Morning jog how long you need to run. How to start jogging in the morning? Simple tips for beginners from practice. A great way to change your life

Proper nutrition and exercise is the simplest formula for maintaining a slim figure. In a variety of diets, you can always find a menu that does not hit the budget. But going to the gym is more difficult: subscriptions to fitness clubs are not cheap. But there is a great alternative to simulators and a personal weight loss trainer! This is an outdoor jogging in the morning. There is zero cash investment, and the result is simply priceless.

Health Benefits of Jogging in the Morning

The main goal of morning jogging is to activate metabolic processes and start up all types of muscles. After all, after sleep, the body is in a relaxed state, and we need to tune it for a productive working day. Also jogging:

  • saturates blood vessels with oxygen,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • charges with vivacity, energy and good mood.

Slimming efficiency

Morning jogging is extremely effective for weight loss. On average, you can lose 1-3 kg per week. You will see a noticeable result within a month after the start of running training. Naturally, it is recommended to completely abandon flour and fatty foods, alcohol and cigarettes.

Why ? Jogging for an hour burns about 360 calories. For comparison: working at a computer - only 100 kcal, and a leisurely walk - 200 kcal. "Energy leaks" occur due to the acceleration of metabolic processes. When running, the body uses all muscle groups, organs work more intensively, and, accordingly, calories are spent more efficiently. In addition, the first peak of human biological activity occurs between 5 and 7 in the morning. According to physiologists, it is at this time that physical activity is tolerated more easily.

How to run properly in the morning

If you are determined to run, then keep in mind that the run should last at least an hour. Because the body begins to burn fat cells only after half an hour of such loads. Therefore, the novice runner needs to choose a special training regime in order to maintain the distance with honor.

  1. You will achieve the desired result faster if you choose an uneven surface for your runs. A great option is stadium steps or an area with frequent descents and ascents. When running up, the heart "speeds up" metabolic processes, and body fat are slowly "dumped". And when running down, the intensity of the load decreases, and the body rests a little.
  2. Experienced trainers recommend starting classes with the so-called interval jogging, when the intensity of the load alternates evenly. The first 10 minutes is brisk walking, the next 15 minutes is running at an average pace. After that, go to the maximum pace. When you start to get tired, and breathing becomes difficult, smoothly return to an average pace. For one approach (per hour), it is desirable to do 2-3 approaches with accelerations.
  3. Do not squeeze the last juices out of yourself. Can't last an hour, shorten your jogging time. Listen to your overall health. Gradually, endurance will come. The adaptation period is purely individual. If you have never been actively involved in sports, please be patient.
  4. The best places for morning jogging are stadiums, fields, forests, parks, squares. In general, all paths away from noisy highways.
  5. Try not to eat anything in the morning. Sip a glass of water or bioyogurt and go for a run. And after that, refresh yourself with a hearty and healthy breakfast.
  6. The key to a successful jog is proper breathing. Inhaling and exhaling should be rhythmic. Breathe through your nose. This will allow you to run more kilometers.
  7. Remember, you will be putting stress on your heart. Therefore, before starting training, consult with your doctor, undergo a cardiogram and take the necessary tests.

Weight Loss Morning Jogging Program

To make it easier for you to plan your run, we suggest "peek" into the standard workout plan for beginners. Distances are indicated in both meters and minutes. Choose the value from which you will build (but not both at once!). The table also shows the heart rate, but if you do not have smart watch or a fitness bracelet, use the prompts. This running pattern is for 4 km.

Table: morning run plan for beginners

Stage No. Acceleration Relaxation Note
1. Warm-up - 800 m or 10 minutesRun barely, leg by leg, shaking your hands, warming up your legs. Pulse - 100-110 beats per minute.
1.1 (optional) Light stretching, squats, swings.
2. 200 m or 1 minute
3. 400 m or 3 minutes
4. 200 m or 1 minute The pulse is 130-150. Or count at the beginning of the and-one-and-two-and-three phase.
5. 400 m or 3 minutesThe pulse is 100-120. Or, at the beginning of the i-one-and-two-and-three step, count to ten.
6. 400 m or 2 minutes The pulse is 130-150. Or count at the beginning of the and-one-and-two-and-three phase.
7. 400 m or 3 minutesThe pulse is 100-120. Or, at the beginning of the i-one-and-two-and-three step, count to ten.
8. 200 m or 1 minute The pulse is 130-150. Or count at the beginning of the and-one-and-two-and-three phase.

