The characteristic for the student in the military registration and enlistment office is cool. Ready-made examples (samples) of characteristics for high school students. How the sample of characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office looks like

Characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office is a document that represents a socio-psychological assessment of the personality of a conscript.

This characteristic is issued for submission to the draft board at the military registration and enlistment office from the educational institution or from the place of work of the conscript.

How to write a description to the military registration and enlistment office

The characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office is written in any form from the third person of the present or past tense.

It contains the following information:

  • Title of the document;
  • personal data of the conscript (full name, year of birth, education);
  • information about the family (name, date of birth and place of work of the parents);
  • his state of health;
  • description of the character, type of temperament of the conscript, strengths and weaknesses;
  • the level of academic performance in the last place of study, favorite subjects;
  • information about social activities;
  • relationship with fellow students / colleagues;
  • information about overall development conscript, his hobby;
  • the purpose of issuing characteristics;
  • signatures of authorized persons of the institution that issues the characteristic, seal;
  • date of preparation of the document.

Sample characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office


Egorov Stanislav Vladimirovich, 1996 year of birth, is a student of the 11-B grade of the secondary school № 2013 in Moscow. In 2002 I entered the 1st grade of the secondary school No. 2013 in Moscow, where I am still studying.

Family composition: Father - Vladimir Denisovich Yegorov, driver-forwarding agent of Millennium LLC, born in 1971.
Mother - Egorova Tamara Vasilievna, accountant of Serpantin LLC, born in 1973.
Family relations are friendly, parents are interested in their son's academic performance.

Health status Egorova S.V. good.

By nature Egorov S.V. rather sanguine, responsible, balanced, active, energetic, sociable. Quickly adapts to new conditions, easily converges with people.

The grade point average is 4.7. Favorite subjects are physical education and mathematics. Avoids missed lessons and discipline.

He takes an active part in social activities and sports life of the school, is a player in the school basketball team.

He is respected among classmates. In dealing with teachers and classmates, he is polite and friendly.

Attends the basketball section, karate-kobudo at school № 2013, has a yellow belt.

The characteristic was issued for submission to the military registration and enlistment office.

A characteristic is drawn up in the military registration and enlistment office on the letterhead of the institution where the conscript works or studies.

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It includes biographical information, data on the character of the conscript, his personal qualities, behavior, and so on.

This document is of great importance both for the members of the draft board and for the youngest person being drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces. That is why the compilation of the characteristics and the information contained in it must be approached very responsibly.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office will be needed for the following categories of Russian citizens:

students of senior classes of general education schools;
working people who are of draft age (from 18 to 27 years old).

As noted above, it is this official document that is extremely important in the final positive or negative verdict on conscription. They are also guided by them when deciding on the type of troops where the recruit will go.

In what cases is the characteristic written

There are two options for which a characteristic is required:

  • when a young man is on the draft list;
  • when he himself decided to serve in the army.

In any of these two situations, it is necessary to take into account the fact that only good physical qualities and good health are not enough for service in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces. Intellectual abilities and existing professional skills are of great importance, since representatives of civilian specialties are in demand in the army, for example, medical personnel, computer specialists, and signalmen. While serving, you can find application of your knowledge and skills.

The determination of the place of military service depends on whether the conscript has experience and knowledge in any professional field.


If there is a personal decision to pass military service, the application and the characteristic are provided simultaneously.

If the conscript is working officially, a testimonial from the employer may be provided. In this case, there is a possibility that the conscript, instead of the army service, will be sent to study at universities supervised by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In order for this to be realized, it is necessary to submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office with a request to be sent to study.

Features of the characteristics provided to the military registration and enlistment office

Service in the ranks of the armed forces has a number of specific features. This also entails special requirements that are imposed on the state of health of the future serviceman and on his personal qualities.


It is imperative to note the presence of diseases, even if at the time of writing the characteristics they no longer appear.

Information about participation in sports events, active or passive lifestyle will be important - all this data will give the recruiting office employees the necessary information to determine whether a future soldier will endure the harsh conditions of army life.

Also, a very important area of ​​data that must necessarily be reflected in the characteristic from the educational institution is information about the moral character of the student. They will make it possible to determine how seriously a young person approaches his duties as a citizen of the Russian Federation, whether he will be psychologically stable while serving in the army. They are usually included at the end of the document as a summary of everything listed.

