The truth about chicken eggs, which is hidden from us. The History of Eggs as Dishes Conscious Athletes Against Egg Diet

Everything in the egg is impeccable: both form and content. It is also a capacious symbol. The ancient peoples believed that the egg is a prototype of the Universe, from which the world surrounding a person was born. Eggs have long been considered a valuable food in the science of healthy eating, although recommendations for inclusion in the diet have changed.

The beginning of time

In Rome, the expression "ab ovo" - "from the egg" was in use, that is, from the very beginning. They associate this with the fact that the Romans usually began their meal with eggs, and ended with fruits, most often apples: "ab ovo usque ad mala" (literally: "from eggs to apples"). Some researchers believe that the second part of the phrase disappeared over time, and it turned out "ab ovo". But this is perhaps an oversimplification. After all, the Romans gave the beginning of the meal a symbolic meaning: the egg was associated with the successful start of a new business. With a similar meaning, "ab ovo" has entered the modern international lexicon: "the beginning of exchange activity after a previous unsuccessful exchange activity after a previous unsuccessful session."

The attitude to the egg as a prototype, a symbol of birth, was reflected in the customs of many nations. Among the Slavs, the egg was associated with the fertility of the earth, with the spring rebirth of nature.

There is evidence that the Slavs painted eggs back in pagan times, expressing their ideas about the universe. Easter eggs were presented to the gods and presented to each other on the first day of the new year and on their birthday.

With the spread of Christianity, painted eggs acquired a new meaning: they became an attribute of the main religious holiday - Easter, symbolizing the resurrection of Christ.

From quail to ostrich

Since ancient times, the Slavs have eaten the eggs of wild birds. Approximately 2000 years ago, the first chickens appeared in the settlements along the shores of the Black Sea, and soon they began to be bred throughout the territory of the Slavic peoples. Now, without this branch of agriculture, it is impossible to imagine European cuisine.

Chicken eggs are boiled, fried, baked and pickled, made omelets and desserts from them, eaten soft-boiled and hard-boiled, added to salads, sauces and pastries.

Quail eggs are less popular with us than chicken eggs, albeit very much. They contain more vitamin D. In addition, due to the high body temperature (42 ° C), quails are resistant to infectious diseases. When they are grown, vaccinations and antibiotics are not used, which significantly increases the nutritional value of their eggs.

Goose eggs have a very strong shell, they weigh three to four times more than chicken eggs. They have a specific smell and taste, so they are not widely used in cooking. In addition, goose eggs are often contaminated with salmonella, so they must be thoroughly washed and cooked for at least 15 minutes before eating.

Duck eggs are available in several color variations - from white to green-blue. They are slightly larger than chicken (weight about 90 g). They have a special smell and bright taste. Duck egg yolks are ideal for baking and add a beautiful golden hue to biscuits. In order not to become infected with salmonellosis, they are thoroughly washed and boiled for at least 15 minutes.

In many countries, eggs of thrush, cormorant, guillemots, gulls, penguins, partridges, lapwings, swans and many other birds are eaten. In Europe, they can be tasted only in restaurants, and this is far from everywhere - eating game eggs is prohibited or restricted. Meanwhile, exotic lovers claim that they have an unforgettable taste. In addition, they contain selenium, which rejuvenates the body.

Guinea fowl eggs are especially popular in Africa. They are light brown in color, somewhat smaller than chicken, pear-shaped, with a thick and strong shell. Their protein is tougher, and the yolk is softer than that of chicken eggs. In addition, they perfectly withstand transportation, and they can be stored at temperatures from 0 to + 10 ° C for up to six months.

Ostriches lay the largest eggs (up to 2 kg). They taste little from chicken ones, but one giant egg can feed up to ten people. To prepare it, two holes are drilled in the shell, the contents are mixed with a special knitting needle and poured into a bowl or frying pan.

Let's not forget that eggs are laid not only by birds, but also by amphibians. Snake eggs look very different from chicken eggs: they are longer, and the shell is similar to the skin. Those who have managed to feast on this delicacy, for example, in Thailand, argue that boiled snake eggs taste like ordinary potatoes.

According to ancient beliefs, turtle eggs have special healing properties - they increase male strength. Each turtle lays up to 200 eggs per season. Unlike bird eggs, these eggs are round and covered not with a shell, but with an elastic leathery shell. Their white is transparent and gelatinous, and the yolk is the same as that of a chicken egg. It is customary not to cook them, but to bake them.

In-shell treasure

Not only the ancient Romans, but also Russian landowners in the 18th century loved to start breakfast with a chicken egg. True, the Romans preferred it baked, and our compatriots preferred soft-boiled it. It was believed that liquid yolk on an empty stomach promotes good absorption of food.

Indeed, the most valuable part of an egg is the yolk. It consists of one third of fats, rich in such valuable components as unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin. There is also cholesterol in it, but, according to modern concepts, the yolk does not become a dangerous product from this: the combination of cholesterol with lecithin in a ratio of 1: 6 makes egg yolk practically safe for blood vessels. Lecithin, forming a compound with a molecule of cholesterol, keeps it in the bloodstream and prevents it from penetrating into the walls of blood vessels. That is why eggs in moderation are not prohibited from eating people suffering from vascular atherosclerosis.

In addition to high-quality fats, the yolk also contains about 17% complete proteins. There are even more of them in it than in egg white. In addition, egg yolk is rich in vitamins and valuable minerals. The yolk acquires its color due to carotene - provitamin A. The more yellow and brighter it is, the richer the egg is with carotene.

