Anatoly Latyshev singer. Anatoly Latyshev is a famous historian -Leninoved. By the way, Ilyich loved banquets

March 31st, 2016

This year, in March, twenty years from the day of the exit, without exaggeration of the desktop book of the Devovetizers - "Declassified Lenin" for the authorship of some Anatoly Latyshev, who calls himself a famous Leninovyt, who dedicated life to the study of the biography of revolutionar No. 1 and writing a lot scientific work about this theme.

Let's try to understand who he is so, this prominent Leninist, a historian and a citizen.

That's what he himself speaks about the history of the creation of the Main Labor in his life in the article "Russians -" shit "(Lenin)", the resource of America in Russian (the name already hints).

"... after the August events of 1991. I was given a special project to familiarize yourself with secret documents about Lenin. The authorities thought to find the cause of the coup in the past "

It is already interesting. What did they look for there in the past? Although given the new information about laying the Lenin of various types of exploding items that are babied after decades, the step is quite logical. I fully admit that Lenin still in the early years of Soviet power planned August 1991. Why the authorities appealed to the Latyshev citizen absolutely incomprehensible. Apparently he was really a major specialist in his own business.

In an interview, which was published in 2003, Latyshev simply says: "I was given a special project to familiarize yourself with secret documents about Lenin." In the book, which was published in 1996, we read: "His Majesty is the case, Mrs. Luck - I do not know how more accurately identify those opportunities for access to never published works by V.I. Lenin, who opened in front of me in mid-September 1991 After approval by a member of the temporary deputy commission of parliamentary investigation of the causes and circumstances of the state coup in the USSR. " Turn to documents.

This resolution has an annex - "The composition of the Deputy Commission to investigate the causes and circumstances of the state coup in the USSR." There is no Latvian there. Yes, and why should he be there? With the exception of two people, all members of the Commission were directly related to the Supreme Council. So Latyshev is lying here. No wonder he was already limited only to the fact of obtaining a certain "special support" and his "membership" did not remember.

Latyshev True tried to somehow explain his membership in the commission in the book, obviously realizing that this could cause questions - "The Temporary Deputy Commission was headed by the heads of the social and political movement" Democratic Russia "Lion Ponomarev and Gleb Yakunin. I associate my invitation to the commission with the fact that it was this movement that was supported as a candidate for deputies of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR in the spring of 1990. "

So what do we have? Latyshev, who has no absolutely political or social weight that is not a deputy, and, accordingly, not able to enter into any deputy commissions, suddenly gets admission to secret documents about Lenin? Personally, I do not believe that he generally read some documents previously not known to the public.

Latyshev, according to his own statement, all his life dedicated to the study of Lenin's works. Apparently he had to be printed works in the USSR? Should they should, but personally, I failed to find these works. Obviously, his whole bibliography is described in his statement - "on Leninsky subject, since November 1991, I have published more than 150 unknown Leninist works, about 200 journal and newspaper articles, published the book" Declassified Lenin "and Lenin's brochure." Lenin: First-sources " In other words, before that he did not study any study of Lenin.

In the works of other historians, he was mentioned only twice. Zhores Trofimov in his book "Volkogonian Lenin" mentioned Latyshev as a reviewer D. A. Volkogonov, author of the book "Lenin", which is not embarrassed, without specifying the authorship used fragments of Latyshev articles. Again, we are talking about the post-Soviet period of time. The second mention of Latyshev as a historian is found in the book of the Yellow Anti-Sistor Sergei Brown "Do not judge." He liked Latyshev's lie so much that he even published in the form of an application one of his "historical" works.

So. No trace scientific activity Latasheva not until 1991. As the "famous historian-Leninteda", his no one mentions, besides him. All his "scientific" publications lie and falsification (about it is slightly lower), particularly not different from each other in content, subsequently collected in the book.

Even several times the version was put forward that Latyshev in principle does not exist, that this is a fictional character. Here to say unequivocally, or difficult. Surely one can argue that there is no other information, except that he himself told we do not have.

Go directly to its work.

"For three months at the end of 1991, as a member of the" temporary deputy commission of the parliamentary investigation of the reasons and circumstances of the state coup in the USSR "I had the opportunity to work on documents of the Leninist Foundation (F.2) first in the archive of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the Central Committee of the CPSU, and After stopping the tolerance in this archive, the second half of this period in the Central Archive of the KGB of the USSR with funds belonging to the Leninist period of domestic history. "

"From morning to evening, I was sitting in the archives, and my hair rose endless. After all, I always believed in Lenin, but after the first thirty read documents was simply shocked. "

Let's see what he read this. Retelling all nonsense will not want to read themselves. Here are just some of his pearls:

. About religion:"Ruthlessly shooting all Orthodox priests, turn all Orthodox churches to the warehouses. "At the same time, Lenin looked very loyally to Catholicism, Buddhism, Judaism, Muslim, and even to sectarians. In early 1918, he intended to ban Orthodoxy, replacing him with Catholicism. (as without Catholicism, german spy after all)

. About the Cossacks: The famous letter of the Dzerzhinsky leader of December 19, 1919 is about a million Cossacks contained in captivity? Lenin then imposed a resolution on him: "Shoot everyone to one."

. About the Holodomor:In the letter of Lenin Molotov, Vladimir Ilich insisted on the need to use mass hunger in the country on March 19, 1922, to use the Orthodox churches, while shooting as many "reactionary clergymen" as possible.

