Course work: technology of post-harvest processing and storage of seed, food and fodder vehicles. Grain analysis in the laboratory Determining the quality of cereals

What, in turn, depends on its type and the provided application. Grain quality depends on several important factors, including genetic features, seed composition, growth period, harvest time, cleaning equipment and loading equipment, drying system, storage conditions and transportation. Analysis of grain quality includes three main categories that cover a variety of characteristics:

Physical - humidity, nature, size and shape of grain, glassy, \u200b\u200bweight 1000 grain, mechanical damage to grain, fracture, mechanical properties, aerodynamic properties
. Sanitary - Content of mold and mycotoxins, insects and parts of insects, excrement of rodents, foreign substances, poisonous seeds, residual number of pesticides, smell, dust
. Property - Flour outlet, oil content, protein content, hardness, density, starch content, nutritional value, germination, fitness for storage

Spectroscopy in the near IR spectrum area (bik) was used as a reliable analytical method in agronomy for many years. This is a highly efficient testing process, which is an alternative to expensive, time-in-time, laboratory "wet" chemistry. Portable technological and online bik systems can be used at various stages of the agricultural process, where the analysis is most effective for processes:

. Agronomas-breeders can determine the species of plants with the desired characteristics
. Ensuring proper quality of product and compliance with the requirements for products
. Measurements of nutrient components, such as oil, protein and moisture in fodder, grain and seed crops
. Measurements of soy flour in fodder crops and food
. Dry blades analysis with soluble substances (DDGS) and sulfur content

Reliable foss high precision spectrometers Ideal for use in grain crop cultures for improving the quality and food value of grain and other grain crops. In addition, FOSS spectroscopy systems do not negative environmental impact and are very well suited for use in grain storage, provide non-destructive quality control during processing and control of the final product in the production environment. Wider spectral wavelength wavelengths of the BIC technology from FOSS more carefully analyzes the samples for the presence of various components and their concentrations, including oil, protein, fatty acids, such as olein and linoleic acids, and amino acids, such as lysine and methionine in whole grains and seeds . Due to the variability arising in an uncontrolled medium, more voluminous data packets obtained through the added visible and third overtone regions play a key role in creating more reliable reference models.

The application of the BIC technology from FOSS largely increases the possibility of tightening the control of the technological process by means of more frequent testing, which, thereby improves product quality.


1. Technical and Economic Justification of the Project

1.1. Production of grain in the farm and the state of the material and technical base of grains

1.2. Calculation of grains

2. Plan of grainwall

2.1.Shemem existing in the farm of grains

3. Technology of reception, post-harvest processing, preliminary and stationary storage of seed, food and fodder grain

3.1. Preparation of the grains for receiving the grain of the new harvest

3.2. Reception and accommodation for preliminary storage of seed grain parties

3.3. Reception and accommodation for preliminary storage of food grain

3.4. Preliminary cleaning of the grain very

3.5. Drying grain verya

3.6. Primary Cleaning of Cereals

3.7. Secondary cleaning of seed and food grains and bring it to the relevant quality classes

3.8. Cleaning from hard-separated impurities of parties of seed grain and parties of high-quality food grain

3.9. Formation of commodity parties of seed grain

3.10. Formation of commodity parties of food grain

3.11. Formation of grain parties intended for laying on stationary storage

3.12. Outdoor grain quality control system

3.13. Quantitatively qualitative metering of grain movement

3.14. System of surveillance of grain and in grainclades

4. Draft layout of equipment and the optimal size of the grain

5. Analysis economic efficiency Works of grains

6. Safety and environmental safety

Conclusions and offers


Preservation and rational use of the entire grown crop, obtaining a maximum of products from raw materials is one of the main state problems. In connection with the seasonality of agricultural production, there is a need to store agricultural products, for their use for various needs during the year and more.

The development of science on the storage of agricultural products and the introduction of mechanization made it possible to conduct new improved technological techniques in practice, providing good storage of products and reduce costs during storage. Each agricultural specialist should be well focused on the quality of plant quality and ways to improve the nature of these products and the organization of their storage, as well as rational methods of processing and processing raw materials of agricultural production.

The purpose of the implementation of this work is to master the principles of the organization of grains, and familiarize themselves with the rules for the introduction and organization and maintenance of the technological process at grains when using a modern system of machines.

The tasks of this course work are:

- the average daily grain of grain coming on the grains, taking into account its actual quality indicators;

- the need for grain-cleaning, drying machines and other equipment;

- The need for areas for temporary placement of grain, grainclades and stationary units.

2. Set over the requirements of the current standards for the quality of seed, industrial and fodder grain.

3. Develop projects of plans:

- organizational and technical measures to introduce standards for grain, safety and environmental safety;

- placement of grain masses for preliminary and standard storage;

- to prepare the grains to work in the new season, as well as the system of intra-economic control over grain quality.

4. Hand in format A 4, the general plan for the grainwill before and after equipment calculations.

5. To write off the mass of grain mass after cleaning, drying three-month storage on current based on the rules of quantitative quality accounting and norms of natural loss.

6. Give an economic substantiation of the proposed measures to improve the work of the grains.

7. Share safety, fire safety and environmental safety requirements.

1. Technical and economic justification of the project.

Saving reserves of products with minimal losses is a very complex process. Specialists, technologists, economists, technologists and mechanics are engaged in the organization of storage products on a scientific basis.

The following storage tasks are delivered before experts:

1. Save foods and seed funds with minimal mass loss without reducing quality;

2. Improve the quality of products and seed funds during the storage period, applying the appropriate technological methods and modes;

3. Organize the storage of products is most cost-effective, with maximum work and funds per unit mass of the product, reduce costs when stored.

Rational storage of products is possible in the presence of the proper operation of the technical base.

1.1. Production of grain in the economy and the state of the material and technical base of grains.

The Manchard SEC "Manchar" of Ilishevsky district specializes in the production of grain and livestock production. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe economy is 6019g, including Pashnya 3182GA, 337 Ga and Pastures of 2019. The total number of employees is 253 people. In the structure of commercial products, the specific weight of the sale of cattle breeding products was 47.6%, including milk 25.7%, the sale of grain is 23.8%, produced by sugar beet 15.6%.

Soil cover is represented mainly by black soiled (49.6%), typical (27.7%). Southern winds prevail in the wind rose.

The structure of the scenery for last year Presented in Table 1.1. Characteristics of the Combine Park and inventory inventory of grainwall technological equipment, respectively, in Tables 1.2. and 1.3.

Table 1.1.

The structure of the sowing area in 2007.

Table 1.2.

The actual grain quality coming from the field on the grains.

Table 1.3. The target distribution of grain.

Table 1.4.

The yield and gross grain fees over the past 3 years.


Harvesting Square, ha Yield, t / ha Gross fees, t
2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007
winter Rye 240 250 253 2.3 1.9 2.1 552 475 531.3
winter wheat 250 260 257 2.0 1.7 2.4 500 442 616.8
spring wheat 760 850 750 2.1 2.7 2.6 1596 2295 1950
barley 300 250 250 2.8 3.0 3.2 840 750 800
oats. 200 150 150 1,9 1,8 1,8 380 270 270
buckwheat 150 180 200 0,9 0,9 0,8 135 162 160
peas 100 100 150 1,4 2,0 1,9 140 200 285
TOTAL 2000 2040 2010 - - - 4143 4594 4613

Table 1.5. Characteristics of the Combine Park.

For the production of grain, the economy needs to have their combines and various techniques, facilitating cleaning, as well as well-equipped grains, with conveniently located warehouses.

Table 1.6.

Inventory inventory equipment of grainshotok.

Table 1.7.

Inventory of storage facilities of grains

Indicators Warehouse number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. General information:
-Theit is built 1971 1971 1986 1988 1988 1999 1999
-Type project number
-Not by typical project
2. Constructive features of the walls:
-brick + + + + +
-wood + +
- concrete + +
-Asfalny + + + + +
3. The placement of grain for storage
- Dasy + + + + + + +
- Cool
- Tare
4. Measuring loading and unloading work:
-System conveyor, nories + + + + + + +

1.2. Calculation of grains.

a) the calculation of the maximum average daily flow of grain on the current.

The maximum average daily flow of grain on the current, which underlies all calculations of the need for grainwill in technological equipment, as well as determining the area of \u200b\u200bthe covered current or the profiled site is determined by the formula:

M x \u003d. Q. × dn × 1,1 (1)

where M X is the maximum average daily flow of grain on the current, t / day;

Q - the number of combines working on grain grip, pcs;

DN.V - daytime rate of production on a volume of one combine, taking into account its brand and grain yield, t / ha (on average per combine);

1.1 - the coefficient of performance increase under optimal harvesting conditions.

Then, there is a comparative analysis of the possibility of an economy for the implementation of the first technological rule, which reads: "All grain received from the field on the grains should pass a preliminary cleaning no later than 24 hours from the moment of its current receipt, and raw and wet grain - drying up to 14% Humidity "To do this, the maximum average daily flow of grain on the current in tons is divided into the calculated productivity of pre-purification machines (Formula 2):

T \u003d M x / ΣD calc. , (2)

where the actual amount of time that is spent on pre-purification, hour;

ΣD Calc. - Cumulative calculated machine performance

pre-cleaning existing on the grains, t / ha.

M x3 (SK- 5) \u003d 5 * 16 * 1,1 \u003d 88

M x \u003d 44 + 40,7 + 88 \u003d 172.7

T \u003d 172.7 / 15,25 \u003d 11.3 hours

b) the calculation of the need for technological equipment and the actual security of them.

The estimated productivity of pre-cleaning machines are determined by the formula:

ΣD.S. \u003d K 1 × ΣD.Psp.-K 2 × ΣD.Psp.-K 3 × ΣD.Psp., (3)

where σd.psp.- the total passport productivity of the pre-purification machines, t / h;

To 1 - correction coefficient at the type of grain (for pea and wheat, it is 1);

To 2 - correction factor of performance loss during grain treatment with a moisture content of over 16% (for grain with a humidity of 17% it is 0.05; 18% - 0.1; 19% - 0.15 ,; 20% - 0.20; 21% - 0.25; 22% - 0.30; 23% - 0.35; 24% - 0.40; 25% - 0.45; 26% - 0.50; 27% - 0.55; 28 % - 0.60; 29% - 0.65; 30% - 0.70);

K 3 is a correction factor of performance loss when processing grain with a separable impurity content (weed + grain) Over 10% (for grain with a separable impurity content of 11% it is 0.02; 12% - 0.04; 13% - 0, 06; 14% - 0.08; 15% - 0.10; 16% - 0.12; 17% - 0.14; 18% - 0.16; 19% - 0.18; 20% - 0.20 ).

The need for grains in additional preliminary cleaning machines (MPO additional) is by the formula:

IGO \u003d (T / 16.8) - 1, (4)

where MPO add. - Additional need for grainwall in pre-cleaning machines, pcs;

T - the actual amount of time spent on pre-purification of the most average daily amount of grain, an hour;

16.8 - the maximum possible time of the vehicle per day, an hour.

MPO \u003d 11.3 / 16.8 - 1 \u003d -0.3

Determine the mass of waste at preliminary cleaning, based on the implementation of the technological rule, attributing a decrease in the initial clog of the grain vehicle by 50% with the loss of the main grain of 1.5% by the formula:

M Sorrow \u003d (m x × n p / 100) × 0,515, (5)

where m x - the mass of the variety of a variety, t;

P p - the initial content of weed and grain impurity,%;

Then the residue of the grain after preliminary cleaning is:

M x1 \u003d m x - m , (6)

The need for grainwill in grain dryers is determined by the formula:

ZS \u003d M x1 / (16.8 × d Pasp. × to 4 × to 5 × to 6) , (7)

where ZS is the need for grain dryers, pcs;

d Pasp. - Passport productivity of the existing grain dryer, t / h;

K 4 - correction coefficient at the type of grain: millet - 0.8; peas, wheat, barley, oats - 1.0;

To 5 - correction coefficient on humidity (for grain with humidity

17% -0,70; 18%-0,80; 19%-0,92; 20%-1,0; 21%-1,10; 22%-1,20; 23%-

1,31; 24%-1,40; 25%-1,54; 26%- 1,63; 27%-1,75; 28%-1,88; 29%-2,01; 30%- 2,14);

By 6 - correction coefficient for the target grain. When drying food parties to 6 \u003d 1.0; when drying seeds - 0.5; When drying peas - 0.5.

The calculated data is compared with the actual presence of pre-purification and grain drying machines and solve the issue of the need for additional acquisition of missing equipment. At the same time, take into account the following rule: "The loading of pre-cleaning machines should be at least 80% of the calculated productivity, and the grain dryers are at least 70%.

In the absence of a dryer in the grain, the purchase and installation of the drying unit is provided, the best mine type, a capacity of at least 10th / hour.

If a grain dryer has a grain dryer and the need for calculations is 0.6 and more, then the acquisition and establishment of new drying equipment are not installed.

M x1 \u003d 172,7 - 15,12 \u003d 157,58t

2 grain dryers are required.

c) Calculation of demands in bunkers or acting ventilation sites and covered areas for grain and security.

For a grain very, which does not have time to dry during these operating days, calculate the needs in the bunkers of active ventilation for temporary placement and drying of grain according to the formula:

Bav \u003d [m x 1 - 16.8 × (d Pasp × to 4 × to 5 × to 6)] / in × to 7 (8)

wHERE BAV - Needs in the bunkers of active ventilation, pcs;

d Pasp - Passport productivity of grain dryers (OK), t / h;

B - the capacity of the bunker of active ventilation, T;

To 7 - correction coefficient on the type of grain: Wheat, peas - 1;

rye - 0.89; barley - 0.76; Oats - 0.61.

Bav \u003d (172.2-16.8 (8 * 1 * 0,5)) / 25 * 1 \u003d 3.9 ~ 4

We calculate the loss of grain mass (%) after drying by the formula:

X \u003d ( W H. W K. / 100 - W K. ) × 100. (9)

where x is the rate of reduced grain moisture,%;

W h - initial grain humidity,%;

W k - grain moisture after drying,%.

The remaining grain weight after drying will be:

M x2 \u003d m x1 - (m x1 × x / 100), (10)

where M x2 - Mass of the grain of the average daily arrival after drying, t.

X \u003d ((21-15) / (100-15)) * 100 \u003d 7.1

M x2 \u003d 157,58-(157,58*7,1/100)=146,4

d) the calculation of the need for grainclades and the actual security of them.

In case of an accident in the power grids, all technological equipment on the graining will be idle, and the grain from the field will continue to come on the grains, for its proper placement and elimination of damage from self-heating, calculate the need for profiled areas or indoor. The area of \u200b\u200bthe profiled area (covered current) - S nn is determined by the formula:

S nn. \u003d M x / γ / 0,2 (11)

where S nn. The area of \u200b\u200bthe profiled area, m 2;

γ - the nature of grain, t / m 3 (peas \u003d 0.75 t / m 3);

0.2 - The thickness of the extraction of grain, m.

S nn \u003d 172.7 / 0.75 / 0.2 \u003d 1151.3 m 2

The need for primary, secondary cleaning machines and in pneumatic sorting tables each is individually calculated on the basis of the passport performance of these machines by the formula:

POM \u003d M x2 / (16.8 × d Pasp × K 1 × 0.8) ,(12)

where Pom is the need for cleaning machines, pcs;

d Pasp - Passport productivity of cleansing machines, t / h;

0.8 - The optimal loading coefficient of the machine.

The need for cribs for seed grain is calculated by the formula:

N prot \u003d m s / 14.4 (d Pasp × to 1), (13)

where n is the need for crutches, pcs;

M s - the mass of the planned seed grain, t;

d Pasp - Passport productivity of the provers, t / h;

K 1 - correction coefficient at the type of grain.

