The theme of friendship in world literature. Literary works about friendship. Examples of friendship in literary works

Many writers in their works appeared to the topic of friendship. A friend is the person who will help find a way out of a difficult life situation, supports the Council, you can always rely on it.

Turn to Russian literature.

1) So, an example of touching and real friendship is the communication of Makara Girl and Varvara Doborovaya - the main characters of the work of F. M. Dostoevsky "Poor People". This is an epistolar novel (in letters). Despite the extreme need and life obstacles, each of these heroes thinks more about the well-being of another than about its own, which is reflected in their gentle letters.

2) In Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" The history of friendship, which passes through the whole work is the friendship of Evgenia Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov.

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Arkady road their friendship with bazaarov. Bazarov was older and more expensive to his friend with already formed views on life, sometimes very tough. Arkady is the complete opposite. Everything that he goes - peace and comfort, and this does not coincide with the life set of Bazarov - do not sit anything, do not work. Arkady is tied to the Bazarov, but it is impossible to call it friendship. Eugene has no friends, there is no one man who could speak along with him.

3) Front service - do not have to doubt that no more strong and faithful friendship between people does not exist. Examples from literature on this topic Great set. But most often this topic is revealed by the literature dedicated to the Great Patriotic War (Roman K. M. Simonova "Live and Dead", the story B. L. Vasilyev "And dawns here are quiet ...").

Updated: 2018-04-26

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IN modern world The concept of friendship was transformed into something abstract. Information Technology Human relations devalued.

It is no secret that now many people can boast except with virtual affections. However, Follovier, unlike a true friend, is unlikely to come to the rescue in difficult moment. Ask yourself - can a computer replace a real handshake, smile, advice and gatherings in a bar talking about souls? The answer will be uniquely negative.

A selection of books about true friends

1. "Three Comrades", Erich Maria Remarque

Many of our contemporaries referred to this rammer. For example, it was mentioned in the Oscar-free picture "Moscow does not believe in tears." "Three Comrades" is one of the most piercing, dramatic and beautiful novels about friendship and love. Created in the first half of the twentieth century, it still causes genuine interest among readers.

The popularity of the book is due to the reality of the experiences described in it. The author himself passed an extremely difficult life Path, Therefore, I knew the price with sincere relationships. REMARK stated his ingenious reflections simply and sincerely. A similar approach made a novel to the Gold Foundation of World Literature. I give a guarantee, generation of our descendants will be read by the creations of the Great Classic.

2. "Adventures of Geklberry Finn", Mark Twain

The colorful population of the towns located along the riverbed of the Mississippi River, familiar with us from school bench. As a child, we were pleased to be transferred to the towns of the south of the United States, ran along the paths along with Tom and Gosh and said, vividly representing the passage of hooligan boys, I read this book about friendship.

As for the matured audience, I strongly recommend another time to read the novels Mark Twain. If at a more young age, we followed exclusively for the adventures of the main characters, then with experience, we begin to pay attention to the social and political subtext of the events described and make a lot of new things for yourself.

3. "Snow Queen", Hans Christian Andersen

Few know that from under the pen of the talented author, many serious books came out. Andersen wrote beautiful poems, deep dramas, a variety of essays and philosophical novels. However, Dane became famous for fairy tales.

In short, all of our favorite parables, the writer tried to invest a whole universe. And it seems to me that he succeeded in full. The plot of the "Snow Queen" is familiar to us from the diaper. Since the publication in 1844, the fairy tale has won extraordinary popularity. Of the 7 chapters, we will learn about the adventures of the girl Gerda, which was removed by anything to rescue a friend from captivity. According to the statements of biographers, the prototype of the main character was the lady of the heart of Andersen, the opera singer who did not divide his feelings.

4. "Poutine Charlotte", Alvin Brooks White

For his shame, I read this book quite recently. There was a precomplete weather on the street, the mood was under the meteoprognosis. I wanted something warm and soulful. In such situations, children's books come to the rescue.

The short story of Alvina Brooks White will introduce you to the Milest Pierel Wilburo. He was the last in litter, the smallest and sick. From the death of the chief hero, the intervention of the girl Fern was saved. The piglery was sold on the cheap farm, where he found a real friend in the face of the pachechei Charlotte. It is its networks that will help the baby to become the most popular Cabinet of the district.

5. "Were Running", Hossaine Chalated

All over the world does not find so unlike people. Paradoxically, but two opposites pulled together to each other and became very close. Amir and Hasan seemed to have any people from different planets.

One is a descendant of an important aristocrat, a parenchy with an excellent formation applying for the title of intellectual. The other is the son of a chrome and pitiful man, an illiterate boy with physical disabilities. His ugly "hunger" lip is impossible to hide from others. Naturally, Hasan encountered brutal injury.

For the time being, the Kabul guys were friends. Comparatively peaceful idyll violated terrible events. Sexual violence has become a point of return. An unprecedented incident and betrayal of Amir scattered friends on different parties. Everyone was prepared its own way. But is it possible to break the finest connections fixed from childhood between the two souls?

6. "Fried green tomatoes in the cafe" Films ", Fanni Flagg

The story of the friendship of two women with a huge difference in age. Random acquaintance has been a beneficial effect on both heroines of the novel. However, I run a little forward, I will try to start first.

In the small town of Alabama, 48-year-old Evelin lives. She pacheled the hated mother-in-law into the nursing home, but still forced to visit a nasty old woman. It is in the last shelter for the elderly main character Meets 86-year-old Ninni.

