Gothic 4 passage on the island. How I went through arcania (short overview). Blood on the ground

Game: Platform: PC, PS3, X360 Genre: rpg Release Date: October 19, 2010 In Russia: October 12, 2010 Developer: Spellbound Entertainment Publisher: JoWooD Entertainment Russian Publisher: Akella Localizer: Akella / Track Before reading this walkthrough it is necessary to take into account that it does not describe the countless side quests of the game, which are not indispensable for the story passage of the story.


Waking up on the throne in a delusional state, you, on behalf of King Robar III, need to overcome a small dungeon. A little later, you will have to face some resistance from the local undead. But communicating with them using your own blade should not cause any difficulties, therefore, right after this short introductory part, you will get acquainted with the main character of the game and proceed to its specific passage.


First, go to the village and see Ivy's dad, sitting in the center of the village. Gromar will tell you that in order to bless the marriage with Ivy, the hero will have to complete three tests. First you need to find in the caves that are across the bridge to the north of the village, an ancient dagger and bring it to Thromar. On the bridge, you will meet the farmer Knut, who offered you to free his fields from the invasion of mole rats. If you can agree, then Knut will give the hero his club. With its help, it will be easier for you to complete not only this side task, but also to cope with opponents inside the cave, the entrance to which is located immediately behind the field. Having obtained the dagger you are looking for in the dungeon, do not forget to search the chest before leaving and return to Thromar with the trophy. From him we get the 2nd order - to expel the smuggler who was based at the mountain lake. We take away the key from the old man and go through the gate to the lake. There we meet our own friend Diego, who offered you a kind of training fight. After losing to you, he agrees to give his own old machete as proof of your victory, but only after you have dealt with a couple of goblins that are dripping near his boat on the beach. Get down to the water and blow off enemies well. Having brought the machete to Thromaru, you will receive a third order from him - to bring him three pairs of deer antlers. Upon entering the deer thicket, you will again meet Ivy and she will say that you can take a bow in the hunting tower that is right outside the gate. We quickly shoot deer out of it and take away their antlers. With this wealth we go to her dad and get the last order from him - to make an engagement bracelet for your wife. To do this, talk to Halven, who stands at the exit from the hut. He will say that he will be happy to make you a bracelet if you get amber. This substance is held by the local orc Oruk. Oruk will ask you to serve him in exchange for pebbles - to bring blue toadstools from the cave, which is more common in deer. We find 5 mushrooms there, and we get amber in return. Take it to Halven and present the finished bracelet to Ivy.

Goodbye, Feshir!


After entering through the main gate of the castle, climb up the stairs until you reach the main tower, which is guarded by the Horn. He will tell you that Diego is on this moment is in jail on charges of the murder of the Baron's assistant. Going down to the entrance to the casemates and talking to the watchman there, you will meet with the arrested Diego. From him you will learn that the only way to justify him before the baron is to find the missing assistant Mermund. First you need to talk to the guard Winstan, who is hanging out on the western outskirts of the town. In communication with this subject, it turns out that he is acting in concert with the rebels who hid Mermund in one of the caves outside the castle. For ease of solving the issue, we beat him in the face and find out the location of the rebel camp. Exit the castle and find the entrance to the catacombs, located in the north-east of the barony. After passing by the Ogtar farm, you will reach the entrance to the cave, where inhospitable rebels will already be waiting for you. Get ready to swing your weapon quite intensively, because as you advance in the catacombs, opponents will constantly storm you. After passing a room with a row of bunks, you will open a lattice door and face a rather stern enemy in the person of the head interrogator of this lovely institution. Try not to fall under his mace then and you will cope with him without problems. After picking up the trophies and unlocking the locked chamber, you will release Mermund. The freed prisoner will tell you about the lost hidden documents, which are very valuable for the baron. Having found them, you will conquer its placement without problems and receive a pass to the Plain of Blood. To do this, you need to return to the Ogtar farm and find a cave nearby. In it, besides other rebels, you will also find their leader, who has these same documents. It remains to take them to the castle to Baron Renwick and get permission from him for the upcoming journey. By the way, apart from this paper, you can choose the armor to your liking from the 3 models presented. In new clothes, leave the castle and go to the east of the barony, until you reach the gate, guarded by a guard, who should be shown the acquired permission.

Plain of Blood

After passing a gorge and a forest path, you will meet at the estate with Castellan Giltor, hoping to find out from him information about the archives of Silverlake Castle. He will agree to help you only after you return one of his people - Doran's standard bearer. Exit the estate and head north, where the wanted subject is walking across the battlefield. Having learned from him that he has lost the banner of Lord Hawaan, promise to help the poor fellow and set off to the goblin caves east of the battlefield. After climbing the forest ridge and facing a small band of goblins there, you will reach a suitable cave. Find the banner of Gibean inside them and take it to Doran. Now head back south through the manor until you reach the castle. Going up to its 2nd floor, you will find Castellan Giltor in the hall by the fireplace. He will tell you that access to the archives can only be given by Lord Havaan, who was captured by the orcs during the battle. Naturally, you need to return a noble prisoner. To do this, leave the castle and go forward along the Silverlake Lake. Soon you will stumble upon a bridge with the guards who let you pass further, as you say the password. By the way, further on the shore of the lake you will see a kind of low observatory, whose surroundings are teeming with orcs. I advise you to exterminate them right at the moment, and only then go to the entrance to the cave not far and talk with the orc Ogbosh, guarding the gate to the camp. He will let you pass after you bring him swill under the title of skakhan. This nuclear drink can be obtained from the shaman Meloh of the forest hut to the south of here. After passing along the road across the river, you will find yourself in the forest, where you will soon come across a shaman's dwelling, in which its owner plays drums. In exchange for kakhan, he will ask you to find for him the offspring of the previous leader of the tribe named Irrai. To do this, follow the path from Melaga's house to the west and soon you will stumble upon Irraya, sitting by the side of the road. He will tell that the orc Shalog took away the personal amulet from him, and without it he is just a body without a soul. Go to the south of the forest, where you will run into a stone blockage that blocks the road ahead. Moving along this blockage, you will find Shalog, and after a laconic course of scuffle, he will tell you that he hid Irraj's amulet in a cave. The entrance to it is located in the east of the forest and to get to it you will again need to go along the stone ridge. In it you will find a chest with Irraj's amulet, which you can take to its owner in the shaman's hut. From him we learn that no one can defeat the current leader of the orcs Erhag at the moment. But if you put Irraj's amulet on yourself, you can challenge him without the help of others, and at the same time free Lord Havaan. Receive from Meloh the ill-fated skakhan, and from Irrai his amulet return to the entrance to the camp and give the drink to Ogbosh. He will let you inside, where you will have to fight in a kind of throne room with Erhag and a couple of his bodyguards. The freed Hawaan will ask you to deal with Erhag's henchmen and free the people of Hawaan, who are forced by the orcs to work at the sawmill. You may have already managed to deal with Erhag's henchmen, when you chopped up all the orcs near the observatory on the shore of the lake. You can find the prisoners by going up the path to the east, which is on the reverse road to the castle, if you go from the orc camp. After completing all the errands, chat with Lord Havaan walking along the path along the lake and report on your own successes. It remains only to return to the castle and study its archives (they are in the basement of the southern wing of the castle). Having received the most ancient map, go upstairs and again talk with Lord Havaan. From him you will learn that two more sorcerers were interested in the ancient temple before you, you can find them in Tuusha. He will also give you a scroll of a spell that destroys the stone blockage on the road blocking your way forward. Go to this rubble (not far from the place where you met the orc Shalog) and use the spell. As side effect from his deeds you will have to face the stone golem, a clumsy creature, but quite resistant to your attacks. After dealing with it, follow the road forward until you reach a forest settlement built around the sacred Tuushu tree. 12


Side quests

Hunting for mole rats
Six mole rats are located in the fields before the entrance to Mengal's Cave. Kill them.

