The best vitamins for older women after 70. Vitamins for the elderly: a list of vital drugs. The best vitamin kits

Older people cannot fully provide themselves with foodstuffs from food, as the processes of suction slow down in an aging digestive tract. Therefore, women who have reached the menopausal period and men who have reached the 50s - 60 years of age should take pharmacy vitamins. Reception of vitamin preparations for old-age people is important in three reasons:

  1. Over the years, the peristalistic of intestinal walls is worse, so vitamins and mineral elements cannot fully worry in the body.
  2. In the elderly, the redox reactions proceed slowly, so the help of useful compounds becomes necessary.
  3. Old people often suffer the most different diseases, so they are forced to take a large amount of drugs. And certain medicines are able to worsen the absorption of vitamins and minerals from food.

What vitamins do elderly need vitamins?

Every day, water-soluble compounds - ascorbic acid and group B. These substances strengthen the vascular walls, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, normalize the functioning of the heart and the circulatory system. The most important for the elderly vitamins are:

  1. Ascorbic acid (C). Powerful antioxidant. Blocks free radicals. Protects skin cover and vascular system from the effects of negative factors. Prevents division of malignant cells. With a lack of vitamin C, immunity is weakened, metabolism is disturbed, a tendency to various diseases appears. The substance is rich in citrus, greens, pepper, currant, rich tea.
  2. Retinol (A). Warns age-related problems with vision. Strengthens the immune system. Supports the work of the digestive tract. Vitamin suppliers are carrots, pumpkin and other vegetable products of orange and yellow.
  3. Tocopherol (E). It has a pronounced antioxidant effect. I will slow down the processes of skin aging, warns the appearance of seenile pigmentation. Reduces the risk of cataracting and senile marasm. Normalizes blood pressure. It is contained in vegetable oils.
  4. Calciferol (D). Provides the correct construction of bone and joint tissues, regulates the absorption of minerals in the bones. In sufficient quantity is present in sea fish, fish oil, egg yolk. It is also synthesized in the skin tissues under the influence of solar radiation. But the elderly people should not be held under the sun, as the risk of melanoma increases.
  5. Group B. It includes compounds from B 1 to b 12. During the shortage of these vitamins, dermatological pathologies develop, the work of the nervous system is disturbed, the activity of enzymes is depressing, anemia arises. The group B helps in the elderly to preserve memory, maintain the work of visual organs and the digestive system. Suppliers of these vitamins in the body are cereals, dairy products, meat and seafood, greens.
  6. Phillakinone (K). Normalizes blood coagulation, does not bleeding become abundant. Provides calcium assimilation.
  7. Unsaturated fatty acids (F). Support in normal weight. Clean the blood vessels from cholesterol savings. Normalize heart rhythm and blood pressure.

What kind of minerals are needed by older people?

Older people need mineral elements less than young people. But it is impossible to completely exclude minerals from use. The main thing is to observe the correct dosage, because the mineral excess is also harmful to the body, as well as the disadvantage. Therefore, before taking a mineral drug, it is better to consult with a medical specialist about the dosage and duration of the course.

An older man especially needs the following minerals:

  • calcium - does not give bones to thin and make fragile;
  • iron - participates in the formation of hemoglobin, ensures the delivery of oxygen into the cells;
  • iodine - necessary for the proper work of the thyroid gland;
  • magnesium - expands the vascular walls, lowers cholesterol concentration in the blood.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis in an elderly person

People of elderly, health in itself is not so strong as in young years. And aggravates the hypovitaminosis situation, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • drying the skin;
  • decrease in nail plates;
  • baldness;
  • loss of teeth;
  • pain in the joint tissues;
  • nervous disorders, nervousness;
  • pain in the head;
  • chronic fatigue, sleep impairment;
  • the weakening of immunity, a tendency to colds;
  • violation of the digestive function;
  • blood pressure fluctuations;
  • violations of the heart muscle and vascular system;
  • development of osteoporosis.

The best vitamin and mineral complexes for older people

In the pharmacy network you can choose a plurality of vitamin and mineral complexes designed for people aged. Before buying any tall drug, it is recommended to consult with a doctor.

The following are the names and descriptions of the best vitamin preparations for patients who crossed 50 years.

The most popular vitamin complex intended to strengthen the health of older people. The composition contains calciferol, retinol, vitamin E, ascorbic acid, compounds of group B, biotin, calcium, copper, iron, iodine and other useful substances.

