The name of the ships in the game sea battle. How to win in the game sea battle. Optimal shooting strategy

The cool game "Sea Battle on Paper" is available online and there are a lot of advantages in this! You no longer need to get your hands dirty with paste when drawing ships. And look for an opponent to play " sea ​​battle for two": you will be one of the players, the computer will be the other!

Recall the rules of the Sea Battle game: 2 battlefields of 10 × 10 cells are drawn on paper, we write numbers vertically, and letters horizontally.

Both players (you and the computer) place their armadillos with no touch allowed. Each of you has the same fleet size:

  • 4 single-deck ships (in 1 cell);
  • 3 double-deck;
  • 2 three-deck;
  • 1 large four-deck.

How to play Sea Battle on Paper online

The game starts with auto-placement: the computer places your ships randomly. To rotate a boat, double-click on it and drag while holding down the left mouse button. Confirm readiness by clicking on the "Fight" button and into battle!

On the first board with your ships, the actions of the enemy (computer) are visible. Shoot at a blank board, trying to guess where the opponent has placed his boats. Choose a position and left click to shoot. If you hit the computer ship, you can try to hit it again until you miss or sink it.

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How to Play War Games on a Piece of Paper: Tanks and Sea Combat. Rules, with photo.

Games on a piece of paper for two: tanks and sea battle

For both games from this article, and for the game "Tanks" and for the game "Battleship", you will need a sheet of paper and two pens. They are played by two players. The players either agree in advance about who will go first, or decide by drawing lots, for example, tossing a coin or using children's counting rhymes.

The board will be correct if it contains all the boats of the game variant described in the test example, with the specified dimensions. Boats can be placed vertically or horizontally and must not be touched. Those who hit alone score 15 points if they make it different from everyone else, 10 if they think of the same word as the other player earn 5 points. He wins who knows more things with the chosen letter.

Tired of playing Stop but don't want to hold a pencil? Try the vowels first and good luck. Here are some word suggestions, choose a category and good luck!

  • Banana Pineapple Watermelon Strawberry.
  • Volleyball athletics.
Hide your weapons by distributing them on the checkered board. You can place them horizontally or vertically, try to hide them because the winner in this game is who discovers and sinks the most boats.

And if the game "Sea Battle" is familiar to almost all people in our country, whose childhood fell on the 80s - 90s or earlier, then the game of tanks on paper, or as many affectionately called it, "Tanchiki", was known, but not by that much. Despite the military theme, both of these games were very popular among both boys and girls. They played them both at home and at school, and not only at breaks, but also in the classroom, blocking the map with the location of their ships from a neighbor on the desk with a notebook or textbook.

But be careful, you can't let two guns touch each other. Have you tagged all your submarines, seaplanes? Now it's time to play, attention to the rules. Each player will do the following in turn.

  • For each frame, select a coordinate, i.e. a number and a letter.
  • Be sure to write down the coordinates of your control in your game!
  • For each shot, the enemy reports whether he hit or if the shot was in the water!
  • If this is achieved, it must also report this to the ship.
  • The boat is lowered when all the houses that form this boat hit.
Win the battle that can sink all the boats first!

These games will help children to spend their time in a fun and useful way. The benefits of these games are not only that they are live communication, a way to do something interesting, to distract from something, to relax. For preschoolers, this is a way to prepare their hand for writing, in the game "sea battle" to repeat some letters and numbers.

Another game of tanks develops an eye, and a game of sea battle allows you to train your intuition, teaches you to find a square with given coordinates on the playing field (although one of them is indicated by a letter), makes it possible to develop your own strategy for fighting, try to unravel the opponent’s strategy, imagine how he thinks, how he could arrange his ships.

Good luck and use your head, this game needs more strategy than just luck! This game is perfect to play if you are just with a friend. Players, each in turn, draw a line from one point to another either vertically or horizontally. The goal of the game is to form squares. The game may seem easy at first, where players just score lines, suddenly a square of squares starts and the game catches fire.

The game ends when all dots are connected. Then count the squares and it will be the winner with the highest number! It's a good idea for each player to use different colors and mark each square formed with the initial of their name. This way you don't have any confusion during scoring.

Tanks (tanchiki) - a game on paper. Rules

To get acquainted with the game, it is advisable for novice players and younger children to take a double checkered notebook sheet (it is torn out of the middle of the notebook). In the following games, it is better to use a sheet of clean office paper folded in half - this will make it harder for opponents to hit the target. And each player in this game will need not a felt-tip pen or a pencil, but a ballpoint pen. It will turn out more beautiful and clearer if the colors used by the opponents' pens are different, but it is possible that they be the same.

