In English colors with prod for children. How to learn colors in English using fun games? Yellow - YELLOW

If you think that the names of flowers in English are a purely feminine theme, we hasten to convince you.

First, flowers and plants are British national symbols: rose(rose) - a symbol of England, thistle(thistle) - the symbol of Scotland, shamrock(shamrock) - the symbol of Northern Ireland, daffodil(yellow daffodil) - the symbol of Wales.

Secondly, many names of flowers are simultaneously used as female names: your new friend from Brighton or Edinburgh may be called Lily(like Harry Potter's mom) Iris(like the mom of U2 vocalist Bono) Rose(as the heroine of "Titanic"), Jasmine, Sage, Heather, , Poppy, Daisy or Myrtle.

Thirdly, many flowers have given their names to shades that repeat their color:

  • - hot pink or red color
  • lavender- lavender, lavender, lilac color
  • periwinkle- pale blue with a lilac shade
  • primrose- pale yellow, lemon color
  • - purple, lilac color
  • fuchsia- fuchsia color, hot pink with a lilac shade

Remember that color names are used to describe the perfume pyramid: the most popular notes remain peony,freesia, jasmine, orange blossom,orchid, tuberose, gardenia.

In addition, a beautiful bouquet is still considered a pleasant gesture, and the names of flowers will come in handy to order it in flowershop(flower shop). Watch the video in which teacher Dave explains how to order flowers for his girlfriend:

By the way, what is the difference between abouquet and abunchof flowers?

  • abouquetofflowers- a complex bouquet made from different types of flowers
  • abunchofflowers- a modest bouquet or an armful of flowers of the same type
  • a posy- small bunch with shorter stems and simple decoration

So, our list of colors in English with translation and transcription. Let's start with gardenflowers(garden flowers) and hothouseflowers(greenhouse flowers), which are often sold as cut flowers- cut flowers.























[ˈDʒɜːrbərə] / [ˈɡɜːrbərə]









lily of the valley

[͵lıl əv ðə ʹvælı]













[ˌRəʊdəˈdɛndr (ə) n]














To memorize the correct pronunciation of the names of flowers, play the video and repeat them after the announcer:

African violet

Saintpaulia, violet

Christmas cactus

[ˈKrɪsməs ˈkæktəs]

Schumberger, Decembrist










How did some color names appear in English? Let's dive into the etymology of the beautiful flora!

  • (anemone)

The anemone is also known as the anemone. The word, first recorded in English in the mid-1500s, is possibly derived from a Greek word literally meaning "daughter of the wind." It was believed that the brightly colored petals of this flower opened only when the wind blew.

  • (amaryllis)

In the poems of Theocritus, Ovid and Virgil, the name Amaryllis was often found, which was worn by beautiful village girls. Carl Linnaeus, the father of the modern classification system for flora and fauna, used this name for a distinct flower family in the late 1700s. The name probably comes from the Greek verb meaning "sparkle" or "shine," a fitting association for a flower whose long white petals sparkle with intense red streaks and streaks.

  • (Carnation)

There are two theories for how the word came to English in the early 1500s. According to the first, - distorted coronation The “coronation”, perhaps because the flower's scalloped petals resembled a crown, or because the carnation garland was worn as a wreath. The second theory is related to the shade of the carnation flower: the word may come from a Middle French word "Pink complexion", which in turn is based on the Latin root caro"Flesh" - it is found in not the most pleasant modern English words carnal"Carnal" and carnage"Carnage, carnage".

  • (chrysanthemum)

In accordance with their etymology, chrysanthemum flowers are often bright yellow, almost golden in color. The word comes from the Greek krysanthemon meaning "golden flower". First component krysos"Golden" is preserved in the English word chrysalis"Chrysalis, cocoon". Second component anthos"Flower" appears in the word anthology"Anthology", literally - "collection of flowers". The colloquial name of chrysanthemums is mums- first appeared in the late 1800s.