N prot \u003d 57 / 14.4 (10 * 1) \u003d 57/144 \u003d 0.4 \u003d 1pc

Requires one breeder.

The need for a cargo area of \u200b\u200bwarehouses is calculated by the formula:

S. FROM \u003d M z / (γ × 2.5 × to 3) (14)

where s s is the area of \u200b\u200bthe grainblades, m 2;

M Z grain weight intended for stationary storage, t;

γ – Grain bulk weight, t / m 3;

2.5 - maximum height of grain mound, m;

K 3 - utilization factor geometric Square

znostoskladov, equal to the grain storage of 0.7 ... 0.8.

S C \u003d 285 / (0.75 * 2.5 * 0.7) \u003d 219.2 m 2

108.8 m 2 warehouses

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe grains is found by the formula:

S. = S. from + S nn. + S. 3 + S. 4 (15)

where S is the grains of grains, m 2;

S s - Square of grain stosings, m 2;

S PP - the area of \u200b\u200bthe covered current, profiled sites, m 2;

S 3 - area under the auto, laboratory, stationary

Grain cleaner complexes, m 2;

S 4 - area under the bunkers of active ventilation, utility rooms, sanitary objects, etc., m 2.

S \u003d 219.2 + 1151.3 + 4400 + 140 \u003d 5910.5 m 2

Total grinding area 5910.5 m 2

The need for grains in labor for one shift is found according to the formula:

PC \u003d. Q. PC + Q. OPR + Q. pM , (16)

where RS is the need for grains in labor for one shift, a person in shift;

Q pcs - number of full-time workers, man;

Q ORD - the number of operators for stationary units, man;

QPM - the number of service personnel for mobile cleansing machines and grain dryers, including installation of active ventilation, person.

PC \u003d 6 + 4 + 5 \u003d 15 people

The need of grainwill in the working force per shift -15 people

Then we determine the total power of electric motors installed on the equipment and calculate the electricity consumption for post-harvest processing and grain storage according to the formula:

Q. 3 = Q. a × 75 × 16.8 (17)

where q 3 is the consumption of electricity for post-harvest processing and storage, to W / h;

QA is the installed capacity of all electric motors, kW;

75 - the average duration of the work of the grains, days;

16.8 - The average duration of work per day, hour.


a) m x1 (don-1500) \u003d 1 * 40 * 1,1 \u003d 44

M x2 (don-1200) \u003d 1 * 37 * 1,1 \u003d 40.7

M x3 (SK- 5) \u003d 5 * 16 * 1,1 \u003d 88

M x \u003d 44 + 40,7 + 88 \u003d 172.7

T \u003d 172.7 / 15,25 \u003d 11.3 hours

Σ d q \u003d 1 * 25 - 0.25 * 25 - 0.14 * 25 \u003d 15.25 t / h

b) MPO \u003d 11.3 / 16.8 - 1 \u003d -0.3

Additional machines for pre-cleaning are not needed.

M Sorrow \u003d (172.7 * 17/100) * 0,515 \u003d 15,12t

M x1 \u003d 172,7 - 15,12 \u003d 157,58t

After pre-cleaning, 157,58t grains remain.

Zs \u003d 157,58 / (16.8 * 8 * 1 * 1,1 * 0,5) \u003d 157,58 / 73.92 \u003d 2.1 ~ 2

2 grain dryers are required.

c) Bav \u003d (172.2-16.8 (8 * 1 * 0,5)) / 25 * 1 \u003d 3.9 ~ 4

4 active ventilation bins required

d) s nn \u003d 172.7 / 0.75 / 0.2 \u003d 1151.3 m 2

The area of \u200b\u200bthe profiled area - 1151.3 m 2

POM \u003d 163.5 / (16.8 * 25 * 1 * 0.8) \u003d 0.5 \u003d 1pc

Requires one cleaning machine.

P prot \u003d 922.6 / 14.4 (10 * 1) \u003d 922.6 / 144 \u003d 0.4 \u003d 6pcs

Relivery required.

S C \u003d 142.5 / (0.75 * 2.5 * 0.7) \u003d 108.8 m 2

108.8 m 2 warehouses are required.

S \u003d 108,8 + 1151.3 + 4400 + 140 \u003d 5800.1 m 2

Total grinding area 5800.1 m 2

PC \u003d 6 + 4 + 5 \u003d 15 people

The need for grains in the workforce per shift is -15.

Q 3 \u003d 159.3 * 75 * 16.8 \u003d 200718 kW / hour.

Table 7.

Balance of technological equipment, squares and inventory.

Available Required additionally
Name and Mark. Number Name and Mark. Number
1 Stationary grain-cleaning unit head-2.5 -
1 Mobile grain cleaning machine OVS-25

Grain dryer


Grain dryer

Ventilated bunkers 1 Ventilated bunkers 4
Program Semyps-10 1 Program Semyps-10 1
PS-100 grain loader 1 PS-100 grain loader 1
2 SM-4 secondary cleaning machine 1

Conclusions on the first partition: In the household, the "Manchar" of the Ilvishevsky district, the combines of SC-5 Niva, DON-1200, DON-1500 are working. The average daily receipts of grain from the field on the grains of 21%. For efficient work, it is necessary to ensure the need for additional technical equipment, especially in crop and wet years. From the above calculations, there are still a need for another 2 additional grain dryers of SZSH-8.

2. Blanc grains

2.1. Scheme existing in the farm of grains.

Conditional designations according to the scheme:

1- Auto Laboratory

2- warehouse number 3.

3- warehouse number 4 for mixed grain

4- stationary grain-cleaning unit head-25

5- warehouse number 1 for food grain

6- SL No. 6 for mineral fertilizers

7- warehouse number 7 for food grain

8- warehouse number 5 for pesticides

9-open current with mobile grain cleaner (aggregates) machines

10- grain dryer SZSH-8

11- Secondary Cleaning Machine CM-4

12- Mobile grain-cleaning machine OV-25

13- PS-10 Seed Protear

Conclusion on the second section :

This section conducted a reconstruction of the existing grainwall. As a result, the following equipment was added: ZZSH-8 grain dryer in the amount of 2 pieces, since everything is necessary 3 pieces. An open current with mobile grain cleaning machines was converted into a closed current with a roof, in order to protect against atmospheric precipitation.

3. Technology of reception, post-harvest processing, preliminary and inpatient storage of seed, food and fodder grain.

3.1. Preparation of the grains for receiving the grain of the new harvest

Table 8.

Approximate work plan for the preparation of the grainwill to work in the new season.

Name of events date Responsible
1 Stripping warehouses Until 01.06.

Head Tokom

Head Warehouse

2 Drawing up a plan for the implementation of crop balances on the basis of an act of stripping. Until 03.06. Agronom - Semenovod
3 Stripping warehouses, equipment and territories of grains from the residues of crop past years Until 05.06.

Head Tokom

Head Warehouse

4 Determination of the volume of current repairs of grainblades, asphalt concrete sites, covered currents Until 07.06.

Construction brigade

5 Determination of the volume of current repair equipment repair Until 10.06. The main mechanic of grains
6 Repair of warehouses, asphalt concrete coatings Until 30.06.

Construction brigade

7 Repair of equipment and utility inventory Until 30.06. Repair Brigade Slicer
8 Sink of grainblades and grains Until 10.07. Agronom - Semenovod
9 Chemical disinfection of the territory of the grains and grainblades Until 15.07. Agronom - Semenovod
10 Liminary whitewashing Until 20.07. Warehouse Manager
11 Registration of technical and technological passports in the context of granaries and workers Until 26.07.

Agronom - Semenod,

warehouse Manager

12 Development of grain plans for preliminary and stationary storage Until 25.07. Agronom - Semenovod
13 Acceptance of the preparedness of the grains to work in a new grain shot Until 27.07 Commission
14 Registration of an act on the degree of readiness for work in the new season Until 27.07. Commission

3.2. Reception and accommodation for preliminary storage of seed grain batches.

The storage of crop products is a set of measures to preserve grain stocks and other products before implementing or processing.

From each second car, samples are selected by the seed agronomist. The moisture content of the grain to express jets, the content of separable and hard-separated impurities is determined. According to these results, the place of unloading of a particular party is determined, as well as the scheme of the grain part-time and the sequence of passing each batch of grain through the grain cleaning machines and the dryer.

Dry seeds store a higher embankment, while the coefficient of use of the useful volume of repository increases and costs for storing the unit of mass of products are reduced.

Grain and seeds are stored in a dry and chilled states.

Thus, on the grain-storage grain, there is a granary, equipped with active ventilation. It is a single-storey building sectional type. The main mass of the seeds is located at 125 tons with a 2,5m mound altitude. Each section is designed for 500 tons of seeds. Accommodation acceptance is carried out so that it is convenient to continue to work with grain.

Table 9.

Project Plan for the placement of seed grain of pea varieties of "worker" for pre-storage.

Storage of seed grain batches are carried out in open areas before the start of the post-harvest processing, pre-purification, drying, primary and secondary cleaning, etc.

3.3. Reception and accommodation for preliminary storage of food grain

Reception of grain from the field is carried out by a weigher in conjunction with the head of the current. The grain supplied on the grains from the field should be accompanied by a transbiner coupon, a driver's passage, a trip to the import of products from the field. Based on these documents, the register for grain, which indicates: field number, culture, variety, surname, name, chamofing and combiner, car number, gross mass and net.

The vehicle and the head of the current determines the place of pre-storage of the grain (the warehouse number where this grain batch should be unloaded) prior to complete analysis, according to the results of which they make a conclusion about its appointments and further use.

Food grain batch formed with regard to:

1) humidity;

2) availability of different varieties;

3) quality class.

Pre-storage of grain is divided into two stages:

IETAP. Temporary storage of grain has passed the full cycle of post-harvest processing or storage of freshly lubricated grains in bunkers equipped with active ventilation. This is a forced economically reasonable storage of the grain preliminary cleaning, waiting for repeated via grain dryers and cleaning.

Stage II. Temporary storage of the grain of the past the full cycle of the post-harvest processing or not communicated to the consideration is sometimes in humidity.

3.4. Preliminary cleaning of the grain very

This is an auxiliary grain cleaning operation, it is carried out to provide favorable conditions when performing subsequent operation of post-harvest grain processing. In steam-cleaning machines, large impurities are isolated from the grain vest, which increases the bulb of the grain mass, increases the resistance to self-heating.

Pre-cleaning machines must perform cleaning freshly brown, humidity up to 40%, the content of separable impurities up to 20%, including straw to 5%. In the process of cleaning, at least 50% of the weed impurities should be isolated, including all straws. Preliminary cleaning is most effective only if it is carried out immediately upon receipt of the grain to the current. The delay in cleaning even overnight is associated with the danger of grain self-heating, reduced quality, in addition, there is a rapid redistribution of moisture between grain and a pile, resulting in grain humidity.

3.5. Drying grain verya

Drying is the main technological operation to bring grain into a persistent state.

The drying of the grains is carried out to reduce humidity to the limits that provide it in storage, as well as to combat

inime by pests. When drying on the dryers, it is used to purge the grain layer with a hot mixture of low-air gas from the outer air using ventilation. The gas-air mixture is supplied to the dryer-filled grain chamber, passing through the grain mass, the grain is heated, the gas-air mixture strokes the selected moisture and takes outward. The grain at moisture is mixed, which improves the contact of individual grains with a mixture of gases and speeds up the drying process. The grain of the hot chamber is sent to the cooling. The most common drum and mine dryers of continuous action are the most common. The temperature is 60-120ºС, the heating of grain is not more than 45º from the seed and 55º with food.

SSSH-8 Mine Shaft Dryer. The chamber of the dryer is a tower, which is height several times the sizes of the parties of the cross section. The dryer is the installation of primary action. With the established modes of work, the grain enters the mine from above, and the output from the bottom and slowly moves, the grain in the mine is about 10 minutes. If in one pass through the shaft grain does not dry up to a certain humidity, then it is released back to the bunker. The dried grain falls through the unloading device into the dried bunker and further gravity, which raise it and fed into the cooling columns. The grain is cooled in the cooling column of active ventilation. The grain is then applied to grain-cleaning machines in accordance with the grain-cleaning vehicle., On final refinement.

The main thing in the provision high efficiency The dryers lies in compliance with the installed grain drying modes, taking into account its humidity and targeted purpose and other features.

3.6. Primary Cleaning of Cereals

This operation is carried out after the primary cleaning and drying of the grain very. The operation is to distinguish with a greater number of large, small and light impurities with minimal losses of the main grain, the grain weight must have a humidity no higher than 17% and contain a weed admixture of no more than 4%.

In the primary cleaning machines, not only impurities are isolated, but also sort the grains into the main, seed and fodder fractions. To do this, an additional sorting solution is included in the lattice mill of the machine, highlighting a separate fraction of large and small grains of the main culture. The starting material is divided during primary purification by 4 fractions: purified grain, fodder, large and small impurities, small waste. Even with careful adjustment of the working bodies of the machine, it is not possible to avoid losses of the main grain into waste. The permissible total loss of the main grain should not contain more than 3% of impurities. Technological efficiency of about 60%. Primary cleaning in the farm is carried out heads-20 and OPV-25.

3.7. Secondary cleaning of seed and food grains and bring it to the relevant quality classes

Secondary cleaning is used mainly to process the grain of the seed destination, which has passed the primary cleaning.

On these machines, in one pass, it is possible to bring seeds to norms II II classes of the sowing standard, if there are no difficulty impurities. In the machines, the separation occurs on 4 fractions: grain seeds II grain, aspiration waste, a large admixture and a small impurity. The losses of the main culture seed should not exceed 1%, the ingress of full seeds in II variety is not more than 3%, overall crushing up to 1%. To maintain the established standards, humidity is not higher than 18%, the content of the weed impurity is no more than 2%. If after processing is not achieved required requirements By purity, due to the presence of an elevated impurity, the grain is additionally purified in triper blocks or on pneumatic tables.

In the triraction process, the purified grain, short and long impurities are distinguished. The content of full grains in the waste is not more than 0.5% in the processing of food grains and 3% seed.

3.8. Cleaning from hard-separated impurities of seed grain parties and parties of high-quality food grain.

If in the grain there are difficulty impurities, it is additionally purified in special blocks or pneumatic tables.

Trier cylinders are special grain-cleaning machines used to release short or long impurities from the grain mass, which has undergone primary and secondary cleaning. Trierization is necessary at the level of clogging that respond to conditional standards, if there are harmful and especially harmful impurities.

In the process of triery, three fractions are isolated: purified grain, short and long impurities, the content of full grains in waste should not exceed 0.5%, when processing food grains 3% when cleaning seeds.

By density, the components are separated on the decks and pneumatic sorting tables, which are a frame, covered by the web, which regulates the slope in the longitudinal and transverse direction of grain-cleaning machines and grain dryers. Place of control: grains.

For pea, a pettery is a difficulty admixture.

3.9. Formation of commodity parties of seed grain

For sowing, seeds of zoned and promising varieties appropriate to the following standards should be used:

I class 99.5

Grade 98.0

III Class 95.0.

On the sowing qualities, pea seeds are divided into two classes in accordance with the requirement of GOST.

Table 10. Pea seed classes.

3.10. Formation of grain parties intended for laying on stationary storage.

This work is carried out by agronomist-seedovod, using the results of the output quality control. Each commercial party, intended for implementation, is issued by the following types of documents:

- a varietal certificate issued on the basis of an act of approbation;

- certificate quality of seeds based on intra-economic control;

- Commodity invoice together with a certificate, which is issued by the plant of chemicalization and protection of plants.

