How to ferment grape leaves for the winter. Salted grape leaves. Unusual option with tomato juice

Pickled grape leaves for dolma for the winter are usually used in national cuisines East, for example in Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria. The leaves have different shades: bright green, sunny golden and bronze. It depends on the variety, but does not affect the usefulness of the plant in any way. IN folk medicine grape leaves do not take the last place and for a reason. What are the benefits of grape leaves? Just thirty grams of these leaves will provide your body with a daily requirement of vitamin A and other nutrients.

For our readers, we have specially prepared other interesting recipes blanks, such as:, and.

Pickled grape leaves have a unique tart taste that will be an excellent addition to any meat dish and salad. When preparing the curl, you can use any grape variety, but not wild breeds, since they have an unpleasant aftertaste and a rough, tough consistency.

List of products required in the preparation of preservation:

  • one hundred and twenty leaves of grapes;
  • one hundred 160 ml. 9% fruit vinegar;
  • seven grams of coarse salt;
  • five carnation buds;
  • thirty grams of fresh dill;
  • six grams of sugar.

How to pickle grape leaves for the winter:

  1. Wash the grape leaves cold water, and sterilize all the necessary containers in a way that will be most acceptable for you (over steam, boiling water). Cut them into thin strips and arrange them in the jars.
  2. Pour drinking water in any dish, place on fire. Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer for twelve minutes. Pour the resulting marinade into the curls, then cover the infusion neck with something.
  3. At this time, prepare everything for sterilizing the workpiece. Spread a small white towel in a deep container at the bottom, then pour warm water, but by no means cold, otherwise due to big difference the temperature of the water in the dishes and in the jar, the latter will burst. We put all this on the stove, place it inside the container with cakes and sterilize for eleven minutes on minimal heat.
  4. With the help of a towel or potholders, we take them out and seal them with lids. After that, cover with a warm blanket, put it upside down in advance and leave them for twelve hours.
  5. We put the carefully cooled twists in a place with temperature data below zero and humidity (balcony, cellar, refrigerator) before use.

How to pickle grape leaves for dolma

Dolma is a fragrant, appetizing dish, somewhat reminiscent of stuffed cabbage, but in which grape leaves are used instead of cabbage leaves. If you know how to make dolma from pickled grape leaves, then you should take into account that you can use fresh ones in the process, but pickled ones are preferable. This will not only shorten the cooking time of dolma in the future, but also give it spicy flavors. The recipe for pickling grape leaves for dolma is very simple and will not take much of your time.

What is needed for this conservation:

  • seventy leaves of grapes;
  • seven grams of pepper;
  • seven hundred milliliters of water;
  • twelve grams of cloves;
  • four bay leaves;
  • eleven grams of sugar;
  • thirty milliliters 9% fruit vinegar;
  • six grams of table salt.

Pickled grape leaves for dolma recipe:

  1. We wash the leaves of the grapes, roll them up in five pieces and put them vertically in sterile jars.
  2. Add filtered water and the remaining food to a deep iron dish. We boil this composition for a quarter of an hour over a fire, pour the contents into a container and seal it with sterile lids.
  3. We wrap the twists in a dense heat-retaining fabric, insist all day, and then put them away where you usually store your workpieces.

Marinate grape leaves with cucumbers

If you often cook curls from cucumbers and they all do not differ in a special variety, then you will like this recipe. Juicy cucumbers and aromatic grape leaves make a wonderful bright green snack. They will last for a long time with their natural flavors, vibrant color palettes and fresh spicy scents.

Canning products:

  • two hundred seventy grams of cucumbers;
  • seventy leaves of grapes;
  • two umbrellas of dill;
  • six currant leaves;
  • four black peppercorns;
  • four peas of allspice;
  • five cloves of garlic.

To fill:

  • four grams of table salt;
  • seventy milliliters of 9% wine vinegar;
  • eleven grams of sugar.

Pickled grape leaves recipe:

  1. Everything necessary products rinse with water. Wrap cucumbers in leaves. We put all the ingredients evenly in disinfected jars.
  2. For pouring, you need to pour water, apple cider vinegar into the dishes, salt, add sugar and hold for seventeen minutes on the fire, and pour the contents of the dishes into the blanks.
  3. Sterilize the curled cans as described in the first two recipes. We seal the jars and wrap them in towels, insist for a day. Then place the cooled containers with snacks in a suitable place (cold and dry).

