Bartholomew, Patriarch Constantinople. Reference. Universal Patriarch - the title of the Primate of the Constantinople Orthodox Church who the Universal Patriarch of the Orthodox Church now

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both Mero Mesh, so you will be measured.

Gospel from Matthew (ch. 7, Art. 1-2)

As the deadline for The Great Divine Cathedral On the island of Crete from Orthodox people, spiritual and worldly, there are more and more questions regarding the feasibility of the upcoming event, the choice of the date and perseverance Constantinople Patriarch In implementing this idea. This topic occupies the main place not only in church circles, but also is actively discussed in the central Russian media.

And it is not surprising, because last years role Russian Orthodox Church In all its completeness (clerics and flops) and activities in our country's life, the church property is returned to the state, the number of restored and newly erected temples is growing.

Did not have time to add spores about positions Bulgarian and Antioch Churches Regarding participation in a unatascalized cathedral, which caused a nervous response in Fanar (The name of the Istanbul Quarter, in which the Konstantinople Patriarchate and Patriarch Residence), as the whole world had another news, the Turkish authorities decided to return the mosque status of the mosque to the Turkish authorities. This provocative decision was made, as they say, called Christian and, above all, to the Orthodox world. It seemed that the reaction was to be submitted immediately, but this did not happen. The USA is silent, "the main culprit" of Istanbul's decision, the "Christian" West is silent, and the local Orthodox churches are silent together with Fanar. But in the latest publications on this topic, indignant questions and direct criticism began to be addressed not to the Turkish authorities, but Patriarch Konstantinople Bartholomewwhy he is silent and does not appeal to Local Orthodox churches With the call to support it in the preservation of the existing status quo of the Cathedral of St. Sophia.

The question is published, but at the same time we will try to understand why the Archbishop of Constantinople, who has the "Championship of honor" before the rest of the Orthodox Patriarchates and Churches, so insistently promotes the idea of \u200b\u200bconvocation of the Divine Cathedral ("The match will take place with any weather") and does not use their status, To lead the entire Orthodox Okumen in the fight against the protection of the unreasstinated Christian shrine and preserving its current status quo?

Let's try to understand how the status of the Archbishop of Constantinople and New Rome has changed through history. In the 4th century AD He receives the title of the Universal Patriarch, or the "first among equal" (Primus Inter Pares), which only Dad Roman had before that time.

Transferring the capital of the Roman Empire by Emperor Konstantin Great from Old Rome to the new Rome on Baptist Bags (at the site of the ancient settlement of Byzantium), as well as the equalization of the titulature of the Roman and Constantinople bishops caused chronic rejection of Pontifice, who guessed his legis into convened by the decree of the Byzantine emperors The cathedrals on which the decisions were made to combat heresy armed in the Epper were accepted. The reluctance of the Roman dads to share seniority in the "list of honor" (diptych) with Constantinople Patriarchs served as one of the reasons for the "Great Schism", or split 1054 of Christianity as the Body of Christ on Western (Latin) and Eastern (Orthodox) Church. Since then, in Rome in the worship of the Roman Catholic (Latin) church, the Catholic clergy ceased to remember the names of the East Orthodox Patriarchs, and the East Orthodox Patriarchates eliminated the names of the Roman Dad's names in their objects. Thus, in the Byzantine era, the Archbishop of Constantinople and New Rome sole ranked first in diptyth with the title "Ecumenical Patriarch". This status meant only his chairmanship on the historical seniority of honor among all Orthodox primerierachs of the ancient patriarchates: Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem, but did not give any powerful advantages to the first among equals. The ancient Christian principle was still acted: one diocese is one bishop. "The Universal Patriarch could not order the local defendors of the Orthodox patriarchy, since they were all considered equal.

In the epoch Ottoman Empire Padishahi increased the status of the Constantinople Patriarch, having endowed him by special authority with a special title "Head of Orthodox Religion" (Rum Millet Bashi). Now the Universal Patriarch replied before the Padishah his head for the loyalty of all the above patriarchy in the Ottoman Empire. The Greek upright of 1821 against the Ottoman authorities was the cause of execution through the Hanging of Constantinople Patriarch Gregory V.

