Candles after baptism what to do with them. Baptism is a new birth. Recommendations for preparing for the baptism of a small child

  • When to baptize?
    • Most often, they baptize around the 40th day. After the sacrament of Christening, the mother enters the Temple, and a cleansing prayer is read over her.
      If the baby is weak, they try to baptize him as soon as possible (sometimes in the maternity hospital and in the hospital, as a last resort, a baptized mother can also do this), and the mother goes to church after the 40th day for a cleansing prayer.
      4.12.2000 16: 5: 14, Katerina Kuzovkina
    • In my opinion, you can baptize at least right away, but for the first 40 days after giving birth, mom goes to church, for some reason she is considered "dirty", so godparents were needed ...
      8/10/2001 20:14:39, Nataly
    • It is not worth postponing this matter (I see absolutely no reason!), Because the child does not yet have a guardian angel, and even a mother is much more difficult to pray for him ...
      10.8.2001 23: 27: 2, Inanna
    • It is best to baptize before 4 months of age. The older children sobbed with might and main, the girl sobbed for about a year, and a boy of 2-3 years old poured as if grief, and also managed to hit the priest when he climbed to smear him :-)
      10.8.2001 20: 9: 14, Nataly
    • The eldest was baptized at 8 months. She already understood a lot and screamed like a cut. The youngest was baptized at 3 months. Perfect age. And he already confidently holds his head, and there is still no fear of strangers.
      11.8.2001 10: 0: 37, Julia
    • We baptized in 3-4 months. Just like everyone else, I advise you to be in time during the warm time of the day. And just like others, I advise either up to 4 months, or already after 3-4 years (or even 5).
      10.8.2001 23: 54: 3, Tamara
    • (From the site "Russian Orthodoxy")
      is their parents' business, and they are the ones who decide when to baptize them. If, according to their decision, the child remains unbaptized, and, God forbid, he dies, then the responsibility for his unbaptized soul will fall with all its unbearable burden on their souls as a sin.
      Traditions in ancient Christianity and in Russian Orthodoxy were different. In Russia, they often baptized immediately after birth, and at home they were afraid of the death of the child, as this often happened. But, and this is the main thing, the time of baptism is not a dogma and there is no need to argue about this!
      Priest Andrey Lorgus.
      In the Apostolic Tradition, there is an indication that children should be baptized before adults. Children of a very young age were allowed to be baptized, parents or relatives could give answers when baptizing. In the era of Cyprian of Carthage, it was considered possible not to postpone baptism even until the eighth day. Gregory Nazianzen recommended postponing baptism until the age of three. From all of the above, it is clear that the question of age was perceived differently by different holy fathers. But, according to Tertulian, the question at what age to baptize children boiled down to the fact that recipients may fall into temptation and not keep the vows given during the sacrament of baptism. r.b. George.
      3.12.2000 15: 30: 3, Katerina Kuzovkina
  • What is needed for baptism?
    • You need baptismal clothes (a vest and a cap + a diaper), according to legend, if the baby, God forbid, gets sick, you will have to put them on, and so put the bed under the mattress.
      12.7.2001 0: 52: 6, Nataly
    • My thoughts: to baptize not a newborn, so that he is definitely full for an hour and a half, individually, without crowds of people. To baptize in a diaper for obvious reasons, with a pacifier in your mouth. So that it is warm in the church, preferably in the summer.
      7/11/2001 4:51:10 PM, oh3harriette
    • The main thing is that the masiku would be warm and not blown away in the church. For baptism, in addition to the usual baptismal set, you must take with you a pair of diapers and a large towel. Diapers for the undressed baby, so as not to freeze.
      4/16/2001 13:54:40, kuhan
    • Choose a church for baptism where mothers are allowed to be present (there are those in which for some reason only godparents are allowed). It is advisable (if you are a believer yourself) to confess and receive communion the day before. Yes, and before that (usually during confession), the priest should read the 40th day prayer over you (which gives you the right to participate in the sacraments). Then you, with a clear conscience, can hold the baby in your arms almost all the time while the baptism lasts.
      4/16/2001 0:47:48, Tamara
  • Godparents
    • The godfather (recipient) is the one who accepted the child after baptism (immersion in the baptismal font), who gave all the vows for him (the child himself is not able to do this for obvious reasons), who ensures that the child fulfills these vows in the future (i.e. . is responsible for children's religious education and upbringing).
      4/17/2001 3:34:34 AM, Tamara
    • As Batiushka told us, the godfather's father is responsible for the material, and the mother for the spiritual. And together they are obliged to replace their parents if anything happens.
      1.8.2001 11:22:43, Inchik