The drug is recommended as an additional supplier of vitamins and mineral elements in the body, helps in the prevention of osteoporosis, heart disease and the circulatory system, age violations. It is implemented in tablet form.

On the day you need to take 3 tablets: one of each of three species. Reception is carried out during food. The course lasts a month. The complex is contraindicated in patients who have the intolerance to any component.

Packaging Alphabet, which includes 60 tablets, costs about 300 rubles.

The drug is recommended for men and women after 60 years. It is realized in the form of tablets with a gray shell. Component base - antioxidants, braking aging processes. The composition includes ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol, vitamin D, selenium, zinc, copper and other useful substances.

The complex is recommended for preventing and eliminating hypovitaminosis and mineral deficiency, which is especially characteristic in the spring. Also, the reception is shown in a scant diet and during the recovery period after severe illness. You can not drink tablets in the presence of sensitivity to any component of the drug.

Reception is carried out at 1 tablet per day during or after meals. The course lasts 3 - 4 months.

The average cost of the complex is 580 rubles.


The American manufacturer releases a BAA line for women and men of any age, including for pensioners. Vitamins of Solkar for the elderly are realized in tablet form, saturate the organism ascorbic acid, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid.

The reception of the dietary supplements is shown in skeletal tissues, the weak motor ability of the joints, the rapid aging of the skin. A day you need to drink 1 tablet. It is impossible to use the drug in the intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Each means from the calgar line has its price determined by the component composition. But on average, drugs suitable for people 60 - 70 years old can be bought for 700 rubles.

The German vitamin preparation is characterized by the presence of natural origin components. A complex suitable for older people is produced in a tablet form. The composition is contained tocopherol, ascorbic acid, compounds of group B, selenium, zinc, biotin and many other substances. The active ingredients are combined in such a way as to maintain the health of an aging organism, lead the metabolism to normal.

Recommendations for receiving: meager diet, atherosclerosis and other pathologies of the blood system, vitamin and mineral failure, constant stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, low performance, problems with concentration of attention. It is impossible to accept the Dopperzenz during sensitivity to any component.

A day is shown 1 tablet. Reception is carried out during food. The course lasts 2 months.

The drug is relatively inexpensive, the average price is 300 rubles.

Polyvitamins that promote metabolic normalization are designed for patients after 60 years. The active ingredients that are in optimal concentration restore the correct operation of the nervous system, improve enzymatic reactions. Magnesium contained in the preparation normalizes the state of the psyche and the operation of muscle fibers. Pyridoxin leads to normal functioning of nervous structures. Vitamin B 12 has a positive effect on blood formation, participates in enzymatic reactions.

It is worth the center of Silver on average 500 rubles.

Russian vitamins, intended for women from 45 to 60 years. The drug not only eliminates age-related hypovitaminosis, but also relieves the symptoms of hormonal transformations with menopause. Magnesium, selenium, tsimacyflows and dyeing extracts are present in the composition - components, normalizing the state of the woman during the period of extracting reproductive ability.

A day is shown 1 tablet. Reception is desirable after eating. The course lasts 3 - 4 months. It is impossible to take the drug in the intolerance of any component, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is worth complivitis on average 350 rubles.

Lowering and improving metabolism vitamins with ginseng extract. The active ingredients help the body fight with negative factors, return to the norm after infectious diseases. The complex is recommended for strengthening memory, increasing physical activity, improve mental performance. It will not hurt to take the drug to working people 45 - 65 years old who have the likelihood of stressful situations and overwork.

Gerimax is contraindicated with a tendency to drug allergies, high blood pressure, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Also, you should not drink capsules in the evening, as the drug has a tonic effect on the body, can cause problems with sleep.

1 capsule is accepted per day. The course lasts a month.

It is worth the drug on average 580 rubles.

The immunostimulating drug in the form of elixir from the company Dr. Taiss is shown to people 60 - 80 years having cardiovascular pathologies. The basis of the complex is iron, hawthorn and dyeing extracts. The elixir helps to provide an elderly organism as essential substances necessary for the correct flow of metabolism and reactions of reduction oxidation. The active ingredients normalize the condition of the heart and vascular system, soothing the nerves, stimulate the hemoglobin synthesis.

A day is shown to take 1 tablespoon of elixir. The course is determined by the doctor depends on the physical condition of the patient, but should not be shorter than the month.

