The role of abstract thinking. Techniques for the development of abstract thinking. Exercises for the development of visual-figurative thinking

In the process of knowing the world, a person faced exact values, quantities, definitions.

However, in order to compose a complete picture of a particular phenomenon, this is often not enough.

Moreover, it is often necessary to operate unknown or inaccurate data, generalize and systematize information on any individual properties, build various hypotheses and guesses.

It is in such cases that a person uses abstract thinking.

Abstraction - what is it in psychology?

Abstraction- this is a process of cognition in which there is a distraction from inessential properties, parameters, connections of phenomena or objects in order to identify their more important generalizing patterns.

In other words, this is a generalization that can be done on objects or phenomena, processes, abstracting from some of their properties.

The following concepts are associated with abstraction:

  1. Abstract logic. It reflects a person's ability to reason, think, build statements, operating not with specific data, but with concepts.
  2. Abstract images- these are images that do not correspond to any real object.
  3. Abstract reasoning- a thought that was formed on the basis of several judgments about something.

Abstract thinking concept

What is abstract thinking in simple words? What does it mean to think abstractly?

Before considering in detail abstract thinking, it should be borne in mind that there are the following types of thinking:

Moreover, all human mental activity can be represented in the form of the following mental operations:

  1. Analysis... Dissociation of the whole into parts. At the same time, cognition of the whole is achieved through a more thorough study of its individual parts.
  2. Synthesis... The connection of the disconnected parts into one whole.
  3. Generalization... Isolation of common features that are inherent in phenomena or objects, with their subsequent unification on this basis.
  4. Classification... Dissociation and grouping of phenomena or objects into classes (groups) based on both common features and their differences.
  5. Abstraction... Determination of the properties of phenomena or objects, based on their common features with a simultaneous abstraction from their other specific qualities, which are insignificant in a given situation.

Speaking in ordinary words, abstract thinking is used when a person does not have any accurate information, illustrative examples, does not contact real objects, but forced to speculate and draw certain conclusions.

Such thinking is inherent in theoretical scientists, mathematicians, economists, programmers.

They assimilate information in the form of numerical values, codes and transform it using formulas and mathematical operations - that is, they work with the fact that impossible to see, touch, hear, perceive with the help of the senses.


There are such forms of abstract thinking:

  1. Concept... With this form of thinking, it is determined common property, inherent in objects that also have some differences. For example, a telephone. Phones can be touch-sensitive, push-button or even disk, be made of various materials, have completely different additional functions - a flashlight, camera or infrared port, but, abstracting from these differences, you can distinguish them common function- make calls.
  2. Judgment... The purpose of a judgment is to obtain confirmation or refutation of something. In this case, the judgment can be both simple and complex. There is no water in the cup - this judgment is simple. It is unambiguous and short, there are no additional actions or phenomena in it. An example of a difficult judgment - the cup was overturned, water poured out of it.
  3. Inference... This form is a thought based on two or more judgments.

    Inference includes three stages - a premise (initial judgments), inference (logical thought process over initial judgments) and conclusion (formed final judgment).

Examples of

A good example of abstract thinking - mathematics.

When solving examples, we operate only with numbers, having no idea what subjects we are talking about - meaning only some kind of digital value.

Nevertheless, performing certain actions with this value and coming to some conclusion.

Also abstract thinking manifests itself in planning. A person sets himself any goals, calculates his own possible steps and situations to which they will lead.

In this case, the alleged situation does not exist in reality, however, based on inferences, a person's life becomes more predictable, purposeful and organized.

Yet abstract thinking does not always lead to a correct assessment of the situation.

for example, a woman who has received a negative experience of communication with several male partners can make a judgment that all males have certain -, rudeness, indifference.

How to develop?

Child's application of abstract thinking begins at preschool age.

As a rule, this coincides with the time when he begins to speak.

He compares his toys, finds differences between one animal species and another, learns to write and count.

During the school period to think with confidence in the abstract is already a necessity, since such subjects as mathematics and physics appear.

Moreover, the more attention was paid to the development of abstraction in childhood, the more easily a person uses this type of thinking in adulthood.