Evelyn was disappointed in life, children left her, the husband has long chilled and with difficulty tolerates her society. A woman dwells in constant depression and kilograms eats sweet. A new acquaintance, despite the troubles and old age, has retained optimism. Ninny will turn the consciousness of Evelyn and put it on the path leading to happiness.

7. "Bogach, Pozhnyak", Irwin Show

The 1969 drama tells about the relationship within one family. Special attention is paid to the story about the fate of the two brothers. One managed to get out of people, which is not surprising, because Rudy loved in the family and school. He impressed the "Good Boy", he studied perfectly and behaved approximately.

Tom, the second brother, parents did not hurt. The boy was distinguished by a faint character, hooliganil and ever impulsed in bad stories. Tom chose a boxing field, which did not bring him a wealth, nor glory. I recommend to see you a brilliant Soviet screenization of the unique work of Irwin Show. The talent of the author in the coupe with the additions of director Arunas Zhrabryunas will leave an indelible mark in your hearts.

8. "House in which ...", Mariam Petrosyan

Although officially chief hero is a smoker name smoker, in fact the true central character of Roman Mariam Petrosyan is an old house. Children's disabled people have found shelter and only the quality of life within the boarding school depends on the favor of the building. The dilapidated structure can take, and may reject the settler at its own discretion.

Residents at home respond to the nicknames, they are divided into classes, depending on the possibility of entering into the world. The reader will gradually know the insunion of the shelter, it covers the web of mysticism and take away from the novel becomes unrealistic.

9. "Book Thief", Marcus Zuzak

Decorations of strings are pre-war Germany. The yard is 1939. Black reinforcement day of day is added. Death knocked her sleeves and brought her braid over the head of millions.

Not so long ago, the widowed woman is lucky of her children, the baby Lizel and her brother, to adoptive parents. An opaire mother hopes to save offspring from the iron fist of the Nazis. The tragedy happens on the road. The old woman with oblique visits a seriously ill boy and takes it on dark wings on the world.

Death draws attention to nine-year-old Lizel. This event leaves the scar in the memory of the girl. The main heroine then hits the heavenly street, finds new friends in the face of adoptive parents, neighboring guys and runaway Jews. However, the central object of the novel is books. A short story suggests what the impact can have a printed word on the soul and how it affects the life of a person.

10. "Kondiit and Shvambra", Leo Cassil

You can immediately change the cassile for an excessive passion for advice, but think about what the author who found the formation and flourishing of the USSR. He cleverly managed to tell personal memories of the October Revolution, placing them in the framework of the children's story.

Two brothers Lelia and the axis founded the imaginary state of Svavabrania. The guys press her immense expanses of adventure lovers, navigators and researchers. The boys themselves are honorary residents of Svambraia and recognized heroes. Schwambran collided with bitter reality, enrolling in a local gymnasium. In the walls of the educational institution, strict orders reign, for any provinos, you can please the terrible condamis.

Against the background of the Socialist Revolution, Leli and Axis are growing, they find friends and gradually reform their imaginary country. The more duties arise from boys, the less time remains for the game. Gradually, the guys come to the idea that Schwambra should be left in the past.

11. "Smillla and her feeling of snow", Peter Heg

The second book of the Danish author was published in 1992. The narrative, driven by the female, brought its creator world famous and weighty literary awards.

The main events unfold in Copenhagen. Smillla returns from work and sees a little boy on the roof. He wants to jump down, hesitates and breaks off with a slippery skate. Girl familiar with the child. His name is Isaiah and he is the son of her neighbor. The fact is that the baby was afraid of height and could not at his own will climb to the roof.

Smillla decides to inspect the scene and in the footsteps in the snow understands that the child was pursued. She sets out his suspicions in the police, but no one listens to her. The case is closed on the fact of suicide. But Smillle was the roads this boy, the girl wants to find answers to his questions. As a revealed book, she reads a snow-white snowstorm, and this cover becomes more expensive to love.

12. "Bridge in Terabitiya", Catherine Paterson

A talented boy lives in the very average family family of Virginia. Unfortunately, nobody perceives a little Jesse seriously. Mom and dad are constantly engaged, trying to feed a numerous family, the older sisters ignore the strange brother, classmates mock the boy, podding over his poverty. At the beginning, Jess is friends only with a six-year-old sister.

Everything changes with the arrival of the Berkov family town. Next to the main hero of the amazing girl Leslie shares. With her help, Jess creates a terrabia country, the only way to which opens through the rope jumping through the river. Gradually, the guys expand their fictional state, but the accident will interrupt the serene existence of friends.

13. "Per Gunt", Henrik Ibsen

The dramatic play of the Norwegian poet contains both realistic scenes, and fantastic adventures, and romantic notes. The author himself believed that outside of Scandinavia, the result of his work is unlikely to be perceived by readers.

However, the translation of the poem into many European languages \u200b\u200bdenied the fear of the creator. In addition, the amazing music of Edward Grieg has strengthened the position of the Pier Gunt's play and gave her worldwide recognition and stunning popularity. The work was repeatedly transferred to television screens and theatrical layouts.

The topic of friendship in works.

The purpose of the lesson:To identify how friendship is manifested between the heroes of works, which traits should have a friend, according to writers.

