Slimming in two days. How to lose weight per day for five kilograms. Principles of weight loss in a short time

Typical situation: you were invited to the celebration, you started to try your favorite outfits and here! None sits as I would like, and some at all do not squeeze. What to do if 2 days left before the event? Urgently look for a way to lose weight, and start acting. We warn you immediately: there are many options, but it is important to consider two points for their implementation.

First, if excess weight More 5 kg, no ways will help you. Optimal optionAnd he is considered an express hunger strike, harmful to health, - to reset in 2 days 2-3 kg.

Secondly, most of the two-day options offer such extraordinary measures that for their implementation it is better to spend this period at home: take on work weekend and refrain from hiking on guests.

Option 1. Intestinal cleaning

Sample results: For 2 days you can lose weight by 2 kg and even more. It all depends on individual characteristics.

Mass options:

  • : with Castorovka, salt, mangartee, herbs, coffee, food Soda, lemon juice, garlic;
  • prakshalana Shank - cleansing of the intestine by means of special exercises and salty water;
  • reception of laxatives: Guttalaks, Dufalacta, Magnesia, Fortrans, Mukofalka, Polysorba, Senade, Forlax;
  • cleansing for 2 days: rice, kefir, apple, on juice or buckwheat;
  • folk remedies: Herbs ,;
  • urinotherapy;
  • yoga;
  • author's techniques: acidified solution (ualker enema), lemon and salty water (Malakhov), special set of exercises (Gogullan).

To lose weight for 1-2 kg in 2 days, it will be enough to observe the cleansing intestine of the diet, the menu of which we present to you.

Note: Every day you need to drink a glass of boiled water on an empty stomach.

With the cleaning of the intestine in 2 days you can lose weight and more noticeable - by 3-5 kg. For example, . This is a powerful macrogol-based laxative preparation. It qualitatively clears the colon, stimulates the peristaltics, does not cause dehydration, normalizes the water and electrolyte balance. The weight loss will occur not only due to the removal of slags, toxins and excess fluid, but also as a result of the hunger strike.

Action Scheme:

  1. After awakening, drink a glass of boiled water. After 15 minutes, make morning charging. After half an hour, breakfast a glass of kefir and 1 wholegrain loaf.
  2. 2 hours after breakfast, start the cleansing procedure. Dissolve 1 Packet Fortrans (it is sold in the form of a powder) in a liter of water.
  3. Drink a solution on a glass every 15 minutes with small sips.
  4. Within 4 hours, intensive intestinal emptying should occur.
  5. An hour after everything is over, it is allowed to have lunch with a light low-fat soup.
  6. In the evening, you can eat a little brown rice.

On the second day, repeat everything again. The menu can leave the same or arrange an unloading day on rice, which will strengthen efficiency and cleaning, and weight loss. The technique is incredibly productive, but heavy: prepare for frequent hikes in the toilet, easy to make up and strong feeling of hunger.

Option 2. Honey and Lemon

Results: For 2 days you can lose weight by 5 kg.

Extremely hard scheme, but effective.

Option 4. Diet

Approximate Result: 1-2 kg.

Unlike monogolodovok, when the entire diet consists of a single product, ordinary diet offer a more diverse menu. Accordingly, it is easier to withstand them, but the loss is modest. The end result will depend on daily norm Caloric content and portions.

If the first indicator reduces to 600 kcal - in 2 days it is possible to lose weight by 3 kg on any diet, if you follow the recommended bar in 1,200 kcal - only 1 kg, and only when using additional techniques.

Several menu options are oriented in the diet, allowed products and help choose the most suitable.



Chinese rice

Option 5. Complex

Sample results: minus 3-4 kg.

It is necessary to approach the problem of weight loss, even if you have only 2 days in your reserve. The question is whether you have enough strength on all this. If you can resume the entire plan of events, the end result will definitely delight. Here you are waiting for the cleansing procedures, diet, and workouts, and even the bath.


Immediately after awakening - a glass of water, a 15-minute complex of light exercises for charging, a half-time run at an average pace.

After that, another 1 cup of water. Make a cleansing enema with soda (10 g of powder on 200 ml of liquid), wait for its actions and after half an hour. Dishes must be carbohydrate with low gi to get a charge of cheerfulness and long saturation for a whole day. For example, it can be 150 g of oatmeal on water with fruits and berries. After 15 min, drink black coffee or green tea with lemon.