  • DAISY(daisy)

Daisy can rightfully be considered the original English name of the flower. As attested in one of the earliest English-language written sources, the word daisy comes from the Old English combination dæ gesege"Day eye": the white petals of a flower close at sunset and open at dawn, like the "eye of the day" that falls asleep and wakes up.

  • (forget-me-not)

Name forget- me- not- literal translation of Old French nemoubliez mye"do not forget me". Renaissance romantics believed that if they wear these delicately colored flowers, their beloved will never forget them - this is how the humble flower became a symbol of fidelity and eternal love. Other languages ​​also translated nemoubliezmye literally: in German, forget-me-not - Vergissmeinnicht, in Swedish - fö rgä tmigej, in Czech - nezabudka.

  • (lupine)

Elongated, tapering upward blue bunches of lupins outwardly hardly correspond to their etymology: comes from Latin lupinus"Wolfish". Where did such a fierce name come from? Perhaps earlier it was believed that flowers depleted the land in which they grew, absorbing nutrients from it like wolves devouring prey. Most likely, this theory is nevertheless closer to folk etymology, because in fact, lupins enrich the soil and are valued for the nutritional properties of their seeds.

  • PEONY(pion)

At the dawn of medicine, it was believed that the peony is the name peony found already in Old English - had healing properties, so its name could be given in honor of Pean, the doctor who healed the gods and heroes in Greek mythology. A related word of modern peony is the word paean"Song of praise," as Pean became identified with Apollo, the Greek god of music and poetry.

  • TULIP(Tulip)

Arriving in English via Dutch and German in the late 1500s, the word tulip actually comes from Turkish tü lbent which developed from the Persian dulband"turban". Obviously, to those who in the deep past endowed the tulip with such a name, the flower reminded a man's headdress worn throughout the Middle East, India and regions of northern and eastern Africa.

  • (violet)

Before the word in English began to denote purple (this happened in the late 1300s), the same word already denoted a flower. comes from the French or , and this French word comes from the Latin viola... This viola has no etymological connection with the name of a musical instrument viola"viola". Some linguists believe that in Latin this name came from the Greek name for a flower, ion... It is interesting to trace the connection between botany and chemistry: the name iodine"Iodine" comes from the Greek ioeides"Purple" because the chemical gives off purple-colored vapors.

Colors in our life are of great importance. Just imagine your life without them for one day - the world around you will become gray and uninteresting - and you will see how much we need them. With the help of colors, they even determine the sides of the character and personality traits in psychology! As for English, just like in all languages ​​of the world, colors are used everywhere to describe objects, their state; people and their appearance, environment, etc.

Let's take a look at the basic nuances of using flowers in English, and also stop and remember some interesting exceptions and idioms associated with them.

Let's start with the very basics. From the very word "color" in English.

What's the correct "color" or "color"?

Some beginners who are starting to learn English are confronted with both variants of the word and wonder which variant is correct or preferable. In fact, both are correct!

Color is the American version, color used in Britain, New Zealand. The second option is more traditional and classic. There is no difference in pronunciation. Therefore, feel free to write as you like best.

Let's take a look at a few examples of using both variations of the word "color / color":

  • What's your favorite color? - What's your favorite color?
  • Foods which go through a factory process lose much of their color, flavor and texture. - Food that undergoes industrial processing loses a lot of color, smell and quality.
  • This garden was a mass of color / color. - This garden was a concentration of flowers.

Below are examples of how you can replace the word "color":

  • a bright, dark, deep color / shade / hue - bright, dark, deep shade / color / tone;
  • a pale, delicate color / shade / hue - pale, subtle color / shade / tone;
  • a light / strong / natural color / shade - light, intense, natural color / shade.
The main synonyms for the word "color" are:
shade- shade, shadow
hue- tone, color
tint- shade
tinge- shade

Interesting idioms with the word "color":

  • your true colors - your true face, character.
    People will never know my true colors. - People will never know my true face.
  • with flying colors - very good; with great success, high results
    I am going to pass my English test with flying colors. - I am going to pass my English exam with great success.

