What delicate bodies have a person. Spiritually - the energy structure of man. What gives the development of thin bodies

Hello, my dear reader, welcome to the reality of yoga, and this reality includes a lot more than just visible physical world, perceived by the senses, physical body with its genial life support system. The reality of yoga covers many levels of human existence, on which we still have to become at least a little more conscious. Here for this great goal and talk today about the structure of the entire structure of human bodies, about the appointment of the essential, astral, mental and causal body, how they affect each other and what they need everyone to be healthy, and we are happy.

Seven bodies of man.

People often think that they are a body with hands, legs, head and all the other visible and studied medicine. However, in fact, any person, even if not aware of this, has in addition to the physical body, several others. And all these bodies are closely interrelated and strongly influence each other.

In classical yoga and isoterics are considered seven tel:

1) physical bodyWith which we are increasingly or less familiar, which actively studies modern science, and which allows the soul to manifest itself and act in the visible physical world.

2) Essential body. Everything is energy, and even the physical body is simply maximum (of all other bodies) compacted energy. The essential body is less compacted and therefore it is not visible by physical eyes, it is impossible to touch with his hands, in general, no sense for the organs is not provable. Those who have developed a more subtle vision, are able to see the auras, just like the essential body and see. In principle, it is not so important, it is important to understand that the physical body is a consequence of the essential and therefore if there are any violations and blocks in the ethereal body, then the physical will also hurt. The essential body is often called energy.

3) Astral body. All our emotions, and feelings are possible only because we have the astral level of being and astral bodies. This is even thinner than the etheric reality reservoir, which is also a huge scale (if compared with the physical) multi-layer world, in which a person falls after the death of the physical body. The highest layers of the astral world are paradise, the lower layers are hell. The one who seeks to fulfill anyone, nothing to fear :)

Now the main thing is to understand and remember that every our emotion and all the more our feelings (longer and stable manifestation) have a strong influence on the astral body, and this body is closely related to the essential body, and if the feelings are troubled, evil, tense, governors Compressing and limiting (positive feelings of joy and kindness expand consciousness, they are nice to experience, negative feelings are narrowed and limited), then this is just the same and cause blocking in the channels of the essential body, which will cause a physical body disease.

4) Mental body. The body of thought. Any thought comes to a person from the world of ideas - mental world. It is also an incredible plate of reality, even thinner than astral. Before him, even after death, few people get, because the majority after the astral world immediately born in new bodies in the physical world. But at the same time, the mental plan always has a direct attitude to each of us: some thoughts come to us, all our emotional and sensory states are accompanied by a thought process and the connection between thoughts and feelings is obvious!

Any feeling - this definite height of energy, which naturally attracts a person to the mind, the same frequency of thought. And allowing these thoughts to develop a person can strengthen the feeling or, if it does not allow to develop thoughts, switches them to another topic, it can completely switch to another wave of feelings. So work. Even if at the moment, negative emotion came to the fore, accompanied by unfinished thoughts, it will be very wise to say for example: "I am always calm and friendly". It is also good to try to feel it is calm and friendly (you can move into memories at some pleasant moment). In general, the faster the person will bring himself from a negative state, the better it will be all his bodies, including physical. Exit from stress through alcohol or stronger inxicants with real yogas is not approved.

5) Causal body. Causal body.

Our thoughts, emotions and feelings in the past were the causes of those actions, conditions, thoughts, feelings that are manifested in the present, at this moment, on this day. For everything in our lives, we have generated by us. And the seeds of these reasons are stored in the causal body. All the characteristics of the human person: as far as a person is kind, as far as Zhadala, in favorable conditions was born, lonely or met a suitable spouse, whether his work would be in his soul, whether he would be sick, will he have an accident with him or will he live a long time, healthy life - All this is determined by the reasons laid in the causal body. Those causal relations that have not yet appeared, but only waiting for their turn, are called samskaras - Seeds of karma. In many ways, Yoga is working in exactly the work with karma and burning Samskar, as the seed that is burned by fire meditation, the fire of higher awareness can no longer be able to germinate. Just first of all for this purpose. To some extent, you can influence the causal body with thoughts and feelings, but the number of seeds in it is so extensive that those who have intuition are more accurate - such work can be performed only effective method. The most serious reason that prevents the realizable divine nature to realize its true divine nature is also largely stored in the causal body. A person forgot that he is the Higher I forgot my true, and this is the reason why, from the incarnation in incarnation, people are born with again and newly repeated amnesia at the expense of her. That is, everything goes around the circle - the reason created in the past. It affects the present, projecting the income, which will continue to affect the future, where there will also be the same reason. In such Western people are thousands of years. Bodies are changing, external conditions seem different, and in fact, everything is about the same. Without serious yoga and from this closed circle, do not get out.

6) body of the soul. Spiritual body. When unlimited existence, limitless consciousness, endless bliss (Sat Cheat Ananda, than we actually), decided to create this world, with all his layers and bodies, the first cover was the spiritual body, which made it possible to separate from integrity, various souls . These souls, created in the image and likeness of Sat Cheat Ananda, are perfect, clean, know their true nature and they all (we have real) well ...

That's when we realize yourself as a soul, then we have everything really good. It is from this level that the whole life later phones as a fun game, carried out after five downstream bodies, and it is for this level of awareness of yogi to strive to go out. While a person has not achieved awareness at this level, he is a puppet Karma, Samskar, affects him the closest environment, mood, weather, ... And when he reached ... He can influence everything. Saints and great yoga is those who achieved.

7) body of the Spirit. If the soul played in the world created by the Creator, she may want to dissolve and the last one, and then it will immerse themselves in the Spirit from which it was created. Perhaps there are some differences between this body and Sat Chit Ananda, even if so, it does not care that to compare the height of Elbrus and Everest, being at the foot. The path at the top one ... And that's for sure. And the theory will not pass on it, all of the above bodies need to be realized not theoretically, but on their own experience. .