Road to Stewark
We need to get to the city by all means, but the bandits have seized the bridge to the city. There are several options for completing this quest.
The first is through the innkeeper from The Shattered Maiden. Murdra needs mead, and you can get it from Garv the Woodcutter. There are two ways to get it - pay an impressive amount of gold or hit cuffs. The latter option is preferable. Then we will take the mead to Murdra, and she will tell you how to cross the bridge - to give water to the guards at the gate. Ordinary mead will not work here - you need to mix in iron mushrooms, which in an outlandish way force the one who ate them to do whatever the interlocutor asks of them. Mushrooms grow in a cave littered with cobblestones. A miner lives next to the blockage - he will tell you that you can clear the blockage with the help of a distillation still. The cube is in another mine in the South. Several goblins are rummaging around there, but they will not cause serious trouble. We will blow up the passage and find the necessary mushrooms in the cave. The only thing left to do was to make the bridge guards drink some crazy mead.
Option two. The tower is home to a fisherman named Lorne. You need to find and give him the wooden leg that the goblins have stolen. Find a wooden leg, and then a box of gold (the box is in the same cave as the mushrooms described in the paragraph above). Murdra has the key to the box and she will just agree to exchange it for a wooden leg. After such a confusing story, Lorne will tell the password that will force the guards to open the gate.
The wooden leg is in these parts
It remains to defeat the robbers who seized the bridge, together with their leader Dartan.

Side quests

Green squatters The task is to destroy the three goblins that occupied the meadow of the herbalist. As a reward, we will receive a potion of healing.
Once in Stewark, first of all we head to the citadel and talk to the chief of the guard Horn. It turns out that Diego managed to go to jail. We go down to the dungeons. There we talk with Aldrich, who, after some wrangling, will let us inside. Diego will tell us why he was imprisoned. And he will advise what to do to try to free him. First, let's talk with the guard named Winstan in the West of the city. He will be one of the members of a rebel gang terrorizing the local baron.
Diego just appeared in Stewark, when he immediately went to jail
Then you need to act as your conscience dictates. Let's make a reservation right away - the rioters are right and they are the ones who protect Stewark from Robar. If so, then you need to find Leuven, the sister of the baron, who is on the run under pain of arrest for collaborating with the "traitors". Head to the Horn and ask him where the disgraced sister can hide. He will lead us to the tower of Leuven, to the chest where the solution to the mystery can be kept. Diego, if you remember, gave us the lockpicks, so we can open the chest without any problems. There we will find a lot of useful things, but the main thing is the key to the house where Luven is hiding.
Now it's time to ask the merchants: local gossips have heard about all the news in the area, so who, if not them, know what's what. The merchants will tell you a lot of interesting things, but the bow manufacturer Branson will tell us the information we need. It turns out that Leuven's house is located not far from him and at night Branson sees light there. We ought to check what is there. The front entrance to the house is boarded up, but there is a secret one, just below the descent. We open the emergency door and find Leuven himself on the second floor. She will tell us that Baron Renwick is really a traitor and she has evidence in the form of documents. But, fearing reprisals, Luven threw the box of documents into the sea. She will offer the hero to find the documents on the shore and take them to the rebel leader. Indeed, in the Southeast of Stewark we will find Required documents guarded by sea monsters. Then the road goes to the accursed crypt, where Gertan is going to organize a new rebel headquarters. In the cave you will find Gertan: he will be delighted with our arrival and promise to give permission to enter the Blood Valley. But first you need to fulfill one order of Gertan - to find Riklin, the right hand of Gertan, who was lost in the depths of the cave. We will find Riklin, but, alas, already dead - he fell from the bony hands of the undead. We give the skeletons there good cuffs for the death of a comrade in arms and go back to Stewark. Here Gertan has been reigning on the throne for a long time, so we go straight to him. He will thank us with a pass and some other gift to boot.
It is in this house that Leuven lives.
An "unkind" option is to beat Winstan and he will tell you where the baron's advisor is kept - in one of the caves outside the city. There are many rebels in the cave, the main interrogator looks the most interesting - you can get an excellent weapon from him. We will not part with Mermund just like that: he will ask to find the lost documents, without which it is better not to go to the baron. The documents are just in the caves, which until this moment were closed to us, at the rebel leader Gertan. It remains to take the documents to the baron. He will not be stingy and will give us permission and good armor.
Such is the slippery appearance of the baron
Side quests

Blood in the fields
Deal with 10 field workers annoying the farmer.

Alkaloid derivatives Magister Worgan promises to teach us alchemy if we help him track down Hem, an unlucky apprentice who has gone into the fields to experiment but has yet to return. Hem is sewn in the fields, but he is in no hurry to return: the field workers ate the ingredients necessary for the experiment. However, it will soon turn out that it was planned to carry out the experiments on the field workers. Therefore, without thinking twice, we go down the mountain and cut out the liver from the raging field workers.

Creepy neighbor
An unremarkable neighbor settled in our house. Eerie noises from a nearby house annoy the merchant Jerrick. First, let's talk to the owner of the house, Chuck. He settled behind the door in one of the turrets near the entrance to the city. Chuck will refuse to give us the key so that we can check what kind of noise is in his house, so we will have to knock the boor's sides.
Good luck Chuck
Now let's visit a strange house. There, as you might guess, the sectarians of Belial settled. Let us teach them righteous faith and inform Jerrick about this message.

Sweet booty
Bring six hives to the innkeeper: he desperately needs honey. Beehives can be found in the farming fields near Ogtar's farm.

First of all, you need to find the castellan of the Silverlake castle named Giltor. He is in the village on the way to Silverlake and will accept the letter with pleasure, only he will not want to listen to us. He says that there is no time, and time can only be earned by fulfilling a request. We are required to go to the battlefield and find Doran's standard-bearer there. The poor fellow has lost his banner and cannot find a place for himself. Explore the nearby caves and bring the flag back to Doran.
Further into the castle. From a conversation with the locals, it is learned that the owner of the castle has been captured by the orcs. Talk to Giltor. It turns out that the archives can only be accessed with the Lord's permission. To do this, you will have to do nothing less than free Lord Havaan from captivity. Quite a turnaround, huh?
Having named the password, we pass the bridge. There are a lot of orcs here, they are strong opponents, so cut them out one by one, do not gather crowds around you. The passage into the lands of the orcs is guarded by their fellow NPC. He refuses to let us inside and, imagine, the matter will go without a fight: we will be able to agree. We bring the orc drinks - stakhani, and he will open the gate. We follow south, across the bridge. The hut of an orc shaman who brews swill in the middle of the forest.
Of course, you can't get swill just like that. The orc will tell you about the feuds within the orc tribe and will give the task to find the young orc Irray, hiding from the shaman in the middle of the forest. Irrai agrees to return to the guardian, but then the hero needs to take the medallion belonging to Irrai from another orc, Shalog. We follow to the South of the forest and find Shalog there. Of course, without a fight, Shalog will not give up the amulet. In addition, after the fight, it turns out that the amulet is in a cave nearby.
We find a cave, we cut out there goblins and other living creatures. The amulet is in one of the chests in the middle of the cave. Now take the amulet to Irrai. He will immediately be going to challenge the new leader Erhag to battle, but for now it is clearly too weak to fight. We will ask Shalog what he thinks about this, and at the same time we will take the due work. As a result, it will be decided that our ward will put on Irrai's amulet (thereby becoming him according to the laws of the orcs) and challenge Erhag to battle. We take away the amulet from Irrai and return to the gate. The guard will gladly let us in when we give him the chase.
Inside the orc lair, we will find Erhag, seated on the throne. We call the usurper to battle on behalf of Irrai. Honestly, the leader, it turns out, does not know how to fight, so he will put up 2 more of his bodyguards against us. Well, we'll show all three where the crayfish (orcs) hibernate. After the battle, the door behind the throne of Orhag will be open. There Lord Hawaan languishes in captivity.
They gave this orc stakha, and he drank like a pig
The lord will ask to release his other friends and finish off the surviving henchmen of Erhag so that they do not do business. We go to the valley of the woodcutters and deal with the orcs. The prisoners will be happy to be released, and then we will move back to the castle. Let's talk with the lord. He will give us permission to enter the archives of the castle and at the same time give us a good war hammer.
Head to the archives. We can enjoy the cheers of the citizens of Silverlake: now we are with them folk hero... We take away the ancient map of Argaan and rise to Havaaan. The temple we are looking for is in the mountains, but, alas, we never know the exact location. The lord will advise you to go to Tuusha and talk with local magicians in order to find out the necessary information. You can get to Tuusha only by overcoming the stone blockage in the South of the map (where the orcs' hut is), and Havaan will give us a special spell that will destroy this blockage.
We move into place and destroy the blockage. Oh-pa, and here is the first really serious opponent in the game - the stone golem. Be careful with him - dodge him very much powerful blows... In principle, you can just run past the golem, no one forces you to fight with it. Soon we will reach Tuusha.

