Where is the Atlantic Ocean? The Atlantic Ocean ishes all the continents except. Which countries are washes atlantic ocean do not wash the water of the Atlantic Ocean

What continents and countries are washes atlantic ocean, you will learn from this article.

Atlantic Ocean It is the second ocean on the planet largest. It is located in the north between Iceland and Greenland, in the east between Africa and Europe, in the west between South and North America, Antarctica in the south. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean is 91.6 million km². About ¼ parts falls on intra-projectile seas. The average salinity of water 35 ‰. The coastline is strongly cut into regional water area.

Note that the Atlantic Ocean on the planet did not appear immediately. Many million years ago both America, Europe, Africa and Antarctica represented a single sushi massif. On Earth, the last 40 million years have occurred a very important process - the disclosure of the ocean basin. Then Sushai shared on modern continents. The disclosure of the ocean basin continues to today.

What continents is washes atlantic ocean?

The Atlantic Ocean is washes all the continents, except Australia. Namely:

  • eastern shores of North America
  • eastern shores of South America
  • western shores Africa
  • western shores Eurasia
  • north-West Bank of Antarctica

Which countries are the Atlantic Ocean?

The water of the Atlantic Ocean is washed by 49 large countries. Here is the full list in alphabetical order: Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Benin, Brazil, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Gabon, Haiti, Guyana, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Grenada, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Canada, Côte d'Ivoire, Cuba, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal, Republic of Congo, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal , Saint Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Suriname, USA, Sierra Leone, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, France, Equatorial Guinea, South Africa.

The Atlantic Ocean is inferior in size only to quiet, its area is approximately 91.56 million km². From other oceans, it is distinguished by the strong stencil of the coastline, forming numerous seas and bays, especially in the northern part. In addition, the total area of \u200b\u200briver basins flowing into this ocean or its outskirts is much larger than that of rivers flowing into any other ocean. Another distinction of the Atlantic Ocean is a relatively small amount of islands and a difficult terrain that, thanks to the underwater ridges and raising, forms many individual boilingns.

Northern Atlantic Ocean

Borders and coastline. The Atlantic Ocean is divided into the northern and southern parts, the boundary between which is conditionally held by the equator. From a oceanographic point of view, however, to the southern part of the ocean, an equatorial countercover should be attributed to 5-8 ° S.Sh. The northern border is usually carried out along the northern polar circle. In places, this border is marked by underwater ridges.

In the northern hemisphere, the Atlantic Ocean has a strongly rugged coastline. Its relatively narrow northern part is connected to the northern ice ocean three non-fourth straits. In the northeast of the Devisians, the spiring 360 km wide (on the latitude of the Northern Polar Circle) connects it with the sea of \u200b\u200bBuffhin, relating to the Arctic Ocean. In the central part, between Greenland and Iceland, there is a Danish strait of width in a narrow place of just 287 km. Finally, in the northeast, between Iceland and Norway, the Norwegian Sea is OK wide. 1220 km. In the east of the Atlantic Ocean, two deep-downtime in the land of the water area are stated. More northern of them begins North MorceEastern goes to the Baltic Sea with the Botnik and Finnish bays. The south there is a system of intra-projectal seas - the Mediterranean and black - the total length of approx. 4000 km. In the Gibraltar Strait connecting the ocean with the Mediterranean Sea, there are one under the other two oppositely directed flows. A lower position occupies the course heading from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, since the Mediterranean water due to more intense evaporation from the surface is characterized by a greater salinity, and therefore greater density.

In the tropical belt in the south-west of the North Atlantic, the Caribbean Sea and the Mexican Bay, connecting with the ocean Florida Strait. North America's coast is cut into small bays (pamliko, barnegat, Chesapeake, Delaware and Long Island Strait); In the north-west, Fandy and St. Lawrence are bays, the Strait Bell Isle, Hudsons of Strait and Hudsons Bay.

The largest islands are concentrated in the northern part of the ocean; This is British O-Wa, Iceland, Newfoundland, Cuba, Haiti (Spaniard) and Puerto Rico. On the eastern outskirts of the Atlantic Ocean there are several groups of small islands - Azores, Canary, Green Cape. Such groups are also in the western part of the ocean. As an example, you can specify the islands of Bahamas, Florida and Small Antilles. The archipelagoes of large and small antillery oars form an island arc surrounding the eastern part of the Caribbean. IN Pacific Ocean Such island arcs are characteristic of the areas of deformities of the earth's crust. Along the convex side of the arc there are deep-water gutters.

The Atlantic Ocean's Wpadina is cut off by the shelf, whose width varies. The shelf split deep gorges - so on. Underwater canyons. Their origin still causes disputes. According to one theory, the canyons were cut by rivers when the ocean level was lower than modern. Another theory binds them to formulates with the activities of the torment. It was suggested that the mound flows are the main agent that exercises the deposition of the penetrations at the bottom of the ocean and what exactly they cut through the underwater canyons.

