The simplest dietary menu for a week. Light diet for a week at home. The most effective diet for the week

enjoy special popularity. We wear lungs and open things. The flowing fabric treachers give out every extra kilogram. In a swimsuit on the beach, the more do not curry the flaws of the figure.

For one week diet - great way Improve your silhouette. Reviews of the results of such diets stunning. On the Internet, on TV periodically appear the plots about the plug-and-dry stars. Surely and in your environment there are people who looked literally in front of her eyes.

Of course, the results can be a little different. The initial weight of a losing weight person affects. It is important to take into account here and individual characteristics organism.

Seven-day diets promise loss in weight from 5 to 10 kg. Agree, these are very impressive numbers. Especially if your extra kilograms are 5-7 kg.

Options diets for one week a lot. Basically, they are reduced to the principles of mono diets. The principles of the most popular diets we give below.

As a rule, most seven-day diets are pretty tough. During this period, the body does not get a lot important vitamin and minerals. Recommended to use special complexes for a diet time.

Do not also abuse strong physical exertion. It is better to limit yourself to hiking.

It is important to leave a seven-day diet. Adding new products every day. If on the eighth day you will drag back to the previous lifestyle, the weight will come back.

Egg diet for a week

How the egg diet works

The main thing is to build a power mode - the maximum reduction of carbohydrates and fats. The main dish in your menu becomes meat and fish. It is known that the body receives from carbohydrates. When you stop feeding carbohydrate food, your body begins to use its own fat stocks.

Meat - heavy and hearty food. On this diet, you do not remember about hunger.

Protein food contributes to the withdrawal of excess water from the body. For this reason, the silhouette is very well tightened. Despite the fused menu, the diet is still based on constraints. During this period, a sufficient amount of vitamins do not flow into the body. It is important to take them separately.

There are several varieties of a protein diet. Some of them are designed for a long time, others relate to rapid diets. Long-term protein diets include atkins nutrition systems. The day the week is more strict than the listed systems. In weekly diets, the main thing is fast weight loss.

All protein diets have a strong burdens. It does not matter a long or short weight loss way you choose. Remember that adhere to the principles protein nutrition It is impossible for more than three months.

Menu on a protein diet for a week

Weekly diet suggest three meals a day. Methods of cooking - grill, cooking or pair. Frying on oil is strictly prohibited.

At the time of the diet you need to completely exclude all pastry and sugar from your diet. Refuse also from canned food, semi-finished products, fatty dairy products.

Cannot eat sweet fruits. These include bananas, grapes, mangoes, peaches.

Starch vegetables should also be removed from their menu. These include potatoes, corn, carrots, beets.

For breakfast, lunch and dinner must be a portion of meat, fish or chicken. Portion Size 150 g. Choose low-fat varieties of meat. For example, the chicken is best suited for fillet. Be sure to remove the skin.

Garnish to meat - Fresh vegetables. Allowed to make a salad. Refueling with lemon juice, soy sauce, vegetable oil and balsamic vinegar. From the seasonings, mayonnaise will have to abandon the diet.

Twice a week in one meal can be replaced by meat on a non-large portion of cottage cheese.

During a weekly diet, drink plenty of water. Recommended at least two liters per day. Also allowed black natural coffee, tea. Only you need to drink without sugar and other sweeteners.

Maggie diet for a week

General principles

There are a lot of Maggie diet options. The history of the origin of this nutrition system is no less. According to one of the versions of the diet, he received its name in honor of the famous Margaret Thatcher. Another version assumes that the name of the diet is derived from the name of the creator.

Versions of Diet Maggie for a week, two and even for several months. In any case, the basis of each option lies egg. This diet can be boldly attributed to egg or protein.

The diet allows you to grow with five and more kilograms in one week. Moreover, Maggie diet promises long-term preservation of the result.

With this mode, the power is necessary to drink 2-3 liters of water daily. You can also eat tea and coffee. Of course, it is necessary to refuse.

Diet prohibits any meat broths. You can only vegetable, but they are allowed to saline.

In addition to a clear compliance with diet power rules, you need to include physical exertion on your day. We are talking About watch walks. Not necessarily to die in the gym.

Maggie diet menu for a week

Breakfast for all week is the same. It consists of two eggs and halves of grapefruit. Sometimes instead of grafruit you can eat a whole orange.

Lunch is more diverse. In a day, your second meal should consist of only one fruit. Thus, fruit you dine the first, third, fifth and seventh day. Melons, apricots, pears, apples, kiwi, oranges, grapefruits are allowed.

Second and sixth day for lunch you eat chicken fillet with a garnish of vegetables. Method of cooking - Cooking or steam.

Fourth day you eat toast from black bread, two eggs and 50 g of low-fat cheese.

For dinners, you alternate meat and two boiled eggs. From meat products, you can fish, beef or chicken fillet.

Garnish for dinner - Fresh vegetables.

Diet for belly

General principles

Features of the feminine figure suggest the deposition of adipose tissue on the hips or stomach. For women with a type of form "Apple" belly is the most problematic zone. There are many options. However, there are general rules. They are suitable for any version of the diet.

