Meaning dubious consonant in the dictionary of linguistic terms. Dubious consonant rules dubious consonants in the root of the word

Sections: Primary School

Class: 3

Type: Working methods.

Objective: Develop the ability to recognize in words Checked and uncomplicable unstressed vowels and dubious consonants in the root of the word;

Develop attention, auditory, visual and figurative perception of students.

Equipment: the use of an interactive board, an interactive textbook in the Russian language "Electronic tutor in 3 parts".

During the classes

1. Organization of the lesson.

2. The introductory part of the lesson:

Introduction to the subject of the lesson.

1.Electronic game: "Trap".

So guys, what topic will we have today? (Wondering. Publications)

- So. What vowels can be unstable? (o, and, and, e, s, i)

- In which part of the word they can stand? (root, prefix, suffix)

2. Exercise from the board.

Find the missed unstressed vowels. (On the board, writing words, shown by the projector)

B ... much, p..beg, in .. dear, star .. hard, b ... the lein, .. SNN, CH ... Giri, x..Orode, with ... dying, Unlock ... Nika.

Output. You can find with the help of check words.

And guys, is it always so?

3. Work on an interactive board.

Figures: Cow, Dog, Owl, Penguin, Giraffe

- Word pronunciation;

- Write these words in notebooks, how are they written?

Indicate unstressed and shock vowels, find test words.

For example: Cow - 3 sludge, impact 2nd, unstressed Oh, and

- Why "cow", not "Karov"? Is there a test word?

(No. This is a unverified vocabulary word)

(Detection of unverified unstressed vowels.)

Conclusion: What is the conclusion? (Unstressed vowels may be unverified - vocabulary).

4. Training for shaped memory "Game-exercise".

Subject pictures on the topic "Food" (on interactive chalkboard):

Orange, Lemons, Tomato, Carrot, Milk, Cucumber

- Reading, Word Pronunciation

(The teacher removes the data of the words, students list these words in order)

- And now, consider how these words are written. (Students write words on an interactive board, emphasize the shock and unstressed vowels)

- What words did you write? (Word words, they have no check words)

Conclusion: unverified words must be remembered.

5. Drawing up phrases to harmonize nouns with adjectives. (Use of the hyperlink) - oral compilation.

What? orange

What kind? Lemons

What? milk

What? carrot

- And now we will repeat the words with dubious consonants.

6. Words with dubious consonants. Cards №22, №25 (shown on the projector)

- allocation of questionable consonants

7. Training exercise.

Dubious consonants in the middle of the word. Record on board 2 offers.

Grandma read an interesting SKA. The old man caught the Golden Flower. (The teacher writes on an interactive blackboard.)

- What letters are missing? Why?

- What are they consonants? (Write, deaf)

Conclusion: Doubtful consonants can find with the help of verification words, where the vowels should stand after dubious.

8. Exercise from the board. What 2 groups can be divided into these words: (on an interactive chalkboard)

Fish, carrot, book, dove, hammer, girlfriend, rope. Boat, clothes, weather, victory, straw.

Conclusion: divided into words with unstressed vowels and words with dubious consonants)

9. Find single-handed words to these words:

What letters are missing? Why? (Slaving consonants at the end of the word are pronounced as deaf. And you find it with the help of verification words)

10. Conditioning lesson:

- unstressed vowels;

- verified vowels;

- unverified vowels;

- dubious consonants: ringing, deaf;

- verification words to dubious consonants.

House. the task:mini text.

Dubious consonants

The conditional term used as applied to the writing of the consonants denoting the consonant sounds in a weak position. To verify such writing, related words or another form of the same word in which the vowel or sonorous consonant are worth the consonant. cf. ; Pond (Ponds) - Prut (Prut), Frost (Frosty) - Question (question). Doubt also include unverified consonants (asbestos, station, football, etc.).