Grimmie paints 'for life' and Batala de la Plata jeopardizes risk at 83

Tricolor stays 3 to 3 with Estudiantes with 7 men, between rocks, legs and scythe

First it was necessary to make sure that the most exalted Argentines really disappeared. And secondly, the layoff time served for the group to lick their wounds. Mazaropy counted the bruises on the back of the stones obtained in a small area. Keio thought of the x-ray that his ankle was sent to upon arrival in Porto Alegre after the aggression in between. And Valdir Espinosa, although not hurt - apart from spitting, tried to jot down a few speeches to explain how a team with four more men allowed the tie after winning by 3 to 1, even if the opponent was a three-time Estudiantes Libertadores.

Preparing for the game

The fold is the border. On one side of the sheet is the territory of one participant, on the other - the other. Each participant draws their tanks on their side of the sheet. The number of tanks is agreed in advance, it should be the same (from 5 to 10 pieces for each). Tanks should be small, about 1x2 cells. It is better to draw them away from the border and from each other - this way it will be more difficult for the opponent to hit them.

Having made its four games, only now passes with the help of the Colombians in the final clash with Estudiantes, on the 15th, in Cali. Although his eyes were red and longing for this result, Espinosa finally opened the dressing room waiting for reporters. The open shelter has turned hope that a supporter will seek help. A tricolor shirt, tanned with blood, a broken tooth in one hand and shins in the other, as harmless as politeness on that cold night in their native lands. Because among the field, burned by constant frost and outdated wooden stands, only war cries in good Spanish were heard.

Before the start of the shelling, agree on the rules.

Rules of the game "Tanks"

A variant of this game with various military equipment: in addition to tanks, participants draw ships, planes, you can even draw paratroopers. About what military equipment to draw and in what quantity, the participants agree before the start of the game.

Own threats to buses and hotels. Due to the date change against América de Cali - a 2-to-1 tricolor victory - the Espinosa team only had a day off before finding Estudiantes in Argentina in their last match in the semi-final triangle - new success will guarantee this in a big decision .

Adviser Tulio Macedo went earlier to La Plata, but was unable to convince the enemy to leave Saturday's confrontation. Grimio was very much aware of what Estudiantes played in his fields. Players tried to minimize off-field factors. Forward, she focused further from focus. The most targeted were Mazaropi and Hugo de Leon.

Sea battle is a game on paper. Rules

Now "Battleship" can be played both in the computer and in the desktop version, however, the simple classic paper version has not yet been forgotten. The game allows you to feel like a military leader, in it you need to set coordinates for shelling the enemy fleet and think over the location of the ships of your fleet in such a way as to destroy the fleet of another participant before it destroys yours.

The second, even more, being Uruguayan, in a platinum rivalry with the sparks. The delegation just headed to La Plata, about 60 km from the capital on the day of the game and from rented buses. America used the transport offered by the hosts and walked blindly on the Argentine roads for three hours before heading to the desired destination. Grimio made it in time, but it was enough to be spotted by rival fans to start the reception. One gets the joke with the many stones towards the vehicle.

But President Fabio Koff remained calm. After 40 minutes, he saw a small audience. Intimidation strategies started early. The rocket passed De Leon's head as 11 Espinosa entered the turf and posed for the official photo. Not counting the endless rolls of hygienic papers deployed towards the field - where did they come from so many?

Preparing for the game

Before the start of the game, the participants draw fields with coordinates on sheets of paper and place the ships of their fleet in them. At the same time, they necessarily agree on the number of ships, their shape, location and rules. This is very important so that later there are no misunderstandings, resentment and quarrels. Because there are several options for the game.

Posted in front of De Leon and Leandro, China widened his eyes under the closed fringe to see that Trobbia was booked before the ball even steered. According to energetic Uruguayan referee Luis de La Rosa, the player Estudiantes entered the center of the circle at the wrong time. The bold gesture of the judge only upset the mood.

And Estudiantes showed that he also knows how to play. Barbara Trobbiani was a great weapon, always on the left. At six minutes the first friesson when Trama breaks through the area and asks for a fine. At the same moment, Grimmio answers. Aspired, Renato waits for Trobbiani, starts without brakes and offers Tarciso, who intrudes into the area but loses the angle of impact and crosses heavily. At 9 the first frightening moment: Ponce rises from the entrance to the district, and Mazaropy's shoulders. Shortly thereafter, the goalkeeper complained about the first objects thrown at his back.

For example, in my childhood, I, and all my friends and acquaintances with whom we played Sea Battle, drew three-cell and four-cell ships in random order: in the form of rectangles, the letter "g", the letter "z", square. But it turns out that according to the rules of the classic version of the game, this is unacceptable - ships can only be located exactly, without bends.