  1. It is recommended to eat six times a day. Portion size no more than 200 g
  2. In your everyday menu there must be protein food. Perfectly suitable meat, low-fat cottage cheese or sea fish.
  3. It is necessary to have a variety of cereals. Ovesea, buckwheat and millet fit perfectly.
  4. Fruits and vegetables need to eat every day several times.
  5. Waters need to drink from two liters per day.
  6. Mandatory cardio and strength loads. One diet of a flat belly does not achieve.

Diet for belly menu for a week

For breakfast, you can choose any milk product reduced fat. You can give preference to yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese or milk. The volume of the dairy portion is not more than 150. One fruit is also allowed for breakfast, such as an apple.

A couple of times a week, dairy products can be replaced by oatmeal porridge on water or one boiled egg.

Two hours after breakfast, you can eat one banana, orange or apple.

Lunch must consist of a portion of boiled meat or fish and vegetables.

A couple of times a week instead of meat you can cook yourself vegetable soup and eat one boiled egg

Dinners are mostly protein. You have allowed beef, chicken fillet without skin, fish or seafood. Volume of serving no more than 250 g

Twice seven days replace the meat dinner on vegetable. Potatoes in this option is also allowed.

Diet minus 60.

General principles

The system is designed for any time. The number of lost kilograms is unlimited. The system of Mirimanova is suitable for people of any age and weight. With a number of amendments, it can be followed by pregnant and nursing women.

According to the rules of the system, it is impossible to limit yourself in any product. Under the observance of a number of rules in nutrition, it is possible to eat absolutely everything and at the same time lose weight. Diet minus 60 assumes that it is necessary to follow her whole life. The author of the system assures that it is not possible to remain slim without changing the food culture.

The system is aimed at four aspects of harmony: nutrition, skin care, sport, psychology. At the initial stage, the week you can lose weight from two to four kilograms. If you are not ready to follow a diet all my life, then you can spend one week and remove a couple of kilograms. True, it will still need to return to the system to save the result.

Diet 60: menu for a week

The menu is quite simple and implies the maximum of freedom in the choice of dishes. You decide on what you will have. The main thing to remember a number of rules and observe them.

The system allows only three meals. The snacks are prohibited. Drink water, tea, coffee can at any time you want.

Breakfast on the system must be up to 12 pm. There is absolutely all. Breakfast restrictions are completely absent.

The size of the portion also remains at your discretion. Your controller is yourself. It is necessary to the state of satiety. Let's say only one breakfast.

Lunch must be up to 14 hours. Here are the first limitations. Method of cooking - anyone other than frying on oil. Sweet is already impossible.

Another ban contested a combination of products. You need to choose. Or you eat meat, or potatoes, legumes and pasta.

Meat can be any: beef, lamb, pork, bird, fish, seafood. Dairy products are permissible with fatty up to five%.

The most stringent meal becomes dinner. It must be up to 18 hours. The system offers several options for dinner. You need to choose one. You can alternate, that is, every day there is something new.

  1. Fruits and vegetables. Vegetables can be anyone other than potatoes. Plums, watermelon, apples, citrus, pineapple and kiwi are allowed from fruits.
  2. Vegetables and any dairy products. Vegetables, as in the first version, any other than potatoes. Dairy products should not be greasy 5%.
  3. Fruits and any dairy products. Fruits are the same as in the first version. Dairy products no more than 5%.
  4. Meat. Any meat, bird, fish or seafood is allowed. Method of cooking anyone other than frying.
  5. Groats and vegetables. Crupes need to be chosen between buckwheat and brown rice. Other options can not. Vegetables can be anyone other than potatoes.

Malysheva diet for a week

General principles.

Elena Malysheva, as part of his program on television periodically helps people lose weight. Various doctors and nutritionists tell about the benefits and harm of a number of products. Currently there is a special. This complex is paid. It implies the purchase of not only tips, but also a whole set of products. In our article we will tell about general rules Malysheva diet.

  1. Power consists of three main meals and two snacks. Hungry on the diet Malysheva you will not. On the day you should eat as many as five times. The last meal of food should be no later than 19 hours.
  2. It is necessary to calculate the number of calories consumed per day. For each person it is different digit. It is important to take into account the floor, age, type of activity. On the Internet you can find many resources that will help you do it.
  3. It is necessary to exclude or minimize a number of products. We are talking about baking, sugar, salts, alcohol, potatoes.

Menu on the Malysheva diet

Breakfast must include carbohydrates. The body needs energy for the whole day. As an option is suitable for oatmeal on water and skimmed yogurt. Yoghurt should be natural without additives and sugar.

Two hours later, the afternoon. You can eat fruit. For example, eat 2 apples and orange.

Another two hours - lunch. The main principle of lunch - protein food. You can eat meat, chicken without skin or fish.

Two hours later another snack. In composition, it is the same as the first snack.

Dinner must be as easy as possible. An excellent version of dinner is a vegetable salad, 1 boiled egg and a glass of low-fat kefir.

Three mondetes for a week

General principles

The most rigid way to deal with excess weight. At the same time, the most effective.

The principle of the diet is very simple throughout the time you can eat only one product. It is allowed different cooking options.