3.11. Outblow quality control system for grain.

1) Pre-control.

Conducts an agronomist-seed. In the field, on all areas on a special technique, sheaves are selected and indicators are determined by quality (mass fraction of crude gluten, gluten quality groups, grain nature, humidity). According to these results, fields with high-quality grain, mid-quality and low-quality grain are determined. A plan is drawn up for further measures to accommodate the grain and the post-harvesting of its current refinement.

Pre-control can also be carried out during control runs. The results are issued by the appropriate act.

2) Field approbation.

In accordance with the Special Standard, the fields 1st, 2nd, and the 3rd category of varietary purity are determined. 1st and 2nd - seed grain; 3rd - Food Grain.

3) Input quality control.

It is carried out when the grain is acceptable. From each second car, samples are taken by agronomomomomomomomomomovod. The moisture content of the grain to express jets, the content of separable and hard-separated impurities is determined. According to these results, the place of unloading of one or another parties is determined, as well as the scheme of the grain parting and the sequence of passing each grain batches through the grain cleaning machines and the dryer.

4) control over the correctness of the placement of grain for prior storage.

It is based on the input quality control. Each party in accordance with the special plan is placed at a specific point, is numbered and drawn up in a special table, in which indicators are entered: the moisture content of the grain, the state of grain by humidity, the category of varietal purity, class on sowing qualities, breaking, batch mass, place of storage and responsible For storage.

5) control over the technological efficiency of the equipment is carried out according to the standards set out in paragraph 3.

6) Output quality control.

It is carried out on all quality indicators regulated by the relevant standards, depending on the target. It is carried out separately for each grain batch after the end of all types of its part-time.

3.12. The system of quantitative and high-quality accounting for the movement of grain on the current.

During the storage period, changes in mass and quality occur. In this case, the increase in grain can be carried out only after mixing the entire grain in this storage and establishing the conformity of the revealed shortage of losses. The amount of decrease should exceed the difference of the humidity indicator on the arrival and flow rate from the recalculation and the magnitude of the loss.

Loss of humidity during drying is by the formula:

X 1 \u003d 100 × (a-c) / 100- in,

where x 1 is the size of the moisture decreased from the reduction of humidity,%;

A - indicator of humidity on arrival,%;

In - indicator of humidity on consumption,%.

X 1 \u003d 100 × (21-15) / (100-15) \u003d 7.1%

Dectence in grain mass from lowering the weed impurity should not exceed the difference in the indicators of the weed impurity on the arrival and consumption of grain with recalculation by the formula:

X 2 \u003d (B-1) × (100 - 1) / (100-g),

where x 2 is the desired percentage of loss in mass,%;

In - weed adherence on the parish,%;

G is a weed intake of consumption,%.

X 2 \u003d (3-1) × (100-7,1) / (100-1) \u003d 1.9%

∑ = 7,1%+1,9%=9%

Received on the current 285t pea

HT - 9% x \u003d 285 × 9/100 \u003d 25.7

After cleaning and drying remains:

285T - 25.7 \u003d 259.3T

3.13. System of surveillance of grain and in grainclades .

Proper systematic control over the quality and condition of bread products during storage is a necessary condition for ensuring storage without unwanted processes, reduce costs and storage losses.

To observe the condition of the grain during storage in a grain embankment, it is recommended to lay ladders 300-400 mm wide with a transverse brusade cross section of 4 × 4 cm. The lads are placed around the perimeter and in the middle, while the surface of the embankment is divided into sections of approximately 200m 2.

Temperature is the most sensitive indicator varying under the influence of the environment and physiological processes occurring in the grain mass.

For measuring air temperature, ordinary spiral or mercury thermometers are used. In a warehouse, with a mound height of more than 1.5 m, the temperature is measured in three layers, if height is less than 1.5 m - in two.

Humidity is the main factor in the preservation of grain, the generation of the effects of temperature, humidity of various layers of embankment, grain ability to sorption and desorption, respiration and other processes changes. Humidity for dry grain and medium dryness is measured once a month, as well as after each movement of active ventilation by medium sample. Pest grain population - very important indicator

Table 11.

The duration of observation of the temperature of the grain masses during storage.

Table 12.

Duration of observation of grain inhibition by pests .

Conclusions to the third section: Technology of reception, post-harvest processing of preliminary and stationary storage of seed and food grain has begun from the development of a work plan for the preparation of grainwill to work in the new season.

Post-blood processing of grain begins with pre-purification of the grain very. Then the primary and secondary cleaning of seed and food grains are carried out, and it is communicated to the corresponding quality classes. After that, the cleaning of parties of seed grain and parties of high-quality food grain begins against difficulty impurities.

After all these operations, the formation of commodity parties of seed and food grain is carried out.

4. Draft layout of equipment and the optimal size of the graining area.

The total grinding area is 5910,5m 2, the area under the grainclades is 2400m 2;.

Economic grains are equipped with grain mass purification machines:

- stationary grain-cleaning unit head-25 - 1pc.;

- Mobile grain-cleaning machine OVS-25 - 1pc.;

- grain dryer SZSH-8 - 3pcs.;

- Bunker active ventilation - 4pcs.

Avtovaya with a laboratory is best placed near the open current of the grain-cleaning machine. Grain loader next to the food grain warehouse. The grain dryers should also be located near the warehouse of food grains. Protreser is placed on the seed warehouse.

5. Analysis of the economic efficiency of the work of the grains.

The economic efficiency of the work of the grains is determined by comparing the costs of post-blood processing of grain, its storage and amount of money revenue from the sale of products by improving the quality of grain during post-harvest processing.

Costs are united in the following articles:

- expenses for depreciation of storage and equipment;

- expenses for the current repair of storage and equipment;

- salary;

- payment of the cost of electricity, fuel and other materials;

- expenses for the natural normalized loss of mass of products;

- Expenses for excess product loss.

The rate of depreciation of capital storage and equipment is 3-5%, wooden 5-10%, bins, containers - 12.5%, mechanical equipment, conveyors, grain-cleaning machines -8-10%, ventilating plants-15-20%. The cost of granaries and equipment must be taken in the accounting department of the economy, you can use price lists for technological equipment and materials that are additionally planned to be purchased.

Current repairs must comply with the amount that is released by the economy for these purposes and entered the Promphinplane; In the absence of data from the farm, it should be planned in the amount of 3-5% of the book value of the OPF.

Labor costs include paying for the main technological processes; The wage of the storekeeper, the head. current, newsletter, guard, mechanics, electrician; general running costs; District coefficient and deductions for social needs (insurance).

The cost of the cost of electricity is determined by the total power of electric motors installed on all objects of the grains and warehouses, on the basis of their continuous operation within 75 days. The cost of acquiring fuel and lubricants is determined by the established standards and the current price list.

In determining the costs associated with the natural and excessive loss of grain weight during post-harvest processing and storage, we first determine the loss of mass on the norms of natural loss (storage for 3 months) and in acts to write off or receiving over the normative loss of the mass and determine their value on the current price list or purchasing prices.

The cost of finished products is determined by procurement prices, taking into account the improvement of the quality of the grain sold. For the grain of soft wheat, the cost of the 4th or 3rd class, for winter rye - the cost of class A. Profit is found by the difference in the value of grain in the test weight received from the field to the current and the cost of finished products. Profitability is calculated by the formula:

UR \u003d p / s × 100, (18)

where UR is the level of profitability,%;

P - Profit from sales of higher products

qualities; in rubles per 1T;

C - the sum of all costs for post-harvest processing and

grain storage; In rubles per 1T.

The level of profitability characterizes the effectiveness of those additional costs, which are produced in farms on post-harvest processing and storage of seed, food and fodder grain, i.e. increase its quality. The level of profitability, in this case, characterizes the degree of efficiency of the operation of the grains, and not the production of grain as a whole. All calculations are issued in the form of a table.

Table 13.

The economic efficiency of the post-harvest processing and storage of grain on current per ton.

Indicators number
rubles %
Grain weight in the test weight received for post-harvest processing and storage, t 259,3
The cost of the received grain, rub 2852300
The cost of all fixed assets, rub 2880000
Depreciation rate,% 288000 10 from the photo
Depreciation costs, rub 144000 5 from the photo
Current repairs, rub 864000 3 from the photo
Fund of remuneration to all categories of workers with the district coefficient, rub 328000
Social insurance deductions, rub 87248 26.6 from the photo
Cost of electricity, rub 124000
The cost of fuel and lubricants, rub 864864
Cost of auxiliary materials, rub 28800
The cost of mass losses on the norms of natural and excessive losses, rub 284900
Total all costs (cost work), rub 2725812
The mass of finished products, t 259,3
The cost of finished products, rub 3889500
Total profit, rub 1163688
Profit for 1t grain, rub 4488
Profitability level,% 43

An example of calculating the economic efficiency of the work of the grains

1) The physical grain mass is determined as a gross grain collection on average for 3 years.

2) The mass of grain in the test weight is determined by the natural discount percentage per percentage when the actual moisture and weed impurity is exceeded over the basic.

At B \u003d (21-15) / (100-15) -100 \u003d 7.1%

U C \u003d (3-1) × (100-7,1) / (100-1) \u003d 1.9%

HT - 9% x \u003d 285 × 9/100 \u003d 25.7

285-25.7 \u003d 259.3Т.

3) the cost of the received grain 259.3 * 11000 \u003d 2852300 rub

4) The cost of all fixed assets is equal to 2880000 rubles

5) Depreciation consumption is 5% of the cost of fixed assets and is equal to 144,000 rubles

6) Current repair consumption is 3% of the cost of fixed assets and is 864,000 rubles

7) Warm to work equal to 328000 rub

8) All types of deductions are 26.6% of remuneration

328000 * 0,266 \u003d 87248 rub

9) the cost of electricity is determined by the total power of electric motors 207522 * 0.75 \u003d 155642 rubles

10) The cost of fuel is 864864 rubles

11) The cost of auxiliary materials is 1% of the cost of fixed assets and is equal to 2880 rubles

12) The cost of mass losses on the norms of natural loss and excessive losses

285 * 0.0909 \u003d 25.9T * 11000 \u003d 284900 rub

13) Total line of strings from 5 to 12 and get 2725812

14) the mass of finished products is equal to 259.3T

15) The cost of finished products:

259.3 * 15000 \u003d 3889500 rub

16) Profit: 3889500-2725812 \u003d 1163688 rub

17) profitability


Conclusions of the Fifth section: According to the results of the calculation, the profit from the work of the grains was 1163688 rubles. The cost of post-blood processing seeds-2725812 rub. The level of profitability was 43%. This indicator characterizes the degree of efficiency of additional costs for post-harvest processing and storage of seeds and the degree of efficiency of the grains.

In order to increase the profitability, it is necessary to reduce the costs of post-harvesting grain treatment, as well as the marketing service in the farm to find solutions for the sale of grain at a higher price.

It is necessary to purchase modern technique, which, with greater performance, costs remain low.

6. Safety and environmental safety

Working conditions when working with grain on any S.-H. The company is regulated with the sectoral Standard OST - 46.3.1. 110 Post-harvest grain processing.

The main provisions of the standard.

1. In all dumped pits there should be a safety lattice;

2. Seeds and grain should be processed at specially equipped items, shops, granaries, in an isolated divergence compartment provided by the relevant aeration and aspiration system (dust removal);

3. Equipment of aggregates is intended for post-harvest processing and storage of grain; It is forbidden to use for etching;

4. Train safety zones of warehouses and sites must be fallen on warning tables or painted in preventive colors;

5. When placing equipment on the site, it should be provided: the convenience and safety of the maintenance and the possibility of emergency evacuation of people in the event of an accident. The intervals between the equipment must be at least 1M;

6. All lighting devices must be closed with hermetic vials and swaying at least 2 times a week.

7. Metal parts of any electrical installations must be grounded by a special scheme;

8. All rooms must be provided with good fire extinguishing agents;

9. Fire hardware and inventory should be placed in a prominent place and have free access.

When placing an electric motor at a distance of more than 5m from the drive or mechanism, it is necessary to provide for the ability to stop the electric motor with a button located near the mechanism.

Move manually transport, grain cleaning machines or electrical grain dryers can only be turned off the shield.

Organizational work include:

1. Work time and recreation.

2. Supervision and control over observance of labor protection.

3. Training and instruction.

4. Construction of grounded devices.

5. General rules Electrical safety during operation.

6. Fundamentals of fire equipment.

7. Defectual assistance in accidents.

During the processing of crop production, there is the possibility of environmental pollution. This is possible at such events as seed etching, disinfection of warehouses, emissions of grain waste beyond the territory of warehouses and current.

Before performing events related to the pesticides, you need to notify the population in advance.

Conclusions and offers

SEC "Manchar" of the Ilishevsky district has a good technical base, in this climatic zone you can get high grain crops, process and store them in optimally necessary conditions. However, as everywhere there are certain disadvantages, both in the form of a lack of equipment and in the organization of work on post-harvest processing and storage of grain and other processing products.

The grain often falls on the grains of moist due to weather conditions, while there is a lack of active ventilation and grain dryers. It is necessary to equip the profiled area for temporary grain storage in the case of the power outage.

Thus, if you eliminate the shortcomings to ensure technological equipment and improve the organization of the work of the grains, as well as to establish control over the quality of the processed products, this will lead to an increase in the profitability of the grains and the economy as a whole.

1.2 The quality of the sold seed and food grain, its compliance with the requirements of the current GOST

Table 1.5 The actual grain quality coming from the field on the grains

From table 1.5 it can be seen that to obtain the conditioned seeds seeds brought from the fields, you should dry and clean.

Table 1.6 Target grain distribution

1.3 Calculation of grains

The maximum average daily receipt of grain on the current, which underlies all calculations of the need for grainwill in technological equipment, as well as determining the area of \u200b\u200bthe covered current or the profiled platform is determined by Formula 1.1:

M x \u003d Q * day. B * 1.1 (1.1)

where M X is the maximum average daily flow of grain on the current, t / day;

Q - the number of combines working on grain volume, pcs.;

DN.V - daytime rate of production on a volume of one combine, taking into account its brand and grain yield, t / ha (on average per combine);

1.1 - the coefficient of performance increase under optimal harvesting conditions.

M x \u003d 2 x 63.3 x 1,1 \u003d 139.3 t / day don - 1500

Then there is a comparative analysis of the possibility of the economy for the implementation of the first technical rule, which reads: "All grain that came from the field on the grains should pass preliminary cleaning no later than 24 hours from the moment of its receipt, and the raw grain is drying up to 14% humidity." To do this, the maximum average daily receipt of grain on the current in tons is divided into the calculated productivity of the pre-cleaning machine:

T \u003d m x / σg calc. (1.2)

where T is the actual amount of time that is spent on pre-cleaning, an hour.

Σg calc. - Cumulative estimated productivity of pre-purification machines available on the grains, t / h.

T \u003d 139.3 / 32.5 \u003d 4.3C.

The estimated productivity of pre-purification machines are determined by Formula 1.3:

Σg calc. \u003d K 1 * ΣG Pasp. - K 2 * ΣG PASP. - K 3 * ΣG Pasp., (1.3)

where σg Pasp.- Total Passport Productivity of the Pre-Cleaning Machine, t / h;

To 1 - correction coefficient in the form of grain (for pea and wheat, it is 1; rye 0.9; barley 0.8; oats 0.7; buckwheat 0,6);

By 2 - a correction factor of performance loss during grain treatment with a moisture content of over 16% (for grain with a humidity of 17% it is 0.05; 18% - 0.1; 19% - 0.15; 20% - 0.20; 21 % - 0.25; 22% - 0.30; 23% - 0.35; 24% -0.40; 25% -0.45; 26% - 0.50; 27% - 0.55; 28% -0.60; 29% - 0.65; 30% - 0.70);

K 3 is a correction factor of performance loss when processing grain with a separable impurity content (weed + grain) Over 10%, (for grain with a separable impurity content of 11% it is 0.02; 12% -0.04; 13% - 0, 06; 14% -0.08; 15% - 0.10; 16% -0.12; 17% -0.14; 18% - 0.16; 19% - 0.18; 20% - 0.20 ).