Developed abstract thinking gives a person the following advantages:

  1. Reflection of the world without the need for contact with real objects... A person can operate with any data without the need to use the senses.
  2. Generalization of the phenomena. This makes it possible to more effectively receive and use their own knowledge in various situations. A person receives any information, summarizes it with the already existing knowledge and subsequently remembers and extracts it better afterwards.
  3. A clear statement of thoughts. Thought processes can proceed even without internal dialogue, but the final judgment is easily transformed into speech.

Although the development of abstract thinking in childhood is of great importance, it is possible even for an adult to train it by doing certain exercises.

It is important that they have a systematic nature - only constant training can lead to tangible results.


Abstract thinking tasks:

  1. Inventing oxymorons... You should come up with several phrases in which the words will be opposite in meaning - for example, black snow, cold fire, bright darkness.
  2. Reverse reading. This exercise requires you to read a fiction book chapter by chapter in reverse order, trying to determine exactly how the story began in the book, what preceded a particular event.

    This is a rather difficult exercise, so it is best to take pieces with a simple plot.

  3. Functions of objects. You should think of the maximum possible number of ways to use this or that thing - for example, you can write a letter on a piece of paper, make an envelope out of it, light a fire with it, etc.
  4. Analysis of communication. In the evening, you need to imagine the people with whom you communicated during the daytime, while remembering not only the content of the conversation, but also the tone, posture of the interlocutor and his gestures, facial expressions, the environment - and reproduce the dialogue in memory in as much detail as possible.
  5. Initial. You should write any letter on a piece of paper and for a certain period of time try to remember the maximum number of words starting with this letter.


Abstraction in psychology- this is such a focus of a person's attention on a particular situation, in which he perceives it from the third position, that is, without participating in it, being above it.

Abstraction sets the general direction, helps formulate a goal more correctly, discard irrelevant factors in the situation, focusing on more important nuances.

Lack of ability to abstract from the situation can lead to, feelings of moral dissatisfaction, low and communication problems.

How to learn to abstract?

Applying not very complex psychological techniques, you can learn to abstract from the fact that what can bother you set your own goals and achieve them:

From society

Prolonged stay in the same society can negatively affect a person as a person - gradually this society, patterns of thinking and perception of certain situations enter his life. This reduces flexibility in behavior and response in different situations.

In order to abstract from society, try to stay alone longer. At the same time, try not to remember your surroundings. Concentrate on your own desires.

Choose something the activity that you prefer- a walk in the forest, picking up mushrooms, fishing, meditation, reading a book - such that does not require the presence of another person nearby.

Change your occupation- new experiences will force you to take your mind off the familiar patterns and switch to your own perception.

From man

Some people, despite the fact that they are not perceived by us as unpleasant, can significantly affect on ours.

At the same time, the desires of this person can be superimposed on our own ideas and desires.

In order to abstract from a certain person, you can temporarily change the social circle.

It is desirable that new acquaintances sympathized you, and communication delivered.

Analyze what this person different from your new acquaintances and spot the differences. You can also be alone doing your favorite thing.

From unpleasant people

It happens that you have to be in the company of people unpleasant to you, which you cannot avoid - for example,. In this case, the actions or behavior of these people may interfere with concentration on the task being performed.

In order to abstract from them, do not try to exclude them from your attention, do not perceive their speech as something that can be stopped, but imagine that this is background noise that can disappear by itself.

For example, you can often not hear the ticking of the clock or not think about what is happening on the screen of the always-on TV.

From the situation

In difficult situations, your thoughts can be confused, and your emotions interfere with a judicious cold-blooded decision.

In such cases, you need to focus on the breath and count, for example, to ten.

Correct assessment can only come with time.

Also try to imagine that you are away from the place, or that the situation happens to another person... Try to brush aside minor distractions by focusing on the most important issues.

Habit can help you learn to abstract. plan your business in advance, clear goal setting and adherence to it.

In any situation, try to highlight important and secondary points - you may first have to analyze several cases and write the conclusions in a notebook. Learn to be consistent - don't try to do several things at the same time.

Abstract thinking is used by us in many situations in life, so the ability to think abstractly and quickly and correctly cannot be ignored.

Take it for granted that thought processes are similar to sports exercise - exercise regularly help you to significantly develop your abilities.

