Allies of Germany in World War II. Participants in World War II. Participation of European countries in World War II

When it comes to the World Conflict, somehow it is strange to be interested in those who fought in World War II, because it seems that everyone has taken part. But for obtaining such a status, each person does not have to be involved in the planet, and over the past years it is easily forgotten who and whose side acted in this conflict.

Neutrality countries

It is easier to start with those who preferred to adhere to neutrality. Such countries are as long as 12, but since the main part is small African colonies, it is worth tuping only the "serious" players:

  • Spain - contrary to the problem, sympathizing with the Nazis and the Fascists, the regime did not provide real assistance to regular troops;
  • Sweden - was able to avoid engaging in military affairs, avoiding the fate of Finland and Norway;
  • Ireland - refused to combat the Nazis on a stupid reason, the country did not want to have anything in common with the UK;
  • Portugal - adhered to the position of his eternal alliance in the face of Spain;
  • Switzerland - preserved loyalty to the expectant tactic and non-interference policy.

There is no speech about the present neutrality - Spain has formed a Division of volunteers, and Sweden did not interfere with its citizens to fight on the side of Germany.

Troika from Portugal, Sweden and Spain were actively traded with all sides of the conflict, sympathetic to the Germans. Switzerland was preparing to repel the offensive of the Nazi army and developed a plan for conducting hostilities on its territory.

Even Ireland did not enter the war only because of political convictions and even greater hatred of the British.

European Allies Germany

On the side of Hitler in hostilities took part:

  1. Third Reich;
  2. Bulgaria;
  3. Hungary;
  4. Italy;
  5. Finland;
  6. Romania;
  7. Slovakia;
  8. Croatia.

Most of the Slavic countries, from this list, did not participate in the invasion of the Union. What can not be said about Hungary, whose compounds were twice crushed in the Red Army. We are talking o more than 100 thousand soldiers and officers.

Italy and Romania possessed the most impressive infantry corps, which in our land managed to "become famous" except that due to ill-treatment of the civilian population in the occupied territories. Odessa and Nikolaev were located in the zone of Romanian occupation, together with surrounding territories, where the mass destruction of the Jewish population took place. Romania defeated in 1944, Italy's fascist regime was forced to get out of the war in 1943.

About the difficult relationship with Finland, since the war of 1940, you can also not speak. The most "weighty" contribution is the closure of the Ring of the Leningrad blockade from the North side. Finns were defeated in 1944 as Romania.

USSR and its allies in Europe

Against the Germans and their allies in Europe performed:

  • Britannia;
  • France;
  • Belgium;
  • Poland;
  • Czechoslovakia;
  • Greece;
  • Denmark;
  • Netherlands;

Given the losses and freed territories - not to include Americans in this list would be incorrect. The Soviet Union, along with Britain and France, took the main blow.

For each of the countries, the war had its own form:

  1. The United Kingdom tried to cope with permanent beats of enemy aviation at the first stage and with rocket blows from continental Europe - on the second;
  2. The French army was broken with the striking speed, and only a partisan movement was introduced as a significant contribution to the final result;
  3. The Soviet Union has become the biggest losses, the war was massive battles, constant deviations and an offensive, the struggle for each block of land.

The West Front, an open US, contributed to the acceleration of the rate of liberation of Europe from the Nazis and retained millions of lives of Soviet citizens.

War in the Pacific

On the Pacific Ocean Fought:

  • Australia;
  • Canada;

Allies opposed Japan, with all its own spheres of influence.

In this conflict, the Soviet Union entered at the final stage:

  1. Ensured the transfer of land forces;
  2. Broke the Japanese army remaining on the mainland;
  3. Contributed to the capitulation of the empire.

The Red Army soldiers managed in battles were able to smash the entire Japanese group, devoid of supply paths.

The main battles in previous years took place in the sky and on the water:

  • Bombing of Japanese cities and military bases;
  • Attacks on caravans of ships;
  • Six battleships and aircraft carriers;
  • Battle for the resource base;
  • The use of a nuclear bomb in the civilian population.

Given the geographical and topographic features, no large-scale surrounding operations of speech went. All tactics concluded:

  1. In control over the key islands;
  2. Clipping paths;
  3. Restrictions of the enemy in resources;
  4. Knocking out airfields and parking of ships.

The chances of winning the Japanese from the first day of the war were very ghostly. Despite the success due to the surprise and the unpretentiousness of Americans lead martialctions Over the ocean.

