Cheerful sugar than different. Sugar types - description, features, properties and characteristics. Unique types of sugar and their difference


Sugar is one of the most famous spices that is intensively used in cooking, as well as in cosmetology.

Approximately 19th century, this product was very expensive, they could only enjoy wealthy citizens. But after an increase in the overseas owners of the Western powers, sugar plantations have increased. Price This product has fallen because it has fallen and it has become more accessible for a simple town man. True, B. Russian Empire He still remained a fairly expensive goods.

Sugar has a large number of varieties. They are classified depending on the plant, of which are made:

Sugar Sugar.

It has a kind of dark very sweet syrup. It is made from the cereal plant of the sorghum, which grows in Africa. Asia and in the new light. Moreover, we used this Zlak for a long time.

A quarter of this sugar product occupies a quarter of this sugar product, the same amount comes on fructose. In addition, there are such useful minerals as: calcium, manganese, magnesium and many others.

Made this product as follows: after collecting leaves, they are finely bruised and pressed. As a result, the resulting juice is heated, making it more dense.

At one time, this kind of sugar wanted to make industrial scales, but it turned out to be unprofitable. With a similar process, very few finite products allocate, since the composition includes many mineral salts. From this idea they quickly refused.

In addition to sugar from the plant, you can also make flour, alcohol, croup, starch. And the worked green mass goes on animal feed.

Maple Sugar.

It also has a kind of dense syrup with various shades. brown color. It is mined from the juice of the maple tree. Almost 70% of the production of this product falls on Canada, where other native tribes have been mined from very long time. With the advent of the first immigrants of production of this syrup only grew.

The production process of this product is as follows: At the beginning of the spring on the maple tree make notches, install special tubes at the holes, along which the juice of the tree merges into the tank for its collection. After that, the water from the juice is evaporated and the liquid becomes very thick. Next, the syrup is poured into the snow and it becomes soft sugar.

During and after collecting the syrup in Canada, holidays and fairs are arranged.

Cane sugar

It has the form of the usual brown crystallized powder. Made it from sugar cane. Its production was engaged in ancient India about 5,000 years ago. From there, he spread in Africa, the rest of Asia. And despite the expensive price became very popular in Europe during the early Middle Ages. In American colonies, growing this kind of plant was as popular as cotton and coffee.

They produce it as follows: after ripening the reeds, it is collected on the plantation, the rubbing on large pieces. Next, they are sent to the processing plant, where the pieces of the plant are even more crushed and the juice is extracted. Next, he is reproached with the help of groomed lime and water. And finally, the process of evaporation of the fluid begins to the formation of solid powder. This product whiten by carbonic acid or sulfur.

Beet Sugar.

How can I understand from the name This sugar is made from a special variety of beets. This method of producing sugar is the most common. Production technology was developed in the middle of the 18th century. But it was actively started to use at the beginning of the 19th century first in France, and then in other countries.

This sugar is done according to this scheme: after collecting beets, it is sent to the plant. There, the vegetable can be finely cut. After pressing, the resulting juice is evaporated and matched.

There are other sugar production methods, but the most commonly described above.

History of the occurrence of sugar, types of sugar on raw materials

Cane sugar, sugar beet, sugar maple, palm sugar, sugar sorp, nutritional sugar, sachara myths

Section 1. Manufacture and sugar technology.

Sugar -this is Household name sucrose. Reed and beet sugar (sugar sand, refined) is an important food product. Regular sugar (sucrose) refers to carbohydrates, which are considered valuable nutrients providing the body with the necessary energy. Starch also belongs to carbohydrates, but the assimilation of its organism is relatively slow. The sucrose is quickly split in the digestive tract on glucose and fructose, which are then enrolled in the bloodstream.

Production and technology of sugar

Glucose provides more than half of the energy costs of the body. Normal blood glucose concentration is maintained at 80-120 milligrams of sugar in 100 milliliters (0.08 ~ 0.12%). Glucose has the ability to maintain the barrier function of the liver against toxic substances due to the participation in the formation of so-called paired sulfur and glucuronic acids in the liver. That is why the taking sugar inside or the introduction of glucose into Vienna is recommended for some diseases of the liver, poisoning.

History of sugar

Motherland Sugar - India. In Europe, sugar was known to the Romans. Brown sugar grains were prepared from sugar cane juice and imported to Europe from India. Egypt, the province of the Roman Empire, was a mediator in trade with India. Later sugar cane appeared in Sicily and in South Spain, but with the fall of the Roman Empire, this tradition was lost.

The history of sugar in Russia begins approximately from the XI-XII centuries. When the sugar was brought for the first time, only the prince and his approximated could try it. The first in Russia "Sugar Chamber" was opened by Peter I at the beginning of the XVIII century, and the sugar raw materials were imported from abroad. In 1809, the production of sugar from domestic raw materials was to be established - sugar swabs.

Brown sugar - It is cane unrefined sugar.

Brown sugar consists of sugar crystals covered with reed molasses with natural aroma and color. It is performed by the feeding of sugar syrup according to special technology. There are a large number of brown sugar varieties that differ mainly in terms of the number of molasses contained. Dark reed sugar has a more intense color and stronger fragrance of molasses than light. Sometimes brown sugar is called "tea" or "coffee". Brown sugar manufacturers are positioned as an elite environmentally friendly delicacy product. While nutritionists note that crude sugar may contain unwanted impurities and has a large caloric content.

Sugar cane

Singness of sugar cane, plants, in the wilderness of grew up in India, were the initial raw materials for the mining of sugar; In Europe, reed sugar has become known before our era as a medical device. In the dominance of Arabs in the 9th century, cultivation of sugar cane was established in Egypt, Sicily and South Spain; At the end of the first century, the production of sugar in the form of conical heads was already produced in Venice, but the sugar was greater than the spread in Europe only during cross hikes. In 1490, Columbus suffered a sugar cane from the Canary Islands to Santo Domingo (Haiti), and since that time the culture of his in West Indies and Central America began to quickly develop and colonial sugar sand began to cover the overall need for him in Europe, in which, Starting from the XVI century, appeared to purify its refinery. Nevertheless, sugar is still long, until the XIX century, remained the subject of luxury. Most sugar consumed in modern worldproduced from sugar cane.

Sugar cane refers to perennial herbs, cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions. It requires an smudgeous climate with a sufficient amount of precipitation during the growing season in order to fully use the enormous plant growth potential. The crop is harvested mechanically or manually, the stalks are cut into pieces and are quickly transported to the processing plant. Here, the raw materials are either crushed and extracted with water with water or sugar is extracted by diffusion. The juice is then subjected to cleansing by extinguishing lime (defecation) and heated to kill enzymes. As a result, liquid syrup is passed through a series of evaporators, after which the remaining water is removed by evaporation in the vacuum container. After that, the suspension solution is crystallized to form sugar crystals. Patok, which is a by-product of the process and fiber from stems, known as cake, are burned in order to obtain energy for the process of extraction of sugar. Cheese Sugar Crystals have sticky brown raids and can be used in food as it is, or they are bleached with sulfur dioxide or coal acid (saturation) to produce a white product.

Sugar beet

In 1747, Andreas Marref published his observations in the memoirs of the Berlin Academy of Sciences about the possibility of extracting sugar from the roots of beets (Beta Alba) and indicated even the order of work, which in significant features was preserved to the present. Honor of the device of the first plant to mining sugar from the beet belongs to the disciple of Marrefa Ahard, but the first experiments in the factory size were unsuccessful and the production of beet sugar was put on a solid soil in 1806 by Napoleon (distribution of land for the cultivation of beets, an institution with school factories, issuing premiums) Who saw in it one of the means to maintaining the continental system and independence from English imports. The high price of colonial cane sugar (about 8 francs per kilogram) made favorabled production of local sugar, and at the same time introduced in France production improvements (grain, hydraulic presses, polishing through bone coal, heating and thickening of the ferry juice) led its rapid development : In 1828, 103 plant worked in France and delivered up to 5 million kg of sugar. Methods developed in France, then moved to Germany and other European countries. In Russia, the first plant for obtaining beetrations, mainly for processing in alcohol, was founded by Major General Blankengel in 1802 in the Tula province, then the sugar factory was arranged by Ivan Akimovich Maltsov in 1809, the further development of Russian beetroot production is obliged to many of the Counts of Bobrin . In 1897, 236 factories worked in Russia, the performance of which was up to 45 million pounds per year.

