The number of the path by date is to calculate. The number of life path by date of birth, numerology. Free online calculation

Number of life track (entity code) - This is one of the main and most important numerological characteristics, a peculiar human life mission vector. This number is determined on the basis of a full date of birth and shows the main personal characteristics of a person, helps the most fully disclosed global goals and tasks that the life puts before this person. Number of life path (Entity code) can also help determine the most effective direction in personal Development Human, its capabilities and abilities.

The number of life path is the basis. It will talk about the strengths and weaknesses of a person given to him from birth and remaining unchanged, all the eyelids released him. Use this number is only in special, turning moments of life. It, like a lighthouse, will help to avoid underwater reefs and chalks in the sea of \u200b\u200blife.

The greatest benefit of the calculation of the number of life path brings at the time of its decryption, when a comparison of knowledge about himself with the result obtained is compared, and conclusions are made, as well as in those periods of life, when it is especially difficult and necessary to urgently improve the situation. Knowing your number of life journey at such moments is simply necessary.

The entity code is calculated (number of life path) in the following way: all digits of birth dates are summed up and the method is reduced to the basic, which is the numerical entity code. However, when calculating the entity code (number of life path), it is necessary to take into account that in the results of this indicator also participate numbers 11 and 22which are the numbers of higher order. Therefore, if as a result of numerological additions of the date of birth it turns out 11 or 22then further numerological coagulation not held.

In order to find out the entity code (number of life path) online, enter the date of birth in DDMMGYGGG (numbers, without spaces) format, get a numeric code and read the value.

Enter the date of birth:

Your numerological code:

The values \u200b\u200bof the numerical code of the essence (number of life path):

Entity code (number of life path) - 1. Unit is a symbol of self-confidence. It emphasizes such qualities of a person as independence, leadership, ambitiousness. For this purpose, the desire to go to the goal with its own way, not counting on any help. Most of all the unit wants to be first in everything. Go to victory without being distracted by trifles. The weak side of this number is excessive self-confidence and frequent errors in assessing their capabilities.

The number of life path Unit suggests that it is only necessary to count in achieving success. Do not seek help from other people, but rather to adopt their experience, making your own conclusions. Trying so to build your life to avoid pressure on your identity. The unit is dangerous for a long time being under a stranger influence, it can completely lose its personality.

A unit that turned out to be in a difficult position, the number of life path advises the following. If the problem is caused by the inability to achieve the target target, it is worth a pretty thinking: maybe change the goal? In the event of a choice between two (or more) options for developing events, always adhere to the most convenient for you. It is he who will be right.

Entity code (lifestyle number) - 2. The most important thing for two is a relationship with the surrounding world. From how harmonious them are durable, its well-being depends. The most important task of the twos is to bring his communication with people to perfection. Two Characteristics can be expressed by the words: Friendly, contact, pliability, objectivity. The defining property of this number is the ability to find a compromise in a situation that seems to be the rest of the dead-end. Two has a gift to maintain relationships with people in any setting and under any conditions. The weakness of this number is in excessive uncertainty, gulling and sometimes - in the inability to defend their own interests.

The number of Life Double says that it is necessary to take a very carefully to choose friends, business partners and heart attachments, without giving unscrupulous people to manipulate themselves. Two must pay close attention to the details, minor for other numbers. It is in detail for two that truth can open.

The number of life path in need of aid suggests that you should try to negotiate. Perceive the advice literally. Where others will provoke a scandal, you will achieve your own. Do not try to confront the problems yourself, you can always find a number more competent in this issue of a person who will help you simply from the desire to provide a courtesy.

Entity code (number of life path) - 3. Troika is a bright, even brilliant number, bringing joy to the very gray everyday life. Magnificent narrator and the same magnificent listener (which is sometimes more important). The region of its talents is not limited, but most often manifests itself in the literature. Just because it is the easiest way to tell people that life is beautiful. Troika is able to turn boring weekdays in a permanent holiday. Does not lose under any circumstances. Eternal optimist. It is impossible to call the weakness of the following qualities: Stubborn ignoring existing problems, misunderstanding "Handers" loved ones, which can sometimes cause these closest irritation.

