Who is such a uranium God what. The gods of ancient Greece are a list and description. Hermes with Kadukem. Statue from the Vatican Museum

Ancient Greek mythology tatt a lot of secrets and mysteries. What is primary - Earth or Heaven? Or, maybe this is one whole and indivisible essence? According to one of the versions of the ancient legends, the chaos was first, from which fertile gay grew. She was a Uranus in her wife - God, who personified the wrong sky. His opposite became the dark and as immense tartar, where the sun had never looked around.

Bigraels of the Sea, Mountains and Almighty Titans

Other legends say that Uranus is the god of the sky, born by gay. The center of the Universe, the ancient put the Earth, everything else was its derivative. Mattered Uranus took a gay himself in his wife. Mountains and rivers, sea and trees - children with a married couple. In addition, allcomers of Titans, storuchny giants and one-eyed cyclops were born from this marriage. Didn't they have to support the Earth on their mighty shoulders?

Uranus is God, if you believe legends seeking to see only beautiful. But for some reason, the children did not seem to him. He sent them away from his eyes, hid in the bottomless tartar. It was very sad with gay, wounded her maternal soul. She cried to the mercy of her husband, but he was inflexible in his cruel decision.

Uranium overthrowing

I did not want to gay to give birth more and send sons to death. Then she turned to her children, having rescued them from Tartara. They were supposed to besking their father's father, to take its original force. Titans were embarrassed, but they did not object to the maternal will. The youngest of the sons, God of the Time named Kronos, a sharp diamond sickle committed a conceived gay act.

But no wonder, the Greek God, possessed the great power of the life-giving. From the droplets of his blood, fallen on Earth, other titans were born, as well as beautiful nymphs and evil Erynia. At the same time, the goddess of Love Aphrodite appeared from the Marine Foam - the last daughter of a loose god, whose name was dedicated to the sky.

The ruthless kronos became the supreme rulers instead of his father. Subsequently, he even more severely accounted for his children, swallowing babies born his wife to his reary. The Kronos was afraid that someone from his sons would deal with him just as he walked around with her father. The younger of the mother's children managed to save, and it was Zeus-Studzzza.

Where settled the grandeur of the gods rejected by gay?

The further fate of the overall deity remains unclear. According to one version, Kronos sent his father to Tartar along with its original titanium brothers, helped him to go to the throne. Other legends say that Uranus is God who died in the ocean and buried in Avlakia's fortress. However, in the descriptions of the Golden Age, the Board of Kronos meets the mention that it was Uranus that prompted the rehe how to protect the newborn Zeus from death.

It is also interesting etymology named after the oldest of all Greek gods. Uranus in translation from various languages \u200b\u200bmeans water, dampness, something wet. It is likely that it was implied here, that is, moisture, falling on top and nourishing land.

Heavenly Thesis of the Ancient Greek Deity

Surprisingly, the third largest planet Solar system And the seventh remoteness from the Sun was open relatively recently - in 1781. Astronomers observed this heavenly body before, but took it for a comet or asteroid. And only the Englishman William Gershul managed to dispel the long-time misconceptions.

Uranus - God of the sky ancient Greek mythology - gave his name to the new planet. Although it was originally named George star in honor of the English king. In the rings system of uranium a few natural satellitesAnd the axis of the planet is inclined so much that it almost coincides with the plane of its rotation around the sun. Therefore, where other planets have an equatorial line, uranium has the North and South Poles.

Uranus is the most ancient Greek gods. Elimination of the sky, the deity of the sky in Greek mythology. The progenitor of giants, erynia, nymph, hactonheirov, giant-cyclops, Aphrodites and titanium of the Kronos. Kronos was born from the marriage of the god of the sky uranium and the goddess of the earth of gay. He succumbed to mother's persuasion and slept her father Uranus to stop the infinite birth of his children. Thus, the Kronos cunning lowfill his father. He deprived uranium strength and took power from him. Uranium's blood drops fell on Earth and the tireless goddesses of Erynia (Furi) and Snaken giant giants were born from them. And the goddess of the night, under the cover of which made his crown crown, gave him to the punishment of a whole premiece of terrible deities in punishment: Tapaat - Death, Erid - Oddor, Apatoy - Deception, Ker - Destruction, Hippos - Sleep, Swarm of Gloomy, Heavy Dreams, Not Knowing Motor Nemesis - ignition for crimes and many others. Horror, discord, deception, struggle and misfortune contributed to the world where the Kronos came across the throne.

