Cauliflower recipes with turkey fillets. Turkey with cauliflower in the oven

  • 1. Today we are preparing a delicious, light and hearty dish that is suitable for a family lunch (for the second) or for dinner - turkey with cauliflower in a slow cooker. In addition, the dish is dietary and healthy (of course, if you don’t pepper it from the heart and pour out a ton of oil when ...
  • 2. Now a few words about cooking. I believe that it is not difficult at all. Naturally, most of you have a different model of multicooker and even a different manufacturer. You will need two modes for cooking. The first is for pre-frying - a mode with the same name ...
  • 3. 1. Prepare everything you need: turkey, the vegetables listed above, salt and pepper, oil for frying and water. And, if there is a vegetable broth, then we use it instead of water. We wash the cauliflower very thoroughly (I still soak it for an hour and a half in cold salted water), and ...
  • 4. 2. Preparation is complete, turn on the multicooker. First, we need the "Fry" mode (in my model there is a choice of product, I include "vegetables", since the process is more relaxed on it, unlike "meat"). So, they poured oil into the bowl and set the mode (I turn it on at 25 ...
  • 5. 3. The turkey has changed color, turned white. Then it's time to lay out the onions. Stir and continue to fry for about six minutes (roughly).

Today we are preparing a delicious, light and hearty dish that is suitable for a family lunch (for the second) or for dinner - turkey with cauliflower in a slow cooker. In addition, the dish is dietary and healthy (of course, if you don’t pepper it from the heart and pour out a ton of oil when frying). After all, that turkey meat, that cauliflower, are considered dietary products nutrition. They contain many useful substances (vitamins, micro- and macroelements) for the human body. And, crucially, both are low-calorie foods.

Now a few words about cooking. I believe that it is not difficult at all. Naturally, most of you have a different model of multicooker and even a different manufacturer. You will need two modes for cooking. The first one - for pre-frying - is the mode of the same name, if it is absent, it is most often “Baking”. The second - for the main process, for extinguishing - the mode is called “Extinguishing”.

Ingredients for cooking

  1. Turkey fillet - 600-700 gr.
  2. Cauliflower - 1 head of cabbage (weight about 1 kg or slightly more)
  3. Onions - 1-2 heads
  4. Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  5. Spinach (frozen) - 150 gr. (about)
  6. Salt to taste
  7. Black pepper (ground) - to taste
  8. Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  9. Water (or vegetable broth) - ½ multi-glass

How to cook turkey with cauliflower in a slow cooker

1. Prepare everything you need: turkey, the vegetables listed above, salt and pepper, oil for frying and water. And, if there is a vegetable broth, then we use it instead of water.
We wash the cauliflower very thoroughly (I still soak it for an hour and a half in cold salted water), and then we will disassemble it into small heads of cabbage (if the inflorescences are large, cut into two or three parts). We also thoroughly rinse the turkey fillet (I have a breast), dry it from moisture with a paper towel. Then we will cut into small pieces (I do this arbitrarily with kitchen scissors). It remains to chop the onion and spinach leaves (mine is frozen, you do not need to defrost it), and chop the carrots into thin strips or use a grater.

2. Preparation is complete, turn on the multicooker. First, we need the "Fry" mode (in my model there is a choice of product, I include "vegetables", since the process is more relaxed on it, unlike "meat"). So, we poured oil into the bowl and set the mode (I turn it on for 25 minutes), the lid will be open all the time. After a few minutes, the oil will warm up. Then lay out the turkey pieces. Fry them for several minutes and stir constantly (so that they do not stick together).

3. The turkey has changed color, turned white. Then it's time to lay out the onions. Stir and continue to fry for about six minutes (roughly).

4. Then add the carrots. Stir and fry for about the same time (i.e., about 6 minutes).

5. Add spinach. We mix. We continue to fry for 3 minutes. At this point, we no longer need the mode, if the time has not expired, we will turn it off ourselves. Then salt and pepper to your liking, mix again.

6. Put cauliflower inflorescences on top of the turkey with vegetables. Pouring out half of the multi-glass hot water or vegetable broth. We close the multicooker with a lid. Now we will continue to cook on the "Stew" mode, which we turn on for 40 minutes. My CF also has a product selection for this mode. For this dish, I put vegetables.

7. After the signal, open the lid and mix gently. Leave it on "Heating" if you like. It won't get any worse, even there is a plus - it will stay warm until lunch or dinner.

8. Set the table, lay the turkey with cauliflower on the plates and ... Bon appetit!

Turkey fillet is an incredibly healthy and affordable product. In modern cooking, the number of recipes with the meat of this bird is growing every year and is striking in its originality and simplicity. One of the amazing and hearty dishes is baked turkey with cauliflower in the oven. You can also stew turkey meat with sauerkraut, cook in a pan, use boiled, and also use as a base for cutlets and French open pies (quiche).