Mountains are different in terms. As a rule, it is three or seven-day diets. Lose weight with a limit for a longer time is dangerous for health.

In one week, the monodi can be lost from seven to ten kilograms of excess weight.

Before you start a diet, make sure that you are absolutely healthy. Ideally consult with your doctor.

If you feel unreasoning, weakness during the diet, then you need to stop immediately.

Menu kefir, apple and buckwheat diet

Includes 1, 5 liter kefir. This volume of kefir of any fat content must be divided into 6 meals. The gaps between the kefir drink should be equal. The fat content of kefir is allowed any.

In addition to kefir, it is allowed to consume 500 g of fruits or vegetables. It should also be distributed for all day.

The main product is buckwheat. 200 g dry cereals pour boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning your daily diet is ready. Specially cook porridge do not need.

Porch distribute 5-6 meals per day.

It offers to distribute 2 kg of apples to 4-6 meals. You can make juice, puree or bake from apples.

Simple diet for a week is an easy way weight loss. It does not provide strict prohibitions and hunger strikes, therefore provides an excellent effect without a detrimental effect on health. The weight decreases gradually, which ensures its retention in the future.

Advantages and disadvantages of simple diets for a week

Lightweight body weight reduction systems are the most optimal for those people who for a long time did not decline to reduce weight due to problems with the power of will. Light diet is recommended in the absence of the ability to comply with strict nutrition restrictions due to the need for constant replenishment of energy reserves.

Consider the pluses diets from simple products for the week:

  • preservation of calm and saturation;
  • duration no more than 7 days;
  • the ability to repeat often;
  • the ability to lose from three to ten kilograms without excessive effort;
  • preservation of normal comfort in the future.

Weak Party light dietic Food is a lack of calories in the diet. Because of this, medical professionals recommend limiting exercise, and unnecessarily intensive workouts for this period should be completely eliminated.

Main contraindications for a simple effective diet for a week

Even simple diets cause a certain stress organism, therefore it is not recommended to women during breastfeeding of a child and when entering the fetus. It is necessary to be careful with dietary powered in the presence of chronic diseases in the acute period, pathological changes of the tract, sugar diabetes and failures in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Repetition of simple weight loss programs is possible once in 45 days. It is necessary to exclude from its diet, harmful products containing dyes, etc., abandon any alcohol-containing drinks. Drink enough liquid per day (at least 1.5 liters). Choose small portions. Eating should be seen at least four times a day. After 7 pm, it is required to completely abandon meals. Excludes overeating.

Important! Never refuse breakfast and try to make it the most dense meal. For dinner it is recommended to use lighter products. When violating these rules, metabolism will slow down and weight loss will be suspended.

Everything effective simple diet for a week in the menu Do not envisage flour and sweets.

  • bifidobacteria, which are present in a natural yogurt. Due to the regular use of fermented milk products, the body is gently cleaned from toxic substances and slags, the digestive process is improved and the weight smoothly decreases;
  • proteins, since they contribute to weight loss;
  • fiber and vitamin C. Thanks to the use of vegetables and fruits, useful components located in proteins are better absorbed.

Kremlin diet: menu for a week for simple weight loss

1 day

Breakfast: one hundred g solid cheese, fried eggs from 4 chicken eggs with ham, cup of green tea.

We dine: Salad Salad Salad, 150 g of baked fish with mushrooms, tea.

Halfing: a small apple.

Dinner: Two hundred rpap chicken, 1 tomato, 200 g of natural yogurt.

Breakfast: 150 grams of cottage cheese, 2 boiled chicken eggs, a cup of green tea.

We dine: one hundred grams of vegetable salad, one hundred grams of pork chop, coffee without adding sugar.

Dinner: One hundred grams of boiled cauliflower baked with cheese chicken breast, cup of green tea.

Breakfast: Solid Cheese, 2 boiled chicken eggs, a cup of green tea.

We dine: a hundred g of vegetable lettuce with vegetable oil, a hundred g kebabs, a cup of green tea.

Afternoon: 10 black olives.

Dinner: 1 pink tomato, two hundred rhkaya fish, two hundred natural yogurt.

Breakfast: one hundred grams of cabbage salad, 4 boiled sausages, a cup of green tea.

We dine: 150 grams of vegetable lettuce with mushrooms, one hundred grams of lully kebab, unsweetened coffee.

Afternoon: thirty g of walnuts.

Dinner: Two hundred grams of leaf salad, two hundred grams of fish for a couple, a cup of green tea.

Breakfast: Two hundred dietic curd, a cup of green tea.

We dine: Two hundred grams of pink tomatoes salad, 150 g boiled pork cores with 1 chicken egg.

Afternoon: thirty g peanuts.

We have dinner: two hundred and dry red wine, a hundredrd of cheese, two hundred g of boiled fish, two hundred g leather salad, 200 g of natural yogurt.

Breakfast: one hundred g of solid cheese, fried eggs from 2 chicken eggs with ham, coffee.

We dine: two hundred rhossed squid, one hundred bifhtex, two hundred and dry red wine.

Afternoon: 1 apple.

Dinner: one hundred g of leaf salad, two hundred baked fish, 200 g of natural yogurt.