The unstedened uranium opened the possibility of further change of generations of gods and improving the divine rulers of the world in the spirit of anthropomorphism, orderliness and law enforcement. The myth of uranium is a testimony of the archaic sources of classical mythology. The sky and the earth are thinking in one whole, which is then divided into two entities in the cosmogonic process. Of these, Uranus is a male beginning, at the same time he is a sown beginning, secondary in relation to hea. Uranus needs the landscape of the Earth - perceptions of his fruitful strength. The lands, having survived the period of the rapid and involuntary continuation of the kind, eliminates uranium. She gives rise to offspring and enters other marriages, guided by his own intentions and purposeful will, which indicates the primacy of the mythology of the Earth, and not the sky.


Jupiter, in Roman mythology Almighty God of the sky, the king of the gods. Jupiter was worshiped as the Supreme Divine, the Lord of Thunder and Lightning. One of his nicknames - Lucety ("Sveti") - says that he was also considered the God of Light. The image of Jupiter combined the features of many ancient Italian deities. He was attributed to the patronage of agriculture, the protection of borders; God followed the compliance of the oaths and granted the commander to win in battle. Roman military leaders, returning with triumph of hiking, brought good victims to Jupiter and carried laurel wreaths in his temple.

During the empire, Jupiter was considered a patron of imperial power; Sometimes the statues of the deity gave the appearance of the Roman ruler. The peoples conquered by Rome were identified with Jupiter of their supreme deities, such as Amon, Waal. Jupiter was similar to the Greek Thunder Zeus, and all myths about Zeus were attributed to the Roman God.

Uranus In Greek mythology, God, personifying the sky, the spouse of the Gay Earth. Refers to the oldest generation of gods. Gay gave birth to uranium; or uranium son ether and hemers; or the son of an officer and older fetis. Father gods. The first began to rule the world.

According to Hesiod, Gay, having entered into marriage, gave rise to mountains, nymph. Pont, titans and titanide, cyclops and the storuchnoe gointers of Hektonheyirov. One of the main features of uranium was his endless fecundity. His children, terrible views, he hated. Hiding them in the womb of gay, Uranus hurt her grave suffering.

To facilitate the fate of his mother Kronos. her younger son, Skopil uranium with sickle. The fruitful power of uranium was so great that Erynia was born from the blood droplets that fell on the ground. And from the goddess of Aphrodite fallen into the sea. The result was the removal of uranium from the continuation of the kind of monster gods and the transfer of power to his son Kronosu.

Uranus - The most ancient Greek gods. Elimination of the sky, the deity of the sky in Greek mythology. The progenitor of giants, erynia, nymph, hactonheirov, giant-cyclops, Aphrodites and titanium of the Kronos. Kronos was born from the marriage of the god of the sky uranium and the goddess of the earth of gay. He succumbed to mother's persuasion and slept her father Uranus to stop the infinite birth of his children. Thus, the Kronos cunning lowfill his father. He deprived uranium strength and took power from him. Urana's blood drops fell to Earth and the tireless goddesses of Erynia and Snaken Giant giants were born from them. And the goddess of the night, under the cover of which made his crown crown, gave him to the punishment of terrible deities: Tapata - Death, Erid - Oddor, Apathu - Deception, Ker - Destruction, Hippos - Sleep, Swarm of Gloomy, Heavy Dreams, not knowing the mercy of Nemesis - Examination for crimes and many others. Horror, discord, deception, struggle and misfortune contributed to the world where the Kronos came across the throne.

Greek God Uranus

God who personifies the sky in Greek mythology is the God of Uranus. He was a spouse of Gay Land and treated the ancient generation of the gods. Uranus gave birth to Gaya, but some consider his son hemier and ether, or the son of the older fetis and an officer.

Greek God Uranus - Father of the Gods. He first began to rule the whole world. When Gay entered into a marriage with him, then according to Hesiod, she gave birth to mountains, sea, nymph, titanide and titanis, hakatonheirov - storuchnaya gointers. Uranus was famous for endless fecundity.

He hated his children and hid them back into the gay womb, which brought her serious suffering. To at least somehow help the mother, her younger son of the Kronos Sickpiece waspiled uranium. But the fruitful power of uranium was so big that from droplets of blood, which fell into the sea, was born the goddess of Aphrodite, and from the drops of fallen on Earth - Erinia. After that, the uranium was removed from the continuation of the kind, and the power passed to the Kronos.

