What speech does not imply the presence of an interlocutor. Types of speech. The style features of vernacular are


State educational institution of higher professional education



Institute of Sociology and Personnel Management

Department of Philosophy

Discipline abstract


on the topic of:

"Features of oral and written speech"

Speciality Personnel Management

Group UP-6-09 \ 3

Student Kuzmina Margarita Andreevna

Student ID № 09-189


The address Moscow region, Balashikha, Sports street, 4, apt. 9

« 25 » august 2010

Assessment of work:

______________________/FULL NAME./

"____" ______________ 2010

Moscow 2010

    Introduction ………………………………………………………… ..2

    Types of communication ………………………………………………… .... 4

    Types of speech activity and their features ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 5

    General characteristics of speech forms ……………………………… .6

    Oral speech ……………………………………………… ... 8

    Written form of speech ………………………………………… .12

    Interaction between speaking and writing …………………… 14

    Conclusion ……………………………………………………… ..16

    References ……………………………………………… .18


Speech is an integral part of the social life of people, a necessary condition for the existence of human society. Speech is used in the process of collaborative work to coordinate efforts, plan work, check and evaluate its results. Speech is a prerequisite for human cognitive activity. Thanks to speech (language), a person learns, acquires knowledge and transfers it. Speech is a means of influencing consciousness, developing a worldview, norms of behavior, and the formation of tastes. In this function, speech is used in order to influence the views and beliefs of people, to change their attitude to certain facts and phenomena of reality, to persuade them to actions and deeds. Speech is a means of satisfying a person's personal needs in communication, in familiarization with a certain group of people. A person, being a social creature by nature, cannot live without connection with other people: he must consult, share thoughts, experiences, empathize, seek understanding, etc. In general, speech is of fundamental importance in the formation of the human personality.

Among various kinds of human affairs, actions, activities, there is also the so-called speech activity. In speech activity, a person produces and perceives information converted into text. There are four types of speech activity. Two of them are involved in the production of text (transmission of information) - speaking and writing; two - in the perception of the text, the information contained in it - this is listening and reading. Speech activity of all types is a complex process in which special psychological and speech mechanisms are involved.

The most important achievement of a person, which allowed him to use universal human experience, both past and present, was verbal communication, which developed on the basis of labor activity.

Types of communication:

1. According to the position of the communicants in space and time, communication is distinguished contact - distant.

The concept of contact communication is obvious: the interlocutors are next to each other. Contact communication relies on the situation, gesture-mimic and intonation signals. Everything is in plain sight, much is clear at a glance, and often facial expressions, eye expressions, gestures, phrasal stress, intonation in general speak more than words.

The types of distant communication include all those situations where communicants are separated by space and time. This can be a conversation on the phone, while the interlocutors are at a distance, but connected at a single time. Communication in letters (and in general with the help of any fixed text) is distant in time and space.

2. By the presence or absence of any mediating "apparatus", communication is distinguished direct - mediated.

The concept of direct communication associated with a contact is obvious - this is an ordinary conversation, conversation, report, etc. The types of indirect communication include telephone conversation, and writing, and the transfer of information through the media and works of art.

3.From the point of view of the form of existence of language, communication is distinguished

oral - written

Oral or written text has its own characteristics. Oral communication, as a rule, is associated with signs of contact and immediacy, and written communication - with signs of distance and mediation. In the written text, more complex forms of thinking are embodied, reflected in more complex linguistic forms. It is here that all sorts of separate turns exist, including participial and adverbial, rows of homogeneous members, structural parallelism. Written text requires deliberation; it obeys stricter rules of lexical and grammatical selection. Finally, it is fixed. Oral communication does not allow the text to be processed, except for clarifications, reservations. The written text can be returned and, if necessary, revised by the author.

Types of speech activity and their features.

In psychology, there are two main types of speech: external and internal. External speech contains oral (dialogical and monologic) and written. Dialogue is direct communication between two or more people.

Dialogue speech is supported speech; the interlocutor asks clarifying questions during her, giving cues, can help complete the thought (or reorient it). A kind of dialogical communication is a conversation in which the dialogue has a thematic focus.

Monologue speech is a long, consistent, coherent presentation of a system of thoughts, a system of knowledge by one person. It also develops in the process of communication, but the nature of communication here is different: the monologue is uninterrupted, therefore the speaker has an active, expressive-mimic and gesture effect. In monologue speech, in comparison with dialogical speech, the semantic side changes most significantly. Monologue speech is coherent, contextual. Its content should, first of all, meet the requirements of consistency and evidence in the presentation. Another condition, inextricably linked with the first, is the grammatically correct structure of sentences.

The monologue does not tolerate the wrong construction of phrases. He makes a number of requirements for the tempo and sound of speech.

The content side of the monologue should be combined with the expressive one. Expressiveness is created both by linguistic means (the ability to use a word, phrase, syntactic construction, which most accurately convey the speaker's intention), and by non-linguistic communication means (intonation, a system of pauses, dismemberment of the pronunciation of a word or several words, performing the function in oral speech a kind of underlining, facial expressions and gestures).

Written speech is a type of monologue speech. It is more developed than oral monologue speech. This is due to the fact that written speech presupposes the absence of feedback from the interlocutor. In addition, written speech does not have any additional means of influencing the perceiver, except for the words themselves, their order and the punctuation marks that organize the sentence.

General characteristics of the forms of speech.

Russian literary language exists in oral and written forms. Each of them has its own specifics and differs in the system of means of expression, the nature of the addressee and perception. Oral speech is primary, and for languages ​​that do not have a written language, this is the only form of their existence. Literary oral speech is presented in two varieties - colloquial speech and codified speech (lat. Codificatio - systematization of state signs according to separate branches of law). Conversational speech presupposes ease of communication, informality of relations between interlocutors, unpreparedness, strong reliance on an extra-linguistic situation, the use of non-verbal means, the fundamental possibility of changing the positions of “speaking” - “listening”. Codified speech is used mainly in official communication situations - meetings, congresses, meetings of commissions, conferences, appearances on television, etc. Most often, such a speech is prepared (report, message, report, information), there is no significant reliance on the extra-linguistic situation, non-verbal means are used moderately. Oral speech sounds, it uses phonetic (sound) and prosodic (Greek "prosodia" - the doctrine of the ratio of syllables in verse - stressed and unstressed, long and short) means. The speaking person simultaneously creates both the form and the content of speech, therefore it is finite in time and cannot be corrected. Verbal communicants are most likely to see each other, and direct eye contact promotes mutual understanding. Oral speech is much more active than writing - we speak and listen more than we write and read. Wider and its expressive possibilities. B. Shaw noted in this regard that "there are fifty ways to say" yes "and fifty ways to say" no "and only one way to write it." one

Written speech uses a system of graphic means of expression and is perceived visually. The writer and the reader, as a rule, not only do not see each other, but do not even imagine the external appearance of their communicant. This makes it difficult to establish contact, so the writer should strive to improve the text as much as possible in order to be understood. Written speech has existed for an infinitely long time, and the reading person always has the opportunity to clarify an incomprehensible expression in the text. 2

In lexical and grammatical terms, it is characterized by strict adherence to the literary norms of the language - a special selection of vocabulary and phraseology, processed by syntax. In written speech, book vocabulary is widely used: official business, scientific, social and journalistic. The syntax of written speech is characterized by complex and complicated sentences. In it, the order of words, strict sequence, harmony in the presentation of thoughts are of great importance. The written form of speech is distinguished by preliminary thinking over statements, editorial processing of the text, which the author himself can perform. This determines the accuracy and correctness of the written form of speech.