Breakfast: 4 boiled sausages, one hundred grams of zucchini caviar, a cup of green tea.

We dine: two hundred grams of leaf lettuce, two hundred grams of grilled chicken, a cup of green tea.

Afternoon: thirty grams of walnuts.

Dinner: one hundred grams of pink tomatoes, two hundred boiled meat grams, 200 grams of natural yogurt.

It is approximate menu Simple diet for weight loss for a weekFollowing which, you can eliminate overweight operational and without difficulty.

The week is the simplest: fruit-vegetable

Without great efforts to get rid of extra kilograms will help compliance with the principles of useful nutrition. They allow not only to stabilize the weight in the desired mark, but also prevent the set in the future.

Reset weights on vegetables and fruits - a real find for people who choose the most simple diet. Together with a decrease in body weight, the body receives the strongest tide of strength and vigor. Dietary nutrition of such a plan helps to strengthen immunity, accelerating metabolic processes in the body.

Vegetables and fruits do not have in fats, low-calorie, contain minerals, vitamins and fiber, and also accelerate metabolism. Exceptions in this diet are: potatoes, bananas, grapes, etc. It is impossible to take them in food during the dietary nutrition.

Compliance with diet recommended for 3-7 days, at this time there are only vegetables and fruits in the diet, but without restrictions. They can be baked, boil, swipe or consumed in raw form. Of these, you can make Freshi and Smoothies. At the same time, you should drink up to two liters of peeled non-carbonated water per day. The main condition: no oils, salts and sugars. According to the reviews of a simple diet for the week very effective and allows without stress to bring itself into shape.

Each woman at least once in his life resorted to diets for rapid slimming. The question is that diet do not always give the right effect.

This is happening for various reasons, but most often the problem is that withstanding the hard mode, refusing to yourself in all sorts of food pleasures, is very difficult.

As a result, breakdowns, and the woman refuses to lose weight.

But it would be much easier to solve the problem if you have chosen a simple but effective diet designed for short term. And the result is obtained, and it was not necessary to limit yourself in food for a long time.

SAMI effective diet For weight loss for a week, simple and secure, detailed menu for every day, reviews about it are considered in this article.

When it is needed

Cobrel fashion on the wells began Simultaneously with the advent of the famous Twiggy on the model arena. Its thin, the punishment is still considered a reference to female beauty.

Of course, doctors do not agree at the root, but who usually listens to them?

And it would be worth listening. After all diet can be a tool not only for rapid weight lossBut for the normalization of metabolism and recovery.

And if approaching it from such a party, then diet out of the obligation turns into a useful tool for the struggle for health.

If you have excess weight , Changes in the nutrition plan and daily dietary dietary will help you normalize metabolism, lead the figure to normal. But how is this norm calculated?

For this there is a simple formula. To calculate it, you need to know your exact increase in centimeters. We give an example of calculation.

Woman's growth of 165 centimeters. The ideal weight for a healthy person is a minus of 100 centimeters.

It turns out the following calculation: 165-100 \u003d 65 kilograms. This is the maximum permissible weightwhich can be in a woman with such an increase, or the upper limit of the weight.

The lower limit of the weight rate is calculated by the same formulaBut instead of 100 it is necessary to take 110. It turns out that a woman has a growing 165 centimeters, the lower border of the weight will be 55 kilograms.

You should not lose weight too much, let it be the best diet, which you just tried. It will negatively affect the state of the skin, hair and most importantly - women's health.

In anorexichek models, there are often problems in the form of no ovulation and menstruation. In order not to earn an infertility, give up the idea of \u200b\u200ba sharp weight loss.

Afternoon person: Boiled chicken breast with vegetable salad, filled with lemon juice, low-fat chicken broth.

Dinner: Light fruit salad with yoghurt dressing, a glass of low-fat sour cream, mint


Breakfast: Yogurt and light fruit salad, crown from rye bread. Squeeze coffee with ginger and black pepper.

Dinner: Steak made of white fish cooked for a pair, light vegetable salad. For dessert - yogurt with fresh fruits. Squeeze with cranberry or orange juice.

Afternoon person: Light chicken broth with croutons, tomato and cucumber salad, mineral water with lemon.

Dinner: Risotto from rice, shrimp and vegetables, cooked for a couple, fruit salad. Beverage - Herbal Tea with

If you dream of losing weight quickly and at the same time not to syntify yourself with hunger strikes, the right food for a week of days is perfect for you. Such a power mode refers to "non-cold" diet, but if it is not compared, that is, if you eat a product that is not included in the menu, you will have to start everything from the beginning: from the very first day.

Results and features diet for a week of days

Such a diet is a clear system of nutrition, it is transferred quite easily and consists of simple products. This is not just a diet for weight loss, this is the correct power mode in which your body will receive all the minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for it.

In a week, you will lose about 3-4 kilograms, but it is worth considering that the more the initial weight, the more notice the result will be the result and the process of the weight in weight will occur faster.

In addition to the figure to improve and general state Your body, improve well-being: after the first day you will feel relief. A good bonus to a slender figure will be excellent condition of the skin, hair and nails, which will also be much better. All these wonderful changes in your body will occur due to the fact that your diet is replenished with useful minerals, vitamins, and so on, and all the harmful and unnecessary organisms of the substance will leave it.