Uranus is the Supreme Divine of ancient Greek mythology. Uranus was the Lord of the sky. His wife Gay personified land. Uranus was the progenitor of the Greek gods. One of the myth options, uranium gave rise to Earth. Uranus and gays were born by Titans. Cyclops. Having had one eye, as well as storuchny giants. The latter was three: Egeon, nicknamed Brigree, Cott and Gies.

Uranus did not like her children and sharpened them in Tartar, the most gloomy place in the underground kingdom. In different sources, uranium had from 12 to 45 children. Gaya, suffering from children sharpened in Tartar, persuaded the younger son of Kronos to rebel against the father. Kronos supported titans. Gay presented the son of a steel sword curve, which he looked at the father.

The fruitful power of uranium was so great that giants, Erinia and Nymphy-Meliada appeared from his blood, and Aphrodite came out of foam and blood. With the fall of uranium there was a change of gods and improving order on earth and in heaven.

Uranus, in antique mythology, the most ancient Greek gods. The personification of heaven, the deity of the sky in an ancient Greek pantheon. The progenitor of giants, erynia, nymph, hactonheirov, giant-cyclops, Aphrodites and titanium of the Kronos. Kronos was born from the marriage of the god of the sky uranium and the goddess of the earth of gay. He succumbed to mother's persuasion and slept her father Uranus to stop the infinite birth of his children. Thus, the Kronos cunning lowfill his father. He deprived uranium strength and took power from him. Urana's blood drops fell to Earth and the tireless goddesses of Erynia and Snaken Giant giants were born from them.

The unstedened uranium opened the possibility of further change of generations of gods and improving the divine rulers of the world in the spirit of anthropomorphism, orderliness and law enforcement. The myth of uranium is a testimony of the archaic sources of classical mythology. The sky and the earth are thinking in one whole, which is then divided into two entities in the cosmogonic process. Of these, Uranus is a male beginning, at the same time he is a sown beginning, secondary in relation to hea. Uranus needs the landscape of the Earth - perceptions of his fruitful strength. The lands, having survived the period of the rapid and involuntary continuation of the kind, eliminates uranium. She gives rise to offspring and enters other marriages, guided by his own intentions and purposeful will, which indicates the primacy of the mythology of the Earth, and not the sky.

Sources: world-of-legends.su, aforizmu.com, www.mithology.ru, myfhology.info, godsbay.ru

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Uranus and gay

Uranus met the birth of each of his descendants with ever-increasing horror. He was covered with confidence that these animal children would once rise and kill him. When they appeared from Gay Wheat, he grabbed them and swallowed. The same who has already grown, he threw in Tartar - gloomy abyss. Mother broke away from suffering. Calling from the secret corners of the soul to the river of the molten metal, Gaya said the sickle, strong enough to cut down the mountain. She descended into Tartar, where her children languished, and asked who would get the courage to raise his hand on a malicious father. Of all, only Titan Kronos decided.


Kronos. (CZK, ROME. - Saturn) - Titan, the younger son of Uranus and Gay, the Father of the Olympic gods.

At the same night, when Uranus, who inflamed a passion for Goe, reached for his wife, a Kronos appeared, hiding in the huge folds of the mother's body. He grabbed the sickle and in one instant I slept uranium, and the genitals threw into the sea. Uranus cried, the blood flow poured their wounds. Where there fell hot drops, nymphs arose from the ground Meliada, as well as the disgusting creatures - Four (Erinnia), which was destined for centuries to become judges of mortal criminals. From the blood and seed of uranium, whipped by waves in a foam, the Goddess of Love - Aphrodite was born.
Since Uranus remained crumpled and helpless, the whole universe was at the foot of the Kronos. He released on the will of his brothers and sisters - Titans. Taking her sister to his wife Rei, the crowns laid the beginning of a new tribe, to which people gave the name of the gods. Together they made two sons -

Father: Chaos . Mother: Chaos . Brothers: Sisters: Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). Spouse): Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). Children: Hektonheira, cyclops, titans, Eros. Connected concepts: Uranium (planet), uranium (chemical element). Related Characters: Gaya, Kronos, Zeus, Neri, Pont, Ray, Ocean, Breeches, Atlant, and other hecanthameirs, Kiklopy and Titans. Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE).

