Characteristics of a secular society garnet bracelet. Vera Nikolaevna Sheina: characteristics and image of the main character. The image of Vera Nikolaevna Sheina

A.I. Kuprin often raises the topic of true love in his works. In his story "The Pomegranate Bracelet", written in 1911, he touches upon her infinity and significance in human life. However, this vivid feeling often turns out to be unrequited. And the power of such love can destroy the one who experiences it.

In contact with

Direction and genre of the work

Kuprin, being a real literary artist, loved to reflect real life in his works... He was the one who wrote many stories and stories based on true events. "Garnet Bracelet" was no exception. "Pomegranate bracelet" genre is a story written in spirit.

It was based on an incident that happened to the wife of one of the Russian governors. A telegraph official who once sent her a chain with a small pendant was unrequitedly and passionately in love with her.

If for people from the real world this case was tantamount to an anecdote, then for Kuprinov's characters a similar story turns into a strong tragedy.

The genre of the piece "Garnet Bracelet" cannot be a story, due to the insufficient number of actors and one storyline. If we talk about the peculiarities of the composition, then it is worth highlighting many small details that, as events slowly develop, hint at a catastrophe at the end of the work. To an inattentive reader, it may seem that the text is pretty full of details. However, they are the ones help the author to create a complete picture. The “pomegranate bracelet”, the composition of which is also framed by inserts about love, ends with a scene explaining the meaning of the epigraph: “L. van Beethoven. 2 Son. (op. 2, no. 2). Largo Appassionato "

The theme of love, in one form or another, stitches the whole work with a red thread.

Attention! There is nothing left unsaid in this masterpiece. Thanks to skilful fictional descriptions, realistic images emerge before the eyes of readers, the credibility of which no one will doubt. Natural, simple people with ordinary desires and needs arouse genuine interest among readers.

Image system

There are not many heroes in Kuprin's work. To each of them the author gives a detailed portrait... The appearance of the characters reveals what is happening in the soul of each of them. Descriptions of the heroes of the "Garnet Bracelet", their memories occupy most of the text.

Vera Sheina

This woman with regal calm is the central figure story. It is on her birthday that an event takes place that forever changed her life - she receives as a gift Garnet bracelet, which gives its owner the gift of foresight.

Important! A revolution in the consciousness of the heroine arises when she listens to a Beethoven sonata bequeathed to her by the Zheltkovs. Dissolving in music, she awakens to life, to passions. However, her feelings are difficult, and even impossible, for others to understand.

Georgy Zheltkov

The only joy in the life of a petty official is opportunity to love at a distance Vera Nikolaevna. However, the hero of the "Garnet Bracelet" cannot withstand his all-consuming love. It is she who raises the character over other people with their base, and even insignificant, feelings and desires.

Thanks to his gift of high love, Georgy Stepanovich was able to experience tremendous happiness. He bequeathed his life to Vera alone. Dying, he did not hold any grudge against her, but continued to love, cherishing her image in his heart, as evidenced by the words spoken to her: "Hallowed be thy name!"

The basic idea

If you take a close look at Kuprin's work, you can see a number of short stories reflecting his search for the ideal of love. These include:

  • Shulamith;
  • "At the junction";
  • "Helen".

Completing this love cycle, "Garnet Bracelet" showed, alas, not the deep feeling that the writer was looking for and would like to fully reflect. However, in its strength, the painful unrequited love of Zheltkov is absolutely not inferior, but on the contrary, transcends the relationships and feelings of other characters. Contrasted to his hot and passionate emotions in the story is the calm that reigns between the Shein spouses. The author emphasizes that only good friendship remained between them, and the spiritual flame had long since died out.

Zheltkov is supposed to stir up Vera's calm state. He does not evoke reciprocal feelings in a woman, but awakens excitement in her. If throughout the book they were expressed as forebodings, then at the end, obvious contradictions rage in her soul.

Sheina's sense of danger arises even when she first sees a gift sent to her and a letter from a secret admirer. She involuntarily compares a modest gold bracelet, adorned with five bright red garnets, with blood. This is one of the key symbols that marked the future suicide of the unfortunate lover.