The number of lifestyle Troika suggests that the most faithful way to achieve well-being (moral and material) is to look for the most suitable way of self-expression. Try everything - a particular type of creativity will definitely bring their fruits. Do not be afraid to experiment. All that interests you, in the potential can be the case of your life. Relationships with people - no comment. Choose to your taste.

It is difficult to imagine such a situation, but when the troika will need a council ... With whatever area of \u200b\u200bactivity, difficulties are related - laugh! Try to find a good side in everything, you will succeed. If the disadvantages are not connected with "something", but with "someone", do not hurry to put the cross on the relationship. Maybe you just looked inattentively ... Remember: it's hard for you to fit!

Entity code (number of life path) - 4. Four, at first glance, it seems an unsuccessful number. But only on the first and very superficial look! This number is not associated with difficulties, according to many numerologists, but with hard work. Yes, the Four does not get anything in vain, but the satisfaction from the result obtained is much more than that of others. Find a point of support to turn the world, it is possible not to everyone, but the four is capable of it. People feel and try to keep her closer in the hope that she will find a way out of the most complex situation.

All that creates four is more than thorough. This is the very case that they say: like a stone wall. Reliability, sincerity, life durability - these are the main features of this number. The most common mistake of the Four is dissatisfaction with their fate. It seems that there is some lucky and good luck in the other side. This causes an unnecessary bustle, from here and misses.

The number of life path Four is disagreement with the existing situation of things that often makes the four rebel, go against congenital qualities. I want freedom, success, ease ... and completely in vain, because her life is completely in her hands, independent of the case and insured against the Capricians of Fortune. Four in the full sense - "Mistress of his destiny." The main thing for this number is to put a specific goal, and perseverance and hard work, to achieve it, she does not occupy.

Four, who applied for help from the life path, learns that if problems are material in nature, they should not allow them to seek rapid enrichment. We need to look for ways to make them a gradual solution. If there is difficulty in relationships with other people, you can not play for someone else's rules. The best way is to quietly speak out, clearly designating your claims.

Entity code (number of life path) - 5. Five is a parade of possibilities. Festival of abilities and interests. Always complete enthusiasm, people of this number prefer to be in motion. Love for risk and to all unusual sometimes puts them in a predicising position, but the five can get out of the "dry out of the water." He loves to travel. The diversity of interest allows her to communicate with the most different people And getting from it not only pleasure, but also benefit.

The number of life of the five is activity, energy, high degree of adaptability, which allows the Five to take a worthy place in life, provided that the love of constant change does not prevent it from preserving and multiply already achieved. There is a danger of "run" by the best option. The top five should carefully consider the already conquered trophies.

Five The number of life path recommends the following. If you're "lost in the forest" of our great opportunities and do not know where to move on, see what direction is indicated by the compass of your desires. Decide what you want to truly. Maybe you are not at all necessary what you tried to achieve?

Entity code (number of life path) - 6. The key concept for the six - maintenance of equilibrium in everything: this is a relationship with people of other numbers, and material well-being. This number for complete happiness is not enough to only get, you need to give, and this applies to everything: friendship, love, knowledge. The easiest way to succeed is to interact with other people. The six is \u200b\u200ba combination of talents of the troika and the abilities of the twos. There are practically no weak points. There is only a danger to overdo it with the return and stay at all "on the beans".

The number of life path of the six says that the most complete you can realize yourself in marriage and friendship. Great probability that six will live happy family life, getting any support from friends. It is necessary to pay close attention to people applying for special proximity to you not to spend time and spiritual powers For doomed to fail. Successful career Most likely in professions associated with communication with people.

If the six does not suit something in how the life is folded, in fate, the number of life path will tell you: "If I get sick, I will not contact the doctors - I will turn to friends ..." If the troubles are connected with loved ones - we have been taking away your relations. Maybe one of the seasons is worth adding something. Or remove.

Entity code (number of life path) - 7. Semerka's lotion - privacy, research, striving for excellence. Very mysterious number. People of this number adore all the mysterious, seek to know the essence of all phenomena. Putting the experience and knowledge of the seven prefers independently, not trusting the judgments of other people. The desire for solitude is becoming particularly strong in difficult life situations. The intuition is strongly developed. This number loves and understands nature. The ability to wonderful to people often remain unclaimed due to the lack of interest in these people.