The state of awareness at the level of the spiritual body in yoga is called

In general, gradation of bodies, their names and even the quantity may differ somewhat depending on the author, but the essence is everywhere as I described.

The findings are as follows:

  • The most important thing is what to do is to work on and quickly establish contact with the body of the soul, to realize yourself with souls and playing all the plans consciously, coming out of the shameful state of the marionette of emotions, thoughts and actions of the past.
  • So far, there is no complete awareness as a soul, you need to carefully follow the thoughts and feelings, according to - firmly with a lot of determination to work on all habits interfering

The easiest all this is done in meditation.

My dear reader, meditate and be happy.

If we consider Christianity, it is assumed that people consist of body, spirit and soul. In the east, esoterica talk about the presence of 7 "thin" bodies and more. These fields surround the physical shell, permeate it through. These forms create aura. Energy bodies are located one by one, but, moving deep into, the connection between them is not lost. To know yourself, a person needs to make a lot of effort.

Conditionally, these thin shells are divided into several categories:

physical (3);

spiritual (3);

astral (1).

It is believed that astral is a link with previous types. Physical are responsible for energy in the physical plane, and spiritual - for the highest mental matter.

They are characterized by their frequency of vibration, the stronger - the farther from the material entity. The shells have their own purpose, color, density are located in a certain place.

Thin bodies, their characteristics

Physical body

The simplest in structure and functions is considered to be our physical entity. But without it it would be impossible to live on the planet Earth and know the new one. Physical is also a thin body, because vibrates, like the other invisible shells. It proceeds in it, for example, the brain functions, thoughts ripen.

Second body - essential

The ether is an intermediate element between matter and energy, so the second thin body of the person got the name of the essential. It is located 1.5 cm from the material body and is an electromagnetic contour. Blue or gray essential body. Ancient scientists believed that this shell transmits the energy of qi.

Through the essential shell, a person interacts with the Universe. This can not be seen, the threads of the connection are invisible, this is a kind of bridge, which connects the earthly entity with invisible forces external world. Also is a link with the rest of the thin bodies.

From the point of view of science, the essential body is a matrix in which the energy moves through the communication channels, as well as the electron flow is transmitted along the wires. This network is very complicated, it contains all the data on the physical body, the work of all organs, chemical composition blood.

The essential shell is a human medical database. In the form of this shell exactly the same as the physical body. All injuries, diseases are displayed in it. If physically healthy is healthy, it gets the maximum energy of the universe, if there are diseases and ailments, the flow is blocked. And energy comes limited.

As a rule, blocks are in human chakras or Nadi channels. Three channels Nadi are known:

Pingala (Right Channel);

Ida (left channel);

Sushumna (central canal).

They pass through all 7 chakras of man. If the chakras and channels are clean, the cosmic energy easily penetrates the essential shell and spreads throughout the body. As a result, the man of Bodr, full of energy, glows from the inside and distributes its positive fluids on others.

Chakras and their location

7 Chakra (Sakhasrara) - in the field of Temkin;

6-chakra (Ajna) - on the forehead, between eyebrows;

5 chakra (Vishudha) - Horn area (thyroid gland);

4 chakra (anahata) - near the heart, on the center line;

3 chakra (manipura) - in the field of navel;

2 chakra (Svadchistan) - in the pubic area;

1 Chakra (Molandhara) - the crotch area.

When a person is often in a bad mood, does not forgive the insults, spits negative emotions, its essential body does not absorb energy and is located on the most nice level of its functionality. In the event that a person is not glad that he does, does not do his work, it is also negatively affected by the essential shell, and it begins to work incorrectly. For efficient activity, careful work is needed, its inner Ya.

Find insults and problems that oppressize, find out the origin and get rid of them. Ask the Universe, and it will help to find the right way through the essential shell. The main thing to learn to understand its signals. The etheric link is the display of human life, it is impossible to stand still, closes in your problems and negative emotions. It is necessary to struggle with you, it is difficult, but it is quite possible. Take care of the patience and learn to understand yourself, and the energy of Prana along the channels Nadi will not wait.

Third body-emotional (astral)

The third shell is considered a kind of access to the astral. It is all people living on the planet. But not everyone works, only people who knew themselves and learned to manage their mind, turn to their astral and interact with him. For the first time discovered this essence of Indian wise men. After a while, scientists have proven that astral and emotional is the same thing.

The astral sphere is located relative to the first 10-100 cm. It organizes the energy exchange of a person with other people, desires, emotions. The astral body helps a person to realize his desires, aspirations. It is aura and has a color. This is a whole gamma from black - negative, to the white - positive. The color of the aura varies depending on the psychological state of the person. Different parts of the body are highlighted by different tint.

In scientific laboratories there are special devices that can get photos of the astral human body and decipher. Soft, warm pastel colors mean harmony and pacification, bright - aggression, dark - depression, oppression. Depending on the mood of the color of the shell change over a short period of time, an hour, day.

The activity of the astral depends on the person, his aspirations, tasks. In the case when a specific goal is set, and the person is configured to win, for its achievement, the astral shell discloses 100 percent. It receives a maximum of cosmic energy, actively interacts with others, the same purposeful people, helps to choose the desired direction.

When a person is inactive, he has no desires, there are no aspirations, the emotional body goes out, it does not fall into it. If the desires of a person are worn negativeDepending only to satisfy your own needs, without taking into account the opinions of others, damaging the surrounding, it affects the astral.

To ensure that the astral functioned correctly, received a maximum of positive energy, it is important to do good, strive to be useful, emit positive emotions. After all, making good others, a person receives much more affirmative impulses in response. For activation, people should do meditation, learn to control their emotions, desires, needs. It will give a breathtaking spirit and charges energy for the whole day. Many have learned to interact correctly with their third shell and are with her in full harmony. It will be useful for them while sleeping astral travel. During sleep, a person sleeps, and his soul goes into the astral shell and visits other worlds.