. About natural resources:"Can you still convey to thera (Ter-Gabrielyan) so that it all prepared for the burning Baku completely, in case of invasion, and to printed it in Baku." Further, the author gives tribute to Prudence of Lenin and writes the following: "Telegram in the Revoensivets of the Caucasian Front February 28, 1920:" Smilge and Ordzhonikidze. We need oil to shear. Consider the manifesto to the public that we will route everyone, if they burn and spoil oil and oil crafts, and on the contrary, we will give life to everyone if Maikop and especially Grozny will be transmitted safely. "

. About nutrition:In feature films often show how the leader drinks carrot tea without sugar with a piece of black bread. But recently discovered documents testifying to the abundant and luxurious fears of the leader, what a huge number of black and red caviar, delicious fish and other packers were regularly supplied by the Kremlin nomenclature of all the years of the reign of Lenin. In the village of Domalovo by order of Ilyich, elegant personal villas were built in the conditions of severe hunger in the country! (It is felt that the author from Nature wrote, and then transferring events 70 years ago!)

. ABOUT healthy education Life:Before the revolution Ilyich drank a lot. In the years of emigration without beer, he did not sit at the table. Since 1921, he threw due to illness. Since then, the spirits did not touch.

. About love for animals:Krupskaya in his notes wrote: "... he was heard a durable dog. This Volodya, returning home, always teased the neighbor PSA ... "

. About relationships:When Vladimir Ilyich fell ill, he forbade the hope of Konstantinovna to himself. She rode half and hysterically sobbed.

. About health:It should be noted that, since 1922, the majority of the doctors of Lenin, both German and domestic, were neuropathologists or psychiatricians.

. On the revolutionary struggle:"To end with a yudench (it is to finish - to finish) to us the devilishs are important. If the offensive is started, it is impossible to mobilize thousands of 20 St. Petersburg workers plus thousand 10 bourgeois, put behind their machine guns, shoot a few hundred and achieve a real mass pressure on Yudenich? "

Total three and a half hundred pages of selected falsification, frank lies and juggling by facts absolutely not reinforced by documents. Yes, the author does not bother himself evidence, referring to the secrecy of the data. Maximum that he leads, this is some archival catalog numbers, which are not subject to checks at that time. Although one document, he definitely leads to his works, allegedly the indication of Tov. Lenin dated May 1, 1919 for № 13666/2 "On the fight against pops and religion" "

Scan fake.

Here is the text of this "document":


In accordance with the decision of the WTCIK and owls. Nar. Commissioners need to end as soon as possible with Popami and religion. Popov should be arrested as counter-revolutionary and sabota, to shoot merciless and everywhere. And as much as possible. Churches are subject to closure. Placing the temples to seal and turn into warehouses. Chairman of the Central Executive Committee Kalinin, Chairman of the Sov. Nar. Commissioners Ulyanov (Lenin) ".

Refutations of this fake set.

An excerpt from the articles of the senior researcher IRI RAS, Candidate of Historical Sciences Igor Kulleyndsky:

First of all, consider the so-called "Indication of Lenin dated May 1, 1919 for № 13666/2" about "fighting with pops and religion". We note to begin with that in the practice of party-state-owned proceedings, there never existed documents with the title "Note". In particular, VTCIK and Sovnarkk did not publish a single document with such a name for all the time of its activities. There were only decisions and decisions for signatures of the heads of these bodies (see the collection "Decreements of Soviet power"), while the ordinal numbers did not assign such documents. However, in all publications "instructions", the sequence number of 13666/2 is accompanied, which implies the presence of many thousands of "instructions" in the state office work. It is very strange that none of such documents is known to historians, has never been revealed in the archives, never published. Of course, a similar number is designed to artificially enter into it an apocalyptic "number of beasts", to give paper a pronounced mystical nature, to tie it with the "satanic" elements of the Russian Bolshevism, which allegedly laid the limit of the wise "state staff" Stalin.

But, alas, Lenin did not sign any document for all his party and state activities, which would be called "Note", nor with three sixes, no, what is easy to see it Complete collection Works, "biographical chronicle", collections "Decreets of Soviet power". In the Russian state archive of socio-political history is kept by the full fund of Lenin documents. For many decades, he was purposefully formed by the Soviet state, all Leninist documents were totally included in it. According to the testimony of the director of RGASPI K.M. Anderson, all documents of the Lenin Foundation are declassified and accessible to researchers, as government secrets are not contained. "Indication of Lenin dated May 1, 1919" There is no (like all other "instructions") in RGASPI). Only Lenin's History remains classified. All Lenin documents in RGASPI catalog strictly by date. Among Lenin's papers, belonging to May 1, 1919, there are no antirefall - these are somewhat signed by the decisions of small SNK, and they all concern small economic issues. No "Lenin's indication of May 1, 1919" And in the State Archive of the Russian Federation, where the Funds of SNK and the WTCIK are stored. Negative feedback on the presence of this "document" was given in their official letters Central Archive FSB of Russia and the Archive of the President of the Russian Federation. So, "Lenin's indication of May 1, 1919" It is not in all profile on this subject of state and departmental archives of Russia. I equally existed there was no secret "decision of the WTCIK and SNK" 1917-1919. About the need "to end as possible with Popam and Religion as soon as possible," according to which "Lenin's indication of May 1, 1919" As if it was released. There are no "Instructions of the HCHK-OGPU-NKVD" with reference to this "indication", there are no documents on its execution.
- Political magazine, "protocols of church wise men",\u003darticles&issue\u003d209&tek\u003d7705&dirid\u003d50

Obviously, Latyshev was guided by Gebbels ascribed by the thesis - "The more monstrious lie, the more willing it in her."