The number of life of the seven says that the harmony of your life in your hands. If you are not pulled in the sands of the sands and pessimism, if you have enough character not to become boring, then you are waiting for honor and respect for others. It is very easy for you to become a leader in any area (except perhaps commerce). Seven can achieve great success in the field of mysticism or religion.

It is very difficult for you to lose yourself, but if something confuses you, the number of life path can suggest to stop, analyze the situation in detail, understand what your problem is the root, and eliminate the cause, not a consequence.

Entity code (lifestyle number) - 8. Completed materialist. The motto of this number: "What I don't know what I do not exist." Nothing takes on faith, everything requires evidence. Positive recognizes only a real, tangible, practical result. The essence of this number is: determination, indispensability, responsibility, competence. Will and character in achieving the goal. High levels of demand not only to yourself, but also to others. Scope - Administration, Commerce, Management.

If the number of life path is eight, then barriers and obstacles give you vital energy and increase efficiency. In them, the people of this number draw extra forces and incentives. But the details, trivia and bustle - "Giri on the legs", preventing quickly promotion to success. Such features of eights, as merciless and excessive categorical, do not cause sympathy in other numbers.

The Council of the number of life tracks is. Do not give in to emotions - this is not your element. Act, guided by common sense, even if we are talking About hearts. In the depths of the soul, you always know how to do to correct the situation. Do not be afraid to go against the opinions of others - often they simply cannot calculate the situation as far as you.

Entity code (life path number) - 9. A very demanding number to man. On the one hand, the nine gives much more possibilitiesthan other numbers. On the other hand, the man, in the fate of which she takes part, should continue to go along the road of self-improvement. The defining task for the nine is the ministry to people. The main difficulty in fulfilling this mission is to learn how to give what you already have, and not demand anything in return. It does not mean that the nine will distribute to others, remaining with nothing. What she gives will return to her by a storm, but not immediately and in other ways.

The number of life path nine means that in the first place you need to understand that from birth you have a little more than the rest. But use additional features follows only after you learn attenuate and a deeper understanding of justice. Remember: everything you share will come back to you, but in another form.

The most important difficulty for the nine is that a person can not always withstand the overall culture, in which the concept of immediate exchange is dominated. Even the most generous people are not easy to learn not to wait for gratitude immediately. If it seems to you that everything you do is goes into the "bottomless barrel", which means you did not fully realize how much already given. Compare yourself with others - and you will realize that your business is still a little bit better than others.

Number of life path for master numbers 11 and 22. The most important thing is what I would like to say again: a person who has a master number always stands before choosing, because 11 he can fold to twos, and 22 turn into four. Of course, in order for the master number to show itself completely, it is necessary to determine the circumstances in childhood and the younger, so the master number is in pure form - a rarity. On the same people who did not get completely under the influence of 11 or 22, these numbers still impose their mark. Therefore, 2 + 2 for them is not at all 4, and 1 + 1 - far from 2.

Entity code (lifetime number) - 11. Possession of highly developed intuition and the ability to use internal reserves inaccessible to ordinary people. The task of a person of this number is to make significant discoveries that should move many. Sometimes extrasensory abilities are well developed. Obtaining information through insight. The ability to lead a huge number of people. Powerful intelligence with an unusual worldview allows you to see events and phenomena at an unusual angle.
The number of life path is associated with the development and improvement of its abilities aimed at creating and serving humanization.

If 11 is not conscious of a person and manifests itself in his fate as 2, it adds to the characteristic of the twice charisma and well-developed intuition.

Entity code (number of life path) - 22. This number is capable not only to bring new projects and ideas to the world, but also to implement them. Outstanding abilities in all branches of human knowledge and feelings. The ability to create and implement the most ambitious plans that can change the life of a huge number of people. This is the number of life paths consists in full aware of their capabilities, the ability to control them and implement them.

In the case when 22 manifests itself in a person as a number 4, the fate of the four is enriched by a constant desire for improvement, makes it constantly working on himself and improves human demanding.

Numerology is a science of numbers. In order to find out the number that manages your life needs to be folded together all the numbers of the date of birth.