In 1589, Konstantinople Patriarch Jeremiah II, who received a refusal to be a refusal to become the first Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, was forced to agree with the election of Metropolitan Moskovsky Job in the Assumption Cathedral of the Metropolitan Metropolitan, approving that Other Eastern Orthodox hierarchs) Moscow Patriarchate. Material and political assistance to the Great Principality of Moscow, Russian Kingdom, and then Russian Empire And her Greek-Russian Church was largely helped by the Universal Patriarch to maintain their status in front of the Sultan and the Ottoman government (high port). The disintegration of the Ottoman Empire after the defeat in the First World War led to the loss of the superior status and domineering prerogatives to the rest of the patriarchs of the Orthodox East. Moreover, Constantinople Patriarchate immediately fell under the influence of Western states, first of the UK, and then the United States. This circumstance largely determined the decision of the Konstantinople Patriarch to move from the Orthodox (Julian) calendar to the Catholic (Gregorian). True, the secular Turkish authorities refused to recognize the head of the Konstantinople of the Starosman Title of the Ecumenical Patriarch with his supervised prerogatives, given by Rum Millet Bashi Ortven Sultans in relation to other Eastern Orthodox patriarchy.

At the late World War I.V. Stalin decided to use the church theme in his foreign policy. The increased authority of the USSR on the world arena, specific gravity The Russian Orthodox Church in the Orthodox world and the weakening of the influence of the Constantinople Patriarchate in him was given to the Soviet leadership to believe that from the fifth place in Diptych (after the Jerusalem Church), Moscow Patriarchate should be moved to the first. To this end, the Soviet government has actively supported by Patriarch Alexey I (Simansky) for September 1947 pre-public meeting in Moscow heads of all autochefal Orthodox churches or their representatives to prepare "convocation in 1948 (500 years of independence of the ROC) have not been collected for several centuries of the Universal Cathedral to address the question of the assignment of the Moscow Patriarchate title of the Universal. "

The United States of America, who took the patronage of the Konstantinople Patriarchate, began to develop countermeasures for neutralizing the plans of the Soviet leader. Using the ancient principle of "divide and conquer" and the suffering of the Greek Proposals of a number of Orthodox churches by the goggle of Moscow, they in every way tried to disrupt the convening of the Universal Cathedral and the idea of \u200b\u200btransferring the Universal Patriarchate to Moscow. As a result of these efforts to convened in July 1948, the Patriarchas of Constantinople, Alexandria and Jerusalem churches, who were traditionally headed by ethnic Greeks, did not arrive in Moscow.

So utopians from the historical and church -ancan-canonical point of view "Project Stalin" inflicted the deepest wound to the Unity of the Orthodox Peace after the Bulgarian Casism of 1872, as a result of which an irresistible wall of distrust arose between the Greeks and Slavs. He could not be overcome even after the elimination of a 73-year-old schism of the Bulgarian Church and returning it in 1945 in the Lono of the Universal Orthodoxy.

All these circumstances constantly influenced and continue to influence the behavior of the Constantinople patriarchs, the status of which Turkish authorities since the President of Mustafa Kemal Atatürka deliberately detained, trying to reduce his patriarch authority to implement the purely church functions. Even in the newest time During the visit to Turkey by hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, official Ankara deliberately overestimated status russian representatives And looked down the position of the fan. It should be noted that representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches are often behind the back in the joke called Constantinople Patriarch Istanbulsky, and they are trying to challenge the eligibility of his unique-acquisitive honorary title "Allweight".

Such an attitude from the fellow in faith causes the relevant reaction of the Universal Patriarch, pushing it to the consolidation of its leadership in the Orthodox world and even to ecumenia in violation of instructions and the teachings of the Orthodox Church's fathers.

It should be borne in mind that the deplorable position in which Constantinople Patriarchate remains. This is, first of all, the small number of Orthodox flock in Turkey, dependence on the financial and political assistance of the United States of America, from where they come mainly by the American Greeks to work in the Fanar to the Watched method.

These considerations should be taken into account when evaluating the steps currently taken by the Konstantinople Patriarch Bartholomeum for an objective and unpredictive assessment of the course taken by him to hold a Divine Cathedral in Crete "by all means".