Dictionary of linguistic terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, the meanings of the word and what is dubious consonants in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • Consonants in the big encyclopedic dictionary:
  • Consonants
    sounds of speech, combined in a syllable with vowels and in contrast to them not forming the tops of the syllable. Acoustic C. possess a relatively lower, ...
  • Consonants
    sounds (lat. Consonantes) - a walking definition, inherited from ancient grammatical theory and expressed in the Latin term, which received ...
  • Consonants in the modern encyclopedic dictionary:
  • Consonants in the encyclopedic dictionaries:
    sounds of speech, opposed vowels and consisting of voice and noise ([m], [p]) or only noise ([b], [g]), which is formed in ...
  • Consonants in the big Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    The consonants, speech sounds, opposed vowels and consisting of voice and noise or only noise, is formed in the oral cavity, where ...
  • Consonants in the full accentuated paradigm on the link:
    argued "SMI, agree" Anyone, agree "Main, agree"
  • Consonants in the linguistic encyclopedic dictionary:
    - Class of speech sounds opposite to their properties of vowels. Articulating properties with: mandatory obstacle in the speech path; with Akukich. ...
  • Consonants in modern explanatory dictionary, BSE:
    sounds of speech, opposed vowels and consisting of voice and noise or only noise, which is formed in the oral cavity, where the jet ...
  • Exposive consonants in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    consonants [from ex ... and lat. Plaudo (Plodo) - beat, slap], a variety of broken consonants, in which all three phases are carried out ...
  • Nasal consonants in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    consonants, nasal consonants, consonants, pronounced with lowered soft nob, i.e., with the inclusion of the nasal resonator; See the nasalization of sounds, consonants ...
  • Implosive consonants in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE:
    consonants [from lat. In (IM) - in, inside and PLAUDO (Plodo) - Bew, slap], closed consonants, unrecorded consonants, in articulation ...
  • Flicted consonants in Encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Lat. Plosivae, it. Verschlusslaute) - consonants, sampled with full sumcutium, or gate (Lat. Plosio, it. Verschluss), speech organs doing an expiration ...
  • Flicted consonants in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (Lat. Plosivae, it. Verschlusslaute)? The consonants, sampled with full sumcutium, or gate (Lat. Plosio, it. Verschluss), speech organs that makes the expiration ...
  • Consonants
    Sounds of speech, consisting of or from one noise, or from voice and noise, which is formed in the oral cavity, where exhaled from ...
  • Unpaired consonants in the dictionary of linguistic terms:
    1) consonants, deprived of co-relatives for deaf-belling. Unpaired ringing consonants: (l, l '), (m, m'), (n, n '), (p, p'), (j); Unpaid deaf ...
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    the complex of man-made caves in Kaluga and adjacent areas. The famous quarries closest to Kaluga are 20 km downstream ...
  • Reflections on progress, peaceful coexistence and intellectual freedom in Wiki quote:
    Data: 2008-09-06 Time: 05:07:03 Quotes from the article "Reflections on the progress, peaceful coexistence and intellectual freedom", 1968 June (by Sakharov, Andrei ...
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    Data: 2007-07-23 Time: 20:09:46 * The hotness, which over the years increases, is already bordered by the recklessness. (Francois de Larochefo) ...
  • Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak in the Quitter Wiki:
    Data: 2009-05-19 Time: 12:50:00 Quotes from letters A.V. Kolchak to A.V. Timiroeva, February 1917 - March 1918 * One orders ...
  • FOG
    To see in a dream that you are shrouded in fog, foreshadows you dubious good luck and household troubles. If the fog dissipates - your trouble ...
  • Predicted, sorcerer in the dream interpretation of Miller, dream book and interpretations of dreams:
    The sorcerer donated to you means that the bass will attract diving at home and other dubious, ...
  • HANDKERCHIEF in the dream interpretation of Miller, dream book and interpretations of dreams:
    If you dream of a handkerchief, sleep promises you a love hobby, as well as the emergence of unforeseen circumstances in your life. Just him - ...
  • Unclear dreams in the dream interpretation of Miller, dream book and interpretations of dreams:
    If you dream of an unclear sleep, the content of which escapes from you - it foreshadows either infidelity in friendship, or dubious enterprises ...
  • SWAN in the dream interpretation of Miller, dream book and interpretations of dreams:
    Sleep about White Swan Swan Floating in Tranquil Water, means excellent prospects and pleasant experiences. Clean swan on clean water - means ...
  • Scream, Creek in the dream interpretation of Miller, dream book and interpretations of dreams:
    In a dream, the cries of suffering - means that you will have big care, but your prudency and sober mind will help ...
  • OILCLOTH in the dream interpretation of Miller, dream book and interpretations of dreams:
    To see in a dream the oilbox - a sign that is foreshadowed by the coldness and betrayal. Making the glue - means dubious ...
  • MUSHROOM in the dream interpretation of Miller, dream book and interpretations of dreams:
    If you dream of mushrooms - this means unhealthy desires and unreasonable hurry in the desire to increase capital: it can lead to ...
  • Peter Abela in the modern philosophical dictionary:
    (Abelard, Abailard) (1079-1142) - French philosopher and the theologian, in life gained fame as a brilliant sphethist, who had many students and followers. ...
  • Cats
    and dogs "(eng." Cats and Dogs ") (slang.) -Emmable, highly speculative and usually low funds rated stock values, by ...
  • Counterfeit in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    - balancing account; K. K. is usually associated with the need to reduce the artificially overestimated amount enrolled on the basic balance sheet accounts, with the fact that ...
  • LOT in the biblical encyclopedia of Nikiphor:
    . The custom of solving controversial and dubious business is already mentioned with deep antiquity and was almost generally used. Jews ...
  • Rostov diocese
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Rostov Vicariate of the Yaroslavl Diocese of the Russian Orthodox church (absences.). Do not confuse with the current Rostov-on-Don diocese. History …
  • Gregory Wonderworker in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Gregory Wonderworker (Greek. Grigorios Ho Thaumatourgos) (+ 270 - 275), Bishop Neokeesmansky, Saint. ...
  • Vladimir Diocese in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Vladimir and Suzdal Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Diocesan control: Russia, 600000, Vladimir, ...
  • Varnava (Prokofiev) in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Varnava (Prokofiev) (born 1945), bishop b. Vicar cannon, alone. In the world of Prokofiev Vladimir ...
  • Avit Viennesh in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree". Avit Viennex (Alcimus Ecdicius Avitus) (approx. 460 - after 518), bishop, saint. One …
  • Maria Teresia
  • IRINA in the Handbook of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    Byzantine Empress of the Isavi dynasty, which was ruled in 797-802. Wife from 17 Dec 769 Lion IV Khazar. Genus ok. ...
  • Maria Teresia in the biographies of monarchs:
    Queen of Hungary and the Czech Republic from the Habsburg Dynasty, which was ruled in 1740-1780. Karl VI daughter and Elizabeth Christian Brownshweig-Tolfenbuttelian. Married with ...
  • IRINA in the biographies of monarchs:
    Byzantine Empress of the Isavi dynasty, which was ruled in 797-802. Wife from 17 Dec 769 Lion IV Khazar. Genus ok. ...
  • Russia, section. A brief essay of the history of sounds and forms of the Russian language in a brief biographical encyclopedia:
    The course of the centuries-old existence of the Russian language of its sounds and shapes, its syntactic system and the lexical composition were significantly changed. Track ...
  • 1862.10.02 in the story pages what, where, when:
    (20.09) The St. Petersburg Conservatory opens. It is created by the Russian music society at the initiative of Anton Rubinstein and will become the oldest musical educational institution of Russia. ...
  • Houses of tolerance in the lexicon sex:
    (Fr.), institutions, in the reasons with the permission of legislation, the bargaining of prostitutes are produced. Semi-faceted D.T., dubious hotels and furnished rooms are referred to ...
  • Mariy language in the literary encyclopedia:
    one of the Finno-Uza. Belongs to the Finnish group of these yaz. (Along with the Baltic-Finnish, Lopar, Mordovsky, Udmurt and Komi Yaz.). Distributed ...
  • GRAPHICS in the literary encyclopedia:
    Definition of concept. The combination of systems of acoustic-articulate signs of oral or spoken speech marked by the term phonetics is opposed to G., as a combination of optical signs, ...
  • PHONETICS in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (from Greek. ????????? \u003d Sound, voice) - Division of Linguistics, studying the sound side of the tongue. This term is not accurate enough and determined. ...
  • Turkish adverbs and literature in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    T. The numerous tribes and peoples, ranging from Yakuts and ending with the population of European Turkey, currently speak. ...
  • Slavic languages in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    S. Languages \u200b\u200bare one of the families of the Ario-European (Indo-European, Indo-Easterman) industry of languages \u200b\u200b(see Indo-European languages). Names Slavyan, Slavic languages \u200b\u200bnot only ...
Indicate the erroneous judgment: 1) In the word, all the consonant sounds have a pair of hardness - softness 2) in the word friends the number of sounds and letters coincides