Birth and Board


"... I messed up the soul of the Giant Gay. In place the secluded son, damaged, gave him a sickle in the hands of the sharp-topic and all sorts of cunning it was taught. The night at his own way, I appeared, Uranus appeared, and he args about gay, dusting with love worship, and everywhere spread around. Suddenly, the Son left his left hand from the ambush, and the right, grappling a huge sickle sharply, the reading of the parent of a cute quickly a member of the childbearing and threw back his strong scope. And it's not fruitless of crown hands, he flew mighty: how much the drops of bloody droplets came from the member, all of their land accepted. And when the years turned around, she gave birth to the great giants with long spears in the shame of mighty, in the armor of brilliant, also nymph, that we call the Melia on Earth. A member of the Father's Female, cut off with acute gland, was rushed on the sea for a long time, and white foam was whipped around from the hovered member. And the girl in the foam in that originated ... ", Gesiod, "Theogony"

The offspring of uranium

  • Cyclops
  • Asterium. The son of uranium and gay is the name that the dedicated in orphic texts calls.
  • Hektonheira
    • Cott
    • Briarry
    • Gigaes.
  • Titanium. According to Eugemer, was the son of uranium and gesty and the only brother of Crown.
  • Titans
  • Titanides
  • Irifides (Eirifaissa). Daughter of uranium and gay, gave birth to Hyperion Helios. Or Eurifesse. Mother Selena. See Tayya.
  • Lissa from Nyukty
  • Egeon. See breeches
  • ERINI. On pseudo-heraklitis, they were thirty thousand

The origins of the image and parallel


Uranus did not play an important role in the myths, unlike his gay's wife, so the Greeks worshiped him little, and no uranium sanctuary was found. Only in the "Theogony" uranium plays a significant role as the father of Hektonheyirov, the cyclops and senior titans, the grandfather of the Senior Olympians and younger Titans, the great-hearty Olympians, children of senior Olympians, and children of younger Titans, Prapraded Children of Junior Olympians, the grandchildren of the Senior Olympians, and the grandchildren of younger Titans (some of which were already mortal or demigods).


The fact that the Greeks worshiped uranium less than other gods, they say images. There is no ancient image of uranium, they are not even on ancient Greek ceramics, and the late images of uranium are small. True, Euripide still described a certain carpet, where the gods of the sky were depicted, including uranium. In Roman mythology, the uranium's name is not mentioned at all, only the fact that Saturn overthrew his father, the god of the sky, but his image is on the armor of the statue of the emperor of Augustus from Prima Port.

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  • // Mythological Dictionary / Ch. ed. E. M. Meltellin. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990. - 672 p.
  • Myths of the peoples of the world. M., 1991-92. In 2 tons. T. 2. P. 549.

Excerpt characterizing uranium (mythology)