The yellow game delayed the game. The referee should be more strict with the Brazilian players, asked the narrator of Channel 13 Argentina. At the age of 14, directing the rear corner, Mazaropi sideways watches the spitting of two royons outside the goal. Outside of external threats, the Guild is doing well. Keio gives the sheet with a head kick, passes to Tita, who leaves Tarchiso in the face of the target. The shot comes out of the chew and Bertero holds on. Trobbiani hit hard. But the target was China, which missed the middleman. A hand appears from the players' cakes, and on it is a red card.

Still limping, China is also alerted, only yellow. The Argentines did not take this for granted. They followed La Rose wherever he went. A minute after the small wave formed, the Uruguayans were finally able to dissipate it. But Estudiantes fouled quickly, still with Trobbiani on the field. De Leon opened his hands, asked the referee for action. While the stalwart referee tried to get the player off the field, here is Gougnali pretending to be Casemiro's attack.

Playing fields of the game "Sea battle"

For the game "Battleship" each of the participants will need a piece of paper in a box and a pen (you can use a pencil or a felt-tip pen).

Before the game, the participants draw two squares with sides of 10 cells on their piece of paper. In the cells to the left of each square vertically from top to bottom, numbers from 1 to 10 should be placed in ascending order, and above each square horizontally from left to right - letters from "A" to "K", with the exception of the letters "Yo" and "Y ". Those. Here is a row: "A B C D E F G I J". Sometimes, instead of letters of the alphabet, a word is written horizontally, consisting of ten non-repeating letters.

Large-scale naval battles are the legacy of a bygone age, so many children will like to play more " Spaceships"- disguised" Sea battle. Replace a battleship with an intergalactic missile ship, a cruiser with a laser frigate, a destroyer with a space infantry transport, a submarine with a fighter, or let the kids come up with their own names - and here's a new game for you.

This more advanced version of Sea Battle requires players to be more thoughtful. The fields for own and foreign fleets remain the same, but the ships used and the principle of the game change somewhat. Each player now has one battleship (five spaces), one cruiser (three spaces), and two destroyers (two spaces). Ships are distributed across the field, according to the above rules. But, unlike Naval Battle, in which three shots can be fired per turn, in the Volley game, as many as seven are fired: three for a battleship, two for a cruiser, and one each for destroyers. The enemy notes where the shots hit on the field of his fleet, but does not specify which of the shots was effective. Instead, he might say "one hit on a cruiser and one hit on a destroyer." If the ship was hit more than once, this must also be reported.

After that, the ships of the second player make a volley, while the first player should think carefully about which cells he should shoot on the first move in order to find out which of his first hits were accurate.

A ship is considered sunk when all of its cells are damaged, and players must immediately report this. This is very important because the next player's shot count will be reduced by the number the lost ship provided. Therefore, if you lose a battleship, your firepower will decrease by three units and the next time you will have only four shots. As in the Sea Battle, the one who first sinks all the enemy ships wins.

Paper games are of varying complexity, there are even those whose strategic design is equated to a chess game. You can play in bulk, or you can solve puzzles on your own. A number of such amusements do not have restrictions on the number of players, for example, intellectual quizzes, funny sheets, folding.

Games are very different: tactical, adventure, creative, applied, artistic. Main advantages paper games- this is the difference in genres, simplicity, ease of learning the rules and tactics, accessibility for every child or adult. Such a child can be taught from the age of five, starting with the most simple and understandable games. Adults should play together with their children, showing them the variety of games on paper.

Being engaged with a child, parents will remember their childhood and will get no less pleasure than their kids.

Incredibly popular game on paper. And although now there are special game kits for Sea Battle, as well as a lot of computer implementations, the classic version on a piece of paper remains the most popular.

The goal of the game is to sink the enemy's ships before they can sink yours.

Rules of the game "Sea battle"

Two players play. Each of them needs a piece of paper (preferably in a cage), a pencil or a pen. The game begins with the preparation of the field. Two squares of 10 × 10 cells are drawn on the sheet. On one of them, their ships will be placed, in the other, "fire" will be fired at enemy ships.

The sides of the squares are signed with letters horizontally and numbers vertically. It is necessary to agree in advance which letters will be written (the main disputes arise whether or not to use the letter “Yo”). By the way, in some schools, instead of the boring alphabet, they write the word " REPUBLIC" - it just contains 10 non-repeating letters. This is especially useful for those who have not mastered the alphabet.