Actualization:The lesson is designed for students of grades. This is the age when the guys learn to be friends, seek to find a real friend. The topic of friendship children are very interesting. Many of them have already developed their concept of each other. Every child, no doubt, would like to know, and what other people think about this. Comparing, on the basis of his experience, his opinion with the opinion of another, adult person, students can change their mind or expand their concept of friendship, about each other. Students learn to allocate the topic in the work, expand their vocabulary, learn to express their opinion and explain why they think so. They develop their communicative abilities, expand their horizons, learn to analyze, listen and hear.

Tools:interactive board, cards with short content Text, cards with verses.

Lesson plan:

1. On an interactive blackboard the topic of the lesson and the epigraph. Students get acquainted with the theme, for the purpose of the lesson, with the epigraph. Explain the meaning of the epigraph.

3. Work in groups. Each group receives a card with a task. Representatives of the group after 15 minutes make a message.

4. Students who wish, read poems about friendship with expression. The guys argue what a friend should be, according to poets.

5. We conclude. What should be perfect friendship, what qualities should have a true friend.

6. View friendship presentations with musical accompaniment.

7. Conclusion. "To purchase a real friend, you must become a true friend."

friendship- The greatest value available to man. This axiom that does not require any evidence and, nevertheless, in each generation there is a lot of thinkers who are trying to learn about this sacrament as much as possible.

Only true friend everywhere

Will be faithful in trouble

You grieve - and he grieves,

You are not sleeping - and he does not sleep.

Everything that your peace is confused

It will take to heart

And find out only

Loyal friend and flattering enemy.

Friendship is the most necessary for life, as no one wishes his lives without friends, even if they had all the other benefits. (

If your friend becomes the enemy to you, then love him, so that the Tree of friendship, love and trust beyond the tree, who was told, because he did not watered his friendship water and did not care for him. (

Friend is one soul, living in two bodies. (

Happiness is the highest friendship, based not on the habit, and on the mind, in which a person loves his friend thanks to loyalty and goodwill.

Real friends are relative than relatives. (

Without true friendship, life is nothing. (Cicero)

And with the other and with the enemy you should be good!

Who is kind on kind, in that malice you will not find.

You offended a friend - you can't make the enemy,

The enemy is hugging - a friend is gaining. (Omar Khayam)

There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world; Exclude friendship from life - I don't care what to deprive the world sunlight. (Cicero)

A friend is looking for a long time, they find it difficult to keep it with difficulty. (Public)

Task for working in groups : 1) Acquaintance with the text, 2) On the basis of the text, write how the friendship has been manifested by the heroes, which actions prove that the characters are friends, 3) what qualities should have a true friend.

Prisoner of the Caucasus

He served in the Caucasus Officer Zhilin. He came a letter from the mother and he decided to go on vacation home. But on the road of him and another Russian officer, Kostylina grabbed the Tatars (according to Kostlin's fault, as Kostlin was to cover the hill, but he saw the Tatar began to run away from them. Kostylin betrayed Zilina). Tatar, who captured Russian officers sold them to another Tatarin. They were kept in the shackles in one Saraj.

Tatars forced the officers to write a letter home demanding a repurchase. Kostylin wrote, and the hill specially wrote another address, as he knew that she had to buy him out somehow (the old woman was so poorly). They lived so a whole month. Master's daughter Dina girl was attached to the housing, she wore him with a secret cakes and milk, and he did a pupa for her. Zhillin began to think like them with a crutch to escape from captivity, began to dig a dope in Saraj.

And once at night they fled. They ran into the forest, but Kostylin began to lag behind and whining, as he was at the legs of the legs. And so because of the crutin, they were far from gone, they noticed by one Tatar, who drove through the forest. He told the hostages to the hostages and quickly caught up with dogs. The captives were put on the shackles and were no longer removed even at night, and also put them in another place in the Arshin five pit. But Zhilin still did not despair. Everyone thought how to run away. And Dina saved him, she brought a long stick at night and descended her to a hole, on her and got the hill to the top. And Kostylin remained, did not want to run away: scared, and there was no strength.

Zhilin moved away from the village and wanted to remove the block, but he did not succeed. Dina gave him on the road of a tortilla, and then she began to cry, say goodbye to the housing: she was very attached to him, as he was very kind with her. And the hill began to leave further and further, even though the block was very prevented, when he ended in Czlz, so he completes the field to the field, for whom their Russians were already. But Zhilin was afraid that the Tatars would notice when it would cross the field. Just thought about: to the left, on the hill, there are three Tatars, tenths for two. He saw him, went to him. So the heart was cut off. I turned my hands, shouted what was my spirit: brothers! Clear! Brothers! Hilina Cossacks were assisted and rushed by Tatars. The Tatars were frightened not dozzychi began to stop. So saved the Cossacks of Zilina. He told them the zhill, as everything was with him, and he says: I went home, married! No, it is clear not the fate of mine. And remained to serve in the Caucasus. And the Kostilin was only a month later bought for five thousand. Barely alive brought.

In a bad society

The hero's childhood was held in the small town of Knazhye-Vo on South-West Territory. Vasya - so called the boy - was the son of a city judge. The child grew, "like a wild rust in the field": Mother died when his son was only six years old, and his father, absorbed in his grief, turned little attention to the boy. Vasya walked around the city for all days, and the paintings of urban life were left in his soul a deep mark.