    • The godparents can be close relatives of the child (this is even preferable). There can be one godfather, only the godfather must be of the same sex as the child, that is, for the girl - the godmother, for the boy - the godfather.
      1.8.2001 10:56:35, Helga
    • Godparents are considered the spiritual guides of their godson, and the rite of baptism binds them with spiritual kinship. Therefore, they do not have to be husband and wife.
      5/22/2001 13:36:27, Magus
    • My father was a godmother to the daughter of his own sister, and when I was baptized, I wanted my aunt (my father’s own sister) to be the godmother, so it turns out that it’s impossible ;-( in the sense that if you baptized my children, then I can’t yours ...
      1.8.2001 11:36:18, Izya
    • The godparents must be over 14 years old, we wanted to take her second cousin and cousin godparents, both 10 years old, it turned out to be nizya :-)
      8/10/2001 20:12:25, Nataly
  • Christening at home
    • Here is the phone number 162-03-47, father Eugene - he baptizes at home.
      1.8.2001 15:14:19, Lelka
    • It seems to me that the walls of the church also help, and we should try to baptize there.
      1.8.2001 11:22:43, Inchik
    • At home, a child is baptized if he is very sick and cannot be carried to church.
      1.8.2001 10:56:35, Helga
    • We were baptized a year and a month at home. We bought candles and prepared clean towels. The godmother gave me a cross. Father said that it is better for the child to be all in white. That, in general, is all the preparations. First, Father told us about the patron saint, after whom the child was named. Then there was the sacrament itself. And after the sacrament, Batiushka explained what to do with candles, with water in the font, etc.
      11.8.2001 1:40:38, AsyaA
  • Communion and wearing a cross
    • Sorry for the wildness of the question: what and how do babies receive communion? And how does this fit in with children's hygiene issues? And yet, the godfather of our 6-month-old child then insisted on wearing pectoral cross, and our doubts about the fact that it would not take long to suffocate - he answered, everything is in God's will. For some reason, this approach did not suit me.
      7/11/2001 4:58:12 PM, oh3harriette
    • As for wearing a cross, we don’t wear it, especially since my husband’s grandmother is a terribly religious person, she said that you just need to hang the cross on the bed.
      12.7.2001 0: 52: 6, Nataly
    • Everything is done by faith. Hygiene issues are generally irrelevant here.
      We both put on the cross and did not take it off. Only it should be smooth so that it does not interfere and does not get scratched. And the ribbon should be short, then her children do not even notice.
      About communion - I can also add: they give communion only with a drop of wine, a little bit.
      7/11/2001 17: 11: 2, Kris
    • With a spoon - only "blood", without "body".
      After six months, when he crawls around the house everywhere and pulls everything into his mouth, paranoia about hygiene in the sacrament is simply inappropriate.
      As for "suffocating" - the rope must be selected appropriately, there are those that will not suffocate in any way. "God's will" is certainly not an approach, for it says "do not tempt", so the big rope, of course, is not a trail to use. You need a thin one so that it just breaks with excessive tension. But you still need to wear it, if baptism is not a form for you, of course.
      11.7.2001 17: 9: 36, Glaurung
  • And whether to baptize at all?
    • Infant baptism is justified only when the parents and / or the recipient can provide the child with an adequate Christian upbringing. Before baptizing, ask what prayers are read at baptism, what vows are given. It's one thing when an adult consciously takes on obligations and just as consciously does not fulfill them. It is quite another matter when you essentially impose on the child obligations that he a priori cannot fulfill (if no one is going to educate him in faith). The receiver makes vows for the baby, and your child will take the rap in full in the future.
      4/16/2001 1:29:45, Tamara
    • The Bible says baptism is nothing and circumcision is nothing. My son is still only 7 days old and he will definitely go through the rite of baptism, but then when he will understand what he is doing and why this is all. And when he is 42 days old, there is absolutely no point in all this beautiful ceremony. It is enough just to turn around and you will see a lot of drunkards, drug addicts, 80% of homeless people of whom are parents in infancy christened.
      5/23/2001 13:53:48, Roman
    • My personal opinion: a child should live up to a certain age and decide for himself whether to be baptized or not. I will give my child the right to choose which religion to belong to.
      5/22/2001 15:32:57, Veronika
    • From the moment of baptism, parents are RESPONSIBLE for the upbringing of the baby and for instilling in him the moral standards that are accepted in this religion. Therefore, before you do anything, think about the PURPOSE of this? If the goal is a tribute to fashion or tradition, then it is better to postpone the ceremony until the time when the child himself is able to make this decision. If the goal is education within the chosen religion, then the parents themselves must be baptized.
      5/22/2001 13:36:27, Magus