It is necessary to fold them until it turns out an unambiguous number. If your life is 1, what does this mean?

Positive qualities of people units

People who were born at number 1 is:

  • persistent
  • decisive
  • and purposeful personnel.

We can say that these people, first of all, strongly act in their life path. It happens that their actions run ahead of thoughts. They are clearly followed by their goals. They are unlikely to be patient. Often among people of units are the leaders who know how to organize people well. The units are true to their decisions, and they do not like when someone is trying to change these decisions. Such people have a real gift of convictions, they are ready to lead their masses on the life path. However, due to such a factories, units are difficult to work in the team, they are much more comfortable to conquer new vertices alone. This is also connected with the fact that they do not tolerate the feelings of competition on their life path.

Negative qualities of people units

It would seem that with such a purposefulness and perseverance, it is possible to do that, that enjoy the results of your work and in the life path. However, the disadvantage that causes people to suffer units means that they do not know how to enjoy achieved. As soon as they fulfill one of their desires, they immediately forget about them. Rather, they at the same moment begin to think about the goals of more global. Such dissatisfaction brings neurotic in their character. In addition, they are terribly annoyed on people who work at a slower pace than they themselves are accustomed to act on their life path. Try to give them feedback Therefore, it's not easy. Units are extremely not like criticism. Even with psychologists who know how to pick up words for everyone, units feel very uncomfortable and all the time insist on their right. Units differ categorically. At the same time, they are not non-conflict. The fact is that the units consider themselves right to themselves right that they do not see the meaning to go on a dispute with another person, they immediately leave the field of discussion.

Of course, such beeparelism and categorical can lead to problems in communications with people. And if in business life it can still be adjusted due to the formalities of the relationship, then in personal life with units of their partners is quite difficult.

Character features

"Units" cause admiration

IN Ancient Greece They believed if a person was born under the unit, then he has a very strong creative potential. The ancient Greeks believed that it was people with this number that could withdraw society on new level development. Number 1 symbolizes intelligence and mind. Such people have practically from birth with certain integency, such people have been developed abstract thinking. In units, high ambitions. As the experience shows, whatever the sphere is not chosen for the development of their professional qualities, such people almost, for sure, will become leaders in this area.

Units cause admiration for others. These people do not always have bright external data, but they are conquered by their charisma and confidence. As for its inadequate appearance, the number 1 can vividly and self-confidently emphasize all their advantages, and they know how to turn their appearance into the highlight.

Career unit

It is not difficult to guess that many units occupy senior positions on the life path. Such people are distinguished by responsibility, organized, know how to keep a team in strict and combat mood, in one word, these are real leaders.

Reverse side of leadership

But it must be said that not all of the units are on top of success. Those who do not manage are not easy to experience the unrealizations of their potential. Such units clearly felt their inner potential, such people know that they can and are even more upset that they can't implement themselves.

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In psychology it is believed that children are blindly followed by the behavior of their parents. So, if a unit is born in the family of non-flying people, then they can imitate parents for a long time. But the inner potential will still go outside, which is why the internal conflict manifests itself. Units are important to discard all the role-playing models of parents and contact the inner voice, which will help them find their way.

Inability to ask

The life path of the number 1, units are distinguished by pride and reluctance to cooperate with people. But, as you know, all great things are hard to do everything, you need to do them together. One thing is important to realize and learn to ask for help from others when it is required. They need to understand that they do not lose their own dignity when they are asking for help. Although they themselves are very like to assist people, while they often feel a sense of their own superiority. Perhaps so they do not want to ask for help from others, then they think that those either be bonded to their request.

Love and sex at number 1

If the number of your life path is 1 then you are different by passion in everything, the zone of love and sex becomes exception. They feel the best and seek themselves the best partner, perhaps, so the search is sometimes delayed. Sometimes they have to try different relationships, they will not find ideal partners for themselves. But despite his passionism, units will never build a marriage with a person who is lower in status. In this sense, they always lead a cold mind. In marriage, they are calculating, always thinking that it can offer them a partner that they can offer him and whether this exchange will be uniform. If it is uneven not in their favor, they can refuse marriage, even with passionate relations.