About abstract human thinking in this video:

) - mental distraction, isolation from certain sides, properties or connections of objects or phenomena to highlight essential features.

The word "Abstraction" is used in two senses:

  • Abstraction- process, the same as “ abstraction»
  • Abstraction - « abstract concept», « abstract", The result of abstraction.

An abstract concept is a mental construction, which is a kind of concept, or an idea that can personify certain objects or phenomena the real world, but at the same time abstracted from their specific incarnations. Abstract constructions may not have direct analogs in the physical world, which is typical, for example, of mathematics (in general, probably the most abstract science).

The need for abstraction is determined by the situation when the differences between the nature of the intellectual problem and the being of the object in its concreteness become apparent. In such a situation, a person uses, for example, the possibility of perceiving and describing a mountain as a geometric shape, and a moving person as a certain set of mechanical levers.

Some types of abstraction, by types of inessential:

  • generalizing abstraction- gives a generalized picture of the phenomenon, abstracted from particular deviations. As a result of such abstraction, a common property of the objects or phenomena under study is distinguished. This view abstraction is considered basic in mathematics and mathematical logic.
  • idealization- replacement of a real empirical phenomenon with an idealized scheme, abstracted from real shortcomings. As a result, the concepts of idealized (ideal) objects are formed ("ideal gas", "absolutely black body", "straight line", "spherical horse in a vacuum" (from an anecdote about idealization), etc.)
  • isolating abstraction- isolation of the investigated phenomenon from some integrity, distraction from options that are not of interest.
  • abstraction of actual infinity- a distraction from the fundamental impossibility of fixing each element of an infinite set, that is, infinite sets are considered as finite.
  • constructivization- distraction from the uncertainty of the boundaries of real objects, their "coarsening".

By goals:

  • formal abstraction- isolation of properties that are important for theoretical analysis;
  • meaningful abstraction- isolation of properties that are of practical importance.

The concept of "abstract" is opposed to the concrete (concrete thinking - abstract thinking).

See the epistemological law "Ascent from the abstract to the concrete."

Abstract thinking implies the operation of abstractions ("man in general", "number three", "tree", etc.), which can be considered a more developed level of mental activity in comparison with concrete thinking, which always deals with specific objects and processes ( "Brother Vasya", "three bananas", "an oak tree in the yard", etc.). The ability to think abstractly is one of the distinctive features of a person, which, apparently, was formed simultaneously with language skills and largely thanks to language (so, it would be impossible even mentally to operate with the number "three in general" without having a certain linguistic sign for it - "Three", because in the world around us such an abstract, unattached concept simply does not exist: it is always "three people", "three trees", "three bananas", etc.).

  • In the field of software, abstraction refers to an algorithm and method of simplifying and separating details to focus on some concepts at the same time.

see also

  • The abstraction layer (abstraction layer) in programming

See what "Abstract thinking" is in other dictionaries:

    abstract thinking- 3.2 abstract thinking: Thinking, which is the ability of the operator to form general concepts, breaking away from reality in perceptions, to reflect (to be in a state of reflection). A source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Abstract thinking Dictionary-Guide to Educational Psychology

    Abstract thinking- thinking, operating with complex abstract concepts and conclusions, allowing mentally to isolate and turn into an independent object of consideration individual aspects, properties or states of an object, phenomenon. So isolated and ... ... Dictionary of Educational Psychology

    Abstract thinking- the same as conceptual thinking, that is, a person's ability to form abstract, mediated, non-visual, purely mental representations of objects, in which the basic properties of specific things are generalized ... The beginnings of modern natural science

    ABSTRACT THINKING- See abstraction; thinking ... Dictionary in psychology

    abstract thinking- Based on language, the highest, actually human type of thinking, implemented in the form of concepts, judgments, inferences ... Vocabulary linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Operator abstract thinking- Abstract thinking: thinking, which is the operator's ability to form general concepts, breaking away from reality in perceptions, to reflect (to be in a state of reflection) ... Source: GOST R 43.0.3 2009. National standard ... ... Official terminology

