What concerns the reasons for extremist activity test. What is an extremism test? What would you do in the nineties

Enemies of the people, all kinds of extremists, journalists and snickering shkoloty are planning a break: The Supreme Court was frightened by the boil that the above-mentioned handshaking public raised because of the so-called "law on reposts", turned back, and, unfortunately, by the decision of its plenum, it recommended judges to punish for reposts only with obvious criminal intent.
They formulated it as follows: “The wording of the plenum of the Supreme Court states that in order to recognize the fact of a criminal offense, the prosecution must prove that“ the person who posted such material was aware of the direction of the act to violate the foundations of the constitutional order, and also had the goal of inciting hatred or enmity or humiliating the dignity of a person or a group of persons on the basis of sex, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion or belonging to any social group. "
End of quote. Quote from here - https://www.rbc.ru/newspaper/2018/09/21/5ba342689a7947f3ad83c6e5
This will lead to the fact that it will be almost impossible to plant scum for a repost: the enemies of the people will mock, laugh and say: "And you prove that I did this deliberately, and had the goal of inciting hatred and enmity!"
How it will be, has shown a well-known in narrow circles journalist and writer with his hands, State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Sergei Shargunova - the same one who, on a direct line with V. Putin in June, asked the question about the unfortunate reposters - underdogs who are frightened by all sorts of bad police officers and judges. Yesterday, Mr. leftist went even further, and on the air Russia-24 began to tell tales in the style of "What if a cat accidentally walked over the keyboard and repost extremist material; what if the child climbed into the parent's computer - what now, put it for this ! "
Well, yes, well, yes, we believe, we believe, that's how it was, but why should he lie - cats interfere with the poor extremist.
For this reason, for the umpteenth time (after all, repetition is the mother of learning) I will publish a simple test with which you can easily determine whether this or that text, picture, etc. extremist.
In fact, everything is very simple.
1. We take the text (picture), we study it and highlight keywords.
2. We replace keywords... For instance:
- we replace the word Russians with Jews, Ukrainians, Americans, etc. The greatest effect will be from the replacement of Russians - Jews, but other proposed replacements will also work)));
- we replace the word Russia with Israel (Ukraine, USA), etc. There will also be the strongest explosion of farts from the replacement Russia - Israel, but other options are also good)));
- Orthodoxy is replaced by ... well, it is also best of all for Judaism, but it is also possible for Jehovah's Witnesses, for example;
- We are replacing United Russia with communists, Yabloko, navalnata, etc.
- officials / police / security forces / rosgvarda are replaced by journalists / writers / human rights activists / hipsters / gays.
3. Next see what effect such a replacement will produce... Since we are all equal, regardless of gender, race, nationality, religion and social status (or are we all equal, but some are more equal?), Then if after the replacement the writer, leftist and deputy Shargunov, as well as defenders of extremists, will continue to tell us about the word swaboda, about children who cannot be frightened, and about cats accidentally stepping on the keyboard, it means that the text under study is not extremist.)))
4. If, after the replacement, a journalist and a member of the Communist Party faction begins to cough up a rumor, as it is said to fight in anger, like a witcher at a Sabbath, and shout: "Help, Russian fascists, extremists, radicals, chauvinists, Black Hundreds with axes!" the text under study is still extremist: after all, we are all equal, right?)))
Something like that.

Terrorism and extremism as it is

Brochure - the test contains tasks, questionnaires, posters to expand the horizons on the topic. Get to know them carefully, try to answer the questions, I think you will succeed. The assignments are designed in such a way that they will help form your skills in dealing with this phenomenon.

1. Task

What associations do the words "terrorism" and "extremism" evoke in you?




Terrorism - the most dangerous crime against humanity, an extreme form of violence and cruelty against a person or a state.

Extremism (from the French Extremisme - extreme) is a commitment to extreme views and worlds

2. Task


Like any other phenomenon, terrorism has its own distinctive features.

First, terrorism generates a high _____________ ___________.

Secondly, terrorism has a _______________ character.

Thirdly, a feature of terrorism is the deliberate creation of ___________ ____________, depression, tension.

Fourth, it has a _____________ impact.

Answers: public fear environment, public danger. psychological

3. Assignment


Citizen of the country

Choose actions that will let the person know that they are wrong.