The basis for both writing and speaking is literary speech, acting as the leading form of the existence of the Russian language, designed for a conscious approach to the system of means of communication, in which orientation towards certain standardized samples is carried out. It is such a means of communication, the norms of which are fixed as forms of exemplary speech, i.e. they are recorded in grammar dictionaries, textbooks, etc. Educational and cultural institutions, mass media contribute to the dissemination of these norms. Literary speech- absolutely universal!

On its basis, scientific essays, publicistic works, business writing, etc. are created.

However, oral and written forms of speech are independent, have their own characteristics and characteristics.

Oral speech.

Without communication, as without air, a person cannot exist. The ability to communicate with other people allowed a person to reach a high civilization, break into space, sink to the bottom of the ocean, and penetrate into the bowels of the earth. Communication makes it possible to reveal to a person his feelings, experiences, talk about joys and sorrows, about ups and downs.

Communication for a person is his habitat. Without communication, the formation of a person's personality, his upbringing, and the development of intelligence are impossible.

At first glance, it seems that the content of the concept of "communication" is clear to everyone and does not require special explanations. Meanwhile, communication is a very complex process of human interaction. As rightly noted by A.A. Leontyev, in the modern science of communication, there is a huge number of non-coinciding definitions of this concept. 3 Representatives of different sciences are involved in communication problems - philosophers, psychologists, linguists, sociologists, culturologists, etc.

It is with the help of speech that communication between people most often occurs. Human speech activity is the most complex and most common. Without it, no other activity is possible, it precedes, accompanies, and sometimes forms, forms the basis of any other human activity (production, commercial, financial, scientific, managerial, etc.).

Oral speech - this is sounding speech used for direct communication, and in a broader sense, it is any sounding speech. Historically, this is the very first form of speech, it arose much earlier than writing. The material form of oral speech is pronounced sounds arising from the complex activity of the human pronunciation organs. This phenomenon is associated with the rich intonation capabilities of oral speech. Intonation is created by the melody of speech, intensity (loudness) of speech, duration, increase or deceleration of the tempo of speech and the timbre of pronunciation. In oral speech, the place of logical stress, the degree of clarity of pronunciation, the presence or absence of pauses play an important role. Oral speech has such intonational diversity that it can convey all the richness of human feelings, emotions, moods, etc. The perception of spoken language in direct communication is enhanced by the facial expressions and gestures of the speaking person. So, a gesture can express an emotional state, agreement or disagreement, surprise, etc. All these linguistic and extralinguistic means contribute to an increase in the semantic significance and emotional saturation of speech.

One of the features of oral speech is the inability to return at a certain moment of speech again, due to which the speaker is forced to think and speak at the same time, i.e. he thinks as if "on the go", therefore oral speech can be characterized by: irregularity, fragmentation, division of a single sentence into several communicative-independent units.

For oral speech, as for speech created at the time of speaking, two features are characteristic - redundancy and brevity of utterance (laconicism), which, at first glance, may seem mutually exclusive. Redundancy, i.e. direct repetitions of words, phrases, sentences, more often repetitions of thoughts, when words that are close in meaning are used, other constructions that are correlative in content, are explained by the conditions of the creation of the oral text, the desire to convey certain information to the listeners. Aristotle wrote about this feature of oral speech: "... Phrases that are not connected by alliances, and the frequent repetition of the same in written speech are justly rejected, and orators use these techniques in oral competitions, because they are scenic."

Since oral speech is characterized (to a greater or lesser extent) by verbal improvisation, then - depending on various circumstances - oral speech can be more or less smooth, smooth, more or less intermittent. Discontinuity is expressed in the presence of involuntary, longer (compared to the rest) stops, pauses (between words, sentences), in the repetition of individual words, syllables and even sounds, in the "stretching" of a sound like [e] and in expressions like How to say it?

All these manifestations of intermittent speech reveal the process of creating an utterance, as well as the difficulty of the speaker. If there are few cases of discontinuity, and they reflect the speaker's search for the necessary means of expressing thoughts, optimal for a given speech situation, their presence does not interfere with perceiving the utterance, and sometimes activates the attention of listeners. But intermittent speech is an ambiguous phenomenon. Pauses, self-interruptions, breakdowns of the structures begun can reflect the state of the speaker, his excitement, incoherence, and may indicate certain difficulties of the one who creates the spoken word: that he does not know what to say, what to say, and what he finds it difficult to express thoughts.

Oral speech - can be prepared (report, lecture, etc.) and unprepared (conversation, conversation).

Untrained oral speech is characterized by spontaneity. An unprepared oral statement is formed gradually, in portions, as one realizes what has been said, what should be said further, what should be repeated, clarified. The speaker constantly makes sure that his speech is logical and coherent, chooses the appropriate words to adequately express his thoughts.

This is oral speech, this is what we hear, and we hear something about a fifth of what is said. We select only those words ("sound images") that we understand, are close to, or that have interested us in something. We skip the rest. We are forced to do this, because in the stream of speech, words flow one after another, and every image is born according to the principle of metonymy, by contiguity, by purely logical grasping of the neighboring one and adjusting it to the general scheme.

Oral speech as well as written, it is normalized and regulated, however, the norms of oral speech are completely different. “Many so-called flaws in oral speech - the functioning of unfinished utterances, poor structuredness, the introduction of interruptions, autocommenters, contactors, reprises, oscillation elements, etc. - is a prerequisite for the success and effectiveness of oral communication. " 4 The listener cannot keep in mind all the grammatical and semantic connections of the text, and the speaker must take this into account; then his speech will be understood and comprehended. Unlike written speech, which is built in accordance with the logical movement of thought, oral speech unfolds through associative connections. The oral form of speech is assigned to all functional styles of the Russian language, but it has an undoubted advantage in the colloquial and everyday style of speech. The following functional types of oral speech are distinguished: oral scientific speech, oral publicistic speech, types of oral speech in the sphere of official - business communication, artistic speech and colloquial speech. It should be noted that spoken language affects all types of oral speech. Therefore, in oral speech, emotionally and expressively colored vocabulary, figurative comparative constructions, phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, even vernacular elements are used.

Written form of speech.

Writing is a human-created auxiliary sign system that is used to capture sound language (sound speech). In the same time letter Is an independent communication system, which, performing the function of fixing oral speech, acquires a number of independent functions. Written speech makes it possible to assimilate the knowledge accumulated by mankind, expands the sphere of human communication, breaks the framework of the immediate environment. Reading books, historical documents of different times and peoples, we can touch the history; culture of all mankind. It was thanks to writing that we learned about the great civilizations of Ancient Egypt, the Sumerians, Incas, Mayans, etc.