    A directed process of information processing in the cognitive system of living beings. M. is realized in acts of manipulation (operation) with internal mental representations, subject to a certain strategy and leading to the emergence of ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Abstraction, or abstract, (from Latin abstractio "distraction" introduced by Boethius as a translation of the Greek term used by Aristotle) ​​mental distraction, isolation from certain aspects, properties or connections of objects or phenomena for ... ... Wikipedia

    thinking- I thinking / thinking = thinking / thinking; see to think 1) The ability of a person to think, reason, make inferences; a special step in the process of reflection by the consciousness of objective reality. Scientific thinking. The brain is the organ of thinking. Develop thinking. ... ... Dictionary of many expressions


  • How emotions affect abstract thinking and why math is incredibly accurate. How the cerebral cortex is arranged, why its capabilities are limited and how emotions, complementing the work of the cortex, allow a person to make scientific discoveries, A.G. Sverdlik. Mathematics, unlike other disciplines, is universal and extremely accurate. She creates a logical structure for all natural sciences... "Incomprehensible effectiveness of mathematics", as in its time ...
  • How emotions affect abstract thinking and why mathematics is incredibly accurate How the cerebral cortex is arranged why its possibilities are limited and how emotions supplementing the work of the cortex allow a person to make scientific discoveries, Sverdlik A. .. Mathematics, unlike other disciplines, is universal and extremely accurate. It creates the logical structure of all natural sciences. "Incomprehensible effectiveness of mathematics", as in its time ...

Definition 1

Thinking is a cognitive action that occurs through the rational and indirect study of the world around us.

The concept of abstract logical thinking

All laws of the functioning of society and the natural environment are cognized through human perception, sensations, its sensory side and memory. It is also possible through thought processes.

Thinking has several varieties. Its most widespread type, which is activated at the last stage of personality development, is abstract - logical thinking.

Definition 2

Abstract logical thinking is a kind of mental action realized by performing logical operations with theoretical concepts.

This kind of thinking characterizes general connections and interactions developing between objects, processes and phenomena occurring in the surrounding space.

Forms of abstract logical thinking

There are three main forms of abstract logical thinking:

  1. Concept - a form that characterizes an object as the owner of a single feature or a group of them, which are of the highest priority and reflect its essence. For example, words and phrases can be distinguished as abstract concepts: fish, green-eyed girl, shop assistant, teacher.
  2. Judgment is a form that characterizes an object by denying it and confirming its existence, using a specific phrase for this. An example would be the following judgments: a girl eats soup - a simple proposition, a child has left, the house is empty - a narrative sentence.
  3. Inference is a form engaged in the construction of a new judgment, concretization, conclusions based on one judgment or their complex. Abstract logical thinking is based on it.

Specific characteristics of abstract logical thinking

The essence of this thought process is reflected due to the specific signs of its manifestation. These include:

  1. Ownership skills and practical use parameters and values ​​that are not available in reality;
  2. Analytic skills. The presence of abstract logical thinking presupposes the ability to analyze information, generalize and systematize data;
  3. Lack of direct communication and cooperation with the environment to build a certain system of conclusions, principles of its organization and patterns of development;
  4. Ability to identify and compose causal relationships between various phenomena, objects and processes.

To answer the question whether you have developed abstract thinking, pay attention to the presence of criteria for its development:

  • spending huge time resources on thinking about the meaning of life, the nature of consciousness;
  • frequent surprise and asking "why?" It can also be noted that a great curiosity and a need for knowledge was inherent in childhood;
  • performing an activity for a reason, but for a good reason. Doing things “just like that” is completely irrelevant;
  • there is no reliance on instructions, a desire to figure it out on their own without help and support;
  • the need to engage in new areas of activity, avoidance of routine, constant need for new activities, change of activity;
  • comparison of new ideas with previously acquired knowledge, even if they are not related to each other;
  • characterized by the successful inventing of metaphors and analogies, the construction of an ideological relationship with new options and techniques.

Applying abstract thinking

Abstract thinking begins to develop only at the age of five or seven. Initially, children are guided by the visual perception of the environment, using visual-active thinking. Somewhere from a year and a half, the use of a concrete-objective type of thinking begins.

Each type of thinking is present in human life throughout its entire implementation. These types are necessary for building simple and complex spatial relationships.