How many countries participating in the conflict

Exactly 62 countries. Not one more, not one less. So many participants in World War II. And this is from 73 states that have existed at that time.

Such involvement is explained:

  • Brewing crisis in the world;
  • Involvement of "large players" areas of their influence;
  • The desire to solve economic and social problems Military way;
  • The presence of numerous union contracts between conflict participants.

You can list all of them, designate the side and years of active actions. But this amount will not be remembered and the next day will not leave after itself and the trace. Therefore, it is easier to designate the main participants and explain their contribution to the occurrence of a catastrophe.

The results of the Second World War have long been listed:

  1. The guilty are found;
  2. Military criminals are punished;
  3. The corresponding conclusions are made;
  4. Created "Memory Organization";
  5. Forbidden fascism and Nazism in most countries;
  6. Reparations and debts on the supply of equipment and weapons are paid.

The main task is not repeat something like that .

Today, even schoolchildren know who fought in World War II and what consequences this conflict had for the world. But too many myths that need to be dispelled.

Video about military conflict participants

In this video, all the chronology of the events of the Second World War, which countries have taken:

Very often great Patriotic War They only refer to the episode of the Second World War, noticing that this episode is appropriate to call the Soviet-German war. That is, the war between the Third Reich and the USSR. But who did the Soviet Union actually fought with? And was it the battle of "one one"?

When liberals and other hiking historians are accepted to shout about meaningless losses, "the meat was filled" and "drank Bavarian", they usually love to confirm their abstracts about the "notching and crime" of the Soviet leadership and command of the veschit and the LDC and RKKKA. They say, and the people of the Red Army had more, and all the time they were having fun, and there are more tanks, and aircraft and other glands, and all the Germans burned. Not forgetting at the same time, however, tell about one "rifle on three," cuttings shovel "and the rest of Labuda from the discharge of" solzhenicin fairy tales ".

Both are not true. About rifle "On Troy". Everything was exactly the opposite. In total from 1891 to 1918, about 10 million Mosina rifles were produced. It is difficult to say how much they were produced from 1918 to 1924, but the production does not stop. By 1941, at least 12-15 million rifles appeared in the Arsenals of the Red Arches. With the number of the Red Army on June 22, 1941, about 5.5 million people. Add more than a million automatic SVT rifles here, at least half a million PPS machines, a large number of machine guns and manual machine guns. It immediately becomes clear: there is something that, and small arms in the Red Army.

But much more interesting is the second myth. On the overwhelming superiority of the Red Army over the Wehrmacht in numbers literally everything. So maybe they are right liberal historians, and we fought in the heartless? Let's look at the numbers.

By June 1941, on the border with the USSR, Wehrmacht had 127 divisions, two brigades and one regiment in three groups of armies and army. These troops numbered 2 million 812 thousand people, 3,7099 guns and mortars, 3865 tanks and assault guns.

Note that more divisions when right organization Gives a noticeable advantage with an equal number of troops, and it is essential. But these forces of Germany were not exhausted, and this is "forget" to mention liberals.

Together with Germany in the war with the USSR, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Italy was prepared to join.

Finland - 17.5 divisions with a total number of 340 thousand 600 people, 2047 guns, 86 tanks and 307 aircraft;

Slovakia - 2.5 divisions with a total number of 42 thousand 500 people, 246 guns, 35 tanks and 51 aircraft;

Hungary - 2.5 divisions with a total number of 44 thousand 500 people, 200 guns, 160 tanks and 100 aircraft;

Romania - 17.5 divisions with a total number of 358 thousand 100 people, 3255 guns, 60 tanks and 423 aircraft;

Italy - 3 divisions with a total number of 61 thousand 900 people, 925 guns, 61 tanks and 83 aircraft.

That is, almost a million people in 42.5 divisions, with 7 thousand guns, 402 tanks, and to this almost a thousand aircraft. A simple calculation shows that only on the eastern front allies of the Hitler's axis, and it would be more correct to call them so, had 166 divisions with 4 million 307 thousand people with 42601 units of artillery of various systems, as well as 4171 tanks and assault implements and 4846 aircraft.

So: 2 million 812 thousand only at the Wehrmacht and 4 million 307 thousand total numbers, given the forces of the allies. One and a half times more. The picture changes dramatically. Is not it?

