Region of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia map in Russian. Capital of Saudi Arabia, flag, history of the country. Where is Saudi Arabia on the world map. External economic ties

Saudi Arabia, the map of which is presented below, is a country in the southwestern part of Asia, which occupies about 80% of the area. The origin of its name is associated with the royal family of Saud, which founded the state and continues to be in it under the authorities until today.

general description

Square Saudi Arabia is 2.15 million square kilometers. The state is bordered by Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Yemen and Oman. In addition, it is washed by the waters of the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and the bay of Aqaba. His capital is Er-Riyad, in which more than five million people live. Other major cities of Saudi Arabia are Jeddah, Mecca and Medina. The population population exceeds one million people.

Political device

In March 1992, the first documents regulating states and the basic principles of its management were adopted. Based on them, the country of Saudi Arabia is a theocratic absolute monarchy. The basis of its Constitution lies Quran. The Saudites dynasty is under power, since 1932. The king has a full legislative, executive and judiciary. Its powers are only theoretically limited to local traditions and the norms of Sharia. The government has been operating in this form since 1953. It is headed by the king, which determines the main directions of its activities. There are in the country and the Council of Ministers, which is entrusted with not only performing, but also legislative functions. All decisions made by this authority are approved by the Decree of the King Country of Saudi Arabia. The population of the state is obliged to perform them. In the administrative terms, the country is divided into thirteen provinces.


The local economy is based on private free entrepreneurship. At the same time, it is impossible not to note the fact that control over the key is carried out by the government. The state boasts the largest oil reserves on the planet. It accounts for about 75% of its income. In addition, Saudi Arabia is the world leader in the export of black gold and plays one of the leading roles in OPEC. There are also reserves of zinc, chromium, lead, copper and


The first census of local residents was held in 1974. Since that time to this day, the population of Saudi Arabia has grown almost three times. Now almost 30 million people live in the country. The overwhelming majority of local residents are Arabs, a significant part of which kept the tribal organization. Now in the country there are more than 100 tribal associations and tribes. It is impossible not to note the fact that approximately one fifth of the population falls on foreign workers. Based on the official UN statistics, as of 1970, the level of child mortality in the country was 204 infants per thousand newborns. Now in this indicator there was a significant positive shift. In particular, thanks to improving the standard of living and medical care in a state from a thousand newborns, only 19 children die.


Arabic is official in such a country as Saudi Arabia. The population in everyday life uses a predominantly Arabian dialect, which comes from El Fusgh. Inside it allocates several gatherings close to each other. At the same time, urban residents and descendants of nomads talk in different ways. Literary I. spoken Languages Have minor differences between themselves. In a religious context, a classic Arabic dialect is mainly used. Common languages \u200b\u200bamong the immigrants from other countries are English, Indonesian, Urdu, Tagalog, Farsi and others.


The center of the Islamic world is precisely Saudi Arabia. The population of the country practically fully confesses this religion. According to various estimates, up to 93% of local residents are Sunnites. The remaining part of the representatives of Islam is predominantly on Shiites. As for other religions, approximately 3% of the country's inhabitants are Christians, and 0.4% are other confessions.


Higher education in the country, though free, but not mandatory. Not bad work and comfortable life in Saudi Arabia is possible without it. Whatever it was, a number of programs are operating here, the main purpose of which has decreased the level of illiteracy of local residents. Currently, there are 7 universities and 16 higher educational institutions in the country. All of them are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry higher education. Approximately 30 thousand students annually study abroad. In the past few decades, the Government has significantly increased education costs. At the same time, the state requires a general reform in this area, which should form a new balance between modern and traditional learning methods.


One of the most advanced countries in the world in the level of medicine is Saudi Arabia. The population of the state has the right to free receipt related services. This applies to both residents of megacities and representatives of the Bedouin tribes that go to the wilderness. Every year about 8% of the local budget stands out for health care, which is simply a gigantic amount. Mandatory immunization of newborns is fixed at the legislative level. The epidemiological control system, which was established in 1986, allowed to completely defeat and eliminate such terrible diseases as the plague and cholera.

Demographic problems

According to studies of scientists, if the current number of residents in the country persists (over the past 30 years, they constitute about 4% of residents per year), by 2050 the population of Saudi Arabia will reach the mark of 45 million. In other words, very soon the leadership of the country will have to solve the problem associated not only with the provision of jobs to citizens, but also with the provision of decent old age for working Saudis. This task is not so simple even for a state with so impressive oil reserves. The emergence of this kind of problems is due primarily to positive shifts in the spheres of food and medical care, as well as with improved living conditions in the country.

The state of Saudi Arabia appeared on September 23, 1932. In 1926, Abdul al-Aziz from the Saud family united the regions of submarines and Hijaz and founded the Kingdom of EMRT and Hijaz, in 1932, after the conquest of Asyr and strengthen the positions in El Hass and Catiff, the country began to be called the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Modern Saudi Arabia is also sometimes called the Third Saudi State, distinguishing it in this way from the first and second state of the Saudi, which existed, respectively since 1744 to 1813 and from 1824 to 1891.

Oil Card.

Saudi Arabia is a real "oil barrel". Exports of this raw material gives 90% of the country's export revenues, 75% of budget revenues and 45% of state GDP. Oil has become for Saudi Arabia not only by the main product that rises the country's economy, but also a serious geopolitical goat.