The author admitted that he had never written anything more sensitive and subtle. And the analysis of the work "Garnet Bracelet" confirms this. The bitterness of the narrative intensifies autumn landscape, atmosphere of farewell to summer cottages, cold and transparent days. Even Vera's husband appreciated the nobility of Zheltkov's soul, he allowed the telegraph operator to write her the last letter. In it, every line is a love poem, a real ode.

Play by Alexander Ostrovsky: a summary by chapters

Strong episode the story can be considered a scene where the main characters meet, whose fates are so suddenly intertwined and changed. Living Vera looked at the serene face of the deceased and thought about her emotional shock. Numerous aphorisms, often used in speech, fill this small work. What are the quotes that make readers shiver:

  • “I am infinitely grateful to you only for the fact that you exist. I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love, which God was pleased to reward me for something. "
  • “In that second, she realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by.”
  • "Don't go to your death until they call you."

Garnet bracelet. Alexander Kuprin

Garnet bracelet.A.I. Kuprin (analysis)


Zheltkov's unrequited passion did not pass without leaving a trace for the main character... The symbol of eternal love - a garnet bracelet - turned her life upside down. Kuprin, who always blesses this feeling, expressed in his story the full force of this inexplicable attraction.

The events described in the story are based on real events. A touching love story still excites readers, forcing them to re-read the work again and again. The image and characteristics of Vera Nikolaevna Sheina in the story "The Garnet Bracelet" is key. What is true love, the woman learned only after the death of her admirer. He opened her eyes to the fact that she deserves more. Pure and selfless love left with him and it is unlikely that she will have to experience something like this at least once in her life.

Vera Nikolaevna Sheina- the main character of the story. Princess. She is married to Vasily Lvovich Shein.


Vera is not at all like her sister Anna. She looked like an English lady. All in a mother who was of English descent. The facial features are refined. Cold porcelain face. The figure is tall, flexible. Outwardly, she might seem impregnable and proud, but in fact she was a kind and sensitive woman. The arms seemed a little big, but the beauty of the sloping shoulders drew attention to itself. Vera dressed elegantly: a suit, a hat, and certainly shoes.


Vera has been married for a long time. I have known my husband since childhood. After several years of marriage, feelings for the spouse were gone. Friendship has replaced love, and the habit of being around. They did not have children, although Vera dreamed of filling the house with children's voices, but it did not work out.

“… She eagerly wanted children and even, it seemed to her, the more the better, but for some reason they were not born to her…”.

She was a good wife. She supported her husband in every possible way, knowing full well that their family was on the verge of bankruptcy. She saved where she could. None of the acquaintances knew how things really were.

The house is constantly full of guests. Their family loved to host social events, although the income did not match the expenses. Prince Shein loved to show off, not denying himself anything.

Formed. She studied at the Institute for Noble Maidens in St. Petersburg. It was there that she met Jenny Reuter, a famous pianist who became a close friend to her.

Musical. Loves music. Attends all concerts. Favorite composer Beethoven.

Believes in omens. Superstitious. Pays attention to the signs of fate. Of those women for whom the number 13 carries a special meaning.

Gambling. Loves card games... Together with my sister, we often played poker.

Doesn't read newspapers. Indifferent to the press. He does not like to get his hands dirty on newspaper sheets.

Love in the life of Vera

At the birthday, Vera receives a garnet bracelet from a mysterious stranger. This was not the first time. The cavalier was persistent, which annoyed her. His crush seemed annoying. The measured life with his appearance has lost its usual rhythm. The woman did not know how to react. After it turned out that this man had been in love with her for eight years from the moment he first saw her at the opera. It was before marriage, but the man did not have the spirit to openly declare his feelings. At the family council, it was decided to pay a visit to the secret adorer and ask him never to interfere with their family again. She herself let him know that she was rather tired of this story.

“Oh, if you only knew how tired I am of this whole story. Please stop it as soon as possible. "

He stopped, choosing a terrible way - suicide. After the death of Zheltkov, that was the name of the mysterious admirer, Vera realized that she might have missed the love that all women dream of, but it was too late.