Yes, the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union by the summer of 1941, when the inevitability of the war became apparent, were the world's largest army. There was actually hidden mobilization. By the beginning of the war, the Soviet Armed Forces numbered 5 million 774 thousand soldiers. Specifically, in the ground forces there were 303 divisions, 16 airborne and 3 rifle brigades. The troops had 117581 artillery system, 25784 tanks and 24488 aircraft.

It seems to be excellence. However, all of the above forces of Germany and its allies were in the deployed state in the immediate 100 kilometer zone along Soviet borders. While in the western districts of the Red Army, there were a group of 3 million people, 57 thousand guns and mortars and 14 thousand tanks, which were only 11 thousand, as well as about 9 thousand aircraft, of which only 7.5 thousand were serviced.

Moreover, in close proximity to the border of the Red Army, there was no more than 40% of this in a more or less combat lot.

Of the above, if the numbers are not tired, it is clear that the USSR did not fight with one Germany. Just as in 1812, not with one France. That is, any "piled meat" cannot go and speech.

And so almost the entire war went up until the second half of 1944, when the allies of the Third Reich fell apart as a card house.

Add here in addition to the direct alien countries, foreign parts of the Wehrmacht, the so-called "National SS Division", total 22 voluntary divisions. They served in the course of the war 522 thousand volunteers from other countries, including 185 thousand Volksdoch, that is, "foreign Germans". The total number of foreign volunteers amounted to 57% (!) From the number "Waffen-SS". We list them. If it is tired of you, then simply rate the number of lines and geography. The entire Europe is presented, except for the principalities of Luxembourg and Monaco, and that is not a fact.

Albania: 21st Mountain Division of SS "Skanderbeg" (1st Albanian);

Belgium: 27th Volunteer Grenadier Division SS "Langemeark" (1st Flemish), 28th Volunteer Tank-Grenadier Division SS "Vallonia" (1st Walloon), Flemish Legion SS;

Bulgaria: Bulgarian anti-tank brigade of SS troops (1st Bulgarian);

United Kingdom: Arab Legion "Free Arabia", British Volunteer Corps, Indian Volunteer Legion SS "Free India";

Hungary: 17th SS Corps, 25th Grenadier Division SS "Hunyadi" (1st Hungarian), 26th Grenadier Division of the SS (2nd Hungarian), 33rd Cavalry SS Division (3rd Hungarian);

Denmark: 11th Volunteer Tank-Grenadier Division of the SS Nordland, 34th Volunteer Grenadier Division "Landstorm Nederland" (2-Dutch), Free Corps of the SS "Dunmark" (1st Danish), Volunteer Corpus SS "Shalburg ";

Italy: 29th Grenadier Division SS "Italy" (1st Italian);

Netherlands: 11th Volunteer Tank-Grenadier Division SS Nordland, 23rd Volunteer Motorized SS Division "Nederland" (1st Dutch), 34th Volunteer Grenadier Division "Landstor Nederland" (2nd Dutch), Flemish Legion SS;

Norway: Norwegian legion of the SS, Norwegian battalion of ski hurkers SS, Norwegian legion of the SS, 11th Volunteer Tank-Grenadier Division SS Nordland;

Poland: Gulal Volunteer Legion SS;

Romania: 103rd tank-fighter regiment of the SS (1st Romanian), Grenadier regiment of the SS troops (2nd Romanian);

Serbia: Serbian Volunteer Corpus SS troops;

Latvia: Latvian legionnaires, Latvian Volunteer Legion SS, 6th COP Corps, 15th Grenadier Division SS (1st Latvian), 19th Grenadier Division SS (2nd Latvian);

Estonia: 20th SS Grenadier Division (1st Estonian);

Finland: Finnish volunteers of the SS, Finnish Volunteer Battalion of the SS troops, 11th Volunteer Tank-Grenader Division of SS Nordland;

France: French legionnaires SS, 28th volunteer tank-grenaderian division of the SS "Vallonia" (1st Walloon), 33rd Grenadier Division SS "Charleman" (1st French), Legion "Berthlen Perrouts" (recruited from Breton nationalists);

Croatia: 9th Mountain Corpus SS, 13th Mountain Division SS "Handjar" (1st Croatian). 23rd Major Division SS "Kama" (2nd Croatskaya);

Czechoslovakia: Gural Volunteer Legion SS

Galina: 14th Gardaderian SS Division "Galicia" (1st Ukrainian).


Scandinavian 5th Tank Division SS "Viking" - Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Norway;

Balkan 7th Volunteer Mountain Division of the SS Prince - Hungary, Romania, Serbia.