Wear a corrective bandage or corset.


Now go shopping, clean up home, dance. Do what you want, but just do not sit and do not lie. Time to lunch you need to spend on your feet, distracting yourself from hunger and snacks.

You can eat 200 ml of light vegetable soup and 100 g of fresh vegetable salad. After 15 min make a slimming cocktail ().

Corrective linen to remove.

Holiday hour and then intense training. You can work out in the hall or perform a set of exercises at home, alternating power and cardion. It is necessary to spend at least 40 minutes.

Now is the time to take a shower or bath (you can with soda, marine Solu or essential oils that contribute to weight loss), and then make anti-cellulite wrapping on the stomach, waist and sides (excellent effect is given mustard or algae).

Holiday hour with wrapping on the body. Solo. Do business requiring motor activity.


Dinner better protein food - curd casserole, omelet, piece of boiled fish. The size of the portion is no more than 200 years after 15 minutes. After half an hour, go to the street for a walk. Walking time at a moderate pace - not less than 40 minutes. To go to bed no later than 22.00.

On the second day, repeat the schedule with minor changes: not to do anti-cellulite wrap, and after the evening walk to steamed in the bath.

Of course, it will not work hard for two days. But competent people understand what it is for nothing, because without side Effects And the complications rapid weight loss is impossible.

After the solemn event, for which you so rapidly building, will end, think that in the future to avoid similar express weight loss. This requires negligible little: it is necessary to eat and regularly play sports. Then your favorite dress will fit.

Quick slimming issues occupied women at all times. Vacation, graduate meeting, important negotiations or family celebration on the nose, as not to wonder how to lose weight in 2 days? But before making emergency measures, you need to learn more about the methods and subtleties of such high-speed exhaust weight.

The desire to gain the ability to not get used to flour or quickly lose weight is one of the most popular topics for discussion in women's companies and communities. Experienced willingly share their secrets and are ready to provide support, but a rare girl is really ready to change their lifestyle for the sake thin waist. How to do, if you lose weight quickly for 2 kg and more you want, but to limit yourself - no?

First of all, it is important to remember the simple formula once and for all. Fat accumulates with a positive balance of calories, and burned - with negative. This truth is unchanged and proved not one generation of athletes, nutritionists and models. The person loses weight only if the calories spend more than consumes. You can move the balance in two ways to: increase energy consumption, such as doing sports, or reduce calorie intake, refusing fatty and sweet dishes. Both ways have their own pitfalls.

With intensive exercises in sports, the blood sticks the blood necessary for their full nutrition. With the load, each muscle increases in size, which means immediately after training it is possible to find that your favorite jeans became small. Yes, and the scales may surprise the muscles, the muscles weigh more fat, with a visible change in the volume of the body in a smaller side, you can detect an increase on the scales. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the outlines of the body, its elasticity.

The mass of pitfalls has a sharp limitation of calorie content of the diet. With it, you can lose weight in 2 days and disrupt the metabolism. Another unpleasant satellite of sharp restrictions is to reduce mood and apathy. Rejoice in the forms is difficult if the drowsiness is overwhelmed. You can lose weight quickly, but only subject to the introduction of permanent restrictions for subsequent weight retention.

Miracle for a few days

High-speed weight loss is suitable for those who need to be put into order a figure to a certain date. Lose weight by 2 kg in a few days is quite possible, but it is worth understanding all the subtleties and know what to prepare for. The human body cannot get rid of several fat kilograms per day. All visible changes will occur due to the loss of the liquid accumulated in the tissues. With the subsequent use of saline and fatty products, all the gone grams quickly return.

But if the mirror reflects a noticeably changed figure, the causes of such metamorphosis will not seem so important. The main thing is that the Delightful dress will perfectly facilitate the seductive bends of the body ideally, and the swimsuit will benefit all the charms.

How to lose weight per day by 2 kg without compromising health and subsequent set of body weight? You just need to strictly adhere to the following rules, strictly observe a new diet, and then sudden weight loss will have a positive effect on the state of the shape. And the main thing - such a jerk may and should become the starting stage of the new lifestyle, in which there is no place for more than kilograms and unpleasant folds on the waist. Simple rules will help to pacify appetite and tune in to a new wave of harmony.