Side quests

Lost Soldier
Kraghlan has lost his nephew on the battlefield and is afraid that he is dead. The nephew is found in the West from the battlefield and is terrified to death by wolves.

Mental trauma
Kraghlan's nephew is huddled in the cave and is afraid to stick his head out: the wolves prowling near the cave seem to him to be demons. "Demons" will not be scary at all, and they will not take the quantity. Having dealt with the animals, return to the soldier.

Secret ingredient
The alchemist needs strange mushrooms called "corpse morels" and can be found on the battlefield. This will not be enough for the balm and it will require a skull. Our skull: We have two options - to kick him on his own skull for it right away, or to give another, which could be found on the same battlefield. Ironically, another skull will not work for a fanatic either, so the matter will end up in battle one way or another. And we will pick up the promised recipe from the dead body of the offender.

Gold tip
Our old friend Gilvy asks to get a tip in a cave filled with goblins ("These goblins are starting to get on my nerves," - the main character's note). Why she herself cannot go to the cave is not clear. Well, okay, who will understand these ladies! We will deal with the nasty creatures inside the cave and pick up a gold tip in one of the chests. Then we return it to its owner. As a reward, we will receive a nice crossbow.

Bitters Bring the Vendor 6 Wild Boar Eaten Nuts. Just kill the boars and examine their corpses. Six pieces will be enough for the girl.

Silverlake wounded need herbs to heal their wounds. The grass grows on the very South of the map, across two bridges, on the lake.

Dirty business
Blacksmith Velgard lost the book in the watchtower behind the bridge. It turns out that some nasty orc has been trapping there for a long time. At first he will refuse to give the book away, but after a good beat, his views will change. Let's take the book to the blacksmith.


An enormous tree will open before our eyes, the scale of which is breathtaking. We need to find the two wizards who looked into the Silverlake archives just now. Head over to Gilana, who is poring over books in the center of the tree and ask her about the magicians. She will not let us go to the Master of Mages, since we are not a member of the Tuushu Brotherhood. Well, no question - we will become a member of the brotherhood. To do this, you need to complete Gilana's personal task - go down into the dungeon and talk to Vultus. He is already rather fed up with his magical experiments and it would be necessary to calm him down.
Vultus promises not to experiment anymore and will give some details about Gilana. According to the magician, Gilana is just using us as an errand boy and she will never give permission. You need to choose: either help Vultus and then he will give permission to meet with the master or continue to work for Gilana.
Suppose we continued to work with Gilana. Let us inform her about Vultus. She really will not give permission to talk to the master, but will offer to join the Tuushu brotherhood, having completed the tasks for entry. The first task is to pull off the collar from the claw-claw in the cave. Let's pull it off and take it to the girl. After that, you need to go to the altar of the elements, which can change the weather. You need to find out what is with him, whether it works, and report the results to the girl. To get to the dungeon we need, where everything will become clear, you need to go to the ruins and jump down.
Here is the entrance to the ruins
Inside the ruins, a large number of skeletons and strong enough await us. Skeletal magicians are especially dangerous, especially at large concentrations. In this case, kill archers and magicians first, otherwise you will quickly lose your health reserves. After the n-eleventh battle, we will come across a locked door. The key is in a chest on the opposite side of the dungeon.
We will find the chest here
At the end of the journey through the dungeon, you will find the desired pedestal, which means you can get out. We get out in the same place where we entered - it is enough just to climb the ledges.
On the way out, give the part of the statue to Zira. After the statue is collected, talk to her (the statue). Ask Beliar for rain and return to Gilana. Now Gilana will already allow us to enter the master.
The second option is to help Vultus. To begin with, we will find a straw hat in a cave where there are many orcs. Then again we go down into the dungeons and do the same as in the case of Gilana. We only summon the sun.
We head upward, to the very top of the tree. We go to the master. He will remember the people we need. To begin with, he will advise you to contact Calamus - he will give us the key to the hut where one of the magicians lives.
Ikarus lives in this hut
When we approach Ikarius, it turns out that he is not sleeping, but dead. Return to Calamus. In a dialogue with him, it turns out that the second magician who was with Ikarius is Lester. He lives in a hut nearby. In place of Lester will not be. But we will meet with Master Milten himself. It turns out that Lester was stolen and, together with the fire wizard, we can find him. The mage activates a spell that will light up the swamp that Lester threw on the ground when he was stolen.
So the bog glows that Lester scattered
The trail will lead us to a cave full of orcs. Orcs will be weaker than skeletons in the dungeon, but they are also able to give us a good beat, so let's be careful and hope more for healing potions and food. Soon we will find Lester, but guarded by a demoness and tied to a wooden post. That will send on us a horde of orcs, led by a rather weak leader - we will cope with them quickly enough, the main thing is that the enemies do not surround us. Lester will tell us some information about the temple. He does not know the exact location, but he will advise you to go to the monastery of the two gods and ask the local monks.
However, you still need to get out of the cave. To do this, click on the statue of a woman, which will open the further path to the cave. Do not forget to collect a good weapon near the statue: it will come in handy.

Side quests

Invasion of the gills
Leboras, the local commandant, will ask you to collect the gill-lizard eggs in the East of the city, in order to prove that we can do something useful for the city. After that, we will be able to talk with many NPCs and new tasks will open to us.

Bag of troubles
Rogue Shakes lost his bag while fleeing the raptors in the East of Tuushu. Having pulled off the bag from the gills, we learn that the guy will turn out to be a real thief. Then we'll find its real owner. His name is Borran, he also lives not far from the tree, on the other side of the place where the thief is sewn off. It turns out that the bag contained "Nordmard smoke" - a very valuable swill for these regions. We return to Shakes and take the smoke away from him by force. In the end, let's take the alcohol to Borran.

Looking for a hat! I guarantee the award
If we nevertheless decided to help Gilana in the main quest, we can still have dividends by finding a straw hat and giving it to Vultus.

Spider web for mommy
The innkeeper asks us to collect a dozen cobwebs and then she will teach interesting recipes... The cobweb needs to be collected throughout the Black Water: here it is scattered in abundance.
Collect such a web
Water bowl
Adventurer Neios searches for the Lost Bowl of Water, a legendary artifact. The artifact is located in one of the small goblin caves that have two exits next to each other.
Journey to the temple

And here is the monastery. Of course, no one is going to share information about the temple just like that. Its location is known only to the abbots. Their audience still needs to be achieved. This requires completing missions in the name of Innos and: Beliar. So, the first task is to destroy the guard golems. The guards live, oddly enough, right in the middle of the monastery, in the arena. The second task is for Beliar. It is necessary to guess the words of the first follower of Beliar. This phrase will not appear in the dialogue, there is one option - to finish the examiner properly, and in the outbreak of battle the hero will suddenly utter the necessary phrase.
Now we are heading to the abbots. They will finally tell you where to look for the temple. Move back to the Black Gorges, where there was a closed lattice before. It won't be sweet in the Black Gorges: here the opponents are serious - fire lizards, golems, skeletons. By this time, you should have a rocked hero and good things, otherwise you will be a whipping boy.
In the jungle, we will encounter a couple of lizards and fortune-tellers, and then with some madman near the ruins. Let's finish off everyone and turn into ruins: there is no direct passage. At first, rather frivolous opponents like spiders or walking lizards will meet in the cave. But the last enemy before reaching the surface will be the dark beast.
The caves will lead us to a natural bridge over the mountains over the jungle, and then to the sea. One of the roads leads from Settarif - we go there.