The story "Garnet Bracelet", written in 1910, occupies a significant place in the writer's work and in Russian literature. Paustovsky called the love story of a petty official for a married princess one of the most fragrant and painful stories about love. True, eternal love, which is a rare gift, is the theme of Kuprin's work.

In order to get acquainted with the plot and heroes of the story, we suggest reading the summary of the "Garnet Bracelet" by chapters. It will give an opportunity to comprehend the work, to comprehend the charm and lightness of the writer's language and to penetrate into the idea.

main characters

Vera Sheina- Princess, wife of the leader of the nobility Shein. She married for love, over time, love grew into friendship and respect. She began to receive letters from the loving official Zheltkov even before her marriage.

Yolkov- an official. Unrequitedly in love with Vera for many years.

Vasily Shein- Prince, provincial leader of the nobility. Loves his wife.

Other characters

Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov- General, friend of the late Prince Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky, father of Vera, Anna and Nikolai.

Anna Friesse- sister of Vera and Nikolai.

Nikolay Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky- assistant prosecutor, brother of Vera and Anna.

Jenny Reiter- a friend of Princess Vera, a famous pianist.

Chapter 1

In mid-August, bad weather hit the Black Sea coast. Most of the inhabitants of the coastal resorts began to hastily move to the city, leaving their summer cottages. Princess Vera Sheina was forced to stay at the dacha, as her town house was being renovated.

Along with the first days of September, warmth came, it became sunny and clear, and Vera was very happy about the wonderful days of early autumn.

Chapter 2

On her name day, September 17, Vera Nikolaevna was expecting guests. The husband left in the morning on business and was supposed to bring guests for dinner.

Vera was glad that the name day fell on the summer cottage and there was no need to arrange a magnificent reception. The Shein family was on the verge of ruin, and the position of the prince obliged a lot, so the spouses had to live beyond their means. Vera Nikolaevna, whose love for her husband has long been reborn into a "strong, faithful, true friendship»Supported him as best she could, saved him, denied herself in many ways.

Her sister Anna Nikolaevna Friesse came to help Vera with the housework and receive guests. Not similar in appearance or character, the sisters were very attached to each other from childhood.

Chapter 3

Anna had not seen the sea for a long time, and the sisters briefly sat down on a bench above the cliff, "a sheer wall that fell deep into the sea" - to admire the lovely landscape.

Remembering the prepared gift, Anna gave her sister notebook in an old-fashioned cover.

Chapter 4

In the evening, guests began to arrive. Among them was General Anosov, a friend of Prince Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky, the late father of Anna and Vera. He was very attached to his sisters, they, in turn, adored him and called him grandfather.

Chapter 5

Those gathered in the Sheins' house were entertained at the table by the owner, Prince Vasily Lvovich. He had a special gift for storytelling: humorous narratives were always based on an event that happened to someone he knew. But in his stories he so "exaggerated", so bizarrely combined truth and fiction and spoke with such a serious and businesslike air that all the listeners laughed without stopping. This time his story concerned the failed marriage of his brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich.

Getting up from the table, Vera involuntarily counted the guests - there were thirteen of them. And, since the princess was superstitious, she became uneasy.

After dinner, everyone except Vera sat down to play poker. She was about to go out onto the terrace when the maid called her. On the table in the study, where both women entered, the servant laid out a small bag tied with a ribbon, and explained that a messenger had brought it with a request to give it personally to Vera Nikolaevna.

Vera found a gold bracelet and a note in the package. At first she began to examine the decoration. In the center of the low-grade gold bracelet were several magnificent garnets, each about the size of a pea. Examining the stones, the birthday girl turned the bracelet, and the stones flashed like "lovely deep red living lights." Anxiously, Vera realized that these lights looked like blood.

He congratulated Vera on the Day of the Angel, asked not to be angry with him for the fact that several years ago he dared to write her letters and expect an answer. He asked to accept a bracelet as a gift, the stones of which still belonged to his great-grandmother. From her silver bracelet, he, exactly repeating the location, transferred the stones to the gold one and drew Vera's attention to the fact that no one had ever worn the bracelet. He wrote: “however, I believe that in the whole world there is no treasure worthy of decorating you” and confessed that all that now remained in him was “only reverence, eternal admiration and slavish devotion”, an every minute desire for happiness to Faith and joy if she is happy.