Lose weight rapidly

In order to get rid of kilograms from a couple in 2 days, you need to adhere to the following recommendations.

Drink as much purity as possible. Teas, sweet soda and, of course, alcoholic beverages No water. A sufficient amount of fluid will help get rid of edema, which visually make the body fully. One and a half or two liters - the required minimum.

It is necessary to fully and unconditionally abandon all the sweet and flour, roasted, salty and oily. It is these products that are delayed liquid and, of course, "postponed on the sides."

At the time of high-speed weight loss, there are no delights, only essential compliance with the prescriptions. Lose on a couple of kg in a few days - the task is not easy and there is no place for the slack.

Additionally contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the tissues of warm baths and the use of special cosmetics.

Scrubs and peelings will help to update the skin, make it smooth. And the effect of various anti-cellulite gels will multiply their effect. But it is worth remembering that cosmetics are not a panacea, only regular sports and thorough development of problem areas are able to make rid of the notorious "orange peel" on the hips and buttocks.

Examples of productive diets

Alas, simple diet restrictions are not the answer to the question of how to lose weight rapidly, they are rather suitable for subsequent conservation of achievements. For a quick and noticeable weight loss and reduce body volumes, you need to select one of the following methods. If everything is done correctly, extra kilograms will retreat, and only to strengthen the conquered positions will remain.

Two-day diet on water and green tea. Such extreme way Slimming will only suit women with a magnificent force of will. To withstand these days will not be easy, but the result will impress. For 2 days, you can lose up to 3 kg, and the extension of the diet for several days will help to lose weight by 5 kg. As clearly from the name, only clean non-carbonated water can be drunk throughout these days. green tea without sweeteners.

The first glass must be served immediately after waking up, follow-up during the day. It is necessary to stop the reception of the fluid 2 hours before sleep, it will help to prevent the appearance of edema. It is necessary to use such a diet with caution, it is categorically contraindicated by persons with any violations of the kidney work.

Kefir diet - another answer to the question, how to lose weight by 2 kg in a short period. Such a diet is easier than the water diet, since the milk product contains calories and fills the stomach well. Every day you need to drink up to 1 liter of degreated kefir, water and tea are allowed. It is better to abandon the coffee, since it is overly exciting the nervous system and can sink appetite. Acid drink should be divided into 4-5 portions and consume them during the day. Two such unloading Day Help get rid of 2-2.5 kg. Contraindications are the same as the water diet.

Kefir and apple diet. It is a gentle version of the previous diet. In addition to the kefir drink, you can eat 1-2 apples per day, be sure to green. But you need to listen to your body, some apples awaken unbearable hunger. If such a feature is detected, it is better to refuse fruit. Two kefir-apple days will take 2 kg. And in the future the question, how to lose weight quickly, did not arise, such a unloading day should be put into service and repeat it once a week or after a feast.

Options are more complicated

Those who are not ready to use only liquid all the day even in order to lose weight by 5 kg, it is worth seeing to one of the short-term diets who have received exclusively laudatory reviews.

The so-called diet models. It is rumored that it is so that divisions from the podiums are preparing for meaningful outputs. For 3 days you need to strictly adhere to the same diet. To change the meals in some places or add a stricken to them forbidden. Breakfast - tea and boiled egg, lunch - tea and boiled egg, dinner - tea and 100 g of low-fat curd. In the breaks necessarily drink water. With this diet, it is also worth being inherent to those who have kidney problems.

A simple cabbage diet is an excellent answer to the question of how to quickly lose weight without acute hunger. When compliance with the cabbage diet, it is necessary to use only fresh salad for 3 days. white cabbage without salt refilled by a teaspoon vegetable oil. Of course, do not forget about sufficient water.

Curd diet. It can be used as unloading, prompting how to lose weight per day or as a diet for a few days. Throughout the period per day, you need to eat 200-250 g of low-fat fermented milk product, distributing meals evenly. The protein of cottage cheese will help withdraw an extra liquid, and due to the low calorieness of the ration, the weight will begin to decline and due to fatty deposits.

So, the difficult days remained behind, the result is noticeable and pleased, what is further, how to keep the harmonious figure gained difficult work? Be sure to apply the tips above, playing sports, to move more. Love active life and follow nutrition. And then the rapid weight loss questions will never return anymore, you will be confident in your attractiveness at any second.