Set tariff

The setup is under siege and the passage is closed. However, to the left of the entrance, in the South, a bridge is visible. Surely from the other side you can somehow get closer to the city. We move to the bridge and meet a troll. Running away from him is an option for the weak, so we accept the fight. Use everything available funds- magic, piercing and cutting weapons, spells, bows and crossbows. Of course, it is better to conduct a ranged battle, since the attacks of a troll close up are deadly and it is quite difficult to dodge them, but by no means from attacks with stones. We will only make sure to first trace whether there are other enemies in the area, otherwise smaller monsters will quickly peck us together with a powerful ally.
There is only one troll in the game, but, to be honest, this is the most powerful monster in the entire game.
The bridge will lead us to the cave. There we will finally meet a stranger with an eye patch. We will not be able to fight him right away: we cannot move further along the temple without pressing two levers at the same time. Some tests lead to both. The first is to rush past the fireballs. The second is to jump over the ledges through the acid. Neither one nor the other is fatal and equally easy.
But the battle with Dantero will be more difficult. It is more difficult, since Dantero honestly does not want to fight and will summon three golems to help. To begin with, we will deal with Dantero - we will try it as quickly as possible. Then for the golems. It is better to fight them one by one or at least two. We will pick up a good crossbow from the corpse of Dantero and move further along the dungeon.
Further crawlers will fall on us. They are quite formidable opponents, thank God that at least they rarely attack by more than 2 individuals. The most important thing here is to navigate in space: crawlers often burrow into the ground and come out from completely opposite sides than you expect them to. The last obstacle in the cave will be the spider's uterus - it is even more difficult with it, plus several crawlers are on duty nearby. In no case do we allow ourselves to be surrounded and, if possible, we attack several crawlers at once. Well, let's not forget about attacks from a distance - they are effective as always.
The cave will lead us to the tops of the mountains, to the snowy ledges. There are two caves and both are guarded by golems. The first one is filled up and we will not find anything but a couple of skeletons. The second is much larger and teeming with enemies. A particularly difficult area is where fireballs are spewing out, and at this time we clash with skeletons. The final test inside the cave is the battle with the demoness. They will call to the aid of two spiders, and we have to deal with all this. After the battle, we go down to the sacred forge - we can safely pick up the legendary sacred hammer.

Side quests

Seeds for Jabo One of the monks lost a parcel of seeds in the Black Gorges. Following the Black Gorges, turn left twice at the forks - there we will find seeds. They are guarded by four skeletons - three magicians and one boss. First, let's take on the boss, he is not very strong, but if we hit the mages right away, he will distract us well. An ax will fall out of the boss's bony hands - we will definitely pick it up: the ax has high attack rates. Now you still need to give the seeds to the monk Jabo, who lives in the middle of the jungle and scares travelers with frightening inscriptions.

Guard dog
Hermit Monk Jabo will ask you to calm down own dog, which prevents the owner from approaching the hut. The "dog" will be a big beast. Finish him.

Death in the water
The water mage Haton asks to deal with the undead that came ashore after the shipwreck. The main thing is to lure the paladins out of the water, otherwise they can pull us in so much that we will simply drown: the hero cannot swim. Examine the ship that washed ashore. It turns out that there is a survivor and he is Beliar's henchman. In the dialogue, we will take the Beliar statuette from him and take it to the water mages. He will offer to destroy the statuette, so feel free to put the statue on the altar and finish with this case.

Our final resting place is Torniara. Only there there is a chance to help Robar III. We make a rather difficult and dangerous descent from the mountains. Do not get confused and do not leap into the visible forest: our task is to find a cave blazing with blue flame. Enemies there will not be surprised, but she will lead us to the long-awaited fresh air, to the suburban villages. Filled with undead, really. Fight the evil spirits and be sure to rummage through all the chests, picking up weapons: there are excellent specimens lying around.
In the distance you can see the walls of the city - we follow there. At the entrance to Torniara we will be met by our old friend Horn. Thanks to his efforts, the upper city is free, but the lower one is overrun with zombies and undead. We should talk to Diego: he knows how to get to the king's tower, but the passage to the harbor is closed. However, the master of darkness Ningal himself is located in the center of the city - let's talk with him. We learn that the passages to the harbor are closed, and we cannot get there. The only option is to activate the obelisks with spells that will open the passage.
So, obelisks are activated with the help of scrolls, where special spells are written. The scrolls were in the hands of Ningal's assistants. Both, however, are already dead and their corpses are spread out in the lower city. We select the scrolls and activate the obelisks. After the next dialogue with Ningal, it turns out that there is no connection between the obelisks and the passage to the harbor: Ningal will simply give the key to the gate. We'll have to accept the deception and head to the harbor. We already find Diego there.
Now to Leicester - we go to him through the port street, guarded by the undead. Then there are three options on how to get into the king's tower.
The first will be offered by Rauter. He found an old passage, which, in theory, should lead to the tower. On the way, we will meet a large number of zombies, but very soon we will reach the cave, and the key that Rauter gave us will just come up to it. The cave will lead us straight to Robar.
Gilvy's variant. The girl offers to go to the fortress along with the cook of King Snaf. The undead surrounded his house, and if we beat all the undead in the area, then Snaf will lead the hero to the king.
The third method is known to the magician Daranis. His pet golem has a rune that teleports us straight to the king's castle. Unfortunately, the golem will be very hostile, so you have to kill him.
Soon we will go directly to the residence of Robar III. The king, as the saying goes, does not hum, does not calve, so unexpected meeting will not be as effective. It is much more interesting to talk to Zira.
Be sure to explore Robara Castle. It is quite impressive in size and you can find a lot of interesting things in it.
She will tell you that Lord Hagen disappeared, having gone to storm the bastion of the traitor Drurhang. Leaving the castle, we head to the East. There, the mercenaries of Drurkhang will begin to attack us. Make your way through their barriers to the casemates. In the casemates we will find Maldun, who will tell you about the fate of Hagen.
Move through the back door in the casemates to the moat: he will lead us to other cells, where Lord Hagen, Diego and Milten are hiding. From the dialogue with the lord, it seems that the captives were poisoned, weakened and now they want to fight them in the arena in order to show them weak in front of the king. However, the main hero decides to fight instead of the poisoned. We put on the armor offered by Diego, kill the traitor guard, take the keys from him and rush into the arena.
There we will meet the culprit of the death of our friends and relatives in Feshir - Drurkhang. Of course, he will not fight honestly - we will have to fight right away against the villain's henchmen, plus with him. The guards, in principle, are not very strong, so if they do not attack us with ten of us at the same time, then luck will be on our side. First, deal with the nasty archers, then get down to a melee warrior. After the battle, a ghost will suddenly appear in the arena.

It will offer to go to the tomb of the great king Myrtana. There is an ancient relic that can bring Robar back to life. A familiar trap with fireballs awaits us in the tomb, but we already know how to dodge them. The grate in the tomb will be opened by a lever to the left of the entrance. Skeletons await us near the comrades-in-arms - it is better to deal with them, of course, in a safe place, without fireballs.
Let's return the artifact to Robar III. The king will tell you a lot of interesting things about the mysterious amulet. There is really a lot of information, but it is unlikely to remain in your memory. In short, we are required to start finding Danaris in the sewers. He will let us go to the desecrated temple. The magician is in the basement of one of the houses, to which the sewer will lead us.
Approach the magicians. They will open the barrier that will lead us to the cultists of Beliar. Despite the existing relationship with Ningal, we will send the fanatics to their master. The outer barrier has fallen, but the barrier around the amulet still exists. Magicians have three different points of view on how to break this barrier. This means that there are three options for completing the task.
Ningal. His method is the easiest, since the location of the demons he offers to kill is marked on the map.
Milten's plan involves the collection of ore in different parts of the city. If you survey everything in the last nook and cranny, you can do it almost immediately.
Merdarion asks to find the mana runes. Just not all the runes at once, but in turn - the next rune will appear only when the previous one is found. There are only three such runes. The first is at the lighthouse, the second is in the casemates on the upper observation deck, the third is in the castle of Robara (we stand facing the king and climb the stairs to the right, then we will go through the chambers of the noble lady)
This is how the required runes look like.
The barrier will collapse, you can take the amulet. Then a ghost will appear in front of us. Talk to him. The amulet, it turns out, is useless just like that: no one needs it without a rim. Head towards the lighthouse west. To do this, we will go through the previously closed gate next to the temple.
The path to the teleport lies through a cemetery and a crypt full of zombies and the dead. At the entrance to the lighthouse, the lord of the demons awaits you and only after his overthrow will we be allowed to enter the lighthouse. Xardas did not lie - at the top of the lighthouse there really is a teleport that will take us to the tower.