Arrangement of ships

Next, the deployment of fleets begins. Classic Rules naval combat they say that there should be 4 ships in one cell (“single-deck" or "single-tube"), 3 ships in 2 cells, 2 in 3 cells and one - four-deck. All ships must be straight, no curved or "diagonal" allowed. The ships are placed on the playing field in such a way that there is always a gap of one cell between them, that is, they should not touch each other either by the sides or by the corners. In this case, ships can touch the edges of the field and occupy corners.

When the ships are placed, the players take turns making "shots", naming the squares according to their "coordinates": "A1", "B6", etc. If the cell is occupied by a ship or part of it, the enemy must answer "wounded" or "killed" ("sunk"). This cell is crossed out with a cross and you can make one more shot. If there is no ship in the named cell, a dot is placed in the cell and the turn passes to the opponent.

The game is played until the complete victory of one of the players, that is, until all the ships are sunk.

At the end of the game, the loser can ask the winner to look at his ship placement.


If you think that sea battle is a game built solely on luck and luck, then you are mistaken. In fact, it has both strategy and tactics, which we will talk about in conclusion. So - about the tricks and also various honest and not very honest methods of playing sea battle:

  • First of all (and this is the most important thing!), you need to keep your sheet with the ships so that the enemy cannot spy on your location;
  • Be sure to keep a record of your own and other people's moves, marking them with dots. So shots on the same cells will be excluded;
  • Having sunk an enemy ship, also surround it with dots so as not to shoot at places where there are obviously no ships;
  • You should not put ships in the corners of the field: usually beginners shoot at them first of all. However, exceptions will be discussed below;
  • It is necessary to develop a strategy for placement. A good result is the uneven distribution of ships: collect all the "large" ships in one or two dense groups, and hide the remaining "one-deck" ships separately in secret places on the playing field. In this case, the enemy will quickly figure out and defeat the grouping. big ships, and then it will take a long time to look for the remaining small ones;
  • After killing a large ship, the enemy surrounds it with dots. So, having found a “four-deck”, the enemy immediately opens (4 + 1 + 1) * 3 \u003d 18 cells (that is, 18% or almost 1/5 of the field). “Three-deck"Gives 15 cells (15%), "two-deck" - 12%, and "single-deck" - 9%. If you put the “four-deck” against the wall, then it will allow you to open only 12 cells (10 for a three-deck, 8 for a two-deck). If you put the "four-deck" in general in a corner, it will allow you to open only 10 cells (8, 6 and 4, respectively). Of course, if the enemy realizes that all the ships are on the edge, he will quickly sink them. Therefore, it is better to use this advice in combination with the previous one.
  • Shooting tactics can also be different. However, the destruction of enemy ships is best to start with the search for a "four-deck". To do this, you can shoot diagonally, or draw a rhombus, or shoot through 3 cells on the fourth. As soon as a four-deck ship is found, we look for three-deck ones, then two. Of course, in the process of searching, “every little thing” will come across and make adjustments to the plans.
  • And here is a dishonest way: to arrange all the ships, except for the last one-deck ship (it will act as the Elusive submarine). And he will be placed (and killed) only in the last remaining cell. Dealing with this is easy enough: let the players arrange the ships in one color, and fire in another. It is possible, for example, for players to have pens or pencils of different colors and, after placing the ships, simply change pens.

How to Play War Games on a Piece of Paper: Tanks and Sea Combat. Rules, with photo.

Games on a piece of paper for two: tanks and sea battle

For both games from this article, and for the game "Tanks" and for the game "Battleship", you will need a sheet of paper and two pens. They are played by two players. The players either agree in advance about who will go first, or decide by drawing lots, for example, tossing a coin or using children's counting rhymes.

And if the game "Sea Battle" is familiar to almost all people in our country, whose childhood fell on the 80s - 90s or earlier, then the game of tanks on paper, or as many affectionately called it, "Tanchiki", was known, but not by that much. Despite the military theme, both of these games were very popular among both boys and girls. They played them both at home and at school, and not only at breaks, but also in the classroom, blocking the map with the location of their ships from a neighbor on the desk with a notebook or textbook.

These games will help children to spend their time in a fun and useful way. The benefits of these games are not only that they are live communication, a way to do something interesting, to distract from something, to relax. For preschoolers, this is a way to prepare their hand for writing, in the game "sea battle" to repeat some letters and numbers.

Another game of tanks develops an eye, and a game of sea battle allows you to train your intuition, teaches you to find a square with given coordinates on the playing field (although one of them is indicated by a letter), makes it possible to develop your own strategy for fighting, try to unravel the opponent’s strategy, imagine how he thinks, how he could arrange his ships.