Sugar beet refers to bilateral plants, meaty root is formed in the first year. Cultivated in regions with a temperate climate with a moderate amount of precipitation and requires fertile soil. The crop is harvested mechanically in the fall, with the removal of the tops and the nanileous soil. Roots can be stored without loss for several weeks before they are sent to the processing factory. Here, beets are washed and cut, sugar syrup is extracted hot water by diffusion. Supported with diffusers juice passes through the measurements, and it usually obtains 120 kg of juice from 100 kg of beetroot, which, for separating from enthusiastic pulp pieces, is passed through wood chips or coarse tissue or through metal sieve. After that juice is heated to 60 ° C in spheres, that is, in boilers equipped with tubes through which juice passes, and pairs of spaces are used to the space between the tubes; After that, the juice enters the defectory (s) and is subjected to purification by means of lime (defecation) and then coalic acid (saturation). The chemical process of defecation and saturation is that the lime during heating displaces weak bases into the precipitate gives insoluble salts with double organic acids, decomposes the inverted sugar, gives insoluble compounds with the legumenic protein substances and, finally, excess it fonds to the sediment. suspension; At the same time, alkaline bases, freed from the salts of organic acids, is connected to sucrose, forming alkaline sugar, and an excess of lime is given at the same time lime sacharat; At the same time, nitrogenous substances are part of the part of the separation of ammonia. The following then the processing of a defectable juice with coal anhydride is mainly the target, mainly remove the excess of lime, which precipitated in the form of carbon dioxide, produces further lightening and discoloration of the juice, and equally, decompose alkaline and lime saharats; Saturation is stopped at a well-known alkalinity of the juice (part of the alkalinity depends on the presence of carbon dioxide alkaline salts) to prevent this juice from decomposition under the action of microorganisms. In addition, a very large number of funds and methods are proposed for cleaning the juice to replace the lime and coalic acid, but all these proposals did not acquire practical importance.

The juice purified by the specified means is so exempted from non-sugar, which can be brought to such a concentration to such a concentration, in which the sugar crystals will be deposited from the welded mass. Conducted juice, or syrup called UTFILLMASSE, when filtering is subjected to final welding in vacuum devices. Crystal separation from molasses is made using centrifuges, launching in a rotating centrifuge drum or hot, just released replenx (hot labeling), or give it cooling (cold interpretation), and it freezes into a solid mass, which is necessary to give it homogeneity, with The aim of the uniform load of the centrifuge, stir, which is produced in the devices - wethilers. The centrifuge was filled with UTFILILE ejacked through the mesh walls of the molasses (the first outlet) and holds the sugar crystals, which are absorbed or first with a clerger, or straight steam, wrapped on the molasses in the crystals; This part of the flowing fluid is commonly assembled separately (the second outlet). Upon completion of the melting, the sugar crystals constituting the so-called white sand, or the first product, is taken out of the centrifuge and dried, passing through rotating cylinders through which the heated air jet passes. With a hot palace of 100 parts of the UTFILE, up to 50% of the first product, with a cold to 53-55%, although there are already somewhat less purity. White sand contains 99-99.8% sugar. Outflows received from the first product are processed and separated from the molasses. Thus, the second product is obtained, or the first yellow sand containing 90-95% sugar. Patok, separated from the second product, after processing gives the third product, with a sugar content of 85 to 90% (second yellow sand). It usually already after the selection of the crystals of the third product, there is a patch containing so much sugar, which is called black, or aft, and goes in large quantities as a material for distillation, as well as in the feed of a cattle.

Maple sugar is traditional sugar in the eastern provinces of Canada, produced from the XVII century from the juice of sugar cooling, for which trunks in February and in March are drilled and then the juice containing up to 3% sugar begins to flow out of the holes. The flow of juice lasts a few weeks, so that of each tree it turns out a large amount. Juice evaporated, get "maple syrup", and then sugar (up to 3-6 pounds each year from each tree) are produced from syrup (up to 3-6 pounds). It is consumed by the local population instead of ordinary cane sugar. The Maple Syrope Industry in 1989 brought more than $ 100 million profits.

Palm sugar or a lamb is produced in South and Southeast Asia, at the Molukskie Islands and many Islands of the Indian Ocean from a sweet juice flowing in large numbers from cuts on young floral cobs different species Palm. In India, in the Koromandelian coast, in the Maldives and Molokkie, and in part and on Sri Lanka, it is obtained mainly from the juice of coconut palm (the so-called coconut sugar). One coconut palm tree is able to give a year more than 250 kg of juice containing up to 20% sucrose, and when used in use, not too raping trees, you can get good yoke outlets for many years. Sugar, obtained from palm juice evaporation, is molded in coconut shells and in the form of round karavaev enters the market. Its consumption is limited to the advantage of places of production. Palm sugar is also produced from the palm trees, rings and other palm trees.

Mining sugar from sorghum sorghum sorghum (Sorghum Saccharatum (L.) Pers.) It was also practiced with deep antiquity in China, later received distribution in the Northern States of the United States during civil WarWhen the removal of cane sugar by the sea was blocked by England, but the sorgi sugar was not widespread, since the sorghum did not meet the expectations as convenient raw material for sugar mining. This is explained by the fact that although the sorropeous juice is very rich, but the extraction of the latter in its pure form is associated with significant difficulties due to the large content in the juice of mineral salts, gummy substances and inverted sugar; As a result, the outputs of pure crystalline sugar are extremely small. To extract sugar from sorghum used, by the way, and diffusion method. Sorgal cutting contains 5-11% of ordinary and 1-9% inverted sugar; The composition of one statement, for example, was as follows: sucrose 53.5%, inverted sugar - 13.6%, organic substances (not sugar) - 5.1%, ash - 4.7% and water - 23.1%. With much greater profit of sorghum goes for distillation. However, the culture of the sorghum for the preparation of sugar retains its agricultural potential, since the sorghum can be redeemed in dry areas, where the cultivation of other sugar crops is either impossible or unprofitable. Also, sugar sorghum does not require special machines and special cultivation techniques, the same methods and mechanisms that are used for corn are suitable for cultivation.

Technology made of sugar

The main raw materials for the production of sugar are sugar beets, which contains 15-22% sucrose, and sugar cane.

Getting sugar-sand begins with the preparation of sugar beet. The root roots are clean, purified from impurities and crushed into the chips. Then heating the chips with water to 70-75 ° C. In this case, the diffusion of soluble substances into water to form a dark gray diffusion juice, which, except sucrose, contains other substances.

The purification of the diffusion juice is to process it with lime, and then carbon dioxide. The first process was called defecation, and the second - saturation. During the defecation of sucrose, it partly reacts with lime, forming sugar, falling into the sediment. After defecation, the juice becomes light yellow painting with a flip-shaped sediment. Then juice is subjected to saturation - transferring lime into insoluble carbonate calcium and decomposition of sugar to sucrose. After double saturation, the juice is filtered and treated with sulfur gas (sulfitation). As a result of such treatment, the juice becomes light yellow, transparent containing about 14% sucrose.

From the purified juice, sugar is isolated by crystallization. For this, the juice is evaporated to the content of 65% of dry substances. The resulting syrup is treated with adsorbents, filtered and sulphy again. Transparent colorless condensed syrup goes into vacuum devices, where further water evaporation and sugar crystallization occur. As a result, a thick mass (7.5% of water) is formed - the ufel of the first crystallization and the intercrystal liquid is the green of the mold. For the separation of the latter, the intensity is treated on centrifuges. Sugar crystals have been washed there with a small amount of water, steamed and centrifuged. At the same time, the so-called white pattern is separated, containing sugar crystals soluble in water. It is collected and sent to vacuum devices for re-roofing.

