The roofer is doing what. How much do we know about the profession of a roofer? Risks of accidents and injuries

Every person, at least once passing by the construction site, saw workers in helmets. Most will consider that these are ordinary workers,. In fact, there is more than one specialty associated with construction. One of them is the profession of a roofer. It is not easy to answer the question of who the roofer is. But as they say, nothing is impossible.

Features of the profession

Everyone has their own job. This is what has fallen to the lot of the person or what he is best at. There are many ordinary things for us, in which we do not always guess how many people and specialists in different fields are involved in this.

Construction is a very serious thing. The responsibilities of the roofer include the preparation and laying of the roof for the structure. Do not underestimate the work of a roofer. It plays a very important role in preserving the comfort for the future building. How the roofer places the roof determines the level of warmth and dryness inside the house.

A person of this specialization needs to constantly develop both morally and materially. Due to the frequent updating of materials and technologies in work, highly qualified people are required to replace the roofer.

The roofer profession divides its specialists into two conditional groups. Some install soft roofs made of roofing felt. Others specialize in installing roofs made of sheet metal, slate, shingles and the like.

  • In addition to the skill of laying roofs, the roofer also needs to know how the harvesting work takes place regarding the material. This knowledge includes inspection of the material, checking its dimensions, marking, building drawings. Drawings play an important role, therefore, at least a concept and knowledge of the elementary in drawing and geometry, the skill of drawing drawings with special tools is required. All this the specialist must be able to do independently. Before starting work, the roofer is required to check the strength of the roof base, after which he can begin to perform his basic duties.

Roofer's job is not easy. Excellent health and good physical fitness are required from the future specialist. This profession is not recommended for people suffering from a fear of heights. The duties of an employee are not comfortable, and there is often a heavy workload. In this regard, those wishing to become roofers must be resilient.

Attentiveness and accuracy are inherent in anyone, especially if it is associated with hard physical labor. The work of a roofer is life-threatening, therefore safety precautions are required. It is also not recommended to rush.


There are no easy professions. Each one requires certain qualities and skills. Roofer who is not suitable for everyone. In addition to physical data, specialists need to be friends with the exact sciences, which not everyone can do. Of course, the profession of a roofer carries risks. With the right skill and self-discipline, the dangers of the job can be safely avoided. The main thing is to be careful and careful.

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Profession roofer- one of the most ancient. Any residential or industrial building is covered with a roof. Harvesting and laying the roof is engaged roofer... The main task roofer- to lay the roof so that it will serve people as long as possible. Profession roofer widespread everywhere. It is needed wherever new buildings are being built and old buildings are being repaired: in the city, town, village.
Roofing works include procurement operations and roofing installation directly on the roof. Procurement work includes a thorough inspection of galvanized steel, checking the accuracy of its dimensions; coating it with linseed oil (to protect it from corrosion); billet of steel, i.e. bending of its edges (folds) from all four sides for subsequent connection with other sheets. This operation is carried out on special folding machines; by connecting two or more sheets, a so-called "picture" is obtained, and basically the entire roof covering consists of such pictures.
Procurement operations include marking on sheets of some roof elements, for this you need to build a drawing based on measurement data from nature. This assumes knowledge of the basics of drawing and geometry, the ability to work with the appropriate tools - a ruler, square, center punch, thickness gauge, etc. The elements of the roofing brought to the object rise to the roof, but before proceeding with its installation, roofers carefully check the strength of the base. If everything is ok then roofer in a strict sequence and with great care begins the laying of roof sheets, which requires a good linear eye - the ability to determine the parallelism of lines by eye; the final connection of the standing seams by hand using two hammers. Working at height in an uncomfortable bent position is unthinkable without good health and endurance. It requires constant attention and concentration from the specialist. Most of the working time roofer conducts in the fresh air, but some operations are done by him in the workshops. You can get this specialty at a vocational school, you can continue your education at a construction college and an institute.
Related professions: bricklayer-builder.

Must know: Methods for marking and cutting roofing material, making templates and assembling products according to them, rules for making hot mastics, operation of spray guns.

Professionally important qualities:

  • good eye;
  • spatial orientation;
  • no contraindications for working at height.
  • Qualification requirements: UKK, PTU (bit range 3 - 5).

    Medical contraindications:

  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • poor eyesight;
  • colds;
  • disorder of the vestibular apparatus;
  • diseases associated with loss of consciousness.
  • Meanings in other dictionaries

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    A roofer is a roofing specialist who is responsible not only for the appearance of the roofing, but also for the quality of the work performed. The roofer must be able to do more than just cover the roof. His responsibilities also include preparatory work: inspection and marking, drawing and verification of compliance with dimensions. This profession has become widespread everywhere: it is necessary everywhere and everywhere where something is being built, repaired, in cities, villages and megalopolises.