In the first days, the body is unloaded, because you will use a lot of fruits, vegetables and sour milk. And in the following days, the body is already saturated with proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Please note that during diet products from the menu cannot be changed in places, you need to use them in a strictly defined sequence.

Also during the diet it is very important to use a large amount of water, it helps speed up metabolism, it is necessary to drink at least two liters of clean water per day, that is, all other liquids are not included in this volume. Also every morning about 20 minutes before breakfast you need to drink a glass of water, and 3 hours before sleep drink a glass of skim kefir. Please note that these are mandatory diet.

Diet power mode

Before writing a menu by day, it is worth clarifying a few points:

  • Bananas are a very high-calorie product, so it is better not to use this product, the same applies to avocado and grapes. These products should be removed from their diet.
  • To refuel salads, natural yogurt is used (without taste additives), or vegetable oil, no mayonnaise.
  • During the diet you can not drink alcohol. Chips, crackers, and so on. It is also impossible to use, even after the diet, these products are best removed from their diet.
  • It is necessary to add as little salt as possible, in large quantities it is harmful and can lead to edema.

First day

  • The first breakfast is a glass of water (20 minutes before the first meal). Next, this item will not be written in the menu, but it is observed every day.
  • Second breakfast - loaf with butter, vegetable or fruit salad refilled by natural yogurt.
  • Lunch - loaf, 75 grams of cottage cheese (natural, and not curved mass from the store, in which there are a lot of sugar and flavoring additives), 100 grams of vegetable or fruit salad, filled with natural yogurt.
  • Halfoon - 150 grams of cottage cheese, a glass of skim kefir, a green apple.
  • Dinner is a glass of green tea without sugar, steamed vegetables.
  • Three hours before sleep - a glass of skim kefir. Next, this item will not be written in the menu, but it is observed every day.

Second day: What to eat?

  • Second breakfast - sandwich (loaf and butter), a cup of coffee without sugar, you can add some cream with the smallest percentage of fatty.
  • Lunch - 100 grams of boiled potatoes (not mashedral, but just a few pieces of boiled potatoes), you can add some vegetable oil, a salad of tomatoes and cucumber, refilled by oil (you can add celery in the salad, because this is a product with negative calorieness, that is, for it The digestion is spent more calories than it contains).
  • Humannik - a glass of green tea without adding sugar.
  • Dinner - Cutlet for a couple, 200 grams of boiled vegetables (take anything to your taste), on the third - compote from dried fruits without sugar.

Third day (from the menu)

  • The second breakfast is a loaf, a glass of coffee without sugar and without other additives (milk, cream and so on.)
  • Lunch - 150 grams of mushroom soup puree, if you do not eat mushrooms can be made of vegetables soup.
  • Half date - carrots or green apple.
  • Dinner - boiled beans (150 grams), vegetable salad, fastened with vegetable oil (150 grams), 200 grams of broccoli per pair, smoothie from celery and apple, (in a blender mix celery, green apple and 100 ml of water).

Fourth day

  • The second breakfast is a loaf with creamy oil, 150 grams of salad of fruit, filled with natural yogurt.
  • Lunch - Glass tomato juice, Two boiled eggs, 250 grams of vegetable salad.
  • The afternooner is a glass of green tea without sugar, two slices of bitter chocolate, two salty cracker.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad (250 grams).

The fifth day

  • The second breakfast is a loaf and a piece of solid grade cheese, a glass of coffee without sugar.
  • Halfoon - 100 grams nuts or dried fruits.
  • Dinner - 100 grams of Makaron from solid varieties of wheat with tomato paste, smoothie from celery and green apple.

Sixth day, menu

  • The second breakfast is 50 grams of solid grade cheese, 100 grams of carrots, can be grain.
  • Lunch - 100 grams of stewed cabbage, 250 grams of boiled beef or turkey breast.
  • Afternoon snack - pear or green apple.
  • Dinner - 200 grams cooked for a couple of broccoli or Brussels cabbage.

Seventh day

  • The second breakfast is a loaf with low-fat cheese, a glass of coffee without sugar, can with doping in the form of cream with the smallest percentage of fatty.
  • Lunch is 100 grams of boiled potatoes, 150 grams of salad of vegetables.
  • Afternoon person - 100 grams of dried fruits or nuts.
  • Dinner - 200 grams of low-fat fish for a couple, 100 grams of beans

Here is a menu, as you can see, you will not be hungry. But if the feeling of hunger becomes unbearable, you can eat the loaf as a snack. It is not necessary to start using this system from Monday, it may be any day of the week, the result does not change from it, it is even better to start immediately, why postpone on then.

How to get out of a week diet

After the completion of the diet is very important not to transfer, but all the extra kilograms that you threw off back and even in more larger. It is desirable to follow the correct power mode and then. It is not necessary immediately after the diet to eat fat, fried and smoking food, because the stomach is already a loy from such heavy food, and it can lead to serious health problems.