Σg calc. \u003d 1 x 50 - 0.25 x 50 - 0.10 x 50 \u003d 32.5

The need for grains in additional pre-cleaning machines are found by Formula 1.4:

MPO \u003d (T / 16.8) - 1, (1.4)

where MPO is an additional need for grainwill in pre-cleaning machines, pcs;

T - the actual amount of time spent on pre-purification of the maximum - average daily amount of grain, an hour;

16.8 - the maximum possible time of the vehicle per day, an hour.

MPO \u003d (4.3 / 16.8) - 1 \u003d -1 pcs.

We then determine the mass of waste at preliminary cleaning, based on the execution of the technological rule prescribing the decline

the grain vest clog is 50%, with the loss of basic grain to 1.5% by formula 1.5: M Sorrow \u003d (M x * PR / 100) * 0.515 (1.5)

where M Sorrow - the mass of the removed system, T;

PR - the initial weeding content of the grain impurity,%.

M Sorrow \u003d (139.3 x 15/100) x 0,515 \u003d 10.7

The residue of grain after preliminary cleaning will be:

M X1 \u003d MX - M Sorrow (1.6)

M x 1 \u003d 139.3 - 10.7 \u003d 128.6 t

The need for grainwill in grain dryers is determined by Formula 1.7:

ZS \u003d M x1 / (16.8 * g Pasp. * K 4 * to 5 * to 6) (1.7)

where ZS is the need for grain dryers, pcs.;

g Pasp - Passport productivity of existing grain dryers (OK), t / h;

K 4 - correction coefficient on the type of grain: millet - 0.8; Wheat, barley, oats - 1.0;

To 5 - correction coefficient of humidity (for grain with a humidity of 17% - 0.70; 18% - 0.80; 19% - 0.92; 20% - 1.00; 21% - 1.10; 22% - 1.20; 23% - 1.31; 24% - 1.46; 25% - 1.54; 26% - 1.63; 27% - 1.75; 28% - 1.88; 29% - 2 , 01; 30% - 2.14);

By 6 - correction coefficient for the target grain. When drying food parties to 6 \u003d 1.0; when drying seeds - 0.5; When drying peas - 0.5.

ZS \u003d 128.6 / (16.8 x 8 x 1 x 1.10 x 1.0) \u003d 1 pc.

According to the results of calculations, the need is 1pc., There is one grain dryer in the farm. This is not enough. For a grain very, which does not have time to succumb to the data of operating days,

calculate the need for active ventilation bins for temporary placement and grain drying by formula 1.8:

Bav \u003d / B * K 7, (1.8)

where Bav is the need for active ventilation bunkers, pcs;

g Pasp. - passport productivity of the grain dryer, t / h;

B - the capacity of the bunker of active ventilation, T;

K 7 - correction coefficient at the type of grain: wheat, peas - 1; rye - 0.89; Barley - 0.76, Oats - 0.61.

Bav \u003d / 25 x 1 \u003d -1 pcs.

The mass decrease of grain after drying is calculated by Formula 1.9:

X \u003d ---------------- x 100 (1.9)

where x is the rate of reduced grain moisture,%;

W H is the initial moisture content of grain,%;

W K - grain moisture after drying,%

X \u003d (21 - 14) / (100 - 14) x 100 \u003d 8.1%.

The remaining grain weight after drying will be:

M x2 \u003d m x1 - (m x1 * x / 100) (1.10)

where m x2 is the mass of grain of the average daily arrival after drying, t.

M x2 \u003d 128,6 - (128.6 x 8.1 / 100) \u003d 118.2 t

In case of an accident in the power grids, when all the technological equipment on the graining will be idle, and the grain from the field will continue to come on the grains, for its proper placement and elimination of damage from self-heating, the need for profiled sites is calculated.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe profiled area is determined by the formula:

SPP \u003d M x / Γ / 0.2 (1.11)

where s pp is the area of \u200b\u200bthe profiled area, m 2;

γ - the grain nature, t / m 3;

0.2 - The thickness of the extraction of grain, m.

SPP \u003d 139.3 / 0.74 / 0.2 \u003d 941 sq.m.

The need for primary, secondary cleaning machines and in pneumatic sorting tables each is individually calculated, based on the passport performance of these machines according to the formula: POM \u003d M X2 / (16.8 * G Pasp. * K 1 * 0.8) (1.12)

where Pom is the need for cleaning machines, pcs;

g Pasp - Passport productivity of cleansing machines, t / h;

0.8 - The optimal loading coefficient of the machine.

POM \u003d 118.2 / (16.8 x 20 x 1 x 0.8) \u003d 1 pc.

The need for cribs for seed grain is calculated according to the following formula: P prot. \u003d M C / 14.4 (G PASP * K 1) (1.13)

where m s is the mass of the planned seed grain, t;

g Pasp - Passport Productivity of Protrier, t / h;

To 1 - correction coefficient in the form of grain;

N prot. \u003d 96 / 14.4 (10 x 1) \u003d 1 pc.

The need for a warehouse area is determined by the following formula:

S c \u003d m z / (γ * 2.5 * to s) (1.14)

where M 3 is a grain mass, intended for stationary storage, T;

γ is the bulk weight of the grain, t / m 3;

2.5 - maximum height of grain mound, m;

To S is the coefficient of use of the geometric area of \u200b\u200bgrainclades, equal to the storage of grain with a punch of 0.7 ... 0.8.

S C \u003d 1592 / (0.74 x 2.5 x 0.8) \u003d 1076m 2

The total grinding area is determined by the formula:

S \u003d S C + S PP + S 3 + S 4 (1.15)

where S is the grains of grains, m 2;

S 1 - Square of Znostkladov, m 2

S PP - the area of \u200b\u200bthe covered current, profiled sites, m 2;

S 3 - area under auto, laboratory, stationary grain cleaner complexes, m 2;

S 4 - area under the bunkers of active ventilation, utility rooms, sanitary objects, etc., m 2.

S \u003d 1076 + 941 + 1200 + 400 \u003d 3617m 2

The need for working force for one shift is defined as follows: R.S. \u003d Q pc. + Q ORD. + Q PM .., (1.16)

where R.S. - The need for grains in labor for one shift, people. in shift;

Q pc. - the number of full-time workers, people;

Q ORD. - the number of operators for stationary aggregates, people;

Q P.M. - Number of service personnel for mobile cleansing machines and grain dryers, including installation of active ventilation, people.

R.S. \u003d 4 + 3 + 10 \u003d 17 people.

Now we will define the total power of electric motors installed on the equipment and calculate the cost of electricity for post-harvest processing and grain storage.

Q e \u003d q A * 75 * 16.8, (1.17) where q e is the flow of electricity for post-harvest processing and storage, kW / hour;

Q A is the installed capacity of all electric motors, kW;

75 - the average duration of the work of the grains, days;

16.8 - Average duration of work per day, hour

Q e \u003d 139.5 x 75 x 16.8 \u003d 175770 kW / hour

Table 1.7 Balance of technological equipment, squares and inventory

Available Required
Name and Mark. Number of Name and Mark. Number of
1. Purifier of the beach of seeds OVS-25 1 - -
2. Stationary cleansing machines head-20 1 - -
3. grain dryer SZSH -8 1 - -
4. Prodor PS-10A 1 - -
5. PS-100 grain loader 1 - -
6. Active ventilation bunker - -

Conclusions on the first section

In SEC "Michurina" of the Aurgazinsky district, two combines operate annually during grain rapidly. The average daily receipt of grain from the field on the grains is 139.3 tons per day, with a humidity of 21%. For efficient operation of the grains, it is necessary to ensure the need for additional technical equipment, especially in the most damned and wet years. According to the calculation, additional pre-purification machines are not required. The existing in the rural farm is quite enough to rout seeds.

2 Zerootoka Plan

2.1 Scheme existing in the farm of grains

Conclusions on the second section

To increase the efficiency of the work of the grains, it is necessary to organize work in two shifts, and the grain dryers - as necessary in three shifts, i.e. around the clock. For the proper operation of technical equipment, it is necessary to create all the conditions for monitoring the quality of the grain produced.

It is also necessary in terms of reconstruction to take into account the need for grains additional equipment. Based on our need to design the installation of two BAV-25 active ventilation bins.

Attribute "An essential feature, an integral property of something), since such a definition should characterize the essential property of the phenomenon under consideration. In this sense, the organization of the employment process at the enterprise is a system of production relationships of workers with means of production and each other, forming a certain procedure for the implementation of the employment process. Essential ...

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection" of SEC "Izyumovsky" produces deductions to the federal budget in the amount of 10% of the profits for pollution of the medium. Conclusions and suggestions The system of internal economic economic relations covers: property issues; The procedure for the formation of production programs of the economy and its divisions; The procedure for using the produced ...

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Gigroscopic grain mass is especially important to consider when processing and storage. As a result of the interaction of the grain mass with environmental The moisture content of grain is continuously changing before establishing the equilibrium.

3.11 Analysis of grain grain crops and buckwheat

Bread cereals are an exceptionally diverse group of field cultivated plants. It includes eight basic botanical genera. Determination of grain breads: For the convenience of study, bread cereals can be divided into two groups that differ from each other in many morphological, biological and economic signs. The first group makes wheat, rye, barley, and oats, second group - millet, corn, sorghum, rice.

Table 2.1.

Bread of the first group

Bread second group

1. The abdominal side of the grain has a clear longitudinal groove.

1.Rodulic groove on the abdominal side of the grain is absent.

2. Suggested by several germinal roots, the number of which has different kinds of unequal.

2. Suggested by one embryonic root.

3. In the spikelet, lower flowers are stronger.

3. In the spikelet, the top flowers are better developed.

4. Recovery to heat is smaller.

4. Recovery to the body is higher.

5. Requirements for moisture large.

5. Recovery to moisture is smaller (for the exceptions of rice).

6. There are winter and core forms.

6. There are only core forms.

7.Things (long day).

7.Things (short day).

3.12 Analysis of bean crop seeds

Food importance are peas, beans, lentils, rank, nut, soybean, beans. Seeds of legume crops outside covered with a dense shell, under which two semi-silders are connected by Rosthat. Bean cultures contain: proteins 30% or more (valuable in composition, since rich in indispensable amino acids), carbohydrates up to 60%, fat about 2% (except soybean, containing fats up to 20%, carbohydrates up to 30%, proteins up to 40%) .

The disadvantage of leguminous crops is the slow rilability of their seeds (from 90 to 120 minutes). To accelerate the raffleness of the seeds of some legume crops (pea, lentils), collapses, i.e. Remove the seed shell. This reduces the cooking by about 2 times.

Peas comes from Afghanistan and East India, the fruit of pea - bob - consists of flaps and seeds. In the structure of the flaps of beans, pea varieties are divided into sugar and briefs. Sugar varieties are used in food along with seeds in the form of so-called blades. Luxury varieties are not edible. When ripening seeds, the bean flaps is easily separated, so such a pea variety is called long.

The briefing varieties are divided into brainwalls, which are used in breasts to prepare vegetable canned foods (green peas), and smooth-hospital, which in full maturity are divided into two types: food and fodder. Food peas, depending on the color of the cotyledon, is white, yellow and green. On the size of seeds, peas are divided into large, medium and small. Pea seeds retain nutritious and taste properties within 10--12 years.

The beans in color are divided into three types: white, colored monophonic and color print. Lentils - ancient agricultural culture, in Russia known from the XIV century. The seeds with a diameter of 5 mm are reminded by a biconimous lens. There are two types - northern growing in the central regions of Russia, and the South, which grown in Ukraine. Soya - Universal World Bean Culture. From soybeans get flour, oil, milk, cheese; It is added to confectionery, canned food, sauces and other food. Soy use only after industrial processing. In natural form, soybeans are not suitable for food. Nut and rank are in many ways similar to peas. In food, they are used, like peas, in fresh, boiled and fried. It is prepared canned food, and from flour - cookies and other products.

Figure 21: Beans of various grain legumes: A - peas; b - lentils; V - Nut; g - beans; d - Vika; e - feed beans; Well - soy; Z - Lupine

The main factor determining the process of expiry of the bulk material is the dynamic arch of the hole. When conducting experiments, a reflective cone was placed in the formation zone of formation, the size and height of the cone installation was determined depending on the best effect of the uniform grain expiration for this bunker.

The flow rate of bulk material, as shown experiments, does not depend on the initial density of its laying. Thus, it can be assumed that the flow rate of the bulk material during its free expiration from the hole is determined by the value of the sub-water volume over the hole or an increase in the number of holes for the release of grain from the silo or the bunker, and therefore the uniform high-quality grain release (since the grain mass of heterogeneous, heterogeneity changes Height in the process).

3.13 Analysis of oilseeds for oilseeds and essential cultures

Definitions of oilseeds for seeds: Seeds in oilseeds are considered genuine seeds in the botanical values \u200b\u200bof this word, the fruits. To avoid errors and confusion in the further definitions of these parts of the plant, it is necessary to use botanical terminology, strictly varied fruits from seeds. The fruits and seeds of oilseed plants are easily distinguishable between themselves, except for the group of cruciferous oilseeds considered to be particularly. Nevertheless, for the first acquaintance with the plants of the oilseed group, it is advisable to establish various between fruits and seeds of individual species, moving further to the study of the remaining parts of the plants. general characteristics The fruits and seeds of oilseeds due to their large varnisaries are difficult and not seemed necessary. Signs of fruits and oilseeds of oilseeds.

Determination of oilseeds to shoot oilseed seeds placed in proper conditions of humidity and heat, when accessing air oxygen, germinate. Seed germination begins with the fact that the root, breaking the seed shell or and the seeds and the fetus, if the fruits are sighable (sunflower, safflower,), goes out, is embedded in the soil, bending the end (growth point), and rooted in it, continuing to grow further. Almost simultaneously begins to be lengthened and the growingly curved other sublimated knee, the segment of the stem between the embryonic root and seedlings. This gravy knee in the embryo is extremely short.

Starting to lengthen simultaneously with the germination of the seed, after rooting the germs root pulls as it growth on the day surface and semi-silders. Here, above the surface of the soil, the curved arc, the satellite knee straightens, and the semi-syedols located at its end are open and green, turning into the first unreal leaves, or as they are called, seedy leaves. After the seedy leaves are revealed and begin to assimilate, from the kings, located between them from the growth point of the plant, the first real leaves begin to form.

Determination of essential oil plants: Mint multiplies vegetatively. It is usually planted with rhizomes; Mint seeds and agricultural production are usually not used. Sowing materials of essential oil plants, a family of umbrellas serve fruit or parts of the fruits to which it disintegrates. Fruits in all indicated essential oil plants of a family of an umbrella small value (3-5 mm), spherical or elongated form. Each fruit consists of two dry, unscrewing fries containing one seed.

Between the dams there is a so-called column, usually separated from above and to the base into two parts. In some species and varieties, fruits in ripens are disintegrated into two froths, which are thinking one at the split parts of the column. On the surface of the fruit there are 10 more or less clearly pronounced longitudinal ribs.

Determination of essential oil plants in shooting: with germinations of seeds of essential oil plants of the family of umbrella seeds are taken to the surface of the soil. Disconnected seedlome leaves are somewhat different different speciesBut in the total elongated form. After the appearance of seedy leaves from the kings, located between them, the first real leaves develop. These leaves have more distinct differences in different species and unfold in one species in pairs, others have one. The first real leaves of germs facilitate the definition of plants on shooting.