Social data about the conscript

Social and psychological characteristics help to create an idea about the personality of a person, about the upbringing he received, about his attitude to life, the main features of his character.

Social information includes:

  • the attitude of a young man to activities related to socially significant;
  • involvement in collective activities;
  • the level of education of moral and ethical qualities of the individual;
  • list of hobbies and hobbies;
  • family status and characteristics, relations with parents and other relatives, description of living conditions.

Who can be the author of the characteristics for the military commissariat

In this official document, special attention is paid to the characteristics of the behavior and character of the student. Be sure to indicate information about his academic performance, extracurricular activities, relationships with fellow students.


If a characterization is made for a student, it is written by the group curator or the head of the department. In some cases, the rector of the educational institution may act as the author of the document. In universities, there are usually predefined templates of standard characteristics.

It can be filled by both the student himself and representatives of the management. If there are no forms, you can write a characteristic on a standard A4 sheet of paper. In this case, it is imperative to name the type of educational institution that issued the characteristic.

The characteristic to the military registration and enlistment office from the employer must also be properly drawn up. It must be drawn up on a letterhead, the seal of the organization and the signature of the head or other authorized person are required.

In some infrequent cases, a characteristic is provided by family members or neighbors, it is called a household one and does not contain strict design requirements. Only the recruit's date of birth and name should be given.

How is the characterization for a conscript drawn up

The military commissariat can provide a special form for writing the characteristics, but in most cases it is drawn up on a standard sheet of paper in black or blue pen, or brought in printed form.

The structure of the document practically does not differ depending on the nature of the recruit's employment - he is a schoolboy, student or already working. A characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office is a document that includes several mandatory points:

1) Title.

In the header of the characteristics, you need to write to whom it is addressed, that is, the coordinates of the military enlistment office and the full name of its employee. Instead of a heading, you can make a mark at the bottom of the document about the direction to the place of demand

2) Personal data of the conscript.

The name of the young man and his initials, date of birth, place of birth, date of admission to an educational institution or employment, group number, course, department and faculty must be indicated here. If the conscript works, there must be data on the place of work and position.

3) Academic performance.

This section displays educational data, academic performance, subjects to which he has a predisposition, information about attendance and attitude to the educational process. If there is participation and victories in competitions, participation in public events, or other achievements, they should also be noted in the characteristics.

Also, special attention should be paid to data on a sports career, name the types of sports that the conscript is engaged in, the events in which he participated, indicate the victories won, the availability of medals and certificates.

4) Information about personal qualities.

The item should include both positive and negative character traits that are observed in the conscript. The former can, for example, include the desire for discipline, accuracy, stress resistance, and the latter - the manifestation of aggressiveness, forgetfulness, inability to find contact with people. It is noteworthy that all the personality traits of a young man, including his cultural level, must be fully described.

5) Conclusion.

The characterization must end with the date of writing and the signatures of the responsible persons-representatives of the organizations that made the characterization - the university, school or employer's company.

When compiling a characteristic, conciseness is appreciated. All basic information should be indicated, but without unnecessary details. In the case when a characteristic is written on the letterhead of a company or institution, its name in the text is optional.

Registration instructions

Depending on whether a student, student or working person has been assigned a characteristic, its form and the information reported may differ. But some points are common to any kind of this document.

Hat. It includes data about the company or organization that provides the characteristic, and the full name plus the details of the institution where it is addressed.

The only exceptions are cases when the document is written on letterhead, where there is already information about the author organization. Then there is no need to additionally indicate them in the header.

Personal data of the person for whom the characteristic was drawn up. This section contains information about his name, address of residence, passport data, education received, marital status. If necessary, you can provide information on the composition of the family.

Brief health data. The diseases that the young man suffers from, including mental ones, should be indicated here. It is also mentioned whether he is registered with medical institutions.

Conclusion. The final paragraph should contain the date when the description was written, the signatures of the responsible employees of the company or representatives of the educational institution, the signature of the head, the seal.