Basic colors of English

As you know, there are a huge variety of colors, however, the main and most used are the following:

Red- Red
Gray- Gray
Blue- blue
Dark blue- blue
Green- green
Yellow- yellow
Pink- pink
Orange- Orange
Brown- Brown
White- White
Black- black
Violet- purple

For a more detailed description, you can use a huge variety of colors that are present in English as well as in Russian:

Gold- gold
Silver- silver
Amber- amber
Azure- blue, azure
Beige- beige
Body color- flesh color
Bronze- bronze
Chocolate- chocolate
Coral- coral
Denim blue- denim
Lilac- lilac
Pearl- pearl
Raspberry- raspberry
Sand- sand
Snow- snow-white
Vinous- burgundy
Light sea green- aquamarine

As for the shades, it is quite simple to form them in English. Just follow the following diagram and you will succeed:

Green(green) + light(light) = light green(light green);
Green + dark(dark) = dark green(dark green).

  • She has very beautiful dark green eyes. - She has very beautiful dark green eyes.
  • This light green color suits you so much. - This light yellow suits you very well.
  • I would like to buy this green curtain. - I would like to buy this green curtain.

And if something is not clear, the teachers of our school will be happy to help you.

Also, there is a variant of adding words bright and pale:

bright green- bright green;
pale green- pale green.

To suit- go, come up
Curtain- curtain, curtain
Bright- bright
Pale- pale, dull

Using colors in sentences

There are several options:

The color name is used after the verb

  • This plate is white. - This plate is white.
  • This cup has pleasant yellow color. - This cup is nice yellow.

Color is a noun

  • This white plate is nice. - This white plate is beautiful.
  • Yellow cup was bought yesterday. - We bought a yellow cup yesterday.

Color comes before the noun it describes

  • This white plate is mine. - This white cup is mine.
  • That yellow cup belongs to him. - This yellow cup belongs to him.

Idioms about flowers

Modern English contains a myriad of idioms and phrases. Not a single native speaker can do without them. And of course, for all English learners, it would be a good idea to master a couple of idioms about flowers.

Black as ink- gloomy, joyless
To look blue- look dull
Once in a blue moon- very rarely, almost never
Out of the blue- a bolt from the blue, unexpectedly
Grass is always greener on the other side- Well, where we do not
Green hand- an inexperienced person, a beginner in some business
To see red- get angry, angry
Golden opportunity is a great, brilliant opportunity for something
To give the green light- allow anything
A gray area- riddle, snag

Flower jokes in English
What "s black and white and red all over?
(A newspaper!)

What happens when you throw a white hat into the Black Sea?
(It gets wet!)

(A penguin rolling down a hill!)

What "s black and white, black and white, and black and white?
(A zebra caught in a revolving door!)

What "s black and white, black and white, and black and white?
(A panda bear rolling down a hill!)

Just like in life, in our everyday communication, both in Russian and in English, knowledge of colors is simply necessary. Without them, it is impossible to fully express everything that you see, feel and imagine. Learn something new and interesting, improve, and your life will not only become brighter and more colorful, but you will definitely find your "golden opportunity".

Big and friendly family EnglishDom.

Hello to all beginners to learn spoken English with us! When learning English online using audio lessons, you should pay attention to such an important class of words as colors. Indeed, in everyday conversations, we often use their names when we describe something: nature, animals, cars, furniture, etc. Knowledge of color in English helps to convey to the interlocutor data about the subject most accurately and clearly.

In our world, all objects have a certain color, with the exception of only transparent objects. Colors are very diverse, there are a great variety of them, not to mention the limitless variety of shades and tones. Therefore, our today's online audio lesson is devoted to the study of the topic “ Colors in English". It is not necessary to know all of them, it is enough to remember well the most basic colors of the spectrum, which we will do today.

I recommend watching another interesting article. English dialects: Yesterday - today - tomorrow so you can say: yesterday I saw my dream - a yellow Lamborghini, or tomorrow I will ride a stunning red Ferrari, and today I will drive my pink Cadillac.