Do not forget that any diet will be more efficient if you combine it with physical exertion, only without fanaticism. In order for the skin tightened, the problem areas can be held under a contrasting shower, it is, by the way, is also useful for health as a whole.

The main thing in reducing body weight is a stubborn movement towards the goal, the correct motivation and accurate awareness of the goal. Do not postpone the beginning of the diet and sports on Monday, the first day of the month, after the new year, and so on, for his figure and external species In general, you always need to follow.

Video materials on the topic:

Nutrition by day for weight loss: Basic principles

Many seek to lose weight by adjusting their menu. Established food by day, published many diets. But, anyway, the problem of excess weight as it was relevant and remains.

The reason for this is often the ignorance of the fundamental principles of human nutrition, the violation of which and leads to excess kilograms and diseases. This article gives the most important positions for every day that need to be taken into account in their desire to reduce weight.

Women should eat more often, but less

Why does a person eat? Most will answer that to maintain life. And in ancient treatises, the wise men were written "to restore mental energy." IN female body These energies are spent 6-9 times more than in male. Therefore, a woman should eat often in small quantities, thus constantly supporting its emotional component. A man - "rarely, but aptive," some happens once a day, but more than three times it harms them more than three times.

Natural nutritional rhythm

If a person lives every day in harmony with the rhythm of nature, then his strength gradually fade away, the interest in life disappears, the inertness is accumulated, heaviness in the mind, weight in the body. Conversely, when coincided, it is easy to remake more affairs, well-being vigorous, which is reflected positively on the appearance.

Take yourself a rule for every day eat consistent with the Sun:

Reception of food Time Volume of total day diet
Breakfast from 7 to 8 am
Dinner from 12 to 14
Dinner from 17 to 18

This ensures complete assimilation of food without deposition of fats and other toxins. For women, light snacks are allowed without buns and cakes.

Glass of water before meal

For those who want to lose weight, or stay in their weight, relevant before eating, always drink a glass of water, preferably warm, not cold. It helps to reduce appetite and the amount of food. An hour or a half, again, take 250 ml of pure water without gas to replenish the intercellular fluid of the body, which went to absorb food.

If this is not done, then the tissues of the organs are depleted, their functioning is disturbed, as a result, food is not fully absorbed and deposited in the form of toxins in the body. Fat is the same toxins, poisonous substances that the body could not recycle and bring out.

Proper regular use of pure water is another important component of success for those who follow their weight and health. The less toxins, the better well-being.

List of products for breakfast

The list of products used for breakfast includes

  • seasonal fruits and vegetables,
  • milk products,
  • nuts, seeds,
  • gestrointed grain I.
  • porridge.

Black tea and coffee reduce product cleavage on elementary components and their digestibility. If there is a dependence on such beverages, then first go to good green tea, and then on the tea from herbs and hot juice from ice cream or fresh berries with the addition of ginger or cinnamon.

Porridge for breakfast is not needed to eat everything. Someone will be perfectly done only with a hot drink, someone need to add fruits and several nuts for the thickening of hunger. And for someone you need a more dense breakfast. Water, buckwheat and millet are prepared very quickly and easily absorbed by the body. Cum and rice for breakfast without prejudice to

Soak buckwheat from the evening cold water With the ratio of 1 to 2. The porridge will be ready for use. Who loves hot porridge, he can warm it. Who wants, maybe it is with milk. Who likes new tastes, can heated porridge, add some dry ginger and turmeric to it. Spices will give a few new taste and, at the same time, help the digestive system to learn everything without a residue.

Oat flakes (not fast cooking) It is also good to soak from the evening in water 1 to 3. In the morning, cooking time is reduced to 3-5 minutes. Add some milk or water, wasistered in boiling water raisins, kuragu and other dried fruits. You can put jam or honey to the finished porridge.

Make a sweet breakfast, since it is a sweet task that satures a man's psyche and soothes it. This is especially true for women. But white sugar is the cause of weight gain. Change it to non-refined, raw or honey. Everything is sweet that usually use for dinner, transfer to the morning.

Menu for lunch

Gradually teach yourself meat dishes Not more than two times a week and smaller potatoes. Have always in the reserve of Fennel Seeds, in order to light lunch. Several risen grains improve digestion and thereby do not give to appear new kilograms, as well as prevent the smell of mouth, if there is such a problem.

Pasta, rice, grain (barley, wheat), legumes (beans, peas), Quinoa in combination with sauces and vegetables are good for lunchtime.

Half of the diet to lunch should be a living food that contains vitality. This is greens, salads, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, seeds.

We noticed that the mature apple was torn from the tree branch, tastier than what was? This difference in taste speaks about the volume vitality in the product. It is she who needs our body and psyche. Just a set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is a dead food that does not satisfy a person, does not make it happy, but makes fat, lazy and sick.

Menu on dinner

Dinner should be light and nutritious. Vegetables cooked steamed, stew or baked in the oven, cheese, nuts, dairy products, vegetable soup. For example, you can eat grams of 200-250 Mozarella. Hiding her oil from Olive, pepper, add basil leaves and cut-out tomatoes - here you have a full dinner.

If it really wants to put something in your mouth before bedtime, then make yourself a drink made of hot milk with nutmeg or clove, a droplet of sugar, turmeric and drinking soda. If the in the morning in the language, detect white raids (toxins), then dilute with water with water.

