Alexander's reign period 3. Tsarist children in Gatchina. Alexander III children. The image of the emperor in art

Emperor Alexander II was married twice. The first wife became Maria Alexandrovna, the daughter of the Great Duke of Ludwig II Hessian. True, the Tsarevich's mother was against marriage, suspecting that the princess was actually born from the Chamber of Duke, but Nicholas I just adored my sleep. In marriage, Alexander II and Mary Alexandrovna had eight children. However, soon the relationship in the family was smoldered and the emperor began to start a favorite.

So in 1866, he became close to 18-year-old prince Catherine Dolgorukova. She became the closest man for the king and moved to the Winter Palace. From Alexander II, she gave birth to four extramarital children. After the death of the Empress, Alexander and Catherine were married than we were wearing common children. Who were the descendants of the emperor - learn from our material.

Alexandra Alexandrovna

Alexandra was the first and long-awaited child of the Big Bowls. She was born on August 30, 1842. Especially the birth of granddaughter expected the sovereign Nikolai I. The next day, happy parents took congratulations. For the ninth day, the Great Princess moved to the child cooked and child. Maria Alexandrovna expressed a desire to feed her daughter on their own, but the emperor forbade it.

On August 30, the girl was baptized in the Tsarsko Selo Church. But unfortunately, the little Great Princess lived at all long. She fell ill with meningitis and suddenly died on June 28, 1849 without surviving up to 7 years. Since then, in the imperial family no longer called girls Alexander. All the princesses with this name mysteriously died, without surviving up to 20 years.

Nikolay Alexandrovich

Zesarevich Nikolai was born on September 20, 1843 and was inflicted in honor of his grandfather. The emperor was so agitated by the birth of the throne, which commanded his sons - the grand princes of Konstantin and Mikhail, - kneel the knees before the cradle and bring an oath of loyalty to the future Russian emperor. But Zesarevich was not destined to become a ruler.

Nicholas grew up with a universal favorite: grandfather and grandmother of the soul did not care in it, but the Grand Duke of Maria Alexandrovna was tied to him the strongest to him. Nikolai was well raised, polite, taking into account. He drove friendship with his three-core sister of the princess of Oldenburg. There was even negotiations about their wedding, but in the end the mother of the princess responded with refusal.

In 1864, Cesarevich went abroad. There, on the day of his 21st anniversary, Dagmar's princess, which will later become a spouse Alexander III. Everything was fine while while traveling in Italy the heir suddenly did not get sick. He was treated in Nice, but in the spring of 1865, Nikolai's condition began to deteriorate.

On April 10, Alexander II sovereign arrived in Nice, and at night the 12th grand Duke Died after four-hour agony from tuberculosis meningitis. The body of the heir was taken to Russia on the frigate "Alexander Nevsky". Mother was incontent and, it seems, so to the end and could not recover from the tragedy. After years later, the emperor Alexander III called his eldest son in honor of his brother, whom "loved most in the world."

Alexander Alexandrovich

Alexander III was for two years younger than his older brother and the will of the fate was he was destined to ascend to the Russian throne. Since Nikolai was prepared by the Board, then Alexander did not receive an appropriate education, and after the death of his brother, he had to undergo an additional course of science required for the ruler.

In 1866, he woke up with Princess Dagmar. His climbing on the throne was also overshadowed by death - in 1881, the emperor Alexander II died as a result of the terrorist act. After such a son did not support the liberal ideas of his father, his goal was suppressing protests. Alexander adhered to conservative politics. So, instead of the Loris-Melikov Constitution supported by the Father, the new emperor adopted the "Manifesto on inviolability of autocracy", compiled by the victorious, who had a great influence on the emperor.

Administrative pressure was strengthened, the primitives of the peasant and urban self-government were eliminated, the censorship was strengthened, military power was strengthened, no wonder the emperor said that "Russia has only two allys - the army and the fleet." Indeed, during the reign of Alexander III, there was a sharp decrease in protest speeches, so characteristic for the second half of the reign of his father. Terrorist activity also went to the decline, and since 1887 there were no terrorist attacks in the country until the beginning of the 20th century.

Despite the extension of military power, during the reign of Alexander III, Russia did not led a single war, he received a nicknamed peacekeeper for maintaining peace. He bequeathed his ideals to the heir and the last Russian emperor Nicholas II.

Vladimir Aleksandrovich

The Grand Duke was born in 1847 and dedicated his life to military career. He participated in the Russian-Turkish war, from 1884 he was the commander-in-chief of the guards and the St. Petersburg Military District. In 1881, Brother appointed him to regent in case of his death before the majority of Cesarevich Nikolai, or in the event of the death of the latter.

Known in the tragic events of January 1905, known as "Bloody Sunday". It was Great Prince Vladimir Alexandrovich who gave an order to the prince of Vasilchikov to apply strength against the procession of workers and residents of the city, which was sent to the Winter Palace.

He was forced to leave his post of the commander of the guard and the St. Petersburg Military District after the loud scandal with the marriage of his son. His eldest son Kirill married former spouse Brother Empress Alexandra Fedorovna - Princess Victoria-Melite Saxen-Koburg-Gothic. The marriage was not given to the highest permission, even despite the blessing of the mother of Kirill Mary Pavlovna. Vladimir was a well-known patrons and was even president of the Academy of Arts. In protest against his role in the execution of workers and citizens, artists of Serov and Polenov came out of the Academy.

Aleksey Aleksandrovich

The fifth child in the Grand Paint-and-the-Room family was already recorded on military service - in the Guards Crew and Life Guard, the shelf Preobrazhensky and Hsenthers. His fate was predetermined.