A bottle containing 200 ml of elixir is about 330 rubles.

When a person's age reaches a certain turn, it should be prepared for psychological and physical changes.

Over the years, the likelihood of violation of vital organs increases, reproductive function is suppressed, the state of the skin is worse, the hair starts to be seen and fall out.

That's why it is extremely important to take vitamins for older people over 50, 70 and 80 years old.

Many drugs are represented in the domestic market, but to purchase the best of them is not the most simple task. In this matter it is important to draw attention to the physiological needs of an aging organism and other psychological factors.

A group of vitamins (in addition to the fat-soluble class A, D, E) are not produced by the body, they should only come from outside. The body does not have the ability to "accumulate" these components, so it must regularly receive them in sufficient quantities. These vitamins for older people over 60 are very important.

Over the years, the gastrointestinal authorities begin to work with interruptions (for example, in 80 percent of people after 65 years diagnose atrophic gastritis). A complex of vitamins for the elderly groups of the group B prevents the development of these diseases.

Hypovitaminosis is the cause reducing the activity of most enzymes and their systemsWhat in turn leads to the development of metabolic processes.

What does the shortage lead to?

If the body lacks vitamins or antioxidants, class C or E (this is a heart vitamin) - this becomes the first factor to exacerbate the likelihood of developing heart diseases or even oncology. Vitamin C is needed to normalize vital processes in the body, It normalizes the metabolism, protects the lungs, ensures the timely elimination of dangerous cholesterol.

Lack of vitamins Class B is caused by impaired view, disorders of nervous endings and digestive processes. A person increasingly suffers on colitis in chronic form, ulcers, it torments the total fatigue, various diseases on the skin, nervous breakdowns, deterioration of the overall state, decrease in immunity. Despite the fact that the need for vitamins of class b in the elderly several times less than adolescents, over the years they begin to be digested with the body, respectively, it is necessary to increase the boundary dose of their reception.

Vitamin Class A is the best of all the presented antioxidants.But his insufficient amount can cause dangerous consequences: vision is worsening, gastritis, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or duodenum are sharpened, the immune system works with interruptions.

Consider. Lack of iron. With its insignificant number of cells ceases in the required, for their livelihoods, get oxygen. This is the cause of the development of iron deficiency anemia. The disease is especially characteristic of older people.

How to choose a vitamin complex for older people over 60, 70, 80 years old?

Vitamins for old people, over 70 and 80 years old, must be chosen according to the recommendations described below.

  1. Be sure to read the composition or consult a doctor about its contents. The concentration of nutrients in one tablet must comply with the standards of your age. Here the rule "the more, the better" does not work. It is important that not only vitamins, but also mineral complexes, are better absorbed by the organism in combination with other components. For example, calcium is not learned without vitamin D3.
  2. Stay the choice on natural vitamins, and not on synthetic. This rule many do not take into account. If you can get vitamins from fruits, vegetables or plants, they will bring more benefits than synthetic.
  3. Standardization and certification of quality. Any optimal complexes must comply with international quality standards.
  4. The price should directly match the quality. It is imperative to understand that cheap vitamin complexes will not be useful. Natural vitamins are not so easy to get from medicinal plantsFor this, a large number of environmentally friendly raw materials are processed. The optimal cost from 500 rubles and higher.

Best Prereparats

Vitrum Tseturi

An elderly organism will soon flourish after receiving this complex. It contributes to the active work of the immune system, significantly affects the increase in physical and mental abilities. This complex most often recommended to people over 80 years old, as the regular intake of the capsules will reduce the likelihood of the development of heart or oncological ailments. The complex is often appointed in preventive purposes or as an addition to the main treatment. A lot of buyers have already managed to positively appreciate the drug.

It is noted to improve the well-being and the general condition of the body after 2 weeks later. The price of the complex varies and starts from 500 rubles. Surely, any old man can afford it.

The complex is applied:

  • in therapeutic or preventive purposes for hypovitaminosis and the shortage of mineral components in people over fifty years;
  • with increasing need for vitamins during mental or physical activity;
  • for rapid recovery after a dangerous infectious or viral ailment.

It is advisable to take the capsule from the morning after eating. Course treatment - from month to three.