Benefit and harm

The turkey is considered a large poultry. Its meat is very popular in the United States and is widely used in dietetics. Poultry is rich in a unique complex of substances vital for the human body: iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, proteins and vitamins of the B and PP groups. The product is hypoallergenic - it is included in the diet of children from 6-8 months. There are few contraindications for turkey meat, but they are - it is not advised to use it in large quantities in food for people suffering from renal failure and hypertension.

The loin of the bird is the healthiest and lighter in color compared to other parts of the carcass. In most cases, doctors include it in the diet of people suffering from anemia, cardiovascular diseases, or patients after surgery.

How not to be mistaken with the choice of meat?

Lean poultry recipes are very varied and easy to prepare. But before you start cooking this or that dish, take your choice of product very seriously:

  • the carcass must be plump and fleshy, and all its parts must be clean, while dark spots should be absent;
  • the meat should be light, the skin should have a yellowish color;
  • water should not ooze from the meat;
  • there is no unpleasant smell;
  • the product should be purchased chilled.

Turkey fillet recipes

Turkey fillet baked with cauliflower in the oven. To prepare this dish you will need:

  • fillet - 500-600 g;
  • green beans and cauliflower (half a fork);
  • soy sauce - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • green pea and sesame;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste;
  • olive oil.

We wash the meat and cut it into pieces of different lengths. Put in a large bowl and pour with oil and soy sauce... Sprinkle with peas, salt and pepper. We marinate for an hour.

Divide the cabbage into inflorescences and boil in water until half cooked together with the beans (you need to salt a little). Put the meat on a greased baking sheet, cabbage and beans on top. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and place in the oven. We bake for 45-50 minutes.

Serve hot with a side dish ( mashed potatoes, rice) or as a separate dish.

Another original dish that has a juicy taste and unique aroma is fried turkey meat with broccoli. To prepare this dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fillet - 400-500 g;
  • one onion and green peas (you can use frozen);
  • olive oil;
  • broccoli - 250-300 g;
  • cream (10%).

Wash the meat and finely chop, fry in a pan until golden brown. Finely chop the onion and fry it in olive oil in a large cauldron. Add peas and broccoli inflorescences to the onion, then simmer over medium heat for about 15 minutes. Add meat to the vegetable mixture, salt, pepper and pour with cream. Mix everything, close the lid and simmer for 20 minutes.

For a large family great dish will become turkey goulash with sauerkraut. This dish turns out to be very satisfying and healthy. The following ingredients are required:

  • turkey meat;
  • potatoes - 5-6 pieces;
  • sauerkraut - 500 g;
  • onion, carrot;
  • tomato paste - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

The turkey and cauliflower casserole is perfect for a hearty breakfast or lunch. This casserole will diversify your home menu and your family will surely like it. It is especially pleasant to cook casserole in portioned tins.


To make a turkey and cauliflower casserole, we need:

150 g boiled turkey;

butter for greasing the mold;
1 tomato;

350 g cauliflower;
4 eggs;
100 ml milk or cream 10%;
50 g of hard cheese;
salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking steps

Lubricate the molds butter... Put in molds cauliflower alternating with slices of boiled turkey. Season the dish with salt and pepper.

Top with tomato slices and salt a little.

Beat eggs with milk (or cream).

Pour the contents of the molds with the resulting milk-egg mixture, sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

Put the turkey and cauliflower casserole in a preheated oven and cook for 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Serve hot directly to the table. Very tasty!

Hello, my dear Clever Hostesses and Hosts! Admit it, who is already tired of eating Easter eggs just like that ?! For you, the recipe is simple and delicious snacks that can be cooked in literally five minutes👏! It turns out bright, interesting, beautiful! It's not a shame to put it on the festive table too.

Good afternoon to everyone who has dropped by the Culinary Academy! Continuing the theme of the Easter table, I am bringing you a recipe for a festively decorated salad. Seemingly ordinary salad with canned saury but what an interesting presentation ... 🤔 Easter chicken just longs to get to your Easter table !!! 😂

Hey all visitors of the Culinary Academy and bring you the first recipe for the Easter table this year - cottage cheese Easter. Every year I make Easter according to different recipes - sometimes with condensed milk😋, so this year I have prepared something new for you🤗. Let's make Easter with Oreo cookies - oh how🤩. Easter with Oreo cookies turns out to be dense, oily, smooth, and tastes like GOST curd cheeses in chocolate (if you are a fan, don't pass by). Preparing Easter is simple, the ingredients are the most common, no raw eggs, a kilogram of butter, etc. but at the same time it is quite worthy of a festive Easter table👍🤩! Thanks for the recipe to Irina Kutova and her wonderful site gudkuk💋

Hello my dears! Today we have a recipe for an original curd casserole at the Culinary Academy of Clever Hostesses. How is it original, you ask? And what is usual, and this ... tadamm is salty😲. Despite the unusual combination, it turns out juicy, tender, tasty. Although why is it unusual 🤔 ? We eat curd cheeses with unsweetened fillings - with the same dill, pickled cucumbers, mushrooms - and nothing, we are not indignant. So I recommend trying unsweetened curd casserole as a light, nutritious breakfast or dinner.

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