Video: interval running rules for weight loss


There are a lot of contraindications for jogging. After all, this is a serious load on the body. You need to give up morning jogging when:

  • diseases of cardio-vascular system(heart disease, steno- or tachycardia, chronic heart failure, heart attack or stroke);
  • diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, some forms of scoliosis);
  • exacerbated chronic diseases;
  • problems with the pulmonary system (bronchitis, asthma);
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • flat feet;
  • glaucoma.

A healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. People visit the pools GYM's... However, many people still ignore the most accessible form of fitness - regular running. It's hard to overestimate its benefits, but it's also hard to force yourself to run. To make it easier, we will tell you what the benefits of running are, how to run correctly in the morning and how to lose those extra pounds with it.

Why running is useful

Running, like any physical activity, accelerates metabolic processes. Because of this, food is absorbed better, a person is more energized, and excess calories are not stored as fat. After two to three weeks of regular jogging, you will notice that the muscles have become denser and the overall tone of the body has improved.

There is no more affordable way to lose weight than running. For half an hour of continuous exercise, about 300 kilocalories are burned. With the right approach, it is quite possible to lose 1-2 kilograms per week.

For one or two years of regular running, you can perfectly train your cardiovascular system. By pumping a large amount of blood and an intense pulse, the elasticity and volume of the heart increase, and the throughput of the vessels also increases. Thus, in one beat, the heart will pump more blood, the number of contractions will decrease, which means that the wear of the main muscle of the body will decrease.

Running improves your mood. Of course, when you are going for a run, you cannot say this, but when you step on the track, you realize that everything changes from that moment on. During physical stress, the hormones of happiness - endorphins - are released. A person experiences the same state when he eats chocolate, however, unfortunately, he only adds kilograms.

Jogging alone in the fresh air is a great way to immerse yourself, meditate, and get rid of negative thoughts. Anxiety and irritation disappear while running.

Regular jogging strengthens willpower, because not everyone is able to exchange a warm bed for several laps around the stadium. Such people are tenacious and know what they want to achieve not only from jogging. It is easier for them to prioritize, solve everyday tasks, set goals and achieve them.

Being classic aerobic exercise, running increases endurance. If in the first weeks a person gets tired after 5-10 minutes, then after two or three months half an hour of the load will seem like a warm-up. This has a positive effect on performance in everyday life.

How to start jogging in the morning

When is the best time to run? In the morning, as this will help you tune in for a productive day and recharge your batteries. At this time in summer it is not so hot, there are fewer people on the paths, and the air is not yet smoggy with exhaust.

What is the best time to run? Between 6 and 8 a.m. blood glucose levels are at their lowest, so the body will have to burn fat for energy.

Running rules for beginners:

  1. Let yourself wake up. Take your morning routine and exit after 30 minutes.
  2. Drink a glass of water before heading out to thin the blood a little. This will reduce the stress on the heart. If losing weight is not your goal, you can eat a light breakfast with coffee or sweet tea.
  3. Going out for a run, be sure to knead your joints, do a little stretch. Pay special attention to the ankle, knee, hip joints as well as the muscles of the thigh and back.
  4. Start your run with a brisk stride, then speed up and go jogging.
  5. Keep a comfortable speed. At first, the main thing is to prepare the body for stress. Over time, the speed will increase, but you should not force this moment.
  6. Alternate running with brisk strides: 1 lap of running - 1-2 laps of stride. Then reduce the number of "easy" laps and increase the duration of the run.

Overweight people, depending on the severity of the problem, should start with a quick step or long walks. Also, before starting to run, you should consult a doctor, check the condition of the heart and joints.

Running gear

Choose clothes that are comfortable and free of movement. For the warm period, this is a T-shirt, shorts; in the cool season - pants, a jacket with long sleeves and a windbreaker.

