Congratulations on the day of the official investigating authorities. Poems for the day of the investigator, congratulations on the day of the investigator. Funny congratulations on the day of the investigator

They serve in investigative bodies
Our wonderful guys.
I congratulate you on your holiday
I wish you success and excitement.
It will be possible to unravel let everything you do
And figure out the terrible villains.
Good to you, health, you are beyond praise,
After all, there is no more courageous, stronger.

"Secrets of the investigation", a little,
They will open us a little in the cinema,
But of course all the secrets -
We will not find out anyway.
On this holiday date
Let me wish you -
Only excellent results
Never lose heart.
And in any difficult job
There should be a holiday too.
Less disturbing news to you,
Happiness, joy, love!

Happy Holidays!
Much, much joy
At work vigor,
And in work - subtleties,
Fair rigor,
Do not pride - pride!
Happiness, inspiration,
Smart solution,
New reading,
Long patience!

Happy Employee Day investigating authorities And I sincerely wish Russia to always follow the right path, never disregard a single piece of evidence and detail of a crime, constantly be guided by high professionalism, brilliant intuition, excellent ingenuity and impeccable logic. Let it work well, let it live for its own pleasure.

You work in the investigation
Today is your holiday.
Let in its aftermath
None of the worries
In fact, it will not remain,
Like other problems
Let him smile at you
Good luck, like everyone else!

Those who worked in the investigation
And it works now,
We congratulate today
We wish them strength,
Let them open more
The most difficult crimes
And for our peaceful life
Do everything they can!

All investigators of Russia
We need to congratulate now,
You are from bandits and from thieves
Protect us all
Let everything be revealed
Let no one deceive you
We wish you health, happiness,
Let no sadness enter your house!

I congratulate the employee of the investigative bodies of Russia on the Day and wish him excellent work, high erudition, brave wit, wonderful intuition, great ideas, undoubted luck, successful work and well-being.

The investigating authorities are very important,
They are very necessary to solve important matters.
We wish you on a professional holiday -
Kindness, good luck, a lot of happiness.
May all things be easy for you,
There will be joy and goodness in work.

May law and justice
Will be the case life of the whole,
So that the villains do not dream,
How to deceive people.
Effective work for you
To everyone who leads the investigation.
Do not forget you in your worries -
A holiday awaits you today!

Your service is not just special,
She is measured by truth and truth.
And in the fight against negativity and anger,
Everyone can rely only on you.
Let it be confusing and unclear
You will be laid out on the shelves,
And even if they are less dangerous
All kinds of situations.
Congratulations from us
And thanks for the valiant work
Let the crimes be revealed
And let the family love and wait.

Your profession is very difficult, but at the same time it is very important for society! We wish you to solve all the cases so that the chuyka is excellent. Let strength and patience help you in your work. And at home, so that there was support in any trouble, love and care, so that relatives would warm. Let happiness hover over the house, and luck and prosperity will be incredibly huge!

Investigative actions
Spend skillfully
Anything you can handle
A confusing case.
Let the criminals tremble
Thieves and bandits
Cameras for them
They have been open for a long time.
Happy holiday to you today
Congratulations, trackers,
All cases are resolved
Let your hands lightly.
Deduction and logic
Together with intuition
Let it add to you
Sprockets in buttonholes.

Today is your professional day.
And no one has a doubt
That your nerves are like flint.
We wish you patience, endurance,
After all, the consequence is a thin thread.
And in this web of investigations
We wish to save ourselves.

Iron logic, strength of reason,
You can solve any problem!
Thank you for being with us,
That you won't believe in sweet flattery.
We wish, in addition to great intuition,
So that dinners at home become a tradition,
And so that a minute is for leisure,
And so that at work they see you as a friend!

On the day of the investigative officer, I wish you successful work. Let a bright mind, unique intelligence, high professionalism and ingenuity always help in business. Good luck always and everywhere, happy and joyful life, dedication and prosperity.

We congratulate the investigators,
We wish them great success in their work.
In a family of understanding, let them always appreciate
Your work will never be forgotten.
Find all the criminals so that they can
On our vast expanses of land.
So that all your business goes with a bang,
And for the country to be proud of you.