Vitruum Zeturi Forte (enriched with Lutein and Ginkgo Biloba)

The complex is rich in the necessary micro and macro elements of plant origin, which was specially created, given the needs of people over fifty. Xantofillas, which are part of the capsules, an important element for prevention age-related changes vision; Ginkgo plant improves brain activity. It also contributes to the normalization of blood flow, stimulates the work of the brain, effective during short-term memory loss.

How to apply:

  • In prophylactic purposes in hypovitaminosis or shortage of mineral elements in people over 60 years old.
  • With prolonged recovery after an infectious or bacterial disease.
  • During seasonal ailments, after the operation or course of antibiotics.
  • With an increased physical or mental load.
  • It is recommended to take those people who live in environmentally unfavorable regions.

The drug should be taken in the morning after eating. Course of treatment - 31 days, if necessary, it can be repeated.

Center Silver

Polyvitamin drug, which has a metabolic effect on the body. The large concentration of active nutrient elements reduces the excitability of nerve endings and enzymatic reactions. Insufficient amount of magnesium leads to muscle or psychological disorders. Man becomes irritable, breaking heartbeat And the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Pyridoxine, which is part of the drug, simultaneously with the necessary concentration of magnesium regulates the operation of nerve endings. Vitamin B12 and B6 takes part in enzymatic processes and has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system.

Take 1 capsule a day after meals. Course treatment - packaging of the drug.

Gerimax 45+

The active substances that make up the complex improve the body's resistance to the effects of adverse factors, help the body to recover faster after bacterial or infectious ailments. The complex improves and restores memory, increases physical, mental activity and efficiency. This reduces the likelihood of nervous breakdown and the risk of overwork.

It is worth taking 1 capsule a day in the morning. The course of reception is a month.

Consider. During the preparation of the drug, it is important to limit caffeine consumption.

Alphabet 50+.

The complex contains a number of useful micro and macro elements, vitamins and minerals. In addition to all, the list is recommended, the drug includes xanthophylls and a carotenoid pigment. They provide uninterrupted work of the eye retina, reduce the risk of clouding the eye lens.

Xanthophylls - protect the eyes from the effects of ultraviolet rays, play an important role in preventive purposes against retinal detachment;

Carotinoid pigment - under its impact, the condition of the eye shell and retinal is improved. The element reduces the likelihood of development of prostate or breast cancer cells.


The drug is adopted in preventive and therapeutic purposes:

  • As a means in the fight against hypovitaminosis, which was the cause of unbalanced nutrition.
  • While compliance with the diet.
  • In case of intolerance of certain products.
  • With an increase in the need for vitamins during hormonal changes.
  • With stressful situations.
  • During the recovery period after the suffered illness, after transferred surgery, with burns or injuries.
  • For therapeutic purposes, in chronic ailments, pathological, endocrine and immune changes.

The drug is worth taking people of middle and old age, with an accelerated aging process.

Complivit 45+

If you do not know what vitamins to take after 60 years old women, and do not know how to choose a suitable complex, pay attention to the 45+ complivitis. The drug is adopted for the prevention of female hypovitaminosis during age-related hormonal changes (during perimenopause). The combined multivitamin remedy contains the necessary concentration of magnesium and selenium, also its composition includes a dyeing and cuminic flow.

Thanks to the vitamin complex, the lack of vitamins is restored, given daily rate In women during age-related hormonal change. Additional components have an adaptogenic and metabolic effects, as well as normalize the hormonal background.

How to use?

Consider. Vitamin complexes are better taken in the morning to provide the body the necessary number of active elements for operation throughout the day.

  • Many complexes are absorbed only during meals. Just need to control the reception of caffeine, because it reduces the concentration of active ingredients of each adopted capsule.
  • Tablets do not need to chew, but to swallow only.
  • Do not neglect the recommended dose.

Danger overdose

With age, our body begins to work not as young people. Exchange processes slow down, organs and systems already have a certain "wear", and therefore to old people Especially needing support from the outside. This support is capable of providing vitamins and MineralsThat makes the deficit of nutrients in the body, activate the work of the organs, will improve the tone and general well-being. Vitamins for the elderly - This source of youth and vitality. The main thing is to determine which vitamins We are needed, and add them to your diet.

Vitamins for the elderly

People who have entered in the period of the third youth, the following vitamins are especially necessary:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamins Group B.
  • Vitamin D.

As well as minerals for good work of the body:

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Selenium

These vitamins and minerals are needed to each person who is watching his health. However, people over 50, 60, 70 years old, they will help preserve youth and extend the active period of life, because many vitamins are strong antioxidants.