Run in special running shoes as they reduce stress on your legs and spine. This is especially true if you are running on concrete. For dirt roads, regular running shoes are fine.

Who is not allowed to run?

Jogging is contraindicated for people with diseases of the heart, joints and spine, with insufficient blood circulation, hernias and mitral stenosis. Running is dangerous for those who suffer from thrombophlebitis. In addition, it is necessary to refrain from exertion during acute respiratory infections and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

How to run in the morning to lose weight

All of the above is true for fat burning runs. However, there are nuances that help to get rid of extra pounds more effectively. So, how to run to lose weight:

  1. First of all, no food before jogging. Even sweet tea or juice will reduce the effectiveness of weight loss by at least 50%. While running, calories from food will be burned, and fat will remain in place.
  2. If you want to lose weight, you should run at least 5-20 minutes. During this period, fats disappear more intensively. The longer you run, the more fat you burn.
  3. Fat burning will stop if you do not provide the body with oxygen, so run at a moderate speed. If you started to choke - slow down and restore your breathing.

Running technique

Try to keep your posture, do not slouch or tilt your body back. Keep your head straight, do not strain your neck and shoulders. It is equally important to evenly distribute the weight during the run, the whole foot should touch the ground. There are also techniques: foot heel and heel ‒ foot. When running, the inner surfaces of the feet should be in line to avoid swaying the torso.

In order not to fizzle out ahead of time, watch your breathing. It should be uniform, without delay. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

How to end a run

Don't stop right away, take a quick step first, then slow down. In parallel, do exercises to restore breathing; raise your arms while taking a deep breath, and as you exhale, lower it sharply. Next, do a static muscle stretch, lingering on each group for 30-40 seconds.

Take a contrast shower when you get home. It will improve blood circulation, relieve muscle soreness and speed up the recovery process. Eat breakfast half an hour to an hour after your run.

A little about nutrition

No matter how many people run, it will not be possible to lose weight without proper nutrition. The basis of the diet should be protein foods and vegetables. It is better to take carbohydrates in the morning, and completely eliminate them from your diet in the evening. Eat sugar and fats with great care. Fried and sugary foods should be taboo for those who want to burn fat.

“Life requires movement,” said Aristotle. However, in modern world there are big problems with activity. Running is perhaps the only way to diversify your sedentary lifestyle.

Can I run every day? Yes, if you do not overload the body and give it time to recover. Everything needs to be approached wisely, and jogging is no exception. Exercise regularly, and the result will not be long in coming. Do you like to run?

With the onset of warm days, more and more people can be seen running or exercising in stadiums and parks in the morning. For some, this is a lifestyle - the golden rule of the beginning have a good day... But have you ever wondered what benefits jogging in the morning can bring?

Many people strive for a perfect figure and appearance. This is especially true now, in the period before the summer season. And this is not surprising, because very soon you will have to take off excess clothes and present your body to others.

In order to bring the body into the desired shape, there are many different ways. But, perhaps, the two most important components: proper nutrition and physical activity. One of the simplest and most affordable methods is jogging in the morning.

Nature awakens in the morning. Our body, fully rested, is ready to accept new loads. Clean air, breathed in deeply, speeds up the metabolism in cells. Of course, engaging in any kind of sport has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, general condition body and, naturally, muscles. But do not bring the pursuit of perfection to fanaticism.

Jogging in the morning can be beneficial and enjoyable only if you stick to some rules.

Morning run for the first time

Start on weekends or holidays. Plan your first run on any free weekend. Wake up not early, but how it will turn out and immediately, having a snack with a glass of kefir or fruit, go for a run. Some are not used to eating in the morning, and the food they have taken can be a heavy burden, in which case you can drink a glass of water with lemon and a teaspoon of sugar.