Once, Vasya with three buddies comes to the old chapel: he wants to look there. Friends help you penetrate inside through a high window. But seeing that someone else is in the chapel, they run away in horror, throwing Vasya to the mercy of fate. It turns out that there are children Tiber Station: nine-year-old Valek and a four-year-old Maruska. Vasya begins to come to his new friends often, wearing apples from your garden. But he walks only when he can't catch tambourism. Vasya does not talk to anyone about this acquaintance. With the kiddy, he says he saw the devils.

Vasi has a sister, four-year-old Sonya. She, like her brother, is a cheerful and frisky child. Brother and sister love each other very much, but Sonina Nyanka prevents their noisy games: she considers you a bad, spoiled boy. The father is also adhered to the Father. He does not find in his soul a place for love for the boy. Father loves Sonya more, because she looks like her deceased mother.

Once in the conversation, Valek and Marusya say Vasya that they love them very much. Vasya responds about his father with a hub. But suddenly learns from Valek that the judge is a very fair and honest person. Valek - boy is very serious and intelligent. Maruya is not at all similar to Sonya, it is weak, thoughtful, "awesome." Valek says that "the gray stone sucked life from her."

Vasya learns that Valek steals food for a hungry sister. This discovery makes a serious impression on Vasya, but still he does not condemn a friend.

Valek shows Vasya Dungeon, where all members of the "bad society" live. In the absence of adults, Vasya comes there, playing with his friends. During the game in Zhmurki, it is unexpectedly tambourism. Children are frightened - after all, they are friends without the knowledge of the Terrible Head of the "bad society." But tambourism allows you to come, taking a promise from him to no one tell me where they all live. Tibyburg brings food, preparing lunch - according to him, Vasya understands that the food is stolen. This, of course, confuses the boy, but he sees that Marusya is so glad to eat ... Now Vasya comes unhindered to the mountain, and adult members of the "bad society" are also getting used to the boy, love it.

Autumn comes, and Marusya suffers. To somehow entertain a sick girl, Vasya is deciding to ask for a time from Sony a big beautiful doll, a gift to the late mother. Sonya agrees. Marusya is delighted with doll, and she even gets better.

The judge several times comes the old Yanush with denunciations on members of the "bad society." He tells that Vasya communicates with them. Nannik notes the absence of doll. Vasya is not released from the house, and in a few days he runs away with secret.

Marus is getting worse. The inhabitants of the dungeons decide that the doll needs to be returned, and this girl will not notice. But seeing that the doll want to pick up, Marusya cries bitterly ... Vasya leaves her a doll.

And again Vasya is not released from the house. The father is trying to get recognition from the son where he walked and where the doll is doing. Vasya admits that he took a doll, but no longer says anything. Father in anger ... And here at the most critical moment appears tambourism. He carries a doll.

Tibyburg tells the judge about the friendship of Vasi with his children. He is amazed. Father feels guilty before Vasya. As if the wall collapsed, a long time was separated by the Father and Son, and they felt like loved ones. Tibyburg says that Marusya died. Father releases Vasya to say goodbye to her, while he conveys money through Vasya for Tiburg and Caution: the chapter of the "bad society" is better to hide from the city.

Soon almost all "dark personalities" disappear somewhere. Only the old "professor" and Turkevich, who, the judge sometimes gives work. Marusya is buried on the old cemetery near the collapsed chapel. Vasya and sister care for her grave. Sometimes they come to the cemetery along with the Father. When Vasya and Son comes time to leave the hometown, they give their vows over this grave.

III Group

Gaidar and his team.

Colonel Alexandrov for three months at the front. He sends a telegram to Moscow to Moscow, invites them to spend the rest of the summer at the cottage.

The eldest, eighteen-year-old Olga, rides there with things, leaving the thirteen-year-old wife to take apart. Olga is studying the engineer, engaged in music, sings, she is a strict, serious girl. At the cottage Olga gets acquainted with a young engineer George Garayev. She is still waiting for Zhenya, but there are no sisters.

And Zhenya at this time, having arrived in the country village, in search of mail to send to the Father's telegram, accidentally comes on someone's empty cottage, and the dog does not release it back. Zhenya falls asleep. Waking up the next morning, he sees that there are no dogs, and nearby - encouraging a note from an unknown Timur. Finding the BoutAfic Revolver, Zhenya plays with him. An idle shot, broken mirror, scares her, she runs, forgetting the key from the Moscow apartment and telegram in the house. Zhenya comes to her sister and already foresees her anger, but suddenly some girl brings her key and receipt from the sent telegram with a note from the same Timur.