As we can see Mr. Latyshev was very indispensable in the methods. For him, the goal clearly justifies funds. His task is to blame Lenin as a person as a revolutionary. All ways to introduce Vladimir Ilyich Thied blood and possessing pathological hatred of people with a psychopath. Latyshev extremely clearly formulated his task - "I will try to arguely prove that in its cruelty Lenin is not lower than Stalin or Hitler."

In the network you can find an indication that the creation and printing of the books were paid from the Elaqin Pre-election Fund. I fully admit this. The customer and performer stand each other.

The book did not remain unnoticed, there were grateful readers. Latyshev's works quotes are used as adherents of the current government and our homegrown liberals. Well, of course, it is impossible not to mention probably the main admirer of the works of Latashev, the staff of the Duma Showman, the artist of the hysterical genre, the deputy-half-breed of Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, who does not even bother himself with the reading of the original sources and shipping the paper one and also for many years. Here is a fragment of the videos of the debate Zhirinovsky and Prokhanov. For curiosity, you can compare with his speech two years ago.

From myself I can only add that such a favorite quotation - "Russian man is a bad worker compared to advanced nations" sounds in the original as follows:

"Russian man is a bad worker compared to advanced nations. And it could not be otherwise in the mode of tsarism and the liveliness of the remnants of serfdom. "
V.I. Lenin, PSS, T.36

Of course, the liar and the falsifier Latyshev are just a gear in a huge propaganda car in the service of capitalism, the purpose of which is blacked, destroy preventing the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat. The victory of communism phenomenon is inevitable, as well as the collapse of the capitalist building is inevitable, the system of exploiters. With the help of propaganda, among other things, not bended by any methods, the bastards of Latyshev are in demand so far, the ways that they now act smarter and sophisticated. Now they are engaged not only by falsification, but also hiding behind the pseudocommunist slogans, they will lead their masses away from the revolutionary struggle.

Comrades, do not let yourself be deceived by bourgeois propaganda, study the Marxist-Leninist teaching, reunite. Join the Union of Communists. Together we will create the Communist Party from the bottom!

Ildar Ilyasov

Latyshev Anatoly Georgievich - Historian, publicist, propagandist.


Born in 1934. In 1956 he graduated from the Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute.

Began to make a career in the Komsomol and party line. He studied at the Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee. He worked for 25 years at the Department of International Relations, VPS with the Central Committee of the CPSU, Moscow and Central Higher Party School. Fifteen years was a member of the Council of the Museum of Lenin.

In 1968 he defended his thesis (candidate of historical sciences). Topic: Switzerland's working motion after World War II. (1945-1965) / Academy of Public Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU. Department of History of the International Communist and Work Movement. Moscow.

That is, the Soviet times of "achievements" on Leninsky themes are not in the field of historical science, but in the field of propaganda.

In the early 1990s switched to the Democratic Party of Russia. He worked as a browser "Democratic newspaper", the newspapers "Russian time" and "Morning Russia".

In 1991, the Group received admission to the Leninsky Documents of the Central Party Archives of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the CPSU Central Committee. After that, wrote many articles in newspapers with criticism of Lenin. Especially in government " Russian newspaper»Circulation 1 million copies.

Books and brochures
  • Dechenik V.I, Latyshev A. G. hand in hand, like like-minded people. M.: Young Guard, 1970. 208 p. Circulation 50,000 copies.
  • Tennik, V. I., Latyshev, A. G. Fight teaches. Lenin and young overseas revolutionaries. M.: Young Guard, 1974. 191 s, circulation of 45,000 copies.
  • Latyshev A. Lenin, the youth of the world and revolution. M.: Knowledge, 1977. 64 p. Circulation 79 360 Ex

One article in the journal "Questions of History", 1969

  • Latyshev A. G. V. I. Lenin and Switzerland's working motion in 1914-1917. // Questions of history, 1969, No. 6, p. 3-19.
  • Latyshev A. G. V. I. Lenin and the labor movement in Switzerland to the First World War // Scientific Notes. / Higher party school with CPSU Central Committee. 1974. Vol. 1. P. 215-249
  • Latyshev A. Next to Lenin. // Pravda, 1983, July 8
  • Latyshev A. Swiss friend of Lenin. // Communist, 1984, N 6, p. 103-113
  • Latyshev A. flawed in heritage. To really know Lenin and Stalin, it is necessary to open the original sources and documents // Union, 1990. No. 11. P. 3.

"Declassified Lenin"

In 1996, on the basis of his articles, he published the book "Decode Lenin" (circulation of 15 thousand expenses), also the abbreviated version of "Lenin: primary sources" (51 thousand expenses)

Publishing house "March" - unscientific publishing house, without scientific review. The book, apparently, was published in the framework of the election campaign of Yeltsin 1996.