Writing historians argue that writing passed a long way of historical development from the first notches on trees, rock paintings to the sound-letter type, which is used by most people today, i.e. written speech is secondary to oral speech. The letters used in writing are signs that indicate the sounds of speech. The sound shells of words and parts of words are represented by a combination of letters, and knowledge of the letters allows them to be reproduced in sound form, i.e. read any text. Punctuation marks used in writing serve to divide speech: periods, commas, dashes correspond to an intonation pause in oral speech.

The main function of written speech is the fixation of oral speech, which has the goal of preserving it in space and time. Writing serves as a means of communication between people in cases where direct communication is impossible, when they are separated by space and time. Since ancient times, people, unable to communicate directly, exchanged letters, many of which have survived to this day, having overcome the barrier of time. The development of technical means of communication, like the telephone, to some extent reduced the role of writing. But the advent of the fax and the spread of the Internet help to overcome the space and re-activate the written form of speech. The main property of written speech is the ability to store information for a long time.

Written speech unfolds not in time, but in statistical space, which gives the writer the opportunity to think over speech, return to what has already been written, rebuild sentences and parts of the text, replace words, clarify, carry out a long search for a form of expression of thought, turn to dictionaries and reference books. In this regard, written speech has its own characteristics. Written speech uses the book language, the use of which is quite strictly normalized and regulated. The word order in the sentence is fixed, inversion (changing the word order) is not typical for written speech, and in some cases, for example, in texts of an official - business style of speech, it is unacceptable. A sentence, which is the main unit of written speech, expresses complex logical and semantic connections through syntax, therefore, as a rule, written speech is characterized by complex syntactic constructions, participial and adverbial expressions, common definitions, insert constructions, etc. When you combine sentences into paragraphs, each of them is strictly related to the preceding and following context.

Written speech is the main form of the existence of speech in the scientific, journalistic, official - business and artistic styles.

Interaction of speaking and writing.

It is known that there is a lot in common between oral and written speech: basically the same vocabulary is used, the same ways of connecting words and sentences. It is characteristic that at the level of 1200 most commonly used words, there are no fundamental differences between the spoken and literary-book word lists.

Both forms of speech "are connected by thousands of transitions into each other" (Bukhalovsky LA Course of the Russian literary language. - Kiev, 1952. - Vol. 1. - P.410). Psychologists explain this organic connection between oral and written speech by the fact that both forms of speech are also based on inner speech, in which thought begins to form. Sometimes oral speech is characterized as "sounding, spoken, audible." However, not all spoken and heard speech can be attributed to the oral form of speech. The fact is that oral speech can be recorded (on paper), and written speech can be pronounced. So, when reading aloud or reciting a text by heart, a person perceives the sounding speech, however, the written form in these cases was primary, therefore this form of speech is reproduced aloud with its inherent lexical and grammatical features. And although when pronouncing a written text out loud, it can acquire some features of oral speech (its intonation coloring, rhythm, etc.), this sounding speech is not oral in the full sense of the word.

True oral speech is created at the moment of speaking. According to V.G. Kostomarova, oral speech is spoken speech, which presupposes the presence of verbal improvisation, which always takes place in the process of speaking - to a greater or lesser extent.

In our time, oral speech “not only surpassed written speech in terms of the possibilities of actual dissemination, but also acquired an important advantage over it - the instantaneousness, or, as they say now, the instantaneous transmission of information, which is extremely important for the rapid pace and rhythms of the 20th century. In addition, oral speech acquired a different quality: the ability to be fixed, preserved, preserved and reproduced "(V. Kostomarov, Problems of modern philology. - M., 1965. - p. 176)

So, oral (spoken) speech is designed for the semantic perception of the spoken speech created at the time of speaking. Therefore, when characterizing oral speech as spoken, we mean only one of its varieties associated with the generation of speech. In fact, there is another side closely related to speaking - listening, perception, understanding of the generated speech. The speaker creates his utterance based on his semantic perception. And in this regard, it is not at all indifferent to how much the speaker knows and takes into account the peculiarities of the interlocutor, the audience, how fluently he is fluent in oral speech.

Differences between oral and written speech of a psychological and situational nature can be presented in the following comparative table:

Oral speech

Written speech

The speaker and the listener not only hear, but often see each other.

The writer does not see or hear the one to whom his speech is intended; he can only mentally imagine - more or less concretely - the future reader.

In many cases it depends on the reaction of the listeners, it can vary depending on this reaction.

Does not depend on the reaction of the addressee.

Designed for auditory perception.

Designed for visual perception

An oral statement can be reproduced only with special technical devices.

The reader can literally re-read what has been written as many times as necessary.

The speaker speaks without preparation, correcting in the course of the presentation only what he will be able to notice in the process of speech.

The writer can repeatedly return to the written and improve it many times.

The similarity of both forms of speech lies in the fact that they are based on the literary language. Consequently, both forms are forced to adhere to the generally accepted norms of the Russian language. However, the oral form of speech, being tied to the spoken style of speech, is freer from rationing and regulation than the written one. Both forms in practice occupy an approximately equal place in their importance, penetrating into all spheres of human life, including the sphere of production, management, education, jurisprudence, art, the media, etc.

The differences between them are most often reduced to means of expression. oral speech is associated with intonation and melody, non-verbal, it uses a certain amount of “own” linguistic means, it is tied to the spoken style. The letter uses alphabetic, graphic designations, more often a book language with all its styles and characteristics, standardization and formal organization.


Finishing the conversation about speech, about the native language as a means of communication, one should summarize and determine the prospects associated with improving the culture of oral and written speech.

So, oral speech is, ultimately, a culture of communication, a culture of speech activity, the mastery of which presupposes a high level of development of the general culture of a person, i.e. the ability for a culture of thinking, knowledge of reality, the subject of speech, the laws of communication in general, and, finally, the laws, rules, norms of using language means to solve a specific communicative task.

One of the first stages of mastering oral speech is, in the modern view, the awareness of the essence of speech activity, since a person's ability to communicate, the communicative side of his life, his social status are provided by the ability to create and perceive statements (texts). Text is a product of social interaction. And the ability to create and perceive texts allows a person to assert himself as a person.

As a result of everything, speech should accurately, logically, expressively, and easily convey what the author of this or that statement intended. If this does not happen, then either the person has not clearly understood the intention of the text, its meaning, or he cannot find words, forms of structure that ensure understanding of what was said, and, therefore, he does not possess the necessary level of speech culture.

Good speech should be clean. The clogging of her with verbal "garbage" is due to a careless, irresponsible attitude towards her and is largely due to the lack of knowledge of the riches of the Russian language.

Purity of speech is its necessary quality, testifying to the culture of the word and the general culture of a person.

Thus, the great Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. Using his wealth, a person can choose the exact and necessary words to write the transmission of thought. And not only thoughts, but also feelings, the most subtle, most passionate and deepest. And we, the owners of such wealth, should be sensitive to such a treasure. We must all cultivate a culture of speaking and writing.

What is the culture of writing? Some believe that the culture of writing is the ability to write correctly in a particular language. Others say that the culture of writing is the ability to express one's thoughts on paper, simply accessible and logical.

Indeed, each of these points of view has its own reasons. Real, cultural written speech should be correct, and precise, and short, and original, and accessible, and meaningful, and emotional. However, if we recognize all these positive qualities in cultural written speech, then the most important of them will still be correctness, that is, the ability of the writer to express his thoughts correctly, in accordance with the spelling norms existing in this era, as well as the norms of spelling and punctuation. The ability to write correctly is the main feature of the written culture of a person's speech!