Vera wondered whether to show the gift to her husband.

Chapter 6

The evening passed smoothly and lively: they played cards, talked, listened to the singing of one of the guests. Prince Shein showed several guests a home album with his own drawings. This album was a supplement to the humorous stories of Vasily Lvovich. Those looking at the album laughed so loudly and infectiously that the guests gradually moved towards them.

The last story in the drawings was called "Princess Vera and the telegraph operator in love," and the text of the story itself, according to the prince, was still "being prepared." Vera asked her husband: "You don't need better," but he either did not hear or did not pay attention to her request and began his funny story about how Princess Vera received passionate messages from the telegraph operator in love.

Chapter 7

After tea, several guests left, the rest settled on the terrace. General Anosov told stories from his army life, Anna and Vera listened to him with pleasure, as in childhood.

Before going to see the old general off, Vera invited her husband to read the letter she received.

Chapter 8

On the way to the crew that was waiting for the general, Anosov talked with Vera and Anna about the fact that he had not met true love in his life. According to him, “love should be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world. "

The general asked Vera what was true in the story told by her husband. And she gladly shared with him: "some madman" pursued her with his love and sent letters even before marriage. The princess also told about the parcel with the letter. In thought, the general noticed that it is quite possible that Vera's life was crossed by a "single, all-forgiving, ready for anything, modest and selfless" love that any woman dreams of.

Chapter 9

After seeing off the guests and returning to the house, Sheina joined in the conversation between her brother Nikolai and Vasily Lvovich. The brother believed that the fan's "stupidity" should be stopped immediately - the story with the bracelet and letters could ruin the family's reputation.

After discussing what to do, it was decided that the next day Vasily Lvovich and Nikolai would find a secret admirer of Vera and, demanding to leave her alone, return the bracelet.

Chapter 10

Shein and Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky, Vera's husband and brother, paid a visit to her fan. It turned out to be an official Zheltkov, a man of about thirty or thirty-five.

Nikolai immediately explained to him the reason for coming - with his gift he crossed the line of patience of Vera's loved ones. Zheltkov immediately agreed that he was to blame for the persecution of the princess.

Addressing the prince, Zheltkov started talking about how he loves his wife and feels that he can never stop loving her, and all that remains for him is death, which he will accept "in whatever form." Before speaking further, Zheltkov asked permission to leave for a few minutes to call Vera.

During the absence of the official, in response to Nikolai's reproaches that the prince was "limp" and took pity on his wife's admirer, Vasily Lvovich explained to his brother-in-law what he was feeling. “This person is not capable of deliberately deceiving and lying. Is he to blame for love and is it possible to control such a feeling as love - a feeling that has not yet found an interpreter for itself ”. The prince was not just sorry for this man, he realized that he had witnessed "some tremendous tragedy of the soul."

Returning, Zheltkov asked permission to write the last letter to Vera and promised that the visitors would never hear or see him again. At the request of Vera Nikolaevna, he "as soon as possible" stops "this story."

In the evening, the prince conveyed to his wife the details of his visit to Zheltkov. She was not surprised by what she heard, but was slightly agitated: the princess felt that "this man will kill himself."

Chapter 11

The next morning Vera learned from the newspapers that because of the embezzlement of state money, the official Zheltkov had committed suicide. All day Sheina thought about the "unknown person" whom she never had to see, not understanding why she had a presentiment of the tragic outcome of his life. She also remembered Anosov's words about true love, which may have met on her way.

The postman brought a farewell letter from Zheltkov. He confessed that he regards love for Vera as a great happiness, that his whole life is contained only in the princess. He asked for forgiveness for the fact that "an uncomfortable wedge crashed into Vera's life", thanked simply for the fact that she lives in the world, and said goodbye forever. “I tested myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love, which God wanted to reward me for something. As I leave, I say in ecstasy: "Hallowed be Thy name," he wrote.