In 1866, Great Prince Alexey Alexandrovich was produced in the lieutenants of the fleet and guards lieutenants. Participated in swimming the frigate "Alexander Nevsky", which on the night of September 12, 1868 suffered a crash in the Yutland Strait. The commander of the vessel celebrated the courage and nobility of Alexey, who refused to be one of the first to leave the ship. Four days later, it was made to the headquarters and outgun adjutants.

In 1871 he was a senior officer of the Svetlana frigate, which reached North America, he reincuted a good hope, and, visiting China and Japan, arrived in Vladivostok, from where Susche got home through the whole Siberia.

In 1881 he was appointed a member State Council, and in the summer of the same year, the chief head of the fleet and maritime department with the rights of the Admiral General and the Chairman of the Admiralty Council. During the control of the fleet, a number of reforms conducted a number of reforms, introduced marine cents, increased the number of the crew, arranged the ports of Sevastopol, Port Arthur and others, expanded the docks in Kronstadt and Vladivostok.

In the end russian-Japanese warAfter the Tsushim defeat, he resigned and was fired from all marine posts. He was considered one of Russia responsible for the defeat in the war. He died in Paris in 1908.

Maria Alexandrovna

Princess Maria was born in 1853. She grew up a "weak" girl and suffered from worms in childhood. Despite the prescriptions of the doctors, the father wanted to ride everywhere with her, he did not have a burden in his daughter. In 1874, she went out for Prince Alfred, the Duke of the Edinburgh, the Second Son of the British Queen Victoria. Alexander gave her to the attached incredible amount of 100,000 pounds and an annual allowance of 20,000 pounds.

Alexander insisted that in London to his daughter they were not different as "her imperial highness" and that she had the championship to Princess Welly. This sworn Queen Victoria. However, after marriage, the demands of the Russian emperor were observed.

In 1893, her husband became the duke of Saxen-Coburg and Gota, as his elder brother Edward refused the prestrol claims. Maria became the duchess, retaining the title of Duchess Edinburgh. However, their family has suffered tragedy.

Their Son, the Crown Prince Alfred, was engaged in the Duchess Elza Württemberg. However, Alfred was evident in the extramarital connections and in 1898 he began to show heavy symptoms of syphilis. It is believed that the disease shaved his mind.

In 1899, he shot himself from the revolver during a solemn family meeting on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the marriage of his parents. On February 6, he died at the age of 24. A year later, the Duke of Saxen-Coburg-Gothsky died of cancer. A widowing Duchess Maria remained to live in Koburg.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich became the Moscow Governor General. On his initiative began the creation of a portrait gallery of the former Governors General. With it, it was opened with an artistic and accessible theater, in order to concern for student, he commanded to build a hostel at Moscow University. The grim episode of his reign was the tragedy on the Khodyan field. In the represented according to official data, 1389 people were killed and another 1300 received heavy injury. The public recognized the guilty of the Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich and called him "Prince Khodansky".

Sergey Alexandrovich supported monarchical organizations and was a fighter with a revolutionary movement. He died as a result of the terrorist attack in 1905. At the entrance to the Nikolaev Tower, a bomb was thrown in his carriage, which broke the carriage of the prince. He died on the spot, dried deadly.

The terrorist attack made Ivan Kalyaev from the "Combat Organization of the Socialist Revolutionaries Party." He planned to make it two days earlier, but could not leave a bomb in the carriage, which was a spouse and nephews of the Governor-General. It is known that the widow of Prince Elizabeth visited the killer her husband in prison and forgave him on behalf of the spouse.

Pavel Alexandrovich

Pavel Alexandrovich made a military career, possessed not only by Russian, but also foreign orders and honors. He was married twice. He concluded the first marriage in 1889 with his cousin - Greek princess Alexander Georgievna. She gave him two children - Maria and Dmitry. But the girl died at the 20th age during premature birth. Children were given in education in the family of Brother, Moscow Governor-General Sergei Aleksandrovich and the Grand Prince Elizabeth Fedorovna.

10 years after the death of the spouse, he married a second time, at Olga Pistolkors, she was the former wife of the subordinate prince Paul Alexandrovich. Since marriage was unequal, they could not return to Russia. In 1915, Olga Valeryevna received the Russian title of Prince Palei for himself and children. They had three children: Vladimir, Irina and Natalia.

Soon after the renunciation of Nicholas II from the throne, the temporary government took measures against Romanov. Vladimir Palei was exiled to the Urals in 1918 and then executed. Pavel Alexandrovich himself was arrested in August 1918 and sent to prison.

In January of the next year, he, together with cousins, the Grand Princes, Dmitry Konstantinovich, Nikolai Mikhailovich and George Mikhailovich, shot in the Peter and Paul Fortress in response to the murder of Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht in Germany.

Georgy Aleksandrovich

Georgy Aleksandrovich was born in 1872 outside of marriage and after the wedding of Alexander II with Prince Dolgorukova received the title of the brilliant prince and the name Yuryevsky. The emperor wanted to equalize extramarital children with heirs from the Union with the Empress Maria Alexandrovna. After the murder of the Emperor's Father, he, together with his sisters and mother went to France.

In 1891 he graduated from sorbonna with a bachelor's degree, then returned to Russia, where he continued his studies. He served in the Baltic Fleet, he studied at the Dragun branch of the officer's cavalry school. He was seconded to the 2nd squadron of the Life Guard of the Gusar Regiment, in 1908 he retired. After 4 years, the German Empire passed away from jade in Magburg. He was buried in Wiesbaden in the Russian cemetery. He was at the gogi, as he called him the joking father, Brother Boris. But the boy did not live and the year, and was posthumously legalized as Yuryevsky.

Olga Aleksandrovna

She was born a year after the older brother, was also legal as a bright princess Yuryevskaya. Interestingly, the title of Emperor chose for children not by chance. It was believed that the princely kind of his second spouse Dolgorukova took his origins from Rurik and had in the ancestors of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. In fact, it is not. The prince of Ivan Obolensky was the prince of Ivan Obolensky, who received a nickname in his vitality. He led his origin from the Troyard Brother of Yuri Dolgoruky - Vsevolod Olgovich.