The colossal oil reserves were discovered here in 1938, but because of World War II, large-scale developments had to postpone. The United States had its stake in the Arab Commission since 1933, Standard Oil Company of California was working on the territory of Saudi Arabia.

Without waiting for the end of the war, President of the United States Franklin Roosevelt in February 1945, after the completion of the Yalta Conference, held a meeting with Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud. Negotiations were held on board the American warship "Quincy" in Suez Channel. Then the so-called "Cuinxi Pact" was concluded, according to which the US monopoly was transferred to the United States. Roosevelt, in turn, promised to Satitis protection against the external threat.

Oil made Saudi Arabia with the richest state in his region, Abdul-Aziz by 1952 had a personal state of about 200 million dollars. The United States, in turn, received a good lever of influence on the oil market.

Rights of women and men

When it comes to Saudi Arabia, always remember the stringent laws of Sharia. Women are greatly limited in rights. So, in Saudi Arabia, a woman is not recommended to appear outside the house without accompanying Mahrama men (relative, husband), she is forbidden to communicate with other men if they are not Mahrama. In 2009, the brothers shot publicly two sisters for communication with other men, and in 2007, his father personally executed the daughter for communicating in Facebook with an unfamiliar man.

Women in Saudi Arabia are obliged everywhere to wear black Abai, in 2011, the religious police also began to demand that the woman in the physician closes the eyes, as they may be too sexy. Men in Saudi Arabia should defend the honor of the family and honor their women. There is such a notion of "Namus" or "Sharaf", which is translated as an honor. Observing Namus, a man can determine the punishment for a woman who violated the IRD - the rules of female piety.

For the sake of justice, it must be said that segregation in Saudi Arabia is distributed both on women and for men. Idle men are limited here in rights no less than women. All public areas are divided into two parts - for families (read "for women") and for men. In most places, the entrance for lonely men in principle is ordered, therefore, socially oppressed in the rights of no less women. Women in Saudi Arabia are fighting for their rights and have already achieved success in this matter, they can even take political positions.


The Law System of Saudi Arabia is based on Sharia's norms, the death penalty in the country is provided for intentional murder, armed robbery, homosexuality, extramarital (trunk) communications, religious apostasy, violent action of a sexual nature, the creation of the opposition authorities of the groupings.

Compliance with the norms of Sharia law is controlled by the religious police - mutavva, which is also called the Sharia Guard. It obeys the Committee on the promotion of virtue and deduction from vice.

For various crimes, various punishments are installed for various crimes - from shocks and bending with stones before cutting off the head.

The right to execute execution in Saudi Arabia is considered to be honorable, there are still several executive dynasties in the country, the skill is inherited. In 2013, Saudi Arabia faced a lack of personnel, the swordsmen now are becoming less and less, so the forms of execution of execution have changed.

Mecca and Medina

Saudi Arabia is one of the most closed countries of the world. Staying in Saints for Muslims, Mecca and Medina for non-Muslims is strictly prohibited by law. You can get to these cities only in Pilgrimn Groups Making Hajj. In history, however, there were cases of violation of these prohibitions.

The first famous non-Mesulmanin, who visited Mecca was the Italian traveler from Bologna Louis De Vethem, who visited here in 1503. Another non-Mesulmanin who visited Mecca was Sir Richard Francis Burton. In the middle of the XIX century, he made a hajj from Afghanistan under the fictional name.

Several facts

There are no rivers in Saudi Arabia. Water here is more expensive than gasoline. Magic is officially forbidden in Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, there are shops on sale, but they are made in accordance with the norms - women in Abaiy, men in Toby and Gutrei. An Islamic calendar has been adopted in Saudi Arabia, now he is 1436 in Hijra. Favorite sport - football, the national team of the country three times was the champion of Asia. A visa is not so simple, especially if the passport is about visiting Israel.

Flag of Saudi Arabia

The flag of the first state was a green banner with a white crescent. However, wakes used as a banner with a green cloth with Shahad (Islamic Symbol of Faith: "There is no god except Allah, and Mohammed - Messenger of Allah") in Arabic. In 1902 he accepted a flag with Shahada as a state, adding a sword on him. The flag design has repeatedly changed: white edges appeared and disappeared, the font changed, the swords became two. The modern flag design was approved in 1973.

From the characteristics of the flag, it should be noted that it is stitched from two panels so that the text can be read from both sides. Since Shahada is sacred for Muslims, the Saudi flag is forbidden to portray on T-shirts (in case of extreme necessity, for example, on the form of athletes during international competitions, a flag is depicted with a sword alone), and it is not fitted in case of mourning.

Coat of arms of Saudi Arabia

The coat of arms of Saudi Arabia was approved in 1950. It depicts palm trees and two swords. Palma is the main tree of Saudi Arabia, and two swords symbolize two kinds founded by Saudi Arabia: al-Wahhab.