To all employees of the investigating authorities
Congratulations, our greetings.
Let the flair never fail
Illumination from above comes down
The facts clearly fit into the picture,
Let all criminals be afraid of you
The disclosure will be excellent,
Understanding, love - in personal life.
Strength, good luck, good reaction
In various difficult situations at times.

We congratulate all employees of the investigative bodies on their professional holiday! Thank you for your responsibility, experience and efforts, thanks to which you protect us from illegal actions, violations and crime. We sincerely wish you to be treated kindly by fate, may your loved ones give you kindness, moments of happiness, care and warmth!

We wish you a lot today!

Happy Investigative Officer Day
Congratulations to the brave people!
We wish you a lot today,
To make it warmer, more fun!

The job was unsweetened
So, let's drink champagne,
Seize with pie, chocolates,
And circling Themis in her arms!

May things be settled easily
So that the service was calm!
May Fortune always smile
And Fate to give wealth!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Workers of the investigative bodies!

Protect strictly the laws
Protecting good people!
New stars for your shoulder straps!
There are many welcome guests at home!

We wish you love, happiness, laughter,
Let everything in life be easy!
At work - great success,
And the riches of the steep banks!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Every "capercaillie" and "refusenik"

In the investigating authorities, a holiday,
Celebrate their day, they.
Every "capercaillie" and "refusenik"
The topic has become, chatter.

Let the conversations over the glass
You will be reassured now.
Tomorrow, you are with a new idea,
Open up a lot of cases at once.

I sincerely congratulate
Good colleagues and friends.
And I wish all "Themis"
Joy in your service.

Purchased and owned by the site.

The best wishes!

All investigators,
We want to congratulate you on your Day!
You are destined to be smart, sharp-sighted
And cut evil with a lawful sword!

May good luck accompany the brave
On the service path without end
In life, let there be only white days,
Let your dear hearts love you!

Purchased and owned by the site.


Today the investigator used to
Worker will end his day
And in a wonderful mood
He will hurry to his home.
On his holiday he has the right
Take a break from hard affairs.
They want to breast him rather
Relatives all snuggle him
And wish him heartily
To always be healthy
To find it easily, of course,
And hooligans and thieves
And also, so that there is time
Have the investigator breathe
So that he can enjoy life,
To make his path a little easier!

July 25 is a professional holiday for employees of the investigative departments of the federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation. Day of the investigative officer Russian Federation established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2013 No. 741 "On the day of the employee of the investigation bodies of the Russian Federation." The date of the celebration was chosen due to the fact that on July 25, 1713, Peter I established the first investigative body in Russia, which became the investigative office.

Annually on July 25, kind words of congratulations from loved ones and colleagues sound to the employees and employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, as well as the investigative departments of the FSB, FSKN, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And those who have shown themselves to be real heroes in the fight against crime receive signs of encouragement from their superiors.

To all employees of the investigating authorities
Congratulations, our greetings.
Let the flair never fail
Illumination from above comes down
The facts clearly fit into the picture,
Let all criminals be afraid of you
Disclosure will be excellent
Understanding, love - in personal life.
Strength, good luck, good reaction
In various difficult situations at times.

Happy Holidays!
Much, much joy
At work vigor,
And in work - subtleties,
Fair rigor,
Do not pride - pride!
Happiness, inspiration,
Smart solution,
New reading,
Long patience!

You will find everyone and prove everything,
Gather a stock of evidence
Your work is so important to the investigation
You are just a class employee!

And I sincerely wish
Grow quickly in ranks,
And let good luck
Will meet you on the way!

Let ingenuity not fail
Cases are revealed
And the salary every year
So that it grows faster!

May law and justice
Will be the work of all life,
So that the villains do not dream,
How to deceive people.

Effective work for you
To everyone who leads the investigation.
Do not forget you in worries -
A holiday awaits you today!

Today is the most suitable occasion
Congratulate you - servants of the law,
You work to make our world a little better,
To make life happy and calm.

For your loyalty to duty and the Fatherland,
For your hard, scrupulous work -
Happiness and good luck in your life,
Let success await in all matters!