It is not necessary to run, you can just quickly go through the planned route for a start. At the same time, you need to dress as you will dress for regular jogging. Back home, see how long it took for everything, including getting dressed and showering. The next day, getting up and jogging in the morning won't seem so awful. By planning your time, you prepare yourself mentally. If at first it will be difficult to run, just decide for yourself how many circles will start and go through them using the technique of deep breathing. The oxygenated body accelerates metabolic processes, and weight loss will begin unnoticed for you. Do not change the intensity of the load and its duration for several days, and then add one additional circle every week.

Do morning runs match biological rhythms

Determine if jogging in the morning is right for you, maybe your biological rhythm requires an evening workout? If you get up at the scheduled time you feel a complete feeling of being overwhelmed, it makes sense to revise your training schedule. Perhaps the evening time will be more fruitful and useful for you. Doing a jog through strength, you will not achieve much result, and as a result, training will come to naught. You will justify yourself by the fact that you do not feel a surge of strength, and excess weight does not go anywhere.

Are we going straight out of bed?

Jogging in the morning just out of bed is not worth it. At this time, the body is still sleepy and completely unprepared for any physical activity, and this kind of exercise will harm your body. The most optimal time for jogging is 30-40 minutes after waking up. Try to plan your morning so that your body has time to wake up and you can run without harming it. Leave some time to clean up after running. You may have to reconsider your daily routine, go to bed earlier in order to have time to properly rest during the night.

Jogging in the morning - before meals or after?

Don't run on an empty stomach, but don't overeat either. Before jogging, be sure to eat something light or drink a glass of sweet tea, otherwise after a night of hunger strike, when the glucose level is low, you may not have enough energy to run, you will be dizzy or other troubles will happen. Naturally, in this situation, there is no need to talk about the pleasure and benefits of running.

Do not think that jogging is a small load, every extra piece you eat will be remembered in the stadium. On the other hand, an empty stomach is also not the best way... Over time, you yourself will understand what foods you should eat before training. If you are not at all used to having breakfast, you need to accustom yourself gradually. For starters, you can limit yourself to a glass of liquid. This stimulates the awakening of the body. Most likely, after 10-20 minutes you will want to have a snack.

Don't eat right after your morning run either. You have to wait at least 30 minutes. Eating too much is also not worth it, it is better to divide the food into several meals. If you are going to work, then prepare in advance something that will be convenient to eat in the office. Healthy vegetable salads are perfect for the spring-summer season. Do not forget that your diet should be balanced, so make sure that your diet contains both proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Anyone who has worked with a trainer knows that frequent meals are best proven. small portions... This principle should be adopted and adhered to such a meal schedule on those days when there is no jogging. Over time, saturation will occur much faster than before.

Do I need a warm-up

Warm up before starting your run in the morning. This will not only warm up the muscles, but also invigorate the body, bring it into the desired mood. The body will begin to get used to the stress and perceive it as normal. Your muscles will ache at first after running, but use a bathtub to relieve pain. warm water... With massage movements of the sponge, it is necessary to disperse the stagnant lactic acid. To avoid painful sensations, it is very important to "warm up" before jogging. Do not neglect warm-up and stretching, so the body will be ready for the upcoming load. During running, almost all muscles are involved: legs, abdominal cavity, back, feet, neck, arms. The entire shape is adjusted.

How often should you run in the morning, the duration of the morning run

Morning jogging should not exceed 20-30 minutes, you need to run 3-4 times a week. To maintain a good morning jogging habit, you should choose and have a clear schedule - run 2 hours a week, dividing this time into 3-4 days (i.e. 4 days for 30 minutes or 3 days for 40 minutes).

Clothes for jogging in the morning

Particular attention should be paid to equipment when running in the morning.

  • If you run in the spring, then you should not trust the bright morning sun, while it shines more than warms. At this time of year, the sun's heat is still not very noticeable, so a T-shirt or T-shirt will not be enough, put on a windbreaker.
  • In the summer, a suit of sweatpants and a light T-shirt would be an ideal option. In any case, the material should easily absorb moisture and be pleasant to the body.
  • Shoes for morning jogging should be comfortable. When choosing a running shoe, go for a shoe designed specifically for outdoor running.
  • They should have a special sole that provides good cushioning, thereby reducing the stress on your feet, especially your knees and feet.