The green molasses is also boiled in vacuum devices and get the agels of the second crystallization. If the sugar content in the module of the second crystallization is high, then the agel of the third crystallization is obtained from it. The teaching pattern of the last crystallization - molasses is used to obtain ethyl alcohol, citric acid, amino acids and for other purposes.

The resulting sugar from the centrifuge enters drying. Then they are passed through the magnetic catcher, sort and pack.

Get sugar raffin from sugar-sand. For production use pure beet sugar sand and raw cane sugar. It is dissolved in hot water To the density of syrup. Then processed by adsorbents, ionites (artificial resins) and filtered. The filtered syrup enters the vacuum devices, where it is condensed to the agel and centrifuged. To ensure the whiteness of the refinery intensity, the ultramarine suspension is added to it (dye of blue color).

Produce raffin sugar cast and pressed. Upon receipt of cast sugar-rafinad, hot engines are poured into cone-shaped forms with a height of 60 m, slowly cooled, with a clerk (saturated solution of pure sugar). At the same time, the clarine, as far as the bottom of the form, flips with sucrose crystals with the dolls and takes its remnants. Wash Clers spend several times. Then sugar dried, knocked out of the forms and split into pieces.

The process of making cast sugar-rafinada is quite time consuming. More often produced pressed sugar rafin. With its production, the intensity of the agels are launched in centrifuges. The resulting refinery (2% moisture) is pressed. Compressed bars are dried and after cooling they split into pieces of correct shape. By regulating the humidity of refinery, you can change the strength of sugar.

To obtain the refined refined cride with the properties of the cast in refinery, more moisture is left (3-3.5%), for instant, on the contrary, less (1.5%).

Assortment of sugar

Crystal sugar is the most familiar to the consumer worldwide the type of sugar. Is a sugar sand consisting of crystals white color. Depending on the size of the crystal, granulated sugar provides unique properties of sugar sand. These properties are in demand from food enterprises in accordance with their specific needs. In addition to the size of crystals, a variety of sugar types contribute special additives.

Regular sugar (Regular Sugar). Sugar, commonly used in home everyday. This is exactly the white sugar that is meant in most recipes of cookbooks. The same sugar is most widely used and food enterprises.

Fruit sugar (Fruit Sugar). Smaller and qualitative than ordinary sugar. It is used in dry mixes such as desserts gelatin, pudding mixtures and dry beverages. The high degree of crystal homogeneity prevents the separation or sedimentation of smaller crystals to the bottom of the packaging, which is an important quality of good dry mixtures.

Bakers Special). The size of the crystals is even smaller. As already seen from the name, this type of sugar was created specifically for industrial baking of the drift.

Ultrafine (Superfine, Ultrafine, Bar Sugar, Caster Sugar). The smallest size of the crystals. Such sugar is perfect for pies and meringue with a very thin texture. Due to light solubility, ultrafine sugar is also used to sweeten fruit and frozen drinks.

Confectioners Sugar, Icing Sugar). The confectionery powder is based on ordinary sugar sand, made of powder and sinking through fine sieve. Approximately 3% of the corn starch is added to prevent adhesion. Powder produced varying degrees of grinding. Used for glazing, in confectionery production and in the production of whipped cream.

Rough sugar (Coarse Sugar). Sugar with crystals size larger than ordinary sugar. A special processing method makes such sugar resistant to change when high temperatures. This property is important in the production of sweets, confectionery and liqueurs.

Sanding Sugar. Sugar with the largest crystals. It is mainly used in the bakery and confectionery industries for sprinkling products. The faces of large crystals reflect the light that gives products a sparkling look.

The crude sugar consists of crystals of sugar coated with a daca syrup with natural aroma and color. It is produced by either a special boiling of sugar syrup, or mixing white sugar with a molasses.

There are a large number of species of crude sugar, which differ mainly in terms of the number of molasses contained (melassia). Dark crude sugar has a more intense color and stronger fragrance of molasses than light crude sugar.

Light crude sugar is also used as white sugar. Dark crude sugar has a rich fragrance, which makes it a specific additive to various products.

There are several types of liquid sugar, which found use in food Industry. The actual liquid sugar is a solution of white sugar and can be used everywhere where crystalline.

Sugar with the addition of molasses - amber liquid. It can be used to give products a specific aroma.

Finally, inverted syrup. Inversion or chemical splitting of sucrose gives a mixture of glucose and fructose. Such sugar is applied only for industrial purposes.

Sugar quality requirements

Sugar sand is a bulk product consisting of crystals with a size of 0.2 to 2.5 mm, with clearly pronounced faces. It should be nelite and dry to the touch, white with glitter, sweet taste, without extraneous tastes and smells.

The solubility in water is complete, the solution must be transparent. The humidity of the sand sugar must be no more than 0.14%, the content of sucrose - at least 99.75, reducing substances - not more than 0.05 (on dry matter), ash - no more than 0.03%, chromaticity in units of strain - Not more than 0.8.

In sugar used for industrial processing, sucrose (dry matter) is allowed (on dry matter) at least 99.55%, reducing agents - no more than 0.065, ash - no more than 0.05, humidity - not more than 0.15%.

According to organoleptic indicators, sugar rafin must meet the following requirements: white, without spots, is allowed slightly bluish tint, the taste of dry sugar and aquatic solution - Sweet, without extraneous tastes and odors, solubility is complete, the solution is transparent, it is allowed to barely intimate bluish tint.

Physico-chemical indicators, depending on the type of sugar, the following are normalized: moisture content (0.1-0.4%), sucrose (at least 99.9%), reducing substances (not more than 0.03%), crumbs (no more 1.0-2.5%), complete solubility (not earlier than 1-8 min), fortress (at least 15-40 in kgf / cm2).

Sugar packaging and storage

Sugar retains its original properties only with reliable protection against exposure to external conditions when storing, transporting and implementing in trade, which should be provided primarily by its packaging. This issue is most reliably allowed only for Rafinal sugar, facilitation in the consumer packaging. Packaging Sugar children 50 kg (net) in pure new and used fabric bags I and II categories; in fabric bags with polyethylene and paper liners; Bags made of material with the vicoise base, polypropylene. Sugar-sand, intended for transportation by road, is allowed to pack 40 kg in five- or six-layer paper bags with one or two laminated layers. The main package for non-fascinated sand sugar still remain fabric bags. Bags must be dense, so that the sugar crystals do not wake up. However, burlap does not protect sugar from dust penetration and other contaminants. From the material of the bag in sugar enter the fire and pile. Burlap has a characteristic smell associated with its processing. Bags are the most significant focus of sugar infection. In addition, the fabric is easily wet. Improving product quality requirements leads to the need rational solution Question with sugar packaging.

Refined Sugar Sand Industry produces in large packs in bags and in consumer packaging. Sugar sand unrefined mainly comes into trading in an unfastened form. His facilities in consumer packaging in commerce enterprises in consumption places. In major cities and industrial centers, specialized enterprises have been created, where sugar sands are packaged by a mechanized method of 0.5-1.0 kg in packets of paper (two- and single-layer) or polyethylene.

Sugar raffin sugar produced mainly in consumer packaging and part packed in fabric bags of 40 kg. For sugar-raffinad in bags, higher standards content are set than in packs (GOST 22-78 with change No. 2). In bags of raffin polluts, the faces of pieces are turned off, a trifle and powder are formed. Rafine, packaged in bundles and paper boxes weighing a net of 0.5 and 1 kg, laid into the external container - in drawers board and plywood weighing up to 30-35 kg or wrapped in wrapping paper in the form of 20 kg packages. There is experience in packing on automatic packs of lumpy sugar packs in packets of 20 pcs. using shrink film. In boxes lined with paper, also packaged non-splashing raffin sugar. The net weight of the packaging of each shipped separate sugar batch should be the same, container is homogeneous. The method of determining the mass of the net - according to GOST 26521-85. Mark a packed sugar of non-performing paint in accordance with the requirements of the current standard.