The learning process is an activity during which the activation of thinking occurs, and therefore it is of a conscious nature. In this regard, teaching is based on abstract logical thinking. It is applicable not only to the educational process, but also to other areas of activity, including household. Its advantage lies in the ability to determine the causes of the occurrence of various events and to determine the relationships and interdependencies between them.

Recognizing the degree of development of abstract thinking

To determine how developed a person's abstract thinking is, various diagnostic systems are used. Test items are common. All tests are divided into three main groups:

  1. Tests that reveal the type of thinking of a person. Their essence consists in choosing from several proposed options a suitable statement or picture that reflects the essence of a process.
  2. Tests aimed at determining cause and effect relationships. These techniques are based on the formulation of the correct conclusion under specific conditions of the functioning of a process or object.
  3. Tests based on the analysis of words and phrases. It is necessary to determine the cause-and-effect relationships of the construction of this combination, the principles of such a grouping of words.

Abstract thinking is inherent in every personality. However, it requires development. Without proper training, it will not function properly. It is necessary to train abstract thinking from a very early age, when the child is best able to assimilate information. During this period, his thinking is more sensual and receptive, not influenced by social stereotypes.

The development of thinking takes place in two main stages:

  1. Determination of the level of development of thinking at a given time and the choice of appropriate tasks for ingenuity.
  2. Conducting various tests, performing individual tasks from them.

Exercises to develop abstract thinking

Abstract thinking is best developed during childhood. This increases its effectiveness, since all mental and thought processes are in the development stage.

In childhood, the development of abstract thinking can be realized in the form of a game, building various structures from available materials. Also, associative collections for various words and processes will help the development of abstraction.

Remark 1

Chess games, puzzles, rebuses, puzzles will help the development of abstract thinking in a child.

Despite the fact that thinking is already formed in adulthood, it is quite possible to develop and improve it.

By doing the following exercises, you can significantly increase your ability to think abstractly:

  1. Representation of various emotions in consciousness and their binding to specific objects and processes.
  2. Representation of a model of some philosophical concept. An example would be: harmony, energy, infinity.
  3. Reading upside-down or upside-down. So you can build logical connections between objects and processes.
  4. Mental representation of people or events of the current day, construction of their detailed image and assessment of their feelings.
  5. Drawing anything activates abstract thinking.

Various information about outside world enters our brain through the senses in the form of sounds, smells, tactile sensations, visual images, nuances of taste. But this is raw information that still needs to be processed. This requires mental activity and its highest form - abstract thinking. It is it that allows not only to make a detailed analysis of the signals entering the brain, but also to generalize, systematize, categorize and develop optimal strategy behavior.

- the result of a long evolution, in its development it went through several stages. Abstract thinking today is considered its highest form. Perhaps this is not the last step in the development of human cognitive processes, but so far other, more perfect forms of mental activity are unknown.

Three stages in the development of thinking

Formation of abstract thinking is a process of development and complication of cognitive activity. Its main regularities are characteristic of both anthropogenesis (human development) and ontogenesis (child development). In either case, thinking goes through three stages, increasingly increasing the degree of abstractness or abstraction.

  1. This form of cognitive processes begins its path with visual-active thinking. It has a specific character and is associated with objective activity. In fact, it is carried out only in the process of manipulating objects, and abstract reflections are impossible for him.
  2. The second stage of development is figurative thinking, which is characterized by operations with sensory images. It can already be abstract and is the basis of the process of creating new images, that is, imagination. At this stage, both generalization and systematization appear, but nevertheless imaginative thinking is limited to direct, concrete experience.
  3. The possibility of overcoming the framework of concreteness appears only at the stage of abstract thinking. It is this type of mental activity that allows one to achieve a high level of generalization and operate not with images, but with abstract signs - concepts. Therefore, abstract thinking is also called conceptual.

Figurative thinking bears, that is, it resembles circles diverging in different directions from a stone thrown into the lake - the central image. It is quite chaotic, images intertwine, interact, evoke. In contrast, abstract thinking is linear, thoughts in it are lined up in a certain sequence, obeying a strict law. The laws of abstract thinking were discovered in the era of Antiquity and combined into a special area of ​​knowledge called logic. Therefore, abstract thinking is also called logical.

Abstract thinking tools

If figurative thinking operates with images, then abstract thinking operates with concepts. Words are his main tool, and this type of thinking exists in speech form. It is the speech formulations of thoughts that allow you to build them logically and consistently.