24th Mainstrelkaya (cave) SS Division "Karstegere" - Czechoslovakia, Serbia, Galicia, Italy;

The Second World War is the most terrible conflict in the history of mankind characterized by the opposition of two blocks: Nazi and Antihytler. These blocks were formed shortly before the beginning of the war, but in the form known to us only in 1941. The article describes the history of the creation of two blocks, their participants, as well as countries that declare neutrality, but partially those who participated in the war.

Nazi block

Another name is the Hitler coalition, or the "axis of Berlin-Tokyo-Rome". Began to form long before the start of the war, in the 1930s. The block of the block united the desire for revenge for the unfair results of the First World War.

Germany. And even though the ultra-right earlier came to power in Italy, it was the German ideology of Nazism that put war in first place as a way to achieve the success of the Aryan race. Nazi Germany is one of the first to destroy the international law of the 1930s, attaching Austria and occupying Czechoslovakia.Italy. The fascists led by Mussolini were not against unleashing the war to return the greatness of Italy, turning it into the Mediterranean Empire.Japan.The right-wing forces led by the emperor wanted to make the country the main thing in Asia, as well as to dominate the Pacific Ocean. They attacked China, holding the manchuria from them. So they approached the alliance with the Nazis and the Fascists.

In the late 1930s, an anti-bouquet pact was formed between the countries (that is, to confront communism). In 1940, an agreement was signed in Berlin, so finally the Nazi block was formed. In addition to leaders, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria were also included in it, as well as Hitler Satellites: Croatia and Slovakia. Also during the war itself, the Nazis created several collaboration governments in the occupied territories: the mode of Vichy in France or the quisling regimes in Norway, Mussert in the Netherlands or Nedica in Serbia.

Antihytler coalition

Britain, France.Before September, European leaders tried to satisfy Hitler's appetites. And only after the attack on Poland, the Germans were announced. The weakness of France showed German Blitzkrieg: the north of the country was captured, and in the south the Nazi mode of Vichy was created. Britain was regularly bombarded, in addition, the war between the fascist block and the British troops was carried out in Africa and the Middle East.THE USSR.The period from September 1939 to June 1941 is difficult to characterize the role of the Soviet Union in the war. In fact, the USSR and Germany during this period were allies, dividing not only Poland, but also Europe on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Covenant. After the German attack on the USSR on June 22, 1941, Stalin joins the Anti-Hitler's block. Moreover, since the main theater of the fighting of world war from 1941 to 1944 occur in the territory of the USSR, it also plays a key role in this period. Successes under Stalingrad and in the Kursk arc turned the course of the war in favor of the allies.USA. Americans did not hide their dislike for fascism, but until December 1941 remained neutral. With the attack of the Japanese to Pearl-Harbor, the Americans declared them a war, and with them - and the entire anti-communications block. Later, the United States sent his own divisions to Europe, and most importantly - provided material and technical support, the so-called Land Liz.

In early 1942, more than 26 countries from four continents were already part of the anti-fascist forces, as well as British Dominions.

The countries of the Antihytler Coalition are often called "United Nations" or simply allies. The unit finally took shape in 1941, with the entry into the War of the USSR and the United States. It was Britain, the USA and the USSR that determined the device of the post-war world. Already then between these countries there were reasons for the conflict, which resulted later in the cold war.

By the way, on May 9, 2010, the first parade of the coalition countries took place in Moscow.

Formally neutral countries

Spain.Franco mode has formed due to the help of Hitler and Mussolini. Therefore, for everyone was surprise, when in September 1939, Spain declared neutrality. Hitler tried to convince the country to join the war, however, without success. The Spanish Division fought on the eastern front on the Eastern Front.Portugal.At least in the country the nationalists ruled, they also announced neutrality, and since 1943 they began to provide the British Fleet bases.Switzerland.The war did not enter, but they continued trade with all the warring countries. Moreover, loans and their own banks for the storage of capital of all sides of the conflict were provided.Sweden.Although the country was neutral, but all the war sold iron ore to Germany. In addition, Sweden provided its own territory of the German troops for a trip to Finland. Only at the end of the war, after the Stalingrad battle, the Government of Sweden went on rapprochement with the anti-Hitler coalition.Turkey.Before the War of the USSR, Britain and Nazi Germany tried to make Turkey with their ally: they sent help, provided profitable agreements. With the beginning of the war, Turkey announced neutrality, but was close to the Union with Hitler, for example, provided the Germans and the Base of the Black Sea. In February 1945, Germany declared a war, but did not participate in the hostilities.Argentina. Since September 1939, the country has declared neutrality, but in 1941 Martial law was announced in Argentina: the country was afraid of air strikes of Japan. In the war, Argentina joined in March 1945, and as well as Turkey did not participate in hostilities. After the war in Argentina, the figures of the Nazi regime of Germany were hidden.