The sacred legend tells that the Holy Apostle Andrey was primarily overn for 38 years old, named the stocks in the bishops of the city of Byzantion, in the place of which Constantinople was founded in three centuries. From these times, the church takes his beginning, at the head of which, over the centuries, there were patriarchs that wearing the title of universal.

Championship right among equal

Among the charters of the fifteen existing autocephal, that is, the Constantinople Patriarch is considered independent, the local Orthodox churches, the "primary among equal terms" is considered to be. In this it historical meaning. The full title of the person who occupies such an important post is the Divine Allweightness Archbishop of Constantinople - New Rome and the Universal Patriarch.

For the first time the title of the universal was awarded the first Akaka. The legal basis for this was the decisions of the fourth (Chalkidon) of the Universal Cathedral, held in 451 and consolidated the status of bishops of the new Rome, the status of the Bishops of the Constantinople, the second ones after the leadership of the Roman Church.

If at first, such an establishment met quite hard countering in certain political and religious circles, by the end of the next century, the position of the Patriarch was so far that his actual role in the decision of state and church affairs became dominant. At the same time, his so magnificent and verbose title was finally established.

Patriarch - Sacrifice of the iconoborets

The history of the Byzantine Church knows many of the names of the patriarchs, forever entered her, and canonized in the face of saints. One of them is St. Nikifor, Patriarch Constantinople, who held the Patriarchant Department from 806 to 815.

The period of his reign was marked by a particularly fierce struggle, which supporters of the iconocruption - a religious flow that rejected the reverence of Icons and other sacred images. The situation was aggravated by the fact that among the followers of this direction there were many influential persons and even several emperors.

Patriarch Nikifora's father, being the secretary of Emperor Konstantin V, lost his post for propaganda and was exiled to Malny Asia, where he died in exile. Nikifor himself, after in 813, the Emperor-iconoborets Lion Armenian was erected for the throne, became a victim of his hatred for holy images and finished his days in 828 by the prisoner of one of the remote monasteries. For great merits in front of the church, he was subsequently canonized. Nowadays, St. Patriarch Constantinople Nikifor is revered not only in his homeland, but in the entire Orthodox world.

Patriarch Fotiy - a recognized Father of the Church

Continuing the story of the most striking representatives of the Constantinople Patriarchate, it is impossible not to remember the outstanding Byzantine Theologian Patriarch Foto, who led his flock from 857 to 867. After and Grgaria Theologian, he is the third generally accepted father of the church, who occupied the once of the Constantinople Department.

The exact date of his birth is unknown. It is believed that he appeared in the first decade of the 9th century. His parents were unusually rich and versatile educated people, but under the Emperor of Theophilus - fierce iconoborets, the repressions were carried out and were in exile. They died there.

Fighting Patriarch Fothia with Roman dad

After an addende on the throne of the next emperor, young Mikhail IIIFoty begins his brilliant career - at the beginning as a teacher, and then on an administrative and religious field. In 858, he ranked the highest post in however, it did not bring him a quiet life. From the first days of the Patriarch of Fotius Constantinople was in the thick of the struggle of various political parties and religious flows.

To a large extent, the situation was aggravated by the confrontation with the Western Church caused by disputes about jurisdiction over southern Italy and Bulgaria. The initiator of the conflict was the Patriarch of Constantinople Fotius spoke with his sharp criticism, for which he was excommunicated with a pontiff from the church. Not wanting to remain in debt, Patriarch Fotii also betrayed the Anathema of his opponent.

From anathema to canonization

In the future, already during the reign of the next emperor, Vasily I, Fothy became a victim of court intrigue. The influence at the courts received supporters of opposing political parties, as well as the departed Patriarch of Ignatius I. As a result of Fotius, so desperately entered into the fight against the Roman dad, was shifted from the department, excommunicated from the church and died in the link.

Almost a thousand years later, in 1847, when the Primary of the Constantinople Church was the Patriarch of Anfim VI, Anathema from the rebellious patriarch was removed, and, in view of the many miracles, held on his grave, he himself was ranked sainted. However, in Russia for a number of reasons, this act was not recognized, which served as a reason for discussions between representatives of most of the Orthodox churches.

Legal act unacceptable for Russia

It should be noted that the Roman Church over the past centuries refused to recognize the honorable place for the Konstantinople church. Dad's decision changed only after in 1439, the so-called Sania was signed at the Florentine Cathedral - the agreement on the association of Catholic and Orthodox churches.