I wanted to baptize my son after 40 days, as soon as possible. Purely for the sake of my comfort, because I Believe. The husband initially agreed, and then protested, like, let him grow up and decide for himself what faith he wants to belong to. In principle, perhaps he is right. But you can change your faith at any age. In short, I will give away a baptismal kit for a boy for free, new, up to 3 months old. Forwarding at your expense

10.01.2015 16:28:30, Antashkevich Emilia

10/04/2014 17:40:47, yul4enok1988

08/01/2014 20:05:33, Slaventiy272

we baptized our son at 7 months. I believe that after baptism he will receive a guardian angel. my opinion is to baptize a child either up to one year old, or already an adult. and this should not be for show, but consciously, first of all, godparents. it is very difficult to realize that very few people understand the meaning of baptism.

Hello! Tell me, please, what should the godparents buy for the boy? Thanks in advance!

10/04/2008 11:24:40 AM, Yana

Please tell me if a married girl who has no children can baptize the boy. Answer urgently please

08/18/2008 14:40:15 PM, Sergey Eremenko

Hello. Tell me please. They chose godparents for their son, baptized him. After 2 years, the godmother stopped communicating with us even on our birthday and does not congratulate us on other holidays. And the godfather turned out to be a man of bad spiritual qualities (she later figured it out). In general, I am upset that my son has such bad godparents. And it is especially upsetting that they themselves have chosen such. Anything you can do (change)? Now we need to baptize the second son, and we are already afraid to choose godparents, suddenly something will change again in the future. Give advice on how to be. Send the answer to e-mail. Thanks in advance.

11/14/2007 00:46:41, Tatiana

Can you please tell me if an unmarried girl can baptize a girl? VERY URGENTLY NEEDS TO FIND OUT! SEND ANSWER TO SOAP! Thank you!:)

03/15/2007 01:18:37, Venus

Can you please tell me if an unmarried girl can baptize a girl? very MUST FIND OUT! BY THE GIRL, THE GIRL IS A BREEDER! SEND ANSWER TO SOAP! beg!

11/06/2006 13:06:01, Julia

An extremely dangerous delusion for your children in the first place. It is surprising that Orthodox priests do not know the Scriptures and offer you to baptize your children, referring to the fact that a child may die unbaptized and lose the opportunity to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Let me explain my words. Get into the Kingdom of Heaven. can every person who repented of his sinful life and confessed Jesus Christ as Lord, as is evident from the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 23.39-43) Next, no one can come to Christ unless the Heavenly Father calls him (John 6: 44) Based on what Jesus said, it does not depend on a person whether he becomes a believer or not, but only from the Almighty - if in his plan this person is intended for salvation, then he will believe; but if this person is not intended for salvation in God's plan, no vows of the "godparents" will help him turn to God. Unfortunately and even grieving, not all of our children become believers, but they live surrounded by informal Christians and see in us, their parents, an example of serving God, go to services with us and lead a pious way of life, but of my five children, only two repented and in many families this is the situation. In addition, the so-called godparents themselves, as a rule, have no idea about the Christian way of life and at best they come to the godchildren only on holidays to drink, which in no way brings these children closer to God. read the whole bible completely? Believe me, there are very few of them. Otherwise, they would have known what Baptism is. For all Christians, regardless of denominations, the only basis for teaching is 66 books of the canonical Bible, which are inspired, or in other words, these books were written by the Holy Spirit through people. the rest of the books are written only by people and are not divinely inspired - this is recognized by all denominations, with the exception of Mormons. What does the Holy Spirit teach us about baptism? I quote: “So now baptism similar to this image, not washing of fleshly impurity, but the promise of a good conscience to God, saves us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ” (1 Pet.3: 21); "Being buried with Him in baptism, in Him you were also raised together by faith in the power of God, who raised Him from the dead" (Col. 2:12) Here are two quotes from the inspired canonical books. From the Epistle of Peter it is clear that the baptized person in the process of the sacrament of baptism promises God to have a good conscience. How and what can a baby promise? From the Epistle to the Colossians it can be seen that in baptism we were raised together by BELIEVING in the power of God. Do you think that a nursing infant believes in the power of God? In other words, baptism in childhood is not baptism. Even before the danger of dying unbaptized, Scripture says that God is a God of order. Suddenly nothing happens to God. And in order for everything to be good with your children, I strongly advise you to come to Christ's church, enter into a covenant with the Lord, start living a righteous life and pray for your children. And constantly study the word, pray and the Lord will surely hear you: " ..I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, punishing children for the guilt of fathers up to the third and fourth generation who hate Me,
6 and showing mercy up to a thousand generations to those who love Me and keep My commandments. (Ex. 20: 5-7) Ponder these Words of the Almighty. Turn around and you will always be under the protection and blessing of God. in his own way. "God teaches us how he must serve in order to be pleasing to him. How often have you seen miracles in your life? Come to us and you will see them regularly. You will see how people sick with incurable diseases are healed through the prayer of the church, how alcoholics stop drinking and drug addicts stop using drugs. Through the prophesying brothers and sisters, the Lord will teach you, guide you on the right path, warn you of danger and much, many other things. I came to the Pentecostals because they have the most correct and complete fulfillment of what is written in the Scriptures. Come to us. May the Almighty bless you and your children.