Tanks (tanchiki) - a game on paper. Rules

To get acquainted with the game, it is advisable for novice players and younger children to take a double checkered notebook sheet (it is torn out of the middle of the notebook). In the following games, it is better to use a sheet of clean office paper folded in half - this will make it harder for opponents to hit the target. And each player in this game will need not a felt-tip pen or a pencil, but a ballpoint pen. It will turn out more beautiful and clearer if the colors used by the opponents' pens are different, but it is possible that they be the same.

Preparing for the game

The fold is the border. On one side of the sheet is the territory of one participant, on the other - the other. Each participant draws their tanks on their side of the sheet. The number of tanks is agreed in advance, it should be the same (from 5 to 10 pieces for each). Tanks should be small, about 1x2 cells. It is better to draw them away from the border and from each other - this way it will be more difficult for the opponent to hit them.

Before the start of the shelling, agree on the rules.

Rules of the game "Tanks"

A variant of this game with various military equipment: in addition to tanks, participants draw ships, planes, you can even draw paratroopers. About what military equipment to draw and in what quantity, the participants agree before the start of the game.

Sea battle is a game on paper. Rules

Now "Battleship" can be played both in the computer and in the desktop version, however, the simple classic paper version has not yet been forgotten. The game allows you to feel like a military leader, in it you need to set coordinates for shelling the enemy fleet and think over the location of the ships of your fleet in such a way as to destroy the fleet of another participant before it destroys yours.

Preparing for the game

Before the start of the game, the participants draw fields with coordinates on sheets of paper and place the ships of their fleet in them. At the same time, they necessarily agree on the number of ships, their shape, location and rules. This is very important so that later there are no misunderstandings, resentment and quarrels. Because there are several options for the game.

For example, in my childhood, I, and all my friends and acquaintances with whom we played Sea Battle, drew three-cell and four-cell ships in random order: in the form of rectangles, the letter "g", the letter "z", square. But it turns out that according to the rules of the classic version of the game, this is unacceptable - ships can only be located exactly, without bends.

Playing fields of the game "Sea battle"

For the game "Battleship" each of the participants will need a piece of paper in a box and a pen (you can use a pencil or a felt-tip pen).

Before the game, the participants draw two squares with sides of 10 cells on their piece of paper. In the cells to the left of each square vertically from top to bottom, numbers from 1 to 10 should be placed in ascending order, and above each square horizontally from left to right - letters from "A" to "K", with the exception of the letters "Yo" and "Y ". Those. Here is a row: "A B C D E F G I J". Sometimes, instead of letters of the alphabet, a word is written horizontally, consisting of ten non-repeating letters.

In the first square, each player places his fleet, in the second he marks the location of the opponent's fleet.

The shape, number and location of ships in the game "Battleship"

How many ships should be in a sea battle game? In the classic version, each player has 10 ships:

  • 1 PC. - 4 cells,
  • 2 pcs. - 3 cells,
  • 3 pcs. - 2 cells,
  • 4 things. - 1 class.


  • one ship, consisting of four cells - a battleship (such ships are also called four-deck or four-pipe ships)
  • two ships, consisting of three cells - a cruiser (three-deck)
  • three ships, consisting of two cells - a destroyer (two-deck)
  • four ships consisting of one cell - a submarine or a torpedo boat (single-deck)

Ships must be arranged in an even vertical or horizontal row without curves, and in no case diagonally. It is strictly forbidden to arrange ships so that they touch each other by sides or corners. That is, there must be a distance of at least one cell between them. Ships can touch the sides of the field in which they are located.

It is very important that none of the players see the location of the opponent's fleet.

Rules of the game "Sea battle"

The first player shoots (names the coordinates of the cell in which, as he assumes, the opponent may have a ship, for example, K-10).

The second player on the first field (the field with his ships) finds this cell.

  • If the cell is empty, the second player puts a point in it and says aloud: "By." The first player also marks this cell with a dot, but on the second field. The turn passes to the second player.
  • If a medium or large ship is located in this cell, the second player puts a cross in it and says: "Wounded", if small (single-deck), then "Killed". Also, "Killed" is said in the case when the opponent hits the last whole (not marked with a cross) deck of a multi-deck ship. The first player in this cell on the second field also puts a cross and makes another move.

Players take turns moving, but after each well-aimed hit, the player gets one more turn. The winner is the one who first blows up all the ships of the other participant. When the game is over, the participants can watch each other's playing fields.

If the winning player breaks the rules, the other player is considered the winner.

Possible violations:

  • made a mistake in the signature or the size of the fields
  • made a mistake in the shape, number or location of ships
  • moved the ship during the game
  • tried to peep how the opponent's ships were located, etc.

