The world. VLOOKUP for the Primary School course. Workshop. Volkova E., Danilova A.V., Tsitovich G.I. VLOOKUP world around methodical development on the outside world (grade 4) on the topic Gdz around the world workbook vpr

Primary general education

UMK line by G. G. Ivchenkova. The World Around (1-4)

UMK Dmitrieva line. The World Around (1-4)

UMK line by E. V. Saplina. The World Around (1-4)

UMK Zankov line. The World Around (1-4)

VPR-2019 for the outside world grade 4: options, analysis and solution of tasks

We bring to your attention a detailed analysis of the demo version of VLOOKUP-2019 for the surrounding world for grade 4.

Verification work on the subject "WORLD ENVIRONMENT", grade 4


Work instructions

You are given 45 minutes to complete. The work consists of two parts and includes 10 tasks. Answers to tasks are recorded in the answer field in the text of the work. When completing assignments, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks and other reference materials. It is better to complete tasks in the order in which they are located. If the task cannot be completed immediately, skip it and move on to the next. If time remains, you can return to it. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.

Work carefully and you will succeed!

Dear Guys!

You have to write a test paper on the world around you. Before embarking on a specific assignment, review all the material, this will help you tune in to work. Before starting the assignment, do not rush, read the entire instructions carefully and thoughtfully. Try to complete as many tasks as possible. Before handing over the work - be sure to check.

Part 1

1.1. Consider a drawing that shows a doctor's office. The table can be made of wood. It is marked in the figure with an arrow with a corresponding inscription. Show in the picture with an arrow any object (any detail) made of metal and any object (any detail) made of glass. Sign the title of the relevant material next to each arrow.

1. Performing the first task, carefully examine the picture. Analyze the depicted objects. Think and define what objects or parts of objects can be made of. Remember what is made of glass, what properties glass objects have. Find any object or detail of a glass object in the drawing, mark with an arrow, sign the name of the material. Determine which objects shown in the picture can be made of metal. Remember what basic properties metal objects have. Find in the picture any object or detail of a metal object, mark it with an arrow, do not forget to indicate the name of the material.

An exemplary sample of work performance.

2. On the Internet weather sites, you can find similar tables. Study the weather forecast for three days.

Answer: __________________

Before completing the second task, carefully consider the table. Pay attention to the symbols of cloudiness and atmospheric precipitation, compare these signs, remember what they mean. Track the air temperature to see if it changes during these three days. Look at the arrow signs, it is customary to indicate the direction of the wind with them, the direction of the wind is indicated under them. The table ends with a scale of air humidity in percent.

After you have carefully studied the table, proceed to the answer to the question. To do this, carefully read each statement and compare it with the data in the table. The first statement contains the word “will not exceed”. Do you understand its meaning? If not, then find out the meaning of this word (you can ask the teacher).

A sample of the correct answer:

Choose the correct statements about the expected weather for these three days and write down their numbers in the answer line.

  1. On Wednesday, the air temperature will not exceed 21 ° C.
  2. The north wind will blow on Tuesday.
  3. Air humidity will not change from Tuesday evening to Wednesday morning.
  4. It will be cloudy throughout the three days.

Answer: 2,4

The manual contains verification and diagnostic work and is intended to organize current and final control when working according to the textbook by G.G. Ivchenkova, I. V. Potapova, E.V. Saplina, A.I. Saplina “the world around. 4th grade". The proposed materials allow you to organize testing of subject knowledge and skills, as well as diagnostics of metasubject learning outcomes. The manual contains an effective system of mark-free assessment and analysis of students' achievements in mastering the program around the world.

3. Look at the map of the world. On it, the letters A and B mark two continents.

3.1. Write down the name of each continent in the space provided.

Mainland name A:

Mainland name B:

Take a close look at the map. Remember the names of all the continents, how many continents there are and how they are located on the world map, which continent is the largest, and which is the second largest continent in the world? What is the hottest continent? On which continent is the Russian Federation located?

Write down the names of the continents in the space provided.

3.2. The next page contains photos of polar bear, beaver, zebra and rhino. Write the name of each of these animals next to the number of the photograph in which it is depicted.