3.14 Analysis of the seed (sowing) grain

Party of seeds is a certain amount of homogeneous in the quality of seeds (one culture, one variety, one harvest). The probes of various shapes or samplers are used as sampling devices. From point samples make up a combined sample, which is a combination of mixed point samples. From the combined sample by the method of quartwing (cruciform division) allocate the average sample. The mass depends on the size of the seeds and is weighing 1000 grams. The average sample is isolated in 3 copies. The first is used to determine the purity, germination, viability and mass 1000seyan), the second - to determine the humidity and infection of pests, the third (mass of 200 grams) is to determine the infection of seed diseases. Taking the sample of secondary samples is issued by the act of selection (in two copies). The basis of the results of the laboratory analysis of medium samples. Seed inspections are issued documents on seed sowing qualities.

IV. Technological analysis of grain processing products

4.1 Sampling Flour for Analysis

Samples of flour are taken by a flour dipstick, which is injected towards the middle part of the bag, the chute down, then rotate 180 ° and removed. The total mass of selected recesses should be about 2 kg. Samples are placed in a clean bag or to a jar with a tight-closing lid. In the accompanying documentation, which is embedded inside the bag or banks, the name of the type and variety of the product, the place and date of its receipt, the place and date of sample sampling, as well as the position, surname and signature of the person who has swam the sample is. The determination of organoleptic properties of flour 20 g of the studied flour is scattered on a piece of paper, heated by breathing, and then examined for the presence of smell. To enhance the smell, the same amount of flour poured into a glass, poured with a small amount hot water With a temperature of 60 ° С, after which the water is drained and the smell is determined.

Wheat flour Must have a white with a yellowish color color, only the wobble flour flour 96% grinding is allowed a grayish shade with noticeable particles of shells. Odor peculiar to normal flour; It should not be felt, the smell of mold, sharpness, etc., the taste is slightly sweet. When chewing, a crunch should not be felt.

Determination of the acidity of flour: 5 g of flour, 50 ml of distilled water was introduced into the conical flask, with a capacity of 100-150 ml and stirred to the complete disappearance of flour lumps. Then add 2--3 drops of a 1% alcohol solution of phenolphthalein and titrated 0.1 n. A solution of caustic potassium or caustic soda to the appearance of a weakly pink color persistent for 1 min. The acidity of flour is caused by acids in it and is expressed in degrees. The degrees of acidity denote the amount of 1N. The solution of caustic natra or caustic potassium (ml) spent on the neutralization of acids in 100 g of flour.

Determination of moisture of flour: 5 g of flour contribute to the tarred metal or glass fucts, after which they are placed in an open form for 40 minutes in a drying cabinet at a temperature of 130 ° C. The fucts extracted from the thermostat are closed with covers and placed until complete cooling into an excitator with dry calcium chloride or concentrated sulfuric acid, then weighed. The moisture of flour should not exceed 15%

Definition of gluten. Gluten is a hydrated protein-fat complex, which includes mainly two protein substances - glyadin and glutenin. The bakery properties of flour depend on the quality and amount of gluten. The mood of flour in 25 g is transferred to the mortar, add 13 ml of tap water room temperature and is mixed with a pestle - to a homogeneous mass. At the end of the kneeling pieces of the dough, attached to the pestle, the knife is returned to the mortar, and the dough formed in the mortar is adjusted by hand and, pulling in the form of a ball. Leave for 20 minutes. Then take the dough in the hands and, carefully warm it, begin to wash off the starch and shells either in the tank with water, or under a weak jet of running water over thick sieve. If gluten is washed in the tank, then the water as the contamination changes are changed by turning through the sieve. Pieces of broken gluten join a total mass. The gluten is considered washed, if transparent water is pressed from it. Next, gluten is weighed, then for 5 minutes is washed under the jet of water, after which it is pressed and weighed again. If the difference between the first and second weighing does not exceed 0.1 g, the process of washing the gluten is considered to be finished.

The amount of gluten in percent to the initial mass of flour is determined by the formula:

where a is a mass of gluten, r; B - Snack Flour, G.

Gluten quality indicators are its color, extensibility and elasticity. The color is distinguished by "light", "gray" and "dark" gluten. To determine the tensileness from the gluten, a piece of mass of 4 g is taken, make the ball from it and placed in a cup with water room temperature for 15 minutes, and then, taking the ball with three fingers of both hands, slowly stretch the gluten over the ruler, fixing the maximum stretchability at the time of the break. Depending on the degree of tensile, there is a short, medium and long gluten, the extensibility of which is respectively up to 10 cm, from 10 to 20 cm and "more than 20 cm.Obelicity of gluten is judged by the degree of recovery rate of the initial form after squeezing or small, about 2 cm, stretching.

Freshness of flour. It is determined by the nature of the color of the chloroform layer (the device Novos, which is a special tube with pin-shaped thickening from below. At the bottom of the test tube there is a ring-shaped cutting, in the middle part - a circular division, as well as a series of divisions, departing up and down from a circular. Test tube are filled with chloroform To circular division, 1 g of the flour under study is made, covered with a plug and stirred, turning over two or three times from above, then installed in a vertical position for 30 minutes.) Fresh flour paints chloroform in milk-white color. If the flour is spoiled, then chloroform briefly acquires a dirty brown color, after which it becomes transparent.

4.2 Sampling and Circular Analysis

Quality Crops are installed for each homogeneous batch based on the results of the laboratory analysis of the medium sample. To establish individual performance indicators of products take a hitch - part of the average sample of cereals. Select the recesses of the cereals from the sewed bags the dipstick from the upper, middle and lower part. The dipstick is injected towards the center of the bag from the bottom up, the groove down, then rotate 180? and take out. From the blank bags with linen stitching of the excavation takes from the neck. From each package unit, one packet of cereals is selected, which is a notch. Selected grooves are connected to compile the original sample.

Then the original sample is aligned with a thin layer and using a plank is divided into four triangles. Of the two opposite triangles, the products are removed, and from the others are combined, while about 1.5 kg. On the average sample organoleptically determined: color, smell, taste, crunch.

4.3 Sampling and Feed Analysis

Selection of feeds is carried out to control the compliance with current regulatory documents on the content of gamma and beta-emitting radionuclides. Sampling of agricultural raw materials or feeds with optimal time and funds must ensure the presentation of the samples, most fully and reliably characterizing nuclear pollution. Sample selection is carried out by specialists who have the necessary preparation in the field of radiation control.

For sampling, the following tools and equipment are used: sickle, knife; bucket, mug; Slap brags, carriages; sampling of bulk feed; tweezers; Metal or plastic scoops; cylindrical tubes with an internal diameter of 9-10 mm; Banks with tightly closing covers; Wooden planks with beveled ribs. The applied tool must be clean and after the selection to be deactivated with detergent with subsequent dosimetry control.

Sampling of agricultural raw materials and feed for radiation control includes: selection of point samples; drawing up a combined sample; Allocation of the middle sample. The mass or number of average samples taken to analyze is regulated by the measurement method used in the radiation control laboratory conducting measurement. Spot samples are mixed and form a combined sample. Of the combined sample form an average with a mass of at least 5 kg. Spot samples are mixed and form a combined sample.

Of the combined sample form an average with a mass of at least 3 kg. Point samples of concentrated feed are selected from the places of production and storage in accordance with GOST 13496.0. Samples are mixed and form a combined sample. Of the combined sample form an average with a mass of at least 2 kg. After the selection, the average samples of agricultural raw materials and feed are packaged in drawers, box pallets, fabric and polyethylene bags. For arbitration tests, the mass of the middle sample of agricultural raw materials and feed is doubled.


Fire safety instructing and complied with all the requirements according to safety.

During the passage of practice at the enterprise, I studied the laboratory equipment the principle of their work. I got acquainted with the entire process of acceptance, storage and shipment of grain. In the laboratory, learned to carry out grain analyzes for its quality, humidity, clogs, the infection of pests, determined the gluten, glassy, \u200b\u200bfilm, learned to properly select the sample as using the probe and the automatic sampler. He studied the work of shaft grain dryers, trieres, separators and the principle of their work. He studied the entire process of acceptance, shipment and drying grain.

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Introduction Safety in the laboratory. Laboratory equipment

2 weighing

3 Definition of humidity

5 grain infestation pests of bread reserves

6 Definition of grain nature

7 Determination of grain ash

8 Definition of grain glass

10 Determination of bakery properties of flour

11 Newest laboratory equipment. Bread and grain processing enterprise

2 work elevator

4 Warehouses and grain processing products

6 The process of operation of the grain dryer. Technoochemical analysis of grain

1. Weighing analysis

2 Sampling

3 grain freshness indicators

4 Humidity of grain

5 Grain Blasting Indicators

7 bread reserves pests

8 Grain Minerals

9 Acidity

10 Physical properties Grain Mass

11 Analysis of grain grain crops and buckwheat

14 Analysis of seed (sowing) grain. Technological analysis of grain processing products

1 Sampling and Flour Analysis

2 Sampling and Circular Analysis



In the period from 10/31/13 12/14/13 He passed the practice on the basis of Argim Astk LLP, from 05/15/14. on 4.06.14 A practice was carried out on the basis of the GKPP College of Agribusiness.

The purpose of this practice is to acquire skills to work with the equipment in the enterprise.

According to the set goal, the following tasks were performed:

familiarize yourself with the safety appliance in the enterprise;

explore the structure of the elevator and the laboratory;

correctly select the sample;

purify grain from various impurities;

learn to sort grain;

allocate the average grain sample;

learn how to enjoy the equipment;

conduct analyzes for humidity, infection, etc.

Elevator is complex industrial production. To manage such an enterprise, it is necessary to understand many issues related to the right storage of both grain and oilseeds, know the technology of all production, techniques and methods for the efficient use of grain and equipment. The development of technological processes and machines for the processing industry of the agro-industrial complex is one of the most important tasks of scientific organizations of our country.

Based on modern requirements, many existing elevators need deep reconstruction or in technical re-equipment based on a new generation of equipment and automation equipment. Domestic typical technological processes occurring on the elevator are far behind the foreign analogues on the material intensity, the specific energy intensity occupied by the area and the level of automation.

I. Instructing safety in the laboratory. Learning laboratory equipment

1.It is necessary to work in the laboratory in a bathrobe, protecting clothing and skin from entering and corrupting reagents and microorganisms.

2.Everyone should work on the workplace attached. The transition to another place without the permission of the teacher is not allowed.

.The workplace should be kept clean, not to clutter it with dishes and sidewear.

.Students are prohibited to work in the laboratory without the presence of a teacher or a laboratory assistant, as well as in an unspecified time without the permission of the teacher.

.Before completing each laboratory work, you can begin only after receiving the instruction on the safety and resolution of the teacher.

.Getting Started, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto realize the work technique, the rules for its safe implementation; Check the compliance of the substances taken by the substances that are specified in the work technique.

.Experience must be carried out in accurately compliance with its description in guidelines, especially adhere to the order of adding reagents.

.To fulfill experience, use only clean, dry laboratory dishes; To measure each reagent, you need to have a measuring dishes (pipettes, burettes, mennoze, a measuring cylinder or a measuring glass); It should not be pulled out of the reagent poured into the tube back into the container so as not to spoil the reagent.

.If during the experience, heating the reaction mixture is required, it is necessary to follow the methodical guidelines of the method of heating: on a water bath, on an electric stove or on a gas burner, etc. Highly volatile combustible substances are dangerous to heat out on an open fire.

.Spilled on the floor and table chemical substances neutralize and remove under the guidance of a laboratory assistant (teacher) in accordance with the rules.

.When working in the laboratory, the following requirements should be followed: work must be accurate, conscientiously, carefully, economically, to be observant, rationally and correctly use the time allotted for work.

.Upon completion of the work, it should be put in order its workplace: wash the dishes, wipe the surface of the working laboratory table, close the taps, turn off the electrical appliances.

1 Sampling and Highlighting

Grain take parties. GOST-13586 Rules for acceptance and sampling. Under the party understands any amount of grain, homogeneous in quality, intended for simultaneous acceptance, shipment or simultaneous storage, designed by one quality document. The document on the quality of each batch of completed and supplied grain indicates:

date of paperwork;

name of the sender and station (pier);

car room, car or vessel name;

invoice number;

lot of batch or number of places;

station (pier) of the destination;

name of the recipient;

name of culture;


grade, type, grain subtype;

grain class;

Results of analyzes in terms of quality indicators provided by the standard of technical specifications on the appropriate culture; Signature of the person responsible for issuing a grain quality document.

The batch of prepared grain, shipped by the collective farm, state farm, is allowed instead of a document on the quality of issuing the accompanying document, which indicates: the name of the sender's economy; Name of culture, varieties; yield year; car number; lot of batch; date of paperwork; Signature of the person responsible for issuing the accompanying document.

It is allowed to be issued by the farm of one document, about the quality or one varietal certificate of several one native batch of grain, delivered during the day in one economy.

Several homogeneous grain parties received from one collective farm, the state farm or deep point for operational days are taken as one batch. When shipping grains by rail, it is allowed to issue one quality document on homogeneous batches, shipped in several cars to one recipient. In these cases, the quality of all wagons indicate the quality document.

To verify the compliance of grain quality, the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation are analyzed by an average mass of (2.0 ± 0.1) kg, isolated from the combined or average daily sample. The results of the analysis of the average samples are distributed to the entire batch of grain. Upon admission from collective farms, state farms or deep items of car grain parts, the results of the analysis of the middle sample, isolated from the average daily sample, are distributed to all homogeneous car batch of grain, which arrived during one operational day from one farm. Upon receipt of batch grains with water transport before unloading vessels in the port, a preliminary inspection of grain is carried out to determine the quality according to organoleptic indicators, as well as inability to the pests of bread reserves.

Figure 1: Property


Turn the handle

Immerse the sampler on the desired depth.

Open the camera, the cargo moves into the chamber.

Close the camera.

Remove the sampler.

Close the space of the sample using the Claoz-IT control sticker (Close-IT).

Simple sample emptying through the open end of the sampler tube.

2 weighing

Wagon scales are used as for weighing wagons in static scales Electronic brands CAS designed to measure both cereal and oilseeds. Scales - designed to measure the mass of substances.

Laboratory scales such as CAS-in accordance with GOST - 24104-2001 belong to the weights of the high class. Accuracy of reference 0.05-0.5. Scales must be included in the rosette of throwing at least 30 minutes before the operation of the state and weighing in motion. Weighing scales for weighing in a static state are designed to determine the weight of wagons with a draw or part. Weighing scales for weighing in the dynamics (in motion), depending on the modification, can also be intended for a very precious, and for losing weight weighing.

Figure 2: Electronic Scales SAS

Wagon electronic scales for weighing in the movement of the VZH-D, and the weights of the wagon-type wagon-type VZH-DR for the brave weighing in motion and for static weighing 4, 6, 8-axis cars, trolleys, tanks.

Figure 3: Wagon scales

Automotive scales of foundation and invalid execution, for weighing in statics or in motion. The weighing range is ranging from 20 to 200 tons, which allows you to produce any freight vehicle. The electronic components of the scales are capable of operating at temperatures from -30 to 40 (-50 to +50 specials. Execution) ° C. Commodity scales used in shipment of grain and products on rail transport are attributed to the railway. They must be permanent place.