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    Vasilyeva A.N. Fundamentals of the culture of speech.-M, 1990;

    Bubnova G.I., Garbovsky N.K. Written and oral communication: Syntax and prosody. M., 1991;

    Vakhek I.K. Problems of the written language. M 1967;

    A.A. Zaliznyak On the concept of grapheme, linguistic research. M, 1979;

    Shammro. Basics of Russian puncture. M, 1955;

    Ladyzhenskaya T.A. Oral speech as a means and subject of instruction. M .: Flinta, 1998;

    Formanovskaya N.I. Speech etiquette and communication culture. M .: Higher school, 1989;

    Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. M .: Pedagogy, 1989;

    Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology. M .: Pedagogy, 1991;

    Maksimov V.I. Russian language and culture of speech, M .: Gardariki, 2004;

    Bubnova G.I., Garbovsky N.K. Written and oral communication: syntax and prosody. M., 1991.S. 8.

    oral has its peculiarities. Written speech uses bookish language, use ... perspectives related to the improvement of culture oral and written speeches... So, oral speech Is ultimately culture ...

  1. Prevention of violations written speeches

    Abstract >> Pedagogy

    ... written speeches... Research objectives: to reveal the content of concepts, dyslexia ”, dysgraphia”; to examine peculiarities... Education, 1972 .-- 264 p. Efimenkova, L.N. Correction oral and written speeches for primary school students / L.N. Efimenkov. - M .: VLADOS ...

Communication is a multifaceted phenomenon. One of its components is speech. The classification of speech is therefore quite complex and has many different bases. Let's consider the main ones.

What is it like

The classification of types of speech can exist according to the form in which information is exchanged. That is, speech can be spoken (using sounds) or written (using special characters).

If we focus on the number of participants in communication, then it can be divided into monological, dialogical and polylogical. The style of speech depends on the sphere of communication in which it functions, and can be scientific, journalistic, official-business, artistic or colloquial.

The classification of forms of speech by compositional and structural features, as well as by content-semantic features, assigns any type of speech to either description, or to narration, or to reasoning. Let's consider in more detail each of these divisions.

Language and speech. Speaking and writing

Oral speech (a form opposed to its written variety) means spoken speech, that is, sounding. It refers to the primary forms of existence of any language.

Written means that speech that is depicted on a physical medium - paper, canvas, parchment, etc. using graphic signs of writing, designed specifically for this. Historically, it appeared later relatively oral.

The form in which the Russian language mainly exists is called literary speech. Its main feature is the conscious use of means of communication with an orientation towards compliance with specific rules and regulations. They are given in reference books, dictionaries and textbooks. The teaching of norms is carried out in schools, cultural institutions and the media.

In the context of real communications, written and spoken language constantly intersect, interact and penetrate one another. Some of the genres related to written speech are subsequently voiced - these are oratory (including speech lessons) or drama. A literary work very often contains such samples in the form of monologues and dialogues of the characters.

What is good about speaking

The most important advantage of speaking over writing is the ability to instantly transfer information. The difference between these two forms also lies in the fact that oral dialogue most often allows participants to see each other and adjust the content and form of what is spoken, depending on the reaction of the interlocutor.

Designed for perception by the human ear, spoken language does not need accurate literal reproduction. In the event of such a need, one has to use certain technical means. At the same time, everything is pronounced "cleanly", without preliminary amendments.

When communicating in writing, the author of the speech does not have the opportunity to provide feedback with his addressee. Therefore, the reaction of the latter has little effect. The reader subsequently has the opportunity to return to individual postulates any number of times, while the writer has the time and means to correct and supplement what has been written.

The advantage of written communication is a more accurate and fixed presentation of information, the ability to transmit it in future times. Written speech serves as the basis for scientific and any business activity.

Its other features ...

Sound waves emitted by the human speech apparatus serve as a material form reproduced in writing using letters of the alphabet. Thanks to this, all the richness of intonation possibilities is inherent in her. The means of forming intonation are the intensity, the pace of the conversation, the sound timbre, etc. Much in it depends on the clarity of pronunciation, the arrangement of logical stresses, the duration of the pauses.

Important characteristics of oral speech are spontaneity, multichannel and irreversibility. The origin of thought and its expression in this case occurs almost simultaneously. Depending on the speech experience of the speaker and other circumstances of oral speech, smoothness or discontinuity, fragmentation may be inherent.

... and views

Focusing on the reaction of the audience, the speaker can highlight the most important points, use comments, clarifications and repetitions. These features most of all characterize unprepared oral speech. The classification of speech on this basis opposes it to another - prepared, existing in the form of lectures or reports.

This form is characterized by a clear structure and thoughtfulness. In a spontaneously pronounced text, typical for unprepared oral speech, there are many pauses, repetitions of individual words and sounds that do not carry any meaning (such as "uh-uh", "here", "means"), the structures planned for pronunciation sometimes fail. In such speech, there are more speech errors, short, incomplete and not always correct sentences, fewer participial and adverbial expressions.

According to the functional varieties, the types of oral speech also differ. It can be scientific, journalistic, artistic, colloquial, and also used in the official business sphere.

About written speech

Written speech is not intended for a specific interlocutor and depends entirely on the writer. As already noted, it arose at a historically later stage in the development of mankind and exists in the form of an artificially created sign system, developed in order to fix the pronounced sounds. That is, the signs for the designation of the sounds emitted serve as its material carriers.

Unlike oral speech, written speech not only serves for direct communication, but also allows you to assimilate and perceive the knowledge accumulated throughout the development of the entire human society. Such speech is a means of communication in cases of impossibility of direct dialogue, when the interlocutors are divided by time or space.

Signs of written speech

The exchange of messages in writing began already in ancient times. Nowadays, the role of writing has been reduced with the development of modern technologies (for example, the telephone), but with the invention of the Internet, as well as facsimile messages, the forms of such speech are again in demand.

Its main property can be considered the ability of long-term storage of transmitted information. The main sign of use is a strictly regulated book language. The main units of written speech are sentences, the task of which is to express logical semantic connections of a rather complex level.

That is why well-thought-out sentences are always present in written speech, it is characterized by a fixed word order. Such speech is not inherent in inversion, that is, the use of words in reverse order. In some cases, this is completely unacceptable. Written speech is oriented towards visual perception, and therefore it is clearly structured - the pages are numbered, the text is divided into paragraphs and chapters, different types of fonts are used, etc.

Monologue and dialogue. Examples and essence of concepts

The classification of speech by the number of participants was undertaken in ancient times. The division into dialogues and monologues was used in areas such as logic, rhetoric, philosophy. The term "polylogue" originated at the end of the 20th century and denotes a conversation involving more than two persons.

Such a form as dialogue is characterized by alternating statements of both interlocutors in direct connection with a specific situation. The statements themselves are called replicas. According to its semantic load, a dialogue is an exchange of opinions that depend on each other.

The dialogue as a whole and any of its parts can be perceived as a separate textual act. The structure of the dialogue includes parts called the beginning, the base and the ending. As the first of them, generally accepted forms of speech etiquette are used, a greeting or an introductory remark in the form of a question or judgment.

