looks like a stranglehold, but from the back it is a tucked loop. Further it is a matter of imagination. You can tie the dangling ends, gradually tighten the rope.

The result is that with a sharp forward movement, the stranglehold will seem to pass through the neck. The focus takes practice, but it looks very impressive.

For birthday

Birthday balloons are a guarantee of festive decorations and an excellent props for magic.

Strongest in the world

Stick small pieces of tape on opposite sides of the balloon. When the time comes to surprise the guests, inflate the balloon and let the child pierce it with a thin needle in the sealed areas, while everyone will be waiting for a loud explosion and squinting.

The ball attracts objects

Sprinkle torn paper onto a plate or table. Rub the balloon against hair or wool. Now bring it very close to the paper - it will be magnetized to the surface of the ball.

Levitating ring

Thread the elastic into the ring and hold the ends firmly in your hands. Stretch the rubber. When you change the position of the hands and the tension of the elastic, the illusion of a flying ring is created.

New balancing wonders

Thread the forks towards each other in a checkerboard pattern. Stick a match or toothpick into the gap between the teeth from above so that it crosses the tip of the second fork by about a third. Secure the match to the edge of the glass or glass.

With hands, fingers and body

Nightingale the robber

Squeeze a blade of grass in the palm of your hand. There should be a tiny space between the thumbs. Draw in a full chest of air and blow that there is urine. A sharp, loud whistle is provided to the whole world.


Stand half-turned to the children. The toe of the left foot must be hidden, otherwise the focus will fail. Slowly raise your right leg, and only the heel on the left. After a short training in front of the mirror, the children will see that an adult is hovering above the ground.

Flying table

Floating shows always fascinate children. The flying table is easy to do. You will need 3 items: a thick curved wire, a table made of lightweight materials, and a double bottom tablecloth. Attach the wire to the side of the table and tuck it into the tablecloth. Hold on to the corner of the fabric with the handle hidden.

Raise and lower the wire, move your free hand over a flying object, hold the other end of the tablecloth, play with movements. This trick can be taught even to a crumb, it is enough to make a table out of polystyrene and show him the secret.

Finger tricks

Put the ring on your middle finger. Keep the palm of the hand with the back of the ring upright, with the little finger, thumb and forefinger tucked in. With the other hand, close the brush along the phalanxes of the fingers.

Sharply squeeze the palm with the ring, then raise the index with the middle. It seems as if the ring has jumped up to the index finger. So, alternating fingers, the illusion is created that the ring moves by itself.

For babies

Where is the bow tie

On stage, the child touches his neck and finds out that the tie is missing. Without thinking twice, he utters magic words and turns on his axis. And everything is in place. To do this, you need to tie an elastic band to the bow tie and pull it, pressing it under the armpit, while twisting, the baby releases the elastic and the tie falls into place.

Mysterious matches

This trick can be shown to children 4-8 years old and adults. Cut the box across the matches. Glue the parts so that the cut-off half of the box faces the other side. Now close.

Open the boxes in front of the viewer, close them. Turn over and begin to push out the side in which the matches are visible. The viewer expects them to fall from below. But, miraculously, the box turned over inside!

In kindergarten

Coin Rain Riddle

Hide 10 coins in the book in advance. Have the kid take 2 coins in front of the audience and put them in a book. It remains to wave a magic wand, cast a spell and turn the textbook over. Coins fell like a river.


An empty can of cola is full again

Even teapots can do such a trick. Cut a piece of black paper in the shape of a drinking hole on the jar. Attach it and press down with the opener tab. This will make it appear that the jar is open.

Then pierce the can at the top and drain off a third of the drink. Demonstrate to guests that the can is open and empty (pinch the puncture with your finger). Crumple it in front of the guests, then shake it slowly. The soda will sizzle and straighten the can. Move your palm over the cola and discreetly remove the black paper, open and pour into a glass.