Latyshev himself about the book, recognizes that this is not a scientific job:

I do not consider the book "Declassified Lenin" as a biographical essay on the leader or his political portrait. Most likely I relate to it to so fashionable at the beginning of the restructuring genre - "Strokes to the portrait". (p. 13)

I want to specify the fact that my book is not a scientific process, but a collection of documentary essays. (p. 14)

Interview MK

The question of scientific objectivity here is inappropriate, if only because not scientific, and the conjunctural and political goals were delivered by their authors at the head of the corner. The forces captured political power In the country, in the 1996 presidential election, they solved the task of holding it. The main opponent B. N. Yeltsin was the representative of the Communists G. A. Zyuganov. In this regard, it seems quite understandable why the books of D. A. Volkogonov "Lenin were released to the elections. Political portrait "and A. G. Latyshev" Declassified Lenin ", who submitted himself as large specialists in Lenin's issues. The level of "construct" themes are visible, for example, in the fact that Latyshev publicly recognized that he worked with the Lenin Fund in the former CPA (now RChdini) in the fall of 1991 for a few weeks. We add that the thorough criticism of a number of provisions of Latyshev's work is given by truly large specialists in the Leninskoye topic - M. I. Dog and V. T. Loginov.

It has long been known that the yellow bourgeois press is capable of any dirtyness. Still, every time reading another volatile writer, do not cease to surprise the depth of the moral drop in its writers.

April 22, on the birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, "Moscow Komsomolets" published a conversation for his correspondent of Irina Bobrova with a certain Anatoly Latyshev, who she recommends as a famous historian-Leninteda, all his life dedicated to the study of the biography V.I. Lenin. True, for some reason we will not know what is known to this famous historian-Leninovad? What scientific contribution to Leninian? Where did you work or can it work until now?

But it will believe that the correspondent is that Anatoly Latyshev is, and he is exactly the one he is recommended. What did Leninovted Irina Bobrova behave, readers?

After the August 1991 events, he says, he was given a special project to familiarize themselves with secret Lenin documents. From morning to evening, he was sitting in the archives, read the notes and telegrams of Lenin, and his hair rose end. Imagine, in 1905, Lenin, being in Switzerland, called the youth of St. Petersburg to pour the acids of police officers, scatter boiling water soldiers, use nails to fight the horses, throw streets with manual bombs. After reading these lines, the reader hasained to count on the explanation of the historian: what is happening there, in St. Petersburg? Why should young people resort to such desperate actions? Since the historian does not give any explanation, let's deal without it, what's the matter?

Yes, Vladimir Ilyich has an article "The tasks of the units of the revolutionary army", written in late October 1905. More precisely, the sketch of the article. It was a time when the revolution was on the rise. There were already uprisings in Lodz, Riga, on the battleship "Potemkin". It is here, then there are mass strikes and demonstrations of workers moved to an armed struggle with the police, the Cossacks and the mannefactants. But the forces were far from unequal. Workers carried big losses and suffered defeat. IN AND. Lenin ponders the question of how the working detachments are more successful to withstand government troops. From under his pen, the article mentioned above appears.

Anatoly Latyshev seizes as if he discovered it in secret Leninist archives. Not true! None of her secret did. The article was published in the third, fourth and fifth collections of writings V.I. Lenin. To someone who, and Leninoved, it should be known. Of course, he is also known: the article in 1905 was not printed, did not send anywhere and did not know any worker about the "terrorist" calls for Lenin.

This is what he is, historian, Latyshev.

An episode with "terrorist" views of Lenin is just the beginning. Then the historian-Leninovad introduces us with even more terrible actions of Lenin. Being the head of the Soviet government, he sends his ferocious punishes by cities and weighs. Paper of the following content came to Nizhny Novgorod: "Cut a mass terror, shoot and export hundreds of prostitutes, soldering soldiers, former officers, etc. Not a minute of delay. " So he writes to someone's note: "I suggest to appoint a consequence and shoot the perpetrators in the Rotosaism." Here gives an indication to hang, so that the people see, at least 100 prosperous peasants.

Such a person believes "naive" Irina Bobrov, could not but think about the extermination of the Russian people and she asks Leninted: Are there evidence about this terrible leader's intention? And he gives out new orders of Lenin: to burn Baku completely, it is difficult to destroy all the Cossacks. One after another sender in the Caucasus of the telegram: "I put everyone"!

Do you understand something, reader? I also do not understand anything. Why do you need to completely burn Baku? Why do you want to destroy all the Cossacks? What does "add all"? And we are with you, dear readers, nothing and should not be understood. The task of correspondent and Leninovted is not at all to clarify the truth, and to darken it and consolidate in our consciousness the image of V.I. Lenin as a manic killer. And for this, all means are good. Lies, slander, semi-truth fall into the course. Could not come from the head of the Soviet government orders for the extermination of all Cossacks and Caucasians, about burning Baku. And it's not by chance that Leninovad often does not give either the addresses of Leninist notes, no circumstances and the time of writing them. In addition, they seemed to be in secret archives. Look to check!

Meanwhile, for the proof of the "manic ferocity" Lenin A. Latyshev did not have to contact the secret documents. Such "evidence" is in the collections of writings of Vladimir Ilyich. Here is one of them - the telegram of the Livensky Executive Committee, sent on August 20, 1918. "Greetings to the energetic suppression of fists and whitvents in the county. It is necessary to confiscate all the bread and all the property from the rebel fists, hanging the swellings from the fists, mobilize and arm the poor ... to arrest hostages from the rich and keep them until all the surplus bread will be collected in their parish. "

Brutally? Yes! But this cruelty is caused and justified by circumstances.