Clairvoyant, Broadcasty have long been learned to contact both their astral and to someone else's. This ability helps them to find the causes of pain, malaise from other people. The path to this information passes through the astral shell. Shamans, getting access to the Astra of another person, only take the necessary information without bringing damage. Also develop their ability to move across the layers of the Universe thanks to the Astral.

Fourth body - mental (intellectual)

This is a field containing thoughts, human knowledge. Well developed from representatives of science, scientists, inventors, teachers - all who spend most of the time for mental work. It is less productively for those who are engaged in physical labor.

Located in 10-20 cm from the previous one. And completely repeats the contour of the physical. It has a saturated yellow color, the beginning takes out of the head and spreads throughout the body. At the moments of mental activity, the mental becomes wider and brighter. During the mental process in the intellectual shell, not large cycles of energy are distinguished - thoughtformers, they show thoughts, man's beliefs.

If only the conclusion is present without emotion, then the energy of thinking consists of an intellectual shell. In the case when there is an emotion - then the energy consists of both a mental and emotional body. The clearer the person imagines his ideas and thoughts and clearly convinced her right, the brighter they have the contour of his thought form. In the case of death, the mental disappears after 3 months.

Mental, astral and essential are born together with physical and disappear in the case of his death. Belong to the material world.

Fifth body - karmic (casual)

it complicated structurewhich carries all the information about actions and transmits it into space. All that a person makes it possible to be justified. Even no act no cause. Casual contains information about the possible movements of man in the future. It is a multicolored cloud of various lumps of energy. Located in 20-30 cm from the physical. Energy bunches are neuroprically expressed and have no clear contour compared to lumps in the emotional body. After the death of the material body, the karmic does not die, it reincarnates on a row with other bodies.

Sixth Body - Buddhic (Intuitive)

This is a thin shell that collects complex higher unconscious processes in itself. Scientists call it the determining ether field. This is a complex structure in which the second body is organized. In the case when communication in the essential shell rush, the data for recovery is taken from the sixth. Intuitive has a dark blue color. It has the form of oval and is located at a distance of 50-60 cm from the material.

Buddhic body contains in itself a lacuna, which is exactly repeated by the ethereal. And it organizes its shape and size. Responsible for the birth of ingenious thoughts, insight. It is important to trust yourself, listen to your intuition and the universe will tell you how to do. Chakra Ajna, or Third Eye -Simviv. Does not disappear with the death of a person, and transfers the accumulated energy into space.

Seventh body - atmanic

The most complex human body. About him little known. But it is believed to be the thinnest shell. Atma is the state of the soul when she could know herself. Atmanic transfers messages from the soul of man to God and receives answers. In harmonious development, internal coherence and complete calm is achieved.

To gain access to the seventh link, the first, material is developed. Then the following, that is, learn to own all the previous bodies. Atminical has an oval shape and is located at a distance of 80-90 cm from the first. It is a golden egg in which all the bodies are collected. There is a film that does not allow evil energy on the surface of the egg.

Solar and Galactic Body

Solar - folded as a result of circulation of astral fields of man to Astral Solar system. This is the eighth link. It explores astrologers. Solar carries information about the birthday of man. How stars, planets were located.

Galactic - consists of the work of the Astral field of a person with the Astral of the Galaxy. This is the ninth body.

All subtle fields are closely interconnected with each other. A strong influence on the formation of the fate of a person, its path. Thinking about the good, a person is charging positive emotions, it receives the energy of the universe, which extends to all the layers, programming them for good luck and success. A person falls into the center of positive vibrations, gives joy, good, the world meets him reciprocity.

You probably heard that each of us, besides the physical body, have other bodies? This is true. They are called seven subtle bodies of a person and six of them cannot be seen. Where are there 7 bodies of a person? What function and role are performed 7 thin tel man? In this article you will find answers to your questions.

There are 7 bodies of a person around the physical body, including the physical body itself, which create aura. Some people believe that 7 thin bodies of a person look like the structure of the bulbs - there is another under the layer. However, this is a little erroneous opinion and with the family of human bodies is different. Moving from one layer of aura, you never lose touch with the previous one. True, only the fact that there are bodies that feel easier, and there are bodies that are very hidden, and a person must practice a lot to "make friends" with them.

In order to deal more in more detail with 7 thin bodies of a person, they can be divided into them as follows. There are three physical body bodies, three bodies of spiritual type and the astral body, which is a bridge between these two groups. The lower three thin bodies operate with energy in the physical plane, while the higher three take care of spiritual spheres.

Each of the 7 bodies of a person is distinguished by the frequency of its vibration. The higher the vibration, the further it is located from the physical shell. Also, each of the 7th bodies of man has its own shape, structure, color, density and location relative to other shells.

So, below are 7 thin bodies of man

The first layer. Physical body

Our physical body is considered the oldest among the 7 subtle bodies of a person. However, without him, our existence would be impossible, and we would not be able to undergo lessons on this planet without a physical shell. Why is the physical body considered a thin body? - you ask. Because it also has its own level of vibrations. Because it happens the same sacred, inexplicable things, as at higher levels. The work of the human brain can not be called the process of "material world".

The essential body is the lowest vibration frequency body, as close as possible located to the physical shell. It has a great influence on the physical body and responsibly over the course of energies in it. From the essential body of a person depends on his health, longevity, the number vitality and enthusiasm.

Through the essential body, a person binds to the invisible forces of the universe. The essential body is a bridge connecting the coarse material "peel" with an external transcendental world. In addition, he holds a person to higher frequency essential bodies, which he has 5 more.