Today is your professional day.
And no one has a doubt
That your nerves are like flint.

We wish you patience, endurance,
After all, the consequence is a thin thread.
And in this web of investigations
We wish to save ourselves.

Investigation officer, your work is important
So nice and necessary, brave!
To help preserve the rule of law is a light concern,
But not always obvious, noticeable to all people!

And may all your acquaintances praise you on your day,
Suddenly they will give gifts and weighty words,
So that you are pleased with such great attention,
To you - goodness, love, luck, understanding!

Investigative actions
Spend skillfully
Anything you can handle
A confusing case.

Let the criminals tremble
Thieves and bandits
Cameras for them
They have been open for a long time.

Today I have a happy holiday for you
Congratulations, trackers,
All cases are resolved
Let your hands lightly.

Deduction and logic
Together with intuition
Let it add to you
Sprockets in buttonholes.

Personal courage, loyalty to the oath -
You do not have these qualities.
Your profession is a duty,
Always protect the citizens of Russia.

I wish you good health, happiness and good luck.
Today I want to congratulate you all ...
In a responsible service - any tasks
Let them always and everywhere on the shoulder.

I wish you courage, courage,
To stop all the villains!
After all, you are huge hard workers,
This means that success will come to you.
And justice will be done in an instant
Thanks to all of you guys!
Let the career strive upward
And the salary always goes up!

Congratulations: 25 in verse, 6 in prose.

The employees of the investigative apparatus began to be honored back in the Soviet Union. Internal affairs officers needed to be rewarded for their dangerous and difficult work, while creating a strong structure that would meet all the needs of society. Over the years of its existence, the investigative apparatus has undergone many different changes. Nevertheless, in the end, a system was created that worked according to strict rules, the responsibility of which was not only to ensure the protection of citizens, their property, but also to develop the necessary legal norms and their constant updating to ensure compliance modern conditions... In order for workers to better cope with their duties, the state encourages them by awarding prizes and awarding higher titles. The date, we celebrate the day of the employee of the investigative bodies - April 6.

You have a lot of things to investigate,
Perhaps in life it happened
But this is just the beginning
God grant that everything planned will come true.
Congratulations on the day of the investigator,
We sincerely wish you peaceful victories,
Let the work bring admiration
Let the mood always be excellent.

You are just a master of your craft,
The investigator is top class
You will find a clue from nothing
You will protect us from lawlessness.
Today is the day of the investigator, congratulations,
We sincerely wish to achieve our goal,
Let the career grow rapidly
May happiness enter your house without knocking.

The investigator has a lot to do
To investigate everything to the end is his destiny,
He is scrupulous, decisive and fair,
Full of energy, enthusiasm and strength.
Dear investigator, congratulations,
May all your dreams come true
May every day make you happy
May the Lord keep from troubles and evil.

Investigator's day is a great occasion
Forget the villains for a moment.
May there be order at home and on the street
And so that you reach great heights!
I wish you a promotion at work
You are not only an investigator
but, but also a wonderful person
I wish you a lot of stars on the shoulder straps
And good people to meet!

On the road again, following the trail
You can't slip past your eyes
And you got the case
It is necessary to expand the node.
You're used to dealing with everything
And solve the riddles
How not to admire you
Not to give the honor of the campaigner?
Congratulations and wish
Don't lose your talent
After all, hope is pinned
People only look at you.

Another thing on the way
And you are the only trail of this kind
The bandit will not resist before you
I wish you had enough strength.
Let the bullets not fly over you
And the holster is quietly sleeping quietly,
The bosses reward for the work,
And the Lord himself favors you.
You can handle everything, I'm sure of you
It is not for nothing that You serve as an example for everyone.

You are determined to win, from the birth of a follower,
Lawbreakers, settling into darkness again
Let them be afraid to do something and break the laws,
And you're not new to jail them.
There are rumors in the department that the sled does not sleep at all,
Day and night a hard worker, sits at work,
I wish you to rest more often and more calmly,
There is still work ahead, it's enough to save the whole world.