04/07/2006 03:19:05, Sergey

Please tell me, can an unmarried girl baptize a girl? And one more question. Can a couple, who are dating, but not yet married, and do not know whether they will marry at all, baptize one child, namely a girl? Thanks a lot in advance. I would be very grateful for your prompt reply.

04/26/2005 13:36:52, Oksana

In general, I was surprised about when to baptize. If you are a believer, then there should be no questions at all! The sooner the better! You can neither give communion to a child, nor order a prayer service in a church (at least for health), or even light a candle ! The sick and weakened can now be baptized even in the hospital! And if you have nothing need to go to church if you don’t go, then you leave the choice for the child until the age of ... 16,18,20 ... And who, in your opinion, will teach him Vera? you yourself must be believers, teach the child the Faith and pray for him and with him! And this must be only for the sake of God, and not for the sake of custom, like everyone else.

03.03.2005 14:35:58, Natasha

we, for example, have not yet been baptized (we are 10 months old). going to be baptized in the summer. And the girlfriend says that it will be better if the child chooses his own faith when he grows up.

12/21/2004 20:11:57, Evgeniya


Difference between baptizing a boy and a girl

The main difference between the baptism of a boy and a girl is that a male child, after immersion and anointing, is brought into the altar, while a female child is not. By Orthodox tradition only men can be in the altar of the temple. Also, the difference lies in the correspondence of the sex of the godfather to the child who is baptized.


When is the best time to baptize a baby?

According to custom, the baby is baptized on the 8th or 40th day after birth. There are circumstances that can affect the term for baptism of an infant: if the baby is sick, the disease poses a threat to life, you can baptize him earlier. Orthodoxy says that after christening a person has a guardian angel, who is always behind his right shoulder. He will protect the baby and can save him. It is believed that the more prayers are addressed to the angel, the stronger he will be.

Some people prefer to wait until the little man grows up and becomes stronger. The other side of the coin is that while the child is nursing, he sleeps in the arms of the godmother and calmly endures the sacrament. The older he gets, the more difficult it is for him to stand quietly in the service. At 2 years old, the baby spins, wants to run, go out into the street. This creates difficulties for the priest and godparents, because the action can last more than an hour. To bathe in a font is also easier for a nursing baby.

Then the little man will be more protected from the hardships of life. In the church, you can agree that the baby is named after the saint, on the day of which the baby's date of birth fell.

Recommendations for preparing for the baptism of a small child

How to organize a christening of a child? It is necessary to visit the temple in which the procedure will take place. In the church shop, you can ask your questions. The church attendant in the shop will invite you to read the baptismal brochure, which describes all the rules. The date of birth of your baby will be written down, they will also ask the desired church name baby, the names of his godparents. For the ceremony, a voluntary payment is made in the form of a donation, which goes to the needs of the temple. How much should you pay? The amount of donation may vary from church to church.

Before the sacrament of baptism, the godparents must be sent for an interview with the priest. If the baby's mom and dad come with them and take part in the conversation, this will only be a plus. The priest will tell you how the baptism of a young child is performed, what you need to take with you. He will certainly ask during the conversation whether the mother and father and the child's recipients have been baptized. If not, then the unbaptized should be baptized prior to the sacrament of the infant. During the conversation, the priest will give recommendations to the family of the baby, appoint a day and time when the baptism of the child will take place. On this day, you should come in advance in order to have time to orient yourself in the situation, to prepare. Many parents invite a photographer to the christening of their child, take photos and videos. You need to know that in order to record videos and photographs, you need to ask permission and blessings from the priest.

The priest will be able to tell more about the sacrament and instruct the godparents, with whom a preliminary conversation is required. The parents of the baby can also come to it.

Who should be chosen as godparents?

Usually people of the same sex with the baby become godparents: for girls - a woman, for boys - a man. You can also invite two godparents of different genders. Then the baby will have a spiritual father and mother.

The question of who is worthy to become your baby's godfather is very important. The godparents become the second parents of the baby. Think about who treats the little man better, who is ready to bear responsibility for him, to give him a spiritual example, to pray for him? Most often, relatives and friends of the family become the recipients.

You can choose as a godfather the sister or brother of mom and dad, a close friend or family friend, grandmother or grandfather of the baby.

The recipients must be baptized themselves - this must be done in advance. Parents need to understand that the issue of choosing godparents must be taken very seriously.

Who Can't Become a Godfather?

