Grammatical construction in Russian. Grammatical constructions of different levels in ~ 限 り. Strengthening action with the English verb do

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Today we have a "theory of limits", in other words - grammar with か ぎ り (限 り). Basically, all these grammatical constructions are in 1-2 kyu. And today we will talk about them.


One of the first designs with ~ か ぎ り 、 which are passed in textbooks, one can call the construction て い る / 辞書 形 / の + 名詞 + 限 り (long form or dictionary form, or n + の)

This construction makes sense that as long as, “to a certain limit”, until something happened and then: I would like to do something (intend to do something), or else In the second part of the construction you can often see forms And so on and so on.

本にいる限り、日本語は必要だ(ほんにいるかぎり、にほんごはひつようだ) - while I am in Japan, Japanese is necessary.

私たちはできる限りの努力をします(わたしたちはできるかぎりのどりょくをします) - we will try our best

What else? Below are designs that have a lot of similarities, so watch out for the particles!

~ に か ぎ り。 This construction only goes (!) With a noun. Always used with exceptional occasions, events, promotions.

新 規 の お 客 様 に 限 り カ ラ ー 価 格 ¥ 7020 (税 込) → ¥ 4320 (税 込) (し ん き の お き ゃ く さ ま に か ぎ り カ ラ ー か か く ¥ な な せ ん に じ ゅ う (ぜ い こ み) -> よ ん せ ん さ ん び ゃ く に じ ゅ う (ぜ い こ み) ) - Under the new rules, for you, dear client, it will cost not 7020 (with taxes), but 4320 (with taxes)

~ か ぎ り (は) and before this form comes な -appl (It can also be with で あ る)
, noun + で あ る 、 and also 普通 形 (always look at the difference between particle constructs and the part-of-speech forms that are used with them)

The form means: How much, since, for now ... (I would like to continue, I think, I plan). This form is often linked to the very first of those named in this publication. For example, this is what the creators of the textbook do 新 完全 マ ス タ ー

体が丈夫な限りはがんばりたいです(からだがじょうぶなかぎりはがんばりたいです) - As long as my body is healthy - I will try my best

私が友人である限り、あなたを手伝うよ(わたしがゆうじんであるかぎり、あなたをてつだうよ) - As long as I am your friend, I will definitely help you out

限 り で は - before this handicap comes a noun with の (!), as well as the dictionary form of the verb, た the form of the verb (this is an important difference) and て い る the form of the verb. Often this form is used with 見る、調査、調べた、聞く、覚えている、知ってる and similar expressions that carry the subtext of information and informativeness)

私が知っている限りでは、彼は昔優秀な生徒だった(わたしがしっているかぎりでは、かれはむかしゆうしゅうなせいとだった) - As far as I know, he used to be an outstanding student

And, the largest form in terms of usage is: に 限 っ て (に か ぎ っ て)

First context: noun + に か ぎ っ て - (often describes an exceptional situation). This construction is often used with complaints and adverse events.

なぜ今日に限ってこんなに強風なんだ!!(なぜきょうにかぎってこんなにきょうふうなんだ!!) - But why, why is there such a strong wind today ?!

Also, the second subtext is similar to the first, so it was combined into one, the above context with differences. However, this may not always describe the complaint. And yet ... one more example:
どうしてその日に限って休みなんだ?思い出せない(どうしてそのひにかぎってやすみなんだ?おもいだせない) - Why on that day was the day off ... I now can not remember. (just a difference, no complaint)

And also the subtext of the construction Essence + に か ぎ っ て - protection and expression of mistrust / denial in relation to some bad deed or rumor

うちの子に限って絶対そんなことしません!(うちのこにかぎってぜったいそんなことしません!) - Yes, my child, but he will not do this close !!!

Noun + に 限 ら ず Means that not only in this area, some rule is widespread or some event occurs, but it also happens in a larger area. Often this construction is accompanied by the words 「も」、「ほかにも」、「さまざまな」、「みんな」 etc

う ち の 町 に 限 ら ず 、 ど の 窓 口 で も 証明書 の 取得 や 手 続 き が 可能 で す (う ち の ま ち に か ぎ ら ず 、 ど の ま ど ぐ ち で) ょ) ょ) く , but in general, in any window you can get a certificate and go through the procedure (registration)


な / い adjectives with 限 り だ. Means "already", "strong" and so on. Used with emotional adjectives and enhances this emotion

鈴木さんが出席できないとは、残念な限りだ(すずきさんがしゅっせきできないとは、ざんねんなかぎりだ) ー Oh, it's a shame that Suzuki-san couldn't attend

Ex + (を) + か ぎ り に. Exs. usually expresses time (often the current moment). Often, the structure in the JLPT preparation textbooks is presented in the sense “from today I will do exercises every day”, “from this month I will stop eating sweets at night” and so on. Example:

今日を限りに、もう二度と飲みません(きょうをかぎりに、もうにどとのみません) - From today on I will not drink any more!