To summarize, the characteristic must be compiled in a concise manner using exclusively business style... The characteristic is written in two copies, one of which is provided to the military registration and enlistment office, and the second is sent for storage to the archive of the organization that compiled the document.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office from the place of work

The registration of the characteristics in the military commissariat by the employer occurs when the conscript has already completed his studies and began to build a career. In this case, the letter of recommendation is drawn up on behalf of the company where the young person works. Following the pattern, such a characteristic includes the necessary points:

  1. The name of the employer, the military registration and enlistment office, the name of the letter itself.
  2. Date of writing characteristics.
  3. Information about the person responsible for its preparation - full name, date of birth, position, information about education.
  4. Information about the place of work of the conscript - the name of the organization, contacts.
  5. Employee data - full name, position, job skills, length of service, educational diploma.
  6. Information about the character and personal qualities of the youth.
  7. If possible, an indication of the employee's prospects in military activities.

Sample characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office for a student


from the place of study
(general form)

On (full name is indicated)
Day, month and year, place of birth.

General and special education received before entering an educational institution.

Specialty of training.

Compliance with academic discipline.

Academic achievement.

Attitude to study and work.

Character traits.

Strong-willed: purposefulness, independence, discipline, etc.

Emotional: impressionability, resistance to stress, excitability;

Moral: honesty, laziness, responsibility;

Abilities: logical thinking, assimilation of information, perseverance.

Life principles, moral position, the manifestation of interest in learning and social activities, the role in the team, behavior in everyday life, etc.

Family status.

Health status.

Physical fitness, sports achievements, the presence of categories.

Hobbies and hobbies.

When compiling a characteristic, only the data that is relevant at the moment of time are taken into account.

Characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office from the place of work


LLC "Company name"
Legal address__________

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Military Commissariat (full name)

Characteristic for Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich works in LLC "Company Name" from ____ to ____.
Higher education. In ____, he graduated from the "Name of the university" in the specialty (name of the specialty). He is married with two children.

Ivanov I.I. started working as a courier. Currently he is a senior development manager. His duties include communicating with the company's clients, drawing up invoices and contracts, and conducting commercial transactions.

During his work, Ivanov showed himself from the best side, showed active leadership skills, responsibility and self-confidence. He fully and timely fulfills the duties assigned to him.

Actively involved in social work... I am always ready to support colleagues and provide the necessary advice. Does not violate labor discipline. Not noticed in the addiction to alcohol. He is fond of playing the guitar and programming.

During his work, he was twice awarded an honorary diploma for professional merits.

General Director of LLC “Name of the Firm” Petrov P.P.

Characteristics for a student in the military registration and enlistment office

Characteristics of a citizen subject to conscription ______.

Date of birth __________, full name __________, Russian, citizen of the Russian Federation, passport

No______ series ___________, incomplete secondary education.

Family composition: father (full name, date of birth, type of employment), mother (full name, maiden name, date of birth, type of employment). There are no cases in family history mental illness, alcoholism and drug addiction.

They live in a city apartment, the climate in the family is favorable, and none of the family members was brought to administrative or criminal liability.

The average student's mark is 4.5. He has never been left for the second year, he is doing well in all subjects.

During his studies, he showed perseverance, hard work and perseverance in mastering the educational material. Relations with the team are good, there were no conflicts during the studies.

She actively participates in extracurricular activities, takes part in social and patriotic events, conducts volunteer work.

He is engaged in athletics, has diplomas and certificates for victories in regional and citywide competitions.

Has no bad habits, chronic diseases no, physically well developed.

Conclusion: hardworking, responsible, disciplined, benevolent, athletic.

Head teacher __________________

Classroom teacher___________

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The conscription into the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation is always associated with moral concern and the need to collect various documents. Among other things, they require to provide a description of the conscript.

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Where can I get it and what should the document contain? This article will help you with this.

Purpose of the document

A characterization in a military registration and enlistment office in a general sense is a special document that is able to give a general idea of ​​the conscript and an assessment of his behavior to the relevant institution. Consequently, the characteristic includes a description of all socio-psychological aspects related to the personality of the one who provides this document.

Who needs?

From a subjective point of view, the characteristic will undoubtedly be needed by the one who provides it - the conscript. It is not for nothing that all young guys of the corresponding age are worried about her. With an objective one - to the institution where the document is submitted, to the military registration and enlistment office.

The main figures of the characteristics:

  • high school students;
  • students of universities, technical schools, lyceums, etc .;
  • employees of enterprises of draft age.

During a medical examination of a conscript, a psychiatrist will be guaranteed to look at the characteristics in order to determine the answer to the age-old question "pass / fail". In addition, this document has some influence on where the guy will be sent, if he is still fit, whether the construction battalion or intelligence is shining for him.