The laws of baptism in Orthodox Church are such that they cannot become godfathers:

  1. atheists or gentiles;
  2. monks and nuns;
  3. mentally ill people;
  4. children under 15 years old;
  5. drug addicts and alcoholics;
  6. promiscuous women and men;
  7. spouses or sexually close people;
  8. the parents of the baby.

Brother and sister cannot be godparents to each other. If you are baptizing twins, you must not do it on the same day. The twins' godparents may well be the same.

If twins are growing up in the family, then they need to be baptized on different days, but one more pair of godparents is not needed for this - it is enough to find two reliable and pious people

Memo for godparents

  • Appearance. Receivers of the baby should come to church with their pectoral crosses on the neck. If it is a woman, she puts on a skirt below the knee and a jacket with sleeves at the temple. A headdress is required for the godmother. The rules of being in church also apply to the clothes of a man: you cannot expose your knees and shoulders, that is, even in hot weather you will have to give up shorts with a T-shirt. The man is in the temple with his head uncovered.
  • Shopping and payment. It is often asked who should buy a cross for the baptism of a child? Who pays for the procedure? There is a certain procedure for the baptism of a newborn child and preparation for it.
    1. He assumes that the godfather buys a cross for the godson, and also pays for the baptism. The godmother buys a cross for her goddaughter. It is best to choose a cross made of regular metal or silver. It is not customary to use a golden cross at the ceremony. When choosing a cross, pay attention to the fact that he cannot injure the baby, let the cross have oval edges.
    2. In addition to the cross of the godmother, you must buy a towel, a baptismal shirt and a sheet in advance. She buys a kryzhma - the fabric in which the baby is baptized. Caring mothers keep materia for many years, as it helps to heal the child from illness. The sick little man is wrapped in a kryzhma, and he will begin to recover. It should be stored in a place hidden from prying eyes, since it is believed that through it it is possible to damage the baby.
  • Training. People appointed by spiritual parents are obliged to prepare themselves for the baptism of a small child. The preparation includes a strict fast, starting a few days before the event, refusal of entertainment and pleasures. On the eve, it is not bad to take the sacrament in the church, before which to go through confession. You must take your baby's birth certificate with you to church. You can watch the video from the baptism in advance in order to roughly understand the sequence of events.
  • Prayer. Recipients are required to learn the Creed prayer. This prayer is read three times by the priest during the sacrament of the baptism of the child; she may be asked to recite the godfather by heart.

The nuances of christening

  • The little man can be christened on any day of the week - on holidays and weekdays, on fasting and on a regular day, but most often christenings take place on Saturday.
  • The receivers are supposed to pick up the baby from the parents in advance and go with him to church on the appointed day and time. The parents follow them. There is a sign that the godfather should chew a clove of garlic and breathe in the baby's face. In this way, evil forces are driven away from the baby.
  • Only the closest people are present at the ceremony in the temple - the parents of a boy or girl who receive the sacrament, maybe grandparents. The rest can come to the house of the baptized person after the ceremony and celebrate this event at the festive table.
  • Infant baptism does not always take place in the church itself. Sometimes the priest conducts the ceremony in a specially designated room.
  • If necessary, parents can arrange a ceremony at home or in the hospital. To do this, you need to agree with the priest and pay all his expenses for organizing the sacrament.
  • The priest reads prayers and anoints the newborn. Then he cuts off a lock of hair from his head, as if making a sacrifice to God. Then the baby is lowered into the baptismal font three times, the priest says: "Here is the cross, my daughter (my son), carry it." Together with the priest, the godfather (s) says: "Amen."
  • The child's parents also come to church, observing Orthodox customs. They dress as is customary in the temple. During the ceremony, the mother can pray for her child. Such prayers will surely be answered.
  • In the evening for the holiday, relatives and friends come with gifts. Their choice depends on wealth and imagination: toys or clothes, baby care items or an icon of the saint - the patron saint of the baby.

Traditionally, baptism takes place on the premises of the temple, however, in some circumstances, parents may ask for an exit ceremony - for example, at home or in the delivery room

Features of christening boys and girls

The christening of a girl and a boy differs little. During the ceremony, the godmother carries a male toddler at the altar, but the godmother does not carry a female child there. The christening of a newborn girl presupposes the presence of a headdress, that is, a headscarf is put on her. When a little boy is christened, he is in the temple without a headdress.

If both godparents participate in the ceremony, then first the godmother holds the boy's child, and after bathing in the font, the godfather takes him in his arms and carries him at the altar. Only the godmother holds the girl in her arms. This is the main difference in the ritual for children of the opposite sex.

If the order of the baptism of a small child is observed, the blood and spiritual parents of the child will prepare for the christening, the child will grow up healthy and cheerful. When he grows up, he will become a highly spiritual person, striving for a righteous life.