Eggs contain concentrated and optimally balanced almost all nutrients that a person needs for life. It is the most readily available protein supplier. According to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, of the most useful ingredients in eggs are vitamins A, D, E, the entire group B, macroelements - calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, trace elements - iron, iodine, fluorine, copper, zinc, etc. in an optimal ratio.

One egg provides up to 15% of the daily requirement for vitamin A, up to 40% for vitamin B. The egg contains all essential amino acids and is the champion in their content. It is no coincidence that this product is ideally absorbed by the body.

Not only food, but also medicine

So, chicken eggs contain many valuable substances, including lutein and lecithin. The proteins that eggs are so rich in are superior in biological value to the proteins found in any other foods. Egg white is a more effective muscle building material than proteins from other sources, including milk and beef.

The use of eggs for medicinal purposes:

For the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis. Boil a hard-boiled egg, wrap it in a cloth and keep it on the bridge of the nose or in the cheekbones (with sinusitis) while it is warm.

To open the abscess and cleanse it. 2 raw egg yolks, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, 1/2 teaspoon of table salt, mix with flour until the consistency of wet clay. Apply the resulting mixture to the abscess until it is opened and cleaned.

During a neuralgic attack: boil the egg hard, cut it in half, apply both halves at once to the place where the pain is felt the most. When the egg cools down, the pain disappears.

When coughing. "Eggnog". Grind egg yolks with granulated sugar until white. The mixture will increase in volume by 2-3 times. Take on an empty stomach. Since raw eggs are used in the recipe, they should only be taken from a private "supplier", and the shells should be pre-washed with warm water and soap. It is safer to make "mogul-mogul" from quail eggs, also washed. It turns out sugary sweet, but it is recommended to drink it with water only after 60 minutes.

Chicken eggs have good cosmetic properties. To soften the skin of the face during chapping, a mask of egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of glycerin is recommended. Wash off with warm water without soap.

For burns. Separate 3 whites from fresh eggs, beat until frothy. Beat separately 3 tbsp. tablespoons of olive or sunflower oil to turn it white. Mix everything and beat for another 15 minutes.

Lubricate burns several times a day, grease and bandage liberally overnight.

Another recipe: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream, 1 yolk of a fresh egg, mix well, put on the burn and bandage. Change twice a day.

Diet and dining

The current standard for food chicken eggs subdivides them into five categories, not by size, but depending on the mass of one egg in grams. The egg of the highest category weighs from 75 g and more, the selected category - from 65 to 74.9 g. The egg weight of the first category is from 55 to 64.9 g, the second - from 45 to 54.9 5 g, and the third - from 35 up to 44.9 g.

According to the current Russian standards, the marking must be on every egg produced at the poultry farm. The first character in the label indicates the permissible shelf life.

The letter "D" denotes a dietary egg, such eggs are sold within 7 days.

The letter "C" denotes a table egg, which is sold within 25 days.

The second character in the marking means the category of the egg, depending on its weight: 1, 2, 3 or O (selected egg), B (highest category).

Thus, the marking "CB" is indicated on table eggs of the highest category, and "D1" - on dietary eggs of the first category.

The taste of the egg is entirely determined by the taste of the yolk, which depends on the feed of the chicken. That is why it is far from indifferent whether the chickens are given grain, young grass, fresh food, or kept on artificial feed.

A modern person no longer knows how to distinguish between full-fledged food and a surrogate, but the lost instinct can, to some extent, be compensated for by knowledge. On personal plots, the keeping of chickens is as close as possible to their natural needs. All summer long they walk free and eat fresh food. The bright orange color of the yolk of village chickens is due to the high content of yellow carotenoids, from which vitamin A is subsequently synthesized. Chicken carotenoids are obtained from fresh grass. The maintenance and nutrition of village chickens allows you to maximize the natural potential inherent in eggs. And this is expressed not only in the amount of nutrients. It is not for nothing that eggs are called the concentrate of life. Nature has accumulated in them not only all the substances necessary for the development of a new living organism, but also a large charge of energy.

The eggs we buy in stores come from huge poultry factories where chickens are kept in cramped cages under electric lighting and artificial feed. This feed contains antibiotics and, possibly, other medicinal substances, the use of which is inevitable in high crowding of birds. It has been established that, in certain quantities, these substances pass into eggs. Artificial feed allows you to manipulate the composition of eggs, even the yolk can be made bright yellow by feeding chickens an artificial yellow pigment.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to buy village eggs. Abroad, there are ecological poultry farms that keep chickens in conditions close to natural. There are no such farms in Russia yet. Store-bought eggs can satisfy your hunger, but their nutritional value is much lower than what was originally provided by nature.

How to choose eggs?

It's no secret that the stamp on the egg does not always correspond to reality. One way to roughly measure the freshness of eggs is to gently shake them near the ear; a fresh egg does not make any noise, but you will hear the contents of a not very fresh egg overflowing inside the shell.

There is also a flotation test, which is based on the fact that the "buoyancy" of an egg depends on its freshness.

A freshly laid egg fills the entire shell with the exception of a small pocket with air in the blunt part of it. In a glass of water, such an egg sinks and lies on its side at the bottom.

In an egg a week old, the air pocket expands and makes the egg buoyant, the egg floats up with a blunt end up.

At two to three weeks of age, the egg is so balanced that it will stand in a glass of water, blunt end up, perpendicular to the bottom.

After five to six weeks, the egg floats to the surface, in which case it should be discarded.

Egg cooking

As is often the case, the history of cooking various egg dishes originates in the East. Most likely in India, where chickens were tamed and domesticated two and a half thousand years ago. Since ancient times, dishes made from chicken, goose, pigeon, quail or duck eggs have also been loved in China. Canned eggs are still known, which are kept warm in a special way for more than a month. This egg with blue-black protein is one of the delicacies of Chinese cuisine. Japanese cuisine is made famous by the tamago omelet and the nishiki tamago egg cake.

