Excerpts from works about friendship. Literary arguments: the problem of friendship. True friendship problems. The theme of friendship in the works

What is real friendship: the best examples in literature “There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; excluding friendship from life is the same as depriving the world sunlight"- so said Cicero. On July 30, the whole world celebrates the International Day of Friendship, which was established by the UN General Assembly in 2011. We are sure that for someone this day will be an occasion to call old friends or meet a friend whom they have not seen for a long time. This day is also good because it gives you the opportunity to remember how many wonderful books are devoted to friendship. There are many examples of loyal friends in the literature. Let's name just a few of them: Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D "Artagnan - A. Dumas" Three Musketeers. The adventures of the brave Gascon D "Artagnan and his friends are the dream of any young man. "One for all and all for one!" Isn't that enough? Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson - A.K. Doyle "Tales of Sherlock Holmes." The friendship of these famous literary characters is a fruitful bond that enriches everyone involved. Rational and stingy in manifestations of feelings, Sherlock finds in Watson not only an attentive biographer, but also an empathetic comrade who enlivens the concentrated work of the detective. Watson, in turn, learns from Sherlock the ability to control himself and to reason coldly. Thus, this friendship helps each of the heroes to discover a new, unusual side of the world. Hamlet and Horatio - W. Shakespeare "Hamlet". This is perhaps the best example of camaraderie of all time. Horatio is the only character in this drama who is endlessly devoted to Hamlet throughout the play. He endures the emotional outbursts of Hamlet, stands behind him as a mountain and eventually refuses the only surviving hero, who tells us this tragic story. Andrey Ivanovich Shtolts and Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". The natures are completely different and look like two opposites, but if you look closely, it becomes clear that these are sides of the same coin. Just two in love with the world, inquisitive children grew up in completely different conditions. Little Andrew was given almost complete freedom of action, it was possible to study the world and prepare for the fact that his life "will acquire other, wider dimensions." Ilya, on the other hand, was a hothouse boy "loved" by his parents, which suppressed any desire to act. Their friendship was built on anxious empathy, they sincerely wanted to help each other. Robert Lokamp, ​​Gottfried Lenz and Otto Kester - E.M. Remarque "Three Comrades". The heroes of the novel are connected with each other by close ties of friendship. They fought together in the First World war: lost comrades in arms, tried to overcome the horrors of war and survive. "Peaceful" time even more rallied the three friends: poring over car repairs in the workshop during the day and drinking at night, the heroes strive not so much to forget their past or settle in the present, but to simply live, since life is the only value that makes sense to preserve: what military that in a peaceful environment. Frodo and Sam - J.R.R. Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings". This is a great example of a relationship where only friendly feelings resolve the whole situation. Frodo must destroy the Ring of Omnipotence, but for this it is necessary to make a path full of dangers. As a true friend, Sam shares this heavy burden with Frodo. He helps him in every possible way, supports him, saves him from certain death more than once, makes his friend weakened by the Ring go forward, towards the goal. Maybe if Frodo didn’t have an ally like Sam, he would not have been able to destroy the Ring. Nobody calls him a hero, he doesn't need it, he's just a real friend. This friendship is, in fact, unequal, Sam gives a lot more than he receives. But from a timid dreamer, he becomes a brave and courageous warrior and an integral part of great events. Even the last lines of the novel end with the words of Sam, who, as it were, puts an end to his adventure. He did everything he could for his friend and good won. Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer - M. Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". Tom and Huck are real bullies. Together they commit hooligan antics, experience adventures and get into all sorts of alterations - as befits real friends. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley - J. Rowling "Harry Potter". Ron and Harry are sidekicks from the first book. Although they also have clashes and misunderstandings (who does not envy the boy whom everyone calls "the chosen one"?), They maintain their friendship for many years without losing it later. A rare case, isn't it?

Many writers have addressed the topic of friendship in their works. A friend is the person who will help you find a way out of a difficult life situation, support you with advice, you can always rely on him.

Let's turn to Russian literature.