Can you come to call the countries with which our country fought most? Surprisingly, with countries that are at the head of this list, we now have no special conflicts. But with the countries with which we, as it were, in the Cold War, for a lot of time, never directly behaved.


With the Swedes we fought a lot. If for sure, then it is 10 wars. True, already about two centuries with the Swedes, we have a completely normal relationship, and now it's terrible to think that the Swedes were enemies.

However, in the XII century, Sweden and the Novgorod Republic fought for the sphere of influence in the Baltic States. For a long time, the struggle took place for Western Kareliya. With varied success. Many famous Russian kings conflict with the Swedes: Ivan III, Ivan IV, Fyodor I and Alexey Mikhailovich.

Drakefully changed the alignment of the strength, as you already guessed, Peter I. It was after the defeat in the Northern War of Sweden lost its power, and Russia, on the contrary, strengthened the status of the Great Military Power. There were several more attempts to take revenge from Sweden (Russian-Swedish wars 1741-1743, 1788-1790, 1808-1809), but they ended with nothing. As a result, Sweden in wars with Russia lost more than a third of its territory and ceased to be considered a powerful power. And since then we have to share us, in fact, there is nothing.

Probably, if you ask any person on the street, with whom we fought most, he calls exactly Turkey. And it will be right. 12 wars for 351 year. And the small intervals of thaws were replaced by new exacerbations in the relationship. And even quite recently there was a situation with a knocked Russian military aircraft, but by the 13th war, thank God, it did not lead.

There were enough reasons for bloody wars - the Northern Black Sea region, the North Caucasus, the South Caucasus, the right of shipping on the Black Sea and his straits, the rights of Christians in the Ottoman Empire.

It is officially believed that Russia won in seven wars, and Turkey is only two. The rest of the battles are the status quo. But here is the Crimean War in which Russia formally did not defeat the defeat from Turkey, is the most painful in the history of Russian-Turkish wars. But again, the war of Russia and Turkey (the Ottoman Empire) led to the fact that Turkey lost its military power, but Russia is not.

Interestingly, the USSR, despite all this rich history of oppositions with Turkey, provided this country with all sorts of support. It is enough to remember how Kemal Ataturk was considered for the Union. In the post-Soviet Russia, too a good relationship With Turkey until recently.

Another eternal opponent. 10 wars with Poland, this is at the minimum defold. Starting from the Kiev campaign of Boleslav I and ending with the Polish campaign of the Red Army in 1939. Perhaps it was with Poland that the most hostile relationship remained. Just that the intrusion of 1939 in Poland is still a stumbling block in the relations of the two countries. For a while Poland was part of Russian EmpireBut never matured with such a state of affairs. Polish lands passed from one jurisdiction to another, but the hostility towards Russians among the Poles, and, and, which sin, sometimes it is now. Although now we have nothing to share.

With the French we fought four times, but for a rather short period.

There were three major wars with Germany, two of them are world.

Four times, Russia and the USSR joined the war with Japan.

Military conflicts with China happened three times.

It turns out that it is with these countries that we are historically enemies. But now with all of them or good or normal relations. Interestingly, in any polls, the Russians are the enemy of Russia to the United States, although we have never been war with them. Yes, we fought indirectly, but there were never direct clashes. Yes, and with England ( popular expression "Englishwoman gits") We came across in the battles inside-because: during the Napoleonic wars 1807-1812. and Crimean war. In fact, the war one for one never happened.

Despite the fact that the history of Russia is an almost constant story of wars, I hope that no fighting with any countries will no longer be. You need to live together.

Avoid participation in the main meat grinder of mankind managed more than ten states. And this is not "some" there »Overseas countries, and European. One of them, Switzerland, was at all in the Nazi environment. And Turkey, although he joined the union against Hitler, but did it under the curtain of the war, when it was not a sense of this.

True, some historians believe that the Ottomans were craving for blood and wanted to join the Germans. But the Stalingrad battle stopped them.