Side quests

The peasant will ask you to deal with the undead, which haunts the locals. First, you will have to humiliate the undead near the exit at the cave. But this will not be enough for the peasants - they need to deal with the undead in the village. We are not used to it.
A particularly strong undead settled in the houses, and the most difficult battle was with one of the generals. He has a very strong sword and from that - strong blows. The hero is unlikely to withstand them for a long time, so we better dodge, especially since the commander swings his sword for a very long time before striking. Let's not forget to try this sword on the hero. Let us inform the peasants that their village is free. Tado will thank us with the key to the cave behind us. We will definitely visit there.
The final
Once in the tower of Xardas, first, we will thoroughly clean up his chests: there are a lot of useful weapons and items. After talking with the gray-haired creepy magician, go around the side of the tower, go down and jump into the cave.
The cave stretches for an agonizingly long time, and there are many to fight there - against a wide variety of opponents, from golems to Anbaels. As soon as we find ourselves in the fresh air, we rush to the monastery.
Before the final battle, you will still need to defeat two demons, Xesha's assistants. Previously, we have already met with similar creatures, this time they only became a little stronger, but the algorithm for the destruction of creatures from this will not change.
Before the fight with Xesha, talk to the monks. They will tell you that the goddess is hiding in the tunnel. We dive there and enter the battlefield.
The tactics of dealing with Ksesha are as follows. You can only beat her when she is on the site next to us. She sometimes teleports behind insurmountable barriers. Then we need to dodge her shots with clots (they hit very painfully), thorns (the place where the thorns come out is highlighted in green), as well as the constant reinforcement that she calls. We advise you to practically ignore the reinforcements - the only exceptions are skeletons with ranged attacks. We ignore the rest, but we are exclusively engaged in the battle with Ksesha.
Well, the battle is won and the game is over. We look at the ambiguous ending and see you on our pages.

Waking up from another nightmare, our hero - a glorious shepherd from the small island of Feshir, falls into the arms of another nightmare - a bride named Ivy. The girl (presumably very smart) will arrange a little hassle and convey that her father really wants to see us. And run away to show the way.

A flock of sheep wanders around us, for the execution of which, apart from swearing at the mother and a dozen portions of meat, nothing shines for us. In the house, look into the chest (1) and run after our mistress. On the right side of the road, in the midst of small ruins, you can find another chest (2).

Having run to the center of the village, we surrender to the hands of Gromar - Ivy's father. He will send us to the first test - to get Melgan's dagger from his crypt and will grant 200 experience points. It's time to look around.

The first house to the right of the entrance belongs to the hero's mother, Alma. You can find her inside, either working in the field. The conversation with mother will be much more remarkable if one or all of the sheep are cut. On the table next to the house lies the “recipe for the best elixir of Alma” (to learn the recipe, find it in your inventory and right-click on it).
There is a chest near the coast (3). You cannot swim in the game, otherwise - instant death.
The next house belongs to the beloved. There is nothing useful here, but there is Quince.
The round two-story building has two entrances, we need the northern one. We rise to the second floor and search both chests (4, 5).
Further there is a warehouse. On the lower floor there is a chest (6) with a recipe for grilled meat, in the attic there is another one (7).
Go down the other stairs from here and run a little to the left. You will find a chest (8) with an amulet (+7 health, +6 armor). Will be put on automatically.
The last house belongs to the blacksmith Halven. Nothing interesting at all.

After a little exploration, we go to the bridge, towards Knut. He will give 150 experience points, a club and ask you to kill six mole rats. We take a club in hand and go to kill. There is nothing interesting for us in the farmhouse either. Right next to the sixth corpse of the mole rat is the entrance to the cave of interest to us. We jump inside. At the end of the cave there is a chest (9) with a shield (Automatically put on) and Melgan's dagger. If you want to gain more experience, get out of the cave in a different way. We run back to the dear Knut and get 50 experience for our efforts. We return to Gromar, hand over the quest - we get 300 experience and the second level.

The next test is to drive the smuggler off the island. Considering that this is Diego, it is easier for our shepherd to just jump into the lake. However, our old friend is in a friendly mood and is going to leave the island himself. But still, he has not beaten the shepherds for too long and therefore will challenge you to battle. After the end of the fight, Diego will send us to be eaten by goblins and give 150 experience. We go down the mountain pass to the coast and near the boat we punish two green ones. From the leader's corpse we take the most useful thing in the game - the Acceleration Rune (Immediately drag it to the quick access panel and use it constantly). Further along the coast, you can collect turtle meat and pearls. There is a chest near the boat (10). We report to Diego, we get 75 experience and a machete. We are rearming. And back to my son-in-law. Saw a goblin - kill! We will get 100 experience and assurances from Zatya that you can chase a deer not only without a bow, but also without insanity.

We leave for the deer thicket, first for the bow, for the son-in-law is clearly crafty. At the gate of the thicket, Ivy will meet us and offer 25 experience and his bow to help. In the tower we take a bow and arrow, we get 100 experience and go ahead - chase the deer. After killing three deer, the antlers are teleported to our inventory, and you can immediately return. With goblins, be extremely cruel, shoot only in the head! There are four of them. We return to the old man and give the horns. We will receive a blessing, 50 experience and an ancient amulet (I advise you to wear it for the first time). And, of course, one more task. Ivy's bracelet is needed.

The solution to the problem awaits us at the exit from the hut. We'll have to sell our soul to an orc. He needs mushrooms. You remember with nostalgia how many hundreds of orcs you slaughtered in the old days and ... You go to pick mushrooms. Behind bars, in a deer thicket. Behind the first goblin encountered in the cave is a very useful chest (11) with goblin bracers (to be put on automatically). Further, at a small fork with two goblins, we meet another chest (12). We get out from the second end of the cave and run to the owner. We get amber, 100 experience soul back, but much dirtier.

To the blacksmith, behind the ring of our slavery. We get a ring, another 100 experience and sad news. It's all gone, Ivy is pregnant. Let's go get married, leveled up. After the proposal, the wife will demand a honeymoon trip, give 50 experience and literally send it to Diego. Begins ... On the way we will meet Knut, he voluntarily asks for a face. And we do not mind. +50 experience. We run to Diego, he sits in his cave behind the top of the waterfall. 50 experience from an old warrior, a new courier mission and a chest (13) are very close. We leave, as usual, from the other side of the cave and along the northern edge of the mountain we go until we bury ourselves in another cave. In the cave we will find a chest (14) with a wasp ring (+5 health, + 2 shooting) and Orruk's Shame - a two-handed weapon for 22 damage, which will serve us for a long time. With this mace, Orruk killed Knut's father, which probably should have been done a little earlier ... Re-arm and go into the forest to exterminate the wolves. As you walk up, go to the Lirki tree. She will send us to a cave, give 150 experience and 30 lightning scrolls and, as usual, a task.

I recommend killing beetles on an easy difficulty level in order to save your nerves. In the middle of the cave we do not miss the last chest on Feshir (15) with a brass ring (+5 magic). At the end of the cave, the uterus of armored creatures and the final video of Feshir are waiting for us.

YY in conversation with mother

First, go to the village and see Ivy's father, who is sitting in the center of the village. Thunder will tell you that the hero will have to complete three trials to bless the marriage with Ivy. First you need to find in the caves that are across the bridge to the north of the village, an ancient dagger and bring it to Gromar. On the bridge, you will meet the farmer Knut, who offered you to rid his fields of the invasion of mole rats. You can agree, then Knut will give the hero his club. With its help, it will be easier for you to complete not only this side quest, but also to deal with opponents inside the cave, the entrance to which is located immediately beyond the field. Having obtained the desired dagger in the dungeon, do not forget to search the chest before leaving and return to Thromar with the trophy. From him we get the second order - to drive out the smuggler who settled at the mountain lake. We take away the key from the old man and go through the gate to the lake. There we meet our friend Diego, who offered you some semblance of a training fight. After losing to you, he agrees to give his old machete as proof of your victory, but only after you have dealt with a couple of goblins that are dripping near his boat on the beach. Get down to the water and blow off your opponents well. Having brought the machete to Thromaru, you will receive a third order from him - to bring him three pairs of deer antlers. Upon entering the deer thicket, you will meet Ivy again and she will inform you that you can take a bow in the hunting tower, which is just outside the gate. We quickly shoot deer out of it and take away their antlers. With this wealth, we go to her father and receive the last order from him - to make an engagement bracelet for your bride. To do this, talk to Halven, who is standing at the exit from the hut. He will tell you that he will be happy to make a bracelet for you if you can get some amber. This substance is possessed by the local orc Oruk. Oruk will ask you to serve him in exchange for stones - to bring blue toadstools from the cave, which is more common in deer. We find five mushrooms there, and we get amber in return. Take it to Halven and present the finished bracelet to Ivy.