Consider why these vitamins are useful for people of mature age:

A few words about the most important minerals:

How to choose vitamins for older people over 60, 70, 80 years old?

  1. Pay attention to the composition - The more useful substances in one capsule, the better. The fact is that many vitamins and minerals are much better absorbed by the organism in combination with others. For example, calcium practically does not benefit if it is taken without vitamin D3.
  2. Choose natural vitamins, and not synthetic. Important momentwhich many miss sights. Natural vitamins that are most often obtained from plants, much more useful and better absorbed by the body. Such vitamins are often sold in the form of biologically active additives (BAA) to food.
  3. Standards and quality certificates. Any good complex must comply with international quality standards - GMP, ISO 22000, HACCP and others.
  4. Value for money. It is very important to understand that cheap vitamins cannot be good. Get natural vitamins from medicinal plants are not so easy, this requires to get high-quality raw materials, process, transport to the laboratory, etc. If the drug has been advertised, and it costs three kopecks, then you should think about what is its cost? The optimal price is 1000-2000 rubles.

Viitamins of Vision (Vision) for the elderly

Among the variety of various drugs, complexes from Vision are allocated, because, firstly, they 100% natural and created from medicinal herbal, secondly, they passed Clinical trials In large clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg under the attention of the RAMS, thirdly, they correspond to international quality standards - GMP, ISO 22000 and HACCP. These drugs are created since 1996, and thousands of people are already taking them to preserve youth and good health.

Multivitamins Senor for the elderly

The complex contains a "golden set" of the useful substances, including vitamins, minerals and beneficial bacteria for the stomach and intestines. It is due to the presence of useful bifidobacteria vitamins and minerals improve the digestion process and the intestinal microflora is normalized, and this leads that the useful substances are absorbed in the body by 95%, and therefore bring real benefits.

Composition of the Senor Vision complex:

The main properties of the Vitamin and Mineral Complex Señor Vision:

  • Replenishes the shortage of almost all the beneficial substances necessary in adulthood;
  • Contributes to the rapid strengthening of immunity and significantly increases the body's resistance;
  • Improves the work of the intestines and the stomach, normalizes the intestinal microflora, ensuring the complete absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • Increases energy, vital tone and overall health;
  • Regulates metabolism and improves metabolism.

Multivitamins Senor Vision. - A simple way to keep excellent well-being even in old age.

Pax + Fort Vision - Vitamins and Minerals for Nervous System

- Special complex to improve work nervous system, protect the body from negative influence stressimprove sleep and get rid of insomnia. Contains extracts of medicinal plants, as well as a complete set of vitamins of group B, calcium and magnesium.

100% natural complexTherefore, it does not cause side effects inherent in many antidepressants. It is specially created on the basis of the most famous and useful medicinal herbs that proven results bring.

Pax composition + Fort:

Melissa Officinalis L.)50 mg
Lavandula Angustifolia Miller)50 mg
Valerian Drug (Valeriana Officinalis L.)50 mg
Vitamin B 1.1,12 mg
Vitamin B 2.1.62 mg
Vitamin B 5.6.02 mg
Vitamin B 6.1.63 mg
Vitamin B 9.0.2 mg
Vitamin B 12.1.01 μg
Vitamin PP.17.82 mg
Vitamin H.0.12 mg
Calcium24.75 mg
Magnesium26.02 mg

The main properties of the Pax Cap + Fort Vision:

  • Protects the body from the negative impact of stress;
  • Replenishes the shortage of group vitamins B, as well as calcium and magnesium;
  • It has a soft soothing effect;
  • Improves sleep and eliminates insomnia;
  • Helps to overcome apathy and depressive mood;
  • Increases the body's resistance to stressful situations;
  • It has a positive effect on the work of the heart, normalizes heart rhythm.

Thus, Pax + Forte is an excellent solution for those who do not want to fall into depression in the fall. Perfectly suitable for those who have an autumn chanda and a bad mood.

Chromvital + - Vitamins for energy and tone for the elderly

The complex will help to increase vitality. The special formula of the drug combines natural natural energy, which give a charge of cheerfulness, and at the same time do not have side effects for nervous or cardiovascular systems. That is why the complex Chromvital +. You can take people over 60-70 years to raise tone and energy.