    The specifics of the roofer

    In the labor market, the demand for roofers is quite average. It is necessary to work on the street, so a specialist in this profession must be hardy, physically strong, and healthy.


    Coating and overlapping of residential and industrial buildings, roof repairs, installation of cornices and drainpipes;

    The structure of the drawings according to the data after the measurement of the structure;

    Before installation, the roofer must know how to cover the roof with corrugated board and carefully check the strength of the base under the roof;

    It is necessary to lay the sheets to cover the roof in a strict sequence;

    The roofer must be able to choose the right technology for joining roofing materials and combine different configurations and sizes and troubleshoot problems and defects;

    Roofing work also includes operations for the procurement of parts and their laying on the roof;

    Preparatory work includes: inspection of galvanized steel, checking the coating, accuracy of size matching, preparation of steel.


    The roofer must work in any weather. Working in the open air, in stuffy weather, in the wind and in the heat requires a great physical endurance and ability to work from a roof covering specialist.

    In addition, this profession has an even more significant drawback - the emergence of new technologies. Every day, new materials and methods of their attachment appear, technologies that require the acquisition of all new knowledge and skills, without which you can quickly find yourself out of work. The roofer must be in contact with knowledgeable people and constantly invest in his education.

    Personal qualities

    Good eye, eyesight, concentration, accuracy, attentiveness, poise.

    Contraindications to work

    Violation of the musculoskeletal system;

    Visual impairment;

    Frequent colds;

    Problems with the vestibular apparatus;

    Diseases leading to loss of consciousness.


    Secondary or primary vocational, special or higher.


    As a rule, a roofer receives from 25,000 rubles a month to 50,000.

    Article read 98 times (a).

    The woods abut against the very skies.

    Where the work is hard

    The winch squeals there;

    lifts the beams like sticks.

    Drag and drop kiln-hardened bricks.

    Tin was laid out on the roof.

    And the house is ready, and the roof is there.

    V. Mayakovsky

    The profession of a roofer appeared and formed in ancient times. As soon as a person left the cave and began to build shelters for himself from wood and stone, his main task was to erect a roof, or in other words, a roof. The prototype of the roof is a simple hut, the slopes simultaneously function as walls. When metal tools appeared in a person's arsenal, it became easier to build roofs. At this point, roofers have emerged as a separate specialty. It happened about 10 thousand years ago.

    Later, in the slave cities of Asia Minor and North Africa, one-story buildings with flat roofs began to be erected. Gradually, the architecture of the Egyptians was borrowed by the inhabitants of Ancient Greece. As a rule, wooden or marble columns, on which a beam structure was laid, served as a support for an ancient Greek dwelling. Reed coated with clay was used as a roof covering.

    Since ancient times, wood has been the main building material in Russia. Craftsmen who could "cut down a house under the roof" were worth their weight in gold. They built everything, from peasant huts to royal chambers and temples. The most ancient monument of the wooden architecture of Rus is the settlement of Kizhi.

    Confirmation that roofers were respected in Russia can be considered the formation of the surname "Gontar". Many people in those days received surnames from the craft they were engaged in (Kozhemyaka, Goncharov, Kuznetsov). Roofers also received this honor, because "gontar" (Ukrainian version - "gontar") is a person who covers roofs with shingles and shingles. That is, the same roofer.

    The craft was inherited, and entire settlements were engaged in it. It is well known that the inhabitants of the village of Vyatskoye, Yaroslavl province, were considered one of the best roofers in Russia, and during the season, almost all the men in the village went to work in St. Petersburg and other cities to cover roofs by order of merchants and government authorities.

    Today, a roofer is not just a man with an ax who can roof roofs. The number of materials for roofing work has increased several dozen times, and the requirements for professionals have seriously increased. As for the "scope of duties" of the roofer, it is not only covering industrial and residential buildings with a roof, but also its repair, installation of drainpipes and cornices. Separate work - repair and restoration at architecturally significant objects.

    When an architect conceives a house and makes the first sketches of the future structure, he always turns to a roofer for help. Looking at the sketch, the roofer must answer whether it is possible to make such a roof, whether it will be comfortable and functional, what materials will be required for this. Then the roofer himself sits down to prepare drawings based on the measurement data from nature.

    Before starting work, the roofer checks the strength of the base. Then the elements of the roof are raised to the roof, and their installation begins. It is important to know and be able to choose technologies for joining roofing materials, because you will have to connect parts of various configurations and sizes. Therefore, one of the most important quality for a roofer is considered to be a very good linear eye gauge. Balance is also valued here, since you often have to work at high heights. Among other things, each roofer is obliged to carry out blanking work on the roof, carry out markings, make an inspection, build drawings and check that the dimensions are correct. This means that the master must certainly have the basic skills of drawing, geometry, and be able to work with special tools.