Second layer. Essential body

Why did the essential body name called this way? Because the ether is a transit state from matter to energy and vice versa. The human essential body is an electromagnetic layer located at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the physical body. Electromagnetic devices capture it as a bluish or light gray layer of "bulging" and minor energy. In ancient scriptures, the human essential body is often referred to as a vehicle for the energy of Qi or Prana. Wise men of different schools wrote about the same thing.

If we speak with the words of modern science, the etheric body can be called a man's matrix, which consists of communication channels of the network, according to which the energy circulates, just as a current or information is circulated by electrical wires. This is a very difficult scheme, because it retains all the data on the human body, ranging from its organs and ending with the chemical composition of blood. The essential body can be boldly called a medical card.

The essential body repeats its form for the physical body, so if a person has diseases, injuries, blocks or any other malaise, the essential body will necessarily display them on themselves. As mentioned earlier, the essential body is a connector and a conductor between visible and invisible, therefore healthy body There is a sufficient amount of space energy, and in unhealthy (physically or mentally) - no, since the blocks do not give energy to flow into the right direction.

Third layer. Astral or emotional body

We want to dispel these stereotypes about the astral and the astral human body. Good news: Exit to the Astral is much closer than you think. And the key to it is your third subtle body, the astral body of a person. It is available at all and everyone, the only difference is that someone has an astral body activated and operates 100%, and someone else could not adjust it to the right way.

The first mention of the person's astral body is in Indian Upanishads. Elena Blavatskaya often mentioned the Astral body of a person in his works, sometimes calling him an emotional body. It so happened that with the time of the concept of the astral body, the body of desire and the emotional body of a person became synonymous. It can be said that this is true.

The astral body of a person is from physical at a distance of 10-100 cm. Unlike the essential body of a person, which is responsible for the connection of the physical body with its surrounding energy and is a basic conductor, the person's astral body is responsible for energy exchange with other people, entities, phenomena, events. , emotions, desires. The Astral body of a person is a tool with which a person embodies all his plans into reality. That is why the astral body is sometimes called an emotional body.

The astral body of a person is considered his aura, and she can have a color. The color varies depending on the psycho-emotional state of the person, and its spectrum begins with black (negative emotions) and ends with white (complete inner harmony). The color of the astral body may be different - in the area of \u200b\u200bAnahata, for example, green, and in the field of manipura - red at the same time. The devices capable of making pictures of the Astral Body of Human and experts can decipher, which means one or another color. As a rule, pastel colors always symbolize calm, and bright or too dark - aggression or negative. The color of the astral body can change throughout the day depending on the mood.

The activation of the astral body directly depends on the emotional state of the person and his desires and dreams. If a person is purposeful, he put a clear task, both everyday and ambitiously large, his astral body works actively. It takes energy from the space, it interacts with other people, as a rule, as purposeful as he himself, and suggests how to act in one situation or another. If a person does not know or does not want to know how he does, his astral body "sweeps" and the energies of other sources do not penetrate it. The negative impact on the astral body of a person is provided by selfish, destroying desires, as they bear great harm to the environment and its energy. People with a negative thinking point have a bad effect on the human astral body. Excessive experiences or long-term reception of narcotic, alcohol substances that destroy the nervous system at the physical level also badly affect.

To establish the wrong work of the Astral Human Body, it is necessary to start with the desire to be useful for others. The ministry is similar to the healing balm for the astral body. The energy exchange between people and the person who makes good others is activated, gets even more from them than it gives. This is one of the most powerful practices to activate the Astral Body.

Secondly, it will be useful to perform regular meditation aimed at tracking internal emotions that are projected onto the astral body. Harmonization, calm, bringing to the norm of certain desires or emotions equilibrate the work of the astral body and will give you peace of mind and peace throughout the day.

For those people who have no problems with the astral body and they feel that it works correctly, it is recommended to perform practices during dreams - astral travel. When the physical body is sleeping, the soul of a person has the opportunity to leave him, enter the astral body and go to other layers of the universe. Some people prefer to perform these practices with the help of hallucinogenic substances, but do not forget that they can carry much greater damage than benefit.

All the shamans of the world own the abilities to see and connect both to their own and someone else's astral body. Without this skill, they would not be able to heal people, since the access to the "information field" of a person lies through his astral body, aura. Professionalism, the phenomenon of shamans is that they know how to see and penetrate the astral body, without bringing it harm. In addition, they perfectly own their astral bodies not only during sleep, but also during wakefulness. Therefore, it is often possible to hear stories that the same shaman has seen in different places. There is nothing surprising - he used his astral body for moving through the space.

Mental blocks are most often located in either Nadi channels. There are three channels Nadi - Pingala (right channel), Ida (left channel) and sushumna (central canal). All three pass through seven chakras of man, from Molandhara to Sakhasrara. If Nadi and chakras are clean, the human essential body conducts space energy along the entire length of these channels and centers, as a result of which a person feels healthy, strong, vigorous, happy, full strength and desire to live and create. Such people can be seen from afar, for this they do not need electrical appliances or clairvoyant people. Those who have energy through the essential body flow correctly - spread their rays to all surrounding.

Nevertheless, most people have fears, unpleasant memories, mental disorders, incompaired insults, psychosomatic diseases and many other "anchors" that keep them at the lowest frequencies. Blocks may also appear if a person does not do his own business when he is not satisfied with the events in his life when he deliberately wants to other evil or destructing activities. The etheric body immediately displays all this data and, as a conductor, works incorrectly.

What to do to bring the essential body to the right job? This requires careful work on yourself and its inner I. First of all, it is necessary to find the problems that are disturbing you. It can be the most intimate, secret and inexplicable facts, and there may be banal fears of society. When you figure out what prevents you from living - you can find the way to solve these problems and customize the essential body to the right way. Listen to the ethereal body - it will tell you how to act. Roughly speaking, if you just make a request for the universe, the essential body will give you her answer by any ways. Be careful.