Reception of this drug helps to improve well-being, if a person suffers from fatigue, apathy and bad mood. It is recommended to those who have problems with sleep and cannot restore the forces to the fullest. In addition, Chromvital + helps strengthen immunity and improve overall well-being.


Basic properties chromvital +

  • Increases energy and vital tone, which is especially important in old age;
  • Eliminates fatigue and drowsiness;
  • Improves performance;
  • Strengthens immunity and overall health.


Choose vitamins for the elderly not difficult. It should be understood that metabolic processes slow down with age, the body is no longer able to fully absorb all useful substances from food. That is why the support is so important, which we can give with the help of special vitamin and mineral complexes. These drugs are usually balanced and contain those vitamins and Mineralswhich are especially necessary in adulthood. Choosing a complex should pay attention to the composition, its naturalness, compliance with international quality standards and, of course, the value for money. In this case, it will turn out to buy a good complex that will bring real benefits.

We recommend paying attention to preparations of Vision (Vision), Because this product is tested by time, it passed clinical trials, which means safe and efficient. Vision preparations (Vision) bring real benefits and thousands of people have already been convinced of this, make sure you!

Each person must have information about which substances are needed to maintain health elderly. In people of old age, the body is rebuilt, as a result of which the assimilation of the useful substances is reduced. This leads to a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Fill the lack of food containing a large number of items necessary, almost impossible. The shortage of nutrients is aggravated due to chronic diseases.

Modern pharmaceutical companies produce special vitamins for the elderly, the reception of which helps solve the problem of hypovitaminosis in old age. What kind of vitamins in old age are needed, you can learn from reference sources.

Vitamins needed to people in old age

When a person reaches a mature age, the body needs fewer calories. In this case, the need for vitamins and minerals increases.

With age, the acidity of the gastric secretion becomes lower, which makes it difficult to fully absorb certain useful compounds, in particular, vitamin B12.

Therefore, people, over the age of 50, should be included in the diet products containing. Vitamins for the elderly will help compensate for the shortage of compounds.

Vitamins group B for the elderly

Required in adulthood to eliminate the work of the heart muscle. Compounds contribute to the slowdown of the aging process. The most important vitamins B12 and B6.

During the research, it was proved that 20% of older people lack cyanocobalanine, What leads to a violation of the functioning of the brain. In old age, his insufficient number is manifested by Dementia and Alzheimer's disease. After 50 years, it is recommended to regularly take the Cyanocobalann. With age, his suction deteriorates.

Lack of vitamin B6. In the people of elderly leads to the disorder of the immune system, weakening the memory. General state The body is broken and reduced resistance to infections. The elderly often develops pyridoxine deficiency.

The need for vitamin B2 The elderly increases, since his suction is reduced. The disadvantage leads to the loss of visual function, chronic diseases of the digestive tract, disorder.

What else do you need vitamins?

. No less important for older people to receive this vitamin in sufficient quantities.It is able to deal with the diseases of the circulatory system, prevent stroke, which is a serious consequence of aging.

An additional dose of compound helps to improve the protective properties of the body. In the old age, the need for vitamin increases.

Often called vitamin youth. It slows down the aging processes. All vitamin complexes for older people contain the necessary dose of tocopherol.

Sufficient use of ascorbic acid in adulthood allows you to extend the years of life. It improves the work of the immune system, strengthens the blood vessels.

Vitamins E and with Help fight aging. Often with years decreased appetite. Vitamins for appetite adults with ascorbic acid will help to return the desire to eat food.

Normalizes blood glucose concentration. His insufficiency adversely affects the health of people in adulthood, especially those who suffer atherosclerosis and hypertensive disease.

. A man in old age often leads a low-wear lifestyle. As a result, the body may not be enough of vitamin D, which is synthesized when exposed to sunlight on the skin. Fill the lack of better reception of vitamin complexes and fish oil.

For the health of older people, it is necessary to use a sufficient amount of mineral substances.

Microelements are also important to maintain health

Microelements Accelerate the course of many metabolic processes. It is important to sufficiently use calcium for the prevention of osteoporosis, which occurs at the initial stage of the climax. Such a connection, like Bor, holds it in the body.

Magnesium - An important trace element for older people. It stimulates the bile, has a vasodilatory action, improves the functioning of the intestine.

This is very important for the elderly, as they often have problems with a chair. The lack of mineral may be the cause of high content in the walls of the blood.Bean and cereal are the main sources of the trace element.Magnesium helps to cope with disorder and sleep, participates in the absorption of calcium, reduces cholesterol content in the blood.