For friends

The secret of the moonwalk

The secret of Michael Jackson's gait is to shift the weight of the body. Keep your feet one step apart. Balance on the toe of your right foot, while sliding back with your left. When the left one is behind, transfer the weight to her toe and slide back with the right foot.

So, alternating the center of gravity on a bent leg, you can repeat Jackson's moonwalk. Smooth sliding on the floor will become a real focal point for friends.

Water and whiskey

Pour alcohol into the first glass, water into the second. Cover the liquid with a bank card or a piece of plastic. Turn over and put on another glass so that there is a map between the whiskey and water. Dexterously pull out the card and let the guests contemplate how the liquids change places in 10 seconds.

Piano master class

You can fool around and portray a great musician, for this you do not need to study in a special school. Periodically press the black keys with the little finger and thumb, while the index, ring and middle fingers randomly touch the others. The sound will be unusual, pleasant and unique.

Colorful sprite or tonic

Pour any food coloring into transparent glasses and cover with crushed ice. It's time to add lemonade or alcohol. The dyes will rise upward in curly ribbons, dyeing the liquids.

Wine rises in an inverted glass

Light a candle and place in the center of the plate. Pour wine around the candle, turn the glass over and cover. The key is that as oxygen burns out, the wine rises up the walls of the glass.

At school

Pin games

At the first pin, release the lever. It should be opened in such a way that it is invisible. Leave the second unchanged. Move a whole pin across the open one, take it off and put it on, and classmates will not be able to understand the trick.

A can of cola balancing

This is a very simple trick. The nice part of the trick is to destroy half of the drink. Put the jar on the table and tilt it slowly. Gently release the tin. It seems like she should fall. Surprisingly, the container will remain in balance.


How invisible ink is made

Mix milk and lemon juice in equal proportions - the ink is ready.

Dip a brush in the mixture and write a letter on a piece of paper or draw a map to the hidden treasures. Dry the drawing. With the audience, turn on the hair dryer and warm up the letter. An unusual secret message will begin to manifest. If you don't have a hair dryer, an iron will do.


The illusionist steals the flame

Use a toothpick or pencil point to slightly dislodge the wick of the lighter. Light a fire and hold your hand over it with a grasping movement. As if the light was taken into the palm. The flame will remain in the lighter, but in a small hole. It remains to bend over and blow on your palm towards the wick. The oxygen flow will allow the flame to re-ignite.


Tricks with transformations of substances will appeal to preschoolers and younger students.

Option 1

Boil red cabbage. Let it steep in water for 8 hours. Take some empty glasses. ⅓ Fill their containers with powder, vinegar and water mixed in equal proportions. Pour the broth of cabbage into vessels and watch the play of colors from deep purple to red and green shades in different glasses.

Option 2

In an opaque mug on absorbent paper, put crushed pieces of ice secretly from the audience. Pour some water there so that it saturates the paper. And then turn the glass over and shake out the ice. The main thing is that the vessel should not be made of glass. Otherwise, the audience will understand where the ice came from instead of water.

With cards

Place the card with the sevens of hearts on the pad of your index finger. Place a coin on top of the suit. Quickly click on the edge of the map, and it will fly, rotating on its axis. And the coin will remain in place, as if nothing had happened.


Children's tech tricks sparks an interest in science in toddlers.

Enchanted candle smoke

Until the candle has gone out, bring a burning match or lighter to the smoke, a small blue light will slide along the path, and in a split second the candle will light up again.

Gigabyte of information in a soap bubble

It is necessary to clean both sides of the disc cover. Warm up with a lighter. The material starts to melt. You need to blow on this place, and a large bubble similar to a soap will appear on it.

With food

The banana is whole on the outside, but sliced ​​on the inside.

Take a needle or safety pin. Stick gently into the peel and slide up and down underneath. So cut up the whole banana.