3) in the word former letter in denotes sound (f) 4) in the word Master, all consonant sounds ringing

Write in three columns: 1) the words with apartments on the bells - gluchness consonant in the root; 2) words with non-promotable consonants in the root;

3) words with double consonants in the root.

der (SC) IY, IS (CN), and () ku (c) yours, how (SC), il, il (CN), kro (c) Word, re (TK) Ii, ki (l) (m), gi (p) cue, kama (w), miracle (CN), A (L) Her, unless (TK) A, GRU (SN), PE (P) He, SW , A (P) eating, demons (TC) A, Mezh (st) to enter, excursion (c)

what words do you unbleate in any of the groups?

Help! :-) 1. Support the erroneous judgment. 1) In the Word, his two consonants. 2) in the Word of its sounds more than letters.

3) in the word power of four syllables.

4) In the word Pugach, all consonant sounds have a pair of hardness - softness. 2. Here the word with the alternating vowel is rooted.

1) Different

2) Goals

3) originated

4) Purge

3. What is the word prefix always written in the same way, regardless of pronunciation?

2) Overall

3) conversation

4) Crane

4. In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the Rule: "In a brief assistant communion of the past, N"?

2) contemptory

3) huge

4) Assistant

5. Distribute the grammatical basis of the offer:

There, in the consecutive floors, it seemed to be a completely different life than below.

6. In the proposals:

1) so the template from the person who was going to dispose
turned into a hero.

2) and from this, probably, the time originated at Glebova, the severity at the bottom of the soul ...

3) And there is no unhappy people affected by envy.

4) And there was no crushing misfortune than what happened to Glebov in the moment, it would seem to be the highest celebration.

find proposals with separate

agreed definition. Write the numbers of these offers.

7. For the number of grammatical foundations in the sentence:

Here, all five rushed to the sides, Levka rose to his feet, and in his hand he kept Pugach, who shot special pysters.

8. In the proposals:

car tire.

find difficult sentence with homogeneous

subordinate to the apparent. Write the number of this offer.
9. In the proposals:

1) the boys - there were five of them - they called the ice after class
on the backyard, surrounded, something they settled, and suddenly the Bear, the main
class strongman, covered the ice on the neck, tilted his jerk after his jerk,
the rest with the screams of "Oh-th!" pounced, template resisted, beat

legs, but, of course, crushed it, twisted, someone sat on his chest.

2) And suddenly a loud crack rang out, as if a clap was exploded or burst
car tire.

3) Here, all five rushed to the sides, Levka rose to his feet, and in his hand he kept Pugach, who shot special pistons.

4) Shulepa came out of this story by the winner, and the attackers were posted and later trying to reconcile and make friends with him.
5) So the template from the person who was going to disgrace for the whole world turned into a hero.

find a challenge with non-union and

union writing and supervisory bonds between parts.
Write the number of this offer.

Specify the erroneous judgment. 1) In the word to sleep, all the consonants have a pair of calling. 2) In the word communication, the last sound is [F]. 3) in the word feeling

the number of sounds and letters coincides. 4) In the Word now all the consonants are soft.

The Russian language would not be great and powerful if it were not difficult to grammar. And learn all the rules are not easy not only for foreign students, but also for carriers. In the elementary classes, when teaching spelling, schoolchildren face serious problems, one of which is dubious consonants. Examples of words with them cause a lot of difficulties and underscores with a red handle from an angry teacher in notebooks. How to dispel doubts? We will try to find answers in this article.

Strong position

From into which part of the word and in which environment one or another sound is located, its position is depends: strong or weak. In a weak position, the sound loses its distinctive properties and is likened to another, stronger. Thus, a strong position reveals all the properties of the sound and allows you to distinguish it from the rest in the stream of natural speech.

Of course, a strong position for a vowel sound is his stay under the emphasis. In the word "hurry" the sound [E] is unwind, so it can be easily adopted for [and]. To check the spelling, it is worth choosing wherever the necessary vowel is under the emphasis - "hurry". Since the root of the word has not changed, we can conclude: the letter is written in the word e..

A strong position for consonants is two types: on bells and deafness, as well as hardness and softness. In the first case, the consonant should stand or after vowel (floor, beat), or after as well as the sound [in] (yours, anger). Participation of voices in vowels and helps to reveal strengths consonant sound. In the case of hardness and softness, the strong position of the consonant - at the end of the word (angle - coal), before vowel (mol - ME), as well as before (outer). In a strong position, intuitively understandable to all native speakers. Therefore, they never cause difficulties in students and are easily remembered.