States on site

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

المملكة العربية السسودية (al-Mamla Al-Arabiya Az-Saudiya)

The territory of the Arabian Peninsula from the third millennium BC inlated the nomadic semitic tribes - the ancestors of modern Arabs, assimilated the Negroid population of the south of the peninsula. In the first millennium, the ancient United States, kingdoms, were developed in the south of the peninsula. For a long time among the population of Northern Arabia, long-standing relations prevailed, but gradually and there from tribal unions began to form slave-owned states, in particular,. In the first century, BC, North Arabia fell under power, and after her decay was the enemy struggle between and. As for the West and the south of the peninsula (Hijaz, Asira and Yemen), they found themselves at the intersection of trade routes between Mediterranean, India and Africa, which contributed to the emergence and growth of cities, such as Mankoraba (Mecca) and Yasrib (Medina). Simultaneously with the development of trade in these areas, Christianity and Judaism began to spread.

To the V central region of Arabia - Nuzhda - the Union of Arab tribes headed by the Kynda tribe, who spread its influence to the south and east of the peninsula. Around 529, the Union collapsed, and Arabia became the arena of the struggle between Ethiopian and Persian rulers. The fight against the invaders was headed by the Kureshitov tribe from Mecca. Of this tribe, the prophet Muhammed occurred, thanks to whose activities in the VII century, a new religion was arose in Arabia - Islam. It was Islam that became the rod, around which the disparated nomadic tribes of the Arabian Peninsula were united in the Arab nation, and a new theocratic state arose - with the capital in Medina.

As a result of the rapid expansion by the middle of the 7th century, under the rule of the Caliphov, in addition to Arabia, Palestine, Syria, Persia, Transcaucasia, were under the rule of the Caliphs, North Africa and the Pyrenean Peninsula. The capital of the Khaliphat was moved from the medina at first to Damascus, and then to Baghdad. This led to the fact that Arabia became the outskirts of a huge state.

In 1901, against the background of the Kuwaiti crisis, in which the world's leading powers were involved, resumed the struggle for Er-Riyad. In January 1902, as a result of a bold hat, the Son, took Er Riyadh, and by the spring of 1904 he restored power over most of the tenant. Rashidida turned for help to, but the Sultan's troops were defeated and were forced to leave the peninsula. Sultan admitted to his vassal in non-President. In 1906, Emir acknowledged power over an 11th and casim, and Sultan confirmed this agreement.

EMD and Hijaz in 1923

Following the acquisition of independence, skirmishes were resumed between the Arab States. In 1920, the troops were prevented by the Upper Asira, and the next year the possessions were attached. On August 22, 1921, Sultan was proclaimed and dependent territories. In the next two years, El Jaouf and Wadi Sirhan captured and moved their troops to the north, on, and. Not wanting excessive strengthening of Nedia, the British supported the Hashemte rulers and. suffered defeat.

In 1928, the uprising from under control broke out in the kingdom iavanov. Having received a blessing from the rules, formed a small army from the members of the tribal loyal and crowded the rebels into the territory. There they were surrounded by English troops, and their leaders were issued. With a lesion iavanov Tribal associations lost their role in the main military support. During the civil war, rebellious sheikh and their squads were completely destroyed. This victory has become the final stage on the way of creating a single centralized state.

The new monarch took a course on the gradual modernization of the kingdom. With it, the introduction of Western technologies in the industry and the social sphere began, reform of health and education systems was carried out, national television appeared. In foreign policy, border disputes were resolved, and. In 1970, it was discontinued civil War In Yar, where Saudi Arabia supported supporters of overthrown Imam. In the Arab-Israeli war of 1973, Saudi Arabia supported and even at some time introduced an embargo for the supply of oil in the United States. The normalization of relations with America occurred only after signing the truce between Israel, and in 1974.

In 1975, the king was killed by one of his nephews, and his brother climbed to the throne. He was weak health, and therefore the actual power was in the hands of his brother. He continued the conservative policy of his predecessor. Thanks to enormous income from oil and their military-strategic position, the role of the Kingdom in regional politics and international economic and financial issues has increased.

The Islamic revolution of 1978-79 in Iran led to the outbreak of Islamic fundamentalism in the world. In Saudi Arabia, large anti-government performances occurred. In addition, in the early 1980s, prices and demand for oil dropped sharply, which led to the crisis in the Saudi economy, the next exacerbation of the internal contradictions and the foreign policy situation in the region.

War in the Persian Gulf

During the Iranian Iraq war, Saudi Arabia supported. In response to this followers of Ayatollah Homeney tried regularly to disrupt the annual Hajj in Mecca. Saudi Arabia was forced to break diplomatic relations with. During the war in the Persian Bay of 1990-91, Saudi Arabia was under the threat of Iraqi invasion. Thousands of American and allied military forces were deployed in the country. The king made a great personal contribution to the creation of the Antihrak Coalition of the Arab States.

After the war in the bay, the pressure of Liberals began political reforms. In particular, the advisory board was created, the Council of Ministers was reformed and the administrative and territorial division of the country was changed. However, reforms could not solve contradictions that were crowned in Saudi society. The stay at the Saudi territory of the American troops contradicted the doctrines of Wahhabism, and in the 1990s there were several terrorist attacks against Americans in the kingdom. Saudi Arabia was one of the two countries, which recognized the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Relations with the United States have deteriorated further after the events of September 11, 2001, Washington accused Saudi Arabia in financing international terrorist organizations, in particular, Al-Qaida. However, the USA did not go to break the relationship with Saudi Arabia.

In 2003, two human rights organizations were created in Saudi Arabia, and in 2005, elections were held for the first time in local authorities.