Goodbye, Feshir!

After entering through the main gate of the castle, climb up the stairs until you reach the main tower, which is guarded by the Horn. He will tell you that Diego is now in jail on charges of the murder of the Baron's assistant. Going down to the entrance to the casemates and talking to the guard there, you will meet with the arrested Diego. From him you will learn that the only way to justify him before the baron is to find the missing assistant Mermund. First you need to talk to the guard Winstan, hanging around on the western outskirts of the city. In a conversation with this subject, it is revealed that he is acting in concert with the rebels who hid Mermund in one of the caves outside the castle. For ease of solving the issue, we beat him in the face and find out the location of the rebel camp. Exit the castle and find the entrance to the catacombs, located in the north-east of the barony. After passing by the Ogtar farm, you will reach the entrance to the cave, where inhospitable rebels will already be waiting for you. Get ready to swing your weapon quite actively, since as you progress in the catacombs, opponents will constantly attack you. After passing the room with a row of beds, you will open the lattice door and face a rather serious enemy in the person of the main investigator of this lovely institution. Try not to fall under his mace and then you will cope with him without problems. After picking up the trophies and unlocking the locked chamber, you will release Mermund. The freed prisoner will tell you about the lost secret documents, which are very valuable for the baron. Having found them, you can easily win his favor and get a pass to the Valley of Blood. To do this, you need to return to the Ogtar farm and find a cave nearby. Inside it, you, besides other rebels, will also find their leader, who has these same documents. It remains to take them to the castle to Baron Renwick and get permission from him for further travel. By the way, in addition to this paper, you can choose your own armor to your liking from the three models presented. In your new clothes, leave the castle and go to the east of the barony until you reach the gate, guarded by a guard, who should show the received permission.

Valley of Blood

After passing a gorge and a forest path, you will meet at the estate with Castellan Giltor, hoping to find out from him information about the archives of Silverlake Castle. He will agree to help you only after you return one of his people - Doran's standard bearer. Leave the estate and go north, where the subject is walking along the battlefield. After learning from him that he has lost the banner of Lord Havaan, promise to help the poor fellow and go to the goblin caves east of the battlefield. After climbing the forest ridge and facing a small group of goblins there, you will reach the desired cave. Find the banner of Gibean inside them and take it to Doran. Now head back south through the manor until you reach the castle. Climbing to its second floor, you will find castellan Giltor in the hall by the fireplace. He will tell you that access to the archives can only be given by Lord Hawaan, who was captured by the orcs during the battle. Naturally, you need to return the honorary prisoner. To do this, leave the castle and go forward along the Silverlake Lake. Soon you will stumble upon a bridge with guards who let you through as soon as you say the password. By the way, further on the shore of the lake you will see some semblance of a low observatory, whose surroundings are teeming with orcs. I advise you to exterminate them right now, and only after that go to the entrance to the cave nearby and talk to the orc Ogbosh, guarding the gate to the camp. He will let you through after you bring him a swill called skakhan. This fusion drink can be obtained from the shaman Meloh of the forest hut to the south of here. After passing along the road across the river, you will find yourself in a forest, where you will soon come across a shaman's dwelling, in which his master plays drums. In exchange for the word, he will ask you to find for him the son of the previous chief of the tribe named Irrai. To do this, follow the path from Melag's house to the west and soon you will stumble upon Irraya sitting by the side of the road. He will tell that the orc Shalog took away the personal amulet from him, and without it he is just a body without a soul. Go to the south of the forest, where you will run into a stone blockage that blocks the road ahead. Moving along this blockage, you will find Shalog, and after a short course of massacre, he will tell you that he hid Irrai's amulet in the cave. The entrance to it is located in the east of the forest and to get to it you will again need to walk along the stone ridge. In it you will find a chest with Irraj's amulet, which you can take to its owner in the shaman's hut. From him we learn that now no one can defeat the current leader of the orcs Erhag. But if you put Irraj's amulet on yourself, you can independently challenge him, and at the same time free Lord Havaan. Receive from Meloh the ill-fated skakhan, and from Irrai his amulet return to the entrance to the camp and give the swill to Ogbosh. He will let you inside, where you will have to fight in a kind of throne room with Erhag and a couple of his bodyguards. Liberated Hawaan will ask you to deal with Erhag's henchmen and free the people of Hawaan, who are forced by the orcs to work at the sawmill. You may have already managed to deal with Erhag's minions, when you chopped down all the orcs near the observatory on the shore of the lake. You can find the captives by going up the path to the east, which is on the way back to the castle, if you go from the orc camp. After completing all the errands, chat with Lord Havaan walking along the path along the lake and report on your successes. It remains only to return to the castle and study its archives (they are in the basement of the southern wing of the castle). After receiving the ancient map, go upstairs and talk to Lord Havaan again. From him you will learn that before you two more magicians were interested in the ancient temple, who can be found in Tuusha. He will also give you a scroll of a spell that destroys the stone blockage on the road blocking your way forward. Go to this rubble (not far from the place where you met the orc Shalog) and use the spell. As a side effect of its action, you will have to face the stone golem, a clumsy creature, but quite resistant to your attacks. Having mastered it, follow the road forward until you reach a forest settlement built around the sacred Tuushu tree.

At the entrance to the village, you will be met by the local commandant Leboras, who wants to check your good intentions regarding the town. To prove your usefulness, you need to destroy 6 nests of gills that have bred in the swamps southeast of Tuushu. Having dealt with the clutches of eggs and their outraged parents, return back to the village and give the delicacy product to Leboras. Now chat with the locals, or rather with the sorceress Gelana. It can be found by climbing one of the stairs inside the tree itself through a huge passage at its base. Right away, she will not allow you to communicate with Magister Merdarion, but kick off to the magician Vultus so that you influence him and stop explosive experiments. Get down into the tunnel to the roots of the tree, which is right next to the exit to the street and chat with the required character. He promises not to play the young chemist anymore, but also recommends that you not mess with Gelana - they say, she still will not let you in to the master, unlike himself. In principle, you are free to choose whose tasks to complete in order to get an appointment with Merdarion, but we will consider the options for Vultus's tasks. First, he will ask you to bring him a lost straw hat, which he allegedly dropped in the ruins located southwest of Tuushu. The entrance to them will be lit with torches, and next to you you will have to fight with the swamp-fever worm, so you won't pass by. After roaming the orcs and claw-claws in the dungeon, you will find a straw hat and you can take the trophy to Vultus. The second task of the sorcerer will be the desire to change the weather so that the bright sun dries up his laboratory. To do this, you need to find an ancient statue. Go strictly south of the town and a little later you will find ruins with a statue, and at the same time your old friend Zira. From her you will learn that parts of the statue are somewhere nearby, so you will have to look for them. Feel free to jump down into the dungeon and move forward, sorting out along the road with all, without exaggeration, numerous opponents. In one of the rooms of the dungeon, you will come across a locked door to which you need to find a key. Proceed through the hall with two stone golems and take the item you are looking for in one of the chests. At the end of this journey, you will find the missing piece of the statue and climb back to the pedestal. In a conversation with Zira, you need to insist on sunny weather, which she will absolutely not like. After convincing her with a weapon, go to the statue and repeat your request. After that, return to Vultus and report to him about your successes. He will tell you that Gelana has already been hypnotized by him, not without the help of that very straw hat, and you can easily ask her for an audience with the master. After receiving the special seal and improving your wardrobe again, head up the stairs in the hall with Gelana and find Calamus in the library. He will let you go upstairs to the sanctuary to Magister Merdarion. From him we learn that the magician you are interested in is Ikarius, whose location we know Calamus. He will give you the key to Ikarius' hut, located on the platform between the library and the sanctuary. After examining the dead magician, we come to the conclusion that it is urgently necessary to find his partner - Lester. This can be done by sneaking into his hut in the swamps, which is on the southeast side of Tuushu. We go there, dealing with the claw-claws and swamp-eaters, but we find in the shack not Lester at all, but his friend Milten. The owner of the dwelling has clearly been kidnapped, and we have to find him with the help of a new acquaintance. Just walk forward in the footsteps of the glowing swamp until you find yourself in another cave, passing by the monastery gates and going down to the sea. Inside it, you will free the poor fellow Lester, having pretty much fought with the orcs and their comrades-in-arms. From him we learn that the monastery can be reached by moving the statue in the southern part of the cave. In fact, she is in the same room very close. Then go along the long bridge and climb up to the entrance to the monastery.