Zhenya is closed in an old barn standing in the depths of the garden. There she finds the steering wheel and takes to twist it. And from the steering wheel go rope wires. Zhenya, herself is not knowing, gives someone signals! Shed is filled with many boys. They want to beat Zhenya, unceremoniously invading their headquarters. But the commander stops them. This is the most Timur (he nephew George Garayev). He invites Zhenya to stay and listen than guys do. It turns out that they help people, especially the families of the fighters of the Red Army. But all this they do secret from adults. The boys decide to "do a lot of" Mishka Quicken and his whip, which climbs on a stranger garden and steal apples. Olga thinks that Timur is a hooligan, and prohibits his wife to drive him. Zhenya can not explain anything: it would mean to disclose the secret. Early in the morning, the guys from the Timur team filled with water barrel of old women-thrush. Then the firewood is folded into the flight for another old woman - grandmother's brigade of the girl Nureki, find her the missing goat. And Zhenya plays with a small daughter of Lieutenant Pavlov, who recently killed on the border. Timurovtsy make up the Ultimatum by Mishke Quick. They order him to appear together with the assistant, figure, and bring a list of gang members. Geeke and Kolya Bells are ultimatum. And when they come over the answer, Quicks lock them in the old chapel. Georgy Garayev rolling Olga on a motorcycle. He, like Olga, is engaged in singing: Plays in Opera Old Manisan. His "harsh and terrible" makeup will be frightened by whom you want, and joker Georgy often uses this (he belonged to the Boutaphor Revolver). Timurovtsy managed to free the gage and stroke and lock the shape instead. They arrange an ambush by the Quakan Shayka, close everyone in the booth in the marketplace and hang on the booth poster that "captives" are apple thief. In the park - a noisy holiday. George asked to sing. Olga agreed to accompaniate him on the accordion. After speech, Olga faces Timur and Zhenya in the park. The angry older sister accuses Timura that he sets up a wife against her, she is angry with George: why did he not admit him before that Timur is his nephew? George, in turn, forbids Timur to communicate with Zhenya. Olga to teach Zhenya, leaving to Moscow. There she gets a telegram: Father will be in Moscow at night. He comes just three hours to see the daughters. And to his wife, a friend comes to the cottage - the widow of Lieutenant Pavlova. It urgently needs to be in Moscow - to meet a mother, and she leaves a little daughter at the night of the zhenium. The girl falls asleep, and Zhenya leaves playing volleyball. In the meantime, telegrams come from father and from Olga. Zhenya notes telegrams only late in the evening. But she has no one to leave the girl, and the last train has already gone. Then Zhenya sends a Timur signal and tells him about his trouble. Timur entrustes Kola Kolokolchikov Sleep Sleeping Girl - For this, it is necessary to tell everything for a column grandfather. He approves the actions of boys. Timur himself takes Zhenya on a motorcycle to the city (asking for permission not from anyone, uncle in Moscow). Father is upset that he never managed to see Zhenya. And when the time is already nearing three, Zhenya appears unexpectedly with Timur. Minutes fly quickly - the Colonel Alexandrov should go to the front. Georgy does not find a nephew, nor a motorcycle and decides to send Timur home to the mother, but Timur comes, and with him Zhenya and Olga. They explain everything. Agenda comes George. In the form of a captain of tank troops, he comes to Olga to say goodbye. Zhenya passes the "general call sign", all the boys from the Timurov team are run away. All together come to accomplish George. Olga plays an accordion. George leaves. Olga tells the brilliance of Timur: "You always thought about people, and they will repay you the same."

V. Rasputin. French lessons.

The hero of the work is an eleven-year-old boy who lived and studied in the village. He was considered "bachelovy" because he was competent, and also to him often came with bonds: it was believed that he had a happy eye. But in the village where our hero lived, was only primary School And therefore, in order to continue to learn, he had to leave to the district center. In this heavy post-war time, in the period of destroying and hunger, his mother has collected all unpleasses and sent her son to learn. In the city, he felt hunger even stronger because countryside It is easier to get meal, and in the city everything needs to be bought. The boy had to live in Aunt Nadi. He suffered a little manocardance, so I bought a glass of milk every day.

In school, he studied well, on some fives, except for French, he was not given pronunciation. Lydia Mikhailovna, a French teacher, listening to him, frightened and closed his eyes. Once, our hero learns that you can make money, playing "Chiku", and he begins to play this game with other boys. However, he did not allow himself to get involved in the game and left, as soon as the ruble won. But in one day the rest of the guys did not give him to leave with the ruble, and forced to play further. Vadik, the best player in Chiki, provoked a fight. The next day, the unfortunate rustic boy comes to school all the beaten and Lydia Mikhailovna tell what happened. When the teacher found out that the boy plays for money, he called him a conversation, thinking that he spends on candy money, and in fact he bought milk for treatment. She immediately changed his attitude towards him, and she decided to deal with him French separately. The teacher invited him to his home, treated dinner, but the boy did not eat from pride and constraint. Lydia Mikhailovna, a rather secured woman, very much sympathized with a guy and wanted at least a little surround it with his attention and care, knowing that he was starving. But he did not accept the help of good teacher. She tried to send him a parcel with food, but he gave her back. To give a boy a chance to have money, comes up with the game in the "frozen". And he, thinking that such a way will be "honest", agrees and wins. The director of the school considered the game with a disciple of a crime, seducing, but did not understand essentially, which forced the teacher to it. A woman leaves for her Kuban, but she did not forget the boy and sent him a parcel with the products and even with apples that the boy never tried, but saw only in the pictures. Lydia Mikhailovna is a kind and disinterested person. Even, having lost work, she does not blame the boy and does not forget about him.

Is it necessary to call a friend?

And is it necessary to call a friend

When dark ones,

When the roads do not know

And there is no strength to go?

When trouble from all sides

When with the sun - night,

Doesn't he see,

Do not rust help?

After all, he will not be able to eat,

When it suddenly!

But ... if a friend should be called -

It is unlikely that a friend ... Valentina Kosheleva

How great that there are friends!

How cool that there are friends in the world

When there is someone to laugh and joke,

There is with whom to play, fool, like children,

And there is someone on the souls to talk!

When you understand you perfectly

Without unnecessary words and without beautiful phrases,

When with you and love, and suffer,

And live life with you sometimes!