Studying only the colors separately, there will be little sense. To be effective, words need to be studied in context. Therefore, we will consider the color scheme in English in the context of phrases, sentences, questions and answers, in order to consolidate the association associated with each individual color. Pronounce every phrase voiced by the announcer clearly and clearly so that you train your pronunciation to a decent level: /wp-content/uploads/07/2014/RUEN014.mp3 Without a less bearable pronunciation, speakers will not be able to understand you, and all your attempts, to describe something will be in vain, even if you learn all the material of today's audio lesson. Therefore, do not be negligent about this moment, but, on the contrary, give it due attention.

Colors in English

Study the table below carefully to find out how each phrase is spelled and translated. Please note that the very word “ Colour"Is spelled differently in British and American English: color - British spelling, color - American. Therefore, in the table you can find a few more words marked "am", which means - the American spelling of this word. Unmarked vocabulary is the classic English spelling.

It is for such a case that the text material of the audio lesson is needed, since it is very difficult to reflect such moments on an audio recording. And the text version of the lesson can demonstrate all the nuances, with the exception of pronunciation. Therefore, we try to make our online lessons as accessible and understandable as possible for beginners to learn English.

English Russian
Snow is whiteSnow is white
The sun is yellowThe sun is yellow
The orange is orangeOrange - orange
The cherry is redCherry - red
The sky is blueThe sky is blue
The grass is greenThe grass is green
The earth is brownThe ground is brown
The cloud is gray / gray (am)Cloud - gray
The tires / tires (am) are black Tires - black
What color (am) is the snow? White What color is the snow? White
What color / color (am) is the sun? Yellow What color is the sun? Yellow
What color is the orange? Orange What color is the orange? Orange
What color / color (am) is the cherry? Red What color is the cherry? Red
What color / color (am) is the sky? Blue What color is the sky? Blue
What color (am) is the grass? Green What color is the grass? Green
What color (am) is the earth? Brown What color is the earth? Brown
What color is the cloud? Gray / Gray (am) What color is the cloud? Gray
What color are the tires / tires (am)? Black What color is the tire? Black

Now you can describe any subject in English if you learn all the phrases and practice your pronunciation with this audio lesson.

Listen also online and learn 100 English lessons for beginners

I personally prefer red and black. What's your favorite color? Let only green color accompany you in all your endeavors! Good luck!

How not to let a child get bored and not turn learning into torture.

In this article you will find all the information on how tocolors in English with translation for children... Plus games, fun poems to remember and much more to help your child learn the English names for flowers.

The human eye can discern a huge number of shades of our vibrant and diverse world. The average person is well-versed in about 150 primary colors, but a professional can already distinguish up to 10 thousand shades under certain conditions.

But for children, everything is much simpler: in order to understand the world around them and describe it, they need to know only a few basic colors in their native language. Today we will tell you how best to serve basiccolors in english for kids,so that they were interested, and the parents did not get bored.

Primary colors and concepts

Before teaching a child about colors, you need to be sure that you yourself know the basic concepts and definitions.

Color... This is how the word "color" is translated into English.

Note that the “-ur” suffix is ​​the British spelling. In American English, this word will be spelled as "color". Itis included in the top differences between British and American English, about which you can read more in... By the way, gray will also have different spellings: gray (BrE) and gray (AmE).

Each color has a huge number of shades, they can be warm (warm) or cold (cool), neutral (neutral) or saturated (intense / vibrant).

There are 15 primary colors that are considered basic and are the basis for other shades.

Of these, 3 are neutral:

  • white - white
  • black - black
  • gray - gray

And 12 - the rest:

  • red - red
  • orange - orange
  • brown - brown
  • beige - beige
  • yellow - yellow
  • light-green - light green
  • green - green
  • light-blue - blue
  • blue-green - blue-green (aqua)
  • blue - blue
  • violet / purple - purple
  • pink / magenta - pink / purple

If you need English for kids - colorsyou don't have to learn everything at once. Start with the primary colors: red, green, blue, yellow, and of course don't forget black and white.