3 definitions of humidity

When determining the moisture content of wheat grain starts with sampling according to GOST 13586.3, preparation of equipment and materials. Next, from the middle sample, the weight of 300 is distinguished by a weight of 300 g. The selected grain is placed in a tightly closing vessel by filling it into two thirds of the volume. The grain having a temperature below the temperature of conventional laboratory conditions (20 ± 5 ° C) is kept in a closed vessel to ambient temperature. At the bottom of a thoroughly washed and dried excitator, the calcined calcium chloride or another dryer is placed. The lambed edges of the excitator are lubricated with a thin layer of vaseline. New subsidiaries dried in a drying closet for one hour and placed for complete cooling into the desiccator. Contacting fuels should also be stored in the desiccator. In the dedicated grain, moisture is determined using an electrolygizer according to GOST 8.434 to select the method of the method and establishing the duration of drying. For grain with humidity up to 17%, the definition is carried out without prior drying. For grain with humidity, over 17%, the definition is carried out with a preliminary drying to residual moisture within 9-17%. At a temperature of 105 ° C from 7 to 30 minutes.

The moisture content of grain is determined in two ways: with pre-drying and without prior drying.

Before starting tests, the grain is thoroughly mixed, shaking the vessel in different directions and planes. In the dried and weighted mesh subsoge from the prepared grain to determine the humidity, from different places are selected by the Soviet Snake grain weighing 20 g. The subsoge is closed and weighed. Before drying the grain, the drying cabinet is pre-warmed up to a temperature of 110 ° C and dried at 105 ° C, for which the movable contact of the thermometer is set to 105 ° C.

Figure 4: Electronic moisture meter

4 Definition of the film of cereals

Based on the analysis of the appearance of the grains, characteristic morphological signs of wheat grain, rye and barley are revealed: size, color, stretch, skin, groove. This presents a comparative analysis: the size and elongation of grain is small, medium or significant. The procedure for determining the mass of 1000 grains is carried out according to GOST 10842-89 grain grain and leguminous crops and seeds of oilseeds. Method for determining the mass of 1000 grains or 1000 seeds.

Of the middle samples of the grain, two samples are isolated, the mass of each of which is close to a mass of 500 grains, and weigh it on laboratory scales up to the second decimal sign (weight of the samples: rye - 15g, oats - 20g, wheat - 25g). From the hits choose Whole grains, and the residue is weighed up to the second decimal sign.

Determine the mass of the whole grains by subtracting the mass of the residue from the mass. Selected grains are calculated from the metrics. Each definition is performed on two parallel hits.

Mass 1000 grains , g, calculated by the formula

where - mass of whole grains, g;

The amount of whole grains in the mass, pcs.

For the final result, the arithmetic average of two results of the mass definitions of 1000 grains are taken if the discrepancy between them does not exceed 10%.

Definition of film grain of oats:

Definition of the film grain of oats is carried out according to GOST 10843-76 grain. The method of determining the film.

To determine the film, it is necessary to weigh 5G oats grain, clean it from the film and weigh it. The indicator of the photographicness is expressed as a percentage in relation to the mass of the bribe. For this, the mass of films obtained after weighing is multiplied by 20. Calculation results Compare with GOST 10843 data according to the combustibility of oats grain.

5 Determination of grain contamination pests of bread reserves

Grain infestation by barn pests is an important indicator of the condition of the grain mass. Determination of grain contamination insects and ticks explicitly. Sampling and sampling is carried out according to GOST 13586.3-83. Selected samples are placed in a tightly closing container, eliminating the movement of insects and ticks. With layer-by-layer selection, the analysis is carried out in an average sample, selected separately from each layer, and the infection is set in a sample in which the largest amount of pests detected. Chips of the grain, braided butterflies caterpillars, disassemble with their hands. Discovered pests are attached to the total number of pests in the medium sample. After parsing the lumps, the average grain sample is weighed, and then sieved through a set of sieve with a hole with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 mm manually for 2 minutes at about 120 circular motions per minute or mechanized in accordance with the description applied to the device.

If the grain temperature is below 5 ° C, the desired gathering and passages across the sieve are heated at a temperature of 25 - 30 ° C for 10-20 minutes to cause insect activation of insects. The approach with a sieve with a hole with a diameter of 2.5 mm is placed on a white glass of an analysis board, and the passage through a sieve with a hole with a diameter of 1.5 mm - on black glass, scattering them with a thin sprayed layer; Passage through a sieve with 1.5 mm holes are considered under the magnifying glass. At the same time, smaller pests are distinguished: barn and rice weevils, grain grinders, masturbation and small flour khushchekov, Suriname and short mukoheders, flour and elongated ticks and others. Dead pests, as well as alive field pests that do not damaging grain during storage, are considered to be a weed impurity and in definition of infection are not taken into account. The resulting amount of living pests is recalculated by 1 kg of grain.

The degree of infection The number of pest copies per 1 kg of grain of weevils mites 1 is 1 to 5 inclusive from 1 to 20 will turn on. 2 6 - 10Xly 20, but freely move and do not form clusters 3 Over 10 Keeps form felt clusters Determination of grain inhibition by pests in a hidden form is carried out by splitting the grains or the method of staining "corks" (closed holes after laying eggs). The contamination by splitting the grains is determined by a weight of 50 g isolated from the middle sample. 50 whole grains are taken from the hitch and split them with a scalpel tip along the groove. The split grains are viewed under the magnifying glass and calculate live insects in different stages of development. The contamination method of staining "corks" is determined by a weight of a mass of about 50 g isolated from the middle sample. From the hide, 5050 whole grains are taken and in the grid, they lower them for 1 min into a cup with water having a temperature of about 30 ° C. The grain begins to swell, and at the same time increases the size of the "corks". Then the grid with grain is transferred by 20 - 30 s in a 1% freshly prepared solution of potassium mangartage (per 1 liter of water 10 g KMNO2). At the same time, it is painted in a dark color not only "corks", but also the surface of the grains in the place of damage. Surplus paint from the grain surface is removed by immersing the grid with grain in cold water.

Stay for 20-30 from painted grain in water returns to it normal color while maintaining in infected grains in a dark convex "cork". The grain extracted from water is quickly browsing on the filter paper.

To the counting of infected grains, immediately begin, without giving the grains to dry, otherwise the color of the "cork" will disappear. Infected grains are characterized by round convex spots with a size of about 0.5 mm, evenly painted in the dark color "corks", which left the whoning female after laying eggs. Not refer to contaminated grain: with round spots, with intense painted edges and light middle, which are donutication places; with stains incorrect form In places of mechanical damage to grain. Infected grains cut and calculate the number of living larvae, dolls or weevil beetles.

Figure 5: Bread Pest Pest

6 Definition of grain nature

Purch consists of the following main nodes: penalty, measurement, filler, filling cylinder, falling cargo, knife. For working with PURCA, electronic scales are needed to 3kg 4th grade. Pencil serves as the basis for assembling the handy for work. The measure is a cylindrical glass having a hole in the center of the bottom. At the top of the measurement there is a gap for a knife. The measurement is installed in the flange of the box. The filler is made in the form of a hollow cylinder having a groove on the ends. This allows you to tightly install the filler on the measure. The cylinder of fuses is installed on the filler. The cylinder of the fame has a cut window on one end. Here inside the cylinder is mounted funnel with damper and lock. The incident cargo is made in the form of a cylinder with a ring lamination. The knife is made of leaf, has a cutout in the form of a direct angle. If the incident cargo is at the bottom of the measurement, the volume of the measurement between the upper plane of the knife is equal to one liter.

Purpets is designed to determine the mass of grain mass in one liter and are used in the laboratories of elevators, combusts of bread products and mills. The company Pfeuffer offers Parch to 1 liter grain. Additionally, scales can be supplied to the PURCA.

1.7 Determination of grain ash

Solness is an important indicator used to assess the quality of flour. The higher the ashiness of the grain, the lower the yield of the flour of high varieties. Asil characterizes the amount of ash (mainly phosphorus oxides, potassium and magnesium), obtained by burning the grain at T \u003d 750-850 ° C, expressed as a percentage.

The ash content is different in separate parts of the wheat zero. So, the maximum ash content is observed in the alaron layer and in the shells, and the minimum - in the center of the endosperma. Since the process of grinding grain in flour is reduced to the endosperm separation from the shells, then the amount of shells and the alaron layer, which passed into flour can be determined by the ascension of flour. Thus, control over the process of separating the shells from the endosperma. The lower the ash content of flour, the higher its variety. It is an indirect indicator of the ratio of the anatomical parts of the grain. The ash content of grain soft and solid wheat is almost the same. However, the endosperm of solid wheat is still greater than the endosperm is soft. Higher ash content of solid wheat flour is also caused by the fragility of its alarium layer, which is partially falling into the flour. The ash content of fine and privileged grain is higher, due to the higher shells. In the film wheat, ash content is higher than that of the holoper. Solness of grain different cultures Nonodynakova: Wheat, like other housing cereals, is small, the film has a higher, for example, at rice 5.0-6.0%. Asil depends on a number of factors: varieties, cultivation area, soil and climatic conditions introduced by fertilizers, etc.

1.8 Determination of grain glass

The vitreous grain is better soaked than milder, that is, the remnants of the endosperma are easier and fully separated from its fetched particles. The glassy characterizes the structural-mechanical properties of the endosperma and the resistance of grain by the destructive effort affects the process of grinding and the conditions for the formation of intermediate products. Grain with higher vision has increased strength and requires large energy consumption for grinding.

Glassity is taken into account when placing grains in storages and when forming grinding parties. The total glassic vision for a soft wheat during varietal engines should be at least 50%, during pasta grinding - at least 60%, for solid wheat (regardless of the type of grinding) - at least 80%. In addition, the glass of wheat grain, processed in the croup, is normalized. It must lie from 70% to 80%.

The glassy is determined for rice grain. With increasing glassy, \u200b\u200bthe yield of cereals of higher varieties increases (the content of the whole kernel in the cereal). Currently, the definition of glassy grain of wheat and rice is made in accordance with GOST 10987-76 by two methods: using a diapanoscope; According to the results of the inspection of the grain cut. During the test, the total glassic is determined. Under the indicator of total glassy, \u200b\u200bunderstand the amount of fully vitreous and half of the number of partially vitreous grains.

The discrepancy between parallel definitions should not exceed 5%. In the laboratory conditions, the vision of the vision of the same sample of soft wheat with standard methods was carried out and with the help of software and hardware complex "Grabbing Analyzer". The definition of standard methods was carried out by three independent researchers, and the definition of digital image processing - with three different settings of the internal parameters of the program (and two of them were set with deviation from the recommended technique). The results were then compared and presented in the form of histograms. When conducting the test, the total glass of wheat grain is determined. Under the indicator of total glassy, \u200b\u200bunderstand the amount of fully vitreous and half of the number of partially vitreous grains.

Determination of grain glassychylls is carried out in several ways: the definition of glassyness using a diaphorecop and using a grain slice inspection. Determination of glassy with the use of a diapaloskop. Determination of vibrant grain of wheat. To determine the glassy, \u200b\u200b100 whole wheat grains are isolated and cut across their middle. The cut of each grain is viewed and grain in accordance with the nature of the cut is believed to one of three groups: mild, vitreous and partially vitreous. The results of the calculations are compared with GOST 10987 data on wheat glassy.

Figure 6: Definition of grain glass

9 Determination of the amount and quality of gluten

The gluten content in wheat grain and its quality are important indicators characterizing grain quality. The gluten is formed after laundering with water from the starch dough, fiber, water-soluble substances and is a dense rubber mass, 80-90% of the dry matter of which are proteins (glyadin and glutenin) and 10-20% - held by the sorption of starch, sugar, fiber, fat , Mineral and other substances. The content of raw gluten in wheat grain ranges from 7 to 50%, its content is more than 28%. The gluten is washed by manually or by a mechanized way.

To assess the technological properties of the gluten, along with the amount of great importance, its quality has its own, which is a hereditary sign and less exposed to the influence of soil-climatic conditions.

The quality of gluten is determined by its physical properties: elasticity, extensibility, elasticity, viscosity.

Elasticity - the gluten properties return to its original position after removing the deforming effect. For the characteristics of the gluten on elasticity, the Idk-1 device (gluten deformation meter) is used. Under the pressure of the cargo weighing 120. Freely falling on the gluten ball with a mass of 4 g. Within 30 C, a deform load is created. Elasticity indicators are fixed to deviate arrows on the scale of the instrument. The higher the elasticity of the ball of gluten, the weaker the deformation and less deviation of the arrows on the scale of the instrument.

Table 1 Characteristics of gluten on elasticity

If, after laundering, the gluten is not molded into the ball, crumbs, then it is believed to the third group without determining the quality on the device.

In the absence of an IDK-1 device and with a smaller amount of grain, which is often found in breeding practice, when the gluten was used for laundering a hinge not 25 g. As provided for by GOST, and 5-15 g. The quality of gluten is determined by organoleptically.

Figure 7: IDK-1

1.10 Determination of bakery properties of flour

Bakery flour - powdered product with different granulometric composition obtained by grinding (grinding) of grain. The bakery quality of wheat flour is mainly determined by the following properties: the gas-forming ability is characterized by the amount of carbon dioxide, highlighted during the set period of time when fermentation of the test, mixed from certain amounts of these flour, water and yeast.

The ability to form a dough, which has certain rheological properties - the force of flour. From the ability of flour to form dough with those or other rheological properties, the optimal ratio in the dough of flour and water depends. In addition, the rheological properties of the test affect the operation of the tester-core machines, on the ability of molded slices of the test to deter carbon dioxide and the form of the product during the proof and the first period of baking. The volume, the structure of the porosity of the ball and the form of finished bread is also largely dependent on rheological properties Test.

The color of flour and the ability of it to the darkening in the process of cooking bread. The color of the ball is associated with the color of flour. However, light flour can in certain cases also give bread with dark balls. Determination of wheat flour bakery for sedimentation precipitate. The determination method is based on the ability of protein substances flour to swell in weak solutions of dairy or acetic acids and form a precipitate, the value of which characterizes the amount of protein substances.

In a 100 ml dimensional cylinder with a fit of a plug, graded with a division of 0.1 ml, 3.2 g of flour was made on technical scales. 50 ml of distilled water was poured into the cylinder, tinted with a bromufenol in blue. Include the stopwatch (it is not stopped until the end of the definition). The cylinder is closed with a plug and for 5 s. Shake, dramatically moving in a horizontal position.

Get a homogeneous suspension. The cylinder is installed in a vertical position and leave at rest on 55 s. After feeding the plug, 25 ml of a 6% solution of acetic acid is poured. Close the cylinder and over 15 s turning over its 43rd, holding a plug with a finger. Leave the cylinder alone at 45 s (up to 2 minutes in the stopwatch from the beginning of the definition). Within 30 with a seamlessly 18 times turn the cylinder. Leave for the third time alone exactly 5 minutes and immediately produce a visual countdown of a sedimentation precipitate with an accuracy of 0.1 ml.

11 Newest Laboratory Equipment

When meeting the latest equipment during work in the laboratory, we found that the tests carried out by us are much faster and more accurate. Thanks to the creation of the latest technologies, we can immediately determine and give an accurate analysis in place, thereby we can work much faster. Infraneo is an indispensable device for express analysis of the most important grain quality parameters by the absorption method of IR radiation. It allows in a record time in less than 1 minute to accurately determine the quality of solid grain, flour and other processing products.

Principle of operation: The analysis of solid grain and flour is carried out using the method of passage of light in the infrared region, in the range of wavelengths from 750 to 1100 nanometers using a monochromator. Advantages of the analyzer: Reliable and accurate results: the highest quality work associated with high accuracy optics. Simple, fast and comfortable. Infraneo can store more than 50,000 measurements on the hard disk. You can predict a new parameter (method of greenery, ash, gluten, etc.) on already analyzed samples at any time without deleting your current results. Thanks to the built-in hard disk (from 40 to 500 GB), the number of persisted results is almost unlimited. All statistics and classification of results by date, sample name, time etc. allow you to fully monitor and carry out full monitoring of the analyzes.