Orange became an apple

Peel off the orange peel with minimal damage. Pick an apple by the volume of the peel. Wrap the fruit in an orange peel and firmly pinch the places where the cuts are visible with your fingers to avoid exposure. Raise the fruit high and demonstrate the orange in your hand.

Cover your hand with a napkin and conjure over citrus. With a quick movement, pull off the handkerchief along with the cover: instead of an apple, an orange appeared.

Conjure over the grains

You will need 2 opaque identical boxes of cream cheese or sour cream. In one, make the second bottom 1.5-2 centimeters higher than the main one. Pour buckwheat or rice into a large container to the brim. Place the other pack upside down on it. It remains to concentrate, wave a magic wand, turn the containers over so that the jar with the second bottom is on the bottom and raise the first. Buckwheat will fill the whole box and the table around. Everyone will make sure that the cereal has doubled.

How can you cut an apple without a knife

Take an apple in the palm of your hand. In this case, the thumbs are on the stalk and on top. The rest cover the sides of the fruit. Squeeze the apple and rotate it in the palms. It will split into 2 even halves.

How to make a bouncing egg

Place 2 identical stacks side by side. Put the testicle in the glass with the tip up and blow sharply on it. The egg will jump out of the first glass into the adjacent one.

With magnet

An easy trick for a child 5-9 years old. If an old magnet is lying around at home, then let the kid put a coin on the table, take a magic wand in his hand and drive a magnet under the table. The coin will follow.

With table and tablecloth

A well-known but tricky trick. With a sharp movement, pull the tablecloth off the table, served with expensive dishes.

It is important to follow the rules:

  • The fabric is pulled down towards the floor, not towards itself.
  • The canvas is covered on the opposite side as short as possible. The long edge is held in the hands.

With coins

Disappearing from the envelope

Glue 2 small identical envelopes from available tools backs to each other. Put a penny in one, and the next one will be empty. Demonstrate to everyone that there is money in the envelope, and hide the secret from observers. Put your hands in the castle and whisper the magic words. Open your palms and demonstrate an empty envelope. Repeat magic - the coin has appeared.

The ruble fell through the table

Hold a coin in your right hand, the left hand under the table will catch the ruble.

The essence of the trick is to discreetly drop a coin in the left hand after showing it. Keep a pinch of your fingers with a coin, let it go down and continue to pretend that the ruble is in your hand. Hit the pinch forcefully on the table and get your left hand with a magic coin. The main nuance is that the hand below is hidden from view.

Cool feint with a coin and a bill

Place the banknote on the edge of the table. Put a coin on it. If it doesn't work, bend the bill slightly. Put the coin down again. Slowly straighten the money.

How to become a magician: props and paraphernalia

The soul of any focus is pathos and magical surroundings. The child is recommended to observe the behavior of famous magicians, for example, Hmayak Hakobyan.

Appropriate paraphernalia, toys are important: magic wands, ribbons, flowers and so on. Ready-made sets of items can be purchased in the store or made at home on your own.

You should take a responsible approach to the choice of a suit. It should have hidden pockets, stashes in the sleeves, and so on. The sorcerer's mantle and cap complements the look.

Mysterious music, festive garlands, dim lights will create the desired mysterious atmosphere. Such a day of magic will be unforgettable for a child.

Magic tricks attract the attention of viewers of all ages, because they, like nothing else, demonstrate real magic in everyday life. Tricks fascinate, intrigue, and after demonstrating them by a magician, you always want to unravel the secret, or even better, learn how to perform it yourself. The latter may not be easy, because often magicians use special props and hone their skills for years to amaze the audience.

However, there are many simple tricks that even a child can master. They do not require special training, it is enough to know a few secrets and practice before demonstrating to the audience. The ability to effectively surprise peers, or even adults, raises the baby's self-esteem and makes him more self-confident, which is especially important for shy children.

In addition, most of the simple tricks are based on physical or chemical laws, which allows you to introduce your child to science in a "magical" way.