The bottom of the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean has a complex crossed relief formed by a combination of underwater ridges, hills, boilinglines and gorges. The brutal part of the oceanic bottom, from the depth of about 60 m and to a few kilometers, is covered with thin or darkest sediments of a dark blue or bluish-green. A relatively small area occupy rock outputs and sections of gravel-pebble and sandy sediments, as well as deep-water red clays.

On the shelf in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, telephone and telegraph cables are laid for North America with North-Western Europe. Here, the areas of the north-Atlantic shelf are confined to the areas of industrial fisheries related to the number of the most productive in the world.

In the central part of the Atlantic Ocean passes, almost repeating the outlines of coastlines, a huge underwater mountain chain of OK. 16 thousand km known as the Mid-Atlantic Range. This ridge divides the ocean into two approximately equal parts. The brutal part of the vertices of this underwater ridge does not reach the surface of the ocean and is at a depth of at least 1.5 km. Separate the highest peaks rise above the ocean and form the islands - Azores in North Atlantic and Tristan da Cunya - in South. In the south, the ridge envelopes the coast of Africa and continues further north to the Indian Ocean. A rift zone is stretched along the axis of the middle-atlantic ridge.

Surface flows in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean are moving clockwise. The main elements of this large system are a warm flow of Golf Stream, as well as the north-Atlantic, Canary and Northern Passatom (Equatorial) flow. Gulfstream follows from Florida Strait and O.Kuba in the northern direction along the coast of the United States and about 40 ° C. sh. deviates to the northeast, changing the name to the north-Atlantic flow. This flow is divided into two branches, one of which should be north-east along the shores of Norway and further to the Northern Arctic Ocean. It is thanks to it that the climate of Norway and the entire North-Western Europe is significantly warmer than it could be expected on the latitudes corresponding to the area stretching from New Scotia to South Greenland. The second branch turns to the south and further to the southwest along the shores of Africa, forming a cold canary flow. This course moves to the southwest and is connected to the North Trading course, which is sent to the west towards the West Indies, where and merges with the Gulf Stream. To the north of the Northern Passat, there is a region of stagnant water, abundant by algae and known as the Sargassov Sea. Along the North Atlantic coast of North America, a cold Labrador Code is held from the north, the following from Buffinov Bay and the sea Labrador and the cooling bank of New England.

South of the Atlantic Ocean

Some experts refer to the Atlantic Ocean in the south all the water space to the most Antarctic Ice Cover; Others are accepted for the southern border of the Atlantic imaginary line connecting Cape Horn in South America with a thickety of good hope in Africa. The coastline in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean is much less cut than in Northern, there are also no internal seas in which the influence of the ocean could penetrate into the mainstream of Africa and South America. The only major bay on the African coast is Guinean. On the coast of South America, large bays are also not a few. The most southern tip of this continent - the fiery ground - has a rugged coastline, bordered by numerous small islands.

There are no large islands in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, however, there are separate insulated islands, such as Fernando di Norona, Ascension, São Paulo, St. Helena, Tristan-Da-Kunya Archipelago, and in the Elder - Bouvet, South Georgia , Southern Sandwich, Southern Orkney, Falkland Islands.

In addition to the Mid-Atlantic Range, two main underwater mountain chains are allocated in the South Atlantic. The whale ridge extends from the south-western tip of Angola to about. Tristan-da-kunya, where it is connected to the middle-atlantic. Rio de Janeiro ridge stretches from O-Gossi Tristan-Da-Kunya to the city of Rio de Janeiro and is a group of individual underwater elevations.

The main flow systems in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean are moving counterclockwise. Southern Passatown During the West. At the east coast of Brazil, it is divided into two branches: Northern carries water along the North Shore of South America to the Caribbean, and the Southern, warm Brazilian current moves to the south along the shores of Brazil and joins the flow of Western winds, or the Antarctic, which is sent to the East and then northeast. Part of this cold course is separated and carries its water to the north along african coast, forming a cold Bengelege current; The latter eventually joins the southern trademark. The warm Guinean flow is moving south along the coast of North-West Africa to the Guinean Bay.

The Atlantic Ocean is considered one of the largest and voluminous largest, namely the second size after the Pacific Ocean. This ocean, the most studied and mastered, if compared with other waters. Its located is as follows: from the east is framed by the shores of North and South America, and in the west of its borders ends Europe and Africa. In the south, he goes to the southern ocean. And from the northern side borders with Greenland. The ocean is characterized by the fact that there are very few islands in it, and the relief of his bottom is all twisted and has complicated structure. The line of the coast is broken.

Characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean

If we talk about the ocean area, it takes 91.66 million square meters. km. It can be said that part of its territory is not the ocean itself, but the existing seas, bays. Ocean volume 329.66 million square meters. km, and its average depth of 3736 m. Where the Puerto Rico gutter is located, it is considered the biggest depth of the ocean, which is 8742 m. The flows allocate two - North and South.

Atlantic Ocean on the North side

The border of the ocean from the north in some places is marked by ridges located under water. In this hemisphere, the Atlantic is framed by the rugged shore line. Its small northern part is connected to the Northern Arctic Ocean with several narrow straits. The devisians of the Strait are located in the northeast and connects the ocean with the sea of \u200b\u200bBuffin, which is also considered to belong to the Arctic Ocean. Closer to the center there is a Danish strait less wide than the devisians. Between Norway and Iceland closer to the northeast is the Norwegian Sea.

In the southwest of the northern flow of the ocean, there are a Mexican bay, which is connected by the Floridian strait. And also the Caribbean Sea. Here you can mark a lot of bays, such as barnegate, Delaware, Hudsons Bay and others. It is in the northern side of the ocean that you can see the largest and large islands that are famous for their fame. This is Puerto Rico, world-famous Cuba and Haiti, also British Islands and Newfoundland. Closer to the east you can find small clubs of the islands. This is the Canary Islands, Azores and Green Cape. Closer to the West - Bahamas, small antilles.

South of the Atlantic Ocean

Some of the geographers believe that the southern part is all the space to the Antarctic. Someone determines the border at Cape Mountain and Cape of the Good Hope of two continents. The shore in the south of the Atlantic Ocean is not so cut as in the north, and there is no seas. There is one major bay near Africa - Guinean. The most distant point in the south is a fiery land that is framed by small islands in large quantities. Also here you can not meet big IslandsBut there are separate islands as about. Ascension, St. Helena, Trustee-Kunya. At the most extreme south, you can meet the Southern Islands, Buvet, Falkland and others.

As for the flow in the south of the ocean, here all systems are coming counterclockwise. Near the East of Brazil, the southern trade house is branched. One branch goes to the north, proceeds near the north shores of South America, filling the Caribbean. And the second is considered southern, very warm, moving near Brazil and soon connects with the Antarctic current, then it is sent to the eastern side. Partially separated and turns into a Bengelege course, which is distinguished by its cold waters.

Atlantic Ocean Attractions

There is a special underwater cave in the Belize Barrier Reef. It was called a blue hole. It is very deep, and inside it is still located a number of caves that are connected by the tunnels. The depth of the cave reaches 120 m and is considered unique in its kind.

There is no man who would not know about the Bermuda triangle. But it is located in the Atlantic Ocean and excites the imagination of many superstitious travelers. Bermuda mounted with their mysteriousness, but at the same time frighten the unknown.

It is in the Atlantic that you can see an unusual sea that has no shores. And all because it is located in the middle of the water space, and its borders cannot be framed by land, only the currents show the boundaries of this sea. This is the only world world that has such unique data and is called Sargasso Sea.

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From the article you will learn, the coast of which continents is washes the Atlantic Ocean and how it affects them.

Characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean

The ocean covers an area of \u200b\u200b91.66 million square meters. km, so that it is the second largest after the quiet. More than 16% of its entire square falls on the straits, the sea and bays. The salinity of water is approximately 34-37 ppm. The deepest point is the chute Puerto Rico, a depth of 8742 meters. The average depth of the Atlantic Ocean is about 4 kilometers, and it is less than the quiet and Indian.

Atlantic is located in all 4 hemispheres and wash 5 continents. The Danish Strait and the Strait of Davis in the north join it with the North Arctic Ocean. In the south, he informs it with the Pacific Ocean, and with Indian it is connected by the aquatic space between Antarctica and Africa.

Previously, the Atlantic Ocean was called Western, External, North Sea, now the term "Atlantic" is often used for its designation. On the European map, the author of which was the Dutchman Varenius, the modern name of the ocean appeared in 1650.

The origin of the Atlantic Ocean title is associated with African Atlas Mountains. Scientists assume that still in the ancient Greeks this name literally meant "the sea around the mountains of Atlassa." There are two more versions of the name - one binds it to the sunken Atlantis, the other - named Titan Atlanta.

Studies of the Atlantic

The described water expanses people began to master before other oceans, through the Watercaters of the Mediterranean Sea. Even before our era on the shores of the Mediterranean, the ancient peoples were founded. Watching tides and bets, animals and a floral world, they were the first researchers of these waters.