Christenings are a wonderful family holiday. However, the secular part of the celebration with congratulations and a special feast should not distract from the main meaning of the sacrament. Baptism is the door to the church. The little man became a member of the church community, and should have the opportunity to partake of all the fullness of the grace of Christ.

The godparents and parents of the child, if they are present at the sacrament, will surely hear from the priest that as soon as possible the godson needs to receive the Holy Mysteries of Christ. If baptism was performed on a Sunday, all newly baptized people receive communion at the end of the sacrament. If it is a week, the priest blesses the child to receive communion on the next Sunday. Unfortunately, not all parents follow the priest's advice. And this is very important. The essence of life in the church is participation in the ordinances. The sacrament is the greatest and most important of them all. While consciousness, intelligence and feelings are just beginning to develop in a child, it is extremely important that his life be sanctified by the grace of God. It is the duty of the mother and, of course, the godparents, to do everything possible so that the baby, in the first year of his life, regularly receives the Holy Mysteries.

Do not forget about babies to order sorokaust for health and thanksgiving prayers. When the Church prays for a child, this help, like a rope, will pull him out of any trouble, will help him grow physically and spiritually healthy.

Communion for babies

Children under three years of age can be fed in the morning before communion. It is advisable that the baby sleeps well before going to the temple, and is not hungry. It is also important that the child's clothes are as comfortable as possible.

You need to talk with the priest about how to pray for a child before the sacrament. The prayer book contains a special prayer for the baby before communion, but the priest may recommend reading something else.

During communion, approaching the cup, the child should be placed on his right hand; the baby's arms should be carefully held so that he does not accidentally touch the cup and push the priest's hand away.

The baby's mother should think about the fact that she herself also needs to receive communion more often. The baby is one with the mother, and the grace from the mother is communicated to the baby. With prayer, any problems are easier to solve. The baby will be calmer, fall asleep faster and cry less.


The churching of babies begins with mother's prayer for the baby. One must constantly pray for a child both at home and in the temple. When submitting notes about the health of family members, babies are traditionally recorded at the top of the list. In church notes, they write the name with which the child was baptized. Up to seven years - the child will be a baby in the church, starting from the age of seven - a boy (adolescent). They write: "baby Artemy", "adolescent Vasily", "baby Catherine", etc.

If circumstances permit, you need to visit the church with a child, not necessarily on Sundays, but it is better to attend services when there are not many people. Little by little, the child's soul absorbs the grace of prayer and temple services, the child gets used to the atmosphere of the church. Even if the baby does not understand anything about what is being read and chanted in the church, worship has a beneficial effect on his soul. In the church, the spirit of a person comes into contact with the Spirit of God and receives benefit and strengthening.

When the child grows up, it will be possible to start telling him about what is happening in the church, what it means, etc. on himself his godfathers or close relatives - dad, grandmother.

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Since ancient times, man has had a special attitude to fire. Not a single ceremony could do without candles, they were used to cleanse houses of evil forces. Let's get acquainted with some of the signs that still exist today.

1. Learn about a person's thoughts.
If there are guests in your house and you do not know whether they have come with goodness or with bad intentions, you can find out with the help of candles. Observe the flame of a lighted candle: if an even and calm flame is all right, there is no need to worry. If the candle smokes or goes out, then be extremely careful: people came to your house not with good. By the way, the flame of a candle protects the owner from all bad influences. So let the candles burn in your homes!

2. Make a wish!
If you have a dream, there is a wonderful way to help it come true. Any household, outdoor and New Year's candles will do. You must whisper about your secret desire over the hot flame of the candle and be sure to let the candle burn out. Then the desire will certainly come true.

These candles are used for the sacrament, and then they are kept as the most expensive relic of the house. Spouses should try to blow out the candles at the same time - then their life together will be long. Well, again, a calm and even flame is a sign of a future calm life together. Wedding candles are extremely powerful. If there is a quarrel in the house, someone is sick, someone goes on a long journey, it is imperative to get the wedding candles and light one of them. These candles help even when the child is not conceived for a long time.

4. Christening candles.
These candles were used during the baptism of a child and their power was immense. But they only have to do with the child. If he is sick or in trouble, the parents should light candles.

Most easy way decorate your home - buy beautiful candles, put them in a prominent place, and the aura of comfort will no longer leave this territory of warmth and light. There are many candle-related room designs available on the Internet. And it's always stylish and creative.

Friends! Light candles in your homes often - fill them with positive energy!
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Search line: Golovko

Records found: 21

Hello! Lately, when I put candles in a church, black drops start to run down them. Moreover, I tried to buy different ones, for different prices, but still black drops drip. I noticed that this began to happen since then, when I began to get sick. With what it can be connected? Thanks for the answer!