Properties of sugar during storage depend on its composition. Sacraosis is resistant to the effects of a conventional air medium and temperature conditions within 0-30 ° C, in its pure form, it is not moistened with relative humidity of the air to 80% and higher. However, sucrose needs to be reliably protected from contact with free moisture, as it is not able to bind moisture and has high solubility. Because of the greater impurities of the Sugar sand hygroscopic raffinad. At the same temperature (20 ° C), the water sorption curve with sand with sugar-sand has an inflection at a relative humidity of about 70%, and the raffin sugar is 85%. With a higher relative humidity of the air, sugar absorbs moisture, and with a lower - dries. Indoor, where the relative air humidity is 80-90%, the sand sugar becomes dotted with wet.

Changing the humidity of sugar during storage is the cause of its various defects. In the presence of free moisture, the sand sugar becomes sticky, loses the flowability, comes, and loses the loser raffin. Moisturizing stimulates the development of microbiological processes, as a result of which the products of the decomposition of sugars accumulate, the pH decreases, sucrose inversion occurs. It increases sugar hygroscopicity, it becomes unsuitable for further storage. When evaporation of moisture from the removal sugar, the crystals are spliced \u200b\u200band form a dense painted mass, with difficulty separated from burlap or other containers.

When storing sugar, moisture condensation on the surface of the container is possible due to the ambient temperature difference. Most often it happens when larger wet air flows into a low-temperature warehouse. Air moisture in contact with cold sugar decreases, and excess moisture is released as dew. Sugar stored in a package from the steamproof film materials can also be moistened with temperature fluctuations due to moisture evaporating from the surface of the crystals and condensing in the fastest coolant surface layers of sugar.

There are certain rules for ventilation of warehouses, taking into account temperature and humidity conditions. Maintaining level temperature is one of the most important requirements for storing sugar.

Slask raffin should not be stored at temperatures below about ° C. Sharp cooling causes moisture movement in the pores of the raffinad from the inner layers into the external, in which it condenses and dissolves sugar. After evaporation of moisture on the surface of pieces, fine crystals are formed, worsening their freight look.

Store sugar in dry, clean, well-ventured warehouses. When storing sugar must be observed by the trade neighborhood. Storage is not allowed with sustaining products.

In warehouses, sugar in bags and boxes are laid in a stack on wooden racks, pallets go floors coated with tarpaulous, paper, etc. Height of the pile rafinada, depending on the type of packaging and sugar type 2-5 m, and sugar powder capable of lifting, - 1.8 m. In the most unfavorable conditions, sugar is in the lower rows of stack. The relative humidity of the air at the level of the lower row should not exceed 70% for sugar-sand, for sugar-rafinada-80%.

Under the internal method of sugar-sand is stored in reinforced concrete or metal vertical cylindrical containers (si-lines). Sugar in silos should not lose rampant and cement. Therefore, sugar of high purity, low chromaticity, with a humidity of 0.02-0.06%, with a humidity of 0.02-0.06%, should be uniform and cannot contain fractions with crystals less than 0.2-0.3 mm. It should not develop microbiological processes. During the storage period, a constant temperature is maintained 20-22 ° C and relative air humidity - 60-65%.

Since 1987, GOST 26907-86, which established long-term storage time (in years): Sugara sand in heated warehouses - up to 8, in unheated-1.5-4; Sahara Rafinal - respectively to 8 and 5; Sugara sand in silos - no more 2. Air temperature in heated warehouses for long-term storage of packaged sugar should not be below 12 ° C.

Excessive consumption of sugar

For a long time, the consumption of sugar and intravenous administration of concentrated glucose solutions was considered an effective tool with various diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.

IN last years Researchers tend to limit the use of this product. It has been established that in old age, excessive sugar consumption contributes to a violation of fat metabolism, leads to an increase in blood cholesterol and blood sugar concentration, makes disorganization in cell function.

In the blood increase in cholesterol influences the nature of the microoplood adopted with food: the lactose is most active in this regard, compared with sucrose, which, in turn, contributes to hyper-cholesteroles than glucose. An increase in blood sugar concentrations, changing the permeability of the arterial wall, creates favorable conditions for depositing lipids in it and increases platelet gluing.

It is not by chance that nutritionists insist that in the diet of the elderly, especially those who tend to obesity, the amount of sugar did not exceed 15% of the total daily amount of carbohydrates.

Cardiologists argue that as a result of increasing caloric content of nutrition at the expense of sugar in people who are not engaged in physical labor, conditions are created for overweight and the rapid development of atherosclerosis.

The thing is that in excessiveness consumed in excessive, but non-unusual carbohydrates fall from the intestine in the bloodstream and annoy (and if it repeats often, it may be out of order) an insular apparatus of the pancreas.

Under normal conditions, the hormone of the pancreas - insulin performs in the body the function of the carbohydrate regulator function. Thanks to insulin, sugar is distributed in the liver and in muscles in the form of glycogen, and some sugar turns into fat. The need of the body in carbohydrates at middle age is 400-500 grams, and in the elderly per 100 grams less, that is, 300-400 grams.

It should be borne in mind that carbohydrates are not only sugar, but also honey, fruit, flour products, cereals. The so-called simple sugar (reed, beet, grape) are easily soluble in water and quickly absorbed into the blood. To slow down the transition of blood sugar from the blood in the tissue, it is recommended to replace refined carbohydrates (sweets, confectionery and so on) starch.

Substitutes of sugar

Instead of sugar, you can use honey or fruits that contain both fructose and glucose. In fructose liver cells phosphorylated, and then split into triosis, which is either used for the synthesis of fatty acids, which can lead to obesity, as well as to increase the level of triglycerides (which, in turn, increases the risk of atherosclerosis), or is used to synthesize glycogen ( Partially also turns into glucose during gluconeogenesis). Fruits and berries are especially useful for the body due to the content of vitamins, organic acids and mineral salts. The bee honey also contains vitamins, organic acids, salts, enzymes, proteins and to the same extent a beneficial effect on the body, but the content of sucrose (up to 2%) and high caloric content also require restrictions on its consumption up to 50-60 grams per day. It should also be noted that honey is an allergen.

Sugar substitutes (xylitis, sorbitol, aspartames), which are of sweetness and appearance differ little from food sugar, can be used in the treatment of obesity. To ensure the need of a person in sweet enough per day, 40 grams of xylitol. Nevertheless, it is evidence that the continuous use of xylitis in old age can accelerate the course of the atherosclerotic process.

Thus, the value of sugar as a food product does not leave doubt. It is only necessary to remember the old proverb: "It's not moderate food - a disease and trouble."

But as I wrote J. Labryuer: "The impotations turns into a deadly poison of food appointed to save life."

In the bottom anti-mine mine, installed in coastal water near his bank of the river (reservoir) at a depth of up to two meters, a plug from pressed sugar is used as a fuse. By installing such a mine, open the cover, closing the water access to the plug. Maximum in two hours (time depends on the water temperature) sugar cork will dissolve, why the min will rise on a combat platoon. Such a device allows you to install a minefield of such mines, without danger to undermine the mines just installed.

Sugar-raffin in the form of cubes was invented in 1843 in the Czech Republic. Inventor - Swiss Yakov Christoph's Swiss was glad to manage the sugar plant in Datch. On the spot where the sugar plant was located, a monument is now installed - a snow-white cube, symbolizing sugar rafin.

The experiments on the rats showed that the use of sugar causes a dependence, while the changes in the brain produced in the brain are very similar to those that arise under the action of cocaine, morphine or nicotine. "

To set fire to a piece of sugar, if you pour a little ash in place, for example, tobacco, since the latter contains lithium salts, catalyzing the burning of sucrose.

Rafine sugar (cube 1cm) is completely dissolved in a glass from 60 ° C with water for 11-24 seconds without stirring. (when conducting tests GOST 12577-67)

Sugar sand is fusing in packages weighing 900 g, 1 kg, bags 2.5; five; 10; 50 kg

Chemical formula Sugar C12H22O11.

Sugar-raw is a product of reed refining or beets in the form of individual crystals consisting mainly of sucrose less than high purity than sugar-sand, and not intended for direct eating. The content of sucrose from 95 to 99.55%, color: from yellowish to yellow-brown, a dull crystal, a cable film.