  1. ______________________________
  2. ______________________________
  3. ______________________________

3.3. Which of these animals live in their natural environment (not in a zoo) on mainland A, and which ones - on mainland B? Write down the numbers of the photographs of these animals. Answer:



Return to task 3 to see which continents we are talking about. Think about what conditions for life are necessary for these animals, compare them with the climatic conditions of these continents.

3.4. Sample correct answers for task 3:

Write down the name of each continent in the space provided.

Mainland name A: Africa.

The name of the continent B: Eurasia.

1) Rhino. 2) Polar bear.

3) Zebra. 4) Beaver.



3. Look at the map. Two natural zones are marked on it with the letters A and B.

3. Before proceeding with task 3, remember what natural zones are.

Natural zones are a territory that is determined by monotonous climatic conditions, peculiarities of flora and fauna.

What natural areas do you know? Look at the map, remember the geographical location of natural areas. How are the natural zones of Russia from north to south? Think about which natural zone is the most northern, which natural zone is located along the coast of the Arctic Ocean, which natural zone in Russia occupies the largest area?

Read expressions describing natural areas. This will help you remember the names of the natural areas:

  • The kingdom of trees;
  • the kingdom of ice and snow;
  • the kingdom of mosses and lichens;
  • variety of herbs;
  • land of sun and fire.

Write down the names of the natural areas in the space provided.

3.1. Look at pictures of animals. Remember their names. Write the name of each of these animals next to the number of the photograph in which it is depicted.

3.2. Go back to task 3 to see which natural areas are being discussed. Remember what each animal eats, think about what conditions for life are necessary for these animals, compare them with the conditions of these natural zones.

Sample correct answers for task 3:

Write down the name of each natural area in the space provided.

Name of natural zone A: Tundra

Name of natural zone B: Taiga

1) Sable 2) Polar owl

3) Arctic fox 4) Brown bear

Natural area


Will provide significant assistance in preparing for the test.

4. Consider a picture of a person. Show with arrows and label the shin, shoulder and stomach of the person as shown in the example.

For task 4, carefully examine the image of the person. Read which parts of the person's body you need to show with arrows in the image for the assignment.

Remember what refers to the external structure of man. The upper limbs consist of the shoulder, forearm, and hand. The lower limbs consist of the thigh, lower leg, and foot. Find the shin and shoulder on the image of the person, show with arrows, sign with words.

Remember what refers to the inner structure of a person. Which organ continuously drives blood through the vessels, which organ produces acidic juice, digests food? Look carefully at the image of a person, find the stomach on the diagram, put an arrow, sign.

Sample assignment:

5. Make two rules for preserving human health from the given parts of the phrases: for this, for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Read the phrases in the first and second columns carefully. Establish a connection between parts of phrases in meaning. Put the arrows. Check yourself.

Sample assignment:

Read the text thoughtfully and look at the picture. Remember what conditions are necessary for the germination of plants:

  1. Seeds need water to swell, because when the seed swells, the skin of the seed breaks, resulting in the appearance of the root and stem of the embryo. Also, water is necessary to dissolve the nutrients in the seed, because the seed embryo can only absorb all the necessary nutrients in liquid form.
  2. Air is needed to breathe seeds.
  3. It also requires warmth for germination.

Analyze the text and graphics. Compare the conditions for germination of pea seeds in two different glasses.

In order to complete task 6.3, it is necessary to remember that the soil contains minerals that dissolve in water and nourish plants.

Sample work execution:

Part 2

When completing tasks 7-10, answer each of the questions presented in sequence. Write down the answers clearly and legibly, observing the norms of speech.

Look carefully at the signs shown in the assignment. Find a road sign. Remember which group this road sign belongs to (informative, instructive, warning or prohibiting). What does it mean?

Consider the other two signs. Find familiar images in these signs. Think about the information they convey.

Sample work execution:

Take a close look at the images. What kind of work can you do with these items? Think about what professions can work with them?

What are these professions called? What do people of this profession make or do? Write down how the profession of these people is useful to society.

Sample execution:

Figure B shows a sewing machine. This item belongs to the profession of a seamstress. The seamstress is engaged in sewing and repairing clothes for other people, which helps the community to dress and change.