You have a good e-mail, Natalya, "note - 666"! If you live with such an address, black drops will flow not only through the candles, black tears will probably have to cry! Change your life, change everything, become a man of the church, study the faith, regularly - for confession, for communion, observe all fasts and rules, and without relaxation! And as for the black drops on the candles, you will become a more church person, you will understand what nonsense it is to pay any attention to it! Yes, and change the address - this is simply indecent for a Christian.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, please tell me, is it possible to burn church candles? I have nightmares every night, and I decided to walk around my room with a candle and a prayer ...


Ksenia, no need to walk with candles, it is better to consecrate the apartment, and then every evening sprinkle everything with holy water, it will help. And, of course, confess more often, because the root of all troubles is in ourselves - these are our sins.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, please tell me if a candle can light up in the church for the deceased, we do not yet know for sure whether he is alive or not, but we turned to a clairvoyant, he told us that this person is not alive. Tell me, please, just a month ago we wanted to light a candle for the repose, but it didn’t light up and kept falling, but today it did.


Lyudmila, all this leapfrog with candles should be thrown out of my head, it has absolutely nothing to do with either the fate of a person or faith in general. You don't need to turn to the "clairvoyants" anymore, but you need to go to church and repent of what you have already done and done in your life. It is necessary to study faith, at least its very foundations, and you will understand that those who communicate with all sorts of sorcerers cannot communicate with God - they become antagonists for God. As for the question of how to pray for a person, while it is not known for sure that he died, in such cases it is still customary to pray "for health."

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! My daughter and a group were taken to the temple, where the children, as well as my daughter, unknowingly lit candles and wrote notes for the repose of all our loved ones. What to do in such cases? Thanks in advance for your reply!


Don't worry Marina, nothing bad will happen. The Lord knows who is alive and who died, therefore such remembrance will not bring you any harm, on the contrary, it will only benefit, since the service will be performed for you.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Hello. Yesterday I was in the church. I accidentally got into a conversation with a minister, and she told me that it is necessary to light candles for my parents and pray for their health (they are both alive). My life situation is not easy. Parents beat me from an early age and mocked me in every possible way. I was raised by my grandmother, for whom I go to church to give notes and light candles. When I got married, my parents did another meanness: they almost discharged me and my young son from the apartment (we almost ended up on the street). And now they are behaving very indecently towards us (I will not describe all their antics). Father is the embodiment of cruelty, even beats and kicks our cat! Fortunately, we will soon be separated, and I hope that this hell, which for me was life with them, will end. So, how can I put candles for them, and even more so pray? Well, okay, I can write a note in the church and buy a candle for 10 rubles, but I will do this, as they say, "through I can’t," with a feeling of deep disgust for them. Will the Lord accept such a note and such a candle? And the minister told me that the Lord can even take my life if I don't pray for my parents. Doesn't it then turn out that Christianity is a religion based on fear? Something I doubted.


Irina, don't you want your parents to change? Let them burn in hell? Would you like to try to pray for them and help them spiritually? Or is your resentment so great that you no longer wish them well? Let's leave in brackets now the words of the church attendant and the fact that she scared you - this is irrelevant, for the future in the church it is better not to communicate with grandmothers, but with priests, then there will be more positive and common sense in conversations. And in any case, it is necessary to pray for the parents: if it were not for them, then you would not be there, there would not be this life and the opportunity to live forever with Christ. So your parents gave you a great gift by giving birth to you - a gift eternal life... And the fact that they are in an unconscious state is grief, your misfortune, and most importantly - you yourself be conscious, live consciously, save your soul and help those who need spiritual help, and first of all, of course, mother and father ...

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, Abbot Nikon (Golovko), Christ is Risen! Can you please tell me where the wedding icons are located in the house? I found information that wedding candles should be carefully preserved all life and light them during prayer in difficult moments of life, is that so? Explain, be so kind as to be, what does the demand mean and at what moments is it ordered in the Church? About 2 months ago, I said that if I got the job I started, I would submit my gold chain to the Church. It happened with the help of the Lord, but how to do it, I don't know! Can I just put it in the begging box? I ask you to answer me by email. address, thank you! Thank you for everything! God bless you!


Svetlana, the wedding icons should be placed in the red corner, along with all the other icons, it can even be at the head of the corner. As for the candles, you were told correctly, you can light them in prayer in difficult moments of life. Requirements are those services - prayers, requiems, the Sacraments of baptism, weddings, confessions and others - that are performed at the request of the parishioners. As for your donation, it is best to give it personally to the hands of the rector of the church or the elder.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Good day! Father Nikon, my husband, reading prayers for a long time, shades himself with a candle and a photo. I swear very much, I say that this is not an Orthodox way. And the room is black with soot. Give advice!