The bright princess in 1895 married Alexander Pushkin's grandson - Graph George-Nicholas von Menberg and became referred to as the Countess von Merenberg. In marriage, she gave birth to a spouse of 12 children.

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

But the youngest daughter Alexander II Ekaterina Yuryevskaya twice unsuccessfully married and became the singer to earn money on bread. After the top of Nicholas II, she, together with his mother, brother and sister returned to Russia. In 1901, Catherine married the richest prince Alexander Baryatinsky. She was clever and talented, but she was not lucky with her husband. He was a rather extravagant character, led a rampant life and adored Beauty Lina Kavali. The husband demanded that the spouse also shared his love for a favorite.

The bright princess, loving her husband, tried to win his attention. But everything was in vain. They walked everywhere three - performances, operas, dinners, alone even lived in the hotel. But the triangle collapsed with the death of the prince, the inheritance moved to children of Catherine - Princes Andrei and Alexander. Since they were minors, Mother became their guardian.

After the first world, they moved from Bavaria to the estate of Baryatinsky in Ivanovo. Soon Catherine met the Young Guards officer Prince Sergei Obolensky and jumped married for him. After the revolution, they lost everything and left for plates in Kiev, and then to Vienna and further to England. For the sake of earning, the bright princess began to sing in the living rooms and at concerts. Mother's death did not improve the financial situation of the princes.

In the same 1922, Obolensky threw his wife for another rich lady, Miss Alice Astor, Millionaire daughter John Astor. Abandoned Catherine became a professional singer. Over the past few years, she lived on the Honor of the Queen Mary, the widow of George V, but after her death in 1953 he was left without livelihood. She sold her property and died in 1959 in the nursing home on the island of Hayling.

After the murder of Alexander 2, his son Emperor Alexander was to rule Russia 3. This ruler adopted the Board of the country at the age of 20. This young man since childhood I had a passion for the military sciences, which he was doing more than others.

The death of his father produced a strong impression on Alexander 3. He felt that the revolutionaries could carry. As a result, Emperor Alexander 3 swore, which will do everything possible to destroy the rudiment of the revolution in Russia. March 2, 1881 russian government I swore on loyalty to the new emperor. In his speech, the emperor stressed that he intends to continue the course of his father and to preserve the world with all countries of the world to focus on internal problems.

Cancellation of serfdom did not solve all the problems of the peasants. Therefore, the new emperor paid great attention to the decision of the peasant question. He believed that, by all means in Russia, it is necessary to preserve the peasant communities, which should have kept the co-stay of the peasants and save them from poverty. Wanting to strengthen this legislation, Emperor Alexander 3 in 1893 issued a law that was extremely limited to exit the community.

During the reign of Alexander 3 in Russia, great attention was paid to the working conditions of workers. In 1882, a law was released, which forbade the labor of children under 12 years. Therefore, the law children aged 12 to 15 years have to work at no more than 8 hours a day. In 1885, a law was released, prohibiting nightly labor for children and women. In 1886 the law was released, determining the relationship between the entrepreneur and the workers. Thus, Russia has become the first country in Europe, which legally controlled the working conditions of workers in factories and factories.

Determining the foreign policy of the state, Emperor Alexander 3 made the only correct conclusion in the current situation. Russia took the position of neutrality. Alexander 3 did not want to interfere in the bloody European conflicts, which for a century was supposed only the Russian army. The emperor said that Russia has no friends, there are only state interests who need to follow. A similar opinion was significantly later expressed by the English Prime Minister Churchill, who, speaking of England, noticed that England had no permanent friends, there are only constant interests. As for Alexander 3, he spoke that Russia has only 2 friends: its army and her fleet.

The exception to the neutrality policy was made only for the Balkans, since Emperor Alexander 3 wanted to strengthen Russia's influence in this region, primarily at the expense of Bulgaria, which was granting Russia for independence. But everything happened otherwise. At the end of 1885, an uprising broke out in East Rushelia, which led to the separation of the province from Turkey and its entrance to Bulgaria. This contradicted the provisions of the Berlin Treaty and was a pretext for a new war in the Balkans. The emperor was in anger on Bulgarians who accepted Rushelia in their composition, without consulting Russia. As a result, not wanting to get involved in the war, which was about to begin between Bulgaria and Turkey, the Russian emperor was withdrawn from Bulgaria all officials, as well as all Russian officers. This took advantage of Austria, erected to the Bulgarian throne of his ruler.

In the future, the ruler of the Russian Empire and continued the neutrality policy, as a result of which Russia had no allies, but also there were no enemies. The Board of Alexander 3 continued until 1894. October 20, 1894 Emperor Alexander 3 died.

Education and education Alexander Alexandrovich

The Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich was in the Imperial Family of the Second Son; And his older brother Nicholas should have inherited the throne. He enjoyed special attention from the mother, father and grandfather. Nikolai was a boy clever, kind and responsive, although the exceptional position among the brothers and sisters made it arrogant.

Alexander was completely different in nature and abilities. As a child, he was serious, solid, stupid on the external manifestation of feelings. Etiquette always has it, and he usually said what he thought, but did what he considered it necessary, and not what the Great Rules prescribed. And by this he invariably attracted hearts. Alexander Alexandrovich possessed ordinary abilities to the sciences and did not reach outstanding success. Since no one assumed that he would inherit the throne, he did not receive a worthy heir to education. Alexander study was led by a well-known economist, Professor of Moscow University AI I. Chivilev. Academician I. To the grotto, I taught Alexander story, geography, Russian and german languages; Prominent Military Theorist M. I. Dragomirov - Tactics and military history, S. M. Solovyov - Russian history. Political I. legal sciences, as well as Russian legislation, the future emperor studied U to P. Victoronezzhev.