After reading the message, Vera told her husband that she would like to go see the man who loved her. The prince supported this decision.

Chapter 12

Vera found an apartment that Zheltkov rented. The owner of the apartment came out to meet her, and they started talking. At the request of the princess, the woman told about last days Zheltkova, then Vera went into the room where he was lying. The expression on the face of the deceased was so peaceful, as if this man "before parting with life learned some deep and sweet secret that solved his entire human life."

At parting, the landlady of the apartment told Vera that if a woman suddenly dies and a woman comes to say goodbye to him, Zheltkov asked to tell her that the best work of Beethoven - he wrote down his name - “L. van Beethoven. Son. No. 2, op. 2. Largo Appassionato ".

Vera began to cry, explaining her tears with the painful "impression of death."

Chapter 13

Vera Nikolaevna returned home late in the evening. At home, only Jenny Reiter was waiting for her, and the princess rushed to her friend with a request to play something. Without doubting that the pianist would perform “the very passage from the Second Sonata that this dead man with the funny name Zheltkov asked for,” the princess recognized the music from the first chords. The soul of Vera seemed to be divided into two parts: at the same time she thought about the love repeated once in a thousand years, which passed by, and about why she should listen to this particular work.

“Words were composed in her mind. They so coincided in her thoughts with the music that they were as if couplets, which ended with the words: "Hallowed be thy name." These words were about great love. Vera cried over the feeling that had passed by, and the music excited and calmed her at the same time. When the sounds of the sonata died down, the princess calmed down.

When Jenny asked why she was crying, Vera Nikolaevna answered only to her with an understandable phrase: “He has forgiven me now. Things are good" .


Telling the story of the hero's sincere and pure, but unrequited love for a married woman, Kuprin pushes the reader to think about the place that feeling occupies in a person's life, what it gives the right to, how it changes inner world one who has the gift of love.

Acquaintance with the work of Kuprin can begin with brief retelling"Garnet Bracelet". And then, already knowing the storyline, having an idea of ​​the heroes, with pleasure to dive into the rest of the writer's story about wonderful world true love.

Story test

Retelling rating

Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 13864.

The hero of the story "The Pomegranate Bracelet" is one of the most touching characters in literature. The author himself wept over the manuscript of this work. Kuprin argued that it is the most chaste of all that he created. Characteristics of the heroes ("Garnet Bracelet") is the topic of this article.


The main characters are the spouses of Sheina. It is noteworthy that the characterization of the heroes ("Pomegranate Bracelet") is given by the author very unevenly. Kuprin did not consider it necessary to describe the character of Princess Vera, her habits. He described the appearance of the heroine, comparing her with his sister Anna.

Has a flexible figure, gentle, cold and proud face. This is almost all that is said about the main character. Her sister is depicted in more detail, although her presence in the story does not affect the plot in any way.

Each of the images is a kind of means for revealing main theme works, namely - themes of love. And therefore, the writer gave a rather selective characterization of the heroes. "Garnet Bracelet" is a story in which the fate and inner world of the characters can be understood from the short phrases they said and various small details.

Princess Vera is a kind, sensitive and honest woman. The ending of the story speaks about her ability to sympathize when she comes to the house of the deceased Zheltkov to say goodbye to him. Honesty is indicated by the reproaches of conscience that she experiences in one of the scenes. When a dispute flares up between Vasily and Vera's brother Nikolai about the correspondence, which allegedly compromises all family members, Shein coldly notes that this epistolary phenomenon is extremely one-sided. At the words of her husband, the princess blushes deeply. After all, only one single message was received by the person who presented this unfortunate garnet bracelet.

The main characters, whose characteristics are finally revealed in the denouement, are secondary characters throughout the main part.

Vasily Shein

Even less is said about this hero than about Vera Nikolaevna. As already noted, in the work "Pomegranate Bracelet" the main characters, the characteristics of which are given by the author at the beginning of the narrative concisely and restrained, at the end show their best qualities... Vasily Shein goes to Zheltkov and, unlike his brother Vera, who accompanies him, behaves tactfully, politely and somewhat confused. The prince is able to see a great tragedy in a man who has been in love with his wife for eight years. He knows how to feel someone else's pain even when the other would show only dislike and acute irritation.

