Message from spiritual teachers. Revelation to the people of the new century. The message of the spiritual teachers Maslov of revelation to the people of the new century year


21.12.2019- End of the Last Seventh Genesis! Removal of the Seventh (last) seal, namely: compression-closure of time, followed by its complete stop and with all the ensuing (in a matter of months) consequences - the explosion of the sun and the final destruction of the material Earth.

As stated in the prophetic scriptures about the End of Earth Time:

"The whole Earth will burn, and all its deeds will burn!"


12/21/2019- This day is the last! This date, according to the prophecies, ends the Last Seventh Genesis of Mankind. All subsequent as if months there is a corridor inter- (between) -time.


And in any of the following after 21.12.19. as if months all mankind, all people at the moment of this global light explosion will instantly "throw off" their bodies and be stripped of their spirit.

This is the initial stage of the Transition of mankind from the Dense (material) World to the Spiritual World - the World of Timelessness, the World of God! ..


(Lord Isael-Isusael - Christ of the Second Coming).

"The Earth will burn, and all its affairs will burn!"

"We will not all die, but we will all change!"

God. How much is hidden in this word. Only three letters, but such a deep meaning. To all believers, without exception, the pronunciation of this word gives freedom to thoughts, while their opponents - atheists - the concept of God and everything connected with him is literally annoying.

One thing is clear: no one is right, for it is impossible to prove and disprove the existence of the Great Man. In the revelations to the people of the New Age for 2016, it is said that He exists, and only He will decide what the world will be like in the near future.

What are revelations? These are messages, dictations to the entire population of planet Earth. Believers know that they were written, if not by God himself, then by his direct followers. Atheists are spreading to smithereens what they call "scribbling" invented by "sick" people. Let's figure it out together, which side to choose.

What does the revelation say?

Any revelation to the people of the New Age, given in 2016, is aimed at reconciling the entire population of the planet. In these messages, oddly enough, it is said about the war, about the fact that enmity splits people from the inside, devours them and thus fixes invisible shackles on them. The war can be different: both fratricidal and waged between countries, or information war. There has been too much talk lately about the latter type of war.

Also in the January revelations, specifically for the 11th, it was said that any wars lead to a war with God, and this in itself threatens to fail. For he will not be happy who has gone against his Creator. Following the message dated January 11, information about the betrayal pops up in the dictation for January 14, 2016. People are instructed that if they continue to behave in this way, they will perish at the hands of their own.

Also, in the January revelations, a lot of attention is focused around the solidarity of Russians and the population of the whole world in general. Having avoided contention, you can easily step aside from any problems. This is what is read in the scriptures, albeit not directly.

The February revelations teach Russia how to improve. If the matter has gone so far that it seems that there is no way out, then you need not to get confused, but to pull yourself together with all your might. You need to improve yourself, because the fish, which is known to every second person, rots from the head. Well, the Motherland, for that matter, from the porch, so that you understand what we are driving at.

Naturally, the dictations of February 2016 did not ignore the same wars. The messages say about the fire that covers the entire planet. It is good that it is still unreal, because if it continues as it is now, then everything will end in tears for everyone. And everyone will be to blame for this, there is no longer any doubt about it. The revelations of February end with the fact that they say about an imminent victory, but it cannot be obtained if you do not sacrifice something valuable. Loss is inevitable.

What will happen in the future?

The 2016 revelations to the people of the New Age, as indicated in the messages, give people the opportunity to see if they are blind. All human sins are exposed in the scriptures. The March dictations again focus on improvement, but they end with this message. But the previous instructions (published before the final March revelation) on the behavior of people say that every person needs to believe in God, because only in this way can He hear his sons and daughters and their requests. And He will fulfill it if necessary, if they come from the heart and do not harbor malicious intent.

The dictations published in March predict the birth of a messenger who will lead all people in the future. They also say that the neighbors of the Earth are tired of watching what is happening on our planet. There will be a tragedy, but the end of it, which is very good, is positive.

In March, in contrast to the previous months, there were many revelations, much more than in January and February. Fewer dictations were published in April, at the same level as in the first two months. And yet the main thing is not quantity, but quality. Even in these messages, one cannot fail to notice what the Creator notes together with his disciples. They talk about pain and suffering, answer the most important, in their opinion, questions of their followers, talk about the future and the past. The future is still coming towards us, but the past and everything bad that was in it, sadly, will make us pay the bills.

Past and present - the basis for the future

May's revelations to the people of the New Age for 2016 are still being published. Time will tell what else the dictations for May will tell us. The dawn is already visible, and the Messiah lives in everyone. This is stated in the May scriptures.

All the messages written by God can be read avidly. The most interesting thing is that you can learn to live correctly with them. It is known that he who neglects is stupid. If you own something and know about something, then share it with your neighbor. Love your enemy and do not be at enmity with him - try to reconcile. For love is salvation.

Great deeds for all mankind are yet to come. But they will not exist if there is no peace on Earth. Remember this always.