1) So, an example of a touching and real friendship is the communication between Makar Devushkin and Varvara Dobroselova - the main characters of the work of F. M. Dostoevsky "Poor People". This is an epistolary novel (in letters). Despite the extreme need and obstacles in life, each of these heroes thinks more about the well-being of the other than about their own, which is reflected in their tender letters.

2) In Ivan Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons", the story of friendship that runs through the entire work is the friendship between Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov.

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Arkady cherishes their friendship with Bazarov. Bazarov was older and more experienced than his friend with already formed views on life, sometimes very harsh. Arkady is the complete opposite. All that he goes to is peace and comfort, and this does not coincide with Bazarov's life setting - not to sit doing nothing, to work. Arkady is attached to Bazarov, but it is impossible to call it friendship. Eugene has no friends, there is no person who could talk to him on an equal footing.

3) Frontline service - there is no reason to doubt that there is no stronger and more faithful friendship between people. There are a great many examples from the literature on this topic. But most often this topic is revealed in the literature dedicated to the Great Patriotic War(KM Simonov's novel "The Living and the Dead", the story by BL Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ...").

Updated: 2018-04-26

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Examples of true friendship inspire and inspire. It is for this that we pick up a book and plunge into the world invented by the author.

Not everyone was lucky enough to learn what real friendships are in life, but literally everyone can see friendship on the rustling pages and learn loyalty and courage, sincerity and solidarity.

Friendship can be very different, however, regardless of the circumstances, it is always based on unconditional loyalty and comradely devotion.

Examples of true friendship in Russian literature

"A Tale of Friendship and Dislike"

This is not even a book, this is a story, which from the very beginning was an “unwanted child” by the Strugatsky brothers.

Later, however, the instructive parable became popular and loved.

If you open its pages, you will see a wonderful example of courageously overcoming yourself and your own fears in order to help a friend.

Boy Andrey T. is forced to spend New Year alone, lying in bed with a sore throat.

The family left and only the Kemarit grandfather was at the TV.

He calls his friend Gene-Apricot, who promises to visit him at 21:00. But at the specified time he is gone, and a call for help sounds from the speaker of "Spidola".

Andrei doubts whether he should go, but recalls how boldly Genka rushed to protect him in a moment of danger and gets dressed, is afraid to go down into the dungeon and still goes.

No one is watching him, he actually remains alone, therefore it is easy to turn off the road. But Andrey is bolder than he thinks.

The boy stubbornly overcomes obstacles on the way to saving a friend. And, frankly, there are a lot of them, and at the same time, the opportunity is open to roll back without hindrance.

Each time, although not without hesitation, choosing the "path for the brave", the hero reaches the very end. Gloomy images around them assert that Genka simply left him to his fate ...

Waking up, he finds himself lying in bed, and in the doorway of a standing Apricot.

The guest guiltily justifies that he was several hours late, but wants to make amends and gives our hero the most precious thing he has - an album with stamps.

This little story is an example of real, great friendship in literature.

Despite the small number of pages, the meaning is great. You need to overcome yourself and never give up if a friend needs your help.

Friendship between Stolz and Oblomov

Andrei Ivanovich Stolts and Ilya Ilyich Oblomov are completely different natures and look like two opposites, but if you look closely, it becomes clear that these are sides of the same coin.

Just two in love with the world, inquisitive children grew up in completely different conditions.

Little Andrew was given almost complete freedom of action, it was possible to study the world and prepare for the fact thatthen his life "will acquire other, wider dimensions."

Ilya, however, was a hothouse boy "loved" by his parents, which suppressed any desire to act. Their friendship was built on anxious empathy, they sincerely wanted to help each other.

Adult Stolz tried in every possible way to encourage Oblomov,

Ilya Ilyich, on the contrary, instilled a desire for a calm, quiet, "Oblomov life."

As a result, the second “won”, but this did not make Andrey happy.

These two characters needed to reveal their own potential and.

Ideally, of these two personalities, it would be necessary to blind one, full-fledged. it an example of real friendship from Russian literature, which, alas, ended tragically.

Everyone lacked something for complete happiness:

  1. Stolz - sensuality, love and peace in the heart
  2. Oblomov - thirst for life and action

Tip: if you want to find examples of real friendship in the works of Russian literature, we recommend that you also take a closer look at the novel "Knights of the Forty Islands" by Lukyanenko.