How to play Sea Battle to win

In the game "Battleship", there are tricks, some of which are known to few, and therefore they play, hoping only for chance. But by applying certain strategies, you can significantly increase the chance of winning.

© Yulia Valerievna Sherstyuk, https: // site

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Any adult who did not have computers and consoles in childhood knows how to play paper games. For such exciting activities, you need nothing more than a blank piece of paper and a pencil or pen. It is today that many children know how to win at Diego Forward, a fun online game, but not everyone has an idea of ​​​​what Tic Tac Toe is. Of course, the computer game "Diego Forward" also teaches a lot, for example, attentiveness and kindness towards animals, but do not forget about the simplest games that help children develop logical thinking, ingenuity and creative thinking. There is a lot of fun on paper, most of which is the applied use of it.

One of the very first games that a person recognizes in his life, known in England under many names.

Number of players: two.

Equipment: pencil and paper, or any surface on which you can make notes.

Difficulty: it is decidedly difficult to win both for an adult and for a child.

Duration: Each game takes several minutes, but you won't get by with one round.

Tic-tac-toe has an undeniable advantage - you can play it almost anywhere: at home, in the car, on the train or on the beach, where you can draw markings in the sand. First draw two pairs of parallel lines perpendicular to each other to make nine squares. Then the players take turns filling in the squares with crosses and zeros (each with their own signs), striving to make a row - horizontal, vertical or diagonal - of three identical symbols. The player who starts the game has an advantage, so it would be wiser to start the games in turn.

There are about 15,000 options for how to make the first five moves in a game, but in almost any situation, the second player can reduce the matter to a draw.

Large-scale naval battles are the legacy of a bygone age, so many children will enjoy playing Spaceships - Sea Battle in disguise. Replace a battleship with an intergalactic missile ship, a cruiser with a laser frigate, a destroyer with a space infantry transport, a submarine with a fighter, or let the kids come up with their own names - and here's a new game for you.

This more advanced version of Sea Battle requires players to be more thoughtful. The fields for own and foreign fleets remain the same, but the ships used and the principle of the game change somewhat. Each player now has one battleship (five spaces), one cruiser (three spaces), and two destroyers (two spaces). Ships are distributed across the field, according to the above rules. But, unlike Naval Battle, in which three shots can be fired per turn, in the Volley game, as many as seven are fired: three for a battleship, two for a cruiser, and one each for destroyers. The enemy notes where the shots hit on the field of his fleet, but does not specify which of the shots was effective. Instead, he might say "one hit on a cruiser and one hit on a destroyer." If the ship was hit more than once, this must also be reported.

After that, the ships of the second player make a volley, while the first player should think carefully about which cells he should shoot on the first move in order to find out which of his first hits were accurate.

A ship is considered sunk when all of its cells are damaged, and players must immediately report this. This is very important because the next player's shot count will be reduced by the number the lost ship provided. Therefore, if you lose a battleship, your firepower will decrease by three units and the next time you will have only four shots. As in the Sea Battle, the one who first sinks all the enemy ships wins.

Paper games are of varying complexity, there are even those whose strategic design is equated to a chess game. You can play in bulk, or you can solve puzzles on your own. A number of such amusements do not have restrictions on the number of players, for example, intellectual quizzes, funny sheets, folding.

Games are very different: tactical, adventure, creative, applied, artistic. Main advantages paper games- this is the difference in genres, simplicity, ease of learning the rules and tactics, accessibility for every child or adult. Such a child can be taught from the age of five, starting with the most simple and understandable games. Adults should play together with their children, showing them the variety of games on paper.

Being engaged with a child, parents will remember their childhood and will get no less pleasure than their kids.

To play the "sea battle" participants should take a piece of paper in a box and draw two battlefields on them. Their dimensions are 10 by 10 cells, two squares. One field for the location of their ships on it. The second is to mark the results of hits or misses on enemy ships. The upper part of the squares is marked with letters of the alphabet, horizontally; the vertical on the left - in numbers. So, each selected point will have coordinates: 1a or 9d. The more hits on the target on the opponent's field, the closer the victory and playing "sea battle" becomes more interesting.

Each player has the same number of ships, which are of different sizes. The more entertaining it is to play "sea battle", the more diverse the alignment of "armed forces" on the field will be. Each player will have ten ships:

Four ships with one deck,

Three - with two,

Two - with three decks,

One is the largest, four-deck.

Arrange your ships only in cells: vertically or horizontally - no touching the corners. A distance must be left between the ships - one cell. If everything is prepared by the participants, then you can start playing "sea battle".