Complex colors can be denoted by simply adding two main names. For example: red-orange, blue-violet, and so on. However, suchcolors in english for kidsshould be used only when the child already knows the names of the primary colors. And how to learn them for a kid - read below.

Learning colors: games and memos

The easiest way for a child to remember the colors that often surround him in everyday life and in subjects that are well known to him. Fruits and vegetables work well for this purpose. Studying in this waycolors, English for kidswill become not just another boring activity, but an exciting game. And parents, in turn, can easily feed the child with healthy foods, which is sometimes not so easy to do.

Take a look in the refrigerator. Which of the products available there can visually demonstrate the color to the child? The simplest examples are: green apple, orange carrot, yellow banana, red tomato, white milk, brown potato, and so on. True, not all of them can be found in the refrigerator, so it is better to take children's toys or cards as examples of colors such as purple, pink, blue, beige and black.

For practice, ask your child questions about the color of an object in English. So you will not only repeat the colors with him, but also learn the names of the things around you. Visual demonstrations are one of the best ways to memorize not only for children, but also for adults, because visual memory is also connected to auditory memory. If the items you need are not at hand, you can always use ready-made picture cards or other simple and understandable images.

Even during everyday activities and games with children, you can start a dialogue game with them and ask questions about colors:

What color is this apple? (What color is this apple?)
- It's green. (It's green)
- What color is this banana? (What color is this banana?)
- It's yellow. (He is yellow)

One good and versatile subject for learning about flowers with a child is colored pencils. The standard set contains all the colors you need to learn, and the process itself can be easily turned into another game.

Ask your child questions about color, taking different pencils out of the box one by one:

What color is this pencil? (What color is this pencil?)
- It's pink. (He's pink)
- And what color is this one? (What color is this one?)
- Blue. (Blue)

These same pencils can be used to create colored cards. Cut rectangles out of white cardboard and color them with a color caption in English on each. You can take the cards with you and entertain the child during the walk. For example, taking out a green card, ask him to remember the name of the color and find it on the street. The child, in turn, must find a green object (grass, leaves, etc.) and show it to you.

When the child knows the basic names of colors and can easily distinguish them, you can move on to more complex exercises at home, which will not only help him remember the colors, but will also keep him busy for a while.

First, ask him to draw you a subject from which you taught color. For example, yellow banana, red tomato, pink pig, etc. When the child is able to easily cope with this task, complicate it as follows: have the child draw something using an unusual color. Purple lemon (violet lemon), pink banana (pink banana) and more, what your imagination is capable of.

One of the easiest ways to learn basic colors is, of course, a rainbow. It consists of seven bright colors, the names of which should already be known to the child in Russian. Therefore, when your kid can name all the colors of the rainbow in the correct order without mistakes, then you can replace the Russian color names with English ones. For clarity, it is better to use an image of a rainbow or draw it yourself.

Play a confusing game with your child: take the colored cards and, showing them to the child, name the wrong color. He, in turn, must correct you and say the correct color in English. Believe me, your child will enjoy correcting you and “winning” this game.

Another version of the mindfulness game is to take cards that are already well known to the child, ask him to close his eyes, remove one of the colors and ask him to name the color that is missing.

Also, in the study of flowers in English with a child, cartoons and educational videos will come to the aid of parents. As a rule, all children's cartoons are bright and colorful. The main and minor characters have their own distinctive colors, and it is precisely them that should be asked to name the child during the next viewing.

There are many ways to make funEnglish for toddlers. Colorsyou can also teach with special verses and agreements. These are such short rhymed couplets that end in the name of a certain color in English.