Examples of true friendship from foreign literature

Dr. Watson wanted to find cheap housing in the "London Desert" for a reasonable rent.

Therefore, initially, acquaintance and friendship with Sherlock Holmes was built on financially beneficial terms. They rented an apartment together.

A little time later, a friendship struck up, or rather, a powerful friendship between these two characters.

Watson is a cheerful but boring person who has just returned from Afghanistan.

He has not yet found himself an occupation that would compensate for the adrenaline to which he was unconditionally accustomed.

And this oppresses him, although behind the mask of a "true gentleman" this is almost not noticeable.

Sherlock, on the other hand, is a phlegmatic, burdened with periodic melancholy.

He is either active or passive, sometimes he works tirelessly day and night, sometimes he cannot get off his chair and morphine for weeks.

In general, it was an artistic nature with an unstable psyche.

Watson, as it were, balanced him, was a reliable companion and.

He bravely endured all his taunts about his "mediocre mind" and at the same time enjoyed the adrenaline that accompanies their adventures.

Sherlock really needed this friendship. Sometimes she was the only one who combined his boiling mind with reality.

Moreover, each of them was sincere and helped a friend more than a dozen times.

Frodo and Sam's friendship

Literally every one of us has watched The Lord of the Rings or read a novel. There are a lot of examples of real friendship in this work.

Basically, literally the entire trilogy is filled with the idea of ​​friendship and self-sacrifice. Take Frodo and Sam, for example.

From a humble, reserved gardener, Sam becomes a loyal squire and companion.

He tries to please and support his friend in everything, observing what burden he has to carry (Ring of Omnipotence).

This is a great example of a relationship, when only Sam's friendly feelings save the whole situation in principle:

  1. Once captured by Faramir, he intercedes for his friend
  2. Finds bread, the only food that Gollum threw into the abyss
  3. Fights Giant Spider Shelob
  4. Pulls Frodo out of the orcs' clutches

Nobody calls him a hero, he doesn't need it, he's just a real friend.

This friendship is, in fact, unequal, Sam gives a lot more than he receives. But from a timid dreamer, he becomes a brave and courageous warrior and an integral part of great events.

Even the last lines of the novel end with the words of Sam, who, as it were, puts an end to his adventure.

He did everything he could for his friend and good won. Examples of true friendship from literature for writing are easily found on the pages of this epic.

Tip: read Remarque's Three Comrades. This will help revive your faith in.

Friendship of great people

It is always difficult for real talents to find a place for themselves in real life.

And even more difficult - a sincere comrade, always ready to come to the rescue. But some of them were more fortunate than others.

When they met, Helen was fourteen years old and Mark Twain was in his early fifties.

The girl reminded him of his own daughter, so they became friends and spent a lot of time together.

Helen, after suffering scarlet fever, was blind and deaf, every social interaction was given to her with difficulty.

Twain was supportive in every possible way, admired her resilience and tried never to emphasize her physical flaws.

Keller herself admitted that she felt free next to him, and not like a cripple.

Thanks to his help, the girl was educated in college and became the first deaf-blind person with a bachelor's degree.

This gave a powerful impetus to her career, which was 100% successful.

She became a writer, politician and activist. One might even say a national heroine for the same people with physical disabilities.

Helen established the process of teaching deaf-blind people in America.

She outlined the basis of her story in the play The Miracle Worker. Her life has truly become a miracle thanks to her sincere friendship with M. Twain.

This example of true friendship from history says that you should never lose heart if you have a reliable shoulder nearby.

It turns out that the very turning point that divided Ella's life into "before and after", fell on a performance in the club "Mokambu" in 1955.

The problem was that the owner of the establishment simply did not consider such music to be promising.

Monroe witnessed the conversation and stood up for the talented artist: “I will sit at the central table and the press will be interested in any case,” the blonde suggested.

After that, Ella woke up a star and herself chose where to perform.

This was the beginning of a quivering friendship between two most talented girls of their time.

Conan Doyle and Houdini

Yes, these two famous gentlemen were friends.