You follow the trail - you find evidence,
You can solve any murder in no time.
Along dirty avenues and dark alleys
Quietly approach the hucksters and lords.
I will not hide my respect from the investigator,
You know the laws, and there is a word in your pocket,
Infected with a pistol and a bullet at the ready
I hope that you will help with the banditry.
I wish you health, not to be confused with blood,
Good luck and joy, may they be with you.

Nice investigator, local Sherlock Holmes
May career growth rush to you again,
And your inclinations will all begin to love
Vile bandits, hard work to appreciate.
May your work bring joy
And the year will pass calmly, without excesses,
Cope with the task, you just have to watch,
Everything in the work will come out, you just need to want.

Every day work: trips, worries,
In search of evidence, our tracker sits,
We need to sleep off, enjoy life,
Appreciate and love yourself every day.
You are immensely important, courageous, smart, courageous,
Behind your back, the experience is not easy.
The main task is to be with luck,
Open the wood grouse and plant everyone.

Pedantic bloodhound, on the folk track,
You will find all the loopholes, the enemy will not be happy at all,
At work day and night, you rarely sleep
If you want to solve the case again, give the bandit a long time.
I wish you a lot of happiness and good luck
And I hope the holiday will brighten up, the sadness of the next day,
The wood grouse will not be soon and the cases will be closed,
There is a hope that with you, my life will become cleaner.

Happy Investigator
I send you congratulations,
I wish to destroy
Crime on the vine.

I wish the evidence
You always found
The villains of all clean
The water was taken out.

I wish to be a shield
And by the sword of the law
New golden stars
I wish you on shoulder straps.

Congratulate Sledakov today
Happy profession day.
Let the tangled matter
Will only be on the shoulder.

Like seeds to snap
Difficult tasks.
You are your guru in business,
You cannot do otherwise.

Let the work please
Sweet home gives happiness
May love, health,
A reliable friend at the table.

With a feeling of deep respect and gratitude, we congratulate you on your glorious professional holiday. Let me wish you peace, tranquility, correct decisions and conquest of all peaks. May you always be accompanied by success in solving difficult and confusing tasks.

On this day we wish you
Forget your business
Do not be sad, do not know sorrow,
Always be successful
Let there be less work
And more days off
Never forget
About family and all relatives!

Interrogations. You scribble the protocols skillfully.
Evidence. Evidence. Facts.
And they lie in a bale with the words "BUSINESS"
In the desktop folder.

Pulling on the thread. The ball gives in.
You will unravel everything without a doubt.
And the light of truth will certainly be shed
For every crime.

We wish you success in your work, no doubt.
Let your "hangs" disappear,
Murderers and thieves will be punished
Deployment grows with a light hand!

You are the best investigator, no matter how you look,
Congratulations on your Day today!
I wish you wonderful blessings: peace and love,
I wish you health, vigor and joy.

May the promotion not keep you waiting
Let the stars shine on the shoulder straps.
May your fate be happy
And let dreams and dreams come true.

You are a prominent investigator
After all, the best in business,
Hold in your hands an enviable one
A brilliant success!

I respect you -
I speak from the heart!
Congratulations on your holiday
I send good and happiness!

Extreme work,
Day of the guardian of the law
Your main concern,
Human honor and defense.

A holiday of the valiant and honest,
God's punishment is their hand
You cannot bribe with a flattering word,
Doc, pro, sledaka.

Let on your battlefield
Less dirty hindrances,
Life, so that you are not on the brink
To expect continuous success.

You will unravel all strife,
Spread quarrels on the shelves.
Identify and trace
And you will be successful!

Ideas interesting to you,
Unselfish friends to you,
Fascinating stories
Cognitive theories.

It's easy to investigate
Let your flair not let you down!
Feelings of humor, love,
So that you look ahead!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And today I want to wish you
In work, try not to rush,
And get a calling from colleagues.

Let things do not lie for a long time
All of you quickly reveal themselves,
To make you want to reward
Nice word and money.

May your health not fail you
And courage always lives in the soul
Kind so that every hour is
And the relatives were always happy.

You open things easily,
Attack the criminal trail.
Always conquer in everything
Do not retreat from your goals.

Order in the house and happiness,
And a lot of wealth.
Make wise decisions
And never be discouraged.

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