Famous gourmets - the French also did not ignore this wonderful product. In Bordeaux and Gascony, hot buns filled with an egg and ham omelet are respected. In Provence, they love a tender egg casserole with cheese and butter. In Limousin and Perigord, they cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes and peppers, making sure that they are soft and crumbly. A delicacy dish will be offered to you in Ile-de-France - boiled eggs with truffle sauce.

The most dietary form of egg preparation is combining it with plant foods and liquids, as well as with air. Many will be skeptical about this statement. Meanwhile, this is almost the most important condition for improving both the taste and digestibility of eggs.

Aeration of eggs, that is, saturation of them with air, is achieved by beating either the whole egg as a whole, or separately the egg white and yolk. The longer the egg is beaten, the more it takes in air, the tastier, more porous, the more airy the dish prepared from such eggs becomes, and the better its assimilation.

Scotch eggs (6 servings)

6 boiled and 2 raw eggs; 350 g minced pork; 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped parsley; 1 teaspoon of grated lemon zest; 0.25 teaspoons of dry herbs: thyme, savory, ground coriander, grated nutmeg; 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour; 20 g bread crumbs; 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil; salt pepper.

In the minced pork, stir in 1 raw egg, parsley, zest and spices. Salt and pepper. Divide the minced meat into 6 parts and form cakes from them, wrap a peeled boiled egg in each. Roll "pies" with egg first in flour, then in a beaten egg, then in bread crumbs. Put on a baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes on each side at a temperature of 2000 C. Let stand in the switched off oven for 5-7 minutes.

Florentine spinach eggs (2 servings)

200 g frozen spinach leaves; 2 slices of ham; 2 eggs; 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cream; 30 g butter; 85 g of grated hard cheese.

Defrost the spinach in the microwave (7-8 minutes on high mode) or in the refrigerator (5-7 hours), then squeeze out well and mix with butter. Cut the ham into thin strips, add to the bowl with spinach, stir. Season with salt, pepper, you can lightly season with nutmeg. Form two flat cakes at the bottom of the baking dish. Break eggs into a frying pan half filled with salted water. Remove with a slotted spoon, dry and put on spinach. Drizzle with cream and sprinkle with cheese. Bake on a preheated grill until golden brown.

Oven-baked omelette (servings 4)

300 ml of milk; 2 teaspoons of wheat flour; 3 eggs; 1/2 teaspoon of salt; 1 g white pepper; 1/2 tbsp. spoons of oil, for the filling - stewed vegetables, mushrooms or seafood.

Beat flour in a little warm milk, add eggs, remaining milk, salt and pepper, whisking whilst still. Put the filling in a greased dish, pour in the mixture of eggs and milk and bake in the oven at 200 ° C for 20 minutes (until the omelet turns golden yellow).

Eggs are a common food product that is included in the diet of almost every Russian family. But now people began to worry about their effect on health. The controversy about cholesterol is especially acute.

What effect do chicken eggs have? Benefit or harm? To understand what is actually true and what is false, it is necessary to understand their chemical composition and characteristics of use.

The most useful are raw eggs that are not heat-treated. They retain the maximum amount of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for the body.

First of all, this product is rich in proteins - ovalbumin, ovotransferrin, lysozyme. It also contains:

  • vitamins of group B, A, D, H, E and PP;
  • macro and microelements - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, iodine, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum;
  • antioxidants;
  • essential saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

These nutrients make a great addition to a balanced diet. They help to replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

The shell, which is distinguished by a high concentration of calcium, also has valuable properties. It should be used to strengthen bone tissue.

How to choose

There is an opinion that the naturalness and useful properties of the product depend on the color of the shell - white or brown testicles have different chemical composition and effects on the body. However, the shade of the shell is just a genetic trait that depends on the breed and color of the hen's plumage.

Snow-white birds carry testicles of the corresponding color, and brown, golden or spotted ones - brown. Moreover, they have an identical chemical composition.

To choose a fresh and high-quality product that can be eaten raw, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Hold it in your hand, feel the weight. Fresh food seems a little heavier because its contents are denser;
  2. If there is an ovoscope at the outlet, then you should enlighten it with this device;
  3. View markings. The letter "D" indicates that the product can be stored no more than a week, and the letter "C" - no more than a month. The first option is preferable;
  4. Carefully inspect the packaging and assess the condition of the eggs. If they are sticky, then some of them have been broken. A negligent attitude towards the transportation of goods suggests that the carrier could have neglected the storage rules. Such products are not worth buying.
  5. The Omega-3 label on the packaging indicates a high fatty acid content. This means that the birds were fed a special feed enriched with valuable components, which has a positive effect on the final product.

It is also believed that a bright yolk indicates high quality. This statement is fundamentally wrong. Its color depends on the food that the chicken ate. If it contained dyes - lutein, xanthophyll or yellow pigments, then the yolk will acquire a rich orange color.

And if there are no such substances in food (for example, in alfalfa), then there will be no corresponding pigment in the yolk. Many manufacturers take advantage of this trick and deliberately add colorants to their feed. Therefore, you should not chase bright colors. It does not guarantee high quality at all.

Both small and large eggs are equally beneficial. Their composition depends on the diet of the laying hen. The second type is more expensive, but the difference in price is due only to their size.

It is almost impossible to confuse a chicken and a duck egg. The second is distinguished by its large size - its weight is about 90 g, which is 1.5 times more than the first. And if you look at the goose embryo, then both previous varieties seem to be babies - its weight is about 200 g.