Iodine deficiency leads to a violation of the work of the thyroid gland. With a lack of iron, iron deficiency anemia occurs, which is particularly dangerous in old age.

Chewable dietary additives Help to abandon high-calorie food and get all the necessary substances. In pharmacies you can purchase chewing tablets for example with iron.

Power should be enriched with high content above the elements considered above.

Preparations for men and elderly women

When climax women Vitamins are needed to regulate occurring processes. They take part in the synthesis of sex hormones, strengthen the protective mechanism of the body and reduce the negative manifestations of Klimaks. With menopause on the background of hormonal restructuring, a woman is gaining weight.

For example, in the preparation Farma Honey Lady's Menopause Formula The combination of vitamins for the treatment and prevention of climax symptoms is selected. Therapeutic effect It is achieved due to the development of own estrogen. About what drugs to take, it is better to ask the doctor.

Men in the period of Klimaks Also required increased nutrients for recovery vitality. In addition to vitamins and minerals, a ginseng has a positive effect on the male organism. It contributes to improved memory and helps to remain young and energetic.

Gerimax® 45+ complex Specially designed for men of mature age. Such vitamins for the health of adults, like multi-tabs asset with ginseng - the best to extend sexual activity.

Scientists are trying to extend the youth by all means. They take into account what vitamins are necessary to maintain the functions of an aging organism. Experts continue to develop vitamins for older people and chewing biological supplements that will be able to strengthen health and increase immunity.

1. Undevit. When taking the complex, the exchange processes flow better. The drug contains the necessary components that slow down the aging process in adults.

2. Bion3 Senior.. These chewing pills for the elderly are one of the best animated money. The lactic acid bacteria included in the drug leads to the norm of the intestinal function. Lutein and blueberries are useful for the health of visual organs.

3. Vitus intelligence. A biologically active additive is intended for adults and adolescents. The composition includes vitamins E, B1, B2, B6, C, RR, D3, minerals, folic acid and other useful components necessary for the normal activity of the body.

4. Alphabet 50+. The complex was developed by medical workers in order to improve the quality of life to the elderly. The drug can be used as an auxiliary element in the treatment of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Lutein and lycopene slow down the process of age-related retinal changes.

"Notes of the provision"

Polyvitamin complexes for the elderly are classic vitamin preparations in which additional components are made. Their content is necessary to improve the operation of the circulatory system, prevent destruction bone tissue, prevention of age-related changes of various organs and tissues. The question of which vitamins are suitable for the patient, the doctor decides.

The human body is a rather complex system with its individual characteristics. To ensure the full work of all processes and maintaining vitality, vitamins are extremely important. The lack of these organic compounds affects the quality of human life.


Vitamins themselves are not an energy source, but they participate in the vital processes of the human body, such as:

  • development and growth;
  • provision of cellular nutrition;
  • regulation of functions.

Many argue that the key to maintaining the required level of beneficial substances is proper nutrition. However, food contains a very small number of such substances, and the human body independently synthesizes only some of them under the influence of certain factors. For example, vitamin D, which is formed only under the influence of a sufficient number of ultraviolet rays. In addition, not everyone is well absorbed by the body, even synthesizing in it. Therefore, to ensure all systems, the necessary amount of beneficial substances should regularly take vitamin complexes.

The dose of capsules offered by pharmaceutical manufacturers is designed to ensure the daily need of a person in vitamins and minerals. Also, the dosage takes into account the category for which this complex is calculated: for children, for the elderly or universal people, for the whole family.

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The role of vitamins for humans is important at any age and at any stage of development. However, with age in humans, hormonal restructuring occurs, the metabolism is disturbed, the metabolism slows down, immunity decreases, is observed muscular weakness. As a result, the body begins to malfunction in the form of impairment of vision, deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, articular pains, and chronic diseases are manifested. Therefore, vitamins for older people over 60 years old is a prerequisite for maintaining all the functions of the body.

Did you drink vitamins today?


What vitamins are required to female organism after 60 years

As a rule, in the composition of vitamins for people over 60 years, the emphasis is placed on the vitamins of the group A, B, C, D, and E. Polyvitamins support the nervous system, improve the concentration and memory, strengthen the joints and bones, maintain visual functions, and also fill the body Energy, increase its resistance to diseases.