Canned grape leaves with tomatoes

The grape leaves in this winter spin recipe give the tomatoes a unique spicy scent and tart flavor. Such an appetizer will perfectly harmonize with any meat, fish and vegetable dishes, adding a refreshingly sweet taste to it. In addition, the preparation contains a large amount of vitamins that protect the body from autumn beriberi (a disease accompanied by corresponding symptoms due to a lack of essential substances for the body).

Ingredients that will be needed in the preparation of the winter spin:

  • three hundred grams of tomatoes;
  • 130 grams of grape leaves;
  • three umbrellas of dill;
  • two leaves of horseradish;
  • four bay leaves;
  • six cloves of garlic;
  • four grams of red hot pepper.

To prepare the fill:

  • two liters of distilled water;
  • 90 milliliters of fruit vinegar;
  • one hundred thirty grams of sugar;
  • thirty-five grams of coarse salt.

How to prepare this grape leaf preservation:

  1. We wash all dirty products under water. Cut the greens into strips. We put exactly all the products from the list in sterilized jars.
  2. For the marinade, pour water, fruit vinegar into an iron (or glass) dish, add salt, add sugar and keep on fire for fourteen minutes, and pour the composition of the dish into twists.
  3. Sterilize the curls using the method described in the first or second recipe. We roll up the cans and wrap them in a blanket, cool the day. After that, remove the present containers with snacks in a dry and cold room for further storage.

Pickled grape leaves with lemon

In addition to the unique taste, grape leaves are extremely beneficial for the body. They contribute to the normalization of work gastrointestinal tract, have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, and also strengthen the body as a whole. And do not forget about the ability of this plant to treat respiratory diseases. With the use of lemon, this blank recipe will help you not only in the prevention of viral diseases, but also with treatment.

Products that are useful for cooking this salting:

  • four hundred and twenty grams of grape leaves;
  • one lemon;
  • thirty grams of sugar;
  • fourteen grams of sea salt;
  • five hundred ml. drinking filtered water;
  • twenty-five grams of citric acid.

How this canning is prepared:

  1. We wash the necessary ingredients with cold water. We do not clean the lemon zest, but only grind it with a special file, and then cut it into slices five millimeters thick. We put the leaves of the grapes into tubes, four pieces in each.
  2. We place leaves in a container for blanks vertically, put lemon slices between them, salt, add sugar, citric acid and pour boiling water.
  3. Disinfect the curls as in the first recipe. Twist and wrap in warm cloth, before placing upside down.
  4. Fifteen hours later, place the fully cooked winter snack in storage until winter.

Grape leaf twist with garlic and basil

According to this recipe, grape leaves can be substituted for cabbage in stuffed cabbage. This will significantly affect the taste of stuffed cabbage, but they will still turn out to be very tasty, and also many times healthier. In addition to adding these pickled leaves to various dishes, they can be eaten alone as a snack. In this case, you will significantly restore the vitamin and mineral balance in the body in a short period of time.

Ingredients required for a half liter jar of this winter harvest:

  • sixty grams of parsley;
  • 320 grams of grape leaves;
  • seventy grams of basil;
  • seven cloves of garlic;
  • seventy-five ml. 9% balsamic vinegar;
  • seventy ml. vegetable oil;
  • eleven grams of salt;
  • one hundred seventy grams of pine nuts.

This dish is prepared like this:

  1. We will wash all the necessary ingredients and containers. Cut all the greens into strips, pour boiling water for three minutes and drain.
  2. We put all the products from the list in pre-sterilized containers, pour in boiling water and tighten the lids.
  3. Wrap the twist cans in a heat-shielding cloth for a day, then place them in the storage area.

When preserving grape leaves, you retain most of the nutrients (the rest are evaporated during heat treatment), which gives you the opportunity to use their medicinal and healing properties even in the cold season. The leaves contain: a large amount of plant fibers that have a beneficial effect on digestion; vitamin A, which strengthens the immune system and vision; calcium, which is necessary for nervous, muscle and bone tissues, as well as other beneficial substances. The recipe for pickled grape leaves for dolma will allow you to delight your household with this delicious dish during the cold season.

" Grape

Grape leaves have become a fashionable ingredient in life modern man... They are used in medicine and in cosmetology; they are used for making tonic tea. They are best known as the basis of the national Asian and Caucasian dishes of dolma. So let's get to know them better.

Grape leaves are a natural storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The energy value per 100 g is 93 kcal, the product is high in fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Useful properties and contraindications

Let's talk about useful properties... Since time immemorial, healers have used the natural power of grape greens in the preparation of a healing potion to heal various ailments. They were used as a means:

  • pain reliever;
  • antipyretic;
  • tonic;
  • fortifying;
  • with female diseases;
  • bleeding;
  • upset stomach;
  • attacks of rheumatism.