Sex for units is another area where you can assert. In sex, they love to paint with themselves, sometimes it leads to the fact that sensuality is lost in sex. One needs to work on the bed to completely disconnect your head and enjoy the process, sensations in it.

If the number of your life path 1, then you know that you have an amazing creative potential, but in order to implement it, you need to learn to humble your pride, to study cooperation. The same applies to the love sphere of relationships.

Any of us has a numerological map. A life number is considered in this map basic, a person is born with him, and it does not change in life. It lies the essence of any person. It determines life guidelines and, in fact, is the characteristic of its carrier.

Our individual story, asked by a birth number, leads us along the life path, offering chances for disclosing potential and much more.

The determination of the number is mainly interested in those who wish to find out the connection between the date of their birth and the intended fate. That is, it helps to find out what to expect to you from life, what obstacles may arise, and what positive moments do not miss.

How to calculate your number?

Numbers of the life path are only nine: from 1 to 9. The biggest force has 7 and 9. Calculate their number of lifetime is much easier than it seems. You can do the calculation yourself.

All figures included in the date of birth, fold with each other so that it turned out an unambiguous number. If the double-digit, fold the numbers into it, among themselves.

(May, 5 in the account month) + 5 \u003d 13

(1988) 1 + 9 + 8 + 8 \u003d 39

So, the number of life path of this person is 3.

Calculate the number of life paths each, but it is not necessary to think that it dictates to us where and how to move. It only gives a kind of direction, and we go through life. This number gives us to understand what talents we possess, shows goals in life and what our personal evolution is.

Below are the decodents of basic numbers with some recommendations and comments. The decryptions partially repeat the descriptions of the numbers, however, this is a forced measure so that you can get a much more complete and objective idea of \u200b\u200bnumbers, first only briefly becoming acquainted with them.


Unit is a symbol of self-confidence. It emphasizes such qualities of a person as independence, leadership, ambitiousness. For this purpose, the desire to go to the goal with its own way, not counting on any help. Most of all the unit wants to be first in everything. Go to victory without being distracted by trifles. The weak side of this number is excessive self-confidence and frequent errors in assessing their capabilities.

The number of life path Unit suggests that it is only necessary to count in achieving success. Do not seek help from other people, but rather to adopt their experience, making your own conclusions. Trying so to build your life to avoid pressure on your identity. The unit is dangerous for a long time being under a stranger influence, it can completely lose its personality.

A unit that turned out to be in a difficult position, the number of life path advises the following. If the problem is caused by the inability to achieve the target target, it is worth a pretty thinking: maybe change the goal? In the event of a choice between two (or more) options for developing events, always adhere to the most convenient for you. It is he who will be right.


The most important thing for two is a relationship with the outside world. From how harmonious them are durable, its well-being depends. The most important task of the twos is to bring his communication with people to perfection. Two Characteristics can be expressed by the words: Friendly, contact, pliability, objectivity. The defining property of this number is the ability to find a compromise in a situation that seems to be the rest of the dead-end. Two has a gift to maintain relationships with people in any setting and under any conditions. The weakness of this number is in excessive uncertainty, gulling and sometimes - in the inability to defend their own interests.

The number of Life Double says that it is necessary to take a very carefully to choose friends, business partners and heart attachments, without giving unscrupulous people to manipulate themselves. Two must pay close attention to the details, minor for other numbers. It is in detail for two that truth can open.

The number of life path in need of aid suggests that you should try to negotiate. Perceive the advice literally. Where others will provoke a scandal, you will achieve your own. Do not try to confront the problems yourself, you can always find a number more competent in this issue of a person who will help you simply from the desire to provide a courtesy.


Troika is a bright, even a brilliant number, bringing joy to the very gray everyday life. Magnificent narrator and the same magnificent listener (which is sometimes more important). The region of its talents is not limited, but most often manifests itself in the literature. Just because it is the easiest way to tell people that life is beautiful. Troika is able to turn boring weekdays in a permanent holiday. Does not lose under any circumstances. Eternal optimist. It is impossible to call the weakness of the following qualities: Stubborn ignoring existing problems, misunderstanding "Handers" loved ones, which can sometimes cause these closest irritation.