They could not find a consensus only on the issue of spiritualism.

Houdini was an ardent opponent of mediums and mystical salons, which were fashionable at the time.

The illusionist himself knew many tricks, so he was in a hurry to destroy the aura of mystery of another mystical diva associated with the world of the dead.

Doyle, on the other hand, strongly believed in this, after "was able" to contact his late son.

Houdini, throughout their friendship, tried in every possible way to convince his comrade, but, apparently, his attempts were in vain.

Tip: You might like historical literature. For example, about the friendly relationship of Voltaire and Frederick II the Great.

Friendship in life - living examples of loyalty and sincere love

An example of real friendship from life can be non-fictional story about a seven-year-old boy and his sick friend.

American boy Dylan Siegle found out that his best friend John suffers from a genetic liver disease (Gierke) and it takes a lot of money to treat him, or rather, study the disease.

Without thinking twice, the guy drew a small book, which he signed: "Chocolate Bar".

There, he called helping his best friend "the biggest chocolate bar", expressing his attitude to the problem with this beautiful childish metaphor.

He managed to sell copies of this book for $ 75,000!

As a result, he raised more funds than any medical fund could!

They have always been best pals, but fate put Justin in a wheelchair.

It seemed like it was the end, but in fact it was just the beginning of their friendship.

They organized a joint project called “I will push you” (“I’ ll push you ”), whose goal was to walk together along the Way of St. James in Spain.

This is 800 kilometers of walking path for a minute, during which Patrick pushed Justin forward.

It's just that at some point one felt that he had to do it, and the other agreed to help him.

They were considered insane and discouraged in every possible way, but in the end everything worked out and they achieved it.

The guys have many plans and they believe in themselves, because friendship can overcome any obstacle!

Elderly Dan Peterson became a widow and lost all passion for life. He was tormented by depression, and he did not smile at all.

In a supermarket, an American accidentally met a four-year-old girl, Nora, who had a birthday.

She herself spoke to him, chatted amiably and took a picture as a souvenir.

Thanks to this photograph and the ubiquitous social networks, the mother of the girl became aware of the sad state of health of Mr. Peterson, and she invited him to visit.

So a friendship was struck between two such by different people- a little girl and an old man.

In fact, the baby found a second grandfather. They eat sweets and give each other gifts.

The depression has passed, and, according to Dan, for the first time in many days he stopped suffering from.

They even celebrated Thanksgiving together. Fortunately, the chance meeting turned into a sincere, healing friendship.

Tip: never give up new friendships, they may turn your life upside down!

“There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; to exclude friendship from life is the same as to deprive the world of sunshine ”- so said Cicero. On July 30, the whole world celebrates the International Day of Friendship, which was established by the UN General Assembly in 2011. We are sure that this day will be an occasion for someone to call old friends or meet a friend whom they have not seen for a long time.

This day is also good because it gives you the opportunity to remember how many wonderful books are devoted to friendship. There are many examples of loyal friends in the literature. Let's name just a few of them.

Athos , Porthos , Aramis and D "Artagnan - A. Dumas "Three Musketeers" . The adventures of the brave Gascon D "Artagnan and his friends are the dream of any young man." One for all and all for one! " Isn't that enough?

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson - A.K. Doyle "Tales of Sherlock Holmes" ... The friendship of these famous literary characters is a fruitful bond that enriches everyone involved. Rational and stingy in manifestations of feelings, Sherlock finds in Watson not only an attentive biographer, but also an empathetic comrade who enlivens the concentrated work of the detective. Watson, in turn, learns from Sherlock the ability to control himself and to reason coldly. Thus, this friendship helps each of the heroes to discover a new, unusual side of the world.

Hamlet and Horatio - W. Shakespeare "Hamlet" ... This is perhaps the best example of camaraderie of all time. Horatio is the only character in this drama who is endlessly devoted to Hamlet throughout the play. He endures the emotional outbursts of Hamlet, stands behind him as a mountain and eventually refuses the only surviving hero, who tells us this tragic story.