Further destiny

In principle, except for the military registration and enlistment office, the conscript will not need this document anywhere else, but it will remain in the archives as a mention of the person.

After the characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office fulfills its purpose, it is sent to a folder called.

Who gives a description of the recruit to the military registration and enlistment office?

From school (from place of study)

The characteristics of the student of the school are written by his class teacher (in some cases - the head teacher, or any other teacher of this educational institution). This usually happens in grade 11.

It includes:

  • information about academic performance;
  • activity;
  • behavior;
  • relationships in the team.

A student from a university can get a testimonial at the dean's office of his faculty. Often there will be pre-printed forms / letterheads that must be completed.

There are several options for filling:

  • the characterization is written directly by the recruit himself, highlighting his strengths and weaknesses;
  • the document is filled in by the person in charge;
  • the characteristic is also written by the responsible person from the educational institution, but in an arbitrary form (if forms or forms are not provided).

Regardless of the type of educational institution, the description must indicate the institution to which it was issued.

From the place of work

The characteristic from the place of work must also be presented on the letterhead of the organization, indicating its details.

The document is drawn up by the employer or any other responsible person directly related to this organization.

When compiling the characteristics, points similar to the previous ones are taken into account, with the exception of adding information about, in fact, the work itself.

From parents

The characteristic from the parents is provided with less strict rules: in free form on a regular sheet of paper. This, of course, does not exclude the fact that the required details of the document remain.


  • document's name;
  • structure (name, date of birth, and so on);
  • date, signature.

From neighbors (at the place of residence)

A document of this type is often referred to as a “household characteristic”.

It indicates the assessment of the behavior and character of a person by his neighbors.

A characteristic at the place of residence can be provided for various reasons (for work, in an educational institution, and so on), but its orientation to the military registration and enlistment office does not have special properties.

How to write? (sample)

Above there were several instructions on how to write a description to the military registration and enlistment office, references to the fact that, regardless of the type, they are all similar to each other. This paragraph tells all the subtleties in detail.

The draft board of the military registration and enlistment office considers characteristics that meet the following rules:

  • the document was written from a third party;
  • the time indicated in the document may be present or not so long ago;
  • an arbitrary form is possible, however, the above-mentioned established forms of an educational institution can become its limiters. The form of writing the characteristics by parents or neighbors is not limited to anything;

The characteristic should contain the following information:

  1. Like all official documents, at the beginning of the sheet, its name is indicated, in this case - "Characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office".
  2. The next stage is to indicate the last name, first name and patronymic, it is also supposed to write the year of birth of the conscript and the educational institutions in which he received his education.
  3. The document must also contain basic information about the family. The characteristics should include the full names of the parents, dates of birth and the place where they work.
  4. Since this characteristic is submitted to the draft board, and then to the medical one, the state of health is also indicated (in general terms).
  5. Next comes the turn of describing the character of a person, his behavior, at this point you can write about the relationship of the conscript with his peers, in the team, about him outside learning activities, activity in educational institutions and at work, academic performance. Summarize the overall socio-psychological assessment, indicate the type of temperament (if known). Put it in the best possible light if possible strengths and the obvious advantages of the conscript, iron out the shortcomings.
  6. You can add a person's favorite subjects in pursuit of academic performance. Academic progress is indicated by the one that was in the last place of study.
  7. After the description, they usually write the purpose of issuing the document (in this case, for presentation to the admissions office of the military enlistment office).
  8. Further, the authorized persons responsible for the characteristic are signed and the seal of the institution where the document was issued is affixed.
  9. The last stage is the date.

Responsible person

IN general concept the definition of "responsible person" includes the position and the person in this position, which is entrusted with the responsibilities for the implementation of any prescription.

Therefore, in which case the responsible person is personally responsible for the reality of the information, and also has the necessary powers to provide it.

In the case of writing a description to the military registration and enlistment office, the person in charge is appointed depending on the institution in which this document is issued.

Given the above grouping, it could be:

  • class teacher, head teacher, teacher, school director;
  • curator, head of department, dean, rector;
  • employer, director of a firm, organization in which the conscript works;
  • parents, guardians;
  • neighbors.

Watch an interesting video about the characteristics of the average recruit:

Selection of personal data and personal qualities

When writing characteristics, they take into account best qualities person.