Despite the reforms, Saudi Arabia is one of the most closed and conservative countries of the world. The whole full of power is in the hands of the king, he is the spiritual leader of the country. Its power is limited only by the norms of Sharia. This makes Saudi Arabia along with the only absolute theocratic monarchy in the world. The throne is inherited. The right to the throne is legally enshrined behind the sons and grandchildren of the first king, but the order of inheritance is clearly not defined: the heir is chosen by the Special Council from among the most influential members of the royal family.

The Constitution of Saudi Arabia announced the Quran; All legislation is based on Islamic law. Any discussion of an existing building is prohibited in the country. A religious police operate ( muttava), following the compliance with the norms of Islam. Severely punishable alcohol and drugs, theft and murder; Public executions are practiced. The rights of women are strongly limited, and all restrictions apply to foreign citizens located on the territory of Saudi Arabia. Despite alliatic relations with the West, Saudi Arabia is often criticized for condescension to Islamic radicalism. Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of the former international "terrorist number 1" Osama Bin Laden; Many Islamic militants are rejected on its territory.

Riots in the Arab world in 2011 practically did not touch Saudi Arabia. Only unrest of shiites in El Qatif, depressed by the authorities with the use of weapons, were recorded. Currently, any rallies and manifestations in Saudi Arabia are prohibited as contrary to the norms of Sharia. Police received the right to apply any means to curb illegal assemblies.

At the end of 2017, several dozen elite representatives were arrested in Saudi Arabia, including the princes. They are officially accused of corruption, but in fact, most likely, the process of "clearing" of the political field for the Crown Prince Mohammed Ibn Salman is from representatives of the conservative opposition.

The largest state in the Arabian Peninsula, which occupies more than 80% of the territory is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In the north, this country is bordered by Jordan. The eastern neighbors of the giant country are Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE. Yemen and Oman coexist with Saudi Arabia from the south side. This state from two sides is washed by the sea: red in the West, the Persian Bay from the northeast.

The chain of the magnificent mountain al-Hijaz stretches along the western coast of the Arabian Peninsula. Their height reaches 3000 m. Their fittings attract numerous tourists with a mild warm climate and a unique diversity of greenery. The eastern and southern part of the country are engaged in the main deserts, and inhabited by nomocarial Bedouins.

Saudi Arabia is the country of numerous Muslim mosques. It was here that one of the most numerous religions in the world was founded - Islam.


Number of population

26 534 504 people.

2 149 000 km²

Population density

12 people / km²



islam Sunni sense, Wahhabism

Form of government

absolute theocratic monarchy

saudi Rial


International Area Code

Domain zone on the Internet

Saudi Arabia opened to visit tourists quite recently, no more than three years ago. She is glad to offer its guests a unique color of the Arabian deserts, as well as numerous shrines of the Muslim world. The ancient traditions of the East and the modern setting make this country attractive for lovers of non-traditional rest. A feature of the tourist business of the country was diving, which allows you to explore all the variety of unique underwater world of the Red Sea. Camel beauty contests have no analogues around the world. And participation in the famous falcon hunt will give you new impressions.

Climate and weather

The climate in Saudi Arabia is extremely arid and dry. Arabian Peninsula It is one of the few places where the temperature in the summer never falls below +50 ° C.

The north of the country refers to the subtropical climatic zone, and the south to tropical. Snow here can only be seen in the mountains, and that is not every year. In January, the air temperature does not exceed +20 ° C in cities and deserts, and on the coast Red Sea Air warms up to +30 ° C.

In the summer, in Saudi Arabia becomes unusually hot. In the shade, the air temperature ranges from +35 ° C and up to +45 ° C. But in the deserts due to the ability of the sand very quickly to give heat, and low temperatures can be encountered, sometimes reaching up to 0 ° C. For this area, sharp differences of day and night temperatures are a fairly common phenomenon.

Rain in Saudi Arabia falls unevenly. At the same time, in the east and in the center of the country, the rainy season lasts from February to April, and in the West - exclusively in the winter (from the end of November to the beginning of February). In winter, dense fogs are often observed in the mountains of the Arabian Peninsula.

Tourists for visiting Saudi Arabia prefer to choose periods from the first days of September and in mid-October, as well as in the late spring. All May keeps not too heatAnd the sea wind brings some moisture to sufficiently dry air.


The nature of Saudi Arabia is truly unique. On the territory of this state you can find both huge hot deserts, and high cool mountains, and wonderful warm sandy beaches.

Along the coast of the Red Sea rise beautiful and powerful mountains Hijaz. The height of individuals reaches three kilometers. In the same area there is one of the most attractive resorts of the Middle East - Asira. He attracts tourists from around the world with its rather mild pleasant climate and unique vegetation. This resort prefer to visit Ecotourism lovers.

The eastern part of the kingdom is completely covered with deserts. The largest of them is Rub-El Haliwhich occupies almost the entire south and part of the southeast of the country. It passes the invisible border of Saudi Arabia with Oman and Yemen. The total desert area in this country reaches almost 1 million km 2. Most often, such deserts inhabit the wiser Bedouin tribes.


Saudi Arabia, as a strictly Muslim country, is noteworthy for tourists with their religious relics and shrines. The most attractive for visiting are the famous Arab cities, such as the capital Er Riyadh, Mecca, Medinaand Jedda.