Before teaching your baby a new trick, demonstrate it yourself. Explain the main secret - why it happens this way and not otherwise. Help your child learn the trick. After a few workouts, you can perform in public!

And we offer you a series of 11 simple tricks for children, which will be a great start for a young illusionist.

It often happens that an uncut thread sticks out of the clothes and spoils the appearance of the interlocutor. The situation is especially unpleasant when there are no scissors at hand and then you can ask someone to cut the thread, referring to dirty hands or your own clumsiness. What a surprise the interlocutor will be when, pulling on the thread, he discovers that it is endlessly long!

For the focus, we need: a needle, thread, a short pencil. Instead of a pencil, you can use a whole spool of thread, but then the chances of focus being revealed are greatly increased.

So, we wind a couple of meters of thread on a pencil according to the color of the thread in your clothes. We put a pencil in the pocket and with the help of a needle we bring the end of the thread out to the place of the seam on the clothes. The preparation is over, you can go “ask for help”.

This trick is best demonstrated during tea drinking. To do this, we press the teaspoon, previously dipped in sweet tea, to the thumb and wait for the tea to dry a little. When dry, the sweet syrup will "stick" the spoon to your finger and it will hang on it confidently even when you move it. You can also show this trick by gluing a spoon to your nose, chin and demonstrating the magical properties of your cutlery.

For focus, we need an empty matchbox and any flat obstacle: a large book / folder / cutting board, etc.

First, we ask the guest to move the matchbox out of place without hands. This is easily done by blowing on it. Now ask to make sure that the box does not move away, but moves towards you. If the guest is confused - show him a master class! We put an obstacle behind the box and blow strongly not on the boxes, but on this obstacle, a little higher than the box. The air stream will hit the obstacle and return back, taking with it a light matchbox. In this way, the boxes will move towards you hands-free.

Banana trick

This trick can easily surprise guests at the table with just a little preparation. The bottom line is that you are asking guests to peel a whole banana. When the guest peels off the peel, he discovers a chopped banana inside.

For preparation, we need: a whole banana, a long needle and a little lemon juice.

We pierce the banana peel with a needle, and make it several movements up and down, dissecting the soft inside of the banana. We do this several times, thereby cutting the banana into several pieces. Then, we treat the puncture points of the peel with lemon juice, otherwise they will darken and be noticeable. The preparatory work is over - you can surprise your guests!

Video instruction for cutting a banana with a needle:

Crawl through a sheet of paper

Another riddle that you can ask your guests is about a piece of paper. After giving them an A4 sheet and scissors, ask them to cut the sheet so that both a child and an adult can pass through it. Cutting out the inside of the sheet will do nothing - the hole will be too small. However, when you cut the sheet according to the pattern, you get a huge ring through which anyone can walk.

To do this, fold the sheet in width to make a long narrow rectangle and make cuts on both sides as for a children's garland. At the end, you will still need to cut the sheet at the place of the original fold, leaving the edges intact (the beginning of the cut is at the location of the scissors in the photo). Now we unfold our sheet and get a huge "ring". The task is completed!

Matchbox in a balloon

Rarely a children's birthday is complete without balloons. With a ball, you can also show a trick, and not only by piercing it with a needle, which we wrote about.

Tell them that you have a magic matchbox that can penetrate the balloon through the wall. To do this, inflate an ordinary balloon in front of the audience without tying it and press the matchbox tightly to its bottom. Now let the air out of the balloon, remembering to keep pressing the box against the balloon all the time. When the ball is deflated, the audience will see that there is a box inside the deflated ball. Put it in your hand and show everyone the result of magic. The most important thing is not to give it up to consider what really happened, otherwise the secret will be revealed immediately.

Need a script for a children's party?

The box, of course, did not get inside. During deflation, the stretched rubber wrapped around the matchbox on three sides, and if you do not look from below, it looks like the boxes are inside.