This act provided for the Supreme Neighborhood of the Roman Dad, and, while maintaining the Eastern Church of its own rites, accepting Catholic dogmatics. It is quite natural that such an agreement coming against the requirements of the Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church, was rejected by Moscow, and Metropolitan Isidore, who put his signature, Lesida Isidore.

Christian patriarchs in the Islamic state

Less than one and a half decades have passed. The Byzantine Empire collapsed under the Nachis of Turkish troops. The second Rome fell by giving way to Moscow. However, the Turks in this case were shown by amazing for religious fanatics a violence. Buing all institutions state power On the principles of Islam, they, nevertheless, allowed to exist in the country a very numerous Christian community.

Since that time, the Patriarchs of the Constantinople Church, fully lost its political influence, remained, nevertheless, Christian religious leaders of their communities. Saving the nominal second place, they, devoid of material base and practically without livelihood, were forced to fight extreme need. Up to the establishment in the patriarchate in Russia, Constantinople Patriarch was the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, and only generous donations of the Moscow princes allowed him to somehow bring ends with the ends.

In turn, Constantinople patriarchs did not remain in debt. It was on the shores of Bosphorus that the title of the first Russian king Ivan IV of Grozny was consecrated, and Patriarch Jerimia II blessed at the Department of the First Moscow Patriarch Iova. It was an important step towards the country's development, which set Russia in one row with other Orthodox states.

Unexpected ambitions

For more than three centuries, the Patriarchs of the Constantinople church played only the modest role of the heads of the Christian community located within the powerful Ottoman Empire, while the results of the First World War did not break. Much changed in the life of the state, and even his former capital of Constantinople was renamed Istanbul in 1930.

On the wreckage of the once mighty power, Constantinople patriarchy was immediately activated. Since the mid-twenties of the last century, its leadership is actively implemented by the concept of which Konstantinople Patriarch must be endowed with real power and get the right not only to lead the religious life of the entire Orthodox diaspora, but also to participate in solving the internal issues of other autocephalous churches. Such a position caused sharp criticism in the Orthodox world and was called "Eastern Pawness".

Court Appeals Patriarch

The Lausan Agreement signed in 1923 legally issued and established the line of the borders of the newly educated state. He recorded the title of Constantinople Patriarch as an universal, but the government of the modern Turkish Republic refuses to recognize him. It gives consent only on the recognition of the patriarch of the head of the Orthodox community of Turkey.

In 2008, Constantinople Patriarch was forced to apply to human rights with a lawsuit against the Government of Turkey, who was illegally assumed by one of the Orthodox shelters on the Island of the Bureukad in the Marmara Sea. In July of the same year, after consideration of the case, the court fully satisfied his appeal, and, in addition, made a statement on the recognition of his legal status. It should be noted that this was the first time when the Primate of the Constantinople Church appealed to European judicial authorities.

Legal document 2010

Another important legal document, in many respects determined by the modern status of the Constantinople Patriarch, was the resolution adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in January 2010. This document was prescribed the establishment of religious freedom to representatives of all non-Muslim minorities living in Turkey and Eastern Greece.

The same resolution urged the Turkish government with respect to relate to the title "Ecumenical", since the Constantinople patriarchs, the list of which has already several hundred people, wore it on the basis of relevant legal norms.

Now the current Primate of the Constantinople Church

A bright and distinctive personality is the Bartholomew Patriarch Constantinople, whose introngation was committed in October 1991. His worldly name is Dimitrio Archondonis. Greek by nationality, he was born in 1940 on Turkey Island Gökcheada. Having received the overall secondary education and graduating from the Halkinsky Theological School, Dimitrios, already being in Sana Diacon, served as an officer in the Turkish army.

After demobilization, its ascent to the heights of theological knowledge begins. For five years, Archondonis is trained in the highest educational institutions in Italy, Switzerland and Germany, as a result of which he becomes Dr. Theology and the lecturer of the Papal Gregorian University.

Polyglot on the Patriarchal Department

The ability to assimilate the knowledge of this person is simply phenomenal. For five years, he has mastered the German, French, English and Italian in the perfection. This is also necessary to add his native Turkish and theology of theologian - Latin. Returning to Turkey, Dimitrios passed all the steps of a religious hierarchical staircase, until in 1991 he was elected the Primate of the Constantinople Church.