Give up weapons, solve your problems with the help of other people, do not hide your face, discuss problems with other people, make you solve state problems by force, help others, work, steal and spend money for your needs, learn and explore the world.

4. Assignment

Match concept with explanation



Goes to commit a terrorist attack due to selfish motives (performing the task of those from whom he is in complete financial dependence, or, being in dire need and trying to financially support his family).


"for money"

A "loner" terrorist who suffers from various types of mental disorders (the consequences of traumatic brain injury, brain diseases, alcohol and drug use).



A potential suicide bomber is, as a rule, a single woman, more often a widow or divorced, needy, living outside the family, easily falling under the influence of others.



A person can be pushed to commit a terrorist act either by blackmail (taking hostage, threatening to disclose any information) or by decision of a Sharia court for crimes committed (a deeply religious person is thus forced to atone for his guilt before God). Such a person believes that he is sacrificing himself out of "despair."



Mental conditioning of a person (usually with the use of hypnosis and psychotropic substances), in which he receives a "set" for a specific action.

4. Assignment

Tragedy in Beslan.

On September 1, 2004, in Beslan (North Ossetia), school No. 1 was seized by terrorists. 1128 people were taken hostage - children, parents, school staff. For three days the terrorists kept them in the building, denying the most essential things. On September 3, explosions and fire broke out in the school, as a result of which the building partially collapsed. Federal forces launched an assault. During the shootout, including with the participation of civilians using personal weapons, 28 terrorists were killed (three, including one of the suicide bombers, were killed on the first day.

The terrorist attack killed 334 people, injured over 700 :

Children from 1 to 17 years old - 186.

Relatives, guests and friends of students - 118 killed; School staff - 17 killed; FSB special forces soldiers - 10; EMERCOM employees - 2; Policemen - 1

1. The reason for the emergence of extremism

A) religious movements

C) the subconscious of people

C) socio-economic discontent of the people

D) financial problems

E) sustainable development of the state

2. The concept of "terrorism includes"

A) social and economic discontent of the people

C) a sharp rise within a religious group

C) an extreme form of violence and cruelty towards a person, state

E) activities aimed at achieving political goals

E) a compromise between the state and the citizen

3. Who has a special role to play in the prevention of terrorism and extremism

A) the people

C) legislation

C) citizen

D) to the president

E) law enforcement agencies

4.What is the manifestation of extremism and terrorism associated with in the country?

A) with Islam

C) with Christianity

C) believers

D) with the religious consciousness of people

E) with law enforcement

5. Assignment

Read the cheat sheet "Explosive Devices Signs"

Highlight the right chain of action

    Make sure people move as far away from the dangerous find as possible.

    Start to get nervous

    Do not shake, do not throw, do not bend, do not open.

    Urgently tell everyone and take a picture of the find

    Do not use electric lighters and other sources of fire or spark-generating objects, as well as communication devices (mobile phones, wearable radios).

    start unpacking the box and invite people around to do this

    Do not touch or touch with other objects.

    Immediately report the incident to law enforcement.

    Wait for the arrival of the operational investigation team.

6. Task

Create a cluster using the poster "Interaction between law enforcement agencies and public authorities and citizens of the state."

7. Assignment

To counter terrorism you need:







    responsibility for the fulfillment of civic duty

Place the number from 1 to 7 in order of importance to you

7. Assignment

Using the map, make a rating on the topic "Terrorist attacks in the countries of the world"

8. Assignment

After reading the memo "Threat of committing a terrorist attack", will you conduct an introspection of the possibility of this phenomenon in the territory where you live?

Questions to prepare

1. What is terrorism?

2. What actions should be taken if you received a call or received a threatening letter?

3. List the actions you need to take if a threat occurred at your facility using an evacuation plan?

4. By what indicators to determine that there is no threat?

9. Assignment

test: How strongly are you subject to aggression?

17-19 points you are weakly affected

20-24 points you are moderately susceptible

25-28 points you are highly susceptible

10. Assignment

"If everyone tolerates each other, then together we will make our world tolerant." Draw your associations for the word "tolerant"

11. Assignment

Using a poster" Possible locations for explosive devices "make a memo -" Actions for evacuation "

using: personal documents, assistance in the evacuation of the elderly and seriously ill people, panic, hysteria, organized, permission of accompanying persons.