What is the dialogue

The main body can be very short to very long. Any dialogue tends to be continued. As the ending, the lines of agreement, response or standard speech etiquette ("goodbye" or "all the best") are used.

In the sphere of colloquial speech, dialogue is considered everyday and is conducted using colloquial vocabulary. Here, not the most successful choice of words, repetitions, deviations from literary norms are allowed. Such a dialogue is characterized by emotions and expression, unevenness, a variety of topics, a deviation from the main line of discussion.

There is also dialogue in literary sources. Examples are the communication of heroes, a novel in letters, or genuine correspondence of historical persons.

It can be both informative and not very informative. In the latter case, it consists mainly of speech forms and does not contain useful information. An informative dialogue is characterized by the need for communication in order to obtain new data.

Let's talk about monologues

What is a monologue? Examples of it are not less common. This term denotes the statement of someone in an expanded form, intended for oneself or others and having a certain organization in the sense of composition and completeness. In a work of fiction, a monologue can become an integral component or an independent unit - for example, in the form of a solo performance.

In public life, speeches of orators, lecturers, radio and television announcers are practiced in the form of a monologue. Monologues are most characteristic of oral book speech (appearances in courts, lectures, reports), but it may not have a specific listener as its addressee and may not suggest a response.

According to the purpose of the statement, this form of speech refers to either informational, or persuasive, or encouraging. Informational is a monologue conveying knowledge. Examples are all the same lectures, reports, reports or speeches. Persuasive speech is focused on the emotions of those who are going to listen to it. These are congratulations, parting words, etc.

Incentive speech, as the name implies, is designed to motivate the listener to take certain actions. Examples include the appeals, protests and speeches of politicians.

Polylogue - what kind of beast?

The classification of styles of speech has recently (at the end of the last century) been replenished with the concept of polylogue. Even among linguists, it has not yet entered into widespread use. This is a conversation of several people at once. Situationally, it is closer to dialogue, since it unites listeners and speakers. There is a polylogue in the form of discussions, conversations, games, meetings. In it there is an exchange of information introduced by everyone, and everyone is aware of what is at stake.

The rules by which the polylogue is built are as follows: the participants are instructed to speak convincingly and rather briefly, everyone who composes it must follow the plot of the discussion and be attentive, it is customary to ask questions and clarify incomprehensible points, as well as make the necessary objections. The polylogue must be conducted in a correct and friendly manner.

Different types of texts

According to the functions performed, there is also a different speech. Classification of speech on this basis divides it into texts with a reflection of actual reality and those that contain thoughts and reasoning about it. Depending on the meaning, any of them can be classified as narrative, descriptive and related to reasoning.

In the descriptions, a phenomenon is depicted with a list of features inherent in it. It can be portrait, landscape, interior, everyday, scientific, etc. It is characterized by static, and it is built on the main starting point contained in the object itself or its separate part. Thought develops by adding new features to what has been said.

A type called storytelling is a story about events and actions that take place over time. Its composition includes an outset with subsequent development, continuation, culmination and ends with a denouement.

Reasoning refers to the confirmation and explanation of a certain thought or statement set forth in words. The composition usually consists of a thesis, its evidence and final conclusions.

... and styles

Modern linguistics has streamlined the very concept of "speech". The classification of speech depending on the purpose of communication, as already mentioned at the beginning of the article, is reduced to five different speech styles (everyday or colloquial, scientific, official-business, journalistic and artistic). Thus, the conversational style is used mainly in everyday life and in everyday communication. It is characterized by oral speech with a predominance of dialogues.

In the field of the scientific and technical sphere, with a description of various theories and technologies, the scientific style prevails - strictly verified and does not allow free turns. Formal business is used in the legislative field and in any form of formal communication. It is characterized by many fixed structures, a significant predominance of written speech, a large number of monologues (reports, lectures, speeches, court speeches).

For the socio-political sphere, the journalistic style has always been and is being applied, which often exists in the form of bright, emotionally colored monologues of a motivating nature.

The art sphere is subject to the artistic style. A variety of expressions, a wealth of forms and linguistic means rule the ball here; strict official constructions are practically not found here.

The choice of genres and styles is dictated by the content of speech and the type of its communicative orientation, in other words, by the purpose of communication. It is on them that the techniques that will be used in a dialogue or monologue depend, as well as the compositional structure of each specific speech.

Not just translation, but various functions -----------

Business Conversation

Impersonal Personal

Distracted Immediate

Their features in construction and means

Expanded construction Collapsed character,

since there is a general situation

Requires a systematic Allows to skip individual

logical connected components


Limited expressive means Numerous

italic gestures

paragraph facial expressions

punctuation intonation,

stress, etc.

The types of written and spoken language differ much less.

from a friend than written speech from speaking in general.

spoken letter

message conversation

scientific treatise report

lecture notes



Speech is an integral part of the social life of people, a necessary condition for the existence of human society. Speech is used in the process of collaborative work to coordinate efforts, plan work, check and evaluate its results. Speech is a prerequisite for human cognitive activity. Thanks to speech (language), a person learns, acquires knowledge and transfers it. Speech is a means of influencing consciousness, developing a worldview, norms of behavior, and the formation of tastes. In this function, speech is used in order to influence the views and beliefs of people, to change their attitude to certain facts and phenomena of reality, to persuade them to actions and deeds. Speech is a means of satisfying a person's personal needs in communication, in familiarization with a certain group of people. A person, being a social creature by nature, cannot live without connection with other people: he must consult, share thoughts, experiences, empathize, seek understanding, etc. In general, speech is of fundamental importance in the formation of the human personality.

Among various kinds of human affairs, actions, activities, there is also the so-called speech activity. In speech activity, a person produces and perceives information converted into text. There are four types of speech activity. Two of them are involved in the production of text (transmission of information) - speaking and writing; two - in the perception of the text, the information contained in it - this is listening and reading. Speech activity of all types is a complex process in which special psychological and speech mechanisms are involved.

The most important achievement of a person, which allowed him to use universal human experience, both past and present, was verbal communication, which developed on the basis of labor activity.

Types of communication:

1. According to the position of the communicants in space and time, communication is distinguished contact - distant

The concept of contact communication is obvious: the interlocutors are next to each other. Contact communication relies on the situation, gesture-mimic and intonation signals. Everything is in plain sight, much is clear at a glance, and often facial expressions, eye expressions, gestures, phrasal stress, intonation in general speak more than words.

The types of distant communication include all those situations where communicants are separated by space and time. This can be a conversation on the phone, while the interlocutors are at a distance, but connected at a single time. Communication in letters (and in general with the help of any fixed text) is distant in time and space.

2. By the presence or absence of any mediating "apparatus", communication is distinguished direct - indirect

The concept of direct communication associated with a contact is obvious - this is an ordinary conversation, conversation, report, etc. The types of indirect communication include telephone conversation, and writing, and the transfer of information through the media and works of art.

3.From the point of view of the form of existence of language, communication is distinguished

oral - written

Oral or written text has its own characteristics. Oral communication, as a rule, is associated with signs of contact and immediacy, and written communication - with signs of distance and mediation. In the written text, more complex forms of thinking are embodied, reflected in more complex linguistic forms. It is here that all sorts of separate turns exist, including participial and adverbial, rows of homogeneous members, structural parallelism. Written text requires deliberation; it obeys stricter rules of lexical and grammatical selection. Finally, it is fixed. Oral communication does not allow the text to be processed, except for clarifications, reservations. The written text can be returned and, if necessary, revised by the author.