Fox grape close up for dolma

Modern science confirms the benefits of grape leaves. They act as an antioxidant, enhance immunity and protect the body from aging. Their regular use in the diet:

  • enhances vision;
  • has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair;
  • calms the nerves;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • helps with joint diseases;
  • relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • reduces puffiness and venous insufficiency;
  • stimulates the work of the heart muscle.

However, grape leaves have a number of contraindications. They are not recommended for use when:

  • acute form of gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • obesity;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus.

You should be especially careful with pickled and salted grape leaves, due to the presence of acids and sodium in them, for pregnant and lactating women.

Timeline for collection

The best time to collect greenery is considered to be the period before the vine begins to bloom. Given the factor that the vine grows continuously, then young leaves appear on it until autumn. Practically, it is possible to collect greens during the entire growing season, except for the period of chemical treatment.

Culinary experts advise using the leaves of white grapes to make dolma. They are more tender and tasty than red varieties.

Preparation for pickling grape leaves. The leaves are folded and laid out in banks

Grape leaf tea

Having tasted this aromatic and tonic tea for the first time, you can become its fan forever. It is quite easy to prepare "tea leaves" from grapevine at home. Required:

  1. Collect young leaves and rinse.
  2. Collapse in the form of an envelope.
  3. Dry in a dryer or oven.
  4. Grind by hand
  5. Store in a container in a dry and dark place.

To brew tea you need to take 1 tsp of "grape tea" pour 250 ml of boiling water over it... Insist 10 minutes and strain. You can brew a drink with the addition of green and black tea.

Drinking a pure infusion will help to cope with throat ailments, and they can also wash wounds or ulcers. You can store the tea leaves until the next harvest.

Dried and crushed grape leaves for brewing tea

Harvesting for dolma for the winter

Delicious, fragrant dolma has become a favorite not only in its historical homeland. Increasingly, it can be found on the tables of the inhabitants of Russia. In order to please the family with a culinary masterpiece all year round, you need to know how to prepare grape leaves for future use.


This method of saving is the most convenient. You will need:

  • fold clean leaves (10-15pcs);
  • roll up the stack into a "blank tube";
  • wrap each piece with cling film;
  • put in a container and put in the freezer.

When the time comes to cook the dolma, the workpieces must be thawed, and then scalded with boiling water.

Rolling grape leaves for freezing in the freezer

Pickled pickles in jars

This salting recipe is good because the taste of the product is neutral. This will require: green grapes 1 kg, rock salt 5 tbsp. spoons, 1 l. water.

Salting recipe:

  • prepare sterile jars;
  • pour greens with boiling water for no more than 3 minutes;
  • quickly drain the water through a sieve or colander;
  • cool greens and collect in piles of 10-15 pieces;
  • roll the piles into rolls;
  • put rolls in a jar and sprinkle with salt;
  • pour chilled brine;
  • for fermentation, keep at room temperature for 2 weeks.

For brine, add 1.5 tablespoons of salt to 1 liter of boiling water, mix, bring to a boil and cool. Add brine as needed during fermentation. Cap the jars with lids and store in a dark and cool place.

The shelf life of a closed jar with salting is 1-2 years, the shelf life of the product when opened is 4-5 days.

Salting in barrels

Ideal for salting in barrels for those who have cellars for storing large containers.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the barrel, rinse and scald with boiling water.
  2. Put the greens of the grapes in piles and twist them tightly into the tubes.
  3. Place the workpieces tightly into the barrel.
  4. Pour with brine.
  5. Cover with a clean cloth and a wooden circle.
  6. Install oppression.

Before use, salted leaves must be soaked in water for 30 minutes.

How to pickle

  1. Prepare sterile jars.
  2. Fold clean and dry grape leaves and wrap them in tight rolls (10-15 pieces each).
  3. Place the rolls tightly into the jars "up to the shoulders".
  4. Pour boiling water over for 10 minutes.
  5. Drain the water and repeat the procedure 2 times.
  6. Pour boiling marinade over.
  7. Roll up under the lid.
  8. Store in a cool and dark place.

Marinade: For 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon rock salt, 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 tablespoons vinegar 9%.