Figure 8: moisture meter

Figure 9: Laboratory sieve.

Figure 10: Drying cabinet.

grain Flour Glassy Elevator

II. Break-receiving and grain processing enterprises

1 laboratory and its equipment

LLP "Freamers Astk" is a modern enterprise that takes place and storage of grain crops. From commodity producers, the incoming grain on the elevator is cleared and worked up to the claims of the GOST. All operations of the technological process on the reception and placement of grain crops at the enterprise are fully automated and mechanized. The elevator has a well-equipped laboratory that is equipped with a Gosstandart necessary equipment To determine the quality of grain. On the territory of the elevator is also a laboratory where accurate analyzes produce. The elevator includes: weight, working tower, drying office, administrative and household building, laboratory, separation of shipment, etc.

2 work elevator

Elevator Software for storing large batch of grain and bringing it to conditional condition. The elevator also represents a high-mechanized silo grain. It includes a complex of structures related to general productive processes, of which the main: acceptance; weighing; storage; grain vacation; cleaning; drying; sorting. The main production buildings and facilities of elevators include: work building, silage corps with conveyor gallery, structures for unloading grain with railway, automotive and water transport and loading grain to the means of these types of transport; Constructions for drying grain, structures for storing and loading waste to the means of automotive and railway transport.

The composition of the standard elevator: the weight, adoptive compartment (for unloading railway or vehicles) is a bombing of various volumes of a travel or non-pass type; The working tower, it contains the machines for the preliminary, primary and, if necessary, the secondary cleaning of the grain, as well as the system of aspiration for cleaning from light impurities; The drying compartment includes containers for the accumulation of wet and dry materials, as well as the required number of dryers of various designs with burners under needed species fuel; storage departments, in a modern elevator is silos (banks) of the required capacity located in one row, which allows you to store various cultures or varieties of the same crops in one elevator; separation of shipment, as a rule, is a system of bunker-hoppers, for shipment on railway or vehicles; Transport equipment binds all Elevator routes (Nories and conveyors different species and modifications) of the electrical and automation systems, includes control cabinets, frequency converters, sensors, electrical cable products, lighting; Administrative-equipment building, laboratory, fire tank and other required on standards, buildings and structures.

Figure 11: Elevator

Grain elevators - equipment, which is a vertical conveyor for moving grain and bulk cargo. The principle of operation and the device of grain elevators are similar to the Kovsov elevators.

Used as a vehicle on flourish, feed-made enterprises, elevators, grainclades and other industries.

Figure 12: Grain Elevators

3 storages and equipment used in them

Grain stored in special grainclades. Before loading storages, the grain of a new crop disinfection is disinfected by wet, aerosol or gas methods. Disinsection expose all equipment, facilities, containers. Before loading into the storage, the grain is dried, clean from the seeds of weeds, lumps of the Earth and the other cooled and cooled (up to 12-15 ?C and lower). In some cases, chemical preservation of feed grain is carried out. The basis of storage of grain and products of its processing is the principle of partial or complete suppression of the flow of products that are not favorable processes main image physiological. The implementation of this principle should know the storage facilities and storage methods. Basically in the long-term storage of silos, granaries and warehouses.

2.4 Warehouses and Grain Processing Products

Silo - is a storage separation, in a modern elevator represents (banks) of the required capacity located either in one row. Silos are closed with a worker building where the main technological and transport equipment is located. The grain from the receiving bunkers is raised by conveyors or vertical lifts (norions) to the top of the working building, weighed, clean from impurities, dried in grain dryers and direct on the top conveyor over the scene conveyors that drop it into silo. Unload grain to the lower conveyors (they are installed in under the scene) through holes with funnels in the bottoms of silos.

5 Cleaning and Sorting Grain

Bis type separators are designed for the primary purification of wheat grain (and other crops) from impurities that are characterized by the width, thickness and aerodynamic properties, with the help of solving and air flow. Separators for primary purification of grain are operated in grain preparations and on elevator-milling plants, including in the composition of complete equipment for newly under construction mills.

6 The process of operation of grain dryers

Fully mechanized dryer control system followed by cooling. The dryer is very easy to use and does not require high costs maintenance. The dryer can also work in air absorption mode. At the same time dust separation separately. The rate of passage of grain through the automatic discharge mechanism can be adjusted depending on the processed culture without the use of additional devices. The dryer works on diesel fuel (diesel). After taking the sample from the conveyor, drying off, separator and carry out the appropriate analysis in the laboratory. Having obtained the result, you need to immediately report this to the dispatcher, which in turn regulates the moisture content of grain and oilseed crops. Before you take the sample, you need to miss each time off and on the fan, so that the grain is not burned. The sample from the dryer is selected every hour. We carry out the analysis through the infrano data is written to the log. Then we swell 2 seplashk in the container for the midmost day. And after the analysis, you need to inform the dispatcher about the humidity, so that the grain is not overpowered and brought it to the desired condition.

III. Technoochemical analysis of grain. Weight analysis

On the weight driver transmits all the invoices of the newsletter, which enters the results of weighing and data from the overhead log. The magazine records the name of the serve, type of product, the state number of the car, date, time of arrival, gross mass, containers, net, departure time. Gross mass, containers, net, as well as a warehouse number also indicate on the turnover of the first instance of the commodity consignment note. On the rest of the copies indicate the mass of the net and the warehouse number. The driver returns all overheads, except for the first instance at the end of the operating day, the newspaper refers all overlaid in the accounting department. The quality of grain, leguminous and cereal crops is estimated at the three main indicators: conditional starchyness, clogs, humidity. When using grain to malt, it is also evaluated by the ability to germination and energy of germination. On vacation grain, the production analyzes the average daily grain samples supplied to production for every day by road from a warehouse of the plant, from a presidential warehouse or directly from the supplier. In addition, the factory contains constant control over the correctness and objectivity of determining the quality of grain during the reporting period, the average monthly samples that are stored for 2 months are analyzed.

1 Technochimical Grain Analysis

Technochemical analysis implies: weight scales; Sample selection; grain freshness indicators; grain humidity; grain damage; nature; size; Small grain. Bread reserve pests: grain mineral substances; acidity; physical properties; Grain mass.

3.2 Sampling

Under the party understands any amount of grain, homogeneous quality intended for simultaneous acceptance, delivery, shipment or simultaneous storage. The selection of the middle sample starts with a point sample, which is a small amount of grain selected from the party in one place from one place. For the selection of point samples, samplers and manual probes are used. The totality of point samples is a combined breakdown, from which the average sample is then isolated, the mass of which should not exceed 2.0 + -0.1kg. If the mass of the combined sample is no more than 2 kg, then it is simultaneously a medium breakdown. Medium sample isolated from the combined manual.

The combined sample is poured on a table with a smooth surface, distribute the grain in the form of a square and three times thoroughly mixed with two short wooden planks with a bevelled edge, capturing it from the edge and referred to the middle. Then, the grain is again distributed in a smooth layer in the form of a square and a bar divide diagonally by 4 triangles. Of the 2 opposite grains are removed, and from the other two are collected together, stirred and again continue division, while in two triangles there will not be 2 kg grain, which will be the average sample.

To determine individual indicators of grain quality from the middle sample, a small part is distinguished, which is called the mood. High-quality grain assessment.

Organoleptic indicators: taste, shape, color, smell. Physico-chemical: humidity, weight of 1000 grains, bulk mass - nature, glassy, \u200b\u200bclogs, ash, infection with pests, containingETallopermes. Technological evaluation, bakery properties.

Selection and sample preparation.

In order to correctly make an assessment, you must correctly create a sample.

The party is a certain amount of grain stored in a warehouse designed to accept and send one species and homogeneous in quality.

At first, the batch takes excavation - a small amount of grain, taken in one taking, these notches are mixed, get the original sample. If the mixture of recesses is large, then the average is selected from it. By appearance - Smell, shine, taste - more often they change together. Color varies in immature, with improper cleaning and storage - shine is lost, the smell of a specific or grain (garlic, barn, mold). The taste is bitter, sweet, salty and sour, normal - fresh, sweetish - sprouted grain, sour - with elevated acidity, bitter - when weeds hit.

Figure 13: Sampler.

3 grain freshness indicators

Freshness of grain is determined by the external inspection of its sample. In color, brilliance, smell, taste is judged on the benignness of the grain or the nature of the defects in the parties under study. Fresh benign grain has a color and shine characteristic. Therefore, the color of grains underlies the product classifications adopted in standards. Normal grain and oil dryers of each culture are characteristic of the characteristic natural color, shine and smell. Therefore, state standards provide that grain and seeds of oilseeds should have a normal color and smell, typical of grain or seeds of this culture; The taste of grain is also taken into account. These signs are indicators of its freshness, the usefulness of consumer properties. The color and smell of grain and oilseeds can change significantly under the influence of unfavorable conditions in maturation, cleaning, transportation, drying and storage. With incorrect cleaning, grain can lose the shine inherent in healthy grain. The grain changes the color under the influence of frost when it is not completely matured and is on the root, as well as under the influence of Sukhovy, long stay in rolls, overheating in grain dryers, etc.

Freshness of grain is the smell of grain. Healthy grain of each culture has a specific smell. In most cultures, the smell is weak A, the ester-solid smell is sharp. If in the grain there are wormwood, garlic, donel, then there may be a sharp smell, the smell appears with a large number of humidity. If with improper storage, the grain changes the smell. When changing the smell, it happens (obscure, shaft,) and leads to a change in the chemical composition.

4 Humidity of grain

For major grain crops: wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheats adopted the following grain conditions in humidity:

· Dry - up to 14%

· middle Dry - Over 14% to 15.5%

· wet - from 15.5% to 17%

· Raw - Over 17%

The state of humidity is used to accommodate and accounting grain during storage. High humidity (over 14-15%) leads to a sharp decrease in seed germination, and sometimes quality.

Figure 14: Sash-3

5 grain breakdown

The impurities in the grain mass complicate storage and processing of grain, worsen the quality of finished products. All impurities are divided into two main fractions: weed and grain. Weed impurity is useless or harmful to power. In addition, it includes the grain of other cultures, which cannot be used in the same way as the grain of the main culture. Grain admixture has a reduced value compared with the normal grains of the main culture, but can be used to target the latter.

The content of weed, harmful and grain impurity is determined by government standards for grain of each culture. The rate of impurities is linked to the target purpose of the grain. Depending on the percentage of impurities in the grain, it is divided into two groups: a grain corresponding to basic condies, and a grain that has deviations in quality within the limiting edges. For cleaning grain from impurities, a variety of production machines are used.

The separation of seeds of weed plants, as well as other impurities, is based on the differences between their physicomechanical properties from the properties of the grain of the major culture. The separation is the easier and more fully, the more distinguished the properties of impurities from the properties of the grain, and, on the contrary, the more difficult and less fully, the less difference.

6 Nature, Large, Fine Grain

Seed grain is called a mass of 1 liter of seeds in grams. Nature is determined on a liter grumble with a falling cargo - it is expressed in grams per liter or on a 20-liter PURCE - expressed in kilograms of one hectolater of grain. The amount of nature is influenced: impurities, condition of the grain surface, grain form, size, density, humidity, film, maturity and grain performance, mass 1000 grain, alternation. Nature approximately shows the degree of grain execution.


Linear grain sizes determine its size, which is the most important grain quality indicator. In large grains, more endosperma and less shells, and, therefore, the above exit finished products From grain. The size is connected by S. chemical composition Grains and its other characteristics. It can be expressed not only by linear grain sizes, but also its volume and weight of 1000 grains. Under linear dimensions are understood as the length, width and thickness of grain and seed. The length is the distance between the base and the top of the grain, the width is the greatest distance between the sides and the thickness - between the spinal and the abdominal side (the back and the abdomen). A set of linear dimensions is also called size.

Large grain gives a greater output of finished products, as in such a grain more endosperma and fewer shells.

Of the three sizes (length, widths and thickness), the thickness most characterizes the flourish properties of grain.

3.7 bread reserves pests

All the pests of bread reserves are divided into two types: vertebrate (chord) and invertebrates (arthropod). Vertebral pests are represented by two classes: mammals and birds. Invertebrates are also represented by two classes: insects and spider-shaped. The main difference in the insects from the spider-shaped - the number of legs: insect three pairs of legs, fallen - four pairs. In addition, most of the solicular pests of bread reserves there are no organs of vision.

Figure 15: Ambar pests:

8 Grain Minerals

The grain mineral substances are part of the ash obtained as a result of the complete combustion of the grind grain at a temperature of 750-850 ° C. Solness has a different meaning, both for individual anatomical parts of grain and for different cultures. Most of the mineral substances are concentrated in the shells, alaron-layer of wheat grain, as well as in the embryo. The ash content of the grain of the film crops is higher than the hunter. In the aslats of cereals, the main element is phosphorus, a lot of potassium and magnesium also. Calcium in ashes contains extremely small. The presence of minerals in grain products affects their nutritional value and determines the technological properties of the grain. The amount of mineral substances in the grain varies widely and depends on the soil, climate made of fertilizers, varieties and type of plant.

9 Acidity

Of great importance for determining the quality of the grain has its acidity. Acidness is determined by a bolt: aqueous, alcohol or essential extracts from ground grain. Acidness is due to the presence of oxygening substances in the grain. This group includes amino acids, proteins, fatty acids, organic and inorganic acids. In the grain there are such organic acids like apple, oxal, dairy, aconite, etc. When adding to a suspension or alkali solution, acid is associated with it. Normal healthy grain usually has low acidity (from 1 to 3 °). Under the unfavorable storage conditions (germination, self-heating), or with very long-term storage, acidity increases. Thus, acidity is an indicator of grain freshness. It also increases when storing flour, cereals and feed, especially if storage conditions have been violated. Acidity is expressed in degrees. One degree of acidity is equal to one millilitr of the normal alkali (sodium hydroxide), which goes on the neutralization of the acid in 100 g of ground grain (flour) during titration. Acidity is determined according to GOST 10844-74 "Grain. The method of determining the acidity of the barley "The method is to titration by alkali of oxygening grain substances. At the same time, the water bolt is titrated (suspension of grind grain).

3.10 Physical Properties Grain Mass

The grain mass is a totality of the grains of the basic culture of various size and execution, grains (seeds) of other cultivated plants, various impurities of mineral and organic origin, microorganisms, air in the interzernoy space, sometimes the pests of bread reserves. The presence in the grain mass of such various components gives it specific properties that need to be considered when processing and storage. All properties of the grain mass are separated into two groups: physical and physiological. The grain of the basic culture and the clogging impurities differ in the following physicomechanical properties: mass; Sailing (resistance provided by separate seeds acting on them airflow); sizes (width, thickness and length); form (round and angular); The properties of the surface (rough and smooth) and magnetic properties.


This is the ability of the grain mass to move on any surface located at an angle to the horizon. Fruit is characterized by an angle of natural slope, i.e. The angle between the diameter of the base and the forming of the cone, obtained by the free fall of the grain mass on the horizontal plane (Table 1). Many factors affect the flowability of the grain mass, namely: shape, size, character and condition of the grain surface (particle size distribution and characteristic), humidity, amount of impurities and their species composition, shape and condition of the surface of the samotane pipes. The self-massing of the grain is occurring when moving and shaking, when loading and unloading warehouses and silos of elevator. Under self-study, the ability of the grain mass lose homogeneity when moving and in a free drop.

With the free fall of solid grain particles, aerodynamic properties contribute to it - the speed of the vitania. Under it it is customary to understand this speed of the air flow in the vertical channel, in which the grains are in suspended state (twisted).