"Green Patriarch"

In the field of international activities, the All-Warfolomew Patriarch Konstantinople acquired broad fame as a fighter for the preservation of the natural environment. In this direction, he became the organizer of a number of international forums. It is also known that the Patriarch is actively cooperating with a number of public environmental organizations. For this activity, the unguarded Bartholomew received an informal title - "Green Patriarch".

Patriarch Bartholomew links close friendly relations with the heads of the Russian Orthodox Church, which he has a visited immediately after his intronization in 1991. In the course of the negotiations, the Constantinople held in support of the ROC of the Moscow Patriarchate in her conflict with self-proclaimed and, from a canonical point of view, the illegitimate Kiev Patriarch. Such contacts continued in subsequent years.

The Universal Patriarch Bartholomew Archbishop Constantinople always differed in principle in solving all important issues. A vivid example of this can serve his performance during the discussion in 2004 in the All-Russian Russian People's Council on the recognition of the status of the third Rome, emphasizing its special religious and political importance. In his speech, Patriarch condemned this concept as an insolvent from theological point of view and politically dangerous.

May 22 begins the visit of the Patriarch of the Konstantinople Orthodox Church of Bartholomew to Russia.

The Patriarch Bartholomew first, arriving on Saturday with an official visit to the Russian Orthodox Church, is the 232nd Bishop on the ancient Department of the Overall Capital of the Byzantine Empire and in this quality - "first among equal terms" among all the heads of Orthodox churches of the world. His title is the Archbishop of Constantinople - New Rome and the Universal Patriarch.

In the immediate jurisdiction of Constantinople Patriarch, there are only a few thousand Orthodox Greeks, who remained to live in modern Turkey, as well as much more numerous and influential Greek Orthodox dioceses in the Diaspora, primarily in the United States. Constantinople Patriarch is also, by virtue of its historical position and personal qualities of the Patriarch Bartholomew, an extremely reputable figure for all Greek Orthodox churches and the entire Hellenistic world.

In recent decades, the Russian Orthodox Church has been difficult relationships with Constantinople patriarchy, mainly due to controversial issues about jurisdiction in the diaspora. In 1995, even a short-term breakdown of Eucharistic communication (joint service of liturgy) between the two churches, due to the establishment of his jurisdiction in Estonia, which Moscow Patriarchate considers it part of his canonical territory. Especially important for the Moscow Patriarchate is the non-interference of Constantinople into the church situation in Ukraine, which Patriarch Bartholomew pushed a number of Ukrainian politicians. After the visit to Istanbul in July 2009, the newly elected Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill, representatives of the ROC declared the radical improvement in relations and the new stage in communication between the two churches. In recent years, the process of preparing for a unatascalized meeting has been intensified, which must be resolved between the Orthodox Churches of the world organizational problems.

Patriarch Bartholomew (in the world Dimitrios Archondonis) was born on February 29 (according to the official website of Constantinople Patriarchate), according to other information - on March 12, 1940 in the Turkish Island, the Evros in the village of Agios Teodoroi.

Upon completion of secondary education at home and in the zirograph of Lyceum Istanbul, he entered the famous theological School (Seminary) on the island of Halkie (Hebeliad) in Istanbul, who graduated with honors in 1961, after which the monastic stop and Dyaconsky San immediately took name of Bartholomew.

From 1961 to 1963, Deacon Bartholum was held military service in the Armed Forces of Turkey.

The Moscow Patriarchate correctly made that he took a tough position in relation to the Constantinople Patriarch.

It is worth starting with the fact that Constantinople Patriarchate, in fact, has long been not enough and solves in the Orthodox world. And although the Constantinople Patriarch continues to call the universal and first among equals, it is just a tribute to history, traditions, but not more. The real state of affairs does not reflect.

As shown by the latest Ukrainian events, following this, the exit to the traditions did not lead to the traditions - in the Orthodox world there was a long time ago a revision of the significance of certain figures, and without any doubt, the Constanopol Patriarch should not have been to wear the title of universal. For it has long been - more than five centuries - this is not.