Next, you need to realize that work with the inner requires specific actions. For someone, it will be a discharge of excess weight, for someone - reconciliation with relatives. Someone will need to abandon hateful work, and someone on the contrary - finally get a job somewhere. The essential body is not an ephemeral shell, which is spoken of unusual people. This is just the display of human life, and the more huge and purposeful to the person - the stronger and clearly its essential body and the more benefit it brings him.

Do not forget that you have to do self-education. The essential body requires a person understanding of his device and the more people will be constructed information, the easier it will cope with his problems. Not so important, from which sources you will start your education - from Hindu, Slavic or Chinese teachings, everything is equally smoothly to bring you to your way of self-realization.

When you start working with a person's essential body, be prepared for your nervous system can give a "crash." Drops of mood, hysteria, emotional burnout or inexplicable rise are the signs that you have activated your feeds Nadi and on them went the energy of Prana through the essential body. Be patient and do not bring the surrounding mental harm.

Fourth layer. Mental body or intellectual

At the level of the astral body, human has emotions, at the mental body level - thoughts. Any mental processes, training, subconscious and conscious first born in the mental body of a person, and then reaches physical. Moreover, absolutely any information remains in the mental body forever. Minds, which are the secondary product of the thinking process, are associated with three thin human bodies: the astral body, the mental body and the karmic body. They are inseparable and fully responsible for human behavior in society. At the astral level, emotion occurs, on mental level Thought is born of it, and at the level of the karmic body, the thought acquires the form and is performed by a person.

The mental body of a person can be cleaned with the help of power control and sleep mode. The simpler, more useful and easier will be your diet - the more active the brain will work, the more information you can perceive and process. The mental body will be filled faster. Right Son. In sufficient quantities, regular physical exertion will also increase the tone of the body and will appear more forces to fill the mental body with new information and purification of rooted stereotypes.

Do not forget that the higher the vibrations of your mental body will be, the thinner and better knowledge will come to you from the outside. Be prepared for new teachings, new incredible knowledge, to adventures that have not happened to you until you start working with your mental body.

Fifth layer. Causal or karmic body

We have already written earlier on our site that all actions, emotions and thoughts of a person are preserved in its energy field. For each of the actions there is a layer. For emotions and feelings there is an astral body, for thoughts and storage of information - a mental body, and to perform the action and preserve this action in the memory of the Universe - the causal body. Each action of a person, even the bench, has some reason and purpose. Moreover, each action follows the result and the reason for the following incidents. That is, anything, ranging from a simple walk and ending with the construction of the ship - has the cause, meaning, purpose. Where do people have some kind of desires to act as well as anyway? How to explain that one it turns out to embody your dreams, and others endure failure? Why are some of us born in rich families, and others in the poor?

Answers to these and other questions have a karmic body of a person or a causal body of a person. It, as a real information field, retains the memory of all the actions of this soul in all its rebirths. That is why this body is called the karmic body of man. Ancient Indian Scriptures paid a lot of attention to the concept of karma. Karma is a combination of all the perfect souls and the result of what he receives in return. Karma is an universal law of cause and effects, solely fair, according to which all living beings receive what they deserve and according to what the energy balance of the world or Sansary is maintained. The karmic body of a person can tell about who was a man in last Life or five lives to it. The karmic body of a person remembers all his good and bad acts, the causal body can say why this man was born in exactly such conditions and even knows that he is waiting for him ahead. The karmic or causal body of a person is not a magic ball for predictions, it simply may calculate that a person deserves for his efforts.

Unlike the astral, for example, the human karmic body does not have clear boundaries and there are no electrical appliances in the world that can capture its shape and sizes. Unknown and the color of the karmic body. However, they say that it is the karmic body takes the shower after death with him and takes it through the century throughout its worldly existence. Ancient yogins set themselves the goal to burn karma - that is, get rid of the karmic body. To do this, they committed serious asceticism, meditated for months, the monastic lifestyle. They believed that if they could get rid of Karma, they would forever leave Sansar (a circle of death and rebirth) and fall into Nirvana, in Absolut, to Brahman, etc.

A person can work with his physical, essential, astral, mental bodies, committing certain practices, but as for the karmic body - things are different. Everything that man can make is to "improve" your karmic body - it is to start following Dharma. Dharma is a personal debt of each individual, intended only for it and proper to fulfillment to maintain the World Balance. It is believed that the one who lives according to Dharma burns its negative karma and accumulates positive. Positive karma makes it possible to be born in the next life in more favorable conditions, on the divine planets, possessing various Siddhami. The one who does not keep Dharma in the next life will be born in the body of an animal, plants, or even lower in the evolutionary plan of the creature for the passage of all lessons anew.

It is believed that karma of kind is preserved in the karmic or causal body of a person. In many religious currents, it is not mentioned that karma of one person is transmitted to his descendants in several generations and, for example, grandchildren or great-grandchildren may be responsible for the perfect serious crime. To learn about such curses, you need to learn how to see the karmic body of a person, to connect to him, read information from it and know how to fix certain other sins. Be careful and avoid charlatans, which, possibly, and connect to your karmic body, however, may apply even more harm. It is more correct to find your teacher and understand that learning takes time.

If you are aware of your dharma, live righteously and do not make sins - your karmic body will be cleaned from the memory of past negative acts. You will find knowledge about how to cure from long-suffering diseases, and if you are able to get rid of them - you will get access to how to heal other people.

Sixth layer. Buddhic or intuitive body

A person is the most difficult creation of the Universe, if we consider it on the energy plan. It seems to us that we are only from bones and blood, and in reality there are at least 7 delicate plans, 7 shells, on each of which are the most important processes of our vital activity.