Words order and facilitate thinking. If you do not understand something, try to talk about this problem, or even better to explain to someone. And believe me, in the process of this explanation, you yourself will understand even a very difficult issue. And if there are no people willing to listen to your reasoning, then explain to your reflection in the mirror. It's even better and more efficient because the reflection doesn't interrupt, and you don't have to be shy about expressions either.

Clarity and clarity of speech directly affects mental activity and vice versa - a well-formulated statement presupposes its comprehension and internal study. Therefore, abstract thinking is sometimes called internal speech, which, although it also uses words, is still different from ordinary, sound speech:

  • it consists not only of words, but also includes images and emotions;
  • inner speech is more chaotic and torn, especially if a person does not try to specially organize his thinking;
  • it is curtailed, when part of the words is skipped and attention is focused on key, significant concepts.

Inner speech resembles utterances little child 2-3 years old. Children at this age also designate only key concepts, everything else in their head is occupied by images that they have not yet learned to call words. For example, only a baby who wakes up happily exclaims: "Bai-bai - baba!" Translated into "adult" language, this means: "It's great that while I was sleeping, my grandmother came to us."

The fragmentation and conciseness of inner speech is one of the obstacles to the clarity of abstract-logical thinking. Therefore, it is necessary to train not only external, but also internal speech, achieving the most accurate mental formulations in the process of solving complex problems. Such an ordered internal speech is also called internal pronunciation.

The use of words in thinking is a manifestation of the sign function of consciousness - that which distinguishes it from the primitive thinking of animals. Each word is a sign, that is, an abstraction associated with a real object or phenomenon by meaning. Marshak has a poem "The Cat's House", and there is such a phrase: "This is a chair - they sit on it, this is a table - they eat at it." This is a very good illustration of the meanings - the connection of a word with an object. This connection exists only in the head of a person, in reality the combination of sounds "table" has nothing to do with the real object. In another language, such a meaning is endowed with a completely different combination of sounds.

Establishing such connections, and even more so operating in consciousness not with concrete images, but with abstract signs, words, numbers, formulas, is a very complex mental process. Therefore, people gradually master it until adolescence, and even then not all and not fully.

Logic is the science of conceptual thinking

Logic, as a science of thinking, was born more than 2 thousand years ago in Ancient Greece... At the same time, the main types of logical thinking were described and the laws of logic were formulated, which remain unshakable to this day.

Two Kinds of Thinking: Deduction and Induction

The elementary unit of abstract logical thinking is a concept. Several concepts combined into a coherent thought is a judgment. They are positive and negative. For example:

  • "Leaves fly from the trees in autumn" - affirmative.
  • “There are no leaves on trees in winter” - negative.

Judgments can also be true or false. Thus, the judgment “Young leaves grow on trees in winter” is false.

From two or more judgments, a conclusion or inference can be drawn, and this whole construction is called a syllogism. For example:

  • 1st premise (judgment): "Leaves fly from the trees in autumn."
  • 2nd premise (judgment): "Leaves are now flying from the trees."
  • Inference (syllogism): "Autumn has come."

Depending on the method on the basis of which the inference is made, there are two types of thinking: deductive and inductive.

Induction method. A general conclusion is drawn from several private judgments. For example: “schoolboy Vasya doesn’t study in summer”, “schoolboy Petya doesn’t study in summer” “schoolgirls Masha and Olya also don’t study in summer”. Consequently, "schoolchildren do not study in the summer." Induction is not a very reliable method, since an absolutely correct conclusion can be made only if all-all particular cases are taken into account, and this is difficult, and sometimes impossible.

Deduction method. In this case, the reasoning is based on general premises and information given in the judgments. That is, the ideal option is: one general judgment, one is private and the conclusion is also a private judgment. Example:

  • "All schoolchildren have a summer vacation."
  • "Vasya is a schoolboy."
  • "Vasya has a summer vacation."

This is how the most elementary conclusions in logical thinking look like. Truth, in order to draw the correct conclusions, must be observed certain conditions or laws.