How cool that there is in the light of friendship,

What is not subject to the winds or blizzards ...

We are together - what else do we need?

Be near and keep each other! Marina Gavrina

Fire friendship

My friend in trouble will not leave me.

He is always ready to listen.

Myself is unlikely to ask

But protects from all enemies.

He loves to communicate with me

His secrets will tell me.

I honestly you can confess

What is better not anywhere else.

He is the kindest, the most cute,

To me attentive such ...

And how beautiful his soul!

I give joy, peace, peace.

I respect him very much

After all, he is my closest friend.

I understand his problems.

Let everyone envy around!

Although we are from each other,

But the friendship of that fire is burning.

It does not threaten frost and blizzard,

Nothing will eat it! Olga Chernysheva

Direction "Friendship and Enmity" of the final essay 2016-2017 in literature: examples, samples, work analysis

Examples of writing works on literature in the direction of "Friendship and Enmity". Each work is given statistics. Some essay schools and use how ready samples At the final essay is not recommended.

These work can be applied to prepare for the final essay. They are intended to form a submission of students on the full or partial disclosure of the theme of the final essay. We recommend using them as an additional source of ideas in the formation of your own presentation of the disclosure of the topic.

Probably, each of us wondered how the real friend should be. And what would be the result of our reflection, we all converge in that true friendship Only relationships, full of sincerity, trust, spiritual proximity, willingness to come to help in a difficult moment ... The one who gained the other person of such a faithful comrade and himself corresponds to the high rank of a friend, can feel free to call himself as a while.

But, unfortunately, the one or the one that was called by our friends, they are not always them. Opening his innermost thoughts or stretching the hand to help to another person, we always risk, as "Alien Soul - Potomki." And the enemy, skillfully hidden under friendly larva, of course, the most dangerous, because he knows about you much.

Russian writers have repeatedly appealed to the plots, where yesterday's friend turned out to be a terrible enemy, which caused the hero of suffering. Recall the "Captain Daughter" A.S. Pushkin. Custodian Swabrin, first seemed by Peter Greenuav a friend, more than once makes a meanness in relation to the young nobleman. Alexey Ivanovich, slandering Masha Mironov, forces Greenwood to defend the honor of a girl on a duel. But and on Duele, Shvabrin behaves far from no noble. Taking advantage of the fact that Peter was overwhelmed by Savelych who had hurned to them, she brings the Greenwood heavily. Throughout the work, we see how Schvabrin, who recently pretended by another not only Peter, but also the Mironov family, with ease interfacing from them, from the noble honor, from the Empress ...

In the novel M.Yu.Lermontov "Hero of our time" we get acquainted with another character, which only simulates a friendly location. Pechorin is unable to be a friend, but to play human destinies, pretending to be attentive companion of the Pereshnitsky, as well as dusty in love with the princess Mary. By convincing the naive young man that the girl is in love with him, Grigory Aleksandrovich gossip the intrigue network, in which an inexperienced Meri, who loved the Pechista, and the self-leaning Hushchnitsky, who was wound with the cooling of the princessed to him because of Gregory Aleksandrovich. To dispel boredom, Pechorin becomes the director of the bloody performance, the junction of which will become broken heart Young girl and the death of the unfortunate man, really loved Mary ... Lermontov well understood that such a meanness is an imaginary friend and left the descendants to transfer wise lines Abdurrahman Jami:

What do you want to hide from the enemies
To friends should not speak.

Yes, the enemy is a very dangerous man, but the enemy, who put on a friend's mask, is worse in the stock. Faced with such a hypocriser who destroyed life, a person can for many years and decades stop trusting people and stay lonely. But still, no matter how big the risk of being devoted, happiness to have sincere friends much more.

(387 words)

Material N.A. Tooth

"A friend will find in trouble" so reads folk wisdomBut I do not quite agree with her. A real friend is known not only in trouble, but also in joy. And they proved many writers.
In the novel of Veniamina Alexandrovich Caveryin "Two Captain" shows us two friends Sasha Grigoriev and Misha Romashov. Their friendship in one moment ends, as Misha could not calmly look at the relatives of Katy Tatarinov and Sasha Grigoriev, because the chamomile himself was in love with her. Misha is capable of betraying his friend, during the war he threw a wounded Sasha to die.

This shows that Romomash did not need friends at all, and whether such a person could lie. After all, such people like Misha are not able to help a person in a difficult moment, and you will not share joy with him.

And Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy in his Roman-Epopea "War and Peace" shows us a real friendship on the example of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Proghovah.

Pierre is trying to help Andrey will cope with the loss of his wife and condoles him. And when Bolkonsky falls in love with Natasha, Lyuhov sincerely rejoices the happiness of his friend. These episodes show Pierre's relationship to friendship, he values \u200b\u200bhis friendship with Andrey. Pierre Duhov is ready to sacrifice his happiness for each other. This can be seen because Zhano is trying to pick up Andrey with Natasha, although he himself in love with her. Only a real friend is able to recover in a difficult moment, he does not know how to envy and hurt his close friend. Such friends are able to divide only death.
Thus, a friend can be called present, if he and in the mountain will help and will be happy to be happy with you.

(252 words)

Arguing O. important people In his life, we most often arrange them in this order - parents, close relatives, friends familiar. Parents and relatives do not choose, familiar are not allowed too deep in life. And only a real friend is a person, relationships with which are based on reciprocity, goodwill, sincerity and sympathy. This happens - there are two strangers and certain conditions become indispensable for each other.