Each of the seven thin bodies of a person has its own frequency of vibrations, and the farther from the body is the shell, the higher its vibration. The penultimate of the finest bodies of a person is a Buddhian body, also referred to as the intuitive human body. Previous bodies, such as mental or karmic bodies, are responsible for quite real events in life - for thoughts, actions, actions. They store information about the activities of the soul and go to her further wandering after the death of a corporal shell. However, at the level of the buddhic human body, outbreaks of intuition, premonitions, and the so-called "sixth sense" occur. Information exclusively here and now. Science got used to give the phenomenon of intuition Subconscious origins, considering it the result of brain activity. However, people who have at least some attitude towards spiritual teachings are accustomed to interpret the emergence of intuition otherwise. They believe that she takes her origin in the Buddhian body, in the intuitive body of man.

The name "Buddhic" comes from the Sanskrit term "Buddhi", which means the internal mind, the body that allows you to comprehend God, understanding the ideas and thoughts of a living being. Unlike other thin bodies, a human buddhic body or a human intuitive body allow him to completely go beyond the limits of its physical shell and mind, and get into the information field of the universe. It is often called "Akashi Chronicles".

Buddhic or intuitive human body is considered the invisible layer where brilliant ideas are born, thoughts, great problems are solved and insights come. Clairvoyant work through an intuitive body. The better the Buddhian body of a person at the transfer of information is configured, the better the person focuses in life, the more ideas and goals, the more qualitative of his interests, the more truth he knows and sees.

It is believed that the one who wants to know his true purpose must discard all the conventions and turn to his buddhic body. It is a buddhic or intuitive body of a person who will tell you how to deal with and what profession to choose, be near a concrete person or leave it, build a house in this place or go in search of another refuge. Intuition is an information wave, it is always active, it all depends on how much buddhic or intuitive human body is configured to receive.

Intuition is very important for people who are engaged in creative activities. Any artist, a writer or musician will tell you that there are moments when "muse" comes and it turns out easily, quickly and nice. Most likely, at such moments there is an activation of the Buddhic body, it is in resonance with environmental information and projects it on humans and its activities. To develop intuition and increase the activity of a buddhic or intuitive human body, some simple practices must be performed. One of these practices is a refusal of a permanent desire to give everything a logical explanation. Disconnect the mind and try to look at the situation with the eyes of a child, devoid of stereotypes. Your intuitive body will tell you what happened. Be prepared for the fact that inexplicable things will begin to occur with you. This is normal.

Next, learn how to trust your own guessings and listen to the inner voice. If you are haunted by an inexplicable feeling of anxiety - it can be the voice of a human intuitive body. If all those surrounding do one thing, and you are stubbornly doing your own, knowing that you are right, it means that you are in a good way to go on your buddhic body and intuition that comes from the Universal Information Field. Buddhic or intuitive human body gives teams and prompts in the form of dreams. In the people, this is called things with dreams. In order not to miss any details, just make a small diary for myself, in which you wrote down everything you have dreamed, I seemed unusual. All events are falling later in one inseparable thread, just trust the Buddhic body.

Chakra Ajna or Third Eye is a symbol of a buddhic or intuitive human body. If the sishkovoid iron is activated, if a person skillfully uses information stored in the information field, if he knows and uses the fact that material visible world - This is just a drop in the Great Ocean of the Universe, he becomes friendly with his Buddhian body and it begins to supply a person in the truth of sacred knowledge, which he will later be able to transmit as the teachings of the next generations. A person with an activated buddhic body is able to lead thousands of people.

If you managed to awaken your Buddhic body and set it up to the right way, the quality of your life will increase: the questions that previously demanded you for a long time to think, will now be solved in seconds. With the help of interaction with its buddhic or intuitive body, you get rid of the concept of "risk", because now every moment of your existence you will be inextricably tied with a manifestation of divine energy.

Seventh layer. Atmannic body

In public association there is critical of the information about the atmosphere of a person: who first spoke about him who first mentioned him in his writings and so on. Modern researchers of Hinduism agreed that Vedas and Upanishads note the existence of seven subtle bodies of a person. Each of them has its own clear location and function. The atmosphew of a person is the highest, the most common, the deformy of seven bodies. In this article, we picked up useful information about the person's atmosphele collected from many different sources.

As is known, each of the seven thin bodies of a person carries its definite function and connects the soul, and then the body with one or another level of vibrations. For example, the essential body contains information about human health, his mental state, and the karmic body remembers all the actions of the soul and tell that he is waiting for him ahead, according to his actions. The atmosphew of a person stands over all other bodies and connects the previous six with the Absolute, with God. Many titles can be given by this limitless donkey, which is all existing.

The name of the atmosphele of a person comes from the Sanskrit term "Atma". This is a complex concept requiring a long explanation, but if you try to accommodate it in a few words, the atma is the state of the soul that realized ourselves. Atma is the merger of the creature with the Absolute, Enlightenment. The atmosphere of man received such a name, because it was with the help of him a person acquires complete awareness, peace, with the atmospic body he knows God.

According to many spiritual trends, the self-realization of the individual is to destroy the ego, in the burning of karma and in conjunction with the Absolute. For this, people perform various practices, they are engaged in yoga, worship different deities, make asceticism and in general build their lifestyle according to this great goal. The atmosphere of a person is the key to the door of God and to achieve it, you need to know my own I, which includes seven thin bodies.

The atmosphere of man is broadcasting the appeal of the soul to God and on the contrary. The cleaner the other six bodies, the faster the transition of this information in both directions is performed. When a person prays, turns to God, meditates him or makes selfless acts, bringing himself sacrificing, it is the random body that conveys his benefits to the highest layers of space. As a rule, remuneration, even though it is not the point of activity of such a person, does not cause herself to wait. It takes energy exchange and a person gets a good one through the atmospic body is stronger than he gives.

Maintain a permanent active activity of the atmosphele for only a little. For this, a constant concentration is needed, staying here and now, inner calm and limiting awareness. Meditation allows you to increase the concentration, both during the process itself and throughout the day after practice. The atmosphew of a person is configured on the reception of energy and at such moments, many celebrate the inexplicable tide, unfounded joy and inspiration. When the atmosphere is most actively as possible, a person may experience ecstasy, vision, hallucinations and see prophecies.