The road to the Temple

You will learn from the monk Rundor that you can only get an audience with the abbots after passing two tests. The first of them is to defeat two golems dangling around the courtyard of the monastery. Return to Rundor and threaten to clean his face. As soon as your character speaks to him, “There is no justice. There is only power ”you will have access to the abbots who are waiting for you in the largest monastery building. They will tell you that the desired temple is located far to the north of the monastery and the path to it lies through the jungle. With this knowledge, we leave the monastery and go down from it, but not along the same path along which the ships came, but along the path leading to the north.

First, you will pass the black gorge, and then continue your let through the jungle, fighting off their inhabitants, until you reach the ruins, in which you will have to fight with a man who has lost his mind. Go down into the dungeons to go out on the other side to the stone pass through the jungle. Continue north and you will come to the sea coast. In principle, you can easily ignore the magicians standing on the site in front of the descent to the beach - their quest is a side quest. In any case, walking along the beach, you will have to brush aside the soldiers coming out of the sea (the old man Chernomor was not seen in their ranks). After passing the coast, walking again along the forest path, you will soon meet a man named Thor. He will tell you that there is a troll somewhere nearby and you need to be on your guard. If you go further, then run into the gate of the castle, where you will not be allowed anyway. Therefore, you need to move along the rocks to the southwest of it, where you will meet the aforementioned troll (by the way, there is a corresponding road sign on the way to it). If you are not confident in your abilities, then I do not recommend contacting him, but rather run without looking ahead to the entrance to the cave. Inside you will meet a one-eyed spy ahead of you, with whom you will enter into a temporary alliance. You need to choose one of two corridors, where you will go to activate the switch that lifts the bridge leading to the temple. Having chosen the fiery tunnel, you need to run through the corridor, dodging the burning balls and activate the switch. Now run back to the altar and fight Dantero. The situation is complicated by the fact that your one-eyed enemy has summoned golems to his aid. Try to deal with the main enemy as quickly as possible, after which the passage to the temple will open and you will be quite able to escape from the golems without engaging in battle with them.

Move forward through the dungeon to the temple, fighting overgrown arthropods. Do not let yourself be surrounded, but rather retreat into narrow tunnels, providing yourself with cover from the flanks. As a result, you still have a fight with their parent, which you can use to get out into the fresh air. After walking a little along the mountain path, you will again come to the entrance to the cave, guarded by two golems. Inside, you have to overcome the corridor, dodging fireballs flying along it and at the same time brushing off the oncoming enemies. Having buried in the locked door, take a walk into one of the branches of the dungeon, at the end of which you will find a chest with utilities and a key. Finally, you got to the ice dome, located in the center of the temple, and at the same time met the demonic winged creatures of An'bael. After defeating them, jump onto the ledge of the hall from the back side and exit through the grate. There you will take the sacred hammer and can exit the cave. Go down the gorge from the snow-capped mountains to the level of green vegetation, where you dive again into the passage in the rock. Having run along it and so without having fought with anyone, you will finally run out of the dungeons. You can safely ignore the request of the peasant who met you at the exit from the dungeons for a punitive operation against the living dead.


Go to the reddish glow of the high city tower visible in the north of the area near the sea coast. Having reached the fortress, you will meet your old friend Horn at its gates. He will advise you to talk to Diego about how best to get into the castle. Diego himself is now somewhere in the port. Ningal will show you the way there, hanging out in the western part of the market square right next to the stairs leading to the slums. He will ask you to open a passage closed with a magical seal. This can be done with the help of special scrolls held by two dead companions of the magician. Go down the stairs to the slums and find the corpses of Ningal's assistants in two opposite parts of this quarter. Take the scrolls from them and miss them on the obelisks in the same area. The barrier is deactivated, and you can show off this to Ningaloo. We receive from him the key to the gate on the market square and we pass through them to the port. After talking there with Diego, you learn that now you need to get to his estate, located further down the street and ask Lester about possible ways entering the castle. It turns out that the three local scientists of the mind have come up with different ways to get into the fortress and how you get there depends on your choice. I suggest you choose the version of Daranis, offering to move to the castle using the teleportation circle located right in the courtyard of Diego's estate. To do this, you need to bring the rune of obedience to the mage, which his hand golem should have delivered long ago. Go outside through the door of the house next to Daranis and head north from Diego's estate to the officials' quarter. Alas, but the golem has completely gone crazy, so you will have to eliminate him and bring Daranis a rune from his cold corpse. After that, you can use the teleport for its intended purpose and be transported directly to the fortress to Robar III. Having met Zira there, you will learn from her that Lord Hagen went to storm the bastion of the traitor Drurkhang and has not yet returned. Hope you get the hint? Leave the castle and follow the road to the right, that is, to the east. So you will reach the round Colosseum and not far from it you will see the entrance to the prison casemates. After freeing the prisoner there and taking Ivy's bracelet out of the chest along with the key to the camera, you understand that it is Drurhang who is guilty of destroying your home village. After freeing the captive Maldun, you receive the key to the dungeon under the Colosseum, where Diego and Hagen are waiting for you. Leave these casemates on the other side and enter the moat under the arena and meet your friends there. It turns out that they were poisoned to make it easier for Drurhang to win in the arena. But if you try on the armor, then, probably, you can defeat the traitor. Do so when you enter the arena. On it, you will have to pretend to be Russell Crowe for a while, fighting not only with Drurhang, but also with 14 of his officers. After a difficult victory, a ghost named Xardas will speak to you. He will tell you that with the help of an ancient relic hidden in the grave of Lord Dominic, you can clear the mind of Robar III. This grave is located to the west of the arena, if you move straight along the rocks. Once inside, dodge the fireballs and pull the lever that opens the passage to the crypt. There are several sarcophagi with knights in it, and again fireballs are flying. Having dealt with the first ones in turn and avoiding the second ones, take the relic from the central coffin and take it to the throne room of King Robar's castle. There you will also receive a new assignment - to deal with the cultists of Beliar, who captured the temple of Innos. Teleport to Diego's estate, and from there go down into the sewers, where you will have a talk with Daranis. Run forward and you will reach the barrier that other magicians will open for you. There is little left to do - to destroy 16 cultists on your way. The last 6 people will have to be destroyed in the main hall of the temple. Once you get the job done, the outer barriers will fall and your friends will be able to go inside. They will also offer you several ways to remove the internal barrier that prevents you from picking up the amulet. I suggest you choose the way of the magician Ningal, which consists in killing five winged demons An'bael, hanging around the city. Look for them in the port, urban slums, in the temple quarter and in the wealthy area of ​​the city. Having dealt with them, take the hearts to Ningal and you can pick up the amulet from the pedestal. The ghost of Xardas will appear again and tell us that for the amulet you found to be successful, it needs an appropriate frame. He has already found it and cannot wait for us to visit his tower. Go north from the temple and go through the cemetery, fighting off its raging guests, until you meet the Horn. Go down into the dungeon and leave at the very lighthouse. Having dealt with the demon at its foot, go up to the top of the lighthouse and teleport from there to the tower to Xardas.

Final fight

After talking with him, examine the contents of the numerous chests in the elder's tower and go down to the next cave. After going through a very long dungeon and defeating numerous opponents, you will come out into the light of day. Climb the familiar paths to the monastery, destroying anything on your way that shows signs of movement. Before entering the monastery, one of the three demons of Ksesha will be waiting for you, which must be dealt with without fail. In the courtyard of the monastery itself, we deal with two more demons and talk with the abbots of the temple. Climb onto the wall where one of the demons was, and from there jump down into the gap in the floor. After running through the last tunnel, you will meet the main villain of this game.