But before you go to panic, it is worth understanding: what is known about Sahara, this product itself is so harmful that it needs to be excluded from his diet.

Is it true that sugar is harmful to health

Based on the imaginary harmfulness of sugar, it turns out, it is necessary to completely abandon its use. In particular, nutritionists are alarmed by the so-called hidden shape of sugar, which is hidden in ready-made food. A person has to use the invisible leather sugar, therefore, in the diet, it is much larger than the body.

When a person has often to drink carbonated sweet water, use plenty of sweets, ignoring at the same time healthy foods, it is not surprising that after a few years the problems will overcome gastrointestinal tract And probably extra kilograms. So, you can confidently argue that if you eat right, do not overeat, your main diet is useful products, it is sometimes necessary to indulge yourself with a sweet dessert, it improves the mood.

Is it true that the body is the main mass of sugar gets of sweets and other sweets

Some people believe that sweets are the main source of sugar, refuse themselves from their use. In fact, sugar enters the body not only from candy, but also from all sorts of drinks, from sauces. For example, in one tablespoon of the tomato sauce contains a teaspoon of sugar.

Is it true that sugar from sweets differs significantly from sugar, which is contained in fruit

In fact, in all sweet fruits, it contains similar in the composition of sugar, as in sweets. There is a different thing that its concentration in fruits and berries is less. When entering the body, he is able to bring useful vitamins minerals and minerals with his useful vitamins. Meanwhile, sugar, which has to receive from the bull and sweets, the body burns slower. Because of this, the blood sugar level becomes higher, as well as pressure.

Is it true that the use of sugar provokes diabetes

There is no doubt, diabetes and sugar are connected. But the most common type of diabetes is the second type, provoked, as a rule, with overeating any products, including those that contain sugar. The disease is developing according to such a scheme: a large amount of food that the body consumes, needs a large number of glucose, and, consequently, insulin.

The disease does not appear in one moment, this is a long process. Over time, the cells are not able to suck out an excessive amount of insulin, as a result, the blood sugar level increases sharply. So diabetes is formed. And although diabetes is called sugar, the use of sugar is not the main cause of the development of the disease.

Sugar has both its advantages and cons.

Sugar is a highly precipitated carbohydrate, especially sugar-raffin. No biological value, except calories, sugar does not represent. Sugar has a high energy value, it gives a lot of empty calories, which would have to get from other products, which would be brought in except calories even vitamins, mineral substances, etc. Sugar is harmful to teeth, since bacteria contained in the human oral cavity turns it into acids that destroy the dental enamel and contribute to the appearance of caries.

Sugar makes people happy. During the attacks, grief usually a person eats something sweet, after which the pancreas produces insulin, which in turn leads to the allocation of serotonin - hormone of happiness. Sugar gives energy. When entering the body, the sugar is converted into glucose supplying energy.

Sugar is the main ingredient of confectionery. Sugar add to various drinks - tea, coffee, cocoa. Sugar serves a preservative for various products from fruits and berries - jams, jams, jelly.

For diseases, the treatment of which requires a low-carbid diet, the food uses various sugar substitutes.


Wikipedia - Free Encyclopedia, Wikipedia - Free abstracts - Sugar of Ukraine - Overviewer

Sugar sand is an important component of various dishes - bakery, confectionery. It is used to preserve meat, leather dressing, as well as in the tobacco industry. The product is in demand as a preservative for cooking jam, jelly, various jams. Sand Sugar is a few species. They are distinguished by quality and properties.


Sugar sand is a product that is preparing and stored in accordance with special requirements. Norms are included in GOST 21-94. This document states that the creation of sugar must be carried out in compliance with technological and sanitary standards.

Sugar crystals should not be more than 2.5 mm. But it must be borne in mind that according to GOST, deviations are possible in ± 5%. Packing is carried out by a mechanized manner. Packing serve paper and plastic bags. Weight deviations may not be more than ± 2%.


Although sugar is known for its harm to the body, it still has positive properties in it:

  • The product is purified, easily digestible carbohydrate - glucose. The component needs a person for normal mental work. When entering the body of glucose forms energy, making a person with hardy and efficient.
  • Sugar improves mood, eliminates depression. With it, serotonin is produced, referred to as "Hormone of Happiness".
  • Sugar sand improves blood circulation in the head and spinal cord.
  • The product protects against thrombosis.
  • Can protect from arthritis.
  • Normalizes the work of the kidneys and spleen.

If sugar is moderately, in small quantities, it will be useful. Harm occurs when the body is overstatura. A large amount of product may result in obesity. It is known that it contributes to the aging of the body. Sugar does not affect the work of the heart. For women per day, 25 grams are considered to be the norm, and for men - 37.5.


Sand Sugar in Nature is contained in different cultures. Therefore, plants from which this product is obtained, take part in the process. Under the influence of the rays of the Sun, glucose is produced, which is treated until a particular type of raw material is obtained. Around the world, the production of sugar sand is performed from a variety of products, so it is divided into the following varieties:

  • cane or beet;
  • sore;
  • palm;
  • malt.

To taste, refined cane and beet sugar are almost no different. But this can not be said about raw, which is considered an intermediate product of production. It has many impurities of vegetable juice. Here the differences are noticeable, and its taste is determined by the type of plant. For example, raw sugar, made of cane, is consumed even in an intermediate form, while the beet product will taste unpleasant in this form.

There is also the differences in the taste and the feed molasses, which is an important by-product of sugar production. If it is made of cane, it can be eaten, and the beet pattern is not suitable for this.

The sorts of sorghum of bread, which serve to prepare syrup are also used in the production of sugar. The product is subject to a small degree of purification, so it cannot compete with beet or cane sugar. Palm juice is used for the production of palm sugar, in which there are 16-20% sucrose.


Large and fine sugar sand is produced in Russia by the following plants:

  • Livensky;
  • Gribanovsky;
  • Sotniksky;
  • Zainsky;
  • Zemstchinsky;
  • Kirsanovsky;
  • and Znamensky Sugar Plants.

Sugar sand, the price of which in the country can be different, differs from all manufacturers. The average cost of the product in Russia in 2017 is 47 rubles per kilogram. A little cheaper in Moscow sugar sand, the price of which is equal to 41 ruble. In each store, the cost may differ slightly.


Sugar is the following types:

  • powder;
  • powder;
  • refined;
  • lump truck;
  • refined;
  • refined powder;
  • sugar-raw.


Glucose is the main component of plant sugar. Penetrating into the intestines, it decomposes on the fructose and sucrose, which is why it quickly enters blood. Often it becomes the cause of diabetes.

The product includes 99.8% of carbohydrates, which is necessary for a full-fledged human diet. Sugar is considered useful due to the presence of valuable substances, such as calcium, sodium, iron, potassium.


When choosing a product, it is important to inspect it appearance. The quality of sugar sand is determined by the following criteria:

  1. Taste and smell. Sugar should be sweet, without extraneous tastes and smells.
  2. Fruit. The product should not take lumps. Sometimes chitryat implementers, moisturizing weight sugar (not packed). The amount does not increase, but the weight becomes much more.
  3. Color. White sugar testifies to the correct processing.
  4. Water solubility. Sugar syrup should not have a precipitate, as well as other extraneous impurities.

Sugar color

The color depends on the cleaning level of the product. If it is poor quality, some elements of sugar may adversely affect the body. The darker the color of the product, the more vegetable juice is present. It has components of black molasses in which there are many trace elements. Yellow sugar sand, which is rich in valuable substances.

If the product is white, then the share of this substance will be small. Although purified sugar sand is considered less useful, there are many advantages in it. He is rich in microelements, but this information is not referred to on the packaging. Sugar in the composition of waste includes a black molasses, which is enriched with useful components. Like all products created by man, sugar sand includes toxic components and pesticides, the level of which should not be higher than sanitary standards.


Often sugar facing 5-20 grams packages. They are created from a special material presented in the form of paper with polyethylene and microwave coating. Conventional polyethylene packages are subjected to thermospace.