It is best to buy homemade eggs that are environmentally friendly and free of harmful impurities. Birds receive only natural food without hormones and antibiotics. They are difficult to find in large retail chains. Most often they are sold by private farmers.

A natural homemade product can be distinguished by its rich, pleasant smell and different calibers.

What is the use

Chicken eggs are very beneficial and have little harm. They are used for general strengthening and prevention of certain diseases. They contain substances that are necessary for the proper functioning of basic systems and are not synthesized by the body.

  • They should be eaten during pregnancy. The choline contained in their composition is essential for the proper development of the fetus. In small quantities, it is recommended to use them during lactation to replenish the lack of minerals in the body;
  • Lecithin, which is rich in yolk, improves the functioning of the liver and brain, helps to destroy plaque on the walls of blood vessels;
  • The beneficial properties of eggs are used to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. They can be eaten raw, or prepared with special nourishing masks that have excellent moisturizing properties;
  • The proteins in protein are essential for muscle growth. This property is actively used by athletes.

Many people think that the consumption of this product is harmful to health due to the high amount of cholesterol. There is a lot of controversy around him. The most widespread opinion is that it is the cause of the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Cholesterol is produced by the body to ensure normal digestion and hormone synthesis. It is a constituent element of cell membranes. 2 types of substances are responsible for its movement:

  • LDL - low density lipoprotein;
  • HDL - high density lipoprotein.

The first species has earned a reputation for being "bad." If its concentration in the blood increases, then there is a risk of plaque formation that interferes with blood flow. The second type is considered "good": it transports fats to the liver, which then removes the carrier from the body.

Negative consequences arise with a high accumulation of this substance. But eating foods that contain cholesterol have little to no effect on blood levels. The body reduces its own synthesis of the substance, so it does no harm.

The negative effects can occur in a person who does not have the correct dietary habits and consumes large amounts of other foods high in fat and trans fats. This leads to an imbalance of lipoproteins - LDL becomes more than LDL. Therefore, when eating eggs in reasonable quantities, the cholesterol contained in them does not have a detrimental effect on blood vessels and the heart.

In what form is it preferable to use

Not everyone knows in what form it is more useful to eat eggs. The raw product contains more valuable elements, some of which die due to heat treatment. However, not everyone likes to eat it in this form.

If you choose between fried eggs and a boiled egg, then the second option should be preferred. With this method of preparation, the body absorbs 90% of the components, and when frying - half as much.


Nutritionists agree that eating raw chicken eggs is the most beneficial. There are several reasons for this:

  • the absence of heat treatment contributes to better protein absorption;
  • vitamins and minerals are not destroyed by high temperatures;
  • enveloping the gastric mucosa, such a product has a beneficial effect on it, lowers acidity and prevents gastritis.

It is especially useful for athletes to drink raw eggs, because they perfectly nourish the muscles and contribute to the early set of muscle mass. They can be consumed neat or mixed with nutritional shakes. They saturate the body with essential amino acids and help maintain the desired athletic form.

In addition, they are used to solve the following problems:

  1. Cough relief. A mixture of yolk, honey and butter helps to get rid of cold symptoms as soon as possible and to quickly recover the body after an illness;
  2. Rejuvenation of the body - the antioxidants that make up this product strengthen the immune system, protect against the destructive effects of free radicals and protect against premature aging;
  3. Raw eggs are good for women because they prevent the development of breast cancer;
  4. The properties of the raw product are used by many singers and orators to improve the timbre of the voice, because it acts as a lubricant for the ligaments and moisturizes the lining of the larynx.
  5. The use of raw eggs for men lies in their beneficial effect on potency. They accelerate ejaculation, saturate with essential fats and acids that are not synthesized in the body. Vitamins stimulate testosterone production and protein provides energy.

This is the only product that is absorbed by the body by 98%.


Not all people are ready to consume this agricultural product in its raw form. Therefore, they choose between hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs.

It is best to prepare them "in a bag". They taste better, and short-term heat treatment does not kill all valuable substances. They can be eaten by both adults and children.

Like raw eggs, soft-boiled eggs provide almost the same benefits. Harm is possible with excessive consumption or purchase of a product from an infected bird.

And hard-boiled ones are less digestible. So that they do not lose their positive properties, they should be cooked for no more than 8 minutes.

What is the harm

Chicken eggs have not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications. The ovomucoid protein can cause allergies. It is not destroyed even during heat treatment. Therefore, if a negative reaction occurs, the product should be completely excluded from the diet.

Raw eggs are harmful if laid by a sick bird. Then the risk of contracting salmonellosis is high. But in people with strong immunity, the disease practically does not manifest itself. Negative symptoms occur only in a weakened organism.

To destroy bacteria, the shell is thoroughly washed in hot water and soap, and then kept in a soda solution. But pathogens usually accumulate near the yolk, penetrating there through the pores. It is rather problematic to liquidate them in this way. Therefore, the best way out of the situation is to drink products only from domestic healthy birds.

In large farms, chickens are fed with an antibiotic - tetracycline, which destroys pathogens. Constantly entering the human body, this substance is addictive. If in the future you need treatment with a drug containing tetracycline, then it will not have the proper effect.

When and how much you can eat

Raw eggs are most beneficial when eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. They improve the intestinal microflora, promote comfortable digestion and improve the body's health. They can be drunk every day in their pure form and mixed with juice or milk.

People who do not have high physical activity should not eat more than 2 eggs a day. Athletes can increase this amount because protein is essential for gaining muscle mass. But yolks shouldn't be overused anyway.