If possible, run on unpaved paths rather than paved paths and where there is fresh air.

Benefits of daily jogging

If you run in the morning every day, after a week you will notice:

  • disappearance of pain in the back and head;
  • reduction of body fat;
  • elimination of toxins and toxins;

  • improving mood and well-being;
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • normalization of the work of internal organs.

Moderate intensity during daily jogging is beneficial.


At the same time, there are contraindications for morning jogging:

  • asthma or bronchitis;
  • heart failure, tachycardia, hypertension and crisis, angina pectoris, aortic aneurysm;
  • severe varicose veins;
  • education of a different nature;
  • pathology of cerebral circulation.

Before starting a workout, you should seek medical advice. Only doctors can determine if running in the morning is allowed.

And to make jogging in the morning more lively and fun, take your player and a smile with you.

In the mornings, there is an ambiguous opinion, although doctors and trainers say that such an activity will not only be a great way to keep yourself in great shape, but will also help you to cheer up much better than even a mug of strong brewed coffee or tea.

The benefits of such an activity as jogging in the morning are obvious, the main thing is that during classes there is a great mood and a positive attitude. If your workout isn't enjoyable, it's best to finish early.

Jogging is useful for the body, and not only in the morning. There is a strengthening of blood vessels, the heart pumps more blood than at rest, the metabolism improves.

Besides Have a good mood There are a number of other benefits of jogging in the morning:

  1. The air is much cleaner and fresher;
  2. Thanks to the morning jog, the body is provided with a charge of vigor for the whole day;
  3. The metabolism starts more correctly and fully than, for example, when doing exercises at home;
  4. There are much less traffic and bystanders on the streets;
  5. Losing weight with regular morning jogging will go faster. For women, this is a very convenient option if there is no way to spend hours in the halls;
  6. For those men who work out in the gym, the chances of finding a free treadmill are increased.

The benefits of sparing early jogging are especially obvious for patients with the spine, since the muscles work better in the morning, not as tense as after a working day. But in any case, in case of problems with the musculoskeletal system, jogging should be done in consultation with the doctor. His opinion should be the basis for studies.

How to prepare

To get the most out of your jogging, you need to carefully approach this procedure. An important point is the correct equipment. Jogging clothes will depend entirely on the season in which they are performed.

For exercising in the warm season, a simple outfit is suitable: shorts and a T-shirt. For shoes, you can stop at sneakers or moccasins. If it's cool in the morning, you can take a light windbreaker.

In colder months, you should take care of a headdress and gloves. Jogging in winter and autumn is carried out in insulated clothes and shoes.

How to train properly

Those who decide to start jogging in the morning should understand that running a lot and excessively does not mean that there will be excellent results.

The best option for morning jogging is jogging, which is perfect for all ages. This type of exercise will invigorate the body, have a positive effect on the work of the brain, strengthen muscles, and help cope with depression.

To get the most out of your morning runs, follow these simple rules:

  1. The optimal time for such activities is from 6.30 am to 7.30 am.
  2. Jogging is performed exclusively on an empty stomach.
  3. Before going outside, experts advise taking a contrast shower, doing a small gymnastic warm-up, and drinking a glass of warm water.
  4. You should take a small bottle of water with you to quench your thirst.
  5. It is best to start classes with light loads and run for no more than 20 minutes. Gradually, the time allotted for running should increase.
  6. If extreme weather conditions are observed outside (extreme heat or cold), it is better to postpone classes, and if necessary, abandon them altogether on that day.

Note!If the goal of running is to lose weight, then you can speed up the process by choosing an uneven terrain for training. When lifting the top, the load increases, metabolic processes work faster, fats begin to be burned more actively.

It is important to regulate the intensity of the load during the lesson: first it is recommended to walk, then switch to an average pace of running, for five minutes (no more) run on maximum speed, then gradually slow down the pace of the lesson again and finish with a brisk step.

Experts say that it is enough for a person to run 3-4 times a week. But if there is a desire and physical fitness allows, then morning jogging can be arranged daily.