Later, after Zheltkov commits suicide, Vasily gives Vera his impressions of what he saw: “This man loved you, and he was not mad,” he says, and at the same time treats with understanding the princess’s desire to say goodbye to the deceased.

But at the same time, both Vera and Vasily are arrogant people. Which, however, is not surprising, given their position in society. This quality is not negative. This is not arrogance, and not a kind of condescension that manifests itself in their attitude towards people outside their circle. Faith is characterized by coldness and an imperious tone. Vasily treats his wife's secret admirer with excessive irony. And, perhaps, all this led to the tragedy.

After reading summary the work gives the impression that love, which is so little in real life, dedicated Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet". The characterization of the heroes, which is revealed in the story, gives, however, credibility and veracity to this plot. To understand this, you need to read carefully and thoughtfully.


The author devoted most of the fourth chapter to the depiction of this hero. The image of Anosov plays an important role in revealing the main idea of ​​the story. In one of the fragments, he talks with the heroine about true love, which he has never experienced in his entire long life, because such a feeling is born once every hundred years. And in response to Vera's story about Zheltkov, he suggested that this is that rare case.


This man is pale, has a gentle girlish face. There is no need to talk about the qualities of his character, since Vera Nikolaevna is the meaning of his life. In the last letter, he confesses to her that after he saw her for the first time, he stopped taking interest in anything. The image of Zheltkov is central in the plot, but little has been said about him. The strength of the feeling that he experienced for the last eight years of his life is much more important than his personality.

Using a small diagram, you can summarize the analysis of images in the story "Garnet Bracelet"

Characteristics of heroes (table)

This is the characterization of the heroes. "Garnet bracelet" - despite its small volume, is a deep work. The article presents short description images, and important details and quotes are missing.

The story "Garnet Bracelet" - famous work about tragic love. Kuprin shows the origins and role of love in human life. The author skillfully creates a socio-psychological tone that determines the behavior of the characters. But he does not fully disclose and cannot explain this feeling, which, in his opinion, is beyond reason and depends on some higher will.

Before getting acquainted with the characteristics of the heroes of the "Garnet Bracelet", I would like to briefly outline the plot. At first glance, quite simple, but the psychological component focuses on the tragedy: the main character on her name day receives a bracelet sent by her longtime admirer and informs her husband about it. He, under the influence of his brother, goes to her admirer and asks to stop the persecution married woman... The fan promises to leave her alone, but asks to be allowed to call her. The next day, Vera learns that he shot himself.

Vera Nikolaevna

The main character of the story "Garnet Bracelet" is a young, beautiful woman with a flexible figure - Sheina Vera Nikolaevna. Refined features and some coldness, inherited from her English mother, emphasized the grace and beauty of the young woman. Vera Nikolaevna had known her husband, Prince Shein, since childhood. During this time, passionate love for him grew into a deep, sincere friendship. The princess helped Vasily Lvovich to cope with matters and, in order to somehow alleviate their unenviable situation, she could deny herself something.

The Shein spouses did not have children, and Vera Nikolaevna transferred her unspent maternal feelings to the husband and children of her sister Anna. The princess was compassionate and felt sorry for the person who loved her. Although he gave her trouble, appearing sometimes in her life, but Vera behaves with dignity in this situation. The very embodiment of tranquility, she doesn't make it a problem. But as a subtle and noble nature, Vera feels what a tragedy is happening in the soul of this person. Treats his fan with understanding and compassion.

Prince Vasily Lvovich

Vasily Shein is one of the main characters. In the "Garnet Bracelet" Kuprin introduces him as a prince and leader of the nobility. Vera Nikolaevna's husband, Vasily Lvovich, is revered in society. The Shein family is outwardly prosperous: they live on a large estate built by the prince's influential ancestors. They often arrange social events, run an extensive household and engage in charity work, as required by their position in society. In fact, the prince's financial affairs leave much to be desired and he makes considerable efforts to stay afloat.