Most people have an atmosphere in a state of sleep. Blocks are present at the physical level, in the etheric body, in the astral, which no longer allows the atmosphele body to function correctly. The person has seven chakras and three thin Channel Nadi, for which energy flows. If there are blocks in the form of fears, unpleasant memories, affection, the effect of the ego and so on - the energy circulates incorrectly, which is displayed on the physical shell in the form of diseases. A person remains at the level of solving its household needs and needs and speech about the development of the atmosphele and can not be.

Consequently, to gain access to your own random body and learn how to work with it, it is necessary to start from the very first body - with physical. Tips here are extremely simple: work on our own weaknesses and bad habits, bringing to the norm of sleep, labor and recreation regimes, proper communication, nutrition and living conditions. Education plays a very important role.

After the physical body is "settled", you can move to the next stage and work with your own emotions. Remember that the activation of the atmosphere and working with it can take not only many months, but also years. An example is the monks, wise elders and shamans who have reached wisdom only after dozens of stubborn efforts.

When a person managed to set up the work of physical, essential, astral bodies, he moves to practices aimed at specific cases, the mental and karmic body correspond to them. Practice at these stages lies in mental work on their knowledge and behavior. The purity of thoughts and acts is the basis for promotion further, to the atmosphele of a person.

The two highest, the finest layers - buddhic and the atmospheres will be available to those who have known previous lessons and passed them worthy. A person's buddhic body is responsible for intuition, creativity, unconditional discoveries and ideas. At this level, a person draws his inspiration for life and labor. When he realized that everything he was surrounded by God, he was creating and creates in his name, he gives every second his existence to him and thank you for it. Then the atmosphere body opens. God sees that a person realized and comprehends his secrets and begins to give him the joy of being.

Stay here and now - here is the basis of the proper work of the atmosphele.

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There is a lot of hypotheses about the structure of a person, his soul, aura, chakras. Many believe that a person, besides his body, has another 6. These are subtle bodies. They cannot be seen. What kind of matter is? What are they needed for? How to develop thin bodies? What gives the development of them? As they protect and protect a person, this article will tell.

If we consider Christianity, it is assumed that people consist of body, spirit and soul. In the east, esoterica talk about the presence of 7 "thin" bodies and more. These fields surround the physical shell, permeate it through. These forms create aura. Energy bodies are located one by one, but, moving deep into, the connection between them is not lost. To know yourself, a person needs to make a lot of effort.

Conditionally, these thin shells are divided into several categories:

  • physical (3);
  • spiritual (3);
  • astral (1).

It is believed that astral - from the binder with previous types. Physical are responsible for energy in the physical plane, and spiritual - about higher mental matter.

They are characterized by their frequency of vibration, the stronger - the farther from the material entity. The shells have their own purpose, color, density are located in a certain place.

Physical body

The simplest in structure and functions is considered to be our physical entity. But without it it would be impossible to live on the planet Earth and know the new one. Physical is also a thin body, because vibrates, like the other invisible shells. It processes complex processes, for example, the brain functions, mature thoughts, it cannot be explained and attributed to ordinary processes.

Second body - essential

The ether is an intermediate element between matter and energy, so the second thin body of the person got the name of the essential. It is assumed that it is located 1.5 cm from the material body and is an electromagnetic contour. Blue or gray essential body. Ancient scientists believed that this shell transmits the energy of qi.

This is the next body after physical. It is very closely connected by the first body. The main thing is that the essential shell responds - the energy flowing within us. From the state of the ethereal body depends general state Human life forces, health.

Through the essential shell, a person interacts with the Universe. This cannot be seen, the bonding threads are not visible. The second is a kind of bridge, which connects the earthly essence with the invisible forces of the outside world. Also is a link with the rest of the thin bodies.

From the point of view of science, the etheric is a matrix, in which energy moves through the communication channels, the electron flow is transmitted along the wires. This network is very complicated, it contains all data on the physical body, the work of all organs, the chemical composition of the blood.

The essential shell is a human medical database. In the form of this shell exactly the same as the physical body. All injuries, diseases are displayed in it. If physically healthy is healthy, it gets the maximum energy of the universe, if there are diseases and ailments, the flow is blocked. And energy comes limited.

As a rule, blocks are in human chakras or Nadi channels. Three channels Nadi are known:

  • Pingala (Right Channel);
  • Ida (left channel);
  • Sushumna (central canal).

They pass through all 7 chakras of man. If the chakras and channels are clean, the cosmic energy easily penetrates the essential shell and spreads throughout the body. As a result, the man of Bodr, full of energy, glows from the inside and distributes its positive fluids on others.

Chakras and their location

  • 7 Chakra (Sakhasrara) - in the field of Temkin;
  • 6-chakra (Ajna) - on the forehead, between eyebrows;
  • 5 chakra (Vishudha) - Horn area (thyroid gland);
  • 4 chakra (anahata) - near the heart, on the center line;
  • 3 chakra (manipura) - in the field of navel;
  • 2 chakra (Svadchistan) - in the pubic area;
  • 1 Chakra (Molandhara) - the crotch area.

When a person is often in a bad mood, does not forgive the insults, spits negative emotions, its essential body does not absorb energy and is at the very level of its functionality. In the event that a person is not glad that he does, does not do his job, it is also negatively affected by the essential shell, and it begins to work incorrectly. For efficient activity, careful work is needed, its inner Ya.

Find insults and problems that oppressize, find out the origin and get rid of them. Ask the Universe, and it will help to find the right way through the essential shell. The main thing to learn to understand its signals. The etheric link is the display of human life, it is impossible to stand still, closes in your problems and negative emotions. It is necessary to struggle with you, it is difficult, but it is quite possible. Take care of the patience and learn to understand yourself, and the energy of Prana along the channels Nadi will not wait.