Look carefully at the objects, remember what they are called, for what purpose they are used. Think about what profession representatives can work with them. Write down what these professions are. What kind of work do people of this profession do. Think and write down how the profession of these people is useful to society.

Sample execution:

Answer: A doctor is one of the most important professions of people. The doctor heals people from diseases, saves people. The state of health of the society depends on the good work of doctors.

Look carefully at the photos. What kind of work do people do in photographs?

Think about the names of the professions of these people. Choose one of the photos, mark your choice in the answer box. What is the name of this profession? What materials, what equipment does a representative of this profession use in his work?

Sample example answer:

Hairdresser (A) is a hair master. Makes different types of haircuts, hair coloring, curling and styling.

Items necessary for a hairdresser: scissors, comb, hair dryer, curlers, hair clipper.

To complete this task, look at the calendar. Read the names of the months, see how the days of the week are arranged. Find the month of November, mark the last Sunday of this month in the calendar. Be sure to write down in the answer field what date this day falls on in 2019.

A sample of the correct answer:

To complete the second part of this assignment, think about how Mother's Day is different from International Women's Day? Who is it customary to congratulate on these holidays in general, and who specifically on Mother's Day?

Write down why this holiday is so important for every person. Your answer should contain no more than 5 sentences.

An example sample of an answer:

Mom gave life. There would be no our mothers, there would be no us. Mothers care, love, raise and educate children. Therefore, this holiday is important for us.

Remember the name of the republic, or region, or region, or city, or autonomous region in which you live. What is the name of the main city of your region / district where you live? Write it down in the answer box.

To answer question 10.3, remember what light industry, heavy industry produces. Name the enterprises in your city or region that meet the needs of people in food.

Coming to the question of monuments, remember that a monument is a sculpture or an architectural structure in memory of someone or something (an outstanding person, a historical event, monuments also include preserved cultural objects of the past. A natural monument is a natural object protected by the state (for example, unique tree or park).

To tell which natural monuments or monuments of history and culture are in your region, answer the questions:

  1. What is the name of a natural monument or monument of history and culture located in your region?
  2. For what reason was it erected?
  3. Where it is located?
  4. Brief information about the history of the creation of the monument, if you remember.

(All-Russian test works) are final tests that are carried out in individual academic subjects in order to assess the level of preparation of schoolchildren, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Work is carried out on any day April 13-24. To solve all problems in the subject "The World Around" given 45 minutes... The work consists of two parts and includes 10 tasks.

On our website you can always find the actual for grades 4,5,6,7 and 11, taken from the official website of FIPI.

The answers are at the end of the demo itself. But, it is worth remembering that this sample is laid out only for informational purposes and for training.

What should I do if I can't solve VLOOKUP for the World around 4 grade?

You are not confident in your abilities and successful delivery of work on the World Around - order a solution on our website. It is not necessary to write off, you can order a solution in order to check your answers and the course of the solution against the correct ones. You will be confident in the successful delivery of VLOOKUP, get a good score and continue your studies at school.

How to Prepare?

We recommend that you prepare for VLOOKUP for grade 4 on the subject of The World Around. It contains typical tasks and solution examples. The manual contains all the necessary information and, with due diligence, will help to pass the CDF for the World Around.

Preparing for the WLOOKUP in the surrounding world is undoubtedly important. In addition to training at school and according to Volkova's textbook, you should study at home. It would be good practice to take the 2020 test, try your hand at the demo version of the exam and assess your capabilities.

Download ГДЗ ВПР Е.В. Volkova the world around the world grade 4 with answers

You can download and familiarize yourself with the textbook by clicking on the "Download" link in the table. In the table, we tried to present several options for GDZ with answers.

VLOOKUP 2020. The world. 4th grade. Variants with answers

As an additional preparation option, you can return to the test work for the previous year and solve it, after comparing your answers with those already known.

When writing this work “ VLOOKUP for the outside world 2018 Volkova Option 8 ”The manual“ “was used.

Exercise 1

Look carefully at the pictures of the objects. These are images of stationery. The arrow marked "rubber" marks the eraser, which is made from this material. By reference mark any item that can be made of wood and any item that can be made of metal.