The fight with Ksesha does not look like an unsolvable task, but it requires a certain methodology. When she goes down to the center of the hall, systematically cut her with a sword (or whatever you have in your hands). As soon as she teleports behind the magic barriers, dodge the fireballs and fend off the servants she summons. Also, do not linger for a long time in one position, because from time to time stone thorns will pop up from the floor, causing very serious harm to the hero's health (a couple of seconds before they appear on the floor, a shine will be seen). By following these simple recommendations, you can handle it without any problems and complete the game.

Passage of the game Gothic 4 Arkania is over, who read to the end, that fellow!

The passage of Gothic 4 Arkania begins with a battle in the cave. Well, like battles, rather beating. You need to move forward, killing all opponents on your way. It is impossible to die, to get lost - too, since Arkania is practically a corridor game. Then you will meet the Archdemon. Hit him until he disappears, opening the passage further - the red barrier will disappear. Then again kill opponents and again beat the Archdemon until he disappears.


As it turns out, it was only a shepherd's dream - this explains the fact that we could not die. But now we can. Our main character, an unnamed shepherd, is woken up by Ivy's girlfriend, who says that Thunder, Ivy's father, is looking for you. You need to talk to him. It would be great if you went into the hut, near which you sat and took all the contents of the box - it will help you with the passage of Arcania Gotic 4. Follow Ivy along the only path that will lead you to Thunder in any case. Don't worry, you'll recognize it by the exclamation mark above your head.
REWARD: Experience 200


Talk to Ivy's father. To earn the right to Ivy's heart and hand, you will have to go through several tests. The first of them is to get Melgan's blade, which is in the cave with the mole rats. Before you rush to complete this task, walk through the village in search of useful items. For example, having climbed to the second floor of the largest building in the village (a square-shaped building will be displayed on the map), you can open a chest with a useful trifle. If, having gone down the stairs from the second floor, turn left and go under the rock, then you can find another useful chest. When you're done searching the houses, look for the only bridge across the stream. On the bridge you will meet a certain Knut who will ask you to kill the mole rats and give you a club for this. Although the club is rotten, at the moment, nothing better can be expected. So put the club in your hands and forward to count the teeth of the crocats.

Until you get to the cave, you will probably kill 6 of them - that is how much is needed to complete Knut's quest. An apple tree grows in front of the entrance to the cave: do not be lazy and collect apples, if they are eaten during the battle, they gradually restore health. So apples are your mini first aid kits during the initial playthrough of Gothic 4 Arkania. Jump down the ledges and go deep into the caves. On the way, you will have to kill several mole rats before you find the grave. Take the required knife and search the chest that is nearby. Now you need to go back, because you have nothing more to "catch" here. On the way, talk to Knut, but do not expect gratitude from him. Now all that remains is to talk to Ivy's father.
REWARD: Experience 200


Your next test is that you need to expel the smuggler from the island, who has recently settled here. To get to it, you need to take the key from Gromar and open the gate leading to the mountain lake. The gate is located nearby and when you are ready to open it, Ivy will run up and another dull conversation awaits you.

Follow the path and you will soon see Diego - this is the name of the smuggler, whom you need to evict from the island to pass the fourth Gothic. Here's just one small problem: as it turns out, you know him and it was he who taught you fencing. Diego invites you to take his old machete and take Ivy's father as proof that you drove the smuggler off the island. But first, you must defeat Diego in a duel. There shouldn't be any special problems with the fight - just use the blocks and roll back from the attack. After Diego gets tired, he asks you to kill two goblins who liked Diego's boat.

The boat is located on the coast, which can be reached by a path. Playing on a high level of difficulty, you will have to tinker a lot with the goblins. When they are dead, search the goblins and the chest next to the boat. You can destroy all the sea turtles that are not lucky enough to get ashore for the sake of entertainment and meat. It remains only to return to Diego. After learning that the goblins will no longer bother him, Diego will give you his machete. Now we must take this machete to Thromar. Here's something like this: go, kill, collect, take, and there will be the entire passage of the game Arcania Gotic 4.
REWARD: Experience 50 + 100


Gromar, convinced of the seriousness of your intentions and that he will not be able to get rid of you, gives you the last task - to get the antlers of three deer. But he doesn't give you onions, you bastard. How are you supposed to kill them? - remains a mystery. Fortunately, the riddle resolves itself. Thunder tells Ivy to open the door that leads to the grove in which you have to hunt. Ivy, on the wings of happiness, tells you that she supposedly forgot her bow in the hunting tower. So it is: after walking along the path you will see a tower on the right, on the first floor of which there is a forgotten bow. With the help of a bow, you need to kill three deer. And although the horns appear automatically :), it would be nice to search the carcasses after the murder - the taken meat may come in handy. The passage of Gothic 4 Arkania at this stage can be difficult, because during the hunt you can be attacked by goblins, and if one or two pieces are not so scary, then five goblins can give you serious problems. If you feel that you can't handle it, run back to the center of the village. Artificial intelligence will not allow them to chase you, and you can restore health by using a bandage. With three or more horns, go to Thromar, who will give you his blessing. REWARD: Thunderar's Talisman of Fortune


And it would seem that you can return to your sheep and there is nowhere to develop for the passage of Gothic 4, but Thunder tells you that you need to make a wedding necklace for Ivy. Halven, who is nearby, can help you with this. Halven doesn't mind helping you, as it turns out, but he has no materials. According to him, Orruk the Orruk found some amber on the seashore, which would be a wonderful material. And gold, you see, does not fit. Well, okay, Orruk, in exchange for amber, wants you to be his servant. Fortunately, your service is to go to the grove where you hunted recently and find 6 toadstools. Toadstools can be found in a cave behind a closed door. This door you could see, but could not open during the previous playthrough of the game Arcania Gotic 4. Orruk will give you a key with which you can open the cursed door and get inside.

Thus, you must go to the grove, find the door to the cave and go down inside. Here you will find a fight with the goblins who have chosen the cave. Fortunately, the developers tried to skip the toadstool, focusing on the mini-map and the red exclamation marks, it is simply impossible. In a small branch to the right, you can find a chest with a useful change. Moving inside, you will stumble upon a kind of camp, where you can also find a chest. Continuing the path, you will exit through the second exit from the cave. Now it only remains to take the amber to Orruk, as required by the passage of Gothic 4 Arkania. After eating toadstools, Orruk will give you the amber, which must be taken to the blacksmith-jeweler Halven. He will immediately make a necklace that you should present to Ivy. Ivy will agree to your marriage proposal.
REWARD: Experience 100 + 100

Lust for Wanderings + Jealous Farmer

It turns out Ivy is pregnant. But she is disgusted with life on a small island and wants to go to mainland... Therefore, you need to talk to the smuggler Diego: he may be able and willing to help you. Have you forgotten where to look for Diego yet? Great, go there, but this time Diego will be in the cave behind the waterfall. On the way, you will surely have an unpleasant meeting with Knut, who will throw a scene of jealousy. You will have to bring him to his senses with the help of a good thrashing. A series of blows and sanity returned to the farmer. Well, you need to continue playing Arcania Gotic 4.

Diego will rightly tell you that taking a pregnant Ivy to Argaan is far from the best best idea. The main character of course he will say that he is able to protect Ivy, which Diego will check. No, you don't have to fight anymore. Everything is much simpler - you need to deliver a package for a witch living in a dark forest. The dark forest is teeming with aggressive animals, but this is not new to you. Before getting poisoned on the way - search the cave. When you're done, look for a door in the corner of the cave - it will lead you into a dark forest.
REWARD: Experience 100


Walking through the forest will not be safe - wolves will attack you at every step, but it is not so difficult to cope with them. Finally, after wandering through the forest, you will reach Lirka's hut - this is the name of the forest witch. Entering the hut, immediately take the "Alchemical recipe for the best elixir of Alma" on the table on the right. Then you will have a conversation with Lirka, but the impression is that she smokes pot. Then the speech will go for your mother and for the magic that is in your chest. REWARD: Experience 50

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