People who eat eggs for breakfast experience a significant boost in energy. Nutrients keep the body energized for the whole day. They are best consumed with vegetables and herbs.

Proper nutrition is a balanced diet that provides the body with all the nutrients it needs. Eggs are a great addition to it, but they cannot replace other foods. To obtain a beneficial effect, it is necessary to think over a harmonious nutrition system that takes into account the basic needs of the body.

Chicken eggs are the property of the hen, just like any other mother who bears a fetus. But the people who set up the egg business believed that humans had the right to exploit mother chickens because they were stupid. However, researchers from the University of California, led by Harvey Karten, MD, professor in the Department of Neurology at the University of California, San Diego, have stated an immutable fact: human brains are like chicken brains. They found an area in the chicken's brain that analyzes incoming auditory information. And this area is very similar in design to the human brain, according to globalscience. (Source: Article "The chicken thinks like a person" (from the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda") Chickens are recognized as very intelligent birds. In addition, they are very organized and mutually polite; hens can stand in line calmly and without pushing. (According to the newspaper "Reporter" 5.10.2004).

What is the harm of eating eggs?

1) Eating eggs leads to an excess of bad cholesterol.
Eggs beat all records in cholesterol, the excess of which causes many diseases. Eggs contain about twice as much cholesterol as cheese and three times as much as lard.

One egg, depending on its size, contains 215-275 mg of cholesterol. Cardiologists strongly recommend that people with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease reduce their daily intake of cholesterol to 200 mg.

Eating any animal products (especially eggs and meat) inevitably leads to the accumulation of bad cholesterol.


For humans, only harmful (LDL) cholesterol (which is formed from food of animal origin) is dangerous, while good cholesterol (HDL) is formed only from plant foods.

Eggs have 23 times more cholesterol than chicken meat (20mg cholesterol for every 100g of chicken meat and 460mg cholesterol per 100g of egg yolk)

2) Eating eggs leads to early death from heart attack and stroke Our body, unlike the body of predators, is not able to regulate the content of animal fats and cholesterol. And since eggs contain excess cholesterol, a person's blood vessels become heavily clogged, which often leads to death from heart attacks and heart attacks.

Harvard Medical School said that consumption increases the risk of premature death in middle-aged men by 23%. The fact is that cholesterol, which is found in large quantities in the egg, contributes to the formation of fatty plaques in the vessels.

Diabetics are in a special risk group: consuming a large number of eggs increases their risk of death from heart attack and stroke by 2 times.

Professor at the University of Western Ontario (Canada) David Spence, said that eggs are very harmful. A group of experts led by Professor Spence conducted a large-scale study to find out how the amount of eggs consumed affects the health of patients, and found a steady increase in atherosclerotic events, heart attacks and strokes, EuroSMI reported.

Why do we eat chicken eggs?

1) We were so accustomed to the environment (parents, the society in which we were born). In fact, we have been imposed a public program to regularly eat chicken eggs, this is a recent habit of civilization.

2) We have never thought about why we repeat the habits of the society in which we were born. We have never thought about whether they are useful for us and where their use leads.

It should be noted that eating habits differ from country to country. In India, for example, more than 70% of the population do not eat eggs. Eggs are not eaten in various other regions of our planet either. There are over a billion people in the world who have never eaten eggs or heard anything about the fact that they can be something useful for eating.

Choice of food
Conscious scientists and naturalists, including Charles Darwin, agree that ancient people were vegetarians (they ate fruits, vegetables and nuts) before the ice age, when vegetables and fruits were not available. Despite the fact that a person began to eat meat, eggs and got used to it, our anatomy has not changed.

Dr. Spencer Thompson also notes: "No physiologist would argue that a person should live on a vegetarian diet."

Dr. Sylvester Graham writes: "Comparative anatomy confirms that man is naturally a herbivorous animal, sustaining its existence by fruits, seeds and mealy plants."

US therapist Michael Kleiper suggests the following in his health talks: “If you believe that nature is destined to eat meat, try to run into the field, jump on the cow's back and bite her. Neither our teeth nor ours nails can't even tear her skin. "

Human physiology (the structure of the body, intestines, teeth, fingers, etc.) suggests that a person is not capable of killing animals with claws on the run or digging into their flesh with his teeth, because we simply simply do not have any claws to kill or fangs for tearing meat. We generally have little in common with predators in terms of skeletal structure. Having carefully studied the human anatomy, it is easy to see that the human body is ideally intended only for plant foods, and the transition of humans to meat-eating occurred relatively recently and this is the cause of more than 85% of all diseases and early death, as said by Ayurvedic experts and Vedic experts. scriptures.

Many "vegetarians" eat eggs, ostensibly to supplement their diet with protein. However, eggs, like all other types of flesh, contain much less energy value than vegetarian food - moreover, a living creature in the form of an embryo is enclosed in the egg shell, which means it contains dead folded protein and the same foods and bacteria for decay as in meat.

The food mafia has widely spread the myth of the benefits of egg whites, but this is an ignorant lie that justifies the business of death. Eggs are not healthy food for the human body, as this "liquid flesh" decomposes in the long intestine even faster than meat. In addition to all this, eggs are the cause of the formation of foul-smelling ammonia gases in the intestines.

Any reasonable person can easily realize that people by nature were not egg-eaters, like a vulture (eater of falling) or a monitor lizard (eater of cubs of birds) or some other cold-blooded predator who is able to commit theft of children or the embryos of cubs of other animals for the sake of to eat someone else's flesh in cold blood.