The most visited city in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is its capital Er-Riyad. The most popular landmark of this city is a cited by Old Er-Riyadh, which houses Museumdedicated to the King Abdel Aziz. Also widely known Royal Center, Belonging to Prince Saudi Arabia, it is the highest building in the whole kingdom. This huge complex includes a large number of residential apartments, offices, beautiful restaurants and luxurious shopping centers.

Of course, no stay in Saudi Arabia is not visited without a visit to the Muslim shrine - cities Mecca. In this area, the founder of the most numerous religion in the world of the Prophet Mohammed was born. In Mecca is known since 1570 Sacred Mosque Haram.. Its area is more than 300,000 km 2. This is a majestic building of Arabic architecture fully lined with an excellent lilac marble and includes nine minarets, the height of each of them reaches almost 95 meters. The famous Haram can simultaneously hold up to 700 thousand people.

In the center of Haram there is a sanctuary Kaaba. His corners are oriented on the sides of the world. The East Kaab angle is distinguished among other presence of black stone. Some scientists believe that this is a meteorite. But Muslims adhere to another opinion that it was this stone that God the senal from Paradam after his repentance. The legend says about the white color of the stone, which after the touch of sinners he changed to black.

Mecca is known all over the world with its numerous shrines Islam. During the Hajj, this city is visited more than two million people from all over the world. People who confess other religions cannot enter this holy place.

Another major landmark of Saudi Arabia is National park Asirawhich is located near the city of Jeddah. His unique vegetation and a kind of animal world attract many ecotourists.


National cuisine Saudi Arabia includes culinary traditions of all Middle East countries. The main foods of local Arabs are lamb, poultry meat, lamb, eggs and fish. The traditional garnish for these dishes is rice with raisins. The traditional dishes of Arabic cuisine include all kinds of soups (rice, pea, beans) and stewed meat, which is seasoned with bow and lentils.

No feast in Saudi Arabia does not do without a national dish " burgul" Such an original title has porridge prepared from corn or wheat cereals with the mandatory addition of sour milk. Also a popular dish, especially the southern peoples of Saudi Arabia, is a flour porridge with the addition of olive oil and pepper.

Local restaurants are pleased to provide our customers with the famous national dish « guzi."It includes baked lamb meat, generously flavored by special spices, rice and nuts.

As in the remaining Arab countries, in Saudi Arabia, when preparing meat dishes, it is customary to use only heat treatment without adding fat. As a side dish meat dishes Rice is usually served, which is traditionally filled with tomato paste and onions. Some restaurants can prevent meat with fries.

Great stake in the diet of the residents of Saudi Arabia is occupied by all sorts of fruits and vegetables. Figoes and figs are especially popular here. Great attention is paid to local residents of useful nuts.

The most favorite drink in Saudi Arabia is coffee. In this country, there is a special ceremony for the preparation and consumption of this wonderful drink. In Saudi Arabia, people are accustomed to squeeze coffee with all sorts of spices, especially cloves and cardamon, sugar in the coffee Arabs do not add at all. Arabs love various spices very much.

Special popularity in this country uses dishes made from fermented milk products.


The development of tourist business in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is only at the initial stage. Strict Muslim customs create certain restrictions to attract foreign tourists into this country, therefore not all of the kingdom hotels have the required number of stars. The international classification was predominantly those hotels that are part of large hotel chains. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that all hotels and hotels are pleased to offer visitors service and comfort quite a decent level, which meets all European standards.

Most of the best hotels are located in the capital of Saudi Arabia ER Riyadh. They offer their customers not only spacious and comfortable rooms, but also additional services of lovely restaurants, fitness centers, spa salons, swimming pools.

A completely special for this country became the hotel " Lyuzan", Which was built exclusively for women. Here they, despite the rules of conduct prescribed in the Muslim country, can book themselves and settle in the rooms.

The cost of renting a separate apartment in Saudi Arabia is about $ 800 per month in the capital of the state, and in other cities - no more than $ 400.

Entertainment and recreation

Most foreign tourists for inspecting local attractions choose the capital of the state Er-Riyad. Being there, it is necessary to visit the National Museum of Saudi Arabia, where a huge exposition is represented, acquainting visitors with the history and culture of this unique Muslim country. It is worth paying attention to the highest building in the country - Royal Centerwhose owner is a prince. This building is customary to associate with an oasis. modern life Saudi Arabia.

None of the tourists who have decided to come to this wonderful country will not leave her without having been in Mecca. "Mother of the cities" call her locals. This city is the most sacred place for all Muslims in the world and is a kind of center of the spiritual culture of the Kingdom. It is worth noting that only the adherents of the Muslim religion can visit this place, they are not allowed in Mecca. If you still managed to get into the territory of this ancient city, it is necessary to visit the famous mosque Haram., look into the main sanctuary of all Muslims - Kaab.

Nearby with the famous city of Medina is the most famous uninhabited city. Madine Salih.. This is the largest and most exciting archaeological zone of Saudi Arabia. Be sure to visit this unique place, and it will not leave you indifferent.

Saudi Arabia has one of the most beautiful coral reefs on the entire planet. Therefore, this country is simply necessary to visit all lovers diving.