The laws of logic

There are four basic laws, and three of them were formulated by Aristotle:

  • Identity law. According to him, any thought expressed within the framework of logical reasoning must be identical to itself, that is, remain unchanged throughout the entire reasoning or dispute.
  • The law of contradiction. If two statements (judgments) contradict each other, then one of them is necessarily false.
  • The law of the excluded third. Any statement can be either false or true, something else is impossible.

In the 17th century, the philosopher Leibniz supplemented these three with a fourth law of "sufficient reason". The proof of the truth of any idea or judgment is possible only on the basis of the use of reliable arguments.

It is believed that it is enough to follow these laws, to be able to correctly build judgments and draw conclusions, and you can solve any of the most difficult problems. But now it has been proven that logical thinking is limited and often fails, especially when a serious problem arises that does not have one single correct solution. Abstract logical thinking is too straightforward and inflexible.

The limitation of logic was proved already in the era of Antiquity with the help of the so-called paradoxes - logical problems that have no solution. And the simplest of them is the "liar's paradox", which refutes the inviolability of the third law of logic. In the IV century BC. e. ancient greek philosopher Euboulides shocked the proponents of logic with one phrase: "I am lying." Is this a true or false judgment? It cannot be true, since the author himself claims that he is lying. But if the phrase "I am lying" is false, then the judgment becomes true. And logic cannot overcome this vicious circle.

But abstract-logical thinking, despite its limitations and inflexibility, lends itself best to control and itself very well "organizes the brains", makes us adhere to strict rules in the thought process. In addition, the abstract form of thinking continues to be the highest form of cognitive activity. Therefore, the development of abstract thinking is relevant not only in childhood, but also in adults.

Exercises to develop abstract thinking

Think about what shapes can be made from these details.

The development of this type of thinking is closely related to speech activity, including the richness of vocabulary, the correct construction of sentences and the ability to analyze information.

Exercise "Prove the opposite"

This exercise is best done in writing. In addition to convenience, written language has another important advantage over oral speech - it is more strictly organized, ordered and linear. Here is the task itself.

Choose one of the relatively simple, and most importantly, consistent statements. For example: "Vacation at sea is very attractive."

Now find arguments that prove the opposite - the more rebuttals, the better. Write them down in a column, admire and find a refutation to each of these arguments. That is, prove again the truth of the first proposition.

Exercise "Abbreviations"

This exercise is good to do in company, it is not only useful for thinking, but it can also entertain you, for example, on a long journey, or brighten up the waiting.

You need to take several arbitrary combinations of 3-4 letters. For example: UPC, UOSK, NALI, etc.

Further, imagine that these are not just combinations of letters, but abbreviations, and try to decipher them. Perhaps something humorous will turn out - it's not worse. promotes the development of thinking. I can offer the following options: UPC - "Council of Creative Writers" or "Union of crooked producers". UOSK - "Management of individual social conflicts", etc.

If you are doing a task in a team, compete who has a more original name and what such an organization can do.

Exercise "Working with Concepts"

Exercises with concepts, more precisely with abstract categories, which have no analogues in the material world, well develop abstract thinking and establish a connection between thought processes different levels... As a rule, such categories reflect the qualities, properties of objects, their interdependence or contradictions. There are many such categories, but for the exercise you can take even the simplest ones, such as "beauty", "fame", "hatred".

  1. Having chosen one of the concepts, try to explain as simply (in your own words) what it is. Just avoid explanations through examples (“this is when ...), for this even at school they scold.
  2. Find synonyms for this concept and try to determine if there are any differences, nuances between the main word and the synonym.
  3. Think of a symbol for this concept, it can be both abstract and specific, expressed in words or in a graphic image.

After you have worked with simple concepts, you can move on to complex ones. For example, such: "congruence", "victimization", "resistance", etc. If you do not know what it is, then it is permissible to look at the definitions of these words, but you will still explain them in your own words.

The benefits of developing abstract thinking are not only in learning to solve logical problems. Without it, success in the exact sciences is impossible, it is difficult to understand many economic and social laws... In addition, what is important, this thinking will make speech more correct and clear, teach you to prove your point of view on the basis of strict laws of logic, and not because “it seems so to me”.