Head: S.M. Oleinik

Literature: Textbook for grade 9 "Fundamentals of Religious Studies" G. Yesim et al. Publishing house Bilim 2013

Textbook for grade 10 "Initial military training" K.R. Amanzholov et al. Publishing house "Mektep" 2014

Journal "Fundamentals of Safety and Life" posters and illustrations

2016 Nov.


Elena Mukhametshina

The Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs (FADN), together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is preparing a system for questioning students of secondary specialized educational institutions and universities on extremism. This was announced at the recent forum "Russian Caucasus: Territory of Unity". The survey will have to identify those who are sympathetic and inclined to accept extremist ideas, said Valentina Laza, leading consultant of the FADN monitoring, analysis and forecasting department. Now the project is being coordinated with the Moscow government, since they want to test it in the capital, and later extend it to the whole of Russia. It is planned that the survey will be carried out when applicants submit documents or in the 1st year.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow and the Moscow government did not respond to Vedomosti's inquiries. The Ministry of Education and Science, according to its press service, pays special attention to the issues of countering the ideology of extremism among the youth and supports events aimed at preventing the involvement of children and youth in antisocial actions. At the same time, the ministry stressed that "conducting any polls and questionnaires of students in educational organizations is permissible only on a voluntary basis, by their individual consent."

A number of universities are now taking preventive measures. For example, Pyatigorsk State University is hosting a counter-terrorism training seminar aimed at freshmen, which will be extended to other universities in the Stavropol Territory, and then to the entire North Caucasus Federal District, says Viktor Panin, director of the University's Strategic Research Institute. The seminar includes lectures, socio-psychological questionnaires and round tables with experts.

Who is at risk

According to ISPI RAS, a potential extremist is a young man of 18-23 years old, he works in production, earns little money and lives in the suburbs, but "students belong to the same category," says Zubok.

Rector of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering Andrei Volkov believes that such initiatives should be treated carefully, but so far such proposals have not been discussed with them. According to the rector of the Financial University Mikhail Eskindarov, “everything that is beneficial to the fight against extremism must be supported” and they are ready to conduct the following test: “We want to know what moods there are among students. All safety measures are correct. I don’t think anyone will punish students for their thoughts. ” The rector of the Moscow State Institute of Culture, Ivan Lobanov, agrees to support everything that is for the benefit of security, but notes that the topic is sensitive and a carefully thought-out methodology is needed so that "a useful business does not turn into negative things."

Law enforcement officers are obliged to look for and suppress potential manifestations of extremism, but questions arise about the questionnaire procedure, believes the ombudsman for students' rights Artem Khromov: “Will it be voluntary? Who will have access to this information? And most importantly, what will happen to a student if it turns out that he is a potential extremist? And if preventive measures are applied to him, then what? "

The questionnaire survey can help to reveal extremist sentiments and a tendency to cross the line from sentiment to action, says Yulia Zubok, head of the youth sociology department of the Institute of Social and Political Research (ISPI), Russian Academy of Sciences: “The survey methodology and how the results will be used are not yet fully clear. There is concern because the ethics of using such data is a big problem. " In her opinion, financial situation, extremists in the environment and a risk-taking attitude, as well as the level of trust in the authorities and public institutions play a big role in the propensity to such moods: “If this level falls, then we need to sound the alarm. We understand that the high-profile story of Varvara Karaulova got into the media, but there are many other examples. What is holding it back today, good or bad, is trust in the authorities, and in the first person, ”he said.

Such information can go to the vice-rectors for educational work, to the E center or the FSB, believes the head of the SOVA center, Alexander Verkhovsky: “There is nothing wrong with interviewing students. Confused about how the information will be interpreted. For example, a person writes that he is a Muslim, observes rituals, but is critical of someone, for example, a regional mufti - then they may consider that he is related to an underground youth structure, and they will take notice. And he is just critical of everything. " Therefore, the most important issues are the interpretation of the results and the possible interest of the Eshniki, the expert sums up: "The interest of the operatives is understandable, let them satisfy it, but psychological research should not be confused with operational development."


So a new Big Brother initiative? It is clear that the questionnaire survey (testing) of students and / or applicants is not designed anonymous. It is clear that the completed questionnaires will be included in the “personal files” of the respondents. It is clear that the survey will be “voluntary-compulsory”. It is clear that the questions will “catch” - more or less cleverly - all manifestations of non-conformism and disloyalty.