The present entertainment of men here is falcon hunting. Many centuries ago, such an occupation was a kind of tool for survival. To date, this is one of the most popular sports, however, the price of such a type of recreation is completely notable. The cost of one hunting falcon reaches $ 80,000.

Another great entertainment in Saudi Arabia is great and unforgettable. cruises on yachts Along the coastal islands. Such a small journey that helps familiarize yourself with local beauties will leave indelible impressions. The yachts that are used to carry out such cruises have all the necessary: \u200b\u200band air-conditioned rooms, and separate cozy bedrooms, and spacious rooms with video systems.

Lovers of a relaxing holiday Saudi Arabia is glad to offer a great opportunity to polit local fish in deep-water places in Persian Gulf. If the captain stops a yacht in a fish outlook, then such an amazing Klev will remember to you for life.

It should be noted that nightly entertainment lovers in Saudi Arabia will not find the usual classes, since such events are prohibited by the strict laws of Sharia.


The country's fame was brought not only to Muslim shrines, but also a huge number of diverse outlets. These include traditional Arab markets, large department stores and large shopping centers. And here you can find and expensive boutiques, and quite cheap shops.

Visiting stores is the favorite pastime of local residents, since other entertainment is prohibited by the Koran - there is not a single night bar, club or casino.

Shops usually work without a certain schedule. As a rule, working hours most outlets are from 9 to 13 hours, as well as from 17 to 20 hours. Per month Ramadan shops work from 20:00 to one in the morning. Weekend in Saudi Arabia is considered Friday. On this day, it is customary to visit traditional sermons and prayers in mosques.

As in all eastern countries, the locals are insemorable love to bargain. The usual matter for this country is the ability to shoot down the appointed price by more than 40%. You can bargain with sellers in almost all outlets other than large supermarkets.


In Saudi Arabia, there are several types of transport. Railway communication (Several hundred kilometers of roads) connects the capital of Er-Riyad with large ports in the Persian Gulf. In addition, the construction of a separate railway branch connecting Mecca and Medina began.

Public transport is mainly represented urban buses and taxis. The quality of the kingdom road leaves much to be desired. At the same time, in Er-Riyadh, the roads are among the best in the country. Road covering in large cities has a special composition, which can significantly reduce the amount of heat reflected, which is very saves the locals from the sultry heat.

All buses in this country are very cozy and comfortable. The cost of one trip around the city ranges from 1 to $ 2.

In Saudi Arabia are 208 airports, and three of them have international status. The average price of one flight in the country ranges from $ 120 and up to $ 150.

Having access to the sea, Saudi Arabia contains a large amount seaports. Some of them are quite large, for example, Jeddah, Oak, Jizan, Jubiel. They are the main binding links between Saudi Arabia and nearby countries.


In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Ministry of Mail, Telegraph and Phone provides a fairly high level of communication. The mobile communication system in this country is developed excellent. In most cities, telephone companies prefer to dismantle the old telephones due to the fact that they are almost no longer used. Almost all residents of this state, with the exception of some Bedouin tribes, are happy owners of mobile phones or radio stations.

The cellular network has a large area of \u200b\u200bcoverage: the territory is near Er-Riyadh and other major oases. Only some desert areas are not serviced by cellular companies.

The worldwide Internet network is sufficiently common in all major cities of Saudi Arabia. Most hotels, post office and business centers provide their visitors to the use of the World Wide Web.

Telephone communication in this country is provided by the latest equipment that allows you to achieve high data transfer. Using simple street machines, you can make a phone call to anywhere in the world. The cost of such a call will be slightly less than $ 2. The work of such automata is made from both coins and plastic prepaid card.


Saudi Arabia is closed for single travelers. All countries in the country should be carried out exclusively by groups and accompanied by a local tour operator, whose duties include the ubiquitous support of tourists and tracking their timely departure.

There are practically no restrictions on the country. Exceptions are ancient Muslim cities Medinaand Meccawho are closed to visit people of other religion. It is worth noting that local legislation prohibits even import items to this Muslim country that relate to other religions.

Saudi Arabia can be called a relatively safe country. Almost all travel tourists pass without criminal excesses. In large cities, including in the capital, outdoor crime is completely absent. This is due to the special mentality of the Arabs, as well as methods of combating the organization of crimes. Local authorities prefer to fight hooligans by fines.

If we talk about the features of road transport, it is worth mentioning that the movement in Saudi Arabia is one-sided, and the speed in the cities and towns are reduced to 40 km / h. Such an innovation is rather unusual for Europeans.

Business climate

Huge oil reserves in Saudi Arabia made this country by the major earfed and exporter oil products in the world (the closest rival of the kingdom in this area is the Russian Federation). Such a tremendous focus of natural fossil makes the country attractive to business. Moreover, recently, the prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Salman Bin Abdel Aziz introduced some innovations that simplify business management into the legislation of his country. This is especially true of the tourist industry.

With an increase in the interest of tourist-Muslims by the beauties of famous religious shrines and thanks to the policy, softening the rules of the Quran, some foreign businessmen prefer to invest their investments in the economy of this particular country, this moment The most promising in the development of p eliciosis tourism.

It is worth noting that recently Saudi Arabia is known to carry out major summits and conferences concerning the production and export of oil.

The property

Most scientists believe that in Saudi Arabia, the real estate market is practically the most stable in the world. He is not affected by the world economic crisis. Thanks to the considered strengthening of the country's economy and the good demographic situation, the indicators of the real estate market of the Kingdom are consistently growing.