Here is some of them:

I will catch fish in the sea,
In the sea blue, blue - blue

Hey, look here soon:
Bunny rides gray - gray

Ripe, fresh apple color
In English, red - red

White snow flies in winter
White, in English - white

White snow began to melt
And the earth turns black - black

We picked ripe apples
Yellow-yellow means - yellow

The box is full of oranges
All orange - orange

The boy Stepa ate grapes,
Purple he is purple

Frog, look
All so green - green

We all like chocolate
He is brown, he is brown

Mischievous pig
Pink - pink

You can always come up with your own agreements and rhymes.

There is also an English verse on memorizing colors and the things around the child:

Let "s learn the colors song together
An apple is red, a lemon is yellow
Leaves are green, the sky is blue
Carrot is orange, berries are purple
Night and day for black and white
Rainbows are always bright

Let's sing a song of flowers together
Apple - red, lemon - yellow
The leaves are green, the sky is blue
Carrots - orange, berries - purple
Night and day are black and white
Rainbows are always bright

And here is a funny song with actions to remember the color:

If you are wearing red, shake your head.
If you are wearing blue, touch your shoe.
If you are wearing green, bow to the queen.
If you are wearing yellow, shake like Jell-O.
If you are wearing black, pat your back.
If you are wearing brown, turn around.

If you're wearing red, shake your head.
If you are wearing blue, touch your shoe.
If you're wearing green, bow to the queen.
If you're wearing yellow, shake like jelly.
If you're wearing black, pat yourself on the back.
If you're wearing brown, turn around.

As you can see, not so difficultEnglish: colors for kids- a simple and fun topic if you approach it creatively. Here are some more tips for learning flowers with kids:

  • Look in the mirror

Often we need colors to describe someone's appearance. Start with yourself and your child. Name your eye color (I have green eyes) and ask the child to say what color his eyes are. Remember with him the eye colors of mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather and other family members.

  • Look around

It will be easy enough for a child to learn colors when he sees them in front of him regularly. For example, getting a banana out of the refrigerator, ask the child to remember its color in English (yellow), ask what T-shirt he wants to wear today (black, white or blue - black, white or blue), what color is his toothbrush, cup, and so on.

  • Make stickers

Connect your visual memory to the study of colors: choose objects at home that best match a particular color and stick stickers on them with the name of the color. After that, you can complicate the task and add the name of the subject itself so that the child expands his vocabulary. For example: brown chair, white lamp, red book, etc.

  • Repeat

Once you learn the basic colors in English with your child, look for any opportunity to practice them. It is best to talk about everything that occurs to the child around. At the same time, it is worth making simple but complete sentences, and not learning colors out of context. Let the child name the color of a certain object not just like that (blue, yellow, green), but a complete sentence: The sky is blue, The grass is green, This bus is yellow, etc. .d. This will help him, firstly, immediately form speech and be able to express his thoughts more fully, and, secondly, will expand his basic vocabulary.

We hope that you have found in this article a lot of useful tips and ideas on how not boring to learn colors in English with your child, so that he will remember them for the rest of his life.

In speech, we are often faced with the need to describe something: buildings, clothing, food, animals, and much more. Of all the external attributes that can be described, the most obvious is color. That is why it is so important to know colors in English.

All colors are conventionally divided into general, tones or tints, half-tints or semi-tones and shades.

Primary colors

When we study colors in English, we should memorize their pronunciation as well, as this affects an additional sense organ, which means it creates a more complete picture of perception.

Below is a table showing the colors in English with transcription and pronunciation.

Russian variant Colour English version and pronunciation transcription
White 🔊 Listen white
black 🔊 Listen to black
Red 🔊 Listen red
blue 🔊 Play dark blue
green 🔊 Play green
blue 🔊 Play blue
yellow 🔊 Listen to yellow [ˈYɛloʊ]
Gray 🔊 Listen gray
purple 🔊 Listen to violet [‘Vaɪə.lət]
pink 🔊 Play pink
Orange 🔊 Play orange [‘Ɔrɪndʒ,‘ ɒrɪndʒ]
Brown 🔊 Play brown
lilac 🔊 Play purple [ˈPɜrpəl]

You can listen to the pronunciation of the English names of the primary colors in the video.