We need 3 opaque cups, a small lump of napkin matching the color of the cup, and sleight of hand.

Show the audience a stack of cups and place them upside down in front of you. Ask someone else, or roll up a small wad of napkin yourself and place it on a medium glass. Now cover the middle glass with the people next to you and say your favorite "magic words." Lift the stack of glasses - a lump of napkin has gone through the bottom of the glass and lies on the table. You are a real magician!

The secret is to put the same wad of napkin in a second glass before demonstrating the trick. In order for the audience not to notice anything, the cups need to be turned over quickly - with a sharp movement of the hand. Thus, you already have a lump of napkin under the second glass at the beginning of the focus. It remains only to make sure that the second lump is similar to the first.

To be honest, until the last moment I doubted whether my daughter would master this trick at 4 years old, but she did a great job the second time. Therefore, you can safely show and teach your children such spectacular and simple tricks.

And a few more tricks from passionate mothers.

Focus "Magic water"

Idea: we decided that the magician clown would show the trick for the daughter. They turned on funny music, called a clown with my daughter. The clown (dad) came, greeted, magic music played, the clown took out a jar of water ... We examined it, after that the clown uttered the magic words: “You are water - water, light as frost, become water - water, not light, but ... green (red, blue) ”, shook the can and ... the water turned green (red, blue).

Required materials: glass jar with a lid, gouache, water.

The technical part of the trick: pour water into the jar, spread gouache of the desired color on the lid, close the jar with a lid. The presenter shows the jar, noting that the water in it is clear and light. After that, he says "magic words" and shakes the jar, and the water is colored with gouache.

The reaction of my daughter - the clown was scared, so I had to show the rest of the trick myself. On Alena's face there was surprise and a smile from how the water turned into a different color.

Salimova Olga and daughter Alena 2g. 4 months, Ekaterinburg.

I surprised my children with drawing on milk. Anya had already tried this method, but as it turned out, she had completely forgotten.

We need:

  • a plate of milk;
  • diluted food colors;
  • liquid dishwashing detergent;
  • shelves for drawing (optional).

We drip dyes of different colors into a plate of milk and watch how the paint spreads. You can paint a little with a stick (I recommend for older children and it is important that there is no intensive mixing, otherwise all the beauty will disappear), but even without this, beautiful patterns will appear in the plate.

At the end of the process, drip liquid soap, or dip a cotton swab in soap and lower it into a plate. And watch the magic! The paint runs away from the soapy drop, as if by magic. You can add the dyes again or twice. The final spills can be dipped in paper and ink printed on it.

Kudryashova Nadezhda and children: Anya 4 years 6 months. and Misha 1 year 5 months, St. Petersburg.

For the experiment, I took a saucer of water, a piece of white paper napkin, on which I drew squares with colored felt-tip pens. When you put a napkin in water, the water, thanks to the capillary effect, begins to rise upward - colored paths appear, a beautiful rainbow. They explained to my daughter that the water ran up the colored paths.

Olga Antonenko and Olesya 1 year 7 months Yaroslavl.

Tricks with ice for toddlers

We carried out. I froze the water in the candy box, and it turned out to be very cute cubes with a flower. At first, my daughter did not understand what it was, actively touched it, showed that it was cold. Then I began to try - take it in my mouth and take it out back. Then we tried to paint the cubes with gouache with our fingers and a brush. And at the end of the experiment, sprinkled with salt so that the ice melted. Naturally, there was not enough patience to wait, but I really liked clapping my palms on the melted water.


Do you like magic tricks for children? Save it to yourself on the wall of the social network and prepare the magician's number for the next holiday!

How to do magic tricks?

Surely any person has ever been amazed by the performance of an illusionist who can make an object disappear, appear out of nowhere, or even fly. Almost every child associates a magician with a rabbit from an empty top hat. Everyone who watched the magician's clever tricks wanted to know their secret and learn at least simple tricks. In this article we will try to tell you how to learn how to do simple magic tricks with cards and coins.