Already becoming the heir to the throne, Zesarevich learned to conduct public affairs: participated in the meetings of the State Council and the Committee of Ministers. In 1868, when Russia is a strong hunger, he got up at the head of the Commission formed to assist victims. During the Russian-Turkish war, 1877-1878. Alexander received military experience: he commanded a Rushhuksky squad, holding back the Turks from the East, alleviating the actions of the Russian army, which was deposited by the Pulve.

Future russian emperor Grew in the family numerous and large. Only the sons of Alexander II had six: Nikolai, Alexander, Vladimir and Alexey were born with a break of one and a half or two years. Then, after a significant pause, Sergey and Paul.

The eldest of the brothers, Nikolai, named after his grandfather, was born in September 1843 and was the second child in the family of the heir to the throne (the first girl, Alexander). So in this family did not have an acute problem of the throne, like Alexander I or Nicholas II. Although officially Grand Duke Nikolay Alexandrovich became the heir not immediately, but only after the death of the grandfather in February 1855, but the principle of the continuity of the authorities on seniority was thrown to him, and the attention of the parents focused, first of all on it. In early childhood, the upbringing of children was similar: they were all on the care of Nyanyushk-British and the whole army of personnel military, who fell. The grandfather-emperor insisted on this, and his father adhered to the same point of view. Two senior brothers Nikolai and Alexander simultaneously began learning and diploma, and a military case. Mentor, V. N. Skripitsyn, gave them the first lessons of reading and writing, arithmetic and sacred history, and military educators who managed Major General N. V. Zinoviev and Colonel G. F. Gogel were trained their front, marching, rifle receptions, Karaul change.

Only the most primary learning Both older brothers were held together: soon the difference in age began to affect, and the tasks in front of them were different. Learning the heirs of the throne in the XIX century has already been attached great importance.

From the letter Alexander III to his wife. "If there is something good, good and honest in me, then this I owe the only way to our dear Mim. None of the governers had no influence on me, I did not like any of them (except B. A. Perovsky, and even later); They could not convey anything to me, I did not listen to them and did not add much attention to them, they were just pawned for me. Mom was constantly engaged in us, prepared for confession and shows; With his example, and deeply Christian faith admitted us to love and understand the Christian faith, as she herself understood. Thanks to Mom, we, all the brothers and Marie, became and remained true Christians and fell in love and faith and church. How many conversations were of a wide variety of, sincere; Always Mom listened calmly, gave time to all express and always found, to answer, calm, dug, approve and always from an elevated Christian point of view ... Dad was very loved and respected, but he didn't have so much to deal with As a nice, dear mother. I repeat once again: everyone, I owe Mom: and my character, and what is! "

In 1852, the Mentor of the August children of the Heir to Zesarevich Alexander Nikolayevich was invited ... I. K. Grotto.<…>

Ya. K. Grota was to study four days a week in the palace from seven in the morning to two, with small intervals. This service is especially difficult for May until November, when the grotto had to go to the royal village, Peterhof or Gatchina is still on the eve to be in the palace at seven o'clock in the morning. The then standing at the head of the upbringing General N. V. Zinoviev and G. F. Gogel, writes the grotto, used them to replace others who left for the summer to leave teachers, and he had to take on their lessons, for example, in French, english languages And generally repeat in all subjects.

This continued for three years, when at the end of 1856 was called for a messenger in Konstantinople V. P. Titov, who had previously been an adviser at Buchene, was called up for the head of the teachings of the great princes. Vladimir Pavlovich Titov, according to "Notes" N. V. Isakova, was with great information a person, a lot of studied, inquisitive to the extreme and interested.<…> Titov made a grotto with his assistant and called from Dresden G. Grimma, who did not know the Russian language at all, who was previously the mentor of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich. Titov stayed at the yard for about two years (from the fall of 1856 to spring 1858), after Grimm took his place.

In 1859, September 8, on the day of the majority of the Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich, the Gott's participation in the upbringing of their high quality was completed. The sovereign of the emperor left the grotto the entire amount of the complaint received by him (3,000 rubles) retired. Subsequently, when the Emperor Alexander III was reported on the death of Ya. K. Grota, he wrote the following significant words on the report: "This death I was quite upset. I knew Jacob Karlovich for more than 35 years and was used to love and respect this worthy person. "<…>

Place of the educator at the Grand Duza Alexander Alexandrovich took Professor Konstantin Petrovich Victoronessians<…>which, as well as other teachers, found the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich a quiet temper, simplicity, straightforward and conscientiousness in classes. The Russian language was taught by E. F. Evald, excellent speaker and readers, and his older brother F. F. Evald - physics. Famous historian S. M. Solovyov read Russian history, and he learned a lot of a royal student, especially respected by this mentor<…>.

Alexander Alexandrovich Mentor of his senior deceased brother of Academician F. I. Buslaev, the original lectures of whose lectures in the Russian literature kept in his office, and spent the copies of them in the Rumyantsev Museum in Moscow I. Bozherenov

Solovyov Sergey Mikhailovich (05/05/1820-04.10.1879) - Russian historian, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1872).

S. M. Solovyov was born in the family of a priest. In 1842 he graduated from Moscow University. During the years of study, he experienced the influence of views of T. N. Granovsky, studied the philosophy of Gegel.

In 1842-1844 S. M. Solovyov lived abroad and was a home teacher of children of Count A. P. Stroganov. He listened to lectures at the universities of Paris, Berlin, Heidelberg. In 1845, S. M. Solovyev began to read a course of lectures on Russian history at Moscow University and defended the master's thesis "On the attitude of Novgorod to the Grand Princes", and in 1847 - the doctoral dissertation "History of the relationship between Russian princes of Rurikova at home." Since 1847, he became a professor at Moscow University.