For wheat, the speed of vitania is 9-11.5 m / s, whereas for dust particles and sex it is significantly less. When loading, heavy wheat grains are falling quickly down and settled in the center of its section, while the light particles of impurities are soaked in the air, slowly dropping and on the inclined conical surface of the embankment rolls to the walls. When the grain is released from silos, it turns hard central part Grain embankment and only then peripheral (intricate weeds, sex, dust) with a less valuable prude, underdeveloped grain.

The characteristic of the flowability of different cultures. The self-massing of the grain deteriorates the conditions for its storage and processing. The wellness is an important indicator that should be taken into account when storing the grain masses. On the one hand, thanks to the wells, the grain mound can be handled with air (when drying, ventilating, the gas). Other. The presence of oxygen in the air of the interzernoy space contributes to the preservation of the viability of seeds. On the other hand, the most of the embankment occupies well, the less in the same volume of grain, therefore, a large capacity of the granaries is required.

Gigroscopic grain mass is especially important to consider when processing and storage. As a result of the interaction of grain mass with the environment, the moisture content of grain is continuously changed to the establishment of equilibrium.

3.11 Analysis of grain grain crops and buckwheat

Bread cereals are an exceptionally diverse group of field cultivated plants. It includes eight basic botanical genera. Determination of grain breads: For the convenience of study, bread cereals can be divided into two groups that differ from each other in many morphological, biological and economic signs. The first group makes wheat, rye, barley, and oats, second group - millet, corn, sorghum, rice.

Table 2.1.

The bread of the first group of the second group1. On the abdominal side of the grain there is a clear longitudinal groove. 1. It is not available for the abdominal side of the grain. 2.Serly germinates several germinal roots, the number of which in different genera is different, it is germing. In the spikelet more developed lower flowers. 3. In the spikelet, the top flowers are better developed. 4. Recovery to heat is smaller. 4. The requirement to the body is higher. 5. Recovery to moisture Big.5. Relative to moisture is smaller (for the exceptions of rice). 6. There are winter and core forms. 6. There are only core forms. 7.Things (long day) .7.Things (short day).

12 Analysis of seeds of legume crops

Food importance are peas, beans, lentils, rank, nut, soybean, beans. Seeds of legume crops outside covered with a dense shell, under which two semi-silders are connected by Rosthat. Bean cultures contain: proteins 30% or more (valuable in composition, since rich in indispensable amino acids), carbohydrates up to 60%, fat about 2% (except soybean, containing fats up to 20%, carbohydrates up to 30%, proteins up to 40%) .

The disadvantage of leguminous crops is the slow rilability of their seeds (from 90 to 120 minutes). To accelerate the raffleness of the seeds of some legume crops (pea, lentils), collapses, i.e. Remove the seed shell. This reduces the cooking by about 2 times.

Peas comes from Afghanistan and East India, the fruit of pea - bob - consists of flaps and seeds. In the structure of the flaps of beans, pea varieties are divided into sugar and briefs. Sugar varieties are used in food along with seeds in the form of so-called blades. Luxury varieties are not edible. When ripening seeds, the bean flaps is easily separated, so such a pea variety is called long.

The briefing varieties are divided into brainwalls, which are used in breasts to prepare vegetable canned foods (green peas), and smooth-hospital, which in full maturity are divided into two types: food and fodder. Food peas, depending on the color of the cotyledon, is white, yellow and green. On the size of seeds, peas are divided into large, medium and small. Pea seeds retain nutritious and flavor properties for 10-12 years.

The beans in color are divided into three types: white, colored monophonic and color print. Lentils - ancient agricultural culture, in Russia known from the XIV century. The seeds with a diameter of 5 mm are reminded by a biconimous lens. There are two types - northern growing in the central regions of Russia, and the South, which grown in Ukraine. Soya - Universal World Bean Culture. From soybeans get flour, oil, milk, cheese; It is added to confectionery, canned food, sauces and other food. Soy use only after industrial processing. In natural form, soybeans are not suitable for food. Nut and rank are in many ways similar to peas. In food, they are used, like peas, in fresh, boiled and fried. It is prepared canned food, and from flour - cookies and other products.

Figure 21: Beans of various grain legumes: A - peas; b - lentils; V - Nut; g - beans; d - Vika; e - feed beans; Well - soy; Z - Lupine

The main factor determining the process of expiry of the bulk material is the dynamic arch of the hole. When conducting experiments, a reflective cone was placed in the formation zone of formation, the size and height of the cone installation was determined depending on the best effect of the uniform grain expiration for this bunker.

The flow rate of bulk material, as shown experiments, does not depend on the initial density of its laying. Thus, it can be assumed that the flow rate of the bulk material during its free expiration from the hole is determined by the value of the sub-water volume over the hole or an increase in the number of holes for the release of grain from the silo or the bunker, and therefore the uniform high-quality grain release (since the grain mass of heterogeneous, heterogeneity changes Height in the process).

13 Analysis of oilseeds and essential cultures

Definitions of oilseeds for seeds: Seeds in oilseeds are considered genuine seeds in the botanical values \u200b\u200bof this word, the fruits. To avoid errors and confusion in the further definitions of these parts of the plant, it is necessary to use botanical terminology, strictly varied fruits from seeds. The fruits and seeds of oilseed plants are easily distinguishable between themselves, except for the group of cruciferous oilseeds considered to be particularly. Nevertheless, for the first acquaintance with the plants of the oilseed group, it is advisable to establish various between fruits and seeds of individual species, moving further to the study of the remaining parts of the plants. The overall characteristic of fruits and oilseeds due to their large varnishes is difficult and not necessarily. Signs of fruits and oilseeds of oilseeds.

Determination of oilseeds to shoot oilseed seeds placed in proper conditions of humidity and heat, when accessing air oxygen, germinate. Seed germination begins with the fact that the root, breaking the seed shell or and the seeds and the fetus, if the fruits are sighable (sunflower, safflower,), goes out, is embedded in the soil, bending the end (growth point), and rooted in it, continuing to grow further. Almost simultaneously begins to be lengthened and the growingly curved other sublimated knee, the segment of the stem between the embryonic root and seedlings. This gravy knee in the embryo is extremely short.

Starting to lengthen simultaneously with the germination of the seed, after rooting the germs root pulls as it growth on the day surface and semi-silders. Here, above the surface of the soil, the curved arc, the satellite knee straightens, and the semi-syedols located at its end are open and green, turning into the first unreal leaves, or as they are called, seedy leaves. After the seedy leaves are revealed and begin to assimilate, from the kings, located between them from the growth point of the plant, the first real leaves begin to form.

Determination of essential oil plants: Mint multiplies vegetatively. It is usually planted with rhizomes; Mint seeds and agricultural production are usually not used. Sowing materials of essential oil plants, a family of umbrellas serve fruit or parts of the fruits to which it disintegrates. Fruits in all indicated essential oil plants of a family of an umbrella small value (3-5 mm), spherical or elongated form. Each fruit consists of two dry, unscrewing fries containing one seed.

Between the dams there is a so-called column, usually separated from above and to the base into two parts. In some species and varieties, fruits in ripens are disintegrated into two froths, which are thinking one at the split parts of the column. On the surface of the fruit there are 10 more or less clearly pronounced longitudinal ribs.

Determination of essential oil plants in shooting: with germinations of seeds of essential oil plants of the family of umbrella seeds are taken to the surface of the soil. Disconnected seedly leaves are somewhat different in different species, but in the total elongated form. After the appearance of seedy leaves from the kings, located between them, the first real leaves develop. These leaves have more distinct differences in different species and unfold in one species in pairs, others have one. The first real leaves of germs facilitate the definition of plants on shooting.

14 Analysis of seed (sowing) grain

Party of seeds is a certain amount of homogeneous in the quality of seeds (one culture, one variety, one harvest). The probes of various shapes or samplers are used as sampling devices. From point samples make up a combined sample, which is a combination of mixed point samples. From the combined sample by the method of quartwing (cruciform division) allocate the average sample. The mass depends on the size of the seeds and is weighing 1000 grams. The average sample is isolated in 3 copies. The first is used to determine the purity, germination, viability and mass 1000seyan), the second - to determine the humidity and infection of pests, the third (mass of 200 grams) is to determine the infection of seed diseases. Taking the sample of secondary samples is issued by the act of selection (in two copies). The basis of the results of the laboratory analysis of medium samples. Seed inspections are issued documents on seed sowing qualities.

IV. Technological analysis of grain processing products

1 Sampling Flour for Analysis

Samples of flour are taken by a flour dipstick, which is injected towards the middle part of the bag, the chute down, then rotate 180 ° and removed. The total mass of selected recesses should be about 2 kg. Samples are placed in a clean bag or to a jar with a tight-closing lid. In the accompanying documentation, which is embedded inside the bag or banks, the name of the type and variety of the product, the place and date of its receipt, the place and date of sample sampling, as well as the position, surname and signature of the person who has swam the sample is. The determination of organoleptic properties of flour 20 g of the studied flour is scattered on a piece of paper, heated by breathing, and then examined for the presence of smell. To enhance the smell, the same amount of flour puffed into the glass, poured with a small amount of hot water with a temperature of 60 ° C, after which the water is drained and the smell is solved.

Wheat flour must have a white color with a yellowish color, only a hill of 96% grinding is allowed a grayish shade with noticeable particles of shells. Odor peculiar to normal flour; It should not be felt, the smell of mold, sharpness, etc., the taste is slightly sweet. When chewing, a crunch should not be felt.

Determination of the acidity of flour: 5 g of flour, 50 ml of distilled water was introduced into the conical flask, with a capacity of 100-150 ml and stirred to the complete disappearance of flour lumps. Then add 2-3 drops of 1% alcohol solution of phenolphthalein and titrated 0.1 n. A solution of caustic potassium or caustic soda to the appearance of a weakly pink color persistent for 1 min. The acidity of flour is caused by acids in it and is expressed in degrees. The degrees of acidity denote the amount of 1N. The solution of caustic natra or caustic potassium (ml) spent on the neutralization of acids in 100 g of flour.

Determination of moisture of flour: 5 g of flour contribute to the tarred metal or glass fucts, after which they are placed in an open form for 40 minutes in a drying cabinet at a temperature of 130 ° C. The fucts extracted from the thermostat are closed with covers and placed until complete cooling into an excitator with dry calcium chloride or concentrated sulfuric acid, then weighed. The moisture of flour should not exceed 15%

Definition of gluten. Gluten is a hydrated protein-fat complex, which includes mainly two protein substances - glyadin and glutenin. The bakery properties of flour depend on the quality and amount of gluten. The mood of flour in 25 g is transferred to the mortar, add 13 ml of tap water room temperature and is mixed with a pestle - to a homogeneous mass. At the end of the kneeling pieces of the dough, attached to the pestle, the knife is returned to the mortar, and the dough formed in the mortar is adjusted by hand and, pulling in the form of a ball. Leave for 20 minutes. Then take the dough in the hands and, carefully warm it, begin to wash off the starch and shells either in the tank with water, or under a weak jet of running water over thick sieve. If gluten is washed in the tank, then the water as the contamination changes are changed by turning through the sieve. Pieces of broken gluten join a total mass. The gluten is considered washed, if transparent water is pressed from it. Next, gluten is weighed, then for 5 minutes is washed under the jet of water, after which it is pressed and weighed again. If the difference between the first and second weighing does not exceed 0.1 g, the process of washing the gluten is considered to be finished.

The amount of gluten in percent to the initial mass of flour is determined by the formula:

where a is a mass of gluten, r; B - Snack Flour, G.

Gluten quality indicators are its color, extensibility and elasticity. The color is distinguished by "light", "gray" and "dark" gluten. To determine the tensileness from the gluten, a piece of mass of 4 g is taken, make the ball from it and placed in a cup with water room temperature for 15 minutes, and then, taking the ball with three fingers of both hands, slowly stretch the gluten over the ruler, fixing the maximum stretchability at the time of the break. Depending on the degree of tensile, there is a short, medium and long gluten, the extensibility of which is respectively up to 10 cm, from 10 to 20 cm and "more than 20 cm.Obelicity of gluten is judged by the degree of recovery rate of the initial form after squeezing or small, about 2 cm, stretching.

Freshness of flour. It is determined by the nature of the color of the chloroform layer (the device Novos, which is a special tube with pin-shaped thickening from below. At the bottom of the test tube there is a ring-shaped cutting, in the middle part - a circular division, as well as a number of divisions that depart up and down from the circular. Tube is filled with chloroform Circular division, 1 g of the flour under study is made, covered with a plug and stirred, turning on top of the bottom two or three times, then installed in a vertical position for 30 minutes.) Fresh flour color chloroform in milk-white color. If the flour is spoiled, then chloroform briefly acquires a dirty brown color, after which it becomes transparent.

2 Sampling and Circular Analysis

Quality Crops are installed for each homogeneous batch based on the results of the laboratory analysis of the medium sample. To establish individual performance indicators of products take a hitch - part of the average sample of cereals. Select the recesses of the cereals from the sewed bags the dipstick from the upper, middle and lower part. The dipstick is introduced towards the center of the bag from the bottom up, the groove down, then rotate 180 ? and take out. From the blank bags with linen stitching of the excavation takes from the neck. From each package unit, one packet of cereals is selected, which is a notch. Selected grooves are connected to compile the original sample.

Then the original sample is aligned with a thin layer and using a plank is divided into four triangles. Of the two opposite triangles, the products are removed, and from the others are combined, while about 1.5 kg. On the average sample organoleptically determined: color, smell, taste, crunch.

3 Sampling and Feed Analysis

Selection of feeds is carried out to control the compliance with current regulatory documents on the content of gamma and beta-emitting radionuclides. Sampling of agricultural raw materials or feeds with optimal time and means must ensure the presentation of the samples, the most fully and reliably characterizing radioactive pollution. Sample selection is carried out by specialists who have the necessary preparation in the field of radiation control.

For sampling, the following tools and equipment are used: sickle, knife; bucket, mug; Slap brags, carriages; sampling of bulk feed; tweezers; Metal or plastic scoops; cylindrical tubes with an internal diameter of 9-10 mm; Banks with tightly closing covers; Wooden planks with beveled ribs. The applied tool must be clean and after the selection to be deactivated with detergent with subsequent dosimetry control.

Sampling of agricultural raw materials and feed for radiation control includes: selection of point samples; drawing up a combined sample; Allocation of the middle sample. The mass or number of average samples taken to analyze is regulated by the measurement method used in the radiation control laboratory conducting measurement. Spot samples are mixed and form a combined sample. Of the combined sample form an average with a mass of at least 5 kg. Spot samples are mixed and form a combined sample.

Of the combined sample form an average with a mass of at least 3 kg. Point samples of concentrated feed are selected from the places of production and storage in accordance with GOST 13496.0. Samples are mixed and form a combined sample. Of the combined sample form an average with a mass of at least 2 kg. After the selection, the average samples of agricultural raw materials and feed are packaged in drawers, box pallets, fabric and polyethylene bags. For arbitration tests, the mass of the middle sample of agricultural raw materials and feed is doubled.


Fire safety instructing and complied with all the requirements according to safety.

During the passage of practice at the enterprise, I studied the laboratory equipment the principle of their work. I got acquainted with the entire process of acceptance, storage and shipment of grain. In the laboratory, learned to carry out grain analyzes for its quality, humidity, clogs, the infection of pests, determined the gluten, glassy, \u200b\u200bfilm, learned to properly select the sample as using the probe and the automatic sampler. He studied the work of shaft grain dryers, trieres, separators and the principle of their work. He studied the entire process of acceptance, shipment and drying grain.


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