Playing fields during the battle - closed: opponents should not see how the ships are located. The first one who starts the battle calls the coordinates of the point, marking it on his second field. If it hits, it marks the square with a cross. Otherwise, dot. Play "sea battle" should be until the first miss. Missed - the move goes to the second participant.

Participants find the coordinates of the called points and inform the enemy: “hit”, “past”, “wounded”. So, there is a "shooting". Participants continue to play the "sea battle" until the moment when one of them has all the ships knocked out.

And again Sea battle, but this time about the classic school game, which is played on notebook sheets. History has not preserved information about who and when invented this amazing game, but the fact that many generations of schoolchildren in the Soviet Union played it is a fact. Legends were composed and poems were written about this game, different variants of battles and new rules were invented. It is not surprising that the naval battle boom continues and even gains new momentum, now you can play not only with an opponent, but also with a computer, tablet and even with a phone...

Most recently, on our website, we described, and today we’ll talk about classical rules sea ​​battle games on paper. The classic version of the sea battle game is played by two people. To play, you will need two notebook sheets in a cage and two pencils or pens. The players take a piece of paper and a pen each and sit down so that they cannot see each other's pieces of paper - this is a real military secret, and the fate of the whole company depends on the stealth of the fleet's positions. Next, the players draw two squares of 10 by 10 cells and number the vertical side, and write the letters of the alphabet on the horizontal side. You should pay attention to the spelling of the same letters for two players, otherwise the game will be spoiled. Of course, you can change the arrangement of letters and numbers, you can increase or decrease the size of the playing field, but the prerequisite is that this must be done in the same way for two players.

After the squares of future hostilities have been drawn, you should hide them well from the eyes of the opponent and begin to arrange your fleet, but before that, carefully read the following rules:

  • in the classic rules of the game "Battleship" ships are located only horizontally or vertically and cannot be curved;
  • v classic game"Naval battle" ships cannot touch each other either by sides or corners, there must be a distance of at least one cell between ships;
  • in the classic Sea Battle game, each player places 10 (ten) ships of different sizes:
    • 1-n (one) four-cell battleship;
    • 2-a (two) three-cell cruisers;
    • 3 (three) two-cell destroyers;
    • 4th (four) one-cell submarines or torpedo boats (as you like).

Ships should be placed on the left square, and the right one will be used to mark your shooting, analyze the situation and fire at enemy ships. The figure shows an example of the arrangement of ships. Attention, if you decide to change the rules of the game to increase the number of ships, then you need to increase the size of the game squares, otherwise there will simply not be enough space to place the ships.

When the ships are placed, it's time to start a sea battle and one of the admirals, according to the lot, makes his first shot. This is done as follows: the player looks at the right square and chooses any place available for a shot and calls it out loud. For example: "e2" or "i9". The second participant in the naval battle looks at his left square, on which his ships are located, finds the indicated point and reports the result of the shot:

  • past (miss) - if this point is empty, in this case both players mark a point at this place, which means that they have already shot at these coordinates and there is no ship there;
  • wounded - if this is one of the places on which the ship is standing and this ship still has whole fragments of the hull, in this case a mark is made with a cross with the beginning of the lines in the corners of the square;
  • killed (sank) - if there is a one-cell submarine or another ship in this place, in which all fragments of the hull are already damaged, in this case a cross is placed and the entire ship is surrounded by dots, because the ship is sunk, its coordinates are completely determined, and according to the rules of naval combat, other ships cannot be located on neighboring cells. Thus, a mark is made and no more fire will be fired at these coordinates.

Please note that according to the rules of the classic game of naval combat, the player who made a successful shot and wounded or killed the enemy ship continues the game and makes another shot. He keeps firing until he misses. The game continues until all the ships of one of the fleets go to the bottom, i.e. until the complete destruction of one of the fleets.

Attention, if you wish, you can change the rules of the game and add your own elements. For example, some introduce one or two naval mines into the game. When hit by such a mine, the shooting player must name the coordinates of any of his not sunk ships. In addition, you can play three of us, then the players draw three squares and the shooting is carried out immediately at one squadron, and then at the other. In addition, you should make marks not only of your own shots, but also of the opponents' shots when they shoot at each other. The introduction of new rules into the game will diversify it and make it more exciting, but these rules need to be carefully thought out and tested in practice.

In the following articles, we will definitely analyze the tactics of deploying fleets and the correct strategy for firing at an enemy squadron. Have fun.

On our site you can find others that you can play with your friends.

A simple and exciting game that has been known since childhood is sea battle. The rules of the game are not very complicated, anyone can remember them. Sea battles are liked by adults and children, you can play it anywhere.