In 1863, Solovyov wrote "the history of the fall of Poland", in 1877 - the book "Emperor Alexander I. Politics, diplomacy". He left several work on the theory of historical science ("observation of the historical life of peoples", "Progress and Religion", etc.), as well as by historiography ("Writers of Russian history 18 in.", "N. M. Karamzin and his "The history of the state of the Russian", "Schlezer and the Antistoric Direction", etc.). His lectures "Public readings about Peter Great" (1872) became an event in public life.

In 1864-1870 S. M. Soloviev occupied the post of dean of the historical and philological faculty, and in 1871-1877. - Rector of Moscow University. IN last years Life was the chairman of the Moscow Society of the history and antiquities of the Russian and director of the Armory.

S. M. Solovyov occupied moderate liberal positions, negatively treated the fastened right. Under the emperor, Alexandra II Solovyov taught the history of the heir, Nikolay Alexandrovich, and in 1866 the future Emperor Alexander III. According to his instructions, the historian was "note about modern condition Russia, "which remained unfinished. S. M. Solovyov defended the university autonomy, determined by the charter of 1863, and was forced to resign in 1877, when he could not achieve this.

In 1851-1879. 28 volumes of "History of Russia from ancient times" - Main Labor S. M. Solovyova came out. This work was created as an alternative to the "Story of the State of the Russian" I. M. Karamzin, who considered the identity of the main engine of history. In the center of the Labor Solovyov stood the idea of \u200b\u200bhistorical development. S. M. Solovyov considered the human society with a holistic organism developing "naturally and necessary". In his "History of Russia", the scientist pointed to the generality of the devil in the development of Russia and Western EuropeBut noted the peculiar path of development of Russia, which consisted in its intermediate position between Europe and Asia. S. M. Solovyov reduced historical development To change state Forms and assigned the history of socio-economic life a minor role compared with the political history.

In the events of the beginning 17th century The historian saw a violent break in the natural course of Russian history. He first showed the objective pattern of Peter I reforms.

"HISTORY OF RUSSIA" S. M. Solovyov enjoyed great popularity and reprinted repeatedly. Until now, this work remains unsurpassed in its fundamentality and the richest actual material. N. P.

Dragomirov Mikhail Ivanovich (08.11.1830-15.10.1905) - Russian military and statesman, General from infanteria (1891), Adjutant General (1878). M. I. Dragomirov was the son of the Chernihiv province landlord. He began the service as an ensign in the Semenov regiment. In 1854, the Lieutenant Dragomirov enters the Military Academy (later transformed into the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff), which was completed in 1856 with a gold medal. His name was recorded on the marble board. In the future, he served in the General Staff, was the author of theoretical and journalistic works devoted to the organization of military affairs and the history of the Armed Forces.

During the Austro-Italian-French War of 1859, Dragomirov consisted of headquarters of the Sardinian army. Already then, he drew attention to the role of a moral factor in the upbringing of servicemen and said that the soldiers need to bring up, and not to mush. It always affects the outcome of the battle. He summarized his military observations in the "Essays of the Austro-Italian-French War of 1859."

From 1860 M. I. Dragomirov - Professor Tactics of the Nikolaev Academy of General Staff. He taught the tactics and military history of the Grand Prince Nikolay Alexandrovich, Alexander Alexandrovich (Alexandr III), Vladimir Alexandrovich. During the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, he was a Russian military observer at the Prussian army, his correspondence from the battlefields of this war was regularly published in the Russian disabled newspaper - official Body Military Ministry.

In 1869-1873 General Dragomirov was the head of the headquarters of the Kiev Military District, and then he was appointed Head of the 14th Infantry Division and in 1877 at the head of his division acted as a war with Turkey.

During the fighting in the Balkans, the 14th division forced the Danube at the Winenitsa, then participated in the defense of Shipkin Pass. In one of the battles, Dragomirov was injured in the leg. He bandaged a nasal handkerchief and fought until he lost consciousness from bleeding. After recovery, for some time, with the commander-in-chief of the Russian Danube Army, Great Prince Nikolai Nikolayevich (senior).

After the end of the war in 1878 he was appointed head of the Nikolaev Academy of General Staff. According to his "basics of tactics" (1879), the Officers of the Academy of the General Staff studied for 20 years. Dragomirov had a continued authority in the Russian army and after Suvorov believed that the main thing in battle was a bayonal attack, and not a weapon ("bullet - fool, a bayonet - well done," said Suvorov). At the same time, M. I. Dragomirov underestimated the role military equipment. In 1889, Mikhail Ivanovich became the commander of the Kiev Military District's troops, and from 1898 also Kiev, Podolsky and Volyn Governor-General.

After the defeat, under Mukden, during the Russian-Japanese war, the nursing war commander was summoned to St. Petersburg and offered to resign, but he refused. Soon he died. V.V.

From the memories of F. G. Turner. "After the death of the former heir to Zesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich, the Great Prince Alexander Alexandrovich became the heir, and he had to prepare for the difficult rank of the future sovereign. He was coming to pass a course of several sciences,<…> I was granted four lessons per week. Our classes continued throughout the winter of 1865-66; The last lessons took place shortly before the departure of His Highness abroad, in Denmark, the spring in the royal village.