Other important diet principles eat by day and lose weight

The total amount of oil consumed for the whole day, both creamy and vegetable, should not exceed 50 gr. It is for both cooking and refueling.

The volume of food that can split and assimilate digestive system Fully for one reception, it is placed in two folded lads. Everything that exceeds, works on weight gain.

Shopping, cookies, boots gradually replace the products from whole grain oatmeal, rye and wheat cooked at home. Particular attention to the content of yeast in the test. If you do not want the figure to increase the same fast as the dough, do not eat yeast products! It is very important.

Food should include all tastes:

  • sweet,
  • bitter,
  • salty,
  • binding I.
  • acute.

Only a full range of tastes soothes the mind and gives a sense of saturation.

Not allowing me to drink cold drinks after eating and there is ice cream, but it will be quite allowed such a snack during the day.

Healthy food is not just diverse and fresh, and also eaten at the right time in the right volume.

Additional video reviews and reviews

For any diet requires strong motivation. If you have it, consider that it has already been done. Motivation for everyone has its own. Fascinating a man who prefers tunnyashek, to fit into the outfit you like, summer holiday, where you need to paint on the beach and much - much more.

I offer some effective diets of weight loss that will help to remove excess weight. They are based on proper nutrition from the menu for every day and for a week.

Four rules of any diet

  1. Virtually exclude salt and salty products from the diet.
  2. Fully eliminate alcohol in any form. This is a source of extra calories. In addition, his relaxing effect will prevent you from a clearly adhere to the chosen diet.
  3. Snack between breakfast, lunch and dinner, i.e. eat small portions 5 - 6 times a day.
  4. Fully eliminate sugar, sweets and baking.

Diet for 2 - 3 weeks.

Balanced by fats, proteins and carbohydrates. But with all this low-calorie. It takes into account the daily need of the body in trace elements and vitamins.

First day.

Breakfast. Cooked screwed 1 chicken egg, naturally, it is necessary without salt. Cheese fatness below 17% - 2 - 3 small pieces.

Lunch.Whole apple. After half an hour a cup of any tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Dinner.Cabbage stewed without salt and oil. Boiled chicken breast.


Dinner.About 100 grams of cottage cheese of any fatness, dyeing kefir too any fatness. Burn a whole grapefruit.

Second day.

Breakfast.One piece of bread with bran in the form of a toast. If there is no toaster, slightly fasten the bread on a dry pan on slow heat. After half an hour - green tea Or black coffee without sugar.

Lunch.Grapefruit and a glass of kefir of any fatness.

Dinner.A piece of chicken, beef or fish boiled, baked in the oven or on the grid without adding oil. It is better to use if you have it.

Afternooner.A pair of apples. After half an hour, tea or coffee, of course, without sugar.

Dinner.Boiled cauliflower With any greenery sprinkled by vegetable or olive oil.

The third day.

Breakfast.Whole grapefruit. After half an hour - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Lunch.One raw carrot.

Dinner. A piece of chicken, beef, veal or boiled fish, baked in the oven or on the grid without adding oil. (Just as on the second day.) You can use.

Afternooner.Like breakfast.

Dinner. Any stew vegetables and an omelet of two proteins of chicken eggs.

Fourth day.

Breakfast.One carrot, grated on a grater with one tablespoon of low-fat sour cream. After half an hour - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Lunch.About 100 gr. Any cottage cheese and a glass of any kefir.

Dinner. One chicken egg welded. Fresh parsley or dill greens, how much will eat.


Dinner.Salad - brush from chopped white cabbage, crude carrots and beets, grated raced. Snaw the lemon juice salad, and do not add butter. Sign up green tea sugarless.

The fifth day.

Breakfast.One chicken egg welded. After half an hour - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Lunch.One cup of kefir.

Dinner.Low-fat fish prepared in a double boiler, or in the oven on the grill without adding oil. Any stew vegetables.

Afternooner.Boiled cauliflower. After half an hour - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Dinner.One grapefruit. After 30 minutes - green tea without sugar.

Sixth day .

Breakfast.About 100 gr. Any cottage cheese with dill or parsley. After half an hour - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Lunch.Two apples with a break of 15 minutes.

Dinner.A piece of chicken, veal or fish boiled, baked in the oven or in a double boiler without adding oil. One small boiled beet.

Afternooner.Orange without white streaks. Try to clean them carefully.

Dinner.Fresh white cabbage salad with celery and dill without oil. Squeeze with green tea.

Seventh day.

Breakfast.Mix of orange, apple and carrots. One glass.

Lunch.Boiled rice with boiled vegetables. Approximately 5 tablespoons with a slide.

Dinner.Puree soup from any vegetables. A piece of boiled chicken. Half grapefruit.

Afternooner. A glass of tomato juice. You can batch, but without salt or low-salted.

Dinner.Boiled fish and green peas.

Minus 5 kg. For the month - diet Pierre Dukhana

The convenience of this diet is that there are almost everything. Do not constantly count calories. The secret is that it is necessary to combine the right products.