Types of speech activity and their features .

In psychology, there are two main types of speech: external and internal. External speech contains oral (dialogical and monologic) and written. Dialogue is direct communication between two or more people.

Dialogue speech is supported speech; the interlocutor asks clarifying questions during her, giving cues, can help complete the thought (or reorient it). A kind of dialogical communication is a conversation in which the dialogue has a thematic focus.

Monologue speech is a long, consistent, coherent presentation of a system of thoughts, a system of knowledge by one person. It also develops in the process of communication, but the nature of communication here is different: the monologue is uninterrupted, therefore the speaker has an active, expressive-mimic and gesture effect. In monologue speech, in comparison with dialogical speech, the semantic side changes most significantly. Monologue speech is coherent, contextual. Its content should, first of all, meet the requirements of consistency and evidence in the presentation. Another condition, inextricably linked with the first, is the grammatically correct structure of sentences.

The monologue does not tolerate the wrong construction of phrases. He makes a number of requirements for the tempo and sound of speech.

The content side of the monologue should be combined with the expressive one. Expressiveness is created both by linguistic means (the ability to use a word, phrase, syntactic construction, which most accurately convey the speaker's intention), and by non-linguistic communication means (intonation, a system of pauses, dismemberment of the pronunciation of a word or several words, performing the function in oral speech a kind of underlining, facial expressions and gestures).

Written speech is a type of monologue speech. It is more developed than oral monologue speech. This is due to the fact that written speech presupposes the absence of feedback from the interlocutor. In addition, written speech does not have any additional means of influencing the perceiver, except for the words themselves, their order and the punctuation marks that organize the sentence.

Interaction of speaking and writing .

It is known that there is a lot in common between oral and written speech: basically the same vocabulary is used, the same ways of connecting words and sentences. It is characteristic that at the level of 1200 most commonly used words, there are no fundamental differences between the spoken and literary-book word lists.

Both forms of speech "are connected by thousands of transitions into each other" (Bukhalovsky LA Course of the Russian literary language. - Kiev, 1952. - Vol. 1. - P.410). Psychologists explain this organic connection between oral and written speech by the fact that both forms of speech are also based on inner speech, in which thought begins to form. Sometimes oral speech is characterized as "sounding, spoken, audible." However, not all spoken and heard speech can be attributed to the oral form of speech. The fact is that oral speech can be recorded (on paper), and written speech can be pronounced. So, when reading aloud or reciting a text by heart, a person perceives the sounding speech, however, the written form in these cases was primary, therefore this form of speech is reproduced aloud with its inherent lexical and grammatical features. And although when pronouncing a written text out loud, it can acquire some features of oral speech (its intonation coloring, rhythm, etc.), this sounding speech is not oral in the full sense of the word.

True oral speech is created at the moment of speaking. According to V.G. Kostomarova, oral speech is spoken speech, which presupposes the presence of verbal improvisation, which always takes place in the process of speaking - to a greater or lesser extent.

In our time, oral speech “not only surpassed written speech in terms of the possibilities of actual dissemination, but also acquired an important advantage over it - the instantaneousness, or, as they say now, the instantaneous transmission of information, which is extremely important for the rapid pace and rhythms of the 20th century. In addition, oral speech acquired a different quality: the ability to be fixed, preserved, preserved and reproduced "(V. Kostomarov, Problems of modern philology. - M., 1965. - p. 176)

So, oral (spoken) speech is designed for the semantic perception of the spoken speech created at the time of speaking. Therefore, when characterizing oral speech as spoken, we mean only one of its varieties associated with the generation of speech. In fact, there is another side closely related to speaking - listening, perception, understanding of the generated speech. The speaker creates his utterance based on his semantic perception. And in this regard, it is not at all indifferent to how much the speaker knows and takes into account the peculiarities of the interlocutor, the audience, how fluently he is fluent in oral speech.

Differences between oral and written speech of a psychological and situational nature can be presented in the following comparative table:

Oral speech

Written speech
The speaker and listener not only hear, but often see each other The writer does not see or hear the one to whom his speech is intended; he can only mentally imagine - more or less concretely - the future reader.
In many cases it depends on the reaction of the listeners, it can vary depending on this reaction. Does not depend on the reaction of the addressee.
Designed for auditory perception. Designed for visual perception
An oral statement can only be reproduced with special technical devices. The reader can literally re-read what has been written as many times as necessary.
The speaker speaks without preparation, correcting in the course of the presentation only what he will be able to notice in the process of speech. The writer can repeatedly return to the written and improve it many times.

Features of oral speech.

For oral speech, as for speech created at the time of speaking, two features are characteristic - redundancy and brevity of utterance (laconicism), which, at first glance, may seem mutually exclusive. Redundancy, i.e. direct repetitions of words, phrases, sentences, more often repetitions of thoughts, when words that are close in meaning are used, other constructions that are correlative in content, are explained by the conditions of the creation of the oral text, the desire to convey certain information to the listeners. Aristotle wrote about this feature of oral speech: "... Phrases that are not connected by alliances, and the frequent repetition of the same in written speech are justly rejected, and orators use these techniques in oral competitions, because they are scenic."

Since oral speech is characterized (to a greater or lesser extent) by verbal improvisation, then - depending on various circumstances - oral speech can be more or less smooth, smooth, more or less intermittent. Discontinuity is expressed in the presence of involuntary, longer (compared to the rest) stops, pauses (between words, sentences), in the repetition of individual words, syllables and even sounds, in the "stretching" of a sound like [e] and in expressions like How to say it?

All these manifestations of intermittent speech reveal the process of creating an utterance, as well as the difficulty of the speaker. If there are few cases of discontinuity, and they reflect the speaker's search for the necessary means of expressing thoughts, optimal for a given speech situation, their presence does not interfere with perceiving the utterance, and sometimes activates the attention of listeners. But intermittent speech is an ambiguous phenomenon. Pauses, self-interruptions, breakdowns of the structures begun can reflect the state of the speaker, his excitement, incoherence, and may indicate certain difficulties of the one who creates the spoken word: that he does not know what to say, what to say, and what he finds it difficult to express thoughts.

Functional and stylistic varieties of speech .

There are complex relationships between the forms of language and its styles. Each of the functional styles is used in both oral and written speech. However, some styles are implemented mainly in a certain form of language (speech). So, for example, the conversational style is most often associated with the oral form of the language. In this case, as V.G. Kostomarov, the features of the spoken style are especially closely intertwined with the features of the oral form of speech. On the other hand, there are styles that function the same (or nearly the same) in both oral and written speech. This primarily applies to the journalistic style, in which there are features coming from both forms of speech. So, oratory, which functions orally, is characterized by a conscious orientation towards the means of expression (for example, the use of various figures), which is typical of book styles of writing. (Kostomarov V.G. Conversational speech: definition and role in teaching // Russian language in the national school. - 1965. No. 1). At the same time, such extra-linguistic means of expression as gesture and facial expressions are used in oratory, which is associated with the oral form of oratorical speech.