Shades, tones, semitones

In order to clarify the depth or intensity of a color, words such as deep (deep, saturated), light (light), dark (dark), pale (pale) and many others are used. For example:

  • dark-green (dark green)
  • pale-red

However, shades and tones have and independent names... There are a huge number of them. We will give just a few of them.

  • amber (amber)
  • aqua (sea wave)
  • aquamarine (aquamarine)
  • ash (ash gray)
  • azure
  • beige (beige)
  • berry (berry)
  • bronze (bronze)
  • buff (light brown)
  • burgundy (burgundy)
  • burly wood (yellowish)
  • burnt (burnt)
  • cadet blue (gray-blue)
  • cambridge blue (light blue)
  • cerise (light cherry)
  • chartreuse (pale green)
  • chartreuse (greenish yellow)
  • chlorine (light green)
  • chocolate (chocolate)
  • claret (bordeaux)
  • cocoa (cocoa color)
  • copper (copper)
  • coral (coral)
  • cornflower (cornflower blue)
  • cornsilk (silk shade)
  • cream (cream)
  • cyan (greenish blue)
  • emerald (emerald)
  • fallow (light yellow)
  • firebrick (brick)
  • forest green (khaki)
  • fuchsia (fuchsia)
  • garnet (dark red)
  • ghostwhite (ghost white)
  • golden (golden)
  • honeydew (honey)
  • hot pink (warm pink)
  • indigo (indigo)
  • ivory (ivory)
  • jade (yellowish green)
  • khaki (khaki)
  • lavender (lavender)
  • lavender (lavender)
  • avender blush (blue with a red tint)
  • lemon (lemon)
  • lime (lime color)
  • liver-colored (dark chestnut)
  • magenta (magenta)
  • magenta (fuchsin)
  • maroon (maroon)
  • mastic (pale yellow, mastic color)
  • mauve (mauve)
  • mazarine (dark blue)
  • mint (mint)
  • murrey (dark red)
  • navy blue (dark blue)
  • nutmeg (nutmeg color)
  • olive (olive)
  • olive green - olive green
  • oyster white (grayish white)
  • peach (peach)
  • pearl (pearl)
  • petunia (dark purple)
  • pewter (pewter)
  • photo magenta (light magenta)
  • pistachio (pistachio greenish color)
  • plum (plum)
  • plum (dark purple)
  • powder blue
  • pumpkin (pumpkin color)
  • raspberry (raspberry)
  • rosy brown
  • royal blue (royal blue (pure, bright shade of blue))
  • rust (rusty)
  • saddle brown
  • salmon (salmon)
  • sand (sand)
  • seafoam (sea foam color)
  • seagreen (aqua)
  • silvery (silver)
  • sky blue
  • slate (bluish gray)
  • smoke blue (pale blue-gray)
  • snow (snow-white)
  • spring green
  • steel blue (blue with a steel shade)
  • steel gray
  • tan (yellowish brown)
  • tanned (bronze)
  • taupe (taupe)
  • tawny (dark yellow)
  • terra cotta (terracotta)
  • turquoise (turquoise)
  • vinous (burgundy)
  • wheat (wheat)

Features of the use of color names in speech

1. To indicate a color change, use the verbs to turn or to go. For example: the leaves turned yellow in the autumn - the leaves turned yellow in the fall; he went red with anger - he blushed with anger.

2. If several adjectives of different qualities are related to a noun, then most often they are arranged in the following order: assessment or judgment, size, age, shape, color, material or nationality. For example: a good blue pencil is a good blue pencil.

In a different sense

The presence of a word for color in a sentence does not always mean that we are talking about some kind of shade. The fact is that many English expressions use color notation. Among them, for example, are:

  • See red (go mad, mad);
  • be green about the gills (seem healthy);
  • white night (sleepless night);
  • white coffee (coffee with milk);
  • to be blue (mope);
  • pink of the perfection (top of perfection).

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