Also another construction: noun + を 限 り (に) 、 noun + の 限 り (に) - at the limit of possibilities. Due to some similarity (if not の 、 but を) is used, it can be confused with the previous one. However, remember that this construction uses a limited set of vocabulary. Basically, these are: 力 、 声 、 命.

passive verb predicate english

I. Rewrite the following sentences, underline the predicate verb in each of them and determine its temporal form and voice. Translate the sentences into Russian. In section (b), pay attention to the translation of passive constructs.

a) 1. Russian chemical science is successfully solving many complex problems. - Russian chemical science successfully solves many complex problems.

is solving - Present Continuous Active from the verb to solve - to solve.

2. Radio astronomy has given mankind efficient means for penetration into space. - Radio astronomy has given humanity effective ways/ means of penetration into space.

has given - Present Perfect Active from the verb to give - to give.

b) 1. Becquerel "s discovery was followed by an intensive research work of Marie and Pierre Curie. - The intensive research work of Marie and Pierre Curie continued scientific discovery Becquerel (literally: Becquerel's discovery was continued by an intense research work Marie and Pierre Curie.)

was followed - Past Indefinite Passive from the verb to follow - to follow (something, after something).

2. Heat energy is transmitted in two different ways. - Heat energy is transferred in two different ways.

is transmitted - Present Indefinite Passive from the verb to transmit - to transmit.

II. Rewrite the following sentences, underline Participle I and Participle II and set the functions of each of them, i.e. indicate if it is a definition, circumstance, or part of a predicate verb. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Nylon was the first synthetic fiber used in clothing. - Nylon was the first synthetic fiber used in clothing (literally: clothing).

used - Participle II, definition.

2. The atoms forming our planet are built of negative electron, positive protons and ordinary neutrons. - The atoms that make up our planet are built from negatively charged electrons, positively charged protons and simple neutrons.

forming - Participle I, definition.

built - Participle II, part of the Present Indefinite Passive form of the verb to build - to build.

3. This kind of treatment when used makes the metals heat-resistant. - This type of processing makes metals refractory (literally: When this type of processing is applied, metals are heat-resistant / refractory.)

used - Participle II, circumstance.

4. When passing through an electroscope, X-rays cause its discharge. - Passing through the electroscope, X-rays discharge it (literally: When the X-ray telescope passes through the electroscope, they cause it to discharge.)

passing - Participle I, circumstance.

III. Rewrite the following sentences, underline each one modal verb or its equivalent. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  • 1. One object may be larger than another one, but it may weigh less. - One object may be larger than another, but weigh less.
  • 2. Mass can also be defined as a measure of inertia. - Mass can also be defined as a measure of inertia.
  • 3. Man-made satellites had to use solar cells as a source of power. - Artificial satellites of the Earth were supposed to use solar panels as a source of energy.
  • 4. Plastics should be reinforced by different kinds of fibers. - The plastic should be reinforced with different types fibers.

IV. Read and orally translate paragraphs 1 to 3 of the text. Rewrite and translate in writing the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs.

HERMAN HELMHOLTZ (1821 - 1894)

  • 2. His researches into physiological optics began about 1850 with the discovery of the ophthalmoscope (1851), followed by investigations into color, including the problem of color-blindness. He also made fundamental contribution to the understanding of the structure and mechanism of the human eye.
  • 3. Helmholtz "s first, and most celebrated paper in theoretical physics was his article on the conservation of force. In this paper he proved the conservation of total energy of a system of particles which were interacting through central forces depending only on the masses and separations of the particles.Other important work in theoretical physics included the famous paper on vortex motion (1858), and the application of the principle of least action to electrodynamical problems.

HERMAN HELMHOLTZ (1821 - 1894)

  • 2. His research in the field of physiological optics began around 1850 with the discovery of the ophthalmoscope (1851), continued with research on color, including the problem of color blindness. He also made fundamental contributions to understanding the structure and mechanism of the human eye.
  • 3. The first and most famous work of Helmholtz in theoretical physics was his article on the conservation of force. In this work, he proved the conservation of the total energy of a system of particles that interact through central forces that depend only on the mass and separation of particles. Another important work in theoretical physics included the famous work on vortex motion (1858) and the application of the principle of least action to solving electrodynamic problems.