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11/19/14. Save, but you will miss

1. I deliberately begin today's Message with My last words, spoken at EVERYTHING, for the EXAM IS PASSED, but not passed by everyone, and I will have to walk through the ranks of people (humanity) in order to determine Himself who is the Warrior of LIGHT, and who is the source of Darkness, not wanting to understand that Neutrality has been restored, and is now restored FOREVER!
2. Many will have to part with the illusion of their “spiritual power”, for great in the Spirit is only the one who understands that in this World (in the Space of the Universe) only FAITH is True and only Unconditional LOVE is True and to distinguish a person of FAITH from a person of DISbelief, believe Me , it is not at all difficult, if only because in the first I AM, and in the second now there is nothing!
3. Therefore, the spiteful are the first from whom I have to ask, and ask in full, especially from those who are spiteful against God from the nest of one, for their nest is a breeding ground for UNBELIEF, and most importantly, Spiritual ignorance, for they, hiding behind empty words, sow strife and unrighteousness in the Spirit, distorting My Words!
4. The time is coming when, in conditions of heightened feelings and, oddly enough, in conditions of undisguised desires, all that they hid behind the guise of goodness and love will be manifested in people, and this duplicity will be terrible not so much for those around them as for them themselves, for it will be unbearably difficult to live in duplicity, open to everyone!
5. You can talk about anything, but the sight of people INBELIEVE from the inside will be terrible and nothing can be done about it, because I will simply have to show that behind human INCREDIBILITY there is a hydra of IMPERFECTION of low vibrations, which has no place in the Future and, most importantly , which must be destroyed without the right to the future, for the Dark will never become LIGHT!
6. People will have to see that IMPERFECTION only sows IMPERFECTION and the expression "an apple falls near the apple tree" turns out to be the Truth and one should not wait and spend such precious time on persuasion in conditions when Spiritual ignorance is trying to deceive God, promising the Great return of what must be eliminated!
7. Believe Me, the UNBELIEVE chorus will be very loud, but pity for those who betrayed God (and I interpret their choice this way) cannot be shown, for “crocodile tears” should not weaken those of you who have chosen the path to God, for you have been granted the Help of God Himself, or rather, the Father of the Absolute, and you simply have no right to be distracted by the cries of those who could not see God in themselves, because the evolution of the Universe cannot be suspended because of those who are not with God!
8. I am not aggravating the situation, but the one who at EVENT chose his path to God and who agreed to ETERNAL SERVICE to God should know that the Great Purge of the ranks of those suffering from Faith began, and began with the words of CONSENT, which were sounded at EVENING on November 17 2014, for the Space of the Universe from that moment began to move, preparing a MIG or MOMENT OF TRUTH, which, as I told you many times, will divide the World into “BEFORE” and “AFTER”!
9. Everything began to move, for you have already touched the Pendulum of Fates and, without realizing it, have DECLARED: The Time of Changes has come! I was expecting your ONE-SENIOR decision and, having heard it, I was confirmed in My opinion that there ARE those who accepted Great RESPONSIBILITY not only for the Future of people (humanity), not only for the Future of the Planet, but also for the Future of the Universe, and this IS the Feat of the SPIRIT , which confirms that the World is SAVED!
10. I began this Message with the words that you will be saved, but you will not get it, and that I AM TRUE, but I want to confirm that you will miss many, because half measures into the Future also cannot pass! And if we talk about filling the New Planet with people, then I will have to say that the “clients” of this Planet will be not only the manifested plans of the people of UNBELIEF, but also those who have not yet decided “for whom” they are or “with whom”, but the time for reflection is finally a thing of the past, and now they will have to think for several millennia about how absurd life was in search of Mammon, and not the Spirit at all!
11. The selection of people for the Future began, and began precisely on November 17, for there is no one else to wait, and those who walk first predetermined the Future for those who are in FAITH and who, without even understanding, nevertheless passed the difficult Exam for FAITH, sometimes not believing that God was revealed in them and, therefore, serving God for them now IS Eternal providence!
12. I repeat: Space has crossed the border of Epochs, the World has crossed the Point of NO RETURN, and now, having decided on the basis that was manifested after My EXAM at EVERYTHING, he can begin to form the Divine Monarchy, or the Power of God, on the Planet Holy Russia, for the Universal Center the evolution of the Co-Knowledge of the Higher Cosmic Reason is already beginning to manifest itself with the UNIANNESS of the Great WE, with the UNITY of the Free WILL of God-people and the WILL of the Father of the Absolute!
13. My PLANS are beginning to come true, and, despite some doubt of the Warriors of LIGHT, they themselves must now determine the landmarks of what humanity has dreamed of for many millennia, because thanks to the Hyperboreans-Rus I was able to finally determine the path of the New race - the race of God-people!
14. I expect from the Warriors of LIGHT the providence of the God-men, for everything is finally decided and the Future of people is in their hands, therefore any doubts that the Co-Creators sinned so should be discarded, for for the Warriors of LIGHT there should be no other mental images, except for the SINGLE mental image “RETURN ”, For this IS that which you must form in the shortest possible time, and this time will determine when and who will reach the gates of PARADISE, where, in the imminent expectation of you, I kindle the fire of the Great TRANSFORMATION!
15. And if quite recently I asked you not to rush things, because in a hurry a person usually makes many mistakes that are unacceptable for God-people, then today, after EVENING, I myself ask you to speed up your RETURN, for time wasted in empty chatter and in vain waiting, it is necessary to return Eternity!
16. The tempo or rhythm that you have achieved in a difficult struggle with yourself can no longer be lost, and if your RHYTHM coincided with the Great RHYTHM of the Universe (and I can confirm this today), then, throwing away the last doubts, open yourself to that Great Future, on which you proved your RIGHT!
17. Today you must understand and REALIZE completely that there will never be a return to the past! You decided your fate and the fate of the Universe, which means that you deserve to take only two more last steps to the Olympus of the Gods, where I am already lighting the LIGHT OF TRUTH, illuminating the last steps of those who have proven their RIGHT to be Where God Himself rules and to be near with Me on equal terms, confirming that there is no limit to the evolution of LOVE and the evolution of the Great Harmony of the Worlds!

Father Absolute, or the Highest Cosmic Mind.

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