... Walked August of the eighteenth year. Already gone civil war. Fiery ring from all sides covered the young Soviet Republic. Anglo-French troops landed in the north, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and formed a temporary government of the Northern Region. In the south, Romanian troops captured Besarabia. Under the fifth German occupants were Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic. The Japanese are hosted in Primorye. On the medium Volga and in Siberia raised the rebellion of the body part formed from prisoners and Slovaks. Together with foreign interventory martialctions Alekseeva and Denikin's troops launched in the North Caucasus, Krasnova - on Don, Kolchak - in Siberia. That's where the White Guard-Kulatsky uprising flashes there. Military situation was aggravated by hunger. In such conditions, it was necessary to act strongly and rigidly. And Lenin acted. Resolutely, hard and sometimes brutally. The revolution defended himself from counter-revolution.

The current counter-revolutionaries, as the White Guards, who fled the abroad, love to expose the cruelty of Lenin, Bolsheviks and "do not notice" the cruelty of foreign intervders and whitvents. M. Gorky wrote: "Gnusless hypocrisy is to shout only about the cruelty of the red, silent about the facts of the sadroom reprisals with the red, which are so brazenly told white in their memoirs." And then the bitter causes such a fact: in the fall of 1918, the "liberator" of Kuban General Pokrovsky slammed 2 thousand prisoners in Maykop in Maykop. By the way, at that time, the army of Denikin acted an order: the captives did not take. And did not take.

"Imagine," continued M. Gorky, turning to Beloeamigrants, - that the Bolsheviks left, and here you are a free way to Russia. Think of the balance of the conscience: what could you bring with you the Russian people? After all, you have nothing for the soul ... Personally, I am sure that you would only increase the number in Russia - the residues and the number of perverted evil. " It is not true how in modern one they sound today these prophetic words of the writer! The heirs of the White Guard Counterrevolution The current "Democrats" brought into our lives perverted evil and spiritual poverty.

According to Anatoly Latyshev, V.I. Lenin hated the Russian people violently. The hatred of this allegedly is explained by the fact that in his family there was not a drop of Russian blood and mother, German, brought up him and other children in the spirit of contempt to all Russian. No evidence of the anti-Russian education of the children of Ulyanovy Leninoved did not lead. And he could not bring - they simply do not. But it is known that all the children of this big family, with the exception of the early Olga's early deceased, became revolutionary, passed through arrests, prisons and references. In the name of what? In the name of the liberation of Russian and other nations of Russia from the opposite officers and capitalists! One of this fact by itself refutes the malicious fiction on the anti-Russian education of V.I. Lenin and His hatred of our people.

Vladimir Ilyich himself considered himself Russian and proud of it. "Is it alien to us, Velikorusky conscious proletarians, a sense of national pride?, He asked in the article" On the National Pride of Velikorsov ". - Of course not! We love our tongue and our homeland, we are most working to make its working facilities (i.e. 9/10 of its population) to raise the conscious life of Democrats and Socialists. "

Let's not dig in the pedigree V.I. Lenin, although here Leninovted deliberately distorted the truth. We are not racists. Belonging to any nation, in our opinion, nothing adds to a person and does not take anything. Man is valuable in itself. Well said about this A.S. Pushkin in the epigram at the Faddey Bulgarine, the Balanced and the Donos:

Not that trouble that you Pole:
Kostyushko Lyakh, Mitskevich Lyakh!
Perhaps, be yourself Tatar, -
And here I do not see shame;
Be liquid - and it does not matter;
The misfortune is that you are Vidok Physurin.

Because Ya.M. Sverdlov - Jew, F.E. Dzerzhinsky - Pole, M.V. Frunze - Moldavant, they did not become less significant for us public figures. The same can be said about Soviet Marshalch - Pole KK Rokossovsky, Armenian I.Kh. Baghamyan, generals, heroes of the Soviet Union Jew L.M. Dovator, Georgian K.N. Leselidze and other commander.

A lot of discarded A. Latyshev on the theme "Lenin and Religion". The leader allegedly hated only Russian orthodox ChurchThe other was tolerant. Moreover, in early 1918, he as if he intended to ban Orthodoxy, replacing him with Catholicism. Then for some reason changed his mind and decided to end as soon as possible with religion and Popami. Popov - to shoot mercilessly and everywhere, and the churches are subject to closure. But, by ascribing Lenin, these fantastic intentions, A. Latyshev showed his own ignorance and inability to compose a lie, at least a bit of the truth. Everyone knows, except for Lininovod A. Latyshev, all his life studied by the biography of V.I. Lenin, that Vladimir Ilyich was a fundamental opponent of religion in all its species. "Religion is the opium of the people," he wrote, "this is a marks' saying is the cornerstone of the whole world of Marxism on the issue of religion. All modern religions and churches, all and all sorts of religious organizations Marxism considers always as bourgeois reaction organs that serve the protection of operation and the infusion of the working class. "

With religion, he considered it, it must be struggling. But not prohibitive measures, not the closure of churches and persecutions on the ministers of the cult. It will only strengthen the religious fanaticism of believers. It is widely involved to involve workers in the construction of a new life, to establish the edition of the atheistic literature, to expand scientific and anti-religious propaganda everywhere.