Collecting grape leaves for pickling or storing for the winter

Dry preservation

The dry preservation method is popular for its simplicity. In this case, the leaves are not rolled up into rolls, but stacked in layers. Sprinkle salt on each layer. Filled jars with herbs are sterilized in hot oven at a temperature of 90-100C for about 10 minutes. Then the jars are rolled up with lids and stored in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

As you can see, keeping a grape leaf for the winter is easy. Having made the necessary preparations, even in the January frost, it will be possible to enjoy hot and fragrant dolma without any problems. Eat with pleasure and have a particle of grapevine and summer sun next to you.

Dolma, or cabbage rolls in grape leaves, is one of the most popular dishes in Moldovan cuisine. The secrets of winter storage of cabbage for ordinary cabbage rolls have long been known to everyone, but few think about what can be prepared for future use and grape leaves.
Greens of any grape are suitable for pickling, but the most delicious cabbage rolls are obtained from the leaves of white varieties, which have a minimum number of veins and are pleasantly soft. Grape leaves for pickling are harvested in late spring. If you did not manage to collect the necessary components on time, you should not be upset, the only condition is the correct size, youth and no damage.


For a 0.5 liter can:

  • Grape leaves- 60 pieces;
  • Salt- 3 tbsp;
  • How to prepare grape leaves for the winter for dolma

    1 ... Before salting, the grape leaves are placed in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, after which they are washed under a stream of cold tap water, getting rid of those damaged by the disease and punctured. The washed greens are separated from the stems and examined again, this time removing the grape leaves with tough, dense veins.

    Salting. The finished components are stacked one by one, transferred to a deep saucepan or bowl, and poured with cold water.

    ... Pour 1.5 tablespoons of salt on top and stir until it is completely dissolved.

    4 ... The greens remain in the water for 30-40 minutes, after which the saline solution is poured into the sink, and boiling water is poured on top with 1.5 tablespoons of salt added to it. Greens should be in boiling water for at least 10 minutes, during which time its color will change.

    5. The cooled brine is poured into a separate saucepan and brought to a boil. The steamed grape leaves are folded in piles (3 leaves in each) and rolled up in dense tubes.

    6 ... The washed jar is sterilized (so that the glass vessel does not burst, it is recommended to put a regular spoon in the jar during sterilization) and the resulting tubes are placed in it. The tubes are placed vertically, it is desirable that they fit snugly against each other. The filled jar is filled with hot brine and closed with a metal lid. If you don't have one at hand, then you need to wait for the brine to cool and close the jar with an ordinary plastic lid.

    Grape leaves for dolma are harvested for the winter

    Bon Appetit!

    How to store and when to use

    Banks covered with metal lids are placed in a warm place and wrapped in a blanket. After the cans have cooled, they are transferred to the refrigerator, where they should remain until used. The cellar can be a substitute for the refrigerator.

    You can use grape leaves for their intended purpose after 2-3 weeks, this is enough time for the brine to infuse, and the pickles acquire a pleasant taste and aroma.

    Oriental cabbage rolls, minced meat wrapped in grape leaves, or simply dolma can be safely attributed to seasonal dishes. Not only do grapes grow far from everywhere, but also the leaves do not "live" on it all year round. However, this does not mean at all that in winter you will have to give up dolma. Fortunately, grape leaves can be preserved and enjoyed a wonderful oriental dish until next summer.

    How to properly collect grape leaves for dolma

    An inexperienced cook can afford to make dolma from any grape leaves. There are such "stuffed cabbage" of course, but you will not be able to enjoy their real taste. The taste of this dish largely depends on what kind of leaves the meat ingredient is wrapped in. For dolma, it is best to take leaves from white grape varieties. They are softer and not so "curly". It is the leaves of white grapes that give dolma that very unique taste and aroma.

    Leaves can be harvested from the moment the grapes bloom. The main thing is that they have already reached the desired size - about the size of an adult's palm. The collection period lasts all summer long. Just do not tear leaves from bushes recently sprayed from diseases or pests. Rinse, do not rinse, and the poison can enter the human body. Better watch out. So, the leaves are collected. Now you can start cooking delicious dolma. And preserve the remaining leaves for the winter.

    Harvesting fresh leaves in a bottle

    This is the simplest method of preserving grape leaves for dolma. Of course, before sending the leaves for storage, they must be thoroughly rinsed and dried. It is also necessary to prepare containers for storage. The plastic bottle should be thoroughly rinsed from the inside with a water solution baking soda... Then the container must be rinsed with clean water and dried.