Group A.

After 60 years, vitamins of group A must be present in the diet. Since Retinol supports a visual function, contributes to an increase in appetite, prevents hair loss, improves skin elasticity. Also, this group is very important vitamins For women during menopause. Retinol is a strong antioxidant, which prevents the appearance and development of neoplasms, and also helps the skin to maintain elasticity, slows down its aging.

Group B.

Include B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12. Each of these vitamins after 60 years plays an essential role for the body of a woman.

Thiamine (B1) takes part in the process of producing hormones of thyroid gland, improves the work of the cardiovascular system. It is not synthesized by the body, and also does not accumulate.

Riboflavin (B2) is responsible for the vision and normal operation of the nervous system. Regulates tissue breathing, as well as the process of blood formation.

PP (B3) is responsible for normal blood circulation, maintaining brain functions, heart condition and vessels. It is very effective for maintaining the optimal level of cholesterol in human blood.

Pantothenic acid (B5) is responsible for generating energy at the cellular level. Promotes normal brain activity.

Pyridoxine (B6) is responsible for the functioning of enzyme systems that improve protein, fats and carbohydrate metabolism.

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Biotin (B7) is necessary for healthy skin, hair, nails.

Folic acid (B9) plays an important role for the process of cellular division, blood formation, blood supply. Prevents the early onset of menopause. Enhances the effect of vitamins B6 and B12.

Cyanocobalamin (B12) is responsible for the work of the nervous system, participates in the process of blood formation.

B4 (choline), B8 (inosit), B13 (orothic acid), B15 (pandgamic acid) and B17 (Laout), which reduce the level of sugar and cholesterol, normalize metabolism, contribute to the normalization of the reproductive function, reduce weight, slow down the process aging organism.

Group C.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble substance that does not accumulate, but is very important for the human body. Therefore, when taking vitamins in the elderly, it is necessary to provide for the mandatory presence of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid increases, strengthens the immunity, contributes to the acceleration of the healing and recovery process, the restoration of the cell cells, reduces the permeability of the vessels, reduces cholesterol levels, prevents the occurrence and development of cancer tumors, and also improves Mastering the body of iron.

Most of the whole ascorbic acid contain fresh vegetables and fruits. However, the elderly does not always show the use of similar fresh products. Therefore, women after 60 years need to consume ascorbic acid in the form of tablets or capsules. The daily need of women in ascorbic acid ranges from 75 to 90 mg.

Group D.

Vitamins of group D consist of several fat soluble calciferols, namely:

  • Ergocalciferol (D2);
  • Cholecalciferol (D3);
  • 22,23-dihydro-ergocalciferol (D4);
  • 24-ethyl cholecalciferol (D5);
  • 22-dihydro ethyl calciferol (D6).

The most important of the listed substances for humans are vitamins D2 and D3. Source d2 are only food products - Fish, egg yolk, butter, milk, cheese, fishery and others. And D3, the human body synthesizes independently. It is formed from cholesterol under the influence of ultraviolet, that is, sunlight. An important property of the substances of the group D is their ability to accumulate, and then slowly spent.

For the elderly, the consumption of substances of the group D is necessary, since calciferols help assimilate calcium, necessary to provide bone tissue, support the required level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, warn the development of osteoporosis, contribute to the healing of fractures, help normalize the state of the immune system, blood pressure levels , the work of the heart. The daily need of the substances of the group d for women over 60 years is 15 μg.

Group E.

Among the vitamins for older women after 60 years, vitamin E has a special meaning (tocopherol). It is a very strong antioxidant, has a large number useful properties: slows down the process of aging cells, improves tissue regeneration, reduces the formation of thromboms.

How to fill the lack of vitamins

To date, the pharmacy networks provide a huge selection of drugs, with the help of which you can fill the lack of substances beneficiary for the body. These are vitamin and mineral or multivitamin complexes. They contain a daily rate of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The emphasis as part of such drugs is designed for certain age groups of people.

The female elderly organism has its own characteristics. Hormonal background Changing climax comes. Each woman has this process in different ways. But in general, this period is characterized by frequent change of mood, increase pressure, exacerbation chronic diseases. There is also no physical activity, muscle tone decreases, immunity decreases, the body becomes subject to various diseases. The venous, respiratory, bone, cardiovascular system, kidneys, as well as the gastrointestinal tract suffer.

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