The scientific style can also be realized in oral speech, for example, in a report on a scientific topic, and in written speech in a scientific article. "It is impossible to speak, for example, on scientific topics, even in the most relaxed atmosphere of dialogue, without switching to a scientific style or, at best, to a mixture of scientific style with elements of colloquial speech" (O. Lapteva On the structural components of colloquial speech // Russian language in the national school. - 1965. No. 2).

Actually, many of the book language styles (official-business, scientific), which arose in connection with writing and developed in writing, now function orally. At the same time, naturally, the form of speech leaves a certain imprint on its style. In the oral form, the functioning of book styles is easier and more natural for elements of the colloquial style to penetrate into them, they are more "free" in syntactic constructions, etc. Thus, although “the style of speech is not fixed to the form”, it is not indifferent whether the utterance is carried out orally or in writing, since, depending on this, various modifications of the same “functional-stylistic categories” arise. (Vinokur T.G. Stylistic development of modern Russian colloquial speech // In the book: Development of functional styles of modern Russian language. - M., 1968).

The development of oral and written speech in children .

A very significant acquisition in a child's speech development is his mastery of written speech. Written speech is of great importance for the mental development of a child, but mastering it presents some difficulties. These difficulties are already evident in learning to read, i.e. understanding of written language. Reading is not simply a mechanical operation of translating written signs into spoken language. Learning to read requires first and foremost the development of appropriate technical skills, but technical skills alone are not enough. Since reading includes reading comprehension, it is a kind of mental operation. Comprehension of oral speech also presupposes intellectual activity on the part of the listener. But reading is a more difficult operation than listening. In oral speech, intonation, pauses, vocal emphasis, a whole range of expressive means contribute to understanding. Using them, the speaker, as it were, interprets what he said and reveals the text of his speech to the listener. When reading, it is necessary, without the help of all these aids, relying on the text alone, having determined the correct ratio of the words included in the given text, and giving it an independent interpretation. Reading, the child learns to build his speech in a new way.

Mastering writing is also very important. First of all, mastering the writing technique presents some difficulties for the child; and these difficulties cannot but affect the level of written speech. Then the question arises: is written speech really a simple translation of oral into written signs? The German researcher Buserman drew attention to the fact that a child, whose oral story is rich and lively, behaves completely differently when he has to write a letter. He writes: “Dear, brave Franz, I am writing you a letter. Your Hans. " We can say that written speech presents great difficulties for the student and reduces his mental activity to a lower level, not because it contains the same difficulties that were in oral speech, but due to other circumstances.

The first circumstance.

A number of researchers have shown that written speech is more abstract than oral speech. It is abstract in the sense that it is speech without intonation. A person begins to understand intonation earlier than speech itself. A child in early childhood talks about objects that are in front of his eyes, and cannot speak when they are absent. Therefore, it is difficult for him to move from specific objects to talking about them. The transition to written speech, which is more abstract in this respect, becomes even more difficult.

Second circumstance.

Written speech is also abstract in the sense that it is performed without an interlocutor. Any living speech presupposes a situation where I speak, and you listen to me, or where you speak, and I listen to you. The child is accustomed to dialogue, i.e. to a situation where he speaks and immediately gets some kind of response. Speaking outside of a conversation situation is a large degree of distraction, since you have to imagine a listener, turn to a person who is not here now, imagine that he is now nearby. This again requires abstraction from the child, which is still underdeveloped. It is very interesting to observe that young children speak much worse on the phone than in normal situations.

There is no doubt that the child's written speech often reveals, along with an undoubted lag in some respects, certain advantages over his oral speech in other respects; for the most part it is more planned, systematic, thoughtful; being less common, it is sometimes more concise than less complete.

Psychological differences in the nature of written and spoken language .

In the development of speech, the differences between written and oral speech and their commonality are really manifested; it also affects their interaction. At first, speech naturally dominates; it determines the written language of the child; the child writes as he says: the forms of oral speech developed by him determine at first the structure of his written speech.

But even in written speech, a number of expressive moments of oral speech inevitably fall out; if they are not replenished by a proper restructuring of its substantive-semantic content, written speech, by virtue of this, turns out to be poorer than oral. In the future, written speech with the requirements of thoughtfulness, consistency, coherence that it makes, begins to have a significant impact on the development of oral speech.

The main link in the development of written speech is the development of coherent speech - the ability to display in speech all the essential connections of the subject content so that the semantic content of speech forms a context that is understandable to another. The development of coherent - contextual speech significantly depends on the development of written speech.

Studies of the written language of schoolchildren show how only gradually secondary school students begin to cope with the difficulties associated with building a coherent, understandable context for the reader. In this regard, specific tasks arise that must be solved in the introduction, then others - in the presentation and, finally, in the conclusion, when it is necessary to summarize the entire presentation in the light of the attitudes from which the writer proceeds: building a coherent context that is understandable for the reader, requires special techniques and tools. Special work is required to master these means.

In adolescence and adolescence, in connection with mental development, especially with a good culture, speech, both written and oral, becomes more and more rich, multifaceted, more and more literary: in connection with the acquisition of scientific knowledge in the learning process and the development of thinking in concepts, speech becomes more adapted to the expression of abstract thought. Words already at the child's disposal acquire a more generalized, abstract meaning. In addition to the semantic development of the available verbal stock, a number of new special terms are included in speech - technical scientific speech is developing. Along with this, in the speech of a teenager, its emotionally expressive - lyrical and rhetorical - moments appear brighter than that of a child studying in elementary school. Sensitivity to the form, to the literary presentation of what is said and written is growing; the use of metaphorical expressions is becoming more frequent. The structure of speech - especially written speech - becomes more or less significantly more complicated, the number of complex structures increases; someone else's speech, which until then was given mainly in the form of direct speech, is transmitted more often in the form of indirect speech; in connection with the expanding reading circle and the emerging skills of working with the book, quotations are beginning to be used; some flowery is observed in speech; it manifests itself as a result of a certain disproportion between the intensity of the experience and the speech means for its adequate objectified and yet sufficiently vivid expression.


In a person's speech, the entire psychological makeup of a person is usually revealed. Such an essential aspect as the degree and peculiarity of sociability, which underlies many classifications of characters, is directly manifested in speech. It is usually indicative of how a person starts a conversation and how he ends it; his temperament appears more or less clearly in the pace of speech, in its intonation, rhythmic, generally expressive drawing - his emotionality, and in its content his spiritual world, his interests, and their direction shine through.

Used Books:

1. Ladyzhenskaya T.A. Oral speech as a means and subject of instruction. M .: Flinta, 1998.

2. Formanovskaya NI Speech etiquette and culture of communication. M .: Higher school, 1989.

3. Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. M .: Pedagogy, 1989.

4. Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology. M .: Pedagogy, 1991.

Oral speech:


Created in the process of speaking;

Verbal improvisation and some linguistic features are characteristic (freedom in the choice of vocabulary, the use of simple sentences, the use of incentive, interrogative, exclamation sentences of various kinds, repetitions, incomplete expression of thought).

Written speech:

Graphically fixed;

Can be thought over and corrected in advance;

Some linguistic features are characteristic (the predominance of book vocabulary, the presence of complex prepositions, passive constructions, strict adherence to linguistic norms, the absence of extra-linguistic elements).