Rules of the game Sea battle

The essence of entertainment is that two players take turns calling certain coordinates on the opponent's map, which they do not know. The named point must hit the ship or part of it. The task of each player is to sink all enemy ships as soon as possible. There are several options for such a game today:

  1. On the paper. This method is considered a classic entertainment option. It allows you to play anywhere. A checkered notebook or one leaf (not even lined) is suitable for battles.
  2. Desktop. The first version of such entertainment appeared more than 80 years ago. Board game sea ​​battle was distinguished by volume, colorfulness. After a while, many variations appeared with different numbers of ships, other sizes of fields.
  3. On the computer. Modern gadgets can easily be turned into a battlefield for ships by downloading and installing the right application. There are options to play online. Features: the selected points are fixed automatically, there is a voice acting that adds reality to what is happening.


To understand how to play sea battle, you need to understand the basic concepts. You need to start by drawing your playing field. It is a coordinate plane, a square 10 by 10. Each of its sides has its own definitions: the horizontal is numbered from top to bottom, the vertical - with letter designations. The letters of the Russian alphabet are used from "A" to "K" or from "A to "I", if "Yo" and "Y" are omitted. Often, instead of letter designations, the words "Snegurochka" or "Republic" are used. They consist of ten letters, which corresponds to 10 squares on the playing field.

Next to the "own" field, you need to draw a "foreign" one, which has the same dimensions and coordinates. This is a site for the enemy flotilla. The field is empty, it is used to mark one's own moves and opponent's "strike". Given that there are several variants of the coordinate system, it is recommended to agree in advance which one will be used. Next, you need to arrange the ships.

Number and placement of ships

There is a certain layout of ships on the playing field. The ship consists of several decks or pipes (hence the name, for example, "two-deck" or "two-pipe"). On the playing field are:

  • 1 four-deck, ship, battleship, - a row of four cells,
  • 2 three-deck, cruisers, - rows of 3 cells;
  • 3 double-deck, destroyers, - rows of 2 cells;
  • 4 single-deck ships, torpedo boats, - 1 cell.

In the classic game, it is necessary to draw ships on the playing field according to the rules. For example, all court sides or corners cannot touch each other. There are variants of the game when the ships are placed in the letter "G", squares or zigzags, touching the corners is not prohibited. There are also battles with a different number of ships or their structure, for example, a five-deck (aircraft carrier), several four-deck. When using more ships, a different form of the field is used, 15 by 15 in size. It is necessary to decide on the choice of the game in advance.

Game progress

Playing sea battle on paper is necessary in accordance with certain rules. The instruction defines the conditions and sequence of moves:

  1. Initially, who will go first is chosen. To do this, the players cast lots.
  2. When making a "shot", the player names the coordinates, for example, B3.
  3. If there is nothing in the cell, the opponent says "by". According to the named coordinates, the ship is located, then “wounded” - if it was hit, “killed” - when completely destroyed.
  4. A cross indicates a hit on an enemy ship. With such a successful shot, according to the rules, the player moves a second time. The right to move is transferred to the second player if the blow fell on an empty field.
  5. The winner is the one who first sinks all the ships of his opponent.
  6. At the end of the game, the opponents may require each other's playing fields to check. The loser will be the one whose fields are filled incorrectly. Victory goes to the one who waged a fair fight.

There are certain restrictions in the game. The game may be ended earlier if there is a violation of the rules. The following are considered gross violations:

  1. Incorrectly drawn field - the number of vessels exceeds the required one, the dimensions of the sides or the coordinate system are incorrect.
  2. One of the players spied on the location of the ships from the other.
  3. Skipping a turn due to inattention.

Win strategy

A simple battle is not built solely on luck. To achieve victory, there is a strategy and tactics of playing a sea battle. It is as follows:

  1. A sheet with a lined field must be held so that the enemy cannot look.
  2. For convenience and accountability, it is recommended to mark enemy shots with dots.
  3. The most vulnerable ships are the battleship and the torpedo boat. The first one is very large, so it is easy to spot. Torpedo boats are small and hard to find on the field, but they sink in one hit.
  4. Beginners often aim at the corners of the game square, so it is not recommended to draw them there.
  5. Experienced players are advised to immediately come up with a layout of ships on the field. good results can be achieved if the flotilla units are arranged according to the scheme. For example, by gathering cruisers and battleships in one place, and placing boats and destroyers in a chaotic manner.
  6. Shooting techniques for a flotilla may be different. To quickly destroy the battleship, it is recommended to start searching for it diagonally. You need to shoot at the squares on 4, through 3 cells. Then you need to move in descending order: look for three-deck, two-deck and single boats.


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