Diagram of the formation of magnesium and chlorine. Formation schemes for substances with different types of bonds. General characteristics of ionic chemical bonds

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a) Consider the scheme for the formation of an ionic bond between sodium and
1. Sodium is an element of the main subgroup of group I, metal. It is easier for its atom to donate the I external electron than to accept the missing 7:

1. Oxygen is an element of the main subgroup of group VI, non-metal.
It is easier for its atom to accept 2 electrons, which are not enough until the completion of the external level, than to donate 6 electrons from the external level.

1. First, we find the smallest common multiple between the charges of the formed ions, it is equal to 2 (2 ∙ 1). In order for the Na atoms to donate 2 electrons, they must be taken 2 (2: 1), so that the oxygen atoms can receive 2 electrons, they must be taken 1.
2. Schematically, the formation of an ionic bond between sodium and oxygen atoms can be written as follows:

b) Consider the scheme for the formation of an ionic bond between lithium and phosphorus atoms.
I. Lithium - an element of group I of the main subgroup, metal. It is easier for its atom to donate 1 external electron than to accept the missing 7:

2. Chlorine is an element of the main subgroup of group VII, non-metal. His
it is easier for an atom to accept 1 electron than to donate 7 electrons:

2. The least common multiple of 1, ie. in order for 1 lithium atom to give up, and a chlorine atom to take 1 electron, you need to take them one by one.
3. Schematically, the formation of an ionic bond between lithium and chlorine atoms can be written as follows:

c) Consider the scheme for the formation of an ionic bond between atoms
magnesium and fluorine.
1. Magnesium is an element of group II of the main subgroup, metal. His
it is easier for the atom to give 2 external electrons than to accept the missing 6:

2. Fluorine - an element of the main subgroup of the VII group, non-metal. His
it is easier for an atom to accept 1 electron, which is not enough until the end of the vernal level, than to donate 7 electrons:

2. Let's find the smallest common multiple between the charges of the formed ions, it is equal to 2 (2 ∙ 1). For magnesium atoms to give 2 electrons, only one atom is needed, so that fluorine atoms can accept 2 electrons, they need to be taken 2 (2: 1).
3. Schematically, the formation of an ionic bond between lithium and phosphorus atoms can be written as follows:

This lesson is devoted to the generalization and systematization of knowledge about the types of chemical bonds. In the course of the lesson, the schemes for the formation of a chemical bond in various substances will be considered. The lesson will help to consolidate the ability to determine the type of chemical bond in a substance by its chemical formula.

Topic: Chemical bond. Electrolytic dissociation

Lesson: Schemes of the formation of substances with different types connections

Rice. 1. Scheme of bond formation in a fluorine molecule

A fluorine molecule consists of two atoms of one chemical element-non-metal with the same electronegativity, therefore, a covalent non-polar bond is realized in this substance. Let us draw a diagram of the formation of a bond in a fluorine molecule. Rice. one.

Around each fluorine atom, using dots, draw seven valence, that is, external, electrons. Before a steady state, each atom needs one more electron. Thus, one common electron pair is formed. Replacing it with a dash, we will depict the graphical formula of the fluorine molecule F-F.

Conclusion:a covalent non-polar bond is formed between the molecules of one chemical element, a non-metal. With this type of chemical bond, common electron pairs are formed, which equally belong to both atoms, that is, the electron density does not shift to any of the atoms of a chemical element

Rice. 2. Diagram of the formation of a bond in a water molecule

A water molecule consists of hydrogen and oxygen atoms - two non-metallic elements with different values ​​of relative electronegativity, therefore, this substance has a covalent polar bond.

Since oxygen is a more electronegative element than hydrogen, the common electron pairs are shifted towards oxygen. A partial charge arises on the hydrogen atoms, and a partial negative charge on the oxygen atom. Replacing both common electron pairs with dashes, or rather with arrows showing the shift of the electron density, we write down the graphical formula of water Fig. 2.

Conclusion:a covalent polar bond occurs between atoms of different non-metallic elements, that is, with different values ​​of relative electronegativity. With this type of bond, common electron pairs are formed, which are shifted towards a more electronegative element.

1. Nos. 5,6,7 (p. 145) Rudzitis G.Ye. Inorganic and organic chemistry. Grade 8: a textbook for educational institutions: basic level / G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. M .: Education. 2011 176s.: Ill.

2. Indicate the particle with the largest and smallest radius: Ar atom, ions: K +, Ca 2+, Cl -. Justify your answer.

3. Name three cations - two anions that have the same electron shell as the F - ion.

An ionic chemical bond is a bond that forms between atoms chemical elements(positively or negatively charged ions). So what is an ionic bond, and how does it form?