The number of lifestyle Troika suggests that the most faithful way to achieve well-being (moral and material) is to look for the most suitable way of self-expression. Try everything - a particular type of creativity will definitely bring their fruits. Do not be afraid to experiment. All that interests you, in the potential can be the case of your life. Relationships with people - no comment. Choose to your taste.

It is difficult to imagine such a situation, but when the troika will need a council ... With whatever area of \u200b\u200bactivity, difficulties are related - laugh! Try to find a good side in everything, you will succeed. If the disadvantages are not connected with "something", but with "someone", do not hurry to put the cross on the relationship. Maybe you just looked inattentively ... Remember: it's hard for you to fit!


Four, at first glance, it seems an unsuccessful number. But only on the first and very superficial look! This number is not associated with difficulties, according to many numerologists, but with hard work. Yes, the Four does not get anything in vain, but the satisfaction from the result obtained is much more than that of others. Find a point of support to turn the world, it is possible not to everyone, but the four is capable of it. People feel and try to keep her closer in the hope that she will find a way out of the most difficult situation. All that creates four is more than thorough. This is the very case that they say: like a stone wall. Reliability, sincerity, life durability - these are the main features of this number. The most common mistake of the Four is dissatisfaction with their fate. It seems that there is some lucky and good luck in the other side. This causes an unnecessary bustle, from here and misses.

The number of life path Four is disagreement with the existing situation of things that often makes the four rebel, go against congenital qualities. I want freedom, success, ease ... and completely in vain, because her life is completely in her hands, independent of the case and insured against the Capricians of Fortune. Four in the full sense - "Mistress of his destiny." The main thing for this number is to put a specific goal, and perseverance and hard work, to achieve it, she does not occupy.

Four, who applied for help from the life path, learns that if problems are material in nature, they should not allow them to seek rapid enrichment. We need to look for ways to make them a gradual solution. If there is difficulty in relationships with other people, you can not play for someone else's rules. The best way is to quietly speak out, clearly designating your claims.


The top five is a parade of possibilities. Festival of abilities and interests. Always complete enthusiasm, people of this number prefer to be in motion. Love for risk and to all unusual sometimes puts them in a predicising position, but the five can get out of the "dry out of the water." He loves to travel. The diversity of interest allows it to communicate with the most different people and receive from this not only pleasure, but also benefit.

The number of life of the five is activity, energy, high degree of adaptability, which allows the Five to take a worthy place in life, provided that the love of constant change does not prevent it from preserving and multiply already achieved. There is a danger of "run" by the best option. The top five should carefully consider the already conquered trophies.

Five The number of life path recommends the following. If you're "lost in the forest" of our great opportunities and do not know where to move on, see what direction is indicated by the compass of your desires. Decide what you want to truly. Maybe you are not at all necessary what you tried to achieve?


The key concept for the six is \u200b\u200bmaintaining equilibrium in everything: this is a relationship with people of other numbers, and material well-being. This number for complete happiness is not enough to only get, you need to give, and this applies to everything: friendship, love, knowledge. The easiest way to succeed is to interact with other people. The six is \u200b\u200ba combination of talents of the troika and the abilities of the twos. There are practically no weak points. There is only a danger to overdo it with the return and stay at all "on the beans".

The number of life path of the six says that the most complete you can realize yourself in marriage and friendship. The likelihood is that the six will live a happy family life, receiving any support from friends. It is necessary to pay close attention to people applying for special proximity to you, so as not to spend time and mental forces for doomed to fail. Successful career is most likely in professions related to communicating with people.

If the six does not suit something in how the life is folded, in fate, the number of life path will tell you: "If I get sick, I will not contact the doctors - I will turn to friends ..." If the troubles are connected with loved ones - we have been taking away your relations. Maybe one of the seasons is worth adding something. Or remove.


Semerka's sat down - privacy, study, striving for excellence. Very mysterious number. People of this number adore all the mysterious, seek to know the essence of all phenomena. Putting the experience and knowledge of the seven prefers independently, not trusting the judgments of other people. The desire for solitude is becoming particularly strong in difficult life situations. The intuition is strongly developed. This number loves and understands nature. The ability to wonderful to people often remain unclaimed due to the lack of interest in these people.