V. Read the 4th paragraph of the text and the question to it. From the given answer options, indicate the number of the sentence containing the correct answer to the question posed:

For what researches will Helmholtz be remembered?

Correct answer: 2.… for his epoch-making researches in physiological optics and acoustics.

When learning new words, it is very important to pay attention to their environment - partner words, with which a new word for us is usually used, and the grammatical constructions in which it is used - I talk about this more than once in the course "English words forever".

Some of my students are not always clear about the difference. Let me explain.


They structure, order, give support. Some words themselves create the structure, more precisely, predetermine those components that appear to the left and / or right of them. The most typical case is a verb. Generally, in English verb the "condensed" structure of the proposal is laid.

For example,

to complain:

Somebody complains to somebody about something:
here the obligatory grammatical components of the structure will be the prepositions to (+ animate noun) and about (+ indication of the situation)

to cause:

Somebody causes something for somebody(often preceded by the preposition for a person) or
Somebody causes sb / sth to do sth(with a verb in the infinitive with to).

SUSTAINABLE COMBINATIONS - it 2-3 SIGNIFICANT WORDS that are usually used together... Linguists call them collocations, or words that go together, and it is in this combination that words sound natural:

make breakfast, have a shower, get lost ...

I am a teenager about stable combinations. bno wrote in one of the previous articles.

Let's analyze the case of the adjective available:

Readily available, widely available- typical combinations of WORDS, or collocations.

BE available TO sb / FOR some activity / TO DO sthare grammatical constructions.

So, DIFFERENCE between grammatical constructions and collocations in that

constructions- this is about the structure of the sentence (what other structural components are used around our word), and

collocations- about the WORDS-partners with whom our word is combined.

If we use the wrong preposition or omit the verb be when we want to say that we are tired (* I tired instead of I AM tired), we will make a grammatical mistake =(= incorrect design).

If we choose the wrong partner word, which would be chosen by native speakers (* The milk has become sour instead of The milk HAS GONE sour, or even better gone off), there will be no grammatical error, there will be a lexical (wrong choice of word), and this will "cut the ear" - so they do not say.

And now TASK for you:

Determine what is in front of you in each combination:
G = grammatical construction
C = stable combination of words

1. Then it TURNED COLD and started to rain.

2. I AM tired OF listening to him.

3. Who WAS paper invented BY?


5. I DOn't agree WITH you ON it, I'm afraid.

I look forward to your responses in the comments!

Formation« quasi-spatial» representations begins with the introduction of prepositions by comparing them with the spatial representations worked out above . For example, a child is asked to do the following : « Stand up (or sit down) front,per,left,on right,on the,under thing » , « Put or put an item front,per,left,on right,above,under by myself » and t . P . Gradually, through the verbal designation of the corresponding spatial representations, a transition is made from the concepts « above » , « below » to concepts « above » , « under » and t . d .

75. « Put down the pen ». Give your child two different items, such as a pen and pencil case . Invite him to put down a pen v,on the,under,above,front,per,left,on right from the pencil case .

76. « Where is the pencil? ». Put the pencil on the notebook and invite the child to determine its position relative to the notebook ( « The pencil lies on the notebook, and the notebook ... and the table ...» ). So play around by shifting your pencil under,v,left from the notebook, lifting it above, hiding per or by placing front notebook . Each time, ask the child to make a sentence about a notebook and a pencil, drawing his attention to the fact that the preposition changes in the sentence . Then swap these items ( « The notebook lies under the pencil » ).

When the child has mastered the task, do it again, but this time ask to name only the appropriate preposition. .

77. « Draw a preposition ». Offer (with your help) the child to draw (not write) prepositions in any way convenient for him, for example, as in Fig. . 10.

78. « Encrypted message ». The child should read the message, the content of which is clear from the picture (see . rice . 11), and write it right under the pictures .

Draw several similar phrases with different prepositions . Invite your child to come up with and write to you similar messages with pretexts known to him .

79. « Teremok ». There is a four-story teremok in a field : butterfly lives above the wolf, snail - under the wolf, and above all - a lion . The child settles the tenants, then he himself gives the task to other children and monitors the correctness of the implementation .