Basic rules of a good magician

  • Do not under any circumstances reveal the secret of your trick. So the viewer's interest in your tricks will quickly fade away. Allow the observer to speculate on the technique of the trick, but do not argue with him.
  • Each trick must be carefully rehearsed. To do this, select a mirror for yourself as an assistant. Try to show yourself focus a few times. If you've never been wrong, then the trick is ready to be performed in public. Remember to think carefully about your gestures and speech.
  • When performing a trick, you should not inform the viewer about what should happen in the next moment. An astute viewer will immediately recognize the technique of the trick. This is why it is not recommended to show focus twice.

Magic tricks with cards

Let's look at several ways to trick cards. You can surprise children or friends with such tricks by mastering them without leaving your home.

Guessing the spectator's card

To begin with, the viewer must choose any card from the deck, memorize it and put it back. And the magician, after performing some manipulations, needs to find her. The whole secret of focus lies in the key card next to the card of the spectator's choice. The magician has the opportunity to spy on this card at the moment, while the spectator returns his card back to the middle of the deck. The map should be facing upwards.

Then the deck is defiantly shuffled and after the shuffle the magician, looking through the shirts, looks for the key card and accordingly finds the one that the viewer pulled out.

The emergence of a map out of thin air

This trick requires maximum dexterity. It consists in the fact that the magician shows the audience a completely empty palm, and then makes a wave and a card is in the hand.

The main secret to focus is to train your fingers well. After all, the corners of the smaller edge of the card are clamped between the index and middle fingers, the little finger and the ring finger. This way, the card will not be visible when the palm is straightened.

Demonstrate a clean palm so that the card squeezed from behind is not visible. Then, with a sharp movement, we bend four fingers to the palm, and with the thumb we fix the card on top. We straighten our fingers and see that the card remains in the palm of our hand.

Using this technique, you can do the opposite trick with the map disappearing. True, you will have to train harder for such a trick.

Tricks with a coin

A coin is an item that can be found in the pocket of almost every person. Learning the various coin tricks is easy if you spend enough time practicing.

Coin in a glass

This trick requires a glass, a coin and a handkerchief 50x50 cm. The coin must be glued to the bottom of the glass. Pour water into a glass and show it to the audience. After that, cover the glass with a handkerchief and then abruptly remove the handkerchief. Invite someone in the audience to look into the glass. This way the viewer will be able to see the coin under the water, which was not visible from the side.

Bouncing coin

For focus, you need a 2 liter bottle and a coin that matches the diameter of the bottle neck. Leave the bottle in the freezer for five minutes. After the bottle is removed, place a coin dipped in water on the opening of its neck. The coin will bounce on contact with frozen plastic.

Working with an assistant

Put a coin on the table, covering it on top with a 30x30 cm scarf. Then you need to ask the audience to come up to you and check for a coin under the scarf. After that, move the handkerchief from one hand to the other so that the coin disappears and the audience, convinced of its presence, should be surprised. Take a coin out of the pocket of the viewer, who should actually be your assistant. It is the assistant who was the last to come up to check the presence of the coin, who discreetly picks it up.

A coin in the center of the scarf

Sew two identical scarves together by sewing a coin into their center. Let the viewer choose a large coin from the offered handful. Place the coin in the center of the handkerchief spread on the table. Then turn the handkerchief over and slide the elastic over it, squeezing the area under the coin. Start pulling the scarf around the corners so that the elastic will eventually come off. The coin should not fall, because when the handkerchief is turned over, it falls into your hand. A pre-sewn coin should remain in the scarf.

We have given a few fairly simple tricks that will not be difficult to perform even for children. If you have a desire to learn how to do more complex tricks that require increased dexterity and attention, video tutorials can help you with this. Tutorial videos can be found on, you need to enter a query in the search box, for example, "learning to do magic tricks."

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