Disadvantages, if they indicate, then in a neutral way, trying to highlight advantages.

Personal data are indicated in the generalized structure of the characteristics. Indications such as name and date of birth are required. Keep family information as brief as possible.

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Personal qualities have been described over the past three years. It is necessary to make a description of the recruit as he is now, and not in the past. Likewise, social activities are also indicated recently.

Nuances that are best kept silent



……... the year of birth.

…… has a fairly high level of academic performance, systematically acquires the necessary knowledge and skills, takes care of the constant improvement of his educational level. Has a well-developed spatial imagination. Learning motivation is highly developed.Planning to receive higher education... Moral and volitional qualities are developed, does not miss classes for disrespectful reasons. The teachers are characterized as a hardworking student, disciplined, responsible.All orders are carried out on time and in good faith.

There are no negative features of character and behavior. Conflict-free, reasonable, calm, friendly, modest. Disciplined, hardworking, responsible. He is polite with teachers. Respected by classmates. A reliable companion, always ready to help.

He is brought up in a complete family.Family relationships are friendly, based on mutual trust and support.Parents are responsible for the upbringing of their son, the best moral qualities are instilled - respect for elders, politeness, kindness and decency.


Head teacher ____________


for a student of grade 10a MAOU secondary school № ... .. of the city ... ... ..

…… the year of birth.

…… during the years of study at this school he showed average abilities. She is not conscientious enough to study, she does not always do her homework. There are missing lessons for no good reason. In the classroom, he is inactive, he does not always care about mastering the missed material. He is self-critical of successes and failures in academic work. Needs stimulation of knowledge. Skills for planning work and educational activities are poorly developed. She tries to fulfill the requirements and recommendations of teachers.

Physical development is average, corresponding to age. The state of health is satisfactory, it has no contraindications to any type of activity.Pays attention to sports training, leads healthy image life, attends the sports section.No bad habits were revealed during schooling.

In the team of students he enjoys respect and authority, tries to avoid conflicts, has many friends, both among the students in the class and in other classes. Sociable. In dealing with teachers, he is polite.

The student is brought up in a complete family, respects parents, values ​​their opinion.


Head teacher ____________

Classroom teacher _________


for a student of grade 10a MAOU secondary school № ... city ... ..

.. the year of birth.

During his studies, he showed himself as a conscientious student who does not allow discipline violations and missed classes.Has a good learning ability. He copes with academic subjects at "good" and "excellent".There is motivation to study, she plans to get higher education. Moral and volitional qualities are developed. The teachers are characterized as a hardworking and conscientious student, disciplined, responsible.

Physical development is average, corresponding to age. The state of health is satisfactory, it has no contraindications to any type of activity. Leads a healthy lifestyle, goes to sports clubs.No bad habits were revealed during schooling.

By nature - calm, tactful, tries to avoid conflict situations. In dealing with classmates and teachers, he is polite and friendly.Sociable, easy to find mutual language with peers and teachers.Has many friends. He enjoys well-deserved prestige among his comrades.


Head teacher ____________

Classroom teacher _________


for a student of grade 10a MAOU SOSH № ... .. of the city ........


Born on 28.08.2001.

He treats classes without interest, requires constant supervision from teachers, does not do homework systematically. There are missing lessons for no good reason.

The state of health is satisfactory, it has no contraindications to any type of activity. Leads a healthy lifestyle.No bad habits were revealed during schooling.

He treats social activities with indifference, tries to avoid mass events.

Relationships in the team of peers did not work out: does not show interest in other students, does not try to maintain friendly communication with them. In relation to the team, he is indifferent.

In relation to elders, she does not behave respectfully enough, she can argue and be rude in response to comments from teachers.Relationships with individual teachers are of a conflicting nature: they show negativism towards the teacher, do not fulfill his requirements, and respond insolently and rudely.

Quite secretive by nature. Uncommunicative, often impulsive, has difficulty adapting.

Raised in single-parent family, lives with her mother.


Head teacher ____________

Classroom teacher _________


for a student of grade 10a MAOU secondary school № ... city ... ..

Born on 23.08.2001.

.. during the years of study at this school showed average ability. She is not conscientious enough to study, she does not always do her homework. In the classroom, he is inactive, he does not always care about the assimilation of the missed material. He is self-critical of successes and failures in academic work. Needs stimulation of knowledge. Skills for planning work and educational activities are poorly developed. She tries to fulfill the requirements and recommendations of teachers.