The number of life of the seven says that the harmony of your life in your hands. If you are not pulled in the sands of the sands and pessimism, if you have enough character not to become boring, then you are waiting for honor and respect for others. It is very easy for you to become a leader in any area (except perhaps commerce). Seven can achieve great success in the field of mysticism or religion.

It is very difficult for you to lose yourself, but if something confuses you, the number of life path can suggest to stop, analyze the situation in detail, understand what your problem is the root, and eliminate the cause, not a consequence.


Completed materialist. The motto of this number: "What I don't know what I do not exist." Nothing takes on faith, everything requires evidence. Positive recognizes only a real, tangible, practical result. The essence of this number is: determination, indispensability, responsibility, competence. Will and character in achieving the goal. High levels of demand not only to yourself, but also to others. Scope - Administration, Commerce, Management.

If the number of life path is eight, then barriers and obstacles give you vital energy and increase efficiency. In them, the people of this number draw extra forces and incentives. But the details, trivia and bustle - "Giri on the legs", preventing quickly promotion to success. Such features of eights, as merciless and excessive categorical, do not cause sympathy in other numbers.

The Council of the number of life tracks is. Do not give in to emotions - this is not your element. Act, guided by common sense, even if we are talking about cordial affairs. In the depths of the soul, you always know how to do to correct the situation. Do not be afraid to go against the opinions of others - often they simply cannot calculate the situation as far as you.


Very demanding man number. On the one hand, the nine gives much more opportunities than other numbers. On the other hand, the man, in the fate of which she takes part, should continue to go along the road of self-improvement. The defining task for the nine is the ministry to people. The main difficulty in fulfilling this mission is to learn how to give what you already have, and not demand anything in return. It does not mean that the nine will distribute to others, remaining with nothing. What she gives will return to her by a storm, but not immediately and in other ways. The most visual illustration of the features of this number is in the famous cartoon: Martyka gives his banana, the Break is a parrot, a parrot - elephant, and the elephant again gives the Banana Madushka.

The number of life path nine means that in the first place you need to understand that from birth you have a little more than the rest. But use additional features follows only after you learn attenuate and a deeper understanding of justice. Remember: everything you share will come back to you, but in another form.

The most important difficulty for the nine is that a person can not always withstand the overall culture, in which the concept of immediate exchange is dominated. Even the most generous people are not easy to learn not to wait for gratitude immediately. If it seems to you that everything you do is goes into the "bottomless barrel", which means you did not fully realize how much already given. Compare yourself with others - and you will realize that your business is still a little bit better than others.

In numerology, your number of life path is considered the most important indicator of your life, and surprisingly this is the easiest number in your numerological chart. The number of life path will tell you what qualities or skills you have, and what basic vital problems you can be. Calculate your number simply, it is enough to enter your date of birth in the appropriate fields in the calculator of life numbers.

How to calculate the number of life path alone. And so, we group all the numbers together. For example, your date of birth is 12.04.1983: we add a day: 1 + 2 \u003d 3; We fold the number of months: 0 + 4 \u003d 4; We fold the year: 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 \u003d 21 \u003d 2 + 1 \u003d 3; The obtained numbers of the day, month and year we also fold and obtain the number of life paths: 3 + 4 + 3 \u003d 10 \u003d 1 + 0 \u003d 1.

Date of Birth: Your result:
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Month of January 27 April May June of Jun July 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1934 1938 1939 1944 1944 1943 1944 1945 1944 1944 1945 1946 1945 1944 1949 1954 1954 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1961 1964 1963 1964 1969 1974 1975 1973 1974 1975 1976 1974 1978 1979 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1994 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Characteristics of the Number of Life Path

1 - a born leader

People whose number of life path Units are first-class leaders with the prevailing sense of independence. They do not like to rely on others, especially if they feel that they are trying to keep or subordinate them. Often they think that it is better to go alone. People with this number, these are succeeding entrepreneurs because they are not afraid to risk! They go to the tact of their own melodies and create innovations, shaking the deplorable projects. Where the units come with their ideas, everything immediately flourishes. Having a number of life paths 1, be careful and do not try to control everything or those around you when you plunge into cases that lead you to your goals. In life it is useful to maintain balance. Confidence, creativity and originality are the main characteristics of people with the number of life path 1.