Without friendship, life is not full. But only if we are talking About true friendship - not empty communication, using each other for mercenary purposes. Just this, on the contrary, does not bring us anything good. Why do you need a friend who is with you just because he is more like anything else, and he will easily disappear for a long time, without even warning? Or a friend who speaks one thing with you, Aza your back gossip about you? Or one who communicates with you only when is it necessary for something? Or envious? Does such "friends" make life full?

And best of all the true essence of friendship, as for me, is revealed in the "Little Prince" fairy tale A. de Saint-Exupery. There in the conversation fox with a little prince says that in order to become close, you need to know each other. We must let a person in his heart, thoughts, life. And in myself to enter it. It is confidence, and it is it sacred. And this is a real happiness - to be with whom it is frank and know that you will be accepted and will not betray you. And this is the need for each of us.

(318 words)

"In the House of Human Happiness, friendship reduces the walls, and love forms a dome." In these words, K. Prutkova shaped a certain role of friendship in human relations. Now, when time runs extremely quickly, when the rhythm of life acquires a frantic pace, when there is not enough time to communicate, and television often replaces it, how to understand what is real friendship? Does this relationship with superficial friendly friends are mixed, which are based on the community and rest? Friendship enlists life, appreciated it and alleged antiquity thinkers. Friendship, in the assessment of Aristotle, is the most important for life: because no one wants to live without friends, even if he had all the other wealth.

Then he clarified: "Friendship is not only invaluable, but also beautiful - we glorify those who love their friends, has many friends - it is wonderful, and some even it seems to be a good man And the other is the same thing. Friendship in Ukrainian culture is extremely appreciated. Revealing the great strength of friendship, Grigory Skovorod leads the words of Plutarch: "Friendship, accompanying life, not only adds joy and charming to his light sides, but also reduces suffering, and God, adding friendship to life, did everything so that everything was joyful, pleasant and Mile, when a friend is near and together with you. And as if the lets did not come disaster, using pleasure and pleasantness, it is necessary to know that he does not bring anything joyful to friendship. " Skovorod taught to be careful in choosing friends. Of course, the time contributes its own adjustments, but such concepts as friendship, love will always remain the highest values.

They constitute any mysterious process that cannot be programmed, fill the life with the joy of communication, mutual understanding, emotionally enriches it. In the psychology, the concept of "friendship" is defined as persistent personal-selective interpersonal relationships that characterize the mutual benefits of their participants, the mutual expectations of the corresponding feelings and return benefits. The development of friendship involves following its uncommitable "Code", which approves the need for mutual understanding, frankness and sincerity. It provides for credulity, active mutual assistance, mutual interest in affairs and experiences of the other, sincerity and selflessness of feelings.

Serious violations of the "Code of Friendship" lead to its termination, or to superficial friendly relations, or even to the transformation of friendship in its opposite - hostility. The greatest intensity reaches friendship in the youth years and in the period of early maturity, when there is an exceptional importance of relationships with friends, the greatest frequency of meetings and the largest volume of time. At the same time, relations between friends are filled with deep emotional content and are often maintained throughout life. Friendship sometimes performs a kind of form of psychotherapy. It permits to express the innermost feelings that are overwhelmed by a person, and find support for those who share her thoughts.

For me, friends are of great importance. These are the most expensive people after parents.

With them, I can always be frank. Together with friends, I find a solution to any problem, it is easier to carry out all sorts of work with them, to spend free time. I appreciate my friends, I try not to quarrel with them and help them always when the need arises. So, in fact, according to a folk proverb, a person without friends is that a tree without roots.

(467 words)

Friendship and enmity - these antipodes are increasingly and more often in the 21st century. Friendship is a relationship based on trust, mutual assistance and support. And the enmity is opposed to friendship. People do not appreciate each other, friendship between each other. Having quarreled, you can never return friendship. For evidence of your reasoning, I want to contact examplerants from fiction.

In the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" talks about two comrades - Onegin and Lensky. Their friendship was so strong, but the enmity allowed this friendship to destroy. At the birthday of Tatiana Larina, Evgeny Onegin invited the beloved Lensky to the dance - Olga Larina. It was from Eugene, as if retailing. But this backstage very insulted Lensky, after which he invited Eugene to Duel. A duel ended with a very tragic death of Lensky. According to the beginning, Eugene did not want to kill Lensky, but he also did not want to look like a coward in society. After the death of Lensky Evgeny simply did not understand the meaning of life, because he lost his loved one.

Also, as proof of my thoughts, I can lead Roman M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time", where the main characters are Pechorin and Grushnitsky. Georshnitsky slander on his friend Pechorin, because he considered himself a leader, suggesting that they were not in two places. After all this vile slander, Pechorin called the Huschnitsky to duel. He believed that nothing had left him anything except her. In the small soul of Huschnitsky, generosity did not awaken. And he fired in an unarmed person. Fortunately, the bullet only scratched the knee of the opponent. Despite and malice covered Pechorin at the thought that this person with such ease could kill him.

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The ability to be friends is a skill that can and needs to develop in a person from early childhood. From early childhood, learn the baby to share with friends toys, keep the secrets of a friend and respect his personal boundaries. Tell your child about your friends, talk together what the expression is "true friend", and, of course, use the possibilities of children's literature - read the baby literary works about friendship.