In January 1918 V.I. Lenin signs a decree on the separation of the church from the state and school from the church. Every citizen received the right to confess any religion or not confess any. The rights of believers were enshrined in the first Soviet Constitution, adopted at the 5th Congress of Soviets in July 1918.

But not everything was smooth in the relationship of the church and the state. The leadership of the Orthodox Church and many of her ministers had hostile to the October Revolution. Patriarch Tikhon turned to the clergy and believing with the message in which he betrayed the church curse - Anathema Soviet power and called for the fight against her. In the course civil War Many priests led counter-revolutionary propaganda, participated in conspiracies and reeds, actively performed on the side of the White Guards and the Interventory.

In 1921-1922 in the Volga region who was the strongest drought, hunger broke out. Workers and peasants died with whole families and villages. At the request of the working hungry provinces, the Presidium of the WTCIK decided to remove all the precious items from gold, silver and stones and transfer them to the Soviet financial authorities. For funds from the sale of jewelry was supposed to purchase food for starving. Part of the clergy led by Patriarch Tikhon met in the bayonets this decree, organized a decisive resistance to the withdrawal of jewels, which in some places led to anti-Soviet speeches. All this caused response, including punitive, from the Soviet power. But for faith in God and the fulfillment of the cult responsibilities, priests were not pursued.

In the artistic and journalistic Leninist there are hundreds of essays and memories of Vladimir Ilich, written by His associates, colleagues, acquaintances, hobbles, who had been in the Kremlin. You read them and in front of you in all greatness appears the image of the great proletarian leader. Soon after his death, Maxim Gorky wrote: "Even some of the enemies honestly admit him to honestly: in the face of Lenin, the world lost a man who among all the modern great people brightly embodied the genius."

The authors of memories note the high human qualities of Lenin: simplicity, modesty, unpretentiousness, sociability, incessia, deceic care of comrades. He led an almost ascetic lifestyle. Not smoked, did not use alcohol. The situation in his apartment, be it in emigration or in the Kremlin, was always spartan. In the hungry nineteenth year, he was ashamed of the products that sent him comrades, soldiers and peasants from the province. When the parcels brought in his uncomfortable apartment, he wrinkled, confused and hurried to distribute flour, sugar, oil sick or weakened from malnutrition to comrades.

And then lived all the Kremlin inhabitants lived. Even the family of a person who has ends with the food of the whole country! Once at the government meeting, the People's Commissar of Food A.D. Zureupa lost consciousness. The doctor determined the cause - a hungry fainting.

Does Anatoly Latyshev know about this about this? After all, listening to him - Lenin, living in emigration, dried out, in the Kremlin arranged abundant feasts with Babies, black and red caviar. At his disposal, there would be gorgeous cottages for the Kremlin officials in the village of Dogs.

Reading all this false-language writer, I can not believe that the author of her could be the historian, the whole life is engaged in the biography of V.I. Lenin. Most likely, Anatoly Latyshev is a fictional face. And a conversation with an imaginary Leninovded made up the correspondent Irina Bobrov on the editorial kitchen.

Anatoly Latyshev

The first "Lenin Prizes" - Prizes for lawless killings

Anatoly Latyshev is a famous historian-Leninovad. Throughout life is engaged in the biography of Ilyich. He managed to get documents from the Secret Foundation of Lenin and the closed Archives of the KGB.

- Anatoly Grigorievich, how did you manage to penetrate the secret funds?

It happened after the August 1991 events. I was given a special project to familiarize yourself with secret documents about Lenin. The authorities thought to find the cause of the coup in the past. From morning to evening I was sitting in the archives, and my hair got up with end. After all, I always believed in Lenin, but after the first thirty-read documents was simply shocked.

- What exactly?

Lenin from Switzerland In 1905, he called on young people in St. Petersburg in St. Petersburg, pouring boiling water from the upper floors to the soldiers, to use nails to captivate horses, throw the streets with "manual bombs". As the head of the Soviet government, Lenin selected its own on the country. Paper of the following content came to Nizhny Novgorod: "Cut a mass terror, shoot and export hundreds of prostitutes, soldering soldiers, former officers ... not a minute of delay." And how do you like Leninsky Agava in Saratov: "Shooting conspirators and fluctuating, no one asking anyone and not allowing idiotic red tapes"?

- They say Vladimir Ilyich generally disliked the Russian people?

Lenin's Russophobia today has little studied. All this goes from childhood. He did not have a drop of Russian blood. His mother was a German with an admixture of Swedish and Jewish blood. Father - half Kalmyk, half of Chuvash. Lenin brought up in the spirit of German accuracy and discipline. Mother constantly regreed him "Russian Oblomovshchyna, learn from the Germans", "Russian Durak", "Russian idiots". By the way, in his messages, Lenin spoke about the Russian people only in a derogatory form. Once the leadership of the Soviet Representative in Switzerland, the leader ordered: "In Russian fools, distribute work: send clippings here, and not random numbers (as these idiots have so far)."

- There are letters in which Lenin wrote about the extermination of the Russian people?