There is a saying among the people: "Do not wish to another what you do not want for yourself." If heavily armed thieves burst into our home to take children to satisfy our stomach or taste habits, how would we feel knowing that we are too weak to protect children? Surely this situation is similar to a fragment from a horror movie. Now imagine the torment and suffering experienced by chicken mothers in relation to how people thoughtlessly and in cold blood take their unborn children away from them for eating.

Elements contained in eggs (primarily protein, or rather, amino acids) can be obtained easily and harmlessly without stress for humans and animals from purely vegetarian products. That is why recently more and more people are moving away from animal food products and are switching to the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. But each of us has the right to decide what he will eat, because the health and psyche of a person directly depend on the actions he does.

None of us has the right to criticize loved ones or other people around us, because many are simply asleep and unconsciously repeat the actions imposed by society from birth. And no one is able to finally help this or that person to wake up and make a wise decision, except for himself.

P.S. This article was written out of compassion for innocent baby birds, mother chickens and people who do not know what they are doing.

The article has been slightly edited

Eggs occupy a special place in the diet of modern humans. This is one of the quickest and easiest dishes to prepare. However, in the past, the attitude towards them was far from the same. But in the Russian national cuisine, in fact, they began to cook an egg as an independent dish several centuries ago. Scrambled eggs remained a festive dish for a long time. Eggs were not perceived as food raw materials for mixing with other products. Even in dough, they began to be used only in the 19th century, following the example of the French.

How can this be and why? After all, chickens have been in the peasant economy for a very long time and they always carried eggs regularly.

Let's figure it out ...

The 17th century in Europe can rightfully be called "chicken". More than 100 cultivated breeds of chickens have been bred. In Russia, breeding work will begin only in the 18th century. Before that, on peasant farms, chickens were carried irregularly, and the egg was almost half the size of the modern one. It took at least two dozen eggs to prepare a relatively nutritious meal.

Among the Russians, and indeed among the ancient East Slavic peoples, the egg appears in almost every spring rite. So, for the first time after winter, driving the herd out to graze, the shepherds always took chicken eggs with them, hoping that their cows would become the same round-faced and give a good offspring.

Among the Belarusians, a similar ritual was arranged differently: the owners, holding the icon, bread and a candle in their hands, walked around the cattle, and at the gate through which they were driven out, they laid an egg and laid the fur coat upside down. On the ascension - it was celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter; painted eggs were carried out into the field and thrown up.
This was done so that the rye would grow as tall.

The central place was given to the egg in Easter ceremonies. Eggs were sanctified in the church, they were "christened", carried to the graves of deceased parents and relatives. During Holy Week, young people had fun rolling eggs on a specially made wooden tray of silt from a slide.

It was also accepted to "beat" with eggs: whose egg will crack, he lost. Some boys achieved such a skill in this matter that they sometimes won a whole basket of eggs during the Day.

In some provinces, on the first day of Easter, peasants put a small pot of wheat on the table and buried a red Easter egg in them. Then the field was sown with these grains.

The custom of dyeing Easter eggs red dates back to pagan times, when the red egg was considered a symbol of the sun awakening nature after a long winter. The bright resurrection of Christ coincided in time with the pagan spring holiday.

Many drawings were made on Easter eggs, they were also called Easter eggs. There were a variety of ways to make them (usually women were engaged in this).

The most common ritual egg dish among the Slavs has always been scrambled eggs. She was fed to the young at the wedding, the girls were treated to the Trinity. The shepherds made sure to cook scrambled eggs for dinner on the first day of pasture.

In general, eggs were not considered real, serious food. The egg was rather perceived as pampering, permissible only for small children and gentlemen who were pampered in idleness. It’s too small for its size, and, as the peasants believed, it’s impossible to make anything worthwhile out of eggs.

In addition, eggs belonged to the "fast" food and therefore were excluded from the menu on fasting days. Especially many of them accumulated during Lent. Perhaps this explains the custom of giving painted eggs to relatives and friends for Easter.

For quite a long time, it was not customary in Russian cuisine to mix eggs with other products. However, over time, mainly influenced by French cuisine, the range of dishes using eggs has expanded.

First of all, they began to be added to the dough for pies, pancakes, noodles and other flour products, omelets, casseroles with eggs, etc. became widespread. And the old tested scrambled eggs underwent changes: they were ennobled with meat and vegetable additives, sauces.

At the end of the 19th century, the so-called eggnog - mogul was fashionable, especially among amateur singers. It was prepared from chilled chicken egg yolks, beaten with sugar. Rum, sherry or Madeira were also added to this mixture. It was believed that such a meal "purifies" the voice before singing.

Russia has never experienced a shortage of a fragile "egg" product. For a long time in the north and south of the country, in Siberia, in places of bird colonies, in the spring, bird eggs were collected in huge quantities.

True, even in those distant times it was understood that such predatory hunting leads to a reduction in feathered game. There were even laws prohibiting the destruction of nests and the removal of eggs from them. Those caught in this thieves' case were arrested for three days. Chicken eggs were considered the most suitable for eating.

It is believed that the first cultivated breed of chickens in our country was the Pavlovsk breed, bred by the middle of the 18th century. In any case, it is she who is mentioned by Peter Simon Pallas in his descriptions of Russia. Her egg production was 150-170 eggs per year, and the egg weight was about 50 grams.

In the culinary book "The Old Russian Housewife, Housekeeper and Cook" dated 1790, there is only one mention of this product: "Keep eggs fresh. Fill them with cow oil, where they will stay for almost a year as fresh as if they were now taken down. But oil can be used * after that at the cook.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the famous French culinary specialist Marie-Antoine Karem was invited to the court of Emperor Alexander I. The first thing the overseas chef surprised with was a poached egg.