- Your Holiness, you are beautifully owning Latin ... In this case, you should know that the word "Haeresis" in Latin means a choice or an alternative? How do you manage to combine two such incompatible concepts? .. Something is not visible to leave someone right to choose! Or at least the slightest alternative? .. - I exclaimed bitterly. - A person must have the right to believe in what his soul stretches. You can't make a person believe, since faith comes from the heart, and not from the executioner! ..
Karafa Minute looked at me in surprise, as if some unprecedented animal stood in front of him ... Then, having shook himself, quietly said:
- You are much more dangerous than I thought Madonna. You are not only too beautiful, you are also too smart. You do not have to exist outside these walls ... or should not exist at all, - and already turning to the executioner, - keep up!
Dzhirolamo's cries penetrated into the deepest corners of my dying soul and, blowing up there, horrifying pain, praised her ... I did not know how much Karaff intended to torment him before destroying. Time crawled endlessly slowly, causing me a thousand times to die ... But for some reason, no matter what, I still remained alive. And still observed ... the terrible torture was replaced by torture. It was not the end of this ... From the ignition, the fire switched to the crushing of the bones ... And when they finished and it was, the flesh began to disappear. Jirolamo slowly died. And no one explained to him - for which, no one would consider it necessary to say at least something. Its simply, methodically slowly killed in my eyes, to make me do what the newly elected head of the Holy Christian church wanted ... I tried to mentally speak with Girolamo, knowing that he would not be able to tell him anything else . I wanted to say goodbye ... But he did not hear. He was far away, saving his soul from inhuman pain, and no my efforts helped ... I sent him my love, trying to plunge his insistered body and at least somehow reduce these inhuman suffering. But Jirolamo only looked at me with her eyes with his pain, as if clinging to the only thinnest thread, connecting him with this cruel, but so expensive him, and he had already eluded the world from him ...
Karafa silent. He could not understand why I remained calm, as I knew perfectly that I loved my husband very much. "Holy Pope" was the desire to destroy me ... But not physically. He wanted just to merge my soul to completely subjugate my heart and the mind of his strange and inexplicable desires. Seeing that Jirolamo and I do not descend each other, Karaffe could not stand - he shouted to the executioner, ordering to wait for my husband wonderful eyes ...
With Stella froze ... It was too terrible that our children's hearts, whatever they were ordered, were able to take it ... The inhumanity and horror of what was happening did it in place, not allowing to breathe. This could not happen on Earth !!! Just could not! But the endless longing in the golden eyes of Isidora screamed us - could !!! As it could! .. And we were only powerlessly observed, not decrypting, asking any stupid questions.
For a moment, my soul fell on his knees, asking for mercy ... Karaff, immediately it felt, I surprisedly dug in my burning eyes, not believing in my victory. But immediately understood that he was glad too quickly ... Having at himself an incredible effort and gathered all his hatred, I looked straight into his eyes ... Karafa reacted, having received the strongest mental blow. For a second, fright flashed in his black eyes. But also quickly disappeared, as it appeared ... He was extremely a strong and volitional man who would admire if it was not to be so terrible ...
My heart sank in a bad premonition ... And immediately, having received an approving nod from Karaff, the executioner, like a butcher, calmly fell right in the heart of a helpless sacrifice accurate blow ... my favorite husband, my gentle jirolamo ceased to exist ... his good The soul flew there, where there was no pain, where it was always calm and light ... But I knew that he would wait for me and there, when I did not come.
The sky collapsed, spewing the streams of inhuman pain. Justice hatred, climbing in my soul, crossed the obstacles, trying to break out ... Suddenly, throwing the head, I took a furious cry of the wounded beast, removing naughty hands to the sky. And from my luminous palms splashed right in Karafu "Magic of Death", which was once taught me my deceased mother. Magic flowed, wiping his thin body with a cloud of blue radiance. Candles in the basement went out, a thick impenetrable darkness seemed to absorb our life ... and only Karaff was still glowing the ghost white-blue light. At some fraction of a second, I saw his expanded evil eyes, in which my death splashed ... nothing happened to him! .. It was absolutely incredible! Hit any ordinary man "Magic Death", he would not live and seconds! Karafa was alive and healthy, despite his life hitting his life. And only around his usual golden-red protection, now snakes woven flashing bluish lightning ... I could not believe my eyes.
- So-so! .. Madonna Isidor went to the attack! - His mocking voice sounded in the dark. - Well, in any case, it is becoming more interesting. Do not worry, dear Isidor, we will have a lot of funny minutes! That I can promise you.
The faded executioner returned, introducing a lit candle in the basement. On the wall, the bloody body of the dead girolamo was hanging on the wall ... My dear soul was swirling, seeing this soul picture again. But, never in the world, I was not going to show Karaff my tears! Never!!! He was a beast, loved the smell of blood ... But this time it was very expensive to me blood. And I was not going to give this predator even greater pleasure - I did not mourn my beloved Girolamo in his eyes, hoping that I would have enough time for it when he would go ...
- Remove it! - sharply ordered the executioner Karaff, showing the dead body.
- Wait !!! Do I have no right to even say goodbye to him?! - I exclaimed indignantly. - This can not even refuse the church! Rather, it was the church that should render this mercy! Is she calling for mercy? Although from the Holy Pope, as I understand it, we do not see this mercy!
- The church should not be anything, Isidor. You are a sorceress, and just at you, her mercy does not extend! - Completely quietly pronounced Karaff. - Your husband will no longer help your cries! Go better think about how to become a conspiracting, the same no longer forcing yourself and others suffer so much.
He retired, no matter how it was not interrupted that he had just been precious life, as if he had everything on his soul, it was simple and good ... if the soul, as such, was at all.
I was returned to my chambers, and not allowing the last tribute to give my dead husband.
The heart was asleep in despair and sadness, convulsively clinging for the tiny hope that, perhaps, Dzhirolamo was the first and last of my unfortunate family, whom this monster in Papal Sutan was forced to suffer, and from which he was so simple and having a pretext of life. I knew that neither the death of my father, and even more so - the death of Anna, I most likely, I can not survive. But I was even more scared that I understood - Karaff also knew it ... and I broke my head, making up plans one fantastic than the other. But hope to survive at least in the near future, to try to help your relatives, melted like smoke.
Week passed, Karaff still did not appear. Perhaps he (just like me!) It was necessary to think about the next step. And perhaps he was distracted by some other duties. Although I hardly believed in the last. Yes, he was a Roman dad ... But at the same time, he was still an incredibly gambling player, skipping an interesting party for which was over his strength. And the game with me in the "Cat-mouse" delivered him, I think the true pleasure ...

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