Ksenia, immediately take away both of them, and prohibit him in the strictest manner! This is the most real witchcraft, it is absolutely intolerable in a Christian's home. Be extremely persistent in this matter.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father! Is it considered a bad sign if a candle set for the health of the young fell twice during the wedding?


No, John, please stop thinking about any " bad signs”, All these are superstitions, which, apart from fears, carry nothing.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

At the large crucifixion of Jesus Christ (taller than human, on the left in the Church) I put a candle (in a round candlestick) in gratitude and God's help, which I feel in my soul. I know some icons of the Saints, but I wanted to say thank you to God. But now I found out that in the end it means that I put myself to rest. Tell me, how then can you say thank you to the Lord?


It is completely incomprehensible to me, Olga, why did you decide that you lit a candle for the repose, and even yourself ?! Who instilled such heresy in you? All this has nothing to do with reality. And you can thank God in prayer. But the best gratitude to Him will be your good deeds and a pious life, therefore, prepare for confession, for Communion, and go to church for service, change your life so that you become a man of the Church, since it is in the Church, through Communion, that the unity of man with God is achieved. ...

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Dad has recently become very angry, swearing at me, just for nothing ... Shouts at everyone all the time, I don't even know what to do ... I put a candle in church, I go, as I have free time, to church, I pray for him ... Help, please.


Elena, try to bring dad to confession, let him think a little about sins and repent. Without confession, a person will become stagnant in a sense of his sinlessness, righteousness and correctness, and, not seeing his weaknesses, he terrorizes everyone around.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Good day! Tell me please. When I light a candle in a church, it smokes slightly at the moment of setting fire from another candle. And that drop of wax, which immediately flows down a little, with a black bloom. When I put it on, it burns normally. I look at the neighboring candles, they are without blackness. What does it mean?


Nothing special, Anna, this does not mean, just natural features of the combustion process. Do not give it any attention whatsoever. The main thing is that we don't have such blackness in our souls. Confess more often, analyze yourself deeper, and what you have confessed, try not to repeat it any more!

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father! Once I came to church to pray and light candles for health and peace. I went to the candlestick, where they put them for peace, prayed for their souls, and then forgot that I had to go to another candlestick to pray for health, and there I put a candle for health on this candlestick, and prayed for health. Then, when I finished praying, I realized that I had put the candle in the wrong place. I was scalded like boiling water. Tell me, I will not harm those living people for whom I prayed? I am very worried!

Julia, let it be known to you that candles about health and repose can be placed in front of any icon, in any place of the church, and not just as it is commonly believed in our country: about health - to the healer Panteleimon, about repose - on the eve or tetrapod, where did you actually put it. What is eve? Look closely, this is a Crucifixion combined with a large candlestick. Thus, you can quite calmly put candles for repose before another Crucifixion, not only in front of the one that is depicted on the eve. By lighting a candle for health or for repose, we offer God a small sacrifice that we can, but we can put candles before the saints of God, and sacrificing to them, as well as our ardent prayer to be intercessors before God for our neighbors - both the living and the dead ... In short, you have nothing to worry about; on the contrary, we need to feel free in the church from those small prejudices and behavioral clichés that are so easily and thoughtlessly adopted from person to person, even in the church environment.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Can you please tell me if it is allowed to illuminate icons with LEDs when making a home iconostasis? Or can only church candles be lit? Thanks in advance.


Yuri, there is nothing spiritual in the backlight, on the contrary, it only feeds the sensual side of a person, while a burning candle on the one hand is a gift to God, and on the other hand, it is a symbol of our fervent prayer. A candle has a spiritual meaning, but a backlight does not, and therefore is inappropriate.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

During the funeral service for the deceased, the relatives stood with unlit candles (no one prompted), and they did not light the coffin either, although there were lamps provided. Was the funeral service violated?


No, Natalia, do not worry, candles are just a symbol of prayer, and the main thing in the funeral service is the prayer itself, your prayer for the deceased.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Bless, father! In our church, a woman said that during the service one should not walk around the church (approach the icons, light candles). How to be? Come before the service or stay in church after? And is it possible to light candles when the service is no longer running? And another question: I missed a jar of holy water and the water spilled a little. I just wiped the floor. What should have been done in this case? Save you Lord.


Tatyana, indeed, when there is a Divine Service, and especially the Divine Liturgy, walking around the church can greatly distract and tempt other worshipers, so you should try to light candles either before the start of the service or at the end. At the Liturgy, it is most convenient to put candles before its beginning, when the Hours are being read, or after the exclamation "Holy of Holies". As for your mistake with holy water, you did everything right.

Abbot Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! My beloved kitty is very sick ... Our local doctors cannot help her. Can I light a candle in church for her health? From the heart. From the heart. Maybe it will help. There is no hope for anyone else but God.

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