    Now you can proceed directly to harvesting the main ingredient of dolma for the winter. To do this, you need to fold the leaves in packs of 5-6 pieces and roll each of them into a tube. To prevent the leaves from unfolding, each tube should be tied with a thread. It is worth making sure that the diameter of the tubes does not exceed the diameter of the neck of the bottle, otherwise they simply will not get through there.

    Prepared rolls of leaves should be tightly packed into a bottle. In order to make this easier to do, it is best to prepare a thin stick in advance.

    When the bottle is full, the cap should be screwed onto it, but not completely. After that, pressing the sides of the container, squeeze out as much air as possible, then tighten the lid thoroughly. You can store them in this form even at room temperature, but it is better to put them in a cooler place, even if the temperature is above zero. The shelf life, if done correctly, is up to 2 years.

    One thing is bad: you will have to get the leaves out of the bottle by cutting it. So it's best to use a small container.

    Frozen grape leaves for dolma

    It is equally easy to save grape leaves for "winter" dolma by freezing them. For this, the leaves must also be washed and dried. The petioles in this case can be cut off. In dolma, they are not needed, but in other ways of harvesting, their function is only to simplify getting the leaves out of the container.

    Fold the prepared leaf blades in piles of 12-15 pcs. and roll up. Wrap each roll with cling film and put it in a regular packing bag, put it in the freezer. To save space, you can also fold the rolls into a plastic container. It doesn't matter.

    Before preparing dolma, the leaves preserved in this way must be thawed at room temperature, and then scalded with boiling water. This process will restore the product to its proper taste, aroma and even basic beneficial properties.

    Pickled grape leaves for dolma

    If desired, grape leaves for dolma can be preserved for the winter in a marinade. For this, the prepared sheet plates, as well as for freezing, must be folded in packs of 12-15 pcs. and roll up. Then put the rolls in sterilized jars and pour boiling water over them. After 10 minutes, drain the cooling water, and pour the containers with fresh boiling water.

    While the leaves are taking a hot bath, prepare the marinade. Dissolve sugar and salt in water, then bring the solution to a boil, pour 9% vinegar into it and remove from heat. For 1 liter of water, you will need a tablespoon of sugar and salt, as well as 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

    From the cans, you need to drain the cooling water again and pour hot marinade in its place. Canned food should be immediately sealed and allowed to cool. You can store grape leaves for dolma in the marinade at normal room temperature.

    Grape leaves for dolma for the winter in tomato juice

    The above methods of harvesting grape leaves for dolma are the most accessible and common. If the soul requires something more exotic, then you can try to make the preparation of this product with the help of ... tomato juice. This will require the leaves themselves, tomato juice and the head of an ordinary onion.

    The preservation process begins with soaking the leaves. They should be filled with cold water and left for about an hour. Then fold the leaves in stacks of 12-15 pieces and roll them up. The prepared leaves are folded into a jar. It is necessary to lay the rolls as tightly as possible, but not to the very top. There should be 5 centimeters of free space from the top edge. As soon as the laying process is over, the leaves must be poured again, but with boiling water, and left for 15 minutes.

    At this time, you can start preparing the fill. To do this, pour the tomato juice into a saucepan, salt to taste, throw a whole onion into it and boil. The onion can then be thrown away. It won't come in handy anymore. And pour hot tomato juice into jars, after pouring water out of them. It remains only to roll up the jars with lids, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave them alone for a couple of days.

    There are other ways to preserve grape leaves for dolma for the winter. A very popular method is salting, both standard and dry. There are also quite exotic options, for example: pickling the leaves, along with cucumbers. Moreover, each cucumber is wrapped in a separate leaf. Long, time consuming and not the fact that it is effective. So there is nothing to "mock" about good product... The above methods are quite enough to enjoy the fragrant and tasty dolma in the middle of winter.

    Video recipe "Grape leaves for the winter"

    Yesterday I had a lot of free time and I decided to cook my childhood dish. Remember, I told you that I grew up in the East, where there are so many different goodies. And since I have lived there for more than one year, since childhood I have become accustomed to oriental cuisine. And today I will tell you how I cook dolma.

    For those who have never heard of such a dish, I will explain: dolma is an eastern analogue of stuffed cabbage, only instead of cabbage - young grape leaves. Although there is still some specificity. For dolma in the east, mutton is used.

    But if you don't have lamb, then don't be discouraged. Dolma can be made from pork, chicken or turkey! It will turn out very tasty too!

    So, the recipe for making dolma with photos!