General characteristics of ionic chemical bonds

Ions are particles with a charge, into which atoms turn in the process of giving or accepting electrons. They are attracted to each other quite strongly, it is for this reason that substances with this type of bond high temperatures boiling and melting.

Rice. 1. Jonah.

Ionic bond - a chemical bond between unlike ions due to their electrostatic attraction. It can be considered the limiting case of a covalent bond, when the difference in the electronegativities of bound atoms is so great that complete separation of charges occurs.

Rice. 2. Ionic chemical bond.

It is usually considered that communication becomes electronic in nature if EO> 1.7.

The difference in the value of electronegativity is the greater, the further the elements are located from each other in the periodic table along the period. This bond is typical for metals and non-metals, especially those located in the most distant groups, for example, I and VII.

Example: table salt, sodium chloride NaCl:

Rice. 3. Diagram of the ionic chemical bond of sodium chloride.

The ionic bond exists in crystals, it has strength, length, but is not saturated and is not directed. Ionic bond is characteristic only for complex substances such as salts, alkalis, some metal oxides. IN gaseous state such substances exist in the form of ionic molecules.

An ionic chemical bond is formed between typical metals and non-metals. Electrons without fail pass from metal to non-metal, forming ions. As a result, an electrostatic attraction is formed, which is called ionic bond.

In fact, there is no fully ionic bond. The so-called ionic bond is partly ionic, partly covalent. However, the bond of complex molecular ions can be considered ionic.

Examples of ionic bond formation

There are several examples of ionic bond formation:

  • interaction of calcium and fluorine

Ca 0 (atom) -2e = Ca 2 + (ion)

- Calcium is easier to donate two electrons than to get the missing ones.

F 0 (atom) + 1е = F- (ion)

- fluorine, on the contrary, is easier to accept one electron than to donate seven electrons.

Let us find the smallest common multiple between the charges of the formed ions. It is equal to 2. Let us determine the number of fluorine atoms that will receive two electrons from the calcium atom: 2: 1 = 2.4.

Let's compose the formula for the ionic chemical bond:

Ca 0 + 2F 0 → Ca 2 + F − 2.

  • interaction of sodium and oxygen
4.3. Total ratings received: 313.

This lesson is devoted to the generalization and systematization of knowledge about the types of chemical bonds. In the course of the lesson, the schemes for the formation of a chemical bond in various substances will be considered. The lesson will help to consolidate the ability to determine the type of chemical bond in a substance by its chemical formula.

Topic: Chemical bond. Electrolytic dissociation

Lesson: Schemes of the formation of substances with a different type of bond

Rice. 1. Scheme of bond formation in a fluorine molecule

A fluorine molecule consists of two atoms of one chemical element-non-metal with the same electronegativity, therefore, a covalent non-polar bond is realized in this substance. Let us draw a diagram of the formation of a bond in a fluorine molecule. Rice. one.

Around each fluorine atom, using dots, draw seven valence, that is, external, electrons. Before a steady state, each atom needs one more electron. Thus, one common electron pair is formed. Replacing it with a dash, we will depict the graphical formula of the fluorine molecule F-F.

Conclusion:a covalent non-polar bond is formed between the molecules of one chemical element, a non-metal. With this type of chemical bond, common electron pairs are formed, which equally belong to both atoms, that is, the electron density does not shift to any of the atoms of a chemical element

Rice. 2. Diagram of the formation of a bond in a water molecule

A water molecule consists of hydrogen and oxygen atoms - two non-metallic elements with different values ​​of relative electronegativity, therefore, this substance has a covalent polar bond.

Since oxygen is a more electronegative element than hydrogen, the common electron pairs are shifted towards oxygen. A partial charge arises on the hydrogen atoms, and a partial negative charge on the oxygen atom. Replacing both common electron pairs with dashes, or rather with arrows showing the shift of the electron density, we write down the graphical formula of water Fig. 2.

Conclusion:a covalent polar bond occurs between atoms of different non-metallic elements, that is, with different values ​​of relative electronegativity. With this type of bond, common electron pairs are formed, which are shifted towards a more electronegative element.

1. Nos. 5,6,7 (p. 145) Rudzitis G.Ye. Inorganic and organic chemistry. Grade 8: textbook for educational institutions: basic level / G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. M .: Education. 2011 176s.: Ill.

2. Indicate the particle with the largest and smallest radius: Ar atom, ions: K +, Ca 2+, Cl -. Justify your answer.

3. Name three cations - two anions that have the same electron shell as the F - ion.

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