Among those terrible Lenin documents, there were precisely tight orders to destroy compatriots. For example, "burn Baku completely, to take hostages in the rear, put them in front of the advancing parts of the Red Army, shoot them in the back, send red thugs to the areas where" green ", hang under the guise of" green "(we are then counted on them) officials, rich, popov, fists, landowners. Pay for killers for 100 thousand rubles ... " By the way, the money for "secretly rimmed" (the first "Lenin Prizes") turned out to be the only premium in the country. And in the Caucasus, Lenin periodically sent the telegrams of the following content: "I put all the route." Remember how Trotsky and Sverdlov destroyed the Russian Cossacks? Lenin then remained aside. Now found the official telegram of the leader to Frunze about the "magnitude extermination of the Cossacks". Is this the famous letter of the Dzerzhinsky leader of December 19, 1919 on the concurrent about a million Cossacks? Lenin then imposed a resolution on him: "Shoot everyone to one."

- Lenin could so easily give orders about the execution of people?

Here are what Lenin's notes I managed to get: "I suggest to designate a consequence and shoot guilty in the Rotosaism"; "Rakovsky requires a submarine. We must give two, appointing a person responsible, the sailor, putting on it and saying: shoot, if you do not deliver soon "; "Melnichansky give (for my signature) a telegram that the shame was fluent in and not to shoot for a non-appearance." But one of the letters of Lenin to Stalin: "Threaten the shooting of that nerve, which, heading the connection, does not know how to give you a good amplifier and achieve a complete serviceability of telephone with me." Lenin insisted on the shootings for the "negligence" and "non-historicalness." For example, on August 11, 1918, Lenin sent bolsheviks In Penza, the indication: "Hang (be sure to hang) so that the people see", at least 100 prosperous peasants. To fulfill the execution of the execution of the "people hardening". At the end of 1917, when Lenin was headed by the government, he suggested shooting every tenth tunewader. And this is during the period of mass unemployment!

- He also had a negative attitude to Orthodoxy?

The leader hated and robbed only the Russian Orthodox Church. So, on the day of Nicholas the Wonderworker, when it was impossible to work, Lenin issued an order of December 25, 1919: "To put up with Nicholas is stupid, it is necessary to put all the check on the feet to shoot the wrong" Nikola "(t ., I missed the Saturday when loading firewood into cars on the day of Nicholas Wonderworker on December 19). " At the same time, Lenin was very loyal to Catholicism, Buddhism, Judaism, Muslim, and even to sectarians. In early 1918, he intended to ban Orthodoxy, replacing him with Catholicism.

- How did he fought with Orthodoxy?

For example, in the letter of Lenin Molotov for members of the Politburo of March 19, 1922, Vladimir Ilyich insisted on the need to use mass hunger in the country in order to respect the Orthodox churches, while shooting as much as possible "reactionary priests". Few people know about the Leninist document of May 1, 1919 No. 13666/2, addressed to Dzerzhinsky. Here is its maintenance: "... It is necessary to end as possible with Popam and religion as soon as possible. Popov should be arrested as counter-revolutionary and sabota, to shoot merciless and everywhere. And as much as possible. Churches are subject to closure. Placing the temples seal and turn into warehouses. "

- Anatoly Grigorievich, is confirmed that Lenin has mental deviations observed?

His behavior was more than strange. For example, Lenin often fell into depression, which could last weeks. He could do nothing about anything, and then he mastered the stormy activities. About this period Krupskaya wrote: "Volodya fell into the rage ...". And he was absolutely deprived of a sense of humor.

- The syllable of Lenin was rather rude?

Berdyaev called him a swear speech. Here are a few lines from Lenin Stalin and Kamenev from February 4, 1922: "We always have time to take shit into experts." It is impossible to "tighten the Swal and a bastard who do not want to submit reports ...". "Teach these shit seriously answer ...". On the fields of articles of Rosa Luxembourg, the leader did not mark "Idiot", "Dura".

- They say Stalin satisfied the grand boys in the Kremlin while Lenin's life?

And repeatedly. In this connection, Lenin often caused and reported it. But most often Ilyich Rugal Ordzhonikidze. He wrote to him notes: "Who drank and walked with? Where do you have women from? I do not like your behavior. Moreover, Trotsky complains of you all the time. Ordzhonikidze was still Holen! Stalin treated women more indifferent. Lenin reported Joseph Vissarionovich because he drinks a lot, to which Stalin answered: "I can't do Georgian and without wine."

- By the way, Ilyich loved banquets?

In feature films often show how the leader drinks carrot tea without sugar with a piece of black bread. But recently discovered documents testifying to the abundant and luxurious fears of the leader, what a huge number of black and red caviar, delicious fish and other packers were regularly supplied by the Kremlin nomenclature of all the years of the reign of Lenin. In the village of Domalovo by order of Ilyich, elegant personal villas were built in the conditions of severe hunger in the country!

- Lenin himself loved to drink?

Before the revolution Ilyich drank a lot. In the years of emigration without beer, he did not sit at the table. Since 1921, he threw due to illness. Since then, the spirits did not touch.

- True, Vladimir Ilyich loved animals?

Unlikely. Krupskaya in his notes wrote: "... he was heard a durable dog. This Volodya, returning home, always teased the neighbor PSA ... ".

- What do you think Lenin loved Krupskaya?