    Main Ingredients:

    1kg of lamb pulp (pork, turkey, chicken can be used; beef - I don't recommend it, it turns out dolma is tough);
    100g of rice (any rice, quick-cooking);
    200g onions;
    2 bunches of dill (medium size, although the more herbs, the juicier and tastier the dolma turns out);
    A bunch of cilantro (but if you don't really like this specific herb, then replace it with a bunch of parsley);
    70g butter. This amount of oil is based on lamb and pork, which are fatty meats in their own right. If you take chicken or turkey, then you need 150-200 g of butter to make the minced meat more tender.
    ½ glass of cold water;
    Salt or seasoning to taste;
    Young grape leaves.

    Cooking minced meat for dolma:

    We pass meat and onions through a meat grinder or blender, as I do;
    Finely chop the greens: dill, cilantro (parsley);
    Soften butter;
    Add to minced meat with green onions, butter, salt or seasoning, rice and water. Mix everything thoroughly.
    We get such minced meat for dolma.

    Preparing grape leaves for dolma:

    We sort out the leaves, choosing whole ones from them, without breaks, we tear off cuttings from them;
    We put it in a bowl and fill it with boiling water so that all the leaves are covered with water;
    Turn the leaves over several times so that they are evenly washed out. hot water and turned from bright green to darker. Here's a look, as shown in the photo.
    Pour out the water, let the leaves cool. The leaves become very soft and tender and ready for further dolma cooking.

    The actual cooking process itself:

    Take a closer look at the leaves. They are different from the "front" and "seamy" sides. From the inside, the veins on the leaves are more pronounced, and on the front side they are smoother. We take a grape leaf and put our minced meat on the "seamy" side with a spoon.

    Carefully wrap the leaf in an envelope. Try to keep the envelope tight.
    The resulting envelopes, or, as I call them, dolmushki, are tightly placed on the bottom of the pan. We lay in rows, trying to press the dolmushki to each other as tightly as possible.
    Fill the laid dolma with boiling water so that all dolmushki are under water. Add seasoning or salt. And from above we press down the dolma with a plate so as not to give it the opportunity to open up and rise up.

    Cook over very low heat for about 0.5 hour. If in doubt whether the dolma is ready, you can take out one dolma and try to cut it in half with a fork. If it's easy to do, then the dolma is ready!
    It is best to serve yogurt with dolma, but you can also use the more familiar kefir or sour cream.

    tasty dish like stuffed cabbage, only grape leaves are usually used instead of cabbage leaves. That is, in order to cook dolma, you need to either buy ready-made pickled grape leaves on the market, or prepare them yourself (of course, this article is relevant for those areas where grape cultivation is possible).

    We will tell you how to pickle grape leaves for dolma.

    Pickle leaves for dolma


    • water - 1 l;
    • peppercorns;
    • Carnation;
    • Bay leaf;
    • table salt, not iodized - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • granulated sugar of domestic production - 1 tablespoon;
    • vinegar 5-9% - 1-2 tbsp. spoons.


    We pluck green leaves from a grape bush necessarily with tails, even if not whole. We wash the collected grape leaves thoroughly in cold water and lay them out to dry on a clean towel.

    At the bottom of steam-sterilized glass jars with a capacity of no more than 0.5 liters, we lay 2-5 bay leaves, 3-5 peppercorns and 2-3 clove inflorescences - spices will give the pickled grape leaves special flavoring shades and make their aroma more spicy and interesting. Gently lay grape leaves on top, not trying to shove a lot into the jar. Fill the leaves in jars with boiling water, after 3-4 minutes pour the water back into the pan.

    Cooking the marinade. Bring water in a saucepan to a boil, reduce heat, add salt and sugar and stir for 3-5 minutes, sugar and salt should be completely dissolved. Turn off the heat and pour in the vinegar. Quickly fill the leaves with the marinade. You can roll up cans with sterilized tin lids or even put nylon lids on cans.

    Store harvested pickled grape leaves for dolma in a cool dark place, in a cellar, for example. Approximately a half-liter jar uses 330 grams of grape leaves and 180 milliliters of brine.

    You can harvest grape leaves for dolma in an alternative way: do not pickle, but salt in brine.



    Prepare the brine: dissolve the salt in boiled water (warm or cold) according to the indicated proportions. Next, we act in the same way as when marinating before pouring the marinade, that is, clean grape leaves laid in sterilized jars, steamed with boiling water, after 3-4 minutes hot water drain and fill the leaves with brine. We put on plastic covers. Store the castings in brine in a cool, dark place. We take the leaves out of the jars as needed (before cooking dolma, we rinse them with cold boiled water).

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