2 - diplomat

People, with the number of life travels 2 bring unity and compassion. They have a big heart and they tend to see good both in humans and in their own lives. They can be very affectionate and attentive to the needs of other people. They are good intermediaries because they hear the arguments of both sides with an amazing clarity, it positive quality. But they are also prone to indecision. As for the career of people with the number of life path 2, these are professions in which you can serve for the benefit of others and society. For example, diplomats, presidents, ambassadors. Also, they are suitable for the work of social workers, and all professions associated with the interaction with children, they are well affected by their development and relate to them with love. If your life is 2, and since you succeed in those situations where the surrounding need help, you may have a resentment if the generosity you show relative to the other is not returned in the full volume in which you give it. It is important for you to remember that everyone demonstrates its appreciation and thanks in different ways. If you read it, and you know a person with the number of life travel 2, be sure to show your attention to him, if possible, be it a small gift, hugs, flowers or invitation for lunch.

3 - creative

People with the number of life path 3 are the most artistic. They find ways to create the most beautiful things in this world, such as art, music, literature, etc. They breathe life into culture and make it so simple because of the natural gift of self-expression. This explains why the entertainment industry is overflowed by people with the number of life path 3. All people with the number of life path 3 tend to enjoy life and everyone that they can get from her. They, as a rule, are in the center of attention and demonstrate their talent. But there are those who are more focused on creative classes alone, but they also fall into the epicenter of attention, when their works are becoming fame.

4 - worker

The life of a person with a life path of 4 is work and discipline, it is very important for them to feel stability. They often believe that the best way Do anything well - is patience and perseverance. They like the challenge, and they can consider almost all situations in their lives as a challenge. They are stubborn and persistent and will easily overcome obstacles, one after another, on the way to their goal. They can spend hours and days to find the "best way" to achieve the goal, and in the long run, their works are always paying off. Since people with the number of life path 4 need stability to feel comfortable, they will fit the professions of the business leader, they have good intuition capable of bringing subordinates to a certain purpose and achieve results, they will also fit professions where attention is required to detail.

5 - Flexible Five

A man born with a number of life path 5 loves a variety of life. All new - exciting. Whether traveling to the place where he was never, or a meeting with unfamiliar people, he is always looking for new experience and adventures. Military lech of the number of life path 5 - "Freedom!" As for the career, people with the number of life path 5 will not work in the office, but professions, where there is an opportunity to interact with different people, travel and explore the most distant corners of the earth, just for them! If your number of life path 5, you need to explore everything that can offer life, and do not need to start roots in a certain place. Your life must be one solid cheerful party.

6 - harmony

People with the number of life route 6 bring in all harmony. They attract as a magnet surrounding their ability to balance everything around and often because of this are in the center of attention. They are confident and give peace to others. They have an innate ability to bring up surrounding people. They are those man who usually takes responsibility for the situation. If your number is 6, do not allow your innate abilities to take power over emotions, it can lead to what you will try to control any situation, and this is not what you need. Learn to balancing between leadership and upbringing to collect people around yourself, and not between requirements and control, it can push people.

7 - Knowledge Finder

People born with a number of life track 7 are always looking for answers. It does not matter how much a serious question is worth it, it does not matter, they are inspired by the search for the answer. These searches, as a rule, lead them to interesting travels, as they tend to seek spiritual or inner understanding. They tend to travel independently and can live in their head for many years. They consider situations from different points of view. Therefore, if your number 7, remember that because of your desire to "live" in my head, you may need a lot of time so that someone else know your inner world. You are very sensitive, but dodge emotions.

8 - power

People born with a life path 8 give the world Drive and ambitions. They are also often typical of material well-being, they intuitively choose a career and master the art of being successful in it. They work a lot to achieve their goals. They are often considered workaholics. Sometimes they work on other aspects of their lives, as a rule, they have a big circle of friends and a strong family.

9 - idealist

People with the number of life path 9 are often included in the position of others. They can sacrifice many, spend their lives, sacrificing money, time and energy trying to realize their dream and improve this world. It is in this that they find satisfaction. They have a wide view of life. They tend to see the overall picture, and not the smallest details. They attract people from all layers of society that can fit into their larger plans and take over the areas they consider uninteresting.

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