Abstract thinking is a type of thinking in which it is possible, abstracting from small details, to look at the situation as a whole. This property allows you to cross to some extent the border of rules and norms and make new discoveries. In childhood, the development of this ability should be given enough time, because such an approach in the future will help to quickly find non-standard solutions and the most optimal ways out of the current situation. Very often when hiring, employers test potential employees for abstract thinking. The test helps you evaluate how to cope with problems, find solutions, and process unfamiliar information.


Features of abstract thinking are its various forms: concept, judgment, inference. For the correct perception of the term in question, it is very important to understand the specifics of each of these definitions.


This is one in which one or more objects are perceived as one or more features, each of which must be significant. A concept can be defined either by one word or by a phrase, for example, "chair", "grass", "math teacher", "tall man".


This is the form in which there is a denial or affirmation of any phrase describing objects, the world, patterns and relationships. Judgment, in turn, is of two types: simple and complex. A simple judgment, for example, may sound like this: "a boy draws a house." A complex judgment is expressed in a different form, for example, "the train has started, the platform is empty."


This is a form of thinking in which a conclusion is made from one judgment (or several), which is a new judgment. The sources that help shape the end result are the premises, and the bottom line is the conclusion. For example: “All birds can fly. The titmouse flies. The titmouse is a bird. "

Abstract thinking is a process in which a person is able to freely operate with a concept, judgment, inference, that is, categories, the meaning of which can only be understood in relation to everyday life.

Development of abstract thinking

Naturally, this ability is developed differently for everyone. Some people draw beautifully, others write poetry, and still others are able to think abstractly. However, it is quite possible to form it; for this purpose, already in early childhood, the brain should be given reasons for reflection.

Today there are a huge number of different specialized printed publications that train the mind: puzzles, collections of logic problems, and so on. To develop abstract thinking in your child or yourself, you need to devote only 30-50 minutes to such activities twice a week. The effect of such exercises will not be long in coming. It has been proven that at an early age, the brain is much easier to cope with these kinds of tasks. The more workouts, the faster the result will appear.

With a complete absence of the skills to think in general, it is difficult for a person not only to realize himself in creative ones.There may also be problems with the study of disciplines in which there are a lot of abstract key concepts. Correctly developed abstract thinking is an opportunity to discover unsolved mysteries of nature, to know what was previously not known by anyone, to distinguish between falsehood and truth. In addition distinctive feature This is that it does not require direct contact with the object under study, and important conclusions and inferences can be made remotely.

Psychology: thinking, types of thinking

In the thought process, the ratio of words, images, actions can be different. Depending on this, some types are distinguished.

Thinking in the process of historical development

Initially, practical activities directly influenced the formation of human intelligence. So, empirically, people learned to measure land... On this basis, the formation of a special theoretical science - geometry took place.

The earliest type of mental activity, from a genetic point of view, is practical thinking, the primary role in it is played by actions with objects (in animals, this ability is observed in its embryonic form). It becomes clear that this particular type of cognition of oneself and the surrounding world is the basis of a visual-figurative process. His feature- operating in the mind with visual images.

The highest stage is abstract thinking. However, here, too, the activity of the brain is inseparable from practice.

Depending on the content, mental activity is practical, artistic and scientific. Action is a structural unit of a practically-effective method of cognition, an image is artistic, a concept is scientific.

All three types are closely related to each other. Many people have the same ability for action and abstract perception. However, depending on the nature of the tasks to be solved, some one type comes to the fore, then it is replaced by another, then - by the third. For example, to solve everyday issues, practical-effective thinking is required, for a scientific report - abstract.

Types of cognition by the nature of the tasks

The tasks assigned to a person can be standard and non-standard, depending on this, as well as on the operational procedures, the following types of thinking are distinguished.

    Algorithmic. Based on pre-established rules, a generally accepted sequence of actions that are required to solve typical tasks.

    Heuristic. Productive, aimed at solving non-standard tasks.

    Discursive. Based on a set of interrelated inferences.

    Creative. Helps a person to make discoveries, to achieve fundamentally new results.

    Productive. Leads to new cognitive results.

    Reproductive. With the help of this type, a person reproduces the previously obtained results. In this case, thinking and memory are inseparable.

Abstract thinking is the most important tool in human hands, which makes it possible to comprehend the deepest layers of truth, to know the unknown, to make a great discovery, to create a work of art.

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