80. « Housewarming ». Having mastered the previous exercise, the child, according to the idea, solves such problems :

« They settled in the house : frog - under the arm, bunny - above the chanterelle, and the mouse - under the chanterelle . Who lives on which floor? »

« Built a new four-story house . One family must live on each floor : Borisovs - under the Karpovs, Ivanovs - over the Chernovs, and the Karpovs - near Chernovy . Help new settlers find their apartments ».

Now you can move on to more complex prepositions that indicate movement in a certain direction. .

81. « Movement pattern ». Take a small car and a book . Ask the child to make the typewriter hit the book, move off it, drive under it, drive out from under it, drive up to it, drive away from it, drive behind it, drive out because of it .

Then do the same yourself and ask the child to make sentences for each case. . Then - sketch prepositions (fig . 12), having previously shown the corresponding action using a typewriter .

Rice . 12

82. « Come up with a proposal ». Based on the skills worked out above, offer the child a diagram on which the action is indicated by two stripes . He needs to come up with a sentence that suits her and write it down under the picture. . Make similar schemes for various prepositions and actions, and the child will come up with sentences for them . Invite him to compose for you such « tasks .

83. « What, where, who, where? » Ask your child to answer similar questions in relation to his apartment, classroom, street, etc. . d . Then, using any plot picture, ask him to do the same, interpreting it, i.e. . e . telling who (what) is where, where is going, etc. . d .

In the next stage, the child masters orientation in a linear sequence first subject, and then number series in the direction from left to right. By analogy, you can offer him tasks related to mastering the alphabet .

84. « Let us expand in order ». The child lays out any subject line in ; direction from left to right, while saying, for example : « Pineapple comes first, second - apple, third - strawberries (up to ten images) ». Then an arrow from left to right indicates the direction in which fruits and vegetables were laid out. . Next, what has been drawn is determined « before » any of the images and « after » him . The original row length is selected in accordance with the actual capabilities of the child .

85. « Let's number the series ». Number the row compiled in the previous exercise . Find the number with your child « front » specified (preceding) and number « after » , « per » specified (subsequent) . At the same time, the emphasis is on the fact that, determining the number worth « per » and « front » any, we move respectively along the arrow (from left to right) and against it (from right to left) . In the same way, the understanding of the fact that the number « front » is to the left of the standard in the number row, and the number « after » - on right .

86. « Row of numbers ». Relying on the number series from 1 to 10, explain that the more to the left of the number in the row, the smaller it is, and vice versa. . What is the first number on the left, the first number on the right . Which one is bigger? It will help a lot here « marking » magnitudes : the next digit is higher than the previous one, the next one is even higher, the previous one is lower, etc. . d . In what direction do the numbers in the row increase? The child first draws an arrow from left to right and then answers . Read the row in reverse order. . How does the magnitude of the numbers change in this direction?

87. «« Neighbours » our number ». The psychologist, together with the child, calls « neighbors » any number . They establish that the number on the right is greater than the given number and the number on the left is less . Then the adult calls the number, and the child shows the numbers on the left (right) and calls them . A conclusion is made about the magnitude of these numbers. .

88. « Put the number back ». A number series is given in which any number is missing . Sample response : « The number seven is missing . It is more than six by one unit, which means it stands to the right of it. ». Or : « The number seven is one less than eight, which means it stands to the left of it ».

Formation« quasi-spatial» ideas are impossible without mastering comparative verbal constructions.

89. « Synonyms and antonyms ». Use visuals and ball games to reinforce spatial concepts such as « high - a long » , « big - huge » , « close - far » , « little - tiny » , « high - short » , « wide - narrow » , « thin - thick » , « near - long away - close » , « ahead of - behind » and t . P .

90. « Complete the sentence, answer the questions ». Have your child complete sentences like : « Before you come home ...» , « Children stood in a row by height . The last was the tallest . The first was ...».

The child answers questions like : « Which is higher, a person or a house? » , « What is less than a year but more than a week? » , « When is the day longer, winter or summer? ».

91. « What happened before? ». Let the child determine which event happened earlier, which later. : « After the wind blew, the window opened wide » , « We went for a walk before dinner ».

92. « Who is the best? » You need to answer questions like : « Tolya is more fun than Katya . Katya is more fun than Alik . Who is the most fun? » , « Faith is higher than Lisa . Vera is lower than Katya . Who is the lowest? » , « Tolya is darker than Misha . Misha is younger than Vova . Vova is lower than Tolya . Tolya is older than Vova . Vova is lighter than Misha . Misha is taller than Tolya . Who is the lightest? Who is the oldest? Who is the tallest? ».