    A separate skill of the roofer is the ability to lay tiles. Be it even ceramic, even metal, but if the material is laid crookedly, then water will seep into the house, and this threatens trouble. However, roofers willingly share secrets. In the same Germany, many books have been written on the tile laying technique, and some are devoted to only one famous German method, which is called the "beaver tail".

    Roofers from different countries have many traditions. For example, German specialists have a saying that there is no bad weather, but bad clothes. And every year at Christmas in many companies, the roofer, according to the established tradition, receives a package with new overalls as a gift. By the way, the clothes of metal roofers have a special cut and have many pockets. In Italy, the first to go up to the roof and the last to go down must be a master, and not someone else. And in Denmark, roofing companies have the right to install branded weather vane on erected roofs.

    In Russia, roofers are one of the professions that not only has its own national association, but also a professional holiday. Roofer's Day is celebrated every third Saturday in May.

    Of course, the main secrets of the profession of a roofer are learned in practice, but this in no way diminishes the role of the educational institution. Builders are confident that not everyone who knows how to build walls is capable of erecting roofs with the same quality. This is exactly the case when a narrow specialization contributes to the achievement of a positive result.

    Educational institutions such as the Novosibirsk Construction and Assembly College have developed several training programs for roofers. There is a specialization "Roofer for working with metal structures" and "Roofer for working with rolled materials". On the basis of secondary vocational education, the specialization of a roofer can be obtained in 480 teaching hours. Natalya Komoltseva, head of the college's continuing education department, explained that in addition to materials science, applicants will acquire other skills: “They will have a course in economics, the basics of drawing and other subjects. Both during training and after it, our students undergo practical training at the enterprises of Novosibirsk. Since construction in the city is going on actively, we are confident that this specialty will be popular. "

    A roofer can make good money. Among the vacancies of roofers offered in Novosibirsk, the average salary ranges from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. If the team is ready to go on business trips or on shifts, the upper salary ceiling can reach 65 thousand rubles.

    Finding a good roofer is not easy. For example, 57 foremen are now required in Novosibirsk, said Dmitry Zinoviev, lead inspector of the labor market analysis department of the State Institution of National Social Organization of the TsZN in Novosibirsk. According to him, at least 14 organizations are now ready to hire roofers, including OJSC Corporation-Novosibirsk Plant Electrosignal, Municipal Unitary Enterprise Housing and Communal Services of Novosibirsk, LLC Siberian Service Center of Housing and Communal Services and many others. But, the requirements for the masters are serious, explained Dmitry Zinoviev. 15% of employers want the applicant to have a secondary vocational education, and 60% of firms welcome work experience from 1 to 5 years.

    At the Electrosignal plant, for example, roofers are needed all the time. The fact is that the buildings of the plant were built in the post-war period, and not all roofing materials can be used for protection here. As the deputy director of the plant, Galina Ignatkina, said, the plant does not pay any of its employees less than 25 thousand rubles. “It happens that for urgent work we invite whole teams of roofers. Our weather is such that in 4-5 years the roofing in old workshops becomes unusable, and it has to be rebuilt, ”explained Galina Ignatkina.

    Let's not hide the fact that the profession of a roofer has one nuance, and it is also associated with the weather. The fact is that in the harsh conditions of Siberia, and in most of Russia, roofs are not covered in winter. It is simply impossible to do it in the cold or snow. Therefore, in winter, roofers, as a rule, work on construction in related specialties, and craftsmen earn the greatest money in a few warm months.

    Of course, the profession of a roofer is romantic, but there is also a share of risk in it. There are injuries - the roofers themselves do not deny this. But, this profession is not among the leaders in danger. The main thing is strict adherence to safety rules!

    State autonomous institution

    Novosibirsk region

    "Center for Professional Career Development"

    Today, roofers are professionals of the highest class in demand in any country of the world, thanks to whom not only the heritage of great architects is revived, but also fundamentally new roofing masterpieces are created.

    Church of St. Mary in Essentuki.
    (Peter and Paul Lavra) under the BRAAS tiles

    It is no secret that one of the most advanced countries in the roofing business is Germany. From her experience, one can study the history of the roofing profession, its characteristics and significance for society.

    In Germany, roofing is a respected and highly paid profession. Workers in this industry have their own professional associations and unions, they even have their own characteristic dress code. The most picturesque among roofers are tile roofers. Corduroy pants, waistcoat, wide-brimmed hat create an unforgettable look.

    Roofers' clothes for metal are distinguished by a special cut and the presence of a large number of pockets. By the way, there is a saying among German roofers that there is no bad weather, but bad clothes. And every year at Christmas in many companies the roofer, according to the established tradition, receives a package with new overalls as a gift.