Andrey Ivanovich Stolts and Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" ... The natures are completely different and look like two opposites, but if you look closely, it becomes clear that these are sides of the same coin. Just two in love with the world, inquisitive children grew up in completely different conditions. Little Andrew was given almost complete freedom of action, it was possible to study the world and prepare for the fact that his life "will acquire other, wider dimensions." Ilya, on the other hand, was a hothouse boy "loved" by his parents, which suppressed any desire to act. Their friendship was built on anxious empathy, they sincerely wanted to help each other.

Robert Lockamp , Gottfried Lenz and Otto Kester - E.M. Remarque "Three comrades" ... The heroes of the novel are connected with each other by close ties of friendship. They fought together in the First World War: they lost comrades in arms, tried to overcome the horrors of war and survive. "Peaceful" time even more rallied the three friends: poring over car repairs in the workshop during the day and drinking at night, the heroes strive not so much to forget their past or settle in the present, but simply to live, since life is the only value that makes sense to preserve: what is in military that in a peaceful environment.

Frodo and Sam - J.R.R. Tolkien "Lord of the Rings" . This is a great example of a relationship where only friendly feelings resolve the whole situation. Frodo must destroy the Ring of Omnipotence, but for this it is necessary to make a path full of dangers. As a true friend, Sam shares this heavy burden with Frodo. He helps him in every possible way, supports him, saves him from certain death more than once, makes his friend weakened by the Ring go forward, towards the goal. Maybe if Frodo didn’t have an ally like Sam, he would not have been able to destroy the Ring.

Nobody calls him a hero, he doesn't need it, he's just a real friend. This friendship is, in fact, unequal, Sam gives a lot more than he receives. But from a timid dreamer, he becomes a brave and courageous warrior and an integral part of great events. Even the last lines of the novel end with the words of Sam, who, as it were, puts an end to his adventure. He did everything he could for his friend and good won.

Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer - M. Twain "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" ... Tom and Huck are real bullies. Together they commit hooligan antics, experience adventures and get into all sorts of alterations - as befits real friends.

Harry Potter and Ron Weasley - J. Rowling "Harry Potter" ... Ron and Harry are sidekicks from the first book. Although they also have clashes and misunderstandings (who does not envy the boy whom everyone calls "the chosen one"?), They maintain their friendship for many years without losing it later. A rare case, isn't it?

IN modern world the concept of friendship has been transformed into something abstract. Information Technology devalued human relationships.

It's no secret that now many people can only boast of virtual affection. However, a follower, unlike a true friend, is unlikely to come to the rescue in difficult moment... Ask yourself - can a computer replace a real handshake, smile, advice, and heart-to-heart talks at a bar? The answer will be unequivocally negative.

A selection of books about true friends

1. "Three Comrades", Erich Maria Remarque

Many of our contemporaries referred to this imperishable work of Remarque. For example, it was mentioned in the Oscar-winning film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears." Three Comrades is one of the most poignant, dramatic and beautiful novels about friendship and love. Created in the first half of the twentieth century, it still arouses genuine interest among readers.

The popularity of the book is due to the reality of the experiences described in it. The author himself went through an extremely difficult life path, so he knew the value of a sincere relationship. Remarque expounded his ingenious reflections simply and sincerely. A similar approach brought the novel to the Golden Fund of World Literature. I give a guarantee that the generations of our descendants will be read by the creations of the great classic.

2. "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", Mark Twain

The colorful population of the towns along the bed of the Mississippi River is familiar to us from school. As a child, we were happy to be transported to the towns of the South of the United States, ran along the paths with Tom and Huck and cheered, vividly imagining the passage of hooligan boys, reading this book about friendship.

As for the matured audience, I highly recommend reading the Mark Twain novels one more time. If at a younger age we followed exclusively the adventures of the main characters, then with experience we begin to pay attention to the social and political implications of the events described and endure for ourselves a lot of new things.

3. "The Snow Queen", Hans Christian Andersen

Few people know that many serious books have come out from the pen of a talented author. Andersen wrote beautiful poems, thoughtful dramas, various essays and philosophical novels. However, the Dane became famous for his fairy tales.