If you call things about your own names, the last, truly Orthodox and independent Constanopol Universal Patriarch was Eutemy II, who died in 1416. All his successors were hotly supported by the Ulya with Catholic Rome and were ready to recognize the primacy of the Roman Pope.

It is clear that it was caused by the difficult situation of the Byzantine Empire, which survived the last years, covered on all sides by Turks-Osmans. Byzantine elite, including part of the clergy, hoped that "abroad would help us," but for this it was necessary to conclude with Rome Ulya, which was done on July 6, 1439 in Florence.

Roughly speaking, from this point on, the Constantinople Patriarchate on completely legal grounds should be considered an extensive. So it was almost immediately called, and supporters of Ulya began to call uniats. The uniate was the last Constantinople Patriarch of the Dosmantic period - Grigory III, who in Constantinople so did not like that he chose to leave the city in his heavily moment and go to Italy.

It is worth recalling that in the Moscow principality, the Ulya was also not accepted and expelled from the country of Metropolitan Kiev and All Russia of Isidore, who by that time the San Catholic Cardinal was accepted. Isidore went to Constantinople, took an active part in the defense of the city in the spring of 1453 and was able to flee to Italy after taking the Byzantine capital by the Turks.

In Konstantinople, despite the crown of the rejection of the clergy and a large number of citizens, the reunification of two Christian churches was announced in the Cathedral of St. Sofia December 12, 1452. After that, the Konstantinople Patriarch of the Kovchennik of the Catholic Rome could be considered, and the Konstantinople patriarchy dependent on the Catholic Church.

It is also worth recalling that the last service in the Cathedral of St. Sofia on the night of May 28-29, 1453 passed both Orthodox and Latin canons. Since christian prayers Never sounded under the arches of the once the main church of the Christian world, since in the evening of May 29, 1453, Byzantia ceased to exist, St. Sofia became a mosque, and Constantinople was subsequently renamed Istanbul. What automatically put the impetus in the history of Constantinople Patriarchate.

But the tolerant Sultan-Conqueror Mehmet II decided not to abolish the patriarchy and soon appointed one of the most tary opponents of the monk Georgy Scholaria to the place of the Universal Patriarch. Who entered the story under the name of Patriarch Gennady - the first patriarch of the post-naitisan period.

Since then, all of the Constantinople Patriarchs were appointed by Sultans and any of their independence could also go and speeches. They were completely subordinate persons, consistent with the Sultans about cases in the so-called Greek Millet. They were allowed to conduct a strictly limited number of holidays a year, to use certain churches and live in the Phanard area.

By the way, this area today is under police protection, so that the Universal Patriarch in Constantinople-Istanbul lives, in fact, on bird rights. There are no rights of the Ecumenical Patriarch that the Sultans proved more than once, removing them from office and even execution.

All this would be sad if the story had not taken a very absurd look. After Constantinople won the Turks and the Universal Patriarch Gennady appeared there, the Roman dad appointed the former Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia of Isidore. Catholic Cardinal, if anyone forgot.

Thus, in 1454 there were already two Constantinople Patriarchs, one of which was sitting in Istanbul, and the other in Rome, and both, in fact, had no real power. Patriarch Gennady Completely obeyed Mehmet II, and Isidore was a conductor of the ideas of the Roman dad.

If earlier the universal patriarchs had such power that they could intervene in the family affairs of the Byzantine emperors - the Anointers of God, - then from 1454 they became just religious functionaries, and even in a foreign country, where Islam was a state religion.

In fact, Constantinople Patriarch had as many power, such as Patriarch Antioch or Jerusalem. That is - not at all. Moreover, if the patriarch did not like Sultan, then the conversation with him was short - execution. So it was, for example, with Patriarch Gregory V, hanged over the gates of the Constantinople Patriarchate in the fan in 1821.

Total, what happens in a dry residue? But what. Florentine Union actually abolished an independent Greek Orthodox Church. In any case, this agreed to signed by Ulya from the Byzantine side. Followed by ottoman conquest Constantinople, after which the Universal Patriarch was entirely dependent on the grace of Sultanov, made his figure purely nominal. And already he could not be called the universe. Because it cannot be called the Universal Patriarch, whose power extends to the modest area of \u200b\u200bthe Fanar of the Islamic city of Istanbul.