The kids of the first years of life can not be imbued with such a multifaceted concept as real, faithful friendship. By virtue of immature, they are egocentric and only, with the help of attentive parents, they learn to empathize and put themselves at the place of another person. But already at the most gentle age, the boys and girls are gladly listening to fairy tales and stories, which have simple but important lists of friendship and mutual assistance. The main thing is to thoughtfully choose books for the smallest.

Russians folk tales about animals
  1. "Teremok";
  2. "Repka";
  3. "Ryaba chicken";
  4. "Winter beasts";
  5. "Bear and Dog" -

in these fairy tales, folk wisdom is laid, the centuries are transmitted from generation to generation. The uncomplicated plot fascinates the baby, caresses his attention and helps to master the first lessons of friendship. Read the child, consider colorful illustrations, explain the key idea, morality.

Tales of SUYEEV for the smallest

Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev is the author of many stories for preschoolers and children of younger school age. The recognizable heroes and understandable situations help through the fairy tale to explain the Karapuzam, why it is necessary to help people and animals, why it is necessary to take care of nature, why it is necessary to appreciate and keep friendship.

  1. "Once, two - friendly!"
  2. "Chicken and duck";
  3. "Celestial wand";
  4. "Under the mushroom";
  5. "Cat-fisherman."
The poem of Zinaida Aleksandova

Emotional, impregnated with life and inexhaustible optimism, children's songs and verses of Soviet poetess Zinaida Alexandrova were repeatedly reprinted and became housingly for children. Even the smallest will be able to assimilate with them what care and help, how real friends behave, and how to behave should not be offended and not to lose a friend.

  1. "My teddy bear";
  2. "Ball";
  3. "Mom is dissatisfied";
  4. "Hyperships";
  5. "Katya in the nursery."

Friendship books for 3-5 years

In the younger preschool age Children are actively learning the world around. They are increasingly hardened new dating everywhere: in children's garden, on a walk in the courtyard, in developing classes, in circles and in sports sections. Help the child is mastered with the variety of human characters, teach it the rules of polite, healthy communication, lay the foundations that in the future will become a strong foundation for the present, many years of friendship.

Russian literature

At the age of 3 to 5 years, children are developing rapidly: vocabulary is enriched, a sensitive perception of his native language is formed. To grow a child with a competent person, skillfully owning an oral word, it is necessary to read him good children's books, works of Russian classics and modern domestic authors.

  1. A. Barto: "Girlfriends", "I am a sick", "Twoers", "There are such boys";
  2. S. Mikhalkov: "Merry link", "Song of friends", "Good comrades";
  3. L. Tolstoy: "Lion and mouse", "two comrades", "who is right", "Frog, mouse and hawk";
  4. E. Uspensky: "Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka and others";
  5. V. Oseev: "Blue Leaves", "to the first rain", "offenders".
Foreign authors

Friendship is an international concept. In a modern piggy bank of children's literary works, you will probably find interesting stories about true friends. Offering the child of the book of foreign authors, you are expanding the kid's horizons, familiarize him with the samples of world literature, instill a love of reading.

  1. Cheslav Yangchansky "New Friends of Bear Ears";
  2. Minarik Elsy Humeland "Your friend bear";
  3. Steig William: "Amos and Boris", "How slap is offended";
  4. Joseph Chapek "Adventures of Pinsik and Kitness";
  5. Annie Schmidt "Sasha and Masha"

We read with children of senior preschool age

If you read a lot and gladly with pleasure out loud, then by 6-7 years old, the child probably appeared favorite literary works, formed their taste. So, choose new books is better together. Let the young Bibliophile attach to this excellent lesson: enjoys the rustle of the pages of a new book, feels their pleasant texture, examines colorful illustrations. If your preschooler has already mastered the art of independent reading, choose books with large letters, good font, high-quality white sheets. To read the attention of the child to the topic of friendship, offer him the works from our list:

  1. V. Kataev "Tsvetik-Semichetics";
  2. V. Dragunsky "Deniskin Stories";
  3. N. nosov "Adventures of Link and His friends", "Casting", "Fantasy";
  4. A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City";
  5. V. Ordartseva "visible-invisible";
  6. Alan Miln "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all";
  7. Astrid Lindgren "Kid and Carlson", "The famous detective Calle Blumyvist risks"; "Rasmus-Broadcasting";
  8. Kenneth Graham "Wind in Iwah";
  9. Reddard Kipling "Small Stories", "Mowgli";
  10. Harris Joel "Tales of Uncle Rimus."

Book is the best teacher

  1. Choose books to read children according to the age of the baby. The plot should be understood by the child, and the narrative language is available for its understanding.
  2. Choose books with high-quality illustrations. After reading, you definitely consider and discuss the pictures.
  3. For older children, read and discuss the text, ask questions read by your words.
  4. After reading the history of the author, try to support it with examples from your life. Tell your child about your childhood friends. Ask him about what he is engaged in with his friends, what kind of games they play, what are talking about how to help each other.
  5. With the help of literary works, explain to the baby that you can be friends with boys and girls, with people of different ages, of different nationalities and different views. And you can also be friends and you need to be friends with animals: they need our care and generously pay for her with their love and devotion.

Friends! And what books about friendship do your children read? You can leave your recommendations in the comments to the article or write to us in social networks.

Let your parents be happy! To new meetings!

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