This state has the largest real estate market among the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf. Due to the high level of urbanization, the major cities of the country quite quickly began to develop, which demanded the construction of new residential buildings.

Most recently, the Law was adopted in Saudi Arabia, allowing to sell real estate and land plots for the construction of foreign citizens. But there are some limitations. First, the potential buyer must constantly live in the state and acquire real estate for its own use. The sale of premises to foreign investors for doing business in the state is also permitted.

Secondly, when buying land plot In Saudi Arabia, the cost of the construction project should exceed $ 8 million for a positive decision of the General Management Investments. In addition, the entire volume of investments should be included in the country for five years. Otherwise, a purchase fails will be received.

It is worth noting that the sale of real estate foreigners in Mecca and Medina is strictly prohibited.

Wishing to visit this unique kingdom, it is worth paying attention to some strict rules of behavior in Muslim society.

  • Women at the entrance to the state should necessarily put on a barge or a long dress, closing legs and hands. A prerequisite for the exit of a woman outside is a headscarf head. If you break these rules, you can be sent from the country without explaining the reasons.
  • Any immodest clothing, exposing his hands above the elbow and legs, as well as a headless head of a woman in a woman can cause a sharp condemnation from the religious police.
  • In Saudi Arabia, women of any nationality is forbidden to drive a car.
  • Although recently a ban on photography and video photography in public places has been canceled in Saudi Arabia, to photograph military facilities and people, private and state property requires a special permit.
  • For consumption alcoholic beverages, narcotic drugs, for the commitment of theft or intentional murder in local laws threaten very serious punishment: from cut off the hands and before decapitation.


When visiting Saudi Arabia should take care of the presence of a necessary visa. It is strictly forbidden to enter into this country to people who have an Israeli passport or an Israeli visa, as well as people who have a mark in a passport about the Jews of Religion.

Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Moscow is located at: 119121, Moscow, 3rd Nealimovsky Lane, 3.

He is the largest state in the Arabian Peninsula and one of the richest powers of the planet. It is here that the most important pilgrim centers of the Muslim world, and, and the most prosperous countries of our time frankly envy the most prosperous oil reserves. From different sides, the Saudi kingdom is washed by the waters of the Persian Gulf, as well as the Arabian and Red Seas, admiring the eyes of amazed guests arriving at these mysterious shores.


In Saudi Arabia, the monarchy flourishes and at the moment she is headed by the son of the founder of the state from the Saudites dynasty - Abdalla Ibn Abdel Aziz Al-Saud. The country's economy symbol is the oil processing industry, thanks to which the welfare of the state has been held at the highest level for a long time. Among the permanent buyers of oil and gas, the United States, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and other prosperous powers are listed. The harsh laws of Sharia, according to which the kingdom lives, serve as an integral part of the appearance of Saudi Arabia in the West and often cause discontent international organizations Monitoring the observance of human rights. Punishment for violations of Islam's laws is really very severe. Little binding can cost a person defined monetary sum, and big - heads, in the literal sense of the word. For compliance with the norms of behavior and morality, religious police are vigilantly.

Territorial expanses of the country are mainly formed from stony and sandy deserts where lichens are growing, white saksaul, tamarisk, acacia and other plants. Field palm trees, bananas, citrus, grain and garden crops are often found in oases. Living, despite the arid climate, is very diverse and is represented by many individuals, among which ancondes, gazelles, wild donkeys, hares, sacks, hyenas, foxes, wolves, and dozens of bird species and rodents. The significant disadvantage of the political structure of the state is a serious unemployment among young people and too much dependence on the financial generosity of the ruling royal family.

general information

The territory of Saudi Arabia is quite extensive and covers an area of \u200b\u200bjust less than 2 million 150 thousand square meters. km, which is 12 indicator in the world. The population is about 27 million people. Arabic language is used as the main language. Cash currency - Saudi Rial (SAR). 100 SAR \u003d $ SAR: USD: 100: 2. Time Zone UTC +3. The local time Coincides with Moscow. Network voltage 127 and 220 V at a frequency of 50 Hz, A, B, F, G. Country code of the country +966. Internet

Brief excursion in history

The Arab tribes have long been held, lands between the Persian Bay and the Red Sea, and in the first millennium BC, the Ministry of Mine and Sabey Kingdoms existed in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. At the same time in the historical area of \u200b\u200bthe Hijaz, many centuries ago, the pilgrimage centers of the Islamic world appeared - Mecca and Medina. It was in Mecca that the prophet Muhammad began to spread Islam at the beginning of the 6th century, and a little later settled in Medina, who later became the capital of the Arab Caliphate. In the era of the late Middle Ages, Turkish dominion was established on the peninsula.

The origin of the first Saudi state began in 1744, with the active participation of the ruler of the city of Ad-Diriyia - Muhammad Ibn Saud and the preacher Muhammad Abdul-Wahhab. It existed only 73 years, until the Ottomans were destroyed. The same fate suffered the second Saudi state, founded in 1824. The Creator of the Third became Abd al-Aziz, who captured at the beginning of the 20th century, ER-Riyadh, and then subordinating the region of subsemore. In September 1932, after the association of the Hijaz region and Neru, a modern Saudi Arabia was formed, whose king became ADB al-Aziz. In the following decades and up to this day, the royal throne was inherited, while international relations with the West still remain very moderate and not too open, allowing Saudi Arabia to preserve its relative closeness and confidentiality on the global political arena.