In short, beloved by all of us parables, the writer tried to enclose the whole Universe. And it seems to me that he succeeded in full. The plot of "The Snow Queen" is familiar to us from the cradle. Since its publication in 1844, the tale has gained immense popularity. From 7 chapters, we learn about the adventures of the girl Gerda, who set out to rescue her friend from captivity by all means. According to biographers, the prototype of the main character was Andersen's lady of the heart, an opera singer who did not share his feelings.

4. "Charlotte's Web" by Alvin Brooks White

To my shame I read this book quite recently. The weather outside was nasty, the mood matched the weather forecast. I wanted something warm and sincere. In such situations, children's books come to the rescue.

A short story by Alvin Brooks White will introduce you to the cutest piglet Wilbur. He was the last in the litter, the smallest and weakest. From the death of the protagonist, the intervention of the girl Fern saved. The pig was sold cheaply to the Animal Farm, where he found a true friend in the person of the spider Charlotte. It is her networks that will help the baby become the most popular hog in the district.

5. "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini

In the whole world you cannot find such dissimilar people. Paradoxically, the two opposites gravitated towards each other and became very close. Amir and Hasan seem to come from different planets.

One is a descendant of an important aristocrat, a boy with an excellent education, claiming to be an intellectual. The other is the son of a lame and pitiful man, an illiterate boy with physical disabilities. His ugly "hare" lip cannot be hidden from others. Naturally, Hassan faced brutal harassment.

For the time being, the Kabul guys were friends. The relatively peaceful idyll was broken by terrible events. Sexual abuse has become a point of no return. Amir's unprecedented incident and betrayal scattered friends on different sides. Each had their own way. But is it possible to break the subtlest bonds that have been fixed since childhood between two souls?

6. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Polustanok Cafe by Fannie Flagg

The story of the friendship of two women with a huge age difference. Accidental acquaintance had a beneficial effect on both heroines of the novel. However, I'm getting ahead of myself, I'll try to start over.

Evelyn, 48, lives in a small town in Alabama. She dumped the hated mother-in-law in a nursing home, but still has to visit the vile old woman. It is in the last asylum for the elderly main character will meet 86-year-old Ninny.

Evelyn became disillusioned with life, her children left her, her husband has long grown cold and hardly tolerates her company. The woman is in constant depression and eats sweets in kilograms. The new acquaintance, despite the troubles and old age, remained optimistic. Ninny will turn Evelyn's mind and set her on the path leading to happiness.

7. "Rich Man Poor Man" by Irwin Shaw

The 1969 drama tells the story of relationships within the same family. Particular attention is paid to the story of the fate of the two brothers. One managed to break out into the people, which is not surprising, because Rudi was loved in the family and at school. He gave the impression of a "good boy", was an excellent student and behaved approximately.

Tom, the second brother, the parents did not really complain about. The boy was distinguished by an unbearable character, a hooligan and always got into bad stories. Tom chose a boxing career that did not bring him either wealth or fame. I recommend that you watch the brilliant Soviet film adaptation of the unique work of Irwin Shaw. The talent of the author, coupled with the additions of the director Arunas Zhebrunas, will leave an indelible mark on your hearts.

8. "The house in which ...", Mariam Petrosyan

Although officially the main character is a guy named the Smoking Man, in fact, the true central character of Mariam Petrosyan's novel is an old house. Disabled children have found shelter within its walls, and the quality of life inside the boarding school depends only on the benevolence of the building. A dilapidated building can accept or reject a settler at its own discretion.

Residents of the House respond to nicknames, they are divided into classes depending on the ability to go out the world... The reader gradually learns the seamy side of the orphanage, the web of mysticism covers him and it becomes unrealistic to tear himself away from the novel.

9. "The Book Thief", Markus Zuzak

The pre-war Germany acts as the scenery for the events of the set. The year is 1939. The Black Reaper has more work every day. Death rolled up its sleeves and lifted its braid over the heads of millions.

Not so long ago, a widowed woman takes her children, baby Liesel and her brother, to foster parents. The disgraced mother hopes to save the offspring from the iron fist of the Nazis. Tragedy strikes on the road. "The old woman with the scythe" visits a seriously ill boy and carries him away on dark wings to the next world.