Show Answer

Assignment 2

Carefully study the weather forecast for three days using the table.

Read the weather statements for the specified day. Choose the wrong statements, write their numbers on the response line.

  1. For three days, air humidity indicators will not exceed 60%
  2. Hot weather will continue for three days.
  3. Cloudiness and precipitation on the indicated days of the week will be the same.
  4. On Saturday, the wind will change direction twice during the day.

Show Answer

  1. For three days, the air humidity will not exceed 60%. - wrong- the humidity indicator will rise to 80%
  2. Hot weather will continue for three days. - right- the temperature will exceed 29 0 С daily
  3. Cloudiness and precipitation on the indicated days of the week will be the same. - right- clear weather all days
  4. On Saturday, the wind will change direction twice during the day. - wrong- the wind will change direction only once from southeast to south.

Wrong answers: 1, 4

Look at the map of the hemispheres of the Earth, images and complete task 3.

Assignment 3

On the map of the hemispheres of the Earth, two continents are designated by the letters A and B.

3.1. Write down the names of the continents that correspond to the letters.

Show Answer

A: Africa

B: North America

3.2. Consider images of a cougar, a leopard, a red lynx, a one-humped camel. On each line, write down the corresponding name of the animal.

  1. _____________________
  2. _____________________
  3. _____________________
  4. _____________________

Show Answer

  1. leopard
  2. Red Lynx
  3. one humped camel

3.3. What animals (see paragraph 3.2.) Are found in nature on the mainland A, and what - on the mainland - B? Write down the numbers of the corresponding images.

BUT: ________________

B: ________________

Show Answer

A: 1, 4 - leopard, one-humped camel

B: 2, 3 - red lynx, puma

Assignment 4

Make two rules. Select the appropriate sentence at the beginning of each phrase.

Fill in the table: write down the corresponding numbers.

Show Answer

Assignment 5

Take a close look at the image of the person. In the left picture, the arrow marks the head. In the picture on the right, show the eyes, feet, and lungs as examples.

Show Answer

Assignment 6

Pupils of the 4th grade conducted experiments on the germination of lentil seeds. They wanted to find out if light affects the rate of seed germination. The guys put the same amount of seeds in two saucers and poured water so that it covered the seeds. They put one saucer on the windowsill, the second in a dark cabinet and began to observe the emerging sprouts.

6.1. Compare the conditions of the experiment. Underline a word that correctly reflects these conditions.

The amount of water in which the seeds were in two saucers: the same / different

Illumination of seeds in two saucers: the same / different

Show Answer

The amount of water in which the seeds were located is the same in the two saucers. The illumination of the seeds in the two saucers is different.

6.2. What measurements and comparisons need to be made to determine how light affects the rate of seed germination?

Show Answer

Measure and compare the lengths of the sprouts in both saucers.

6.3. If the students wanted to find out if the ambient temperature affects the rate of seed germination, with the help of what experiment they could do it? Describe this experiment.

Show Answer

Grade 4 students conducted an experiment to determine how temperature affects the rate of seed germination. The guys put pea seeds in two glasses and poured water so that it only covered the seeds. They put one glass in a cold dark place, the second in a warm dark place and began to observe the emerging sprouts.

Part 2

Assignment 7

The figures show signs that can be found, respectively, near the railway, near a reservoir, on the road. Consider them carefully and write down what these signs can mean.

  1. _____________________
  2. _____________________
  3. _____________________

Show Answer

  1. Crossing railway tracks is prohibited!
  2. It is forbidden to jump into the water from the bridge!
  3. Only cycling is allowed on the road section.

Assignment 8

People of different professions use different tools, mechanisms and accessories in their work. Look at the pictures, identify the professions of people who need these items to work. Choose one of the pictures, write down its number in the specially marked box.

In the response line:
- write down the name of the corresponding profession (if you know several professions where these items are required, write down any of them)
- describe what kind of work people of this profession do
- write how this work is useful to society

Show Answer

  1. Firefighter
  2. Policeman

Assignment 9

Every year since 1962, every second Sunday in September is celebrated as the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism. Think and write down why we honor this day in Russia and many other countries of the world. (The volume of the answer is up to five sentences.)