Weak position

It is she who causes the greatest difficulties in teaching spelling, since the sound in such a position loses its distinctive properties. Instead of the call, the consonant student really wants to write a deaf, and hard to replace soft. To blame in this confusion is the morphological principle of writing words in Russian - it is necessary to write all the most significant parts of the word according to the standard template, not paying attention to the features of their pronunciation.

For vowels, it is, of course, a position in an unstressed syllable syllable: spring, milk. Sounds in such a position lose longitude and power. As mentioned above, to verify the writing of such words, it is necessary to select similar forms with the same sound in a strong position - under the emphasis.

With consonants, the situation is much more difficult. If we talk about deafness and bellion, then the weak position in this case will be the position of the sound at the end of the word ( b.), as well as before the noisy deaf and volatile consonants (Lo dKa, re sDacha).

Doubtful consonant examples and softness / hardness are constituted: this is primarily like ahead of the standing gentle consonant (whether artiR, sune, failure rushiR). More about the features of writing soft sign will be told in the penultimate chapter.

In the end of the word

In what positions most often found words with dubious consonants? Examples are very numerous, so first of all, we consider the final position separately - it is most common in great and mighty.

Write-friendly consonants at the end of the word have a stable tendency to launch, since by the end of the word, the uttertainment effort is minimized. Sounds [f] in the word "lens", [sh] in the word "striding" - dubious consonants. Examples of sound unconditions at the end of Russian words are not found.

Check the spelling of such consonants is easy - you need to change the word formation so that after incomprehensible sound there was a vowel: "lenses", "striži".

It should also be remembered for unroven cases: the parental case of the plural (tables) and the verdicts (falling, making).

Dubious consonants in the root of the word: examples and rules

The root of the word is the most important part, which causes the meaning, so it is impossible to distort it. There are many cases when it is worth remembering the spelling of dubious consonants in the root of the word. Examples follow below.

First of all, the selection of the test word with the same consonant in a strong position can significantly facilitate the writing of many words (lubricant - lubricate). The alternation of consonants Ms. and Ts-h is also sometimes found in Russian (Rump - Carpet).

Double consonant

If the prefix and root are joined with the help of the same consonant, it doubles (heartless, appeal). The same applies to the joint of the two bases in difficult words (chief physician). Often this feature is reflected in pronouncing, so it does not cause difficulties.

There are other positions in which dubious consonants are at root: examples concern junctions with suffixes. If the root ends with a double consonant, it remains in front of the suffix in full: tenballe, compromise.

Make trouble memorizing unverified dubious consonants in the root of the word. Examples can be found in the spelling dictionary: atomlL g.bB he, kalL playing, paralL elogram, Tennisother.

Soft sign: need or not

Often, the softness of the consonant is inflated. The problem here is that not only a soft sign is capable of softening the sound, but also a vowel with the iotomic component (the letters E, E, Yu, I, and also). Therefore, in words, where two consonants should be given such a vowel, the soft sign between them is not needed. This rule confirms once again. sophisticated phenomenon - Doubtful consonants. Examples: snowball, chuck, racer, bridle.

Special item in this rule -numeral from fifty to eighty, as well as from five hundred to nine hundred. Soft sign in words six hundreds, seven hundred It remains as part of the foundation in a compound word. Infinitives are written with a soft sign before postfix, unlike personal forms of verb (Learn well - they learn well).This also includes forms of imperative lifestyle in the plural (Sit, throw).

Dubious and examples and rules

The host of three and more consonant sounds inevitably entails the loss of one of them located in the weakest position. The selection of a single word with this sound in a strong position will be a reliable assistant and in this case. for example : Hello - health, dilettanic - amateur.But the word "staircase" will have to remember, because the inspection "Lestenka" does not help here.

How to stop doubting

Only the combination of different methods will help to disassemble the long-fashioned problem of questionable consonants in Russian. First of all, it is worth taking adjustments to the selection of test words with consonants in a strong position. In addition to self-test, the search for such forms is also an exciting occupation, allowing us to pay attention to your vocabulary once again.

Of course, there are many words that cannot be verified due to their origin or uniqueness. Such cases are collected in any spelling dictionary - a reliable assistant for everyone who wants to know the Russian language thoroughly.

Finally, it is not necessary to despair - completely comprehend the complex grammar of the Russian language can be very few. Any spelling errors do not need to treat too emotionally, just enough to correct them and try to remember. Doubts are inherent not only by consonant sounds, but also to each of us.

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