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Many would like to lose a couple of kilograms. This is especially true before any important event, be it a meeting of graduates, a festive party or a wedding. Despite the fact that fast weight loss is usually not recommended, you can reset a little excess weight to feel more confident or that your favorite clothes have not been cramped. Maybe you will not lose 2 kilograms for 5 days, but in any case the correct diet and exercise will allow you to lose weight and feel slimmer.


Part 1

Fast slimming diet

    Reduce the amount of calories. To reset weight, you will need to reduce the number of calories consumed.

    Limit the use of carbohydrates. Studies have shown that diet with a low carbohydrate content contribute to a speedy discharge of weight. Such diets help burn fat and reduce the content of unnecessary fluid in the body.

    Try to use low-fat foods and greens. To quickly lose weight, limit the consumption of carbohydrates, making emphasis on "low-fat and green" food. This means that your diet will consist mainly of low-fat proteins and green, non-magical vegetables.

    Drink enough liquid. It is very important that your body does not have a lack of fluid, especially if you are trying to lose weight quickly.

    Do not snack between meals. If you want to reset 2 kilograms in 5 days, give up snacks or significantly limit them.

    Limit food consumption causing gases. Some products more contribute to the release of gases and bloating than others. Although it does not necessarily impede weight reduction, avoiding such products, you will feel slimmer.

    Part 2

    Exercise for rapid slimming
    1. Dedicate 150 minutes every week with cardiography. In addition to reducing the number of calories, engage in cardiovers - it will help you burn even more calories.

      Increase your everyday physical activity. In addition to cardiotrans, you can behave more active in your everyday life. There are many simple things, which can be enhanced physical activity.

    2. Try the interval training. This is a new popular type of exercise. These training make it possible to burn a large amount of calories for relatively short time and increase the rate of metabolism in the body.

      • As a rule, interval training takes less time than conventional cardiovascular (such as jogging). Interval training consists in alternating the intervals of the high and average intensity of physical exertion.
      • Interval training are suitable for those who are regularly engaged in physical exercise and has sufficient physical training in order to withstand short-term high loads.
      • Interval training may include many exercises for of cardio-vascular system. For example, on a treadmill, you can sequentially switch from the jogging mode to the sprint mode or run in the mountain, and back.
    3. Rest in the steam room. Many gYM's Offers their visitors a wage or sauna. There you can not only relax and restore the forces after training, but also reset a little weight.

      • When patting you lose weight. It helps faster to lose weight and feel lightness and vigor.
      • Relax in the steam room for 10-20 minutes. A longer stay in the steam room can lead to dehydration of your body.
      • When using the steam, keep care, especially if you strive to lose weight. It is not recommended to try to lose weight at the expense of the steam, so use it with caution.
      • In addition, excessive sweating can lead to dehydration of the body, which is unsafe. Before visiting the steam wage, not to feel thirst.
    • Purge. Your body burns calories in a dream. You sleep well, you charge the energy, which will facilitate the task.
    • Minor things, such as a ride to work on a bike, walking on the steps and the high motor activity of the house also contribute to the achievement of the goal.
    • If you live with family or cohabitants, ask them to throw harmful food to lockers or at least hide it. Excessive temptations to you at all.
    • Consult the doctor before proceeding with any extreme diet or training modes. The doctor will determine whether it is suitable for you and does not bear the danger to your health.

The simplest way to reset extra kilograms for the lazy, without hurting gastrointestinal. Purchase sour sweet juicy apples and carrots about 4 kg.

Drink 6 glasses (250 ml) of apple-carrot frosha instead of meals in a row. Forget even about loafs, cucumbers and tomatoes. Water drink daily rate - 2 liters, unsweetened green tea. If you feel ailment, nausea or dizziness, add a teaspoon of honey and juice lemon into a glass of water.

No juicer? Not trouble, instead of Fresh, you do a carrot and apple, make mashed potatoes.

Side Effects Diet: liquid chair, Orange / bright yellow urine. Do not be afraid, this is the normal reaction of the body. So that there was no confusion at the desired meeting (you did not suffer to the toilet), on the last day for the night, drink 1 tablet of the opposing drug.