What a reasonable question follows: and the decision of the current Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomew I in Ukraine is it worth taken into account? Considering at least the fact that even the Turkish authorities do not consider it an universal patriarch. And why should the Moscow Patriarchate should look around for the solutions of the Bartholomew, who, in fact, is unknown, which represents and is the title, which can not be called except for perplexity?

Universal Constantinople Patriarch from ... Istanbul? Agree, it sounds somehow frivolous as Tambov Paris.

Yes, the Eastern Roman Empire-Byzantium was and will always be our spiritual pramateria, but the fact is that this country has not been not. She died on May 29, 1453, but, mentally, according to the testimony of the Greeks themselves, she died at the moment when the Byzantine Elite concluded with Rome of Ulya. And when Konstantinopol fell, many representatives of the clergy, like Byzantine, and European, argued that the Lord had reached the second Rome, including for verogrant.

And now, the warfolomew who lives on bird rights in the fan and whose predecessors more semi-seconds were subject to Sultanov and performed their will, for some reason climbs into the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate, without having absolutely no right, and even breaking all the laws.

If he so wants to show himself a significant figure and decide the global, in his opinion, the problem, then the Ecumenical Cathedral should be convened according to Orthodox tradition. It was always that it was always done, even more than one and a half thousand years ago, starting from the first universal cathedral in Naquoy 325 years. By the way, before the formation of the Eastern Roman Empire. To whom, how not a warfolome, not to know this, many centuries ago, the established order?

Since the Bartholoma does not give peace of Ukraine, then let the Universal Cathedral be held in accordance with an ancient tradition. Let any city choose at its discretion: you can spend it in the old way in Nica, you can in Antioch, you can, in Adrianopol, and Constantinople will also fit. Of course, the Mighty Ecumenical Patriarch should provide invited colleagues and accompanying them to accommodation, food, leisure and compensate for all costs. And since the Patriarchs usually discuss the problems or long or for a very long time, it would be nice to remove several hotels of the year for three ahead. Minimum.

But something suggests that try to try the powerful Universe Constantinople Patriarch to start such an event in Turkey, the case will end either a madhouse or a prison, or flight to neighboring countries with a finite landing in Washington.

All this once again proves the degree of power of the Universal Patriarch. Which, despite its total inability to organize something more serious than a meeting with a pair-troika of officials, considered himself as a significant figure that began to actively swing the situation in Ukraine, threatening to grow up at least in church split. With all the ensuing consequences that Bartholomew should not be outlined, due to the fact that he perfectly understands everything himself and sees.

And where is the patriarchy wisdom? Where is the love of neighbor, to which he called on hundreds of times? Where is the conscience, in the end?

However, why demand from the Greek who served in the Turkish army officer? What to demand from such as an Orthodox priest, but who studied in the Roman Papal Institute? What to demand from a person who are so dependent on Americans that they even noted his outstanding merit gold medal of the US Congress?

Moscow Patriarchate absolutely correctly does that he takes rigid response against the glowing Constantinople Patriarch. As the classic said - you do not take it on the rank, but in this case you can say - you do not care for myself. And if it's even easier - then the hat is not on Senka. Not a warfolome, which now can not boast even a shadow former magnitude Constantinople Patriarchate and who himself is not even a shadow of the Great Constantinople Patriarchs, to solve the global problems of Orthodoxy. And even more so, not by ranting with this senion, the rocking of the situation in other countries.

It is clear and clear who concretely impel it, but the real Patriarch would categorically refuse to sow hostility between the fraternal peoples of one faith, but this clearly does not apply to a diligent student of the Papal Institute and the Turkish officer.

Interestingly, how will he feel if the religious trouble-who was committed to them wrap big blood in Ukraine? I should know what the religious distribution was given, at least from the history, it was clearly not someone else's Byzantium, and how many thousands of lives were the second Rome of various heresses or Iconstitutions. Surely Bartholomew knows it, but continues to be stubborn his line.

In this regard, the question is like himself - whether this person has the right, the initiator has a completely real split of the Orthodox Church, called the Universal Patriarch?

The answer is obvious and it would be very good if the Ecumenical Cathedral would give an assessment of the acts of Bartholomew. And the status of the Universal Constantinople Patriarch, based on the center of the Islamic metropolis, would also be quite well reviewed with modern realities.

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