The packaged product is packaged in drawers made of corrugated cardboard. The total weight should not be more than 20 kg. Before packing, the bottom of the package is punched with a paper or adhesive tape. After laying sugar, the upper valves are covered or tightening with steel ribbon.

If by weight, the packaged product will be ± 50 kg, then apply:

  • fabric bags;
  • bags with polyethylene liners.

Sugar sand should not wake up through the fabrics and seams. The product up to 1 tons is packaged into special containers used in the transportation and storage of bulk products.


Products must be marked with not dirty paint. The information is applied in the printed method so that the name is clearly clear. The paint should not pass through the package, as sugar sand will gain a slightly different shade and fragrance.


The room where sugar will be located should be approached by sanitary standards. It should be tired and dry. It is important to take into account the temperature. If in the warehouse floors from asphalt or cement, the product is placed on pallets. It is necessary to control the relative humidity of the air. Pallets are covered with clean tarpaole, burlap or paper.

Using these simple advice, You can learn to choose high-quality sugar that will delight, and also benefit. It must be used in moderate quantity, and then it strengthens the nervous system, improves the susceptibility of the senses.

© Bought From Adrian_ilie825, Fotolia

Granulated sugar (sugar), coarse, on a tablespoon, including writing "Diabetes".

Crystal Sugar. Also called refined - this is the most used type of sugar. It is made from sugar cane (reed sugar) or sugar sugar (beet sugar). At the same time, sugar bumps are known only a few hundred years, and a sugar cane is already growing about 10,000 years old on the Mellanesian Islands and Polynesia. Two thousand years later, he began to grown in India and Persia.

General information:

From Wikipedia: "Sugar - domestic name of sucrose (12C * 11 H 2 O). Reed and beet sugar (sugar sand, refined) is an important food product. Conventional sugar belongs to carbohydrates, which are considered valuable nutrients providing the body with the necessary energy. The composition is quickly split in the digestive tract on glucose and fructose, which are then enrolled in the bloodstream. Glucose provides more than half of the energy costs of the body. The normal glucose concentration in the blood is maintained at 80-120 sugar milligrams in 100 millilitals (0.08 ~ 0.12%). "

Sugar types of raw materials:

  • Cane sugar:"Sugarous sugar cane stalks, plants, in the wilderness of grew in India, were the initial raw materials for the mining of sugar; in Europe, reed sugar has become known before our era as a medical device. ... most of the sugar consumed in the modern world are made from Sugar cane. Utfel crystals (raw sugar) have sticky brown raids and can be used in food as it is, or they are bleached with sulfur dioxide or coal acid (saturation) to produce a white product. "
  • Beet sugar:"FROMthe thresholds are cultivated in regions with a temperate climate with a moderate amount of precipitation and requires fertile soil. Roots can be stored without loss for several weeks before they are sent to the processing factory. Here, the coat is washed and cut, sugar syrup is extracted with hot water by diffusion. ... the juice purified by the specified means is so exempted from impurities that it can be brought to such a concentration to such a concentration, in which the sugar crystals will be deposited from the welded mass.
  • Maple sugar:"T.radiating sugar in the eastern provinces of Canada, produced from the XVII century from the juice of sugar cooling, for which the trunks in February and in March are drilled, and then juice begins to flow out of the holes, containing up to 3% sugar. The juice is evaporated, the "maple syrup" is obtained, and then sugar is mined from syrup. It is consumed by the local population instead of ordinary cane sugar. The Industry of the Maple Syrope in 1989 brought more than $ 100 million. ".
  • Palm sugar:"Palm sugar or yagre. - It is produced from a sweet juice flowing in large quantities of cuts on young floral cobs of various types of palm trees. In some localities, it is obtained mainly from the juice of coconut palm (the so-called coconut Sugar.). Palm sugar is also produced from the palm trees, rings and other palm trees.

Release form:

"Sugar is produced by the following types:

  • sugar sand
  • pressed and plump
  • powdered sugar
  • leddy sugar
  • syrup
  • in the past, produced in the form of "sugar head" "

Excessive sugar intake:

"In recent years, researchers are led to the need to limit the use of this product. It is established that in old age, excessive sugar consumption contributes to the violation of fat metabolism, leads to an increase in cholesterol concentration and blood glucose, makes disorganization in cell function.

"Cardiologists argue that as a result of increasing caloric content of nutrition at the expense of sugar in people who are not involved in physical labor, conditions are created for overweight and the rapid development of atherosclerosis."

The content of the article

SUGAR,from a chemical point of view - any substance from an extensive group of water-soluble carbohydrates, usually with a low molecular weight and more or less pronounced sweet taste. We are talking Mainly on monosaccharides (simple sugars) and disaccharides, whose molecule consists of two residues of monosaccharides. The first includes glucose (sometimes called dextrosis or grape sugar) and fructose (fruit sugar, leftulose); To the second - lactose (milk sugar), maltose (malt sugar) and sucrose (cane or beet sugar). In everyday life, however, sugar is called only the usual food sweetener - sucrose; It is she who will be considered in this article.

Sugar (sucrose) is a sweet crystalline substance highlighted mainly from the juice of sugar cane or sugar beet. In the pure (refined) form of sugar white, and the crystals of it are colorless. The brownish color of many of its varieties is due to an admixture of various amounts of molasses - condensed vegetable juice, enveloping crystals.

Sugar - high-calorie food; Its energy value is approx. 400 kcal per 100 g. It is easily digested and easily absorbed by the body, i.e. This is a fairly concentrated and fast mobilized source of energy.


Sugar is an important ingredient of various dishes, drinks, bakery and confectionery. It is added to tea, coffee, cocoa; He is the main component of candies, glaze, creams and ice cream. Sugar is used in preserving meat, stretching the skin and in the tobacco industry. It serves a preservative in jams, jelly and other products from fruits.

Sugar is important for chemical industry. Thousands of derivatives used in various fields are obtained from it, including the production of plastics, pharmaceutical preparations, effervescent drinks and frozen foods.


In nature, there are several hundred different sugars. Each green plant forms certain substances related to this group. In the process of photosynthesis of carbon dioxide atmosphere and obtained mainly from the soil of water under action solar energy First, glucose is formed, and then it turns into other sugars.

In different parts of the world, some other products, such as corn pattern, maple syrup, honey, sorg, palm and malt sugar, are used as sweeteners in different parts of the light as sweeteners, in addition to cane and beet sugar. Cornatius - very viscous, almost a colorless liquid obtained directly from corn starch. Aztec, who used this sweet syrup, made it from corn approximately just as sugar from reeds produce in our time. The patterns are significantly inferior to refined sugar in sweets, but it makes it possible to regulate the crystallization process in the manufacture of sweets and much cheaper sugar, so it is widely used in a confectionery business. Honey, distinguished by high fructose and glucose, more expensive sugar, and it is added to some products only in cases where it is required to give them a special taste. The same is the case with maple syrup, which is appreciated primarily for a specific fragrance.

Suggested syrup, with deep antiquity, used in China, are obtained from sorneter sorgartes. Sugar from him, however, never cleared so well so that it could successfully compete with beet or cane. India is almost the only country where a commercial scale receive palm sugar, but the cane sugar this country produces significantly more. In Japan, over 2000 is used as sweet supplements of malt sugar produced from starchy rice or millet. This substance (maltose) can be obtained from an ordinary starch. It is strongly inferior to sucrose in sweets, but it finds use in the manufacture of bakery products and various types of baby food.

Prehistoric person satisfied his need for sugar at the expense of honey and fruit. The same goals were probably served by some flowers whose nectar contains a small amount of sucrose. In India, more than 4,000 years ago, a kind of raw sugar from the flowers of the Maduka tree was mined ( Madhuca.). Africans in a cap of the colony used to do this Melianthus Major., and the borants in South AfricaProtea Cynaroides.. In the Bible, honey is mentioned quite often, and the "Sweet Cane" is only twice, from which it is possible that the main sweetener in biblical times was precisely honey; This, by the way, is confirmed by historical evidence, according to which sugar reeds began to grow in the first centuries of our era in the middle east.