Boiled without a shell in boiling water, the egg turned out to be airy and delicate in taste. And if in France the dish was an ordinary breakfast, then for the Russian nobility the poached egg became a delicacy.

However, even in the first quarter of the 19th century, elegant egg dishes remained the privilege of haute cuisine. For the common population, the situation changed when, during the Patriotic War of 1812 and the subsequent foreign campaign of the Russian army, tens of thousands of Russians had the opportunity to try what Europeans eat. In peasant huts, in apartments and houses of poor townspeople, they began to cook much more often various versions of scrambled eggs and omelets.

Russia was one of the world's largest suppliers of them to the world market. So, in 1903, the export of these products reached 2.8 billion pieces. But the quality of Russian eggs did not cause much delight among foreign buyers. There are several reasons for this.

The chickens were fed mostly offal. The collection of eggs was not organized either. It often happened by accident. Sometimes the hawkers were given eggs for small goods, and they drove them along the bumpy Russian roads and, of course, blabbed them. The quality of the eggs deteriorated and they were valued very low.

The peak of the popularity of egg dishes in our country fell on the Soviet period. In the 1930s, such a Soviet term even appeared - "the egg and poultry industry." During the first two five-year plans, 171 poultry feeding enterprises, 191 poultry slaughterhouses, 17 melange and 41 culinary shops were built. The Voronezh egg drying plant, which produces egg powder, was restored and refurbished, and about 30 poultry state farms were organized.

In Mikoyan's "Book of Delicious and Healthy Food" (1939), the egg was called a unique product rich in protein and amino acids. Egg dishes have become a favorite breakfast for Soviet people. But everything changed with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Chicken eggs were one of the first products to disappear from the shelves. Many people who are accustomed to cooking scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs in the morning were deprived of their usual product. However, a solution was soon found. In the American aid that has been received under Lend-Lease since 1942, there was also a place for egg powder - this ersatz replacement for eggs that suddenly became a delicacy.

At first, people were suspicious of this piece of industrial cooking. But the Soviet authorities did not let this process take its course. One after another, Pravda and other newspapers published articles on the benefits of egg powder. It followed from them that the new product possesses all useful qualities known to mankind. And natural eggs, in contrast to it, are harmful, they contain pathogenic bacteria and fats that weaken the body.

But everything comes to an end. The military difficulties also ended. Already in the mid-1950s, eggs appear on the shelves more and more often. However, the people, frightened by stories about their harmfulness, at first bypassed these shelves. And I must say that the lend-lease deliveries by that time ended long ago and all the powder supplies came to an end. It was then that the Soviet press was given the command to "turn back." "Natural eggs are very healthy and nutritious" - this idea suddenly struck their editors and journalists.

They say that after reading one of the first such articles, the outstanding actress Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya called her friends and happily exclaimed: “Congratulations, my dears! The eggs have been rehabilitated! "

The "harmfulness" of an egg is rather a fiction. It has long been proven that the cholesterol in eggs is neutralized by lecithin and is not deposited in the body in the form of plaques. Eating eggs is not only not harmful, but also useful - they contain a large amount of amino acids. Simply, as with any product, you need to know when to stop: no more than two eggs a day.

Eggs occupy a special place in the diet of modern humans. This is one of the quickest and easiest dishes to prepare. However, in the past, the attitude towards them was far from the same. In Russian national cuisine, the egg as an independent dish began to be cooked several centuries ago, and scrambled eggs remained a festive dish for a long time.

Eggs occupy a special place in the diet of modern humans. This is one of the quickest and easiest dishes to prepare. However, in the past, the attitude towards them was far from the same. But in Russian national cuisine, in fact, they began to cook an egg as an independent dish several centuries ago. Scrambled eggs remained a festive dish for a long time. Eggs were not perceived as food raw materials for mixing with other products. Even in dough, they began to be used only in the 19th century, following the example of the French.

How can this be and why? After all, chickens have been in the peasant economy for a very long time and they always carried eggs regularly.

Let's figure this out ...

The 17th century in Europe can rightfully be called "chicken". More than 100 cultivated breeds of chickens have been bred. In Russia, breeding work will begin only in the 18th century. Before that, on peasant farms, chickens were carried irregularly, and the egg was almost half the size of the modern one. It took at least two dozen eggs to prepare a relatively nutritious meal.

Among the Russians, and indeed among the ancient East Slavic peoples, the egg appears in almost every spring rite. So, for the first time after winter, driving the herd out to graze, the shepherds always took chicken eggs with them, hoping that their cows would become the same round-faced and give a good offspring.

For Belarusians, a similar ritual was arranged differently: the owners, holding an icon, bread and a candle in their hands, walked around the cattle, and at the gate through which they were driven out, they laid an egg and laid the fur coat with the fur up. On the ascension - it was celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter; painted eggs were carried out into the field and thrown up. This was done so that the rye would grow as tall.

The central place was given to the egg in Easter ceremonies. Eggs were sanctified in the church, they were "christened", carried to the graves of deceased parents and relatives. During Holy Week, young people had fun rolling eggs on a specially made wooden tray of silt from a slide.

It was also accepted to "beat" with eggs: whose egg will crack, he lost. Some boys achieved such a skill in this matter that they sometimes won a whole basket of eggs during the Day.

In some provinces, on the first day of Easter, peasants put a small pot of wheat on the table and buried a red Easter egg in them. Then the field was sown with these grains.

The custom of dyeing Easter eggs red dates back to pagan times, when the red egg was considered a symbol of the sun awakening nature after a long winter. The bright resurrection of Christ coincided in time with the pagan spring holiday.

Many drawings were made on Easter eggs, they were also called Easter eggs. There were a variety of ways to make them (usually women were engaged in this).