Of course, in ancient times, people did not know exactly what continents washed atlantic ocean. Their geographical knowledge differed noticeably from modern. Nevertheless, the swimming in the northern Atlantic Povery made in the IV century to our era. And in the 10th century, our era, from Normandy, made the first swimming through the Atlantic Ocean, arriving towards the shores of Newfoundland.

  • Brazilian;
  • Gwiangsky;
  • Golfstream;
  • Norwegian.
  • Greenland;
  • Labradorsky;
  • Canary;
  • Bengelskoe.


Now we know which continents are washes the Atlantic Ocean and what effect on them he has. Stretching from north to south, this watery wide has long had a great importance for people. The water of the Atlantic binds five mainland among themselves and significantly affect their weather conditions.

Part of the World Ocean, Limited by Europe and Africa from the East and Northern and South America from the west. The name happened on behalf of Titan Atlas (Atlanta) in Greek mythology.

Inferior in size only to quiet; Its area is approximately 91.56 million km2. From other oceans, it is distinguished by the strong stencil of the coastline, forming numerous seas and bays, especially in the northern part. In addition, the total area of \u200b\u200briver basins flowing into this ocean or its outskirts is much larger than that of rivers flowing into any other ocean. Another difference Atlantic Ocean It is a relatively small amount of islands and a complex relief of the bottom, which, thanks to the underwater ridges and raising, forms many separate boilinglines.

The coast of the Atlantic Ocean-49 countries:

Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Benin, Brazil, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Gabon, Haiti, Guyana, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Grenada, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Iceland , Spain, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Canada, Côte d "Ivoire, Cuba, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal, Republic of Congo, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint - Survisions, Suriname, USA, Sierra Leone, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, France, Equatorial Guinea, South Africa.

Northern Atlantic Ocean

It is divided into the northern and southern parts, the border between which is conditionally carried out by the equator. From a oceanographic point of view, however, to the southern part of the ocean, an equatorial countercover should be attributed to 5-8 ° S.Sh. The northern border is usually carried out along the northern polar circle. In places, this border is marked by underwater ridges.

Borders and coastline

In the northern hemisphere It has a strongly rugged coastline. Its narrow northern part is connected to the northern ice-bearing ocean with three non-strokes. In the northeast of Devisov, a 360 km width connects it with the sea of \u200b\u200bBuffin, belonging to the Arctic Ocean. In the central part, between Greenland and Iceland, there is a Danish strait of width in a narrow place of just 287 km. Finally, in the northeast, between Iceland and Norway, the Norwegian Sea is OK wide. 1220 km. In the East Ot Atlantic Ocean Two deeply walking in the rustling of the water area are explicitly. More northern of them begins with the North Sea, which is east of becoming the Baltic Sea with the Botnik and Finnish bays. The south there is a system of intra-projectal seas - the Mediterranean and black - the total length of approx. 4000 km.

In the tropical belt in the south-west of the North Atlantic, the Caribbean Sea and the Mexican Bay, connecting with the ocean Florida Strait. North America's coast is cut into small bays (pamliko, barnegat, Chesapeake, Delaware and Long Island Strait); In the north-west, Fandy and St. Lawrence are bays, the Strait Bell Isle, Hudsons of Strait and Hudsons Bay.


Surface flows in the northern part Atlantic Ocean Move clockwise. The main elements of this large system are a warm flow of Golf Stream, as well as the north-Atlantic, Canary and Northern Passatom (Equatorial) flow. Gulfstream follows from Florida Strait and O.Kuba in the northern direction along the coast of the United States and about 40 ° C.Sh. deviates to the northeast, changing the name to the north-Atlantic flow. This flow is divided into two branches, one of which should be north-east along the shores of Norway and further to the Northern Arctic Ocean. The second branch turns to the south and further to the southwest along the shores of Africa, forming a cold canary flow. This course moves to the southwest and is connected to the North Trading course, which is sent to the west towards the West Indies, where and merges with the Gulf Stream. To the north of the Northern Passat, there is a region of stagnant water, abundant by algae and known as the Sargassov Sea. Along the North Atlantic coast of North America, a cold Labrador Code is held from the north, the following from Buffinov Bay and the sea Labrador and the cooling bank of New England.

Islands of the Atlantic Ocean

The largest islands are concentrated in the northern part of the ocean; This is British O-Wa, Iceland, Newfoundland, Cuba, Haiti (Spaniard) and Puerto Rico. On the eastern outskirts Atlantic Ocean There are several groups of small islands - Azores, Canary, Green Cape. Such groups are also in the western part of the ocean. As an example, you can specify the islands of Bahamas, Florida and Small Antilles. The archipelagoes of large and small antillery oars form an island arc surrounding the eastern part of the Caribbean. In the Pacific Ocean, such island arcs are characteristic of the areas of deformities of the earth's crust. Along the convex side of the arc there are deep-water gutters.

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