93. « Who is older? » « Show in the picture who is older, younger than whom (etc. . P . )». Any suitable stimulus material can be used here. . « Olya is older than Seryozha and younger than Katya . Where are Olya, Katya, Seryozha in the picture? »

94. « Arrangement of items » Invite your child to identify and name the location of objects . Ask questions : « Ruler under the eraser or eraser under the ruler? » , « What's between a vase and a clock? » , « A beetle to the right or left of the knife? » , « Who is higher (lower)? » and t . P . Ask him to pick up the missing- . , adverbs and prepositions : to the right of and on the left of,behind from and t . P . for instance : « Table ... from the ax and ... from the castle ; lamp ... table and ... from the window ; bottle ... from the candle and ... from the umbrella ».

95. « Compare and explain ». The child must interpret (first looking at the pictures) such logical and grammatical constructions as « my hand - in my hand - by my hand » , « doll mistress - mistress doll » , « Mother's daughter - daughter's mom » , « dog owner - owner's dog » and t . P .

When you start learning English, at first your eyes run up from the countless number of rules, exceptions and constructions that you need to know, understand, and even use correctly. Only after some time do you realize that this language is not as creepy as it seemed at the very beginning, and you begin to distinguish between fixed expressions, phrasal verbs, and so on in the text.

It is for those who are just starting to learn English, who still have a mess in their heads and who want to isolate the so-called must haves or, in our case, must know from all this grammatical chaos, that I wrote this article. Today I will tell you about the basic structures and speech patterns that are important to know and which will help you express your thoughts.

1. There is / there are

The main purpose of this construction is to tell the interlocutor that something is somewhere, is present. We use there is / there are when we talk about what sights there are in our city, when we describe our room or house, when we tell what is in our bag or backpack.

Please note that sentences with this construction are translated from the end, and there is / there are is not translated at all. There is we use with a single number, and there are, respectively, with plural.

For instance:

2. To be going to

Design to be going to translates as "to gather." We use it when we say that we will definitely do something in the future. It is important to remember that this construction works in cases where the decision was made before the conversation, that is, you decided to learn Italian and after making the decision, you talk to a friend and share your plan with him:

I am going to learn Italian.

Now let's look at how to incorporate it into a proposal. Verb to be as always changes to am / is / are / was / were / will be depending on the pronoun and time; going to remains unchanged and is translated as "to get ready", and then there is necessarily a verb that tells what exactly you are going to do.

They are going to get married this winter. - They're going to get married this winter.
We are going to earn a lot of money next summer. - We're going to make a lot of money next summer.
I am going to leave for London tomorrow. “I'm going to leave for London tomorrow.

3. The way

This turn of speech is, in my opinion, the most interesting, because it can be applied to a variety of situations. The word itself way translates as "road" and "direction". Very often, beginners in English cannot understand what the road has to do with, for example, describing a person. We will now talk about such situations.

Turnover the way can convey a mode of action. For example, you might say that you like the way she dances or the way she looks. In this case, "how" is our turnover the way:

I like the way you dance. - I like the way you dance.
He likes the way I cook. - He likes the way I cook.

Also turnover the way can be translated as "way". For instance:

Working hard is the only way to get your goal. “Working hard is the only way to achieve your goal.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this is not the only meaning and possibility of use the way... With this turnover, there are both stable expressions and verb constructions, but for the first time the meaning considered above will be quite enough.

4. It takes

This design is also quite common and will definitely be useful to you when traveling abroad. This phrase is used when we say how long an action takes. We can use it to ask how long it will take to get to your destination or how long it will take to get a taxi to the city center.

It takes me an hour to get to work. - It takes me one hour to get to work.
The flight to Moscow takes 3 hours. - The flight to Moscow takes three hours.
My morning exercises take me 15 min. - My morning exercises take me 15 minutes.

Let's summarize and reiterate what situations each of these constructs is suitable for:

  • there is / there are we use it when we tell what objects are in the room, house, bag, city and so on;
  • to be going to we use it when we are going to do something;
  • the way suitable for describing a course of action;
  • it takes we use it when we tell you how long an action takes.

And finally I want to give little advice for those who are just starting to learn English: do not try to understand all the rules at once. Accumulate knowledge in stages, learn first simple words, rules and times, and then move on to more complex ones. And of course, be patient with yourself and your English.

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