I could notice during my classes with His Highness, that already in these young years they showed those traits of character who later performed from him with more clarity. Extremely modest and even incredulous to himself, the sovereign the heir showed, despite the remarkable hardness in defending his beliefs and opinions since his. He always calmly listened to all the explanations, without going into a detailed objection to the data with which he did not agree, but at the end simply and quite categorically expressed his opinion. So, for example, on the issue of customs protection, when I explained to him the harmful effects of excessive customs patronage, His Highness, having listened to all my explanations carefully, expressed me frankly that, in his opinion, the Russian industry still needs significant security. This, however, was the only item in which he expressed my definite opinion to me, not quite consistent with the gaze, which I developed for this item. "

This text is a familiarization fragment. From the book of the Russian history course (LXII-LXXXVI lectures) Author Klyuchevsky Vasily Osipovich

Education of Alexander I Emperor Alexander I put on line and boldly began to resolve all these tasks. At the receptions of this permission, they took great part, firstly, the political ideas that were learned by them, and, secondly, practical considerations,

From the book Secrets of the House of Romanov Author

From the book a textbook of Russian history Author Platonov Sergey Fedorovich

§ 157. Personality and education of Emperor Alexander II The unexpected end of Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich, who deceased from a random cold, served as the beginning of important changes in the life of the Russian state. With the emperor, Nikolai went to the eternity of his government system.

From the book History of Religions of the East Author Vasilyev Leonid Sergeevich

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On March 1, 1881, the emperor Alexander II, II Nikolaevich, died on the hands of the people, and his second son Alexander ascended to the throne. At first he was preparing for a military career, because The heir was his elder brother Nicholas, but in 1865 he died.

In 1868, during a strong disadvantage, Alexander Alexandrovich was appointed chairman of the Committee on the collection and distribution of benefits of the starving. Lastly before joining the throne, he was Ataman Cossack troops, the University of Helsingforce Chancellor. In 1877, he took part in the Russian-Turkish war as a commander of the detachment.

The historic portrait of Alexander III rather reminded the Russian mighty man than the sovereign of the empire. He possessed the hectic power, but did not differ mental abilities. Despite such a characteristic, Alexander III loved the theater, music, painting, studied Russian history.

In 1866, he married Danish Princess Dagmar, in Orthodoxy Maria Fedorovna. She was smart, formed, and in many respects complemented her husband. Alexander and Maria Fedorovna had 5 children.

Internal Policy Alexander III

The beginning of the board of Alexander III had to for the period of the fighting of two parties: Liberal (wishing reforms initiated by Alexander II) and monarchical. Alexander III canceled the idea of \u200b\u200bthe constitutionality of Russia and took the course to enhance autocracy.

On August 14, 1881, the Government adopted a special law "Regulations on measures to protect state-order and public peace." Emergency measures were introduced to combat riots and terror, punitive funds were applied, in 1882 a secret police appeared.

Alexander III believed that all misfortunes in the country go from the liberalness of the subjects and excessive formation of the lower class, which is caused by the reforms of the Father. Therefore, he began the policy of counter-reviews.

Universities were considered the main hearth terror. The new University Charter of 1884 abruptly limited their autonomy, student associations and the student court were prohibited, and access to the formation of the lower estates and the Jews was restricted, severe censorship was introduced in the country.

changes in Zemstvo reform under Alexander III:

In April 1881, a manifesto on independence of autocracy, compiled by KM Victorious. The rights of the nation were strongly cut off, and their work is taken under the tight control of the governors. In urban thinking, merchants and officials were met, and in the zemsti - only rich local nobles. The peasants lost the right to participate in the elections.

Changes in judicial reform under Alexander III:

In 1890, a new statement was adopted. The judges became dependent on the authorities, the competence of the jury court decreased, the world courts were practically eliminated.

Changes in peasant reform under Alexander III:

Powder to submit and community land use were canceled, an obligatory redemption of land was introduced, but the redemption payments were reduced. In 1882, a peasant bank was established, designed to issue a loan to peasants to buy land and private property.

Changes in military reform under Alexander III:

Increased defense capability of border districts and fortresses.

Alexander III knew the importance of army reserves, so infantry battalions were created, reserve shelves were formed. A cavalry division was created, capable of fighting both in horseback and within walking.

Mountain artillery batteries were created to conduct a combat in the mountainous locality, morty shelves were formed, siege artillery battalions. For the delivery of troops and army reserves, a special railway brigade was created.

In 1892, mine river companies appeared, fortress telegraphs, aeronautical detachments, military doves.

Military gymnasiums are transformed into Cadet Corps, educational non-commissioned officer battalions were created for the first time who prepared younger commanders.

A new three-line rifle was adopted, a smokeless form of gunpowder was invented. Military form is replaced by more convenient. The procedure for the appointment of command posts in the army was changed: only for seniority.

Social Policy Alexander III

"Russia for Russians" is a favorite slogan of the emperor. Only orthodox Church It is considered truly Russian, all other religions were officially defined as "innovative confessions."

The policy of anti-Semitism was officially proclaimed, Jewish persecution began.

Alexander III Foreign Policy

The reign of Emperor Alexander III was the most peaceful. Only once the Russian troops face the Afghan detachments on the Cushion River. Alexander III fence his country from wars, and also helped to extinguish hostility between other countries, for which he received the nickname "Peacemaker".

Economic Policy Alexander III

Under Alexander III, the city, factories and plants grew, inner and foreign trade increased, the length of railwaysThe construction of the Great Siberian Highway began. In order to master the new lands, there was a resettlement of peasant families in Siberia and Central Asia.

In the late 1980s, the state budget deficit was managed to overcome the income exceeded the costs.

Results of the Board of Alexander III

Emperor Alexander III called "the Russian king." He defended the Russian population with all their forces, especially on the outskirts, which contributed to the strengthening of state unity.

As a result of the events held in Russia, a rapid industrial lift occurred, the risk of Russian ruble increased, and the well-being of the population improved.

Alexander III and his counter-processors provided Russia with a peaceful and calm era without wars and internal stem, but also gave the revolutionary spirit in the Russians, which would break out with his son Nicolae II.

Alexander Alexandrovich was in the imperial family of the second son. Inherit the throne was preparing his older brother Nicholas, who received appropriate education.