Assignment 10

10.1. Write down the name of the region (republic, oblast, territory, autonomous okrug, city) in which you live.

10.2. Write down the name of the capital of the main administrative city of your region.

10.3. What is the name of the settlement in which you live? Write down the name, in the answer indicate the type of settlement (city, village, settlement, village). What architectural monuments are in your city? Write about one of them.

VLOOKUP for the surrounding world consists of two parts. The first part includes 6 tasks, and the second - 4, that is, there are 10 tasks in total. The first two tasks are to highlight the desired parts of the image, the next three are to write a short answer, and the last five are expanded. Tasks 3, 6, 7 refer to the increased level of difficulty, and the rest - to the basic one.

Rating system

In total, for the VLOOKUP in the surrounding world, you can get 31 points. Points are converted to grades according to the following scheme:

Examples of tasks with a breakdown and explanations

Exercise 1

This task presents a drawing - for example, this:

It is marked with a piece of wood. The student needs to think and mark two more objects in the same way, one of which is made, for example, of metal, and the other is of paper.

If two objects are correctly indicated, each of which is made of different materials, they give 2 points. If the subject of only one material is indicated correctly - 1. If there are no correct answers, the student does not receive points for this task.

Assignment 2

In the second task, the student can be presented with a table, for example, with a weather forecast for three days. Attached to it are 4 statements, from which you need to choose the correct ones - something like "on Friday the air temperature during the day will not exceed 28 degrees" and "it will be sunny for all three days." If all correct statements are selected, the fourth grader receives 2 points. If one mistake is made (or one correct statement is not written) - 1. In other cases, 0 points are given.

Assignment 3

There are several parts in this task. In total, you can get 6 points for this task.

In the first part a map of the world is presented on which on any two natural zones (for example, taiga and desert) or continents (for example, Eurasia and Africa) there are two marks - A and B. you need to write the names of the continents. If there are no mistakes, they give 2 points, if one mistake is made - 1, and if more than one - 0.

In the second part photographs of three animals are presented under numbers, without signatures - for example:

The condition says that there are photos of a leopard, a bear, a llama and a wolf. In the answer form, you need to write under which figure which animal is depicted. If everything is written without errors, 1 point is awarded. If not, 0 points.

In the third part you need to answer the question: which animals live in their natural environment on mainland A, and which ones - on mainland B (or in natural zones A and B). If there are no mistakes, you can get 3 points. If there is one mistake - 2 points, two - 1 point, and three or more - 0.

Assignment 4

In the fourth task, you need to carry out a correspondence: choose the correct end to the beginning of the phrase. The phrases are associated with a healthy lifestyle and maintaining health in general: playing sports, taking care of the oral cavity, the need to dress for the weather, etc. There are two beginnings of phrases, and three sequels, so it is important not to get confused, but simply put the numbers at random will not work.

The answer is entered into a table like this:

If there are no errors in the answer, the student gets 1 point, if there are - 0.

Assignment 5

This task is quite difficult. The condition gives an example of indicating organs on the human body - for example, as in the figure below:

The student needs, by analogy, to independently mark the parts of the body and organ indicated in the task - for example, the stomach, hand and lower leg. If this is done correctly, they give 2 points. If only two body parts or only one body part and organ are indicated correctly - 1 point. In other cases, the fourth grader receives 0 points.

Assignment 6

The sixth WLOOKUP task for the surrounding world consists of three parts. In total, you can get 4 points for it. It describes the experiment or observation being carried out - for example,

Artyom observed the germination of pea seeds. To find out if light affects the germination rate, he took two glasses, put several identical pea seeds in each of them and filled them with water so that the seeds were completely submerged in the water. Artyom put both glasses on the table under a fluorescent lamp, but he blocked one of them from the lamp with a cardboard box with cut holes. Then Artyom watched the sprouts appearing in both glasses.

In the first part the student needs to answer the question whether the temperature and illumination in the two glasses are the same or different. They may also ask about the material of the glasses. If the answer contains no errors, it is estimated at 1 point, if it contains at least one - 0 points.