No bad habits were revealed during schooling.

Regularly takes part in the labor affairs of the class and school. When carrying out assignments of a labor nature, she works in good faith. Has established himself as a good performer.

By nature, calm, modest, non-conflict, attentive. Well-mannered, friendly, always benevolent, not aggressive. Relations with comrades are even. Relationships with elders are respectful, responds adequately to teachers' comments.

He is brought up in a complete family. Relations with parents are trusting, he is given independence, but they try not to weaken control over the upbringing and behavior of his son. There are no conflicts in the teacher's relationship with parents.


Head teacher ____________

Classroom teacher _________


for a student of grade 10a MAOU secondary school № ... city ... ..


…… the year of birth.

During the years of study, he showed average abilities in mastering school disciplines.In the classroom he is disciplined, he takes educational activities seriously. He does not miss lessons without a good reason, he comes to school on time, he tries to do his homework. Has a penchant for the humanities. Given his academic performance, he has expressed an interest in subjects such as literature, biology.

Physical development is average, corresponding to age. The state of health is satisfactory, it has no contraindications to any type of activity. Leads a healthy lifestyle.No bad habits were revealed during schooling.

Regularly takes part in the labor affairs of the class and school. When carrying out assignments of a labor nature, she works in good faith. Has established himself as a good performer.

By nature - calm, secretive, shy, balanced. He shows stability of mood, the ability to make decisions not to be led by his emotions. Thanks to the ability not to get irritated over trifles, he feels emotionally comfortable, does not conflict, knows how to find compromise solutions.

He feels comfortable in the team. He enjoys authority in the class, values ​​the opinion of the team, treats classmates kindly, and respects teachers.


Head teacher ____________

Classroom teacher _________



.. the year of birth


MAOU Secondary school №… of the city ……

During the years of study, he showed weak abilities in mastering school disciplines.He had no interest in classes, demanded constant supervision from the teachers, and did not systematically do homework. Due to the fact that the teenager had absolutely no desire to study, he did not attend classes in the 9th grade. Was left for retraining. IN this moment studies at night school.

The state of health is satisfactory, it has no contraindications to any type of activity. Leads a healthy lifestyle. No bad habits were revealed during schooling.

He treated social activities with indifference, tried to avoid mass events.

Relationships in the team of peers did not work out: he did not show interest in other students, did not try to maintain friendly communication with them. In relation to the team, he is indifferent.

A teenager is brought up in a complete family. There were no conflicts in the teacher's relationship with the parents.

Head teacher: ________________________

to the military registration and enlistment office per student

The characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office is written by the educational institution in which the citizen is studying, or studied until recently. Thus, a characteristic can be written to the military registration and enlistment office at school, in an educational institution of secondary specialized or higher education. The need to submit this document arises, inter alia, from the Instructions for the preparation and conduct of activities related to the conscription of citizens into military service Russian Federation not in stock, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense dated 02.10.2007 No. 400.

The characteristic to the military registration and enlistment office from the school should contain information about how the recruit converges with the team, whether it has difficulties with adaptation. It describes the most typical traits of a student's character (aggressiveness, activity, tendency to depressive states, sociability, etc.). The characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office per student should reflect his academic achievements, for example, participation in the Olympiads, the general level of academic performance, aptitude for certain subjects. The characteristics indicate his sports achievements (if any): participation in competitions, interschool sports camps, classes in sections, the presence of medals and other awards.

Characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office should not be "inflated", contain a large number of details. The writing should be concise.

Sample characteristics for the recruiting office from the school

Here is an approximate sample of the characteristics in the military registration and enlistment office per student:

Secondary school number 1, Novosibirsk

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

city ​​military commissariat

Characteristics of the student

Sergei Sergeevich Ivanov, born in 2003, is a student high school No. 1 since 2010.

During his studies, he showed himself as a conscientious student who does not allow discipline violations and missed classes. The student's average grade point is 4.5. Actively takes part in public life school, performs at competitions in team sports. As part of the school team, he repeatedly won prizes in mini-football, volleyball and basketball.

He enjoys well-deserved authority among his peers, shows delicacy and tact when communicating with others. Contacts with students from other classes. He is polite and friendly with teachers and classmates.


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