Childhood, education and upbringing

In May 1883, Alexander III proclaimed a course called in the historical and materialistic literature "Counterformations", and in the liberal-historical - "correction of reforms". He expressed himself in the following.

In 1889, the positions of the Zemstvo Chiefs with Wide Rights were introduced to enhance the surveillance of peasants. They were appointed from local nobility-landowners. The authorities and small merchants, other low-income layers of the city were lost. The change was subject to judicial reform. In the new position about the deputy 1890, the estate-noble representation was strengthened. In 1882-1884 Many publications were closed, university autonomy was abolished. Primary schools Transferred to the Church Office - Synod.

In these events, the idea of \u200b\u200b"official nationality" of the time of Nicholas I - the slogan "Orthodoxy was manifested. Autocracy. Spirit of humility "was consonant with slogans of the left era. New official ideologists K. P. Victoronossev (Ober-Prosecutor of Synod), M. N. Katkov (editor of the Moscow Vedomosti), Prince V. Meshchersky (Publisher of the newspaper "Citizen") lowered in the old formula "Orthodoxy, autocrase and people" the word "people" as "dangerous"; They preached the humility of His Spirit in front of the autocracy and the church. In practice, the new policy poured into an attempt to strengthen the state by supporting the nobility estate to traditionally faithful to the throne. Administrative measures were supported by economic support for landlords.

October 20, 1894 in Crimea 49-year-old Alexander III suddenly died from acute inflammation of the kidneys. Nikolai II joined the imperial throne.

In January 1895, at the first meeting of representatives of the nobles, the tops of the zero, cities and the Cossack troops with the new king Nicholas II declared the readiness to "protect the starts of the autocracy as firmly and steadily as guarded by his father. In these years, representatives of the tsarist surname often intervened in the management of the state, which by the beginning of the 20th century had to 60 members. Most great princes occupied important administrative and military posts. An uncle of the king, the brothers Alexander III - the great princes Vladimir, Alexey, Sergey and cousins, Nikolai Nikolayevich, Alexander Mikhailovich, provided.

Domestic politics

His departure was a real flight. On the day, when he had to leave, four imperial trains stood in full readiness at four different stations of St. Petersburg, and while they were waiting for, the emperor left the train, which stood on the spare path.

Nothing, even the need for coronation, could not force the king to leave the Gatchina Palace - two years he was definitely unfore. The fear of the "folk will" and fluctuations in choosing a political course were determined for the emperor this time.

Economic poor accompanies was accompanied by a delay in the mental and legal development of the mass of the population, education under Alexander III again was taken to the shores, of which it broke out after the cancellation of serfdom. Alexander III expressed the attitude of the tsarism for enlightenment in litter on the report that literacy is very low in Tobolsk province: "And thank God!"

Alexander III encouraged in the 80-90s unprecedented previous persecution of the Jews. They were evicted in a deferred line (20 thousand Jews were evicted from Moscow), established a percentage rate for them in the medium, and then higher educational institutions (within a settling - 10%, outside the line - 5, in the capitals - 3%) .

The new period in the history of Russia, which began reforms of the 1860s, ended by the end of the XIX century counterflows. Thirteen years old Alexander III, according to the expression of G. V. Plekhanov, "Sew Wind". His successor - Nicholas II - fell to a share to shake the storm.

Thirteen years old Alexander III sowed wind. Nicholas II will prevent the storm broke out. Will it succeed to him?

Professor S. S. Oldenburg in his scientific work on the history of the reign of Emperor Nikolai II, referring to the internal policy of his father, testified that during the reign of Emperor Alexander III, the following main power trend was manifested: the desire to give Russia more internal unity by approving the championship Russian elements of the country.

Foreign policy

The reign of Emperor Alexander III in foreign policy brought serious changes. Proximity to Germany and Prussia, so inherent in the reign period of Catherine Great, Alexander I, Nicholas I, Alexander II, was changed with noticeable cooling, especially after the resignation of Bismarck, with whom Alexander III was signed by a special three-year-old German-German Treaty on "benevolent neutrality" in Case of attacking any of the third countries to Russia or Germany.

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was N. K. Girs. At the head of many divisions of the Ministry and Russian Embassies of the leading countries of the world remained experienced diplomats of the Gorchakovskaya school. The main directions of the foreign policy of Alexander III were as follows.

  1. Strengthening influence in the Balkans;
  2. Search for reliable allies;
  3. Support for peaceful relations with all countries;
  4. Establishing borders in the south of Central Asia;
  5. The consolidation of Russia in the new territories of the Far East.

Russian policy in the Balkans. After the Berlin Congress in the Balkans, Austria-Hungary has significantly strengthened its influence. Occuping Bosnia and Herzegovina, she began to strive to spread their influence and other Balkan countries. Austria-Hungary in her aspirations supported Germany. Austria-Hungary began to try to weaken the influence of Russia in the Balkans. Bulgaria became the center of the struggle of Austro-Hungary and Russia.

By this time, in Eastern Rushelia (South Bulgaria, as part of Turkey), an uprising flared against Turkish rule. Turkish officials were expelled from East Rushelia. It was announced the accession of Eastern Rushelia to Bulgaria.

The union of Bulgaria caused a sharp Balkan crisis. The war between Bulgaria and Turkey with the involvement of Russia and other countries can flare up at any time. Alexander III was angry. Bulgaria's union occurred without the knowledge of Russia, it led to the complication of Russia's relations with Turkey and Austria-Hungary. Russia suffered the hardest human losses in the Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878. And the new war was not ready. And Alexander III for the first time retreated from the traditions of solidarity with the Balkan peoples: he made a strict adherence to the articles of the Berlin Treaty. Alexander III proposed Bulgaria to solve his foreign policy problems, withdrew Russian officers and generals, did not interfere in Bulgarian-Turkish affairs. Nevertheless, the Russian ambassador to Turkey declared Sultan that Russia would not allow the Turkish invasion of Eastern Rumelia.