On not too sophisticated taste Refined reed and beet sugar are practically indistinguishable. A business is a raw sugar, an intermediate product of production containing a mixture of vegetable juice. Here the difference is very noticeable: the reed sugar raw is quite suitable for use (unless, of course, obtained in adequate sanitary conditions), while the beet sugar is unpleasant. It differs in taste and molasses (sternature) - an important by-product of sugar production: the cane in England is eagerly eaten, and the beetroot in food is not suitable.


If the refining sugar refining is carried out directly on the beetrootions, then the purification of reed sugar, in which only 96-97% of sucrose, requires special refinery, where pollutants are separated from crystals: ash, water and components, united by the general concept of "Neshara " The latter includes scraps of plant fibers, wax that covered the stem reed, protein, small amounts of cellulose, salts and fats. Only due to the huge scale of the production of refined cane and beet sugar, this product is so cheap today.


Judging by statistics, the consumption of refined sugar in the country is directly proportional to the income per capita. The leaders here include, for example, Australia, Ireland and Denmark, where per person accounts for more than 45 kg of refined sugar per year, while in China - only 6.1 kg. In many tropical countries where sugar cane are grown, this figure is significantly lower than in the US (41.3 kg), but people there have the ability to consume sucrose not in pure form, but in another form, usually in the composition of fruits and sweet drinks.



Sugarcane ( Saccharum officinarum) - A long-term very high grassy type of family of cereals - cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions for the sake of sucrose contained in it, as well as some side products of sugar production. The plant resembles bamboo: its cylindrical stems, often reaching the height of 6-7.3 m with a thickness of 1.5-8 cm, grow beams. Sugar is obtained from their juice. In the nodes of the stems are kidneys, or "eyes", developing in short side shoots. Of these, cuttings are used to reproduce the cane. Seeds are formed in the top inflorescences - belties. They are used to remove new varieties and only in exceptional cases as sowing material. The plant requires a lot of sun, heat and water, as well as fertile soil. That is why sugar cane cultivate only in areas with hot and humid climates.

Under favorable conditions, it grows very quickly, its plantation is similar to the impassable jungle. In Louisiana (USA), sugar cane rises in 6-7 months, in Cuba it takes a year for this, and in Hawaii - 1.5-2 years. To ensure the maximum content of sucrose in stems (10-17% of the mass), the crop collect, as soon as the plant ceases to grow in height. If cleaning is manually maintained (with the help of long-knife machete), shoots cut from the earth itself, after which the leaves remove and cut the stalks to short pieces, comfortable for processing. Manual cleaning is used where labor is cost cheap or features of the site do not allow efficient use of machines. On large plantations typically use techniques, pre-burning the lower tier of vegetation. The fire destroys the bulk of weeds, without damaging sugar cane, and the process mechanization significantly reduces the cost of production.


The right to be considered a homeland sugar cane challenges two regions - fertile valleys in the northeast of India and Islands of Polynesia in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean. However, botanical research, ancient literary sources and etymological data speak in favor of India. Many rustic varieties of sugar reeds occurring there in their main signs do not differ from modern cultural forms. Sugar reed is mentioned in the laws of Manu and other holy books of the Hindus. The word "sugar" itself comes from Sarkara Sanskrit (Gravel, Sand or Sugar); Starting the century, this term entered Arabic as Sukkar, in the medieval Latin as succarum.

From India, the culture of sugar cane between 1800 and 1700 BC. Penetrated China. This is evidenced by several Chinese sources reporting that to get sugar by digesting his stems taught the Chinese people who lived in the Ganges Valley. From China ancient navigators probably brought him to the Philippines, Java and even in Hawaii. When many centuries later in Pacific Ocean Spanish sailors appeared, a wild sugar cane has already grew on many Pacific Islands.

Apparently, the first mention of Sahara in the ancient times refers to the time of the campaign to India Alexander Macedonsky. In 327 BC One of his commander, nearh, reported: "They say that the reed is growing in India, giving honey without the help of bees; As if you can also prepare intoxicating drinks, although there are no fruits on this plant. " After five hundred years, Galen, the main medical authority of the ancient world, recommended "Sakcharon from India and Arabia" as a remedy for the diseases of the stomach, intestines and kidneys. Persians, too, although much later, heavened the habit of sugar from the Hindu, and at the same time they did a lot to improve the methods of its purification. Already in the 700s, Nestorian monks in the Valley of Euphrates successfully made white sugar, using ash to clean it.

Arabs, distributed from 7 to 9 centuries. His holds in the Middle East, North Africa and Spain, brought a sugar cane culture in the Mediterranean. After a few centuries later, the crusaders returned from the Holy Land introduced the whole sugar Western Europe. As a result of the collision of the two of these great expansions, Venice, which was at the crossroads of the trade routes of the Muslim and Christian world, ended up with the center of European trade with sugar and remained for them for more than 500 years.

At the beginning of the 15th century Portuguese and Spanish sailors spread the culture of sugarcane on the island Atlantic Ocean. His plantations appeared first on Madeira, Azorhs and the Islands of Green Cape. In 1506 Pedro de Atiens ordered to plant a sugar cane on Santo Domingo (Haiti) - thus, this culture penetrated into a new light. In just some 30 years after her appearance in the Caribbean, she spread there so much that it became one of the main in West Indies, which is now called "sugar islands." The role of sugar produced here quickly grew with an increase in demand for it in the countries of Northern Europe, especially after in 1453 Turks captured Constantinople and the importance of the Eastern Mediterranean as a sugar supplier fell.

With the spread of sugar cane in West Indies and the penetration of his culture in South America More workers were required for its cultivation and processing. The natives who survived the invasion of the first conquerors turned out to be little suitable for operation, and plantators found a way out in the browse of slaves from Africa. In the end, the production of sugar turned out to be inextricably linked with the slave-owned system and generated by the bloody riots, shaking the islands of West Indies in the 18th and 19th centuries. Initially, the press for pressing sugar cane was driven by oxen or horses. Later, in places blowable by the trade winds, they changed more efficient windy engines. However, the production as a whole was still quite primitive. After pressing the raw cane, the resulting juice was purified using lime, clay or ash, and then evaporated in copper or iron vaults, under which the bonfire was bred. Refining was reduced to dissolving crystals, boiling mixtures and subsequent re-crystallization. Also, in our time, the remains of stone millstone and abandoned copper cans are reminded in West Indies of the past owners of the islands that made the state on this profitable fishery. By the middle of the 17th century. The main manufacturers of sugar in the world were Santo Domingo and Brazil.

On the territory of the modern US, the sugar cane first appeared in 1791 in Louisiana, where Iesuits were delivered from Santo Domingo. True, they were grown here at the beginning mainly to chew sweet stems. However, forty years later, two enterprising colonists, Antonio Mendez and Etiente De Bore, laid his plantations on the site of the current New Orleans, setting the purpose of producing refined sugar for sale. After the de Bore was successful, other landowners were followed by his example, and the sugar cane began to cultivate all Louisiana.

In the future, the main events in the history of the cane sugar are reduced to important improvements in the technology of its cultivation, mechanical processing and final cleaning of the product.


The reed is first crushed to facilitate further pressed juice from it. Then he enters the trivial squeezing press. Usually, the reed is pressed twice, wetting between the first and second-time water to dilute the sweet liquid contained in the roma (this process is called maceration).

Obtained as a result of the so-called. "Diffusion juice" (usually gray or dark green) contains sucrose, glucose, gum, pectin substances, acids and various kinds of pollution. Methods for its cleaning in the century changed weakly. Previously, the juice was heated in large chains above open fire, and ash added to it to remove "Neshairov"; Now, to precipitate impurities, use lime milk. Where sugar is made on topical consumption, diffusion juice immediately before adding lime is treated with sulfur dioxide (sulfur gas) - to accelerate bleaching and cleaning. Sugar is obtained yellowish, i.e. Not fully cleaned, but quite pleasant to taste. In both cases, after adding the lime, the juice is transferred to the sump-illuminator and kept there at 110-116 ° C under pressure.