Death draws attention to nine-year-old Liesel. This event leaves a scar in the memory of the girl. Then the main character finds herself on Heavenly Street, finds new friends in the person of her adoptive parents, neighbors, and fugitive Jews. However, books are the central object of the novel. A short story tells about what impact the printed word can have on the soul and how it affects a person's life.

10. "Conduit and Schwambrania", Lev Kassil

You can impute to Lev Kassil an excessive enthusiasm for the Soviet system, but think for yourself what the author could write about, who caught the formation and flourishing of the USSR. He cleverly managed to tell personal memories of the October Revolution, placing them in the framework of a children's story.

Two brothers Lelia and Osya founded the imaginary state of Shvambrania. The guys inhabited its vast expanses with adventure lovers, sailors and explorers. The boys themselves are honorable residents of Schwambrania and recognized heroes. The Schwambrans faced a bitter reality when they enrolled in a local gymnasium. Strict rules reign within the walls of the educational institution, for any offense you can fall into the terrible Conduit.

Against the background of the socialist revolution, Lelya and Axis are growing up, they find friends and gradually reform their imaginary country. The more responsibilities boys have, the less time they have to play. Gradually, the guys come to the idea that Swambrania should be left in the past.

11. "Smilla and Her Sense of Snow" by Peter Heg

The second book by the Danish author was published in 1992. The storytelling from a woman's perspective brought worldwide fame and significant literary awards to its creator.

The main events unfold in Copenhagen. Smilla returns from work and sees a little boy on the roof. He wants to jump down, hesitates and falls off the slippery slope. The girl is familiar with the child. His name is Isaiah and he is the son of her neighbor. The fact is that the kid was afraid of heights and could not climb onto the roof of his own free will.

Smilla decides to inspect the scene and, following the footprints in the snow, realizes that the child has been pursued. She expresses her suspicions to the police, but no one listens to her. The case is closed on the fact of suicide. But this boy was dear to Smilla, the girl wants to find answers to her questions. Like an open book, she reads a snow-white canvas of snow, and this cover becomes dearer to her than love.

12. "Bridge to Terabithia" by Katherine Paterson

A talented boy lives in the most average family in Virginia. Unfortunately, no one takes little Jess seriously. Mom and Dad are constantly busy trying to feed a large family, older sisters ignore the weird brother, classmates mock the boy, making fun of his poverty. At the beginning of the story, Jess is friends with only a six-year-old sister.

Everything changes with the arrival of the Berkov family in the town. An amazing girl Leslie settles next to the main character. With her help, Jess creates the country of Terabithia, the only way to which is opened by jumping on a rope across the river. Gradually, the guys expand their fictitious state, but an accident will interrupt the serene existence of friends.

13. "Peer Gynt", Henrik Ibsen

The Norwegian poet's dramatic play contains realistic scenes, fantastic adventures, and romantic notes. The author himself believed that outside of Scandinavia, the result of his work is unlikely to be perceived by readers.

However, the translation of the poem into many European languages ​​refuted the creator's fears. In addition, the amazing music of Edvard Grieg strengthened the position of the play "Peer Gynt" and gave it worldwide recognition and overwhelming popularity. The work has been repeatedly transferred to television screens and theatrical stage.

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Basal exchange.  Basic metabolism.  Calorie needs determination methods
0 4078 2 years ago When considering drawing up their own meal plan for losing weight or for gaining muscle mass, people begin to count the calorie intake. Earlier we have already considered that for weight gain, you need about 10% overabundance,
International Day of Human Space Flight Purchase of a floating cosmodrome
MOSCOW, December 15 - RIA Novosti. The outgoing year 2016 in the Russian space industry was remembered for a number of victories and a series of failures. The Soyuz carrier rocket was launched for the first time from the new Russian Vostochny cosmodrome, and the first ever collaboration was launched to Mars.
Is protein harmful for men's health: reviews Protein is good or bad
Often, protein is understood as a sports supplement in the form of a powder from which cocktails are made and drunk in training, mainly by athletes to build muscle or lose weight. There are still debates about the benefits and dangers of this supplement, many are often confused