In the Balkans, Russia from Turkey's opponents turned into its actual allied. The positions of Russia were undermined in Bulgaria, as well as in Serbia and Romania. In 1886, the diplomatic relations between Russia and Bulgaria were torn. In the city of New Bulgarian Prince became Ferdinand I, Prince Koburgsky, who consisted before this officer in the Austrian service. The new Bulgarian prince understood that he is the ruler of the Orthodox country. He tried to reckon with deep Russian sentiments of the wide masses and even in the shaft fathers to his heir to Son Boris in 1894 elected the Russian king Nicholas II. But the former officer of the Austrian Army could not overcome in relation to Russia "the feeling of an insurmountable antipathy and the famous fear". Russia's relations with Bulgaria remained stretched.

Searches for allies. At the same time in the 80s. Complete relations between Russia with England. The collision of the interests of two European states occurs in the Balkans, in Turkey, Central Asia. At the same time, the relationship between Germany and France is complicated. Both states were on the verge of war with each other. In this situation and Germany, and France began to look for the Union with Russia in case of war with each other. In the city of German Chancellor O. Bismarck offered Russia and Austria-Hungary to resume the action of the "Union of Three Emperors" for six years. The essence of this union was that the three states have committed themselves to the decisions of the Berlin Congress, do not change the provisions of the Balkans without the consent of each other and comply with neutrality in relation to each other in case of war. It should be noted that the effectiveness of this union for Russia was insignificant. At the same time, O. Bismarck secretly from Russia in the city of concluded the three-minded union (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy) against Russia and France, which provided for the provision of military assistance by military assistance to each other in case of hostilities with Russia or France. The conclusion of the three-way union was not left for Alexander III. Russian king began to look for other allies.

Far Eastern direction. IN late XIX. in. on the Far East The expansion of Japan quickly increased. Japan to the 60s. XIX century It was a feudal country, but in - GG. There was a bourgeois revolution, and the Japanese economy began to develop dynamically. With the help of Germany, Japan has created modern armyWith the help of England and the United States actively built his fleet. At the same time, Japan conducted aggressive policies in the Far East.

Private life

The main location of the emperor (due to the threat of terrorism) was Gatchina. For a long time, he lived in Peterhof and the Tsarist village, and arriving in St. Petersburg, stopped at Anichkov Palace. Winter he did not like.

Court etiquette and ceremonial under Alexander became much easier. He strongly reduced the staff of the Ministry of the courtyard, reduced the number of servants and introduced a strict supervision for the spending of money. Dear passage wines were replaced by Crimean and Caucasian, and the number of balls is limited to four per year.

At the same time, huge money was spent on the purchase of art objects. The emperor was a passionate collector, yielding in this respect except Catherine II. Gatchina castle turned literally in the warehouse of invaluable treasures. Acquisition of Alexander - paintings, art objects, carpets and the like - no longer placed in the Gallery of Winter, Anichkov and other palaces. However, in this hobby, the emperor did not show any subtle taste or a great understanding. Among his acquisitions, there were many things of ordinary things, but there were a lot of masterpieces that were later than the authentic national heritage of Russia.

Not as an example of all its predecessors in the Russian throne, Alexander kept strict family morality. He was an exemplary family man - a loving husband and a good father, never had mistresses or connections on the side. At the same time, he was one of the most pious Russian sovereigns. The simple and direct soul of Alexander did not know any religious doubts nor religious pretendation, nor the temptations of mysticism. He firmly held Orthodox canons, always put to the end of the service, Istivo prayed and enjoyed church singing. The sovereign willingly sacrificed for monasteries, to build new temples and restoration of the ancients. With it, church life was noticeably revived.

Alexander's hobbies were also simple and idle. He passionately fond of hunting and fishing. Often in the summer, the royal family went to Finnish Schhers. Here, among the picturesque half-day nature, in the labyrinths of numerous islands and canals, freed from the palace etiquette, the August last name felt an ordinary and happy family, devoting most of the time to long walks, fishing and boating. The favorite place of the Emperor's hunt was Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Sometimes the imperial family, instead of rest in Schkers, left for Poland to the fishing principality, and there with Azart indulged in hunting fun, especially the hunt for deer, and completed vacation most often a trip to Denmark, to the castle of Bernstorf - the birth castle of Dagmara, where they were often gathered from all over Europe Her crowded relatives.

During summer holiday, the ministers could distract the emperor only in emergency cases. True, during the rest of the year, Alexander was completely given to business. He was a very hardworking sovereign. Every morning rose at 7 o'clock, washed cold water, brewed myself a cup of coffee and sat down for a writing desk. Often, the working day ended in deep at night.


Treasure Treasure Family

And yet, despite the relatively healthy image Life, Alexander died quite young, without surviving up to 50 years, completely unexpectedly for loved ones, and for subjects. In October, the royal train coming from the south suffered a collapse at the Borki station, 50 kilometers from Kharkov. Seven wagons turned out to be broken into smits, there were many victims, but the royal family remained a must. At that moment they ate pudding in a restaurant car. When crashed, the roof of the car was collapsed. Alexander with incredible efforts kept her on his shoulders until the help arrived.

However, soon after this incident, the emperor began to complain about the pain in the lower back. Professor of the pipe, who examined Alexander, came to the conclusion that a terrible concussion was laid in the fall of the kidney disease. The disease has evolved steadily. The sovereign increasingly felt unhealthy. The complexion of him became the earthy, gone appetite, his heart worked poorly. In winter, he was caught up, and in September, during the hunt in Belovezhye, felt very badly. Berlin Professor Leiden, urgently who arrived at the call to Russia, found nephritis in Emperor - acute kidney inflammation. In his insistence, Alexander was sent to

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