By the way, after such social and psychological control, the road to students and conscientious sociologists will be closed. And now, it's good if every second person agrees to deal with them. And after such PERSONAL tests, who will believe them that they are studying public opinion, and not carrying out total surveillance ?!

I like the idea of ​​testing students, because it is clear that the main danger in Russia comes from the students. A variant of the questionnaire is proposed below.

Here, in connection with the attempt of the student Karaulova, now Ivanova, to run to the groom in ISIS, his name may be banned everywhere, they suggest testing students for extremism. It is not clear what is in their heads. Recently, however, sociology several times proved its inconsistency - Trump did not predict, I was wrong with Brexit, and the rating of the current Russian government is clearly inadequate, otherwise why would they fuss so much and crush the remnants of public opposition on NTV? And in general, the situation with adolescent psychology is unimportant in our country, judging by the fate of two Pskov adolescents who were never dissuaded from committing suicide. But I like the idea of ​​testing students, because it is clear that the main danger in Russia comes from the students. This is how Konstantin Pobedonostsev thought, the main ideologist of the current Russian statehood.

Below is a variant of the questionnaire for testing Russian students for extremism. You can use it directly, in the form of a test - children are accustomed to this form of interaction with the state thanks to the Unified State Exam.

1.Do you feel needed by your homeland?

Yes - 0 points, no - 50, I don't know - 100.

2. Do you want to fight for social justice?

Yes - 50 points, no - 0, I doubt - 100.

3. Do you think that there are values ​​in the world higher than stability and prosperity?

Yes - 0, no - 50, I don't know such words - 100.

4. Should the government change every few years or does such a change hinder the development of the country?

Should - 50, interferes - 0, leave me alone with your nonsense - 100.

5. Do you have a regular sex life?

It's none of your business - 50, every day - 0, my sex life is replaced by sports and participation in Anti-Maidan actions - 200.

6. Do you masturbate?

Never - 50, constantly, here and now, excuse the crooked handwriting - 0, yes, but I can only imagine the movement "Antimaydan" - 100.

7. What would you do in the nineties?

I would be engaged in business or racketeering - 50, would try to enter the FSB academy - 0, leave the country, because it is beneath my dignity to live under the liberals - 150, move to St. Petersburg - 500.

8. What do you imagine when you say "sovereignty"?

Kalashnikov assault rifle - 50, Iskanders - 150, sausage sandwich - 0, I always think about one - 100, you yourself know this person - 200.

9. If you are offered the choice of two weeks in the United States or a year in the army, which will you choose?

A year in the army - 0, two weeks in the USA - 50, come on, I don't want to deal with dirty provocateurs - 100.

10. If your father, mother, close relative has Russophobic conversations at the table, you:

You will report - 0 points, ask to be silent - 100, you will dissuade them - 300.

11. Why are you not yet in the ranks of the DPR defenders?

I do not recognize the self-proclaimed republics - 50, I am going there now - 0, I will bring more benefits on the student bench - 100.

12. Which is higher - law or mercy?

Law - 0, mercy - 50, law is mercy - 100, I don't know what the law is - minus 100, I don't know what mercy is - plus 200.

13. Do you drink alcohol?

No - 0, only beer - 50, I prefer drugs - minus 100, only for the health of parents - plus 100, only for your health - 150.

14. Why are you studying at the university?

To become a specialist and benefit the Motherland - 0, to avoid serving in the army - 50, to get a reprieve for choosing a profession - 100, then to enter the FSB academy - 200, I go in for sports and don't think about such nonsense - 300.

15. Why are you answering this questionnaire?

I was told so - 0, I have no secrets - 50, what is a "profile"? - 500.

Let's summarize. If you scored 500 or more points, you should be immediately transferred to the FSB academy or, as an option, to any of its branches, even to the Higher School of Economics, because people who often answer: “I don’t know” and drink only for the health of their bosses make up the future the elite of the nation. If you scored between 200 and 500, you are the typical average citizen who does not pose any danger. But if you have from 0 to 200, then you are a real extremist, because you lie all the time, pretend to be a loyal citizen and are ready to agree with any absurdity for this. Such a person must be taken immediately. As, however, and anyone else who generally agrees to answer such questionnaires.

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