The most common ritual egg dish among the Slavs has always been scrambled eggs. She was fed to the young at the wedding, the girls were treated to the Trinity. The shepherds made sure to cook scrambled eggs for dinner on the first day of pasture.

In general, eggs were not considered real, serious food. The egg was rather perceived as pampering, permissible only for small children and gentlemen who were pampered in idleness. It’s too small for its size, and, as the peasants believed, it’s impossible to make anything worthwhile out of eggs.

In addition, eggs belonged to the "fast" food and therefore were excluded from the menu on fasting days. Especially many of them accumulated during Lent. Perhaps this explains the custom of giving painted eggs to relatives and friends for Easter.

For quite a long time, it was not customary in Russian cuisine to mix eggs with other products. However, over time, mainly influenced by French cuisine, the range of dishes using eggs has expanded.

First of all, they began to be added to the dough for pies, pancakes, noodles and other flour products, omelets, casseroles with eggs, etc. became widespread. And the old tested scrambled eggs underwent changes: they were ennobled with meat and vegetable additives, sauces.

At the end of the 19th century, the so-called eggnog - mogul was fashionable, especially among amateur singers. It was prepared from chilled chicken egg yolks, beaten with sugar. Rum, sherry or Madeira were also added to this mixture. It was believed that such a meal "purifies" the voice before singing.

Russia has never experienced a shortage of a fragile "egg" product. For a long time in the north and south of the country, in Siberia, in places of bird colonies, in the spring, bird eggs were collected in huge quantities.

True, even in those distant times it was understood that such predatory hunting leads to a reduction in feathered game. There were even laws prohibiting the destruction of nests and the removal of eggs from them. Those caught in this thieves' case were arrested for three days. Chicken eggs were considered the most suitable for eating.

It is believed that the first cultivated breed of chickens in our country was the Pavlovsk breed, bred by the middle of the 18th century. In any case, it is she who is mentioned by Peter Simon Pallas in his descriptions of Russia. Its egg production was 150–170 eggs per year, and the egg weight was about 50 grams.

In the culinary book "The Old Russian Housewife, Housekeeper and Cook" dated 1790, there is only one mention of this product: "Keep eggs fresh. Fill them with cow oil, where they will stay for almost a year as fresh as if they were now taken down. But the oil can be used after that at the cook.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the famous French culinary specialist Marie-Antoine Karem was invited to the court of Emperor Alexander I. The first thing the overseas chef surprised with was a poached egg.

Boiled without a shell in boiling water, the egg turned out to be airy and delicate in taste. And if in France the dish was an ordinary breakfast, then for the Russian nobility the poached egg became a delicacy.

However, even in the first quarter of the 19th century, elegant egg dishes remained the privilege of haute cuisine. For the common population, the situation changed when, during the Patriotic War of 1812 and the subsequent foreign campaign of the Russian army, tens of thousands of Russians had the opportunity to try what Europeans eat. In peasant huts, in apartments and houses of poor townspeople, they began to cook much more often various versions of scrambled eggs and omelets.

Russia was one of the world's largest suppliers of them to the world market. So, in 1903, the export of these products reached 2.8 billion pieces. But the quality of Russian eggs did not cause much delight among foreign buyers. There are several reasons for this.

The chickens were fed mostly offal. The collection of eggs was not organized either. It often happened by accident. Sometimes the hawkers were given eggs for small goods, and they drove them along the bumpy Russian roads and, of course, blabbed them. The quality of the eggs deteriorated and they were valued very low.

The peak of the popularity of egg dishes in our country fell on the Soviet period. In the 1930s, such a Soviet term even appeared - "the egg and poultry industry." During the first two five-year plans, 171 poultry feeding enterprises, 191 poultry slaughterhouses, 17 melange and 41 culinary shops were built. The Voronezh egg drying plant, which produces egg powder, was restored and refurbished, and about 30 poultry state farms were organized.

In Mikoyan's "Book of Delicious and Healthy Food" (1939), the egg was called a unique product rich in protein and amino acids. Egg dishes have become a favorite breakfast for Soviet people. But everything changed with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Chicken eggs were one of the first products to disappear from the shelves. Many people who are accustomed to cooking scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs in the morning were deprived of their usual product. However, a solution was soon found. In the American aid that has been received under Lend-Lease since 1942, there was also a place for egg powder - this ersatz replacement for eggs that suddenly became a delicacy.

At first, people were suspicious of this piece of industrial cooking. But the Soviet authorities did not let this process take its course. One after another, Pravda and other newspapers published articles on the benefits of egg powder. It followed from them that the new product possesses all useful qualities known to mankind. And natural eggs, in contrast to it, are harmful, they contain pathogenic bacteria and fats that weaken the body.

But everything comes to an end. The military difficulties also ended. Already in the mid-1950s, eggs appear on the shelves more and more often. However, the people, frightened by stories about their harmfulness, at first bypassed these shelves. And I must say that the lend-lease deliveries by that time ended long ago and all the powder supplies came to an end. It was then that the Soviet press was given the command to "turn back." "Natural eggs are very healthy and nutritious" - this idea suddenly struck their editors and journalists.

They say that after reading one of the first such articles, the outstanding actress Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya called her friends and happily exclaimed: “Congratulations, my dears! The eggs have been rehabilitated! "

The "harmfulness" of an egg is rather a fiction. It has long been proven that the cholesterol in eggs is neutralized by lecithin and is not deposited in the body in the form of plaques. Eating eggs is not only not harmful, but also useful - they contain a large amount of amino acids. Simply, as with any product, you need to know when to stop: no more than two eggs a day.

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