Oral speech also differs from written speech in the nature of the addressee. Written speech is usually addressed to those who are absent. The one who writes does not see his reader, but can only mentally imagine him. Written language is not affected by the reaction of those who read it. On the contrary, speaking presupposes the presence of an interlocutor. The speaker and the listener not only hear, but also see each other. Therefore, oral speech often depends on how it is perceived. The reaction of approval or disapproval, the remarks of the listeners, their smiles and laughter - all this can affect the nature of speech, change it depending on this reaction.

The speaker creates, creates his speech immediately. He works on content and form at the same time. The writer has the opportunity to improve the written text, return to it, change, correct.

The nature of the perception of oral and written speech is also different. Written speech is designed for visual perception. While reading, there is always the opportunity to re-read an incomprehensible passage several times, make extracts, clarify the meanings of individual words, check the correct understanding of terms in dictionaries. Oral speech is perceived by ear. To reproduce it again, special technical means are required. Therefore, oral speech should be structured and organized in such a way that its content is immediately understood and easily assimilated by listeners.

Here is what I. Andronikov wrote about the different perception of oral and written speech in the article "The Word Written and Spoken":

If a person goes on a love date and reads an explanation to his beloved on a piece of paper, she will laugh at him. Meanwhile, the same note sent by mail can move her. If a teacher reads the text of his lesson from a book, that teacher has no authority. If the agitator uses a cheat sheet all the time, you may know in advance that this one does not agitate anyone. If a person in court begins to testify on a piece of paper, no one will believe this testimony. A bad lecturer is one who reads with his nose buried in a manuscript brought from home. But if you print the text of this lecture, it may be interesting. And it turns out that it is boring not because it is empty, but because written speech has replaced live oral speech in the department.

What's the matter here? The point, it seems to me, is that the written text is a mediator between people, when live communication is impossible between them. In such cases, the text acts as a representative of the author. But if the author is here and can speak himself, the written text becomes a hindrance in communication.

The written form of speech is most often represented by a standardized (codified) language, although there are such genres of written speech as statements, letters, reports, announcements, etc., in which spoken language and even common speech can be reflected.

The oral form of speech is stylistically heterogeneous and manifests itself in three varieties: normalized (codified) speech, colloquial speech, vernacular. Each of these varieties is characterized by special communicative and stylistic features (see the concept of style below).

External and internal speech... The speech of people, depending on various conditions, acquires peculiar features. Accordingly, different types of speech are distinguished. First of all, distinguish between external speech and internal. External speech serves to communicate (although in some cases a person can think aloud without communicating with anyone), therefore, its main feature is the availability of perception through the auditory or visual channel of other people.

Inner speech Is an internal silent speech process. It is inaccessible to the perception of other people and, therefore, cannot be a means of communication. Usually they say about it that it is a verbal shell of thinking. Inner speech is peculiar. It is very abbreviated, collapsed, almost never exists in the form of complete, detailed sentences. Often whole phrases are reduced to one word (subject or predicate). This is explained by the fact that the subject of his own thought is completely clear to a person and therefore does not require detailed verbal formulations from him. They unfold, like external speech, internal speech only in those cases when they experience difficulties in the process of thinking.

Speaking and writing... Depending on whether sounds or written signs are used for external speech, oral (usually sound spoken speech) and written speech are distinguished. Oral and written speech have their own psychological characteristics.

When speaking, a person perceives the listeners, their reaction to his words. Receiving instant feedback, he can correct his further speech. In addition to the actual linguistic means, a person can use extra-linguistic means (gestures, facial expressions, speech rate, pauses, etc.), which also affect the degree of listeners' understanding of his speech.

Monologue and dialogue(polylogue). Depending on the conditions of communication, oral speech takes the form of either monologue or dialogical speech. A speech in which more than two people participate is called polylogue... In dialogue (polylogue), people speak alternately. In everyday conversation, dialogical speech is not planned. The direction of such a conversation and its results are largely determined by the statements of its participants, their remarks, comments, approvals or objections. Therefore, they say that this speech is supportive, since the speech of each participant in the dialogue is constantly supported by questions, answers, objections of the interlocutors. If there is no such support, then the speech either turns into a monologue, or stops altogether.

Sometimes the dialogue is organized specifically to clarify a specific question, then it is purposeful (for example, a student's answer to a teacher's question).

Dialogue speech, as a rule, makes fewer demands on the construction of a coherent and detailed utterance than other types of external speech; there is no need for preliminary preparation, since the interlocutors are in the same situation, perceive the same facts and phenomena, and therefore relatively easily, sometimes "at a glance", understand each other. They do not need to express their thoughts in a detailed speech form. An important requirement for interlocutors in dialogical speech is to be able to listen to the interlocutor to the end, to understand his objections and respond precisely to them, and not to your own thoughts. For dialogical speech, active use of extra-linguistic means is characteristic. It is conducted with an emotionally expressive contact of the speakers.

Monologue speech assumes that one person speaks, others only listen, not participating in the conversation. Monologue speech in the practice of communication of a person with a higher education takes a large place and is manifested in a wide variety of speeches: a report, lecture, speech on radio or television, etc. A common and characteristic feature of all forms of monologue speech is its pronounced focus on the audience.

The purpose of such a speech is to achieve the necessary impact on the audience, to convey knowledge to them, to convince of something. In this regard, the monologue speech is detailed in nature, requires a coherent presentation of thoughts, and, consequently, preliminary preparation and planning. As a rule, a monologue speech is associated with a certain tension. It requires the speaker to be able to logically consistently express their thoughts, to express them in a clear and distinct form, to be smooth, continuous.

Features of written speech. Written speech is addressed to the absent reader who does not see or hear the writer, will read what has been written only after a while. The lack of direct contact between the writer and the reader creates certain difficulties in the construction of written speech.

Written speech, in contrast to oral speech, has almost no additional extra-linguistic means for a better presentation of thoughts, as is the case in oral speech. It does not imply any knowledge of the situation by the addressee; it cannot use gestures, facial expressions, intonation, or pauses. You can only use the selection of text elements with a font, italic or paragraph. So written language is usually less expressive than oral speech. Therefore, written speech should be especially detailed, both semantically and grammatically. The writer must build his message so that the reader can go all the way back from the expanded outer speech to the inner meaning of the material presented.

On the other hand, written speech has an advantage over oral speech: what is written can always be re-read, i.e. arbitrarily return to all the links included in it. Therefore, in writing, they are not needed, they even interfere with excessively frequent repetitions of the same thought, albeit presented in a different language shell. Moreover, written speech, in contrast to oral speech, makes it possible to carefully work on the expression of thoughts. It follows that written speech occupies a dominant position in the process of forming the general speech culture of a person.

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Still - we are talking neither more nor less, but about the recognition of a person as a disabled person. Therefore, they are awaiting the decision of the experts as a verdict. But is it really that scary? … Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways of solving legal issues, but
Business Model Presentation: Farm Products
The founder of the Eish Derevenskoye company, Ilya Elpanov, failed to become a successful farmer, but instead attracted about 19 million rubles. investments and created a community of rural residents from whom Muscovites buy food for 8 million rubles a month. Following Tesla Elon Musk