In the second part one question is asked related to the task - for example, what measurements should be taken to determine how illumination affects the growth of seeds, or, if the task is not about seeds, but, say, about heating water - what determines the speed of this process. The correct answer to this part of the assignment also brings the student 1 point.

In the third part A fourth grader should describe another experiment - for example, if Artyom would like to find out how the presence of soil affects the growth of seeds. You need to tell what to do in this case. For this, you can get 2 points - if the answer reflects all aspects of the experiment. If any aspect is missed, 1 point is given. In other cases, the student does not receive points for the given task.

Assignment 7

This activity tests the child's ability to understand information reflected in various symbols, as well as knowledge of where they may be encountered. There are three signs, for example:

First part The task includes the question of where these signs can be found, or, if it is indicated in the condition, what unites these signs (but in this case, all three signs will be from the same series, for example, road signs). For the correct answer, 1 point is given.

The second part of the task requires writing three rules - for each sign you need to write which rule it reflects. If three rules are written correctly - they give 2 points, if only two are correctly formulated - 1 point, and if only one - 0 points.

Assignment 8

In the condition of the eighth task, the student is offered three photographs of the materials used for work, or photographs of people during work - for example:

  • determine the profession with which the photo is associated
  • write what the people of this profession are doing
  • to say how the work of people of such a profession brings to society

If all this is done correctly and correctly, you can get 3 points (one for each correct answer).

Assignment 9

This 4th grade CDT task on the outside world tests how the student is aware of his connection with the people around him and with his country. It provides a statement to which one or two questions are asked, or simply two questions are asked: the length of the answer should be about 5 sentences. An assertion assignment could be:

On May 9, a solemn procession "Immortal Regiment" takes place in all cities of Russia. Who is this procession dedicated to? Why is it important for the people of Russia? Example assignment with questions: How do you think real friends are different from just good acquaintances? Why is it important to have real friends?

If relevant, good answers to the questions are given, you can get 2 points. If there are errors in the answer, or the student simply wrote general considerations on this topic, but did not answer the question directly - 1 point. In other cases, 0 points are given.

Assignment 10

In the tenth task, the knowledge of fourth-graders about the region where they live is tested. It has three parts; in total for the task you can get a maximum of 6 points.

First part involves spelling the name of the subject of the Russian Federation (city, region, region or republic) where the student lives.

In the second part you need to write the main city of the region, or, if the student lives in a city of federal significance, the district where he lives.

If both the name of the subject and the main city are spelled correctly, 2 points are awarded, and if only one thing - 1 point.

In the third part several questions related to the place of residence are asked - for example:

What kind of goods is your region famous for? What natural monuments or monuments of history and culture are in your region? Tell us about one of these monuments. Or: What is your region best known for? What animals can be found in the nature of your region (name at least three animals)? Describe one of these beasts. What does this beast eat?

They may also ask what and why is depicted on the coat of arms of the region, which even some adults do not know, so it is important to pay attention to this aspect.

For correct answers to the first two questions, two points are given (that is, for one question, a maximum of one point). The correct answer to the third question can bring 2 points: for example, if one of the animals is described and what it eats is written, they give 2 points, and if only one of them - 1 point. That is, in just the third part 10 of the assignment, you can get as much as 6 points.

VLOOKUP World around Grade 4 (samples, options)

VPR 2020, grade 4. Verification work on the subject "The World Around". SAMPLE.

VPR 2019.4 grade. The world. Training options 1-5 with answers.

VPR 2016, grade 4. Verification work on the subject "The World Around". Sample.

2016 .-- 10 p. (+ 8 pp. Answers, assessment criteria).

Demo version. The selection of materials is intended for acquaintance and individual preparation (at school and at home) of fourth-graders for the implementation of the All-Russian Final Testing Work (VPR) around the world.
All tasks are given answers, solutions, assessment criteria.

Format: pdf

The size: 769 Kb


Diagnostic work on the subject "The world around us", grade 4, demo version 2015, NIKO (National Research on the Quality of Education)

20 pp., With answers (assessment system of diagnostic work) + Specification 9 pp. and etc. "

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