Whatever cruel and cynical dictator Franco, he understood that a terrible war would not bring anything good to his state. Moreover, regardless of the winner. Hitler asked him to join him, gave warranties (the British also did the same), but both warring parties received a refusal.

But it seemed that Franco, who won in civil War With the powerful support of the axis, the side will not be left aside. Accordingly, the Germans waited for debt return. They thought that Franco would personally want to eliminate a shameful spot on the Pyrenean Peninsula - the English military base of Gibraltar. But the Spanish dictator turned out to be faithful. He decided to go close to the restoration of his country, who was in a sad state after the civil war.

The Spaniards only sent a volunteer "Blue Division" to the Eastern Front. Yes, and her "swan song" was cut soon. On October 20, 1943, Franco ordered to bring the "division" from the front and disband.


After numerous brutal defeats in the wars of the 18th century, Sweden has sharply changed the course of its development. The country rose to the rails of modernization, which led it to prosperity. Not by chance in 1938, Sweden, according to LIFE magazine, became one of the countries with the highest standard of living.

Accordingly, to destroy what was created for more than a century, the Swedes did not want. And they declared neutrality. No, some "sympathizers" fought on the side of Finland against the USSR, others served in parts of the SS. But their total number did not exceed thousands of fighters.

According to one of the versions, Hitler did not want to fight with Sweden. He was allegedly sure that the Swedes were purebred Aryans, and they could not shed their blood. The secretly of Sweden made retaliatory reversals towards Germany. For example, I supplied iron ore. And until 1943, Danish Jews were not attempted to escape from the Holocaust. This ban was removed after the defeat of Germany in the Kursk battle, when the scales began to lean towards the USSR.


German officers during the French campaign of 1940 were repeatedly said that "Take Switzerland, this little dickery, on the way back." But this "return route" turned out to be different from their expectations. Therefore, "dickery" was not touched.

Everyone knows that the Swiss Guard is one of the oldest military divisions of the world. Her brilliant story begins from the beginning of the 16th century, when it is the Swiss soldiers that trusted the most expensive and honorable in Europe - to protect the Roman dad.

During the Second World War geographical position Switzerland turned out to be completely unprofitable - the country found himself surrounded by states of the Nazi block. Therefore, it was not completely different from the conflict completely and completely disaven. Therefore, I had to go for some concessions. For example, provide a transport corridor through the Alps or "Retake the money" on the need of the Wehrmacht. But, as they say, the wolves are full and sheep are intact. Loosely poor, but the neutrality was observed.

Therefore, the pilots of the Swiss Air Force now and then they entered into battle with German aircraft, then with American. They still had a representative of which of the warring parties broke their airspace.


Portuguese, like their neighbors in the peninsula, decided that once there is at least the slightest opportunity to avoid participation in the Second World War, then it needs to take advantage. Life in the state during the conflict well described Erich Maria Remarik in the novel "Night in Lisbon": "In 1942, Portugal coast became the last refuge of the fugitives, for whom justice, freedom and tolerance meant more than the birthplace and life."

Thanks to rich colonial possessions in Africa, Portugal has access to one very strategically important metal - tungsten. His enterprising Portuguese and sold. Moreover, interestingly, both parties to the conflict.

Actually, fears for the colony - it was another reason why Portugal did not want to interfere in the conflict. After all, then their ships came to the blow, which any of the enemy countries would be happy to turn with pleasure.

And so, thanks to the neutrality, Portugal managed to maintain power over African colonies until the 70s.


Historically, Turkey has a sympathy for Germany. But during the Second World War, the former Ottoman Empire I decided to declare neutrality. The fact is that in the country they decided to finish the Testaments of Ataturk and once again abandon imperial ambitions.

There was another reason. In Turkey, they understood that in the case of hostilities, they will remain one on one with the troops of the Allied countries. Germany will not come to the aid.

Therefore, it was accepted a strategically faithful and beneficial solution for the country - to trite on the world conflict. Therefore, both parties to the conflict began to sell chrome necessary for the production of tank armor.

Only at the end of February 1945, under the pressure of the Allies, Turkey still declared war in Germany. It was done, of course, for the "tick". In real combat actions, Turkish soldiers, in fact, did not participate.

Interestingly, some historians (for the most part in Soviet times) believed that Turkey was, as they say, "at a low start." Turks were waiting when the advantage would definitely be on the side of Germany. And if the USSR lost Stalingrad battleTurkey was ready to attack the USSR, joining the Axis countries in 1942.

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