Why running in the morning can be harmful

A properly organized run will not harm the body. But still the question, is it harmful to run often in the morning, is in the air. In most cases, excessive loads on the body are harmful. If you run faster than 11 km / h, then there is a high probability of getting a heart attack over time. The best option classes are no more than 50 minutes and jogging.

There is also a list of diseases that are contraindications to morning jogging:

  • endocrine system disorders;
  • problems with the genitourinary system;
  • pulmonary insufficiency;
  • pathologies and diseases associated with the spine. The load on the diseased spine must be correctly distributed, and this can only be done by a doctor;
  • heart defects;
  • glaucoma;
  • some types of diabetes mellitus;
  • problems with pressure of any kind;
  • intraocular pressure;
  • catarrhal diseases.

It is also worth postponing the morning run during the period of postoperative recovery of the body and during an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If you still really want to run, then you can always replace active training with a walk with a measured step or walking with sticks in those places where you had a run earlier.

Morning jogging as exercise is what unites many successful people in different fields around the world. It is with jogging in the morning that the bestsellers for personal growth and efficiency recommend starting your day.

Exercising while running is called the most popular type of recreational activity. Just follow these hashtags on social networks: #morningrun, #earlyrunners, #earlybirdsrun, #sunriserun - and you will see how many wonderful emotions people get by 7-8 in the morning, even before the start of their day.

Not all of them are "larks", professional athletes, passionate about fitness and diets to the bone, dreaming of personal records and victories. Of course, there are also famous ultra-runners among them who get out of bed at 3:30 in the morning to have time to run their next marathon by 8 o'clock, such as. But mostly morning exercises are 30-40 minutes of light jogging along quiet streets and parks, while everyone else in the neighborhood is still asleep.

Launching your day, tune in to the right wave, moving around in the office before the day, meditating on the run, spending time for yourself, doing the first significant thing and raising their self-esteem are the most common motives for which people set their alarm clocks early and go jogging.

Benefits of a morning run

Stretching after a morning run

An approximate list of exercises can be as follows (each is performed for 20-30 seconds):

  • rotation of the head, in the shoulder girdle, pelvis;
  • tilt to the legs from a standing or sitting position (watch your back straight);
  • hanging on the bar;
  • "Boat";
  • "pigeon";
  • Downward-facing dog;
  • "butterfly".

Do i need breakfast before jogging in the morning?

But what about breakfast? When is breakfast? There is no single right solution here, try what works best for you: a light breakfast with a cup of coffee before your run, or jogging on an empty stomach and a balanced breakfast as a reward afterward.

Light breakfast before jogging and recovery drink after


  • 1 energy bar or 1 energy waffle or 1 small grain bun or 2 oatmeal cookies
  • a small mug of coffee / tea or some sports energy drink.


  • recovery drink "recovery";
  • protein bar.

In the lines of such leaders sports nutrition like SIS, GU, Bite, Isostar and others, you will find many types of products and flavors.

If you are not a supporter of sports nutrition, then after running it can be:

  • omelette;
  • yogurt;
  • fruit.

Breakfast after morning run

  • oatmeal or cereal toast / bread;
  • boiled egg, poached egg;
  • light types of cheese;
  • a small vegetable salad or casserole;
  • dried fruits and honey in small quantities;
  • juice / tea / coffee.

And also sports nutrition options: recovery drinks or protein bars. Here are a few more options.

Whatever you choose, it's important to prepare everything for breakfast in advance, and not to frantically decide in the morning what to intercept! And, of course, breakfast should have something that will be both “for running” and delighting you: a piece of dark chocolate, a little marshmallow or halva, or maybe a large and ripe fruit or a plate of juicy berries? - you definitely deserve it. Prepare this for yourself in the evening so that instead of a useful reward, fast food and cakes from the nearest bakery do not go.

Keeping a daily workout diary or joining the “no day without jogging” challenge helps a lot in striving to recharge your daily routines. You can print a checklist and mark your jogging days in it, or start posting photos of your morning runs on social media as reports - all methods are good and have worked well.

By the way, a lot of famous runners started their way precisely with early morning jogging and thanks to them they discovered in themselves a love for long runs and endurance competitions. Let's try?

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