A fair and compassionate man, Shein has earned the respect of friends and family. “Really, I love him. He's a good guy, ”says General Anosov, a family friend of him. Vera's brother, Nikolai, believes that Vasily Lvovich is too soft for a man whose wife a secret admirer sends a gift to. The prince has a different opinion on this matter. After a conversation with Zheltkov, the prince realizes that this man immensely loves his wife. And he admits that the "telegraph operator" is not to blame for his love, therefore he sincerely regrets the man who has been recklessly in love for eight years.

Friend of the Anos family

Anosov - a military general made friends with the father of Vera and Anna, when he was appointed commandant of the fortress. Many years later. During this time, the general became a friend of the family and became attached to the girls like a father. Honest, noble and courageous, the general was a soldier to the core. He was always guided by his conscience and respected both soldiers and officers alike.

Anosov has always acted fairly. Even with his dishonest wife who ran away from him. His pride and self-esteem did not allow him to let this woman back into his life. But, like a real man, he did not leave her to the mercy of fate and paid the allowance. They had no children, and the general transferred his paternal feelings to the offspring of his friend Tuganovsky. He played with the girls and told stories from his camping life. However, in a fatherly way, he treated everyone who was younger than him or needed help.

Kuprin, in describing the heroes of "Garnet Bracelet", emphasized very important points... In the words of General Anosov: “Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! " the author expresses his understanding of what love is. He explores why deep feeling is doomed.

Mysterious admirer

Zheltkov fell in love with Vera Nikolaevna for a long time. She was for him the ideal and perfection of beauty. I wrote letters to her and dreamed of meeting. He continued to love the princess even when he realized that he would not succeed. The serenity and happiness of the woman he loved was in the first place for him. He understood perfectly well what was happening. The man wanted to see her, but he had no right to. Love for him was higher than desire. But Zheltkov sent the bracelet in the hope that she would at least look at the gift, take it in her hands for a second.

As an honest and noble man, Gregory did not persecute Vera after her marriage. After she sent a note asking not to write to her, he did not send any more letters. Only sometimes congratulations on big holidays. Zheltkov could not even imagine upsetting the marriage of his beloved woman, and when he realized that he had gone too far, he decided to get out of the way. The only way to keep from wanting to see her is to take your own life. Yolkov was strong enough to draw this conclusion, but too weak to live without his love.

This is the characterization of the heroes of the "Garnet Bracelet", to whom the author assigns a key place in his story. But we cannot ignore the other participants in this drama: the brother and sister of Vera Nikolaevna.

Minor heroes

Nikolai Nikolaevich witnessed a gift addressed to his married sister. As a brother of Vera, he was deeply indignant. Nikolai Nikolaevich is self-confident and single, he does not like to talk about feelings, he is always rude and deliberately serious. Together with the prince, he decides to pay a visit to a mysterious admirer. At the sight of the distinguished guests, Zheltkov is lost. But after the threats of Nikolai Nikolaevich he calms down and realizes that love is a feeling that cannot be taken away and it will remain with him until the end of his days. After the conversation, Zheltkov finally strengthened his decision to leave this life, so as not to interfere with Vera's life.

Vera's sister, Anna Nikolaevna, was completely different from her. She is married to a man she cannot stand, but has two children from him. Her character consists of many sweet habits and contradictions. She enjoyed incredible success with men and loved to flirt, but she never cheated on her husband. She loved vivid impressions and gambling, but she was devout and kind. Why is its characteristic important?

The heroes of the "Garnet Bracelet", sisters Anna and Vera, on the one hand, are somewhat similar, both are married to influential people. But Anna is the complete opposite of Vera. This manifests itself externally: the "graceful ugliness" of one sister and the English thoroughbredness of the other. By paying more attention to the description of Anna, the author makes it possible to understand the inner state of the heroes. Anna does not hide her dislike for her husband, but tolerates this marriage. Vera, on the other hand, does not know about her dislike, because she did not know real love. Kuprin, as it were, emphasizes that Vera is “lost” in ordinary life, therefore, the beauty of the main character is invisible, and her exclusivity has been erased.

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