The basis of the diet - the separation of food by four phases, one per week. The only condition is 2.5 liters of almost any fluid daily.

The first phase is burning fats.

In this phase, we actively eat products containing protein. It helps burn previously accumulated fat without affecting muscle mass.

A kefir or yogurt is perfect for breakfast. If you can not do without bread, choose whole grain. He will satisfy you for a long time. Vegetables and fruits in this phase are good for snacks.

Try to reduce fish, pork and cheese consumption. These products are rich in protein, but they also have a lot of fats. Fully refuse sweet in any form.

  • cottage cheese
  • yogurt
  • milk
  • poultry meat
  • lean beef
  • seafood
  • tuna
  • salmon
  • tofu cheese.

Macaron and Shrimp Salad for the first week diet

Products for 1 Birth:

  • macaroni solid varieties for one serving;
  • about 50 gr. frosty shrimp;
  • for several twigs of green onions, dill and parsley;
  • approximately 100 gr. natural yogurt;
  • tablespoon of apple vinegar;
  • tablespoon of olive or vegetable oil.

Separately boil the pasta and shrimp. Green Wash, dry and finely cut. Shrimps cool down and clean. Add oil and vinegar to yogurt, salt slightly and pepper. Mix well. Place pasta, top - shrimp and sprinkle with yoghurt sauce. Such a salad can be lunch or dinner.

The second phase - remove excess liquid from the body

We do it, kinging as many vegetables as possible. They contain a lot of useful substances that continue to burn excess fat in our body. In addition, they accelerate metabolism.

Use the maximum number of different vegetables to each meal. For example, on the usual morning sandwich with cheese, we put a mug of tomato, radishes and a slice of fresh cucumbers.

Carbohydrates are better not to use this week as a garnish. It is rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, legumes. Any products containing sugar and flour. But you can use wholegrain bread and pasta in moderate quantities.

Stuffed zucchini for the second week diet

Products for one portion:

  • medium zucchini;
  • celery stem;
  • a tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • owka head;
  • several twigs of parsley;
  • 100 gr. boiled ham;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream;
  • fresh lemon juice 2 bl.;
  • teas spoon of vegetable oil.

Zucchini Cut in half, remove the core and fry on the lean oil on both sides. From ham, vegetables and greens Make a salad, fuel sour cream and lemon juice. Put in the halves of the zucchini. You can, if desired, bake in the oven.

Stomach Fat Exercise

On the same age you can start making a simple exercise that will help remove fat in the abdomen.

If you keep your legs on the weight at first hard, you can simplify the exercise. Bend one leg in the knee and put it on the floor. Stop another leg put on a bent knee. Alternately pull the elbows to the close knee 15 times. Then change your feet and do the exercise for another 15 times.

The third phase - we remove the folds on the stomach fruit.

Two weeks have successfully passed, and you have already broken up with several kilograms. Fix the result with the help of fruits. They have a lot of useful substances that will help us continue to get rid of hateful kilograms. For breakfast all week Eat fruit salads. Increase the reception of fruit and at another time. Fruits can be taken any, with the exception of canned and dried. They have a lot of unnecessary sugar. It is not desirable to replace the fruit juice.

Carrot - apple salad for the third day diet

Products for 1 Birth:

  • 2 raw carrots;
  • average apple;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of any nuts;
  • h. spoon sugar;
  • 2 st aphouses of fresh lemon juice;
  • h. Spoon of lean oil.

Carrot and apple Soda on a large grater, mix with the rest of the products and retain about half an hour to fill. You can add another orange zest, but it is at will.

Apple - banana smoothie

Products for 1 Birth:

  • banana;
  • apple;
  • half reading kiwi;
  • art. A spoon is not bitter honey.

All ingredients beat a blender to a homogeneous mass.

Fourth, final, phase - Fix the result.

The fourth week is just a holiday of some kind! You can eat all that we ate in the three previous phases. We return carbohydrates so that the new weight holds longer, and the fat was not postponed where it is not necessary.

In each meal, combine proteins and carbohydrates, snack and snack with fruit or vegetables. Still still avoid dishes in which there is wheat flour.

Universal exercise to strengthen belly, buttocks and hands

At the fourth week of weight loss, add another simple exercise - push up side.

We raise the thigh fixing for a few seconds and omit. Repeat 15 times, then roll over on the other side.

Three diets for cold pore

Finnish diet

You can eat all kinds of cereals, low-fat meat and fish, vegetables, low-fat dairy products. Refusing sweet, baking, bread, pasta, rice, smoked.

Bean diet

For a week you can reset to 3 kilograms, without hurting your health. As you understand, the basis of the diet is the beans - low-calorie. But at the same time the nutritional product. During the week, the beans must be in different types For lunch and dinner. In addition to her, the diet must include low-fat poultry meat, veal, vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products. It is impossible to use salt, spices and sugar.

Buckwheat diet

Very simple, but effective diet. It is that it is necessary to alternate the day when you eat only buckwheat in any form with a degreased kefir or yogurt, and the day when you eat as usual. It is only necessary to exclude a flour, sweet, salty and smoked. Do not forget that you need to eat 5-6 times a day without moving.

Be healthy and beautiful!

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