Exit the classic diet, stick it for 2 days:

  • morning: a glass of water with lemon, degreased cottage cheese - 150 g, an egg schiek;
  • day: low-fat chicken broth - 150-200 g, vegetables salad without salt (with greens, herbs). To refill natural yogurt;
  • evening: a glass of kefir.

Result: minus 3-4 kg. With a weight from 65 kg - minus 4-5 kg.

How to lose weight quickly in 3 days at kefir

Attention! Kefir diets are not suitable for girls with increased acidity of gastric juice to avoid exacerbation of gastritis and duodenitis.

Kefir - lifebuoy for lazy with excess weight. Costs: 3 kefir packages 1-1.5 liters.

How to lose weight by 2 kg in 3 days: Drink 200 ml of kefir 5 times with an interval at 3 o'clock. For the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and replenish the energy of 1 tsp. Honey.

The one-time snack is allowed in the morning - 1 apple, carrots, tomato or 150 g of degreased cottage cheese.

After the diet do not try to ride. In addition to returning kilograms, risk riding the stomach.

Lose weight tasty: sparing diet for 4 days

An excellent option for girls with gastritis to lose weight by 3 kg in 4 days without hunger strike.

Fill the refrigerator with products:

  • chicken breast - 400 g;
  • tomatoes, cucumbers - 3-4 pieces;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • fruits (plum, apples, citrus, melon, berries) - 800 g;
  • cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • dried fruits - 200 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • greens.

Menu by Days:

  1. meat for a couple or boiled 400 g, vegetable salad 300 g (refueling: natural yogurt, low-fat sour cream);
  2. fresh fruit 400 g, boiled eggs 2 pcs., low-fat cheese or cottage cheese 50 g;
  3. 300 g of lettuce, 400 ml of chicken broth, 200 g of dried fruit;
  4. cottage cheese 400 g, boiled potatoes, 1 tomato, 400 g of acidic fruit.

The menu is spelled out the number of food for the whole day. Break at 3 receptions at your own request, and do not forget about water - at least 1.5 liters per day. Good start in the morning - green tea with a slice of lemon. The snack in the form of an apple is only in the afternoon, eat it in the evening - Diet Nammark!

Council: Broth with boiled chicken on the first day to drain into the glass and freeze to use on the third day.

Rice, Tomato and Curd: Minus 2 kg for 3 days

Diet without clear restrictions. You define a portion and the number of times, but without fanaticism. An excellent option to lose weight in 3 days to a child and an adult.

Menu by day

  • First day: boiled rice + tomato juice. Without salt and oil. So that Rice was not nasty, add a mixture of spicy herbs or pepper. For children a bit of paint tomato Juice.
  • Second day: cottage cheese + kefir. Hungry? Drink a glass of low-fat kefir or taking a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese.
  • Third day: tea. For lunch and dinner, you are taking a boiled chicken (200 g), the rest is only green tea without sweeteners.

At the limit possible: minus 10 kg for 3 days

What do you think it is possible to lose weight in 3 days by 10 kg? Some argue that dry diet removes fat and cellulite in huge quantities even in two days. Alas, it is impossible. But from the belly "Rescue circle" girls with weight from 70 kg for 3 days is still real. Girls with weight up to 55 kg will lose from 3 to 5 kg.

Menu on day

  • In the morning, drink water with lemon and spoonful of honey.
  • At the afternoon snatch, drink a glass of skim kefir with 2 tsp. fiber.
  • On lunch to eat banana or Greek yogurt with a handful of blueberries. After 30 minutes, proceed to training. After exercises no later than 20 minutes, eat proteins from one egg and 100 grams of cottage cheese.
  • In the evening green tea.

Drink 2 liters of fresh water per day.

Training for 3 days:

  1. Press: 25 times 3 approaches 3 times a day (225 times). 15 push ups 3 approaches (45 times).
  2. Jumps on the rope 50 times 3 approaches (150 times). Squats 25 times 3 approaches (75 times).
  3. Jumping on the place with mums of hands 50-100 times 3 approaches. Press as on the first day.

Training process with a sharp decrease in calorie burns a huge amount of fats. However, not every organism withstands such a load. If you feel strong weakness and dizziness on the second day, stop the training. Health - First of all!

Judging by the reviews, Lose weight for 3 days without a diet can also be. However, the weight will decrease by 2-3 kg. To the exercises, add Hula-HUP 20 minutes or more.