Third body-emotional (astral)

The third shell is considered a kind of access to the astral. It is all people living on the planet. But not everyone works, only people who knew themselves and learned to manage their mind, turn to their astral and interact with him. For the first time discovered this essence of Indian wise men. After a while, scientists have proven that astral and emotional is the same, as well as the shell of desires.

The astral sphere is located relative to the first 10-100 cm. It organizes the energy exchange of a person with other people, desires, emotions. The astral body helps a person to realize his desires, aspirations. It is aura and has a color. This is a whole gamma from black - negative, to the white - positive. The color of the aura varies depending on the psychological state of the person. Different parts of the body are highlighted by different tint.

In scientific laboratories there are special devices that can get photos of the astral human body and decipher. Soft, warm pastel colors mean harmony and pacification, bright - aggression, dark - depression, oppression. Depending on the mood of the color of the shell change over a short period of time, an hour, day.

The activity of the astral depends on the person, his aspirations, tasks. In the case when a specific goal is set, and the person is configured to win, for its achievement, the astral shell discloses 100 percent. It receives a maximum of cosmic energy, actively interacts with others, the same purposeful people, helps to choose the desired direction.

When a person is inactive, he has no desires, there are no aspirations, the emotional body goes out, it does not fall into it. If the desires of a person are negative, directed only to the satisfaction of their own needs, without taking into account the opinions of others who harm others, it does not affect the astral. Alcohol, drugs are very bad effect on the emotional shell, as they harm the physical body of a person.

To ensure that the astral functioned correctly, received a maximum of positive energy, it is important to do good, strive to be useful, emit positive emotions. After all, making good others, a person receives much more affirmative impulses in response. For activation, people should do meditation, learn to control their emotions, desires, needs. It will give a breathtaking spirit and charges energy for the whole day. Many have learned to interact correctly with their third shell and are with her in full harmony. It will be useful for them while sleeping astral travel. During sleep, a person sleeps, and his soul goes into the astral shell and visits other worlds.

Clairvoyant, Broadcasty have long been learned to contact both their astral and to someone else's. This ability helps them to find the causes of pain, malaise from other people. The path to this information passes through the astral shell. Shamans, getting access to the Astra of another person, only take the necessary information without bringing damage. Also develop their ability to move across the layers of the Universe thanks to the Astral.

Fourth body - mental (intellectual)

Located in 10-20 cm from the previous one. And completely repeats the contour of the physical. It has a saturated yellow color, the beginning takes out of the head and spreads throughout the body. At the moments of mental activity, the mental becomes wider and brighter. During the mental process in the intellectual shell, not large cycles of energy are distinguished - thoughtformers, they show thoughts, man's beliefs.

If only the conclusion is present without emotion, then the energy of thinking consists of an intellectual shell. In the case when there is an emotion - then the energy consists of both a mental and emotional body. The clearer the person imagines his ideas and thoughts and clearly convinced her right, the brighter they have the contour of his thought form. In the case of death, the mental disappears after 3 months.

Mental, astral and essential are born together with physical and disappear in the case of his death. Belong to the material world.

Fifth body - karmic (casual)

This is a complex structure that carries all information about actions and transmits it into space. All that a person makes it possible to be justified. Even no act no cause. Casual contains information about the possible movements of man in the future. It is a multicolored cloud of various lumps of energy. Located in 20-30 cm from the physical. Energy bunches are neuroprically expressed and have no clear contour compared to lumps in the emotional body. After the death of the material body, the karmic does not die, it reincarnates on a row with other bodies.

To improve their karma, the teachings of Dharma are comprehended and followed by him. This is an individual goal for every person who is comprehended in the course of life. If you exist according to the laws of Dharma, negative energy is destroyed, only positive is coming. The man disturbing the Dharma in the next life will be revived in the body of another lower in the evolutionary plan of the body to go through all the stages from scratch.

Sixth Body - Buddhic (Intuitive)

This is a thin shell that collects complex higher unconscious processes in itself. Scientists call it the determining ether field. This is a complex structure in which the second body is organized. In the case when communication in the essential shell rush, the data for recovery is taken from the sixth. Intuitive has a dark blue color. It has the form of oval and is located at a distance of 50-60 cm from the material.

Buddhic body contains in itself a lacuna, which is exactly repeated by the ethereal. And it organizes the ego shape and size. Responsible for the birth of ingenious thoughts, insight. It is important to trust yourself, listen to your intuition and the universe will tell you how to do. Chakra Ajna, or Third Eye -Simviv. Does not disappear with the death of a person, and transfers the accumulated energy into space.

Seventh body - atmanic

The most complex human body. About him little known. But it is believed to be the thinnest shell. Atma is the state of the soul when she could know herself. Atmanic transfers messages from the soul of man to God and receives answers. In harmonious development, internal coherence and complete calm is achieved.

To gain access to the seventh link, the first, material is developed. Then the following, that is, learn to own all the previous bodies. Atminical has an oval shape and is located at a distance of 80-90 cm from the first. It is a golden egg in which all the bodies are collected. There is a film that does not allow evil energy on the surface of the egg.

Solar and Galactic Body

Sunny - folded as a result of circulation of astral fields of a person to the astral of the solar system. This is the eighth link. It explores astrologers. Solar carries information about the birthday of man. How stars, planets were located.
Galactic - it consists of the work of the Astral field of a person with the Astral Galaxy. This is the ninth body.

All subtle fields are closely interconnected with each other. A strong influence on the formation of the fate of a person, its path. Thinking about good, a person is charged with positive emotions, receives the energy of the universe that spreads over all the layers, programming them for good luck and success. A person falls into the center of positive vibrations, gives joy, good, the world around him responds to him.

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