    German roofers occupy a leading position in the world, largely due to their respect for traditions that have been tested over the centuries. One of the main features of this profession in Germany has been and remains continuity, which allows you to maintain the roofing business at the proper level. The father, who has accumulated invaluable experience and the necessary equipment, passes this on to his sons, who continue his work. At the same time, children are trained in a profession from their youth.

    It must be said here that nepotism is not only in the inheritance of a profession, but also in business, which can also be passed on from father to son. But there is one condition - before taking a managerial position and becoming the head of the company, the heir must be trained in the profession of a roofer and have a master's diploma. By the way, in this case it does not matter who the heir is - a son or a daughter. Female executives of roofing firms in Germany are not uncommon.

    The typical composition of a roofing team in Germany is: foreman, roofer, apprentice. A master is a bearer of knowledge and experience, a roofer is a future master, a student, with due diligence and striving for improvement, will also rise to a higher professional level in the future. This is how the generation change and the transfer of experience take place.

    If we talk about the education system, then, despite the fact that the profession of a roofer is more learned in practice, the role of the educational institution is not diminished in the least. In Germany, there is a harmonious training system. General specialized education provides theoretical and practical knowledge about the profession. The initial course lasts 3.5 years. Parallel to this, the knowledge gained is supported by work in one of the private firms. In fact, at this stage, there is a division according to the profile into specialists in tile, slate or metal. This method of teaching excludes random people from entering the profession, and the experience gained allows you to work effectively and move in a clearly chosen direction. As a result, despite the narrow specialization of German roofers, their activity is far from conservatism; rather, it is a way of the evolution of the profession verified in practice.

    In addition to individual roofing companies in Germany, there is a public organization that unites all industry roofing companies. This organization is an intermediary between the state and business. She develops the rules with which the state then regulates the industry. And this structure works as clearly as the triumvirate: the student - a state specialized educational institution - a private company.

    It is interesting that in Germany a whole book has been published, dedicated exclusively to the execution of valleys for "beaver tail" tiles. This type of ceramic tile is a flat plate, the shape of which resembles a beaver's tail, and the bottom edge is rounded.

    But, in addition to this, the tile received this name for the laying technology: each joint of two tiles lying in one row is covered with one tile lying one row higher - which resembles the scales that are present on the tail of a beaver.

    Due to the fact that on the edges of the tiles there is no "lock" you can trim the side edges of the tiles and lay out a wide variety of shapes, even cone-shaped turrets. And this requires special qualifications and skill of the roofer.

    Ceramic roof tiles BRAAS

    From the history of the roofer profession in Russia

    Despite the fact that the profession of a roofer in Russia has been and remains in short supply, proper respect for it has not yet been developed. The profession, which is akin to the art of craft, is still perceived as a purely working one.

    Although in the old days, the craft of a roofer in Russia was honorable and respected, and just like in Europe, it was inherited from father to son.

    So, for example, residents of the village of Vyatskoye in the Yaroslavl province, from which almost the entire male population went to work in St. Petersburg - to cover the roofs, were considered wonderful roofers.

    Currently, the following professions of roofers are accepted at the state level (from the All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, Employee Positions and Wage Grades (OKPDTR):

    13201 7 Roofer for roll roofs and 2-5 each 03 7124

    roofs made of piece materials

    13203 6 Steel roofer 2-5 03 7124

    The qualifications of specialists are divided into categories (from 2 to 6).

    And on May 19, 2012, for the first time in the history of Russia, the celebration of the Roofer's Day took place. A new professional holiday was born back in 2010, when members of the National Roofing Union expressed the idea of ​​its establishment, and in 2011 an official decision was made to establish the Day of the Roofer, setting the date of its annual holding on the 3rd Saturday of May.

    At the modern level of technology, the requirements for roofers are quite serious.
    Among other things, everyone is obliged to carry out blanking work on the roof, markup, make an inspection, build a drawing and check the size.

    To complete the drawing, the master must certainly have basic knowledge of drawing, as well as geometry, and be able to work with special working tools. Before directly laying the material, he must very well check the strength of the base, and then already begin


    A roofer must be able to do two things:

    Quickly and efficiently eliminate shortcomings in work

    Competently and accurately select at your discretion the necessary technologies for laying a particular coating and skillfully perform them

    For the correct performance of their duties without any incidents, the roofer must be as focused and attentive as possible. People of this profession simply cannot do without a good eye.

    This profession requires a very serious load on the motor apparatus and vision, because roofers work in a bent position, and also at a height. Therefore, health and stamina are essential for a roofer.
    Today, there is a special technique in order to facilitate the work of the roofer.

    And in conclusion, a high-quality roof can only be performed if there is a project drawn up by a qualified engineer - designer, foreman or engineer of the required qualifications and a professional roofing link. Only in this case the service life of the roofing material, guaranteed by the manufacturer, will correspond to the service life of the roof.
    House roof - ceramic tiles BRAAS

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