Lenin did not like Krupskaya, he appreciated her as an indispensable associate. When Vladimir Ilyich fell ill, he forbade the hope of Konstantinovna to himself. She rode half and hysterically sobbed. These facts were described in the memoirs of the sisters of Lenin. Many Leninovists argue that Krupskaya to Lenin was a virgin. It is not true. Before marriage with Vladimir Ilyich, she was already married.

- Today, probably, nothing is unknown about Lenin left?

There is still a lot of unprotected, as Russian archives still hide some data. So, in 2000 the collection "V.I. Lenin. Unknown documents. " In some these documents, bills were made. Before the release of this collection, our archives were sold abroad for falsified documents. One American Sovietologist told that by purchasing Leninskie works from the leadership of Russian archives for his book, he then paid the publishers a fine of four thousand dollars, because Russian archives seized some lines from Lenin documents.

Reprinted from the site of the Slavic News Agency -

In the family of circus artists, toured at the time in Siberia.

Father - Evgeny Grigorievich Latyshev and Mother - Augustus Konstantinovna Rothman - were the creators and performers of illusion numbers "Flower Rain", "Live Talking Head" (mnemonics).

In 1953, he lost his father and, being a three-year-old Rybenk, remained on the care of her grandmother - Latvian Sofia Ivanovna The city of Saratov became a city of childhood and a period of youth.

At the end high School He studied in Saratov state University In Physician, but did not graduate from him, and in 1969, inserting circus art, entered the national circus team in Kemerovo. In the team received its fundamental basic knowledge and skills under the guidance of an excellent talented teacher Alexey Vukolovich Shaposhnikova who raised not one generation, in the future outstanding, circus artists. Further - study in the branch of the Moscow Circus School (Ufa), the work of the Circus Uniformist, the leadership of the Children's Circus Collective, the work of the artist - an equilibrist, an acrobat - an eccentric in the Novosibirsk Circus on the stage, Belgorod Philharmonic, the Leningrad Circus on the scene. In 1976, after the rehearsal period in the Moscow Directorate for the preparation of circus programs, the rooms "Equilibr on coils" were issued and a pair carpet clownade with a partner Catherine Mikhailovna Mozhava (Creative pseudonyms - Anton and Antoshka ). The duet had a copyright repertoire, for the most part, written by Latyshev A. E. For the period of successful work in the All-Union Union "SoyuzGosyrc", - a duet forgoting, almost the entire Soviet Union, visited the tour in Finland, Japan, Korea, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia . In 1986, the documentary film "Clowns" was filmed about the work of the duet. In 1987, the duet stopped his existence. Since 1987 he worked in a duet with a partner Latasheva Tatyana Vladimirovna (In 1987 he worked in a mask of the cleaner, since 1988 in the Maaso-Malvina mask). From the All-Union Association "SoyuzGoscirm", as well as (since 1990) from the Turkish Theater and Concert Association Center for Eccentrics. Zheromsky worked throughout the Union and abroad - Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, India, Taiwan. Since 1995, Solo-Clown and Solo-Equilibrist with the author's repertoire. Artist of the Moscow Theater of Illusion - to the present. Participates, in almost all repertoire performances of the theater, is the performer of the solo clown-illusion play "Rest with us." In 2002 he received the title of Honored Artist of Russia. He was on tour with the theater in Morocco, Pakistan, Israel, PRC, in the CIS and Baltic countries. So far, the "Equilibr on coils" number has been working with the inclusion of copyright tricks, being their only performer due to the high difficulty of execution.

Awards and titles

  • 1981 Helsinki. Finland-USSR is a reward for the strengthening of friendship between nations.
  • 1982 - the winner of the All-Union Circus Artists Competition in the nomination "Clownada".
  • 1983 Tokyo. Japan's television is a prime of visual sympathies.
  • 1983 Tokyo. Cup for strengthening friendship between nations.
  • 1985 Pyongyang. Government award of the DPRK - Medal "50 years of the liberation of Korea".
  • 1992 Mexico City - Honorary title - "King of Eclibe"
  • 2002 - Moscow. Honored Artist of Russia. Honorary title was assigned by Presidential Decree No. 1126 dated October 4, 2002
  • 2005 - Moscow. Award sign "For merits in the development of the Russian circus".
  • 2009 - Moscow. Medal "For merits in the development of the Russian circus".
  • 2010 year - Moscow. Honorary diploma "For a great contribution to the development of culture" - Minister of Culture.
  • 2011 - Moscow. The breastplate sign of the Moscow Theater of Illusion "For Creative Successes".


Circus in which A.E. Voloshev worked

  • Almaty Circus
  • Belarusian State Circus (Minsk)
  • Latvian State Circus (Riga)
  • Kiev Circus (National Circus of Ukraine)
  • Donetsk State Circus
  • Krivoy Rog State Circus
  • Lithuanian State Circus (Vilnius)
  • Leningrad State Circus
  • Kostroma State Circus
  • Voronezh State Circus
  • Ryazan State Circus
  • Rostov State Circus (on Don)
  • Irkutsk State Circus
  • Osh State Circus
  • Magnitogorsk State Circus
  • Barnaul State Circus
  • Chelyabinsk State Circus
  • Kirov State Circus (Vyatka)
  • Krasnodar State Circus
  • Grozny State Circus
  • Izhevsk State Circus
  • state Circus Naberezhnye Chelny
  • state Circus in Dushanbe


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Latvian (Flow Ufa)
  • Latyshev, Vasily Vasilyevich

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