Within the country, a dry climate is dominant with a minimum amount of precipitation during the year. The air temperature during the winter months on the coast ranges within +20 .. + 30 degrees, and in the summer, the thermometer's thermometer regularly rolls over +50 degrees. In the desert terrain somewhat cool. In the summer, at night, the temperature can be passed there to 0 degrees. The precipitate, depending on the region, falls only in winter and spring, and even then in minor quantities. It is recommended to come here since September to October or from April to May, it is not yet too hot, and sea winds sufficiently refresh the air.

Visa and customs regulations

A visit to Saudi Arabia by citizens of Russia and Ukraine is possible only in the presence of a transit, student, working, business or guest visa. In addition, group visas are accepted for hajj in Mecca pilgrims. Ordinary tourist visas are not issued. Women, in the process of filing an application, you must provide a copy of the document on marriage or to confirm the relationship with the man accompanying them. Without the presence of the last, the transit zone of the airport to them is prohibited. Local customs regulations provide a complete ban on alcohol and printing products in Hebrew. For the transport of drugs, the death penalty is applied.

How to get

In Saudi Arabia, there are 4 international airports, one of which is located in the capital, King Khalid. The most convenient route is the most convenient flights with transfers to or. In addition, the kingdom can be reached through, and after another european countries. On the coast of the Persian Gulf, there are a number of large seaports taking ferries from, and.


Within the country, a railway and bus commuter is developed. Car roads They differ in very high quality. Driving a car for women under 30 years old is allowed only accompanied by men.

Cities and resorts

Saudi Arabia refers to the most closed and mysterious countries in the world. Over the years, this Arab state retains its culture, religion, traditions and customs hidden from human eyes. For many travel lovers, a visit to the country of Sheykhov is an unnecessary dream, due to restrictions on foreign tourists, which, however, makes it only even more attractive and messing.

The most important sacred city of Muslims around the world is, in which the founder of the religion of the Prophet Mukhamad was born. Here is located Sacred Mosque Haram., accommodating at the same time up to 700 thousand people. In the center of the mosque there is a caaba sanctuary, the angles of which are focused on four sides of the world. Kaaba is covered with black silk bedspread (acid), the upper part of which is decorated with embroidered golden sayings from the Quran. The door in the sanctuary is made of pure gold, and its weight is 286 kg. In the eastern corner of Kaaba there is a black stone, which is bored with a silver rim. In accordance with the Muslim tradition, this black stone God gave the first man from Paradise to the first man - Adam, after his comprehensive repentance.

Legend says that originally the stone had white colorHowever, over time, he painted from the touch of sinners. Just a few meters are separated by Kaaba from another Muslim shrine - Stone Maks Ibrahim, who keeps the footprint of the feet of Abraham. In the Haram Mosque, the sacred source of deputy deputies, was given to Ismail at the time when he, together with Agarhip (Hajar), died in the desert from an unbearable thirst. It was around this source later, Mecca emerged. According to the basics of Islam, every Muslim is obliged at least once in his life to visit Mecca.

Another sacred city of Muslim is, because it is here that the Prophet Mosque is located, in which the grave of the Prophet is located near Abu Bakr (the first caliph and father of one of the wives of Muhhamad) and Umar Ibn Hattab (second caliph) nearby. It must be said that everything in this city is about one hundred such cult facilities, which are made in various architectural styles.

In one can admire the magnificent buildings of embassies and consulates. Be sure to visit the beautiful National Park Asira.

Despite the fact that it is one of the most modern cities in the Middle East, still retained the historically developed type of typical Eastern city, representing a fortress with a medieval majestic color, with winding narrow streets, on which you can get lost, global houses that are facing the facades. to the courtyard. Here it is royal Palace And Jamid Mosque.

If you prefer an active holiday, you will be pleasantly surprised by the variety of entertainment offered. So, the traditional sport of the inhabitants are camel runs. Both in the capital, and in the very remote Bedouin camp, regardless of the year, you can observe running, dressage, as well as various team games, in which camels are direct involved. Equestrian sport is less popular here, while all the associated horses, for local residents is a continuing value.

Actively developing views of the country in the country is scuba diving in the waters of the Red Sea. It must be said that foreign tourists appreciated intactness, as well as a species diversity of this clean sea.

It is impossible not to say about deep-sea fishing in the waters of the bay, and directly on the Red Sea. At the same time, the ancient original methods of fisheries are used for fishing, which can easily compile competition with modern types of fishing, so such fishing tours today are greatly popular.

Saudi Arabia is a fairly closed state, the tourist potential of which is the uniqueness of nature deserts, a combination of ancient traditions and modern trends, as well as many of the cults of the Islamic world, which are the main reason for visiting the country more than 90% of foreign citizens.


Hotels of all categories are available throughout the country of the Kingdom. Most tourist cities have the opportunity to rent an apartment on short termThe owners of Shigka-Maafroosha are located in the lobby of hotels, offering their services to tourists. Hotels 4-5 * rather notable, but you get a great level of service, and the hotel's restaurant will even work in Ramadan.

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