Girls, say exactly how much you can lose weight in 3 days, it is very difficult. Depends on the initial mass, the constitution of the body and lifestyle. The guaranteed result with a weight of 55 kg is 2-5 kg. To save the proportions, do fitness and keep the right nutrition.

Let's start with the most important thing: no, we do not offer you unloading days, we do not advise you to switch to bread and water, we are against laxative and diuretic drinks and tablets. Everything that will be needed to be in two days to look flawlessly in a fitting dress, while having a healthier skin, good mood and well-being - this is a "liquid diet", one of the devotees of which is Gwyneth Paltrow.

In the past, such diet were denied by specialists, as in fact it was proposed to replace the full nutrition with liquid cocktails with a dubious composition. But today, nutritionists on both sides of the Atlantic are reworked in one voice: if you need to lose weight quickly and safely - go to soups and smoothies.

If you read in English, we advise you to read the book of the Soup Cleanse (cleansing with soups), where the Nergela Blighttis nutritionists and Virus Vella explain in detail their theory, lead a huge list of recipes and give recommendations for their combinations.

How to lose weight in 2 days? General principles Such: it is necessary to eat liquid food and at certain hours so that trace elements and nutrients entering the body are better absorbed, because at different times we have different glands, different hormones are produced, and activity changes.
We are not talking about any liquid soup or watery consome. No, you need to eat fruit smoothies, satisfying vegetables soups with seasonings from exotic spices. You can eat even chocolate pudding soup!


"Soups and cocktails are easily absorbed, which means that your body can focus on more important tasks, it is better to restore, establish the work of the immune system, reduce inflammatory processes, faster and more efficient to deliver the necessary substances to where the need for them is particularly strong. Natural cleansing and detoxification will help all organs to get rid of internal and external toxins. Balanced soups and smoothies contain all the necessary vitamins, fiber, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, so no harm cannot be applied the body with a short-term fluid diet, "explains Angela blottis.

So, to business.

During a diet for two days during the day you will be 6 times, every time - a strictly defined soup or smoothie.

Prepare broths according to the following recipe: chicken, beef or calf bones with meat, known to us as a "soup", pouring water, boil, the layers all this water, again bore water. Put on a bulb, a couple of carrots, some celery, any spices to taste. Take to a boil and leave languishing on slow fire for 4-5 hours. Meat cut and put in broth. Remove the finished broth in the refrigerator, wait until the fat will find it on its surface, take it into crust and ejection.

Strictly prohibited: sugar, flour, alcohol, caffeine and semi-finished products.

Liquid diet: Menu

1. Immediately after waking up

Drink 450 ml of water into which half of the lemon is squeezed. (Not a volley, but do not stretch the drink more than 30 minutes)

2. Breakfast

Milk smoothie from low-fat milk and berries, fresh or frozen, will provide you with energy, vitamins and proteins, but does not overload the digestive system, which will significantly increase your performance. Just super, if you can use coconut or almond milk for a cocktail!

3. Second breakfast and lunch

Both times it will be soup based on a cooked meat broth, in which it is necessary to add a teaspoon of olive oil.

In addition, you can put in the soup and at will - any mushrooms and vegetables, except potatoes.

Garlic, Green Peas, Podkock Beans, Asparagus, Spinach, Champignons, Cabbage, Sweet Pepper, Chile Pepper, Corn - All you love!

Once a day in the soup, you can put a gluten-free noodle, a movie and chopped fried chicken breast.

4. afternoon book

A cold cocktail from grapes without bones, cucumber, coconut milk and lemon (mix in a blender) will help you not to suffer hunger to dinner.

5. Dinner

Soup based on our broth, but this time - with potatoes or lentils as an additional ingredient.

In addition, you can eat in unlimited quantities: eggplants, zucchini, cauliflower (not raw), asparagus, grapefruits, kiwi, onions, garlic.

But where is the chocolate soup?

The diet allows you to panic this dessert once a day, but: strictly between meals, and not as an addition to them, and no later than an hour before the next meal.

Located 80 grams of dark chocolate.

Running 500 ml of milk.

Put a teaspoon of honey.

Mix thoroughly and flowing the handful of fried with a hammer almond salt.

Divided the soup into two equal portions: the amount of quantity is just enough for 2 days.

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