Following an important stage In the production of raw sugar - evaporation. Saw comes through pipes into evaporators, where it is heated by a steam passing along a closed pipe system. When the dry matter concentration reaches 40-50%, the evaporation continues in vacuum devices. As a result, a mass of sugar crystals suspended in a thick molasses, so-called ATFEL. The intensity is centrifuged, removing molasses through the mesh walls of the centrifuge, in which only sucrose crystals remain. The degree of purity of this raw sugar is 96-97%. Remote molasses (Tweette of the Utfel) are boiled again, crystallized and centrifuged. The resulting second portion of the raw sugar is somewhat less clean. Then spend another crystallization. There are often up to 50% sucrose, but it is no longer able to crystallize due to the large number of impurities. This product ("Black Molasses") goes to the US mainly on cattle. In some countries, for example, in India, where the soil is in dire need of fertilizers, the Ottetele of the Town is simply splashing into the ground.


it briefly comes down to the next. First, the raw sugar is mixed with sugar syrup to dissolve the remains of molasses, enveloping crystals. The resulting mixture (affinational intensity) is centrifuged. The centrifuged crystals are washed with steam, getting almost white product. It is dissolved, turning into a thick syrup, they add lime and phosphoric acid there, so that the impurities flooded in the form of flakes, and then filtered through bone coal (black granular material obtained from animal bones). The main task at this stage is complete discoloration and solidification of the product. The refining of 45 kg of dissolved raw sugar is consumed from 4.5 to 27 kg of bone coal. The exact ratio is not installed, since the absorption capacity of the filter as it uses it decreases. The resulting white mass is evaporated and after crystallization is centrifuged, i.e. It is approximately the same as with sugar cane juice, after which the refined sugar is dried, removing the remnants (approx. 1%) of water from it.


Close-up manufacturers include Brazil, India, Cuba, as well as China, Mexico, Pakistan, USA, Thailand, Australia and Philippines.

Beeting sugar


Sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris.) Using a long silver-white root (sugar from it) and a rosette of leaves (BOTS), which serve as excellent feed for livestock. The root in its largest part reaches 10-15 cm in diameter, and its subtle processes penetrate into the soil at a depth of 90-120 cm. The average weight of the root is OK. 1 kg; Up to 15% is sucrose, which corresponds to approximately 14 teaspoons of sand sugar. Sugar beets is grown mainly in a temperate zone, and since each plant consumes over the growing season on average OK. 55 liters of water, culture requires abundant irrigation. By the time of harvesting, the water content in the roots can reach 75-80%, and in the tops - 90%.

According to the efficiency of photosynthesis, i.e. Transformation of solar energy and inorganic substances to nutrient organic substances, sugar beet occupies one of the first places among the plants. Her motherland is unknown. Scientists believe that in prehistoric times it was a wild-growing annual in southern Europe and North Africa. Later, hitting in the area with a cooler climate, the sugar beet has become a two-year-old, in the first year with sugar reserves in the root, and on the second giving seeds. Now it is cleaned at the end of the first growing season, when the mass of the roots and their sugarity are maximal.


According to the reports of Spanish landlords, the Indians in the valley of the Santa Clara river on the territory of the current California made some seating from the juice of wild sugar beets. In Europe, the fact that Sugar is contained in the beets, they already knew in the 16th century, but only in 1747 the German chemist A.Markgraf received crystalline sucrose from it. Same significant event In the history of beet sugar occurred in 1799, when the laboratory experiments F. Hard confirmed that the production of this product is justified from an economic point of view. As a result, in 1802, the beetroothery plants in Silesia (Germany) appeared.

At the beginning of the 19th century. During the Napoleonic Wars, the British fleet blocked the coast of France, and the import of sugar from West Indies would temporarily stop. This forced Napoleon to turn to the German model and build a number of experienced beet enterprises. In 1811, it was already well established: Sugar beets occupied over 32 thousand hectares, refinery worked throughout the country.

After the defeat of Napoleon, the European market was literally littered with caribbean sugar, and the newly emerging beet production began to christmas. Interest in Him, however, again increased during the reign of Louis Philipp and Napoleon III, and since then it is one of the important industries of the France economy.

In America, the beet sugar was spoken in the 1830s. The Association that arose in Philadelphia delegated its representatives to Europe to study its production. From 1838 to 1879, about 14 unsuccessful attempts were undertaken in the United States to improve the production of beet sugar. The real catastrophe has befeated Mormons in the 1850s, when they purchased equipment in France by $ 12,500, delivered it to the sea to New Orleans, then up the Mississippi to the state of Kansas, finally, from there on the will in the Utah, but to launch him and failed. Success achieved E.Dyer, who applied new production methods in California. Thanks to him in America there has been his own beetroot production. Since then, it has been continuously developed, and now the proportion of beet sugar is approx. 25% of the total raffinade produced in the United States.


Sugar beet is a bulk and perishable product, so plants for its processing are usually built near the plantations. To obtain 45 kg of sugar from about 290 kg, beets are required. 27 kg of coal and 16 kg of lime and coke. The process is composed of the already described stages: extraction, cleaning, evaporation and crystallization.

First, the beets are wash, and then cut into the chips, which is loaded into the diffuser, where sugar is extracted from the vegetable mass of hot water. As a result, "diffusion juice", containing from 10 to 15% sucrose. The remaining beet believes serves as an excellent feed for livestock. Diffusion juice is mixed in a saturator with limescale. There are severe impurities here. Then, carbon dioxide is passed through a heated solution to lime tied non-Sahara. Filtering them, get so-called. "Purified juice." Whitening includes sulfur gas through it, and then filtering through activated carbon. Excess water remove evaporation. The liquid obtained in the final result contains from 50 to 65% sugar.

Crystallization is carried out in huge vacuum tanks with a height of sometimes with a two-storey house. Its product - the UTFEL - is a mixture of molasses with crystals of sucrose. These components are separated by centrifugation, and the resulting solid sugar is dried. Unlike reed, it does not require further refining and is suitable for use.

From melassa (first outcue), they receive evaporation to the second, and then the third batch of less clean crystals. They are dissolved and refined.


Main manufacturers - Russia, Germany, USA, France, Poland, China, Turkey and Italy. In Europe, almost all sugar are obtained from sugar beet. In the US, the crop of sugar beet amounted to in 1991 24,982,000 tons; It grows mainly in Minnesota, California, Idaho and North Dakota.

Maple sugar and syrup

The maple brown syrup is very sweet and is distinguished by a strong peculiar flavor arising from the reactions flowing in the process of its manufacture. Maple sugar and syrup produce almost exclusively in the North-East of the United States, mainly in the states of Vermont and New York. And sugar and syrup are predominantly from the pops growing in these areas of black, red, silver and sugar maples. In itself, it does not have a special taste, but contains an average of 3% sucrose. One tree gives a year from 38 to 95 l of parches, from which it turns out 35 times less than syrup.

American Indians added it instead of salt in porridge, soups and even in meat dishes. They also taught the collection and processing of maple passes of European settlers who tried to put on the same birch and gray walnut. The first written mention of this product refers to 1760; It follows from it that malls grow in Canada, "giving a large amount of useful refreshing juice" suitable for the manufacture of special sugar. The tribes of Winnubagov and Chippetov delivered the large number of northwestern fur company. Most of the whole maple sugar and syrup was produced between 1850 and 1890. In the future, the role of these products fell mainly because cane sugar is much cheaper. In our time, the maple syrup appreciate only its special fragrance and is used mainly with waffles and muffins.

The line is usually carried out from the end of February to the end of April; During this period, cold dry nights and sunny days contribute to Sokotovy. In the trunk of a tree, drilled at a depth of 5 cm hole with a diameter of 1.5 cm and insert a wooden or metal groove into it, along which juice flows in the brush. Because it can quickly bother, collected during the day of the portion immediately send to evaporation. Recycling is in general by the same scheme as in the case of sugar cane, although the technology is somewhat easier here.

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